My 4sum with my Mom Grandmom and Aunt
- 4 years ago
- 43
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Cherin had a long day at work, but it was a lot of fun, too. You see, Cherin is a checkout girl at Dominick’s grocery store and eases the boredom of her job by showing off her body to the men and women who line up to pay her for their groceries. Dominick’s dress code requires that she wear black dress pants, a white shirt, and the green apron with the Dominick’s logo on it. There is nothing in the dress code that says how TIGHT the pants can be, though, and Cherin takes full advantage of this. It is her intention to wear the tightest black dress pants that she can fit into.
Cherin’s body helps with her teasing efforts, as well. She has a very tiny waist, and big full hips, and her best feature of all is her round, full bottom. She purposely keeps a small supply of paper bags at her register, so that when she runs out, she can lean way over to the register next to hers to get more bags, showing her full, round bottom to the unsuspecting customer she is helping. She thinks about how sneaky she is, changing from the baggy black pants that her mother bought for her to wear to work in the bathroom before checking in to work, and then changing back into them before her mother comes to pick her up. She doesn’t worry about her mother catching her, as her mom always shops at a different grocery store that is closer to their house. Cherin has long dark hair, a rather pretty face... definitely not model material, but cute enough to get guys to look at her. Once she’s got their attention, she can always figure a way toshow them her tiny waist and full, round bottom. She thinks it’s funny how some of the older men stare at her ass. Often times, she’ll find an excuse to arch her back while bending over and reaching for something.... she knows this makes the men think about taking her from behind.
Sometimes she plays with herself at home while thinking about what these men must be thinking. Last night, in fact, she was working on herself with the handle of a hairbrush when her mother opened the door to her room, surprising her. Her mom didn’t say anything, and Cherin was able to convince herself that her mom didn’t really see anything or know what she was doing. Cherin’s mom, Jane, is a rather shy, quiet woman. Cherin knows that even if her mom did catch her doing something like that, she wouldn’t confront her. Cherin paused to think about her mother for a minute and thought about how different she was from her sister, Cherin’s Aunt Sara. Aunt Sara was such a cold, harsh woman. Cherin remembers as a little girl feeling intimidated and afraid of her aunt. On more than one occasion, Cherin could swear that she noticed her aunt looking at Cherin’s bottom. It wouldn’t surprise anyone if she were, as Cherin was truly blessed with a body, from the waist down anyway, that men (and some women) just wanted to play with and use. With her tiny waist and full, round bottom, Cherin had the type of body that people just noticed, and the next step after noticing was to get nasty ideas of what to do with such a body. Aunt Sara really intimidated and scared Cherin, though. She often times thought that Aunt Sara would love to do things to her body, also. Sara never actually DID anything, but Cherin always got the impression that she was not a very nice lady. Aunt Sara lived alone and never had any children, which isn’t all that unusual, but the few times that Cherin and her mother visited Aunt Sara, there always seemed to be strange women leaving the house as they pulled up. Besides that, there was a door to Aunt Sara’s basement that was always locked, which always made Cherin wonder what was down there.
When she was a little girl and asked her mother about this locked basement door, her mother seemed to get very nervous and avoided the question altogether. Cherin didn’t push her for an answer, sensing that her mother didn’t really want to talk about it. A few days after the ?hairbrush incident,? Cherin was at work, just about to go change into her looser, ?after work? pants to wait for her mom to pick her up. She was in the middle of bending over to tease one of her last customers of the day, when she looked up and was shocked. She looked directly into the eyes of her aunt, who had a truly sinister smile on her face as Cherin was bent over. Since this was probably Cherin’s last tease of the day, and the customer was a nice-looking young man who was shopping with his wife, Cherin had been doing her best to arch her back, thrusting her round bottom out fully, with a deep swell in her back. She was on a mission to get this guy’s dick raging hard and maybe cause some problem for him with his wife.
