Abusing Nadia - 4 free porn video

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As he drove he reached over and slipped his hand inside her panties, instantly feeling the soaked base of the dildo protruding slightly from Nadia’s swollen and hypersensitive pussy. Her ass jerked on the seat as soon as his fingers touched the toy, pushing down against it, trying to force it deeper inside her.

“Please!” she whispered.

“Please what?” He stared straight ahead, nonchalant, eyes on the road.

She pushed down again. He held his fingers firm, only her movement forcing the large latex toy inside her. “Please Sir!” she gasped. “Please Sir!” She was getting frantic humping her ass up and down at the dildo, fucking herself with it as best she could. Her arms ached behind her but her cunt ached more. Needing to be filled and stroked inside and out, painfully aware of the desperate need to cum.

As suddenly as he had pushed his hand inside her panties and pressed the end of the dildo, he removed his hand and wiped his fingers over her mouth. Nadia cried out in protestation and tried to fuck herself on the car seat. Alex grabbed her hair and pulled her face towards his. Droplets of spit flew from his mouth to her face as he told her in no uncertain terms that she was allowed to cum if, and only if, he allowed it.

“Does my stupid fucking slut understand!” he barked at her. She sobbed as she nodded.

“Yes Sir! Yes Master! Yes, yes I understand. I am so sorry.” She was sobbing her regret, tears running down her cheeks at the realisation that she had displeased him. Fortunately, her feet were still up on the dashboard because Alex slammed the brakes on hard. The car squealed to a halt in the middle of the road and he looked at her with a searing intensity before he pulled her to his mouth and kissed her hard, lips smashing together, bruising them both, cutting her lip as she cried out in agony and delirious pleasure. She was so close to cumming but knew now that she was not allowed.

He broke off the kiss and accelerated away again as Nadia breathed deep and hard. “It’s a good job you understand Miss Richards,” he explained. “Otherwise you would now be on the road with your legs spread wide, your hands cuffed behind your back and a thick eight inch dildo in your cunt, ready to be picked up by the next pervert who came along and saw you in such a compromising position.” He smiled sweetly at her and she began to laugh, quietly at first, then they were laughing together, heartily. She knew he was serious and he knew that she knew that. It was unspoken at that moment, but as they took a right into his street they both knew exactly what their position was in this relationship.

And now here they were. He jumped out of the driver’s side and walked round to her door. With her feet still on the dashboard she was rocking gently on the seat, keeping herself on the edge of an almighty explosion, her body crying out for release. He reached down and undid the straps on her thighs, pulling the bar from between them and walking round to the trunk to pop the lid and place the bar inside. She watched him in the wing mirror. Her heart filled with an unwavering desire to please her master. To do anything he ordered her to.

He closed the trunk and she gasped as he walked back to her. He eased her forward gently and unstrapped the cuffs. She groaned at the release and rubbed her hands and arms and wrists in front of her to get the circulation going again. His hand slipped into her panties and she lay back as best she could, offering her cunt to him. The back of his hand forced her panties down and out and he gripped the dildo and eased it from her soaking hole. It was covered in a white lustrous cream and he held it to his nose, closing his eyes and deeply inhaling her sexual aroma.

She whimpered as he breathed her in and ran her hands sensuously along the insides of her upturned thighs. He reached towards her and as the tip of the dildo slid slowly and languorously over her lips she opened her mouth slightly, her tongue flicking out at it. He pushed it in a little further and her lips opened at its insistence. He pushed still further until half of the latex dildo that she had had in her pussy all day was now in her mouth. As he held it still, she understood what he wanted. Nadia pushed her face forward, uncaring that she was in a car on the side of the road where anyone could see her. The cream covered prick slid into her mouth deeper. She pushed on. Further, deeper, into her throat. She started to gag, to choke, but she pushed harder, determined to please him, to push it all the way down her throat and into her tummy. If that is what he wanted then she would do it for him.

