Taken By Lesbian Warlord: The Helga Chronicles free porn video

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Chapter 1

Iona sat in the corner of the felt tent, trying to be as quiet and inconspicuous as possible. The men of the steppe, clad in their supple leathers and luxurious furs, had sternly and forcefully directed her to stay sat, and stay silent. She'd heard stories about what would befall her she was ever captured by steppe tribe, and what horrors to expect. Her head still felt light from the shock. She might only be eighteen, but she was a priestess; a junior priestess, but a priestess of the goddess of chastity and purity, Astraea. Being captured by the steppe people was a disaster. I've heard what they do to the men and women captured. So far, she had just been pushed around and manhandled from one tent to another, for which she was grateful. But she had already seen women and men ravished. Out in the open, for all to see! The sight had been more than Iona could handle.

This tent felt different from the others, however. For one thing, it was much larger, massive; large enough to hold over a hundred people. It was easily as impressive as the finery she had been used to in her temple, if not more so. The finest silk cushions and blankets were casually strewn around, soft and luxurious pelts of exotic animals she couldn't identify were everywhere. Even the wooden furniture looked expensive, and had been polished with beeswax until it shone. Iona had no doubt that they had gotten everything here from raids and slaughter, but it still conveyed a sense of grandeur.

She tried to avoid being noticed by any of the men in the tent. She kept her eyes looking down, only glancing at them from the corner of her eye. It was impossible to ignore them, towering over her as they did even whilst lounging on their cushions. The smell of sweat, horse and leather engulfed her. No matter what else was here, it could not hold her full attention for long, however. That returned inevitably to the woman reclining opposite her.

The chieftain towered over the men as they towered over Iona; she was at least a head taller than the biggest man here. Clad in the same furs and leathers as the rest, she had a slender musculature that was both clearly strong and undoubtedly feminine. The sword that she had by her side was easily the largest that Iona had seen, larger than Iona herself.

It was with that sword in hand that Iona had first seen the chieftain appear, smashing down the doors to her temple. It was with that sword that she had carved her way through the temple guards, slashing and dancing through them like they were scarecrows. Most times she had not even met the guards’ spears and swords before the blade sliced through them.The ferocity and grace that Iona had seen from the dark-haired woman had been awe-inspiring. Even now, it was hard for Iona not to stare at her. She contented herself with surreptitious glances.

The chieftain herself looked over the men with a stern gaze that bordered on anger, even as she lounged. There were plenty of discussions in a language Iona did not understand, but the statuesque woman would only say one or two words, letting the men argue amongst themselves. Every so often she would glance at Iona, catching her staring. At those times Iona jumped, looked down and swore to herself that she would not look any more. And each time Iona's eye would be dragged back to the darker-haired woman a few minutes later.

“You, girl!”

The barked words, in Iona's own language, startled her. It was the chieftain, looking straight at her and indicating towards her. Timidly, Iona raised her head and met her eyes as best she could.

“Do you know Cordava? Lie, and we will take your tongue, eyes and ears, and wash the wounds with salt, wine and vinegar.”

Iona felt a wash of fear at how casually she was threatened. The steady look she got from the chieftain made her certain that she meant it. A cold pit in her stomach formed, and she did not dare to lie.

“Yes, my lady. I visited there often, as part of my duties at the temple.”

Some of the men hooted and jeered at Iona's words, but the chieftain just gave a slight nod, and cast about significant glances. Eventually she glanced back at Iona with that stern look on her face.

“You will address me as Chief Helga, not Lady. That disrespect will earn you five strikes of the lash tomorrow morning. Next time it will be ten.” With that, she returned to consulting with her men.

Iona felt stung, chastised and afraid. She had never received a lashing before. She knew her life in the temple had been pampered and cared for. She had always been grateful, and had prayed her thanks everyday, but had it not been enough? Was this her punishment now? A life where she was to be lashed simply for saying the wrong word? I am a student of the divine, how could this be happening to me? she wailed inwardly.

She was shaken from her thoughts as the men stood, and the chieftain brought herself up leisurely. She barked a last set of instructions to the men, and then motioned to Iona.

“With me, girl,” Helga said, not unkindly.

Apprehension made Iona move slowly as she stood.

“I said move!” barked the chieftain. Striding forwards, she grabbed Iona by the hair on the back of her head, more forcefully than painfully, and directed her out of the dim tent. Iona could only move to keep up, standing and shuffling bent over as the chieftain threw her out into the glaring sunshine. Iona stumbled forwards, but caught herself from falling over, and kept walking swiftly to avoid any further attacks. She tried to calm her beating heart by straightening her white dress, edged with the gold leaves of her order. Some of the men chuckled as she left. Iona tried to regain some dignity as she walked. She took as steadying a breath as she could.

Helga directed her to a tent, smaller than the meeting tent, but still larger than all the rest Iona had seen in the encampment. As with the last, this one was lined with silks and luscious furs. A servant was polishing an expensive-looking wooden folding table, her body hunched over and trying not to draw attention to herself.

“Leave us,” Helga commanded sharply.

With a bow, the servant hurriedly gathering her things with quick but quiet movements and left.

“Kneel there.” Helga directed her to a particularly large pile of furs. Still feeling uncertain, Iona sank into them nervously.

