TRC Oni and the Farmer Ch 1 1
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 3: Rory, Four and Chores
“So, do you feel like helping me with the chores or would you rather stay here with your mom?”
Rory had 147 head of cattle to feed and water, to keep them healthy during the severe weather conditions.
“What if mommy wakes up?” she asked with concern.
“I will leave her a note so that she will know where we are, and what we are doing, and when we will be back. Would that be good?”
She thought for a while before answering, “I will go with you if you want me to.”
The fact that she was willing to trust him brought a smile to Rory’s face.
“Let’s make a note for your mom, and then we'll get out of here.”
It didn’t take long to find the cattle. He had them all in one field where he was feeding them corn stocks, but now that the snow covered the stocks, there would be no more feed.
Rory had already loaded hay and a water tank onto a four-axle wagon, which he pulled with the tractor. Once they reached the field, Rory unbelted the hay and dropped the bales.
The cattle were soon all over it.
He deposited a stock tank not far from the feed, then ran a two-inch hose from the tank on the trailer to the stock tank. Next, Rory had Four ‘help’ him turn the valve to fill it.
She was full of questions, as four-year-olds tend to be.
“Do the cows have names?” she asked.
“We don’t usually name our livestock out here, Four. There are almost a hundred fifty head here and, even if they had names, I wouldn’t be able to remember them.”
She looked sad.
“If you have a favorite you can name her,” he added.
She looked around.
“What about that gray one? Can I name it?” she asked excitedly.
“That critter there is a mean old cow. She is one of the most protective of her calves. She is a full-bred Brahma.”
From the look on Four’s face, while he was talking, she absorbed his every word.
Her trust and seeming adoration were starting to melt his heart.
“Is it a girl or a boy?” she asked.
“All of these here are girls. Did you know that a cow is a bovine that has had a baby, called a calf?” Remembering that he was talking to a four-year-old, Rory further explained, “So all cows are girls. Boy cattle are called steers or bulls.”
She looked at him with amazement in her eyes.
“I am going to name her Gray,” she said. “I think she is my favorite. She reminds me of mommy.”
“Oh?” he prompted.
“Yea. Mommy is protective of me too. She never let Pit touch me the whole time we lived with him.”
Concerned, but not wanting to alarm her, Rory gently asked, “Was he your dad or stepdad?”
“No. He was mommy’s boyfriend, but I hated him. He was really mean to mommy and I didn’t like it.”
“Is that why you left?” Rory asked
“I don’t know. I just woke up in the car and momma was driving.”
He nodded his head.
“It sounds like it was a good thing you got out. Your momma sounds like a good momma, just like old Gray over there.”
Four responded with a brilliant smile. Rory had no way of knowing that was her first smile in over a year.
After reloading hay for the evening feeding, they pulled the tractor to the wellhead, hooked it up and refilled the water tank. Rory disconnected the hoses and left the tractor.
They returned to the house and Four immediately went to her mother’s room. Rory poured more juice and water before joining them. He knocked, then entered the room, and was gladdened to see Four snuggled against her mother.
Four held her finger to her mouth, indicating that Rory should keep quiet. “Ssshhh, she’s still sleeping...”
Rory whispered, “She has to drink the juice and water, or she might dehydrate. We can’t have your momma getting sick, now can we?”
He could see her thinking. “Ok,” she said a few seconds later.
Rory put the glasses down on the bedside table and helped the woman to sit up, being careful to keep her covered. She was barely conscious, slurring that she just wanted to sleep.
“Come on now. Just drink this, and then you can go back to sleep.”
She kept complaining, which was expected, but she drank the water and some vitamin-enriched juice. Rory was concerned by her pale complexion, but she finished the drinks, and he laid her back down and adjusted the covers.
Four immediately snuggled up to her mother again.
He put his hand on Four’s shoulder to get her attention, causing her to jump in fright and let out a gasp.
Realizing that he had shocked her, Rory immediately stepped back with his hands raised in a surrender gesture.
“I’m sorry Four.”
Four took a breath, and then timidly smiled.
“That’s OK.”
She might be OK now, he thought, but he had seen a look of terror on her face. Clearly, something was wrong, and he was determined to understand her reaction. After a few moments, Rory’s common sense kicked in, and he guessed the underlying issue.
“Four, it’s OK baby... no one and I do mean NO ONE, will ever hurt you in these parts. If I’m not here to protect you, I will have someone else here in my place.”
Four’s face filled with relief and gratitude.
