Max To Maxie - New Beginnings free porn video

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Max to Maxie Chapter 1 - New Beginnings As I lay on the gurney, with my wife Sandi sitting next to me, Dr. Madison came in. "Good morning Maxie, good morning Sandi", as she was shaking our hands. "Maxie, I know we already went over what we are going to do today but, I want to make sure that you understand what is going to happen. I'll be doing 3 procedures on you today. Up to now, the changes that have been made are reversible. But, after today they will be irreversible. I am going to make a slit in your scrotum and remove your testicles, remember once they are gone, they are gone forever. Then I am going to relocate your urethra so that it is aimed down to pee, which means that from now on, you have to sit down to pee. I am going to remove your penis and use part of its head to make a clitoris for you, and the skin from your scrotum to create the lips of your labia. We usually don't do this because if you decide to go for a complete SRS, we won't be able to use your penis skin for your neo vagina. But you and Sandi decided that you will want a deeper vagina than what we can create with your small penis. In your case we would use a section of your colon. While this is a more complicated surgery, it has the benefit that you will be able to self-lubricate making sex easier and more enjoyable. With this procedure we are doing today, you will look in every way like a natural woman, except you won't have a vagina. You will have to sit down to urinate from now on. Even wearing the skimpiest swim suit, no one will be able to tell that you aren't a natural woman. Do you have any questions?" We both said no. "Second we are going to give you a breast augmentation. I will be inserting a C cup saline implant. In the future, if your natural breast growth progresses, I can gradually remove some of the saline until your breast growth stops. At that time, I will remove the implant. Do you have any questions?" Again, we both said no. "Third, is a feminization laryngoplasty which is a procedure to make your voice box smaller and vocal cords shorter to raise your comfortable speaking pitch. I have had very good success with this procedure. After the surgery, you can't speak, at all, for 2 weeks. The risks for all of these procedures are small and there is always the chance of infection. Do you understand?" Again we said that we did. Dr. Madison had already gone over all of this before. "Great, the nurse will have some more papers for you to sign and then start your IV. So if there are no questions, I will see you in the Operating Room". With that she left and the nurse came in, had me sign the forms, gave me a valium to help me relax and started my IV. With-in a few minutes I was higher than a kite. Sandi was holding my hand the whole time, reassuring me that this is all for the best. I am not sure how much time went by. Sandi gave me a kiss saying, "See you in the recovery room". They wheeled me into the operating room. Dr. Madison was there giving me a warm reassuring smile. The anesthesiologist added some drugs to my IV saying, "Count back from 10". "10...this is my last chance to stop all of this. Am I really going through this? 9...this is my last chance to stay a man. But, do I want to? 8...but Sandi says it is best for me besides I won't ever be putting it inside her again. 7...If Sandi says that this is the best for me, then, it must be. 6...How did I get into this... " Sandi and I met in our last year of college at a party. I noticed her right away but, she was the type of woman that I never thought I had a chance with. She was beautiful, with long brunette hair, long legs and she could have had any guy on campus. Me, well just say that I am not the most masculine guy on campus. In fact, I was only 5'5", 130 lbs., soaking wet, I only had to shave a couple of times a month and had otherwise some very soft features. To say that it was hard to get a date would be an understatement. She came over and started talking. At first I thought that she was talking to someone else but, there wasn't anyone else nearby. She seemed to be genuinely interested in me. We talked for a while when she suggested that we go somewhere a little more quiet. We ended up at a coffee shop and talked for hours. She told me about her life. She was a senior also and was majoring in business and marketing. Her Father was killed in an accident. Her Mom was partners, with her sisters, in a business and was set for life. Sandi was going to school because; she was being groomed to take over the Company one day. I told her that my parents were divorced and that I didn't see my Dad very often. But, he was putting me through college so I had to try and get it done as fast as possible. I told her that I was a graphic arts major and have already been recruited by a firm in San Francisco. "San Francisco is my favorite city! I would love to live there someday". By the time they kicked us out of the coffee shop; Sandi took my phone number and said that she would call me. True to her word, she called me the next day and we made arrangements to meet for dinner that night. At dinner, she told me I was a refreshing type of guy to be around. She said that she was tired of those overly macho guys that were always trying to impress her. She told me, "Please don't take this the wrong way but, what I like about you is that you aren't very macho". How could I be offended, here I was having dinner with one of the most beautiful women I have ever known? Just being in her company was intoxicating. Her smile was enough to "melt" me. After just 2 dates, she had me wrapped around her little finger. It's strange but, before meeting Sandi, I never thought myself as being a submissive guy. I knew that I was far from being very dominant but never submissive. But, the more we saw of each other, the more that I came to realize that she was the one who was the dominant force in our relationship. We went to eat and did what she wanted to do. We saw each other every day and after a month I couldn't say no to her. When we finally had sex, she taught me what pleased and didn't please her. The ground rules were set. Unless I made her cum first, then I didn't get to cum. I must have been a fast learner because she almost always let me cum. Of course, she was always on the top. I didn't mind because I was thinking the more she likes it then the more sex I would get. To say that we became in separable would be an understatement. After we had been dating for a month, she told me that it was just plain dumb to have 2 apartments since one or the other was almost always empty. Sandi told me to move out of my apartment and into hers; she did have the better apartment. So the next weekend, I gave up my apartment, sold or gave away all of my furniture, Sandi's suggestion, and moved in with her. The first month took a bit to get used to. She had me do all of the cooking and keep the apartment clean, Sandi hated to cook or do housework. By the start of the 2nd month, we were all settled in. That is when the changes started. One morning I got up and took a shower. I went to get my boxers and found that they were all gone. In their place were some men's silk and nylon briefs. Sandi said that she hated my old underwear and that these would be nicer. Reluctantly I put them on and she was right. They did feel nice against my skin. I told Sandi that I would be a bit late coming home one day as I had to get a haircut. My hair wasn't super short but, it was getting to just below my collar. She told me to hold off on the haircut because she would like to see me with longer hair. What could I do but to cancel my appointment? Over the next few months, there were more changes. One day we were at the mall and Sandi wanted to go into Claire's and look for some new earrings. She noticed me looking at a pair of earrings, for her, and said that I had good taste. Then she had this gleam in her eyes and a sly smile on her face. "Max, I think you would look so good wearing a small pair of gold hoops." "But, I can't what would people say and besides, my ears aren't pierced." Just as I said that I knew I was in "trouble". "Miss, I think my boyfriend would like to get his ears pierced." "Sure no problem, pick out a pair of these studs and I will put them right in." Sandi looked at me with those big brown eyes and I couldn't say no. Before I knew it, I was sitting in the chair with Sandi handing the girl a pair of gold studs. The girl was marking my ear lobes and cleaning them alcohol. She put the gun on my right ear and pulled the trigger. There was a pop and I felt a sharp pain for a moment and then it was gone. She did the same thing for the other side. "Would you like another set?" "No this will do for now." I am thinking, what does she mean by for now? But Sandi was all happy and gave me a big kiss. She said that my hands were too rough to be touching her down there and had me make regular use of her hand lotion. One night I actually made her hurt because a sharp finger nail scrapped inside her vagina. "Enough is enough; tomorrow I am taking you to the nail salon I go to, to get your nails done. I go in every 2 weeks and from now on, you will too." Sure enough, after class the next day, I was sitting getting my finger nails clipped, filed and my cuticles were pushed back. It was a little relaxing to have someone hold your hand while working on your nails. "Much better! You will come back in with me next week for a mani and a pedi." Again true to her word, the next week I was sitting, next to Sandi, getting my nails done too. This time though, she told the manicurist to file the ridges, on the top of my nails, smooth and to apply a coat of clear polish. I knew better than to object, so when we left, my fingers and toes were all shiny. "As long as we are here and your ears are healed, let's go and find some nice hoops for you." So we spent the next hour going from store to store before she found the perfect pair for me. They were 14K Solid Yellow Gold 12mm hinged hoops. She also found a pair of 14K yellow gold Princess-Cut 1.5c diamond stud earrings. She told me that the hoops would be for every day and that the diamond studs were for when we went out. Sandi started me going with to her spa for facials and massages. One time we were there, she asked the esthetician to wax the few hairs I had growing on my face. The next time, she said that I had a few hairs starting to grow on my chest, they got waxed too. It seemed like every time I went in there, something new was being waxed. After a couple of months, the only hair I had left on my body was my head, eyebrows and pubs. As time went on, more and more of my clothes were being replaced. I asked Sandi about it and all of the things that she was having done to me, she just said, 'I think it is important for you to take care of yourself. Admit it, you are feeling better about yourself now, than you were when we first met. These clothes are a big improvement over what you had. If you don't like all of this, then leave. I love you but I don't want you here unless I can be proud of you. I am just looking out for your best interest and I will never do or have you do, anything that isn't right." We lived only an hour from my Mom's so we saw her at least a once a month. Mom and Sandi bonded from the beginning. Mom would say things like, "Sandi, you are such a good influence on Max. I have been trying for years to get him to improve his appearance. You have been with him for only a couple of months now, and he looks so much better. You had better watch out or some other girl will try and steal him from you." They both laughed but, Mom approved of every change that Sandi had made for me and even started helping. Every time we went up there Mom would take us out shopping and we would both come home with new outfits, jewelry or shoes. In fact, Mom bought me my first pair of dangle earrings; pair of 18k yellow gold 0.75ctw diamond lever back dangle earrings. To me, they looked a bit too feminine but, Sandi and Mom loved them. Another time Mom and Sandi decided that it was time for me to get a 2nd hole in my ear lobes, so it was done and I started routinely wearing my diamond