Max and Megan
- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
History seemed to be repeating itself. Max stood once again in front of his ex-best friend’s house, hoping once more Hal would loan him a room. Maybe he was a glutton for punishment, but it was the only place he knew he could go no matter what.
He hesitantly rang the doorbell. He nervously shifted from leg to leg while waiting for the door to open.
The door opened to reveal a taller and more grown up version of Christian. ‘Hi.’
‘Little Man, what have I told you about opening up the door to strangers?’ A male voice called. A guy appeared at the door. ‘Can I help you?’
Max was unsure if he could. If it weren’t for the boy, he’d think that they had moved away. ‘Is Hal home?’
‘No, he doesn’t live here anymore.’ The guy told him and shrugged. ‘Last time I knew he was in Vegas. Megan would know where he is.’
Megan. There was no way she was with the man in front of him, he must have been some long lost family member. He wore black from head-to-toe. His hair was black and spiky, with white frosted tips. He had about six piercings in each ear, two in his lip, and one in his tongue. He wore a black wife beater and black cargo pants with chains running from his waist to his knees. His arms were covered in tattoos, something he knew Megan detested.
‘Is she home?’ Max questioned.
‘Naw, she went to the store, but she should be back any time now. You can wait inside if you want.’ Another shrug.
He thanked the man as he followed him into the all too familiar kitchen. ‘I’m Max.’
‘Jordan. Do you want anything to drink? A beer?’
Max idly wondered how the guy walked with all the weight of the chains on his pants. ‘That would be nice, thanks.’
‘I’ll text Megan and see where she is.’ Jordan tossed him a beer and picked his cell off the counter. A blur of fingers later he announced it was sent. ‘If I was you I’d down that before she gets home, she hates beer.’
‘Will do.’
Jordan’s phone rang some odd heavy metal music. He flipped it open and read the message. ‘She’ll be home in ten minutes.’ He turned to the boy. ‘You better get in the shower, your mother will tan my hide if you don’t.’
Exactly ten minutes later the garage door opened then closed. A car door opened and shut. His heart jumped to his throat. The door connecting the garage to the kitchen rattled open.
‘Jordan, I think the car-‘ She stopped talking mid-sentence, her eyes locking on Max’s presence. Her mouth dropped open, then closed in a tight line.
‘What about the car?’ Jordan took the bag from her and set it on the counter. He glanced from her to Max and back. ‘You two look like you both saw a ghost.’ He shrugged and set about putting the groceries away.
She had changed in the two years since he had left. Her hair was no longer blonde, but a shoulder length black. Her eyes were still a piercing green. Her skin seemed a bit paler. Her freckles that were splashed across her cheeks were the same as ever.
‘What are you doing here?’
‘I…I wanted to talk to you.’ He stammered.
‘About?’ She replied.
‘I’m not sure. I know I shouldn’t have come here, but I didn’t have a place to go and I thought maybe, maybe I could stay with you.’ He rushed. ‘I’ll leave, sorry to have come here.’
Megan sighed deeply. ‘Max, you can stay in the spare room, but only if you have nowhere to go and if Jordan is okay with it.’
He felt uncomfortable. He was sitting at the table with Megan, his ex-lover and baby’s mother across from him. The very girl, woman, whose heart he’d shattered, and some weird kid with a bunch of holes in his face. ‘Only for a few weeks. Just ’til I find a job.’
‘You seriously look like you need a shower. I’ll get some towels and put them in the bathroom.’ She replied and got up. Jordan got up too. ‘It’s up the stairs, first room on the right.’ God, her old room. He nodded and she left the room with Jordan following her.
Max climbed the stairs and opened the bedroom door. It did not look any different than it had as her room. A soft knock on the door caught his attention. ‘Towels are in the bathroom.’ And she was gone.
A shower would be nice. He dug through his bag and found semi-clean clothes and shampoo. He hopped in the shower. After he was scrubbed clean, he dried off and got dressed. He caught glimpse of himself in the mirror and groaned. He had a billygoat’s beard. He ran water in the sink and began to shave his face.
As he drew the sharp razor over his skin, he began to hear people talking outside the closed bathroom door. He quietly leaned over and listened to them.
‘Max is an old friend, as much as he hurt me, I can’t just kick him to the street like that.’
‘So I will.’ Jordan sounded peeved. ‘The man has some nerve to show up here expecting you’d just let him in.’
