Max Scores!Chapter 6 free porn video

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The next day was Sunday. The weather was supposed to be almost unseasonably warm, so the girls all got together and asked the sponsors if they could all have a picnic in the park.

Both of his parents thought it sounded like fun. Max was all for it, so the kitchen was a beehive of activity as they fixed sandwiches and potato salad, gathered snacks and soda, and got everything packed up.

They were not the only ones with that idea; there were half a dozen families at the park when the Xander clan arrived. They picked out a nice spot, spread some blankets, and Max’s girls got out a Frisbee to play catch.

There were several groups of teens at the park as well. Most were mixed, boys and girls, and Max recognized many of them. There were also two groups of just guys, one set on the basketball court and another set, too far away to distinguish who they were, across the park near the other parking lot.

Max relaxed on the blankets, watching the girls and talking with his parents about the future. He told them that the twins wanted to try, and that he was going to need to go into The City to meet their parents. He wanted them to move in, and if they agreed, Max was going to push Cynthia for a decision.

They urged him to move forward, his mother certain that Cynthia just needed a nudge though she thought the nudge would come in the form of a hard cock.

“That woman needs to get laid in the worst way. Wait, I mean in the best way. She needs to see that she can love you, can have sex with you, without losing control of herself. Max.”

“Your mother is a smart woman, Max, and I wouldn’t bet against her.” His father agreed.

“No! Fuck off, asshole! Don’t! MAX!”

Maggie’s screams brought Max to his feet in an instant. He frantically looked for Maggie, seeing her being dragged off by several guys, Thea frantically trying to help. One of the guys reached out and punched Thea, knocking her to the ground and Max took off, running faster than he had ever run before.

As he got close, two of the five guys broke off and move to intercept him. He slowed just long enough to slam his elbow into the chest of one, sending him flying with a sickening crunch. He spun to the left, leaping high enough to slam his knee into the jaw of the second, feeling bones break as the man hit the ground like a sack of flour.

He was running again before the body hit the ground and took a flying leap, catching two of them as they released Maggie so they could fight.

The three, Max and two of the remaining teens, ended up in a pile on the ground and Max used fists, knees, elbows and kept pounding them until they stopped moving. The third and last guy got one good kick in, sending Max rolling across the ground with a feeling like something had broken in his side.

Ignoring the pain, he got to his feet in time face a second kick, this time catching the foot in his hands and yanking it upwards, his forward foot lashing out to smash into the boy’s other knee, making it bend backward with an ominous crackling sound and a scream of agony.

As the kid fell to the floor, his leg unable to handle the weight, Max twisted the foot in both hands, snapping the small bones in the lower leg.

Turning, ready to take on the next one, he was shocked to see that they were all down. Two of them were screaming in pain, but the other three were silent. Maggie was in a heap on the ground, crying and Thea ... Thea was back about twenty feet, not moving at all.

“Maggie, are you hurt?” he called, rushing to her side. She had a huge red mark on her face and was holding one arm against her breasts, the wrist at an odd angle.

“I think my arm is broken, Max!” she sobbed.

“Hang in there, baby, I have to check on Thea.” he said, kissing her on the head and sprinting towards where Thea lay.

He arrived just after his father did, dropping to his knees and reaching for her. His father caught his hand and Max looked up.

“Max...” his father started to say, his voice cracking.


He moved next to her and reached to pick her up and froze, seeing what his father had already seen. Her head was sitting at an unnatural angle, a couple of the vertebrae at the back of her neck protruding and making lumps under the skin. Max bent down, laying his head on her chest, and she wasn’t breathing.


“Stand aside, son.” The voice from behind him was loud, the tone of command cut through his anguish, and when he looked up, the Confederacy Marine standing there had already dismissed him. He was pushed firmly aside and the Marine was kneeling down beside Thea, picking her up.

Behind him were two more Marines, weapons drawn, and a drone was hovering over an illuminated circle on the grass.

The Marine who had picked up Thea stepped forward into the illuminated area and disappeared while a fourth Marine escorted a whimpering Melanie over.

“Wait!” Max cried out as she was escorted into the circle. Max stood, his jaw set, and stepped forward, ignoring the signal to halt that the armed Marine guards were giving him.

It must have been obvious that they only way they were going to stop him was to fight, and they stepped aside, letting Max step onto the transporter pad.

Max stepped out into a giant medbay, filled with rows and rows of the medical tubes like the one he had used. He could see the Marine who had carried Thea backing away from a closing tube and the Marine with Maggie was helping her to climb into another. He started that way when a familiar voice called his name.

“MAX!” He paused and saw Holly, the girl who had helped him before, but he ignored her and headed towards the med tubes again. He had to know. He had to see them!

“Damn it Max, listen to me, they are going to be okay!”

That caught his attention and he spun around, staring at her in disbelief. “Her god damned neck was broken!” He screamed, tears running down his face.

“Max, listen ... I know. The blow to her jaw hit just right, and a weak spot on the C4 vertebrae gave way, causing her head to turn too far, too fast and it pushed the C5 into her spine.” Holly was calm, her expression serene.

“The C5 impacted the spinal cord, damaging it and that damage is what stopped her heart and kept her from breathing, but Max, we can fix it. From the moment that asshole hit her until she arrived here was less than three minutes. She would have to be without oxygen to her brain for ten minutes or more before we would even begin to worry. After twenty, we could save her, but with brain damage. This? We will have her back on her feet in a couple of hours, I promise you.”

Max wanted to believe her, more than he wanted anything else in his whole life.

“She’s going to be okay?” he asked, his face crumbling and his vision so blurry that he couldn’t see Holly’s face.

“She’s going to be just fine, Max. Better than fine. We are going to fix her all up, including those braces and a few other things.” Holly said, laying her hand on his arm.

Max sat down, not quite collapsing, but just letting his legs fold up under him. It felt like all the strength had left his body and it was all he could do not to lay down on the floor. He wiped his eyes so he could see the med pods.

“Max, you need one of those pods too. The AI tells me that you broke two bones in your right hand, one finger on your left, and you cracked your kneecap on one asshole’s jaw. You have three cracked ribs from where you were kicked, and as soon as the adrenaline wears off, you are so going to feel those. Let these Marines help you to a pod, Max, we’ll talk after.”

