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The sign on her door read, "Darlene Jenkins". Ms Jenkins as I addressed her at work was my boss, though during times when things were less formal, I along with everyone else called her Darlene.

I'd only been working for her for a few months now. It was a small enterprising little company, but the workload kept me busy and was very interesting. I did a lot of research on products, submitted bids, and then sent those in to Darlene for approval and ordering. The one thing I really liked about my job was that there were only a handful of employee's and everyone seemed friendly and easy going. Somewhat laid back, it wasn't a stuffy environment, allowed to wear pretty much whatever we wanted to as long as it was clean and not too terribly revealing. I particularly liked Fridays when Darlene would usually come in wearing a nice pair of form fitting jeans as opposed to the more professional look of skirts and modest blouses that she wore during the rest of the week.

For being in her early to mid forty's, Darlene had an incredible looking body, though most of that was of course based on my own overactive imagination. She had dark brown shoulder length hair that she usually wore up, except again on Fridays when she usually wore it natural, which was how I preferred seeing her. Dark brown eyes, full lips and an olive complexion, she had an air of exotic beauty to her that was both sensual as well as mysterious. Her laugh was infectious, often taking out the stress of any given situation, though she had a serious side to her as well that was a no-nonsense approach when the situation called for it.

I liked working for her. She was fair, just, and always willing to work alongside you as opposed to just dumping something onto you and leaving you to flounder about trying to figure things out on your own.

In addition to Darlene, there was also another very attractive girl working there, closer to my own age somewhere around twenty-five or six perhaps and only employed two months longer than I'd been. Kris did most of the office filing and record keeping, and did much of the correspondence for Darlene. Needless to say, at times the three of us worked very closely together, especially around the end of the month when we compiled all the purchases or contracts we'd completed and submitted for the month. It was during those times we sometimes worked late, Darlene usually ordering Pizza, or Chinese takeout. Not having much of a social life at the time, I'd come to actually look forward to those late evenings while working together.

Kris was herself a very bubbly outgoing young woman. Somewhat petite at just five feet, a very slender figure, small but obviously noticeable breasts, Kris wore her long blonde hair in a ponytail most of the time. She had the typical blue eyes of a blonde, with a fair complexion and a sexy smile that always appeared and as I believed, to be genuine.

Part of my reason for not having much of a social life had been my own fault. I'd always wanted to live out on the West Coast, and when the opportunity came to move out there, I took it. My girlfriend at the time was happy where she was, and so we naturally parted ways, so it wasn't that I was unattractive. I'd just been too busy settling in at my new job and place to actively start dating again. I certainly didn't consider myself a hunk either, or anything even closely resembling model material, but I'd done well with the girls during High School and had been fairly popular. At 5'10" I still had a pretty good build, worked out twice a week, ran every other morning for an hour before work, and didn't eat a lot of junk food, which certainly helped. I too had dark hair, wore it a bit longer than most guys perhaps, but had always done so, and unless otherwise directed, had no plans in changing it.

Like I said, it was the end of the month, a busy one, and because it had been, we had a lot of numbers to crunch, a lot of documents to compile which promised a couple of later than usual nights at the office. I was actually looking forward to it when Darlene came by my desk the day before.

"Not that I have to remind you Rob," she said smiling at me. "But I think that we might be actually working a bit longer tomorrow night and Friday than we normally have in the past. I hope you haven't made any plans for late evening as I'm afraid the three of us are going to be here a while."

I hadn't, and told her so, getting a pleased smile in return upon hearing that. "Pizza or something else?" she asked. "Kris has already opted for Chinese, but said either one would be fine with her."

"Chinese sounds fine with me too," I agreed, admiring her firm full breasts as I said that, trying very carefully not to let her know I had been looking at them as she stood there in front of my desk. The deep red somewhat sheer blouse she wore perhaps a bit smaller than she should have been wearing, two buttons seriously being tested to their limits in keeping the front of it gathered and closed. Even then as she turned off to one side, just enough of a gap opened to reveal the lacy red bra she was wearing along with a great deal of ample, soft looking flesh peeking up and over the cups. As she turned back to face me again, I averted my eyes from where I'd been looking, but her movement had been a bit quicker than I'd expected, and I wondered if she hadn't caught my eyes looking where they hadn't belonged. Her smile remained however as she thanked me, and then headed off back into her office.

