- 4 years ago
- 29
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"Burley, would you come in a half hour early this afternoon? I want to go over some things with you."
"Sure, will two-thirty be soon enough?"
"Should be."
I came in when I said I would. Now I was out the door. I should have seen this coming. The old man's nephew had been training on days. Now the nephew was starting my shift and I was walking toward my car. I would be twenty-six tomorrow. What a birthday present.
Mom's estate was almost settled. Mom willed Sis the house and she was moving in with her family in two weeks. I promised I would be out by then. I did have an equal amount of cash to compensate, so I wasn't feeling bad. I was happy for my sister. What I owned for personal stuff wasn't much and I had it all in storage already. I had to get on the ball and find a place to live though.
I drove down the street and on the spur of the moment pulled into a parking space in front of the city common. I walked over and got a drink from the fountain, turned away and looked for a bench to sit on. It was a nice day and most of the seats were occupied. I spotted someone I had gone to school with. Nadia Newsome something or other was sitting by herself. I couldn't recall her married name right off.
We had never been friends, but I knew I could sit by her and she wouldn't push me away. Let's see, I remembered her being married a few years ago. Seems like her name was in the news lately as well. I tried to think in what context, but couldn't recall before I sat down beside her.
"Hi Burley Squires. Sit and take a load off. Beautiful day isn't it?" She said this, but it didn't make her look happy. Maybe a little lost.
"Maybe yes, maybe no. Can't tell yet. I was just let go from the filling station. Powers' nephew just took my place. I don't blame the old man much. He is keeping it in the family, you know."
"Geesus, that's too bad. You've been pumping gas since you were a kid, haven't you?"
"Yeah, about that. All except when I pulled a hitch in the army when I was eighteen. I had trouble right after I got in, so it was a short hitch." I grinned. "Shit nobody wants me." I changed the subject. "What are you up to?"
"Nothing really. Killing time you know. I have a week off. I have to move and am looking for an apartment. I received a good settlement in the divorce and can't make up my mind where to live."
"That's right, divorce ... that was what was in the paper. I was trying to remember. How long before you have to move?"
"Two weeks. My ex-husband got the house and a lot of good it will do him, at least for awhile."
I started laughing, thinking I might put a smile on her face. "Hey, I have to move in two weeks too. It looks like you and I are in the same boat. I even have my stuff all stored until I find a place."
"Good for you. Mine is too. I might live out of a motel until I decide."
I had an inspiration, "So if we are both free from having to be anywhere, let's go on a vacation." I think Nadia was thinking I was kidding, but I wasn't. What I had tried to remember about her came rushing back to me. Four months ago, Nadia's husband had beaten her up and he had been arrested for domestic abuse.
Not much had come of that, but later she was out with some lady friends and her husband found her laughing with a man sitting next to her at a bar. This time he beat the crap out of her. Too bad for him, two off-duty cops came in while he was throwing her into a corner and was seen kicking her. Seems like he was going to be sentenced next week and he might get up to five years.
"You're serious, aren't you? It is weird, I've been divorced a week, but I feel like I am still married. I'm kind of leery of men right now." I could see she was getting some tears in her eyes. "I guess I had better pass. I'd be a lousy person to be on vacation with and you'd have a terrible time. It sounds like fun though."
"I don't think you'd be much of a drag on me. I was discharged from the job I planned working at forever. Look, I have to go to the bank and deposit my final paycheck. I'll swing back by here in an hour and you decide. You can tell me your decision then. I usually rent a camp up north on Lake Karen. We could lie on the beach and let our cares float away. Please think about it."
I was hoping she would still be here when I returned. She definitely needed cheering up. I felt like hugging her, but as she had said she was leery of men so that wouldn't work.
I thought back over what I knew about Nadia Newsome. She had married a man by the name I now remembered. Stanley Brinkley and he was a big guy. He was much taller by three inches than my 5 foot 9 inches. Nadia would never win a beauty prize as her hair was a dirty blond color that curled around the side of her face. Her face was pleasant enough with full soft lips. She had a pug nose that didn't seem to fit with the rest of her features, but unless you caught her profile, you didn't notice.
Nadia was never one to flaunt herself and even today as warm as it was, she had on a heavy dress so you couldn't tell what her figure looked like. She never played sports where others would see her less than fully clothed. She was shorter than me by three inches or so. I heard she worked in a restaurant somewhere.
Me, I was shorter than the general male population and this brought its own problems. I had been harassed in school and when I graduated, I found I wasn't much better off out in the so-called real world. Even my stint in the armed services was hell. I was released early to cover up an incident that occurred during basic training. They tell about not crossing the thin blue line in the police department, but it can happen in the service as well.
I was different now. Not many people harassed me physically. I took steps to learn how to take care of myself. It wasn't obvious, but it gave me a confidence that others could sense in me whether they could see it or not.
I parked in the same space when I returned from the bank and didn't see Nadia sitting where we had been. I walked around the park and found her on a bench in the back facing away from me. I sat down beside her. "Hi."
"You came looking for me. I'm surprised. I thought you weren't serious so I moved."
"I am serious. Shall I call and see if they have a cabin?"
"I guess so, but you probably will be sorry." There was concern on her face and I took it she didn't want to spoil my vacation.
I dialed the number from my cell phone. I had taken the time to find it while at the bank. I made a reservation for a week. "Burley, are you expecting me to sleep with you?"
"No, not if you don't want to. Well, I mean I don't expect to be intimate with you. The cabin only has a double bed, but I can stop and get an air mattress somewhere." She didn't want to start a relationship and wanted that made clear before we went anywhere together.
