The Beginning 8211 School Chronicle
- 3 years ago
- 23
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The dope wore off exactly when she had planned it to. As she slid out of her restraints and took several gulps of air, the space outside the ship’s windows was empty. No big planets looming, no huge starships coming in for the strike or a cheap slash-and-grab job. The tiny mercenary vessel was in the middle of nowhere, for now. Just as she’d planned.
Slowly she slipped from her hard plasteel seat. She briefly checked over the stats for the other mercs. They were dead asleep, totally incapacitated, doped to the tits. They wouldn’t wake up until the ship neared its destination, Crematoria. Only when the ship’s navigation system detected the right starsign and coordinates would the medic program slowly decrease the ‘dope’ coursing through the intravenous tubes and into each merc’s arm. They’d wake up slowly, groggy and disoriented for the first few minutes until their natural-born-killer instincts kicked in and they began to eye each other warily. Not one of them would ever know that Eve alone had woken hours earlier for a very special task.
The female merc looked over each individual sleeping mercenary. She knew better than to trust the medic system. It’d been nothing for her to hijack it for her own purposes. Who knows what these guys had planned? She didn’t trust them, trust wasn’t part of the game of being a merc. One of them could have planned to wake up early and simply disconnect each of the life supports they relied on while asleep. Or worse yet, they could have died from heavy overdoses of the cryogenic medication meant to put them into a nearly comatose state, it wouldn’t take much, just a few milligrams more, and they would have just died quietly, never waking up. And never claiming their share of this very huge bounty.
Eve chewed her lip as she looked to the back of the ship’s small and tight cabin. There he sat, the best catch of her young career. She pushed a strawberry blonde lock of hair behind her ear and stepped carefully around Toombs’ big feet, determined to quietly make her way to the back without disturbing anyone. Toombs grunted in his sleep and she grimaced in disgust as the merc pig grabbed tightly at his crotch. She could only imagine what he might be dreaming about. The position of his hands, protectively over his crotch or maybe caressing himself instead, made her wish she couldn’t imagine the nasty thoughts the contemptuous leader of the group was dreaming. Carefully, she moved on.
Everyone else remained fast asleep as Eve made her way to the back of the ship. It wasn’t far to go but it felt like the short trip over toes and boots took forever. She moved shrewdly, freezing in place any time someone so much as breathed too heavy. Someone farted and she almost threw up, smelling the stench of stale Bogart beans. Soon the air recycler took the smell away. And then the only thing wafting sweetly to Eve’s nose was the scent of sweat.
Man sweat.
His sweat.
Riddick’s sweat.
Mercs didn’t make a lot of friends. They didn’t stop and have java at the space ports. They didn’t read over holographs together in cafes on the many dark worlds they visited. But that didn’t mean they didn’t talk, shoot the shit, gossip. And once, a few jumps ago, Eve had met this chick. This chick, she was a real freak with a super muscular body and wild pink hair chopped in sections that showed shaved scalp between the pink tufts. While helping Eve’s then-crew haul ass out of a certain prison’s warehouse with more than they’d paid for, the girl had shared some pretty wild stories. And one of them had been about how she got off fucking the sleeping crewmembers. She’d been detailed, flamboyantly specific in how it was done.
‘You just watch, if you watch you’ll scoop the codes for the medic program from the right bastard. Then it’s golden, girl. S’all golden from then on. You just temp your own tubes down when no one’s looking, and arrange for a wake-up stimulant a few hours from the next stop. Everyone’s dead asleep, totally tranked. They’ll never know, they never do!’
And she’d laughed so hard, Eve had wanted to shoot her. Laughing like that during a quick escape wasn’t helpful at all. But the information the girl had shared sure had been.
