Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 392
- 3 years ago
- 48
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August 8, 2017
A minute or so later, Gracey began connecting with reality, and started sobbing. Liya immediately put her head in Gracey’s sight and kissed her forehead.
“We’re here, Love, we’re here.”
Among pants and sobs, Gracey said, “Oh, god. That was wonderful. I love you all.”
Liya asked, “Did you know that everyone was here to see you cum less than ten minutes after you gave the whole Go5 permission to sex you up whenever they wanted?”
“Everyone? The Moms, too?”
“Yes, we’re here, Gracey,” Carol answered. “That was incredibly sexy and beautiful. I’m a little bit jealous. That, as the Go5 calls it, ‘gangbang’ action looks like a lot of fun.” She snickered, then said, “Only partly in jest, but you should copyright that term, something like ‘Go5 gangbang.’ Your gangbang is a polar opposite of what most think of as a gangbang, with as many guys as possible or present getting their rocks off, often at the expense of the single ... gal. You girls, you do it right. Everyone is pulling for the same thing, an explosive and wonderful climax for the single gal being banged. Charlie didn’t even cum, despite his playing a seemingly crucial role in sending you over the top, Gracey.”
“Oh, god, yes. I was feeling pretty good, but when Liya put Dad’s cock in my mouth ... Fuck. What was a really wonderful time became outright spectacular. I would ... well, I guess that I gave my permission, so I look forward to being gangbanged, again. Oh, fuck. I hope Charlie can join in then, too.”
“That probably won’t be a problem. Speaking of which, if you’re back in the land of coherency, Gracey, perhaps Sandy and I can present our counteroffer to you five. I believe you’ll like it, all of you.”
Gracey looked at me. Yes, me. I have got to accept that I am, indeed, the leader of us, though I am still not fully comfortable with that idea. Actually, I hope that I am never completely comfortable with that. I gave a slight nod.
“Yes, we are ready,” Gracey responded.
This time, I took the right position on the love seat, as that was the place of least focus from the couch, at least in its current position. Liya took the same chair, the middle position of us five, while Gracey sat to her left. Heather took the other love-seat place, while Rhee was the other bookend.
As the Go5 settled, Sandy began.
“As I have come to realize from painful recent experience and from the three people most important to me, I have been playing the puppet master, directing the actions of various marionettes. I truly did not intend that, but I can see clearly that that description is accurate. Carol and I, at my direction, have willfully left all of you – Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Liya, Heather, and, most importantly, Charlie – in the dark. I had been afraid that if my ultimate goal became clear to you, to any of you, that my goal would not, then, be attainable. This, despite some obvious hints from Beth that such a goal would be accepted by you girls. In fact, not just accepted, desired.
“My recent near-calamitous response to Liya’s incredibly moving and erotic expression of love for Our Man – and I truly mean that term, ‘OUR Man, made me realize how stupid it was of me to think that a Ph.D. in Math, a very bright sister-wife, and five incredibly intelligent daughters would not deduce that goal. I acknowledge that folly, acknowledge my fears, and make clear what I tried to hide. Once I have come clean, Carol will present our counteroffer to Liya’s eloquent plea for, essentially, some level of respect. Respect that I thought I had given, but now very much realize that I had not. I sincerely apologize for that lack of respect.
“I have suspected, then known, of Charlie’s predilection for post-pubescent girls for most of the time that I have known him. While I was already in love with Charlie before figuring that predilection out, and before he confirmed it, I was already excited by the possibility. That is because I have the same interest that Carol has due to an eerily similar history as Carol’s. Carol told me that she recounted her history to you five, explaining – if one can actually do such – her interest in watching you five having sex with Charlie.
“My interests match precisely with Carol’s, a fact that we discovered through a very carefully roundabout conversation concerning Rhee and her sexual education. Once we discovered that we shared the same ‘deviant’ sexual fantasies about our daughters, it became much easier for me to solve Carol’s other main concern, her confessed romantic love for Charlie. This sharing of fantasies made acceleration of my plans for Charlie and you girls possible. I also became aware of other influences outside of our marriage – our three-way marriage, and those influences also made greatly accelerating my, then Carol’s and my plans concerning Charlie and you girls.
“So, a plan that I originally thought might bear fruit by the time that Beth turned 15 is already on the cusp of completion. That plan was centered on Charlie making love, having sexual intercourse, with, first, Beth, then Rhee ... then the rest of the Go5, the five girls that I now acknowledge as Charlie’s girlfriends. Charlie’s girlfriends that have and will have nearly all the rights and privileges of Charlie’s wives.”
Though none of us girls said any actual words in response to Mom’s last sentence, we all responded in some fashion, seemingly mostly, if not all, in surprise.
Mom nodded her head once, then said, “That aspect will be covered in Carol’s response to your request. My aspect of our response is personal. First and foremost, I acknowledge and accept the bidirectional love, the bidirectional romantic love that exists between Charlie and each of his five girlfriends. That bidirectional romantic love that will and does have a physical, sexual component. Additionally, for the rest of the month, I cede all responsibility of and control over sexual activities in either of our family houses. I do this partly as recompense to Charlie’s girlfriends for obvious wrongs to you and partly as punishment for my own hubris in manipulating the seven people that I care most about in the world. Except during my turns in Truth or Command, I will not direct, request, or demand any sexual activities in our houses for the rest of this month. I will not initiate any sexual activity. I will be dependent upon direction by, first, Charlie, then Carol, then any of Charlie’s girlfriends. I will not initiate photography or videography of any sexual activity, but will, of course, respond immediately to any such requests or demands made by members of this family. In short, for the remainder of August 2017, I present myself as the sexual slave to the rest of the family, which consists of Charlie, Carol, and Charlie’s girlfriends and my daughters: Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Liya, and Heather.”