“Tomorrow you will tell us about Cordava. The more information we have, the more of the townspeople we will spare.” She started unbuckling her armour and discarding her clothes, straps of leather falling to the floor. She undid the buckles of her leather harness more slowly, and hung it on pegs set into the tent’s supporting poles. “Make no mistake, those people cannot hold against us. With your help, no one need lose their life.”

Iona's eyes widened as the chieftain pulled off her chest armour, exposing the pert and hard breasts underneath. Watching her put it to the side mesmerized Iona, the way the muscles rippled and stretched like a jungle cat’s. She tore her eyes down sharply when the chieftain turned her face towards her. “Do you understand?”

“I... uh… I...” words fled from Iona's mouth. She felt heat come to her face as the chieftain stepped towards her directly. Iona fought to ignore the hard eyes. She was acutely aware of the breasts in front of her as she looked towards the floor. “Yes, yes, I understand.” There was a silence that Iona could feel, before she remembered. “Yes, Chief Helga.”

She felt more than saw Helga nodding. “Good.” With that she moved past Iona. Able again to look at her, Iona continued watching her move. She watched the chieftain’s back ripple as she grabbed a washbasin. She had never seen a woman with shoulders like hers, so strong and round, yet womanly. As the chieftain washed, Iona was transfixed with the water flowing over her skin as she lifted her arm this way and that to clean herself. Her back looks so strong! Iona felt her heartbeat quicken slightly. Her eyes dropped lower, and as the dark-haired woman started drying herself off, she turned and Iona could see her breasts again. They weren't as heavy as her own, or as large. But they look like they would be so soft to touch. Iona wasn't sure where that thought had come from, but once it was inside her it was hard to think of anything else. The rest of the chieftain's body had a hardness to it that Iona hadn't known a woman's body could have, yet the skin looked so smooth. As she watched, Iona felt herself getting warmer, and a warm tingling gathered in her womanhood.

“Do you have people to worry about in Cordava, girl? Any family?”

The questions snapped Iona from her musings. “My family were killed by bandits, Chief Helga. Most of my friends left for the army or the temples. The only family I have left is in a village south of Cordava.”

Ungrateful brat! You need to learn to do what you are told! Iona banished the memory as quickly as it came. She had promised herself she wouldn't think of it again when she ran away to the temples.

“Then think of them. Your words tomorrow may save their lives, and the lives of thousands of others.” She hung the damp cloth over a chair. “My tribesmen will kill three men for any one they lose after they take the city. Remember that.”

With that, Helga slumped on a pile of cushions and furs opposite Iona. A belt of leather still held a knife by her side, but other than that she was naked, and looking straight at Iona. Her knees were splayed out lazily, and her breasts flopped to either side. From her angle on the floor Iona could see straight between the dark-haired woman's legs, to the soft hair on top of her pussy. Everything about her said she was exhausted from the heat. When she looked down at Iona, however, there was a hunger in her dark eyes.

“Come closer, girl. Bring yourself here, and kneel in front of me.”

Iona felt a sense of apprehension grow in her, but didn't dare argue. She shuffled on her knees in front of the chieftain, smoothing her dress down her thighs. Helga curled herself upwards, bring her face close to the kneeling woman. Iona could smell her hair, leather and whatever sweat hadn't been washed off, this close to her.

“Have you ever pleasured a man before?” The question was direct, and to the point. Iona shook her head slowly, and tried not to let her fear show. The chieftain nodded, as if to herself. “What of a woman? Were there any… special friendships at your temple?”

The question confused Iona. She didn't understand what a special friendship was. How could…? Her face must have shown her confusion, because the chieftain didn't wait for her answer. Instead she just leaned in, placed a hand on the back of her head. and kissed her lips.

The shock of the other woman’s hot lips sent fire through Iona. Her lips parted, and she felt a soft, exploring tongue slip through, retreating away from her mouth before she could react. Her mind panicked, somehow feeling like she was going to get in trouble, but also unable to think. When the chieftain pulled away, she gripped Iona's hair, tilting her head upwards, and ran her fingers lightly over her face and neck. Iona felt her skin tingle where the woman's fingers trailed.

“That was a kiss, priestess. And that's what you are going to do to any part of me I tell you to.” Fingers brushed against Iona’s lips. “Like my fingers, now.”

Iona’s heart was pounding in her chest. She felt her lips move as she kissed the fingers dancing over her lips. Helga gave a low chuckle, and heat rushed to Iona's face.

“Good girl,” she said. And with that, she trailed her hand away from Iona’s cheek and onto her shoulder, pushing the dress part-way off to expose her breast. Nails trailed down her skin, and then hands were massaging her tender flesh. Iona felt exposed and vulnerable, but couldn't muster the courage to say anything. After a gentle squeeze, Iona felt a gasp escape her mouth. The warm tingles grew between her legs. Another kiss landed on her lips, this time slower and deeper. Fire swept through her as she sank into it. She realized she was kissing back, but couldn't explain why.

Finally pulling away, the chieftain pulled Iona by her hair towards her inner thigh. “There. You are going to keep kissing there, and all around my pussy. Look me in the eyes whilst you pleasure me, girl. You have a pretty face, and I want to see it as I make you mine.”

