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Craig launched the shortcut to his Chrome browser with a practiced click. His old, ragged office chair creaked as he leaned forward. Without thought, he opened the link to his local Craigslist section and went to the 'casual encounters' section. The young man brushed a few oily strands of thin brown hair away from his eyes as he browsed the 'women for men' listings. He picked at a few acne scars absentmindedly with his left hand while he filtered through the ads. Only once had he had luck with the site - if it could be called luck. He soon learned that if a dollar sign appeared anywhere in the ad, the lady expected to be paid for her troubles. So, rather than pay the $200 fee for an hour's worth of sex (well, to be honest, more like 5 minutes of sex and 55 minutes of working to get it up again), Craig enjoyed five minutes of verbal abuse where he learned (according to Jane Doe) that no woman would ever touch such a scrawny, pimply, buck-toothed asshole too cheap to pay for what he'd never get otherwise. She left pissed and he stayed home, still a virgin. At 24 years of age. "Fake," he said out loud. "Holy fuck, she's huge. No. No." He paused. "Is that... is that a dick in her... oh, yeah. Tranny. No. Dammit." He nearly closed the browser in frustration but paused when he saw an ad labeled "Mary Jane Wants To Play." As naive as he was, even he knew what "Mary Jane" meant. Craig's eyes focused into the distance as he considered his options. It was a warm, nearly Summer Friday night and he was bored out of his mind - as bored as he was every single day after a shift in the kitchen of the local IHOP. He pondered. He wondered. He hesitated. Boredom won out in the end. No new games on the PS3, his one semi-friend was off at his girlfriend's house getting laid and here Craig sat. The thought of trying weed for the first time was thrilling and, he decided, why the hell not? His email was answered within minutes with a set of prices and an address. Craig was only slightly creeped out to learn the place was a few blocks from his apartment. He knew the location and was glad it was still light out - it wasn't the best area around. The prices were surprisingly good; he'd expected to be reamed for it but it seemed like a little bag of the stuff was cheaper than going to the movies. It took barely a moment for Craig to find a clean white t-shirt to go with his favorite pair of blue jeans and then, with keys and wallet in hand, he left. As he stepped outside, he lifted his face to the sun, eyes closed, breathing in the warm air. The wind ruffled his hair and he grinned, with his mouth closed to hide his overly large front teeth. It was a habit formed when he was old enough to realize people made fun of him for it. Craig paused at the ATM near his house and then walked the three blocks over to a small blue house with a chain link fence and bars on the window. Beer cans of random brands littered the lawn of the house like cylindrical buildings toppled in some alcoholic apocalypse. He opened the gate and stepped up to the door, knocking loud enough to be heard over the booming music playing inside. Craig raised his hand to knock again but the door suddenly opened, unleashing a torrent of dubstep. The man standing at the door was a little under six feet tall and dressed in a black t-shirt with a white skull symbol. He had short hair, a stubble of a beard and green eyes. Craig thought he looked almost thirty years old but realized he could be way younger; he'd always been bad at guessing ages. "Yeah?" the man asked. "What do you want?" Craig felt the bottom drop out of his stomach. Goosebumps marched down a line from his neck to his arms. Aw man, Craig thought. Why the hell did I do this? I don't know these people. I don't know a damn thing about weed. This guy could freaking murder me and nobody would probably bat an eye. For all I know, he's a serial killer and this is how he finds his victims. Dammit. Craig stammered in sudden fear, "H... Hey - I, umm, I answered the ad. The ad on Craigslist." The man was nodding. "Aw, yeah, man. Craig, right? Come on in. You look okay." Craig swallowed and stepped past the man when he opened the door wider, blinking to take in the darkened room. It smelled like old soggy breadcrumbs and beer with a hint of dried pee. A large TV hung on the wall in front of a massive black leather couch. More beer cans and bags of chips hid in corners and on tables around the room. The window blinds were all closed and there was a faint haze of smoke lingering in the air. It stunk enough to make Craig's stomach feel slightly queasy. "It's just me and John. Well, and Jenny's around somewhere. So I've been told. I'm Dave. How much you bring?" The man (Dave) shambled over to a bookshelf near the TV. "I - sixty bucks." The throbbing music, darkness and smell of weed was disorienting and he could feel the edges of a headache coming on. The sooner he was out, he decided, the better. He hadn't planned on spending so much at once but the thought of coming back here (if he decided he liked smoking) didn't make him feel comfortable. "Oh, cool, cool. What kind you want?" Dave dug through a few boxes on the shelves, muttering to himself about needing to buy various strains of weed before he ran out. "I don't know. Whatever's good?" The man turned to Craig. "Whoa, bruh, is this your first time? You never smoked before? Do you even know how?" He grinned in that particular way people do when someone is about to embarrass themselves - equal parts condescending and amusement. "No. I just thought - don't you just roll it up and smoke it?" The man's grin grew wider and Craig thought he caught the edge of something else in it - hunger. Hunger of a kind. "Hey man, it's cool. I got just the thing for you. Why don't you hang out and we'll all smoke together. I'll show you how it works." Dave turned to the kitchen and yelled, "Hey John! Bring some pipes, man. We gonna smoke some fuckin' weed." Craig almost ran for it. Almost. His hands shook from the sudden adrenaline of a situation that felt suddenly even more wrong than when the front door first opened. The headache bloomed behind his eyes and he winced. "Nah, hey it's cool. I'll just-" A slender man in shorts and a tank top rounded the corner of the kitchen. The man's (John, Craig supposed) black hair was held back in a ponytail and his angular face darted to look at Craig as he entered. He held three glass bongs in his hands and he nodded at Craig as he went to stand with Dave. "What're we smokin' today?" "Yo, Devil Dog for us and... I know it's in here..." Dave picked through the bags in one box and then moved to another, smaller one. "Yeah. Fuck, yeah, man. I thought we had it. Pleasure Island. L.W. dropped it off last week. Remember that guy? Little freaky guy with the cigar and the fucked up name? Looked like a tweaker? What kind of accent was that, anyway? Boston? Something, anyway." Dave glanced over at Craig and then back to John. His grin was fixed and the hunger was far more pronounced. "I've been wanting to try this since then." John looked at the bag and then at Craig. "You think it'll actually... Sure, man. I don't care. If you want to live in fantasy land, that's your ish. Pass me the Devil Dog first." Dave sat at the edge of the couch while John opened bags. Dave turned to look at Craig and Craig felt the goosebumps crawl along his arms again. Meat. He felt like meat for inspection. Only, the feeling in the air was different. There were undertones of something he couldn't identify. Something in the way Dave looked at him that made him want to squirm and hide. The man spoke up as he patted the space on the couch between both of them. "Come on. Couch is big enough for all of us. John, yo, did Spencer pay us back already?" "Yeah. Last week. You have shit memory. I think I'm gonna skip on this one. Mind if I hang out, though?" John handed Dave his pipe and then carefully started on a second one. Craig's eyes watered from the sudden acrid scent filling the air. Dave shook his head as he coughed. John grinned back at his friend and handed Craig his pipe. "Thanks, Dave. I need to get out of my damn room. Here you go, bro. What's your name, anyway?" Craig took the pipe with shaky hands and nearly dropped it. "It's Craig. Do I just - do I just smoke it?" "Yeah. Watch Dave do it. Can't really fuck it up. Just don't choke to death or throw up, all right?" John looked over at Dave. "That's all he's gotta do supposedly, yeah?" Dave nodded, his mouth full of smoke. Not trusting himself to speak more, Craig waited for Dave to exhale and then watched closely as the man took a puff from his. John spoke from the side. "Don't swallow it. And you'll need to take several hits. It'll kick in eventually." Craig breathed in, letting the smoke fill his mouth. He held it for several seconds before exhaling. His mouth and throat burned and he couldn't hold back a hacking cough while his eyes watered. He could almost feel the smoke creeping up his nose and into his brain. His face felt flushed and he blinked as a million tiny pinpricks marched in a wave from his scalp to his chin. Craig shivered as the feeling faded. He looked at the two men beside him and almost mentioned it but, the old instinct to not look like an idiot in front of other guys kicked in and he took another puff. And then again. And again. Eventually the burn in his throat faded so that the smoke slid smoothly along the inside of his mouth. He closed his eyes and leaned back in the couch, listening to the music. His headache had faded to a dull, distant throb. Time passed and he took more hits. Finally, he turned to John. "When does it start doing something?" The two men around him cracked up, Dave choking as smoke billowed out of his mouth. "What? What's funny?" John flashed a nervous grin. "That's the third time you asked us that. It's been working. Relax, man. Just relax and take a break from it." "But I don't - oh." He could remember asking the other times when he stopped and thought hard enough. No wonder they were laughing at him. His sense of time was gone and he couldn't remember things that had just happened. Rather than feeling scared, Craig relaxed more into it. It was pleasant. His headache was a distant memory and his whole body was relaxed and buzzing. "This is good. I could get used to this." Craig scratched his stomach under his shirt, luxuriating in the way his nails felt against his skin. He didn't know it made sensations feel different but then, he was a complete novice when it came to drugs. He could feel a slight pressure in the pit of his stomach and he wondered if he was hungry. Dave reached out to Craig's hair. "I think we got some cannabis cream you could use for your hair. That shit's oily." "Mmmmmm," Craig answered with his eyes closed and his lips together in a sweet smile. He pressed his head against the man's hand, rubbing against it lightly. "Oh, you like that, huh?" Dave scratched Craig's scalp slowly and Craig shifted on the couch from the feeling. He felt the tingles in his head that reached all the way down to his feet. "Yeah. I didn't know weed did that. Didn't know it made things feel different. That's good. It's like a massage and a little tickling. Feels real good." Craig tucked his head to his chin and then around in small circles as Dave scratched around his scalp. It took several minutes to realize what was happening and, when he did, he snapped up and leaned away. "Whoa. Whoa. That's- whoa. Sorry, man. This shit's weird. I'm, shit, I'm sorry." Dave grinned back at him. "Hey, don't sweat it. It's your first time." The man patted Craig's thigh and squeezed and Craig wriggled, leaning slightly back towards him. The music was a continuous wall of noise but Craig grinned despite it. He felt good. Everything just felt really smooth. His hand was under his shirt again, scratching with his long nails and he moaned slightly, reaching his hands down into his pants to scratch at his pubic hair. His dick was hard and he almost grabbed it before snatching his hands away. He'd forgotten John and Dave were there with him. They just didn't exist temporarily and he'd been distracted by the itching. He tried to look at them from the corner of his eyes to see if they'd noticed what he'd done but his head was swimming. He laughed at the way his head spun lightly. His voice was nearly musical - a light giggle rather than the hacking laugh he'd always had. "... gotta go slow and careful, man." John spoke to his side and Craig moaned. His hand was on Dave's leg, massaging and kneading the man's jeans with his nails. Dave was kissing his neck and he couldn't remember him leaning in or what John had been talking about. He just felt so sensitive. He moaned again and trailed his hand up John's leg until he felt the tip of the man's hard dick through his pants. Craig snatched his hand back and pushed Dave off of him. "Hey. Heeeey. Hey fuck you. What are you doing?" His voice sounded wrong to his ears but it was getting hard to hear through the music. He turned to look at Dave and brushed thick brown hair away from his eyes with long fingers. Craig stopped and took his hands away from his ears, holding them in front of himself. Female hands. The little hairs on the back of his hand and knuckles were gone, as were most of the wrinkles. His eyes went wide. "Wha... wha... what?" He stammered. Dave was still grinning back at him. "Hey. There's our Jenny," he told Craig. "I can't believe that crazy little fucker was telling the truth. Look at her." The man leaned forward to Craig's chest and Craig felt the man's warm wet mouth on his shirt, followed immediately by an intense, nearly ticklish sensation radiating from his chest down to his erect cock. Craig moaned, cradling Dave's head against his chest. When Dave pulled away, Craig looked down in a daze. Two large nipples pressed against the tight white fabric of his shirt. The nipple on the right was puffy and erect and aching from the attention it just received. The area around the shirt was wet and cooling in the air. Craig shook his head slowly. "No. No, this isn't right. This, aahhhh..." John's hand was suddenly on the inside of his thigh and the man was clawing at his skin. His sensitive skin. Craig's head went back and he closed his eyes. He wanted Dave's hand on his dick. He wanted to feel him pumping him, sucking on him. He wanted Dave's wet mouth sucking him off, licking the tip of his dick and then... and then... The secret thought came unbidden - he wanted his nipples sucked on again. Both of them. "It is right, Craig," John told him. "Just relax. There's a good girl. Just relax. I can't fucking believe that little freak was telling the truth about this shit. Holy fuck, man." Craig reached out, nearly mindlessly to grab John's thigh. He rocked his hips as Dave ran his fingertips from his side to his knee and then back up to his crotch. His jeans felt tight against his body. A sudden cracking noise sounded and Craig fell against Dave, gasping for breath. His ass was aching and the jeans were cutting into his flesh. Craig reached for his jean's button, trying to work it through the hole with a woman's hand and a woman's nails. With a double ripping sound, the jeans split along the sides and Craig moaned again. He felt an itching around the crown of his head and then a weight settled around his shoulders - the weight of his hair growing out. Brown and curly, oily no longer. His skin through the jeans was smooth and creamy white. The patches of hair and acne that scarred his body were gone. His hips were wider and the jeans still cut into his thighs and waist. His cock was pounding and aching in the remains of his pants. Craig nearly panted from the