He heard Megan sigh. ‘Because he knows I would let him stay. There is too much history between us.’
‘I can make him history, Meg. Just say the word.’ Jordan said in a low and hushed tone.
The door opened and nearly smacked Max in the face. Christian stuck his head in the door. ‘Whatcha doin’?’
‘Shaving.’ Max said as he rinsed his face.
‘Better?’ He asked facing the boy.
‘Yep.’ He grinned. He came in and sat on the toilet.
Max had an idea. ‘How old are you?’
‘Almost seven.’ He beamed, holding up seven fingers. A front tooth was missing from his toothy grin.
‘Wow.’ Max smiled at him and headed to the bedroom. Time had flown by it seemed.
‘Christian, leave Max alone.’ Megan called to him when she spotted him following Max. The boy ran off to join Megan and Jordan.
The rest of the day Max napped off and on. He hadn’t realized how long of a day he’d had, but it certainly had been. A knock on the door woke him up. ‘Max, dinner is on the table if you’d like some.’ Megan called to him.
He opened the door and bumped into her. She nearly fell backwards, but he grabbed her wrist and steadied her. She smiled tersely and said a muttered ‘thanks’ and turned and went down the stairs. Following her, the smell of food made his stomach growl. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d eaten a home cooked meal.
He sat at the table with the three others. Cornbread, chili and a variety of vegetables and fruits waited on the table. ‘Smells great.’ Max commented.
‘Thank Jordan, he’s the chef.’ Megan smiled at Jordan.
‘Compliments to the chef.’ They all ate in silence for a few minutes.
For a conversation starter, Max asked about Megan’s father, Hal. ‘Where is Hal?’ He asked. ‘He ran off with some bimbo named LouLou. They bought an RV and travel around a lot. The last time he called, they were in Vegas.’ She shook her head. God only knew what trouble Hal was getting in.
‘Oh, sounds fun.’ Max spooned some chili into his mouth.
Megan pushed her uneaten food away from her on the table. She stood up. ‘I’m going to go lay down.’ She kissed Christian on the top of his head and walked out of the room.
‘I’m sorry if I caused problems.’ Max apologized.
‘You are lucky there is a kid in the house. She would kill me if I kicked your ass in front of him.’ Jordan shoved a piece of cornbread in his mouth. ‘She still hurts from her mom dying. You just made it worse by two times as much.’
‘She told you that?’ Max looked at him.
‘She tells me everything. That’s what wives do.’ He stood up.
Wives? They were married? She didn’t have a ring on, he’d have noticed that. Who was he kidding, of course she met a new guy by now. But married? He felt like puking. To busy himself, he cleaned up the table. He really needed to talk with Megan. ‘I will leave during the day.’ Max heard himself say.
‘Good, the less you are here the better.’ Jordan flipped off the light and went upstairs.
Max went in the bedroom and closed the door. He str
ipped down to his boxers and peeled back the pink comforter that lay on the bed. How manly. He crawled in and shut the light off. His mind was racing with so many thoughts. It was a few hours later before he fell asleep.
Max woke up sometime in the night. He walked quietly down the hall to the bathroom. When he was done, he returned to the spare room. Someone was downstairs in the kitchen, a glass clinked on the tile counter. He decided to see if it was Megan, he really wanted to talk to her without Jordan around.
She stood with her back to him. She wore the same robe she’d had the last time he was there. She turned and almost screamed from fright. ‘Max! You scared me.’ Her hand clutched her heart, as if it was going to jump out of her chest.
‘Sorry,’ He grinned, but let it fade. ‘Your new boy toy wants to kick my ass.’
Megan furrowed her brow. ‘Jordan feels he has to protect us.’
‘I would never hurt you.’ He’d said that before and had done exactly that. What a stupid statement.
‘You left, twice in fact.’ If her eyes could be any more hostile towards him, he’d be afraid. ‘You left me. But you left your own child, which is unforgivable.’
‘I’m sorry.’ Max felt as if ‘sorry’ was never going to be good enough. She was right, he wasn’t worthy to even be kind to and lend a room to.
‘I was lonely and sad. I felt like how I did when my Mom died. I was scared and alone, yet again.’ When her mom had died, her world died too. It took Max forever to get her to smile again after it had happened.
‘Please get a job soon.’ She whispered and walked briskly up the stairs and out of sight.
