The Sara Chronicles free porn video

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‘You’ve gotta be kidding me. No! I put up with that for four months last year.’ My voice was somewhat stern, almost belligerent as the words spilled out of my mouth. Without even realizing it, I had slammed my hand down on the top of the desk. It’s not the way most people would talk to their direct report on the job site. But Dan and I go back over 20 years. Dan sat back in his black leather desk chair and shot me the same calm expression he always uses. It was the same, calm, expression that was on his face the day he interviewed me for a position as an accountant with his new business venture.

I had worked for several years as financial administrator at a small college in the Pittsburgh area when Dan met me at an alumni event he was attending. Now over twenty years later, his little business venture has been bought out by an internationally known accounting and consulting firm that has benefited us both.

‘Jim, bring it down a notch. You just need to relax. This intern will be different. She’s intelligent, engaging, and every reference we’ve talked to tells us she can handle the workload. You know we’re pretty swamped right now with Mack moving on to the San Francisco office.’ As always, Dan’s voice was calm and steady. If either of us was to ever lose control in an argument, it would be me. Dan on the other hand was soft spoke, confident and unfortunately he was usually right.

Of course he was right. We were short handed and found ourselves missing deadlines or working long nights. For those of us under salary contract, those nights were cutting into our personal time. Yet his calming voice didn’t ease my mind much. The last intern assigned to my team had caused us more frustration than he was worth.

Our division of the corporation targeted a niche market for consulting that includes compliance auditing of healthcare and non-profit agencies receiving major grants, such as small colleges, nursing homes, and rural clinics. Since we often need to be on site to review facilities we wind up driving or sometimes even flying to a city, working several days and then returning home to finish the paperwork. Needless to say, when you’re spending several days at a time – all but living with a small group of people – you hope those people get along. Our team was usually three to five people. So getting along during the constant travel was highly important to me as the team leader. The fear of having a ‘team member’ who wasn’t a ‘team player’ was stuck in my brain at this point.

Even Dan admitted that the most recent experience was less than positive. Our last intern spent his evenings at the company provided hotel rooms, drinking and partying like he was still living in a frat house. Then he’d show up the next morning hung over and unable to get his work done. He was immature and really not ready to venture out into the world as an adult.

I left Dan’s office and headed down the hall toward mine, still fuming at the thought that I’d have to break in yet another rookie. The resume he had handed me was tossed on the pile of reports and reams of budget statements, giving me the sense of – yet one more thing to deal with. Of course the good news is that interns get stuck with the grunt work of bean counting and inventory. Some accounting dweebs seem to thrive on it, but after nearly thirty years of work as an accountant I found my self more and more bored with my life. So letting an intern get stuck with the routine stuff probably wasn’t as bad an ideal as I was making it out to be. I just didn’t want Dan to forget about how bad our last one turned out.

It was 4:30 pm when a petite, young, brunette, waitress, with a gorgeous ass seated Dan and I at our favorite Italian place just a few blocks from our Pittsburgh office. I noticed the young waitress because I’ve always had a thing for brunettes, and she was certainly a fine example! She was wearing a pair of those tight, clingy, black leggings that showed off her youthful legs. ‘God, would you look at that!’ I muttered under my breath.

‘Focus on why we’re here.’ Dan whispered with a half smile on his face.

The new intern was meeting us at the restaurant for introductions and an early dinner. Just a simple meet and greet so we could hit the ground running. We’d begin training the the rookie the next morning. Which meant un-training the rookie of all the stuff today’s colleges are feeding these kids. This intern should be easier. She was a good bit older than our typical interns, had graduated near the top of her class in an undergraduate program, and was now just a month away from completing her MBA.

We were gratuitously exaggerating a story about our recent golf excursion when I saw Dan’s head raise and look to the front door. It was the kind of spring that couldn’t make up it’s mind. One day cold and drizzly and the next warm and sunny. Today, it was brisk and the cluster of people entering the restaurant were wearing a mix of jackets and full coats. As a group of four senior adults were led away to their table, what remained near the entry area was a young woman taking off her coat and scanning the room.

You’ve seen girls like this. She’s the typical girl next door that when you look at her in just the right light, she’s pleasingly attractive. But at the same time, there was an awkwardness to her that made you think she was an extra from a comic book store scene in an episode of the Big Bang Theory. Don’t get me wrong, she wasn’t unattractive. Just not the ‘hot intern’ that I guess I secretly had hoped she would be. At least that would have made the necessity of having an intern more pleasurable.