A few times since then, Eve had tried the method out. Once she’d masturbated all over Chen’s knees, just to see if she could get away with it. When he woke up with another now-murdered merc’s hand on his thigh and wet slime on his pants, he’d totally freaked. No one had known or suspected Eve, the tiny tough chick. From then on she’d kept her own dope on low, just incase someone else knew these kinds of tricks. The last thing she’d want is some fuck like Toombs screwing with her while she was tranked. That’s why she kept the shiv tucked just inside her waistband, out of sight but not out of reach should she feel something funny going on while doped out.
This time, though, with the big bounty at the back of the cabin, this time would be her first time taking it all the way. And she couldn’t think of a better target than the infamous Riddick. He was known to be a merc-killer across all the systems. Everyone either wanted to snag him or was petrified they’d stumble across him. Wrong place, wrong time, and they’d never see Death coming. His skills with sweet spots had made him notorious, and the bounty on his head was huge. All the big prisons wanted him, and all the mercenaries told stories about him.
But how many, Eve wondered, would be able to brag about fucking him?
She licked her pouty round lips and inched closer to her prize. There were no more sleeping mercs between her and the prisoner. Just him now, before her. Just Riddick.
Eve looked him over visually, examining each of his binds. The chair Toombs had thrown the prisoner into was made to hold men like him. He still managed to bulge out in all the right spots though, Eve noticed. He practically strained at the tight impenetrable steel wrist bands, even though he was as tranked out as the rest of the crew. And the bands that went over his shins and his ankles, she knew they’d hold him but somehow she didn’t think they’d last if he really tried to escape. The man was big, massive really. It made her want him more.
Slowly she put her hands on his thighs. They were so big, so wide. They’d be able to support her easily. Eve moved her hands upwards over his hips, sliding her palms across his stomach and over his tight black tank top. His pectoral muscles pulsed and beat with his doped out blood beneath her fingers. His breathing was steady, even, the sleep of fucking Sleeping Beauty for all she knew. She had made sure he got extra dope for this run, had programmed it in herself. There was no way she wanted him waking up in the middle of this.
Eve moved a hand across Riddick’s face. He didn’t move. He still wore those crazy goggles he’d probably stolen from somewhere. They supposedly protected his eyes from the glare of normal light. He’d gotten an infamous shine-job at one of the many prisons he’d been known to frequent. Now his eyes were super sensitive to any kind of bright light, but also incredibly effective for seeing in the dark.
She didn’t remove them. They kind of made him look sexy, all mysterious and dangerous. Maybe that was what excited her the most about him. Aside from the fact he was a merc-slayer, and that no prison had yet been able to hold him, aside from the fact that he scared the crap out of Toombs but was such a high paying job that the merc leader had still gone after the guy — aside from all that, Riddick was damned sexy on his own. Was it just how scary he was? The strength in his muscles, how strong he had to be to achieve so many impossible escapes. And the cold and calculating way he did it, a trick here, a scam there. He conned his way out of circumstances that were too tight for anyone else to break out of. How did he do it?
Eve didn’t really care though. She had read up on the guy at Toombs’ insistence and left it at that. Whateve
r Riddick had or hadn’t done, whatever tales they told about him in all the ports, she had plans for him that were all her own. Elaborate plans that involved as much of his flesh as she could get a handle on.
Carefully she peeled up his black tank top. His whole body was covered in a sheen of sweat. It was exciting. Eve lowered her mouth to one of his hard nipples and began to lick at it. He was salty, dirty. It excited her. Given how tiny she was, she managed to maneuver herself onto one of Riddick’s thick thighs, wrapping her own around his knee and grinding slightly. She could feel the wetness of her own pussy beginning to seep through her military-issue trousers, she was that excited by the prospect of fucking the sleeping prisoner. And as she dipped her head to his chest and began to lick again at his taut nipple, she ground her pussy harder against his leg. Her budding clit demanded attention and she pushed down even harder, finally feeling the beginnings of her first orgasm.
