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It is such a beautiful morning, there is time for me to have a nice cup of coffee and review the plans for my day. You see, I am an almost middle aged Divorcée who is so well taken care of by her ex-Husband that she has an incredible amount of free time. Today is one of those weekend days when the girls are with their Dad.

The wonderful thing about making plans? The whole action is incredibly fluid. As I gaze out my back window, (checking to see if it needs mowing,) and notice my neighbor, on her on her hands and knees with a weeding spade, fluidity presents itself. Today is the day I shall be neighborly and welcome her.

"Ok, Snooks, lets go outside." He skitters around the corner and almost crashes into the wall. "Now, slow down you knucklehead."

"Rowr mrrrr, rowr rowr," (cat talk for, 'hurry up and open the door.') Majestically, he goes out the door then regally strides to the top of the steps to survey his kingdom. Sitting on the grass looking out over the lawn he then turns his head to me and politely thanks me with a nice little, "mrowr."

Casually picking at some stray fallen blossoms from my planter I say to her, "Hello. You are working hard today."

"Oh, yes, well this yard is a disaster." her hand brushes her hair back from her eyes.

"Oh I know the last people that lived there were one step above trailer trash." I laugh lightly, "You have made a great deal of progress though in what? One month?"

Time to introduce myself, "My name is Deidre, by the way." as I walk down the steps and towards the fence.

"Oh, uh Nadine." she removes her glove, "uh, I'd shake your hand uh," and wipes her hand on her jeans.

"We don't need to be so formal Nadine. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, good." her toe brushes over the tops of the weeds, "What is this stuff anyway? The whole yard is infested with it." she looks and refers encompassingly to her yard with a gesture.

"We call it, 'creeping Jenny,' " I laugh lighty, "I have some over here myself, the best you can do is try to establish a measure of control over it."

"I pulled on one just awhile ago, right here," her foot taps at the fence, "and it's root was over 2 feet long!" Referring to her shovel which was leaning against her side of my fence she continued, "I had to encroach over your fence to chop the root off."

"Yes, well, that's,'Jenny.' She gets around."

" ' ... gets around.' I'll say!" she said. "Definitely."

"You are doing this all alone. Where is,?"

"Pardon?" she is affronted.

"Well," I gesture towards her work, "I'd apologize but it does seem to me to be a valid question. Oh well, I guess it's none of my ..."

"No, no," she reaches to my arm to keep me from turning away my gaze, "it is a valid point."

"Un unh."

"He has, 'issues,' he says."

I laugh aloud, " ... issues? Oh, that's good."

"Yeah I know, it is amazing that he can't multi task his issues into helping me a little bit. Oh well."

I walk to the gate that separates our yards, "You need to take a break dear. Do you have some time for coffee?"

"Well, uh," she looks around the yard.

"Believe me Nadine, 'Jenny,' will continue to creep. We'll take a break. We can then handle 'Jenny,' together." I open the gate.

" ... sounds like a good idea." She laughs and walks through the gate.

"You're not allergic to cats are you?" we walk up the deck steps side by side.

"Oh no, not at all."

"Well, the girls are at Daddies for the weekend and it is just us, and the cats of course." I open the door for her, "Welcome to my castle."

"Oh my," her eyes take in the modern furnishings of my kitchen, "this is nice." then she cranes her head to the side attempting to peek into the sitting room.

"Well if Harold had known that I was going to get the house in the settlement, he most likely would've bought a house down in "shanty-town."

" 'Shanty-town?' "

"Oh I forgot you're not from around here, my Dad used to call the poor side of town that." Walking over to the coffee pot I attempt to brush away my age, "I shouldn't date myself I guess."

"Oh," at the table she continues, "... what, you're like 30?"

"Goodness!" I shut off the water and walk over to the coffee maker, "Well, that is a good enough place to stop counting anyway." I lightly laugh dismissing this part of the conversation, "I have flavored coffees here, French Vanilla, Hazelnut, Mocha, uh,"

"I love hazelnut."

"Ok, Hazelnut it is then," after settling the basket under the top of the coffee maker I turn and gesture towards the next room, "lets go sit in the sitting room." I touch her elbow, "Much nicer." and we walk in together.