Iona bent to her task, keeping her eyes on her captor as she had been told. From here the smell of leather and horses mixed with the smell of the woman’s hair, and as she ran her lips over the chieftain's thigh and groin she could taste it all, mixed with the salt of her sweat. She paid attention to how the taller woman reacted to her kisses. Just to the left of the pussy there was a particular spot that she gasped at whenever Iona licked and kissed it, and Helga would force her face hard onto her when she did. Iona found herself spending more time there, wanting the stronger woman to grab her and force her face down. The chieftain's eyes stared down at her with that hungry look, and Iona felt her face flush as she was filled with a mixture of humiliation and desire.

“I'm going to make you mine,” Helga whispered. Her voice was breathier than before. “Keep me satisfied, priestess, and I'll keep you by my side. I'll keep you safe.” She moaned as Iona sucked at her pussy. “Be mine, and I will keep you as a pet. But you must be loyal to me, like a good pet would. Even in your heart. Do you want that, priestess?”

Iona hesitated, feeling a wave of humiliation run through her. Deep inside her, she felt a stirring in her body, one she didn't want to think too hard about. I'll only do it to protect my chastity. That's all. It sounded like a lie, even in her head. She felt another crush of shame as she realized how fast her heart raced at the thought of being kept by this woman. She nodded to the warrior.

“Then say the words, my pet.”

“I want to be yours, Chief Helga.” A renewed sense of shame came over Iona, but she didn't hesitate to say the words. You know them to be true. She ignored the shameful thought, and reminded herself she was doing this to live. She looked up at her new Chief, who grinned wolfishly at her.

“Stick your tongue out, priestess.”

Timidly, Iona did as she was told, letting her tongue protrude further and further. The hungry look in the dark-haired woman intensified. Grabbing Iona's head in both her hands, she turned the smaller woman's face directly in front of her crotch, and gently but firmly pulled her, tongue first, onto the top of her pussy.

“Lick there, priestess. Run your tongue up and down my pussy. Suck gently at the top, and keep running your tongue over me. Very good… mmm.”

One of the strokes of Iona's tongue must have hit a very tender spot, as the chieftain pulled her tight into her pussy, hard enough that Iona stumbled forwards onto her hands and knees. She kept licking, suckling and kissing in near desperation. The sweet smell of leather and horse mixed with the smell of her musk. Iona's face was drenched in wetness from a mixture of where her mouth and tongue had been and the sweat of the day. It seemed to be flowing with liquid, and Iona tried licking it all up. She felt more heat increase in her own groin, but she tried not to think of that as she followed each one of the instructions she was given.

As Iona worked, she became fascinated with the way her darting and flicking tongue made the muscular woman's body squirm. The heat of the strong thighs on either side of Iona's face mixed with the heat of the tent. She felt a mischievous pride grow in her at the other woman's pleasure, and was surprised by it. I am a priestess of Astraea. What is happening to me? She told herself she was doing what she needed to survive. I must save my chastity. That's all I'm doing. The tingling in her loins seemed to mock her.

She heard a noise at the entrance to the tent behind her, and realised with a shock that someone had come in. She yanked her head back, and scrambled back to her knees, pulling her dress to cover her breasts again. She looked over her shoulder to see three male warriors enter clad in their furs and leathers. She turned to look at Helga, who still lounged naked on her furs without any concern for the men, and felt a thrill of fear. Fury painted the chieftain's face, and she glared down at Iona in wrath.

Faster than she could have believed, a strong hand was at her dress, pulling her up towards Helga’s face. “Please, please, the men...” Iona had time to whimper before a slap that shook her head and stung her cheek.

“I do not care about the men.” Another slap on her other cheek caused both sides of her face to sting. Iona's heart beat faster than a horse's. “You do not care about the men. If you stop before I tell you to, I will beat you until you have learnt true discipline. Do you understand?”

Iona quivered, and she nodded her head whilst trying to avoid her eyes. A fist gathered her hair, and pulled her neck back to make Iona look at the chieftain's face again. Displeasure had replaced wrath, but Iona still found it hard to look in her eyes.

“You do not like the men. Good.” Helga nodded as if to herself.

With that, she reached behind Iona and started pulling up her dress, bunching the fabric into her fist. Iona felt the dress ride up thighs, and then up her buttocks and lower back, fully displaying her rear to the men. She heard herself whimper as she thought of the men's eyes on her.

“Hold that dress there. Let them see you.”

Iona felt humiliation wash over her. She could feel the eyes of the men like a physical touch on her hips. She grabbed the dress on either side of her hips in tight fists and kept it there so they could see her bare backside. Her face flushed red.

The warrior woman leaned back into the furs.

“Get back to what you were doing. And don't stop until I tell you to, no matter what.”

Feeling her face burn, Iona kept the dress over her hips and leant forwards, kissing and licking at Helga’s soft pussy. Behind her some of the men jeered. One of them spoke out in their harsh tongue, and Helga pulled Iona towards her by the hair so she could whisper softly in her ear.

“They think you have a nice ass, priestess. Lean forwards more, and arch your back. Let them see it better. Show yourself off for me,” the steppe woman said dispassionately.

