Old Score Chronicle
- 2 years ago
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Before you rate my story, I want you to take into consideration the vast amount of research that went into making such a science fantasy piece.
I’ve only proofread half of it so be warned, there are errors.
All characters are over one hundred years of age and mature at a different rate than humans.
In Chapter 3. I’ll finally start taking these characters seriously.
Three weeks of not being able to fly really took a toll on Roka. Every angel in the ship watched as Talla took the braces off the boy’s wings. One bolt was untwisted at a time as the metal brackets eventually fell to the ground. Roka’s wings were as good as new.
Everyone erupted into cheer at the sight. Roka turned and hugged Talla, thankful to be back to normal. Ohunna came to the fray, hugging them both.
‘Glad you’re back to normal kid!’ He said warmly. Roka looked at him, pestered by his presence.
‘I’m three hundred seventy eight years old. Stop calling me a fucking kid! I’ve been able to drink legally for the past twelve years!’ Roka hissed.
‘But you’re so tiny and cute and shit!’ Ohunna continued to tease.
‘You know what…’ Roka said, his fists balling him. Ohunna knew what was going to happen.
Roka lurched forward to grab the boy. Ohunna ducked, taking flight in the large bay with Roka right behind him. Easily Roka caught him and two wrestled playfully, crashing into the tarmac floor, exchanging light blows and kicks. Eventually, Roka ended up on top, wrestling Ohunna into submission.
‘I win…’ Roka said, slamming Ohunna’s hand to the tarmac floor.
‘I let you…’ Ohunna smiled. Roka climbed off of him, extending out his hand to him. Ohunna happily took his hand and Roka pulled him off the floor.
‘You two hit the tarmac hard!’ Tangu said, looking from the catwalk above.
‘Crash landings are our things!’ Roka smiled.
Eventually, all one hundred thirteen of the crew members were crammed into the navigation room. Talla stood at the very front while Siron steered. At her side was quant little Roka.
‘A lot of you Mongrels don’t know what angels are. A lot of you angels don’t know what Mongrels are. This is a few weeks behind schedule but, it’s time to make it clear to you all who you’re partnering with.’ Talla said.
Roka stepped forward, leaping onto the table. He spread his four wings, his nearly thirty feet of wings shimmering in the morning light.
‘We angels are rather close relatives to you mongrels. Our ancestry tree diverged somewhere millions of years ago and somehow we ended up on two different planets but we’re not at all as different as we seem. We both share the label of the ‘fertility people’. You all have the ability to pretty much hybridize with any alien race and so do we… The difference is though, we have both male and female parts while you mongrels have separate genders. We too share the slow aging you Mongrels do and the incredibly fast healing rates. Metabolically we’re nearly the same as well, having insatiable appetites and a desire to live high octane lives. The differences are what unite us though. We can fly, have nearly indestructible bodies and some angels have gifts. You mongrels have super strength, speed, and incredible intellect. All and all, we’d be an unstoppable force, even just the few of us. As was stated, some of us angels have abilities…’ He paused unsure if he wanted to go that far, ‘To alter our bodies…’
Breecher looked on in shock.
‘Breecher can crystallize and ionize his body at will, becoming a living missile if you will. He… He, is open about it, clearly proud of his abilities and well versed in using them. We’ve come to understand that he simply was born that way and to shun him over his power is immoral… I too, have powers,’ Roka continued as his body crystallized into shimmering living minerals growing nearly twice the size, ‘I’ve had to struggle with these abilities for hundreds of years, hiding them because I’ve killed…a lot of people I love because I couldn’t control them. I can’t become a living plasma weapon like Breecher, but I turn into a hulking monster on the battle field, a true last resort type of… type of thing… I don’t know… I was and still am afraid of what might happen if I lose control. I just didn’t think it was right of me, to be the biggest most dangerous threat on this ship and not have any of you informed. I am indeed a risk and I completely understand if any of you don’t trust my capabilities.’
Roka turned back to his angelic state, shrinking in size back to his seven and a half foot, one hundred ninety pound stature. The silence and shock filled stairs from all those around him was hard to stand before. Suddenly, cheers broke out as Roka was pulled offstage by his angelic brethren, accepting who he was without a second guess.