feeling bubbling up inside of him. The need for release. His long fingers stroked the smooth skin through the holes in his jeans and he luxuriated in the feel of it - warm and soft. A woman's body. He'd never touched a woman's body like this before - never had a chance and now, here he was. His own body. "Here, sweetheart," Dave crooned. "Let me help." Dave's hands expertly worked Craig's button and zipper and Craig sighed in relief as his larger hips and ass relaxed from the sudden lack of pressure. Next, Dave tugged and pulled at Craig's shirt until it was rolled up even with Craig's armpits. Craig's nipples stiffened suddenly in the air. He could feel the skin of his nipples tug minutely. They ached for more attention. Dave was careful not to touch Craig's cock but, instead, the man ran his hands up Craig's side and to his nipples. Craig shivered from the feeling of the man's short nails on his smooth skin. He squirmed and moaned again when Dave pinched his right nipple. The skin around both nipples darkened slowly as areola formed. Small bumps rising in a circular pattern around both of Craig's fat, wet nipples. "No," Craig told the man. "It's too hard. Can you... oh god, can you use your mouth again?" The man complied immediately. "Yessss... oh shit, that's good, man." Craig's hips rocked slowly back and forth and he twined his long fingers through the man's short hair, pressing him to his chest. It felt like a live wire ran directly down from the nipple in Dave's mouth to the head of his dick. Craig's hand had somehow made its way into John's pants and he could feel John's large, thick cock against the soft skin of his new hands. John's hands worked at his own pants and, suddenly, the man's dick was free. Craig moaned and giggled lightly as Dave flicked his nipple. He reached to his side and found the bong they'd given him. Craig took several hits while he played with John's dick, dragging his nails along the flesh and giggling at the way John's breathing changed when he did. He'd never touched another man's dick. A small part of him quailed at what was happening but it was just a small part and the noise and smoke and dark of the room and pleasures of the flesh had him floating in an abyss of sensations. The feel of the two men's hands on his body, the way Dave's mouth felt as he licked at Craig's nipples and the way John's thick cock felt all bumpy against his soft hands were carrying him beyond reason. On a sudden whim, Craig leaned over to kiss John, breathing out the remnants of his smoke as their tongues writhed against each other. Craig worked the man's cock up and down with his soft hand while they kissed. John's fingers pulled at Craig's long hair and then tugged him down and away from John's mouth. Down John pushed and down Craig went until the man's dick was against his mouth. No other push was needed - Craig opened his wet little mouth and took the man's cock as far as he could, choking for a moment before pulling slightly back. He'd felt it hit the back of his throat before his gag reflex kicked in. John's dick was salty and had a slight smell but he liked the way it felt against his tongue, warm and smooth with veins that moved around when he licked at them. Craig suddenly pulled completely away from John and arched his back in pain. "Off!" He screamed in a shrill woman's voice. "Shit! I need my pants off now! It hurts!" His ribs felt like they were cracking as his chest bulged slightly in size but it was his lower back that were causing him to scream - the whole area burned in immense pain. Someone's hands were around his legs, tugging at the tight fabric of his jeans as he twisted and shrieked. "... touching his underwear OR his dick. I'm not gay, man. Why don't..." Craig couldn't tell who was speaking. His head was a sudden bright point of pain and then everything was absolutely silent. For one brief moment, he couldn't hear anything at all. The noise of the music crashed back into him like a sledgehammer. "... THE FUCK!" Both men stood in front of him, shocked looks on their face. His jaw ached. As he looked at the two men, he heard a series of popping sounds and watched as his nose flattened and pushed away from his face. John covered his mouth in horror but Dave just seemed confused. The skin along the elongated part of his face was covered in a light brown fuzz of hair. Under his eyes, the fuzz of hair grew into a down of fur, completely covering what he could see of his short, blunt muzzle. The fur around his mouth and nose was a lighter brown than the rest and, when he reached his hands up to touch it, it felt soft and strange to the touch. It was if he were touching someone else's body but could still feel it somehow. Craig's fingers touched along his teeth. There were so many in his new mouth and all were flat. He had no canine teeth anywhere. His head dipped slightly as he adjusted to the new weight of his face. Craig's fingers traced along his jaws and up. The fur ended right below his ears... or where his ears should be. Rather than the human ears he was expecting, Craig touched thin, fur covered skin. He traced up and along and around the new ears until he felt the slightly feathered tips, nearly ten inches from his head. The ears swiveled slightly through his thick hair as he touched them. He couldn't stop touching them - thin, smooth skin on the inside of his new ears and slightly rough, furry skin on the outside. "What's happening to me," he whispered. His eyes pleaded with the two men. "Why... oh... Oh fuck. It... oh god!" He looked down. His shirt had unrolled and hung loose around his reshaped chest. He could barely see his nipples through the fabric with the strange way his eyes and face were now arranged. As he watched, his shirt slowly puffed out and he could feel the skin on his chest moving. His breasts, nonexistent before, grew. Slowly. Slowly he watched his nipples come into complete view and then continue to push out. His shirt pulled up as his breasts grew to push it out and revealed a fuzzy, flat lower stomach, coated with brown and white fur. More sensations along his lower body announced the arrival of another set of nipples pushing out from his stomach. The nipples stood proud above the short, wiry fur that was now spreading along his feminine torso. Still further his breasts grew and he felt things tugging inside of them as fatty tissues and new nerves reconnected. A line of white fur crept up from his stomach and between his breasts just as they finally stopped growing. Fat nipples strained against his shirt and every time the shirt moved, he wanted to moan and writhe for the two men standing in front of him. With his new nose, he could smell the cum tipping their cocks. His mouth watered at the thought of taking their dicks into his muzzle and a long, pink and black-spotted tongue unrolled from his mouth and worked its way around the thick black lips of his muzzle. Craig reached for his furry stomach with lithe arms. Two sets of smaller nipples were visible on his stomach from where the shirt was pulled up. He tweaked one of the new nipples and didn't bother to hold back the moan it evoked. Thick, soft fur pushed at the front of his underwear and he could see his limp dick though the sudden bush. The fur around his crotch was far more plush than the short fur on his body. The simple briefs strained at the size of his ass and thighs but he worked two thumbs into the band and wriggled himself out of them. Brown hairs grew along the lengths of his arms and down to his hands as he undressed himself. With the underwear to his knees, he stood, wobbly on his feet, and then pulled the underwear off the rest of the way. Craig worked his hands around his ass, feeling the smooth fur and the firmness of his larger ass cheeks. His hand stopped at a bump just above the split in his ass. As he felt, the skin pushed out. Inch by inch his tail grew, as thick as his wrist was - his womanly wrist. Fur grew with every push until the tail was dragging against the floor. At the very tip, longer black hairs sprouted. He could feel it moving against his ass cheeks and his lower back. Tugging and twisting and rubbing. He could make it move if he concentrated enough but it seemed to move by itself as well. The fur of the tail rubbing against the fur of his ass was sensual. With a deft movement, Craig grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled up. His massive breasts relaxed down and to the side slightly as he struggled to pull the shirt off of his ears and muzzle. Now he stood completely naked and he explored the hard length of his body with delicate, furred hands. He was perhaps three inches taller now than he was as a man. His long, thick slightly auburn hair curled at the tops of his shoulders. His hands played along his sides and then out as his hips flared into a 1950's pinup model's curves. Long nails stroked through the short soft brown and white fur of his belly and around the four sets of nipples he had. His thick thighs hid a surprising amount of muscle behind creamy, smooth furred skin. Unable to resist any longer, he reached up with his feminine hands and squeezed his F-cup tits together, kneading them as he rubbed the nipples. The black lips around his jaw pulled back in the mockery of a grin as he felt his nerves scream in joy. And yet, his limp dick didn't stir. Craig's left hand rubbed against the nipple in his second set of smaller breasts and his right hand found his flaccid penis. He rubbed himself out of habit while the pressure from his nipples built deep in his stomach. "... fucking isn't what the guy said. What the fuck are we supposed to do, Dave?" "... kinda sexy. Look at her. I don't care what she looks like." Craig cried out and fell back on to the couch. He gasped in pain as his ass rammed his thick tail hard against his body but a twist to the side fixed his position. His tailed stirred heavily on the couch next to him. He remembered. He remembered that he was Craig. Craig was still there. But so was a new part of him. A force within him that made him crave the feeling of a man inside of him. Thoughts swirled in his head of bending over and eagerly waiting for a man to take pleasure in his body. To have his tail gripped tight in a man's hand and the man's fingers digging into his waist as his pushed his wide, furry ass back into the man's cock. He was she and she took great pleasure in the way her body felt. She yearned to please a man. To feel his seed deep inside of her. The skin of her toes were sealing together on both feet. Her calf muscles expanded, doubling in size as her toenails grew to cover the front of her feet. John shrieked suddenly. "Oh shit. Oh SHIT! Dave! Dave, look! What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck, man!" Craig looked up to see nipples pressing against John's tank top. A woman's nipples. John's face was subtly different as well - more slim, higher cheekbones and a more delicate chin. Craig smiled. "Looking good, man. Hey, don't cry. It doesn't hurt. It feels amazing. Look at me. Look at this - uhh-haah!" Bones cracked and reformed in Craig's feet as the toenails grew into small hooves. Now it did hurt. Badly. Her ankle broke and moved, disappearing behind a thick tuft of fur along the base of the hoof. Craig dug her long nails into the couch beside her, moaning through clenched teeth. "... it stop. Call him. Jesus Fucking Christ! Call him and find out how to make it stop! Why?! Why is this fucking happening?!" John's black hair was down past his shoulders now and his breasts were pushing out the front of his shirt. A loud popping noise made him cry out and Craig could see the flesh around the man's hips flare out into a woman's figure. John fell to his knees. "Please! Please Dave!" John's hand reached up to his left breast, massaging and pinching a nipple that had poked out through the cut in the side of the shirt. He moaned and thrashed on the ground, the long nails of his other hand digging into the carpet beside him. Black fur dotted the man's checks in small patches and Craig watched as the man's ears reformed and grew out. Dave watched both of them and then turned back to John. "Nah, man. It's good. Ride it out." A final burning sensation drew Craig's attention back to herself. She gripped the inside of her thighs and then flattened the fur around her dick as she felt the skin pull and tug around her crotch. Her already small dick was shrinking. Not in the way it did when it was cold - she actually felt her cock pulling into her body. Her breasts heaved on her chest as she breathed through the pain of it. All 8 of her nipples ached in time with each tug to her shrinking cock and she absently massaged them with one hand. Her nostrils flared and she tried to growl but made a loud very donkey-like "Haaaaaaah!" sound instead. The head of her dick vanished beneath the thick fur between her legs and then pulled further, opening into a vertical wet gash. More tugs and pulls and pinches and she screamed in pain as her insides re-arranged themselves, building a uterus and ovaries. She wanted it. She wanted to be complete. To be fully a woman. She begged for it as the screams ripped from her throat and short muzzle. The top of the gash puckered and a small bit of skin pushed out before being overgrown by a larger bulge of skin. The flesh around her opening turned jet black and folded in on itself until her own pussy lips pushed together to cover her new, sopping wet cunt. Her entire pussy was black. The pain slowly faded and she looked up. John was no more. In his place was a larger donkey girl, black furred except for a patch of gray on her belly. She was smaller than Craig - more lithe but still very much a womanly figure. Craig took a deep breath and her nostrils flared to take in the scent of the other woman's wet pussy. John was on her hands and knees, thick tail lashing in the air. Her top furry breasts, perhaps double Ds, brushed against the short carpet as she rocked back and forth on her knees. John's hooves glinted darkly in the small patches of sun that shone through the curtains. The patch of fur at the base of her tail and around her pussy was soaked with her own juices. Her furry back twisted over and over as she rocked, thick muscles shifting on her smaller frame. "Please," John whispered, eyes closed. "Please. I can't help it. Please, Dave. I... I don't want it. I don't want to think about it. Why isn't it going away? Why isn't it going away like him? Why am I still me mentally? Oh Jesus. Oh fuck. I don't want this. I don't want it." John's finger reached under her to touch her pussy. Long, dark nails rubbed in slow circles at the furry wet clit. She opened her muzzle and her black tongue licked against her face. "Please. Please. I don't want to be me. Why am I still me? Please..." Dave was completely naked and Craig's eyes locked onto the man's penis. It wasn't anything special but, at that moment, Craig wanted it desperately. The need to feel the man's cock inside of her manifested as an actual physical pain in the pit of his stomach. Something inside of her loosened and she could feel her insides drooling at the thought of being mounted. At the thought of rutting. Of being ridden. Craig spread her legs to let the scent of her pussy fill the air. John shuddered and her own hand moved faster against her pussy. The man (previously a man) was sniffing the air with her eyes nearly rolled back and her breathing was coming in short grunts through her muzzle. "N... no... Please... oh... oh... I can... oh god... what is this... what is... what..." John shrieked as her body rocked and she collapsed to the ground with her thin arm still under her, gasping for air. Her large ass made tiny movements as she caught her breath. "It... it