As more inchoate expressions of surprise came from our mouths, Sandy leaned back into the couch with an odd expression that seemed a mix of accomplishment of a difficult task and something else that I could not place. As I began getting myself back under control, Carol raised her hand in the ‘stop’ gesture.
“I will provide the response from what many of you girls call ‘the Moms.’ First, I want to tell you how proud I am of being, not only Rhee’s mom, but someone that the rest of you spectacular girls call ‘Mom.’ Second, though Sandy wished me not to tell you this, she has agreed that I have the right to do so. Charlie and I tried to talk her out of her self-inflicted punishment-and-recompense actions that she just described. She was adamant, however, that you girls needed a ‘tangible’ apology and that she needed a ‘tangible’ punishment. Since Charlie and I could obviously not over-rule her without doing precisely what she wants, our arguments had no traction. I have always respected Sandy; I now have, if possible, even more respect for her. She will find her punishment to be, at times, exciting, but at other times, frustrating. Though I disagree with her about the severity of punishment that she has laid on herself, I do agree that it is fitting, as you girls found the results of her actions to be both exciting and frustrating.
“I, also, have some complicity in the wrongs, the frustration that you girls have encountered. My apology and recompense will take a slightly different tack. On the next night that all five of you spend here, I will join Sandy in isolation in our bedroom while Charlie spends the night with you. Yes, we will probably enjoy our isolation a bit, but we agree that a night without Charlie is nowhere near as wonderful as a night with him. I will touch on one aspect of the Go5’s next night with Charlie in a bit.”
I stood, but only barely beating Liya to that state. The rest of the Go5 quickly followed suit. In obvious agreement with my own thoughts, Liya stepped past Gracey and Rhee to Sandy.
“Please, stand, Mom.”
With a hint of trepidation on her face, Sandy stood. When she did, Liya enveloped her in her arms.
“Thank you, Mom, for avowing and accepting responsibility for aspects of your recent behavior. We agree with Carol and Charlie that your penance is too severe, but fitting. As with Carol, you have found elevated respect in our eyes. You are Charlie’s first wife. You are Mom. We thank you for all that you have given us, and you have given us very much. We all love you very much. Thanks, Mom.”
Liya then kissed Sandy on the lips. Not passionately, but not just a peck. Mom’s eyebrows, like mine, rose exceedingly high on her forehead. Liya returned to her seat and we all sat. Carol then continued.
“In the very near future, probably during the next two weeks, each of you will have a night to spend with Charlie.”
There was much ... quiet ... rejoicing.
“Be aware, however, that events might cause a change in ... I guess, the schedule, for lack of a better term. Charlie will have all of next week and part of the following week off and has graciously agreed to make love with you in that time.”
There was much chuckling.
“That time is for you and Charlie. Each of you may do as much or as little as you want, though Charlie can refuse to do anything that strikes him negatively. If you want to have full sexual intercourse ... going all the way ... you may. Charlie will never reveal what takes place on those nights. You are welcome to reveal what you wish to each other. You should not reveal any details to either of us wives, with one exception ... and with that exception having an exception. Most of you have indicated that you would like a romantic first time with Charlie, and we would want the same thing in your places. However, for most of you, if you wish to be involved with certain commands that may come up in ToC, you will have to have already had intercourse. Heather is the exception to that, if she wishes to have her first full penetration to have an audience. Heather, that is your decision and you need not tell anyone what decision you make. Is that clear and fair?”
“Yes. Thank you, Carol and Sandy and, particularly, Charlie. I wish that I could have two first times, because both interest me greatly. I thank you all for the choice.”
“As an aside, we hope that you girlfriends are as interested in keeping ToC going as are we wives. I know that you all enjoyed the last game, but we are very interested in knowing your thoughts now that you have had further time to digest your experiences. Please think about this for a while and let us know.
“As a compromise between each girlfriend’s desires on her first night with Charlie and Charlie’s and others’ needs, we believe that a 15-hour night, starting at 6 pm, should suffice for each. Charlie would like to have at least a night off after every night with one of his girlfriends, so we need at least nine days. Unless there is strong disagreement among you, we propose that your night’s with Charlie proceed in the order in which you met Charlie. Is that clear and fair or, at least, acceptable to all?”
I barely nodded my head, although I saw Heather nod hers emphatically. No one disagreed.
“Charlie’s night with all of you that I mentioned as the wives’ penance must take place before any of you have your individual nights with Charlie. Given that we’re all going to the state tournament Friday night and won’t return until Sunday evening, that all-girlfriends’ night should take place before Friday. Gracey, Liya, since Civia will be here most of the day on Thursday, would you two be able to stay here Thursday night?”
I looked over at the two, who were looking at each other. Carol didn’t wait for them.
“We figured that you two might go through nudity withdrawal that day and be most in need of Charlie’s ... umm ... help in alleviating that withdrawal.”
There was much chuckling.
“I think that will work,” Gracey replied. “Obviously, we’ll have to talk to our moms.”
“We understand. Please let us know as soon as possible. Other options are possible but pushing that night later in the month also pushes your first nights back, potentially into the school year, which creates additional problems.
“Both Sandy and I applaud your standing up for yourselves in a situation in which many girls would not. We are both continually amazed and pleased with the way in which you girls are developing, becoming adults. We are firmly of the belief that your group friendship is much of the cause of this, in that you are all obviously pushing the others, either directly or obliquely, and you are all benefiting. We greatly appreciate having exceptional teenagers that require little ‘raising’ and cause so very little angst and turmoil in the household.