‘I’m not finished!’ Roka laughed as he fought his way back to the table, ‘Anyways, back to my point. Us Angels are gender indifferent, all look masculine but not all act as such. We are generally open an accepting of all who are open and accepting of us! So please my fellow Mongrels, we’ll treat you like family if you treat us as such!’
The meeting was over. All left, some with mixed feelings over the point of the mission. A huge, black Mongrel stayed, eying Roka up and down as the others left. He was last to leave, making Roka feel unsettled. Roka climbed off the table and looked at Talla.
‘What was that about?’ He asked.
‘That is Bonebroil…’ Talla said. Roka’s jaw fell, taken aback by the name.
‘Bonebroil,’ He asked, ‘Like the fuck does he do?’
‘Just steer clear of him and you’ll be alright.’ Talla said, leaving too.
Roka went to the lounge, sitting on the floor beside the sectionals. As soon as he did, Tangu came swinging in, landing gracefully on the sofa.
‘So, is that all I need to know about you Angels?’ Tangu asked, jokingly.
‘No…,’ Roka said climbing into the seat, ‘We don’t have tongue’s like you. We had radulae.’ Roka extended out a long fleshy lobe from his mouth that came down to his neck. Connected to it was a beaked tip which he snapped hard and loud. He then withdrew the lobe back into his mouth. ‘Our four wings are called mantles. Our tail is called a tentacle and bones are entirely made of hallow cartilage with titanium cross layering which makes us so…crash resistant.’
‘Why did you feel the need to explain about your angels’ hyperferility?’ Tangu laughed.
‘Some of my mates have quite the feelings for your Mongrels and I just wanted to throw that out there.’ Roka responded.
‘I want to get to know your people…’ Tangu smiled.
‘Well, do that then,’ Roka said, deep in thought, ‘Who is this… Bonebroil fellow?’ Tangu’s eyes lit up.
‘He has a reputation…’ Tangu said, ‘Seen it firsthand. He preys on the weak… He’d have his way with humans, Mongrels, Dyacine any race really. It’d be well advised to stay clear of him.’
‘So he’s a um… rapist?’ Roka laughed.
‘It’s no laughing matter, Roka. He may smash heads, battle hard and fight for us but…he’s dangerous. That rapist, can fold up a Dyacinesian giant and… do I have to continue? He’s not a good guy, Roka.’ Tangu said, his tone dwindling to a nervous whisper.
‘You know that long pink beaked fleshy thing that just came out of my mouth? When I get really, really, really riled up, I use it to drain manna. I’ve reverted to vampirism for self defense and sheer hunger for a third of my life… I’m not worried. What really should be worrisome is that if he tries me and I am forced to retaliate, would I be able to regain self control…’ Roka said. Tangu leaned in, his curiosity turning into concern.
‘What do you mean?’ He asked.
‘I never had control over my vampirism, only able to suppress it. When I get in a bit of danger, it begs to come out and… I’m pretty much da
mn near unstoppable as soon as I go into that state. I’m a big risk… it’s always at the back of my mind… What if something causes me to slip and I can’t turn back? How many lives can I take in one go? I don’t want to know…’ Roka said, still haunted by his torturous past.
‘Well, Roka… We all have something that is desperate to hold us back. We’ve both killed a lot of people. I wish I can take it all back but at the end of the day, it made me the glorious shipwreck I am today. I never would have guessed that your past had such a hold on you…’ Tangu said, his insides feeling a warm whirring due to the direction of the conversation. The fact that he and Roka shared something so dark made him want to know Roka even more.
‘To be honest, this hold is trying to tighten even more… Talking about something that dictated how I interacted with the people around me is so hard. You don’t understand how hard it is to come the faces with something I viewed as my ultimate weakness…my internal enemy if you will? I don’t know. I just felt like this shitty evil little thing.’ Roka sighed.
‘I would give you this huge explanation on how this makes you greater but I have the sneaking suspicion you already know this and are just using me to rant. I never had anyone to rant to and hope that you can return the favor for me…’ Tangu laughed.
‘Sure…’ Roka said with a sincere smile.
