A Ticket To LustChapter 3 free porn video

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Vicky awoke the following morning wondering if it had all been a dream. However, that thought was crushed when she slipped out of bed and felt the stickiness between her legs. With her head spinning she staggered toward the bathroom. The slickness almost helped sooth the slight pain from the recent stretching of her pussy. Instead of remorse, the feeling inexplicitly brought the memory of Jamal fucking her to uncounted orgasms rushing back. Her body trembled and she reached for the door jam to steady herself. Her pussy began to throb and for a moment she thought she might actually climax. She took a deep breath and stepped into the bathroom.

She could hear James in the kitchen fixing his morning coffee. She stopped at the bathroom mirror and looked at herself. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were bloodshot. She reached up and tried to brush something off her cheek. Her face turned red when she realized that it was Jamal’s dried sperm. There was more cum on her breast and both inner thighs were covered. Her heart started to pound at the thought of all that potent sperm deposited in her pussy just hours before. She began to tremble again. With that she rushed to the shower and scrubbed her body from top to bottom.

James was sitting at the table in the breakfast nook when she finally came down.

“Vicky, where were you last night?” he said, but paused when she held up her hand.

“I am very hung over and I do not want to discuss it right now,” Vicky said.

James started to shoot back an angry response, but hesitated. He didn’t want to start an argument this early in the morning either. They had argued about her staying out too late many times before. He knew her drinking and staying out late, unfortunately, were symptoms of a bigger problem. There was something wrong with their marriage. Maybe she was having an affair. He didn’t want to think about that though. He loved Vicky and knew that she loved him. But their life had become routine, maybe even boring. They rarely had normal conversation anymore and their sex life had been mundane to say the least. Something had to give.

For the rest of the day Vicky avoided James as much as possible. After what had happened ... what she had allowed to happen, she was much too embarrassed and, yes, guilty to face him. She had to think. She had never done anything like that in their ten years of marriage. She had never strayed and she was pretty sure James hadn’t either. Now, all that had changed. She had fucked another man ... a black man, and more importantly she had enjoyed it. There was no denying that. Could she hide what happened from him? And, what about going forward ... could she control herself and not go back for a replay. Jamal had left a business card on the seat of her car with a note that said, “If you want to experience the Buford Black Snake again, give me a call.” She tried to throw the card away but couldn’t.

Later that night, Vicky was dressed for bed, sitting in the breakfast nook when James came in. He was in his underwear and ready for bed too.

“James,” she said, and paused.

He looked at her quizzically and said, “Yes?” He took a seat across the table from her and waited for what seemed like a long time before she spoke.

Vicky appeared to be calm, but inside she was in great turmoil. Suddenly her resolve began to wane. No, she told herself, she had to tell him. She couldn’t go through life with this secret. “James, about last night,” Vicky said.

James didn’t say anything, just nodded, waiting for her explanation.

Vicky paused and took a deep breath. “Something happened last night, James,” Vicky paused and gathered her courage. She continued, “I was stopped for speeding.”

“Oh God, Vicky, that’s your sixth ticket.”

Vicky sighed loudly. “I didn’t say I got a ticket. But I was arrested.”

“Good God, arrested? I can’t believe it. How did you get out? Did you pay a fine?”

“No ... uh ... I didn’t pay a fine, not a monetary one at least. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I was worried that I would have to stay in jail all weekend. I had been drinking so I was going to be charged with speeding and DWI. That’s pretty serious, especially with my record.”

“Yes it is. You could do jail time. But how did you get released?”

“I’m getting to that. I did something ... something very wrong.” Vicky eyes welled up and she started to cry.

James started to get up to hug her, but she held up her hand again. He sat back, somewhat perturbed, and stared at her, waiting.

Vicky sobbed and wiped her nose with a napkin. Then she continued. “I didn’t want it to get into the paper that I ... that I was arrested. Your family would go crazy. You mother didn’t like me before and I’m sure she would hate me if I got myself arrested. I had to do something.” Vicky paused.

“So what did you do?” James asked anxiously.

“James, I ... I offered the cop sex if he wouldn’t hold me; you know, wouldn’t arrest me.” Suddenly the room grew very quiet. She saw shock on James’s face. But there was something else in his look that she couldn’t define.

“You offered the cop sex?” James leaned forward in anticipation as he waited for Vicky’s confirmation.

“Yes, I offered and he accepted. James, I ... I ... fucked the cop and he let me go?” Vicky blurted.