studs in my upper hole and my hoop or dangle earrings in my bottom hole. Soon they started getting bored with my earring choices so Mom bought me my own jewelry box and soon it was filled. Our friends couldn't help but notice the change in not only my appearance but, how I was feeling about myself and my general attitude. Almost all of our women friends thought what Sandi had done was very much of an improvement. In fact I had a couple of women, who wouldn't have considered dating me, actually said, "If things didn't work out between you and Sandi give me a call". The guys on the other hand were split. Some thought I had gone gay and living with Sandi was just a rouse. Others thought that Sandi had me pussy whipped, which was pretty much the truth. I did hear a couple of comments to the effect that, "To have a girlfriend like Sandi, I would probably be a bit pussy whipped too". We went to Sandi's Mom's for Christmas, where I met her for the 1st time. I could see where Sandi got her dominance streak from. Jacquie had seen pictures of me taken right after Sandi and I met. She just looked at me and commented on how my new look was a vast improvement over my old look. But I needed to do something different with my hair. Sandi's comment was, "Max is letting his hair grow out so it is enough to do something with. You know like Daddy's hair was." Jacquie just smiled, "Yes I can see it. But we'll see." We stayed for 10 days and during that time; I saw some pictures of Sandi's Dad, Stan. It didn't take much to realize that Sandi was turning me into his likeness, which wasn't a necessarily a bad thing. Stan and I had about the same body type, not too tall and slim, though I had put on a few pounds since meeting Sandi. The big difference was that his hair was longer and curlier than mine. "I guess you found out my little secret. I loved my Dad so much and you look so much like him, I couldn't help but want you to look a bit like him. Is that creepy?" "No I guess not. At least you aren't trying to turn me into your Mom." She gave me a bit of a strange look but I let it pass. The next morning, Jacquie got us up saying, "Get dressed I have an appointment for all of us today at my salon/spa". Sandi's reaction was a scream of glee. I had been going to the spa with Sandi enough to know that this is what she lived for, so to speak. A little before 9:00 we were walking into the Oasis Salon and Spa. Jacquie had made arraignments for us to be side by side so we could talk and experience this together. They had us undress and walk out with just a bathrobe on. I laid face down on the table with Jacquie on one side of me and Sandi on the other. My masseuse, Ingrid, came in and laid a towel over my butt and removed my bathrobe. She commented on what nice skin I had and, "It's a shame that more guys don't take care of their skin". Ingrid started applying some very aromatic oils to my body and started to massage them. The massage lasted an hour and I was about to fall asleep when she finished. I think that the only thing that kept me awake was Jacquie always talking and asking me questions. I looked over to Sandi a couple of times and she was asleep. Then when I thought I couldn't get more relaxed, Ingrid wrapped my body tight in warm moist aromatic towels. Now I know how a mummy feels. The table was warm and for the next hour she was constantly putting aromatic warm water on my towels to prevent them from cooling down. This time I did doze off and before I knew it, Ingrid was taking the towels off and she started to scrub my body with something that both felt soft and smooth with a bit of texture to it. She scrubbed every part of my body from my toe nails to my hair line. After she finished, she rinsed me off with a soft sponge and warm water, patted my skin dry with a plush towel and massaged lotion into my body. She helped me sit up and she gave me my robe to put on. By now I was so relaxed that I had a hard time standing up. We were led us over to a chair that doubled for both doing facials and pedicures. I sat down putting my feet into the warm water. Ingrid came over and cleansed my face then put an avocado mask on and placed two pieces of cucumber over my eyes. She told me to relax for the next half hour. While I was sitting there, Janelle, the manicurist, came over and started working of my fingers, hands feet and toes. She put paraffin wax on my hands and feet. When she finished, Jacquie decided that since this was Christmas, we all needed to get our toes painted bright red. Jacquie also thought that my fingernails were a bit too short so she had Janelle add a ?" extension to each nail, cut them straight and added a white strip, to my normal pink nail polish, to give me a French Manicure look. After Janelle finished, Ingrid came back over, peeled off the mask and gently washed my face with warm water and patted me dry. Jacquie and Sandi were having their make-up applied. Jacquie said that she thought I would look a bit better if had some tinted moisturizer applied to my face to help even out my skin tones. Happy but, not satisfied with the results, Jacquie had Ingrid tidy up my eyebrows, put on a little eye shadow, liner and clear mascara. The results were very subtle but I have to admit they helped to improve my appearance. Ingrid loaded me up with all of the cosmetics I would need to keep this look and some others to experiment with. Just when I was thinking we were through, Jacquie led me into the salon area to Patty's chair. Jacquie, Sandi and Patty had already discussed what they wanted Patty to do to my hair. Now my hair is fine, limp and a light mousey brown. It just kind laid there. Despite Sandi trying to help, there wasn't much of an improvement. Patty said no problem she knew exactly what to do and went into the back room. I knew better than to ask what was going to be done or why. I really trusted them and knew that whatever Patty was going to my hair would look nice. Patty returned with 3 bowls, of what looked like hair color, and pieces of aluminum foil. She sectioned of my hair and starting on the side, she weaved out a small section of hair. She took one of the pieces of the foil, laid the hair on it and brushed some of the color on it and folded it up into a small packet. She took another section and clipped it back out of the way, then weaved out another small section place it on the foil and put a different hair color on it. After 20 minutes the sides and back were done and she started on the top. When she finished, she took the color from the 3rd bowl and applied it in between the foils. "How we have 30 minutes for you to process. What I did, was to add a little warmth to your hair. It should be very subtle but you hair will look much better. I also added some highlights to help brighten your hair a bit and lowlights to add depth." Jacquie and Sandi were sitting with me the whole time reassuring me that I will look fantastic. I knew that this would make Mom happy because she had been trying, for years, to get me to color my drab looking hair. I always thought, especially after Dad left, that she wanted a daughter. There were times that she tried to curl my hair and I always resisted. But with Sandi, Jacquie and now Mom, I found it impossible to say no to them. I had turned my heart and soul over to them and to tell the truth, I have never been happier. The first time Sandi took me into her salon, I must admit I was nervous. But now, I don't know if it was the fact that I was just used to it happening, it didn't bother me at all. In fact, I was really enjoying being there. Anyway, 30 minutes went by fast and Patty was taking me back to the shampoo bowl. I laid back and I could feel her pulling the foils out of my hair. She rinsed, shampooed and conditioned my hair, patting it dry, saying that my hair looked great. She placed the towel over my head walked me back to her station and sat me in her chair and turned me away from the mirror. I could feel Patty combing my hair and cutting it, Jacquie had told her how to cut it. I couldn't tell how much she was cutting off. But, I did get a chance to see pieces of my newly colored hair, which I liked. I couldn't wait to see how it turned out. As Patty finished, she turned me to the mirror and applied mousse to my hair. She said to watch her and that I needed to know how too properly blow dry my hair from now on. She used a round brush with her blow dryer to give me a bit of body. She then took out her large curling iron to curl the top of my head. She then used her brush to smooth down the curls so that my hair looked wavy, with body. I stared into the mirror looking at my new hair. To her word, my hair had subtly changed but, looked much richer. She had cut my hair so that I now had layers on the back and sides with sweep bangs that came from my left side. Like everything else, my new look was right on the edge. While it did have a feminine look to it, it wasn't over the top. Not quite a sissy's look but, not very masculine at all, which was ok for me. After we were finished, it was time for lunch and a little shopping. We had lunch at the Fresh Choice and then into the Mall. Before today, I would occasionally get mistaken for a woman. While were at the Mall I must have been addressed as Miss at least a dozen times. I was thinking that this should bother me more than it did. At one of the dress shops when I was called Miss, Jacquie and Sandi played right along saying that Maxie was looking for a new dress for Christmas. Before I knew it I was trying on dresses and they were taking pictures. After almost an hour, they chose a dress and bought it because the sales girl had worked so hard for the sale. Sandi said that if I didn't want it, that she would wear it and we all laughed. We found a dress for Jacquie and another one for Sandi. Now their attention focused on me saying that I didn't have anything appropriate for me to wear at Christmas. We went into a couple of Department stores and they couldn't find anything that they liked, for me. Finally, at Nordstrom's, we found ourselves back in the junior's department. Jacquie found a pair of black wool slacks and a white rayon long sleeve shirt that she thought was perfect. They fit me perfect but Jacquie didn't like the "panty" lines of my briefs or the outline of my undershirt. So the next stop was the lingerie section. We looked at several combinations of camisole and panties but nothing appealed to them. Jacquie paid for the pants and shirt and we left. We headed right for Victoria Secret. As we walked in, the sales girl, Angie, asked if she could help. "Yes, we are looking for a panty and camisole set for my daughter Maxie. She has always been pretty much a tomboy and now wants be more feminine." Angie immediately measured me and showed us our options. She then said, "You know that we are having a sale today. If you buy a bra and panty set, you get the cami for free. The way it works out, it will actually be cheaper to buy all 3 instead of just the two." That was all Jacquie needed to hear and soon I was trying on a 34A bra. Jacquie ended up buying me a total of 5 bra, panty and cami sets. She also told me to pick out 5 thongs. I knew that I would no longer be wearing my old briefs. Our next stop was at the shoe store. Jacquie and Sandi found a pair of black loafers, with a 2" heel, for me to wear at Christmas. They had the sales lady get a pair that was just large enough so that I had to wear either nylons or a very thin sock. I walked around in those shoes and I couldn't believe how comfortable they were. The heel was broad enough so balance wasn't a problem. Satisfied with our outing, we headed home. Shortly after we arrived, I was told to get all of my underwear that I had brought with me and to throw them away. Of course I complied with their "request". In fact, I even had to take off what I had been wearing and put on one of my new panty/cami sets. The first time I tried on a thong it felt really weird but, it didn't take very long to get used to and I actually enjoyed wearing it. The next 2 days were spent getting Jacquie's house ready and to start cooking. Jacquie had invited 30 people for Christmas. She had invited all of her family. Everyone in her family, except her brother who lived