didn't work... I'm still... I'm still here... I need..." Dave circled around to the side of John and he knelt next to her. He was slightly pudgy around his waist and there was a spray of patchy back hair along his shoulders and down around his spine. Before, Craig wouldn't have thought him to be handsome at all. Now she didn't care. Now all she saw was a male. A male with an erect, delicious smelling cock. She wanted to go to Dave, to take his dick into her short muzzle, wrapping her long, black tongue along his length. But, not yet. It was John's turn. Dave wanted John - that much was obvious. Craig wouldn't interrupt. She wouldn't get in the way of the male's pleasure. John's eyes swiveled to look at Dave. Fearfully. She pulled her arm from under her body and tried to sit up. Her hooves thudded into the ground as she pulled herself to her hands and knees. Her full breasts (all four sets) dangled below her. Chest heaving, she hung her head, long ears drooping. "No. Please, Dave. I know what you want." John's voice was silky smooth. Somehow, regardless of her short black muzzle, her words were clear and sweet. She was afraid. Afraid and anxious. There was a slight hoarseness to her voice that had nothing to do with the orgasm she'd given herself just a moment ago. John sat back, wide, black furred ass settling against the back of her hooves. Her tail lay between her ass cheeks and legs. Her eyes were down, nearly covered by her long black bangs. Her arms were crossed over her second and third set of breasts. "Please, Dave. P... please. It's me. It's John. Please don't do this. We've been friends since high school, man. P... Oh god. Please, Dave." Dave reached out tenderly to touch the side of John's short muzzle. He traced his fingers along her lower jaw and up to her neck. John trembled and closed her eyes against his touch. Craig could smell what it was doing to her. "I know it's you, John," Dave told her. His voice was nearly a whisper but Craig heard him clearly. John opened her eyes, hope dawning along her face. "I know it's you, man. But..." Dave's hand trailed down to John's left breast and he cupped it gently. John bit her lower gums, forehead wrinkling in confusion. "But, John. You're going to fuck me, aren't you?" Dave's thumb reached up to rub John's fat black nipple and John gasped, hands reaching out to Dave for support as she nearly fell over at the sudden sensation. "Oh. Oh god. Dave. No. You don't know what it's like right now. You... oh. Oh. Please. Please don't." Dave leaned forward without resistance to take John's nipple in his mouth. His arms reached around the donkey girl's strong body and she wrapped her arms around him in return. John's eyes were closed again and she fought every single moan that escaped her lips. Her hips rocked against her hooves and her tail started slowly waving back and forth against the carpet. With a wet pop Dave pulled off of John's nipple and sat back. John folded in on himself, wrapping his arms around his large upper breasts. "Oh god. Please. Please make it stop. Please make me not want it. Oh god. Oh god. I can smell you, Dave. I can smell your cum. Fuck you. Fuck you, no. I won't. I won't do it." Dave watched the little demonstration without a word. Instead, he slowly stood and stepped over to John. His cock throbbed in the air. John shook ever harder, nose taking in deep lungs of air and Dave's scent. A bead of drool formed at the corner of her mouth. "John," Dave crooned. "Look at me." The man slowly started pumping his cock with his right hand. Craig nearly went to him. Her body was aching to ride Dave's hard cock. She grit her multitude of flat donkey teeth and dug her long nails into the fabric of the couch to hold herself back. She would not interrupt his play. She would not. Dave continued to fondle himself. John's eyes cracked open and her tongue made a circuit of her mouth, either to clear away the bit of drool or in anticipation of things to come. She reached for him. Her eyes were in a slight daze and her hand sought out Dave's cock. Dave stepped back. "John. I know you're still there. Honestly, this just makes it that much more hot. You hate me, don't you?" "Yes," John gasped. "God yes. I would kill you if I could. I'd kill you if every other thought in my brain wasn't screaming at me to let you do whatever you wanted with my body. You. Have. No. Idea. Please." John's hand trembled an inch away from Dave's cock. "Please. You don't know. I have to do this. I don't want to but I have to. " Dave took his hand away from his cock and stood firm. John looked up, eyes full of hate and lust and fear and adoration and servitude. "I'll never forgive you." John's black tongue rolled out of his mouth and nearly enveloped Dave's cock with its length. The man groaned and reached for John, gripping her thick black hair and one of her ears. With eyes full of pain and greed, she bent forward until the flat of her fuzzy nose rested against Dave's lower stomach. "Fuck, John. Fuck. That's incredible. That's a fucking good sloppy blowjob. I never knew you had it in you. You're a fucking slut is what you are." John pulled back and her tongue made a complicated pattern as she licked at his cock before closing her eyes and pushing forward again. Craig's fingers played at her clit. She could smell both of them and it was driving her mad. Back and forth John's short muzzle played over John's cock and Craig hated her for going first. Jealousy raged deep in her heart. She wanted to be there sucking on Dave's cock instead. Dave's breathing quickened and his body made little jerking noises. Finally, he pulled himself back, his dick popping out of John's mouth. He was covered in John's spit and his pubic hair lay flat and wet against his body. John reached for him, eyes crazed until reason came crashing down and she instead fell to her hands, breasts swinging at the motion. "Why?" John asked. "Why did you stop? You were so close. So close to cumming. So close, Dave. Oh god. No. No no no no no. I... Oh Jesus. I want you to cum in my mouth. I've never wanted something so bad in my life, Dave. To taste your cum at the back of my throat. Oh fuck." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "I hate this. Why am I still me?" Dave laughed and it was a mean laugh. Craig heard it and could care less. He was a male. He had a cock. He could be using it on her rather than John if she didn't want it. Fuck her. "John. You think I'm going to waste it in your mouth? No. No, man. I'm going to fuck you and cum in that wet little pussy of yours." John's body shook. Not from lust. Not from orgasms. Tears. Tears beaded at the corner of his eyes. A human cry mixed with the soft "haaa" of a donkey as the girl cried quietly. "But, John," Dave continued. "You have to beg me for it." John stopped and, in the unending noise of the music, there was a stillness in the air. Craig could smell how wet John was. She could smell the other donkey girl's need. She knew what it felt like but she didn't know if it was as bad as her own. She wondered if the other girl would refuse. She hoped she would. Craig wanted the man's cum. She wanted to feel the hot jet of cum inside her own pussy. She said a little mental prayer that the other girl would refuse. "Nnn..." John begin. Her body clenched as if she was going to throw up. "Nnnnnn...." Again, the spasm wracked her body and now she was sobbing again. "Please, Dave. It hurts. It hurts so much. Please." Dave knelt by John again. "What hurts, babe?" He reached out to brush strands of hair away from John's furry face. "I... the need. I ache. Deep in my stomach. I feel it. I feel the liquid in me. I smell it. I feel the hole inside of me. The hot wet hole, Dave. It's nothing like I've ever felt. It aches for you. It aches to be filled." Dave caressed John's face. He ran his fingers through John's hair and down the back of her neck. "Tell me you want me to fuck you, John." John bowed her head and her ears drooped. "Please. Please, Dave. Please mount me. I... I need it." Dave nodded. "Tell me you're my slut, John." John sunk into himself. Lean muscles clenched along her stomach and her lower sets of breasts shook from it. "I... Please, Dave." Dave's fingers tightened in John's black hair and the girl whinnied in pain and mixed pleasure. "Tell me you're my slut, John. Tell me and I'll fuck you like you want." "I'm," John hesitated. "I'm your slut, Dave. Please. Oh, you fucker, please. I'm your slut." "That's a good little whore, John. Lay down." John hesitated. She looked up through thick eyelashes at Dave. "Can..." Her voice trailed off. Craig could see the fight behind her eyes. The need was too much right now. She was too riled up to fight. "What?" John asked. "Can... can you take me from behind? On my hands and knees? Can you mount me? I... I want to feel you behind me, fucking me from behind. I want to be on my knees." Dave grinned. "All right, then. Show me your new little pussy." "A... all right. Oh god. I can't believe... I..." John turned and presented herself. Her lean, strong back bent as she went to her forearms and buried her head against the carpet. She pushed back and her ass raised. Her tail twitched to the side of her body to lay against her left leg. Slowly, she spread her thighs until the shiny black fur around her pussy was bare to Dave's view. "Will... Dave, will it hurt?" "Yes," he told her, his voice rasping from sudden sexuality. He went to her on his knees and gripped her wide waist. His dick pressed against John's pussy and she moaned loudly from the feel of him. "Guide me into you, John. Use your hands." Dave caressed John's large furry ass, luxuriating in the way the skin and fur felt so soft against his bare hands. John reached back with hesitation, grabbing Dave's cock. She leaned forward to make room and then pressed the tip of it against her opening. With a fluid movement, she pushed back. And screamed. Craig immediately smelled blood as Dave entered John's virgin pussy, tearing it open to his thickness. The pain brought John back to the surface. "Oh fuck! Fuck you! Fuck you for this! I hope you fucking die in fucking car crash. Slowly. You fucking...! You fuck...!" She rocked her hips forward and then back again, grunting against the pain. "You... Fuck you. Fuck." Dave scratched down John's fuzzy back and she rewarded him by rocking her back side to side as she impaled herself on his dick. Her ears stood straight at attention and her head was back, black tongue lolling to the side as she lost herself in the feeling of it all. "I've," Dave grunted. "Fuck. I've never had such a tight little cunt." Dave slammed himself hard against John's ass. "Yes! Harder!" John shrieked, slamming herself back and then rocking forward, hooves sliding as she tried to hold herself in place. "You want it harder, you fucking slut?" John growled. "Yes! Oh god yes! This... oh fuck, Dave! This is fucking amazing! Oh fuck! Yes! Fill me up! Fill your slut up! Deeper, Dave! Fuck your dirty little whore!" Craig's fingers rubbed faster and she pinched a lower set of nipples with her other hand. Her breathing was ragged as she watched the two rut. She imagined herself in John's place. She closed her eyes and pictured herself on her own knees being mounted. Her orgasm surprised her. As did the one that immediately followed. Her body jerked as she rubbed herself harder, fingers catching and dragging on the fur around her sopping wet pussy. "Dave," Craig murmured. Her voice was husky with need. When the man didn't look up, Craig reached two fingers down to her new pussy and pressed them into herself. "Dave. Look at me." Craig's tail moved behind her as he worked her hips against her fingers. "Dave. I need you. Dave, look at me." John rambled off an incoherent rant about being a dirty little cum slut that deserved to be used and treated like shit as she slammed his thick furry ass against Dave's cock. "Ohhhh gaaaaaahhhhhHHHHH!" John's feminine voice ended with a donkey's cry as the orgasm ripped through her. She fell ungracefully forward onto her stomach and continued to twitch and then cried out again as Dave pounded into her. She nearly jack-knifed from the continuing orgasms. Dave grinned and slowed, his hands on John's ass, spreading her apart. "Dave. She's done. It's my turn, Dave. Please. I've been waiting patiently. Please." Dave turned to look at Craig and then he stood. Dave's cock stood at thick, wet attention and Craig felt something loosen inside of her pussy. "Mmmm... Dave. I want you. My pussy wants you. I just felt it. I just felt myself get wet. You don't know what it's like. Oh, Dave. Oh fuck, man. You don't know what it's like. I'm so fucking wet. I'm fucking drooling for your cock in me. Please, Dave. Please. Please fuck me. " Dave approached, kneeling before Craig's furry thighs. Craig spread herself wider and felt her pussy lips separate wetly. She screamed when Dave shoved his face against her pussy. From the weed and the intense new feelings, she lost herself, fingernails scratching, trying to get purchase in Dave's short hair, gasping and moaning and pulling him harder against her clit. Craig pushed and worked her hips, fucking Dave's face and feeling the pressure build deep in the pit of her stomach. Gasping for air, her donkey's whinny mixing with her human gasping, muscles tightening, stomach clenching until the storm broke and she bucked over and over, body shaking from the orgasm. Dave reached forward, taking Craig's lowest set of nipples into his mouth, taking the whole small breast into his mouth. "N... no... it's ... oh god it's too much. I'm too-!" Another orgasm, much smaller than the first, rolled through her body and she forgot how to breathe. She had no idea how long she gasped for air but when the aftershocks finally stopped, she collapsed back against the couch and lay there, limp and and breathing hard from the orgasms. Through the haze, she thought she giggled and played with herself but time was even more broken than when she started smoking. It was all scents and loud music and her body floating. Craig was brought immediately back to reality when she felt the hot tip of Dave's cock against her pussy lips. "Oh Jesus," she whispered. There was no gentle, slow penetration. Dave shoved his cock as deep into Craig as he could and Craig screamed in pain from it, feeling the flesh inside of her pussy tear. "You FUCKER! OH YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! YOU DICK! