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Jenny: Chapter 1 By Princess! "Jennifer, you ungrateful bitch! Why haven't you done any of your chores today?" she yelled as she entered the bedroom. He was sitting on his bed wearing a black satin maids outfit. He looked up at his step mother and defiantly rose from her bed. "Because, I can't take any of this anymore. I am leaving," he said, courageously. "Well, we will just have to see about that won't we," his step mother said. "I am giving you one chance to get up and start on your daily chores. " His back defiantly stiffened as he stood in front of her as she slowly counted down from ten. He was trembling in his dress. She stared at him in anger, "I gave you your one chance and you blew it. Now, I have to..." He approached her angrily, "You have to what, Melinda. What will you do?!" "Its quite simple, I have to punish you, Jennifer. It was you that chose not to wear that sexy red dress and put on those stupid looking jeans and tee shirt. What did you think you were doing?" He looked at her confidently, "I am thinking that I'm going to leave." "LEAVE," she echoed. "Yes," he confirmed. "Its over. I am just going to walk out. Whose going to stop me, You?" he asked as he stared at her. "Yes," she answered trying to sound strong as if she could stop him. He laughed calling her bluff. "I'd like to see you try. With that horrible Mistress Donna gone for the week and now that my older sister Linda is gone, it's just you and me. And I am nineteen. I don't really think you want to see if you can overpower me without your friends, now." He was roughly the same size as she was. But he was stronger than she was. It was clear that she couldn't overpower him. She knew it too. "You relied on Mistress Donna and my wicked sister to discipline me for the last nine years. But Donna is on vacation, now and my sister has gone to live with her husband and care for her little son. She has her family, now." She laughed trying to appear strong, "So, if you leave, what will you do? You have no skills to support yourself. What do you plan on doing when you leave?" He pushed her down to the sofa behind her. "Well, I've been thinking about that all night and I think that I am going down to the local police station to make a report about you and my sister. And then I want to talk to Alex. Because of the work that I have doing, I do have a lot of skills." "But your sister has her own family now, why would you want to destroy it? Why do you want to tell her husband?" she asked, confused. "Because, she has a little boy with her. Their infant son. But I think he should know how his wife treats young boys, don't you think? I have pictures and some video to show him about how she treats boys, and what she thinks of us. If he has any morality in him at all, then he will leave her and take their son. But if he doesn't leave her then I can pay a visit to social services and police. Either way, I will make sure that boy will never suffer as I did." "You vindictive bitch!" she said. "You will destroy your sister's family to get back at her? And you are talking about morality?!" He grabbed her arm and twisted it painfully behind her back and kept wrenching it tighter until she cried out in pain, "Stop! Your hurting me!" she cried out, all the while knowing that he didn't care. "Yes. My sister tried to destroy me. She watched as her previous boyfriends forced me into stuff that I wasn't in to. She dressed me up like a hooker and sent me out into dangerous situations with no regard for my welfare. Is that the type of woman that would make a good mother to a little boy?" he asked. "I think not, and I will tell everyone she knows; Her husband, her new boss and even child welfare. I will destroy everything in her life and she has no one to blame but herself." He let her arm go as his fist smashed into his step mothers face. He sent blood and teeth flying though the air as he left still wearing the girls dress. "You can expect a visit by the police, we aren't finished yet, you horrible bitch." [-][+][-] She wasn't happy to be here that day. Detective Olivia Benson was hoping for a day off. She was relaxing comfortably on the couch when she got the call from the station that they had a problem. She still held out hope that she could stay home for the day. She told him that there were other detectives, but the officer told her that this case was for the special victims unit so she had to come. Grumbling under her breath, she said told the officer that she would be there in a few minutes. Then she cursed out loud. She got her badge and gun, Put on her uniform and headed out the door still cursing. The desk officer had called and told her about a boy that came in and reported that he had been being abused and molested over the past nine years by his step mother and older sister. That report did fall squarely into her area of training so it was up to her to deal with. She would have to sit with him and go though his history, what had occurred and what options they had. She was thinking about the strange call during her drive to the station. The officer said a boy came in and told him that his step mother had been abusing and molesting him for the past nine years. That in itself isn't all that out of the ordinary, unfortunately. She walked in and she saw a shy young woman talking to one of the desk officers. She approached the desk officer She looked at the girl and said, "Excuse me young Lady." "You called me about a boy being abused?" she asked the officer. The looked extremely hurt and offended by her statement. The young woman looked up at her and eased herself away from the detective. She keep looking at the detective with fear and hurt. He nodded at her, "Yes detective. I did call, This boy came in and made a rather troubling complaint about his step mother. This case is in your purview. Special victims, sex crimes. You need to take it." She looked around for a boy. "Is this a joke, officer. Where is boy. I just see a girl here?" The officer pointed to the young woman in the corner. "There he is, Detective. Do you remember what I said about him being dressed like a girl?" "Oh my God I am sorry Miss," She told Jason . She couldn't believe that was a boy of nineteen years old. He looked just like a girl around that age. He was slim, his hair was blonde and hanging down his back, and styled like a girls hair. His face has very soft feminine features. His hips were wide and he has a waist as girl. And the boy had really large prominent breasts that jutted out. This nineteen year old boy looked as good as a female lingerie model. He was sexy enough that he could model bras for Victoria's Secret. Did he stuff his bra or were they natural. Well that was something to figure out. She approached him, "Jason, I am detective Olivia Benson of Special Victims Unit. Come with me please and we will get this all sorted out." He didn't respond, just looked at her full of hurt, anger and fear. His body started trembling and he shrank back from her touch as she reached for him. His eyes were full of stark fear as he looked up at the officer. He huddled into the corner of the room. The woman backed away from him but the boy still looked in fear at the woman. He was really afraid of her. She could tell from his eyes that he was more than afraid. He was in paralyzed with terror. She looked at the boy as she backed away from him. She said to him, "It is OK, I am not going to hurt you. I just need your statement and then we can help you." He said in a small trembling voice, "I think this is mistake. I should leave." He was still looking at the woman like he was afraid she was going to hurt him. But He even sounded like a girl. What happened to this boy? She asked him, "Would you be more comfortable making your statement to some one else, we have male officers that can take your statement." He thought for a few short seconds. He didn't want his step mother to get away with what she did to him so he had to stay and do this. He nodded at her, "That would be better." He said sounding relieved. He didn't know if he could have made his statement to the woman detective. "OK, then. Take a seat here while I get my partner over here. He is Detective Elliot of the Special Victims Unit. I can assure you he is great. He will be here in a few minutes." He took a seat in the room while she went to another room to give her partner a call. She observed him and she still would swear he was just like any teenage girl. He moved with the grace of femininity. He sat down like a girl. Every movement screamed femininity. She saw her partner come into the station twenty minutes, later. Jason saw him walking in to the station and he was put at ease, "Hello there," the officer said. "I am Detective Elliot Stabler of the Special Victims Unit. I will not hurt you, Jason. Please follow me." ~~~ Jason stood up and followed