Eve let herself collapse then against the sleeping form of the prisoner. Panting, she waited as the almost-casual waves of ecstasy rolled over her and passed. This would be the first of many orgasms, she knew. She intended some real hard-core things with this guy. And she had hours to enjoy her every fantasy. It’d been so long since she’d had a real man, had wanted a real man. Sure, she’d had to fuck her way to the position she now held in Chen’s crew. She was an excellent gunner, a great navigator. But chicks don’t get by on skills alone, not out in the blackness of space. Many times she’d had to give in and let every single member of an all-male crew fuck her, just to get passage to a new port. Those didn’t count though. She didn’t list those as part of her true sexual experience. In her eyes, her future looked really bright and her real sexcapades were only just beginning, right here with Riddick.
Eve lifted herself up, panting still as she ran both hands over Riddick’s chest. His stomach was so tight, his pectoral muscles so smooth except for the occasional scar or scabby cut. No pock marks, no evidence of disease.
Well Eve, how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? she asked herself.
And she already knew the answer — she wanted to go all the way.
Eve slid off of Riddick’s thigh and moved between his legs. She couldn’t push his knees further apart or she would have. It would be hard to get his pants all the way off, which would have really been exciting. Eve bit her lip again and knelt down in front of Riddick’s crotch. He was bulging, even though he had to be soft and completely un-stimulated. That girl in the prison warehouse had warned her that sometimes the dope would make a guy stay soft for ever. It might take a lot of work to get him aroused if he wasn’t awake. That was okay, though. Eve wouldn’t mind helping Riddick’s body remember the feel over a woman’s hands.
Carefully she pried open the front of his pants and peeled each corner of the fastening to the sides. He was naked underneath, no boxers, no trousers. Just smooth bounty flesh. Slowly, Eve reached into the opening of his pants and pulled out Riddick’s dick.
It was an amazing piece of well-muscled manhood. It was thicker than her thumb and finger, even soft. And it flopped in an almost commanding way this way and that as she examined it. Nope, no marks here of repeat infection or sickness. Sure, there was no way to be sure in today’s age of space-port sex. But Eve felt safe that Riddick was probably the cleanest sex she’d ever come by. How he managed that while being almost a permanent fixture in the penal system, she didn’t want to know. He had blood on his hands, and not all of it was merc blood.
Eve held the thick cock in two hands and eyed it. It felt alive and warm between her fingers, like a snake. She licked her lips and leaned in to the long dick she held in her hands. She rubbed it over one cheek, then over the other. Men like Riddick could make a girl want to suck cock for a living. She rubbed the bulbous head of his dick over her lips, sighing happily.
Eve opened her mouth as wide as she could. It wasn’t wide enough though. His dick was that big. She suckled over the head and the hole of the penis in her hands, sloppily slurping all over the tightening flesh.
I guess I’m better than I thought at this, she told herself smugly. He’s already reacting!
She suckled more, tasting the oozing precum from the slitted hole on the top of the dick head. It was salty sweet, and definitely healthy. She tongued the slit furiously, then watched as her hands squeezed the whole cock from the base right up to the head. More cum seeped out and she quickly gobbled it. She had hoped to really suck him off, not having done it for such a long time. But the size of this cock made that obviously impossible. Slurping over it would have to suffice.
Eventually Eve leaned back, breathing heavily. Her pants were soaked and so was Riddick’s penis. She rubbed her palms over her breasts, feeling her erect nipples under her shirt. Without even bothering to look over her shoulder, she pulled off her top and tossed it to one side. It landed on Toombs’ shoes but she didn’t notice and didn’t care.
Now her breasts were exposed to the humid air of the ship’s cabin, and to her warm and sticky hands. She looked down at her chest, watching as she mashed her own tits together. She pinched at her nipples and moaned. Then she looked up at Riddick’s very hard dick.
Eve scooted forward again, sitting up straight as she maneuvered Riddick’s cock between her tits. It bounced and she looked up at his face quickly, to see if he was awake. He didn’t move, and his breathing was just the same. He’d have to have some amazing self control to be awake and not give himself away at all. He was still tranked and hers to toy with.
