HomebodiesChapter 5 free porn video

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Dizza Yankeur, aka “Yank”, the cultural anthropologist from the civilian science department, was fifty-seven metric years old and had two PhDs to her credit. Still in her first career when most humans her age were well established in second careers, she had arrived at CVS the previous day hoping to arrange some escorted trips to the northern border region where California, Oregon and the high desert of Nevada came together. She was interested in this particular region of the North American landmass because a population of homebodies who called themselves the “Opies” called it home. The name Opie came from the notion that their ancestors were the original people of this particular region. These were a people who had been called “Indians” at one point in history because the original European discoverer of the North American landmass had thought he was in a subdivisional region called India. That name had stuck for half a millennium before they started being called “Native Americans” because of something known as “political correctness”. Finally, they had self-adopted the name “Original People” a few generations before the collapse of homebody civilization and that had evolved into “Opies.” What made these people worthy of study was their adherence to what they believed to be their ancestors’ customs and lifestyle and their self-sufficiency in feeding and clothing themselves by hunting and fishing. They were also, of all the various cultures that made up the homebody population, one of the few that knew the true cause of the collapse and that the strange armored people who flew through the sky and carried potent weapons were simply off-world humans trying to care for those left behind.

Gath knew all this information because Yank had told him. He had seen her sitting alone in the cafeteria at the lunch serving and had gone over to introduce himself because he wanted to talk about the art and the music of the homebodies with someone knowledgeable in the subject. After the introduction, he made a small talk enquiry about why she was currently at CVS. What followed was a twenty minute discourse about the Opies and some guy named Columbus and some animal called a buffalo and various atrocities committed against the Opies more than fifteen hundred years ago and how the Opies were later exploited through corporate financed gambling establishments prior to the collapse. She spoke so fast and with so few closed end statements that he had been unable to get a single word in edgewise. Fletch was right. The woman could talk.

“That’s uh ... very interesting,” Gath told her now, wondering if his eyes were showing the shell-shocked look his mind felt. “But what I was...”

“And of course,” she interrupted, seemingly not noticing that he was trying to talk, “there are many similarities between the Opies here in the high desert and several other groups of formerly oppressed and defeated peoples.”

“There are?” he said instinctively, and then immediately regretted it.

“Absolutely,” she said. “Take the Ceepies, for example. The Ceepies are the circumpolar people who live up around the Arctic Circle. They were once called “Eskimos” and then, later, “Inuits”, the terms of which derived from the two primary languages these gentle people spoke among themselves before first contact with the European descendants in...”

She lectured him on the Ceepies for five minutes, telling him about their diet of aquatic mammal meat, fish, and seabird eggs which they still maintained today. Just as she was getting into the evolutionary and biological developments that allowed them to survive and even thrive with minimal carbohydrate intake, he forced himself to edge into the land of mild rudeness and interrupt her. He had a slew of computerwork he needed to finish and Whoever only knew how long she was going to talk about the subject he was really interested in—if he could ever steer her onto it.

“Uh ... Yank,” he spoke up. “Sorry to cut you off. That’s all very interesting, but ... uh...”

“Oh, that’s okay,” she said dismissively. “Sometimes I’m hard to shut up when I get to talking. People have to interrupt me all the time. I don’t take offense to it. I had a friend once who told me ‘Yank, it seems like you think if you don’t keep your mouth running constantly it’ll seize up on you.’”

“Uh ... yeah,” Gath said. “So...”

“His name was Goth,” she said. “Kind of like your name, isn’t it?”

“A little,” Gath agreed. “So...”

“He and I met back when I was working on Martian culture norms in the eighties. He was an engineer that helped keep all the pressurized structures on the Martian surface operational. You know that everyone on Mars has to live indoors, in a pressurized environment, right?”

“Yes, but...”

“Goth used to get frustrated to tears sometimes,” she said. “All of those structures on Mars are so old. Most were originally built back before the Great Human Expansion. It seemed like every day he had to rush from one building to another to check on a depressurization alarm, or unseal a blast door that had...”

“So, what I wanted to ask you about,” he cut in, hoping that she was being truthful when she said she would not take offense to it, “is the homebody music and their art.”

She did not seem to be offended. In fact, she looked at him pointedly, as if seeing him for the first time. “Their music and their art?” she said, a smile forming on her lips and in her eyes. “What did you want to know about it?”

“Well, I was out on an overwatch mission the other day in Sacramento. While we were waiting for the engineers to fix a gantry crane, a group of homebodies was gathered on the levee wall, watching us.”

“They’re a very curious people, the homebodies,” Yank said with obvious affection in her voice.

“Yes, it looked like they are,” Gath said. “So ... anyway, after watching us for a while they took out these musical instruments and started playing. One was a stringed instrument somewhat like a guitar, one was a woodwind instrument, the other was a percussion piece.”

“Ah yes,” Yank said. “A ‘gitter’, a ‘blow box’, and ‘the tubes’, respectively. At least that’s what it sounds like you’re describing. Did you find the music they produced unpleasant to the ear?”

“Not at all,” he said. “I was actually impressed by it. Primarily at their ability to create it in the first place and to play in harmony with each other on the level they did, but also because their instruments were in correct tuning.”

She raised her eyebrows up. “It’s very rare to find someone who appreciates music that is made by something other than synth players,” she said.

He shrugged. “Among the spaceborn, maybe, but I’m from Brittany.”

“Brittany,” she said, surprised. “You’re a groundborn?”

Now it was Gath who raised his eyebrows, his eyes searching her face to determine if she was joking or not. It certainly did not appear she was. “Yes,” he said. “Most people kind of pick up on that from my accent.”

“Oh, I didn’t notice you had an accent,” she said with a laugh. “Now that you mention it, though, you do kind of round your vowels and twist your consonants a bit. Brittany, you say? Is non-synthesized music an important part of Britannic culture?”

