- 3 years ago
- 27
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Joe sat back, trying to ease the kinks from the concentration, but the screen told him what he needed to know. The patch was good, the suite was running, and the payroll would be through on time. He glanced across at the next terminal. Sue was leaning back in her chair, long legs stretched out, eyes closed. He took a moment to admire the sleek shape of her, from her pixie-cut cap of red hair, over her shapely breasts, her flat belly, and down the long, lovely line of her legs.
"What time is it? " she said, without opening her eyes.
"Almost nine."
"Are we good?"
"We are indeed good. The payroll suite is running, the patch is working, and in twenty minutes the responsibility passes to output-handling, and we can leave. I asked Becky to get some coffee, and if I'm not mistaken, here it is," he said, as the door behind them opened and a lean blonde in faded denim came in, with three Styrofoam cups between her hands.
"Caffeine for the workers!" she called.
Joe took one from Becky, giving her a grateful smile. She grinned. Still without opening her eyes, Sue held out her hand and Becky pushed a cup against it, then popped the cap on the final cup and took a sip. She grimaced.
"Why do we drink this muck?" she muttered, glaring at the cup, but still taking another sip.
"Because our taste buds have atrophied?" said Sue, finally opening her eyes and flipping the lid off her cup with a practiced thumb.
"You mean, like your modesty?" said Becky. "Slide down much further in your seat and we'll be able to admire the elastic on your waistband."
"Fuck you, bitch," said Sue.
"Up yours, slut," said Becky.
The two women grinned at each other and Joe laughed. "I love working with you two. The genteel language, the maidenly modesty, the total disregard for authority."
"Up yours, too, boss," said Becky, grinning at him.
"I've ruined any plans you two might have had for the evening, and I'm sorry about that."
Sue shrugged. "Nothing special planned, but I did want to get a swim. Only hotel pools open now, and you have to be a guest for those." She made a face. "I guess tomorrow, but I hate the crowds on a Saturday." She looked across at Joe. "Something on your mind?"
"I dunno. Maybe an answer to your swim problem, maybe not." It was his turn to shrug.
"Tell me more," said Sue, sitting up.
"My folks are away for the weekend. Went this afternoon, won't be back until Tuesday, late."
"So? What has this to do with swimming?"
"I promised I'd stay there this weekend, rather than my apartment, because of the mutts. Mom and Dad have have a couple of dogs, poodles. They don't take much looking after, but it's better if someone is there with them. Relax, Sue, I'm getting there! The house has a pool, big enough for a decent swim. It's heated, indoors, and private. If you can survive a twenty-minute drive to get there, you're welcome to come and use it. You, too, Becky, if you want."
The women looked at each other and Becky nodded. "Why not?"
"Joe, I would love to try your folks' pool," said Sue.
He took a chance. "Come for the weekend? There are two guest rooms. I still have my own room and I can cook, so you won't starve. I don't know what plans you had, but there are none of us on call again until Wednesday, and we don't even have to be in again until Tuesday, so it's a three-day weekend. Your choice, no pressure, but I'd welcome the company, both of you."
"I'll come for a swim, sure," said Becky, "but I have plans for later that involve me and Billy being somewhere private, with a big bed." She grinned. "So I'll have to be back by midnight, when Billy's shift finishes."
Joe nodded. "Sue?"
"Swim, yes. Weekend? I don't know."
"Your own room, and there's a lock on the door."
"How good a cook are you?"
"Tonight, I guess ring for a Chinese or pizza, on me of course, but tomorrow, try me? I can cook, Sue, I promise you."
Sue turned to Becky, eyebrows raised. Out of Joe's line of sight, Becky winked. Aloud, she said. "Go for it! Have someone else cook for you this weekend."
"Okay, Joe, I'll stay." Sue shrugged. "It has to be better than re-runs on TV."
He laughed. "I'll just go through and check that output-handling are ready to go." He gestured to the monitor. "The run's finished, error-free, so well done, you two, and thanks." He ambled out, hands in pockets.
Becky turned to Sue. "Sheesh, girl, I thought you were going to say no."
Sue grimaced. "I thought about it."
"Idiot! You've been like a love-sick calf for weeks now, wondering about Joe, what he carries in his shorts. Get him into bed, and fuck him! Best way I can think of to get to know a guy." Becky grinned. "Just had a thought. I don't have a suit with me, 'cause I wasn't planning on swimming, so I'll suggest skinny-dipping. You game? You have the best body I've seen on another woman, so you'll be fine. If that doesn't turn Joe on, he's a fuckin' eunuch!"
"Skinny-dipping?" Sue frowned, then grinned. "Okay. Yes!" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Could be fun!"
The door opened and Joe came back in, smiling. "All is well, ladies, and we are free! You want to be back for midnight, Becky, so you'll need wheels. Sue? What about you?"