She was almost paralyzed for a moment as she looked in her Aunt Sara’s eyes. Her aunt had a knowing look on her face, as if she knew what went through her niece’s young mind each day. She never diverted her eyes from Cherin’s and said, ?Your mother sent me here to pick you up from work today.?
Cherin was too nervous to ask why her mom hadn’t come herself and just nodded her head timidly, saying ?okay.? She tried to go to the break room after signing off her cash register, foolishly hoping that her aunt didn’t notice the tight pants she was wearing. But, as soon as she began to step away from the register, Aunt Sara said, ?Come on, Cherin... We’re in a hurry...? and all but pushed her out to the car, letting Cherin walk in front of her. This made Cherin very nervous; walking in front of Aunt Sara, all the while knowing where her Aunt’s eyes were. It made her bottom feel so big and full—like it was sticking out, asking for some kind of trouble. She briefly tried to dismiss the idea that her aunt had noticed her clothing, but her hopes came crashing down as she leaned forward to get into the back seat of Aunt Sara’s car... Her aunt said, ?Those are awfully tight pants you are wearing, Cherin... not the kind of look that one would expect from a nice, young lady.? Aunt Sara left it at that, without explaining exactly what she meant by that comment.
At first Cherin was feeling rather defiant with her Aunt... who was SHE to decide whatkind of clothes were appropriate? As they drove, Cherin seemed to feel more and more confident about standing up for herself. She felt this way until they Aunt Sara turned the car in a direction that was not toward Cherin’s house. Cherin was almost afraid to ask, but she did anyway...?Where are we going, Aunt Sara?? she said in the most innocent, little-girl voice that she could muster.
?We’re going to my house, Cherin... your mother is waiting for us. Your mother has noticed some rather disturbing behavior from you, and she asked me to help her find a solution for this problematic behavior. My house is equipped to deal with situations just like this.?
Once again, Aunt Sara had Cherin’s imagination running wild, with thoughts reeling of the possibilities. And, now, more than ever, Cherin was REALLY afraid of her aunt. She almost felt as if this were a dream—not really happening to her. She couldn’t believe this was happening, and she didn’t even know what ?this? was yet! They continued to drive in silence toward Aunt Sara’s house which was kind of ?out in the country.? Cherin kept quiet, and it seemed Aunt Sara didn’t want to say anything more just yet, either.
They pulled into Aunt Sara’s long gravel driveway, which wound around behind the house, which was surrounded by lots of open land. The property was probably used as farmland in the past. Cherin always wondered why Aunt Sara lived in such a remote location. Even though it was only about 20 miles from Cherin’s house in the suburbs, it was truly remote. Sara shut the car off and came around to open the back car door for Cherin (it had one of those child safety locks that only allowed the door to be opened from the outside—almost like a police car).
In Cherin’s mind it took forever for Aunt Sara to walk around the car and get to the door. When Aunt Sara opened the door, Cherin felt as if she was paralyzed. Sara had little patience with Cherin now, in her tight black pants with her round, shapely ass on display. She took Cherin’s wrist and helped her up out of the car. Cherin had thoughts of pulling away and running... it seemed silly when she thought about it, but something told her that this might not be her worst option. She couldn’t explain the strange fear that she had, but her aunt’s words, although few, made Cherin think about what she might have meant.
As Cherin and her aunt came up to the house door, Cherin’s mother, Jane, was holding itopen for them to come in. This was a relief to Cherin. After all, her mom was such a pushover. How much trouble could Cherin actually be in? They walked in the door, and Cherin noticed her mother and Aunt Sara exchange knowing looks, followed by big smiles. This was strange... she’d never seen her mother interact this closely with her sister. They walked down the hall a bit, and Cherin noticed something for the first time ever at Aunt Sara’s house. The ?locked door? to the basement was open! Cherin felt nervous but very curious about this, for she had wondered what was down there for as long as she could remember. Cherin’s mother and aunt each took one of her wrists and began walking her down the basement stairs. Cherin wondered why they did this, but fear and curiosity prevented her from asking any questions.