the detective into one of the rooms in the back. It looked rather plain to Jason. It was a large room with a table in the center and a few hard chairs. There was a mirror covering one side of the room but Jason guessed that the mirror was a window on the other side. He sat down in one of the chairs and Elliot sat down across from him. "Thank you, Jason. Please don't be afraid here. None of us will harm you. We will record your statement and decide what to do. My partner, Benson is here to observe." He kept looking at her and asked, "I would feel more comfortable if Detective Benson was not here. I am sorry, but she makes me feel very uncomfortable." He could tell he was scared of the woman detective by the way he kept looking at her in fear. Stabler stood up and quietly asked if she could observe from the outside and she agreed. "I am sorry about that Detective, but I was upset when she called me young lady. I hope you aren't upset with me." "None of us are judging you, Jason and I am sorry about that. Can you tell me why you look like you do?" He looked uncomfortably. Then he said, "Because I had to get out of there fast. I attacked my step mother and ran out dressed like this. I didn't Have a choice, this was how I was dressed today." He nodded at the boy. "I see. Your name is Jason Small?" "Yes, That is my real name but My Step Mother has been calling me Jennifer since I was ten years old. I am nineteen now, her abuse started when I was ten. This is not the life I would had chosen if I had any say in it." "I understand, Jason. Can you describe for us how she made you this way and then we can do something about it." "Yes, she has many friends that have skills. One of her friends is a physician. That woman, Doctor Megan Henny prescribed me some kind of pills when I was twelve. She told my step mom that it world prevent my body from going though puberty as a boy. I started growing these humiliating things on my chest and I also started growing out in other areas that boys aren't supposed to. I don't know how she was allowed to prescribe things for me but it all happened and my step mother and Mistress Donna Adam made damn sure I took the pills three times a day, or else I'd be punished. She also helped heal me after my step mother beat me to bad and I needed medical care." "Oh my god," The detective groaned. "How did she punish you if she felt you needed to be punished?" He saw the boys body shutter as he was forced to remember, "She would punish me in various ways. Sexual, mostly physical but a lot of it was sexual. It depended on her mood. She had this stick she used, it was like a police baton she would hit me with hard. She hit me repeatedly on the ribs, buttock or thighs. It was very painful and after she got done hitting me, there were times where she would have to call my doctor over to fix me. There were times where she cracked my ribs from the beatings. Once, she had to close my jaw bone because she hit me on the face with it. I was fourteen when she did that. But most of the time, she would use her strap-on or that awful plug she shoved in me to punish me. That was even worse and more humiliating. When she thought I really needed punished, she called John." "John?" "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you knew about John Melvin. He's a guy Mom knows and he likes to have sex with young children. I met him when I was nine and he touched me all over. My step mom would just watched and get aroused. He made me sit on his lap and he'd make me move my hips and butt on his lap. She thought it was funny as hell. It got worse and she called him to set me right when I stepped out of line to far. He'd usually do some awful sexually violating thing like forcing oral or some other sex act on me." My god, the Detective thought to himself. The boy's statement keeps getting worse and worse. There was his step mother who was horrible. She'd have to go away and there was a doctor who would have to be arrested. They would have to find out if she was a real practicing doctor or just someone that calls themselves a doctor. But likely, She was real if she was prescribing medication. Shed have to be qualified which meant that she'd soon have her license revoked and probably soon be indicted. And now Jason was talking about a pedophile that has been abusing him with his step mothers full approval. John was going away too if Jason was telling the truth. He suspected Jason was which meant a lot of arrests would be taking place soon enough, after they checked his story out. Tears were streaming down Jason's face as he silently sobbed. "Just be strong for a few more minutes. I need you to tell us how all of this began." "It all started when I was eight, or may be seven. My Mother died a year before and my Father, He was Jason Small Senior. He met and married Melinda. I was only seven or eight. Sorry about the fuzzy memory, but it was a long time ago and so much has happened to me. Well anyway, I don't think she really loved him, she just married him for his money. She didn't like boys at all. She really hated me. But he was blinded by his love for her, even though she spent his money like crazy and walked all over him. They got married and my life changed. She would slap me around with my sister helping her, and they called me names. I tried to tell my father but he stopped listening to me. So just tried to stay away from her. But my sister was horrible. Well, about a year later my father died. It was ruled a drug overdose, but I think she did it to get all of his money. But anyway, his will left everything to Melinda, me, my sister, the estate and his billions was left to her. That was when things really changed for me. I was only nine then and I met John, her friend. Maybe he was her lover, but I don't know. He started molesting me and she walked in once. He was on top of me and I wasn't struggling. It would not had done any good, I was nine and he was in his thirties. Well she just laughed and got him off of me and then she looked at me with disgust. She thought I was enjoying it because I wasn't fighting. My step mother called me all sorts of vile names and just left me with him. He started again. He became a regular visitor. That went on for a few years, me and her friend John. That was horrible enough but no one listened to me and my sister just got a kick out of the whole thing. She was strong and free willed, and she liked what john was doing to me. I had always had a harsh rivalry with my sister. She hated me from the time I was born. I don't understand why but she was strong for a girl, really strong and her hate was strong. But did seemed to favor me and she didn't get as much as I did. I once heard that he mistreated her some how but I don't buy it. But my sister, and my stepmother both hated me and that drew them together. But it made my life miserable. Well I kept getting molested by John and being beaten by my sister and step mother. My sister kept setting up situations where I would have to spend time with John. That was my life till I was twelve. That was when my life really changed for the worse. My Sister had always called me names that were girlly. She called me Sister, Princess, Sissy, Barbie. And Jennifer or Jenny. I must admit I was a pretty and soft going boy. My hair was soft and I was small. And with the continuing sexual abuse from John made me withdraw and become even more feminine. But he made me that way. But by my twelfth birthday, My step mother moved us to here. Hundreds of miles away. Where no one knew us and that's when my sister started turning me into a girl. " "I was twelve and just lying on my bed crying when My sister came in and beat me up again, and then she tied up and left me for the rest of the night. The next morning she came in and tied me, then undressed me. I hardly ever resisted her because I was so afraid of her. She dragged me to the basement and then started hitting me again. There was a guy watching. He was Craig and he was horrible. He just watched and snickered. I personally think the whole thing was planed but my sister kept throwing me into the wall and pushing down onto the concrete floor. I begged her to stop and he laughed and said, "Cant you even stop your sister by yourself, you pussy. Come on, be a boy." But I couldn't. she was older, more developed and stronger than I was. I tried to be strong when I stood up and flat out said im going to my room. It was a bluff and she blocked my way and said, "You aren't going anywhere, Barbie. Our step mom said you have to do anything I said." I blurted out, "SHe didn't mean you could beat me up." It probably did but I tried. She responded, "I thought boys liked to wrestle and roughhouse. " That was when Craig said, "May be he's not really a boy, Linda. " and she pushed me down to the floor. I shouted, "get off of me!" but She simply said, "Our step mom said I could make you