"With living in the same apartment block, Becky and I, we usually travel together. We're in Becky's car today, but I'll need a change of clothes, so I'll need to stop off at my apartment."
"Fifth and Maple, isn't it? It's on our route, so no problem. You two travelling together? Okay, I'll follow you to the apartment, and then you can follow me up to the valley. Okay? Great! Let's go."
Half an hour later, just before ten, Joe signed the girls' car through the private security barrier and led them to his parents' home, a home that had been his own for almost twenty years before he left to go to college, but his bedroom was always ready, any time he wanted to stay. He pulled up and parked his car at the side of the house, signalling the two women to park alongside. He reached for Sue's overnight bag, and led the way into the house.
"Prepare to be overwhelmed," he said laughing, as the two dogs came racing to greet them, tails wagging, lapping up the fuss the two women made of them. "Sit!" he commanded, and the mutts complied. "This way, and I'll show you your room, Sue."
Airy, a double bed. Bathroom adjacent, shared with the other guest room. "Make yourself at home, Sue. Becky, do you want to use the other guest room to change?"
"Naah, I'll just change in here, with Sue. She won't mind. Will you?"
"Of course not."
"I'll get a spare robe for you, Becky. Just a moment."
"Nice room, Sue," said Becky. "Big bed," she added, affecting innocence.
"Behave!" said Sue.
Joe came back in with a robe, laying it across the bed beside the other already there. "Okay?" said Joe. "Do you want pizza or Chinese? I'll need to phone it in, and I guess it will take about forty minutes, this time on a Friday. I'll need to let Jimmy on the gate know who to expect, so what's your fancy tonight?"
"Chinese?" said Becky, and Sue nodded.
"Okay," said Joe. "Chinese it is. Any preferences, or should I just get the selection for three?"
Sue looked across at Becky, shrugging. "Selection?" Becky nodded.
"Okay," said Joe, "I'll phone the order in. You two get changed, and come back to the living room, and I'll show you the pool." He went out, whistling.
Sue frowned. "We should have told him."
"Present him with a fait accompli," said Becky, grinning. "I don't think he'll protest too much." She began to undress, humming the theme to 'The Stripper'. Sue grinned, and began to remove her own clothing. Naked, they paused, looking at each other. Becky had said Sue had the better body, and it was true, but there was little in it, for each exercised regularly, ate with an eye on calories, and generally looked out for herself.
"Definite treat for Joe," said Becky, grinning as she reached for her robe.
Sue laughed. "We hope."
"Hope? Get a grip, woman. He's male, we're female. Naked females, happy male. QED." She held out her hand. "Come on, a pool awaits us."
Joe was waiting in the sitting room. Like the women, in a knee-length robe. He smiled. "Ladies! The food is ordered, and the pool awaits."
"It awaits a little longer, Joe. We have a minor problem," said Becky.
"Oh, dear. Anything I can help with? What is it?"
"I forgot my suit," said Becky, looking anything but distressed.
"Ah! There are guest suits in the drawers in the guest rooms. Didn't you see?"
"Didn't look," said Becky, grinning. "They'd just need cleaning anyway, so we came up with our own solution."
"Which is?"
There was silence for a moment. "You sure?" said Joe.
"Absolutely," said Sue. She grinned. "I have my suit, but I wasn't going to let the blonde one skinnydip alone, so you get two for the price of one."
Joe laughed, looking from one to the other. "I shall look forward to the revelation."
"Lead the way!"
Joe surprised them, opening a doorway and leading them down a flight of stairs. He spoke over his shoulder. "The house is partly on a hillside. Pool used to be smaller, and outdoors, but Mom and Dad converted the basement, extended the pool under the house, and had the outside part roofed over. There are big doors on the end, for the summer, when we want to use the garden, but they're closed at the moment. The pool is heated, so you'll be fine. And here we are," he said, opening another door, and switching some lights on. "The pool, ladies. I'll keep the lighting a little low. To spare my blushes, not yours." He was removing his robe as he spoke, to reveal boxer-shorts style swim shorts, which he quickly removed.
Sue was in the process of loosening her own robe, and dropped it on a bench behind her before daring to lift her eyes. Beside her, Becky was already naked and reached for her hand. There was a static tableau for a moment, two naked females, and a naked male. Joe broke the tension, bowing.
"Sue, Becky, you are gorgeous, both of you, and a delight to the eye. Thank you."
"You look pretty good yourself, boss, for a computer geek," said Becky, laughing.
"Why, thank you, geekess. Shall we swim?" Joe held out his hands and the women took one each. "On three? One, two, three, and go!"