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST-haaaaaaaaa! HEEEEE-HAAAAAW!" Craig screamed. Despite her protests, Dave hadn't stopped pounding. The pain from having her new pussy nearly ripped apart set her teeth on edge and she felt the knife jabs all the way to her chest. Pain aside, Craig wanted more. She felt like she could never be completely filled up but she wanted Dave to try as he thrust in and out of Craig's sopping wet cunt. Blood mixed in with the thick clear liquid inside of her pussy but despite the screams, Craig spread his legs wider for the man and, slowly, the screams turned into moans. Slowly, the tensed muscles relaxed and Craig pushed back against the hard cock. She could feel the man's dick pressing against the walls of her pussy - every bump and ridge inside of her tight little new-formed cunt gripped the man's hard cock. John approached both of them on unsteady, hooved feet. Her long black hair hung in disarray around her short muzzle as she kneeled carefully beside the two on the couch. Slowly she reached out to touch Craig's shoulder. When Craig didn't tell her to stop, John's fingers trailed lightly over to Craig's nipple. Craig arched her back at the double sensation of having her top nipples played with while being fucked. Craig turned her head and John leaned forward. Both awkwardly kissed with their muzzles wide apart. John broke the kiss off and leaned in to lick at Craig's erect nipple with her tongue. Craig gripped John's hair and moaned. John was rubbing her pussy with two fingers pressed between her pussy lips. "Yes. Oh yes. Yes. M... more... Dave, oh god. Your cock feel so good in me, Dave. Oh fuck. You're so deep. John. John, y... Oh right there, Dave. Right... R... don't... don't stop... don't... oh god. Oh!" Dave's muzzle worked open and closed without a sound. His eyes were wide and his wide, furry brown hips and ass flexed as he tried to breathe and scream at the same time. A jet of clear liquid sprayed from the top of her pussy, soaking Dave's stomach. The man yelled out in surprise and then grunted. Craig felt the man's dick swell and she instinctively knew what was coming. She frantically reached for him, pulling him hard against her, grabbing his ass to shove his cock as deep into her cunt. Her own jet of cum stopped as Dave came inside of her. She clenched his body to hers, feeling the sweat of his bare skin against her wet fur. Again and again the man's cock swelled, filling her even more. The feeling of him cumming in her set off another firecracker inside of her and her nails tore into Dave's back. "Do you like it, Craig?" John whispered beside her - the girl's voice was thick with her own desires. The man still inside of her temporarily subdued as the girl was surrounded by sex and her own unfilled pussy. "What's it like, Craig? Oh... fuuu... fuu..." She rubbed herself harder, imagining Dave's cum leaking out of her aching pussy. "What's it feel like to have him cum in you? Is it as good as I imagine? Is it? Oh god. I want it. I want it. I'm only here a little bit right now. It's so much better but I think it's going to come back. I think John's going to come back. So... so I want it now. I want it all now. I want it all in me. Is there some left for me? Can I... Craig, can I lick it off of you?" Dave collapsed and rolled heavily off of Craig's body. Craig jerked again as the head of his dick slipped out of her and then she rolled her head to the side to look at John. "It' s amazing. It's amazing John. Taste it. Taste me." John bent eagerly to Craig's pussy and her wide black tongue touched Cragi's asshole and covered Craig's entire swollen mound of her pussy as she licked up. Her tongue pressed greedily into Craig's folds, scooping out some of the cum. John held Craig's thighs open and steady as the other girl bucked under the attention. "Haaaaohhhh my god, Craig. It's..." John swallowed the cum in his mouth. "It is fucking amazing." Craig looked down at John - at this furry woman's body that was half a donkey. John's dark gray muzzle bled into a completely black furry body with heavy breasts and slim arms. Her tail swished behind large, curvy hips and there was mischief in her eyes. John leaned down and dipped her tongue into Craig's cunt again. Craig moaned, gripping John's long ears, gently twisting and rubbing them before running her hands through the woman's thick hair. The orgasm that eventually hit was different than from John's pounding and she relished it. John stood again, dazed. The fur of her muzzle was slick with spit and cum and her thick tongue made a circuit to clean herself off. Her thick donkey's tail swished behind her wide hips as she contemplated riding Dave's cock. The man was on the floor, grinning and relaxed with his flaccid penis laying wet and small against his thigh. John put her delicate hands on her hips and pouted. The air was filled with the musky scent of sex and fur and sweat. John sat next to Craig and they wrapped themselves around each other, giggling and licking at each other's ears and muzzles and nipples. Fingers exploring their new bodies. Craig felt dried cum tangling the fur of her thighs but she was in a glow. Craig ran her fingers through the thicker fur on John's shoulders and then stopped. The corners of her mouth turned up in the hint of a smile and she nodded towards Dave. Both girls looked down. Dave had propped himself up to watch the two donkey girls play with each other. The man was slowly scratching along his own chest and stomach. As the girls watched, Dave's nipples blackened and puckered in the air, growing slowly in size as the skin around them grew into thick areola. His fingers lengthened as long, clear nails grew out to scratch lazily at the new nipples. Dave stopped to look at the girls quizzically. When he followed their gaze down to his own chest, he snapped his head back up in horror. His mouth opened and closed as his eyes widened. John grinned at the man on the ground. "Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. You'll love it." Both girls made their way to the man as he scrambled backwards against the wall. Dave's chest heaved as he panicked. The two girls kneeled beside the man. Craig touched Dave's nipple and grinned as the skin responded to her touch by hardening. Dave bit his lip. John nuzzled against the man's face, pitching her voice as low and sultry as it could. "Eventually you'll love it. We'll find you a good big cock to fill that pussy of yours. We'll get you properly mounted and mated, Dave. Don't you worry your pretty head." The horror on Dave's eyes grew wide with every word. John sat back and grinned at the man. Her soft, furry hands caressed the man's chest as she crooned. "You'll beg for it, sweetheart." ----- Dave kneeled against the wall as he stared at the two furry women in front of him. Craig's smile was lazy as she luxuriated in the effects of the change and the enormous amount of sex the three had. She kneeled with her thick, muscular thighs open and her long fingers slowly stroking the short fur covering her skin. Her thick brown tail lay still behind her as she looked at the man. The smaller donkey girl, John, crouched to the side. Her black lips were pulled back in the suggestion of a smile; pure hatred mingled with the thrill of retribution being meted out to her former friend. Reaching out with a long finger, John lightly touched Dave's fat nipple. Her fingernail dug into the soft flesh and she toyed with it until Dave gasped. John pushed the man's chest hairs out of the way as she ran a fingertip around the dark areola surrounding the man's womanly nipples. "S... stop," Dave moaned. Flesh on the man's face shifted subtly. No longer would a quick look identify him as male; two or three glances would be needed to see through the higher cheekbones and slightly reshaped chin. John looked at Craig. "Why isn't he changing more? It's stopped or going too slow. There's no way I let this fucker get off that easily." Craig giggled. "Who cares? Relax, would you? Besides, I'm starting to feel the need for more cock. I can't seem to stop thinking about it. Feeling it inside of me. Filling me up. Touching all those little spots deep inside of this wet hole I have now. Oh god. You don't feel it? You don't feel that ache? It's driving me mad." Craig moaned and reached for Dave's cock with her soft, furry fingers. The man tried to move but Craig leaned over to take the man's cock deep into her short muzzle. Fingers meant to push Craig away instead gripped deep in her fur as Dave gasped. "You're such a fucking slut. Get a hold of yourself." John's voice rose in anger. "Although... maybe sex will do it. Yeah, actually, why not? Fuck him hard and I'll sit back and laugh and see how he fucking likes it." "No. Hey, no way!" Dave pushed but Craig's larger form barely moved. "Get the hell off of me!" John sat back to watch. She grit her flat teeth as small beads of sweat broke out along her neck. As much as she wanted to deny it, she felt the heat rising deep within her gut. As the seconds passed, the urge to fuck built within her incrementally. She couldn't help it. Her eyes were drawn to Craig's muzzle as she sloppily sucked at the man's thick cock and all she could do was stare. Swallowing heavily, she watched and still the pressure built. No, I can fight this. I don't need cock. I don't need some man to fuck me. Women... Craig is fucking hot. I still feel turned on by that body, that woman's body. I can just do that. I can just stay with women... Aw shit. I'm a fucking donkey freak. I can't ever leave the damn house. I can't ever go out in public or... maybe... maybe I could call Amanda over? And then explain to her what happened? She could... she could let me fuck her. I could eat her out and, hey, we could get a strap on and I could fuck her. I bet... I bet she would understand. She wouldn't be freaked out. I'd just tell her what happened and explain how I can't control myself. How I need to be fucked. She could wear the strap on and fuck me. Pounding into my fat ass, pulling my tail and pinching my nipples. Slamming that cock into me over and over until I get the release I need. She could... oh god yes, she could make me call myself her slut. I... oh, oh... I could tell her what a slutty girl I was as she pounded me. Spreading my legs open for her. Dave could help. He could suck on my titties or finger my ass and make me ride him again. Force me to do it. Tell me to kneel above him and slide that hard cock into my soaking wet cunt. Feeling his hands on my thighs and tits as I bounce on his dick. The smell of sex hung heavily in the room and John gasped as her fingers rubbed frantically against her black furred clit. The girl's hips worked back and forth automatically in a rhythm as, in her mind's eye, she rode Dave's cock. With her free hand, she twisted and pinched at her top nipple and a soft donkey's 'haaaaah' escaped her black lips. In her fantasy, Dave was slapping her black muzzle and telling her over and over again that she was a useless whore. The thought of the pain and degradation only made her more wet. Finally, she pushed herself over the edge and a sweet little orgasm rolled through her. John opened her eyes as her chest heaved. Craig was kneeling above Dave's face and the man was sucking on the girl's pussy. Craig was leaning forward, her huge furry brown breasts squeezed between her arms as she held herself up. A brief pang of jealousy surged through her and she grit her teeth against it. With her orgasm, the urgent need to fuck was gone. No. No. I'm a man. I'm a fucking man. I'll get this fixed. There has to be a way to come back from it. Briefly, she recalled her fantasy - how in her mind she was still a donkey girl and how fast Amanda was replaced by Dave and his cock. No. I... I'm a fucking man. A knock made all three pause. John looked over at the door and her eyes widened. Dave was beating at Craig's legs in an attempt to get her off of him. Craig moved away as the man sat up but the donkey girl's hands almost immediately went to the man's cock and she pumped him with near vacant eyes. John glared at Dave. His almost feminine face was shiny with Craig's juices but nothing else had changed. The person at the door knocked again in a 'shave and a haircut' pattern. "Are you... are you going to answer it?" John asked. "No I'm not going to fucking- I said get off of me!" Dave knocked Craig's hand away from his cock and the donkey girl's hand immediately went between her own legs. Is Dave's voice ever so slightly higher? John wondered. "At least you still look like who you are." The knock sounded again, neither impatient nor lazy; just a steady five knock pattern. "Just... Just see who it is at least. Then tell them to go away if they don't stop." The smell from between Craig's thighs wafted up to John's nose as the other girl fingered herself. John moaned as a now familiar dull ache bloomed in the pit of her stomach. No, she thought. Not my stomach. My fucking pussy. God. I thought I'd have more time before it started again. Was it because the orgasm was so small? Ahhh, shit. The ache within her pulsed in time to her heart as it crept along her spine and into John's head. John moaned as her fingers trembled on her thighs. The donkey girl made fists, feeling her longer nails dig into her palms. She could still ignore it. Again the figure behind the door knocked and Dave cursed. The man stood and both donkey girls watched his semi-hard cock flop as he moved. John looked at the man's ass when he stood at the door. He could see Dave's cock hanging down between his legs and he hated himself for the way it made him feel. The alien sensations now living in his body. He could feel the liquid within his vagina and he knew it meant he was turned on. His breathing came faster the longer he stared at the man's now flaccid cock but he couldn't look away. There was hair on the man's ass and back but the donkey girl could only think of his strong hands on her body and the way his dick felt inside of her. A soft moan escaped her lips and she subconsciously opened her thighs wider. Beside her, Craig cried out from her third orgasm. "Oh ,what the hell?" Dave said out loud. The man unlocked and opened the door. John's heart leapt to his throat as he looked around frantically for a place to hide. And then, he stopped. "L.W.?!" John cried out. A small, red faced man stepped into the house. Standing barely over five feet tall with cartoonish ears and a big nose, Dave and John's supplier was far from imposing. The small man looked over at the two donkey girls and smiled. Then, the man looked up at Dave and his grin widened even further. "Well, well. I only expected two this year but it looks like you done found another one to join in. Just looks like it's still not strong enough to make a third. But, you've started the change haven't you, sweetheart?" Lampwick, known as 'L.W.' to his clients, reached up to pat Dave's cheek but the other man jerked back. John stood, wobbling on her still unfamiliar hooved feet. She could feel his breasts pulling on her back and chest as she stood upright. "Hey! Oh thank god, man! Thank fucking god! You have to fix this. You have to turn me back, man! Please god, tell me you brought something that can fix it." "I'm not going like they-" Dave started. "Well," Lampwick said, walking towards John. The man wore a tailored suit with his long sleeves rolled up to his elbows. A dark gray tie was tucked behind a black silk vest and the contrast between those and the pure white button down shirt he wore was striking. Lampwick stopped directly in front of John. He reached up to touch John's soft black muzzle and she trembled at the sensation. "I'm afraid not. It's permanent. Trust me, I know. You three aren't the first." John sank to his knees in despair. Worse, the ache within her was fast being replaced by a spreading, consuming warmth. She felt the first bit of sweat on her furred back and knew she wouldn't be able to ignore the building need much longer. Craig spoke by the door. "It's two. Just two. I'm not like them. I'm not. It's stopped. I can... I can live like this. I can hide the nipples." Turning back to the door, Lampwick unbuttoned his vest. Without a word, he tossed it aside and loosened his tie. "What are you doing?" Craig asked, voice cracking towards the end. The tie joined the vest on the floor and the small man slowly undid the buttons on his shirt. Beneath the shirt was a tangle of brown chest hair and a white undershirt. The white shirt landed in a pile and was soon joined by the undershirt. The man stood shirtless and his body was dense with hair and muscles. John moaned again, licking her lips at the sight of the short but strong man. The heat spreading through her body made her head buzz. All that hair... it's like fur. And so strong. I... I bet he's got a big dick. He'd fuck me. I bet he'd fuck me. He doesn't think I look like a freak. He touched me and it was nice. It was real nice. I bet he'd let me suck his cock. I bet if I asked real nice, he'd le