do anything so I think it is time I take advantage of it. " Then, She pushed me down to my knees, blind folded me and taped my wrists behind my back. I could not see and I heard some moving. Then, She took the blind fold off and I saw Craig standing in front of me. I shouted, "I will scream if you don't let me go." That was when my sister said slyly, "I think the princess needs to be gagged." I shouted, "You better not put the tape on me anymore. Craig said, "We wont gag you with tape. And then he slowly unzipped his pants in front of me and pulled his cock out. It was pointing right at my face and he said, "I am going to gag you with this!" and he held his cock and pushed it at me. I shrank back in horror and started crying. My sister couldn't do this to me in my own house. I know my step mother had been but now my sister is bringing another guy here. Oh my god. I cried in despair, "Anything but that, Linda please. You know johns doing things to me please not another boy." She said slyly, "Anything, are you serious." "Yes please." I should had known better. "Ok Barbie. Lets make a deal. I want you to dress up in my clothes and let me take pictures, and I wont make you give Craig a blowjob. Is that a deal." "You cant be serious," I cried but she looked serious and said, "Yes I am. Or you can start sucking right now. Well anything was better than having another guy so I agreed. I let her take about fifty pictures of me. First I was naked, then I was wearing various colored lace and silk lingerie. Stockings, Panties, Thongs, Her bras, Bustiers. Very slutty lingerie. Then I was in slutty dresses. I modeled four different dresses and posed in different sexy poses. I kept crying as she took digital pictures of me. It was all over and I broke down crying. I had to finish it by giving crags cock a kiss. Some of it spurt on my face as I kissed it. Then, my sister said, "we are finished now. Put on the red silk nighty and panties and go up to your room for the rest of the day, Barbie. And my you are a good Lingerie model. Everyone saw me running to my room. My step mother loved it. It wasn't over yet, John came in my room as I was crying in the nighty. He thought I looked sexy as hell and forced me to give him a blowjob and then he raped me. He has endless sexual endurance. I balled all night. I came down the steps the next day to see my sister and my mother, and john looking at the pictures that my sister printed out from her computer. I started crying again. I heard my sister saying, "Melinda, I want Barbie to dress like a girl for now on. He just doesn't look right in those jeans and t-shirt he has on. " I shouted, "No, you cant do that to me, step mother." I had to call her step mother or she would beat me. She agreed at first by saying, "Barbie is pretty but wouldn't we have to get her a new wardrobe." It was all about the money for her, of course. She never wanted to spend any on me even thought she has billions. "Not at all, " my sister said. "I have tons of frilly clothes my dad used to make me wear for him. Their small for me now but they will look great on the Barbie Jennifer. And she look how pretty Barbie is in those pictures and I bet she still can taste Johns cum from last night. Barbie has been being Johns girl for so long that its probably natural now. Especially after what she did with John last night " That was when she said, "Ok. Lets do it. " "From then on, I was dressed like a girl, detective. I tried to resist but My sister and Step mother could be very cruel. They made it clear that I'd either be a girl for them, or that I would be a box with a priest over me. It started slowly at first. But it got much more serious. I still remember the night, it was that night that I was forced to give craig a blowjob too. Luckly that's all he wanted but it was bad enough. He was very upset and threatened to leave my sister if she didn't let him loose on me. So she let him and they threatened to show everyone my pictures and let them at me if I didn't perform oral sex on him. I mean, they threatened to leave me in the street after showing my pictures around. I was afraid they would kill me so I did it." "It went from that to being their slave. A few nights later, they brought Mistress Donna and she dressed me in a maids outfit and forced me to be their slave girl. They trained me to be the houses Maid, like housekeeping. I had to fix food for them all in a dress, I had to learn how to curtsey, make meals, scrub the floors, make beds and do everything a maid does. It was grueling and long hours spent in heels making the house clean. Between that and meeting John or Craig I started getting very depressed. But it wasn't done yet. Later that year her doctor that started medicating me to make my body change into a girls. At fifteen, I hadn't grown fast enough so she got me implants. That is Why I have 34 D breasts now. Its humiliating but that is my life and I want to change back. "OK, Jason. We have your statement. Now, we are taking you to the hospital to get you checked out. If what you say is true then we can go arrest your step mother." ~~~ Olivia and Elliot took him to the hospital. Getting in was quick enough and the doctor gave him a battery of tests. They X-rayed him and took a blood sample. The doctor did get a shock when they got his clothes off. What he said about being Jason a boy was proven true with the evidence right in front of them. He had a shrunken penis and large breasts and hips. The X- rays showed many healed bone fractures in the ribs, collar bone and the jaw line. There was also a lot of evidence of sexual abuse. They got semen from Jason's rectum and sent it for analysis to find out who it was from. The blood tests showed he was Male with a very elevated level of estrogen in his system. With all of that evidence it didn't take long to get it to the DA and swear out several arrest warrants. ~~~ Jason was sitting in one of the empty rooms when Olivia returned. She said to him, "We are all finished now. Elliot is talking to the DA Casey Novek. You will have to speak to her later tonight. They are putting out warrants for the people you named. Do you have anywhere to stay tonight, Jason?" He shook his head, "No Ma'am. I am sorry for not trusting you earlier. Its just that I haven't met a kind woman for most of my life. So it was difficult, but I can tell that you care about me. Can you forgive me for being rude?" She knelt to talk to him, "There is no need to forgive you, You have been mistreated horribly. You are the victim, so I understand. I am glad you trust me. I wanted to invite you to my place. You can stay with me and I will care for you, Jason. He thought for a few seconds and said, "That would be good. Olivia, You remind me of my mother. She was also an Officer." Detective Olivia had spoke to one of the doctors that examined Jason. The young doctor walked up to the woman and introduced himself. "Hello, Detective Benson, I'm doctor Kramer. I have examined the victim you sent to us and its very disturbing. " She nodded and asked, "What can you tell me about the boy?" He looked serious at her and said, "This is the most disturbing case that I ever encountered. His body has been altered to the point that it is much more feminine now. There is not much male characteristics left in him. His bloodstream has estrogen levels equal to a girl in puberty. His body is shaped like a woman's which means his entire skeletal structure has been changed. That means he has been on estrogen hormones well before puberty hit him. The boys testicle had to have been surgically removed probably before puberty. My guess that she had a quack doctor removed them to reduce the testosterone so it wont interfere with the estrogen she was giving him. In addition, there is evidence that the boy has endured repeated severe beatings. There's evidence of massive bruising and past bone fractures in the rips, an elbow and his jaw. He has been repeatedly raped . Even very recently. His sphincter is ruptured and we have collected semen from his body, we assume it was from one of his rapists. That can be tested to determine who its from and you can arrest him. I am sending the full medical report to yours and the D. A's office. We will have to do more testing to figure out what's happening to his body, because some how, His body is producing estrogen itself but he isn't on any medication. That is very troubling and we need to find out what is causing it" "Thank you doctor, I will do what I can to help him" Olivia said. That was troubling and she hoped for the boys sake that they could figure it out. Her partner Stabler looked very angry and he was approaching her as she was musing over Jason. Stabler shouted, "Olivia, what the hell were you thinking?" She jumped and looked at him totally confused. "What are you talking about, Elliot?" "You told Jason that he could stay at your house!. What was