His eyebrows went up a little higher. Whoever wept, he thought. She holds two PhDs in cultural anthropology yet she is unaware of what a Britannic accent sounds like and that Brittany is the center of the traditional music movement of the last century? Is this really the woman I should be talking to about this? “Uh ... yes,” he finally replied. “You could say that music is kind of important to us. I myself am an accomplished acoustic guitarist, although being surrounded by spacies has made it difficult for me to practice.”

“Interesting,” she said. “I used to be ‘good friends’ with a girl from a place called Benzo. That’s on Brittany, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Gath said. “It’s a seaport town about a week’s aquatic travel from the ground port.”

Her eyes took on a nostalgic tone. “That was back in the late eighties,” she said. “I was going through one of my nome stages at the time. Peridia Valkstein was her name. Everyone called her Perry, but she used to let me call her Valky. She was such a good friend, if you know what I mean.”

“Uh ... yes, I think know what you mean.”

“Valky was married to a prominent member of the Benzo local government—a city council member ... or maybe it was the zoning board. Anyway, she and I used to sit naked on the balcony of their house for hours at a time while she played her guitar for me. It was so romantic. It was right on the edge of the rain forest and the forest birds would hear her playing and would start squawking in time with her and the lemuras and the gaddies would creep out onto the lawn and just listen to the music. And then, when her fingers would get sore she would ask me if I could kiss them for her, and I’d...”

“Uh ... wow, Yank,” Gath interrupted, holding up his hand to silence her. “You really don’t need to tell me all of those personal details. I know you spacies kind of like to keep those kinds of things to yourself.”

Yank chuckled a little, her face flushing. “Yes, sometimes I do let my brain keep control of my mouth a little too long. I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much.”

“Not at all,” he said. “I’m groundborn, remember?”

“Groundborn?” she said, wrinkling her brow. “What does that have to do with anything?”

Gath chewed his lip a little. Again, this was a cultural anthropologist with more than ten years of post-graduate education to her credit, who had had at least one love affair with a groundborn woman, but had somehow never noticed that mainstream groundborn cultures had significantly different sexual and relationship morals than spaceborn culture. “Uh ... nothing,” he said. “Never mind. We were talking about the homebody musical abilities?”

Her eyes brightened. “Right!” she said, laughing. “We were, weren’t we? What did you want to know?”

“Well ... mostly how prevalent it is.”

“Extremely prevalent,” she said. “Virtually every cultural subdivision on the planet exhibits a strong propensity toward the composition of music and is known to fabricate musical instruments ranging from the crude to the sophisticated.”

“Every one?” Gath said.

“Every one that I have observed directly or read studies on,” she said. “The most primitive of the homebodies on the planet are a group in Eastern Europe called the Ukes. They do not speak or understand the universal human language at all, instead using an ancient Slavic tongue that was abandoned well before the Great Human Expansion was even conceived of. They adhere to a religion centered on a named God and worship an offspring of this God who is said to have sacrificed himself to absolve his followers of their sins. They believe that we are demons that attempted to conquer them but the son of their God returned from the dead to enslave us and force us to serve them.”

“That’s kind of what the homebodies around here believe, isn’t it?”

“In a manner of speaking,” Yank said. “Most of the homebody religious beliefs are centered around father and son deities with the son being sent to initially repel and contain what they believe to be the invasion of their planet by us, but which we know to be the Great Collapse. Most of these beliefs, however, are just distortions of the Ukes religion, known as Christianity, which dates back to the earlier days of human civilization itself.”

“They used to kill each other over that religion, didn’t they?” Gath asked, remembering a few tidbits from his elementary school and undergraduate days.

“That is perhaps an oversimplification, but yes,” Yank said. “The Christians were persecuted in their early days but later on, it was they who were the persecutors. Somewhere around twenty million lives were taken in the course of human history by people calling themselves Christians who were killing non-Christians for refusing to become Christians. And then there were the inter-Christian killings.”

“Inter-Christian killings?” Gath asked. He had never heard of this.

“Oh yes,” Yank said. “Some of the bloodiest and longest duration wars in pre-industrial history were fought over this issue. Catholic versus Protestant. Both are branches of Christianity, which means they believed that Jesus Christ was the son of God and the savior of mankind, but minor differences in the interpretation of the ancient texts that this belief was based upon led to a fundamental branching of the rituals and rules involved in how one was supposed to worship and how one was supposed to live one’s life. Once the split occurred, adherence to one side or another became entangled with the wielding of political power and from this came the bloodshed. The Thirty Years War, the Eighty Years War, the German Peasants’ War, and, to a lesser degree but still significantly, the English Civil War were the earlier and bloodiest of the examples, although the bloodshed and strife continued in a more limited way all the way up to the start of the Great Human Expansion itself.”

“That’s very interesting,” Gath said, with complete honesty this time.

“But we were talking about homebody music, weren’t we?” Yank said with a chuckle. “It would seem I digressed a bit, huh? I do have a habit of doing that.”

“Uh ... yes, I guess you did,” Gath said. He actually had not noticed her digress this time, so seamlessly had she plugged it into the flow of conversation. If she had not brought the subject back herself he would have gone on discussing the Jesus Christ mythology with her for Whoever knew how long.

“Anyway,” she said. “My point about the Ukes was that they are perhaps the most primitive of the organized homebodies on Earth, and even they are able to fashion stringed instruments that are played with tree bows and sound so beautiful you weep when you hear them. They sing in harmonious voices that make you yearn to understand the words they felt fit to put to music.”

“Does it mean anything?” Gath wanted to know.

“That so many of the homebodies are musically inclined?”

“Yes,” Gath said. “There must be a reason behind it.”

“It is a rather interesting phenomenon, isn’t it?” she asked. “I’ve been studying these homebodies for a number of years now and I have a few ideas about why.”

“What are they?” Gath asked.

“Nothing that has been examined in any kind of official study,” she said. “Just loose hypotheses really.”

“Like what?” he insisted.

She smiled again. “Well, I think it’s something as simple as the fact that musical ability and appreciation for music on the level that allows for composition of it has a natural, inverse relationship with the human sense of curiosity and wanderlust.”