Her hair was slightly disheveled from traveling all day. Her wardrobe choice seemed an interesting cluster of mismatched apparel. A very attractive sweater showed her charming female form but her skirt seemed to emphasis her wooden stance. And her glasses! What reeks ‘accountant’ any louder than back rimmed, large lensed, glasses? They all but intentionally covered up her big brown, puppy-dog, eyes.

As she scanned the room looking for Dan’s face, she gently tugged at her sweater, swiping away any lint and arranging her self for meeting her potential employer. Her gaze caught sight of Dan and her quizzical expression turned to familiar. In that moment, suddenly the awkward grad student emerged as an attractive young woman. Her facial features still partially hidden behind the nerdy girl glasses, were mildly attractive. I remember thinking for a moment that she was fairly cute. But the moment passed! She tried to walk across the room, probably wearing heals for the first time since her high school prom, if she actually went to the prom. There was an air of apparent uncomfortableness in her stride.

Both Dan and I got up and stood next the booth where we had been seated earlier. Call it an ingrained response for someone of our generation, but standing as a woman joins your party, holding a door open for a lady, and all the other ‘old school’ attitudes had been drilled into our heads by the finest Catholic nuns at Pittsburgh’s finest private schools. Dan was in his mid 50s and I was just months away from turning fifty. In many ways we’re now the dinosaurs that we used to mock as young bucks with the company. God, looking at the interns and new employees at work can make a guy feel pretty old. They’re just kids. So there we stood, two middle aged, married, two kids, three cars and a mortgage type guys, watching as this wide eyed, innocent, young lady clumsily traversed the obstacles of tables, chairs, and patrons, to approach us.

Dan reached out to shake her hand and invite her to join us. She confidently took his hand and with textbook Dale Carnegie business school confidence, she greeted us.

‘How was your trip in from Virginia?’ Dan asked.

‘Okay I guess. But I hit some fog this morning coming over out of Maryland on I-68. It slowed my progress a bit, but I made it okay.’ She re
plied. She had a calming voice. It was confident, mellow, with just a mild hint of southern virginia accent.

‘Well, let’s hope your stay in Pittsburgh for the next few months brings a bit better weather. It’s actually supposed to clear up through the rest of the week with some sunshine.’ Dan bantered back.

‘I certainly hope so. I could use a bit of sun.’ She replied. Subconsciously I was agreeing with her. She was fairly light skinned and looked like some sunshine would improve her condition. But then again everyone looks a bit pale in the early springtime.

As she and Dan continued with questions about her hotel accommodations, I found myself trying to gauge if this was going to be a problem intern such as our last fiasco or if we were going to get along.

That’s when Dan turned to me. ‘Jim, let me introduce you to Sara Wilson, your intern for the next few months.’


The hot water flooded over my body as the shower stall began to fill with steam. My morning routine was off and running. Coffee was made, morning news was echoing into the master bathroom from the bedroom, and now I found myself basking in the warmth of the water. This was always a great time to think through the tasks I had to accomplish during the day. Today’s sole task was breaking in an intern. I mentally took notes of all the things I’d have to work through with her before even beginning to ‘train’ her for the job. While I knew HR would send a check list training outline, I just wanted to think though the more practical side of things. We’d begin with general office practices, facilities, standard forms, and time sheets. Then on to more specific accounting practices of our form of consulting. The task seemed overwhelming.

My hands were planted against the back wall of the shower when I felt the vibration. It was the all too familiar vibration of the garage door opening and closing. It was happening again. My wife spent her entire morning getting ready for work without saying a word to me. Now she had left for work without even saying good-bye. I guess it’s par for the course. We had survived twenty seven years of marriage but the last few years brought greater emphasis on ‘surviving’.

I remember our early days together. She would have never left for work without spending a few moments with me. There was always a kiss good-bye, a flirtatious and fun kiss at that. But things had changed. Our oldest was graduating from the university in a few weeks, then heading off to grad school in California. And our youngest was graduating from High School. My brother who is a tour manager for bands out of Nashville, had landed him a job as a roadie for a minor league rock band all summer. So within days we would truly be empty nesters. While some people our age find that a freeing and renewing time in their marriages and relationships, we were finding ourselves left with feelings of emptiness.

