- 4 years ago
- 30
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Troy and I had been seeing each other for about three months, with our relationship being purely physical. We did end up having an official date after that enjoyable Sunday morning, but I reaffirmed my earlier conclusion, that aside from the bedroom, we had nothing in common. Almost all the time we spent together involved either drinking with the group, or being naked in bed.
We had opposite tastes in movies, music and TV shows. We were basically fuck buddies, who drank together. At least that’s how I felt. The other day though, Troy dropped the ‘L’ word on me, and I was still trying to figure out what to say to him.
I didn’t feel the same way, and my gaze would still drift back to Jace when we were all hanging out together. Lauren was still giving me the death glare when she saw me, even though I always showed up with Troy, and spent the entire time sitting by his side. I even tried to act like a typical girlfriend, going out of my way to act against my nature, like sitting on his lap, and calling him by ‘pet’ names. But even though I was showing her that I was clearly with Troy, she would keep Jace practically glued to her side, whenever I was anywhere near.
I was pleasantly surprised, when one weekend Jace texted me, out of the blue.
[Hey, whatcha doin?]
[Nothing much. What’s up?]– I replied.
[Wanna come check out my new pad?]
[Sure. Send add. I’ll be there soon.]
I grabbed my keys and ID case, and headed out the door. I pulled up Google Maps, entered Jace’s address, and let it direct me to my destination.
I pulled up in front of an old Victorian style house, that had been spliced into multiple apartments. There were little gardens surrounding the house, with hanging baskets in full bloom decorating the porch. The area was decent, and there was a small park across the busy road.
[I’m here]- I texted.
[Be right down.]
Jace came from around the back of the house, and gestured for me to follow him up the back stairway.
“Nice house,” I said, climbing the old stairway, behind him.
“The outside is nice. The inside….” He let the sentence trail off.
“What? Is it like really nasty or something?”
“You’ll see when you come in.”
He opened the door, and I was rather apprehensive to enter after that evasive answer. I followed him in anyway, and was met by one of the tiniest kitchens in existence. You could barely fit three people in it, if that. I estimated I could stretch my arms out and be able to touch both walls without much effort. I trailed behind Jace down a very narrow hallway. To my right was a doorway that opened into another small room that was used as a living area. It had a love seat, a recliner, a wall mounted TV and a small, narrow bookcase. Across from there was a true water closet. One could wash their hands, feet and use the toilet simultaneously, it was so cramped.
“Still think it’s a nice place?” Jace asked, a sarcastic smile on his lips.
“Wow.” Was all I could manage to say.
“Well for a little while, it’s home sweet home.”
“It’s not so bad,” I said trying to put a positive spin on it. “I mean it definitely needs some updating, but for one person, it’s not so bad.”
“Oh, I don’t live alone. I have a roommate, Isaack.”
Jace pointed to an open door at the end of the hall, and we walked through. Here was the bedroom. It was also on the small side, but had enough space for a twin bed, a dresser and a computer table. It was still a tight fit though.
“So, where does Isaack sleep?”
“This is his room. I’ll show you mine.”
Jace continued through the room to another closed door. He opened in and inside was another very tiny bedroom. It had a double mattress and box spring on the floor. Nestled next to that was a plastic three-drawer dresser. It was about the size of a closet. Actually, looking at it, it was a closet.
“This is your room?” I asked, looking back at Jace, shocked.
“Yep, all six by eight feet of it.”
“Jace, why are you living here? This place is awful.”
“The rent is affordable, and I needed a place ASAP.”
“But this is practically a jail cell. No, it’s worse. Those at least have a commode. How desperate were you for a place to stay?”
He rubbed the back of his neck wearily, and sighed.
“Lauren and I are having a lot of problems and I couldn’t live with her for one more minute. I needed to get out, fast. Isaack had this space available, and offered to let me have it on a month by month basis for seventy-five bucks a month. Everything is included, except my food. I know it’s not the greatest situation, but it beats bumming around on friends’ couches until I get enough money for a deposit on a new place.”
I gave him a hug, hoping to help alleviate some of my friends’ stress.
“I’m sorry, Jace.” I said, rubbing his back.
“Thanks, Nadia,” he replied, giving me a squeeze.
“Who is this Isaack guy, anyway? How do you know him?” I asked, pulling back.
“He was Mindy’s cousin’s old roommate,” he said, letting me go with, what felt like, reluctance.
“He’s not some total weirdo, is he?” I asked, skeptically.
“Nah, he’s okay,” Jace replied. “A bit of a pervert, but he’s cool.”
“Do I even want to know?”
Jace laughed at the face I was making.
“He likes to have porn on like 24-7. He also has a collection of panties from one-night-stands. He likes to lick his nipples while watching BDSM fetish videos, too.”
“Are you serious?” I said, my eyes as round as saucers.
“About the twenty-four-hour porn yes, the other stuff I made up,” Jace said, laughing even harder. “It’s only a place to sleep, Nadia, while I save up my money. I’m hardly ever here.”
“If you’re okay with living here, then what else can I say about it?”
He nodded, allowing the conversation to drop. He then asked if I was hungry and we decided to go grab a bite as one of the fast food joints in the area. We sat in the park across the street enjoying the early fall weather, and just hanging out while we ate. I hadn’t had a chance to do this with him since he came back into my life. We used to be the best of friends before we dated, and after the split, we each went off to parts unknown. I missed this. I missed him.