He felt strong hands under his arms, but he kept his eyes on Thea’s pod until his own closed and blocked out the world.

The pod opened after what seemed like just a few seconds, and he felt surprisingly rested. The pains he had been ignoring in his hands, in his knee and even his ribs were all gone. In fact, he felt strong, stronger than before.

He climbed out, his clothes gone, and his perspective was off. It seemed like the tubes had shrunk a little bit. He shook his head, then zeroed in on Thea’s tube and broke into a run. It was still closed and the red light was on. Did that mean it was just in use? Was something wrong?

He spun around and saw Holly waiting for him, standing next to a tall, powerful looking man in a military uniform. Holly was waving at him, beckoning.

As he walked up to her, she seemed to have shrunk and it clicked in his head. She hadn’t shrunk, she had done something to him. He held up a hand and ... it was his hand, but it wasn’t.

“What did you do to me? Wait, forget that for now, tell me about Thea.” He demanded.

“She is fine. The repairs will take another hour or so. Compared to her, yours were paper cuts, but I swear on all that I hold dear, everything is going perfectly for her, Max.”

She was being sincere, and she didn’t seen at all stressed. Somehow, he knew she was telling the truth, and it felt like a billion pound weight had been lifted from his chest.

“Thank you Holly.” he said simply.

“Aw hell, Max, even if it wasn’t my job, this kind of thing is why I do this. I love helping people. Now, this guy you have been ignoring is kinda important to you so pay attention.” she said with a grin, turning to the man beside her. “This is Pat Tilotson, and he is a lieutenant in the Fleet Auxiliary. He is the guy who started the forty-niner’s plan.”

Max turned to look at the man, and he looked familiar, as if he should know him. He reached and shook the man’s hand, studying his face.

After about thirty seconds, the man laughed and turned to look at Holly. “Told you he wouldn’t remember me. You owe me dinner, Holly.”

Turning back to Max, he grinned. “Max I was a professional football player, but unless you were a big NFL fan when you were about five, I don’t suppose you remember me. I played for...”

“San Francisco.” Max blurted. His father was a football fan and he distinctly remembered his father cussing about this guy. “You played for the Forty-Niners!”

“That’s right! I guess I owe Holly a dinner after all. Anyway, I am the one who came up with the plan to put a close watch on a sampling of high-scoring students, to see if by helping in specific areas, we could push them over the hump into the next level.”

“And you called it the Forty-Niners? So there are forty of us, all scoring under 9?” Max asked, shaking his head.

“That’s it exactly. See, some were close, but were low in one area or another. One kid in California had a self-esteem issue, thanks to a shitty father figure, and we arranged for him to mentor a special needs kid in his school. That was enough to move him from 8.9 to 9.2. You, on the other hand, had empathy problems because of your stunted growth so we fixed that, and you have not only overcome those issues, you have substantially improved your scores in other areas. What happened today, while not planned, moved your score up again.”

“Wait, again? You mean it went up before?” Max asked.

“Yep. Here, your card got spit out when the machine dissolved your clothes. Take a look.”

He took the proffered card and his score was blinking.

Max jumped a bit, the AI voice startling him, and did as it said, running his thumb over the number. It was steady now, and the score was 9.6. He groaned softly, rubbing his forehead.

“Huh. Usually people are happy when their score goes up.” The Lieutenant said.

“Yeah, but I haven’t filled the slots I had before this, now I have two more!” Max said, shrugging his shoulders.

Holly was giggling, and he looked up at her with a wry expression on his face. “Is that kind of like that old internet meme? First World problems?” he asked, grinning at her.

“So, what is the final goal of the Forty-Niners, sir?” he asked, looking back to the older man.

“All of you have specific skills that we need. We want to create a think-tank. We want young, flexible, and intelligent minds that we can bounce problems off of. We don’t want older folks or experts, we want people without preconceptions, without prejudices. Smart people. Thirty-eight of the forty have improved past the 9 mark, Max.”

“So ... are we waiting for the other two?” he asked hopefully.

“No, they actually dropped in score. They are out. The rest of you? We need you, Max. You are already part of the Confederacy, that implant doesn’t come out again, but we are giving you a choice. You can have seven days to wrap up your affairs, or you can stay now.”

“Send me back. I have others who I need, other concubines who have accepted but were not ready. My family as well.” Max said without hesitating.

“Okay, we can do that. I can’t give you a date and time, not yet, but we will contact you as soon as we can before the actual pickup. It may not be more than an hour, but it is an hour more than most people get.”

He nodded, grateful that he would get any warning at all, his thoughts on his family down below. Then another though occurred.

“Holly, what did you do to me in there?”

“We just finished what we started. You have been fully boosted, and your nanites are active. You are stronger and faster, the equivalent of our Marines, scaled down for your smaller overall size. Your implant is fully active as well, so you will have contact with us from wherever you are. We aged you to eighteen while we were at it, like we will with all of the Forty-Niner group, to allow you to interact with adults as equals.” Holly told him, calling up a hologram of his current body.

He looked like himself, just a more mature version. A couple of inches taller, a little broader and more muscular, but still not too terribly different from a few hours earlier.

“Max, while we have your ladies in the tubes, do you want any changes made?” she asked.

He thought for a moment, then smiled. “For Thea, her braces. Make her slimmer and a little taller; she wanted larger breasts but not too much. Can you show me?”

A hologram appeared and the changes he suggested were displayed. She went from plain to sexy in moments.

“Nice. Does she have any issues that need to be fixed?”

“Just a slight vision issue and the braces. What about Maggie?”

“Nothing beyond making sure she is healthy. If she wants something more, we can do it later, right?”

“No problem.”

“Hey, Lieutenant? What about those guys I fought?” Max asked, wondering if there was trouble waiting back at home.

“The green armbands they were wearing are used by Earth First terrorists. We don’t know if they were actually in contact with the terrorists or were just pretending, but two of them are dead, one is paralyzed from the neck down, and the other will never walk again without major surgery and a lot of physical therapy. We gave the local authorities video of the attack from the drone, and you have immunity since you are in the Confederacy military now.” Lieutenant Tilotson said calmly.