Constant travel on my part didn’t help. Early on, it was almost fun. Every time I’d get home from being on the road a few days, my wife wanted us to spend a lot of time together. We’d go out to our favorite restaurants and act like kids. We’d go shopping and spend more time playing around together than actually buying anything. It was almost as if we had the chance to court one another over and over with each new week. Once we were even asked to leave a grocery store because we were acting like teenagers in love … in the produce section. But as the years passed it became less fun. Arriving home was no big deal. Just another day. Now we hardly knew each other.

I finished getting ready for work in total silence, trying to quench the frustration I felt about my life. For some reason, I thought if I could just ignore the problem, maybe the hurt would go away. The fact remained. Somehow my life was beginning to unravel and I couldn’t figure out how to stop it. At this point I had even lost the will to care. I let my head drop back so that the water was striking my face directly, hoping it would wash away the despair and depression I was experiencing.

I arrived at work and headed up the elevator to my small office. I never really minded having such a small office space. Being on the road several days each week, there wasn’t much point in having a larger space. While our planning, scheduling, and final reports were done here, we often met at another building that provided us a large enough working space for the whole team.

‘Is the kid here yet? We need to get the training done before her nap time.’ I asked as I rounded the corner of the office suites. I expected Brenda, our team secretary, to be at her desk. But as I looked up from the handful of envelopes and letters I had been fumbling through, Sara was seated in Brenda’s chair.

‘Yeah, the kid is here!’ Sara shot back. She gave me an impish smile, knowing she had caught her new boss at a disadvantage.

‘Sorry, Sara. But you know how it is. You kids get younger to me every day.’ I tried to get myself out of it, but we both knew my first words of the day were a blunder.

‘Yes, she does know how it is. Probably just as well as you do.’ Brenda breezed by me from behind, giving me a mild slap on the back of the head as she passed. An older woman who had seen senior consultants like myself come and go … as often as I’ve seen interns come and go, Brenda was a rare find. Unlike some older secretaries, she had remained current with technology and seemed to enjoy the pace of change in our office. And Brenda always kept me on my toes.

Brenda handed Sara a cup of coffee and set another one on her regular coaster next to her keyboard. She picked up a pile of envelopes, littered with post-it notes and a file folder. Scanning the information she walked around the desk to stand in front of me.

‘You have an appointment for a conference call with Genesis group at 9:30 and a Leonard Phillips called about that photography workshop you wanted to attend this fall. You can reach him at these numbers.’ She pulled a post-it-note off her pad and stuck it on my chest before returning to her desk. Sara seemed to enjoy the banter we had developed over the many years we had worked together.

The next few days of training clearly proved me wrong about having an intern, even if I wasn’t ready to admit that to Dan. Sara was amazingly competent for her age. Of course I had to keep reminding myself that Sara was a bit older than the typical intern. She learned quickly, seemed to understand my preferences, and at times was even able to be thinking ahead in the process of our tasks.

By the time we were on our second audit trip, she was already doing some work on her own without distracting me from the tasks that I normally cover. If she did ask questions, it was to understand how the tasks of each employee fit into the big picture of our final consultation report. They were intelligent questions from someone who seemed like she wanted to learn all she could from this experience.

One of the benefits of my being a senior member of the division was the opportunity to choose my own team members and have first selection of projects to schedule at the beginning of each quarter. I had taken a few projects that would keep our team on the road longer but would be in more desirable cities. While Columbus Ohio isn’t my thought for a vacation in late May, it sure beats being stuck in Erie, PA for a week.

Now planning for our next trip away from home base, the project required just three team members. My regular ‘go to’ second person, was already tied up in Philadelphia for a month. So I sent Dan an email to notify him of my intent to take Sara in his place. Dan was rather shocked by the note, knowing I had fought against having an intern just a few weeks earlier. Usually with a three member team, you can’t afford to take an intern. If it was our normal four or five person group, an intern wouldn’t set us back. But even Dan was beginning to see that Sara was the

The third team member was Pete who had already worked with Sara on an earlier trip. Pete is a crusty old building and property inspector who had retired from working for the city of Pittsburgh. Still in great health, he became bored with retirement so he sub-contracted himself into these excursions to prepare facility reports for our consultation team. While most people found him to be a pain in the ass, he was perfect for our needs. Pete wasn’t afraid to tell you the truth even when you didn’t want to hear it. More than once I had seen him go toe to toe with facility management directors of hospitals and even small colleges, not even blinking. He knew his stuff and was not at all what you’d expect from a former ‘city-county worker’ (Pittsburgh speak for government type).