"That won't be necessary. We can make out somehow without bothering each other. How much is the cabin? I want to pay half."
"We can split the cost when we leave if you want. Remember I invited you so I planned on this being on my tab."
"No way. Is it okay to tell my best friend where I am and who I am with?"
"Sure, good idea. We have cabin number nineteen and the phone number of the campground is right here." She pulled out her phone and dialed someone telling her that she was going on vacation. After a minute she answered some questions put to her.
"No, I have a restraining order against Stanley. I won't be at his sentencing. Who am I going with on vacation? Burley Squires. We went to school together. I haven't seen him since before I was married and I ran into him today." She flashed me a smile. "Actually he is kind of cute. You know his sister, Beth. Beth Johnson. She is moving back to the home they grew up in. I have to run. I'll talk to you when I get back. Bye."
"Cute am I?"
"I had to say something to make her curious about you. We both know your sister, so you had better be good." I grinned and didn't answer. If Beth knew these women, then that was a recommendation by itself. Now Nadia was showing interest and a little excitement.
We set about putting things together for our vacation. We were going to take my car. Her car was old. She said Stanley had a newer one, but it was being financed. She giggled. "If Stanley gets five years, it will be about the same age as mine is now when he gets out."
I told her I had a couple of light sleeping bags and we probably wouldn't need much else. That way we could zip them up and sleep in the same bed. We went into the grocery and stocked up and then went by her house to pick up her stuff. She came out with a small suitcase and a thin garment bag. I took it that it held a dress. I sat in the car waiting as she did this. I was supposed to blow the horn if I saw Stanley coming. Thankfully he didn't show.
I went by my home and came out with the same size suitcase. I had towels and a swim suit, sun block, and shaving stuff. I did bring extra blankets so we could lie on the beach. I also packed some clothes to wear if we went out in the evening. I got my large plug-in cooler to put the groceries in. I also loaded up some wood for a campfire.
"Before we go, do come look in the garage. I want to show you my pride and joy." I lifted the door. There was a restored '57 Chevy hard top, parked there in all its glory. "I'll take you for a ride in it sometime. I don't drive it much. It cost me too much time and money to get it into this condition to go someplace where it could be damaged or stolen. Sis says I don't have to move it yet, so it stays until I find another garage."
"That's smart. I would love to ride in it."
"You will, I promise." We had a three hour drive and it took us four, as I just drove along listening to Nadia's problems she had with her husband. She sounded more disappointed than regretful about her failed marriage.
She questioned why I was still single. Our conversation wasn't all about her. "You never married. How come, you're a nice guy?"
"I never ran into anyone I thought I wanted to live with for the rest of my life. I have had a couple relationships of a year or more and the women are still friends of mine. Their husbands are friends of mine as well. Both are happily married now. I date occasionally. I never went for the bar scene. I've been working the evening shift for four years now and it is too late to catch up if you enter a bar sober at ten in the evening."
"Some different than my ex-husband. He wanted to go out every night. He wanted me to go with him. I did at first, but I stopped after awhile. I was always getting hit on and I got sick of it. We used to argue about it. When he started getting abusive, I knew it was only a matter of time before I would divorce him. I shouldn't have waited so long. I got pretty well slammed around the last time."
We drove thirty miles before anything else was said. It was nearly seven in the evening and I needed gas. I pulled into a filling station that sold the same kind of gas I pumped. There was a small restaurant attached. "We might as well eat here. We have another hour and we have to get set before dark."
Nadia went around the corner of the building to the eatery while I pumped gas. When I paid, I looked around inside. It was the typical convenience setup. Soda, chips, beer and snacks. It couldn't be doing too well. Most of the shelves and racks were less than half stocked. I found a twelve pack of Genesee Light and bought chips. I also got some scratch tickets.
When I came up to the counter and sat the beer down, "You aren't the law are you? I'm too young to ring out the beer. I'll have to get Gram or Mom to sell it to you. If they are busy it might take awhile." The attendant might be fifteen or sixteen.
"Run my card. I'm getting something to eat. She can do it before we leave."
"Oh hell, Mister, I'll take a chance." I suspected this was a family operation. The only problem I could see was that there wasn't enough family. The food was good in the restaurant though. There was an older woman that was the cook and a younger woman that waited on us. She would look just like the old woman in another twenty-five years. Maybe sooner, as they both looked worn out.
When we paid for the meal we read a sign that stated the restaurant and the filling station were for sale. Nadia looked at me and smirked. Thoughts of her problems had receded. As we reached my car she said, "We should buy it. I want to get away from my home town and you don't have a job."
"Yeah, right. This is our first date and you want to buy a business together."
"It is no stranger than me going on vacation with a man I haven't seen for eight years and only know his name. Crazy isn't it? Do you consider this a date?" I smiled and shrugged.
Maybe it was crazy, but I thought about the station the rest of the way to the cabin. I glanced at Nadia. I could see wheels turning in her mind much like they were turning in mine. Neither one of us said anything about it.
The cabin was small. The only thing for the bathroom door was a curtain. There was no shower ... you had to go to the communal shower point for that. The bed was full sized, but one of us was going to have to get in first for there wasn't room to get to the far side. If a person had to get up in the night, he or she would have to ask the other to move or crawl over. Nadia thought it a great joke. There was a good cook stove and two chairs that went with the mini table.
"We can make do. We'll flip a coin to see who gets the far side first. Then we can take turns."
We put our stuff away and then walked down to the water. I had been here several times, but in a cabin on the other side of the lake. There were people canoeing on the water and we could hear a party going on a ways down on the left. Just then a boat and a water skier went close in front of us. The skier had on a bikini ... flesh colored. Nadia looked at me. "I knew there was a reason you brought me here. You wanted to see the sights."