Iona felt her face flush with heat once more, but she dared not argue. Bunching her dress into one hand so it still lay over her hips, she placed one hand down onto the carpeted floor, leaned forwards and arched her back as far as she could. When she looked back at Helga, there was no sign she approved. Iona moved her behind from side to side. The men all jeered at the sight. She looked up at the warrior woman's face, hoping she was pleased now. Helga's expression was still hard and stern, but a small, satisfied smirk was fighting through. It sent a small thrill through Iona.

“Back to work, priestess.”

Iona dutifully stuck her tongue out, and started licking the chieftain again. She focused on that, and tried to ignore the men behind her.

The chieftain brought the men's attention back to her. It was clear that they had seen her receiving this treatment before, and whilst they all leered at Iona, they still spoke with deference and respect to the warrior woman, even in her pleasure. Still breathing heavily, and writhing under Iona's tongue, the chieftain heard the men, and then spoke a few more words of their language. Iona heard them leave the tent shortly after.

Breathing out with a sigh of relief, Iona started to move the dress down over her hips.

“I did not say to let the dress fall,” came the sharp voice of the chieftain. Iona froze, and brought the dress over her hips again. What for? There's no one there. Is there?

“You lack discipline. Did you like having the men look at you?”

Pausing, she drew herself away from the woman's crotch, and spoke through the wetness on her lips and cheeks. “No...”

“I did not tell you to stop!”

Fear stabbed through Iona. She hurriedly buried her face again, and kept her tongue and lips moving onto the sensitive areas.

“Better. Now again, did you like having the men look at you?”

Panic filled Iona, as she wanted to answer, but was afraid to stop what her mouth was doing. With her mouth on Helga's mound, she tried to say as clearly as possible, “Mno.” It came out muffled, and Iona worried that she would not have been understood.

“I did not think so. If you do not learn discipline, I will have you tied to a post naked, with nothing but your welts to keep you company. I will let the men of my tribe use your body to pleasure themselves for as long as the moon and the sun are in the sky. There are several thousand men, and any one of them would use you. At their worst, I have seen my men give a woman to their horses, just for their entertainment. Is that what you want, priestess?”

Her heart beat rose in her again. Astraea forgive me, I need to keep my chastity. I cannot be sent to those men! Being careful to keep her mouth and lips on the warrior woman’s mound, she gave her muffled response as clearly as she could. “Mno, mleafe!”

A hand stroked her head. “Good girl. Let's hope you can learn discipline.” Cords stuck out on the chieftain’s neck, as she took a steadying breath. “You have an incredibly sweet mouth.”

Pride burned in Iona at the compliment, although she tried to suppress it. She started bobbing her head to get more motion into her tongue movements. It's just to survive. I don't want to go to the men! It's just to avoid that. She repeated that to herself like a mantra. She tried not to think about about how pleased she was to be told she had a sweet mouth. She tried to not think about how erotic she felt whilst enjoying this. The tingling in her womanhood had spread to her entire body.

“I'm going to bring some more men in here. Would you like to be naked whilst we continue?”

The question seemed innocent, as if she was just curious. “Mno Mssem,” Iona said, uncertainly.

A wide smile broke over Helga’s face. “As you wish. Keep the dress over your rear.”

“Enter!” the chieftain barked.

A noise at the tent flap behind her told of men entering. Her face burned, and her hips and ass felt exposed and vulnerable, but she had learnt from last time. This was a test. She kept her mouth at her task, and stared devotedly at the steppe woman.

“Chief Helga, we would like to present ourselves. I am the Mayor of Cordava, and with me are…” That was as far as the new arrivals got. The sight before them took the words out of their mouths. Iona realized they must have recognized her dress.

“Do you like my new pet? I picked her up in a temple a day's ride from here,” the steppe woman said lazily. “You received reports of our raid, yes? That's how long it took to make her my pet. A day.” Iona felt shame burn through her. She didn't know if it was really the mayor. This could still be a test. She kept at her work.

“And I know who you are. You're the people who said that half your city's wealth was too steep a price to pay for peace with my tribe.”

Slowly, the men walked closer towards the two women. Iona could feel them at her back. One of them stood by her side, but well out of arm’s reach. He could see her face clearly, and what she was doing. Making sure her tongue was still working on the woman's pussy, she risked a look at who it was.

Glaring down at her with eyes burning with righteous authority was the high priest of Cordava. He had a perpetually stern look on his face and his greying bushy eyebrows and beard bristled as he recognized her. Iona felt herself stop, and ripped her eyes away to look at Helga again. She refused to look at the high priest again.

“You are here to argue more favourable terms for peace, is that right? By all means, go ahead. You have…” The steppe woman made a noise as if deciding an amount. “…some of my attention. Let's say half.” Her hand was stroking at the back of Iona’s head. Shame burned through Iona, but she kept her mouth working.

“We had reports that you had ransacked the holy temple of Astraea yesterday,” the high priest said stiffly. “Even for a savage such as you, we thought there were limits to your depravity.” His voice held contempt; Iona knew this man, though. His voice often did.

“Tell me, what is Astraea goddess of?” Iona felt the stony glance on the back of her head. She ignored him; all that mattered was Helga. She heard the answer though, and tried not to let it stab into her. “Astraea is the goddess of purity and chastity.” The old man snorted contemptuously at the warrior woman's suddenly wolfish smile. “You could have put that robe on any whore, after you took it from a priestess.”