After we ate and talked some more, Jace suggested we head over to a bar a couple of blocks up the road. I agreed, not wanting our bonding time to end. We left my car at his apartment, and walked the three blocks up to the little dive bar.
The night got later, and the drinks flowed faster, and before I knew it, they were announcing last-call. We paid our tab, and headed out into the night, walking arm in arm. We were laughing and tripping over each other, as we stumbled back to the old Victorian. I skipped a little ahead of Jace, and twirled in a circle, my head thrown back, eyes closed. I didn’t know how close to the road I was until I tripped against the curb, and started falling into oncoming traffic.
Quick as lightening, Jace was there, catching my wrist, and pulling me hard against his chest. Still feeling the alcohol, I laughed at the look on his face.
“What’s wrong, Jacey-poo?” I asked, cuddling against his chest.
“Holy shit, Nadia. You almost gave me a heart attack!” he yelled, pushing me back, to give me a good shake, before he pulled me back into his arms again.
“I’m fine, though.”
“I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
“Oh, quit exaggerating. It wasn’t that bad.”
Jace looked me hard in the eye, before his head started to descend. I thought maybe he was going to kiss me, so I reared my head back, covering his mouth with my hand.
“Jace, we can't, I’m with Troy,” I slurred.
He only leaned down, and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead. He then ruffled my hair, smiling, before he slung his left arm around my shoulders, and we started walking again.
The cooler night air felt wonderful, but even with the walk, I was far from sober, or even safe to get behind a wheel, and thankfully I had enough sense to know it.
“Hey, Jace,” I said, “could I crash at your place for a little bit? I don’t think I can drive.”
“Sure. Mi casa, es su casa.”
We spent quite a bit of time navigating the rickety, wooden stairs to his apartment. Both of us laughing and egging the other on, as feet miss-judged distance, as our balance was iffy. Jace pushed me down the dark hall, past the living room, where I could hear the sounds of a woman moaning in ecstasy, accompanied by the grunts and groans of a male voice. Jace peaked his head in the door long enough to inform Isaack that we were home, before he pushed me, stumbling into his little closet room, and shut the door behind us.
I collapsed face down onto the bed, and started laughing. Jace nudged my leg with his, silently demanding I make him some room, as he also dropped on his back, onto the mattress. I scooted over, and turned my head, so we were facing each other.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, seeing the huge grin on my face.
“I thought you were exaggerating about the porn.” I laughed. “He really does watch it all the time.”
“He doesn’t just watch it, if you know what I mean?” Jace said, waggling his eyebrows.
“It’s a healthy thing to do.” I responded. “Everyone does it, even if they won’t admit it.”
“But he does it six or seven times a day.”
“Ewww. I did not need to know that about your roommate. And that seems rather excessive, don’t you think?” I laughed.
Jace laughed too, reaching down in the darkness to hold my hand.
“You know, if he keeps that up, he's likely to go blind?” I chuckled.
“Or get callouses,” Jace responded, laughing even harder.
I snorted, and that sent both of us off in peals of laughter. He gave my hand a squeeze, before he moved it, to lace our fingers together.
“I’ve missed this,” he said, into the darkness, as our laughter subsided. “I’ve missed hanging out with you like this. Laughing together, making up dumb jokes.”
“Yeah, me too,” I said, quietly.
He sighed.
“Lauren isn’t cool like you are, Nadia,” he began.
“How do you mean?” I asked.
“She’s pretty crazy, if you want to know. And not the fun crazy, but like she needs mental help.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“Yeah, I guess I need someone to talk to.”
“I’m here for you, you know that, right?”
Jace brought our linked hands up, and kissed the back of my hand, before placing them across his chest.
“She’s so jealous and domineering. I didn’t notice it at first. But over the past few months, it’s gotten really bad. She’s constantly asking me where I am if I’m not at home, and whenever we’re out with other people she’s always hanging all over me.”
I squeezed his hand, urging him to continue.
“In the last three months, especially, she’s gone totally loco. If I’m even five minutes late getting home from work, suddenly I’m cheating on her. In her mind, I’m fucking anything with a pair of tits and a pussy. I swear she low-jacked my phone, so she would know where I was at all times.”
“I’m sorry,” I murmured.
“She always going on and on about you, too, you know?”
I lifted my head up, to look at him.
“What do you mean?”
“She thinks every time we all hang out, that you’re just waiting for the right time to corner me, and fuck me. That you’re always watching me, waiting to pounce.”
I had to laugh and shake my head. Granted that my eyes did have a habbit of following Jace's movements whenever we were together, but I thought I was doing a pretty good job of hiding it.
“Wow, she is pretty psycho, huh?” I asked in the darkness.
“She went through my phone, and asked me about every single girl’s number that was in it. She then ordered me, ORDERED me, to erase all of them, especially yours. That was the last straw. After that fight, I knew I couldn’t be with her anymore.”
“She was trying to control you. What a possessive bitch.”
“I’m sorry if I’ve seemed distant since we became friends again. It was all Lauren’s doing. I didn’t realize that she was trying to isolate me, until it was almost too late.”
“What made you finally see that enough was enough?”
“The whole number thing was really the last straw. You and I were friends long before she and I ever got together, and while we had drifted apart, I never forgot about you. I’ve thought about you often these last few years. That’s why I decided to find you again.”
I didn’t know what to say to that. We lay there in silence for a little while, before I decided to ask the question that had been burning on my mind since this confession.