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Copyright 2013 by madengineer3 There is no explicit sex in this story. If you want detailed sex, this story will not please you. ******************** My name is Isaac and I’ve been a ‘loner’ most of my life. My interests, to a large extent, have never been those of the average ‘Joe’ on the street. I can partially blame, if blame is the right word, my parents. My dad was the professor of physics at a well known university and my mom was the professor of mathematics. The result was that I was,...

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I wrote this story a while ago and wanted to share it :)While I’m out at the store, Jenny, the girl who lives next door, comes over to see you. She comes over every now and then for girl talk which always end up with boys as the subject and you two have become close friends. She tells you she just turned 18 and her boyfriend' birthday is next week. She says she has never let her boyfriend get past second base but for his present this year she wants to let him go all the way. She says she...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! When Jenny cleaned her mother's closet she found a VCR tape and decided to play it. It was a tape of her naked when she was a baby lying on the bed. She didn't think anything about it until her father and mother appeared nude. Her ate her pussy while her dad jacked off on her face. Jenny wanted to turn off the tape but she was fascinated. Then her dad finger fucked her little hole until it was bloody. He must have broke her cherry! She carefully put...

2 years ago
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Jenny: Chapter 1 By Princess! "Jennifer, you ungrateful bitch! Why haven't you done any of your chores today?" she yelled as she entered the bedroom. He was sitting on his bed wearing a black satin maids outfit. He looked up at his step mother and defiantly rose from her bed. "Because, I can't take any of this anymore. I am leaving," he said, courageously. "Well, we will just have to see about that won't we," his step mother said. "I am giving you one chance to get up and start...