in Seattle, was coming. I was told that the family couldn't wait to meet me. Christmas Eve Day, Jacquie made an appointment for all 3 of us to get our hair done again. This time, Patty washed my hair and rolled it on large rollers and put me under the dryer. She told me not to worry that this would just to help add volume to my hair. After 30 minutes, I was back in Patty's chair and she took the rollers out and started brushing my hair. Sure enough, it wasn't overly curly, just waves and volume. Before we left, Jacquie scheduled another appointment for New Year's Eve day. As long as we were out, Jacquie and Sandi decided that I needed more new outfits. This time, we headed straight for the junior's section of Nordstrom's. They bought me 4 new pairs of pants and 4 new "shirts". Two of the pairs of pants were too long for me, even with my new loafers and their 2" heels. One pair was a boot cut trouser and the other was a boot leg flair pant, I am not really sure what the differences between the two were. "We can't have your pant bottoms dragging on the ground. I have an idea." Off to the shoe department we went. Jacquie and Sandi had me try one several pairs of shoes and boots. We settled on 4 pairs of shoes and boots. The shoes were platform pumps with 3" heels and the one pair of the boots had a 3 ?" heel and the other had a 4 ?" heel with a 1" platform. They did the trick because my pant legs no longer dragged on the ground. With long pants on, you couldn't really tell I was wearing women's shoes. With so many new shoes, it was decided that I needed knee high nylons to wear with my new shoes/boots and off to the hosiery section we went. Two more stops, we were finally finished shopping and we headed home. I thought that they were going to tell me I had to get rid some of the clothes that I had brought. But, I was allowed to keep my "old" clothes. I was told that a person can never have too many nice clothes. We spent the rest of the day getting ready for Christmas. When we finished, Jacquie told us to get ready because we were going out for a Christmas Eve dinner. Sandi suggested that I wear my new pants, camisole, shirt and boots. I got dressed and went out for inspection. They looked at me, had me turn around and I could see smiles on their faces. They turned away from me and started talking just loud enough so that I could hear. "He looks great in that outfit but...". "Yes I know that bulge in his pants. You know, I still have your Dad's...." "Are your sure he is ready for that?" "Think about everything we did to him over the last couple days and he never complained once. I have no doubt that he will accept this too. Go and talk with him and I will go and get it." Sandi walked over to me, "Mom and I were just commenting how good you look in your new clothes. Unfortunately, your pant lines are ruined by that bulge in front." "Well that's because I am a guy." "Still you can be a guy and still have nice lines on your pants." Jacquie came back into my room and handed Sandi what looked like satin ribbons. "All this will do is to hold your penis back between your legs. It will be comfortable to wear and it will give you a nice flat front. I think this will make your pants look much better on you. Your trust me don't you?" "Yes of course I do but..." "But what" "Don't get me wrong, I love the improvements you have made to my appearance but, I don't look much like a guy anymore. This morning I didn't have one person look at me like I was a guy. In fact, 5 or 6 times I was addressed as Miss. If I lose my bulge then no one will look at me as a guy." "Max, don't worry about what others think. You know that you are a guy and you are my guy. If I didn't think that this would make you look better, I wouldn't have suggested it. Just try it and if you don't like it you can always take it off." What could I say but that I would give it a try? Sandi has a way to get me to do whatever she wants. So she handed me the ribbons, which Jacquie had given her. Attached to the ribbon was what could be best described as a triangular piece of silk with a sheath, made out of satin and silk attached to a hole on one end of the triangle. There were 2 ribbons attached to the end with the hole in it and one ribbon each attached to other two ends of the triangle. Sandi told me to take off my pants and panties. She then took the triangle's sheath and pulled it over my little penis so that its head was barely sticking out of the hole in the triangle. She then pushed my balls up into my body cavity and pulling my penis back in one movement. She took the two ribbons, coming off the bottom point of the triangle, ran them through my legs and up my butt crack. She tied them into a knot at my waist line, running them around my waist and then tied the ends together at my back. She then took each of the other two ribbons, ran them to each side and tied them off to the ribbon around my waist. She was done in less than a minute. Looking down there, it looked like I was wearing a bikini bottom and I was flat. There were no signs that I had a bulge at all. I got dressed and both Jacquie and Sandi raved on how much better that I looked. To be honest it wasn't uncomfortable at all. I was just standing in front of the mirror looking at myself and trying to remember what I looked like before. Sandi was watching me with a big smile on her face. She excused herself for a moment and when she returned, she showed me a picture of me that was taken last summer. I couldn't believe the change in my appearance. I held the picture up while looking in the mirror. In the picture I was this scraggly, scruffy looking guy with really dull drab hair. Now I look healthier, I realize that I am actually smiling more and my hair is shiny, no longer drab looking. "Big difference isn't there. See I told you that everything I had you do was for the best. What do you think?" "I guess I didn't really realize all of the changes that you made in my appearance. But to be honest, I like my new look". "Even your flat front?" "Yes even my flat front." Sandi gave me a big smile saying, "Well so do I! Now quit admiring yourself and let's go". We went to this fancy Italian restaurant. I was glad that Jacquie had made reservations for us because the place was packed. We were taken directly to our table with the Ma?tre d' saying, "Ladies, enjoy your dinner". I looked at Sandi and she and Jacquie just started laughing. The rest of the dinner went great. The food and service was fantastic. After we finished eating, I had to go to the bathroom. This was a dilemma. This was the first time that I had to use a public bathroom. I knew, dressed as I was, that I couldn't use the Men's bathroom but, I didn't feel comfortable using the Women's either. Sandi picked up on this, took my arm and led me to the Women's bathroom saying that she wanted to talk to me anyway. The woman's bathroom was way nicer than any men's bathroom I have been in. There were 4 stalls and a sink area with large mirrors. I asked Sandi to help me untie the ribbon so I could go pee. She just smiled telling me to just sit down and pee, which I did. She told me, "You are the first guy that I brought home that Mom actually likes and approves of. Trust me; this is huge for our relationship. In fact Mom said that we could start sleeping together tonight." While Jacquie knew that we were already living together, she had us sleep in separate rooms. To have her give us her blessing made me feel accepted and trusted. Just as I finished, two women came in going directly to the stalls. I was admiring myself in the mirror while I was washing my hands. Sandi joined me saying, "Someone likes their new look. Here try this," as she handed me a tube of lip gloss. I knew better than to refuse her offer, especially in a public place. As I was putting on the gloss, one of the women emerged from her stall. She was probably in her late 30's or early 40's and drop dead gorgeous. We chatted for a few moments about nothing really. She then smiled at me saying, "I used to be flat chested like you, my husband asked me to get these", pointing to her perfectly shaped large B cup breasts. "It was the best decision I ever made. It did wonders for my self-esteem." She reached into her purse and brought out a business card. "Here is my card and if you are interested, give me a call and I'll get you into contact with my Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Madison is the absolute best. Trust me, if you get a set of these, you will wonder why you waited so long". With that she left the restroom saying, "Besides it will help to complete your look". The other woman emerged from her stall laughing, "That Nancy, ever since she got those breast implants, they are all she can talk about. I am surprised that she did try and book you an appointment for you. Anyway, don't listen to her. You look lovely my dear and don't feel pressured into getting anything that you don't want. If you do, get them because it is something that you want and not something that someone else wants you to do to your body. ". With that she left. I about choked, the first woman thought that I was a guy trying to become a woman. Again, I wasn't as upset as I thought I should have been. Looking like this and wearing these clothes had become 2nd nature for me. We returned to our table. Jacquie had already paid the bill so we left to go home. By the time we got home, we were tired and decided to go to bed. I headed for my bedroom when Sandi took my arm and pulled me into her bedroom. "You are sleeping with me tonight." With that we undressed after which, I remembered that my pajamas were in my room. Sandi told me not to worry and to just sleep in my panties and cami. As we cuddled in bed, I was the little spoon of course, Sandi started kissing my neck and playing with the head of my penis, which was still encapsulated in its satin sheath. As I was getting excited, she had me turn so that my head was now between her legs. This had become automatic for me now. Sandi had trained me well on how to bring her the maximum pleasure with just my fingers and tongue. While I was busy pleasuring Sandi, she started working on me. She took off my panties and moved the satin ribbons out of my butt crack. I felt her putting something slippery in my ass hole and then she started putting her fingers inside me. At first I jumped a bit but soon I was enjoying it. She then took the head of my penis in her mouth and started sucking it. Even though I was getting excited, the satin sheath made it impossible to get an erection. Erection or not, I was worried because I thought I was going to cum before Sandi, which was against the rules. Luckily, right before I came she started cuming. It seemed that she was having a much more intense orgasm than usual but, this was the most intense orgasm that I have ever had. Somehow, I just knew that our love making would never be the same again. We feel asleep in each other's arms and didn't wake until 9 Christmas Day. Jacquie had already been up for a couple of hours and told us to shower and get dressed. While I showered, Sandi laid out the clothes she wanted me to wear today. She helped me put my sheath back on and went in to take her shower. There lying on the bed, was a matching set of white bikini panties and cami top. She had also laid out a pair of thigh high nylons, the black wool pants and a white short sleeve collared silk shirt and my diamond studs and dangle earrings. I got dressed, with the exception of the shirt. I went over to the vanity table, sat down and put on my tinted moisturizer, eye shadow, liner, clear mascara and lip gloss. I brushed out my hair then finished getting dressed and finally putting on my jewelry. Looking in the mirror, I started getting worried about what Sandi's family would think seeing me like this. I looked up and Sandi was watching me. I think she knew what I was thinking because she said, "Don't worry you look great and everyone will love you. Now go and give Mom a hand while I get ready" I went into the kitchen and Jacquie put me to work setting the tables, chopping food, washing the dirty dishes and so on. Sandi came down about a half hour later. She looked fabulous. In fact she was wearing the dress that they had