She was close to vomiting but still she pushed, the fear of not pleasing him outweighing the fear of being sick. She tried to relax her throat muscles as she slowly slid the dildo out of her mouth, looking Alex in the eye. He held her gaze as she breathed deeply through her nose and jammed her face down hard on the cock. It sunk into her throat and she pushed harder and harder, fucking her throat on the big thick plastic cock. Choking, gurgling sounds emanated from her throat and her hands went to her cunt, spreading her lips wide and attacking her clit furiously as she deep throated the toy.

As soon as he realised she was about to cum, Alex generously helped her out and pulled the dildo from her lips and grasped the wrist of the hand that was rubbing her hard swollen clit. He twisted it sharply to let her know he wanted her to stop and she pulled herself together, realising how close she had come to upsetting him.

“I’m sorry. I just.....Sir...I need....oh God......I’m sorry Sir!” Nadia took a few deep breaths and Alex stood and offered his hand to her. She pulled her feet down and took his hand as he helped her from the car. He shut the door and it locked automatically. Taking her hand, he led her to the front door, her legs very shaky and her arms and hands still feeling slightly numb.

Alex unlocked the door and pushed it open, allowing Nadia to walk ahead of him with a sweep of his arm. He took her jacket and hung it up on the coat rack by the door. She stood before him in her white blouse and charcoal grey skirt that fell to just below above her knees. Alex took off his jacket and tie, making a show of demonstrating how the tie could be used as a restraint by pulling it tight between his hands. Nadia grinned shyly and he draped it over his jacket on the coat rack next to hers. His black shirt contrasted with her white blouse. Good and evil she thought smiling wickedly to herself.

His apartment was modern. Clean lines punctuated each room but the minimalist, stark feel could not hide the inherent warmth contained in the bright vibrant colours of a vase of flowers here, a dramatic oil landscape there. The huge windows let in the early evening light and the pinkening of the sky outside was reflected on the bright white walls and high ceilings in every room.

He took them through to the kitchen where he opened the large silver free-standing fridge and produced an unopened bottle of wine. He opened it smoothly and poured them both a glass.

“To us!” he toasted and they clinked glasses. They walked through the apartment, Alex explaining a little about this and that until they reached his bedroom. He let her in first and she saw the dress on the bed. It was beautiful. Scarlet red, a plunging neckline, a naked back, the hem sweeping high and low, a split up the side.

“Oh Sir!” she cried out as she dropped to her knees to examine it more closely. She knew it was for her and she looked at him imploringly. He nodded his head slightly and watched as she fingered the silk, brushing her fingers up and down. “It’s beautiful!” she whispered. She pushed her face to the dress, inhaling it, feeling its erotic sensuality on her skin.

“Put it on Miss Richards.”

She beamed at him, excited like a child at Christmas. She unbuttoned her blouse quickly and dropped it to the floor. It dawned on her that he had never seen her naked but the thought was fleeting. He would see all of her he wanted. She would let him see deep inside every hole if he wanted. She wanted him to look at her, to feast his eyes on her body before using her as he pleased.

She reached behind her back before looking at Alex questioningly. He nodded again and she unclasped the bra. The shoulder straps slid down off her arms and she held the cups in front of her smiling seductively at him. Impassively, he took a sip of his drink and she let the bra fall to the floor. Her naked tits jutted out at him. For her age they were wonderful. Beautiful soft creamy tits, topped with nipples that stood out firm and proud. Alex noticed a scratch on her left nipple and noted to himself to add to that later. Her hands grasped her breasts and she lifted them for him, showing them off to her master. He smiled at her as he rolled his glass round in little circles. She reached behind her to unzip her skirt. It fell down to her feet and she stepped out of it. She kicked it away and then hooking her thumbs into her panties she started to shimmy them down.

The top of her smooth pubic mound came into view and she pushed down a little further. She turned playfully and showed Alex the top of the crack of her ass, smiling back at him. And then he was on her. In the blink of an eye he had put his glass on the bedside table and was on her. Hand at the nape of her neck. Grasping her arm. Pushing her forward. Face down into the dress. Ripping her panties from her body, leaving them hanging loose on her left thigh he slapped the insides of her thighs apart, her cunt lewdly open to him as he plunged three fingers into her tight sucking hole.