“I will make us some dinner. You can stay here with your mom, or you can help me if you want.”
Four kissed her mother and slowly moved off the bed.
Rory could tell that it wasn’t an easy decision for her to make, but the desire to be needed outweighed her desire to stay with her mother. It was quite touching.
Rory took some cooked chicken out of the fridge and started to cut it up. Pointing to the cabinet, he asked Four if she would get him something to hold the chicken pieces. She brought him a small bowl. He smiled and showed her how much chicken he was cutting up, which prompted her to swap the small bowl for one of a more appropriate size.
Four then pulled out the mayonnaise and pickles. She got a spoon and scooped out the mayonnaise, while Rory sliced the pickles for her to add to the chicken. Four selected some onions from the bin and then some celery. Rory peeled the onions and cut them up along with the celery. He did all the cutting, but Four did all the mixing, and, finally, they had enough for several chicken salad sandwiches.
“Four...” he said.
She looked at him.
“This is the best chicken sandwich I have ever eaten.”
The young girl giggled and smiled brightly.
After finishing dinner and cleaning up, Rory told Four that they needed to feed her mother a sandwich, so they took the food to the bedroom. Again, Rory helped the woman to sit upright, then tried to feed her the sandwich. She ate two bites and drank another glass of water, which made him happy.
“Four, would you like to help me feed the chickens? I have to feed them, gather their eggs, and feed the pigs.”
Her eyes grew huge. “You have chickens and pigs?”
Rory didn’t tell her that the eggs and bacon came from these farm animals.
They went outside to a small shed, where buckets and feed for the animals were stored. He selected a five-gallon bucket for himself and a similarly shaped one-gallon bucket for Four. Rory filled her bucket with chicken feed and his bucket with a combination of ground corn, soy, pinto, and some more chicken feed.
Four proudly carried her bucket ‘like a big girl’ over to the chicken coop. Inside the coop, Rory spread the feed from his bucket in the trough, where the chickens immediately gathered and started pecking at it.
He told Four that her feed was the most important, even though there wasn’t as much, so she had to spread it over the top. She carefully completed the task, distributing the feed across the trough. The chickens were blocking her, and she laughed and patiently worked her way around them. She chuckled when they tried to feed right out of her bucket. She even started to pet a couple of them as they became more friendly. It was the best entertainment that Rory had witnessed for some time.
Next, they used Four’s bucket to collect the eggs. Rory allowed Four to gather most of them. They took the eggs inside, washed the shells off for looks, put them in containers, and stacked the containers in the washroom refrigerator. He thanked Four for her help.
“Are you ready to feed the hogs now?” he asked.
They loaded up with the same types of feed, but this time Rory carried two five-gallon buckets, while Four still had her one-gallon bucket.
“Mr. Rory... You need to get me another bucket so we can carry the same amount,” she reasoned sincerely.
Rory had to explain that there were no more buckets of that size. He felt terrible about disappointing her. He had never experienced that sort of feeling for anyone before.
Rory fetched a small bale of alfalfa, cutting the wire, and showing Four how to separate and throw it over the fencing for the hogs to eat, in addition to the grain.
After feeding the animals, they drove the tractor and trailer down the road to the broken-down car. Rory winched the car onto the trailer, then they returned to the farm, where Rory backed the trailer into the Quonset hut.
Rory went to retrieve their suitcases from the car, but found no luggage at all.
“Where were you living?” he asked Four.
“We lived by Chicago,” she replied.
“That is a nice place to live,” Rory commented.
He was surprised. It was at least a two-day drive, without stops, from Chicago to his Colorado farm. To make a drive like that without baggage was crazy. Something was not right.
Chapter 4: Evidence of Domestic Abuse
Four’s mother was still asleep, and there was still plenty of daylight, so Rory drove the young girl thirty miles to a clothing shop in Flagler. He had Four select some tops, pants, socks, and undies. Guessing her mother’s size, and hoping for the best, Rory bought a nice robe for the woman. At least, he reasoned, she would be covered until she was well enough to choose her own clothing.
The next stop was a grocery store, where Rory had Four pick out some items. When they got to the candy aisle, he was surprised by Four’s lack of interest. She kept her eyes down, facing forward and not looking at anything. Rory thought that was unusual behavior for a four-year-old child who would normally be excited by candy. He started to become angry that Four should have become conditioned this way.
He stopped mid aisle and said, “Four, please pick something from here.”