The initial work in Columbus went well. We rushed through tasks like clockwork. Sara once again proved why she was at the top of her class. She was capable, competent, and more than anything else I began to realize that ‘the kid’ was really fun to be around. Okay, I admit it. I was wrong about having an intern. She had a sharp, sarcastic wit that just fed off my sarcasm. She seemed to thrive on throwing a comeback, even more sarcastic than I could dish out.

Movie quotes were thrown back and forth to describe every situation. Our running puns weren’t really all that funny except for the fact that they ran for days. She had an uncanny ability to turn any situation into a jab about my age. Knowing that my hobby of choice was photography, Sara and I spent one week throwing photography puns at each other. By the third day Pete was tired of the game. ‘Let me pose a question….,’ ‘We’ll see what develops,’ ‘Framing an issue.’ ‘Shutter the thought,’ … and on and on….

We spent our days working in a cramped office space that had been left over from the full time employees of the hospital we working with this particular week. Even in the close quarters, we seemed to get along without the drama that can come from living in tight quarters.

Evenings that week were free to relax and hang around doing nothing. Pete often disappeared to his hotel room and crashed. He wasn’t much for chit chat and hanging out at the hotel bar. So as soon as dinner was over, he was gone. Sara tended to be a typical young adult, wanting to stay up late talking with friends online through chatrooms, watching tv, and surfing Facebook.

On our last night in Columbus, I took the team to a nicer restaurant to close out the trip. It’s somewhat traditional for us to scrimp and eat at cheap restaurants early in the week – saving our per diem travel budget for a great, last night on the town. Dinner conversation was enjoyable, even with Pete’s grumbles from time to time. We ended dinner fairly early and planned to go back to the hospital in the morning to wrap up our data. Hopefully we could make the three hour drive back to Pittsburgh and be home by dinner time tomorrow. As we arrived back at the hotel, Pete made is traditional exit leaving Sara and I in the lobby just wandering around.

For some reason, on this particular night, Sara just looked adorable. Thumbing through the visitor’s guides and brochures in a rack by the front door, I realized what a great look she had today. She was wearing one of her now signature outfits, a white, men’s, button down dress shirt and a black, short skirt that for some reason I had missed noticing all day. God, how could I have missed that. As she fumbled through the advertisements and brochures I found myself watching her from across the lobby. I had taken a good, long look at her before I realize I was vacantly gazing at her. The stance she had taken seemed to highlight her legs in a way I had never noticed. Damn, there’s a hot lady under the starched white shirt and geeky accountant glasses.

‘Let’s find a bar somewhere and get smashed’, Sara suddenly spit out bluntly. Wow, where did that come from? Both of us knew by now that neither one of us drank a whole lot.

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Sara the Suit

Sara saw her Dad leave the house from her bedroom window. She waited until he was in his car and driving away from the house before she went to his room. His birthday was coming up and she wasn't sure of his clothing size, so wanted to sneak into his room to find out. She didn't have much money from the little bit of babysitting she did on non-school nights, but it was enough to buy something nice for him. She wasn't sure if she had enough for a shirt and some shorts, so she wanted...

3 years ago
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My cuckolding by Sara part four

Sara and I had discussed her quitting her job as we certainly didn’t need the money. My salary is in the six-figure bracket and with the money that Pat pays us we live a very comfortable lifestyle, so Sara quit her job last week and is now the homemaker. We are in the third month of my new six-month sex ban and I am loving how things are going. I am naked from the moment that I leave my car when I get home until I dress outside the following morning to go to work. Sara asks me every week if I...

2 years ago
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Sara and Ms Davies

?Hey, Sara, get over here! Customer!? Sara sighed. It had been only recently that she had moved to San Franciscofrom her small-time town in California , but she had a feeling that she wouldnever really fit in. The different people, the atmosphere ? it was provingto be all a little bit too much for this country girl. She looked over at herboss in her big, blue eyes. Mark was a great guy, if not a tad pushy duringbusy times. She did, however, feel safe with him ? she knew for a fact he wasgay,...