As for Kris, I was looking forward to working late with her too. Over the past month or so, we'd gotten a lot closer, we'd flirted some, though nothing that might suggest it was anything more than that. We'd gone out to lunch together a few times, generally took and shared our breaks together when we could, though one of us usually had to be around whenever Darlene was in the office, so even then we didn't spend a lot of time together as we might both have preferred. Working late together however would assure that, and especially as Darlene permitted an even more relaxed casual attire in our dress during those evenings. It had been the one and only time I'd actually seen Darlene in a pair of shorts along with a fairly tight fitting tank top that looked like it had been painted on. Rather than going home after work, she had changed in her office. And though it was impossible to actually see anything, the silhouetted shape as she did so through her door had given me just a hint of her voluptuous body as she'd changed clothes, shortly after stepping out now wearing the outfit I've just described. Once again I had to avert my eyes so I didn't appear to be staring, though I admired the shape and tightness of her ass as she walked away a few minutes later.

We'd already been hard at it for the past couple of hours when Darlene suggested it was time to take a break and relax while she went off to pick up the Chinese takeout. Kris and I were both looking forward to that when she did as it would give us both a chance to chat, relax and enjoy one another's company for a bit waiting for Darlene's return.

"Come with me?" She asked.

I knew what she was asking without needing to go into a lot of detail, I'd done it before. Since it was late at night, the only office lights that were on were the ones we absolutely had to have on in order to work by. In the far corner of the building where we worked, most of the lights were off, which is also where the bathrooms were. And not that we weren't perfectly safe working there at night, the darkness for Kris was still a little unsettling, and she preferred it when I escorted her there and back. I didn't mind, it gave us a chance to be together, talk and enjoy one another's company during the brief walks there and back. What I didn't tell her however, was in the stillness of the night as I stood outside the bathroom doors waiting for her, I could still hear her pee. It was a silly thought perhaps as I stood there listening to her, but my mind wandering to the obvious fact that she was sitting there, shorts, or pants down around her knees, along with whatever thong she was wearing, as I'd once or twice noticed her wearing one whenever she'd bent over to lift up one of the bankers boxes we worked out of.

I would stand there entertaining myself, wondering what her pussy looked like as I listened to her peeing. Did she shave? Or if she didn't, was her pubic hair dark or actually blonde like her hair? Silly thoughts, and certainly thoughts I'd never in a million years ever admit to having, but they would very often leave me with the beginnings of an erection that I'd often have to mentally fight down before she finished up and came back out.

I heard her flush, heard the sound of the water running, and then she stepped out of the bathroom where I stood waiting for her. The problem was, now I had to pee, the running water triggering my own natural need.

"My turn," I said easily, though the look in her eyes immediately gave me pause. Standing there in the dark, even though we both knew it was perfectly safe, I could still see her worried expression as she nodded her head. I then did something that surprised us both, I took her hand and led her into the men's room. "Come on, you can wait for me inside," I told her. With partitions on either side of the urinals, I knew that Kris wouldn't be able to see anything anyway, though obviously she'd be able to hear me just as easily as I'd been able to hear her even through the door. It didn't bother me however, and she actually looked relieved as she stood just inside the door nearer the sinks waiting for me to finish. I heard her laugh as I stood in front of the urinal, trying to coax myself to pee. I'd never been "pee-shy" before, but then again, I'd never tried peeing while someone, particularly a good looking girl had stood waiting for me either.

"My being here making you nervous?" she asked.

Part of the problem however was that I'd had a bit of an erection just before coming in here, so that had delayed my being able to go for a moment. But now, standing there with my dick out, and the realization she was only a few feet behind me even though I couldn't actually see her at the moment, had given it cause to stiffen a little rather than relaxing enough for me to go ahead and go.