He took a moment to translate her words into a concept and then nodded. “You’re saying that those with the most musical ability back during the Great Human Expansion, when droves of people were leaving the planet for other systems, tended to be the ones who had no desire to leave?”

“Correct,” she said. “It’s not an absolute, of course, just a general trend. The musically and artistically inclined stayed on Earth and bred more musically and artistically inclined with even less desire to leave the homeland. You could draw a corollary by pointing out that among the spaceborn there is a strong desire for exploration and a wanderlust that precludes them from settling in any one place and —again, this is a generality, not an absolute—there is an extremely weak and limited sense of artistic and musical appreciation.”

“What about the groundborn who moved on from Earth but settled on other planets?” Gath asked. “How would they fit into the equation?”

“Well, let’s take you for example,” she said. “You’re from Brittany, correct?”


“And you say you are musically inclined?”

“My entire family is,” Gath said. “Brittany, in fact, is known for producing some of the best contemporary artists, writers, and musicians.”

“Hmm,” she said thoughtfully. “I didn’t know that. In any case, if this is true, I would imagine that the early settlers of Brittany had just enough wanderlust and curiosity to get them off of Earth and out to the stars, but not enough to keep them moving. Or perhaps there was just enough of a reason for them to leave that it overrode their lack of wanderlust. Once your foreparents landed on Brittany, they stayed there, did they not?”

“They did,” he confirmed. “I’m an eleventh generation Britannic. I am the first of my bloodline to choose a profession that took me away from the AZ system.”

Her eyes looked into his, probing. “That’s very interesting in and of itself,” she said. “Why did you do it?”

He shrugged. “I guess I just wanted to see some of human space while I was young.”

“That sounds like wanderlust,” she said. “If you have both wanderlust and musical inclination, you are a statistical anomaly to my theory.”

“Not necessarily,” he said. “I don’t want to live permanently somewhere else. My plans are to eventually find my way back home and settle down in Diphen.”

“Then it’s just a young man’s sense of adventure that is driving you?” she asked.

“Something like that,” he said. “It has certainly set my family on edge. They have no idea why anyone would even want to leave the River District of Diphen, let alone the entire city of Diphen, or the Planet of Brittany, or—Whoever forbid—the Alpha Zulu System.”

“Brittany is a beautiful planet,” she said. “But every planet is beautiful in its own way. I admire your sense of adventure, Medic Stoner. It’s a very spaceborn attitude.”

He chuckled. “No need to get insulting,” he said.

She looked at him pointedly. “Did I say something insulting?”

“Not at all,” he assured her. “Just a little groundborn humor.”

“Interesting,” she said. “I was under the impression that groundborn didn’t have much of a sense of humor.”

He opened his mouth to reply to her—something about how maybe she should start studying up on modern groundborn culture instead of just those who had been left behind on a Whoverforsaken rock that was ultimately doomed—but before he could say anything his commer beeped three times, indicating a priority communication.

“Excuse me for a second,” he said, pulling it from his waist and looking at the display. The commer was Zen, who was the duty medic for the day. He activated the link. “Gath here. What’s the word, Zen?”

“I want to see if you’d be willing to take a deployment, Gath,” Zen’s hologram told him.

Gath blinked in surprise. “Uh ... sure,” he said, “but I went out yesterday on the overwatch deployment to the Merced River Dam, remember?”

“Yeah,” Zen said. “I know it’s Bong’s turn to deploy, but ... well ... she asked if I could ask you to go instead. She says she’ll take your next two on her off rotations if you agree.”

Gath was immediately suspicious. “Why?” he wanted to know. “What’s so torked up about this mission that she doesn’t want to do it?”

“Nothing that should bother you,” Zen said. “We need to pick up an injured floatie off a cargo ship out in the ocean and take him to NAWM. We spacies kind of get the squeams about flying over open water in a hover, especially when the weather is a little rough; as it is right now. Bong will do it if she has to, but ... well ... she’d rather not. Slag like this is not our idea of a good time.”

Gath did not have to think the proposition over for long. Flying out over the open ocean and landing on the deck of a floating cargo vessel sounded fun. And he knew that with winter fast approaching in this hemisphere there were a slew of night deployments scheduled up in the AOR’s higher elevations to make sure automated equipment on dams, stream diversions systems, and spring injectors were operating properly. Being able to skip two such deployments was quite an enticement. “I’ll do it,” he said. “Who’s going with me?”

“Riff is first up for med tech deployment today,” Zen replied.

“How’s he going to feel about an over water flight?”

“Probably about the same as Bong does,” Zen said. “Unfortunately, however, there are no groundie med techs for him to swap with and protocol requires a med tech for a transfer flight.”

“Yeah, we don’t exactly have groundies falling out of our slagholes around here, do we?” Gath observed.

Zen blinked—or his holo did, anyway. “An interesting analogy, Gath.”

“I got a million of ‘em,” Gath assured him. “I’ll head to my quarters to armor up.”

“Stop by here, first,” Zen said. “I have some briefing materials for you on the patient’s condition and the weather along your route.”

“Right,” he said. “Signing off.”

It took Gath the better part of fifteen metric minutes to make it to the deployment briefing in the medical clinic. A good portion of that time was spent trying to extricate himself from Yank’s company. She enjoyed releasing hapless victims from her conversational web about as much as arachnoids enjoyed releasing hapless insects from their literal webs. After being forced to be borderline rude to her by cutting her off mid-gambit, he made his way through the underground tunnels to the clinic, where Zen and Taz—the duty med tech of the day—watched over a host of empty beds.

“Another busy day, huh?” Gath observed. Despite the fact that the coming winter was generating a slew of off-base maintenance details—circumstances that usually resulted in a steady stream of marines with vague and unverifiable symptoms—the past metric week had been unusually slow. Perhaps, thought Gath, the recent revelation that Sol System was doomed had led to an upswing in the marine’s work ethic. Or, more likely, it was just a statistical anomaly.

“Let’s not tempt fate by mentioning it, shall we?” Zen said.