"Wow," she said, "this is a female paradise you have here."

"Well, as I said my Ex takes good care of me." I refer her to the couch which abuts my love seat. "Let me get a sheet." After clicking the remote to my CD player, I walk to my linen closet.

The singer introduces his song, 'well, if it sounds country, it's because that is what it is, a country song,' and then the smooth country beat begins.

Listening to the smooth sounds she says, "Who's that?"

"Oh, he's the one who wrote it. Uh, Kris," I unfold the sheet.

"I've only heard that one girl singing it," she takes the sheet from me and places it on the love seat next to me.

" ... right Janis. Uh," I sit with a bit of hesitance but offer her the spot she claims, "Here I am dating myself again, my dad was an ex hippie, I like his music much better than what passes for music now."

"Well, that is good, I mean it is so smooth, good music is always good." she turns and smiles at me, "There is nothing wrong with old."

"Well I'm glad you think that way Dear. The coffee is ready," I stand.

"Let me." she stands and takes my arm, "Are the cups in that cabinet above the coffee maker?" interlacing it with hers.

"Well, yes they are."

"Well it's the least I can do, anyway I was a waitress before I met my uh, whatever he is."

"Oh," we walk into the kitchen, "you two aren't married?"

"Un unh," she pours up two cups of coffee, "he says what we have is just as good."

"Yeah," I laugh, "for him." and take the cup from her, "I apologize, I don't need to agg,"

"Oh it's ok, don't worry. I got my eye on this situation and I can handle it if I have to."

"Yes dear," I nod my head, "I do believe you might just have some control over that."

"Oh yes, I was going to ask, would you like creamer also?" I open the refrigerator door. "I have the standard creamers, (I really like my coffee,) or this." and show the bottle of Irish Creme whiskey.

"Wow!" she interrupts, "Yes, I would like that much better." and pours out some of her coffee into the sink. She adds quite a bit of splash to her coffee, (actually making it just a shade under white,) "I love that stuff." and laughs lightly.

"Well so do I," I add quite a bit less to my cup, (thinking of that lovely laugh,) " ... but I need to watch it, uh a bit closer." then turn to walk with her back to the living room, " ... I've already uh,"

"Then, " she takes the cup from my hand, " ... you definitely need more." and poured quite a bit more into my coffee cup. "Tell you what, I'll watch it for you."

" ... oh, uh, yes, ... Nadine."

"Yes." she agrees peremptorily, "Lead the way."

I turn towards her, "Pardon me?"

"Your living room?"

"Oh, yes." I laugh lightly, and notice her slight, 'take charge,' attitude, feeling the pressure of her hand guiding me to my Living room. "Uh, I wasn't referring to,"

"So." she sits on the couch and interrupts again. "Tell me all about, Jenny," and laughs, (after elongating the pronunciation of, 'all about,') "oops, I mean Diedra. I apologize."

"Oh, don't worry about it, you have that on your mind." I sit beside her on the abutting love seat. "What's to say?"

"Well, plenty." she interrupts, "You don't work do you?"

"Well, I work here," I stammer, "uh, raising my daughters and I uh,"

"Right. That is a job in and of itself."

" ... and I volunteer and things." I continue, "Yes, that is serious work."

"How old are your daughters?"

"Well, one is going to the University currently, she's graduating in May."

"In today's world that is an accomplishment." she says, "And the other?"

I nod, "Yes, she wants to be a Doctor." and continue, "The other is 14."

"I wanted to be a Doctor," she says playfully.


" ... yup, until I found out they all have the same thing." she tips her coffee cup and drinks it all in one gulp.

I laughed out loud and took another sip of my coffee, "That's good."

"You do, know I'm only 4 years older than your daughter don't you?" she sits back against the couch and holds out her cup to me. "Would you please be a dear and refill this for me?"

"Uh, yes." I place my cup on the table and reach for hers.

"You did, notice how much coffee was in my cup didn't you?"

"Well, yes." I laugh lightly, "What is,"

"Do it." she says imperiously, "And bring the bottle back, you need some more."

"I don't know about that." I walk to the kitchen. I pour up her coffee and turn to walk back into the Living room.

She is standing at the door jam. "I told you I'd watch that for you."

"I thought you were joking."