"No, not really," I told her. "Sometimes ... it just takes a minute." I continued to stand there with nothing happening, hearing her subtle giggle once again.

"Need some help?" she asked teasingly. Her question didn't shock or surprise me, it was right in line with some of our flirtatious bantering back and forth before, though neither one of us as I'd said had ever acted on anything. Still feeling a bit nervous however, and somewhat embarrassed now as my prolonged delay while standing here merely made things worse, I answered back.

"That's not the kind of help I'd prefer getting," I said following that up with a snicker of my own, though I then heard the movement of her feet coming up from behind me.

"Oh?" she said standing behind me now, I felt her actually pressed up against me as she said that looking over my shoulder. "What else did you have in mind?"

Now I was shocked. This had been about the boldest thing she had ever said or done before. Even more so as my prick was in fact much harder than it should have been, and getting more so as I stood there, especially with her obviously looking down and seeing it as I held it in my hand. It was then that I felt her hand reaching around. I felt myself go weak in the knees as she grasped it, forcing my hand away. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck, it was clearly evident that she was as excited as I was.

"I've always wanted to do this," she said, "but never have."

"What? You've never touched a guy's dick before?" I asked half seriously trying to joke through my shock and nervousness.

"Not that!" she answered back laughing. "Just never held one while a guy was actually trying to pee," she stated. "So ... can you?"

"I think you just hit on the problem," I responded. "Trying to pee while a good looking woman's holding onto your dick doesn't make doing that any easier."

"You really think I'm good looking?" she asked still holding my cock. I could tell by the sound of her voice that she wasn't kidding with me this time, she was actually very serious.

"I do yes ... always have," I freely admitted, my prick acknowledging that in confirmation, suddenly getting harder than it already was.

She stroked it. Her hand pulling down and then back up along my shaft, I felt the warmth of her palm as it encircled the head of my dick, squeezing it before sliding back down the length of it once again.

"Fuck, Kris!" I said actually reaching up to balance my hands on either side of the privacy partitions. "You're driving me crazy here!" I told her. She laughed at that nervously.

"Well, you're driving me a little crazy here too," she said. "I've thought about you more than once," she now openly confessed. "In fact ... I've even gone into the women's room at work once or twice in order to do something about that," she now told me, her inhibitions, if she even really had any, going right out through the window.

"No shit! You have? Really?"

"Yes ... really. I know you think I'm this shy, quiet and reserved woman, which at work I've tried to be, at least for the most part anyway. But as you can see ... I'm not at all like that. I've been attracted to you for a while now, and I've been wondering, hoping that something might happen that would bring the two of us a little closer together."

"Like sharing a bathroom?" I now asked, giving up on actually trying to pee, and turning towards her. Seconds after that, we stood kissing, deeply, passionately, her hand still holding onto my dick. It was then we both heard the sound of the elevator in use, coming up from the parking garage down below. "Fuck! Darlene's back!"

We still had plenty of time to adjust ourselves. Thank god for the sound of the elevator alerting us, which in the quiet of the night could be very easily heard. We hurriedly walked back to the end of the office where we were working just as the elevators opened and Darlene stepped out carrying our dinner.

"Sorry it took so long," she stated. "They were really busy tonight, I'm wondering if we're not the only one's having to work late!" With that, she handed Kris and I a couple of the bags as we quickly spread things out on the conference table we were working on and prepared to eat.

The fact I still had a hard on, and that Kris was still wearing what I knew to be a very mischievous looking smile on her face, promised to make the rest of the night a very interesting one. The fact of the matter was, I had no idea just how interesting things were really going to get!

All through the meal Kris kept licking her lips or sucking her fingers in what could only be described as a very flirtatious sort of way. I kept glancing at Darlene to see if she was picking up on anything, but it didn't appear that she was, though our conversation soon turned to our social lives, and what if anything we were doing for fun outside of the office. Darlene had even mentioned there was a convention coming up in a few months time, and that it might be fun for the three of us to attend it together, especially after all the extra hard work we'd been putting in. It was an interesting thought, made especially more so as I periodically got winks, licks, and signals from Kris that it could indeed be a lot of fun if we were to actually go.