Megan climbed in bed beside Max. ‘Hey, baby.’ He said sleepily pulling her towards him. His hand snaked out and rubbed her butt. He pulled her hips toward his. His erection rubbed against her through her clothes. He never understood why she slept dressed. She sighed and rubbed her pelvis back.
Max pulled up her tattered t-shirt. ‘Mmm, baby.’ He rubbed her breast. ‘So sexy.’ He ground his hips against her. ‘You ready?’
She nodded.
‘Good, because this monster wants you.’ He pulled her shirt off. Kissing her lips he ran his tongue across hers. He flicked his tongue against hers. His lips went to her neck, biting her nape. Her small hands went to his hardening cock. She moved it up and down, circling the head.
His mouth took in her nipple and she stilled her hand. She was so sensitive there and he knew it. Releasing his hold on her, he gently rolled her so she faced away from him. ‘Max?’ She questioned.
‘Shh. You’ll see.’ He molded himself to spoon with her. His erection came to rest in between her clothed bottom. He pressed against her and sighed. His hands moved to the waistband and tugged. She raised her hip from the bed and he slid them off. He put his arm across her, bringing it to her center. His other arm wiggled its way under her midriff and clasped onto her right breast. He gently squeezed.
Megan sighed and parted her legs, grounding back against his member. He rubbed her slit. Dipping a finger in her wetness, he plunged his index finger all the way inside. He added his middle finger. ‘God.’ She groaned and turned her head back to face him. His lips locked onto hers, he thrust his tongue in her mouth matching his fingers as they plunged in and out of her. The hand on her breast squeezed and gently pulled on her pert nipple. Her breathing picked up.
‘Please.’ She whispered.
He knew what she wanted. Quickly he raised her top leg and placed it on his own. He rubbed his head against her, causing chills to go up her spine. He aimed himself and gently pushed through her folds.
Immediately he went into a fast, hard pace, slamming into her. The hand that had been in her, held her tight against him. His other hand squeezed her breast almost painfully. He grunted and groaned with each thrust. Megan pushed back to meet him. She started panting.
She was so close, her back arched. Max began rubbing her clitoris roughly. He breathed in her ear. Against her best attempt to stay quiet, the feelings overwhelmed her. She began to moan loudly. He continued assaulting her clit while slamming into her. His moans mixed with hers.
With one final thrust, Max nearly shouted with the sensations rushing through his body. His hand still rubbed her clit, and he sent her over with the loudest moan he’d ever heard her make. Her pussy clamped on his slowly shrinking penis.
After she settled down, Max whispered in her ear. ‘Are you alright?’ She squeezed her inner muscles on him and smiled into the darkness. ‘Good.’ He kissed her neck and snuggled against her, still buried inside.
Moving slowly, Max slid in and out only an inch. It was a gentle slow pace, in stark contrast to the hard version they had just finished. He leaned forward and nipped her ear. Pulling out, he resumed his place behind her, both exhausted, they fell asleep.
Max became aware of a wet and sticky feeling he had not felt since he was a teenager. His eyes opened in the darkness. Great, he’d had a wet dream and now had a mess to deal with. He got up and took the sheets off the bed. After he made the bed as best as he could, he laid back down. Closing his eyes, he imagined Megan snuggled against him. He fell fast asleep.
A week passed and Max finally had found a job. He got hired into a construction company, it was all grunt work. He didn’t mind so much, it kept him away from the house. He needed to find his own place. Find a girl. Move on.
One morning he sat at the kitchen table, waiting for one of his new co-workers to give him a ride to the site. ‘We need to talk.’ He looked over to see Jordan standing behind him.
Jordan ignored him. ‘When do you get lunch?’
‘At noon.’ Max answered.
‘Fine, I’ll pick you up at noon.’ Before Max could ask why, he was gone. A car horn beeped. Max got up and walked out the door.
Noon came around and sure enough, the black sports car Jordan drove was out front of the site. Max walked over and climbed in the passengers seat. ‘What is all this about?’ he asked, snapping the seatbelt in.
Jordan said nothing as he drove away from the curb. Glancing in the rearview mirror, he began to speak. ‘I want you to move out. Megan will never force you out, but she doesn’t want you there.’
‘I am working on it, believe me.’ Max replied, watching the houses go by.
‘Work on it faster.’ His hands tightened on the steering wheel. ‘I want you gone.’
‘I understand.’
‘You don’t. You left her and your son behind. She loved you so much and you left her. Twice!’