Almost knowing that Cherin was getting overly nervous and might ruin their plans by breaking free and running, Jane calmed her by saying, ?It’s kind of dark down here, and we don’t want you to fall down the stairs... come on, honey.? As they were almost to the bottom of the long, spiral staircase, Cherin heard the door close automatically behind them. Her senses were ultra sensitive, and she felt the hands on her wrists holding her tightly now. Once again, she noticed her mother and Aunt Sara look at each other and smile.
When they got to the bottom of the stairs, the young brunette could see some of the things in the room. Most of it looked like some type of old furniture. It was pretty dark, and some of the objects were difficult to make out. Aunt Sara and Cherin’s mother guided her to what looked like some type of bench—almost like something you might find in a Catholic church to pray on. There was a place for her knees, a middle section that might be for her stomach, and a place for her forearms or elbows... she couldn’t tell which. All of the platforms were padded with thick black leather, and the construction of the bench was very sturdy which made it appear rather old as well.
Cherin wasn’t sure what was happening but seemed unable to say or do anything. She just let her mother and aunt guide her onto the bench. First, she knelt on the padded leather, at which point Aunt Sara seemed to disappear behind her, as her mother distracted her by talking in soft, soothing tones to relax Cherin. She hadn’t had time to wonder what her Aunt was doing, when all of a sudden, she felt Aunt Sara doing something down by her ankles.
Before she knew what had happened, she felt the tight constriction of something around her ankles and realized that her legs had been secured to this old bench. Cherin was tired of wondering what would happen next and tried desperately to struggle with her mother, who was holding one of her wrists in each hand. She had managed to get one hand free, when she felt Aunt Sara’s strong hands grab her free arm, which allowed her mother to grab the other arm with both hands. Cherin was a strong, youthful girl, but she was no match for her mother and aunt, especially with her legs bound as they were. After a few short minutes of struggling, Aunt Sara and Cherin’s mother had managed to secure both of her arms to the padded rests on the front of the bench.
At this point, Jane and Sara took a rest. Cherin’s struggle to get free had caused them to work a bit. Aunt Sara walked a few feet to a table and grabbed what looked to be a thick leather belt. Cherin wondered what this was for. Aunt Sara quickly answered her question without saying a word, as she proceeded to wrap the belt around Cherin’s tiny waist, attaching it somehow to the bench that Cherin was on. She tightened it down quite tightly as Cherin’s mother used her foot to push down on Cherin’s back. This by itself caused Cherin’s round bottom, which was still tightly clad in the black dress pants, to be pushed up and back. After the belt was tightened, Jane and Aunt Sara, each working on a side of the bench, turned a wheel that made another padded rail, which Cherin hadn’t noticed earlier, push up slowly under Cherin’s hips, causing her bottom to push up much further still. Cherin couldn’t have arched her back like this on her own, had she tried.
Next, Aunt Sara and Jane moved an adjustable shelf, thickly padded with leather as the rest of the bench was, in front of Cherin, under her head. The shelf had a small, rather deep pocket or indent in it. They moved a lever, lifted the shelf under her chin, and lifted it up, forcing her head up. Cherin’s chin fit tightly into the shelf, preventing her from moving it much side-to-side. Aunt Sara finished by wrapping a leather strap around Cherin’s head and secured it beneath this new shelf, which completely prevented her from not only moving her head, but also from speaking, as her mouth was forced shut. Her position was completely obscene.
When they had finished, Aunt Sara and Jane looked at each other, almost in awe, and Aunt Sara cried, ?Oh, my goodness!? Both Sara and Jane laughed out loud. ?Would you look at THIS!? said Aunt Sara, as she ran her hand down Cherin’s back, and over the pushed up-and-out roundness of Cherin’s bottom.