"Could be. Let's go have a beer. I'll start a fire and we can toast some marshmallows. I want to stay up late enough to see the moon come up. It should be directly in front of us. Maybe we will sleep on the beach tonight." I was feeling as if I had been friends with Nadia for a long time. I was so comfortable with her.
"Burley, you are really giving me a treat. I have never been camping on a lake before. I really am enjoying myself. Not only that, you make me feel so safe and all the troubles I've had with my husband are behind me." The moon came up as I promised. Big and yellow it seemed to fill the whole sky. The lake as well, for it seemed to shine a golden path on the water right to where we lay holding hands on the blanket.
We did go into the cabin about twelve-thirty and we did flip a coin to see who would get the far side of the bed. How Nadia giggled when she lost. "I'll be getting you up about five so I can go pee. Sorry about that."
"Geez, I thought I kept you out late enough so you wouldn't have to."
"You shouldn't have given me all of that beer. Your fault."
"I'll suffer through it, I'm sure. Breakfast about eight?"
"That's good. I'm cooking, that is what I do for a living and I have to keep my hand in until I go back to work in a couple of weeks."
"You cook? I knew you worked in a restaurant."
"Actually I'm the manager of Rita's. Do you know the place?"
"I know where it is, but have never eaten there. This will be one of the things on my to do list."
"You had better. I'll be hurt if you don't." I stepped outside while Nadia got into her nightgown and returned when she said okay. The curtain was pulled back as she brushed her teeth. Now I had more of a sense of what her figure was. She was more voluptuous than I thought. The gown left little to the imagination. I thought for a moment, she might be teasing me a little, but decided she was just comfortable around me.
I usually slept naked, but I wore boxers and a tee tonight. I slid into bed beside Nadia and reached over and turned off the light. She turned and spoke, "Burley, I have had the best time today. Last night I was sleeping alone. I guess what I am asking is, do you want more tonight?"
"No. Let's get to be friends. I have never been as comfortable with anyone as I am with you. I'd like to keep it that way. We'll see if we want to change direction when we get to know each other better. I have a whole raft of friends that I know and almost as many are women as men. Some of the women I have had sex with. They were my friends before we were intimate and still my friends afterward."
"I am going to be your friend always. I know that right now. We'll leave the other until later. Goodnight, Burley." She didn't go to sleep and I didn't either. Finally she spoke. "You know I haven't felt safe in over a year. I never knew when Stanley would explode and start hitting me. It could happen and it did too often. I guess I am lucky it wasn't worse."
"You're safe now." I had been treating Nadia as a long-time friend. That was what she was going to.
"I hope so. I'm divorced, but I don't know what goes on in Stanley's mind. In fact I didn't then and I don't now. Put your arm over me so I can forget him. I think I can go to sleep now with you holding me close."
"Sleep then. I'm right here with you."
I had an omelet that blew my mind away for breakfast. After we cleaned up I said we should walk around the lake, which would take all morning. Nadia put on a pair of walking shorts and a halter. She saw me looking her over.
"You like? Hey this is the new me. When I was in school, I was a little chunky and I practically hid. When I married, Stanley wanted me to dress to show off my body and I hated him telling me I should. Maybe that is where we went wrong. As time went on he wanted me to do more ... you know get more physical and flirt with strangers. Then all of a sudden he went the other way and was jealous. We could never seem to get it right."
I reached out and took her hand in mine as we walked along. "Forget Stanley. I'd never ask you to do that. I'm too possessive for one thing and I'm not jealous for another. Nadia, if I ever do anything you don't like, please tell me and I'll change."
"Friends do that don't they?"
When we got back to the cabin, I said we should just eat a light lunch. "I'm taking you out for dinner tonight. After all it is my birthday. We can celebrate."
"You didn't tell me it was your birthday. Good, we'll have a party. I know just where and I'll make a reservation."
"Back at that place we ate in coming up here. I want to ask some questions of the owner."
"You're thinking of buying the business aren't you?"
"Not really, but I am curious how much they want for it. I want to see the kitchen and the equipment, count the seats and what they have for a steady clientele. The menu the waitress showed us was horrible. I mean, they had three times as many entrées as they should have for a restaurant of that size. I've been thinking about it all morning while we were walking. I mean it is just a good nice sized restaurant to be easily managed for God's sake."
I didn't tell Nadia I had run through my mind the changes I would make to the filling station if it was in my hands. "I think the biggest problem with everything was it is way understaffed."
"Yeah, but the restaurant can be streamlined. There are four kinds of meat. There is beef, pork, chicken and fish. Add pasta on top of that. You could serve two kinds of meat on any given day and pasta for those who didn't care for meat. Keep the meat served to two basic recipes so you would have only six entrées on any given day. It would be wholesome, tasty and yet nothing too fancy. Any cook can handle that."
"Much the same could be done to upgrade the station. A lot of it would be paid by the oil company. It needs more modern looking pumps. The exterior of the building needs power washing and new blacktop should be redone, in, out, and around the pumps. I know the company representative who I would be dealing with. Of course we would have to pay to have the parking lot for the restaurant resurfaced and done at the same time."
"Do you have any money? It is going to take a lot."
I didn't hesitate to answer, "I am sure I have enough to handle the station, stock it, and it put into the condition I want it to be."
"How much is what I'm asking?" I looked at Nadia. Was she prying for reasons other than to buy the station and restaurant? I named a figure.
"I have close to that much. I'd swap a divorce settlement for a restaurant any day. If we have to put on a mortgage, it won't be too big. Any bank would lend the remainder to us I'm almost positive."