you thinking? You know you cant let victims stay at your place." Olivia said, "The boy has no where else. He's nineteen and child services cant help. Turning his mother in means he's been kicked out there. What's he supposed to do sleep on a park bench?" Stabler answered matter of factly, "Jason is a victim to a major crime and he is also a valuable witness. The States Attorneys office will foot the bill for a place for him to stay during the trial and may even make arrangements for him after. But you should know that letting him stay with you is a major conflict of interest that threatens could threaten his credibility The defense will use his relationship with you to discredit his testimony. You are experienced enough to know this, Olivia. What were you thinking?" She thought it over and realized Stabler was right. She realized that she was getting way too emotionally involved with Jason.. She felt bad for him and wanted so desperately to help. "You are right. I know a friend that can help him if he needs it. I will tell him that I cant let him stay with me." "That is a better plan, Olivia" He said to her. He bolted up in fear when she approached but he got it under control. He realized that this woman had only been kind toward him. Olivia smiled kindly at him. He smiled back. "How are you doing, Jason?" She asked him. "Considering all that has happened to me I was feeling ok until you came in. I thught I was safe with Police officers are watching over my room making sure my mother cant come in. but then you came in." He said sarcasticly at her. "I know how you feel about me and I am sorry. I had hoped you could get past your anger toward me." He snorted loudly, "Sure after you thought I was a girl. " She started feeling annoyed. "I am sorry about that Jason. The doctor told me all about you and I am sorry about what happened. I want to help you any way I can. " He shrugged, "Sure you do. " He still held his hostile posture toward her. "I really want to help you Jason. " "Bullshit, " He shouted. "You are just like all the rest of the women I had ever known. You probably think im pretty and want to keep me feminine for ever. " It was coming clear that he would not ever trust her. She told him, "I am sorry for what had happened to you. I guess I will leave now. "I hope the door hits you on the way out," He sneered at her. He called Stabler over and asked him to hook Jason up with a therapist. Luckily Stabler knew a few really good therapist and he agreed to pay for the costs. The therapist was there within a half hour. He walked in Jasons room and sat down introducing himself. "Hello Jason. I am Brian and I am here to help you. " "How do you want to help me Brian," He asked doubtfully. "I am a consoler. I have been told all about you and I have agreed to come help you free of cost. The doctor has adviced me of your condition. " Jason seemed to relax some. He looked at the man in front of him. He looked really nice. Brian wore plain clothes. He looked well fit and muscular. He had broad shoulders between 20 and 30. Most of all he seemed really nice. "I have been adviced on your condition Jason and we need to figure out what you want before the doctors can proceed. He looked uncertain. ,"What do you mean, what I want?" "Well, " He answered. "We need to know what you want to be. Do you want to stay this way, looking like a woman, or do you want the doctors to figure out how to make you a boy again. " "Oh, that is easy," Jason said. "I want to be a boy, or a man now that I am nineteen. She took it away from me but I was meant to be a man. I never wanted 'this'. " He gestured toward his own breasts. "I want to be strong, so no one can hurt me anymore. I want the doctors to find out why my body is producing its own estrogen and figure out how to make my body grow strong like a boys?" "Okay, I will try to help you, Jason." He said, "I hope we can help you. The doctor says you will have to stay for a week so they can run more tests. " Jason's face crumpled up in a very troubled look. That round of testing's had already been very hard on him. Repeated injections, blood tests, Stress Tests EKG and a CAT Scan. He wasn't sure how much more he could take. "I don't know how much more I can take. I am already sore from all the tests they have run. "I know, " Brian said. "They said it will just be a few more tests and those will be mostly noninvasive. Mostly Exrays but they need some more blood to figure out where the estrogen is coming from. Once they figure that out they may find out how to counteract it or stop it. Is that what you want?" Jason nodded, "Yes. that's what I want. " "I thought so. Are you thinking about what you want once you leave this place and become a man?" "Yes, " He answered harshly. Brian waited and Jason said, "There were many women involved in this that probably will never be found. Or charged. I am hoping my mother gets acquitted. " Brian looked shocked, "Why, in gods name do you want her to get away with it." Jason's face clouded into something that even scared Brian. "OH you have misunderstood me. I never said I wanted her to get away with it. I simply don't want her to go to prison. That would be getting away with it. Free room and board. Free meals paid for by the state. Officers will protect her 24/7 at states expense. No. I want her to stay on the outside so some day I can find her and make her pay for this. Her, Jessica, That mistress Donna and my sister who had just got married. I will find them all. " Brian found himself hoping that Jason was not serious. But the look on the boys face showed that he was very serious. Brian thought to himself that Jason was going to need a lot more therapy than he thought. He could see that Jason was slowly being consumed by his anger. Brian couldn't help but worry about the boy in front of him. He stood up told Jason, "I am sorry for what happened to you. I know nothing I can say can take it back. But I wont give up on you. We will speak later. Please don't let anger consume you. The best thing you can is live happy. You can be a survivor that doesn't let the past destroy your future. Or you can be consumed with anger and hatred until you do something stupid and destroy your future. Then they win. Survivors live in despite the abuse. They don't let it destroy them. Think about that. " Brian walked out hoping that Jason was really listening to him. Probably not. Healing was long and arduous journey. He said a silent prayer that he could help Jason. Olivia was waiting for him when he walked out of the room. She approached and asked, " Well. What do you think? Can you help him?" He laughed and said, "Oh yeah. Me being so good I can make a detemrination from one 5 minute long session?" "All sarcasm aside consoler, what are your thoughts please," She pressed on. "Well, " Brian said thoughtfully. Thinking. "I don't know if I can help Jason. I will try. The boy has been hurt so much. He doesn't seem willing to let it go either. He has a lot of anger. I am afraid he is letting that anger totally consume him. I will try my best to help him and don't worry about the cost. " Then he looked thoughtfully at Olivia and said, "I have a lot of experience in this and I sense that you may be getting too personally involved with this boy. That concerns me as a therapist Ms Benson. " She jerked back looking at him defensively. "What's that supposed to mean?" She spat out hostilely. "Hey, Hey. I am your friend and im saying this as a friend. I know you like this boy. But he cant replace the boy you lost. I know loosing calven hurt you deeply. " "That's none of your business!" "That wasn't your fault. He was a boy that needed you and you took him in. But that was a boy that loved you too. Loosing him was horrible. But Jason isn't like that at all. I don't think there's any way you can get him to trust you. He has serious trust issues with women. He's terrified by you. Please don't get emotionally involved with this. You will get hurt again. " "I understand," was all she said. "My partner Stabler is the one that he talks to. I am hardly involved in this at all." "That's good, " Brian said. He left. Stabler approached Olivia," Olivia. You wont believe this!" She waited and said, "Well are you going to tell me?" "Casey is back and she has been assigned to Jasons case" "Who?" She is asking for us too?" "Casey," Olivia said trying to figure out who Stabler was talking about. "Yes Casey. You remember her don't you. Its been a few years but Casey Novek. The ADA. " "Casey Novek," She said finally realizing. "I thought the BAR suspended her license permanently for a serious brady violation. If my memory serves me right, she was caught falsifying evidence, lying the court and the opposing cousin during a trial and got caught. How is she back?" He threw up his hands, "How am I supposed to know why. I know she is back and she's the prosecutor on this