Jane giggled as her sister fondled her daughter’s round ass. ?My goodness, it’s round!? said Aunt Sara. ?And FULL!? Cherin’s mother chimed in. Just then, both women walked in front of Cherin and looked into her eyes, and Aunt Sara said, ?We’ve got all SORTS of plans for you, Cherin.? Both women laughed out loud again.
Cherin was terrified! Her mother walked behind Cherin and began to rub the bulge of Cherin’s tight pussy through the strained black material of her dress pants. This was the strangest feeling that Cherin had ever felt. As her mother was rubbing her slowly and very skillfully, Aunt Sara walked across the room and came back with a box. She turned on some lights in the room and opened the box in front of Cherin. She began removing objects from the box. She pulled out a candle, a small cucumber, a wooden handled hairbrush, and several other objects that Cherin couldn’t quite make out.
As she continued to remove objects from the box, she turned to look at Cherin, and with a wicked smile said, ?Cherin, do you recognize any of these objects?? Of course, Cherin couldn’t respond, nor would she have if she could. Both women giggled.
As Cherin’s mother continued to slowly rub Cherin’s pussy, she said to Cherin, ?Surely, you recognize those things, sweetheart... they’re all the things that I’ve caught you masturbating with over the last couple of years.? After pausing for a second to let this sink in and see Cherin’s reaction, both women broke out into a long, sick laughter.
Cherin couldn’t believe what she was hearing! And, to hear her mother, who was so calm, quiet, and shy, laugh in such an evil tone. Just then, Aunt Sara handed the wooden handled hairbrush to Jane, and Jane took the handle of the brush and began pushing it against Cherin’s young, upturned bulge of her pussy.
?Remember THIS feeling, Cherin?? she said while smiling at her sister. ?Remember when I opened your door and caught you pushing this into your greedy little pussy??
Cherin was so embarrassed that she wouldn’t have spoken even if she could have. All she did was moan, partly from being so embarrassed and partly because her mother really knew how to use that hairbrush handle on her. And, despite the situation she was in, Cherin’s body began to betray her. She felt her pussy getting wet from all this attention, however sick it was.
Jane noticed, too. ?Sara, this little pussy seems to be having a problem over here...maybeyou better come and take a look.? Aunt Sara walked behind Cherin to join her mother. Cherin felt what must be her aunt’s fingers now working their way between her lips, pushing the black fabric of her work pants deeply into the groove of her pussy. ?I told you she was a naughty girl, Jane. This session isn’t a day too soon for her.?
Cherin detected a harsher tone in her aunt’s voice now, like she was getting serious about the task at hand. Aunt Sara sure knew how to make a girl’s pussy respond to her touch. Cherin knew that this wasn’t the first time her aunt had manipulated a pussy like this.
?Does it feel good the way Aunt Sara is touching you?? Jane asked in a teasing tone of voice. This prompted another moan from Cherin, who was really starting to feel the effects of all this rubbing now. Both women continued with the slow, methodical rubbing and comments for several minutes, watching gleefully as the black material wedged itself deeper into her young pussy—thus, tightening the fabric further across her gorgeous derriere. Although the rubbing felt great, Cherin sensed that both women knew just how to rub her without allowing her to reach orgasm.
Moments after Cherin came to this realization, Aunt Sara proclaimed in a serious, manipulative tone of voice: ?I think she wants to cum, Jane.?
?Well, she’s just going to have to wait a while for THAT,? exclaimed her mother, at which point both women laughed again, and Aunt Sara stopped rubbing Cherin’s wet pussy.
Sara walked across the room again, picked something up from one of the tables, and brought it back to Cherin. She stepped behind Cherin now and began to do something with Cherin’s black pants, but Cherin wasn’t sure what she was doing, exactly.
?Let’s just see what’s in here,? said Sara, as she began to take the object and carefully cut the bottom out of Cherin’s black pants. A lacy, red thong was revealed underneath the strained fabric of her pants, but one simple slice in the right place made it a useless, dangling strip between Cherin’s thighs. This left her bottom and pussy horribly exposed and thrust out into the air. Aunt Sara’s way of cutting removed just the back of the pants, leaving her bottom jutting out and her legs still encased in the tight, black fabric of the pants. In fact, the remainder of Cherin’s form-fitting pants now worked against her desires, helping squeeze her cheeks further out through their new opening.