Max just nodded, then looked down at himself. “I am going to need some clothes.”

His parents along with Melanie, Amanda, and Sarah were still at the park and talking to the police when Max and Maggie reappeared along with a Marine escort. Max was dressed in a uniform now, with Ensign bars on his shoulders, a stinger on his hip and, as soon as he was on the ground, the Marines returned to the temporary pad and teleported out again.

“MAX!” his mother dashed over, throwing her arms around him and sobbed. “Oh God, Max, you scared the hell out of us!” she cried, then pulled back, looking up at her son’s face.

“Thea?” she asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

“She is going to be fine, Mom. They are fixing her up.” Max said, smiling down at his mother. He pulled her to him and hugged her tight, kissing her on the top of her head. When she pulled away again, she ran right to Maggie, kissing and hugging her daughter tightly.

Max was bombarded by two other bodies, Amanda and Sarah hugging him and telling him how happy they were to see him.

“Son, what happened?” his father asked, laying his hand on his son’s shoulders.

“We should talk later, Dad. Let’s get the ladies home.”

“Sir, we need to talk to you.” A uniformed police officer said, stomping up to stand in front of him.

“No, you don’t. You were given video of the theft of my property and, when I objected, an attack on a Confederacy officer. That carries an immediate death sentence not subject to appeal. That two happened to live through my rescue is of no consequence. I could go right now and kill them in their hospital beds.” Max said, growling at the officer.

The man gulped, but didn’t back down. “We have laws, you know!”

“Then as an officer of the court, you should learn them. Now, unless you want to lay hands on me as well, I suggest you stand aside so I can take my family home.” Max had learned, among other facts, that the federal government had already passed laws matching those used by the Confederacy Military. Any attack on a citizen by a non-citizen was a death sentence.

Max turned, gathering his family together.

Once they arrived home, Max took a half hour to explain what had happened and what he had learned. His family was shocked by the identity of the people who attacked Thea and Maggie, but excited about the news of an extraction. Afterwards, Max went up to change.

He stripped off his uniform, setting it aside, but tucked the stinger into the back of his jeans as he dressed. Maggie was sticking close to him, still upset over the attack, but she smiled whenever he looked her way.

“Are we going to get Cynthia and the twins, Max?”

He nodded, smiling. “We are going to see if they still want to go. If they do, they are coming home with us today.”

His father agreed to drive him, first to Cynthia’s and then to The City.

Max knocked on the door and, when Cynthia Yale answered, he stepped up to her, took her in his arms and kissed her with everything he had. He put his heart and soul into the kiss, and when she swooned, she held her while she recovered.

“Max! My god! What’s going on? I wasn’t ... I mean, I haven’t... “she stuttered, her face flushed and her nipples were hard against his chest. She wasn’t wearing a bra and he could feel them, hot against his skin through the t-shirts they were wearing.

“Cynthia, things have changed. I want you. I need you, but I need a decision. Come with me, bring Mandy, and come with me to the stars.” Max pleaded.

“What’s happened? Max? Talk to me!”

“Cynthia, we are leaving soon. I can’t say when, but within a week I will be gone and taking my family with me. I want you to come, to be part of that, but you need to decide if you love me enough, trust me enough. I need to know now.” Max said, stroking her back.

She looked up at him, then grabbed his head, crushing her lips to his again. When they parted, both of them breathing hard, she smiled. “Do I have time to pack a bag?”

They stopped back at the house again, this time to drop off Cynthia’s car, her daughter Mandy, and Maggie, who had become fast friends with the little girl. Cynthia, a huge smile on her face, refused to let go of Max’s arm so she came with him to The City.

The drive was almost an hour, but Max used the time to call Toby, explaining about the attack and about the extraction.

“Max, let him use my house.” Cynthia said, kissing him on the cheek. “I am staying with you come hell or high water.”

Toby thought that was a brilliant idea. He would be minutes away, with his new family, and could be at Max’s house for the pickup. Thanking Max for the call, he agreed to get his people together and moving.

Max also considered calling Lane Wallace and Mia Sanboron, but decided to wait until he got the call from upstairs and hope they made it on time.

The address was a neat little house, not as large as their home, but well kept on a nice, quiet street. Max had called ahead to let the twins know he was coming, but just told them that he had important news.

When they pulled up the front door opened and the twins came running out, excited and smiling until they saw Cynthia hanging on his arm. They slowed, still smiling, but obviously confused.

“Lisa, Laurie! I am so happy to see you! This is Cynthia, and she agreed today to be one of my concubines.” Max told them, anxious to see what their reaction would be. If they were going to freak out, then he might not want to bring them.

“Oh! The other one that was undecided?” Lisa asked, the confusion fading away.

“For a minute, we were afraid you changed your mind.” Laurie said, then paused, “You didn’t, did you?”

“No way. I want you two to come with me to the stars, but there is a hitch. I have already been inducted into the Confederacy Military, active as of today. They are going to extract me and my family soon, so I need a decision from you ladies. If you want to come with me, to join my family and be my concubines, you have to come with me today.”

He could see that he surprised them, but they didn’t look upset. “Today, next week, I am ready, Sis.” Lisa said, looking at her sister.

“Me too. We should tell the folks.” Laurie said with a grin. Turning, the two ran back into the house leaving Max and Cynthia standing in the drive.

“They are gorgeous! Why do you want me when you have girls like that, Max?” Cynthia asked, her face troubled.

“Better to ask why I want girls like that when I have someone like you, Cynthia. I need you to balance their youthful enthusiasm. You are going to be the mother for my family, the person that keeps the family together, and the teacher for our children, all of our children.” Max told her, leading her towards the still open front door of the house.

Cynthia stopped, tugged on his arm until he turned to look down at her.

“I was fighting it, but if you keep talking like that, I am never going to let you out of bed. Hell, I feel like tripping you right here so I can get at that huge cock.” she growled, her eyes practically glowing.

Max leaned down and nipped at her lips, catching the lower one in his teeth and pulling just a little. He growled at her, causing her to laugh and latch on to his neck.