"Hey, slow down, this is just a dream."
"I know, but it is a nice one isn't it?"
I had to ask, "How would you want to work this? As two separate businesses or as one?"
"I don't know. The filling station would be the smaller of the two and wouldn't make as much money. That is unless you enlarged the convenience part of it. It wouldn't cost as much to buy at first."
I knew I had enough money for the filling station and would have some left over for the restaurant. "It would be better to pool our money then wouldn't it? Nadia, I don't know anything about the restaurant business."
"So, I don't know anything about pumping gas either. I'm saying it should be one business."
"You're a trusting person. Especially after what you have been through with your husband. We've known each other for twenty-four hours."
"Burley, I remember you from when we went to school, and I know your sister. I can say I do know you. Do you trust me?"
"I do."
"Well there is your answer then."
We pulled into one of the parking spaces on the gas station end of the building. Nadia and I got out and looked around. I was mentally making a list of what needed to be done to shape up the station. We went inside and met an old slow moving man heading out. The girl I had bought beer from was behind the counter.
She spoke to the man as he went out the door. "See you tomorrow, Mr. James. Thank you for coming in for me this morning. I needed to do some shopping. Bye now." Mr. James waved his hand, never looking around.
"Hi folks. Oh, you bought beer here yesterday. I can't sell you any today. Gram and Mom chewed me out for ringing you out. Mom doesn't want the place to lose our license. The license goes with the place and Mom is hoping to sell and we get half of the income from the beer sales."
"Is anyone looking at the place to buy?"
"A few people have inquired, but nobody has any money. Are you interested?" The girl looked hopefully at us.
"Not really. I used to work in a filling station much like this one."
"Shucks, I was hoping. I hate working here. I would rather be waiting table in the restaurant. I get tips in there."
"How come you don't hire someone?"
"We can't afford to. Dad died and Mom is needed in the restaurant. It just leaves me to work here. We need help in here too. We can't go on much longer the way we are. I have two more years of school. I guess we will have to close up."
"That is too bad. How many other stations are there in this town?"
"Just the Gulf station on the way out of town on Route 6. They don't sell beer though. Would you believe there used to be five stations that sold gas here in the area seven years ago?"
"I can believe it. The oil companies have cut the margin of profits so close, no one can make a living pumping gas without a sideline." We walked around and I added to my mental list of what the place needed. The girl, who said her name was Jenny Sinclair, went to work stocking shelves. When she came back to the counter, I bought two scratch tickets. Two customers were coming in as we were leaving.
Nadia went around the corner to the restaurant, the same as she did yesterday. I moved my car and parked in the same spot. The place was busier than the day before. We were an hour earlier so I wasn't surprised. The older woman who was the cook had everything in hand, but the orders were backing up to be delivered at the tables.
We were waved to a seat. When the woman of about forty came by with water and a menu, Nadia spoke to her. "I'm Nadia and I called earlier this afternoon and ordered something special. You seem awful busy. Can I give you a hand? I'm a waitress and on vacation."
"Oh I couldn't let you do that."
"Sure you can. All I need is an apron."
"Well, the aprons are in the kitchen in the cupboard behind the door. You can help until I get these orders passed out and catch up a little. Your special order is on the house for giving me a hand."
I watched as Nadia wended her way around the dining room. She didn't use a tray, just grabbing the plates and lining her arms with three and sometimes four orders. She laughed and joked with the patrons as she served them. The mood changed from one of tending to your own meal to where strangers at the next table were conversing with their neighbor.
The old woman doing the cooking of course was now behind. Nadia went right in and started preparing orders and addressing the cook asking, "Gram, where is this and where is that? Point me, I'll find it." The customers coming in the door eventually trickled to an almost standstill. Nadia stayed in the kitchen and the waitress came over and sat at my table. "I swear in all my years here I have never had a minute to sit down during the dinner hour. Where did your wife come from?"
"Nadia isn't my wife. We are camping at Lake Karen for a few days. We stopped by yesterday and loved the meal so decided to return for another one."
"You looked familiar when you came in and I remember you now. You have to stay after we close the dining room. Gram is making something special."
"I heard the other customers call you Sammy. May I do the same?"
"Yes, it's Samantha Sinclair. My husband started calling me Sammy when we first met on the first day of school. He is gone now. He was sick for two years and died a little over a year ago. I miss him. He was a short man just as you are, but he had a heart as big as the whole world. You remind me of him just a little."
Another seven customers came in and she got up to take their order. She came back to my table, while Nadia and Gram were cooking their order and continued her conversation. "We got behind with my husband being ill. I had to put on a mortgage shortly before he died. I feel sorry for Jenny. She isn't having any life at all. I have the property on the market, but I haven't had anyone seriously interested."
"What are you asking for both the diner and the station next door?" She named a figure. It was very reasonable. "What goes with it for equipment and maybe stock?"
"If I got the price, everything just as it is. There is also a small ell on the back that has an almost new pizza oven all set up and ready. My husband was going to expand and serve pizza, but six months after we opened it, he was too sick to keep it going." She had to get up again and ask the customers if they were satisfied with their meal. They gave it raves.
Sammy came back. "Okay, they will be the last customers. Order whatever you want and Gram will make it for you and your friend. I'll start cleaning up."
Nadia came out and we sat talking. "Do you want to make an offer on this tonight? If they have clear title after paying their mortgage it is a great deal. We can pay cash for most of it and use what is left for start up money. Everything goes with the two businesses including what inventory there is. What do you think? You saw the kitchen and what is in it.
"One thing we should do is try to hire all three of these people. We can hit the ground running and might not even have to close for renovations. We'll do those a little at a time. The filling station is the first thing people see when they drive by, so maybe that should be first."