case. Lets hurry she's calling for us now." The two detectives made it to the prosecutors office within the hour. Casey was sitting happily in her old office. She smiled, "Well Hello Detectives. I missed you both while I was gone. " Olivia smiled, "Glad to see you back and I wont ask you what bribery or blackmail you used to get your license back. " Casey smiled back. It was like a mock evil smile, "Oh it was nothing. The BAR missed me. " She shrugged laughing. Olivia joined in. Caseys smile vanished. "Ok lets get serious. This case is going to need a lot of work. I have been appointed to prosecute Jason's mother. I have red the doctors report and I will speak to Brian soon. But what can you tell me about this? This is one of the saddest and most bizarre case I ever came across. And I have come across some sick shit prosecuting offenders over the years. Especially from you guys in SVU. " "Well you know about all we know," Olivia said. "His mother and Sister abused him and totally feminized the boy. He looks just like any girl. In fact the first time I seen him in the station I expected a boy. I didn't even know and he has been pissed at me every sense." "I understand. Can we put him on the stand?" "I don't know. I wouldn't advice it. Jason told me he hopes his mother gets acquitted. He might destroy the case if you do that," Olivia warned. "In gods name why, Does he have some misplaced loyalty to his mother?" Casey said. "No, Nothing like that," she assured. "I fact he attacked her and broke his jaw when he escaped. That's how she was when We arrested her. I think he wants to kill her himself. " Jason let an officer take him back to the station to be interviewed by Stabler. The other Officer didn't say much to him during the trip. When he got to the station, It seemed like one of the detectives really didn't like Stabler at all. Jason saw a large black detective that introduced himself as detective Oda Flin. In fact it was a scary encounter to Jason. This large black detective came up to Stabler's desk as they were talking and he called him a rat bastard. Jason was afraid there might be a fight but the man walked away. Stabler held on to Jason and said, "Don't worry about it. That is just Fin Totaula and we have had our differences. Hes a good man." Jason nodded relieved that the man left. "Ok lets go meet the new ADA Novek. Well," he said thoughtfully. "Shes really our old ADA but she came back somehow. And she wants to meet you Jason. " I stood up in my new heels. It seemed for the time being at least, I had to remain female. The doctors could not figure out how to stop the estrogen being pumped into my bloodstream. They considered trying to counteract it by major injections of testosterone but Jason did not want to do that. He didn't want to go though any more painful injections. Especially when he was made aware that there was risks of a stroke or death. 'If I had to be female I will be a damn good one,' Jason thought. Jason didn't feel comfortable at all when the detective brought him into the district attorneys office. Stabler had the boys hand and lead him into the office. He saw an arrogant hard faced woman Casey Novak stand up and introduce himself, She said, "Well hello young lady. I am ADA Casey Novak and I will be the one prosecuting your mother. The officers told me what you went though and I"m sorry for it. I want you to know that I will do everything i can to make her pay for it. " Jason let out a loud snort in contempt for the woman. "Sure you are sorry for it." She looked stunned and uttered, "What is wrong jenny?" Jasons face turned a dark shade of purple and he stood up, "Why are you calling me lady and Jenny for. If you had been made aware of what I went though then you would fucking know that this isn't my choice of gender. I was transformed and tortured. This is a condition forced on me by sadistic women like you. " Jason turned on his heels and said, "Get me the fuck away from this stupid woman. " Casey said in desperation, "Please, Jenny, I mean Jason. sorry. Its just that you looked so feminine and I assumed that you chose to remain this way. You don't look like a young man." "Thats not my fault, bitch. Please let me out of here. "Jason, If you dont cooperate then we cant help you and your mother will get away with what she done. " Jason was already headed out the out, turned on his stiletto heels and said, "No she wont. NO matter what happens in court, I can guarantee you that she will not, I repeat, NOT get away with it. " Jason turned and headed out the door. The look in Jason's eyes left no doubt he meant absolutely everything he said. Casey knew she fucked up big time. Stablers face wasnt much different than jasons. He was staring daggers at Novak too. He was simmering in rage and said in a barly controled voice, "Casey what the hell was that. I thought I told you all about jason and how the boy looked. I thought that I told you how Jason felt about looking female and you came off about like his mother. " She had nothing to say. "Well. I hope we still have a case after this fuck up. I will try to find the boy and talk to him. " Stabler turned and stormed out of the room. But Jason was no where to be found. He looked in the officer, his desk. He couldn't find Jason anywhere. Benson walked past when Stabler ran after her, "Liv, Hey Liv slow down. " She stopped in the hall and turned. she saw the desperate look on her partners face and said, "What's wrong?" "Have you saw Jason anywhere?" She looked at him, "No not lately. Why?" "I looked in the interview rooms, the cells, my desk. I looked though the main offices and I cant find him. We had a disastrous meeting with our ADA Novak when she made the same fucking as you and called Jason a young Lady. He got enraged and left nearly ten minutes ago. Now we cant find out." her face showed the same desperation and concern now and said. "Oh my god Lets find the boy." As they were running down the halls, He mumbled, "At least she said Jason was a boy this time. It had been nearly six hours since the boy Jason was reported missing. No one in the station found him. Various officers that were on duty were questioned but none of them saw Jason leave the station. Recordings from the front desk were reviewed and he was seen running out of the station and leaving. But nothing was found after that. Officers canvassed the area with no luck. An alert and APB was issued for the boy and all they could do then was wait for results. As a result of Jason's disappearance, His mother had to be released from custody. The date of her arraignment came up. She stood in front of the judge and asked for Bail. His mothers attorney said there was no evidence and even the victim couldn't be found for cross examination. And with the lack of hers testimony, there couldn't be a case. The judge agreed and ordered the charges to be dropped and the mother released. She smiled at Stabler laughing as she left the station. She got her purse and left to get a ride home. Still, no one could find the boy. Things got more desperate when no one heard from the mother the following night. She had fallen asleep with she heard something or someone come in. She got up to check the house and stopped in the living room. She saw the small figure of her son sitting in her chair. "SO, Jenny you have come back. " Jason stood up and said in a hard voice, "Absolutely. I have come back." Jasons voice was dripping with menace. "Everything proceeded exactly as I planed. Now I have come for you, Mother" Jason raised his arm and she saw what was in his hand. It was pointed at her, "Sit down Mother. None of us will leave her alive. I don't want to live after what you did to me and you wont either. I will see to that. I just want some answers. I want to know why?" A few minutes later, A neighbor reported gunshots heard from the house. About fifteen minutes after that, Stabler and Benson bust though the door and saw Jason standing over his dead mother. He saw the female detective Benson and shouted, "You fucking bitch" took aim and shot her. Benson fell as other officers covered. Seeing that he has shot her, he ran into his bedroom and the officers heard a final sickening shot. By the time Stabler got there, Jason was gone. He was bleeding to death from a shot in his mouth. Benson stood up. She was only wounded though the shoulder" I think I need to go to the hospital quickly. Officers were calling for medical help but it was no use. The boy and his mother were already dead. It took days to clear up all of that case. Stabler filed reports for the dead boy and his mother, and his sisters family. about some unknown intruder broke in the night before that, shot the woman and the husband and left the young boy alive. The woman was Jasons sister. Stabler smiled as he had an idea who did that. He made sure the boy would live a happy life. Olivia adopted the boy as her own son.