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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Four

Sara walked into the large room of her English class, her very first one as a freshman, and chose a seat three rows up from the front. As she sat, she felt the leftover stimulation from the morning in the shower still in her pussy. She was sure that some of it fell to the lining of her thong. Somehow, it excited her. She knew that was a bad thing, as it would make her very uncomfortable. She wished that she would have had time to take a shower to get clean. However, Angie had been right;...

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Wendys POV Wendy Sara and Ann part 3

"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse."Doug has been holding back, teasing my pussy! Then he thrusts deeper into me, the feeling of his stiff shaft penetrating my very wet vagina is overwhelming and I cum and so does he. I feel his hot ejaculations into my pussy.Doug pushes my legs back towards my ears to fully expose my cunt to his attentions. I want max penetration this time. he thrusts deep, deep into me! I feel the tip of his cock brushing against my cervix, and it again is too much....

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Wendys POV Wendy Sara and Eve Part 4

I see Doug at our morning break."Can you give me Sara's phone number and when can I reach her at home today?""Sure, her shift starts at noon. She has Tuesday off.""Thanks I plan to call her."At noon Doug and I go to our secluded spot."Doug I had intended to have you suckle my breasts again but we need to talk. I called Sara and asked to see her Tuesday night at her place. I wanted to see her alone, but she asked if it would be OK it you were there. Is that OK with you.""Sure, I don't see why I...

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My Cuckolding by Sara Part Seven

Part Seven We are now six months into the denial lifestyle and things are fantastic. Our third bedroom is now my room at the weekends, Sara sleeps at Doug’s every Friday night, but sleeps with me from Monday through Thursday, albeit clothed, but we hug and sleep in each other’s arms. Sara sucks me off almost every day and swallows my cum and we couldn’t be closer. It seems that ever since I confessed to her that I get more pleasure and excitement from hearing about her sex with Doug and her...

3 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 12

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter XII The Third Week Sunday - Back home. Monday - Back to... normal? And the Epilog The wedding is over. I'd met a wonderful guy and even if I did like guys, which I don't, my heart belongs only to Sara. But I hurt him, which really upset me. Other than that, it was a...

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TXR92U2280 Call Name Sara

TXR-92U-2280 ? Call Name: Sara ? Part IIn a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and used for any purpose, including: hard labor, breeding, menial work and sexual servitude.This series of stories, which is not presented...

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### CB-4234 ###SWINGING SECRETARYby Marvin CoxFOREWORDThough the closed world of various institutions and orders is seemingly totally removed from day-to-day events as most people know them, such is not always the case.The same desires, physical sensations and everyday wants that effect us are also part of the makeup of some of today's established and respected institutions and professions. One has only to witness their increasing flight from cloister to hearth.SWINGING SECRETARY is the story...

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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Two

A week went by and in that time, Sara had become quite popular on the floor of her dorm. She was used to it though, as she had been on her high school cheer squad and the captain her senior year. She had made many new friends already, but the one she felt the closest with was Angie. Not because they had become fast friends, but because there was something more between them. Sara could feel it, and still, it scared her.Angie felt the closeness between her and Sara as well. She was almost certain...

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My cuckolding by Sara part five

Sara was anxious about Pat seeing her bruised and bite marked tits the following night when she slept with him and she wasn’t sure if he would like her shaved pussy either. She called him upstairs and they went into his bedroom where she explained to him about her kinky sex session with Doug. Pat came down to join me about an hour later and asked me if I knew about her kinky sex with Doug. I told him that she had told me about it when she came home earlier and he asked me if I had seen the...

4 years ago
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Wendy Sara and Eve part 4

Sara must be sore and tired after her first anal sex and first lesbian sex."Doug I know it's late and we're both tired, but can you come in and talk about tonight?""Sure Sara.""Will you fuck Wendy Monday night?""Yes, is that OK with you?""God yes, I wish I could be there , Wendy is soooo sexy, but I have to work till 9.""Maybe you could join us after work.""I don't know besides I think I may need a night to recover from all the sex tonight!""You WERE the center of Wendy and my attentions...