"The kitchen and the dining room do need some upgrade, but what is here is definitely serviceable. The only fault is the menu. That definitely can be simplified. I'm ready to be my own boss. How about you?"
"Are we going to be partners?"
"Equal. I wouldn't have it any other way. Let me talk to them after we eat. I'll give them the idea that we are interested." Our meals came and it was pure ambrosia. As we were finishing, Jenny came in from the filling station and filled a plate with leftovers. She was surprised we were still there.
Sammy whispered something to her daughter and Nadia got up with them and went into the kitchen. All four women came out with a small birthday cake singing, "Happy Birthday, Burley." I don't think I ever enjoyed reaching another milestone like I did this one. Nadia kissed me, which was a public display and surprised me greatly.
As we finished the little impromptu party I said, "Nadia and I would like to explore purchasing this establishment including the station next door. She has a little money to invest from a divorce settlement. I have about the same amount from my mother whose estate has just been settled.
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I would have thought there would be a tug-o-war between the interests of Centurion Matthews and Marshal Pope. As it developed, our missions all had a common core - rescue embattled humans. Some were to be Confederacy volunteers, others were for the EDF, and still others just because they needed to be saved. Adversaries ranged among Earth Firsters, plain bad guys, and even inertia. Missions one and two were virtually identical. Rachel and Cathleen had each served a turn as team leader, and...
There were one or two adjustments during the night because Morag was not used to sharing a bed. We moved apart from time to time only to resume the same position having shuffled about a bit. I didn't sense the last move though! I began to surface to feel my cock in a wet oven. I lay there savouring the feeling until I felt the pain of teeth drawn over the helmet. "Ooh!" I gasped, opening my eyes. There was Morag with my cock in her mouth gazing intently at me. "Oh, sorry, darling! Did...
My name is Rishabh Rajput.. It started when I was in my 11th standard and i got my first computer. I was pretty excited about it as we belonged to a middle class family and hence wasn’t such privleged to get anything unless it serves a good purpose. Along with the computer came the internet as well.. My parents thought it’ll help me learn many a good things.. In fact it did..!!I learned a way too many things during the whole day but at night’s i learned even better things..!!That’s the point of...
Wendy walked to the front door and opening it was Susan barely covered by a sexy nightgown. Wendy welcomed her embrace, kiss and pat to her stomach. “About another month to go and I’m still as horny as can be.” “If I have time, I’d love to lick your pussy.” “Even a few tongue tickles is better than nothing.” “Is Dan in the bedroom?” “Yes, he just finished fucking so he should be primed to last longer fucking you! Why did you even bother to wear anything to cover up? I love your very...
Hello readers this is sidhorny with another story telling you about how I lost my virginity. I was 17 at that time and had a girlfriend named Priyanka. I was 6ft tall with a perfect body with well-toned muscles and 6 pack abs. Many girls had a crush on me but I had chosen Priyanka as my girlfriend. She was smart,sexy and had large and firm DD sized tits. All the other guys seemed envious of my luck as I had bagged the hottest girl in class. We had a very passionate relationship and had already...
Hi guys. I am Raj. This is my first story on ISS and certainly not the last. This incident happened when I was 20 year old. I was very desperate for sex as I was still a virgin. I stayed along with my parents in a 1 BHK flat. My Parents occupied the room and I slept in the Hall. We had a maid. She was a 28 year old chubby woman with wheatish complexion and long silky black hair. Her name was Sarita. I always fantasized about her. She was married and had a 6 year old son. Sarita had big breasts...
Introduction: A Charlie Brown Christmas story that would never make it on to TV. *Disclaimer: I do not own this story, just figured I would share* Charlie Brown lay on his bed in his room playing with his little dick and thinking about the pretty little red-haired girl. She was so cute and he was sure he was in love with her. He wanted her so badly and she was all he ever thought about. He remembered the first time he saw her on the way to school. She had been in front of him some...
When Rachel opened her apartment door she was holding her robe in front of her. "You're 15 minutes early Josh!" she exclaimed. "I'm not even dressed yet!" "It's ok, take your time," he said as he stepped into the apartment and closed the door. When he turned, Rachel was already on her way back to her bedroom. Still clutching her robe she presented Josh with an arousing sight. Her voluptuous hips swayed back and forth, encircled by black lace bikini panties and a matching garter belt...
Kyle and Kristine were sitting at a table in the college music lab folding the programs for that night's Spring choral performance. The concert choir was performing Carl Orff's Carmina Burana and the music department was buzzing with excitement. Kristine was dressed in her standard performance black: a long black skirt and black top that fit her hourglass form enough to accentuate her curves, a perfect balance of sexy and professional. She loves performance nights, but that night she...
MatureHi, I am from Karnataka I am from costal part of Karnataka. I studied at Manipal about me I am lesbian from my childhood days. There are 3 friends we are all play together when we are small. This is not a complete on but touching and creasing each others private part o body and we also enjoy a lot when I got admission at Manipal, there I got an hosterl room, whole my education life. I spent with a Chainies girl who is lesbian too. I appreciate myself we do sex daily one time whie sleeping there...
Lesbianwhen i opened my eyes i was surrounded by my family and harvey (i class him as family to) i asked "what happened" my mom spoke first and said "o my boy my boy your okay. you was is a car wreck" i had flash back of what had happened. harvey came forward and hugged me (a little to hard) i said "not so hard baby" he said "im sorry" a few hours later the police arrived at my bed saying "can we ask you some questions" "yeah course you can but i want my mom to stay she my attorney" the...