"Pardon me dear?" she says sweetly as I walk by her. "I never joke."

She takes my hand and leads me back into the Living room and sits. She pats the seat beside her on the couch. "Right here sweetie."

I sat down, a bit to the side from her.

She sighs "I guess that will do." and reaches for my cup. She moves it forward and back indicating that I should pour some into it. She looks at the paltry amount I had poured. "Now, that, will definitely not do." She pours more into my cup.

"What are you doing, trying to get me ...?"

"No," she replies, "Compliant."


" 'Jenny,' needs to be controlled, you said.." she places the cup before my lips. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"Well, maybe I do." I stand and walk back to my love seat, and sit. "I'm old enough to be your Mother!"

"Unh hunh." she says, "Isn't that hot?" She hands me my coffee cup, "Now, drink up," indicating that I should drink with a nod of her head, " ... and let me tell you what to do."

"You don't have any problem with that!" I said.

"Please?" she laughs.

There's that lovely laugh again, "Well, I don't think,"

"Oh, it's not going to hurt you to step away from your, 'mommie mode.' " she replies, "You might even like it."

I sip a bit of the coffee.

"See?" she laughs as I take another sip, "It wasn't that bad was it?"

"This is my house."

"Yes it is." she stands and turns to walk out, "If territory is so important to you, come over to my, 'lair,' then."

"No!" I stand and touch her arm, "No, it's ok."

She looks down at my hand there and, tsks,' do you know what this is Diedra?"

I turn my head away, looking down at the couch, then take a deep breath and look at her, "Yes, I do."

She sits back down on the love seat, "You know, this is really very easy dear." She pats the seat next to her, "I've seen you looking at me. I knew it was more than neighborly interest."

"Well yes, but I was hoping I wasn't that obvious."

"Oh, don't worry about that." she says, "It's not like you were ga ga or anything, you acted very proper." she turns my head towards her.

"Oh good." I said quietly, "Wouldn't want my girls ..."

"Don't worry, they won't find out." she says and kisses me, "It's just that," then continues kissing me lightly, "with me though, it is my way."

"Oh," I sit back after she breaks the kiss and pick up my cup, "I understand."

"Oh," she stops me from drinking, "you don't need that." Her other hand frames the right side of my face. She kisses me fully, her tongue slithers inside my mouth as I'm forced to breathe her breath. She brushes the stray hair away from my eyes, "I think you understand, 'compliance.' "

"I do, Nadine." I murmur as her breath dissipated in my lungs.

" 'Miss.' " she says.


"Very good."

"Now." she elaborately sighs "What am I going to do with you?"

"Uh, I don't know." I laugh nervously, "I mean you definitely are in charge here."

"Yes. I know that."

"Would you like another cup of coffee?" I laugh lightly..

"Now dear." she says with a light laugh, "You and I both know I am not here for coffee. Would you do me a favor and run a bath for me?"

"Uh, sure." I look at her moving my head perplexedly, "I, uh, surely will. I mean of course."

"Of course you will. I will be clean for you."

"Yes," I stand and walk towards the bath room, hiding my blush, "Uh, come with me?"

"Certainly you silly goose. I don't know the way, you can lead." she laughs lightly, "For now."

"This is my, en suite, the girls have their toilet on the other side of the house." I open the door.

"Very nice."

"Uh, like I said, alimony." I bend towards the tub and start running the water.

"So, you earned it right?"

I turn my face up to her and lightly laugh, "Yes," while testing the water's heat, " ... I guess,"

"Oh, I'm sure you did." She reaches and strokes my cheek, "Would you be a dear and strip for me?"

"Pardon me?" I stand and look at her inquiringly, "This is for you, yes?"

"Of course it is." she replies in a very cool manner, "It's just that I would like my 'attendant,' to be naked when she washes me."

"Oh." I murmur quietly and think of her looking at me. "You might not think it's all that great when you see me naked Nadine. Uh, I mean Miss."

"Pardon me?"

"Look, I turn 41 next Monday. I've had two c***dren,"

She walks to me slowly, "And, you are the hottest MILF in this neighborhood." She reaches to the buttons of my blouse, "Do you really," and opens the first two buttons, "think," then the next one, "that you have been the only one," She jerks open my blouse, (causing the last two buttons to go skittering across the room,) "... checking out the neighbor lady?"