picked out for me. Did I just feel a twinge of jealously? Once we hit a stopping point, we went to exchange gifts. They say that great minds think alike because we all got each other jewelry. I got Sandi emerald earrings, a necklace and bracelet set because that's her birthstone. I got Jacquie something similar but her birth stone are rubies. They both gave me new earrings. Jacquie gave me a small plain gold omega chain which went perfectly with my gold earrings. Sandi gave me a single diamond stud. It didn't really look like an earring because it was shaped different. It was larger, had a slight curve to it and a diamond on one end and a gold ball one the other end. Sandi could see that I was confused and said, "That is for when we get your belly button pierced". Somehow I knew that she wasn't kidding me. Shortly after we finished exchanging gifts, the doorbell rang. It was Jacquie's older sister Maggie, her husband Jamie. The first thing I noticed was that Maggie was very good looking and had a sense of superiority about her. Jamie, on the other hand, was much like me. We were dressed similarly and you could tell that he was definitely submissive to not only Maggie but to Jacquie and Sandi too. We exchanged pleasantries and they all said it was nice to finally meet me. No one thought that my look was all that unusual. Soon the others arrived. Jacquie has two sisters. Maggie and a younger sister named Janet. Janet was a twin to their brother Pat who was married and living in the Seattle area. Janet was married to Alex. Janet and Alex have two younger daughters Jenny and Samantha. As more people arrived, I found that my first impression was correct. All of the women, and girls too, expressed a natural sense of superiority and all of the guys, and boys, were dressed similarly and were submissive to all of the women and the girls too. In a strange way, I felt a sense of comradely among the guys. The women kept to themselves and the guys didn't talk about things like football but about raising kids, the latest fashion trends, their last visit to the salon and such. I walked past the women, on the way to the bathroom, and I could hear them talking about me. They all agreed that I seemed like a good catch. Sandi saw me walking by, smiled and gave me the thumbs up. As we sat down for dinner, the guys, except for me were at one end of the table and the women, including me, was at the other. At first I thought this was a big strange but soon it became clear why I was there. I was being hit from all sides with questions about me, my family, how I felt about being with Sandi, about the changes she made, etc. By the end of the dinner I don't think there was anything about my life that hadn't been brought out. The women seemed to accept my answers and welcomed me to their family. With dinner being finished, the women retired to the living room and the job of cleaning up and doing the dishes was left to the guys. Maggie came over to Jamie as spoke to him for a minute or so. Jamie came over to me and said, "Let them finish the dishes, we need to talk". With that, we went into one of the bedrooms and sat down. "It is a traditional that the oldest member of this family speaks when someone new comes along. How serious are you and Sandi?" "I love her with all of my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with her." "That is what everyone thought and why they wanted me to talk with you. I think the best way to describe this family is to give you a bit of its history. Jacquie's Mom, and Sandi's grandmother, was a very strong and independent woman named Gladys. Gladys grew up in the midst of the Great Depression. Her father left when she was young so, being the oldest, she had to help support her family. She started to sew clothes for other people. Soon she was busier than she could handle so she started hiring other women to help. When the War came, she got a contract with the Government to make uniforms for the women members of the Armed Services. She immediately went from having 3 women, working for her, to 100. She was a very smart business woman and built her Company into one of the largest woman owned businesses of the time. By the time the War was over, she had taken what she learned about designing clothes and developed her own line of women's cloths. She became very successful and actually expanded her workforce to over 200, all women. She was selling her clothing line all over the world. Like I said, she was a very strong willed woman. She was married 3 times. The first two were to men that were as strong willed and independent as she was. Those marriages didn't last. Then she met Joe. While Joe was a very nice guy, he was also very submissive and easily controlled. They were a very good match. Soon Maggie came along and Joe stayed home to take care of her. By the time that Jacquie came along, Joe was comfortably set in his role as house husband and taking care of the girls. When Gladys was pregnant with Janet and Pat, Joe started to stray. He was caught cheating on Gladys. Not wanting this to happen again, she gave Joe two choices. He could either leave the marriage with nothing but his clothes, Gladys created one of the first pre-nuptial agreements, or he could stay in the marriage if he got himself castrated. Joe hadn't worked for the last 7 years and had no money of his own. He had basically gone from his parent's home, to school, then to Gladys's. Like I said, he stayed at home and raised Jacquie and Maggie. When Joe showed his only bit of back bone and said no, calling Gladys's bluff, she threw him out. A week later he was back begging Gladys to take him back. She told him that he knew the conditions of his return and he accepted. A week later he was in the Dr.'s office and was castrated. Of course his libido dropped to nothing and, he told me later, that was the best thing to happen to him. He said he could now concentrate on taking care of Gladys and his family. After this, it was drilled into the kids that women are naturally superior to men. The girls should marry a man who is truly submissive to them and Pat needed to find a wife that he could be submissive to. Seeing what worked, and didn't work, with Joe, she developed a set of guidelines for her children to follow in their lives. I was the first to marry into their family. Joe sat me down and gave me the same talk that I am giving you now. We had been dating for about 6 months and had started talking about marriage. Part of their program is to see how far they could push and still get compliance from whoever they were dating. Maggie put me through much of what Sandi has put you through. I was going into salons, getting my hair cut, colored and/or permed before it was common to see men in there. I have been dressing this way since before we got married. I have been wearing earrings before men even thought about wearing them. In some ways you will have it easier because society has become more feminized and this is more acceptable". So how serious are you and Sandi?" "I can't imagine my life without her. We have started talking about getting married but, nothing specific." "I have no doubt in my mind that Sandi has her "claws" deep enough into you that you will be married." "I truly hope so. At first these changes she has made in me seemed a bit strange but now I really like the way I look. I never really thought of myself as a submissive person but now, I must say that I really like the role." "And that is how it should be but, you need to know what is in store for you. I am assuming that you are no longer permitted to penetrate her." "Sandi says that I'm not big enough to please her, so she is teaching me how to please her without penetrating her." "I thought so, has she started fingering your butt hole yet?" "Yes she just started." "How do you like it?" "I am not sure. Why do you ask?" "Because she is getting you used to being penetrated. Soon she will introduce you to a strap-on "cock" and you will be bitched. It will hurt at first but, as you get used to it you will learn to crave it, giving Sandi one more thing to control you with." "Is she going to want me to have sex with other men?" "Absolutely not! They are all strong believers in monogamy. By allowing yourself to be bitched, you are giving away another piece of control and your masculinity to her. It's all about control, nothing more or nothing less." "So what happens if I say no?" "Simply, if it is before you are married, then there will be no marriage. If it is after you are married, then you will be divorced leaving you with nothing." "How can she do that?" "Before you get married, you will be required to sign a prenuptial agreement that says that in case of a divorce, regardless of who is at fault, you will only be able to keep what you brought into the marriage. I am assuming that when you moved into Sandi's apartment, she had you sell or give away everything you had." "Yes she did." "Also, when you get married, you will be required to take her last name. Again, control." "I didn't know that." "That is why they wanted me to talk with you. So that you will understand what is expected of you if you marry into their family." "Well that doesn't sound like anything that I can't accept." "I am not finished yet. With-in one year, after getting married, you will be required to deposit your sperm in a sperm bank and then be castrated. Again, if you don't do this, Sandi will divorce you leaving you with nothing. At first you will work at the Company business. I understand that you are majoring in Graphic Arts, which is something that they are always looking for. Anything that you make will be turned over to Sandi and you will be given an allowance to buy your clothes, shoes, etc. You will be given money to buy groceries. As part of your duties, you will cook breakfast and have dinner prepared by the time Sandi comes home. In your spare time, you will do all of the laundry, ironing and housework. This is in addition to your regular job. During the first year, you will literally just have enough time to yourself to take a quick shower. Sandi will start trying to get pregnant as soon as you get castrated. Face it, once you are laying there waiting to be castrated, the last ounce of independence leaves you. From that point on, you are their willing submissive. Being such, Sandi has no doubt that you are here to stay. Once the baby is born, you will quit your job and become a stay at home "mom". You will assume the role of the traditional homemaker and take care of the house, Sandi and the children. That will be your life for as long as you live. Do you understand what I am telling you?" I meekly shook my head yes. "I guess I have some thinking to do. So Jamie, do you have any regrets? I mean your life is hardly what the "normal" guy would be living." "I was thinking the same things that you are now. For each it is different but, for me it was the right choice and I have no regrets. I guess I knew myself good enough to know that I would be happy like this, and I am. At first it took a little adjustment to being castrated but, I soon knew what Joe had meant by saying that it was the best thing to happen to him. It was easier to concentrate on my duties around the house and when the kids came, I was able to be much more patient with them. I really enjoy my life. For one thing I no longer had the stress of having to go to work and providing for my family. Maggie does all of that. When the kids got older, I found that I had more free time for myself to garden; I took classes in photography, fashion design and sewing or just go and have coffee with friends. Being the homemaker, I found that I tended to make friends with women because I had more in common with them. We had play dates for the kids, exchanged recipes and such. No one ever became jealous, because what could I do? Now that the kids are out of the house, Maggie pretty much lets me live my life as I want. What I mean is that as long and the house and yard are clean and neat and meals are prepared, what I do in my spare time is up to me. Their program is somewhat like the military. First they tear you down getting you totally submit to them. Then slowly they mold you into a person that has some will of their own but that will