She pressed her small round breasts around his cock. She wasn’t a big girl in the chest department but she had enough soft pliable flesh to mold around his big cock, enough to excite her anyway. She moaned and groaned as she tugged at her nipples, watching as Riddick’s cock began to ooze more cum. She quickly dragged the head of his dick over her nipples, first one and then the other. Then she let his penis drop and toyed and fingered the silvery strands of cum over her chest. She licked her fingers, and tried to tell herself to wait. But it was impossible.
Eve reached down and rubbed her crotch through her pants. She had created so many elaborate plans, the minute she’d put the cuffs on Riddick’s wrists.
‘Let’s go, big boy,’ she’d said in her toughest I-don’t-care voice. And he’d just smirked and followed along like an obedient puppy. All the while though she’d begun planning how to have him.
She knew she wanted to suck him off. But now she’d discovered he was too big. She wouldn’t have minded just titty fucking him for awhile, but his penis dwarfed her small soft breasts and it frustrated her. Her pussy was aching for some real action. Maybe she could just spend some time masturbating before getting the real deal.
Eve stood up and began to peel off her pants. Her tight naked ass felt good in her hands as she squeezed and rubbed it, teasing herself. Then she moved her fingers deftly over her shaven pussy lips, tugging on them. Her clit still throbbed from her earlier orgasm, but in such a way that it really wanted more attention, and not to be left alone. Standing with her feet slightly apart and her pelvic area tucked upwards, Eve began to masturbate. She reached out and touched at the head of Riddick’s dick, her other hand furiously diddling her clitoris and pussy hole. Her tiny hidden inner labia were extra sensitive and she knew they needed to be fucked and soon. If only she could have had Riddick awake, and know what it was like to have him sucking at her pussy. The thought of really fucking him, no dope, no binds, pushed Eve beyond what she could handle. Before she could help herself, she was cumming, her whole body shaki
ng as her juices coated her fingers. She avoided entering her hole, wanting to leave it hungry for the prisoner’s cock.
At last, Eve let herself collapse to the floor and lean against Riddick’s shins. She was breathing so loudly that she thought she might wake someone up. Then she realized how tranked they all were, the crew and Riddick. And she knew she had nothing to worry about. Slowly, catching her breath, Eve stood up, naked and bold between Riddick’s knees.
‘So what do you think, big boy?’ she said coyly. He didn’t answer of course but in Eve’s mind, he was begging her. He wanted her in every way he could have her and was begging her to take him.
‘Have it your way then,’ she whispered.
Eve turned around, slowly backing up towards Riddick’s sleeping form. She rubbed her ass over his sweaty and taut stomach. Then she parted her buttocks and began to lower herself. Grabbing his cock from between her legs, Eve managed to position the big fat dick just right. Soon, she could feel the wet head of his penis pressing against her asshole.
She’d never had anal sex like this before. She’d had it, plenty of it. That was the best way to avoid certain diseases that festered only in the vagina. It seemed like there was a new disease popping up every cycle, every port. Some you took drugs for, others you just avoided certain body parts. Getting fucked in the ass was fine once in awhile, if it meant your pussy lips didn’t shrivel up and fall off.
Eve had never guided a man’s dick into her ass before. She’d always had them pushing demandingly at her tight pucker. She felt clumsy and awkward at first, but then a stronger sense of control came over her. She could decide how hard to go, how fast to go. And how far to go. Did she just want to tease herself for a bit? Eve dragged the wet cockhead up and down the wrinkled hole between her ass cheeks. Maybe she wanted it slow. She carefully pushed herself back, gripping one of Riddick’s thigh muscles in a vice-like grip as she forced his cockhead to begin penetrating her ass.
The burning sensation that followed was terrifying. Maybe he was too big, maybe she was doing it all wrong. Did she dare take him in her cunt then? She looked over her shoulder and saw her own face reflected back at her in the prisoner’s goggles.