“Max, you ... god, I am so fucking wet.” Cynthia whined, rubbing her stomach against his groin.

“Soon, baby. Soon.” he promised, and led her inside.

The twins parents were older, and they were all smiles when Max walked through the door.

“So, you are the one that is taking these two?” The man growled, trying, but failing, to act angry.

“That would be me.” Max said, nodding.

“Hot diggity damn! Good, no take backs!” he replied, laughing heartily. “I got damn little hair left, and the thought of these two dating has been making the rest of it turn gray and fall out. They are your problem now!”

“Fred, you hush.” his wife said, and walked over to Max, kissing him on the cheek. “He talks a good game, but he loves all the girls. We are happy, though, that they found a good sponsor. Sarah has nothing but good to say about you and the girls are thrilled. Heck, you are Mary’s son, so that was enough for me anyway!”

“You’ve met my mother?” Max asked, surprised.

“When Sarah started sneaking around to date a married teacher, I introduced myself. I was concerned, but your mother is a sweet lady and she explained. Sarah is happy, so that is all that matters.” she told him.

“So, the girls yelled something about having to leave now, that you are getting extracted soon?” Fred asked, looking towards the stairs where, Max assumed, the girls had gone.

“Yes sir. I joined up a little early, but they are giving me some time to get my act together. I really didn’t want to leave without your daughters. Oh, and forgive my manners, this wonderful woman is Cynthia Yale. She is my physics teacher. She is going to run the household, continue to teach the girls, and be the one who manages the children we will have.”

“Bless your heart!” Agnes said, giving Cynthia a hug and a kiss. “My work is done now but yours is just starting. Do you have children already?”

“A daughter, Mandy.” Cynthia said, smiling and pulling out pictures from her wallet. The two women began talking about kids and other topics men tend to avoid, so Max wandered closer to Fred.

“I know I sound cavalier about this, Max, but I love those girls more than life. If I didn’t think you would take care of them, I would have met you at the door with a shotgun.” Fred said casually, his eyes on the stairs.

Max looked over in surprise, but smiled, nodding his head. “Good.” he said. “Good.”

The girls were ready to go in minutes, each of them with nothing except for a small bag, each of the bags emblazoned with Wichita Falls Senior High Coyotes. Moments later the group was on the road again.

The house was in an uproar when he got back and he soon found out why. He was tackled in the front yard by a slimmer, slightly older, and slightly top heavy but braces-less Thea.

“MAXMAXMAXMAXMAXILOVEYOU!” she screamed, covering his face in kisses. The twins and Cynthia stood aside laughing while Maggie came out carrying Mandy, Amanda with David, Sarah and both of his parents.

“Help! I am being attacked!” Max cried from the ground, tickling Thea and laughing.

“Oh god, Thea. I was so scared for you.” he told her, crushing her to his chest.

“They told me, Max. I just remember being scared, they were taking Maggie, and I couldn’t stop them, then I got hit and it all went black. When I woke up, I was in this medical bay, and I really freaked!” she told him, laying her head on his chest.

“Holly was really sweet, and when she showed me what you had done ... I mean, the video of you attacking and then this hologram of me? I swear to god I came all over the floor.” she said, laughing.

They got to their feet, and the women were all laughing and hugging, dragging the twins inside. Sarah had grabbed their bags, and Mandy had run to her mother. Everyone was smiling.

Inside, when things calmed down, Max found a seat on the couch. Thea was on his lap, the twins were on each side of him and Maggie and Cynthia were sitting on the floor, leaning back against his legs.

He went through the whole story again, and remembered this time to tell them the best, or maybe worst, part.

“I have one other problem.” he said, adopting a hangdog expression and sighing as the room went silent. “My score went up. It’s now a 9.6 which means I have to find three more.” he told them, as if it was the worst thing in the world.

“Maximillian Andrew Xander.” his mother called out and Max knew he was in trouble. “I don’t care how big you get, I will still turn you over my knee. That was NOT funny! Not today.” his mother fumed.

Max snuck a peek at his father, who was trying to hide his laughter. “Daaad ... Mom is picking on me!”

After dinner, Max gathered his group in the room upstairs and got everyone sitting on the bed.

“Okay, serious time now. I have to find three more, but I don’t have a clue. Maggie and Thea, you were going to look in your concubine classes at school. Any luck?”

The pair had a couple of girls they thought might be worth looking at, but no men that they thought would fit.

“Max, why are you looking for a man? I didn’t think you swung that way?” Cynthia asked, getting giggles from the twins.

He rolled his eyes. “I don’t. But if I have eight female concubines, there is no way I can be fair to all of them. I may have to be gone for a while, working on projects and so on, what then? I thought another man, if I could be sure he would not try to challenge me and get himself killed, would give you girls someone else to love when I can’t be there.” he told her.

She just stared at him. “Max, you are my master now and, as your concubine, if you order me to the school tomorrow and tell me to fuck the entire male staff, I will do it.” she said, glaring. “But be perfectly clear on one thing. I don’t want another man in my life and I definitely don’t want another man between my legs. I want you.”

Max stared at her in surprise. This was the woman who was afraid of opening up? Of letting her sexuality free?

He looked up at the others and saw them all nodding. “Wait, do you all feel like this?”

They did. They all did. “Would they always?” he wondered, shaking his head.

“But, there is no way I can keep up with eight women! I mean, I can get them to boost my stamina again, but the flesh can only do so much!” he insisted, trying to get them to listen to reason.

“My sister can turn any of you inside out with her tongue.” Lisa said, licking her lips, “And I am better. We don’t need another man.”

“We brought toys.” Laurie interjected, grinning when Maggie leaned in to lick one of her nipples.

Max threw his hands up in the air. “Okay, you win, but when we get up there, I don’t want to hear any whining about it. I swear to God I will tan the ass of the first one who complains.” he growled, scowling at them.