After removing the cut-out fabric from Cherin’s bottom, Aunt Sara remarked, ?Oh look, she shaves that little, tight pussy of hers, too, Jane! That will save us some time.?
?She’s been doing that for a while now, Sara.... I’ve been keeping track of her. She had no idea that I had those cameras installed in her bedroom and in the bathroom.?
This revelation really concerned Cherin, as she tried to think quickly about all the naughty things that she’d done in either of those rooms. ?Oh, God,? she thought, ?so many naughty things that my mother knows about!?
We’ll play some of the tapes for her later tonight,? Jane revealed. Cherin was mortified at this comment. ?She has TAPES!? Cherin thought to herself. Another moan of defeat came from Cherin.
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about by Aunt Brandy every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 C breasts and nicest, long legs and a big hard rounded ass. She probably knows how my friends and I lust for her, since she seems to get extra exuberant and sexy when she is around us. Aunt Brandy really puts out a show when we are at the pool or...
IncestMom and Aunt MegMom and I were at her sister’s house; we were visiting to attend her daughters wedding. My cousin Lora was a whiny girl but had an exceptional body so I was not too surprised she had caught a good guy with a rich family.I had successfully avoided all the get togethers until the wedding reception but that one had good food and a good DJ so I was fine there. I did have to dance with every female in the family but I did not mind that too much.I was twenty-two years old and had just...
Mom and Aunt MegMom and I were at her sister’s house; we were visiting to attend her daughters wedding. My cousin Lora was a whiny girl but had an exceptional body so I was not too surprised she had caught a good guy with a rich family.I had successfully avoided all the get togethers until the wedding reception but that one had good food and a good DJ so I was fine there. I did have to dance with every female in the family but I did not mind that too much.I was twenty-two years old and had just...
Mom and Aunt MegMom and I were at her sister’s house; we were visiting to attend her daughters wedding. My cousin Lora was a whiny girl but had an exceptional body so I was not too surprised she had caught a good guy with a rich family.I had successfully avoided all the get togethers until the wedding reception but that one had good food and a good DJ so I was fine there. I did have to dance with every female in the family but I did not mind that too much.I was twenty-two years old and had just...
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After my cousin Mitzie came I rolled over and moved up the bed to lie beside her. Mitzie turned onto her side toward me and Put her arms around me. I pulled her close and just held her there for a long time. We must have dozed off because I woke up to find us alone on the bed. When I opened my eyes Mitzie was looking into my eyes and smiling. She leaned closer and kissed me on the lips. "I love you Johnny and have always wanted to do that. You made me feel so good..I didn't tell mom earlier but...
My name is Nawaz,my mother’s name is Farhath, my aunt’s name is Munni and my cousin brother’s name is Salman… This is the incident when I was very much addicted to incest stories.. I was a teen when I started seducing my mother and got to fuck my mother and aunt at the age of 19 . This incident happened when I was 19 my mother was 45 my aunt was 40 my brother was 22 .My mother is very hot and sexy she has a perfect figure to die for her breasts are 40 dd and a good ass of 38 . My aunt too...
IncestOnce I got out of high school, my dad and mom divorced. She told me that they had decided to split five years ago, but waited until I was 18 before actually splitting. Although they had planned it for some time it took a number of months for my mom to adjust to being alone. I was not aware of her dating or going out while I was in college and she seemed to be doing fine with her new freedom. I thought at first she would be going out a lot since she is so vivacious and outgoing and very good...
t this point my aunt got up and left my room, it must have been about 2 am. I did not here any more sounds and so slipped off to never never land. When my aunt got back to my mom's room, she immediately informed my mom that I had said the I would love to fuck her. They discussed this for quite some time, my mom on one hand excited about the idea, but very reticent about fucking her son. My aunt kept insisting that she go into my room and just do it. My aunt said to my mom, "Jackie, you will...