Listening in the door way was Madji, overwhelmed with the feeling of rejection, being unwanted by his own kind and tortured by the fact that Roka simply avoided him at all cost. No one talked to him, simply just looking at him as he’d move around the ship. The worst of it all was not the fact that Roka was now friends with Tangu. It was the fact that Roka kept a secret from him when he and Roka were supposed to have told each other everything. This secret dictated Roka’s interaction with him. He managed to remain in control for dozens of years, and when things took a turn for the worst, took the brunt of brutality, criticism and the worst of ridicule. Madji was his worst ridiculer. Knowing how Roka fought with controlling his powers in a silent battle of will, that every day was an internal war for him yet he still had the strength to fight and continue on was overwhelming. He didn’t understand how Roka was able to maintain control when he viciously attacked him that day. It must have meant Roka had really developed quite an attachment to him if he simply took the beating without retaliation in the slightest.
It made Madji realize he had messed up something great. The thoughts over Roka felt like too unbearable a load. He left from the door, walking down the hall. As he did, two big black arms snatched him and pulled him into tight quarters.
Tangu and Roka simply sat, resting near one another. Tangu reached for Roka’s hand only to have Roka flick his away. He persisted with a boyish smile, making Roka laugh.
‘What are you doing?’ Roka asked.
‘Those claws are something serious…’ Tangu said, trying to cover the slight embarrassment.
‘We both have claws.’ Roka laughed.
‘I mean…mine are dull and stuff. Yours have sheaths and are so sharp.’ Tangu said, reaching for Roka’s foot. Roka snatched his foot away, amused by Tangu’s playfulness, ‘Let me see your talons!’ Roka held up his right foot, twirling his four toes. His toes didn’t have sheaths to protect his talons the way his fingers did. Tangu then held his foot next to Roka’s to compare.
‘If I had those I wouldn’t know what to do with them.’ Tangu laughed.
‘You can’t run with them. They’d break and broken talons are some of the worst pain you can experience. Ironically, they are great for…never mind.’ Roka sighed as he lowered his foot.
‘No tell me!’ Tangu said as he dropped onto the floor next to Roka. Roka looked at Tangu, feeling strange jitters. He never had someone be so interested in him.
‘Talons,’ Roka began, ‘They are good for fierce grappling. I just think it’s funny that they can easily shatter while running but can be used to grip shit with extreme force and won’t shatter.’
‘I don’t think it’s anything odd. My claws are designed like cleats but are terrible for grappling. Yours are designed for hooking into something and not letting go.’ Tangu said, still looking at his feet.
‘Yeah, so,’ Roka said, ‘When are we going to partake in our first joint mission? I’m dying to flex my wings…’
‘My parents have been very quiet lately, so I’m not sure. You know, you’re kind of the man in charge… All the Angels come to you when there is an issue between others. Like…they just slapped the responsibility onto you without acknowledgment. Maybe it’d be wise to go to my parents to see precisely what needs to be done… In fact we should both go.’ Tangu said, getting to his feet. He extended out his hand to Roka. Roka grabbed it as Tangu hoisted him off the lounge floor.
They walked up the stairs into the navigation room. The room was empty except for the odd few Mongrel technicians sitting at monitors, doing extensive sweeping surveillance on just about any and every thing. Roka and Tangu looked at each other, surprised to see Siron not piloting. They went back down the stairs, into the longue, down another flight and into the upper cargo stretch where the makeshift bar was built. Only a handful of Mongrels were in there.
Continuing on, they went back to the hall, eventually walking out onto one of the catwalks above the main cargo bay. Many Angels hang upside down from the struts, their tails wrapped around the metallic frame. Their wings wrapped tightly around their body as they slept. Many other Mongrels were on the tarmac with electronic equipment, making modifications to the tank. Tangu turned around to view the other side of the bay section. Both Siron and Talla were riding the lift up to the region of the ship Roka and Tangu just left. The size of the ship was proving frustrating.
‘UGH!!’ Tangu growled as he went back into the hall. Roka was close behind as Tangu went up the stairs, past the upper cargo bay and lower dining hall, to the quarters and infirmary and upper dining hall. Tangu continued to go up the stairs, back to the longue and navigation room but Roka grabbed his arm.