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My Cuckolding By Sara Part Three

The following morning I made coffee and worked myself off before I took their coffee to them. Sara was sitting up in bed with the sheet pulled over her tits and she was on the phone to Nicky. “Of course that’s okay,” Sara said, “use him for as long as you need him.” I put their coffee on the nightstand as Sara finished her call. “After you have washed her car,” Sara smiled, “Nicky has a few jobs around the house that she would like your help with, baby.” I kissed Sara good morning and said, “In...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 7

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter VII The First Week Friday - The Navy Yard and much more. Saturday and Sunday - Relaxing What a week. I guess I'm really getting into being Becka. I've dressed as a girl every day. I've had a complete body waxing. I didn't have that much body hair to start with, but feeling my hairless body when I take a shower...

4 years ago
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Sara Meets the New Dog

The sun glittered in the icy exhaust of idling cars lining the curb. Boxes and suitcases leaned to one side or the other under the weight of their owner’s elbows as they awaited their parent’s arrival. It was holiday. Students were finally finished with their classes for the semester, finals just behind them. A chill wind whipped at Sara’s freckled nose, her brown hair tickled her cheeks. It had been a long three months of studying physics, though since her first year ended last Spring the...

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Sara and the New Family Dog

The sun glittered in the icy exhaust of idling cars lining the curb. Boxes and suitcases leaned to one side or the other under the weight of their owner’s elbows as they awaited their parent’s arrival. It was holiday. Students were finally finished with their classes for the semester, finals just behind them. A chill wind whipped at Sara’s freckled nose, her brown hair tickled her cheeks. It had been a long three months of studying physics, though since her first year ended last Spring the...

4 years ago
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House Sitting Sara and the Golden

Sara was in the second week of her 'house sitting'. Nichole asked Sara to look after the house while she was away on a business trip. When the taxi arrived, they hugged and as Nichole left the house she thought to herself, 'Sara honey, you are really going to enjoy the surprise that I have arranged for you. If only I could be there when it arrives.' Sara was having lunch when the door bell rang. She opened the door was greeted by man wearing a uniform with the label, 'Custom...

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Melissa and Sara loose their anal virginity0

Sara had just turned 20 and was new to my wife's office. She had moved to the area for the job and had only been here for about 5 or 6 months when this encounter occurred. Sara was of Vietnamese decent and she is petite with very large breasts. Sara's hair was black shoulder length and her legs seemed to go on forever. Her personality was very bubbly and she had a terrific smile and was always happy. She is a person that you would want your son to marry. Melissa and I set our plan in...

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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Three

“Maker her cum! I want to see her cum!” Sara and Angie both heard and opened their eyes to see five other girls standing, watching them sexually interact with each other. However, Angie did not stop sucking Sara’s clit. She kept on sucking and flicking and Sara kept on moaning. The first thing that went through Sara’s mind was that being caught was, indeed, invigorating. Obviously Angie felt the same way also as when she noticed they were being watched, she sucked and flicked her clit even...

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Saras City of Secrets 1 Foothold

Authored by pobox731 Inspired by an xHamster member.Previous: "Sara's Beach 'bate"Sara has a voyeuristic encounter on the beach with two unknown girls"Sara's City of Secrets 1: Foothold"Sara is an olive-skinned raven-haired beauty of Mediterranean descent. She's recently graduated from high school and is sorting through all the normal urges, desires and hormonal-induced appetites of the age. With her mother's sultry eyes and her father's other classic features, her trim athletic build and...

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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Three

“Maker her cum! I want to see her cum!” Sara and Angie both heard and opened their eyes to see five other girls standing, watching them sexually interact with each other. However, Angie did not stop sucking Sara’s clit. She kept on sucking and flicking and Sara kept on moaning. The first thing that went through Sara’s mind was that being caught was, indeed, invigorating. Obviously Angie felt the same way also as when she noticed they were being watched, she sucked and flicked her clit even...

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Cherins surprise with Mom and Aunt Sara

Cherin had a long day at work, but it was a lot of fun, too.  You see, Cherin is a checkout girl at Dominick’s grocery store and eases the boredom of her job by showing off her body to the men and women who line up to pay her for their groceries.  Dominick’s dress code requires that she wear black dress pants, a white shirt, and the green apron with the Dominick’s logo on it. There is nothing in the dress code that says how TIGHT the pants can be, though, and Cherin takes full advantage of...

5 years ago
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Kerries Journey Chapter 8 Timmy And I Enjoy Sara And Sara Enjoys Us

If you have read my earlier stories you will know that Timmy, my seventeen-year-old step-nephew, and I have been having an affair. I was concerned that, by having such a regular affair with me, he wouldn’t develop relationships with his peers. Thus one afternoon, as we lay on the bed, recovering from our usual very satisfying fuck, I asked him whether he was having sex with any girls his age. He told me that his girlfriend, Sara, let him feel her breasts and pussy but wouldn’t let him fuck her....