“All three of us would like to reward all of you for being such wonderful daughters, and, yes, this is relevant to the topic at hand. While we have some options in that reward, we suspect that the reward that Charlie proposed for you will be the one that you choose, which is tied to your request for regular nights for each girlfriend with Charlie. Given all the unknowns, Sandy and I were unwilling to, essentially, give him up for so many nights in a month. We are willing, with Charlie’s concurrence, for Charlie to spend a night with each of you once every other month, and we would prefer if those nights could be spread across the two months. However, as reward for, essentially, telling us that you were not slaves to our plans, Charlie proposed, and we have accepted, that he spend a night with each of you in September and then the every-other-month schedule would begin in October. Is that clear and, at least, acceptable?”
I looked over at Liya, who had started her visual canvas of the girlfriends with me, and winked my left eye. After she looked at Rhee, who winked her right eye, she turned to Carol.
“That is agreeable. Thank you.” She turned to Charlie. “Thank you, Dad.”
“Now, for the rest of the response to your request. We do not have specific responses to each of your points, although we feel that our response should cover all of them. We accept your proposal concerning the girlfriends initiating sex with Charlie and leave it to you five to determine the meaning of ‘occasional.’”
My eyebrows flew upward, and I looked down the line at my sister-friend-lovers. I saw the same reaction in their faces that I had felt in mine. That was much more concession than I had expected, as they are, essentially, giving us carte blanche. However, in the few seconds that my mind used to analyze their response, I realized that they were setting it up so that we had to police ourselves. “Oh, very good,” I thought at them. When none of us responded directly, Carol continued.
“Somewhat against Charlie’s wishes, we asked him that he be willing to accept no limits to his initiation of sex with his girlfriends.”
“Are you kidding,” escaped my attempt to keep those words behind my teeth.
“No, we are not. We admit that we cannot enforce any decision that we might have made on Charlie, for a variety of reasons. We also decided that you may well be right about the ‘thrill quotient’ of discovering Charlie in sexual situations with one or more of his girlfriends and we’re willing to try it out. As Charlie knows ... and I’m sure that you bright girls would figure it out quickly, we look at our suggestions as requiring restraint or moderation in both Charlie and his girlfriends if we are all to get along, essentially, sharing a single man. It also gives those of you that do not live here real hope that the others will not have worn Charlie out by the time that they can get to him.”
With that, she grinned at us all.
“Oh, that’s very good,” Liya said. “As the Go5 spokeswoman on this topic, I applaud you two for finding what is certainly a better solution than the one at which we had arrived. We agree with and accept your counter-proposal’s points as stated.”
“Thank you, Liya. Again, the three of us applaud you girls’ maturity and, particularly, your understanding of what a sticky situation in which we find ourselves and, because much of the fault of the stickiness rests with us, your willingness to ‘compromise’ [air quotes] even though you’ve apparently gotten more than you asked. Finally, we consider your request to permit Charlie to spend nights with whatever set of more-than-one girlfriend he wishes to fall under the rubric of his lack of limits regarding initiation of sex with his girlfriends.
“I believe that each of you understands the full meaning of that, but I want to be certain that you do. All of us – wives and girlfriends – are going to have to work together to make this work. If even one of us feels slighted by the amount of attention that Charlie gives her, and I paraphrase Beth here, this whole thing ... WILL ... NOT ... WORK. Sandy and I are, essentially, giving Charlie’s girlfriends equality with us when it comes to Charlie’s time. I beg of you, please do not abuse it, else we will all have to try to return to Charlie having one wife, a very close female friend, and five daughters. I truly believe that you five have it in you to make this compromise work; I truly hope that you actually can.”
While I felt my brain working furiously at this turn of events, I glanced down the line of us past Liya to Rhee, then back to Liya. Her eyes met mine and she indicated “upstairs” with her chin and eyes; I nodded.
“Carol,” responded Liya, “your response to our request provided us, potentially, so much more than we had requested, in both freedom and necessary self-restraint. Your... ‘terms,’ for want of a better word require careful response. We would like to talk this over among ourselves and return with our response. Are you amenable to a break of, perhaps, 15 minutes?”
“Yes. Please take as much time as you need, because we all need to get this one right, and right from the very start.”
“Thank you, Carol, Sandy, Charlie. We shall return as quickly as we can.”
When we were all congregated on the bed in the Go5 council chamber, Rhee said, “Holy fucking hell! They’ve essentially turned the tables on us by giving us very nearly everything that we could have wanted! That was fucking brilliant!”
“Yes, it was,” Liya responded, “and we have to figure out what our response is. I know that you all know, but this needs to be stated clearly. We can have everything we want, but at the expense of everything we want. We need to agree to some sort of limits among ourselves. Obviously, it is unlikely that any of us would decline Charlie’s advances, so we need to limit our own. I suggest that at least three of us need to be present for any one of us to make any initiation with Charlie beyond some level. I know what I mean by that level, but I’m finding it difficult to state it in terms.”
Heather responded, “Yes, I know exactly what you mean. A casual fondle of Dad’s cock, even a quick suck just for fun, should not really count as initiation. Obviously, sexual climax by any participant would mean that that initiation ‘counted,’ however we define the term. In the same category would be an approach to orgasm or, even, any overtly sexual act that causes extensive heavy breathing.”
“Yeah,” replied Gracey, “Dad rubbing your breasts like he did yesterday would not ‘count.’ As Dad said, he was simply expressing his love for you in a pleasant, essentially, non-sexual way, and that was exactly what that was. I also think that the Moms, or should I say, ‘the wives,’ would agree with that. But how do we define that cutoff?”