“Sorry,” Gath said. “Where’s Riff? I would’ve thought he’d be here by now.”

“Change of plan,” Taz said with a nervous smile. “You’re stuck with me instead.”

“Oh?” he said, raising his eyebrows a tad. “What kind of deal did you make with him to let him skip out on an over water flight?”

She giggled mischievously. “He takes my next three off base deployments.”

“Three?” Gath said. “I only got two out of Bong.”

“You should’ve held out,” Zen said. “I bet you could’ve soaked her for four, maybe even five.”

“You spacies hate flying over water that much?” Gath asked.

“It’s not flying over the water we don’t like,” Zen said. “It’s what happens if something goes wrong with the aircraft and we end up in the water.”

“Nothing happens,” Gath said. “Your armor safes inflate and you float on the surface until another aircraft comes to rescue you.”

“That’s your idea of nothing?” Zen asked with a shudder. “An hour or more floating in an endless expanse of water waiting to be rescued.”

“Whoever wept,” Taz said, looking as if she were suddenly having second thoughts. “I can’t think of much of anything worse than that.”

Gath could not resist an eye roll and a shake of the head. “You spacies and your phobias,” he said. “Did I ever tell you about my uncle Dax, the amateur floatie?”

“Amateur floatie?” Taz said. “He goes out on the water without getting paid for it?”

“It’s a common hobby on Brittany,” Gath said. “We have nice wide rolling oceans outside of the bays. Uncle Dax has a ten-meter sloop and...”


“A sailing vessel,” Gath clarified. “It’s propelled by the wind influencing large sheets of carbon fiber cloth attached to masts.”

Zen and Taz looked at each other and then back at Gath. “No engines?” Zen finally asked.

“Well, there’s a small propulsion engine for times when the wind is too calm, but it’s considered cheating to use it.”

“And your uncle goes out into the open ocean on such a vessel?”

“All the time,” Gath said. “I’ve been out with him quite a few times. It’s exhilarating. There’s nothing like the smell of salt and the sea air in your face. Nothing like being so far off shore that you can’t see land. It gives you a perspective of how big the ocean really is.”

“That’s insanity!” Zen declared, almost angrily. “Out in the middle of the ocean in a tiny vessel using the wind for propulsion? Why would anyone risk their very life doing something like this?”

“Because it’s fun,” Gath said. “Relaxing. No other reason than that. And there’s no real risk to one’s life in sailing.”

“No real risk to life?” Zen said. “What about drowning? I’d say that’s a risk to life. And how about getting lost? Or being eaten by carnivorous fish? Or getting caught in a violent weather phenomenon?”

“We have flotation vests,” Gath replied, “and global positioning navigation systems, and weather reports, and weather warnings that keep us from being out when conditions are dangerous.”

“And the carnivorous fish?” Zen asked.

“There are sharks in Brittany’s oceans,” he said with a shrug. “Some of them will attack a human if they encounter one, but if your boat sinks and you find yourself in the water, odds are that one of these dangerous sharks won’t come across you in the ten to fifteen minutes it would take for a rescue hover to get to you and pluck you out. And even if one did, the standard flotation vest has an ultrasonic generator that will drive sharks away.”

“Oh ... I see,” Zen said slowly. “Well ... maybe it’s not quite as dangerous as I thought, but it’s still the very definition of insanity to go floating around on the open ocean in a tiny vessel. How anyone could enjoy such a thing is beyond me.”

“A valid point of view, I suppose,” Gath said, thinking about, but not mentioning, the fact that one of the most popular activities for spaceborn vacationers on star cruises was to pay money to take a ride on an atmospheric diving ship, fleets of which were used to scream into the upper atmosphere of a gas giant to harvest hydrogen.

“Is it too late for me to back out of this mission?” asked Taz, who was looking a little green after listening to the conversation about the open ocean.

“Far too late,” Gath told her with a smile. “There’s no way in purg that Riff is going to agree to switch back with you.”

“Maybe I should think things through a little more before I act, huh?” she said, looking at Gath.

Knowing that she had arranged to get herself on this mission, not because of the four duty days she had traded away but because he was the medic on it, Gath gave her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. “If we all did that then the galaxy would be a really boring place, wouldn’t it?”

“I suppose,” she said.

“All right,” said Zen. “Let’s do this briefing, shall we? Clinny, bring up the holo map with the briefing material on it, please.”

“You got it, Zen,” Clinny’s arrogant male spaceborn voice replied. A moment later, a three dimensional relief map appeared. It encompassed the entire region of California, the desert of Nevada and about two hundred kilometers of the Pacific Ocean. CVS and NAWM were represented as red dots in their correct geographical location. Out in the ocean, just a centimeter offshore and five centimeters north of San Francisco on the scale of the map, was a red icon in the shape of a water vessel. The words HSFOV PAC-RUN 2, presumably the vessel’s name, floated above it.

“This is the Pac-Run,” said Zen. “It’s one of six cargo vessels that make the run from Homeport Ground to the cargo ports of North and South America, delivering food and supplies for the Fleet bases and the homers. It left the offload facilities at San Francisco thirty-seven local hours ago and is now on its way to the offloads at Portland. One of the floaties assigned to this vessel was injured this morning by a fall from a deck ladder while on a maintenance task.”

“How in the tork did he do that?” asked Taz. “Wasn’t he wearing a safety harness? Didn’t he have floatie armor on?”

“I asked the same thing,” Zen said. “It seems it was a simple task that was only to take a minute or two and he elected not to armor up or use the safety harness. The commander of the vessel is most upset with him.”

“Torkin’ floaties are crazy as a vent mole,” Taz said with a shake of her head. “Why else would you volunteer to be on a Whoever damned water vessel day in and day out.”

“What are his injuries?” Gath asked.

“A fracture and level two displacement of the right radial head,” Zen said. “Surgical intervention will be required. That’s why he has to go to NAWM instead of just bringing him here. The injury is stabilized and distal circulation is present. He’s been medicated with TOB to control his pain and Benzo-active to keep him relaxed.”