“Oh my God yes!” she screamed as he attacked her. “Yes Master! Yes Sir! Fuck me! Fuck me!” Alex plunged his stiff bunched fingers in and out of her, hard and fast, all the way up to the knuckle and all the way out to the finger tips. His hands gripped her hair and pushed her face down hard against the dress, making it difficult for her to scream out. Her muffled cries of ecstasy spurred his fingers on, until he felt her tense. He pulled his fingers from her cunt and stroked the cheeks of her ass gently. “Please!” she called out “My God please Sir!” Nadia pleaded and begged. She needed to cum. She thought she might die if she didn’t cum soon. “Fuck me please! I’m your slut, your whore, your cunt. I’ll do anything. Anything! Please let me cum Master! Please!”

Alex simply smiled and pulled her panties from her leg, putting them in his pocket . “Put the dress on Miss Richards” he said.

She turned her head to look back at him, a look of desperate need and hunger in her eyes. Brushing the hair from her face she whispered huskily “Yes.......Master.” Her eyes burned with intensity and she stared at him as she lifted the dress from the bed and slid it down over her naked body. The fabric clung to the curves of her sexy body, her tits pushing out from the low cut neckline, her ass pushing out at the back, her nakedness under the dress accentuated by the silken shadows formed around each line. “Perfect!” he said. “Come with me. Bring your drink.”

Nadia felt extremely sexy and hot wearing the scarlet dress. She kept running her hand over her body as she followed Alex from the bedroom. She ran her hands over her breasts, down over her tummy, round to her ass and back around to her thighs and pussy. Before she knew it, Nadia found herself in the bathroom with Alex. He had put his drink down on the sink unit and suggested she did the same. He told her to kneel by the toilet.

For a brief second she could have sworn he asked her to kneel by the toilet and she stared at him dumbly. “Kneel.” He repeated. She started to shake her head,.

“What are you....” Before any more words came out he gripped her by the throat and whispered menacingly.

“You are welcome to leave, Miss Richards and never return here and only speak to me at work in a professional and courteous manner.” Her pulse quickened, heart racing, his fingers felt so good squeezing her throat. Harder she thought. “Or you can kneel.” There really was no choice. Nadia nodded as best she could and lowered herself slowly as he gripped her throat. Soon she was on her bare knees, her hands holding down the hem of the dress on her thighs. She looked up at Alex and watched unblinking as his fingers unzipped his pants. She heard every tooth in the zipper separating. She watched in slow motion as he reached inside and pulled out his magnificent cock that had fucked into her in the toilet so ruthlessly earlier that afternoon.

It was half hard and the foreskin was pulled back a little. She started to panic. What was he going to do? What did he expect of her? Surely he couldn’t... Hypnotised, she stared as the first droplets of hot golden liquid formed at the tip of his purple spongy cockhead. It soon started to flow into the toilet, splashing as it hit the water below. She was entranced, fascinated. She could not tear her eyes away. Here she was kneeling at a man’s feet – her master’s feet – and he was pissing into the toilet next to her, the hot stream passing not more than a foot from her face. She subconsciously licked her lips and her hands rubbed up and down her thighs as she watched the hot stream pour out of his distended piss hole.

It was so....exciting. So wrong. But so incredibly exciting. She took in his cock for the first time. It was long and thick, meaty and light skinned. The veins bulged out erotically and she followed their lines from the root to the tip of his shaft. His balls stayed inside his pants and she found herself disappointed that she couldn’t see them. She reached out to touch him as he relieved himself in front of her. She wrapped her hand slowly round his length and started to stroke it up and down, slowly, his cock hardening as his piss flowed into the toilet.

Soon the flow subsided and Alex put his hand on hers to remove it from his cock. He grabbed her hair and wiped his cock on it. Nadia whimpered her thanks as she closed her eyes and threw her head back, allowing her master access to clean himself on her. She was grateful that he had given her this honour and she thanked him by taking his cock and kissing the shaft worshipfully.

His thumb depressed the flush button on top of the cistern and as she watched his piss spiral away, a strange heat dispersed through her entire body, setting her cunt on fire. She moaned involuntarily and Alex pulled her to her feet.