We finished eating and got back to work. There was still another two hours of work ahead of us at this point. Everything had been sorted down into neat piles by account for billing and invoicing purposes, each stack now totaled up and itemized, which was Kris's job. Handing the stacks back to me, I then took them back into the file room, located the appropriate customer box, and then labeled that month's work, placing them inside. Darlene was doing the same, walking the boxes she was working on back into me where I likewise labeled and then put hers back on the shelves where they were meant to go.

This normally was my least favorite function of the night whenever we worked late. For one, I didn't spend nearly as much time around Kris as I would have liked, only making periodic trips back and forth from her desk, or from Darlene's back to the file and copy room labeling and putting things away again for the next month's activities. Tonight however, Kris was seeing to it that even that aspect of our infrequent moments together were far more interesting than they ever had been.

We'd sort of started playing a little game, a very erotic, naughty little game. The fact that Kris's desk was just outside of Darlene's office made it even more exciting, a bit more dangerous, adding to the thrill of it all. I had gone over to pick up yet another stack of completed paperwork and stood waiting for Kris to finish up with it. As I stood there, she once again reached over, fondled the still too obvious bulge between my legs for a moment, and then giggled as I walked away back into the storage room with a very prominent tent poking through my pants. I had finished up, gone back, and was treated to a quick fleeting flash of her tits along with that same seductive smile on her face just as Darlene came out of her office heading back to the storage room with a box she'd just completed going through. I followed her immediately of course, though somewhat awkwardly.

Darlene had already dragged over the ladder by the time I entered the room. She looked like she was going to put it up on the shelf herself.

"Here, let me do that for you," I told her. "It's pretty dusty up there, and no sense getting your clothes dirty if you don't have to, that's what I'm here for," I said taking the box from her.

"Thanks," she said smiling back, stepping down. And then I realized that she could quite easily see the still somewhat noticeable bulge in my pants as I stood on the ladder. She was standing off to one side, and as I slid the box into place, looking over towards her, her eyes were looking right at me, or rather right at the obvious. Hurriedly I placed the box, and then began stepping down, as I did, her face came up meeting mine. There was a look in her eyes I had never seen before. And not only that, but I also noticed two very prominent, two very erect hard little nipples now pressing against the very form fitting tank top she was wearing. I knew without any doubt, it certainly wasn't the room. If anything, it was particularly hot in there as it was such a confined space with little or no air circulation reaching it.

"No problem," I said feeling a flush begin to spread across my face, especially as because all I could do was stand there, try to pretend I either didn't know I actually had an erection, or pretend I wasn't aware she hadn't noticed it, which she obviously had. If I moved, or tried using my hands in some way to cover myself, I'd have drawn her attention right back to it. If I said or did nothing, chances are she wouldn't either. And though the damage was already done, I could only hope she wouldn't react to it, or put anything together, in particular that Kris and I had been slowly teasing and torturing one another most of the evening.

"Ah Rob? Would you mind pulling down the Edwards files for me? I'd like to recheck those, go through them again," she then told me. I had no choice but to step back onto the safety ladder, which I did, and then began looking for the box she wanted.

"I don't see it," I said after a moment, once again glancing over and through several labeled boxes.

"You sure? I'm positive it's there," Darlene spoke, and then I felt her place her foot on the ladder as she stood behind me, climbing up in order to see a little better herself. Grasping the railing with one hand for support, she leaned into me for balance, pretending to look, just as I was, and felt the sudden press of her full breasts against the back of my upper thigh. I basically froze in place, not knowing what to do, or if she realized I could feel her pressing into me. That was ... until I felt her hand letting go of the railing, now coming to rest on my hip as she stepped up even further.

"Sorry, but I'm positive I put it back," she stated again, now standing nearly on top of me.