“Why you wait so long to find me? If I meant so much to you, why did you wait?”
“I don’t know,” he said, quietly. “I was scared I guess. I didn’t know how you still felt about me. We had dated, but then we broke up. Are you even able to still stay friends ith someone after that?”
“Do you even remember why we broke up in the first place?”
“I think it was because I moved, and neither of us had a car at that time, so it was hard for us to see each other,” he said. “Plus, I’m pretty sure your parents hated me,” he added, with a wry grin in his voice.
I gave him a sad smile back, and squeezed his hand again. I scooted closer, and rested my head on his chest, cuddling up against his side. He transferred my hand to his right one, and wrapped his left arm around me, hugging me tighter to him. After a little bit, I decided to share some of my drama with Jace. He had opened up to me, I felt it was fair to do the same.
“So, I also have something to tell you.”
“What’s that?”
I took a deep breath, gathering myself, before I told him.
“The other night Troy told me he loved me.”
“What did you say back to him?”
“Nothing. I totally panicked. It was after we had had sex, and we were cuddling, drifting off to sleep, when he whispered it against my neck. Once I was sure he was asleep, I got dressed quietly, and snuck out. I texted him something about having an emergency and working the next day. I didn’t know what to do. I still don’t.”
“Do you feel the same way about him?”
“Not really. I mean he’s a fine boyfriend, and he’s funny. But we have nothing in common aside from drinking with you and the group, and the sex. I don’t want to be a bitch and hurt him, but I really don’t see us going anywhere beyond, what and where we are now.”
Jace was quiet, as he stroked my back.
“What do you think I should do, I don’t want to break his heart?” I asked, looking up at him.
“You have basically two options. Either tell him how you feel, or pretend you didn’t hear him, and go on as you have been. Either way he’s going to get hurt, since your feelings aren’t invested. You could either rip off the band-aid quick, or draw it out.”
I was quiet, thinking about what Jace had said.
“If it were you, what would you do?”
“If I was the one who wanted to end things or if I was the one who confessed to the other person, I think in both cases I’d want the truth. It might hurt, but we’d both be able to move on faster, once everything was out in the open.”
“Thanks, Jace. I needed to hear from someone who wasn’t involved.”
“Any time, honey, any time,” he said, giving me another little squeeze.
I let out a lusty yawn then, and it suddenly hit me how tired I was.
“Would it be okay if I spent the night? I still don’t think I can drive home.”
“Yeah,” Jace said, letting out a yawn of his own.
We both got off the bed, and got more comfortable, preparing to sleep. I took off my shoes, pants, and bra, and Jace stripped down to a t-shirt and his boxer-briefs. We then both crawled under the covers, him spooning against my back, his right arm draped across me.
“Good night, Jace,” I said, yawning again.
“G’night, Nadia.”
I awoke in the early morning, before dawn, to Jace kissing my neck, his hands under my shirt, massaging my breasts. I could feel the hot bulge of his erection pressing against my ass, and I wriggled back a little against it. He moaned softly in my ear, and thrust himself harder against me. I moaned myself as he began to play with my nipple rings, softly flicking them back and forth.
I opened my legs a little wider when I felt his right-hand slide down my stomach, and into the top of my panties. His long fingers stroked over my lips, delving downwards, before he parted them, and slipped his fingers between my dampening folds. He stroked me, playing around and over my clit, dipping his fingers into my moistening canal, and drawing the slick lubrication up along my cleft.
I rocked against his hand, loving the way he touched me. Even after all this time, he still remembered how and where I liked to be touched. I bit my lips, trying to keep my moaning quiet, as he increased the pressure and speed. I felt the orgasm building and my legs started to tense up, as I neared the crescendo.
Jace leaned up and over capturing my mouth as I came, muffling my cries of ecstasy. I shook in his arms, the pleasure cascading throughout my body. He continued kissing me as I came back down, and I rolled onto my back, to kiss him more fully.
Jace moved over me, and settled himself between my legs, reaching both hands up to cup my face. I brought my own hands up and wrapped them around his back, as I entwined my legs around his hips. We continued kissing, both of us grinding our hips against each other.
Jace then scooted lower, kissing down my neck, as he began to raise my shirt. He sat back on his knees to remove his own, and I raised my arms to help him tug mine off. He came back down and it was amazing to feel his bare skin touching mine. He continued his downward momentum and captured my breast in his mouth. His tongue lathed and flicked over and around my hard, erect nipple, making me gasp in pleasure. He ran his tongue across to the other one, giving it equal attention, as he teased and tugged on my rings.
By now I was letting out mewling little cries, my legs shifting restlessly against his. He moved further down my body, and hooked his fingers into the sides of my panties, drawing them up and off my legs. He then settled himself down between my parted legs, and after opening my moist folds, ran the flat of his tongue up my wet slit. I squirmed against him, arching my back. He slipped his hands under my ass, and brought me tighter against his mouth. Panting, I brought my hand down to twine my fingers through his hair, pushing his face deeper against me. He licked back and forth along my velvety folds, making gasps and moans erupt when he would hit a particularly sensitive place. He then latched his mouth over my clit, sucking hard, flicking his tongue against my erect little pearl.
I came again, hard, biting my lips and covering my mouth with my left hand, to stifle the scream of release. My back arched higher and my inner thighs quivered as the bliss ripped through me. Jace continued his climatic torture on my clit, until he wrung every ounce of pleasure from me. He then came back over me, kissing me deeply. I could taste and smell my juices on his tongue and mouth. It was so erotic and I kissed him harder, rubbing my still aching pussy against the front of his boxer-briefs.