“I don’t think that we need to define it,” I said. “We seem to all be on the same page in this and we also understand that the onus for restraint is on us. Dad will certainly curb his own desires in this, but we still need to be aware of and avoid the consequences of getting ... too greedy. We will need to accept that some occasions in which we intend our actions only as playfulness or semi-non-sexual expressions of love will get out of hand. That is understandable, but we need to keep such times to a minimum. The more I think about this, the more I marvel at both our chutzpah at thinking that we could outthink the Moms and at how bright – and devious – the Moms are.”
I looked around at my sisters’ faces, then nodded and continued.
“During August, we have the ability to get Sandy involved with Dad relatively frequently. We need to be careful in this, but, from what Rhee and I have seen, getting one of the Moms involved with Charlie has a good chance of sucking the other in, too. However, the best use of my mom as sex slave would be to include her in some fashion in sex activities that we initiate. I can tell you that once each of us has had her night with Charlie, having Sandy sit on Dad’s face while one of us sits on his cock will probably get her off very quickly. Just make sure to have her face you on his mouth. Dad can deal quite well, as both Rhee and I know, with an upside-down pussy. The other way, Sandy on his cock, you on his mouth, will also work, but possibly not quite as quickly, though she came quite quickly watching my pussy on Dad’s face.”
“And Carol came quickly, too, when she and I were sharing Dad,” Rhee reminded us all. “She even said that she’d like us to trade places. While her interest might be more in me because I’m her daughter, I’m sure that it would work, at least somewhat, with any of us. What we’re saying is that involving the Moms in sex that we initiate should, effectively, enable such initiations to not ‘count.’”
I looked at Liya, who was looking around at us. When her gaze got to my eyes, she nodded.
“Okay. We are agreed that we have to provide the restraint in the family. Hopefully, that will not be too difficult, as that was what we had proposed, anyway. Is there any disagreement with my proposal that at least three of us have to be here for any purposefully significant initiation of sex with Charlie? I ask because Gracey and I fully understand that we are at a slight disadvantage compared to Heather and a great disadvantage compared to Beth and Rhee. However, that cannot be helped, and I don’t see making those three wait for, perhaps, two or three weeks for Gracey and me to both be allowed to stay over during school. While I know that my mom has at least another slot scheduled at a telescope in the next while, I don’t know that Gracey’s mom is planning much travel in the near future.”
“Not much, but I think that there’s a week sometime in September. That could work for us.”
“Okay. Then, we accept their ... counter-proposal?”
Liya looked around and got four nods, though her brow furrowed at Rhee and Heather.
“Heather, you have said nothing, and, Rhee, you seem uncertain about something. Are you good with this? Any of this? None of this?”
The two of them looked at each other, and Rhee took point.
“As you noted, you and Gracey have the raw end of the deal. If you can accept it, then Heather and I certainly can. While I like the idea of having more sex with Dad, I don’t like the idea of you two missing out. I’d be willing for the requirement of all of us present before we can initiate. We’ll certainly be able to take advantage of Dad initiating and he’ll be certain to balance his attentions. I think that all five should be here.”
When Heather nodded emphatically, I said, “It’s always best when all five of us are together. I’m as interested in one-on-one times with Dad as anyone, but we’ll get those. They, essentially, don’t ‘count.’ Personally, I’d rather use our initiations to involve all of us with Dad than just three of us and certainly more than just one of us, though I fully intend to ‘play’ quite a bit.”
“I agree,” exclaimed Heather.
“I love you all, so much,” Liya said. “Thank you for your consideration of us. I know that you know, but I didn’t want to propose all of us be here so that you three could have more time with Dad. Now, you three want us here, too. Heather thanks us for ‘rescuing’ her. I thank Gracey, Beth, and Rhee for rescuing me. I would have traveled a road similar to that Heather would have traveled without rescue. Though the ends would have been technically different, the actual result would probably have been very similar. Partly because of my appreciation for being rescued, I would like to put my friends’ interests before mine, I accept that they would put Gracey’s and mine before theirs. We are agreed. All five must be present for any initiation of intentionally serious sexual activity with Dad. I also assume, although it’s unimportant for the discussion at hand, that nearly all such initiations will involve all of us. And, oh, god, I can’t wait. Last night was fucking brilliant! I find myself very much looking forward to gangbanging Heather with Dad’s help, again! Girl! I will be very surprised if we can’t get you to pass out from pleasure, again!”
“Oh, fucking hell. That was so fucking good. I want that, too. But I also want to help in gangbanging every one of you. I call dibs on pussy and each of you can feel how wonderful it is to have your pussy licked and finger-fucked while sucking on Dad’s cock. Oh, my fucking god! I would also really like to try having Dad’s cock in my pussy while I eat one of your pussies. Oh, man. I am turned on. Hold me back, please, if I look like I’m going to jump on Dad’s cock.”
“Oh, no, Heather. I’d like to watch that,” I said. “I’ll just watch you fuck your pussy on Dad’s cock. Oh, boy! While I want our individual nights to be wonderful, I almost can’t wait for them to be past so that I can watch each of you writhe with pleasure on Dad’s wonderful cock. You do know, right, that we are going to have to have a session in which we all take short sessions riding Dad’s cock. FUCK. I think we’ll also have to see how many times Heather can come on Dad’s cock before he comes. I assume that we’ll have to get him at least a bit inured to Heather, first, before he’ll last for more than two Heather orgasms. I particularly want to watch him pound Heather on the kitchen table. I think I could watch that almost every day.”
“You and me and every other girl here, except for Heather, who probably wouldn’t be watching anything if that were to happen. But, yeah, I want to see that, too, and, like you, multiple times. In fact, I like Gracey’s little fantasy as extended to Heather: while we’re all eating dinner. FUCK! In fact, Heather, if we can get him to where he doesn’t cum until after your second orgasm, I’d love to see him fuck you senseless on the kitchen table while the rest of us just eat our dinners.”