Tangu turned back as Roka pointed to Talla entering the infirmary. The two boys ran down the hall after her entering the infirmary. Several angels and Mongrels surrounded someone who had been laid on a gurney.
‘Move out of the way people!’ Talla growled. People did as was told as the fierce woman stood at the bedside, ‘What happened?’
‘He keeps saying he fell.’ Breecher said, not really sure what happened.
‘It’s clear he is Bonebroil’s first angelic victim…’ A Mongrel teased.
‘Madji, what happened?’ Talla asked.
‘He just,’ Madji began, ‘Pulled me from the hall, threw me down onto a bed and… everything hurts!! Next thing I remember, I was stumbling in the hallway and toppled over because…it all hurts…’ The boy was incredibly shaken by his ordeal.
‘Oh you did fall…’ Ohunna said, his indifference waning.
‘Wait, so someone attacked you? Who?’ Breecher asked, his concern turning into protectiveness.
‘I don’t know his name…’ Madji said, crying, not able to rationalize, ‘Everything hurts, my head, back…it all hurts soo…’
‘Everyone clear out,’ Talla demanded, ‘Except you two,’ pointing to Ohunna and Breecher.
The other angels and Mongrels left the room leaving Madji alone with Talla, Breecher and Ohunna.
‘I couldn’t fight him off…’ Madji said, drawn to tears.
‘What did he do to you?’ Talla asked full of maternal concern.
‘He pulled me out from the hall and tossed me onto the bed. I couldn’t make sense of what was happening until he climbed on top of me and starting biting on me. I began to fight and scream but he then picked me up and slammed me to the headboard. The blow stunned me and I
just sat there and took whatever would come next… It all was so fast but so painful. When it was over, I made it back to the hall. I kept falling because I can’t walk.’ He explained. Everyone’s jaw fell from shock.
‘Your legs?’ Talla asked. Madji shook his head, not wanting show where. Despite his pain and embarrassment, he slowly spread his legs He cringed, tears jutting down from his eyes, pointing to his cloaca. It had now become clear to them all. Madji was raped.
Talla stared off, deep in thought. Her expression seemed to display a mix of maternal concern with sheer discontent.
‘Can you please just let me go? I don’t want to be here…’ Madji said, shame hitting him hard. Talla looked at him. She did not know how to approach this situation. She then looked to Ohunna and Breecher who both stood there, consumed with disbelief. All Talla could do was shake her head.
‘I’ve learned my lesson OK? I’m not a liked person. I complain, gripe, have a sickening attitude and it’s something… something that I don’t want people to have to deal with anymore… Let me just do everyone this big favor and leave.’ Madji begged.
‘It doesn’t matter how nasty a person you are. No one deserves this… I’m going to figure out how to handle this situation…’ Talla said as she began to check Madji’s body for any bone fractures. Considering Bonebroiler’s history, Madji most likely had a broken bone somewhere.
‘So,’ Ohunna began, all eyes falling on him thinking he was about to utter the most insensitive words, ‘There is someone on this ship that feels he can simply have his way with any unsuspecting person? Who is this sleaze? Who’s he going to go after next? If it’s another Angel then there is going to be a serious problem…’ His tone dwindled into a hiss.
‘The last thing I want on this ship is any type of conflict between races over such a sensitive matter. And no Ohunna, the person responsible for this is no regular Mongrel. Let me handle this…’ Talla advised. Despite her calm and nurturing tone, it was clear she was extremely angry.
‘I wish you two would have abandoned me in the canyon…’ Madji said drearily.
‘We’re sorry Madji,’ Breecher began, ‘But abandoning you in the canyon was simply not an option. You should feel glad we two were thoughtful enough to save your life. I can easily put my differences aside and stand and support you…’
‘So can I…’ Ohunna said, his arms folded, angry about this entire situation, ‘I just don’t like how this Mongrel preyed on my people rather than one of his own? He went after what he think is weak… ruling upon Madji because Madji was relatively alone on this ship, with no support. That’s simply disgusting…’
‘Easy, Ohunna.’ Breecher advised.
‘You’re not the least bit riled?’ Ohunna asked him.
‘I am but there should be some discretion present before we go off on some tangent…’ Breecher said wisely.
