- 2 years ago
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Copyright 2013 by madengineer3
There is no explicit sex in this story. If you want detailed sex, this story will not please you.
My name is Isaac and I’ve been a ‘loner’ most of my life. My interests, to a large extent, have never been those of the average ‘Joe’ on the street. I can partially blame, if blame is the right word, my parents. My dad was the professor of physics at a well known university and my mom was the professor of mathematics. The result was that I was, at the verbal level, conversant with relativistic quantum mechanics before I reached puberty. Once you begin to understand, and accept, the fundamentals of modern physics as the best picture of the ‘real world’ you never again see the world like the non-scientific community.
Because of my parents I was home schooled. I had my B.Sc. in physics before I was twenty and was well on my way to my Ph.D. by twenty four. Because I was so intensely focused on my studies (they were essentially all consuming) I had not made the time to become ‘socialized’. My free time was taken up with reading, listening to music and long distance running. It is amazing how people with an appreciation for mathematics seem to be drawn to music.
It was at the beginning of my doctoral work when two things occurred that would change my life forever. Firstly, my parents were killed when a drunk local politician ran his car into theirs. He had been doing over ninety miles per hour when he hit them. Their deaths left me relatively rich but very much alone. Secondly, I met Jenny. She was also starting her doctoral program. It didn’t take long to decide to work and study together. After all, we had independently decided to study the same phenomena for our thesis work.
At first I saw her only as a colleague. As time progressed she became a friend and then a very good friend. We spent a fair amount of time together but physically restricted ourselves to very light petting. (For our own reasons we had avoided ‘south of the border’ play.)
We liked the same food, the same music, the same art, and each other. It was Jenny that introduced me to the belief in a higher being (God). She had found a way to integrate a strong faith with her intellectual pursuits. She, like Sir Isaac Newton (my namesake), saw true science as ‘discovering how God made the universe’.
We received our Ph.d.s at the same graduation exercises. We already had accepted positions at a high energy physics facility as ‘junior staff’ members. After all you almost needed a degree in physics to become a janitor at that facility.
Our first bind came when we realized that the facility was located in a somewhat remote area and housing was hard obtain. We talked over our predicament and finally decided to rent a place together. Jenny was more apprehensive than I was, but I didn’t understand that at the time.
We moved into a two bedroom apartment and proceeded to become immersed in our work. Our efforts, and time, at work left us little time or energy to do much else. We still enjoyed music, good conversation, and running, but were essentially mostly Platonic in our relationship to each other.
Over the next half year things continued as they had. Then we approached our first Christmas together. Our facility was shut down for the holidays because so many of the ancillary people, at work, expected to be home with their families during that season. After Jenny had gone to bed one night the loneliness finally hit me hard! I was quietly crying while sitting on the couch when she came in and sat down beside me.
‘What’s wrong Isaac?’
‘I’m not sure, Jenny. Even though you are here I feel so alone it is almost more than I can bear. I’ve never previously felt quite like this. There is a restlessness and deep sadness that I just can’t seem to name. I feel so very alone!’
Jenny sat down next to me and held me in her arms. It wasn’t long before I noticed that she, also, was crying.
‘What’s wrong, Jenny?’
‘I understand feeling alone, Isaac. I also know, or think I know, two of the reasons that you feel so alone. But, I am afraid to discuss either of them for fear of loosing you. You see, I also feel very much alone.’
‘I don’t understand.’
‘I know, it is that lack of understanding that prevents us from helping each other in times like this.’
We sat there holding each other for what seemed like hours. I broke the silence.
‘I value you too much to let anything keep us from helping each other. What do I need to know to help resolve our problems?’
‘I can help you with the first problem right away, but the second problem must be addressed after the first is taken care of.’
‘I don’t understand, but please help me to understand.’
‘Blaise Pascal said something to the effect that ‘there is a God shaped vacuum in our hearts and we will be restless until He fills that hole’. That is your first problem. Until you find a personal relation with the creator of the universe you can never be at peace with yourself.’