‘Fine, fucker,’ she grunted. Then she pushed his cock forward and down. It was so much easier to aim for her pussy. She did so expertly, and felt herself stretching around Riddick’s massive cockhead.
He was big, he was huge, but it all felt so incredibly satisfying to the young merc. She let him slide right up inside her, wincing quietly as she felt him stretch her. Slowly she sat down in Riddick’s lap, letting her body adjust to his size. He was fucking huge, and she swore she could feel him pressing against the surgically-stitched entrance of her womb. She’d had herself done up right by a doc at a prison a long time ago, once she’d saved up enough money. No kids for this chick. Of course, the operation didn’t take into account that some dicks like Riddick’s were going to be so big, they’d push right up inside a girl and bang against that cervix. Eve hoped it didn’t make a difference. What the hell would she do with a screaming brat anyway?
Slowly she lifted herself upwards, feeling her pussy tightly slide up around Riddick’s shaft. She lifted herself almost to standing, just to get him to the point where he was about to fall out of her hole. Then she sat down again, hard. It felt so good, she was moaning loudly again. She let her head drop back and began to ride the sleeping prisoner. She squirmed forward and back, feeling the immense penis thrusting helplessly inside her. She wriggled around, forcing him as deep inside her hole as she could get him. Then she lifted completely off of him and stood up, turning around to face him.
With great care, Eve straddled the prisoner, fidgeting with his cock until she could get it up inside her again. He filled her completely as she put her hands around his neck and dropped herself down. Holding onto him, she pulled herself up. There would be no slipping or escaping from this position, she knew, not til she was done with him. Eve began to ride him again, bucking forward and back in the throes of passion. Still he didn’t wake up. It would have been funny if he had. Some strange girl riding his cock. What would he do, she wondered. She pinched at her breasts with one hand while the other held her on Riddick’s lap. His cock felt like it was swelling inside her, and Eve imagined that he was fucking her, that there were only the two of them in the ship’s cabin, in the middle of no where, fucking madly. Would he suck at her tits, she thought to herself as she rolled a nipple between her fingertips. Would he grip her hips and grind hard up into her?
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August contained some swingers parties and a few other nights worthy of putting in my journal. Truthfully, I’d been sort of depressed but I managed to have some fun.We met an awesome black couple at a party and had a blast with them for a few nights until they went South. We haven't heard back from them yet. On the personal playing front, I had a few that I will remember or revisit. Dan is a guy I chat with on AAF. He is a lot older than me at sixty-two but very cool. After he first messaged...
CheatingAs he sat down at the end of the bar, he got the now familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t even glance into the corner where he knew the feeling originated from. Looking at the bartender, he smiled and asked for a drink. It wasn’t for him, but he knew someone would want it soon. “Hi.” He heard from behind him. “I don’t normally do this, but when I saw you come into the bar, I just knew I would have to come and talk to you. My name is Kim.” Looking...
My name is Andy Baylor.The story you are about to experience is true (mostly some embelishment to liven it up ) The names and places have been changed including my name which isnt really Andy Baylor, but would elicit a chuckle if it were displayed here so Andy Baylor will do as a stand in . The best place to start this story is on the night i decided to steal my soon to be ex-wifes car.To tell you the truth thats not how I wanted things to happen that peaceful april evening but as they say...
My Dad decided that it would be best to send me off to a more...religious school. From here, at the steps of St. Pilar's, do I write my account of how this freaking Catholic school gave me the best thing that ever happened to me...... Tuesday, 5:36 A.M.... "Danielle, you're gonna be late for school!" "God, that bitch won't shut up!!" I was frantically running aroud my room looking for my uniform pieces that my older brother apparantly thought would be funny to hide. And...