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CherryPimps Gizelle Blanco Getting The Full Hawaiian Treatment

Gizelle Blanco is one smoking hot island babe. If there is one thing about Hawaii it is that everyone gets lei’d… or in Gizelle’s case she is about to get laid by Nathan Bronson. She loves that tight grip of his hands on her bubble butt as he massages those cheeks feeling his own cock get rock hard in his pants. Gizelle can only take so much before she needs more than those hands touching her so intimately. Nathan gets his tongue all over her pierced nipples and those wet...

3 years ago
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My Brother Took My Virginity

Friends its my true story,not a fiction.First of all i will introduce myself to all of you so that you guys can imagine my true picture as the story goes on.My name is sweety.I am 18 years old.I am 5-5 in height.My measurement is 34-30-36.I am slim and beautiful,every part of my body is spotless.From the age of 13 my boobs looked like rocks.My nipple colour is brown.My brother is 20 years old,and he is smart and strong his cock is 6″,(i knew it when he fucked me).My mom and dad both are in a...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Alyssa 11192018

20 year old blonde, blue-eyed Alyssa likes to match her teeth to her manicures, and sometimes that means drilling a hole and putting a diamond in. That’s some real commitment to looking well put-together, and we like girls committed to looking their best. With anyone less bubbly and sweet than Alyssa, something like that would’ve been just trashy and weird, but somehow this petite energy bundle gets away with it. Even when she declines to masturbate for the cameras we don’t...