‘But, how can I believe in something I can’t see or measure?’
‘Let me ask you a few questions and see if I can show you the answer to that question. Before the big bang itself, the physical laws of the universe that we know didn’t exist. The fundamental forces were all assumed to be united at that point, right?’
‘Yes, but …’
‘Hold on, Isaac, you know the truth of what I have said because you know the physics that resulted from that event. You cannot measure or understand the laws that governed those first moments of the creation of the universe but you know that they are there because you can see the evidence of them in what they have produced, right?’
‘Consider case number two. Do you question the love you had for your parents?’
‘Can you measure or quantify that love?’
‘No, I guess I can’t.’
‘Let’s take a look at another mental construct that we think may well be imbedded in our reality. Can you picture the ‘extra’ dimensions that are needed for some forms of string theory to work?’
‘You know I can’t. I just know that they must be there if the mathmatics is to work out correctly.’
‘Right! Now go back to your earlier statement. You said, ‘But, how can I believe in something I can’t see or measure?’. But, you can’t see or measure love and yet it is real. You can’t see, understand, or measure the physics that existed before the big bang and yet you know that it had to exist. You can’t see or understand the extra dimensions in the same way you see the four dimensions that we know of as ‘space-time’. Do you see what I am saying?’
I had to mull these thoughts over for a few moments. Jenny was wise enough to keep from breaking my train of thought.
‘I see what you are saying. It’s a little like Goedel’s theorem. There are truths about a system that cannot be proved from within the system itself.’
‘Tell me about this God of yours.’
‘First of all, you don’t have to leave your brains at the door to believe in my God. His nature is creation and love. But, when I say love don’t go all sentimental on me. His love cannot stand anything that is false or hurtful. For a human example, consider a person who had a completely cancerous elbow. The hand is fine but, left unattended, the cancer at the elbow will eventually kill the person. The surest fix is to remove the arm well above the elbow. Yes, some good will die but the overall person will live, right?’
‘Yes, but I’m not sure that I’m comfortable with that analogy.’
‘Neither am I, but we’re talking reality here. Let’s take the analogy one step further. Suppose you were the creator of the human race, and let them have the ability to choose what they want to do. Now, assume that someone, or some group, decides to destroy what you have created. Your love for the good creation will require the rem
oval of the evil that is threatening your creation. If that evil cannot be changed to good, destruction of the evil is the most loving path for the good that you have created. You see, love can demand justice, to protect the innocent.’
‘Okay, but where is this headed?’
‘Hold on a bit longer. Suppose that all of your creation is infected with a mutation that produces an inherited contamination that will, left to itself, destroy what you have created. You would now be faced with destroying all your work or finding a cure for that infection. Assume, for the moment that justice is an integral part of the universe. If so, those who are infected must be removed no matter who they are. But, according to love some other way must be found to balance the scales of justice. Each created being has value. The only way to reasonably balance the scales of justice would be to find something of infinite value and purity to balance the evil that is inherent in the people. However, in the balancing it is necessary to remove the chance that those who are redeemed will not go bad again. Are you with me so far?’
‘Yes, but I’m very uneasy with the direction in which you seem to be headed.’
‘Do you remember Charles Dickens book ‘A Tale Of Two Cities’? If you do you will remember that one man (man A) trades places with another man (man B) who is to be executed. Man A wants to save man B’s life. Man A trades places with man B and goes to his death to save his friend. Well, God’s solution to our problem was to inhabit one of His creations, live a flawless life, and have that perfect person die to balance the scales of justice. The man He inhabited was called Jesus. To become forgiven all we need to do is accept that He died that we might live.’
‘But, aren’t there all sorts of rules you need to follow?’