“Sounds easy enough,” Gath said.

“Weather is a little bit of a concern,” Zen said. “A winter storm from the Gulf of Alaska has come ashore in the last eight hours and is dumping moderate to heavy precipitation and producing some significant winds. Here in the AOR and at the Pac-Run, things aren’t so bad; just spotty rain and some wind gusts around ten to fifteen meters aloft. Further south, however, on your flight path between Pac-Run and NAWM, is where the heart of the storm is currently. You can stay below the ceiling for most of the flight but in order to get over the Sierra Nevada Mountains, you’re going to have to climb up to six thousand to get up over the clouds and the icing conditions inside of them. Once on the other side of the Sierras you can drop back down below the cloud layer.”

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The next day at school Candy and I were met in the parking lot by Amanda Gigot. She was dressed much like Candy, short mini skirt, dark hose and a tight top showing she wasn't wearing a bra. Remember Amanda is almost 6 feet tall, she is all legs; her skirt just barely touched the top band of her stockings and whenever she moved her garter straps showed. "I talked to my parents last night and they told me how you all met. I got so horny I played with myself in front of them and then my...

3 years ago
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Chapter 25Andres first training Class

Andre- I look at the 8 girls I will be training some of them are nice looking and I am going to enjoy fucking them as they kneel looking scare and they should be I have to prove myself. Cindy a white girl with blonde hair. Angel a Hispanic short girl. Kim a black girl with big breast. Leann another white girl with black hair. Candace another white girl with brown hair. Regina who looks mixed she has a nice ass. Rebecca who is black and Emily another white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. I...

2 years ago
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Pune Me Sincere Classmate Ke Saath Romance

Hi everyone, mera naam jivan hai.Aap sabhi mujhe janate hai.Aaj mai aapako mere classmate ki story batane wala hu.Aapako story kaise lagi ye aap mujhe mail karake yahoo.in Mere class me komal naam ki ek bahut he sundar aur sincere ladaki hai.Wo kabhi bhi kisi ladake se baat nahi karati,unhe dekhati bhi nahi thi.Wo bahut hi shant rahati thi.Sabhi lectures attained karati hai,aur padhai mai bhi top me rahati hai. Sorry maine usake bare me aapako bataya nahi.Usaki height 5″ 6 hai.Colour me savali...

3 years ago
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Lady Hideaway Ch 07

Part seven Conner wasn’t sure how long he held Tessa in the doorway. Her wide blue eyes were locked onto the yard. Desy had come in some time ago and was curled up and sleeping against Conner’s shoe. Conner had been paying attention to Tessa the whole time, looking for signs of panic. So far, she had been oddly calm. Conner finally lifted his hand and carefully pushed a strand of Tessa’s hair behind her ear, drawing her attention towards him. When their eyes locked he smiled and then took...

4 years ago
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Amanda Starts The Threesome

It was a normal Sunday night on campus, Andy and I were sitting in our room chilling out and watching a sci-fi movie while enjoying a beer or two. Monday’s class load for the both of us was pretty easy, so we took advantage of being able to just relax for a few. There was a knock on the door that broke up the sound of our movie, and since Andy’s bed was closest, he jumped up to see who wanted in.Amanda came in like a fresh breeze as she always managed to do. Beautiful red head, smart, witty and...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Turned Into Her Sweater

Turned Into Her Sweater by Throne My busty girlfriend, Anita, was mad at me -- again. All I had done wrong was to doubt her silly belief in magic -- again. "All right, Ed," she told me, even though it obviously wasn't alright. "Unless you'd like a demonstration of what I can do, since my latest increase in power." "What increase? Like you got your imaginary magic batteries charged?" I laughed openly. Her pretty face flushed. She went to an old wooden box she kept on...

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I think ever since I can remember, I was the hopeless romantic. I would open doors, pull chairs, bring flowers, and offer my assistance if someone needed help. It seems like this art form is dying day by day right in front of our eyes. I can assure you, there is nothing romantic about what transpired in my first encounter that cold January night! I remember it like was yesterday, not in a good or bad way, just as one of the funniest sex stories I will write about of sexual encounters of my...

2 years ago
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College Adventures

My boyfriend, James, was taking a college course in photography and roped a few of us in as models. He wanted to reproduce a noirish atmosphere of prohibition and gangsters on the one hand and contrast this with the wholesome mom in the old films. It was fun gathering costumes and sites for the series - despite the realism of my photo the car was located in a wrecking yard, the stockings borrowed from one of the college secretaries (no questions asked) In reality there was only half a car and...

1 year ago
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Alices Revenge

Bill and Bob came bounding into the room. They were taken aback at seeing their dad standing there with his belt in his hand. Their hearts sank as he glared at them. They knew that he had learned of their sexual abuse of Alice ( see ALICE GETS RAPED), the boy's thirteen-year old step-sister. Their glances quickly took in the presence of their step-mom and Alice sitting in wing-chairs. The females looked at them very sternly. "You have raped and sodomized your sister. Because she is thirteen...

3 years ago
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EAGER HORNY COUSIN 3CHAPTER THREE“Did you have a nice morning, c***dren? Goodness, what’ve you two been up to? You both look positively worn out!”Linda Harmon’s tone changed from polite conversation to motherly concern as Pam and Susie burst out of the house toward her, flushed and breathless.“Oh, nothing Aunt Linda. We were just playing, that’s all. Here, can we give you a hand with those bags?” Susie covered up smoothly, scurrying forward and scooping a load of groceries from her aunt’s...

2 years ago
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My Father In Law ndash Part Eight

Doug is visiting Brad and me again. As a special for the k**s Brad’s Mom is took them for the weekend.Actually the special treat was for me. The three of us went out to dinner to a nice cozy place know for its dim lighting and the fact it was known as a lover’s hangout. You can see all sorts of foreplay there. It was romantic and both Brad & Doug made me feel very special especially when I danced with either of them. I wore six inch heels, a short dress that barely covered my butt. Of...