"Maybe if I moved out of the way," I stated. The platform I was standing on was just wide enough that two people could stand on it safely enough, especially with the rails running all the way around us. Turning, I allowed her to take the last step in reaching me, which she did, though she seemed to lose her balance in doing that, and reached out in order to keep herself from falling, or in falling into me for that matter. Her action suddenly causing her to throw her arms around my neck, catching herself. If I felt the press of her soft breasts before ... I felt them even more so now against my chest. And then suddenly, her hand, resting directly on the hard stiff bulge in my pants!

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Renea's big mistake was a simple one. One day she was reading a story on Fetlife. Aroused by the power of his prose, Renea sent some feedback to the Author. The story was called "You Will Submit". It is about a young woman being attacked in her flat, then reluctantly being fucked. The man wore no protection. The chances were high that he made her pregnant.The author received the feedback and replied. He asked her about her fantasies and soon they were chatting online. At thirty two years old,...

3 years ago
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E007 Emmas morning

She had fixed her dinner and eaten, in the nude as instructed.  She had been a little worried that someone might see in the window, but then after a little while, it felt so freeing to walk around naked that she just did not care. Why had she never done this before? Because she never knew Professor Ryan before, and all that he was offering her.  Well, she hoped he was offering her.  He hadn’t really said so in so many words.  But his making her get the phone, and all of his instructions, she...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Lisas First Love Chapter One

I meet Don I remember very well the day Don’s family moved in next door. His family came to New Orleans from Portland, Oregon, and I was a gawky fourteen year old, soon to be an eighth grader, when I first met Don. Don was a handsome, athletically-built seventeen year old. He was entering the eleventh grade. I was very much a tomboy who liked sports and I played on the girls’ basketball team. I was also a good student, who made good grades. In many ways, I was every parent’s dream. However,...

First Time
3 years ago
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Psychatric evaluation

Life had never been easy, not growing up on the streets as much as in foster families who might or might not be nice people.But then whenever Moira saw spoiled brats she had known she was much better off, actually learning valuable life lessons they would never learn at all, or if when they were forty and left by their spouses. Maybe. Whatever.The first and most important of those lessons had been to develop two separate personalities. Nice girl working hard for her place in life on the...

2 years ago
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Female Led Relation just a butler

PART ONE My wife, Sarah is a CFO in a mid-size company. She often works long hours and I'm left alone in the evenings, and I watch television, work on our old house, and hang out being somewhat lonely. In November Sarah's dad died after having been a little sick. Wewere shocked and her mom decided to move in with us. I beganhanging out with the mom. She was still quite attractive andmore than average sexy. She was not as slim as Sarah, but shewasn't fat either. I would call her luscious. She...

1 year ago
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Cinema Sex

"Two adult," I had to smile as I said it but quickly composed myself and finished, "for fatal attraction."The theater was really nice.  It was fairly new and The Villages, a retirement community, had done a very nice job of choosing businesses of class for its community."Want anything to eat or drink?" I knew we were early and that we'd be sitting in the theater for a while waiting for our dates.‘Dates’, I thought it odd to even think this, but it’s pretty accurate. "I don't think I could eat...

Wife Lovers
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 27

Donnie and Katie arrived at Ardbrecknish to spend the weekend. Snow had started to fall heavily, another sign perhaps that the climate was changing. Katie made a bee-line for the house that had been allocated to her mother and sister, who had stayed on after the clan gathering. Donnie decided to take the opportunity of catching up with a number of key people that he had neglected over the past few weeks because of his commitment to campaigning for the SNP. Donnie's first call was at his...

1 year ago
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The Feminization Of Daniel Revisted

As my mouth opened to swallow the head of Todd's cock a voice deep inside of me cried out, "God damn you Lily, what have you done to me? Her hand on the back of my head kept up a steady gentle downward pressure as she pushed me farther down on Todd's cock. She was crooning in my ear, "That's right baby, teach your husband a lesson. Suck his cock baby, suck his cock like I sucked Russ, like I suck my husband and like you used to suck yours." In my rapidly short circuiting brain I realized...