I rushed to my next meeting. I sat down at one of the spots at the long table and gathered all my documents for the next issue. The presenter went up and started the meeting. Minutes in the meeting, my phone went off in my clutch. Shit, I forgot to set it on vibrate. I rose a finger, got up and went off to the corner and answered the call. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey babe, how’s the meeting going?’ It was my boyfriend. ‘Hey babe,’ I whispered. ‘I’m sorry, I’m just in the middle of one right now. I’ll...
Tuesday 7th November 2017 I’d just watched Jill’s shapely ass sashaying away from me as she headed towards the elevators hand-in-hand with Rocco. The last few minutes hadn’t gone anything like I’d expected.When I’d switched her normal work clothes for sexy, revealing clothes and then sent her a smiling emoji when she said she had to work late, I’d thought I might be pushing her into the arms of her handsome boss Chris. But ever since I’d arrived at the meal, and especially since we’d retired to...
Wife LoversFat man sitting on a little stool Takes the money from my hand, while his eyes take a walk all over you Hands me the ticket, smiles, and whispers "good luck" Well, cuddle up angel, cuddle up my little dove And we'll ride down baby, into this tunnel of love Dr. Gayle Seymour tensed as the first footage on the DVD played. The scene was a bathroom. The camera appeared to be placed above the mirror and sink. From its vantage point, it took in the whole bathroom, including a shower stall,...
Jon is trying to get his lazy son Joshua to get off his ass and instead learn how to play baseball. But after a few failed attempts, Joshua gives up and runs up to his room. Jon looks up online for ways to help get his son to play baseball and he comes across Team Skeet’s latest Fembot and decides to place an order. When Jon gives Veronica to Joshua he’s unsure as to how a doll will help him but after he gives it a try he discovers that it has a few interesting modes like the blowjob mode that...
xmoviesforyouAdele reached menarche so her mom had “the talk”. Even before getting into the biology and other nitty-gritty of sex, she started with the history of the farm handed down thru four generations of women. While the men went off to the city and other careers, the oldest female offspring inherited the big place. The house and the barn had been built by Adele’s great-grandfather and were just as sturdy as new because they had been cared for. She’d played in that barn many times, exploring all the...
Continued from Chapter 2: ‘Thank you for your service,’ rang empty whenever someone mindlessly said that to him when seeing his dog tags hanging from his neck. To him, that phrase sounded too much like, ‘Thank you and have a nice day.’ He’d give them a stern look that made them afraid. ‘Thank you for my service?’ Just as angry as he was violent, that’s all he needed to hear to react. ‘Are you my CO? You’re not my CO. What the fuck do you know about my service? You have no idea the Hell I’ve...
WrittenBy Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! Paige moved into the neighborhood about three years ago when she was 22. Jared her next door neighbor was the first person she met when moving her things into the house. He offered to help her since she had no one else. She was pretty sure he just felt bad for her. She knew he was younger than she was. She found out he was in fact just 17 at the time. Though he was just 17 he was still a cutie. He stands about 6’1” has strawberry blonde hair and blue...
The library had a great WiFi system and I used it often with my Mac to write stories. I was at a table with a library buddy when she walked in, or rather wriggled in, her ass moving back and forth, but in a naturally sexy way. She was wearing a tank top, cutoff, and short-shorts. You could she her fantastic ass cheeks hanging out of the shorts, and her nipples were already hard. Every eye in that section of the library went to her. She was aware of it. As she passed I noticed her left hand...
There was a few odd looking drugs laying on the side from a party. Being bored I decided to see what they were all about, I had dabbled before but had no idea what they all were. I had seen someone use a bottle with an inhaler on it, one good slug later I felt good.I looked through my wardrobe and decided that all guys seem to go for the more cute look in a girl. As I was feeling daring I thought what the hell, lets try something outrageous. I wanted to make sure that as many men would want me....
CrossdressingBaz swiveled in his dual axis ergonotic chair flipping switches and pressing buttons in choreographed display of manual dexterity and physical agility. The control consoles stretched out in all directions forming a spherical cage like structure and the chair could tilt and turn in all directions to allow access to any one of them. Far below him, the revellers applauded and cheered as each carefully timed touch brought a different part of the vast amphitheatre stretched out below him to life....
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt's been a long week and you love spending a few hard earned quarters in the local arcade to unwind. The arcade was a bit more bare than usual as you insert fifty cents into Terminator Salvation. You've played it several times before. You think you played it a little too much since you memorized where to shoot and how to stay alive longer than anyone would expect. You relax and a new machine catches your eye. Normally, nothing can distract you, but this new machine had all sorts of bells and...
It was six months before we had three thousand inmates. Quite a few were rejected from the screening; Herpes and Aids were the major rejects. Drugs were pretty minor; we could get them off drugs, since drugs never made it into our facility. Inmates had no contact with the outside, so money and drugs never had a chance of getting in. Smuggling in drugs for an inmate was even more stupid since she had nothing to pay you with. If you were caught with drugs, let's say that we pressed charges to...
Recital and Sanctuary Extracurricular activities were now freely accepted. I had shown Mom the pictures, letting her in on a secret, and I had proved worthy of her trust. I was justly rewarded. I came home most days to a quick blowjob before Dad got home. On the weekends, Mom let me get her outside and allowed me to lead her around the side for a blowjob in front of the trellis, sometimes twice a day. Perhaps Mom was so generous because real piano practice was now being taken more seriously as...
The year was 2008, I guess. I was in my early 20s. It was a really crowded general compartment on a train that took me from Bangalore to Kerala. Kanyakumari express if u need details. Started at 9:45 pm. 12 hours journey and there was not even a place to stand. Only the luckiest got a place to even sit on the floor. I was not so lucky and I was among the hundreds or thousands who were standing. To add to my bad luck I got a place near the toilet. With the prospect of standing for the whole...