I have used one of the later versions of the Teen Titans, made up of Cyborg Starfire Beast Boy Robin (3rd Robin) Wonder Girl (2nd Wonder Girl) SuperBoy Kid Flash (2nd Kid Flash) Raven Speedy (2nd Female Speedy) The sun was setting over San Francisco as the Teen Titans relaxed in Titan Tower. In the TV room, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Starfire and Robin where sitting watching the latest news report for that day, detailing their fight against Deathstroke. Kid Flash was getting...
-------------------------------------------------------- The ASTRID is perfect when it comes to wreaking havoc. While the Dawnies' cruiser soars off out of range, it'll be our turn to face the enemy on the surface of this planet... I'm the next one on this list; as soon as our suits and weapons are ready, I'll be leading my squads into one of those coffins they call a barge and head for Fantasy Island, granted that the pilot has half enough skill to land us in one piece. This won't be...
Eighteen year old Roma had spent three months working and saving to go on holiday in September to the Med. She was a happy-go-lucky young woman who fancied a holiday alone with strangers. She liked her friends well enough, but holidays with them would be too much booze and not enough snogging. Roma was going on holiday to flirt, to kiss, to dance and, hopefully, to fuck.Roma had not fucked that much yet but she lost her virginity when she was fifteen one lunchtime at school and had learned a...
Voyeur‘There are so many really cool things about being in love, you know? You can have the best day imaginable with … nothing … just her. Just being alone with her pretty much makes everything okay,’ Jared said as he sat in the middle of the big round booth at Player’s Sport Bar & Grill. ‘Huh, oh. This does not sound good,’ Pete remarked as he entered and walked to the booth with Jared and Feldman. ‘It’s not, bro. J’s waxing philosophic about poon,’ Feldman replied. ‘Ouch! J, man, you gotta move...
What had begun as youthful sexual experimentation as a teenager with my best friend Larry when we were both 16, quickly turned into an obsessive need for me to be on my knees sucking on his very big cock in order to get him to cum in my mouth. I had happily become a full fledged cocksucker and I eagerly blew him at every opportunity until he went off to college. After he left,however, I began to have second thoughts and I felt ashamed for having been consumed by those intense oral cravings...
It was a horribly long week. Nearly as long as the week I was in jail. And she made it longer. And worse. She called me about every other day, and asked me if I had been good. And surprisingly, I had, even though my cock was hard for most of my waking hours. Some of the sleeping ones, too. I could not get the feeling of her hand on my cock out of my head. She’d call and tell me to take it out of my pants and make it hard for her. Tell me how to rub it, and with which hand. On Thursday, she made...
It had been the longest week for Beth. When Friday came she decided to use a little vacation time and cut out early to shop for her trip. By tomorrow, she would be in Hawaii with her man and she needed to make it unforgettable. After picking up the odds and ends she needed, Beth took the T to Copley Square where she needed to make one last stop. She felt that familiar tingle as she opened the door to the lingerie shop because she knew this purchase would really get Jeff going. I know he loves...
The next week, after paying for a movie I would never remember—although there was a nude scene in which Myra leaned over and whispered in my ear that she’d like to see my big cock fucking the actress–there I was again, nude, cock hard, my hands tightly gripping the sink, determined that I wouldn’t let go this time. While I stood there watching, Myra and Nicki took a bubble bath in their big tub. It took a long time, and I half enjoyed it, half wanted the waiting to be over. This was the first...
The young farmer hesitated as he stepped into the mouth of the cave. The last time he was here, his experience had been amazing but now that he was once again standing at the cave’s entrance he was regretting his decision to come back. He had just come to the delightful conclusion that the cave’s tenant was likely out and about in the forest and that it would be best to turn around and leave at a very fast pace, when he felt the thud of heavy footsteps from the back of the cave.The creator of...