“Oh, my God,” James gasped. “You had sex with the cop?”

“Yes ... in ... in the jail cell.”

The room was suddenly silent again. James sat back with a look of total shock on his face. “Uh ... Vicky ... uh ... I don’t know what to say.”

Vicky didn’t know what to say either. She sat quietly and waited for the tirade she knew was coming.

After another long pause James said, “Well, I guess you did what you had to do. Being arrested would have caused lots of problems with my family, not to mention what might happen at work.”

To say Vicky was surprised would be an understatement. Although James, being an engineer, was incredibly logical, she expected an emotional outburst, not logic. Amazingly, she didn’t see anger in her husband’s face or hear it in his voice. “Aren’t you mad at me?” she asked.

“I ... I don’t know,” he answered as he put his hand up to his face and rubbed his eyes. “This ... this ... wow, I can’t believe this.” Still he didn’t raise his voice or show even the slightest sign of anger.

Vicky was puzzled by James reaction, or lack of reaction. She would have expected him to be furious, yet he only sat there with a strange look on his face.

James took a deep breath and said, “So he agreed not bring you up on charges if you ... if you had sex with him?”

“Yes. At least that was how it started.” She decided that she was going to tell him everything. There was no sense coating it. If there marriage were over, at least she would have this off her chest. “The truth is, James, while I did it to save myself, I have to admit that ... that, oh hell, James I enjoyed it.” She paused and waited for his reaction again.

“You enjoyed it?” He said it in a quiet voice, almost like a statement instead of a question.

“Yes. I’m ashamed of myself, but he fucked me to so many climaxes that I lost count. And ... and, he must have had a ten inch cock.” She didn’t say that he was a black man. The timing just didn’t seem right.

James’s eyes opened wide. His mouth was also open and he seemed to be breathing heavier than before. The only word he could muster was, “Wow.” Then he added, “Ten inches?”

“Huh?” Vicky muttered. She was almost overwhelmed by James’s reaction. He was more interested in the fact that the guy had a ten-inch cock then the fact that he fucked his wife. This was the last thing she expected. She decided that now was as good as any to talk about their sex life. This had been building for a long time. Their problem wasn’t about the size of James’s sex organ. James wasn’t a slouch in that department because he had at least seven inches. But length didn’t matter. He could have five inches if the sex was good. Unfortunately, James had always climaxed far too quickly, and many times she had to get off in the bathroom afterward. It had become intolerable. Now, because of James’s almost tacit reaction she decided to have the talk they had been avoiding for so long.

With a deep breath she said, “You know we have not been exactly setting the world on fire lately —uh sexually speaking. I don’t know what’s wrong, but the truth is we have not connected on a sexual level for a long time;” but quickly added, “I’m not saying that makes what I did right. Or even that our sexual problems are your fault. However, if things were different between us, maybe it wouldn’t have happened.” Now that it was out in the open she felt great relief. She waited to see how James was going to react.

James turned and looked out the window, staring into the darkness. When he turned back he said almost in a whisper, “You’re right.”

The shock showed on Vicky’s face. “Really?”

“Yes, we have a problem, and I admit I have not been doing my part. I know I should be angry that you fu— uh had sex with another man, but I have to admit culpability here,” James said, and paused. “It has been eating at me for months, but I didn’t know what to do. I’ve been afraid that you are going to have an affair. And—and I wouldn’t have blamed you.”

Vicky was dumfounded and couldn’t think of a thing to say. His confession had left her totally unprepared. But what he said next surprised her even more.

He had a strange look on his face when he said, “Tell me more about what happened. Uh—I mean, did he fuck you on the cot in the cell.”

“Uh— yes he did. But, he wanted me to suck him off first.” Vicky wondered what the details had to do with their current situation.

“You sucked his cock?” James said with a gasp and then he paused, waiting for more.

It was obvious that James wanted to hear the details. While Vicky didn’t want to discuss it at that level, she wasn’t sure what else she could say. James’s reaction to her infidelity was far better than she could have imagined. She didn’t want to spoil everything by becoming coy and risk making him angry. “Yes. He made me get naked and then onto my knees. He still had on his clothes.” She paused. “Are you sure you want to hear this?” she asked.

“Yes, go on.”

All right, she thought, if that’s what he wants. “His cock was so big, though, I could barely get it into my mouth. And, when he came...”

“He came in your mouth?” James said loudly.