Hello friends. I am back with another story. As I said in the previous story I see these stories as an escape route from my desire for an incestual relationship. This story is just fiction which is being narrated by the son Ganesh. I am 20 years old. This story happened when I was 11. My mother was 36 years old then. She is a tall woman with a slightly bulky body and average looks. Her name is Mini. She is a loyal wife and a conservative lady. Her figure is 36-32-34. she always wears saree and...
Incest"Take off your pants," ordered my mother. "Do it. Do it now."Again, obediently obeying her, I lifted my leg to remove my pants, first one pant leg and then the other pant leg. Instead of being sexually excited, even though obviously, I was sexually excited by my colossal erection, I was embarrassed. I stood in front of my MILF of a mother and my MILF of an aunt in my underwear with a throbbing erection. Now, they both knew that I sexually wanted them. Now, they both knew that I was as much of a...
Hi this is Halim I m a very innocent young boy, my age is 28 and this is my story about when I was 24 till than I ‘ve not masturbated or didn’t know anything about sex, I would have my cock hard as stone, everywhere, at many times, let me come 2 story, my family was going for a tour and someone needs to see the house so I was left out, and not alone but with a close family friend of my family a Hindu aunty who name is Revathi She is 38 years old busty women, short, black haired, her husband too...
IncestAbout six months after my parents divorced, my mom and I had moved in to a small apartment. Shortly after my aunt Paula moved in, to help mom with me. At the age of ten I was a bit gullible and it was only recently I discovered Aunt Paula is not really my aunt.I had always presumed moms and Aunt’s normally shared a room, and I never had a reason to question our living accommodation. A couple of weeks ago, I had the most amazing experience, mom and Aunt Paula, had come home and caught me in...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Aunt Karen and Her Niece Andy By Kresha Matay When I was ten, I became fascinated by women and their clothes. I still don't know what caused my fascination. I do know that my interest increased with each passing day. Maybe it was puberty, or an imbalance of hormones or as I've recently come to believe, I was a person born genetically different. All I'm really sure of is...I'm glad it happened. The initial stages of my quest for feminine knowledge took the form of comparing...
Aunt Karen and Her Niece AndyMy name was Andy now it's Amy. This is my story.When I was twelve, I became fascinated by women and their clothes. I still don't know what caused my fascination. I do know that my interest increased with each passing day. Maybe it was puberty, or an imbalance of hormones or as I've recently come to believe, I was a person born genetically different. All I'm really sure of is ... I'm glad it happened.The initial stages of my quest for feminine knowledge took...
I Help My Aunt, Who Helped MomMy mom and I have lived alone since I was nine years old when my dad just up and left us and never returned, or even calls to talk to me, or even see how I’m getting along, or invites me to stay with him, where ever he maybe in this world.My mom never dates any one, she doesn’t go out drinking or partying any more, since dad up and left us, and she could have any man that she wanted, unless it is because my mom has a k** to raise and they don’t want any k** to get...
My name is Nitin. I live in a small house in Pune with my widowed mother and her cousin sister. This happened around 11 years back when i was 17. My mom was around 40. Mom's cousin sister lived with us to help us with the household chores. Her husband had left her after 10 years of marriage for another young girl. My mother's name was Radha and my aunt's name was Shalini. My mom was 40 yrs old. She is slightly on the fatter side still had a smooth sexy body. Her breasts were huge, must be...
My name is Rajesh. I live in a small house in Bombay with my widowed mother and her cousin sister. This happened around two years back when I was 17. My mom was around 40. Mom’s cousin sister lived with us to help us with the household chores. Her husband had left her after 10 years of marriage for another young girl. My mother’s name was Radha and my aunt’s name was Shalini. My mom was 40 yrs old. She is slightly on the fatter side still had a smooth sexy body. Her breasts were huge, must be...