Jordan nearly yelled at him. ‘She still has feelings for you.’
Max was taken aback. How could she still feel anything for him when he had hurt her in all the ways he had?
‘She is mine now. ‘ Jordan growled at him.
Jordan reached in the backseat and produced a yellow manila envelope. He handed it to Max. ‘These are papers to relinquish your rights as Christian’s birth father. Fill them out so I can file it and get the court date set up. At the hearing, you will tell the judge that you no longer wish to be a father to him.’
‘No.’ As much as Max had never been in Christian’s life, he still was his son.
Jordan began to turn red. If they were in a cartoon, he’d have steam blowing out his ears. ‘Sign the papers, or I will hurt you until you do. I don’t want to have to resort to that.’
Despite the situation, Max found that humorous. The little punk kid was going to hurt the Army guy. He could sure try. ‘If you would please take me back to work, I’d appreciate it.’ He threw the pen and envelope in the backseat.
‘Sign the papers.’ Jordan lowered his voice.
‘No, I’m not going to sign anything.’ Max didn’t feel like dealing with him anymore. He unbuckled himself, threw the door open, and began walking back towards the
construction site.
Who did Jordan think he was, demanding Max sign over his parental rights? Christian was his son, even if he had never been a good father to him. How could he be a good dad when he was off fighting in the war? He was home now, and things were going to change. He had missed too much. He had done things he was not proud of. He treated people poorly, not thinking of anyone but himself. The only thing he could do was start over and hope Megan and the boy, his boy, forgave him for his mistakes.
(A special thanks goes to Azure for editing)
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IncestMegan and I are the best of friends, and god is she gorgeous. She has light brown hair that falls at her shoulders perfectly and bright green eyes that would make anyone stare. Sure, we would make out for guys at parties if they wanted us to, we'd grope each other and tease guys while we kissed and sometimes we'd get pretty into it. We’re so close that it didn't bother us, but Megan made it clear she would never go further than that with a girl. I usually agreed, but sometimes when she changed...
BisexualMy eyes were closed. I leaned back in the black leather swivel chair and thought about how soft and warm this kid's mouth was. Maybe I shouldn't call her a kid; I think she's eighteen. Whatever she is, she's the girl next door, the one with the very hot mama. She's been working for us as a receptionist ever since she started to work full time. Her basic job description is to suck my cock whenever my secretary is out at the main office, and she does that job excellently. I'd give her a...
Megan, 44 yrs old, pear shaped white bbw with a thing for big black d!ck I soon discovered. She worked as route coordinator for the local school districts bus routes. I drove to make extra income. Me and Megan started out with the usual small chat, good laughs from time to time and the occasional dirty joke. She was real cool people and never once snarled at such a joke, in fact she initiated by jokingly accusing me of staring at another female drivers ass every chance i could get and calling...
Megan was eighteen when we first met, with long dark hair, brown eyes, a beautiful smile, and a perfect figure. All in all, she was hot as hell. Unbelievably, she never had a fixed boyfriend (or girlfriend), which always baffled me as I would have expected to see people queuing up for her, but she was quite a shy girl really – especially with me.She was a hard-working, studious type of girl who was also at university during the time I knew her, and has since gone on to do well in her chosen...
Straight SexMegan-Where do I start, she was my ex-wifes cousin, stood at 5-7 was slim and petite shoulder length blonde hair and was naturally beautiful. We always got along quite well don’t know if it was because I never acted my age or that the sexual attraction between the two of us was explosive! It all came to fruition during the holiday season and that part of her family would come visit from the cold up north. There trip started out as normal and I was looking forward to seeing her she was always...
We originally met online and over a few years had got to know each other quite well . We would swap emails and text messages, both comfortable in each other’s cyber company. We’d even occasionally swap the odd photo, sometimes suggestive and naughty and other times just of things that we knew would be of interest to the other. We both agreed it would be fun to meet up even if it was just for a chat over coffee. We had not gone as far as having cyber sex. Somehow we decided early on that it...
Straight SexWe originally met online and over a few years had got to know each other quite well . We would swap emails and text messages, both comfortable in each other’s cyber company. We’d even occasionally swap the odd photo, sometimes suggestive and naughty and other times just of things that we knew would be of interest to the other. We both agreed it would be fun to meet up even if it was just for a chat over coffee. We had not gone as far as having cyber sex.Somehow we decided early on that it...