He pulled her from the scene of her first ever lesson in water sports. He hadn’t urinated on her or made her do anything, but she was certain that he would soon and the idea did not repulse her as much as it did when he ordered her to her knees less than two minutes ago. In fact it caused her stomach to flip and her pussy to clench and spasm, causing tremors to run through her body. Alex noticed this response to what had happened in the bathroom and he pulled her close to him and whispered in her ear.

“You will taste me soon enough.”

Nadia’s knees buckled and she almost stumbled to the ground as he held her. She moaned out loud as he grasped her cunt through the silk scarlet dress. The material pressed inside her, his silk-covered fingers pressing into her cunt. She gripped his arm with all her might and her body exploded. She came and came, crying out his name “Alex! Alex! I can’t......I can’t....” he dug his fingers in harder, massaging her clit with the silken dress, ramming his fingers in, feeling the heat and dampness inside her through the material. She screamed out unintelligible words, gibberish aimed at an apology for cumming like a dirty worthless whore. Alex held her tight his cock throbbing in his pants as she gripped him tightly, her knees bent.

Eventually Alex relented, releasing his grip on her cunt and instead softly massaging her there. Nadia straightened her legs. She had never cum like that before. Never ever had she felt every nerve ending in her body set on fire like a burning strip of magnesium. Burning down into the very core of her body where the strands met and when the fire reached the centre a million fireworks exploded at once and she swam in a sea of thick cloying ecstasy unable to breathe, holding on for dear life. She panted on his shoulder breathing hard.

“You must be punished Miss Richards.” He said calmly taking another sip of his wine. How he hadn’t spilled a drop was anyone’s guess. “You came without my express permission.”

“Yes Master,” she gulped. It would have been easier to say ‘Sir’ but she wanted to punish herself for misbehaving in this way. She knew she had done wrong and she needed to be punished. She looked forward to the pain she knew must surely come. He led her to a plain white door and they stood in front of it. He turned to her and lifted her chin with his finger to look into his eyes.

“In here you will submit to me. Every part of you belongs to me.” He wasn’t giving her the choice this time and she didn’t want it. She knew what he said was totally and absolutely true. Whatever awaited her in that room she knew she was his. She would submit to him. She would give everything of hers to him. She nodded and whispered “Oh yes Master. Yes!” He took a small silver key from his pocket, slid it into the keyhole and turned it. The door slid open and they walked in...


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Abuse of power

“Well well what do we have here?” Draco said as he opened the door to the room, a dangerous smirk carved into his face as he looked at a rather surprised group of 4th year and a fellow 5th of his, a Ravenclaw prefect name Lilliana who was holding a bottle an entirely full bottle of what appeared to be vodka in an MD 20/20 in her golden skinned hands. Immediately her face turned a dusty tan color as she jumped up to try and explain what was going on. “Draco I-I can explain! This isn’t what...

4 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Elevenhellip The End

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not condone...

2 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Seven

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be...

2 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part two

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...

4 years ago
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NO TRUTH, JUST FICTIONI grew up learning about sex from a young age. My step dad raised me when my mom walked out when I was just a baby. Dad never sexually abused me but we had a one bedroom house and I slept in his room on a cot and was there when dad brought women in at night to fuck. He did not care what I saw or if I watched. In fact I think it turned him on more. He liked big tit and a big round ass on his women. He would undress them and then he would get naked and he would stand them...

3 years ago
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Abused as a tranny at a sex party with my mum

This story is a follow up to "Caught wearing my mother's stockings"I decided to go to the party and be the tranny slut they were looking for. After all, it's nice to be wanted and I really would do anything to keep those photos of me dressed in my mum's stockings, private from my friends.I've never had anything up my ass before, in fact I've never even had sex at all. This was going to be my first sexual experience. Unless you include being wanked off by my mum or kissing and groping fat girl,...