“OH, FUCKING HELL,” Heather exclaimed. “That sounds absolutely fucking marvelous.”
“Wait, wait,” Gracey said, “what about at breakfast before Dad takes Heather to school? Wouldn’t that rock even better?”
“Yeah,” replied Rhee. “I can just see Dad having to carry a nearly naked Heather – with, mind you, her pussy full of Dad’s cum – to the car and have her revive from her four or five screaming orgasms just a block before they get to school.”
“Ohhhhh. Fu-uccccckkkkkkk,” Heather moaned. “I can just see trying to manage a differential equation on the board after that. But it would be sohhhhh worth it.”
Not all that surprisingly, Heather began sobbing. I figured that I knew the gist of the cause of that, so just pulled her into my side and held her close. Eventually, through sobs and inhalations, she got out, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Before you and Rhee introduced me to the pleasure, the wonder of sex, I just didn’t see it, though I liked my few self-inflicted orgasms. Now, I have the most wonderful and gorgeous hunk of a man giving me incredible orgasms, and sometime in the near future, I’ll be able to fuck myself silly on his cock. Fuck! Thank you, all of you, for ... for ... for all of this.”
Rhee responded, “We thank you, Heather. You make it so enjoyable to make love with you or gangbang you. Personally, I’d almost – almost, but not quite – want to watch Dad fuck you to three or four orgasms than have Dad make love with me. I think that we get nearly as much sexual pleasure out of our relationship with you as you do out of yours with us. It’s just so fucking fun to make you cum. Now that we’ll have Dad to help, you better hold onto your horses, because you can bet we’ll be taking maximum advantage of Dad for that. I just wish that we could find someplace where he could fuck you senseless, both of you naked, outside. I’d be willing to pay to watch that!”
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Lucy awoke on the couch where she fell asleep yesterday evening. Her back was hurting. Everything was hurting. She grabbed her phone. 6:49 AM. 'Gosh, so early. I slept over 10 hours and I'm still tired. She looked around. Ellie was sleeping on the other sofa. Her mom left. 'Well, a bed is always the preferable option' she thought, 'Maybe my whole body wouldn't hurt if haven't zonked out right here' Lucy decided that it would be best for a trip to the bathroom, now that she's...
I should have kept it to myself.Walking on fallen blossom leaves, the tree-lined boulevard carried the scent of hope. In a brief interlude of sunlight, we basked in the first warmth of spring. Fingers entwined, her expression pensive and doleful, we stopped for a moment under a weathered statue; it must have looked glorious once.I used to enjoy the silences, now it felt awkward. Tugging my hand, she embraced me, her head against my chest. The citrus tone of her perfume evoked last summer, that...
TrueChapter 3 The (In)Dignity of Labour. Robert Kilcoyne had to spend a further thirty excruciating minutes in the company of his persecutors drinking what was supposed to be a relaxing cup of cocoa while dressed in the most hideous feminine nightwear before finally been given permission to retire for the night. Much as he tried to restore some semblance of masculinity, tottering in the unfamiliar heeled slippers towards his bedroom made this impossible and he almost tripped as his feet...
One week before my birthday."Fam' you trippin', she comin' man."My boys' are trying to get me out of my slump.Oh, why am I in such a down mood? It's because of Carissa. I'm extremely anxious of her visiting.See, Carissa moved to an out of state university, and I barely get to see her. We video chat as much as we can. She's doing well, may I add. Her major is business, and her minor is language."Man, where is we gone have this party at?" My friend Shawn asked."The real question is when," I...
IncestIf there was one guy Mary would really want to meet, it would have to be William. A short profile of him will have to be as follows; Very sexy, blue eyes, his greying hair was neatly trimmed like that of an ex-marine, which suited his athletic build. Mary imagined him to be around six feet tall, with sensual lips. Mary loved men that kept a diary. Reading his diary kept her busy for several hours. She was thrilled chatting to him on line, wondering just where about in Africa he was...
Love Stories"Sleep is a funny thing. It's maybe one of the funniest, strangest, and scariest things about life. Yet we pay so little attention to it these days." John couldn't recall who had told him, but somebody had, that "sleep is a funny thing". Somebody had continued that statement with; "Every human being, male or female, young or old, smart or stupid, even weak or strong, had something in common." John had tried many times, without much success, to summon the memory of who had told him this. "And...
THE EXPOSE Inside The Secret Life Of A Lesbian Slut - The Dirty Secrets Gay Women Don't Want You To Know - by Ingrid Pellman When I first met Laura, she was naked, crying and being fucked by a dog. We'd arranged to meet in a park by Laura's house, because Laura had telephoned this magazine and said that she wanted to talk about her fascinating lifestyle. She'd dressed in the way she was accustomed to dress - short skirt, sheer lycra boob-tube, no underwear of any sort - and...
Hi readers na peru prabhu, nenu basically from hyd but job kosam vizag lo untuna. E story naku mariyu na friend madya jarigina o madhura anubuthula gurinchi. Na story kanuka nachinatlaithe pls share u feedback to my mail id Nenu job kosam vizag vachina kotthalo chala boring ga undedi so ade time lo chala social networking sites surf chese vadini ela konni rojulu search chesaka naku o amma parichayam aindi tana peru vandhana, tanu from some other place memu starting konni rojulu ekkuvaga...
Chapter 1 I'm Jim and have been married to Melanie for thirty plus years. We have three children who have since grown up and now have left the nest and have lives of their own. This story is a little about our love life past and present. To begin with I'll try to give you an idea about our appearances. Mel is a little short gal at about 5' 2", and a little chubby at about 150-plus pounds. Not obese by any means but a little overweight. Has shoulder length dark hair. She holds most of her...