1 year ago
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Sophie Christina and how ones preference for sex

My friend Dan and his wife invited me over to BBQ and I was the only one of our group who showed up. We ended the night next to the fire later in the night sitting and drinking. Dan’s wife went inside to use the bathroom. I told Dan I was hoping there would have been some girls here so I could get some ass. He said maybe his wife had some friends that could come over. When his wife came back he brought it up casually and asked if there was anyone else that she would want to invite out. She said...

3 years ago
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My Horrible Dogging Experience in Edinburgh

Do I think sex in the beginning was better then, than the sex I do now in my late twenties? Now I am talking about from a female perspective, a receiver, rather than a giver. I always think of a man’s cock as a giver, therefore the aggressor, and a woman, should always be the receiver, and she should never say ‘No’. Now before you think that last statement outrageous, just ask yourself this, have you ever walked up to a beautiful woman and said, ‘I want to fuck you’? I bet none of you have,...

3 years ago
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Continuing ChanceChapter 2

Dunedin is ... crowded. Our space was most of a block but across the street was tiny, dumpy, low housing full of unruly misbehaving college kids. They have very little sense of personal space and they don't like us. They don't like us because we have consistently refused to have a second weekend party. The first one nearly destroyed the garden. Grace and I have our moments but we respect the property of others and these kids don't. They don't like us because America saved the mother...

1 year ago
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Danni Part 2

I just about skipped home. I'd never felt so exhilarated in my life. Danni had always been my best friend. Now she was teetering on the brink of being my lover. My mind was filled with the unspoken joy of holding hands with her, the kisses we had shared and the touch of her hands over my back. It had all felt incredible and I couldn't wait until I saw her again. I went to bed smiling and soon fell into a deep, contented sleep. I woke early the next morning, an hour before I really needed to. I...

1 year ago
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Wish Shift Zai Jian

Wish Shift: Chapter Eleven Zai Jian Year 1 A.S. Day 58 Night Jenny sat in her room. She had taken all of the clothing that she would not be wearing anymore and piled it on the bed. She reached for the first empty box and started to fold pants and t-shirts and carefully put them away. It was quiet now. Mom and grandma had already gone out the pop-up to go to sleep. She was by herself now, there was only the light in the room and the darkness outside her window to keep her...

1 year ago
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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter XIII

In this chapter, Bobby has fun with Cori, Tess, and Rhianna at the slumber party. Everything seems to be going fine ... until someone walks in on Bobby while she's getting changed for bed. Will anything ever be the same for her again? Read on and find out! Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter XIII Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Even though we were in Cori's living room, it almost felt like a...

3 years ago
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Fucking his sister

Last week i was at my friend Derick's house and we were bored and decided to drink a bit. We watched tv played some games usual crap to waste time. Eventually we went to bed. He went to his room and i went to the empty guest room. It was still kinda early so i wasn't that tired, but the booze always makes me horny. So i started playing with myself a bit until i was stiff as a rock. I slowly rub my cock, closing my eyes and letting my imagination wander. All of a sudden i hear the door creak...

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A fan meets Mila Kunis at a concert

"Do we really need to get there this early?" I asked yawning."What the fuck you yawning for? It's noon!" Andrew said sounding surprised."Aw come on! This surprises you?" I asked."I know! It shouldn't but your laziness never ceases to amaze me." He answered with a stupid smirk on his face."Shut your face and go get me a big mac!" I shoved him as we passed a McDonalds. "Get it yourself!""Hey! You're the loser with no friends, but me, that's dragging my ass to watch this faggy band live.""What?!...

2 years ago
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Life after Death Ch 09

Two minutes later, Issy and Alice crashed into the kitchen, laughing and giggling over something that they chose not to share, they were already becoming extremely close and I knew that the bond they were forming would be life-long. My heart began to swell with the thought of just how these two had changed our lives in such a short period of time. Issy started telling Rachel about all the things she had done with Jane’s parents over the weekend, usually throwing in comments about how Tim and...

1 year ago
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BongaCams Latina

Alright, you simps. It’s time to listen up as I tell you a thing or two about Latina sluts. I swear, I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad lay with a Latina babe. Seriously. These sluts are born with the talent of riding dick like it’s nobody’s fucking business. Those hips start moving and I’m sent to nirvana. The sparse few of you cucks who have actually pounded some Latina pussy know what the hell I’m talking about. The vast majority of you who haven’t, well, you’ll just need to keep on...