"Uh, I guess not." I reach to the waistband of my leggings.

"Oh no, no, no, no," she wags her finger at me and backs me up against the sink, "I get to do this."

She lowers to her haunches and pulls down my leggings, (taking my panties along for the ride,) "Lean back dear." After my leggings pass off my feet she looks up at me, "This, is for you." She seals her mouth on my mound.

I groan and reach to hold the back of her head.

She stands again, (semi-circling me,) "Goodness, you need a lot of taming Diedra. I'd think that an nice older lady, such as you, would want to take her time."

I noted silently that she had been in my house for over an hour, seducing me, it was definitely worth the time. "Uh, yes I'm sorry Miss."

She turns and dips her fingers into the water, "Hmmm, you set up a very nice bath Diedra." She turns to me, "Please undress me. It will be just like undressing your daughter." she laughs lightly, "Only I'm not, your daughter, and you get to enjoy it."

"Yes, and," I reach to the hem of her t shirt, " ... you're uh, developed." and pull it up slowly, seeing her braless breasts.

"Exactly," she replies, " ... and, we're going to play." She takes my hand and places it on her breast.

While staring at her hardened nipple I open and close the palm of my hand on her other breast. Wonderful, so full, so post pubescent, but not mature. Wonderfully firm.

She reaches to the back of my head and pulls me close so that I could kiss her other nipple, "I always wanted her to do that."

I lick the nipple wet before slowly closing my mouth on it. She pulls at the back of my head. I caress her breast with my face and she murmurs "But that was Mommie, this is you. Much better."

I lick over the nipple softening it and push it into the surrounding flesh. It thrusts itself back into my mouth demanding my attention.

"Oh!" she moves my fingertips to the side of her breast and uses them to coax sensation through and coos. "Shouldn't tease me dear."

I tightened my lips around it again and moved my face on her breast. My hand caresses her breast as my face caresses the other.

"Goodness." She backs away from my kisses and caresses, "You're good at this! I don't know if I should let you take off my jeans."

I look at her smiling, (the blush of arousal clearly showing on my pale skinned body,) "I promise N ... uh, Miss," then walk the two steps to her, "I'll be good."

"Oh," she laughs, "I'm sure you're good." and backs up to the sink. "Please?"

"Yes Miss." I kneel and unsnap her jeans inching them down side to side, as she leans back. She hitches herself up onto the sink and stretches her right leg out. I move the jeans down, then move over and inch the jeans down over her left knee.

I leave them laying on the bathroom floor and move up quickly before she could, well, decide anything, and place my fingertips on each side of the wet spot on her panties, stretching them, then place my lips there and begin a gentle sucking on the wet spot.

"No!" she struggles.

I reach up and pin her arms against the wall and move forward so she is against the wall sitting on my sink. I lick her panties while sucking the wet from her pussy.

"Oh, you naughty girl." she gasps and finally reaches to the back of my head. She begins meshing my face to her pussy. Her hips began to grind. Peeling her panties to the side and exposing her vagina I push my tongue deep in her.

"Damn!" she cries out, "Don't stop." She frantically clutches at the sides of the sink raises her hips up and out. Her hips grind frenetically.

I feel the heat inside her pussy as her clitoris begins to contract. I stand and shove two fingers in her feeling for that soft spot in her, finding it and rubbing on it. "Cum for me." I whisper and turn her face with my other hand and kiss her demandingly, my tongue taking its place in her mouth. "Now!"

As I feel her wet gurgling and oozing onto my fingers, her pussy clutching and loosening around my fingers, I let my kiss become less demanding and more sensitive.

I clutch her close to my body. Her body is totally spent. I bring my other arm up and wrap her up in an embrace and say quietly, "Well Nadine, this is, my, way."

I take her hand and help her from the sink's edge, "We will bathe together."

She starts walking to the bath tub with me, "Oh, yes."

I stop her, turn her face to mine, " ' ... yes.' Ma'am."

She looks at me solemnly and lowers her eyes, "Yes Ma'am."

"Very good." I nod at her. We step into the tub together. "Jenny can't be tamed, she goes where she wants."