2 years ago
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Wife fulfills a fantasy sans husband

SATURDAY MORNING   It was Saturday morning. One of those Saturdays in middle spring that was sunny and delightful with summer pushing spring away. The temperature was in the low 80s and the week end promised to be great.   Mike, my husband of 10 years, and I, were traveling to one of those resorts with golf, tennis, swimming pool and other amenities. Mike’s company was having a meeting to discuss last year’s performance and to plan for this year’s sales efforts. In...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Sex in front of husband

Hello Indian sex stories readers, this is Vishal 33 years from Bangalore, I came to this site by accident, I love stories on this site and like the concept of this site, ok lets go to my story. The story was real and no fantasy or imagination, this was happened just 2 months back. I had friend by name Kumar (not real) and was very close to me and he had sister by name Sunitha (not real), our house were in the same area she was loving a guy and they had some problem and after that they separated...

4 years ago
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A life of humiliation

Hi,As English isn’t my mother tongue, it wasn’t easy to write down this story. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right term, so I hope the story isn’t getting boring soon, especially because this is the first story I ever wrote. But I wanted to write this in English, to give as many people as possible the chance to read it. Any corrections or comments are welcome. The chapter about my childhood is mostly based on real life events. Because of legal matters some details were changed, because of my...

3 years ago
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Anya Ch 09

Rachel lay back naked on the sofa, her legs still spread. Anya knelt before her and I still sat on the armchair. I let Rachel take her time to recover before I said anything else. She was in my power now. Anya and I had introduced her to world-changing pleasure, and there was no turning back. I picked up Rachel’s discarded stockings from the floor. ‘Rachel,’ I said. ‘It is your turn to kneel now. Kneel down in front of me.’ Rachel opened her eyes as if she was waking up. She looked over at me....

2 years ago
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One Lucky GuyChapter 10

Gaby was lying on my bed when Mom joined her. They were laughing and whispering as Mom moved over on top of her. She spread her legs over Gaby’s head, as Mom lay with her face above Gaby’s pussy. When she looked up, I was on the floor with my elbows on the bed, looking through the viewfinder, right in front of her face. If I didn’t know this was my Mom - with the mask covering her eyes and nose - I would never have recognized her. I doubt anyone else who knows her, could possibly recognize...

4 years ago
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31 not my little sisterrsquos best friend Paki Desi

Last year around December, my sister invited her best friend, Abeera, from University which she recently joined to our home. She told my mom a day before and asked to prepare nice meal. I also trimmed my beard and put on nice clothes. My sister even asked me. “why are you looking so sharp bro. Are you going somewhere?” I said “No, can’t I look nice at home?” she murmured “usually you don’t” and went to her room. I was also curious to see this friend. My sister use to bring her friend home but...

3 years ago
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My best friend Steves curved cock

I had met who became my best friend when we were 16. He was a short,stocky blonde headed guy,always active,talking and fun. We had first met over a telephone party line for the specific reason of hooking up.We met,spent most of the day together just hanging out and running around town,teasing each other about sucking dick and cock sizes and the usual stuff two teenagers talked about when horny and a bit too shy at first. We went back to his apartment,watched TV and smoked until we both felt it...