“God, I want to fuck you so bad right now,” he growled, breaking off our kiss.
“Please Jace. I want you inside me. Fuck me,” I panted, straining against him.
“I don’t have any condoms.”
“I’m on the pill,” I breathed in his ear.
He yanked off his underwear, and bracing his hands on my thighs, plunged into me. I gasped, shuddering around his silken pole. It was divine heaven to feel his naked cock sheathed within me. I’d never gone bareback before, too concerned with pregnancy or catching something. This was sheer rapture. I wrapped my legs around his hips, holding him tight within me, reveling in the pleasure of him filling me. He then started thrust hard within me, bottoming out against my cervix. With every stroke, his head hit a certain spot far within, causing all kinds of pleasurable shocks to arc through my body.
I was soon rocking my hips in time with his, our skin getting slick with sweat, our panting breaths mingling in the small space. Jace began to pick up more speed, the sound of our flesh slapping, adding to atmosphere. I tightened my legs around him as my climax started building again.
“Oh, fuck Nadia, your pussy feels so good. I’m going to cum soon.” Jace panted in my ear.
“Don’t stop, I’m so close. I want you to cum inside me.” I breathed, back.
Jace thrust a few more times, hard inside me, and brought me over the edge. My orgasm triggered his, and as I asked, he shot his load inside me, pumping his hips to extend our pleasure. Our mouths clashed as we drank down each other’s release, stifling the cries and groans. I clung to his back, running my hands down the sweat slickened skin, marveling in feel of him. He caught himself on his forearms as he collapsed on top of me, his hands coming up to hold my face, as he kissed me. We lay there in the darkness of his little closet bedroom, catching our breaths in between kisses.
I was shocked when he began rocking his hips against me again. He had just cum, but was still hard, and it looked like round two was going to start right where round one ended.
I reached my left hand up to hold on to the back of his neck, as I moved my right down to press against his lower back, feeling him thrust into me.
After the frenzied fuck of earlier, this time Jace took things slow, leisurely withdrawing out of me, before methodically sinking back in. This wasn’t fucking, it wasn’t even sex. Jace was making love to me, and I felt it, on a deep emotional level. His kiss, while still passionate, was softer as he spent time exploring my mouth, teasing his tongue against mine.
His hands ran along my sides, rediscovering my body, as his hips kept up their constant momentum, of withdrawal and return. I ran my own hands up and over his back, reveling in the body that I had forgotten. It felt so right to have him here, between my thighs, buried inside of me.
Jace leaned up, and looked deep into my eyes, pushing my tangled hair from my sweat covered forehead.
“He’s not good enough for you. You belong with me,” he rumbled.
"Who?" My brain was too focused on what his body was doing to mine to follow his conversation.
"Troy. He's not good enough for you. I'm taking you back from him." His thrusts began to gain speed and force.
“Yes,” my breath shuddered out as new waves of pleasure rolled through me.
“You’re mine. You will always belong to me.”
“I’m yours.” I breathed, rocking my hips in time with his.
“I love you, Nadia.”
This time when I heard those words, a feeling of contentment and rightness settled over me. I had no reservations saying the words back.
“I love you, too, Jace.”
And all at once I was cumming again. I clutched Jace’s body to mine as I came apart, trembling and convulsing in his arms. Jace sank himself one more time inside me, before I felt him let go, his hot seed pumping into me. We clung to each other as we rode the waves of ecstasy as one, all the while exchanging words of love.
I felt Jace move off me, and I turned to my side, feeling him cuddle up to my back. He once again gathered me in his arms, and I fell asleep wrapped in the embrace of the one I loved, feeling his breath softly feather across my neck.
It had been some time since my last encounter with Nadia. I could not help but to fantasize about her most of the time. God! She just drove me crazy that night, I thought to myself. For weeks I kept recalling everything she did to me that night and how many times she had made me cum. I had not seen her in a while, but we had talked on the phone from time to time. She never let the chance go by to tell me all the nasty, dirty things she was going to do to me the next time she saw me. Just...
ReluctanceIt was a time I always looked forward to: Tuesday night with a group of friends, mainly women, who got together at Nadia’s house to talk about whatever we wanted. It had started out as a church group, but as time had gone on and people had dropped out and others, non-Christians, had joined, it had changed slightly.It was now a forum for grown-up discussion of anything from politics and world events to sex, although it kept to the carefully pitched code of mutual respect and decency. That...
Straight SexThe day was warm and clear and we all sat in a semi circle on the green summer grass, enjoying the sights and sounds of a fantastic outdoor summer concert. My self, my girl friend Nadia, as well as my mom, Diane’s Daughter Amanda, and of course the woman in question Diane herself. We had driven from Toronto to Montreal meet up with Diane and her daughter and take in the annual Jazz festival, and where at first the idea of spending a weekend with my mother and her friend made me want to roll...
I didn’t recognize the number on my caller ID. I debated letting it go to voice-mail, but ultimately ended up answering it. “H-hello?”“Hey, Nadia, what’s up?” a male voice asked.“Who is this?” I responded. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t quite place it.“You can’t tell?” The voice laughed.It was the laugh that triggered my memory. “Jace?”“Ding, ding. You guessed it, babe.”“Um… Hi.” I said, feeling a little ridiculous.“Hi. So, what are you doing tonight?” he asked.“Nothing, why? And...