never do anything to betray the trust that has built up over the years. I know my boundaries and have never crossed them. Maggie trusts me to the point that I have actually taken over night spa trips with some of my women friends. You will find that when you are non-threatening, that women will accept you as an equal, one of the girls, so to speak." I was a bit stunned and I could tell that Jamie knew what I was thinking and going through. Actually there wasn't anything that he said that really shocked me and made want to bolt. It was just going to take a bit of time getting used to. "Jamie you've given me lots to think about. Thank you I really appreciate hearing this from you." "No problem Max. One thing I want to mention though," my heart skipped a beat thinking what now, "you will find that the women in this family will be civil and kind to you even after you are married. But, after you get castrated, you will see an immediate change in them. They will embrace you and finally welcome you to the family. You won't find a more warm and loving family, which goes a long ways to make it worth it. I shouldn't tell you this but; you saw Janet and Alex's daughter Samantha?" "Yes she is a very lovely young woman." "Actually she was born Samuel. Yes, he was their son. You see the boys are treated different than the girls. While the girls are raised to be superior in every way, the boys are raised to submit to their sister, Moms and any other woman. From the time that Sam was 2 or 3 he kept saying that he wanted to be a girl. At first they thought that it was because he saw the girls being treated different than the boys. By the time he turned 5 he had withdrawn into a shell. They decided to try a little experiment and they dressed him as Samantha and started treating him like he was one of the girls. His attitude immediately changed and he became a happier and more self- confident kid. When they put him back into his boy clothes he became with-drawn again. This went on for another 3 years when at 8 they decided to let him live as Samantha fulltime. The attitudes of the women towards her completely changed. Samantha was accepted as if she was born female. She was raised from that point on not as a boy trying to become a girl but as a girl growing up to be a woman. At 11 they started her on hormone blocking drugs to delay puberty and got permission to put on estrogen when she was 16. At 18 she had her SRS and if you didn't know, you wouldn't know that she was born a boy. She is female in every way but being able to have a baby." "Wow", was all I could think to say. "I wouldn't have ever guessed." "The point to my story is that the women of this family treat the women and girls better than they do the men and boys. But how they treat us is much better than they will treat you until you finally fully submit and get castrated." Jamie and I talked for another hour. I was asking more about his life and what would be accepted of me. By the time we finished, I came to realize that this is the life that wanted more than I could have imagined. I think it was wise for them to have Jamie me talk to me instead of having Sandi lay down a set of ultimatums. He has, and still is, living the same life as I will be living soon. As we walked back into the front room, the room suddenly became so quiet that you could have heard a pin drop. All eyes were on us. Jamie gave them an approval nod and all of the women came rushing over to me giving me a big group hug and saying welcome to the family. The rest of the evening I was engaged in chit chat with everyone in the room, all congratulating me and welcoming me to the family. Finally by 10:00 everyone said their good byes and had gone. When we said good-bye to the last guest, Sandi immediately took me by the hand to "drag" me to her room. She undressed me pushing me down on to the bed, dropped her dress and panties and placed her pussy over my waiting and willing mouth and tongue. Doing what she taught me, she immediately starting building her orgasm. Right before she came, she unexpectedly moved off my face and over my now very hard cock. Sandi lowered herself down on my cock and immediately started to cum. She started riding me and soon came twice more before I was allowed to cum. We lay next to each other exhausted. "Did you enjoy that?" she said. "Very much so!" "Well, don't get used to it because that is the last time it will be inside me. From now on, you will use all of the training that I have given you to please me and if you are very good then you may get a chance to please yourself or I may do it for you but, more on that later". With that we fell asleep me the little spoon and Sandi the big spoon. While sleeping, I started to dream about everything that I had learned over the last few days. I dreamt that I was laying on the Doctor's table and being castrated. It was funny, in that I seemed relieved to have them gone. I was no longer getting erections but, got great pleasure when Sandi would use her "cock" on me. We got married and Sandi went to work and I stayed home taking care of it. I was in bliss. When Sandi decided that it was time for children, she was artificially inseminated with my stored sperm. During Sandi's pregnancy, she had me start on female hormones so that I could breast feed. When our daughter was born, I was almost a B cup and the Doctor gave me a couple of injections to start me lactating. I couldn't believe the feelings of contentment that I felt the first time I fed little Gina. But, all good things must come to an end and I woke up after having one of the best sleeps that I could remember. Unlike most dreams, I remembered every detail of my dream and told Sandi about it. She just smiled and said, "I knew there was a reason I chose you" and she gave me a big kiss. The rest of the week flew bye. We did the circuit to see and meet Sandi's friends. One of the first things that I noticed was that all of her women friends were as strong as or stronger than she was. All of their boyfriends/husbands/girlfriends were all submissive. None of the guys though were even close to looking like I did. But, I didn't care. New Year's Eve day Sandi, Jacquie and I were back at the Oasis Salon and Spa getting another facial, our nails repolished and our hair done. Patty washed my hair and rolled it on smaller rollers and put me under the dryer. While I was drying, Janelle came over and took my old polish off and applied new. Again my toes were bright red but, this time instead of a French Manicure; she painted my fingernails a bright red color and painted little pictures of champagne glasses, party hats, horns and such for New Year's Eve. There was a time, not too long ago, I would have said something but now, I loved my new nails. When Patty took the rollers out of my hair, I immediately noticed how much curlier it was. She just smiled and said that I will look beautiful. When she was finished, I had a cascade of curls, much curlier than I had ever had it before. She asked how I liked it, and I honestly said that I loved it. After we were all finished we went to have lunch and more shopping afterwards. Jacquie said that anyone with such a nice hair style like me, needed an new outfit to go with it. We went to Nordstrom's and directly to the Junior's section. We spent the next couple of hours with me trying on clothes. I was mainly trying on pants and tops. To gauge my reaction, Sandi brought in a couple of dresses for me to try on. I knew better than to say anything so I willing tried them on. They both fit me like they were made for me and Jacquie was trying to "pressure" me into choosing one of the two. I told them that I liked the black Adrianna Papell pleated jersey sheath dress, which came to my knees, and had shutter pleats with a V-neckline and sleeves that fell just below the elbow. They both commented on my good taste and Sandi decided to buy the dress for herself. We ended up deciding to buy me a dressy black pantsuit, a white chiffon top, a matching bag (I have started carrying one around) and 2" heels. Looking into the mirror with my new hairstyle, clothes and shoes, there wasn't much Max left in me. Sandi told me later that this whole day was seeing how far they could push me. They were very pleased that I went along with, and even enjoyed, everything that they threw at me today. I think I could finally really see what Jamie had been talking about. They were systemically tearing down who I was so they rebuild me how they wanted. I understood what they were doing and I didn't care. I was happier that I have ever been. I love the changes and the prospect of my new life. That evening, we went to Maggie and Jamie's for New Year's Eve. There were lots of people there, some that I knew and others that I met for the first time. None were shocked or surprised by my appearance. In fact, I got some very nice comments by both the women and some of the men. I felt right at home and completely relaxed. There was a live band there and for the first time I had to try and dance in heels. By the time midnight struck, my feet were killing me but, I was told it would be impolite to take off my shoes. While I truly loved being at the party, it was good to get back to Jacquie's. I felt shear ecstasy when I was finally able to take my shoes off. I mentioned how much my feet hurt. Sandi took me up to our bedroom and started to rub and massage my feet saying that I just needed more practice wearing heels. It felt so good I almost fell to sleep. Before I could, Sandi told me to go and get ready for bed. I undressed and went to the bathroom. Before bed, Sandi liked me make sure that I was clean everywhere. While I was cleaning up, she came in and told me to bend over. She started putting some lube in me with her finger, which was common for her to do. What was different though was that she inserted the hose end of a douche bad in me and proceeded to fill me up. She said, "I want you to start doing this every night so that you will be extra clean". After the bag had emptied, she took the hose out telling me to hold it as long as possible. After a couple of minutes she had me sit on the toilet and it all ran out. I finished cleaning myself up, put on my nightie and went to bed. Sandi laid me on my back, with her laying on me with her pussy in my face. I knew what to do and started using my fingers and tongue to pleasure her. This whole time she was playing with my ass hole, which I felt very stimulating. Just as she was starting to cum, I felt her slide something smooth inside me. Then it started to vibrate and I found it hard to concentrate on pleasing Sandi. Soon I couldn't do anything and I felt Sandi putting something on my cock. When she finished, she told me that I could cum, which I did. Sandi asked me if I had ever tasted cum before. I said no and she took the condom off and told me to clean it out. The last thing I wanted to do was to eat my own cum but, I couldn't bring myself to say no to her so I sucked it down. It wasn't too bad but, not something that I want to get used to. I felt her slide the "cock" out and immediately replace it with something bigger. "This is all part of your training. I know that Jamie told you that you will soon be "bitched". To prepare you for this, I have put a butt plug inside you. You will wear it for longer periods of time until the only time you take it out is when you have to go to the bathroom. Then you will thoroughly clean it, clean yourself out and put it back in. After a week or so I will give you a larger size. I will continue to increase the size until you are big enough to be able to take my strap-on easily. Do you understand?" I understood what she was saying. Just like when we were shopping, she was seeing how far she could push her Dominance. What could I say, but yes I understood and I was looking forward to it! The day after New Year's Day, we flew back home. I knew that I wasn't the same person that I was when we left home almost 2 weeks ago. Not only had my appearance changed, but mentally I was becoming another person. The thought of it didn't bother me at all. In fact, I was pleased with how I had changed. Our friends noticed the changes too but, said nothing except that I seemed much happier. To be continued.