4 years ago
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Abused on the Altar

Abused on the Altar I first met Mary some years ago at Church. She was the wife of the Pastor and had been a young woman when she married her husband. He was much older than her, but he had a persuasive voice and Mary was young and pretty. Many years later, Mary's husband died, and she inherited the congregation. She was now much older. I wasn't really sure how old, but I guessed about 55-60. However, she still looked attractive for her age, and dressed very smartly; usually in...

1 year ago
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Abused and Used

So this all started when my gf said she wanted to try new things in the bedroom. She specified about a threesome or something of the likes. I soon posted a free add "gangbang my horny slut gf.22yo redhead to share and violate. Devon from UK and waited for a response. My gf Lauren had no clue of what I was up to.. A week went by and I had chosen from the responses to my add the guys id like to come meet my gf. One of the guys jerry was about 56, well hung with quite a dad vibe about him. Grey...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Abused in school

So lets begin. M It’s 2:45 and you supposed to be in class, but for some reason you’re not. You have a black leather collar on and your standing with me, as I pull out of the kiss we were in I take a leash and attach it to the collar then I lead you along to a vacant room, room 105. As I pull you in I walk over to a table and sit down, I pull you in between my legs and I start kissing you on your neck. As I use my fingertips to get your nipples hard, as I break away I hear a moan as I...

4 years ago
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Abused in the club

This is the first time I have submitted anything like this so please bare with me! I first got into exhibitionism when I was 18 years old. Me and my boyfriend at the time were walking back from a night out and feeling frisky, he had been touching and teasing me all night and I was horny as hell. We walked along the pavement down a reasonably busy road past a park which was surrounded by a small waist height wall. My boyfriend dragged me into the park and we started to kiss, anyway, fuelled by...

1 year ago
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Abused Arsonist

Your name is John Doe. Three months ago, you started your College-Level Education at Doe University in a fit of irony that you felt couldn't be passed up - apparently, someone in their administrative office agreed with your sense of humor. Your dorm room is pretty standard - two cots resting against opposite walls, two work desks, two dressers and a load of random shit that you and your roommate brought from your respective homes. Somewhat less standard, from what you've heard and read, is the...

3 years ago
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She opened the invite, simple straight forward, come to the cottage wear your red rubber basque and dress! Be here at 8! Sharon was so excited she was getting her fantasy delivered!At 7.52 the was a knock on my door, when I opened it Sharon with a huge smile was there eager to enter and start. You are early I said, sorry Sir she replied, I stepped out removed her coat and told her to bend over the garden table and wait there for me, I returned to the house. At 8 I went out and attached her...

3 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part three

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...

1 year ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Ten

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not condone...

3 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Nine

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not condone...

1 year ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Eight

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is all about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not...

4 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Six

Disclaimer: All Character's in my Fictional Story are not based on Any Real People... they are Fictional. Any Similar names are coincidental... this Story is meant as Satire Only and is for the Enjoyment of Adults.--------- Chapter 11Kenzi Monroe Premiere Dance….Later that same Friday nightLittle Rock, ArkansasA few minutes after Alex and Scott left the dressing room, the other strippers working that night went in to check on her. They helped her get off the floor and into the shower; the whole...

2 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Five

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…--------- Chapter 9Kenzi Monroe….Early Monday night, June 25, 1990.Little Rock, ArkansasIt didn’t take Jim long to convince Sandra that she should work at the XTC Showgirl Strip Club. She wouldn’t be doing any dancing, he...

2 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Four

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...

1 year ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part one

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...

4 years ago
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Well it was Thursday afternoon. Almost the end of another long day at work. As Amy passed my desk she said, "Cheer up - dinner time soon." She and I had begun to share dinner together on Thursdays as we are almost neighbors and, being recently divorced, enjoy visiting. I replied with a tired smile, "I know - if I can survive that long!" Little did I realize what was soon to be in store for me. Five o'clock came after what seemed an eternity and we heading home together in the car. As we came...

1 year ago
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I lay in my bed, resting after my noon swim, listening to the wind and the rain outside. Quietly drifting through my thought is the knowledge that I should be up, some task certainly awaits my attention, but for the moment I am quiet. I fall asleep. Suddenly I am awakened by someone roughly grabbing my right leg and tying it to the left post of the bed. I feel my right leg grabbed and I twist towards him trying to hold him back and not allow him to tie my leg. He slaps my face and shoves me...