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Max and Megan Ch 04

Max Roberts walked as fast as he could towards the construction site he was currently supposed to be working at. Megan’s new boy toy had left him no choice but to walk back. He hoped the supervisor wasn’t going to be a dick to him today for being late back from lunch. He hadn’t even gotten to eat. As he neared the site, he saw the man in question. And boy, did he not look happy. ‘Look, I’m sorry. The asshole I left with dumped me out, and-‘ He was cut off abruptly. ‘Save the bullshit. Go...

4 years ago
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Max and Megan Ch 03

History seemed to be repeating itself. Max stood once again in front of his ex-best friend’s house, hoping once more Hal would loan him a room. Maybe he was a glutton for punishment, but it was the only place he knew he could go no matter what. He hesitantly rang the doorbell. He nervously shifted from leg to leg while waiting for the door to open. The door opened to reveal a taller and more grown up version of Christian. ‘Hi.’ ‘Little Man, what have I told you about opening up the door to...

3 years ago
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Max and Rosie

The shrill sound of the tea kettle shattered Max’s reverie. He was remembering when he and Rosie met thirty-eight years ago. Sighing deeply, he looked down at the yellow mug and remembered the vision of the two of them rowing down the Charles River that May morning, the night after their first date, the first of many, before shocking everyone they knew by getting married one April weekend while still in their senior year of college. He had been attending Harvard and she was at Radcliffe, a few...

3 years ago
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Max Plans A Threesome

It had been on a Saturday night out with the girls, after a few glasses of vodka, when the offer of a threesome had caught me by surprise and got me upset. I’d been married to Max for just over a year and I was out on a girly night. It had been great to see all my old friends and we’d had such a great evening catching up on gossip!  I’d been teased about my devotion to Max. I’d previously slept around a bit before Max but I was now his adoring wife and was glad to be settled, not needing to...

1 year ago
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Max part Two

Later in the day, after Max had invited me to stop by in the morning, had to make a grocery run. Made a point of checking out his directions. He was right his apartment was only a few blocks from where we were staying. Did not sleep well that night, kept waking up wit a huge erection, kept dreaming then waking and thinking of Max and what was going to happen was obviously on my mind. Woke up a bit early had a coffee then decided to go on over, jogged the few blocks then walked as I got closer...

2 years ago
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Max and Megan

**Max and Megan might be a story you remember. You may be wondering why it’s showing back up as a new story. I was not fond of the first version. I wrote for what people wanted, not what I wanted. One night, I decided to take it down and polish it up to what I could be proud of. It is a bit different than the original, but in my opinion much, much better…Enjoy! ** It was late in the afternoon when Megan decided to look over her college report. It was due the next week, but she wasn’t going to...

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Max gets some

Christie had seen the dog several times when the family would go over to her sister in law's. Max was a large German shepherd who was very playful and aggressive. She always worried about him knocking her kids over when they played with him. Christie had said he should be fixed so that he would settle down. However, her sister in law would never do it, saying it seemed cruel. She loved the dog almost like he was family. Of course, she was approaching 30 years of age and was single is what...

4 years ago
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Max the dress and me

Max, the dress and me Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the wind toyed with the hem of my dress I stood there basking in the glory with the mere fact that I had done it. I had actually gotten dressed, left the house, and walked to the lake. I stood there a moment longer, then walked down the beach to the boat ramp, turned around and walked back home. I was so excited when I was back home that I could barely stand it, and once again coated my lips with the red lipstick. The...

2 years ago
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Max the Dress and Me

Max, the dress and me Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the wind toyed with the hem of my dress I stood there basking in the glory with the mere fact that I had done it. I had actually gotten dressed, left the house, and walked to the lake. I stood there a moment longer, then walked down the beach to the boat ramp, turned around and walked back home. I was so excited when I was back home that I could barely stand it, and once again coated my lips with the red lipstick. The...

3 years ago
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Max is a Freak pt 21

Max was now hard as a rock so he took his dick out of Carols mouth & began to wackoff, & he grabbed Joyce by the chain as he continued jerking. Meanwhile Carol played with her cunt as she watched her son getting his ass eaten by his stepmom. Chapter 1 Thursday Morning Max was on the phone talking to his girlfriend Raven ( who he had not hypnotized yet ) she was a gorgeous 20 year old , 5ft 7 athletic , long legged dark harked young lady .As he talked to her Joyce was sucking...

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Max is a freak part 50

Chapter 1- The Anal Creampie Carol was enslaved in the human cage , as she watched her son/ master Max fuck Raven up the ass , usually Max only reserved this for his older slaves , but Raven who was now screaming in pain & ecstasy should now be taught a lesson. Carol was playing with her cunt ,as she saw Lynn grab her daughter by the hair & shove her face in her maternal pussy. No more screams could be heard only muffled sounds from the the pussy eating Lynn orgasmed as Max unleased...

3 years ago
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Max und sein Vater

Max fing an zu zittern als er die T?re aufgehen h?rte.Man h?rte deutlich, dass sein Vater wieder ziemlich dicht war. Er stolperte geradezu in die kleine 2-Zimmer Wohnung, in diesem Hochhaus, das sich in einem ziemlich ?blen Stadtteil befand, wo er und sein 16 Jahre alter Sohn lebten.Seitdem die Mutter von Max die kleine Familie ?ber Nacht verlassen hat und spurlos verschwunden ist, lebte er mit seinem alkoholkranken Vater ganz allein.Zur Zeit sind Schulferien. Immer wenn der Alte das Haus...

2 years ago
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Max is a Freak

Max was 22 years old, unemployed , & smoking a joint while sitting on the living room sofa . Beside him as a smooth jazzy porn like song played ,his mom Carol(52) was 5ft 8 135 pounds with 38dd juggs danced a sexy dance in her 5 inch spiked heels while in her yellow bikini. His stepmom Joyce who dispised him only a month ago was now sucking on his 9inch penis. As Max got high from the pot Carol swung her hips gently to the music . Max had hypnotized her 6 weeks ago. He was a man in...

2 years ago
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Max is a Freak pt 3

Joyce was licking her stepsons Max's asshole as he sat on the couch , watching his mom Carol lick his girlfriend Ravens 20YR old cunt . as Max wacked off he told his slutty stepmom to begin licking his nuts . He had trained both his mom & stepmom to to be both great cocksuckers & pussylickers. Raven was moaning in ecstasy as Carol licked her clit. She was nearing orgasm &Max was so turned on that he now shoved his dick down his stepmoms throat. As he unloaded his jism load down Joyce's...