‘This is precisely why I needed you two to stay. Who would you consider to be in charge?’ Talla asked as she began to rub a soothing cream onto Madji’s bruises.
Both Ohunna and Breecher looked at one another.
‘I don’t know… but lately any Angel with a question has been going to Roka… I would consider him though he will not accept the roll under any circumstance…’ Breecher said.
‘Well, he was the Angel with the big ideas, the big explanations and the big executions, only falling short a tiny fraction of the time… It was his idea to use you as a projectile for the tank since we had no ammunition. I guess the only thing he was wrong about when it came to leading us against Bhalil’s forces were the Achions…’ Ohunna said reflecting back.
‘Yeah he’s a rather brilliant tactician. The thing is, we can’t let him know he’s any type of leader or he’ll bail out…’ Breecher explained.
‘Someone tell him I said hi.’ Madji said with a bittersweet smile, warranting a disenchanted reaction from Ohunna.
‘Will do.’ Breecher responded.
‘Bring him to me…’ Talla asked. Madji’s eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and fear…
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The Dinner Party - Chapter 1 Special note to my friendsin the Writer's Block: Thank you for your help in editing this story. For fearof missing someone I will leave names, addresses and phone numbers out of mythanks. Also, I promise that my late night calls to you all will taper off alittle bit. Know that, without your helpful comments, this story would havebeen much longer in seein ghte light of day. Also, your keen insight helpedme see certain errors common in my writing. Finally, I thank...
In a time not long ago, a young girl named Goldilocks had just turned eighteen. It was a warm summer day when she decided to take a stroll in the forest. It wasn't long before she noticed the aroma of food coming from the trees off to the right. Taking in a deep breath, her large breasts rose up and the buttons popped off. The warm air on her bare skin felt good. Being hungry, she followed the scent and stepped off the path, not bothering to cover up.It wasn't long before she saw a log cabin...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOnce upon a time there was a girl named Goldie. Her parents were very mean to her. Like, they made her actually clean her room! And come home on time when there was a curfew!! And be respectful of old people, like her lecherous boss down at the Hit and Miss Drive In, where she wore roller skates to take food to people!!! It was a real bummer for Goldie, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lox were serious about her growing up to be a proper woman. They made her eat her vegetables at every meal too,...
It's been a long week and you love spending a few hard earned quarters in the local arcade to unwind. The arcade was a bit more bare than usual as you insert fifty cents into Terminator Salvation. You've played it several times before. You think you played it a little too much since you memorized where to shoot and how to stay alive longer than anyone would expect. You relax and a new machine catches your eye. Normally, nothing can distract you, but this new machine had all sorts of bells and...
There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...
Group SexDavid did a double take in the parking lot as he was leaving his shopping trip. It was his ex girlfriend, Lydia, leaving the store. The years were somewhat unkind to her; her face had some noticeable lines but otherwise, still near perfect body and her tits were incredible. Boob job and on her chest sat wonderfully sculpted 36 e jugs, firm and bouncy. Oh, how it reminded him of the passionate nights when they would make love ’til morning, she screaming in ecstasy and he furiously pounded...
So you've been dreaming all week from the women of the cinema downtown, now you're going there with one goal in mind. To score! You have put on your best clothes and set your mind to charming. You just want to touch them so badly. You arrive at the cinema. You approach the cashier, the brunette. She smiles when you say you could view her all day instead of one of the movies. She had some nice cleavage with a nice rack to see. Before you were caught staring to long you quickly ask which movie...
Sometimes one has to play it cool to score big. Jen was a co-worker that I enjoyed casual sex with. She was a cute brunette with a shaved pussy and a really nice pert C-cup rack. We worked together in a part time job. We were flirting one night and at one point I made a comment about giving her what she needs. She came over and grabbed my cock. She looked up at me and said, OK. After work we fucked in the back seat of her car. I made sure that she was well pleased before I allowed myself to cum...
Cheryl met Joe at LAX, giving him an intense hug and kiss. As soon as his luggage arrived, she pulled him away from the others and into her rental car. Rachel had a limo waiting, but Cheryl wanted Joe. Taking him to her hotel room, she ravaged him before he ravaged her. Despite depleted energy, he managed to be as relentless as she needed. Her frequent, ramping orgasms definitely helped keep his energy up. They said little on the way there. Cheryl about the kids. Joe about Hong Kong and...