Fantasy & Sci-FiYou wake up with a pounding headache, your throat parched; everything is dark, and you realise there is something bulky on your neck, wrists and ankles. After a while, still struggling to remember how you've come to this, you hear a sound of footsteps; as your eyes start to adapt to the darkness,you finally get a glimpse of your surroundings:
TranssexualEvan did his best to steady himself as the cobblestone tore and morphed from the obscene force below him. Lewis had already evacuated with most of the others, but the darkness will take more than the building in a matter of minutes. Evan tracked carefully down the stone stairwell as the darkness grew more heavy, suffocating even as it seemed to snuff out all forms of light with each tremor. He had to move quickly. He knew that as voices began to whisper bitter nothings in his skull. "Keep...
FantasyIno was cleaning out the bookroom of her house when she came to find an old book about her Clan's Secret Jutsu. "Hey what's this? said Ino as she picked up the book and opened it. She turn to the page where it said " Body Possession Jutsu". Oh I remember hearing about this jutsu! I is apart of an old folk tale in our clan that was lost due to the chaos it can bring. IThe legend says that who ever learns this jutsu will have the power to turn into a ghost and possess anybody they want with...
It's been a month since you gained the power of the Kings... Geass. You had faced numerous challenges on your way to mastering your power, but you had successfully done it... and the girl who had given you the power - C.C - complimented you, telling you that you had mastered the Geass in the shortest time known to man, and it was surprising that you hadn't gone insane yet. What she didn't know, though, was that I had gone insane... insane with lust, that is. Knowing that I could use my Geass,...
After a long day at work, you manage to complete your night time routines to crawl onto to bed. Tired from the day's events, you fall into a deep slumber the moment you rest your head on your pillow, drifting off to slowly fall into gestalt lands of endless possibilities both familiar and unknown. Either through some hidden carnal erotic coding deep within your psyche, or the fact that you have not had any sexual contact for a while, your dreams began to take vivid shape in uninhibited and...
You wake up after a mid-afternoon nap, and are feeling a bit drowsy. Looking around, you see the clean reflected light of the moon spilling into your bedroom from the windows. Tonight you are supposed to leave the comfort of your home village and set out to become a true adult. You will set out on your journey under the watch of the full moon, as is customary of all young folks who begin their rite of passage. You feel overwhelmingly thirsty. You were napping so long that you're probably...
FantasyMy name is Tyler Kane, I have two younger siblings: Carter and Sadie Kane. You may have read their story but that's only a portion of what really happened. Now as from the story you know that Carter lives with our dad and Sadie lives with our mothers parents, but i bet your wondering where I live. Right? I live at the twenty-first Nome, in New York. Well let's start the story, okay? Today is the day my siblings see me for the first time since our mother died, now on special occasions I wear...
Adam Ziktor is a man of astonishing sexual potency, with a virility that is virtually inexhaustible and a charisma that is nigh-irresistible. He is a man who cannot be bound by the monogamy that our society requires. So, it is fortunate that he does not live in our society. Rather, Adam hails from a parallel universe with a far more open attitude towards sex. Adam (age: mid-thirties) has three wives, named Beth (age: early fifties), Charlotte (age: mid-thirties), and Donna (age: mid-twenties)....
Over one hundred years ago, the Avatar disappeared, leaving behind a confused world. However, the Fire Nation quickly reacted, and using the power of Sozin's Comet, nearly conquered the entire world. There are only a few places still remaining unconquered - the Southern Water Tribe, though it is quickly being realized that it will soon be conquered, the Northern Water Tribe, which has defended against a Fire Nation attack, shocking the rest of the world. And finally, there was Earth Country,...
"Argh!" Suzy yelled at the screen as she died yet again. Just as she fought the urge to throw her wireless mouse across the room, she heard chuckling in her ear. "I told you that you wouldn't be good as a Tank, babe. You're better off as ADC. Now stay in your lane and go make me a sandwich." One of her guy friends, Jake, had wanted to play Mob of Myths (or MoM for short) and she wanted to try playing a tank character rather than an ADC like usual. "The day I make you a sandwich, bitch, is the...