2 years ago
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Swim With Nick

The house was built in the 1950’s but was added on; it was sort of at the top of the hill overlooking the setting sun as the birds would bath in the berry bushes. Other than the view the other reason I went there was they had a pool! Damn it was nice to have a pool in that hot sun, especially what was weird about it was you could not see it from the house, as it was deep down the hill in the woods. We had some kind of hors devours, I think that’s how you spell it, and they were deliciously...

1 year ago
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Bird Protection Boredom or

Bird Protection************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I wasn’t paying attention to the announcements just before the coffee break. I...

3 years ago
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Walmart Trucker

Here it is the night before I leave for a week on the beaches of Mexico and I’m stuck working until 10 p.m. On the way home I found a text message on my phone from my roommate asking me to call him. I called and he said we needed some last minute supplies from the local Walmart store. There was one on the way home and it was open 24 hours. I pulled into the parking lot and noticed an 18 wheeler backing up in the lot. The trailer was covered in 50 lb bags of top soil, roped down and...

1 year ago
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THE MAKING OF A SLAVE I stood in front of the Greyhound bus station and watched herwalk away. In the three years since I turned 18 I have tried fourtimes to get sexually involved with a woman I was dating. Sylvia wasthe fourth to spend a week with me making love. She was also thefourth one to tell me I was a lousy fuck. I tried to accommodate them and do what they wanted, butwhenever I tried to 'eat pussy', I just gagged and choked on thesmell. As far as fucking was concerned,...

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 19 Preliminaries to the Show

The visit to the hospital seemed to end a frantic first week of life after the announcement. Julio led us to the hospital's administration desk where he and Jason, supported by my mother in person and Jason's mother via a cellphone, worked out the terms of Leticia's remaining care and her discharge. Ashley and I spent the hour cuddled in a comfortable chair exchanging loving kisses. After that, Jason and Ashley had to return home, and Mom brought me home to face my brother's demands. The...

2 years ago
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All for daddy

Its 1987, Im thirteen and Im naked and kneeling between my dads legs sucking his cock. Its not the first time. He has his fingers tangled in my hair and hes guiding my head, telling me how to take his cock in my mouth. Once in awhile, he lets one of his hands drop down to one of my naked tits, pinching and twisting the nipples. It hurts, but then it feels good too. Oh, baby girl, you suck so fucking good! he moans and begins to thrust his hips up to my mouth, putting more cock down my throat....

2 years ago
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You never know

Imagine with me that we are both in a tropical country, but we don't know each other and have never met. Late one evening I am out walking on the beach enjoying the sunset and I see this Perfect sexy young lady lying on the beach looking far off over the ocean.. I walk past to shy to say anything to you but you notice me.. in your mind you say, maybe this trip isn't a bust..! I slightly notice you look at me as I walk past and wonder what you are thinking.. But I decide to keep going and see...

Straight Sex
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For her he had always lusted

Outside, the sun had long since faded. The moon, nearly full and obscured slightly by fine clouds, bathed the trees and rooftops with a white hue, and the soft yellow glow of the sodium street lamps gently illuminated the distance. The air on this cold November night was chilled, the slow, regular gusts of wind making it mildly bitter. Michael embraced the air of the night as its refreshing cool flowed over his face from one side to the other. Resting his arms on the railings in front of him,...

3 years ago
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Lovers Reunion 3

Deb and I had been together for two months since our amazing reunion. We spent every free moment together, but unfortunately, those free moments had become fewer and fewer. The time demands of my job meant that our free time together was diminishing. I could see that the Deb was getting more and more disappointed that we weren’t spending more time together. I was determined to make it up to her somehow. Then, an opportunity arose. I found a window in my schedule for a long weekend. I had to...

4 years ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 5 Chastisement

The evening became somewhat repetitious after that, the Dean first fucking one and then the other, playing with their breasts, being sucked and sucking and licking them to orgasm. He was, however, very careful not to cum himself. After that first time, he didn't use either of their arses again. When he seemed to have tired of playing with their bodies, and when he could no longer make Sharon climax whatever he did to her, he said, "Sharon, you can dress and go, unless you want to wait for...

3 years ago
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Khush Kiya Maine Apne Pati Ko

Mera naam punam sharma hai, aur yeh koi story nahi ek sach hai jo mere saath hua hai, mai ek housewife hu aur ek middle class family se belong karti hu, mai 32years old hu, mere pati ka naam rohit hai aur wo 35years old hai, wo ek software engineer hai, mai ek bahut hi normal aurat hu aur hamesha apni family ka khayal rakhti hu, mere do child hai, meri shadi ko 12 saal ho chuke hai, hum dono pati – patni ek dusre se behad pyar karte hai, lekin pata nahi kyu mere pati mujhse sexually satisfy...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Mila Monet Teen Mila Takes It Deep While BF Watches

Mila’s boyfriend and nerdy buddy Will are chatting up when Mila hops in bed ready to fill Will in on what is about to happen. Will completely shocked realizing Mila is serious about him getting to fuck her tight teen hot pussy in front of her boyfriend if he wants too, because she has been crushing on him. Still uneasy but as she spreads her pink young pussy open he cannot help but get a good taste of her sweet juices. after Mila has his cock sucked nice and hard it slips right in her wet...

2 years ago
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Piche wali bhabhi ki mast chodai2

Hello lund and pudiyoon main apni 2nd part lekar hazir hoon aap logon ke samne lekin mujhe ek bhi mail nahi aya hai mujhe ye janker achcha nahi laga please mujhe mail kariye agar nhi tbh bhi to main apne 2nd part story main ata hoo.to jab bhabhi ne kaha ki apke bhaiya mujhe santusht nahi kar pate hain to main khush ho gaya phir bhabhi mujhe baithne ko boli aur andar chale gayi thodi der ho gai nahi ayi to main uth kar andar ki oor gaya to dekha ki nighty pahni hui hai aur kapde dho rahi hai to...