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Sara The Bad Babysitter pt 1 loyalsock

Mr. and Mrs. Crudele were going to have a much needed night out. Since the arrival of their little bundle of joy four months earlier they hadn't had a night out together. In fact they rarely had a few consecutive hours sleep in a row. But that night they had plans for a quick supper followed by an evening at their favorite club.Mr. Crudele had obtained the number of a young woman from one of his subordinates who swore that she was reliable and came highly recommended. He'd called and she was...

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Saras Friend

As the taxi pulled up out the front of our house, I kissed Thuy good bye,“Bye sweet heart, I’ll back on Friday night.” It was a Wednesday afternoon, so I would be away just two nights.“OK, honey.” Thuy kissed me back “Behave yourself – no naughtiness with those Hanoi girls.” she smiled “Don’t forget - I know what they’re like – I know what tricks they get up to.” Thuy had a look of mock consternation,“Stop it.” I smiled back “you know I only fuck other girls if you’re with me.”“Good, that’s OK,...

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Exerps from The Unleashing of Sara Miller

Sara’s friend Jessica fixed her up with a few guys. She would go out but nothing came of it until one day she met David Miller. David was an older man. With Sara being only eighteen and David thirty, it seemed impossible but their chance meeting in the bistro that night was a blessing in disguise. David was bowled over at the sight of Sara. She was beautiful almost perfect. There was nothing about this girl David didn’t love. He invited her to sit and they talked for three hours...

3 years ago
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Sara Cuckolds Me

It all started on xHamster. Sara and I would watch interracial cuckold video together as I fucked her with her large black dildo. I would whisper how beautiful she was and how hot it would be to see her being fucked by a big black cock. "So you like big black cocks now? Tell me Sara, do they fuck you better than my little white dick? Are you going to make me watch as they fuck you?" Sara always loved the feel of her black dildo and she would thrust her pelvis upward trying to receive more of...

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Sara The Bad Babysitter pt 2 loyalsock

She buried her head in her hands on the table as her body shook from orgasm. Mr. Crudele motioned for his wife to stop her blowjob and when she did he seized Sara by the waist and lifted her with one hand and deposited Sara onto the sofa on her back."Lick her cunt," he told his wife as he unbuttoned then removed his shirt. Mrs. Crudele wasted little time in kneeling on the couch between Sara's parted thighs. She used her hands to push Sara's legs further apart and bent her head down and started...

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The Kinky Adventures of bounty and Sara Part 4

“I thought since your kids are gone camping we go back to my house, and we swing by and pick up that girl from the restaurant.” Sara looked at Bounty and reached over to grab a tit.” “Ok sounds like an idea lets go in so I can grab some clothes, not that I won't need much.” Bounty got out and headed for the front door. As she got to the door, she turned and lifted her shirt, flashing her tits at Sara. Sara yelled out the passenger window. “Slut hurry the...

5 years ago
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Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 3

Sara looked at me earnestly. "What'd she say?"I look down at my feet. "She has photos." I say miserably.The dear c***d-woman's frightened look shows her concern. "What photos, of who? What’s wrong?""Of you baby, She made photo’s while you lay handcuffed on the bed."Coward that I am I gave only a half-truth thinking that if she heard the whole story, I would lose her. I decided to put off giving her the details. I could wait; right? Maybe it would be easier if we talked some more. I am such a...

2 years ago
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Tickling Sara

I am an older gentleman who has been a widower for a few years. Since my wife passed away, I have been very lonely. I have enough money to live comfortably and some. I have been doing investment for some time and build up quite enough of a nest egg that I do not have to worry about my expenses, as well no longer have to invest the money. I live off of my interest from the savings and bonds. I decided to have some company by allowing neighborhood children to stop in, get snacks and...

1 year ago
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Me and Sara II

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a month after the that I had sex with my sister Sara. School had started, and to the outside observer, not much appeared to have changed between us. We still switched off between ignoring each other and pretending to hate each other. The only difference, I suppose, was that Sara flirted with me near-constantly. It didn’t matter if we were in class, or with my friends or hers, or even sometimes with the family. She would pull her shorts down a...


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