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My name is Jenny I am 22 years of age. Although I say it myself quite attractive, with shiny black hair, very dark brown eyes, a well shaped nose, full red lips, a firm 36D pair of tits that turn up slightly making my nipples point upwards, a 23 inch waist with a flat belly, 32 inch hips , a tight arse , long shapely legs and where they meet there is a downy black bush of pubic hair surrounding a pair of pouting cunt lips. I am 6.1 ft tall and weigh 109 pounds.Now to my story.I was awakened by...

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JennyI met Jenny after my first marriage dissolved. I was in my mid-thirties and new to dating. Since the 80’s the home computer had become common and people were talking in chat rooms, yahoo groups and other places. This was before Myspace and Facebook. I met Jenny through a cousin of mine. She was a distant relative of his. We talked and I’m sure she noticed me staring at her breasts. She was married, around 21 and had recently had a c***d. She was blond, about 5’8” pretty, thin with...

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It is such a beautiful morning, there is time for me to have a nice cup of coffee and review the plans for my day. You see, I am an almost middle aged Divorcée who is so well taken care of by her ex-Husband that she has an incredible amount of free time. Today is one of those weekend days when the girls are with their Dad. The wonderful thing about making plans? The whole action is incredibly fluid. As I gaze out my back window, (checking to see if it needs mowing,) and notice my neighbor, on...

5 years ago
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Ich bin der Karl 61 Jahre alt und erfolgricher Geschichts- und Deutschlehrer. Mein Job macht mir Spaß und ich habe einen guten Kontakt zu meinen Schüler/innen. Ich bin ein glücklicher Opa, habe eine liebe Frau und mein Sohn ist auch verheiratet. Meine Schwäche sind die wunderschönen jungen Schülerinnen. so hübsche junge Dinger in den sexy Klamotten. Eine echte Herausforderung für mich als unterfickten Mann mich zurück zu halten. Manche Luder merken es und nutzen mich auch aus. Tatsächlich...