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Max and Megan Ch 02

**Special thanks to Azure for editing.** Max Roberts climbed out of the back of the cab. He set his duffel bag on the ground in front of him. He glanced up at the two story home in front of him. Its exterior looked nearly the same as the last time he had been standing before it. The grass was cut short, the bushes trimmed nicely to line the path to the door. It was not his home. He had given up his apartment because it didn’t make any sense to keep it, what with him not being around to use...

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Max ScoresChapter 2

Monday morning he felt a little bit better, but still ravenously hungry, and he was not surprised to find he had grown again!. He measured himself against the mark he had put on the wall yesterday, and he was another inch and a half taller! Another huge breakfast was already being cooked when he made his way downstairs. Because he had only his father’s clothes to wear, his parents had told him he could stay home today. His dad, being six foot, four inches tall but rail thin, the clothes were...

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Max and Megan Ch 05

**A special thanks to bikoukumori for editing this chapter** Max Roberts yawned. He was dead tired and completely worn out from worrying. His ass was numb from the uncomfortable plastic chair. It didn’t help that Christian had been glued to him the whole time, he’d become used to it. The elevator dinged and the door slid open. A skinny elderly woman with electric pink hair, sporting a black spandex dress walked out of it. Max choked back a laugh. ‘LouLou, over here.’ Hal waved at the woman....

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Maxs Chance by robcub32 from Literotica

(Note: This story features characters from "A Clean Start". You don't have to read that story first, but I recommended it.)"Hi, Max!" the familiar voice called out.As I walked out of the locker room, I looked and saw Pete's smiling face standing next to the weight rack. Pete was my best friend Tank's boyfriend or partner or whatever you want to call it."Hey, Pete," I replied back.Pete grinned back. I smiled and shook my head. Pete was just way too happy sometimes. He was a cute little fucker,...

2 years ago
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Max and Megan Ch 04

Max Roberts walked as fast as he could towards the construction site he was currently supposed to be working at. Megan’s new boy toy had left him no choice but to walk back. He hoped the supervisor wasn’t going to be a dick to him today for being late back from lunch. He hadn’t even gotten to eat. As he neared the site, he saw the man in question. And boy, did he not look happy. ‘Look, I’m sorry. The asshole I left with dumped me out, and-‘ He was cut off abruptly. ‘Save the bullshit. Go...

4 years ago
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Max and Megan Ch 03

History seemed to be repeating itself. Max stood once again in front of his ex-best friend’s house, hoping once more Hal would loan him a room. Maybe he was a glutton for punishment, but it was the only place he knew he could go no matter what. He hesitantly rang the doorbell. He nervously shifted from leg to leg while waiting for the door to open. The door opened to reveal a taller and more grown up version of Christian. ‘Hi.’ ‘Little Man, what have I told you about opening up the door to...

3 years ago
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Max and Rosie

The shrill sound of the tea kettle shattered Max’s reverie. He was remembering when he and Rosie met thirty-eight years ago. Sighing deeply, he looked down at the yellow mug and remembered the vision of the two of them rowing down the Charles River that May morning, the night after their first date, the first of many, before shocking everyone they knew by getting married one April weekend while still in their senior year of college. He had been attending Harvard and she was at Radcliffe, a few...

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Max Plans A Threesome

It had been on a Saturday night out with the girls, after a few glasses of vodka, when the offer of a threesome had caught me by surprise and got me upset. I’d been married to Max for just over a year and I was out on a girly night. It had been great to see all my old friends and we’d had such a great evening catching up on gossip!  I’d been teased about my devotion to Max. I’d previously slept around a bit before Max but I was now his adoring wife and was glad to be settled, not needing to...

1 year ago
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Max part Two

Later in the day, after Max had invited me to stop by in the morning, had to make a grocery run. Made a point of checking out his directions. He was right his apartment was only a few blocks from where we were staying. Did not sleep well that night, kept waking up wit a huge erection, kept dreaming then waking and thinking of Max and what was going to happen was obviously on my mind. Woke up a bit early had a coffee then decided to go on over, jogged the few blocks then walked as I got closer...