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The evening with Rhonda and Sholandra stayed with Laura for days. It had been far more thrilling sexually than she had ever anticipated, and the thought of another episode with Sholandra and Eric and Jamie was enough to give her the shivers. God, I don't know whether I can take it either, she thought. But I know I can hardly wait. As part of her job responsiblities, she had to meet now and then with various vendor representatives. A new one had called to introduce herself, and when Laura...

2 years ago
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A fun little story I wrote awhile back for a friend of mine. It is purely fictional …… or is it? Anticipation, the wait is making you doubt what you are doing. It is still early and you are sitting in front of your vanity looking at yourself as you apply just a little makeup. Can you really go through with this? Can you really do what you have planned for all week long? The idea has kept you excited all week but now that the time is here you wonder if you will be able to go through with it. You...

3 years ago
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Deal gone wrong

The semester started off and word got around that not only did I have good weed, but that I was a solid chef in making pot edibles. They called me the Chef! I was on the club swim team and all the swimmers bought off me. My role as the Chef would get me in trouble. My university was in a seed city, not exactly the safest city and I was trying to be the big pot dealer on campus, some of the locals that relied on that business didn’t take to kindly. This is where the trouble starts. One...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Rising

Chapter 1 : Boats Missed. Henry had a gambling problem. Actually it could be fairly said that Henry had a great many problems in his life! Gambling, drinking and being a womanising slob were his principal problems but there were other character flaws that occasionally made themselves felt. Usually they did not affect his life at all, or at least he did not allow them to. Tardiness, facetiousness, indolence, licentiousness and shiftlessness were all minor traits that could have been listed as...

2 years ago
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Hot Times With Cute Raju

Greetings Fellow readers! I am Achyut, a software professional based in Bangalore. The story I am about to tell you is all a fabricated lie. It is a fantasy I have with young boys/men. A brief introduction about me. I am 29 years old, a bisexual guy having an average body, average cock and…basically I am an average guy. I am that guy you would not care about in a train/bus. I stay alone in an apartment, which gives me many opprtunities to invite guys and girls for fucking sessions. I love...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Coming to NurembergChapter 4

Gisela got a shock the evening of the 23rd as she was getting ready for bed. Her bleeding had started. She was delighted. Somehow, she and Dieter had dodged creating a baby for the third straight month. She raced over to meet Dieter for the walk to school the next morning. “What are you doing here?” Dieter gasped when he stepped outside and found his girlfriend. “You aren’t going to believe what I got last night,” Gisela gushed. “My period! I’m bleeding.” “That’s good?” “That means no...

1 year ago
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Black Mailed TeacherChapter 7

"You couldn't have gotten all your kicks from sucking me off," Ted stated. "What do you mean?" "You didn't get your rocks off, did you?" Liz thought about it for a moment. She still felt that hunger for long, hard cock in her twat. That was almost a constant thing with her these days. So, no, she hadn't gotten everything she wanted from sucking him off. "I could do with a bit of prick in the proper place-and I don't mean in my mouth." "Yeah, I thought so, you horny bitch....

2 years ago
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Re Bridal pregnancy

Re: Bridal pregnancyMon, September 13, 2010 - 10:03 PMA few years ago, I was a Chauffeur for a limo company. After a long night of bar-hopping, my bachelor party gang was Perkin's eating breakfast. I was waiting out by the Limo to make sure nothing happened to it.I was not standing by the car long, when a pretty young girl came over to me, almost in tears. She was wearing white shorts & a pink t shirt & a veil. She told me she was supposed to get married the next morning, but didn't...

4 years ago
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The Heat of SummerChapter 3

"If you get it over the plate, the game goes faster!" Mike yelled to his dad. We were in the midst of the annual Greenwall family softball game. As usual, it was the adults against the teenagers. The teens had lost the last 10 games. I hadn't played in the game. Ever. They didn't let you in until you were 12, and by then I didn't really care to be involved. This year, however, Shay had talked us all into playing. Mike's dad pitched every year for the adults, and he was pretty good....