3 years ago
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Jenny: Chapter 1 By Princess! Edited By Stanman63 "Jennifer, you ungrateful bitch! Why haven't you done any of your chores today?" she yelled as she entered the bedroom. He was sitting on his bed wearing a black satin maids outfit. He looked up at his step mother and defiantly rose from her bed. "Because, I can't take any of this anymore. I am leaving," he said, courageously. "Well, we will just have to see about that won't we," his step mother said. "I am giving you one...

4 years ago
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Like a good portion of the male population, I was secretly turned on by the thought of seeing another man having sex with my wife. I have had these thoughts since we were dating, and they grew stronger the longer we were married. Like most people, I like to show off what is mine when I have something that is very nice. Jen, my wife, is extremely attractive. Even after a dozen years of marriage and having two kids, she has a gorgeous body. She is barely 5-3 tall and weighs a little over 100...

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12 years ago I spotted her again through my telescope, in her little bikini, lying on a recliner in her tiny back yard, she was almost all legs. She lived with her mother and step-father in a trailer park, on the very edge of the woods. Her name was Jenni Lane, she was thirteen. From more than three thousand yards away, I admired her tan body, as she began to oil herself. My plan was coming along well. As I stood away from my telescope, I ran the plan through my mind one more time. ...

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I spotted her again through my telescope, in her little bikini, lying on a recliner in her tiny back yard, she was almost all legs. She lived with her mother and step-father in a trailer park, on the very edge of the woods. Her name was Jenni Lane, she was eighteen. From more than three thousand yards away, I admired her tan body, as she began to oil herself. My plan was coming along well. As I stood away from my telescope, I ran the plan through my mind one more time. The contractor had...

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So Jenni was a girl that I knew for quite a few years and she would of course babysit for my family. well Jenni is a young beautiful blonde hair girl with really light blue eyes killer smile I mean at 5ft a gorgeous beautiful ass bubble as that would be so gorgeous she was definitely a 44 double-D. Every time I saw her I just get a huge rock in boner and just later on just jerk off thinking about her. Then one day she was telling me about fundraising event that she was going to do. I'll give...

2 years ago
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Chapter Nine Jennie (Tulsa De'Horr) On Friday morning I woke Jimmy in the usual way by bringing up coffee for the both of us and of course sucking his beautiful, delicious tasting dick. Sometimes I wish we didn't live in two different apartments and I could have access to his cock all the time. I could maybe go to sleep with his cock inside my mouth. Then again I don't want to take the chance of ruining what we now have with each other. While on...

3 years ago
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Sister Sarah and Alec

He is and was the most “enterprising” young man in his class. They all appeared to like him back then. He went on to college along with his friends and that included Sarah who he was dating. She dropped out but not after spending a semi-intimate evening with him. The two of them were “in love” kind of. “Ohhhhhh come one Sarah,” he said. He recalled it and remembered how he shrugged his shoulders as the shy and quiet young lady, of 19, sat on his bed. “We’ll take these pictures. I’ll keep...

3 years ago
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A dream come true

My parents travel half the year and I go to their house to get mail and pay bills once every two weeks. My sister is away in college and the neighbor, a junior college boy Jeff, takes care of the cat and plants.I went to pay bills and caught him in my sister's room wearing her clothes, make up and wig jerking off to bikini pictures of her and her girlfriends. He was so embarrassed and afraid of being outed he offered me whatever I wanted not to tell. I told him I would not if he would do as I...

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Farmer Gilbert

Layla was a barwoman. She grew up in a medium-sized town and after graduating from high school she got a job in a motel running their pub. The pay was okay but her tips, fortunately, were very good. Layla was rather attractive and men being what they are, well… no need to elaborate. Her life, however, felt like it was in a rut. She had an on-off relationship with a boyfriend who drove her crazy and she found that still living in the small town where she was born, really gave her the shits.She...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Total Woman Requests 05

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

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Sub Gets An Award

She clung to Him her arms wrapped around His neck, She purred as He teased her clit with His finger She awoke slowly. She stretched her body to help wake her up she looked at the clock. 7:00am. She groaned. She slid from His grasp careful not to wake him.? The blanket clung to His body lightly. Slowly she pealed it away from Him.? She crawled closer slowly taking Him in her mouth and gently sucked all of Him in slowly.? She held Him there using her throat to make Him hard. She heard Him...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 92 The Rooster and the Broom

Sanosuke: Well, it was kind of a gamble whether you'd come to Kyoto or not. When I thought about it, I didn't know if you'd set Kenshin on him yourself or what. Hey, you could look a little more pleased to see me. I did some training on the treacherous Nakasen Way. Saitou:? Sanosuke: Thanks to my getting lost, this guy pushed me a lot farther than I really needed to go. (turning to the audience) When I checked with Kenshin, I found out he went by the easy Toukai Way, so think about that...

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Master Cuckhold in Training revised

I figured I would find some pornography. In fact, I hoped that was all I would find. I'd never suspect that Don would cheat on me, but my heart was racing with the thought I might be wrong. I started thumbing through the different folder names, scanning for anything that would send me straight to a divorce attorney. Luckily, it seemed to be just a stash of dirty pictures and videos. Not a big deal, right? I breathed a little easier, but now I was curious as to what things were turning my...

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Moms the Word

For years, my twin sister, Sandra, and I have been enjoying family reunions for reasons other than the obvious. We've been shameless lovers since we turned 16, and last time we were together, she asked me if I'd ever had the hots for Mom. I hadn't really thought about it, but as soon as Sandy put that naughty thought in my mind I began seeing dear old Mom in an entirely different light. The next morning when our big family gathered for breakfast, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Matters...

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Sex With Stunning Neighbor

Coming to the story, I live in a 2 story apartment where the heroine of the story lives in the 1st floor and I live in the ground floor. She is a working lady in her late 30s, married with no kids. When they 1st moved in I didn’t notice her properly but the perfume she used was so strong and intoxicating enough to seduce any man. That’s how she caught my attention at 1st. A week later I saw her and she was one of the most sexiest ladies I had seen. Clad in saree most of the times, she can make...

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Abusing Nadia 4

As he drove he reached over and slipped his hand inside her panties, instantly feeling the soaked base of the dildo protruding slightly from Nadia’s swollen and hypersensitive pussy. Her ass jerked on the seat as soon as his fingers touched the toy, pushing down against it, trying to force it deeper inside her. “Please!” she whispered. “Please what?” He stared straight ahead, nonchalant, eyes on the road. She pushed down again. He held his fingers firm, only her movement forcing the...

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The Magicians Assistant

Now, I had done appearances at restaurants and car dealerships openings, but this was my first outdoor venue. It was a well known outdoor theatre that had requested me as an emcee for their talent round-up, and I wasn't too happy when the program director agreed to send me.The plus sides were that I would be able to dress casual and drinks would be free. The shows were scheduled to start just after 1:00 PM so I arrived early and began to fortify myself with alcohol. Soon I would be able to sit...

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Taking My Whore Of A Wife On Vacation

Alicia and Joe went on a vaction to Memphis, TN, the first evening they were swimming in the pool and 2 guys already were there, they didn't see any women, so after about 30 min, Alicia made a comment to Joe that they must be by themselves because they kept staring at her and watching her very close. Joe had noticed that one of them was standing against the pool with one elbow on the side and the water was only up to his waist and his other hand was rubbing his cock, Alicia had noticed this too...

4 years ago
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How I Met My Princess 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am dr..Madhura an ayurvedic doctor and I am 34 years old. This an attempt to share my real life experience with my fellow lesbian or bisexual women. I am not a good writer kindly excuse me for any mistakes.I have visited this site quite a few times and I wanted to share my story. But couldn’t do it for some reasons. Now I am here to share a tale of passionate love with my princess. After my marriage, I and my husband moved to Dubai. We stayed there for 4 years in these four years I wasn’t...

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A Black Man Comes To Stay FULL STORY

By Docker5000 Introduction. This Story is set in England of the 1950’s. In a small village just outside of London. A Big black man comes to a small village and enjoys himself screwing around with the village women. Chapter 1 Caroline Hunter was working in her kitchen as usual. She was busy making bread. She was making the daily bread for her village. Caroline had taken over as the local baker. The village bakery had been destroyed when a lost German bomber had dropped...

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PornWorld Baby Bamby Horny Teen Baby Bamby Takes a DP From Ski Instructor Studs

It’s the weekend and Baby Bamby wakes up in her ski resort hotel feeling horny. To alleviate the feeling, she pulls out her dildo, uses it to plug her holes, and when she’s done she heads to the ski rental shop to get ready for the day. After a long day at the slops, she heads back to return her skis, and when she’s trying to get out of her ski equipment the stud ski instructor takes the opportunity to pull his cock out. Immediately, being the horny slut that she is, Baby starts sucking and...

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My Wifes Cocksucker

"Cocksucker"When my wife used her new pet name for me, I always felt a pulse in my crotch. It was dirty, and dangerous, and so freeing, especially when she said it. The promise of pleasure that it held hinted at ecstasy.It meant that she acknowledged it, favored it, desired it, and wanted to see it happen.I was happy to oblige.It was a part of myself that I had suppressed for a long time.Ever since sucking my first cock with a teenage friend, I knew that I wanted a hard, spurting cock in my...

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Andrea finds her natural place in life

Andrea's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Andrea excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the...

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From cousins to something more

To start off, my name is Lily. I'm 19, blonde, 5'7", 130 lbs. I don't have double ds but I do have an ass that everyone loves! I was lucky enough that I got to buy my own house. It needed a little work done and thankfully, I have a pretty close family that will help out whenever someone needs help. I called my cousin, Michael, and he was more than willing to come over and give me a hand. Now Michael and I were really close when we were younger and I’ve always had a slight crush on him. We are...