2 years ago
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Max and Megan

**Max and Megan might be a story you remember. You may be wondering why it’s showing back up as a new story. I was not fond of the first version. I wrote for what people wanted, not what I wanted. One night, I decided to take it down and polish it up to what I could be proud of. It is a bit different than the original, but in my opinion much, much better…Enjoy! ** It was late in the afternoon when Megan decided to look over her college report. It was due the next week, but she wasn’t going to...

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Maxi and Viagra

I couldn’t be bothered by guessing games just then so I retorted, “A big turd in the toilet?” Without pause she fired back, “Not since you got out of it.” I hooked the water hose up to the spigot, “What do you want?” She held out a closed fist, “Dad left some pills in the bathroom, is this what I think it is?” she opened her hand to show me what she held. A big blue pill, kind of fat in the middle with round pointy ends, “The bottle didn’t have a label but I think this is Viagra.” That...

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Max gets some

Christie had seen the dog several times when the family would go over to her sister in law's. Max was a large German shepherd who was very playful and aggressive. She always worried about him knocking her kids over when they played with him. Christie had said he should be fixed so that he would settle down. However, her sister in law would never do it, saying it seemed cruel. She loved the dog almost like he was family. Of course, she was approaching 30 years of age and was single is what...

4 years ago
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Max the dress and me

Max, the dress and me Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the wind toyed with the hem of my dress I stood there basking in the glory with the mere fact that I had done it. I had actually gotten dressed, left the house, and walked to the lake. I stood there a moment longer, then walked down the beach to the boat ramp, turned around and walked back home. I was so excited when I was back home that I could barely stand it, and once again coated my lips with the red lipstick. The...

2 years ago
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Max the Dress and Me

Max, the dress and me Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the wind toyed with the hem of my dress I stood there basking in the glory with the mere fact that I had done it. I had actually gotten dressed, left the house, and walked to the lake. I stood there a moment longer, then walked down the beach to the boat ramp, turned around and walked back home. I was so excited when I was back home that I could barely stand it, and once again coated my lips with the red lipstick. The...

4 years ago
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Maxi discovers Viagra

I couldn’t be bothered by guessing games just then so I retorted “A big turd in the toilet?” Without pause she retorted “Not since you got out of it.” I hooked the water hose up to the faucet “What do you want?” She held out a closed fist “Dad left some pills in the bathroom, is this what I think it is?” she opened her hand to show me what she had. A big blue pill, kind of fat in the middle with round pointy ends. “The bottle didn’t have a label but I think this is Viagra.” That arrested...

3 years ago
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Max is a Freak pt 21

Max was now hard as a rock so he took his dick out of Carols mouth & began to wackoff, & he grabbed Joyce by the chain as he continued jerking. Meanwhile Carol played with her cunt as she watched her son getting his ass eaten by his stepmom. Chapter 1 Thursday Morning Max was on the phone talking to his girlfriend Raven ( who he had not hypnotized yet ) she was a gorgeous 20 year old , 5ft 7 athletic , long legged dark harked young lady .As he talked to her Joyce was sucking...

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Max is a freak part 50

Chapter 1- The Anal Creampie Carol was enslaved in the human cage , as she watched her son/ master Max fuck Raven up the ass , usually Max only reserved this for his older slaves , but Raven who was now screaming in pain & ecstasy should now be taught a lesson. Carol was playing with her cunt ,as she saw Lynn grab her daughter by the hair & shove her face in her maternal pussy. No more screams could be heard only muffled sounds from the the pussy eating Lynn orgasmed as Max unleased...

3 years ago
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Max und sein Vater

Max fing an zu zittern als er die T?re aufgehen h?rte.Man h?rte deutlich, dass sein Vater wieder ziemlich dicht war. Er stolperte geradezu in die kleine 2-Zimmer Wohnung, in diesem Hochhaus, das sich in einem ziemlich ?blen Stadtteil befand, wo er und sein 16 Jahre alter Sohn lebten.Seitdem die Mutter von Max die kleine Familie ?ber Nacht verlassen hat und spurlos verschwunden ist, lebte er mit seinem alkoholkranken Vater ganz allein.Zur Zeit sind Schulferien. Immer wenn der Alte das Haus...

2 years ago
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Max is a Freak

Max was 22 years old, unemployed , & smoking a joint while sitting on the living room sofa . Beside him as a smooth jazzy porn like song played ,his mom Carol(52) was 5ft 8 135 pounds with 38dd juggs danced a sexy dance in her 5 inch spiked heels while in her yellow bikini. His stepmom Joyce who dispised him only a month ago was now sucking on his 9inch penis. As Max got high from the pot Carol swung her hips gently to the music . Max had hypnotized her 6 weeks ago. He was a man in...

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Maxi Discovers Viagra

Maxi stepped into the back yard where I was setting up a water slide because my friends were coming over to mess around in the summer heat. I was trying to set up the slide so we could run then belly flop down the chute into our swimming pool, “Hey Pete, guess what I found in the bathroom.” I couldn’t be bothered by guessing games just then so I retorted “A big turd in the toilet?” Without pause she fired back “Not since you got out of it.” I hooked the water hose up to the faucet “What do...

2 years ago
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Max is a Freak pt 3

Joyce was licking her stepsons Max's asshole as he sat on the couch , watching his mom Carol lick his girlfriend Ravens 20YR old cunt . as Max wacked off he told his slutty stepmom to begin licking his nuts . He had trained both his mom & stepmom to to be both great cocksuckers & pussylickers. Raven was moaning in ecstasy as Carol licked her clit. She was nearing orgasm &Max was so turned on that he now shoved his dick down his stepmoms throat. As he unloaded his jism load down Joyce's...

4 years ago
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Max Amanda and Sasha

I open my eyes and am momentarily disoriented; as my vision comes into focus, my surroundings, my body, everything comes flooding back to my mind in warm soft waves. I see the room is dimly lit, I hear the soft and even breathing of three distinct bodies, my sense of smell is awakened by the intoxicating cocktail wafting in the room – a mixture of my pussy juices, the sweet creaminess pooling between Amanda's thighs, Max’s manly presence, and scented massage oil, I lick my lips as I remember...

1 year ago
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Max Porn

I’m not sure I can give an award for the most aptly named porn platform on the internet. But if I could – and if it even made sense in the first place – I may as well award that title to Max.Porn. Not only is this a badass name for a porn website, but it’s also the site’s URL! Double badass!Other than the badass title, this website also avails great content. It’s a platform where you can browse some of your favorite brands and series in the world of pornography. It’s an easy-to-look-around...

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1 year ago
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Max The Mastif

We had three dogs, two were kelpies for working sheep. One was a Great Dane Mastiff cross, Max, who stood nearly one meter tall at the shoulder. I trained Max to perform different acts when he could smell different odors. Marion, knew that she would be getting a "special" bit of attention that night when I bought a large block of chocolate from the shop in town. I told her that it was not to be eaten, but it was to be kept for me to make up my special treat for Max. I thought Marion had been...

3 years ago
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Max is a Master of Older Babes

In a cage watching her master/son Sonia was ballgagged ,collared & leashed , Max had hypnotized her 3mths earlier & now she & Max's stepdad Bill were at Max's mercy. buttplugged with 5inch thigh hooker boots , Sonia was locked in the human cage , that Max had his stepdad Bill buy. Sonia knew she'd be out soon cuz she just watched Max urinate all over Monique's face tits, & hair. It was one of her master/son's favorite things to do to his submissives . Proof of that were all the...

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Max is a Freak part 11

Carol rubbed her clit as she watched Lynn & Nina share her son/master's cock & balls , she came just as Max drained his juices all over their faces . Both Lynn & Nina were covered in facial man goo . So Max had both sluts crawl to the bathroom , where he first pissed all over their faces and then had Carol do the same . Chapter 1- Max visits Nina & Cindy at their Home Nina Rogers was blowing Max on the living room sofa , he had dropped by earlier & now it was her responsibility to get...

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MAX is a Freak part 10

Max drank his beer with his lunch , as his mom watched , she was leashed once again & on her knees on the kitchen floor , Carol knew what was coming next as he told his mother to open her mouth as she drank down his urine. Max smiled , Carol was a well trained human toilet. Chapter 1 -Cindy comes to Visit It was their anniversary , and Max had brought over her surprise, Cindy Rogers was a very sexy , tall 20year old blonde , Max had met last week at the mall& she was now also his...

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Max is a freak part 60

Chapter 1 Joan Jones- the next day Joan had known Carol for years , she had decided to drop by for a quick visit it had been a couple of months since they had last seen each other , she didnt know how much things had changed for her friend Carol. Joan rung Carol's doorbell & Joyce answered it wearing a yellow thong bikini & 3inch heels . Joan couldnt believe it? This was Carol's exes new wife. Hello Joyce said , Carol's by the pool with her son Max getting a tan. So she followed Max's...