4 years ago
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Hi guys, new to this site, so please bare with me. I am a 30 year old guy from Scotland and want to tell u all about probably my sexiest ever experience which occurred last summer. Having slept with just six girls before I got together with my wife seven years ago, I realise I am not the most experienced guy out there! I am however far more experienced than my wife who had only ever been with one guy, her previous boyfriend of five years, before we met. This at first was something I liked as I...

Wife Lovers
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Betty Smiths Transgender School

Betty Smith's Transgender School The court system has classified me as "Class 31". Which means my mother has full control over me. I have been in courts many times -- I guess this is like throwing me in jail. The State will pay all costs to have me re- educated, they say. Not sure what that means. My mother and I just left my doctor where the doctor gave me four shots. I was feeling very relaxed when my Mom told me of my new life because of the Court ruling me "Class 31". She...

1 year ago
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Adult Empire Horror

I really wasn’t looking forward to reviewing AdultEmpire’s horror section, until I saw Lexi Belle on the very first results page and thought that maybe there’s some potential here. Look, if I haven’t made it abundantly clear already, horror porn used to be very fucking boring back in the day. It was uninspired. It felt exactly like every other type of smut, except it claimed to be horror themed.AdultEmpire has videos on backlog from over two decades ago, so as you can imagine, most of the smut...

Premium Extreme Porn Sites
3 years ago
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First Steps

April and I had dated for a few weeks and things were going smoothly. We were getting proficient at not mixing work with our interest in each other, April was still wearing stylish outfits to work which were having the now desired effect. In our private encounters, April soon realized that French kissing was indeed not a cause of pregnancy and learned quickly that I enjoyed it. One evening I picked her up and rather than spend an evening at some preordained activity, I asked her if she would...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Farmrsquos Bitch

19 year old Aria finally meets her new 38 year old Daddy at his Texas ranch for two weeks of unimaginable debauchery.Turbulence jostled the plane and Aria lifted her head from the window. The announcement was then made that the plane was landing. The news gave Aria a start of energy and she took a deep breath to calm her racing heartbeat. She was finally about to meet her long time online lover, David. She opened her phone and used the camera as a mirror as she fixed her hair and touched up her...

3 years ago
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My first Sapphic love

It was almost a cliché. We met at a friend’s social gathering and, whilst neither of us expected such a result, it happened. At the party, even though we were in the company of others, we noticed each other and the attraction was instant. We engineered, solely by glances, that we ended up in the ladies’ cloakroom at the same time. No, nothing happened there but we did exchange phone numbers – albeit with shy smiles. I was too nervous to call – nothing like this had happened to me before. O...

2 years ago
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Second Time Around

On Sunday, the older members of the family went to have their customary long naps after consuming the roast beef of old Argentina, father and mother upstairs and grandfather inert and snoring under an open copy of the “News of the World” with its coy tales of the escapades of vicars, scoutmasters, company directors and used car salesmen. I was left to my own devices; the opportunity was open and I took it. I headed up to Joanna’s cottage and knocked on the door, hoping that she, too, would...

4 years ago
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Sunny Wants Friend8217s Help To Sexually Satisfy His Wife

This is the story of my friend, Sunny, and his wife, Maneet. I will tell you how I had sex with Maneet to satisfy her sexual needs at my friend’s request. They were married for 11 years and had a kid. However, Sunny had lost interest in Maneet over the years. They hardly would have sex and when they did, Sunny would just enter her and be done in a minute or two. This would leave Maneet unsatisfied. To fulfill her urges, my friend’s wife would masturbate whenever she got a chance. Once Sunny saw...

4 years ago
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Some Kisses are Meant to be Stolen

Stolen Kisses:I went to fetch my jacket, it was a great party, but time to go.When I turned, Natalia, the host's twenty-year-old niece, was there with the door closed behind her. Without a word, she moved toward me. I froze. As she got closer, I saw her inhale sharply, her eyes opened a little wider and she had a small smile on her lips.She came close and closer, and then she reached up and kissed me, leading with her tongue! She said, "Come by tomorrow, after lunch," she said with that...

2 years ago
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The Pirate and the Pixie

Kali Romanov had no idea how it happened. One minute she’d been in the middle of a screening of the latest pirate movie. The next thing she knew, she was on a boat in the middle of the ocean, hearing screams and the clash of swords. Kali took in the rough appearance of the men on one side, and their uniforms on the other. It took only an instant to figure out what was going on. She was on a ship that was being boarded by pirates. So far the pirates seemed to be loosing. Under the...