‘Not really. Most of the rules people think about are actually doctrines put forward by organized churches. The three most basic rules we have to follow are: one, to try to live in a way that will be pleasing to God, Love people and the world as God loves them, and avoid judging other people because we ourselves are imperfect. In a nutshell that is the God that I worship. One of the most important things to remember is that God is a personal God. He knows you, warts and all. He wants you to ask for His guidance. You see, the original sin is that we put ourselves in the driver’s seat and the driver’s seat belongs to God. Taking control is a part of us and we have to fight that tendency so that we can please Him. We try to please Him, not to escape punishment, but to please Him. He already paid the price for any and all sin you have, or will, commit. He wants your fellowship.’
‘I need to think about all of that or a while. What you are describing sounds good to me. I know that I am not even the person I want to be. What is the other reason you said that stood between us?’
‘If you remember I said ‘I can help you with the first problem right away, but the second problem must be addressed after the first is taken care of.” When we have resolved the first problem it will be time to discuss the second problem. Okay?’
‘Yes, I’ve got a lot to think about. Could you suggest some books that might help me sort this out?’
‘Yes, C. S. Lewis’ book ‘Mere Christianity’ and the fictional story ‘The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe’, also by C. S. Lewis. When you have read them I would suggest reading the Gospel of John and the Letter to the Colossians.’
It was the better part of a week, of holiday time, before I finished reading Jenny’s suggested books. When I had finished Jenny and I sat together and talked to God together. I know that something very powerful happened at that time. For the first time in my life I felt totally at peace with who I am and what my place in the universe is.
The following day I sat down with Jenny and asked her to explain the second problem that stood between us. She looked very nervous. I had seldom seen her cry, yet she was crying now.
‘I’m afraid to tell you what the problem is. You are so very important and so very special to me that I can’t even think about loosing you. You may become so upset that we will no longer even be able to talk together, much less live under the same roof.’
‘Jenny, I doubt that you could tell me anything that would drive me away. You are the single most important person in my life. I have been in love with you for years but I am not good at putting my feelings into words. Please trust me to be reasonable.’
‘Are you sure, Isaac?’
‘Yes, please trust me enough to tell me what the problem is.’
‘Let me ask you a few questions first. What do you know about transsexuals?’
‘As I understand it there are some people who’s emotional and mental make-up are not congruent with the gender of the body they had at birth. It’s not related to being gay, it’s a real birth defect.’
‘That’s a good way to look at it. Unfortunately most people don’t understand it that way. My problem is that I am a transsexual. I’m a woman but I’m trapped in a male body. I’ve gone the hormone route and I decided to be castrated before puberty to remove most of the sources of testosterone that my body produces. The adrenal cortex also makes testosterone, but not like testes do. There, I’ve said it. Now, you will probably hate me.’
I moved over to Jenny and took her in my arms. I hoped that the kiss I gave her showed her that this was not a problem for me. As I broke the kiss I stated what was obvious to me:
‘It is you, the person, that I love. I also happen to love how you look, but the person you are is what has caused me to love you. What you have told me does not change my love for you one little bit. You are still the woman I love.’
Jenny then gave me the most loving kiss I have ever received. I became lost in that kiss like a person gets lost in a beautiful piece of music. When the kiss broke I asked her:
‘What say that we take a shower together and then use my bed tonight and get to know each other better?’
‘I think that would be a wonderful idea, Isaac. With it being winter, we can help keep each other warm.’ She giggled as she said this.
As hard as it may be for some people to believe, we cuddled together under the covers but didn’t do anything that would lead to an orgasm. We felt that we had to re-discover each other in light of Jenny’s revelation. We both knew that what we had was special and that we didn’t want to do anything to spoil it.
As we discussed our situation the thought of sex reassignment surgery came up. Jenny didn’t want to have to suffer the pain that came with it, and I couldn’t blame her. After all, who wants to have their genitals turned inside out and moved? What were we to do?
Since Jenny had been castrated and had been on female hormones for years the courts had been willing to change her paperwork to indicate that she was a woman.