3 years ago
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Bahan ki Chut Fadi Tauji ne

Aaj main apko ek aisi kahani sunane jaa raha hoon jo maine apni aankho se dekha hia. Yeh kahani aaj se do mahine pahle ki hai tab main apne ghar gaya hua tha. Isse pahle ki main apni kahani shuru karoo apko apni cousin aur us old man ka parichay karwa doo. Meri cousin ka naam Komal hai. Uski umar bees saal ki hai. Komal ko dekh ker koi bhi kah sakta hai ki uska naam uske liye bilkul hi suit karta hai. Uska rang gora aur hight five feet six inch hai. Chehra itna sundar hai ki dekhne ke baad har...

2 years ago
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Between my sons

I was relieved to have my sons home. Tim was 18 and just returning from his first semester in college and James was 20, home for the week from his job in the city. My husband was away on business in Thailand, no doubt enjoying the company benefits with some young hooker, and I was planning on spending the week alone. But then James called and here they were at the kitchen table.I loved my sons. We had always been close, ever since they were boys rolling naked in the mud we never kept anything...

1 year ago
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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 4

Our encounter with Lynnette and Steve did a lot for both Talia and myself in feeling relaxed being nude on the beach. We sit on our blanket and eat our lunch and minute by minute begin feeling more and more natural being naked. It feels wonderfully free and liberating. Even though she never mentions it, Talia notices that my penis is remaining semi-hard the whole time we are eating. I occasionally catch her looking at it, but she only gives me a sly smile. She can be such a minx sometimes. At...

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Magic Panties Ch05 sissy story by noflon

This story is a work of fiction, all characters are fictional and obviously the events are fake. You may reprint this as needed, just give credit to the author. If any differences occur between continuity, accept the one you like better as truth, and enjoy!Another recap? You damn k**s love these, don't you? Got your cocks in your hands yet? You don't? Well then, you better change that! So my name is Rachel, it was Roy at some point in my life, but since the changes began, I've decided Rachel is...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Trust

Imagine a bed. Four wrought iron posts towering above it, the shadows dancing on the stone walls in the flickering candle light. Ivory candles of all sizes light the room with their warm glow. In a corner there is an old wooden chest. You are an observer only, watching my personal fantasy play out before your eyes. The old wooden door opens and you see a women being led in by a man wearing black. She is wearing a long ivory colored dress, perfectly made with lace and silk to show off her...

4 years ago
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HeadacheChapter 9 A Day In Court

Monday we relaxed and in the late afternoon drove within 2 hours of Denver. We talked about our friends and wondered how they were doing. We talked to Pop who had returned to his house. Pop said the State Troopers were miffed about our leaving but he gave them Mr. Simon's phone number. Of course the next call was to Mr. Simon who said that the Colorado State Patrol had talked to him and he had filled them in with all he knew then explained why we left and that we would return as soon as we...

2 years ago
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From Business To Pleasure Episode 4 Breakfast

The scent of the coffee is beckoning, so I climb off the bed and walk over to the breakfast tray to examine the setup. Opening the pot, I'm happy to report that the water is still steaming, and proceed to pour it slowly around into the grounds in the filter that's perched on top of the decanter.“The coffee will take a few minutes,” Yuki tells me, sitting up on the bed. She smiles and beckons, enticing me to step close to her, and runs her hands around my waist to pull me into her, my boner...

Oral Sex
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Bettina Skiing

I didn’t have to come with Mason when he insisted we go on a ski trip together. He can barely ski. But I went along. I try to humor him. He thinks if I’m there, too, that we’re together. That’s never how it really is, though. He’s so into himself. He takes himself really seriously and thinks he’s some kind of athlete. It’s funny.    I just am who I am - how I look - if he doesn’t notice, well, other men sure do.Mason insisted we do lessons all day and then only get on the slope after that, and...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Charlie Valentine Feet Favor

Charlie Valentine is the kind of girl who always makes sure to return the favor. This beautiful hottie with beautiful, sexy feet and an all-natural body wants to show Cody Carter how thankful she is for all his help, especially during the pandemic. Charlie psyches herself up while approaching Cody. The gorgeous hottie knows that the timing is everything when it comes to returning the favor. She explains the situation to the tattooed stud, who quickly realizes that he is in for a treat. The...

3 years ago
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Santa III

  Sitting at the table still trembling, John eyes spied the mirror he'd left next to the chair when he'd shown it to Torran and Triance. Rising he unsteadily walked over and lifted it. Strange he thought the surface was murkier than mirror like. Shaking his head he remembered Mother Nature telling him that it would help him for now. That what needed to be done would be shown. Also that it would be confusing at first.  Shaking his head again John thought, ‘I just want to know where she is...

1 year ago
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Maami Kama Kathai Tamil Story

Enathu peyar Varun, enaku 22 vayathu agugirathu nan ipozhuthu ungalidam sollum intha kathai ungmaiyaga envazhvil nadanthavai. Intha sambavam nadanthu 1 varudangal agina. Enudaya ammavoda thambi athavathu enaku mama, avar oru businessman adikadi veliur selvar. Avar velai vishayamaga veliye selum pothu maamiyai engalin vitill vituselvar. Ithu sariyaga summerlil nadanthathu, avar 1 matham businesskaga veliye selvar atharku naduvilvar varavematar. En maamiku 25 vayathu agina thirmanam agi 1 varudam...

3 years ago
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The Party

Let's go back in history. It's important to know some few historical facts in order to appreciate this story. We are talking about St Petersburg 1991. The Soviet Union had just crumbled and construction plans for the new Russia were on the way. I'm running a security detail in Russia's second city. it's a large hotel project and I live in a small building on the building site, inside the fenced perimeter. The actual physical protection is done by the Russian militia, the local police...

2 years ago
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Dirty Doctor Naughty Ashley

Hello, The character’s name is Ashley. She is 18years old. Description: Dark blonde hair, long Big breasts, 36D Tall, long legs Round ass, smackable A bald tight cunt Lovely pink sensitive nipples with perfect sized areolas ~~ Chapter 1 I am a horny girl; Always had many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral. Both giving and receiving. I was popular in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends. I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my last year. The...