4 years ago
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Abused Hubby

By : Raj I had written a couple of stories on my experiences as a boy and how I became a cuckold husband.I am narrating here some of my other experiences. If you like to contact me you can mail to me at In my last story I had written about how my wife and her doctor cousin enjoyed sex and made me a witness and how I was humiliated. Somehow I had also started liking such humiliations and had started being submissive. I was about 30 years old then and my wife 26. My mother in law who was about...

4 years ago
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Country Kids Love

The bell rung, class and school was dismissed for the day. It was the last day before Spring Break, and Ryan and I were looking forward to time together. We had gotten married on winter break, after we had gotten ourselves into a bit of trouble. I gathered my books, and went out to his truck. Part way down the hall, he caught up to me, and took my books."I told you, I'd carry your books, you shouldn't be carrying them.""Ryan, the doctor told you, it's fine. It's not going to hurt me, or the...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part one

PART ONE As I sat on the veranda enjoying the warm morning sun and eating my breakfast, I pondered over what the day might have in store for me. My wife had already left for work and I had little that needed my attention today so I just planned to take things easy. While I sipped at my coffee, a flash of reflected sunlight caught my eye. I looked up and saw that it was the morning plane from Sydney banking on to its final approach to the...

1 year ago
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The Family Mansion Chapter 3 Lexi

Lexi was Nathan’s twin sister. They were both born on May 15, only a few minutes apart over 19 years ago. Liz saw her youngest daughter, Erika, as being, more or less, just a younger version of her. This was mostly because Erika was the spitting image of Liz when she was her age. Erika had large breasts, soft features, black hair, and brown eyes, just as Liz did. If Liz could see clearer, she’d see that Lexi was the daughter who had the most in common with her. They were both late bloomers,...

4 years ago
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Chriss StepdadPart 1

So,you all know the routine by now.Don't read if it's gonna get the police where you live crashing thtough your door.I have never,and will never advocate abuse of k**s in any way,shape or form.My experiences were all CONSENSUAL,no-one 'groomed' me or forced me.Some of the language I use is exaggerated so don't go all puritan on me.It is what it is! Enjoy!Chris was probably my closest mate.We'd first met when we were both around 7 years old and he and his family had moved into the avenue where I...

1 year ago
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Healthy Therapy Session

Healthy Therapy SessionBy: Londebaaz ChohanSasha Levine was the smartest in the family. She was all set to go to college soon. Her school counselor had written a very nice letter, praising for her smartness. Her older brother Walter had read the letter and was very proud that his baby sister not only had brains but the body as well. She had the perfect tits, the guys would like to suck and enjoy all night. Her tits were always perky even when she was not wearing a bra. Her ass was as perfect...

3 years ago
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The Quickie

I was home alone for the weekend. I had recovered from being mouth fucked by a guy I hardly knew. I was super horny and willing to try it again. It was just after 7 pm when I got online. I met Brett in a local m4m chatroom. He was very direct and demanded I give him my phone number. I had always been wary of giving it out but I threw caution out and gave it to him. He called within seconds. Brett told me to shave my entire body and head. He talked to me on speaker phone as I did so in my...

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Becoming Imogen Chapter 1

I guess I always knew that this was coming, it’s one of those things that seems inevitable when you look back on it. School was hard for me, I was picked on and bullied by most of the other boys. I was significantly shorter and underdeveloped compared to k**s in my class and I had long hair which curled in a way that strangers always said was pretty. Some k**s would call me names but I quickly got to understand which boys were really dangerous and I learned to try to outwit them. My favourite...

2 years ago
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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 29

Lovely Little Secret The house was quiet but no longer silent. Beyond the ticking of the clock here in the library where you sat at your desk — beyond the sound of your pencil’s graphite point gently scratching your notebook paper — there was the distant sound of movement in this old Victorian manse. It hadn’t been this way last year when you arrived. Then there was just me roaming about — and you occupying the room you had rented in the servant’s wing. Then we had fallen in love and you had...

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