I was in high school, and i was about to go on the school trip to germany.I was really excited to go and enjoy my week off, until i found out one previously unmentioned fact in the trip meeting, that we would be sharing rooms with two other boys.I had recently started masturbating about guys, and was desperate to feel the thrill of giving another guy head, so desperate i had spent the last two weeks in my room every evening, sucking on the rounded back handle of a hairbrush whilst my dick grew...
I drove to a park near her place, and she rode her bike down. She was very cute. about 5'7'', maybe 110 at the time, prolly more like 100lbs. curly dark hair to her shoulders, the cutes eyes in the world. She was definatly gorgeous. Her long legs were not tanned, but it didnt matter. We sat and talked, flirting for a lil while, and the next thing I knew she was sitting on my lap in my lil truck. We started kissing, and she was flashing her perky bcups at me, enjoying...
The shrill sound of the tea kettle shattered Max’s reverie. He was remembering when he and Rosie met thirty-eight years ago. Sighing deeply, he looked down at the yellow mug and remembered the vision of the two of them rowing down the Charles River that May morning, the night after their first date, the first of many, before shocking everyone they knew by getting married one April weekend while still in their senior year of college. He had been attending Harvard and she was at Radcliffe, a few...
Love Stories**Special thanks to Azure for editing.** Max Roberts climbed out of the back of the cab. He set his duffel bag on the ground in front of him. He glanced up at the two story home in front of him. Its exterior looked nearly the same as the last time he had been standing before it. The grass was cut short, the bushes trimmed nicely to line the path to the door. It was not his home. He had given up his apartment because it didn’t make any sense to keep it, what with him not being around to use...
**A special thanks to bikoukumori for editing this chapter** Max Roberts yawned. He was dead tired and completely worn out from worrying. His ass was numb from the uncomfortable plastic chair. It didn’t help that Christian had been glued to him the whole time, he’d become used to it. The elevator dinged and the door slid open. A skinny elderly woman with electric pink hair, sporting a black spandex dress walked out of it. Max choked back a laugh. ‘LouLou, over here.’ Hal waved at the woman....
Our laughter spilled out onto West 47th Street as we untangled ourselves from the cab and headed toward the lobby door. Water cascaded onto and off the glass ceiling above as we trundled through the street lobby and piled onto the elevator, suddenly enveloped by the trademark electronica music that the W Hotel has seeping from every speaker in the hotel."This is a very sexy hotel," Shani stated with a smile as she wrapped her arms around Max. He reciprocated as he enveloped her in his muscular...
The next day was Sunday. The weather was supposed to be almost unseasonably warm, so the girls all got together and asked the sponsors if they could all have a picnic in the park. Both of his parents thought it sounded like fun. Max was all for it, so the kitchen was a beehive of activity as they fixed sandwiches and potato salad, gathered snacks and soda, and got everything packed up. They were not the only ones with that idea; there were half a dozen families at the park when the Xander...
Another aspect of the recent changes that he had not considered smacked him in the face when he entered the locker room after class. The other students were stripping off and heading to the showers. There was no segregation at this level, since all students were over fourteen! Girls and boys alike were wandering around naked, showering and changing. There were a lot of looks exchanged on both sides, and more than a few hardons. Max had always dreaded being in the locker room before,...
Max Roberts walked as fast as he could towards the construction site he was currently supposed to be working at. Megan’s new boy toy had left him no choice but to walk back. He hoped the supervisor wasn’t going to be a dick to him today for being late back from lunch. He hadn’t even gotten to eat. As he neared the site, he saw the man in question. And boy, did he not look happy. ‘Look, I’m sorry. The asshole I left with dumped me out, and-‘ He was cut off abruptly. ‘Save the bullshit. Go...
Breakfast the following morning was fun. Max came downstairs after waking to find his bed empty, and found his sisters making a big breakfast. Their chatter and giggling could be heard from the top of the stairs, and when he turned the corner into the kitchen, Maggie saw him. She came running, then threw herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around him, still gloriously naked. She kissed him with enough heat that he was seriously considering taking her back upstairs when his father came...
Monday morning, Max groaned as he struggled to roll over and shut off the alarm clock, finding his way blocked by the sleeping and beautiful, Maggie. On his other side, twined around him in the same fashion, was Thea. As much as he hated to move, that alarm clock was driving him mad, and his bladder was complaining. He wriggled out from between them, slammed his hand down on the clock, then paused to cover the girls before padding, bare-assed, to take care of the other need. Except for a...