2 years ago
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Comforting the Roommate

It's been a long, rainy, and all-around miserable week. Classes and part-time jobs have been running you into the ground, but it's Friday night now and you have the weekend off. Part of you wants to get out to some parties and meet some girls, but you are so exhausted you can't bring yourself to do more than collapse on the couch and watch some late-night movies. You mentally chastise yourself for not going through the effort of going out to try and woo some of the other college juniors. You...

2 years ago
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"Spanish Exchange Student & Middle-Aged Guy" Eliya had been an exchange student from Spain about six years ago; she'd stayed, had a good time etc. Fast-forward and she'd come back to Sydney after finishing her degree in Spain to see my daughter and see a little of Aussie. My daughter rang and asked if Eliya could stay a few days on her slow haul up the east coast. No problem said I and I picked her up from the bus terminal one Tuesday morning.Now Eliya 6 years ago was stunning. Now, Eliya...

1 year ago
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AmberChapter 3

In the morning, I picked Amber up, and we drove to one of the Chapels on post that was having services. Amber had on a different dress than she wore yesterday. She looked very nice. She also had a small purse. We sat in the back and held hands. We didn't pay a lot of attention to the Chaplain, and we didn't know any of the hymns, but it felt good to be there. After the service, some of the ladies, who were acquainted with Amber, came over to talk to her. They mentioned how nice she looked...

4 years ago
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Mr Bill and Mr Jeff

As a horny sixteen-year-old boy, I was very open to what Mr. Bill and Mr. Jeff were trying to do to me. I had just finished cutting their lawn and was ready for my payment. Mr. Bill offered me a beer, which turned into about four, and I was feeling pretty buzzed. Mr. Jeff’s hands were constantly touching my lower back and upper ass. He was trying to read my reactions to these touches.My young cock was hard and jammed in my shorts. I had heard rumors that these two older men were gay and enjoyed...

Gay Male
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Chance encounter and possibilitiesthe outco

Well after I had met Bob I came home and did a few things that needed done, including writing down what had just happened, I had not had a real meet in a while, a few fleeting ones in toilets in Edinburgh, but nothing arranged. I was still feeling horny and around 3 o'clock I decided to head back out, I went back into the toilets in the shopping mall and he was there, I smiled as he said hello to me, I took it from the way he said it that there was nobody else in the toilets. "Do you have a...

1 year ago
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Moms Sexy Sister

My affair with my beautiful mother, Mona, had been going on for about two months. We were deliriously happy, drunk with pleasure and addicted to incestuous sex. We had fucked almost every day, usually several times; we had sucked and licked and expressed our love in many other ways. We could hardly keep our hands off each other. Even when my father was in the house, if we were in a room by ourselves, we would kiss and fondle obscenely. Mom would even grab my cock right behind his back....

1 year ago
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I was thrilled to go out naked with my lover

This is a true story; my name is Nisha above average looking women got married to vinod an accountant in a construction firm after our marriage we moved to his workplace Mumbai. We were staying in a far off place as it was quite expensive to stay near to office. I was not working. Initial days of our life have been quite good. One day my husband told me there is a party at the club and we are also invited. I was excited as I never attended a party. We went to the party and met a lot of his...

2 years ago
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Virtual Slavery Ch 17

17 Lynn I can’t remember the sequence. Really there was no sequence. It was all one event, one single event, which became my life. Where, with the exception of that first month with Winston, my life had always been school or my work, which was the same thing, and everything else only interruptions, now sex, the peculiar submissive, helpless sex to which Brad subjected me, was my life and I was impatient with everything else. I wanted to get back to it, even, I must confess, back to him....

1 year ago
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Biggest gay cock for me

I was a 26 yr old slim white bi boi. He was in his 40's and very masc. I walked in his door and we sat on the couch. We talked for a bit and I was very horny the whole time. I slid my hand up his leg and rubbed his cock through his jeans. I could tell that he was hung and already hard. I got on my knees in front of him and pulled his pants off. His throbbing 10 inch long cock was also very thick and it was staring me in the face. I gently kissed and licked it up and down before I put it in my...

3 years ago
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The wife part 1

I met a girl called Alice and over the months I got to know her better, she had a teenage daughter called Jenny. Jenny’s father was killed in action in Basra about 5 years earlier, Alice had gone out with a mutual friend and she introduced us. I myself was in the Air force as an aircraft engineer based in England, the night I was introduced to Jenny was on her 18th birthday, I arrived early evening to get to know her a bit before she was with her mates, and they had decided to go out to...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of a Young Wife

Sitting in traffic, on this Wednesday. "Ugh, Amy, everyday, the same thing" I say to myself. Traffic moving slowly as it does every afternoon on my way home from work. I love my job, I teach at the local high school, and I feel its rewarding, teaching young minds. Though I have my fair share of trouble students. Some didn't respect me, at 26 years old I'm not that much older than my students, and some make rude, suggestive comments to me. I get my fair share of attention. My short 5'2" frame, I...

4 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 41 Assassination

We shall use every weapon at our disposal to slay the Tyrants, every resource that we can lay our hands on. No power is too dark, no act too heinous. We shall not balk at the task before us. We shall not rest until the Tyrants are dead. We are everywhere. We are legion. –excerpt from 'The Patriots Manifesto', author Unknown Monday, October 7th, 2013 – Mary Glassner – Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City I threw a punch at Mark's face. He caught my wrist easily. "He's bigger than me,...

2 years ago
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Burning Desires Sexy Wife Sexier Sister In Law 8211 Part 2

The ladies of the family made a delicious dinner, and everyone enjoyed it thoroughly. The cleaning chores were done, and the kids were put to sleep. Ayush, Siddharth, Madhu, Preethi, and their cousins and the respective spouses sat down at the dining table to play board games while they ate dessert. Everyone was having so much fun teasing each other. But Madhu and Siddharth were having their own fun unknown to others. As always, they sat next to each other. Siddharth was rubbing his feet on...


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