Because of that she had been able to get the court to fix the paperwork so that she was legally a woman. We agreed together and got a marriage license two days after Christmas.
We took a week’s vacation after we got the license. Jenny’s pastor officiated at the very small, informal, wedding. Then we went home as husband and wife.
Then the fun began!
The rest of that story will be in the next installment, if the reader is interested.
Jenny Toms is a mother of two k**s one boy 17yrs and one girl 15yrs. her and her husband Randy Toms live in a upper middle class house in a good part of town. Jenny is almost 38yrs. but looks about 26 has 34C tits perfect onion of a ass long dark hair, her and Randy have been together for ever they meet at 12yrs. and still hold that same flame of love. The household is a firm one but very loving one. Steve the son is still in school but sometimes trains with the college football team...
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"And then it went 'Boom'!" Randy said. He laughed hysterically. I sat silently on the barstool knowing that most of the customers in the small nightclub were staring at us. I wished I could shrink away. I couldn't just go and sit somewhere else. I came with Randy. He invited me to this nightclub, so it was right to hang with him. He was my coworker and I appreciated that he was trying to be my friend, but I discovered he was a very different person than I first thought. It wasn't that I...
Jenny was excited. She and her husband Ted Kidd were enjoying a free, all expense paid weekend in Las Vegas, curtsey of the company Ted worked for. Ted had to attend a five-day convention that would start next Monday and end Friday, but the company booked the rooms for the full week. They had arranged a golf outing for key employees on the Saturday before the conference leaving that evening and Sunday for the couple to enjoy a mini vacation. Jenny and Ted arrived late Friday night and Ted had...
I wrote this story a while ago and wanted to share it :)While I’m out at the store, Jenny, the girl who lives next door, comes over to see you. She comes over every now and then for girl talk which always end up with boys as the subject and you two have become close friends. She tells you she just turned 18 and her boyfriend' birthday is next week. She says she has never let her boyfriend get past second base but for his present this year she wants to let him go all the way. She says she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When Jenny cleaned her mother's closet she found a VCR tape and decided to play it. It was a tape of her naked when she was a baby lying on the bed. She didn't think anything about it until her father and mother appeared nude. Her ate her pussy while her dad jacked off on her face. Jenny wanted to turn off the tape but she was fascinated. Then her dad finger fucked her little hole until it was bloody. He must have broke her cherry! She carefully put...
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Gay MaleMy name is Nina and this is how in my mid-thirties I learned that there is more to life than being a workaholic and living alone. As you read my story you will see that I had much to learn and was taught by capable, all be it young, teachers. I will be in their debt for many years, possibly all the years I have left. I hope that you can learn some of their lessons if you open your mind to the possibilities of letting go of your inhibitions and giving your body and mind over to others for a...
He kept making fun of me all game , having forgotten my gym cloth , i was in a smaller tight boy pale blueue sky spandex shorts''move that ass faster boy!''tapping my ass each time he was close to me Mike was a strong tall black guy working as ref for our soccer games the game finished and we lost by one goal my team left after and i went to give back the little shorts my cloth in the lockers i was greated by the ref''hey boy ''he act like it was normal and pull on my shortthe tight short pull...
Kim and Heather had been best friends since grade school, and it was unusual to see them apart for long. They attended the same high school, were both 17, had most of their classes together, and lived only a couple of blocks away from each other. They even looked alike, both around 5’4”, petite, blond hair, blue eyes. A lot of people thought they were twins, or, at least, sisters. Both had boyfriends, and both liked sex a lot. What most people didn’t know, however, is they often had sex with...
Skeletons in my closet part 9 wonderful night and embarrassing day I told the ladies I would get us robes to slip into. I walked into the house to our main big bathroom. I stopped at the bathroom door as I saw Danny standing at the toilet peeing. His cock was slightly smaller than Keith's. I stood there watching him pee. I rubbed at my pussy thinking this could be a fun night. ”Ms. K if you wanted to see my cock all you had to do was ask,” Danny said pointing to the mirror. I saw myself...