Vicky’s face turned red and she nodded her head.

“Did you swallow it,” he asked with eyes wide. She had never swallowed his sperm.

“Uh— well, it came out so fast, I had to, and besides he was holding my head. There was so much that a lot of it came back out of my mouth though.” Vicky paused again and looked at James curiously. She saw something familiar in his eyes. It took a moment to register with her. Oh my God, she thought, he’s excited. “You’re getting excited by this, aren’t you?” she blurted. Her tone was closer to amusement then accusation.

It was James’s turn to become embarrassed. In truth his cock was hard and tenting his underwear. He had no idea why. This was not something that he would have thought would excite him. His wife was confessing that she had fucked another man and he had an erection. He did what most red blooded male would have done, he lied. “Uh— no I’m not.”

“Yes you are,” Vicky said. “I can see it.” Suddenly, Vicky was excited as well. The surprises just didn’t seem to end. James throwing her out, going into a rage, threatening to divorce her ... all of that would have been normal. Instead, he had an erection. Her head was spinning. “So, you get excited at the though of me sucking another man. You like the fact that he came in my mouth, and then fucked me until I climaxed over and over.”

“Uh—I didn’t say that,” James stuttered.

“You don’t have to— your hard cock says it all. This is amazing. At least admit the obvious.”

The room became very quiet.

Both of their hearts were beating rapidly, each waiting for the next move by the other.

After a long pause Vicky said, “So what else do you want to know about last night?”

“Uh— he used a rubber when he fucked you didn’t he?”

“Well, there was no time to find one; in fact, I don’t think they make them big enough to fit his cock. So, uh ... he came in me.”

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Baji Wali Aunty Part 8211 4

Hi dosto sandy again . Apni story complete karne ke liye . Aap logo ne kuje bohat sare mail kiye hai unsab ka me sukargujar hu aur me un logo se mafi bhi magta hu jinka me reply nahi de paya hu. Muje mumbai ke bohat sari aunty ke mail aye hai. Aur sply divorcy aunty ke bhi me unka bohat bohat sukar gujar kwrtahu jo unhone mujse itha viswas dokaya hai aur mujse dosti ki hai aur hum ek grop banakar bate karte hai . To chalo dosto ab apni story ko pura karte hai. Aap logo ne padha hoga ki kis...

3 years ago
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Club Inzest 12

Chapter 12: Wedding Bells by Micaela Reynolds as told to BrettJ © 2009 We were all having a late lunch one afternoon and Christina ran into the room, squealing and nearly hysterical. Neither her mother nor I could understand a single word she was saying, she was crying and emotional. Chris, who can normally understand his twin in the oddest of situations, was equally baffled. Sharon was trying to get her stepsister calmed down so that she could clue us in as to the goings-on when Paul walked...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriend In Red Sari 8211 Part I

This is story between me and my girl friend. I used to call her shona and wil use d same name. this is d day wen we had cultural fest in our college. Me and my gal had a very romantic relationship, we used to treat each other more of husband and wife.. We had everything in our story love, fight, lust, villans etc a typical bollywood script.. Now let me get to story, as it was cultural fest in our college which i was least interested in, but my gal wanted to participate in it as it was our last...

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Lillys wrestling adventures

Lilly is an extremely busty woman. She is slightly below average height, 18 years old, and has a slim build apart from her gigantic breats. Her hair is dark brown and straight, her skin lightly tanned. And she is strong. Incredibly strong. Seeing her gym routine made anyone stare in disbelief. Her warm ups were far beyond the maximum of the biggest guys in any gym, and her maximum was out of this world. She is a recently signed full time wrestler in the Erotic League, the toughest league in the...

2 years ago
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Meri Mummy Ki Friend 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, myself Rahul from Guwahati Assam. I am an average built guy 5’8 height , fair skin and i have a good stamina because i hit gym regularly. I am one of those guys who is very famous among girls because of my good sense of humor. I am the only child of parents so i was bought up with great care and affection. If any aunty , bhabhi , housewife, girl wants to come into my contact u can email me at The heroine of the story is Richa aunty. She is stunningly beautiful , 5’6 height , chubby ,...