1 year ago
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Just getting a new job and trying to impress the boss, is my very most priority in life. I make sure that I'm dressed well each day: a business suit (blazer, shirt, tight skirt, panties and bra to match), pantyhose and heels. My hair groomed nicely and my makeup just so. I choose a nice light fragrant perfume, just a little something to make the boss turn his head.My desk, just outside his office, is neat and organized. I make coffee each morning and always make sure there is some kind of...

2 years ago
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Worth it

That summer Saturday I thought I wasn't going to leave the house, I had some small tasks to do and in reality I wasn't in the mood to do anything special either. So when Natália, my good friend, called me in the early afternoon because I needed to get the car from the garage and I didn't want to go alone, my first reaction was to say I couldn't. But after she insisted there, I had to give in because she had no one else to accompany her and, putting myself in her place, I also didn't like having...

3 years ago
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My Vacation

I have been a journalist for about ten years now and from time to time I do a lot of hard work and traveling. Covering stories and having to write them up, to make sure the public is getting all the correct information as soon as possible, I am busy constantly. So after more hard work than usual these past couple of months, I decided to take a little R & R trip to Brazil. Out of habit I found myself still bringing my camera, notepad and laptop just in case. I booked a flight from Florida to Rio...

3 years ago
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Adventures Of A Horny Indian Housewife

Dear Indian sex stories Readers, My name is Kaveri and am 38 years housewife with a husband and a son. At this age , I am not as beautiful as I was in my twenties however my friends say that I’m in great shape. A bit of voluptuous too. As my husband will on travel most of the days I feel bored at home, so I decided to take up a teaching profession to put my time into useful things. I got permission from my husband and I gave interviews. After about 2 months I got the job at my native place of...

4 years ago
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Soloman Butchers Photograph

THE PHOTOGRAPH ‘Oh, my Gawd, no!’ ‘Josiah, I’d prefer it if you didn’t use such language.’ ‘But Maw, I don’t like havin’ my photograph took.’ ‘How do you know? You’ve never had it done before,’ Miriam Davis said, with as much patience as she could muster. ‘Why do we have to have our picture took?’ Willie asked, in the slightly sulky tone his mother hated. ‘Mr. Butcher is reckoning on making a pioneer history, and Pa figures that as we’re part of that history, we should be in it.’ ‘But,...

3 years ago
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Defloration sex education in OlsztynPL st2

After this memorable afternoon Irene met her boyfriend the afternoon of the next day. Both were a bit reluctant and shy at first, as they were still captured in the turmoil of so many feelings. And by the fact, that Irene had given her body to his brother too.Irene was anxious that he wouldn’t love her anymore. But he assured her, that nothing had changed in his love and made sweet compliments to her that she was a ‘real woman’ now.[pic Irenes nasse Muschi wird herumgezeigt.jpg]These...

2 years ago
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The Horny Girl I Fucked

Hi, sex cravers. This is Varun again. This is my second story here. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old from Hyderabad with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. This story is about a horny girl I met on Instagram a year back in March. She was a random girl studying fashion designing in Hyderabad. Let’s name her Pinky. I don’t remember how it happened to meet her, I was just following and texting random girls on Instagram one day and I have this girl reply to my...

3 years ago
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Red Orifice Part 1

Jane was gripped with fear as she approached the gates of the old abandoned jail. She struggled to reconcile her thoughts and was torn between pursuing this misadventure or leaving with no trace that the incident had ever occurred. She breathed in and with an exhausted glance towards the gate, she realized that there was no turning back. She walked with her head facing down, calculating her steps with hidden determination. She approached the man whose only correspondence had been through email...

3 years ago
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The List

Cole mumbled something indiscernible as he rolled out of bed that morning. Practically throwing his alarm clock across the room, he sat up straight and sighed. It was Monday again, back to the grind. He showered quickly and brushed his teeth, looking in the foggy mirror as he did so. He was pretty good looking, girls had told him he was cute. When he asked them out, the promptly replied no however, and that's where it counted. He was tall, standing an inch under six foot, a base ball player,...