Amanda lay on the bed trying to calm herself down and having only partial success at it. She was still panting, and her pussy was still aching and very damp, her folds glistening even in the subdued lighting. Amanda had spent much of that morning with Duric. The Noble Lord had presented her to many of his staff, showing her off like a prize or trophy. He had yet to share her with them, however. All he had her do was pleasure herself slowly while he conducted meetings with his staff on rather...
Now I’m a 51 year old mother of one and watching my Daughter who’d been once my son putting on that very nice silk blue bra from Harrods department store and lift up her huge breast in to them made me so wet. Now seeing my son all now transformed and transitioned in to a beautiful woman but she’d still had got her manly bits now that didn’t harm anyone but boy did she look awesome and lovely all 5’9 of her slim size 10 with her rather large 46DDs which shed always wanted and her slim lines like...
GroobyGirls aka Shemale Yum! Sometimes I get a real hankering for a nice, nasty fuck with a blonde hottie with huge tits and a nice ass. I want that little slut to suck my dick clean, let me put it in her pooper, and then give me another dirty oral cleansing. I bet you have similar fantasies, but in yours the bitch also has a huge cock. I ain’t the type of guy to judge you, fruitcake, and in fact I’ll point you to a classic of the transsexual paysite genre: GroobyGirls.Before rebranding as...
Premium Shemale Porn Sites“You want us to what?” said Kyle. Pete grinned. “It’s like in that porno Rob downloaded the other week. She wants one of us to bang her arsehole, while the other—” “Fucks my sweet cunt. You got it. So, what do you say?” There was a moment’s silence. Pete looked at his friend expectantly. Kyle shrugged. “Why not?” Pete grinned. “Excellent.” He looked around the room. “Here on the desk? Or on the floor?” “I think the floor would be better. I’d hate to have to explain to the boss on Monday...
Alan had gone over almost all the planet when he finally found lizard man. Flashing out he appeared next to the hiding coward, reaching out Alan grabbed the being by the throat only to watch as the man started to laugh at him. "Ah! I see that you got to that little bitch I planted there to screw up your little whore!" This brought on a new bout of laughing from the guy. "You really thought it would be that easy? I have agents all over this pathetic dust ball! I will make everyone on...
Because our combined concert in Melbourne with AC/DC had been such a huge hit, Alberts was working on a similar gig here in Sydney. They had settled on using the Hordern Pavilion out at the showground; this one would have us playing together for all of the sets. The dates were set for three consecutive nights near the end of the month, which gave us a few weeks to work together with the other guys. We decided for the next couple of weeks we would all get together at Crystal; there was plenty...
MEGAN, WENDY TOO and THE BOAT: CHAPTER 36. Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a sailing we will go. "Wendy?" "Megan?" "I want to bring my boat closer ... Mobile? Maybe?" "Let's check the maps." "Good idea, Wendy ... you're pretty smart..." "For an old lady?" "Yeah." Megan giggled..."I didn't ... I mean ... ah ... shit." "Gotcha." Wendy grinned. "You're pretty smart yourself ... for a kid." They both laughed. For awhile, there was the rustling of maps and Atlases and a lot of...
The Meaning of Christmas By Tanto Depression (v): Waking up with the uneasy feeling that the world is out to get you- and finding out that you're right. This was the feeling that descended upon me as the leaves withered and dropped from the trees, and the corporations of the world began their annual marketing blitz. Christmas was almost on top of me, and I knew what that meant. I always became depressed around Christmas, but I could never figure out exactly why. I liked the...
I finally booked the rustic little cabin in the Gunflint wilderness in northern Minnesota. It had been seven years since I had taken a vacation, and I was looking forward to the peace and quiet of complete isolation. The only sounds I wanted to hear for the next week were the cries of the loons and the distant howls of the wolves that inhabited this piece of heaven. I packed a couple of knapsacks and loaded up my car. I headed north up I-35 out of Minneapolis to one of the last little pieces of...