4 years ago
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Return to Cockington 8

As the rest of my family were at work or school, I decided to stroll into the centre of the village just to get out for a bit, but as arrived outside the local convenience store it suddenly began to rain, and I was forced to shelter in the over hanging doorway.As I stood getting mildly wet and unsure what to do a couple of ladies came walking out of the shop and instantly stopped next to me staring at the downpour."Mom! it's raining, what do we do now?" groaned the younger of the two redheaded...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Stacey Saran Bored Wife Fucked Hard

Today’s DDF Network porn delight features our hot British milf model Stacey Saran and her chubby sex-god Seth. The bored wife can’t wait for her hubby to please her while sitting on the couch in the livingroom. Look at her absolutely breath-taking cleavage! Her 32DDD/E / 70G tits can’t wait to be freed from that tight bra! The blonde babe with blue eyes and medium skin lets her husband play with her big tits while she strokes her pussy and enjoys his tongue licking along her hard nipples....

2 years ago
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Friday Night Alchemy

(Author’s note – This is a 90% non-erotic story. The only erotic scene has been submitted separately as the short story ‘alone at last’.) It was April. It was raining. It was hardly a surprise. The weekend had started well: boy had met girl and the Friday night alchemy that turns alcohol into meaningless sex had just begun when the spell, or rather a Budweiser bottle, was broken by a not-quite-ex-boyfriend who mistook me for the villain in the tragedy that passed for his love life. I was in...

3 years ago
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Do sexy bahne

Hi, this is rakesh again. Aap logon ne meri pahli real story padhi `sale ki biwi ki mast gand’ ka jo response diya uske liye aap sabhi ko dhanyavad. Aap sabhi logon ki request per (jinhone bhi mujhe email kiya) main ab aap logon ko meri aage ki real kahani batane ja raha hoon. Jis kisi ne meri story nahi padhi hai main unhe apna aur rakhi ka introduction karwa deta hoon. Mein 33years old hu meri hight 5.7’or weight jyada nahi 64kg he jo koi bhi ladaki apne upper le sakti hai waise mai dikhane...

3 years ago
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23 Barsiya Bidhoba Mai Bonile Wife Odia

Hi friends mai Amit odisha se hoon aur ye meri dusri real story hai jo mai aap sabhi ke sath share karna chahta hu mai ISS ka regular reader hun haan meri baat age-21, height- 6’0″ colour fair , body- athletic, handsome, smart and bahut hi khush mijaj insaan hun jaisa ki mere dost kehte hai ye meri pehli real sex story please aap logo comment karna meri email id Ye story meri aur meri bidhwa mami mai ki. Mu oriya re lekhuchi mo mai dekhibaku bahut sundar sate jemiti apsari pari. Tanka Nama...

3 years ago
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Mrs WaxermanChapter 8

Gordon and Jimmy led the way back to the dining room. Jimmy was still naked, his erection subsiding but still firm. He seemed unconcerned about being naked now, unlike the day before when he didn’t want anyone to see his penis at all. Delilah and Victoria followed, Delilah’s mons still obviously puffy from the attention it had received in the bathroom, her nipples also hard. Mrs. Waxerman herded them along like a school teacher from behind, her nudity so out of place that even seeing it...

3 years ago
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Forget Harper Valley PTA

*** I’m still in shock. Major league, brain-cell frying disorientation type shock! Fact is, I have now a whole new slant on the education system or at least, the home education system. Problem is, I now have to make one crucial decision. It would doubtless come as no surprise to all but the voluntarily cloistered few, that at some stage or...

2 years ago
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The Blacksmith

The BlacksmithThe divorce had been final for almost a year.? Maria and the business were long gone, it was her concept and hard work anyway.? I kept the 2 acres in Connecticut and the beach house in Laguna, both already paid for, and more than enough money to enjoy them both.? I wanted out and she wanted more.? We were both very different people now, I had taught Maria business, and she taught me the intimacy of sex.? She showed me ways to enjoy sex my rigid Connecticut upbringing never dreamed...

1 year ago
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IntemperanceChapter 14A The Core

Los Angeles, California November 19, 1984 Jake's Corvette moved slowly down Hollywood Boulevard, caught in the thick Monday afternoon traffic. Jake was behind the wheel, feeling the usual frustration that came with driving a high performance vehicle he could rarely get out of second gear. Bill sat next to him, his thick glasses perched firmly upon his face, his hand playing with his crewcut, trying to determine if it was time to get another haircut or not. They had just finished a jam...