IncestA few nights have passed since or pool fiasco. Me and my aunt Evelina we're laying in her bed kissing . We are as naked as the day we were born but I felt in my gut that something was going to happen. I got up and had just put on my boxers when my mom knocked and came in. She wasn't supposed to pick me up till tomorrow so it was a good thing I put my boxers back on. She started to shout but I told her it wasn't what it looked like so she told me to start explaining. " I was hearing some...
was sitting at home relaxing doing nothing this past sat night, which is a first for me. now i had sex with my aunt a few weeks ago but have not really heard from her since. i get a shower when i go back to my room i have a message on my phone from her. she said she needed to talk to me come over as soon as i can. now im like oh shit did my uncle find out? or my mother?my stomach was turning. i get into my car and ride over as fast as i can. heart beating fast scared as shit as what i could...
She couldn't say a word, she simply blushed as I started to move, running my still hard member up and down a little inside of her while she sat on me. I rolled her over onto her back and started to slowly slide all the way out of her, and then ease all the way back inside. Mom got up from her chair and came over to sit on the end of the bed, getting an up-close view of her son's hardness penetrating her sister's kitten. She quietly encouraged us, saying that it looked amazing, and how...
I was out on a date on Friday night, with my Aunt Carol. We'd been going out for awhile. We'd gone out to a movie that night andwe'd come back to my house for awhile. We were sitting out on the front porch, on the swing, justrocking back and forth and talking. Aunt Carol seemed to be in a pretty good mood for a change, all the Gin we'd took into themovies probably had a little to do with it. As we sat there, I put my arm around her, and I was slowly moving my hand down her...
Hi friends, I have read many stories in this site. Now am here to tell a real time story that happened in my life. It was most wonderful moment. I am Sanjay from Chennai age 20, and to be frank I have really fucked my own mom, aunt and my cousin. And now they have got my child. My mom is 41 years old her name is sita, superb plum structure even at this age. Any boy would love to have her in bed. She has 36 24 38 structure. And next my aunt my mom’s sis she is 38 they both look like so no need...
IncestRavi woke up the next morning around 10:30 am, on top of his naked aunt. Raji was in deep sleep and started to mutter “Put it in” as Ravi got out of bed to go to the bathroom. The naked nephew smiled as he took his phone on his way to the toilet. There were ten missed calls from his grandpa and mom. Ravi called his grandpa from the toilet as he started to take a dump. Grandpa: Where the hell are you? Why aren’t you answering your phone? Ravi: Sorry, I was playing video games all night and...
IncestIt had only been a couple of months since my aunt Tina had moved in, for her gratitude she invited me and mom away for the weekend, we decided on a cottage by a Lake about 4 hour drive away, I knew from the minute of getting in the car what sort of weekend this was. from my previous stories you'll know I duck my mom cathy and aunt Tina. My mom cathy was going to drive down there, I hopped in the back wearing only shorts and vest, mom had a white top and these tight denim hot pants on which...
When I was sixteen my mom and dad divorced. I could not understand why. My mom was drop dead gorgeous with a body to die for, yet my dad consistently cheated on her. He even fucked my mom’s sister, Aunt Patty.Mom and Patty were very close and mom was broken hearted when she found out dad had fucked Patty. It took a while, but they reconciled and were now as close as ever. I don’t believe Uncle Ray ever knew my dad had fucked his wife.It must be the genes, because I secretly lusted after my...
IncestMom piled onto my scheduling issues when she told me that Aunt Pam was going to be on a road trip, and she wanted to stop by for a night or two. I asked when, and Mom said that she would be here tomorrow around lunch if it was okay. I said I didn't have a whole lot of options, it isn't like I can say no! I asked if Uncle Nick was going to be coming as well, and Mom just gave me a look like I should know better. Uncle Nick never traveled if he could avoid it. Mom loved to point out how...