Gay MaleBLACKPOOL (part 1)Well, that turned out to be a dud, I was 16, and I was on holiday with my aunt and uncle and 18 years old my cousin Pete.I’d had sex for the first time with him, only a few days earlier, and while we were staying at his parents Maisonette making preparations for two weeks holiday, Pete was all over me, I’d been taking his dick every which way and he’d been showing me how to give it back.Now here I was in Blackpool, and sharing a room with him I was...
Tuesday Evening I looked at my clothes distastefully. The thought of smothering my body in them was repulsive. Besides, she'd asked for it, hadn't she? I opened my door and stepped out into the hall, feeling every stray current of air that brushed my bare skin. I looked toward her room, thinking maybe Sis was already in there, doing her homework, but her door was wide open, which meant she was probably still down stairs. Taking a deep breath, tingling all over, I started down, my hardon...
Ashley is 21 and very much a Californian free spirit. This often translates into an easy lay. Usually. In Ashley’s case though, she hasn’t had sex in a year. ONE YEAR. No boyfriend. So for the longest time, this kinky first-timer has been driving around with a vibrator in her car so she can make herself cum in California traffic when the mood strikes. Naughty and we love that! Ashley wants to do something with science, so she has a brain, but also wants to be be naughty while she...
xmoviesforyouTony was now seriously anxious about how he would get back home to the UK. He knew that his name would be reviled all round the free world, and this troubled him, especially as it had all been for nothing. For the first time he began to realise just how much his defection might affect morale back in the UK In hindsight, he now wished that he had refused the assignment in the first place. The fact that he had been given only seconds to make up his mind, seemed in hindsight rather unfair. At...
She had the reputation of being a snob. Spawned by a long line of European gentry, she indeed occasionally put on airs. That's why they called her "The Countess".He was a bit of a troublemaker. A big city boy who didn't give a crap about pedigrees and titles... a true republican, with a small "R". He despised the Central European landed aristocrats with a vengeance.Of course, they had to run into each other at a party. They danced, they drank, they yelled at each other over the music. And...
Please comment....It happened last night. The guys had all been debating whether Mom would ever really do anything or not. For the last two weeks, once we finished our soccer training, Jim, John, and Steve would come over and we would all strip down and soak in the hot tub and drink a couple of beers. College was a lot different than playing in High School.John noticed it first, on the second night that we were out. The bedroom blind parted just a little and if you watched carefully, you could...
Hi readers, hope you are doing well! With your masturbation and romantic sex life. Thank you Indian sex stories for making this site as horny people meeting spot and helping many unsatisfied ladies satisfied. Your nightrider is back with a new encounter. For readers who do not know me myself nightrider for unsatisfied ladies who are urged for romance and sex. I am basically from Hyderabad, so if any lady from Hyderabad is in need of sex can contact me at So without wasting time lets jump into...
I had spent an enjoyable time with Sid and his family in the Valley of the Wind, but Spirits take me, the shifts in my view of reality just wouldn't stop! First there was the mini-Transformation that Trunk and I experienced, what Andy and his family called being 'awakened', and the gifts that came with it. I can never express how utterly my life changed the moment I realized I was sharing Mat's mind, and could know, absolutely and utterly, the depth of his love for me, and see his own joy...
I half-expected to come home from school and find Julie waiting for me, but she wasn't. That both surprised and disappointed me, since we were supposed to be making a baby and I hadn't thought about much else that day. None of my other girlfriends were waiting for me either, which was probably a good thing. One of these days, I thought, I'd come home to find all four of them on my doorstep and that would really be bad, but until it actually happened I didn't worry about it too much. My...
“So, your appointment is for Tuesday the day after tomorrow,” said Blake. “Yes, the 14th, with the ophthalmologist. I need to get it done. “And, Thanksgiving is in less than two weeks; and we have that guest list for the wedding to put together, oh, and about a hundred other things,” she said. The man smirked. “Wouldn’t it be something if we could get the other daddy to come to that happy event,” he said, kind of sourly. “Yes,” she said, “it would. Bea and I will check out the old...
At 354 Hanover Lane, they were received by the lady of the house, Mrs. Warner. The house belonged to Mr. Albert Warner, a grain trader of obvious means. Jim introduced himself and Ned. "Madam, I am Major James Tremayne, and this is Mr. Ned Thrush. We call on you to ask whether Alison O'Hare is in your employ." Mrs. Warner was alarmed. "Yes, indeed. She is a good girl." "I shall never doubt your word on that, Madam. The reason we came, is that with your permission, we'd like to...
My wife, SD, said she arrived at NATTC Memphis on Tuesday (December 3, 1974) after a two week break/leave from Boot Camp (Orlando Florida). She stayed with her parent’s in SoCal (Chatsworth) for that time and partied most of the time with her boyfriend and others. I found out recently (from one of her High School friends) that she was known for NOT fucking during her time as a cheerleader at Chatsworth High – she didn’t want to take any chances of getting pregnant and wanted to “save herself”...
The special Court of Inquiry convened on February 1 at the Federal Court House in Los Angeles. Vice Admiral Adams was annoyed to find that the press was present in force. This was beyond his experience because first, military courts usually convene on military posts to which civilians do not normally have access, and second, because there is usually no civilian press interest at all. After Adams called the Court to order, the letters of appointment were read and the Law Officer announced that...