Straight SexMy 14 years old real sister was enjoying a girl’s hand on her Gaand. As the jeans were pushed down a bit, I noticed that my sister was wearing a baby pink underwear and her sexy Gaand was looking very firm in it. It seemed to be bit smaller than her Gaand The chain of events that I’ll be narrating here in parts are absolutely correct, except with the change of names. Not only the events are true and real, but also there is an extra bit of eroticism attached to it as these events in involve the...
IncestHi friends Its Danial, 30 male working as a senior manager in a reputed company. Today I am narrating my experience with my neighbor girl Nadia. Let me describe you Nadia. She was 18 years old at that time and has a very sexy figure of 34, 24, 34, with very fair complexion and attractive eyes. We are living in an apartment building Nadia’s apartment is on the same floor as mine. We have 2 separate doors for entrance, 1 for regular use and the other for guests which open directly in the drawing...
When I first found out that this game was being made, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I learned about the developer, NLT, through his other flagship project called Lust Epidemic. At first, I thought that that game looked like ass, until I tried it and became instantly hooked. That game was a fun romp through some intricate drug-fueled sexual scenarios. You played as a young buck, stuck in between four women who are all significantly older than him, but they’re all fucking hot. Hell, one of them is...
Free Sex GamesThe night began just like any other Nadia and i had the house to ourselves , we had a few drinks and the subject of nudity came up as we chatted about being naked we decided that we would strip off together nadia stood up and slowly undid her top and removed it then unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down and off wearing only her sexy bra and g-string panties mmmmm so sexy. I stood up and removed my top and shorts and underwear so that i was completely naked , she said that she loved my...
EroticIt had been some time since my last encounter with Nadia. I could not help but to fantasize about her most of the time. God! She just drove me crazy that night, I thought to myself. For weeks I kept recalling everything she did to me that night and how many times she had made me cum. I had not seen her in a while, but we had talked on the phone from time to time. She never let the chance go by to tell me all the nasty, dirty things she was going to do to me the next time she saw me. Just...
Life is funny, folks. Case in point? Me. Steve Acier. Mr. Big and tall Black man of Haitian descent living in Nepean, a suburb of the capital city of Ottawa in the Province of Ontario. I moved there from my hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, at the end of 2009. Since then I enrolled at Carleton University and I also work part-time as a security guard at the local art gallery. Since I moved to Ottawa, I experienced a lot of culture shock. Ottawa is a city with a growing population of...
My name is Steve LaFleur. A big and tall young African-American man of Haitian descent living in the city of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I was born in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, in 1987. I’ve been living in Ottawa since 2009. I moved here because I had a scholarship offer from Carleton University. It’s the only reason why I’m in Canada. The place really sucks. And I can’t stand Black Canadians. Why? They’re all Oreos. In case you don’t know, an Oreo is someone who’s Black on the...
“Ready for the ride of your life?” he said, as Nadia stood there in the garage, staring at the tiny two seater convertible.”I can’t believe you talked me into this”, Nadia said, reluctantly. “I can’t even believe I agreed to show up this morning, I was so drunk last night.””Well, the bar was a lot of fun for sure, but I think what you’re about to experience is going to be a lot more fun than the bar”, he said. What Nadia didn’t know is that he planned this. He didn’t drink at all last night,...
It is the continuation of my adventures with my lovely landlady ‘Bhabi’. As she planned to arrange a fucking session with two women and me. I knew one of her nieces, Nadia (28), 35-28-36, whose hubby also works in UAE. She often visits her aunt’s house and to be honest, I thought several times to fuck her but could not find any mechanism that how I can be successful. I never thought that my landlady will arrange Nadia as our sex partner. Wow! Bhabi asked me to come after evening. When I got in,...
EroticNot that I despised Dan any less, but I hated Aaron more. He was the one who had seduced my wife and made her a slut for his selfish needs. The reason I teamed up with Dan was twofold; to take down Aaron and to search for my wife, Carol. Avenging Aaron seems to be easier than finding the whereabouts of my wife. Dan’s elder brother was a cop, and he desired Dan to join him. After some persuasions, Dan finally paid heed to his brother's plea and decided to join him. Though Dan was in formation,...
CheatingI went to my locker to grab my clothes and keep back my bunker gear. The first week back at work was rough and tiresome; just the way I liked it. I was done for the day but was not looking forward to going home. Home! A place where your loved one live and where you long to spend most of your time was only a dream at the moment. After talking to Carol, I had managed to get her approval to go back to work. Going back to work not only gave me the upper hand in the decision making, but also...
CheatingThe third time I had contact with the lovely and lustful Constance T, a week or so later, it was in the same capacity, driver and body guard. She and the girl, Mary Beth, appeared ready to travel when I arrived and both greeted me with brotherly kisses. I helped them up into the carriage and got their boxes stowed, and we were off for a long ride in the country, taking the randy girl to another relative to piece out her penance for having lain with her brother. We stopped for a meal and to...
I made it back down to the reception desk where Sandra, my daughter, was being entertained by Susan, the receptionist. Having managed to wipe my eyes dry, I put on a calm mask but was unsure, how long I could keep up the masquerade.“Simon! Is everything fine?” Susan asked in a low, concerned voice.I looked at Sandra and the innocent smile on her face which grew upon seeing me. “Yes… I… I am fine. How long have they been seen together?” I tried my best to appear calm and not fumble my words even...