The shrill sound of the tea kettle shattered Max’s reverie. He was remembering when he and Rosie met thirty-eight years ago. Sighing deeply, he looked down at the yellow mug and remembered the vision of the two of them rowing down the Charles River that May morning, the night after their first date, the first of many, before shocking everyone they knew by getting married one April weekend while still in their senior year of college. He had been attending Harvard and she was at Radcliffe, a few...
Monday morning he felt a little bit better, but still ravenously hungry, and he was not surprised to find he had grown again!. He measured himself against the mark he had put on the wall yesterday, and he was another inch and a half taller! Another huge breakfast was already being cooked when he made his way downstairs. Because he had only his father’s clothes to wear, his parents had told him he could stay home today. His dad, being six foot, four inches tall but rail thin, the clothes were...
(Note: This story features characters from "A Clean Start". You don't have to read that story first, but I recommended it.)"Hi, Max!" the familiar voice called out.As I walked out of the locker room, I looked and saw Pete's smiling face standing next to the weight rack. Pete was my best friend Tank's boyfriend or partner or whatever you want to call it."Hey, Pete," I replied back.Pete grinned back. I smiled and shook my head. Pete was just way too happy sometimes. He was a cute little fucker,...
It had been on a Saturday night out with the girls, after a few glasses of vodka, when the offer of a threesome had caught me by surprise and got me upset. I’d been married to Max for just over a year and I was out on a girly night. It had been great to see all my old friends and we’d had such a great evening catching up on gossip! I’d been teased about my devotion to Max. I’d previously slept around a bit before Max but I was now his adoring wife and was glad to be settled, not needing to...
ThreesomesRandi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Later in the day, after Max had invited me to stop by in the morning, had to make a grocery run. Made a point of checking out his directions. He was right his apartment was only a few blocks from where we were staying. Did not sleep well that night, kept waking up wit a huge erection, kept dreaming then waking and thinking of Max and what was going to happen was obviously on my mind. Woke up a bit early had a coffee then decided to go on over, jogged the few blocks then walked as I got closer...
GayMax, the dress and me Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the wind toyed with the hem of my dress I stood there basking in the glory with the mere fact that I had done it. I had actually gotten dressed, left the house, and walked to the lake. I stood there a moment longer, then walked down the beach to the boat ramp, turned around and walked back home. I was so excited when I was back home that I could barely stand it, and once again coated my lips with the red lipstick. The...
Max, the dress and me Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the wind toyed with the hem of my dress I stood there basking in the glory with the mere fact that I had done it. I had actually gotten dressed, left the house, and walked to the lake. I stood there a moment longer, then walked down the beach to the boat ramp, turned around and walked back home. I was so excited when I was back home that I could barely stand it, and once again coated my lips with the red lipstick. The...
Christie had seen the dog several times when the family would go over to her sister in law's. Max was a large German shepherd who was very playful and aggressive. She always worried about him knocking her kids over when they played with him. Christie had said he should be fixed so that he would settle down. However, her sister in law would never do it, saying it seemed cruel. She loved the dog almost like he was family. Of course, she was approaching 30 years of age and was single is what...
So walking in I suddenly realize that this would be the day I was sure to meet a celebrity, but also some assholes that just hung around these places. As I approached the bar I notice a young women in the corner who I instantly recognized. It was Megan Fox. She seemed to be in a little bit of distress. She was being hassled by five guys even though she had on a wig and contacts that changed her eye color. So I went up to the bar and ordered two shots of patron. After receiving the shots I took...
Present Day As the silver-gray Lincoln Town Car pulled to the curb, Toby smiled and let his hands off the lawn mower handle. The ‘dead man’ switch kicked off and the mower shut down. He waited for the occupants of the car to climb out before yelling into the house. “Hey! Mom! Uncle Bullethead and the twins just showed up!” Inside the house Andrew laughed and Jessica yelled back a warning “Toby!” A thunder of feet in the foyer announced they were both coming to the front door. Toby’s mother...
I now knew enough to get into serious trouble on the dance floor. The carriage pulled up, and I was shooed out the back and told to 'Go practice or something' by Miss Lori. So I followed her instructions and practiced. I was encouraged not to come back in, and they even went so far as to bring me food and drink and a book. Anything, really, to keep me occupied, the household went all-out to get her ready for tonight. Chandra came back looking dirty and tired, so I shooed her off to wash up...