The footer at Penthouse Gold stamps a 2008 copyright date on the joint, which means it’s old as hell in Internet years. I bet all the old fuckers remember the Penthouse name from long before that, though. The brand got its start as an old-school paper porn rag in England way back in 1965, and I know some of you had your first fap to your dad or your grandpa’s copies hidden under his mattress. Before the Internet, these guys were some of the biggest names in the business alongside Playboy and...
Top Premium Porn SitesIt was about ten days after we got married in that hurried ceremony in Lewes. As we ate our breakfast looking out over the English Channel Sharon said, "I want us to go up into the loft today and see what's up there. We need space for our spare furniture so it wouldn't hurt to clear out the rubbish." I had a day off so, after taking the dog for a walk, we got changed into some old clothes. Well, that's not strictly true, we got undressed, got distracted, had sex and then got dressed in...
She went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up. That had been quicker than usual. She hadn't expected this to make her horny, but clearly, something about the situation was doing it for her. Most likely the thought of winning, she thought. Or at least the thought of Lewis's face when he found out she'd beaten him.When she went back into the living room, there was a text waiting on her phone. It was Tim: "Close by. Let me know the address and we'll be there soon."She sent him back the door...
SwingersThe next day was Sunday. The weather was supposed to be almost unseasonably warm, so the girls all got together and asked the sponsors if they could all have a picnic in the park. Both of his parents thought it sounded like fun. Max was all for it, so the kitchen was a beehive of activity as they fixed sandwiches and potato salad, gathered snacks and soda, and got everything packed up. They were not the only ones with that idea; there were half a dozen families at the park when the Xander...
Monday morning he felt a little bit better, but still ravenously hungry, and he was not surprised to find he had grown again!. He measured himself against the mark he had put on the wall yesterday, and he was another inch and a half taller! Another huge breakfast was already being cooked when he made his way downstairs. Because he had only his father’s clothes to wear, his parents had told him he could stay home today. His dad, being six foot, four inches tall but rail thin, the clothes were...
It had been the last inning. We were up three runs and there was no way the cubs would win. The pitcher grounded his feet toughly into the mound. Second base crouched and the catcher readied himself. The batter arched his back, very determined. It all happened very quickly, but the hit was definite, though it was only a first base attempt, and apparently a success. I stood on the sideline, peering through the gated holes in front f me. The second batter in the lineup walked up to the plate, his...
Monday morning, Max groaned as he struggled to roll over and shut off the alarm clock, finding his way blocked by the sleeping and beautiful, Maggie. On his other side, twined around him in the same fashion, was Thea. As much as he hated to move, that alarm clock was driving him mad, and his bladder was complaining. He wriggled out from between them, slammed his hand down on the clock, then paused to cover the girls before padding, bare-assed, to take care of the other need. Except for a...
So if you've read my stories before, you know I'm basically a cum whore. Love being bred and feeling that spasm of a cock that is deep in my ass as it fills me with cum. Especially when it's back to back with multiple guys.I've mentioned that my neighbor had a cabin that I have been to a few times. This story is about one of those times. I used to whore myself out to make money for college because I could make a lot of money and I loved it. One early summer, after the Spring and before the...
As Yash and I left college, he took me to his car and drove me to his friend’s home. The next day was the weekend so he instructed me to tell my home that I will be late as going to friend’s home. I did so. He took me to his friend’s room. He introduced me to his friend Tarun who lived alone. Yash took me to Tarun’s bedroom and locked the door. As I looked on the bed, there was a packet of extra dotted and ribbed condoms and a bottle of lubricants. He made me feel comfortable and relax for a...
I watched her look around for her friends. She was out of place. Pretty typical for girls like her. She managed to get invited because of her older sister Maggie. But Kelly was a fucking baby compared to her older sister. Her sister had already gone upstairs to get high and probably Fuck her boyfriend. She was a junior and Kelly was only a freshman. Not for the first time I wondered if the girls had the same dad. I mean they looked nothing alike. Maggie was tall and leggy, a cool blonde with a...