This is a true story, which happened 2 years ago , it involves myself, my mom and my aunt.First a little about me, I'm 24 so was 22 at the time,I have brown hair, brown eyes, I'm 6ft 2" very well built, with a shredded 6 back,a straight 9 incher , my mom cathy is 39, she had me at 17, I'd say she stood about 5ft7 , has shoulder length blonde hair, she's very slim size 8 with an amazing naturally firm FF boobs, my aunt Tina is 43, she started staying with us 3 years ago when her marriage...
This is my first story, tell me what you think. It had been a long shift at Palm City Medical Estates and all Sara wanted to do was go home to her favorite deck chair and enjoy a few cocktails by the pool. Sadly she knew that would not be possible. Six weeks earlier she had taken in her older sister’s 17 year old daughter, Mandy, and Mandy was a handful! Sara always had trouble telling people no but as a favor to her niece she agreed, after all it was only for the summer. She figured she’d get...
IncestHi people this is Anirban from Bangalore, now I am going to narrate a real incest story which happened with me when I was, a 25 yr old guy, where in I lost my virginity to my mom and aunt , I stay with my family of aunt, mom, bro and bhabi. Bro works in a marketing company and bhabhi is a consultant, as usual they were busy with their profession they used to leave at 9 am and get back at 8 pm, I had a lust for my mom and aunt since when I was in my pre university, it happened like few times I...
IncestMy mom had died a few months earlier. I was 17, so I wasn't a k** anymore, but I wasn't so old that I could take it in stride. Or maybe you're never old enough to take things like that in stride; I don't know.Anyway, I still felt pretty torn up about it, but I tried not to show it too much, because I figured it was harder on the k**s -- my brothers, Willie and Mark, four years younger. And with Dad away most of the time flying, I figured I had to be the man of the family.I don't know how we...
I dreamed about Gail sucking my cock as I probed Sally's hairy cunt with my fingers. That was very odd. Sally's cunt was hairless. I don't think she could grow a nice bush like that in only two days. I woke up when I heard a distinctly un-Gail-like giggle from Jacqui. Jane was sucking on my cock as Jacqui worked my fingers into her cunt. Martha was still sound asleep beside me. Jane grinned at me wickedly. "I knew that would get your attention," said Jane. "A blowjob is always the...
Day 2I woke up in Florida with morning wood. I was dreaming about my family. My sweet mother, brother, sister, then my dream shifted to my grandmother. She had about the same shape my aunt had; very large, huge ass, 40g tits, blue eyes, and long grey hair. I sat in my aunt's bed, jacking my dick as I remembered my dream. My aunt had awakened two minutes into my masturbating and took my dick from me. She stroked it fast as I laid back on the bed with my hands behind my head. She put the tip on...
It was the summer of my eighteenth year, I was out of high school and heading to college in the fall, and I wanted this summer to be one I would never forget. Oh, I will never forget it but not because it was fun. The first weekend I went to a party with friends, we all got drunk and on the way home, we were stopped and ended up arrested, the only good news being no one got hurt and I wasn't driving. The only thing the police did to me was make me call my mom to come get me. She was furious, in...
"Knock, knock," came my mother's voice. When we turned around towards the doorway both Robert and I were floored."Would you guys like to come down and watch TV with us?" my mom asked. We didn't answer. How could we? Both mom and Barbara were wearing only their pajama tops that barely covered their panties. Why they were half-naked we had no idea. Robert and I couldn't get enough of my mom's, athletic, creamy white thighs and calves, and his mother's long, lean, darker legs, but they were quite...
"Knock, knock," came my mother's voice. When we turned around towards the doorway both Robert and I were floored."Would you guys like to come down and watch TV with us?" my mom asked. We didn't answer. How could we? Both mom and Barbara were wearing only their pajama tops that barely covered their panties. Why they were half-naked we had no idea. Robert and I couldn't get enough of my mom's, athletic, creamy white thighs and calves, and his mother's long, lean, darker legs, but they were quite...