4 years ago
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Max Amanda and Sasha

I open my eyes and am momentarily disoriented; as my vision comes into focus, my surroundings, my body, everything comes flooding back to my mind in warm soft waves. I see the room is dimly lit, I hear the soft and even breathing of three distinct bodies, my sense of smell is awakened by the intoxicating cocktail wafting in the room – a mixture of my pussy juices, the sweet creaminess pooling between Amanda's thighs, Max’s manly presence, and scented massage oil, I lick my lips as I remember...

1 year ago
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Max Porn

I’m not sure I can give an award for the most aptly named porn platform on the internet. But if I could – and if it even made sense in the first place – I may as well award that title to Max.Porn. Not only is this a badass name for a porn website, but it’s also the site’s URL! Double badass!Other than the badass title, this website also avails great content. It’s a platform where you can browse some of your favorite brands and series in the world of pornography. It’s an easy-to-look-around...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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Max The Mastif

We had three dogs, two were kelpies for working sheep. One was a Great Dane Mastiff cross, Max, who stood nearly one meter tall at the shoulder. I trained Max to perform different acts when he could smell different odors. Marion, knew that she would be getting a "special" bit of attention that night when I bought a large block of chocolate from the shop in town. I told her that it was not to be eaten, but it was to be kept for me to make up my special treat for Max. I thought Marion had been...

3 years ago
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Max is a Master of Older Babes

In a cage watching her master/son Sonia was ballgagged ,collared & leashed , Max had hypnotized her 3mths earlier & now she & Max's stepdad Bill were at Max's mercy. buttplugged with 5inch thigh hooker boots , Sonia was locked in the human cage , that Max had his stepdad Bill buy. Sonia knew she'd be out soon cuz she just watched Max urinate all over Monique's face tits, & hair. It was one of her master/son's favorite things to do to his submissives . Proof of that were all the...

1 year ago
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Max is a Freak part 11

Carol rubbed her clit as she watched Lynn & Nina share her son/master's cock & balls , she came just as Max drained his juices all over their faces . Both Lynn & Nina were covered in facial man goo . So Max had both sluts crawl to the bathroom , where he first pissed all over their faces and then had Carol do the same . Chapter 1- Max visits Nina & Cindy at their Home Nina Rogers was blowing Max on the living room sofa , he had dropped by earlier & now it was her responsibility to get...

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MAX is a Freak part 10

Max drank his beer with his lunch , as his mom watched , she was leashed once again & on her knees on the kitchen floor , Carol knew what was coming next as he told his mother to open her mouth as she drank down his urine. Max smiled , Carol was a well trained human toilet. Chapter 1 -Cindy comes to Visit It was their anniversary , and Max had brought over her surprise, Cindy Rogers was a very sexy , tall 20year old blonde , Max had met last week at the mall& she was now also his...

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Max is a freak part 60

Chapter 1 Joan Jones- the next day Joan had known Carol for years , she had decided to drop by for a quick visit it had been a couple of months since they had last seen each other , she didnt know how much things had changed for her friend Carol. Joan rung Carol's doorbell & Joyce answered it wearing a yellow thong bikini & 3inch heels . Joan couldnt believe it? This was Carol's exes new wife. Hello Joyce said , Carol's by the pool with her son Max getting a tan. So she followed Max's...

2 years ago
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Max Humiliation And The Siring

‘I’m going to put a baby in your girlfriend,’ Max declared as his fingers deftly worked yet another piece of rope into place.Gina groaned exuberantly.I gulped and felt my legs turn to jelly.‘You guys are both so hot, your kids are gonna be beautiful!’ Sara shrieked, handing Max another length of rope as he bent down beside the bed and roughly slapped my girlfriend’s tits.‘Do it Maxi,’ Gina insisted, her eyes sparkling excitedly, ‘Put your seed in me!’‘You’d like that wouldn’t you kitten -...

1 year ago
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Max is a freak part 7

Chapter 1 After both ladies washed up in the shower , Max was using Joan as a footstool, smoking a joint , as he casully watched a lesbian porn on tv. Joan couldnt help but see the nasty, taboo pictures posted all over the dungeon walls . First Carol (Max's mom ) & Joyce(Max's Stepmom ) dressed normally with jeans, tshirts & running shoes smiling . Then beside these two pics , the ladies were completley naked with cum on their faces & wearing dog-collars & leashes with thigh high hooker...

2 years ago
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Max is a freak pt 40

Chapter 1 Lynn & Joyce The short & stacked Lynn was ramming Joyce's pussy with her long strapon dildo. Lynn loved it when Master Max let her explore her femdom side. This morning she eaten her daughter's Raven pussy & was very submissive to Mistress Raven before Raven left to go for work . Now she was drilliing the pussy of Max's stepmom who was groaning in sexual delight. Lynn spanked Joyce's ass as Joyce shouted fuck me harder, dont stop. As Joyce reached her first orgasm. Max led ...

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Max loves Married Mature Women

Max & Sage took a shower together & then Sage stayed nude except for a pair of spiked heels ,now he also collared & leashed his mature sexslut & brought her upstairs to the den where she sat on his sofa , then she was ballgagged and told to be quiet. The doorbell rang , Max went & answered it , well hello Sheila Max said , the 56year old , gray haired, long legged & fake giant tit amazon was his oldest & longest serving submissive . It had been almost a year since he had met Sheila ....

1 year ago
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Max Kyle

After Kyle got home from school Friday, he called Max and asked if he wanted to come over for a while. He did. Kyle - with his spiked blond hair and his sexy six back, walked over wearing a pair of jeans and a black tank top. He came in the house and said hi to Max. Max never knew, but Kyle had fantasies about him for a long time. Now, a couple years later, Max still has those stunning blue eyes, and that six inch cock. "CJ," Max called, "What?" I answered, "Nothing", he finished. He always...