I woke up early, because I had some early morning business to take care of. Since business was in another town a few hours away, I decided I would dress up a little gurly for my drive there. I figured I would wear some short-shorts, and change after I got to my destination.So, since I woke up a little horny, I cleaned myself out, and jumped in the shower. I shaved my face, and shaved my legs. Washed my long hair and spent a little time playing with myself. I got my six-inch cock nice and hard,...
CrossdressingTes stood in the shadows and watched as one carload after another arrived keeping careful count of the number of women. When the cars had not shuttled back for more passengers for some time she slipped away unnoticed. Tes retuned to the computer building and sat down in front of the terminal. She brought up a private account that only she could access and made an entry. Two weeks later, she set up a meeting with the other elders, Mark, Steve, Dawn, Mist, Maj, Mika, and Naomi. They had become...
“Ngh! Ngh! Nggggggh!” he grunted. Karen could feel Clem’s ejaculate spewing into her wet hole, even though he was buried deeply inside her. The realization that he was going to be momentarily sucking it out of her brought her that much closer to her own orgasm. She waited until he stopped trembling, and she felt his body relax onto hers. “MMMmmmm,” she purred, “was that nice for you?” “Oh baby,” he sighed, rolling onto his side, his cock now...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I stay with my wife a few blocks away from her parents. We stay with them every weekend. One sunday evening, My wife had gone to the beauty parlour to take care of her hair. My father-in-law had goes to his house every sunday and won't be back till late night. I was left alone with my mother-in-law. At 51 she has the best ass in the town and the biggest tits. Time and again she would shake her ass a bit too much for anybody's comfort when she walks in...
IncestTHE PARK Keeping the wife under control is pretty strenuous. She's talking to her alternate persons. Mostly they're talking about Car Bowling. The ones up close seem to think it's funny ... the ones out aways think it's dangerous ... well, that's what the wife says they say. I don't talk to mine. However, I am fighting with the monsters from my closet. I must look pretty weird to the families who live on Park Street. I wouldn't know, I'm fighting for my life! Ah! Spring! Spring!...
A Daughter’s adventure Hello, my name is Michelle, I am Ms. K’s daughter. She has her story on here and thought I might tell you one of my adventures. You might know that I am sharing my mother's husband with her. Those details are in her stories. This will be more about my adventures leading up to fucking daddy. This is how I became a slut just like my mother.Before my accident, I became a bigger slut than my mother. I knew about sex from school. I learned about sex watching my mother. I had...
One night, about 8 weeks or so into us living together Faith came to my room and asked if she could sleep in my bed, that she was thinking of how our family used to be and she was feeling lonely and sad. The moment she said that I felt a twitch in my cock. I said “No problem kiddo” As she approached my bed I could see that she had on her typical long night shirt, but as she climbed into bed I got a quick look glance at her ass and saw she had no panties on, Again another twitch in my cock and...
Their drinks arrived. Tim lifted his glass. “A toast to the case, and your Reno visit.” He smiled, looking deeply into her eyes. Once again, she felt her face flush and her pulse quicken. “Thanks, and to you as well,” she managed. She’d much rather spend time with this man now than face the night alone. She licked her lips, gazed into his eyes. “I’ve really enjoyed our time together so far, and I don’t want to fuck it up by pissing you off. Truce?” She held out her hand.“Truce.” He...
We had been dating for close to eight months by this point. We met each other on campus one day and got dinner together – it quickly moved from friendship, to friends with benefits. Before we knew it we had become a couple, spending all of our time together, going on dates, and constantly talking. And the sex – I quickly came to realize that two horny teens without supervision have a lot of sex.There was still the issue of my roommate, though – but he spent most of his nights partying. As it...
I was so excited. I was finally 18. It was my birthday and my parents threw me the perfect surprise party. Everyone was there. All my friends said how awesome it was that my dad spent so much money on a DJ, and the caterer. My boyfriend wanted me to sneak out later so we could fuck, but I told him I was really tired, and had a lot to clean up. He said he understood and we made plans to go out the next night. After the last guest left, I looked around and noticed my mom wasn't around. "Dad?...
IncestLisa: Sounds all nice and innocent the way he tells it, huh? Hardly. When our parents got married and we all joined households, I had an immediate crush on my stepbrother, John. We were the same age, twelve, and I just went crazy for him. Now, don't get the idea that I did this openly. I kept it all to myself but I mooned over him for month after month. Every time I masturbated, it was with a mental image of John between my legs; either his tongue or his cock. Oh, I dated Tim some but he...
The Emergency Call ? SFCityDom (c) 2006 The Emergency Call ? SFCityDom (c) 2006 It is Saturday, mid-morning. My cellphone rings, I pick it up and see that it is my answering service. I take the call. ?Yes, speaking?What are the symptoms??...looking for a pen and paper. ?What is her number?...OK. Thanks.? I jot down the number. ?Stephanie! What have I gotten myself into now?? I say to myself. Maybe she really does have a bad tooth. This is not likely. Her teeth were fine a month ago....
*** Initiation into cock and pussy She lurched forward being led by the leash that was attached to the collar around her neck, as the cadence of the drum kept up its low beat. Bound, gagged and blindfolded she could only guess where she was being led. The cloaked men and women of the group known as C&P ( Cock and Pussy), stood in a circle as they watched. This young woman had agreed to this required ritual which was a necessity for anyone wishing to become a member. Now in the center of the...