That wolfish smile remained on the barbarian woman. “Do you believe I did?”

For a moment, he didn't reply. Iona wasn't sure if he would remember her. They had only met a few times, and each time they had both been busy.

“No,” he said after a pause. “I recognise her from my last visit to that temple. Clearly this whore never belonged as one of our priestesses.”

Humiliation washed through Iona, but she kept her attention on the steppe woman. Getting angry now will only get me killed – and maybe the rest of Cordava too. She kept at her work silently. For some reason the tent suddenly filled with tension, and no one moved except Iona, determined in her work of pleasuring her chieftain.

“She's not your priestess anymore. She's my pet.” The chieftain brought herself up onto her elbows. “A pet pleasuring me is worth ten of your priestesses to my tribe. I am giving you one chance, one, because I am generous and this sweet mouth is pleasing. Send me tribute, half the wealth of your city. Or I will kill your men, and take your women for me and my men. Your daughters and wives will share this priestess’s fate. It will take less than a day after you die for them to be my pets. Do you have sons? The prettiest will go to my men. The rest will die.” She looked back at the older man. “Send me tribute, and we will leave. Defy us, and we will force what is left of you to submit.”

Iona heard murmurs of assent, but the words that came from the high priest were defiant. “You will receive nothing from us. You can keep your whore, we will not submit. We will go to the gods untainted! We are ready to die rather than see you godless savages profit.”

The woman paused. Then she addressed the other men. “Half your city’s wealth, and you kill him. You can tell them I did it if you wish.”

Iona paused, and half turned to see the effect this offer had made. The old man had enough time to start repeating himself, before all three men behind him grabbed and yanked him screaming out of the tent.

“Wagons will be here in a week, Chieftain,” one shouted.

“Your descendants will thank you. Now leave here. And be grateful my pet's attentions have put me in a good mood.”

As the men stumbled out in a rush, Iona could hear noises of protest from the high priest. She heard them leave the tent, a loud cry, and then silence. She felt a burst of pity for the old man. He had never been a smart man, only loud and stubborn.

A strong, slender hand tilted her chin up. She let her tongue come away from Helga’s pussy.

“As for you…” the chieftain drawled, and slid two fingers into her mouth whilst she looked at Iona fervently. She sucked them lightly, and they came out of her mouth wet. She pushed them past Iona's lips, and forced her mouth open wide, wider, until her jaw hurt. “We're going to get serious now.”


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The Choker Club Chronicles Plain Jane, The story begins… Algebra class was winding down and I was starting to get that same bummed feeling I always did when it was over. It would be another day before I could see Leah again in class tomorrow. I had come to grips with the fact that there was something about Leah I was attracted to. ‘I wasn’t a lesbian!’ I thought because I wasn’t attracted to other girls. There was just something about Leah. Leah was beautiful I mean in every way. Skin tanned to...

3 years ago
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The Choker Club Chronicles

The Choker Club Chronicles Plain Jane, The story begins... Algebra class was winding down and I was starting to get that same bummed feeling I always did when it was over. It would be another day before I could see Leah again in class tomorrow. I had come to grips with the fact that there was something about Leah I was attracted to. "I wasn't a lesbian!" I thought because I wasn't attracted to other girls. There was just something about Leah. Leah was beautiful I mean in every way. Skin tanned...

2 years ago
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A Shocking Development from The slavegirl Chronicles

A Shocking Development from The slavegirl Chronicles   by slavegirl      [email protected]                   During the past week Derek and Ginger discussed moving in together. Definitely a precursor to marriage. While Ginger expressed willingness, two months were left on her lease and Derek's studio apartment was too small. They agreed to investigate alternatives.        On Friday, in celebration of their six-month anniversary, Derek took Ginger to an upscale restaurant for dinner. Ginger...

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Coming of Age The Kumberly Rae Chronicles

WARNING THE EVENTS IN THIS STORY MAY OR MAY NOT BE FICTIONAL!! THIS STORY MAY CONTAIN EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, PEDOPHILIA, INCEST, LESBIANISM, ANAL AND ORAL SEX, TRANSFORMATIONS, AGE REGRESSION AND FORCED SEX. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO READ MATERIAL OF THIS NATURE STOP NOW!! The names and/or locations have been changed to protect the innocent/guilty !! No part of this story may be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. REPOSTS OF THIS AND...

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The Anne Chronicles

                                                                                               The Anne Chronicles                                                                                                 Chapter 1 Holiday Plans                                                                                                    by roccodadom44                                                                                                     [email protected]    Annie and her lover,...

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The Dinner Party The OConnell Chronicles

The Dinner Party - Chapter 1 Special note to my friendsin the Writer's Block: Thank you for your help in editing this story. For fearof missing someone I will leave names, addresses and phone numbers out of mythanks. Also, I promise that my late night calls to you all will taper off alittle bit. Know that, without your helpful comments, this story would havebeen much longer in seein ghte light of day. Also, your keen insight helpedme see certain errors common in my writing. Finally, I thank...