3 years ago
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Max is a freak part 8

Chapter 1 Joyce and Carol were both ballgagged , naked & tied up downstairs in the dungeon. Meanwhile Max and Joan were upstairs waiting for Arthur and his sexy slave mom Sonia. Joan wore nothing but her dog-collar, leash & heels and Max had purposely ballgagged her also. Joan would speak when he determinied it to be necessary Chapter 2 As Charlie pulled into Max's driveway, Arthur unloaded a massive load of jism all over his moms's face. It was so large Sonia could hardly see. As...

1 year ago
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Max and Megan Go Camping

**Authors note: Thanks to my ‘fans’ who have loved M&M so much, I decided to humor you with another go-around! This story is meant to be a stand-alone from my Max and Megan series. This story happened in no particular time or order from the real series. ** Max watched Megan as she stared quietly at the flickering flames of the campfire before them. She seemed lost in her own thoughts, of what he did not know. She was so beautiful in the firelight, her strawberry blonde hair and pale skin...

4 years ago
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Max is such a dirty pig

Max is such a dirty pig ... - and I love it ;-) Keep in mind I'm non-native in English, so apologize for faults and mistakes in grammar. But Max asked me to share it with a bigger community, so I do the best I can. Max knows all my secrets - or better I should say: most of them. And, yes, he'll be surely reading before - or after ;-) I publish, so he may even get to know more of my secrets, though this is not in focus this time. Anyway, one day he embarassed me by sending a text message,...

3 years ago
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Max is a Freak part 91

Sonia had arrived home , after a 3day stint at Master Max's dungeon & she felt very horny so she went to son's room to see if he would eat her cunt to orgasm . When she opened the door she realized her former master was getting a blowjob from her bbw neighbor Olga . The late 50 something granny was snacking on Arthur's weiner so she decided to just sit on her son's face as she watched her filthy neighbour swallow her former master's jism. When she was done Olga was ordered by Sonia to...

2 years ago
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MAX is a Freak part 12

Chapter 1- 3 days Later Joyce was asslicking Max as Carol fucked herself in the ass with a cucumber, Sonia would becoming over soon . She was still his slave to do as he pleased but now he had let Arthur use her as he pleased when he wasnt around . Sonia was one his stars , last month she was involved in a lesbian gangbang with 4 , 20year old dominant women. He had hypnotized 3 of Raven's friends & along with Raven , they had fucked Sonia in all her holes . She was dpd, triplestuffed &...

1 year ago
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Max Part one

My business was now doing well enough to allow taking some time for R & R. The winter months of January, February and March were the ideal times. Not only is the weather in New England miserable but also it is the low period relative to my business. Decided to take the month of January and heading south to warmer climates. Do not particularly like the cold weather, and being an avid jogger find running in cold weather not the most pleasurable. Packed up and headed toward SW Florida. We rented a...

4 years ago
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Max and Trent in Love

This is the story of how, against all odds, a long-distance relationship between two boys who had never met actually worked out. My name is Max, and I’m from a shitty little town in even shittier Massachusetts. My lover is named Trenton (that’s a cute ass name, ain’t it?). Sadly for me, Trent lives all the way the fuck in Oklahoma! It drove me absolutely crazy! Trent and I met on a small social networking site… and I don’t know about him, but I fell for him right away! He has the sweetest...

2 years ago
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Max to Maxie New Beginnings

Max to Maxie Chapter 1 - New Beginnings As I lay on the gurney, with my wife Sandi sitting next to me, Dr. Madison came in. "Good morning Maxie, good morning Sandi", as she was shaking our hands. "Maxie, I know we already went over what we are going to do today but, I want to make sure that you understand what is going to happen. I'll be doing 3 procedures on you today. Up to now, the changes that have been made are reversible. But, after today they will be irreversible. I am going...

4 years ago
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Max to Maxie Chapter 2 Here today gone to Maui

Max to Maxie Chapter 2 - Here today, gone to Maui After getting home and starting class again, we fell into a nice routine. I seldom wore my "old" clothes any more I liked the way my new clothes felt and fitted me. Sandi liked my hair curled so on one of our salon visits, I got a perm. To be honest, I loved how my hair turned out. I was still right on the edge of being unisex looking but, I still got called Miss at least a couple of times a week. Wearing the butt plug became second...

3 years ago
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Max Adventures Part 1 The Edge

It had been a few months since Max and I first had sex. We were closer than ever to each other, and we might as well have been dating, if we didn't both agree to not cross that line with each other. We had an amazing friendship (with some amazing benefits. We didn't wanna ruin that by letting romantic feelings get involved. We just wanted to be best buds...who fuck on a regular basis. So we were. ;)Anyways, Max and I were invited to a costume party, as it was around Halloween. We were going to...

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Max to Maxie Chapter 3 Here Comes the Bride

Max to Maxie Chapter 3 - Here Comes the Bride Today we all had a mani and pedi, an hour massage, a body wrap and scrub and an avocado mask with cucumbers over our eyes. By the time we were finished, it was time for a light, late lunch and shopping for the wedding. I didn't really realize how much there was to putting on a wedding. Even though Jacquie was having almost everything done by the wedding planner, she still wanted to check out the table clothes, dinner and silverware, the...

3 years ago
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Max and Brandi

Max and Brandi My husband was a crossdresser. He was candid with me about it early in our relationship. While I didn't understand his urges to dress up as a woman, he was discrete, didn't ask me to participate, and I loved him. So, I tolerated it even though I didn't like it. We had been married a few years when we came into a significant amount of money. It was enough that we no longer had to work and had the luxury of pursuing our dreams. Well, Brad's dream was to go to a...

4 years ago
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Maxs Lingerie Parties Ltd Chapter Two

Chapter 2 – The Wives Bare it All Max arranged the to throw the first party at his house and created a guest list based on the customer records of his failed boutique. He sent the list over to make sure neither you or your wife knew any of the guests, because having an acquaintance show up to the party would be mortifying for everyone. You do recognize the name of one very wealthy business owner on the list. “Wow, Max, how did you get Witherspoon to come? Isn’t he a billionaire?” you ask him...