He watched her shake as she picked some Hershey’s chocolate bars and a Snickers bar. She fearfully held them up to him, almost as if she expected to be smacked.
Rory was nearly moved to tears.
“You can have more if you like.”
She put them in the cart and said, with a tremulous voice, “This is all I want.”
When they arrived home, it was apparent that Four’s mother had been out of bed to use the bathroom, but was now back in bed. After rousing her a little, Four and Rory fed the woman some more juice and water.
After making her comfortable once more, Rory took Four into the family room, turned on the television, and showed her his collection of DVDs. She picked out ‘Despicable Me’, which they watched together until Four started getting tired, and Rory tucked her into bed with her mother.
The following day proceeded in a similar manner to the first. Four helped with chores and kept Rory smiling all day. He felt like God had looked down and granted him instant happiness.
As they were driving the tractor and trailer to feed the cattle, Rory stopped to speak to his cousin Mel, who was passing down the road. Mel told Rory that he and his wife Deb were doing well, and thanked Rory for the generator he’d let him borrow. Rory smiled and introduced Mel to Four. Rory told Mel that he had picked up a couple of strays from their broken-down car in a snowdrift, and joked that he was thinking about keeping ‘this one’.
“She’s sort of cute and has been a big help with the chores. If her mom can cook, I might not ever let them go.”
Mel quipped, “Deb can help her learn to cook if necessary.”
Mel and Rory had become good friends in recent times. Mel was his first cousin, and they had helped each other out of some tough scrapes. Before parting, Rory mentioned his concerns about the health of Four’s mother.
The third day began in similar fashion, but word gets around quickly in a small community, and the farmhouse received an unsolicited visit from the local doctor, Dr. Smith, who wanted to check on Four’s mother. He examined her and concluded, as Rory had, that she needed some good nutrition and bed rest. He provided some multivitamins to supplement the juice and vitamins that Rory had provided.
Dr. Smith noted bruising on the woman’s arms, back, and on the back of her neck. Next, he took a quick look at Four and saw similar bruising on her. Rory nodded and told him that he had previously noticed some of the bruising. He also related the grocery store candy aisle experience.
Dr. Smith agreed with Rory that the mother and daughter had, probably, escaped from an abusive domestic relationship.
“I am supposed to call this in,” he said.
“No, don’t do that just yet. Nothing is going to happen to either one of them today, or any day, while they are under my protection.”
“What if they don’t want that?”
“If Four’s mother tells me that she wants to leave, I won’t force her to stay.”
Dr. Smith agreed and told Rory he would delay reporting their situation to the state, providing that he was kept informed. Rory told him to visit as often as he wished, and promised to let the good doctor know if something changed.
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Author’s Note: Before you read this story you should understand that it is a work of fiction and total fantasy. Its main themes are of non-consensuality and human degradation of an uncompromising sort. If this does not appeal then PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. I would also like to emphasise that the events described in the story would be completely abhorrent to me if carried out in reality. Nor is it my intention to offend any particular group, preference or orientation with what I have written. It is...
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Almost six months had passed since Perra had come to live with Kal and his mother. True to his word Kal visited Ikuno’s cave as often as possible with Perra tagging along whenever she could get her chores caught up, and true to her word Ikuno began teaching Kal the basics of magic. Kal could tell that something was bothering Ikuno in the way she acted these last few weeks and more often than not he would end up going home immediately after these practice sessions with Ikuno getting upset...
Ikuno panted as Kal’s tongue lapped hungrily at her clit, Kal tried to adjust himself as his erection was rubbing uncomfortably against his trousers. “No touching,” Ikuno reminded him putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing him into her sex. Kal growled in annoyance and sucked her clit into his mouth swirling his tongue around until Ikuno gasped and her legs began to shake as she came. Ikuno stepped away and let the leather flap fall hiding her pussy from...
This farm is old, many centuries old in fact. The family that had farmed it had lived there for more generations than any alive could remember. Even the old books and records didn’t go back more than a few generations. The family was not wealthy, but they never starved and were generally happy with life. Then the tragedy struck and they would never be happy again. It was early spring and the men of the family were out in the fields plowing and planting. It was then that the bandits struck....
the heroin of this story is 31 years old,[/i][/b]still maintains her figure and her status are 34-30-36. She is very beautiful and looks more like the Tamil actress sneha. We make a perfect couple as she too is always in need for sex.Sumi and I had been married for 8 years and in those 8 years of sex life was just amazing, as we are very open minded couples and had a desire to try out everything possible in sex. We have tried bondage, threesome, foursome and...