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The McMurray Chronicles

Hello my name is Aaron McMurray; I am 19 years old and fairly fit. My Messed up weekend begins on Saturday morning. I wake up and like usual my mother made breakfast and was hurrying out the door with my dad to the store. My twin sisters were still asleep, they are 16 years old. They are Alright in looks from a brother’s point of view. A bonus I have realized over the years about having younger sisters is that they have smoking hot friends. Like there friend Claire, she was 17 teen years old...

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The House Wife Chronicles

Introduction: His name was Xavier, We got acquainted on a chat line and we talked like that for a while. The House Wife Chronicles The fantasy guy His name was Xavier, We got acquainted on a chat line and we talked like that for a while. We discussed a lot of things&hellip, what we wanted to do, our future plans that we had stuff like that. Things just seem to click between him and me. He was younger than me by like seven years, but that was kind of what appealed to me in the first place. I...

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90210 Chronicles

Fantasy Land – The 90210 Chronicles Part 1 Annalynne rolled furiously on her bed in frustration. Who the hell was making so much noise at this time? She punched the bed repeatedly and rolled onto her side to double check the time, it was 06:05. It was bad enough being woken up at this time any morning but Annalynne had a massive hangover today and she wasn’t happy at all. She tried to drown out the various noises of clattering plates and other sounds she couldn’t recognise by covering her...

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Cornfield Chronicles

CORNFIELD CHRONICLES Like the rest of the willing participants I hoped would be there, I was on a hunt that balmy summer night. For something hot, hung, hungry and strange. Possessing the same desire, skills and equipment as myself. Though on a hunt, I felt the natural defense of being in a strange place. My surroundings consisted of the things around the rest area my eyes could make out in the relative darkness of the distance. My companion disappeared into the darkness as I decided to walk up...

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Cornfield Chronicles

CORNFIELD CHRONICLES Like the rest of the willing participants I hoped would be there, I was on a hunt that balmy summer night. For something hot, hung, hungry and strange. Possessing the same desire, skills and equipment as myself. Though on a hunt, I felt the natural defense of being in a strange place. My surroundings consisted of the things around the rest area my eyes could make out in the relative darkness of the distance. My companion disappeared into the darkness as I decided to walk up...

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SRU Nerima Chronicles

Characters owned by others. Treatment by [email protected] Spells R Us: Japanese Chronicles 1: Candy Candy by Gregg Kasumi noticed the cat trying to sneak in and intercepted it. "And where do you think you're going, Mister Cat?" "Meowmeowmewmeow. MEOW!" "Oh my, you certainly are a talkative little kitty." The cat gritted her teeth and let her ears flatten. How was she going to tell anyone about this? How could she turn back without some help? She tried again,...

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Family Chronicles

Family Chronicles Synopsis :A Transgirl confronts a family member who is unable to accept her. [-][+][-] It's hard to believe it, but here I am, Father! Here to tell you that you have lost! Yes, I was born your son, Kelly Lee Bronson. But you couldn't accept that I was really a girl. Mother did, but not you! You are a bigoted homophobe who vowed that I'd never have the house once you knew who I really was. No, you WILLED the house to my brother Paul. He signed it over to me, you...

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THE THESIS ADVISOR (LESBIAN)I had to wait for 30 minutes in the hall with all these first-year students. It was always the same thing with Ms. Robinson. She could never keep a schedule. Finally I walked into her office. “Sorry to keep you waiting”, she said, not even looking at me. Her curly auburn hair partly covered her forehead as she wrote notes, bent over some kind of register. My middle-age thesis advisor would have been quite attractive if she had bothered to smile once in awhile. She...

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The New WarlordChapter 2

The arrival on Excer was almost an anticlimax: it was raining to beat all hell! Somehow, everybody, Jim included, had expected this to be a grand entrance sort of thing with a welcoming parade and all the fixings. Well, the Excers were just not that kind of people. Once you signed a contract with the Excers, they expected you to live up to it, and no further discussion was necessary. You did what you agreed to do and they did what they agreed to do. It was a little deflating to the human...

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The New WarlordChapter 3

The return to Camp Lovecraft on Sauna was a time for rejoicing. The Slayers had suffered less than 10% killed and wounded, so this had to be considered a successful foray. There was a great clamor for more recruits to be allowed to join the Slayers, so Roberta made arrangements to increase the TO to four regiments. John made it clear that they would not undertake another job until they had time for some training in coordinated movement. There was no problem with their individual and small...

4 years ago
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The New WarlordChapter 4

The Slayers broke camp and prepared to begin the first major day of their invasion. They blasted away the opposition to form a column 80 miles wide! John was afraid that this would be too unwieldy, but everybody else wanted to give it a try, so try they did. They met a few pockets of stiff opposition, which they suppressed with the gunships and mortars, not because the tanks needed the help, but to keep the rest of the troops happy with something to contribute. The grunts were getting pretty...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 30 Her Brother Part Two0

HER BROTHER, PART TWO She woke up in the morning with a dripping wet cunt and something poking into her groin from behind. Instinctively she bucked against it a few times before waking up fully and realising it was her brother's erect cock. He was still asleep, but at some point they had both rolled over during the night. Now Laura was facing away from Daniel, but Daniel was facing her and hugging her. One of his arms had gathered her up into a hug and his hand was resting on her...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Helga

Even given what I'm going through now I would probably still do it over again if I had to. Bobby had tried to be honest and up front about it, but I wouldn't listen. We had dated for over eight months and for most of that time we had been sleeping together. One day I asked him when he was going to make an honest woman out of me and he told me that he wasn't going to. I was crushed. I thought we had something good going and then he tells me he has no intention of marrying me. But then he told...