Thursday November 10 I woke up in a contemplative mood. The expressions on the Waterloo players’ faces as the clock ticked down must have gotten to me. I had at most three more games of high school football. It was hard to imagine that it might finally be over. Of course, I had a lot to look forward to. College and the rest of my life were yet to come. The Waterloo game made me understand that I wanted to play at higher levels of competition. What we’d created with this team was about as...
Joe woke the next morning to an empty house. He went to his office to work on his novel, which was near completion. He’d set it aside, essentially, by the time the tour recommenced in Europe, the first draft completed. It would be on his laptop. A thought might come to him to change something. But he wanted the time away from it. To not be too inside it. To have somewhat fresh eyes after a couple of months. Only then would he begin his editing. A couple times through, and he’d send the...
The week before Thanksgiving, Essie was at her most fertile. When Eddie asked Joe, “Are you sure?” Joe couldn’t help but laugh. “I hate to deflate your ego, buddy,” Joe told his best friend, “but this isn’t about you or your fat cock. It’s only about your seed.” “If you say so,” Eddie responded, doubt saturating the words. Joe chuckled and shook his head. Things might have seemed to reverse since the early days when Joe ended up with some of the girls Eddie fucked, and always who Joe had...
CUCKOLDS IN CORSETS by Throne Carl Clinton was in the kitchen, wearing rubber gloves and washing dishes. All he had on was an apron that barely reached below his pubic region in front and left everything uncovered in the back. He also wore three inch heels and, because he'd been standing there for a while, he could feel a strain building in his calves. As he shifted his feet around to avoid getting muscles cramps, he thought about how smooth his legs were. There wasn't a single...
You may have gotten the idea that Arnold was just a gay guy or sheep lover from the first part of this little story. Well, that would be wrong. Arnold was much more than that. Arnold was quite a pervert of the N’th degree. One of the things he liked to do was to make obscene phone calls to the women in the area. I used to like listening to him talk to those women and see how long he could keep them going before they hung up the phone. I would say that around a third of them would go along with...
Jim McGuire skidded his bike to a stop in front of the large blue sided house. Setting the bike up against the white picket fence, the eighteen-year-old glanced at his watch. He smiled as he saw that he was right on time. Not that Mrs. Burke would've been angry if he had been a little late, but it was a matter of pride to the sandy-haired young man that he showed up places when he said he would. Originally, he had planned to spend this week in Florida. His parents had promised him a trip to...
I finally made it, I have a full football scholarship to a small college and I’m away from home, for the first time in my life. I checked in, they had a whole staff to help you if you needed it, but I was fine, so I got my schedules, both football and academic and the key to my room. I knew I was getting a roommate, it was a small school and I was curious to see how the luck of the draw worked for me. He was already in the room and unpacked when I got there, it took me all of thirty seconds to...
GayThis is my first short story, any feedback would be welcomed. I’m planning on writing more so let me know how to improve. Hope you enjoy. ***** Harold Thompson has woken up promptly at 8 o’clock every morning for the last six months and sees nothing but an empty side of the bed where his wife used to sleep. Her name was Deanna. He thinks about her every day how she’d always smile as he woke up and tells him good morning. Now there are no more good mornings for Harold. At age 56, Harold was...
It was a crisp winter’s day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
It was a crisp winter's day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
Straight SexSTARTING YOUNGGoldilocks, yes she had hair like that, absolutely right, down to her navel. But who was she really?Photographing her, painting her. Reaching under her short little Catholic skirt and touching the silk of her naked thighs, I thought of all that, too, I have to admit. I thought of kissing her, seeing if her face was as soft as it looked - baby flesh.Yes, it was there from the start, especially once she gave me the age-old inviting smile and her eyes became, for a moment, a woman’s...
Harold saves her husband (Part 1)This is a sequel to the earlier story “Harold Plays The Hero” ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan June 2006The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This is the first part of the sequel. . ...
Harold Saves Her Husband Part Three Copyright Oggbashan July 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not,...
Cuckolding Can Be Positive For Some Couples, Study SaysBy Ian Kerner, CNNActing on adulterous fantasies may strengthen a relationship, as counterintuitive as it may sound.Cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some.Sometimes just sharing a sexy thought can be arousing enough -- you don't have to follow through...(CNN)In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they...