Hi guys, Nithin again with yet another story. I like to thank all of you for the immense response I got for all the four parts of my previous story “TRANSFORMATION FROM LESBIAN TO STRAIGHT”. Let’s get into the story. So coming to my description in this story, I’m Nithin from the city of Chennai. Age 35, height around 6 feet, well maintained body and always in the hunt for sex. My wife Sumi, the heroin of this story is 31 years old, still maintains her figure and her status are 34-30-36. She is...
Chapter 11: Rory Makes His MoveThe next morning, Sara woke in Rory’s arms. She decided to wake him by sucking his cock until he exploded into her mouth.Sara knew that she was in love with Rory, and that there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for him. She wanted to stay on the farm with him. She wanted to make a life with Rory and Rebeca and, if Rory wanted two or three more children, to have them.He kissed her deeply and passionately again after she had swallowed his essence. She thought that it...
Love StoriesWeeks passed, and the land was blanketed in pristine white snow, travel became more difficult and Kal’s routine now consisted largely of chopping firewood, tending to the animals, chopping firewood checking animal traps, chopping firewood, cleaning and processing furs to sell at market like most farmers in winter, and chopping firewood. Visits to Ikuno’s cave became rarer and Kal had taken to making overnight trips, much to Ikuno’s delight, as the trek seemed to become longer with each new...
Posted with permission of the author, Curt B.Farmer Family, chapter 1Chapter One*******Missy Braun removed laundry from the washer, and piece-by-piece, inserted the clothing into the electric wringer mounted atop the new washing machine that her husband had bought her. She was very proud of the labour-saving device and it was evidence of them becoming 'modern'. Each time she threw the switch, the wringer would pull the clothing through the rubber rollers and the water would drain back into the...
Friday afternoon I was at work when I recieved a phone call it was SamMy Farmer friend he asked me if I had any plans for the weekend and I said no why what did you have in mind and he said maybe we could hang out this weekend an see what we can get intohe said he would even cook me dinner so I agreed and he told me he would pick me up around seven so after work I went home and showered and changed into something I recently bought that was tight on the skin even for a big girl like meit was...
After breakfast, Raúl assigned two men to fly me to the sites where I would build the farm and the ranch. When we got there, they flew so slowly and so low that I felt like we were preparing to land on one of the nearby dirt roads. The land was literally right on the coast but, aside from a narrow strip along the beach. Most of it was high enough to be safe from a storm surge or a hurricane surge. The lush green vegetation made me feel better since we wouldn’t have any compost to work into...
Aradelle shrugged, looking embarrassed, while Ikuno’s brow furrowed in thought. “Perhaps there’s more to ‘Dell’s aphrodisiac than just making men mad with lust,” suggested the oni. “There may be something else in the dust that makes a man hard for a time as well, whether he wants to be or not.” Aradelle looked at Kal, “I don’t know, my dust has always worked, so this has never happened before.” Kal wrapped a hand around his prick for a moment before quickly pulling it away, “Damn, that’s...
Kal cautiously opened his eyes as he returned to the waking world. He paused for a moment at the unfamiliar feeling of heavy furs covering him instead of his normal wool comforter. Smiling, he remembered he was not at home and turned to the side to see Ikuno sleeping peacefully next to him. Though not as striking as the changes when he first returned to the cave, as he continued to visit her skin color had deepened to a rich cobalt blue and the triangular marks on her cheeks had nearly...
"Umm… What?" Ikuno smiled but didn't lift her head off his shoulder, "I'll explain later, take me to bed." Kal started walking again, "Sounds like there's going to be a lot of that, like how you ended up overloaded with magic." Kal walked into the mouth of the cave, Ikuno snapped her fingers and a ball of light formed before them, leading the way into the darkness. Ikuno was thoughtful, "I have an idea…" "KAL! IKUNO! Are you alright!" came Perra's voice. They could tell from...
Chapter 1: Growing Up on the FarmAll Rory knew was farming and ranching. Being born and raised on a farm, he hadn’t learned anything else. He went to a small rural school in Colorado. The nearest town was four miles to the west and had a population of fifteen people. The next town was about five miles to the east and had thirteen inhabitants. His nearest neighbor lived two miles up the road.Obviously, there weren’t many eligible girls to pick from in the community, and with his shortcomings,...