CheatingThis story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me at hepburn666 [at] googlemail [dot] com .If you've enjoyed this story, please write me too - then I might write more! [Synopsis] In the years after the German reunion a lot of West-German families claimed to get estates and property from East-German villages. They stated that the claimed property dis-seized from their (grand-)parents as...
My name is Katy. I’m from a small New England town where my family has lived for centuries. My father is the town banker, my mother the volunteer who drives everyone crazy with her strident manner. Describing my family as starchy would be putting it mildly and my childhood was quite strict. My parents were very controlling although I love them both dearly. I like to think I’m kind of pretty, though I wish my breasts were bigger. My hair is this wild, blonde tangle that irritates my mother. I...
Lesbian“Fucking, amateur nurses!”The low yet familiar voice, amid the darkness, ignited my cognition. I felt dizzy, light-headed and the effort to open my eyes seemed to be in vain. All I could do was submit to the nothingness that surrounded me. ‘Where the fuck am I?’“Mommy, is daddy going to be alright?”`Sandra, Shit!’ It was my daughter. There was sadness in her voice; a genuine feeling of pain and loss. My daughter was enquiring about me. ‘What the fuck has happened to me and why the heck can’t I...
CheatingI arrived home at around eleven-thirty in the evening. As I walked in, I made sure not to make any noise and wake anyone up in the house. I went into my bedroom to change, and before I could go to bed, I went to the bathroom. As I passed by the guestroom, which was occupied by Carol, I heard faint noises coming from within. As I got closer to her room, I became aware that the noises were moans of pleasure.“Simon, I want you... I want you to fuck me.”I was stunned. There were two possibilities;...
Interracial“Sandra, finish your greens,” I said as I swallowed a morsel.“No! I don’t like them,” Sandra replied as she gently pushed her plate away and sat with her hands crossed.“Sweetheart, how will you become strong if you don’t eat your veggies? Come on, be quick. You need to finish them.”“I don’t like them. Mama used to cook better than you. I want mama to cook.”I kept the fork down in the plate and sighed. Ever since Carol left the house, I found Sandra growing into a rebellious child, as days...
CheatingThrough the journey, Carol kept apologizing but I remained quiet. The cause of my silence was two-fold; I was boiling with rage for the disgrace she had brought upon me. Secondly, the time to confront her was interrupted by the news of her dad being admitted to the hospital.Upon reaching the hospital, Carol inquired with Susan, the receptionist, about her dad's condition and the ward in which was he admitted into. “Ward seventeen. They are in Ward number seventeen. Your mom with and Sandra are...
CheatingI stormed out of the pub while Joel followed me. “Simon! If you do something stupid, you will lose her and ruin your marriage.”I got in the car, switched on the ignition and the car roared to life. “No, Jo! It’s not me. It’s her! She has lost me!”Shifting the gear, I pressed the accelerator and the car was in motion. The patience for which I was often praised was lost, and rage had taken control of my thinking. The cognitive part of my brain had come to a halt and was taken over by anger, which...
CuckoldBeing Sunday, we had returned home from visiting Carol’s parents and were preparing to have our supper. I was too tired to cook, so we had brought food from the local takeaway on our way back home. Sandra, our six-year-old daughter was helping me lay down dishes for supper while Carol was upstairs, showering.“Honey, is the food ready?” Carol's voice boomed from the room above.“Give me a minute,” I replied as I laid down the platter containing beef roast with roasted potatoes.Sandra passed me...
CheatingI put on my coat and went out to my car. I would drive the lonely road for almost eight hours. I would go to a place where I and my long lost lover would finally meet. My body vibrated in anticipation of our reunion. I put plenty of tapes in the passenger seat. I drove into the gray day. Seven hours passed so slowly. I had plenty of time to think of all I wanted to say to him, and all I wanted to do to him. He had always dominated my thoughts. I had imagined so many meetings. It finally...
A cool breeze fluttered across her body which indicated what she was only now suspecting, that she was naked. She didn't know where she was, she couldn't remember whether it was morning or night, or even if she was at home in her own bed. Where was she? What was the last thing she could recall? Lifting her head up from the bed, she tried to speak, but the only thing that was uttered from her voice box was a croak. Her throat muscles began to contract as she tried to draw saliva, but her...
I woke up slowly the next morning to the soft whispers between a mother and daughter. It had been a taxing night, both physically and mentally. My head still felt as if it was a sheep turned inside out, so I decided to just lie there with my eyes closed. I drifted in and out of consciousness as the two women in my life shared confidences. I didn't feel as if I was eavesdropping, as they knew I was lying right there between them. I cracked one eye and peeked out at the cruel, bright world....
Divorce produced a range of emotions and behaviors that was quite unexpected. I missed having a traditional nuclear family, a lot. On the positive side, my relationship with my kids improved a great deal. They grounded me, and I spent as much time with them as possible. I had bought a house on Lake Travis where they each had their bedroom and more than enough clothing at our home. I got them every other weekend and every Wednesday, when I had them overnight. In addition, I had them full time in...
TrueNote : This story is completely fictional! Those were bachelor days when I had just got into a job in an industry located outskirts of chennai. I was looking for a suitable house to move in and was disappointed with the surroundings around my factory. On a suggestion from a friend of mine I started looking in a small suburb around 5 kms away from the factory. Although there were many desirable houses in there and empty too, being a bachelor I was not very welcome. Spending a whole of a sunny...