FantasyEven those who knew her well did not know just who the Lady Dust was. She herself didn't even know her true name. It was years ago when the Lady Dust, who named herself Dedra O'Hare, awoke in a field along side a country cottage. While trying to remember what had caused her to be in this field she realised that she had no recollection of just who she was. Not a name, not a memory was there for her to gain. She looked down at her tattered clothing. She could tell that she was a prominent lady,...
My name is Johnathan Lovecraft though most people call me John. I would never say I was popular in high school but I had a few friends who I was close to and went to the occasional party. I was part of the basketball team but spent most of the games warming the bench. Don't get me wrong though I had a great view of the cheerleaders and it looked good on paper when I wanted to apply to whatever college a year from now. I wasn't the best looking guy at school but was no where near the worst...
Vacation, three years ago. My god, what a body.I hope she doesn't notice me. With her dark blonde hair conveniently obstructing the view, his tall, blonde and tanned mother allowedher son a perfect view of her body. Three weeks of hot sun had certainly bronzed her Skin to a very tastysun-kissed tone. The fact that she was all oiled up and sunbathing only added to his dillemma. Or was it? She had put on an orange and black bikini, which tightly accentuated her hourglass, mature figure. And...
MILFAs the sun peered through the large windows and into the pokemon center's hotel room number three, Noah began to stir through the slog of waking up after a night of sex. Her eyes twirled, head spun in a small circumference, and stiff muscles began to feel reinvigorated life as they were stretched. She looked down upon her nude body to see her Chespin curled up into a ball right next to her. She smiled. “That was a great night we had, little Chessie,” she said as her hand brushed atop her dozing...
Miranda, Liara stood in the wreckage of the once great Citadel. Shepard had stopped the reapers and saved the galaxy, but the members of the Whoremandy had lost their captain, their leader, their slutty companion. The rest of the crew were in the repaired Normandy, currently hovering above them. Suddenly, there was a sound of metal being thrown against metal, and Liara and Miranda rushed to investigate. As the jogged towards the sound, Miranda's E cup breasts bouncing. As they reached the...
It was January 1st, and Naruto had just received either the best or worst news in the world. The Kyuubi was slowly growing more powerful in his seal, as the only thing that actually kept the Kyuubi inside his seal was the impregnation of women. The Kyuubi, over the years, had been growing stronger and stronger, and in a month, if he didn't impregnate enough women... ...The Kyuubi would escape. He had to begin as soon as possible. So, Naruto... which woman will you try to fuck first?
It was November. The air felt crisp, fresh. The wind blew softly, not enough to disturb anyone but enough to show that it was there. It was a perfect day, especially when you realized that today, two hot babes would be coming to your house for a science project. You know why they chose you - not because you were good-looking, or anything like that. More like you were smart, and they... well, weren't very intelligent. Brittney was smarter than Julie, though not by much. Grinning, you had gotten...
I don't really know where to start. It feels strange going back to the beginning after everything that's happened since. I'm such a different person now than I was back then. I mean gawd I was such a goody-goody! I remember really thinking that Steven loved me. I mean he told me so! He was my first real boyfriend; I was 18 years old, a senior in high school, but I was ready to believe anything. He looked deep into my eyes and told me that he would never leave me. I sighed wistfully and thought...
Friday, March 13, 2009 Today was a day like every other. I don't really want to write in this diary, I mean, diaries are not even my style. I'm just writing this to fill some space... I wonder how in the world Mrs. Katherine got that idea, it's not like we're in kindergarden anymore. In case I ever read this in the future, let me remind myself that Mrs. Katherine is the absolutely WORST english teacher I've ever had. The first day it was really exciting, getting a teacher that hot, she's more...
FantasyI am Sarah Connor. In the future my son will lead mankind in a war against Skynet, a computer system designed to destroy the world. It has sent machines back through time to kill him, one to protect him. Today we fight to stop Skynet from ever being created. To change our future. To change his fate. The war to save mankind begins now... The future has not been written. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves. I wish I could believe that. My name is John Connor, they tried to murder me...