3 years ago
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Inside Secret

It was on a Friday, everyone pretty much gone home. Except my boss, Katie, my friend, Amanda, and me. I was working on a chart when Amanda stopped into my cube. She said she was going home. I understood. She was about out the door when she turned around and came back. She said that Katie was waiting for me in the conference room. I said ok and started to head to the conference room. I was wondering what she wanted. I had all my previous charts in. What could it be? I opened the door to the...

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UniversityChapter 34

We flew back to Sydney on the 29th, as scheduled. I'd managed to take Sue to lunch the day after Boxing Day. ("To repay you for the letter to the Acting Dean," I'd said. "Very appropriate and proper. Aren't you going to ask about your sister?" "No, ma'am. A lawyer must be discreet." "Excellent! My compliments.") We had only a little more baggage than we had when we'd flown west: a few books and the clothes that Rachel had purchased. The bulk of our gifts were slips of...

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A Virtual World

A/N I was inspired to write this work by reading Zurai’s ‘Path of the Chosen’. This book takes place in an entirely different setting and features some different stuff than that, but I got the idea for this from that book. ——— I opened the box to the new VR game that released in two days. I’d gotten my hands on a 48 hour early copy, and I was so excited to play it. The new game, Mystic Kingdoms, had already made a killing in reviews, with every big game reviewer giving it a 10/10. Mystic...

4 years ago
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Freshers Night

Late night - centre of town. I'd moved into my Halls that afternoon - fixed up a dodgy jacket potato and walked into the Student's Union - Freshers Party was probably winding down by now - but I could still hopefully hook up with some people. First stop was the bar - of course. "Pint of Carling please." I called out - my order duly arrived - I'd come to the place completely solo - having made no contacts whatsoever beforehand and sharing my flat with no one - welcome to Uni...

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My new room mate

It was a hot night, one of those muggy, high humidity nights that signalled the end of an Indian summer in late September. We’d both gone to bed in our shared dorm at around 10 pm. I’d read for a while then dropped off into a deep sleep at the end of another busy day. I had been at Ashley Court for three weeks. It had been pretty exciting, so much more grown up than my previous school. I had been paired up with a sweet, shy redhead, Jamie. She was really nice. She had bright orangey-red hair...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 14 ComplicationsmdashMeredith

Meredith sat in her study at Buxton House and stared at the door to Liam’s room. Of course, it was a double door. Even if she opened her side, it would need to be opened from his side as well. She thought of going to open it and see if it was already open from the other side. Instead, she picked up her phone. The little study was equipped just as she’d requested from Erich. Only more so. The desk was an elegant mahogany, polished to a high shine. A blotter protected it from anything she...

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Dirty old man

So I’m 46 with a happy but not sexually full filling marriage. i thought my time for getting jiggy with a lady under the age of 40 had gone ………. My daughter of 22 and her friend Sam wanted to borrow my PC while I was at work on Saturday. We only want to MSN together they giggled and Sam hasn’t brought hers. Some jammy gits going to be flirting on messenger with her, I thought. Still she’s my daughters mate, behave ! I thought no more of it and toddled off to work. When I came home my laptop...

2 years ago
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My Vacation with Gabika 6

Chapter 6.Gabika’s secrets revealed.[/b]There is no doubt - Gabika is different. But what made her so different?[/b]We went to bathe in the river Tizsa in a village called V***********. Funny how difficult to pronounce foreign names are ever so long. Anyhow, it seems that this is a major attraction in the area, I wonder why. We bathed in the river and in some health spa, and sang on the banks of the river dressed in bathing suits and towels...

3 years ago
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Turning the Tables

Alexis is my beautiful, submissive wife. She enjoys being tied up, spanked, and taken advantage of. There isn’t much she wouldn’t do for me. She likes it when I read her erotic stories while we are in bed. Recently, I have been reading her stories about wives who fuck other men and force their husbands to watch.She found it rather exciting, so I decided it would be fun to get her hot, while suggesting those stories were about us. These stories have involved her dressing sexy and us going to a...

Wife Lovers
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Loving Yelitza

Yelitza had a tiny beauty salon right by the water in the yacht marina. Her customers were a combination of shaggy-haired yachties who had been out in the sun too much and expats who lived in condos in this affluent part of the island.That included me, an itinerant English teacher, rubbing shoulders with people who had fuel bills for their boats bigger than my rent on a studio apartment.Yelitza was Colombian and of African descent, with golden-dark skin and ripe, happy lips. Her eyes were full...

Love Stories
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The Ultimate Realm

This story can contain any anime/cartoon or video game chick. Just give me feedback as to who you want in this story and I can add her. Then once she's added feel free to write what happens to her. Also, the rate at which I will work on this story will vary so... bare with it. Update So far I have made introductions into several realms. These are ready to be continued with whatever action the rest of you chyoosters see fit. These realms include: Pokemon, Soul Society, Konohagakure, Vigrid,...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 08

Early the next morning Bob was on the phone. ‘My word, you and the Ice Maiden are a striking couple. Both papers too. You must have wowed them. Now, have you won your bet? How did you get on? Is she really an Ice Maiden or did I get it wrong?’ Peter was non-committal but Bob didn’t notice as he breathlessly continued to ramble on with one of his stories about yet another imaginary conquest. ‘That was some weekend. Boy, that Karen has stamina. I’m a physical wreck.’ ‘I’m sorry, Bob, I can’t...

4 years ago
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A Simple Farmer part 2

Chapter 3: Rory, Four and Chores“So, do you feel like helping me with the chores or would you rather stay here with your mom?”Rory had 147 head of cattle to feed and water, to keep them healthy during the severe weather conditions.“What if mommy wakes up?” she asked with concern.“I will leave her a note so that she will know where we are, and what we are doing, and when we will be back. Would that be good?”She thought for a while before answering, “I will go with you if you want me to.”The fact...

Love Stories
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Change Of My Life 8211 Part 6

Hi. This is your Natalia. Came to continue my journey of my life. My hearty thanks to Indian sex stories and my readers who cheered me up to continue….! Kisses to all of them and Indian sex stories admin too! New guys go and read my past parts to gain confidence n grip on my life. Up to the past part me and my sis went to a pub in search of a black guy for us. And I found one guy and ended up dancing with him. K…let’s to the story.! We both are sitting and I watched my sis. She is...

4 years ago
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A Navy Wife and Cum Slut

I have always felt that it is important for the citizens of our country to support our active duty military in their service to our country, and I got my chance to provide significant support after my husband joined the Navy. My name is Susan, and at the time of this story I was 21 years old and living in Norfolk, Virginia. My husband Ed was 22 years old and on active duty in the Navy on a ship with Norfolk as the home port. But my story of becoming a slut really starts when I was at the end of...

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Last Man in Watford

‘A single man leads only half a life.’ (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) * Sex warning: There isn’t any. ***** 1/9 Margaret, known to her numerous friends as Mog, regarded herself as one of life’s loners. Having regular friends and being a loner can, of course, seem incongruous, but Margaret had made up her mind. Heading into her late twenties, childless and without a partner, she was resigned to a continuation of the same-old lifestyle, mundane clerical job, appreciation of the arts, and in...

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DanicaPart 11A

The companions worked on the details of their plan until nightfall, and then went to their rooms. Mara joined Bear and Janelle, while Nara followed Brandon and Cheron. Danica shared the night — and her body — with Terran. The next day, everyone sat down to hammer out the final points of their plan. By midday, Danica felt that they were ready. Everyone gathered his or her equipment and prepared to head into their most dangerous confrontation yet. Under cloak of invisibility, the group...

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Scrolller Facials

Oh shit, I'm about to bust all over my fucking screen again! We've got another binge-worthy free site to tug your dick to all night. If you're tired of paying for lame-ass subscriptions, you've got to stop by this site that takes you straight to the money shot. Unless you're one of those porn freaks that goes through all that trouble to watch a whole video but cums in two seconds, you probably want to get straight to the cumshot, right? If you're a money-shot maniac like me, you'll love this...

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MarlaChapter 5

A hangover was a distinct improvement over a concussion. The plug must have a slow leak, because after she drank as much as she dared, it was half empty. The faucet dripped occasionally, but the pressure was for all purposes nonexistent. It was still dark outside, even darker without the streetlights. The power wasn't for the whole city, the sky behind the buildings glowed with electric lights. She drank a little more water from the sink, and lay back down. Wrapped in the blanket, she was...

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Birthday Present

My birthday came round only three or four weeks after I'd started seeing Ray. We'd slept together a few times but at best that had been ok, nothing special. I didn't think things were going to go on much longer, he just didn't stimulate me enough. Perhaps sensing that I wasn't all that interested he promised me something 'really special' for my birthday. I told him I didn't want him spending a fortune. He smiled and kissed me gently. "It's not expensive," he said, "it's going to be a...

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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 18 A Change of plan

8 August, 1686 Morning Isabel had just returned from Tortuga after purchasing some fresh fruit. While putting the fruit away her mind once again turned to the issue which had been deeply troubling her for some time now, which was telling her friends she must leave them in order to help her younger sister Teresa. She had not said anything to anyone yet, dreading the moment and only nursed it in her own mind, where it lay so great it had gotten so she could think of little else. Each time she...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 43 Ominous Changes

“Will, before we get started, I need to tell you something, I’ve been diagnosed with an illness ... It’s not looking all that promising for my future, I’m sorry,” Chrissy said. “An illness – does this relate to what that old Romani woman said, when she read your fortune, years ago?” I asked. “Didn’t she indicate a problem with your breasts – maybe breast cancer – and something else?” “Well, it ties in to that, but it’s not breast cancer, it’s the other thing, a nerve problem. Have you heard...

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