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HelgaChapter 2

"I've got them both on me," she said. "Let me see them a minute please," I said. When she handed them to me I unloaded them. I left the percussion caps in place but removed the bullets and shook out the powder. I told her to store them inside the wagon and to let Dad know where they were. "We'll see if he wants to kill me now and when he tries it there'll be nothing but a loud pop from the caps," I said. She looked at me so funny then but said ok. We were up with the sun the next...

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HelgaChapter 4

We found a lawyer and went to see him. He told us our paperwork was legal since he'd made it up himself. He knew the land had been paid for and the deed had been recorded. He told us the county sheriff woldn't be much help in getting hold of the place, but that he would probably at least go and give it a try. Next stop was the sheriff and we got about the same word from him. He agreed to ride out to the place with us but told us he wasn't going to be involved in any shooting to throw the...

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Cliff House the Jeremiah Sommers Chronicles

It was about ten days after we got married in that hurried ceremony in Lewes. As we ate our breakfast looking out over the English Channel Sharon said, "I want us to go up into the loft today and see what's up there. We need space for our spare furniture so it wouldn't hurt to clear out the rubbish." I had a day off so, after taking the dog for a walk, we got changed into some old clothes. Well, that's not strictly true, we got undressed, got distracted, had sex and then got dressed in...

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My Brothers Porn Addiction 5 Joes Hot Lesbian Porn

I looked at his car. "So, he must be here, but I don't see Trica's car, so it's a good time for some quality brother/sister time, Joe," I stated, walking into their building.I went to their apartment and knocked on the door. I went more than jittery because I knew I was about to do it with Joe again.Although, then I saw the door open. "Trica?""Yes, Bionca?" she giggled."What are you doing here?""This just in: I live here.""Oh, I'm sorry, smart-ass, I didn't see your car down there, so I'm just...

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The Lesbian and the Leatherman

The Lesbian and the Leatherman (It’s not what you think!) and there is Robert was what we called a ‘leatherman’….he was one of the older well tanned men that sat by themselves in a beach chair, slathered in suntan oil, along the edge of my favorite nude beach. The ‘leathermen’ never bothered anyone and rarely seemed to talk to strangers. Most were in good shape for their age and the tan, oil and solid age wrinkles really did make them look like leather.When I returned to the East Coast...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 29 Her Brother Part One

HER BROTHER, PART ONE Laura looked again at the rules for interacting with her brother during his visit to town. (1) Dress like a slut. Your outfit should be at least as slutty and publicly inappropriate as if you were wearing nothing but underwear. (2) Don't discourage him in any way from any affection or sexual interest he shows in you. Don't say no, or look disinterested or unhappy. If he hugs you, lean into it. If he gropes you, moan sluttily to show how much you enjoy it. (3)...

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Krishnathe Goddess Changed Into A Lesbian Slut 8211 Part 2

Hi readers I’m krishnapriya , hope you liked my introduction part of the story. From this part ,I’m talking about my real experiences.how my friends miss used me to became their slut and how that relationship changed me in to a sex hungry bitch. Please comment your opinions in kris Let me start the story. As you all know I agreed with Susan and Rakhi that I would be their worthy dog who obeys everything.we went to the class. It was the period of geography. The teacher was taking the lessons...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 31 Her Brother Part Three

HER BROTHER, PART THREE Inside her head, Laura still had a pathetic hope that her brother would save her. He would get to her house, see what a horrible degrading nightmare it was, and realise she couldn't possibly be doing all this of her own free will. He would pay off her debt, he would tell the police, he would move her and Erica to a new house and hold her and tell her everything would be all right. She thought all this even as she was masturbating in public, in the passenger seat...

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MOTHER KNOWS BEST (Lesbian story)At least it wasn’t pouring. The light drizzle wouldn’t shrink Leila’s tight skirt when it dried up. Eve looked at her daughter sitting on the front seat. If they measured skin pressure against fabric the way they did earthquakes, this one would be a 9. Leila kept squirming on her seat as they drove from their suburban streets onto the highway.“My skirt is so tight, my legs are falling asleep”, Leila complained.“Just suffer for a few more minutes and the skirt...

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Lesbian mother in law 5 taken from behind

Part 5 of a series. The order is at the end of this story.I had been sleeping with my partners mother for a few months and I was loving sex with both. Adam had a big cock, and his mam Eve could lick me to orgasm better than any man I had ever slept with. And she also had a good collection of toys when either of us wanted penetration.I had recently found out that Eve had started sleeping with her ex husband Joe. She said he could give her something I couldn't. I bet that something was between...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Turned out another Girl Lesbian

I could not help myself. She lay there on her back in her panties and a bra-less t-shirt watching the TV. Her sweet 18 year old legs spread ever so slightly on the couch and her cute little ass enticed me even more. She was my housemate's little sister visiting to see the university and I knew walking over and talking to her was a bad idea. I knew that there was a good chance that within the hour I'd have her cute little face between my legs enjoying my cunt.Her name was Becky. She looked up at...