© 2002 LaffWithMe Press Internet [email protected] - [email protected] When I was in college I knew a girl who was an exhibitionist. At the time, I didn't appreciate how much fun that type of play can be. How I wish she were around now. Thoughts of her come to mind because of a rare treat I received at a Burger King. It was a lovely day in May about two in the afternoon. I stopped to get a hamburger. The place was almost empty. As I placed my order, a couple entered....
Romeo Price and Tony Martinez showed up early at their hotel, and hoped to waste some time pampering themselves, but Eric gets the wrong idea about them initially. When the boys clear the awkward air, Eric is able to supply them both with a masseuse of their own, ready to rub away their tension and confusion. Veronica Avluv and Alexis Faux are two cock hungry MILFs with the tits and the determination to pamper these guys so that they have nothing left in them. The horny MILFs peel off their...
xmoviesforyouThis is the story of my first proper sexual experience. I had fumbled around in my early teens with the odd girl but never had sex. Mrs Wilkinson changed all that !It was 11 am on a lovely sunny Saturday morning, in the summer of 1979. I walked along the street to my friends Steves house bouncing the football I was carrying as I strolled. I was not prepared for what was going to happen that weekend.I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. His Mam answered."Hello Mrs Wikinson. Is Steve in...
‘I just don’t get it, man. I’ve been married eleven years and the sex couldn’t be better,’ I said, making a careful right turn in my deep red Camry. I was giving Chase, work buddy and partner in crime, a ride home. We’d been talking about marriage, and its remarkable ability to kill the excitement in a couple’s sex life. Throughout the conversation, Chase had seemed to be referencing his own marriage. ‘Did you forget what your wife looks like?’ Chase said in a laughing tone, and I caught...
hi, im new to this. this happened about 3 years ago now.I had started off the night being at my ex gfs house looking at her sexy underwear thinking how it would feel etc. so, having just started a new job I felt it was time to relax a little while she was out working (from 10pm til 6am). from this simple thought I became massively aroused and started trying on her underwear, make up, and even a wig that was in the apartment. soon enough, I was looking like a slutty crossdresser.I thought enough...
The story that unfolds here is an account, to the best of our recollection (my sister and I), of the events of our i****tuous affair over a period of eight years. Names, towns, and schools have been changed to protect the innocent (actually more to protect the not so innocent among us).Our story is one of discovery and exploration, of love and lust, and at times of teenage angst. But, most of all it is a story of joy. To provide some context, our story takes place when there was no internet, no...
It’s a cold Snowy February Friday in Michigan. Cold by anybody’s standards with snow forecasted for theweekend. I had to work this particular day so you just decide to hangout until I got home. Its noontime andyou’ve just got out of the shower wearing a frumpy terry robe when I call. “Hello” you answer. “Hey Janis,I just wanted to call you and let you know how happy I am that you’re here,” I say to you. We chat brieflyand you go to sit in front of the TV. You thumb through my DVD's when the...
Strip Chat Mature! I’ll be honest with you old cucks. You’re not always going to get the hot, young dime pieces. And, honestly, ditzy 20-something sorority pussy isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. I swear half the young broads I plow don’t even know how to ride, suck cock, or any of that shit. It’s like fucking a sex doll, only with a bit of personality. Screw all of that bullshit; I want myself a slut that knows how to fuck, suck, and everything else in-between. For that, I look towards...
Live Mature Sex CamsJohanna’s turn: I have become the musical mommy. I’m not complaining, mind you. Dad and Mom smile at me and tell me that their prayers are answered, that I’m married, my husband loves me, we’re successful, and ... my life is as filled with wonder as I told them. Little Randall is a good baby. That’s good. I’ve heard horror stories about crying all night and teething issues and ear problems and serious diseases. Randall is none of these. The community crèche is devoid of that. There’s a...
We did talk about it what would happen if she got pregnant. It was odd for two reasons. First off we were having a serious conversation about things and were sitting there buck naked. But it was also odd because neither of us had really thought about planning for such an eventuality. I think it all boiled down to the idea that she wanted to know that I wouldn't abandon her if it happened, and that I'd try to make the best of things. That she even contemplated I might react negatively hurt...
Jenna looked over at the gilt edged invitation and rolled her eyes. She still couldn’t believe she had actually been convinced to attend a masquerade ball on Halloween night. She muttered to herself as she struggled to get into her harem girl costume. She’d wanted the cute Little Bo Peep outfit, but it had been snatched right out of her hands by a pushy blonde. The other costumes left were fairly picked over, or the wrong size. So, the harem girl outfit would simply have to do. She’d done her...
“So… You can’t pay for a room.” The innkeeper says to me, shutting the door behind him while I take a seat in an uncomfortable wooden chair. Of course I can’t. Getting your bag o’ cash stolen by goblins and you can’t pay for anything. But I don’t do anything desperate yet. I keep my sword sheathed and my eyes to the floor, embarrassed. I hear him sit down and scribble on some papers on his desk. “Now, as much as I’d like to be offering charity to every wandering girl who calls herself a...
My New Wife and The Young Spaniards. We had a wonderful summer wedding and immediately after we honeymooned in Spain were both itching to get at each other. My wife Louise was a beautifully slim, pale skinned young woman. I was 22 she was 21. She was in her twenties but her body was still that of a teenagers. Since we first met at school Louise had always been one of the worst cock teasers I had ever known. In a way that’s probably why I liked her but she had a reputation like no other and...
VoyeurThe title says it all... this is a fantasy and the events are totally made up (except my moms red/blue suit, that's real). Personally I think this is my best story so far.In high school, I developed a serious fetish for my mothers one piece swimsuits. She had a large collection of them and I masturbated in them secretly at home. But I had never used one for its intended purpose, going swimming. If I was gonna do this it had to be the pool across the street from my high school. This pool is...