1 year ago
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Maxines Divorce episode 15

"Dot, take off that pretty blouse while I wash your hair." Maxine turned to the cabinet to fetch a clean towel. When she turned back to the wash basin, Dot was sitting on the stool bare breasted. "I don't like to wear a bra," Dot said to a mildly astonished Maxine. "Or panties," she added. "Oh! That's okay, she replied. Maxine was immediately turned on. Dot's breasts were smallish but beautifully formed. Maxine stepped up to Dot and nervously draped the towel around her...

2 years ago
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Maxines Divorce episode 15

In 1977 Dot and Ted returned to the California High Desert in for for his final stateside assigment and retirement from the Air Force. They re-united with Frank and his new wife Maxine. Maxine was a happy-go-lucky-type that loved to laugh. A true party girl, she enjoyed good times and as it turned out was cut from the same mold as Dot. They became fast friends immediately and  sooner or later she would share that lovely cunt with Ted. Dot always shared new pussy with him when the time was...

Wife Lovers
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Max and Trent in Love Part 2

Trent and I had just gotten done with a 2 ½ hour drive from the airport to his house. The drive over was the best one ever; I lost my virginity to my baby’s tight boy pussy! The whole deed was in full view of Trent’s parents, too… I think they enjoyed the show! When we walked into their house, we all stripped, as their family is nudist (Trent hates clothes with a fiery passion… more skin for me  ) When we got inside, Trent’s sister, Jamie, was sitting near the entrance, with her legs spread...

2 years ago
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Max to Maxie Chapter 4 Project Fred

Max to Maxie - Chapter 4 - Project Fred "Well there are worse things in this world than having sex with a man, who knows you may even like it. And, it isn't cheating because I am giving you permission, just don't bring anything nasty home with you. Well?" "What exactly would I have to do?" "Well, first you have to find a man. Try the clubs, the gym, etc. Just remember how I got you to submit to me and follow those same steps. The challenge is to find a guy that isn't looking for...

3 years ago
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Max to Maxie With Babies Makes 4

Max to Maxie Chapter 5 - ...and babies make four. Sandi told me how proud of how I handled myself with Fred. She said that she was surprised how fast I was able to turn him. She thought because I used to be a male, I had a better insight on how the male mind thinks. Because of that, I was able to break Fred down faster. She joked that maybe we should make this a regular thing. I just looked at her, laughed, and said, "Once is more than enough for me, thanks". On Monday, we made an...

3 years ago
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Maxs Lingerie Parties Ltd Chapter One

Your wife’s old college pal Jenny and her husband Max are having dinner at your house one night. Max’s most recent business has failed and he is pitching his latest harebrained scheme. “So the bankruptcy of my clothing boutique was finalized this week,” says Max casually taking a bite of steak. Your wife furrows her brow in sympathy. “Oh, I’m sorry Max. That must be very discouraging.” “Don’t humor him, Erin,” laughs his wife, Jenny. “He’s got plenty more where that came from.” Max smiles...

3 years ago
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Maxie my neighbor

Maxie my neighborThe only thing that had kept me in the garden that long was that every time Maxie (my new neighbor) crossed or uncrossed her legs I got a good glimpse of thigh and stocking tops. Why on earth a man of 48 should be turned on by the sight of a woman's leg especially one some 20 years older than me; but I was turned on.I sat into my chair and felt asleep. Images of Maxie'slegs came unbidden to my mind and thoughts of what dark secrets lay beyond started to fill my thoughts and asa...

4 years ago
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Maxines Downfall

Copyright© I mostly enjoy my work carrying out maintenance work on supermarkets and banks as I get to travel around the country, enjoying the driving and working mostly by myself. The only part of my work that spoils the enjoyment is dealing with Maxine in the office at Heage. Maxine is "the Controller" in the Keycare service centre who dispatches the various jobs to our team of guys. Maxine is full of her own importance, takes credit for the successes, and runs to Tony, the boss when...

2 years ago
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Maximaacute Maxima Mea Culpa 1 My Maiden

Maximá & me is a sexy story about two celebreties: Maximá is on almost all covers of mass media magazinesMaximá & me is a sexy story about real love between two celebreties, despite clear class borders between us!Maximá relaxes with me at the party where we meet:á makes it to my Queen in public, no-one knows she is in private my slowly subjugated sexy sweetheart!Maximá makes it to my Queen in public, only because she sees me,...

1 year ago
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Maxines Wedding

Copyright© Well it was three months since my life changing evening in the barn with the office bitch, Maxine. My work life had improved as I smiled whenever Maxine sent me details of my next day's work, generally by fax to my home. If there was an emergency callout she got one of the girls in the Keycare Service Centre to ring me. Young Sarah was starting to ask why Maxine seemed to avoid talking to me, now wouldn't that make an interesting story over a coffee sometime! While Maxine didn't...

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“My engorged clit needs to be licked and I want you all to watch. An extra turn on for me,” Maxine told us as she undressed for us. Donald was the first to lick her clitoris as Maxine stood with her back resting on the wall. The other three women were all watching on in awe as Donald teased her by licking just the tip of her clit. “Your huge, hairy clit is magnificent. Just a tease for you before my lady has you while you suck my cock,” Donald told her he stroked his erection. “Your huge,...

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Maxs Lingerie Parties Ltd Ch3

Chapter 3 – A Naughty Wife is Punished You wake up in the morning to find your wife stroking your morning erection. “Hey,” you say sleepily as she runs her hand up and down your shaft. She kisses you on the lips then looks into your eyes with a flirtatious smile. “I can’t believe we did that last night,” she says excitedly as she works your knob. “Me neither,” you say enjoying this unusual morning handjob. “I was a naughty wife, wasn’t I?” she asks impishly. “Oh yes you were,” you agree,...

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Maxi and Viagra

I couldn’t be bothered by guessing games just then so I retorted, “A big turd in the toilet?” Without pause she fired back, “Not since you got out of it.” I hooked the water hose up to the spigot, “What do you want?” She held out a closed fist, “Dad left some pills in the bathroom, is this what I think it is?” she opened her hand to show me what she held. A big blue pill, kind of fat in the middle with round pointy ends, “The bottle didn’t have a label but I think this is Viagra.” That...

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