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Eporner Lesbian

If you have browsed my site for at least a few minutes, then you know there are so many porn sites out there that it’s almost impossible to see them all. And because you have countless choices, this could cause you to become overwhelmed. You know what happens when you’re overwhelmed: you retreat back to what you know.So when you’re in the mood to watch hot lesbians get each other off, why choose the same tired tube sites you visit daily? Go with a tube site like Eporner.com/Lesbian as a change...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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HQporner Lesbian

If aliens landed on Earth and used the Internet for the first time, they would realize very quickly that lesbian videos are abundant on the Web. You have jerked off to them countless times, so I don’t have to tell you this. It’s one of the great things about the Internet, our mobile devices, and technology as a whole. No matter where you are, if you have a craving for some hot lesbian action, you can flip out your mobile device, unzip your other mobile device, and jerk off wherever you may...

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NaughtyBlog Lesbian

At first glance, it may seem like visiting a site like NaughtyBlog.org/Lesbian is not the place to go if you want to see a plethora of lesbian content. Hell, the idea of visiting a blog to watch videos sounds pretty fucking stupid when you think about it. That’s like visiting a forum to buy your erectile dysfunction pills in bulk: it’s not the ideal type of site to visit when you want a particular thing.Believe it or not, but NaughtyBlog.org/Lesbian is actually a fucking awesome place to visit...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Lesbian Test PT2

"I think she's a lesbian whispered Joe to me loud enough for Kathy to hear."Turning the table on us, she shot him a look that turned into her famous sexy smile."You two could be gay for all I know," she said laughing and looking from me to Joe and back at me again. "You're not gay are you? You two haven't turned gay on me, have you? Now that I think of it, I haven't seen either of you with a woman." She looked around her room, "I do need my room redecorated since I'll be living at home again....

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AlohaTube Lesbian

Is there a more welcoming name for a tube site than AlohaTube.com/Lesbian? I’m not sure. It sounds like a friendly place when you first read the name of the site, though. If you were hoping to get a double dose of lesbian goodness here, oh boy, do I have some fucking news for you!You won’t see a tiny bit of lesbian content here and there. Instead, the amount of lesbian content offered here is fucking massive! I will get into the number in a moment. All you have to know for now is that if you...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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PornPics Lesbian

We have access to so much pornography on the Web that it’s impossible to see it all. For fuck sake, there is an uncountable amount of porn that is posted every single day. To say that you can find anything that gets you off is an understatement. From cam shows to tube sites with millions of embedded porn videos and even virtual reality porn, you can find something that will get you off.But sometimes, you want to go back to simpler times. You may even want to go back to a time where looking at...

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Sexcom Lesbian

It only takes a Google search to discover that streaming lesbian videos is easier than taking a shit. It’s some of the easiest content to find, and there is no shortage. You could cum to lesbian content every day of your life, and you still wouldn’t see everything. For fuck sake, there are probably more lesbian videos published every day than you can jerk off to in your entire life, period!But even though there is a constant influx of sexy lesbian videos of all shapes and sizes, sometimes you...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 39 The Expose

THE EXPOSE Inside The Secret Life Of A Lesbian Slut - The Dirty Secrets Gay Women Don't Want You To Know - by Ingrid Pellman When I first met Laura, she was naked, crying and being fucked by a dog. We'd arranged to meet in a park by Laura's house, because Laura had telephoned this magazine and said that she wanted to talk about her fascinating lifestyle. She'd dressed in the way she was accustomed to dress - short skirt, sheer lycra boob-tube, no underwear of any sort - and...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Iam Not Gay All Girl School Lesbian

I was very happy when I got into an all-girls college. The boys on campus in high school had always been a distraction, always hitting on the girls and trying to get them into bed. It seemed like all they wanted was what was between our legs.I had fallen for someone in high school and given him my virginity but in the end of the school year he just dumped me for another prettier girl. The way I figured an all-girls school would allow me to focus on my studies for four years and not be...

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Sorry its Lesbian Law I dont do Men

Tanya knocked on the door, waiting for Erica to answer. She had butterflies in her stomach as she heard the footsteps coming closer to the door. She wasn't sure if she could, or should continue with the thing she had come here for. Erica was a lesbian, and Tanya had come here for sex.Erica had been working with Rick for six weeks. He suspected she was at least bisexual, if not fully lesbian. Her mannerisms were "Boy's Club" professional, almost to the point of masculine, despite her physical...

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XVideos Lesbian

Need lesbian XVideos content? Everyone knows about XVideos.com and all of the amazing videos that they offer you. One of the most popular sections on the website has to be the Lesbian category though and it definitely makes sense since it’s one of the most popular categories in America which is the primary consumer of XVideos.com. You’ll definitely see a shitload of videos in this category and they simply never get boring. I mean I’m as straight as they get, and I love fucking chicks really...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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NoodleMagazine Lesbian

If you’re looking for the hottest lesbian porn on the market and you want to get it for free, then you’re going to need to find a good website for that kind of stuff. Many players in the porn industry allow you to get free porn, so it might be hard to make a decision. Well, today, I have one of your potential choices and it comes in the form of a site called NoodleMagazine.com. This place is a pretty great free porn site that is incredibly simple and it won’t take you that much thinking in...

Lesbian Porn Sites

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