They swam for about half an hour, playing, racing, clowning about, enjoying themselves, and Joe couldn't wipe from his mind the vision of loveliness he'd seen when Sue and Becky had removed their robes. Redhead, blonde, Sue's hair short, pixie-cut, Becky's pulled back into her customary ponytail. Four beautiful breasts. Sue's higher, pointed, full, erect nipples in large areolae. Becky's lower, fuller, just as lovely to him. And two completely shaved pussies. Two tantalising clefts leading to the promised lands. One promised to Billy, that fact he acknowledged without any jealousy, but the other? Sue's? He knew she wasn't in any relationship and permitted himself to hope.
He glanced at the clock on the wall, and hauled himself from the water, taking three towels from the locker, using one to dry himself.
"The Chinese is due in about ten minutes," he called to the two women. "I'll get things ready. You come up when you're ready. We'll eat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, okay? That way, it doesn't matter if you're a little damp. Towels are here. See you upstairs."
In the pool, Becky swam over to Sue. "Sue, honey, if I wasn't going home to a nice hard prick I know will make me feel good, I'd be tempted to fight you for that one! It looks good, real good." She kissed her friend. "If he makes a move, cooperate. If he doesn't, you make the move. You hear me?"
"Yes, Mother."
"Clown. Come on, one last race, far end and back, three times?"
In the kitchen, getting plates and cutlery ready, filling the coffee machine and switching it on, Joe was thinking of the beauty revealed to him, and fighting an erection. He wanted Sue, he acknowledged that freely, and if she gave any sign of wanting him, he'd see where he got to. But she was a woman alone, and he knew he mustn't make any move on her that might be perceived as a threat. The door bell distracted him, and he went to collect the food.
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Objections by Tigger Copyright 1997 All rights reserved Reposting or Archiving permitted provided no fee is charged for the site or for the anthology in which the story appears. This story is a work of erotic fiction intended for the private enjoyment of legal adults residing in localities where such things are legal. Author's note. This story is a departure from my usual work. Normally, I focus on the romantic side of...
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My friend Greg looked at me and offered to let me sleep on the pull out couch in his finished basement. We go way back Greg and I. He was best man at my wedding and I at his. He knew that I lived a good forty five minutes outside town. Down country roads that won’t see a plow for a day or two, so the drive would have been treacherous. He had lots of room and his wife Eva was always good natured about it so I accepted. I called my wife and let her know it would be at least tomorrow...
Jessie, the hard-working wife of Grandpa Logan, settled the new schoolteacher, Sally, into a comfortable but tiny room in the new wing they had added just last month to house the cowpunchers coming into the valley and looking for work on a decent place with home-style cooking instead of eating tasteless slop thrown together by some disreputable cook doing a distasteful job just because he was unable to ride a horse any longer. The Logan's came in from the branding pit making a racket that...
Dad’s new car was a Triumph. Actually, it wasn’t really new and was not much of a triumph either. He was proud as punch, though, bringing our first family car home the evening before our annual week’s summer holiday. Holidays were a trying time back in those days, the early 1960s. For the short six weeks of the school holidays, the weekends became like the migration of lemmings. The English road system was pretty much as had existed since the 1930s, when there were probably more horse-drawn...
Casey always had a habit of holding something in her hands, and this time, she couldn’t find anything better than to play with her ring. She was spinning it on her fingers, and she felt like she became a pro at it. She was managing to throw it in the air and catch it when suddenly, the ring fell in between the couch cushions. Casey shoved her hand there right away, trying to get a hold of her ring, but it was all a waste of time. She wanted to look under the couch, but she realized that her...
xmoviesforyouNovember 4, 1995, Mason, Ohio “Is everything really OK, Son?” my dad asked after we were seated. “Yes. I check in with Doctor Mercer every so often. Usually it’s by telephone, but I like to sit down face-to-face on occasion. It’s something I’ll probably do for the rest of my life.” “Well, most people would say you having seven kids is a reason to have your head examined!” I laughed, “Don’t forget that it’s by four women, two of whom are part of a trio with me, and another one who is...
Have you ever been with someone you wanted to eat up? Imean totally consume. Have you ever wanted to just completely melt into someone and have your bodies merge in total bliss? Karen was like that. She was tanned, muscled, and completely beautiful. When I was with her I wanted to eat her and when she left I found myself masturbating until she returned. Karen was my first real lover, my first real relationship. I remember the first time just being in bed with her. Just me and my new lover,...
So to the Marilyn saga ends. This is the last Marilyn story for a very long time, possibly ever if interest in her wanes over time. However, this won't be my last story. I have more stuff developing in the lab, so to speak. MARILYN'S SEXUAL PARADISE - By Brett Lynn "Wh...what hon? What do you want?" Marilyn groggily pulled herself out of her nap and took a look at her wife sitting next to her on the airplane as they cruised their way to Hawaii for their honeymoon. She saw...