FetishThis week we have 19 year old Kinsley, eager as a beaver and ready to start what she thinks will be her new life in the adult industry. She’s a worker at an assisted living facility, which is some strange trend with these young girls lately. I guess the allure of getting fucked in the ass for money is much more promising than helping Mrs. Jefferson in and out of her bed everyday… Kinsley is fun and she really tries to showcase herself for her audition tape. She has very perky...
xmoviesforyouOnce they got into the house, Andie went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. She felt Joel in back of her. "I'm thirsty." "Me too. I want to drink you." He put his hands on her hips. "Shall we talk about it?" Joel's hands wandered up her sides and under her top. "Which subject?" His hands cupped under her bra and squeezed as he nuzzled her neck. "About you calling this your home. Maybe on a more permanent basis." Joel freed a hand to unfasten her bra and she felt him cup...
By the middle of the week, Sylvie can no longer deny being away from her brother. She has had to keep up appearances of going out with her friends for Spring Break like she always has. Their parents have been home more regularly since that night, but today they are gone for a few hours. After seeing him with Missy, she finds that she is interested in having him in her ass as well. She found herself jealous that he shot his cum into the cat, but not her. She cannot fight it any longer. She...
After my wife died I took up training in MMA to have something to do and get back into shape. I would recommend this for anyone wanting to get into better physical condition. AS you know it involves both standup and ground fighting. Anyway I have a female friend I’ll call her Mic for this story who studies Brazilian -Jujitsu. Mic is 3 years younger than me and very well put together. I would guess she measures about 42-28- 36. We used to work together and always joked that if we ever became...
Doosre din main kareeb 2.30 baje ritu didi ke ghar pahuncha.pahunch kar maine call bell bajaaee. Ritu didi ki aawaaz sunaaee di”kaun hai”. Main ne kaha vijay. Unhon ne aakar darwaza khola. Aaj to voh bahut hi sundar aur sexy lag rahin thin. Aaj unhein dekh ke lagta tha ki unhon ne khas make up kiya hai. Unke baal khule hue the aur rubber band se peechhe ki or baandh liye the.aankhon mein kaajal cheek bones par rouge aur honthon mein gulabi lipstick lagaye huein thin. Dress mein voh mini skirt...
Life was good but had lost some excitement, Angela felt the urge to do something daring and exciting but didn’t want to upset the nice life her and Ben had made for themselves. Angela was a successful administrative assistant for a large firm. She had married Ben and had children who were now on their way to college. She and Ben had done well for themselves they had a nice house in an upscale neighborhood. Weekends in the summer were generally filled with BBQ, golf and relaxing in the hot tub...
WifeThis is compliments of J & B A women and here five year old son were walking down the street when they met a pregnant woman. After she had gone by the little boy asked his mother why the woman had a big stomach. The mother did not want to get into conception at his age and side stepped the issue by saying she had swallowed a watermelon. The little boy knew what watermelons looked like and figured that sounds right. A short time later, they meet another very pregnant woman. As they meet...
Nikki runs out of luck Sorry if the spelling is not always the best, english is not my native language. I hope you will enjoy reading this story Some people believe in luck, others don’t, yet everyone agrees when luck runs out, bad stuff starts popping up all over someone’s life. For most people, in an average country, this " bad stuff " includes, business, financial, marital or health related problems. This is bad enough, we cant deny that. But there are obscure...
Anita came that afternoon from her office, telling me she was very horny about an old janitor there.The man was almost sixty years old; but my loving wife said he was a handsome man and still had some stamina. The idea of letting him fuck her cunt was driving my wife crazy…She confessed that she needed to have the old janitor’s dick inside of her. Then I told she could call him that night to come home…Ana added that the old man always was staring at her toned body; especially when she wore...
Ten Years Later "Daddy wake up, wake up." The twins then started jumping up and down on our bed. Molly just groaned. "Grrrr" I said and then quickly jumped out of bed and chased them out of our room and down the stairs. The girls screamed with delight. My eight year old twin daughters Abbie and Gemma were the light of our lives but they kept us very busy. They both had red hair and green eyes like their mother and were tall for their age. It was the school holidays and Denise was...
The Indian casino was than I'd first suspected, and oddly shaped, like someone had taken four or five big buildings and just mashed them together somehow. It looked strange from the outside, but inside I had no idea what was going on. I guess casinos are like that though. A person had to walk past all the slot machines and gaming tables before they could find the other stuff, like the restaurant and bars and yeah, a little dance club too. There were a lot of people in there, inside the...
As Ed described it to me later, he put on full emergency power and headed for the pterodactyl. The creature had not yet reached the stricken plane as Ed fired. His shot was true and the pterodactyl missed the plane. He couldn’t tell what the other pilot had seen, so he assumed that the other pilot had not seen his plane. Ed followed the plane to the highway and pulled up close behind it. That was when Ed called me. “Bill, I am right close to the other plane. There is a godawful section of...
It's was a Friday night and you were excited to finally get out of the house and go drinking you and your boyfriend where going to a house party and you couldn't wait to get drunk , with work recently taking uo so much time you hadn't had a good fuck and this was gonna be the night you and your boyfriend got it good . You put on a nice but provocative dress some nice heels and a pair of see through lace panties you wanted to tease your man with your fresh shaven pussy and why not eh , he texts...
The Indian woman, girl, really, had a bloody crotch, so it was obvious what the Comanches had been doing to her. Otto's stomach turned over when he say how badly the girl had been treated, and he resolved to get her away from the Comanches. His current position had him at a little higher elevation than the Indians' camp, so he could see all around the area. He looked carefully, but he could not see any Comanches, so he figured that he could take the chance of going down there to rescue the...
I want to say that all these stories are 100% true. I am writing them exactly how, and in the order that they happened. I'm not adding or changing anything, except maybe some of the names. This is exactly how I remember the a nd the feelings that I had.I must admit, I thought to myself that maybe "Lorence" or "Eric" would recognize themselves in the stories and reach out to contact me. Maybe I'm just a silly romantic! Now back to my experiences...I stopped going to see Mike shortly after the...