Love StoriesLucy woke up to a loud beeping noise coming from the opposite side of the bed. Sean woke up and reached over and tapped the alarm clock, silencing the alarm. Lucy thought it was obnoxiously loud, but she knew that Sean was a very deep sleeper. It made sense that he’d need something raucous to wake him up. But wasn’t today Sunday? She looked over at her phone, which was in a charging stand on the bedside table on her side of the bed. Yes, it was, indeed, Sunday. Sean said, ‘Rise and shine. I...
Megan’s QuestionsChapter One? ? ? ?In our house, I have an office tucked back in a quiet area of the second floor.? I am a columnist for a local newspaper, writing about politics and current events in our community, and nationally.? I do? contribute to other newspapers with my own byline.? I am lucky as I can work from home on my computer.? There are times when I must make an appearance at the ?salt-mines?, doing my column while in the offices of our newspaper.? ? ? ?One afternoon, just before...
Hello Dosto I m back your vishal yaar meri jitni bhi story hain wo sab sataya gatna hain ek lady ne mujhe mail kiya puchti hain is this true story mujhe kya pada hain jo fake story banakar aaplogo ke land se maal nikala trust is the main thing khair chhoro story suno currently 03.03.2016 ki ke kaise maine apne didi ki saas ko choda uadipur mein aapko tho pata hoga 29 ko maine apni naukrani ko choda hain pata nhn tha mujhe meri didi ke ghar par bhi chut mil jayegi wo bhi 50 saal ki aurat ka.Tho...
Three weeks passed. Heather had no callers, no visits from Cameron, and no sex. She was now afraid — she might be pregnant, and she wanted it to be Cameron’s child. Why, she didn’t know. The kindly old physician who had delivered Heather herself nineteen years earlier, smiled at her. ‘I know this is a shock, dear, but you are –‘ ‘Expecting?’ The doctor nodded. ‘You are unwed, aren’t you, my dear?’ Heather nodded. ‘Do you want to give the baby up to parents who will care for it?’ Heather...
Monday morning. Most people hate it, I don't any more. Ashlee was sleeping comfortably next to me but not on me. I got up quietly and used the toilet then went to the kitchen for start the coffee and let the dog out. As soon as I got my phone on it started ringing. "Hello" "Mr. Johnson, this Arnold from the extreme RVs. You left us a message over the weekend. How can we help you?" "Arnold. Good of you to call. Can I put you on speaker phone while I finish the...
Still, dazed and confused decided it would be best to head back home. By the time I would get to the nursing home to see my mother, I would have to turn right around and head back. I would need to stop somewhere and clean myself up. I can't remember the last time I shot a load with that much force. It was hard to tell where it all landed using a rear view mirror to find it.I had about an 8th of a tank, which was probably not enough to get me to the rest stop, that would be the most discrete. I...
Somebody pushed her brutally against a wall and she was instantaneously paralyzed by terror as a coldness began to run through her body. Mark kissed her in the mouth and lips... and he did this with so much anger to upset her, it felt delicious though! A loud scream was heard through the room as the guy bit her and she believed her soul was abandoning her body... too many sensations, emotions she hardly could stand. How could Darlene fight back, a vulnerable girl like this? As Mark kept...
MaturePART ONE:"Hey, baby," Shawn said to his girl as he walked into the bedroom. He quickly walked over to her then gave her neck his undivided attention. "Damn, you smell good," he whispered as his nose slowly ran up and down her neckline."Shawn," she giggled, "you know that’s my spot." Karen playfully pushed his lips away then continued to search through her jewelry."Baby, you're still going out tonight?" Shawn asked worriedly as he sat down next to her."Shawn, I told you ten times that all I'm...