Mind Control
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Slut is BackI

Hello all of you. I am Bhavna. I guess all of you have read of my slutty experiences and even that I am married. Last time when I wrote I said that I am a loyal wife and will never cheat to my husband but it will be not wrong if I say I am a filthy slut who loves to be screwed by strangers. I was happily living with my husband. He is not very good at sex but quite satisfying. I had no more intentions of doing any more slutty acts like I did in my past. We are living in an apartment in a...

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Put it up my asshellip

I had met Fatima at a friend’s graduation party, she was twenty and in college, I was 26 and serving in the navy. Her 5’6 frame, her long brown hair, her brown eyes and her magnificent 34c breasts attracted me from the very beginning. We became friends and before long we started to spend more and more time together, we had kissed and made out but never gone further than that. When I got deployed we kept in touch, and as I was getting ready to come back we agreed to try to get our...

4 years ago
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Being raised in the Midwest in What was at one time Dakota Territory when younger I was fascinated by its history and back in the 1940s-60s when growing up was a golden era for westerns on TV and movies. Roy Rogers, Lash Larue, Rex Allen and many others rode across our tv screens and cinema was big business. Westerns have now given way to medical and cop dramas, but I still love westerns and writing about them so hope you enjoy this one. Hank Mitchell rode his sorrel mare toward the little...

1 year ago
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Hentai Haven

HentaiHaven! Do you ever wish that you lived in a Hentai Haven? Be careful what you wish for. It is a freaky animated world full of horny tentacled creatures and busty demons that turn into peanut butter after you finish fucking them. It’s all fair game in this haven; do you dare visit?Well, if you want to cream your pants to unique hentai content, I say take that fucking dare! And if you think that you can handle sexy as fuck hentai content that will drain your balls, you have come to the...

Hentai Streaming Sites
3 years ago
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Craigslist Encounter with a Young Black Cock

This is actually a story i related to someone via email, and it made more horny to think about it again so i decided to post it for the heck of it!I've actually never bottomed before, though i have been more curious about it lately. The closest i ever came i guess was once when i had this guy come over...He was black, avg height, husky build...younger guy, maybe around 21, 22, I was around 30 or so...i don't remember now....but anyway, I had posted an add looking for a hookup and he responded...

4 years ago
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Breaking All The Rules part 2

As the evening went on I couldn’t get the X rated threesome I had with Marley and Jenifer off my mind. Let alone that my old high school sweetheart Andria Baker, who just happens to be the principal of Eagle Lake High, and just happens to be Jennifer’s mother, and a married woman at that. She wants to have a weekend affair with me while her husbands out of town this weekend. This of course makes things even more complicated, but Very interesting. Now I’m walking through my empty home...

3 years ago
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Victoriarsquos Awakening

It was Victoria’s first night out since having the baby. She’d been really pleased with herself for losing the baby weight and she’d treated herself to a new outfit. Aged 25, 5’11 with 36f tits and a hour glass figure topped off with long red gait Victoria looked stunning in her figure hugging dress. The plunging neckline showed off her ample cleavage and the length of it just covered her shapely arse. She kissed her husband goodbye and promised she wouldn’t be late home. Victoria has gone out...

1 year ago
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En casa tenía en un lugar muy escondido mi ropita que desde la época del colegio poco a poco me fui comprando. Siempre escogía lo más sexy y caliente que encontraba en las tiendas. Ya tenía lindas botas rojas a la rodilla, mucha lencería, mi vicio son las minifaldas muy chiquitas y sobre todo blancas trasparentes para que se note el hilo dental negro en mis nalgas. Ya por asuntos hormonales tenía algo de senos, mi cuerpo era bastante bien formado, usaba cabello rubio largo y de vez en cuando me...

2 years ago
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Judith from the North Woods

After my divorce, I was laying low from women. Not because I blamed 1/2 the world's population for one woman's role in a failed relationship - just wanted to reset my emotions.I worked with a young woman named Jill. She was nice, and everyone in the office liked her. Having gone through the divorce, Jill was sensitive to what I was experiencing. Out of the blue, she said her mother (also divorced) was coming to town (note the title of this story - she lived in the north woods). Jill asked me if...

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