1 year ago
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My Horny Aunt Beth Part 1 of 3

This is the story of how my Aunt Beth seduced me and how I surrendered my virginity.My name is Sam and my Aunt Beth called me a few days ago to see if I’d babysit for her Friday night while she went out with the girls dancing. I had nothing going on, so I agreed. She told me that Jack, her husband, was working third shift that night and needs to leave at 10pm, so I said I’d be there before that and I’d plan to stay the night so that she’s not rushed.Beth is more of a friend than an aunt and...

2 years ago
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Our Married Life Changes Part 2

Our life had changed. I had found Jean, my wife, had been fucking around and I was now a cuckold. The following evening, after the kids had gone to bed, we started having a conversation about our new experience. A bottle of wine was loosening our tongue’s. I wanted to know desperately who else and how many men she’d fucked. She wanted to hear about my “gay side.” “Im not gay,” I said, “I’m bi-sexual.” “Is there a difference?” She asked. “Yes. Gays generally only want men. I like both...

2 years ago
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Bingo leads to enjoying many old ladies

Philip was a shy guy and so had trouble getting and keeping a girlfriend his own age (early twenties). However, for some strange reason he always felt comfortable with old ladies and found them very erotic in many ways. This helped him with his problem with what he called spunk production. He started to eroticise his old ladies which helped him wank and easily cum three of four times in a couple of hours not that his cock was big just an average six incher but very thick and he liked that his...

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From Teacher to Baby

Lydia stared up at the florescent lights of the classroom in boredom wishing the final bell would ring. Lowering her gaze to her class she idle wondered what it would be like to be in their shoes. She was an average teacher but she had a big secret. Secretly she would wear diapers outside the classroom and baby clothes, sometimes she would even pretend to be one of her students. She taught at a school for students in the ages of seven to fourteen with special needs, specifically they were all...

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Feeding An addiction A Threeway Street Ch 12

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 30th June 20172015 and 2016.  Surviving, growing.  A couple togetherThey often say when people push through and survive a crisis they’re closer than they were before.  The whole experience of working together to overcome a challenge melding and forging you closer and stronger than you were before.  Sue and I had often talked about it and certainly, that’s how we felt having survived the whole situation with Brandon.We’d had our fair share of pain, guilt, and recriminations...

Wife Lovers
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Laura and the old Guy

"Now don't forget, Laura" Yelled Dad, "Your mother and me can only drop you at the ball, we are staying in Melbourne overnight after the races so you will have to get yourself home". No problems there, I thought, sure to be some country hick sober enough to get me close to home anyway. The Bullarto Ball is the big yearly event in our district and all the local yobbos and piss heads just don't miss it. At eighteen I was now old enough to enjoy myself especially without parental...

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SyntheticChapter 30

Renee woke to a hand on her shoulder, and for a heart-stopping moment, she thought it was Zack's. But Sawyer's mismatched eyes calmed her fears. "What time is it?" she asked. "Seven PM," he said. "We have to go." "Where?" He grinned. "First, I'm going to take you somewhere I should've a long time ago." "Where?" she repeated, unease creeping into her stomach. "It's a surprise. You'll like it." He placed some clothes on the bed, and brushed his bangs from his eyes....

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Lauren was a stunning young woman. She turned heads all the time, attracting both male and female attention and often jealousy. This was due to several things. For one, she was beautiful. She had a stunning face with snow white skin, large doe eyes and a cute mouth with lush, pout lips. She kept her wavy brown hair long, which accented her almond shaped face. Her body appeared to be perfect. Her narrow torso was lean and curvy, with a surprisingly large chest off her small frame. Her leg's were...

2 years ago
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My lesbian roommate part 2

Written for sexiitessI slept the rest of the afternoon and when I awoke the room was empty and I remembered what had happened strangely I was still so turned on thinking about it I began to rub my pussy and fantasize about it. After that I realised i had missed all my classes but it was totally worth it as Sasha walked in and said ''well sleepy head looks like your finally awake''. She was wearing a mini skirt and tube top and looked like she was ready to go out, just then she straddles me and...

1 year ago
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Tik Porn Tube

I pulled up TikPorn this morning as the Viagra I put in my Cap’n Crunch started kicking in. It was a serendipitous moment: the link popped up in my inbox just minutes after I got banned from TikTok again, and it seemed like the perfect place to finish rubbing out what I’d started. Sure, the sexy stuff on TikTok is great, but it takes a lot of digging to find. Plus, you’re always at risk of getting the boot just for posting some boobs. Maybe TikPorn would offer the stuff I was looking for...

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