My name is Will and I'm 19. I still live at home with my Dad and my Stepmother Now I know you're going to say that's pretty normal, but in my case it's anything but. My Dad is 53 and after Mom left him for a younger guy he was very lonely for a long time. He recently got remarried. My Stepmother is from Korea and is 27 and a knockout. My Dad took a trip over there about 6 months ago. He traveled around Asia and when he came back he brought his new bride with him. Her name is Lin and I...
IncestI was fully clothed the first time I read Jessica’s letter. I sat on the settee and digested each word. I perused every sentence for basic meaning. Nothing extraordinary, just a letter from my wife, describing in awful detail, how she fucked a stranger. I disregarded the obvious truths, that not only had I agreed to the liaison, but while it was happening, I was in my own house, fixing my wife and her lover a special dinner.The second time I read the letter, I saw every detail in my mind’s eye....
CuckoldFirst off, i need to tell you that i have no idea what Thomas did to me. That is, i am aware of the results but i do not know if the modifications he made were chemical, surgical, or done some other way. What i can tell you is that one year ago i was five foot eight and measured 38D 28, 40. Now, i am five foot ten and measure 44DD, 20, 48. My head and facial hair is all shaved clean, including my eyebrows. My eyelashes are trimmed to 1/4 inch but were left intact as a health issue. Against...
Today’s DDF Network porn scene is packed with uplifting threesome fun featuring our two hot vixens Amber Jayne and Barbie Sins from England. The two are staying at Sam Bourne’s place. His super sexy girlfriend just left for work when the leggy Milfs show up. They are both super horny from a long trip and can’t wait to make out. They don’t notice the young man spying on them and getting super hard while the two sexy babes squeeze their big tits and rub their crotches. He...
xmoviesforyouCHAPTER 60: AN ANNIVERSARYIt turned out that Mom didn’t have to take on Helen’s celebration. It took on a life of its own. As Harry and Juli related to us, the residents of the surrounding area like things the way they like them. These were people used to hardships and doing for themselves. In fact, it was so much of who they are that it might just be part of their genetic code. Generations of people fighting, scr****g, and clawing for survival in these harsh environments and conditions. Being...
One week after the incident with the servants, and no fucking in the meantime, Heather was wondering what it would take to get William interested again, when James announced a visitor from the parlor doorway. ‘Miss Heather, you have a visitor. A Lord Cameron Northleigh.’ Heather rose, smoothing the skirt of her yellow silk gown. ‘Show him in.’ Cameron entered the parlor after James, and then James left, pulling the doors shut. ‘Good morning, Heather,’ Cameron said, as he sat down. ‘Good...
Hi guys, this is my first experience in sex so I told everything so this would be somewhat lengthy , I hope no need of any introduction formalities, coming into the main story I am a good looking guy.So many girls like me but until this incident happens I don’t show that much interest on any girl. But unfortunately I came to Hyderabad on job purpose, after joining the course at evening time I felts too bore in hostel so I think that I may go to the park beside of our hostel. On the next day I...
Hi , this is Sanchit Jain again with the continuation of where I left before. If you haven’t read my previous story , here is the link : Main abhi 19 saal ka hoon yeh story us samay ke hai jab main 12th class main padhta tha mujhe Hamesha se hi ladko main interest raha hai . Us din jab mere dost vapas aai to who sab bahut hi khush lag rahe the. Sabhi humhe apne din ke adventures ke bare me bata kar chida rahe the , par andar se main unse bhi jyada khush tha aur chilla kar kehna chahta tha ki...
Gay MaleMy son was a growing concern for me. He had always been a good boy but unfortunately due to me being a single mother he had never had any male role models. As he became a teenager I kept waiting for him to begin to show an interest in girls but he never seemed to care. As his teenage years progressed I started to think that perhaps he was gay. I started to convince myself that I would be ok with that if it was the case. I started to deliberately look through his stuff when he was not around and...
The conversation between Ryan and Jennifer was casual and pleasant. Both mother and son had a bevy of feelings and questions brewing just below the surface. But the openness of the restaurant and the steady presence of the wait-staff kept them from considering bringing-up anything of substance, although it had crossed both of their minds. On the ride home, Jennifer remained cheerful. While she tried hard not to show it, she was extremely energized by what she had done in the hour before Ryan...
I followed Fran from the Y to Jimmy's. We parked next to each other and went in, waiting by the front door to be seated. Fran had on a short sleeve cotton shirt that I could tell covered her bare chest. That she wasn’t wearing a bra was obvious to me because I could see the outline of her nipples against the material. Below her blouse, she wore a denim skirt and flip-flops. I had decided to go commando, wanting to get out of the Y as quickly as possible. I had just stuffed my underpants and...
Love StoriesBonga Cams Fetish! For as long as people have been having sex, people have been developing fetishes. Tons of research has gone into how fetishes start and what parts of the brain are affected. Yet, despite all this research, there are more questions than answers on the topic.There are hundreds of fetishes out there, but a few are far more popular than the others. According to a recent survey, BDSM ranks highest amongst its competition. About ninety-three percent of men and ninety-six percent of...
Live BDSM Sex CamsMy wife's best friend is a cute blonde that I have had a thing for since we’ve met. Heather and I have flirted back and forth for years (well, more so me flirting to her more than her back, but she flirts back just enough to keep me going.) In the past we have chatted online about when she and my wife lived together. She would hint they have played naked a little bit but would never admit it. Jenny, my wife, would tease me with those thoughts once in a while too. I’m sure they never did...