I landed in San Diego for a 3 day conference, picked up my rental car and planned to stop at an Adult Bookstore to load up for the off hours of horniess. I pulled into the cavernous store and entered to an empty sex warehouse.I noticed there was a plethora of sex toys, olis, rubbers at the counter being "manned, by a beautiful 30 something blond, with lipsticks, a tight Tee and tits to die for. I smiled as I entered as did she. I cruised the aisles and noted a primary focus on hetero flicks and...
We started our European tour in Switzerland. In Zurich, Elsa introduced me to her European lawyer, business manager, Swiss banker, and the managers of her local businesses. The morning after we arrived in Zurich, our first stop was a department store for me to get some respectable clothing that did not scream American; the alterations would take a week and then we would have to return for a final fitting. I don’t think it was a big help in hiding the fact I was an American, but I did like...
Alex, too, was feeling a need. He was squirming in his seat, and he felt as though his heart was beating in his manhood. He had to let it out, but fought his instinct to leap into the fray a little longer. He didn’t want to interfere until the girls had made each other come. It was only fair to let their first girl-girl encounter end as nature intended. If he had to pleasure himself, so be it. “Don’t mind me, girls,” he said as he stood, undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. “I’m running...
BisexualI was regularly looked after by R-V and his crew, no one messed with me. A week later and everything changed. Suddenly, there was no R-V or T-Bone and Chucker. I received no calls, he wasn’t at work and no one was telling. In the space of a week, something had happened to my boys. I started freaking out, I sent texts and calls but no news. Then after three weeks, I know somethings was up. Elijah seemed to be head of security. He worked in a fag bar but hated fags, so you could...
It had been six weeks since I had sold the Camry.Six weeks since I had fucked that beautiful young mom in the garage.Six weeks since my wife had watched me cum on that lovely ass. She had stood in the open doorway, in silence, and watched as I fucked another woman on the trunk of the car. Six weeks since she slapped my face, hard, and then made me fuck her on our bed in the same manner. From behind, hard and fast, and finishing with my load sprayed across her back, hips and ass.Six weeks of...
CheatingBBW IN THE WOODS3/29/2015I walked across the field, the sun starting to set, followinga thin, foot-worn path toward the sunset. There was a tightgrove of trees where I had been told to meet my friend Dave.Dave had been my friend since I was 8 . We had grown up together.The two of us had an intimate relationship, but nothingsteady. Basically, if I felt horny, and wasn't goingout with anyone, and Dave was between relationships, wewould meet up, and have fun. This was such a time. However,this...
The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 35 (Friday - week 5) Her dreams were mostly scattered images, flitting from one vague subject to the next. But as the night wore on toward morning, more and more of those dreams became about Sissy. Eventually, even though she remained mostly asleep, her conscious mind became aware of her dreams - or thoughts. Sissy - in a pink leotard with white tights and a white tutu, pink ballet slippers on his feet, dancing to her favorite ballet music. ...
Ria Ria. 22 is of Indian heritage and has a Masters in finance. She has a flawless pale brown complexion and is tall with long graceful limbs and a proud owner of a swimmers body. Slightly flat chested but it suits. Her oval face has a delicate nose and the largest eyes with deepest-darkest pupils. Always dresses well in figure hugging dresses or short skirts with silk blouses. Newlywed to a white man (Dan) who is very loving if pretty hapless. Ria is very friendly and kind hearted if a little...
FetishMarch 12, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Cheating on me? Really?” “I know it sounds strange, but I know how much you and I love each other, and how close and intimate we are, even if we don’t kiss and touch and stuff. It’s really weird. I WANT to be with Glenda, you know, that way, but that doesn’t change the feeling.” “That way?” I grinned. “I know you aren’t clueless, Petrovich! You do the same things!” “I know. I’m teasing you, Lissa! Is this feeling going to be a problem?” “I don’t think so....
Copyright 2013 by madengineer3 There is no explicit sex in this story. If you want detailed sex, this story will not please you. ******************** My name is Isaac and I’ve been a ‘loner’ most of my life. My interests, to a large extent, have never been those of the average ‘Joe’ on the street. I can partially blame, if blame is the right word, my parents. My dad was the professor of physics at a well known university and my mom was the professor of mathematics. The result was that I was,...
Virginia stood before her tall mirror, flexing her favorite G-spot dildo, the odd-shaped knobby one, in and out of her tight-lipped vagina as she did her pectoral exercises and watched her expensively augmented and purple-titted jugs rise, tense, quiver and bulge out before they relaxed again, jiggling, nipples hard, pink incisions disappearing as they settled back. She smiled at her image and began on a hundred Kegel crunches, shuddering and closing her eyes as her vaginal muscles did their...