2 years ago
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Max Humiliation And The Siring

‘I’m going to put a baby in your girlfriend,’ Max declared as his fingers deftly worked yet another piece of rope into place.Gina groaned exuberantly.I gulped and felt my legs turn to jelly.‘You guys are both so hot, your kids are gonna be beautiful!’ Sara shrieked, handing Max another length of rope as he bent down beside the bed and roughly slapped my girlfriend’s tits.‘Do it Maxi,’ Gina insisted, her eyes sparkling excitedly, ‘Put your seed in me!’‘You’d like that wouldn’t you kitten -...

1 year ago
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Max is a freak part 7

Chapter 1 After both ladies washed up in the shower , Max was using Joan as a footstool, smoking a joint , as he casully watched a lesbian porn on tv. Joan couldnt help but see the nasty, taboo pictures posted all over the dungeon walls . First Carol (Max's mom ) & Joyce(Max's Stepmom ) dressed normally with jeans, tshirts & running shoes smiling . Then beside these two pics , the ladies were completley naked with cum on their faces & wearing dog-collars & leashes with thigh high hooker...

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Max is a freak pt 40

Chapter 1 Lynn & Joyce The short & stacked Lynn was ramming Joyce's pussy with her long strapon dildo. Lynn loved it when Master Max let her explore her femdom side. This morning she eaten her daughter's Raven pussy & was very submissive to Mistress Raven before Raven left to go for work . Now she was drilliing the pussy of Max's stepmom who was groaning in sexual delight. Lynn spanked Joyce's ass as Joyce shouted fuck me harder, dont stop. As Joyce reached her first orgasm. Max led ...

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Max loves Married Mature Women

Max & Sage took a shower together & then Sage stayed nude except for a pair of spiked heels ,now he also collared & leashed his mature sexslut & brought her upstairs to the den where she sat on his sofa , then she was ballgagged and told to be quiet. The doorbell rang , Max went & answered it , well hello Sheila Max said , the 56year old , gray haired, long legged & fake giant tit amazon was his oldest & longest serving submissive . It had been almost a year since he had met Sheila ....

1 year ago
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Max Kyle

After Kyle got home from school Friday, he called Max and asked if he wanted to come over for a while. He did. Kyle - with his spiked blond hair and his sexy six back, walked over wearing a pair of jeans and a black tank top. He came in the house and said hi to Max. Max never knew, but Kyle had fantasies about him for a long time. Now, a couple years later, Max still has those stunning blue eyes, and that six inch cock. "CJ," Max called, "What?" I answered, "Nothing", he finished. He always...

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Max is a freak part 8

Chapter 1 Joyce and Carol were both ballgagged , naked & tied up downstairs in the dungeon. Meanwhile Max and Joan were upstairs waiting for Arthur and his sexy slave mom Sonia. Joan wore nothing but her dog-collar, leash & heels and Max had purposely ballgagged her also. Joan would speak when he determinied it to be necessary Chapter 2 As Charlie pulled into Max's driveway, Arthur unloaded a massive load of jism all over his moms's face. It was so large Sonia could hardly see. As...

1 year ago
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Max and Megan Go Camping

**Authors note: Thanks to my ‘fans’ who have loved M&M so much, I decided to humor you with another go-around! This story is meant to be a stand-alone from my Max and Megan series. This story happened in no particular time or order from the real series. ** Max watched Megan as she stared quietly at the flickering flames of the campfire before them. She seemed lost in her own thoughts, of what he did not know. She was so beautiful in the firelight, her strawberry blonde hair and pale skin...

4 years ago
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Max is such a dirty pig

Max is such a dirty pig ... - and I love it ;-) Keep in mind I'm non-native in English, so apologize for faults and mistakes in grammar. But Max asked me to share it with a bigger community, so I do the best I can. Max knows all my secrets - or better I should say: most of them. And, yes, he'll be surely reading before - or after ;-) I publish, so he may even get to know more of my secrets, though this is not in focus this time. Anyway, one day he embarassed me by sending a text message,...

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Max is a Freak part 91

Sonia had arrived home , after a 3day stint at Master Max's dungeon & she felt very horny so she went to son's room to see if he would eat her cunt to orgasm . When she opened the door she realized her former master was getting a blowjob from her bbw neighbor Olga . The late 50 something granny was snacking on Arthur's weiner so she decided to just sit on her son's face as she watched her filthy neighbour swallow her former master's jism. When she was done Olga was ordered by Sonia to...

2 years ago
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MAX is a Freak part 12

Chapter 1- 3 days Later Joyce was asslicking Max as Carol fucked herself in the ass with a cucumber, Sonia would becoming over soon . She was still his slave to do as he pleased but now he had let Arthur use her as he pleased when he wasnt around . Sonia was one his stars , last month she was involved in a lesbian gangbang with 4 , 20year old dominant women. He had hypnotized 3 of Raven's friends & along with Raven , they had fucked Sonia in all her holes . She was dpd, triplestuffed &...

1 year ago
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Max Part one

My business was now doing well enough to allow taking some time for R & R. The winter months of January, February and March were the ideal times. Not only is the weather in New England miserable but also it is the low period relative to my business. Decided to take the month of January and heading south to warmer climates. Do not particularly like the cold weather, and being an avid jogger find running in cold weather not the most pleasurable. Packed up and headed toward SW Florida. We rented a...

4 years ago
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Max and Trent in Love

This is the story of how, against all odds, a long-distance relationship between two boys who had never met actually worked out. My name is Max, and I’m from a shitty little town in even shittier Massachusetts. My lover is named Trenton (that’s a cute ass name, ain’t it?). Sadly for me, Trent lives all the way the fuck in Oklahoma! It drove me absolutely crazy! Trent and I met on a small social networking site… and I don’t know about him, but I fell for him right away! He has the sweetest...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings

New Beginnings: A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book is dedicated to all of the...

3 years ago
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Max Adventures Part 1 The Edge

It had been a few months since Max and I first had sex. We were closer than ever to each other, and we might as well have been dating, if we didn't both agree to not cross that line with each other. We had an amazing friendship (with some amazing benefits. We didn't wanna ruin that by letting romantic feelings get involved. We just wanted to be best buds...who fuck on a regular basis. So we were. ;)Anyways, Max and I were invited to a costume party, as it was around Halloween. We were going to...

4 years ago
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The Week I Turned Into Erin Chapter 6 New Beginnings

SATURDAY I woke up to Speckles licking my face. I opened my eyes and pet her. The sun was streaming through the window. I slept pretty good. I got up to let Speckles out. But first, I changed into one of my old t- shirts, and grabbed a pair of Kathy's shorts. Passing my height mark on the door jamb I noticed I didn't shrink. Cupping my breasts told me those have not grown either. I grabbed the back of my hair. It seems to have stopped growing right at the middle of my...

4 years ago
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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings

New Beginnings (I'd really love an illustrator for this story. If you're interested, please let me know.) I know dad and mom hated each other, and dad had left a year ago and moved to Europe with another woman. But I never thought of him as mean, you know? When they argued, it always seemed as though mom was screaming louder than dad, and was more abusive. But mom kept telling me that he was "out to destroy our family," and wanted custody of me and wanted to take me away from her. Mom...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 3 Dreams Realms and New Beginnings

The changes continue for Alex and friends as their lives seem to be intertwining uncontrollably. Details of the Empress' last mission begin to emerge. Terra's new era finally and truly begins. Episode 4 "Dreams, Realms, and New Beginnings" Waking from my slumber, I turned over and stretched, taking in the smooth, clean feel of the sheets. The light of the new day flooding into the room silhouetted my sleep companion. My arm...

3 years ago
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Bus Ride Part 5 New Beginnings

This is a continuation of Bus Ride – Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Bus Ride – Part 5 – New Beginnings When Gaby finally opened her eyes she blinked as she looked around the small private hospital room before her gaze reached Colin, her newest Master who was sitting in the corner patiently waiting for her to wake up. He walked over to where she was...

3 years ago
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Max and Brandi

Max and Brandi My husband was a crossdresser. He was candid with me about it early in our relationship. While I didn't understand his urges to dress up as a woman, he was discrete, didn't ask me to participate, and I loved him. So, I tolerated it even though I didn't like it. We had been married a few years when we came into a significant amount of money. It was enough that we no longer had to work and had the luxury of pursuing our dreams. Well, Brad's dream was to go to a...

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Kylie and Chrissy Part 2 New Beginnings

(This is the second part of the story Kylie and Chrissy. I would like to start the New Year by relaunching this story, so please send me your thoughts and feedback to [email protected]) PART 2 - NEW BEGINNINGS "So is that it now, are you gay?" The silence and tension in the room was interrupted, as the bass from the party below continued to pulse through the walls of the house. "I don't see how it's any of your fucking business - we haven't spoken for...

2 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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