Live Latina Sex Cams
2 years ago
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The Beginning 8211 School Chronicle

The story is about a group of friends from high-school. There are multiple characters and as and when they become an important part of the story I will give their introduction. I, Sumit (Name Changed) was studying in school and had recently changed school due to my fathers posting. Changing schools was not new to me so i was able to make friends easily at my new school. I was part of a average school gang (not the hep kind or topper kind) which had 8 members. There was Rahul, Neha, Sakshi,...

2 years ago
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The ImamChapter 3

FATIMA RETURNS 9th of Rajab 1416 (December 2, 1995) Fatima inspected her swollen belly in the creases of sunlight which glowed through her small hovel. She had been told by Mama Khadija that she carried a child. Through the tender months of feeding herself extra rice borrowed from her friends, she sometimes stopped her cleaning work and took walks above the slum area. She imagined living in a household with servants of her own and giving her child, be it male or female, a place and home on...

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GreeniesChapter 17B

"Valentine, man the eighty!" Sanchez ordered. "Command reports the marines are reinforcing the units on this flanks. At least two platoons heading this way!" "What about the tanks?" Zen asked as another laser shot slammed into their barrier, burning through another section of their rapidly crumbling defensive emplacement with enough energy left over to peel a layer off the front of their turret. "Fuck the tanks!" Sanchez replied. "Our job is to protect the infantry, not ourselves....

3 years ago
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Plantation Slave

X53211, Plantation Slaveby David Koury with the art of Shorterbus and Snap as edited by SirJeff. - do not use without permission.The beautiful naked blonde hung by her chained wrists from the whipping post on the auction block, her body still bearing the scars of her vicious bullwhipping at the hands of the disciplinarian. She had received 100 lashes with the « special » bullwhip which was only used on incorrigible slaves who dared to try to escape. She was easily identified by the numbers...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Anna Chambers Stripper In Trouble

Security officer Mike Mancini brings suspected thief Anna Chambers into the backroom for some questioning, after feeling like he knows her from somewhere he discovers that she’s a dancer at the local stripclub. Anna denies all of his accusations but Officer Mancini soon finds a bunch of stolen items in her purse, so he submits her to a strip search and finds stolen makeup under her bra. In order for Anna to avoid going to jail, Officer Mancini demands a free lap dance followed by some...

1 year ago
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28 March 2009Chapter 7

“Okay you two, its time,” Doctor Burnett smiled as Karen returned. Brad took off his necklace and kissed it. Abby also kissed it then Brad put it around his Mom’s neck. Brad gave Abby a final kiss and hugs and was escorted out by his transplant nurses. The others accompanied Abby and Doctor Burnett to the operating room wing and then the nurses wheeled Abby into the operating preparation room. “I’ll catch up to you guys in a moment,” Dan said letting the others go ahead. “Doctor Burnett,...

2 years ago
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Island Vacation Ch3

The plane landed on the islands runway and Tom was waiting for us with his wife Melissa and two daughters Janice 18 and Alice 16. Melissa was about 5’9 with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a killer smile. She worked out a lot and her body showed it. She had a flat stomach and a killer tight ass. Tom had bought her tits about fifteen years ago and they still looked great. They were a 34E. Janice looked a lot like her mom although her tits weren’t as big, but a respectable C cup. She also had a...

1 year ago
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Night after Wales won the Grand Slam

A couple of years ago, we had seats for the Wales vs France match in the six nation’s championship, and so booked a small cottage that we sometimes use near Cardiff. My lovely wife Mandy, dressed for the forthcoming evening in her new white studded blouse, under her favourite black tux style jacket and jeans. Then got well wrapped for the match up in her warm Puffa jacket. We were on such a high after the match, with Wales securing the Grand Slam, we joined fellow supporters in St Mary Street...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Kate Dee Busty MILF Begs For His Hot Cum

Busty MILF Kate Dee is in a naughty mood and getting horny by the second playing with herself while waiting for her man Lucas Frost to join her. And when he does, first up is a face-fucking slurpy blowjob before the buxom blonde Penthouse star spreads open her creamy thighs to be pounded in missionary. Watch the former military flight attendant turned adult performer shake her big curvy ass while riding cock in cowgirl and banged from behind in doggy, all the while begging for the stud’s...