IncestSaturday afternoon has finally arrived, and Jacqueline and I have almost everything ready for the evening. I’ve shaved my cock, and my balls, and Jacqueline has shaved her pussy clean. Jacqueline has picked out a black dress and matching underwear for the evening. I’ve picked a pair of slacks and a buttoned short sleeve shirt for myself. Jacqueline looks absolutely stunning, her dress hugging her curvaceous body, and it shows plenty of cleavage. She definitely looks extremely fuckable tonight....
Group SexMy first time with another girl I had to stay over her house one night after a late study session she was my tutor Jan, She was 24, I was in HS. It was too late for a pick up or her to take me home. All I had on was my denim mini, a midriff top and no panties (blush). Jan gave me a t shirt to sleep in she told me to put it on while she showered. I did but it came all the way up to my belly button and my lil peach fuzz area was totally Xposed. So I hopped in her bed to cover myself. Jan came out...
LesbianCodes: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. This story does not advocate violence against women. If you have any suggestions for this or any other future story, please email me. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets. Hope you enjoy the story. Story: Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup. Kristen’s affair caught him by surprise. What resulted was a mixture of grief and anger. And...
My name is Cheli. I am a 32 years old white girl, 5'5", 130 lbs, brown eyes and black hair with small tits but really perky nipples. I was using a new dating site when I was messaged by this black guy. His name is Tyrone. He is a black guy 6'5" muscular build, handsome and had a 10 inch cock, and was a year older than me. We messaged back and forth letting him know I never dated a black guy and willing to give it a try. My roommate in college dated a black guy and had told me the sex was great....
We’ve just eaten an incredible dinner for two and it’s storming outside. You can hear the thunder booming and the lightning crackle as lights flicker off and on in the house. You look at me from across the table and something just clicks and sizzles between us. I reach for your hand, and hesitate hoping you’ll accept the invitation I’m feeling so deeply inside me. You smile, and grab tightly onto my hand as we stand up and slowly make our way over in front of the fireplace. A bit of chill in...
Dizza Yankeur, aka “Yank”, the cultural anthropologist from the civilian science department, was fifty-seven metric years old and had two PhDs to her credit. Still in her first career when most humans her age were well established in second careers, she had arrived at CVS the previous day hoping to arrange some escorted trips to the northern border region where California, Oregon and the high desert of Nevada came together. She was interested in this particular region of the North American...
I was at the house waiting for the Exterminator to show up. He was not due for Half an Hour.. Thinking I still had plenty of time I got ready to jump in the shower. Just as I am about to step into the shower I hear the door being knocked on. Shock of shocks he is early. But before jumping back into my Night cloths, putting on a towel or finding some sort of cover. I look out the window just to make sure. Yea it is him, tapping on the window to get his attention I hold up one finger to make sure...
She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
Early morning Aralu called me, hey where are you baby? At home coz I was in a deep pain so needed to take care of myself, I replied. Ha ha ha I hope I didn’t heart you much, but little pain adds lots of fun ya? He asked. Ya you are right. I wrapped up conversation nicely,I was nervous whether Aralu is going to recognize me that I was the one who slept with him last night? Probably not as I was fully dressed with makeup & accessories and he was drunk. Just to give an impression to him that...
The searing feeling of being caught doing something naughty burned up from my pussy to my cheeks as I realised he was ogling at me. I saw his mouth stammer something in shocked delight, yet he didn’t take his eyes off mine. The blood pumped in my pussy, drumming around as I poked at my tight cunt. He jumped as the car behind us beeped. The fear that initially shocked my system had converted itself into a state of lust. He drove on, the colour leaving his face, which was more than likely going...
Chanel Shortcake is a cute blonde with beautiful blue eyes, so you can imagine that everyone is trying to get in her pants. Guys and girls love staring at Chanel, which makes sense because she has seemed to develop a liking for both. But when her stepbrother finds out that she has been texting his girlfriend behind his back, he is fully pissed. His stepsister is trying to snatch his lady right from under him! The only way she can make up for the betrayal is by getting down on the floor and...
xmoviesforyouIt looks easy on the videos. Let me tell you, it isn't. I'm not talking about the mechnics of sex in a toilet at 30,000 feet, I mean getting in and out of the loos without anyone seeing and stopping you.However, we were both horny. My work colleague and I had waited for our delayed flight in the T5 lounge at Heathrow long enough to have one G&T too many. I had made sure that our seats on this flight to San Francisco were at the back of the premium economy cabin on the left side of the...
So I get a call from Patricia I know it her because when I answered the phone I heard high pitched screaming in Chinese she lapses into Chinese when shes upset when I get her to calm down and speak English it seems shes stuck somewhere with a flat tire way out in the middle of nowhere you were visiting some relatives in Colorado and on the way back the car began acting funny next thing you know your on the side of the road with a flat so its Billy to the rescue I find your location on my GPS...
"Thank again for sleeping over tonight." Megan said. “I know it’s a little boring just the two of us." "No way," Sarah replied. She was currently sitting upside down in a large recliner facing the TV. "I'm having a blast. We got movies, junk food and no parents. That's always fun." "Very true," said Megan, who was sprawled across the sofa, as she grabbed a handful of chip. Her parents were going on some sort of couples retreat and since Megan was finally sixteen she could...