Love StoriesS’s storyOur second dinner with Quin and Reenie was just as good as the previous evening. Roast lamb from the farm, home grown veg and every trimming you could think of. As we finished our coffee Reenie said the next holiday let had come forward, so this would be our only night with them. Both the girls looked quite bereft, but I couldn’t understand why. G volunteered to help clear up and Reenie told us men to go into the lounge. We wandered next door and Quin poured two large cognacs and we...
It was a glorious, hot, late summer’s day. We had been hiking on the fringes of Exmoor, spending lunch on a ledge high above the Bristol Channel, the bracken tumbling steeply away to the sea in front, south Wales glimmering on the horizon to the north. During the afternoon we worked our way inland, eventually taking a track on the edge of the moor next to meadows full of grazing sheep. It was here that disaster struck when I slipped and twisted my ankle. After hobbling on for a few hundred...
Slave Harry fisted by the farmer's wifeThe prospect of getting a fist up his ass, the dirty farmer's wife's to boot, and of other 'surprises' which would bring about new levels of trouble, made Harry very uneasy. He'd rather know what was coming, even if that meant bad news for him.He was wondering how much longer he would be mentally and physically capable of tolerating all the farmer's wife's 'chores', with her help Nell being present all the time, as a witness, and her docile husband the...
I grew up in a small Mid-West farm town, where it was very common to find farm jobs like baling hay and other types of farm work. Anyways, there was a farmer out on the county line that left her 36 year old daughter, Kara his farm when he passed away, she was looking for someone to help her out on the farm, because she simply couldn't do it on her own. During this time she would find people in her opinion who had no clue in what work was. So one day I would get a call from her that she wanted...
Jim was getting worried! The clouds on the horizon looked ominous. Getting caught in a Nebraska downpour was the last thing he wanted on his motorcycle.He started to look for a place to take shelter when he saw a farmstead just up ahead. There was an equipment building that had a roof and plenty of room to hopefully sit out the storm.He pulled into the drive way and parked in the shelter. He was just getting off the bike when an old pickup truck turned in off the road. Jim hoped that the farmer...
So when i was 16 and in the prime of my masturbating years :p i suddenly started watchin different types of porn than your usual male/female. I first watched tranny porn and loved watchin huge black cocks rampaging dudes. I was absolutely hooked on these for a few months and then after a while i found myself moving from tranny porn onto gay porn, i had literally no attraction to men and i would never look at a man and say "oh hes hot" but i was obsessed with dicks! So anyways i always...
This is a true story. And I'm still a little sore.It was just going to be a quick trip to the local book store. You know,the kind where you can pick up a copy of something and then enjoy a cup of coffee or a light nosh? Well,that was the plan anyway.I spent about a half hour or so reading the dust covers in the Sci-Fi section and had chosen two books that looked promising,when I first noticed an older gent who kept looking over at me. Paying it no mind,I smiled at him then walked over to where...
That drunken night in her early twenties had ended with two beautiful boys, three shattered hearts, and a lot of trust issues. Trust issues she wasn’t sure she would ever overcome. A year and a half is not a lot of time to be alone in real life, but when you’re in the trenches repairing three broken hearts and rebuilding three people's lives alone it feels more like an eternity. The pain of it all still had a fresh sting. Could she truly handle another heartbreak? Could the boys deal with...
The plains of Oklahoma passed by beneath the shuttle as the pilot took it low over the flat terrain, fields dotted with small farmhouses and silos whizzing past as the only points of interest in the sea of green grass and yellow crops. Raz was sat across from me in the troop bay, her giant alien figure secured to an appropriately sized crash couch with a harness as the engines shook the deck beneath our feet. She was looking out of a nearby porthole, her yellow, feline eyes tracking the passing...
The smell of burning pine was thick in the air this summer morning, from the fireplaces last night. Rain had fallen the previous night and the smell of more rain seemed on the horizon. Batgirl had practically moved in with them when they moved near to Silverdale, Wa. Ben had gotten them property on the Indian Reservation nearby. Batman had objected to his charge leaving his city but Batgirl was completely enamored with Ben's cock. Or rather, she was enamored with being impaled on Ben's cock,...
It was getting dark fast as I drove down the rural Iowa county road, much faster than accounted for by cloud cover at sundown. Ahead of me I saw a nasty looking line of thunderhead fast approaching. "Oh, shit" I thought "If this rain is bad as it looks, I'll end up in the ditch." The road was unmarked and in a heavy rain it's hard enough to see painted lines on an Interstate, let alone the edge of a road that's lucky to be paved. And I didnt want to hit a ditch, not here. They were...