1 year ago
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XmenBast Ch2

*** Legal issues: Kia Jaeger(codename Bast) is an original character and belongs to me. All other characters and core X-men concepts are copyright Marvel, Stan Lee, and other creators. I do not own any of them, nor do I profit from them in any way. Author Note: This story is based upon the story and setup in the comics and takes place at no particular point in them, but is instead treated as it’s own events separate from many of the large happenings in the comics. Also, I am not fully aware of...

Erotic Fiction
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Both Dallas performances were sellouts, netting us, $279,000 in total revenue. These kids are real troupers. Handling being on the road much better than I ever expected. We have a lot of people traveling together, if you count all the adults involved. There are three vehicles, if you count the mobile stage. Stuart and our biggest guys, sans me, set it up ready to go in under twenty minutes. We have had to use the on-board generator a few times, but it is quiet and really easy to deal with. I...

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Perfect Weekend Part 2

Hi , I Vicky back again with my second part.I am 19 years old from Mumbai.Thanks for your all feedbacks.Keep writing me on who not read my first part please then you will enjoy more . I will continue part in Hindi. Rishesh apna office chala gaya tha, usna bola tha woh teen ghanta me aajaega.Main achaese nahakar nanga hi ghar me ghum raha tha.Maine kuch der rishesh ki almaari check ki jisme kaafi bra aur panty thae jispe alag alag ladko ka naam printed tha matlab unladko ka utarae hua garments...

Gay Male
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Me my wife and her friend8217s hubby

He was there for 2 days from 4pm to 3pm next day. This was an unexpected visit. We reached his place around 4pm and she got off. I was to come with packed dinner at around 830pm. What they did from 4pm to 830pm i am not aware of but i am sure it was very passionate.i reached his place around 830-840pm. I had locked the door from out so that no one disturbs. Before opening i gave a missed call so they are prepared. His room was a 2 room set with bathroom attached with bed room but no door...

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Camping with Chris

Camping with ChrisBy NancyCamping is so not my favorite activity but my friends were so excited and I can never say no when they get that way. So off we go four girls, the four amigos, the four musketeers, well you get the picture…Amy, the stuck up bitchy one, Brenda, the aggie hippie, Diana the mother figure, and me, Nancy, the reformed virgin. How we got to be friends is anyone’s guess as different as night and day, but our group meshed and fast friends we became.Destination Savannah, the...

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Used at School 3

Claire walked past David and Olivia and headed over to the bed before turning round to face them both but all the time not taking her eyes off of Olivia. David noticed this and it put a big smile on his face as thought's of what he could get Claire to do to Olivia and of what he could do to her popped onto his mind. "So what do you think"?Claire snapped out of staring at Olivia and looked at David slightly confused."What do you mean"? she asked"What do you think about seeing Olivia all tied up...

3 years ago
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A Quickie

I walk into your apartment and head towards your room, not noticing that you're sitting at the computer, before i get too far, you tell me to come over and stand in front of you. When i get there, you ask me if i did what you told me to do, i nod yes and wait for what comes next. you tell me that you want me to strip and to let you see that i did what i was told; i reach down and slowly pull my shirt over my head, I’m not wearing a bra and my nipples are already a little bit hard. While you...

3 years ago
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I say You say

Saturday morning, the sun is shining through the curtainsand we’re going out for the day, you’re taking me shopping which you never normally do and I reckon you have an ulterior motive. The car is hot and my legs are sticking slightly on the black leather seat, it smells like the hot summer day that it is, and my arm is resting on the hot surface of the passenger door enjoying the breeze from the open window. There’s a tension in the air it’s a good sort of tension but it unnerves me slightly...


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