She too isn’t wearing much, a partial see thru blouse tied up under her large breasts and a pair of cut short jeans. She stood in their midst. As they watched her, she began a little dance as she unhooked the top of her shorts, slide down the zipper and slowly pushed her shorts down with a frolicsome smile. She turned slowly so that everyone could get a good view of her untanned pale outline of the thong she wears when sunbathing. Naked she wiggled her ass and jiggled her tits, a few...
I was naked, watching a blue film on my computer and getting a slight hard-on. I started masturbating, intending to cum, but needed some newspaper on the floor to catch it, when it shot out of me. Putting the film on hold and still still stroking my cock, which was now fully hard, I went into my lounge to fetch an old newspaper. I had forgotten that when I left the lounge to go to bed the previous night I had left the curtains on the lounge windows, fully open. I had a terrible shock when I saw...
Straight SexInspired by The Slayer Tales by Allen W. The room was dark, but suddenly light crept in as a door from the hallway opened, revealing the silhouette of a young girl. The door shut, and slowly the silence of the darkness echoed against the closet's walls. Slowly a barely audible mechanical hum could be heard coming from the corner of the room, and the figure stalked towards it. A grin crossed her face, and as she placed her hand on a surface, the device came alive, a soft glow coming...
Ye kahani last week ki ek sachhi kahani hey, maine kafi stories marathi me likhi hey kintu ye story main aapko hindi main hi likh raha hoon, shayad aaj se hindi main hi story likhana pasand karuga. Main ek shadi shuda sukhi santushta life ji raha aur bahot hi khoosh hoo, kyuni ki meri life main bhagwan ne mujhe sab kuch diya hain aur meri biwi bhi mujhe bahot khush rakhti hain. Humare ghar ke paas ek family rahti hain unke ghar me vasant bhai anjali bhabi aur unke do baccho ke sath rehte hain....
r/PornhubComments, aka Reddit PornhubComments! Masturbating increases mood and even boosts immune system function, so by now, people who masturbate several times a day like the PornGeek should be invincible, right? Well, not exactly, I mean too much of anything isn’t a good thing, but then again there are always other ways to make yourself feel better and not end up being miserable and self-loathing - and one of the most effective ways to do this is, believe it or not, through laughing. And no,...
Reddit NSFW ListIn the early sixties aged 18 I was training in the RAF up in sleepy Norfolk and I used to catch the early afternoon train from London on Sundays when I went home for weekends. Those were the days of single compartment carriages with a corridor. It was one of those boring trains that stopped at virtually every town and village and on Sundays was hardly ever busy. On this one summer Sunday I was alone reading and about halfway through the journey an old lady (well I thought she was old but in...
Beneath me I could feel you. your breath felt like silk as it caressed my neck, the tender kisses falling from our lips to meet each other's bodies, our necks. you paid close attention to there, just gently letting your kisses touch against my skin and running them up and down my neck. Then you turned your attention up to my face, the kisses, so sweet, connecting with my cheek and meeting my lips in the softest of ways felt like a bliss that shouldn't ever end. Our lips parted and you entered...
© Copyright 2002 The tinkling of a small bell sliced through the sweltering June morning. Summer has started hard this year, and today's temperature is at eighty-five degrees before ten a.m. From the inside of a much cooler flower shop, Karen winced at the searing sun as it nested in a royal blue sky. Her own equally blue eyes scanned the roadway, which passed the front of the store, for the familiar form of the florist's delivery van. Vance, the store's salesclerk was attending to...
This is a story where transformations are happening around a girl. Maybe the girlfriend is a witch, able to transform with a magic wand or a little polyjuice potion? Or maybe the hot next door neighbour is really an alien, not fixed to any specific shape? Or a geeky inventress with a perverted device? Or it is about a secret agent on a sexy mission? Anyway, either the girl or somebody around her's a fucking transformer. Autobots, roll out! ;)
Introduction: First Time with my First Girlfriend This is the first story ive posted so please give feedback, i might do another if people seem to like this one. Anyway, to the point, this is the story of when i lost my virginity to the girl who would become my girlfriend (And as a matter of fact we are still doing well together). For the purpose of this story i will change our names, just in case. So for the duration of this story, my name will be Ryan, and her name is Jee-Sung. Just to set...
From now on females with no kids in their 30’s will classified as a Cheetah – 34 years old – Innocent type woman from the midwest – She is single and has never been married – Has friends with benefits – No kids but wants them someday – Amateur model does photoshoots on the side – Turned on by the idea of an anonymous sex partner – Is into anal sex and took it like a pro pornstar – She is a closet freak for sure, enjoyed her shoot – All natural with nice nipples and a sexy bubble butt – Wants to...
xmoviesforyouYou are a filthy cock addicted slut. You are on your way home from a 10 day vacation with your parents. It is the middle of the night, your dad is driving, your mom is asleep in your lap in the back seat. You are masturbating anyways.This vacation has been terrible. Right before you left, your mom caught you sending dirty text messages to a guy. She has watched you like a hawk all week. Usually, you like to get fucked once a day at least. Some times you can make it a day or two by...
It was more than Jaylyn could have hoped for, this first meeting with her fantasy lover – now real lover in the flesh. From the moment he walked in the door, the chemistry between them was electric. Tyler knew how to arouse her deepest desires, and darkest lust. He tapped into her most hidden cravings with just a look from his hypnotic eyes; with his deep, commanding voice; and his sheer physical presence that dominated her without even saying a word. They had never met in person before, but he...
Wife Lovers