2 years ago
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hell of a night

I was about 18 at the time, and I did my usual Friday routine. Shower prettying up, then bored. I decided to go to my neighbors house, he was hanging out in his garage. In the recent months I would go over and hang out, he didn't care I was u******e and would let me drink. So I got ready after doing my makeup. I wore a black collar that was really frilly, with my playboy bra which helped with my not so awesome chest. My thong was black which matched my bra and the shirt. My jeans were blue and...

1 year ago
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My visit to my Masis house

100% fiction! Hi my name is karan I'm 19 years old and this is my incest story. One evening my Masi called Priya came over to my house to eat dinner. My Masi is a widow and at the age of 42 she is a hotty her boobs are enormous which was noticeable at the table when we were eating. she had come there In a mini skirt and high heels and a very tight low cut top in which her cleavage was very exposed. My Masi Priya never had any children and she said to herself that she would not get married again...

4 years ago
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The new Mrs Harris Part 8

The day had finally arrived when Allen was due home, and i hate to admit it, but I was so desperate for a fuck there was very little I wouldn't have lowered myself to. I had already had to change my panties twice, and as i sat waiting on my husband to come home I was running my plan through my head. On the last few occasions I had gone for more than a few days without getting sexual relief, when Allen and I had finally fucked, he had come far too soon and I never got to orgasm, and on...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant Mall Streaker

"L-Lottie, why did you drive me here? You came here yesterday, you shouldn't have anymore shopping you need to do..." Sharon was an 18 year-old typical nerd girl. Appearance wise, she wasn't anything like some kind of model, but she was sure not bad-looking either. She had quite the slender hourglass figure, with small patches of slightly tanned skin on her arms lower legs contrasting the skin that was mostly quite pale. Her curves mostly accentuated at her C breasts, and while her bottom...

2 years ago
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Satisfaction in the Park

Michelle lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. The little house where she had lived for almost twenty years was quiet, and that was bothering her. She had Jacob, her one child, at eighteen. His father had left her when the boy was three, leaving her as a single mother. Busy with parenting, housekeeping, and working at various jobs, Michelle had never really had a chance to feel alone. Now, however, Jacob had moved out to attend college, leaving Michelle with an empty nest at the ripe old age of...

Straight Sex
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My best friends dad round two

I woke up to an empty bed. Had last night really happened? Had I really fucked my best friend's dad? Questions ran around my head, as I began to think back to how it even started.I pushed myself up and felt a cool breeze making my nipples turn hard. The window was wide open.I pulled myself out of bed and walked over to the window. I was completely naked and the breeze felt amazing against my body, as the wind blew softly, causing the curtains to brush against my body. I closed my eyes and began...

1 year ago
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Sarah Part Eight

We walked into Sarah’s room holding hands. Holding hands wasnot an unusual thing, but it was an indicator of Sarah’s mood. “I missed you last night,” whispered Sarah, putting her arms around my neck. “I missed your touch.” “I thought you came three times last night?” I asked. “I did. And it was good. It was very good. But I woke up this morning wanting you.” Sarah untied her pajama bottoms and let them fall to the floor. While I watched, she unbuttoned the top of her PJ’s. She didn’t take the...

Straight Sex
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 68 Stacy and the Club Infinity

Mark I sat in the conference room at Darwin Architectural Group with Greg, Sean, and Elsa. They were all grinning. Sean explained, “You’re the first client to see this new system. It’s like the fly-through we showed you several times of the house on the large laptop, but this is like a hundred times more realistic. For one, it’s big screen TV, and then we added music given the kind of venue, and some of the avatars actually move around the screen giving the feel of a movie. We can create...

3 years ago
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Wanting Sex more Than Boyfriend

After a longer day of meetings with customers at various locations and logging more miles than usual, he was looking forward to a relaxing night. His girlfriend called after his last customer meeting and asked if he would be interested in stopping at the local Chinese place for carry out. He told her yes, but would rather spend the night at his apartment. He wanted to change clothes and have a relaxing evening, nothing special. She said she would meet him at his apartment, since she had access....

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 1819

Alice and I hurried toward the source of illumination like moths to a flame. A glimmering halo of white light surrounded the hole Alice cut through the snow drift at the tunnel's entrance. I crawled into the air shaft that she’d excavated and punched through a thin cap of frost at the end and was instantly dazzled by blinding sunshine."Alice, Come here and take a look, you aren't going to believe this," I shouted over my shoulder as I emerged into the open air. The blizzard had passed us by,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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this year Dr visit

My Annual Dr'S Visit 2014i guess I'll describe this years visit and if you like reading them I'll continue to describe my annual Dr. Visits. I've been seeing the same Dr. and his Nurse for about 4 years now. The first one was mostly normal however the last two previous ones have been kind of embarrassing for me and I wondered how this year's would be. I made my appointment and and as usual the nurse came to the waiting room and got me and took me back to the exam room. She had me go into the...

3 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 12 After Lunch

"Contestant six," said the Emir, "Come to the whipping dais." Fatima came forward and, as she had been instructed, removed her abaya and her finery. "Which whip have you chosen?" asked the Emir. She spoke up in a clear and confident voice, "If it pleases the Master, the eunuch's whip." Again there was a groan of disappointment from some of the audience. "Six strokes of the dog whip for a maximum of six points," intoned the Golden Palace Chief Eunuch, handing the instrument to...

3 years ago
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Murder Mystery Weekend Pt 06

The Big Reveal Finally, Teresa called us together for the ‘Big Reveal’, as she called it. We moved inside, gathering chairs into a big circle, and getting fresh drinks. Our Captain placed us individually, in the same order as her list that had been posted in the kitchen – the same one that helped us find the treasure. Claire was first, then Eliza. Craig looked so forlorn, that Teresa relented. She had the girls trade places, so that Claire and Craig could sit together. Leo was next, then...

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