Nikki My Twin Half Sister
- 4 years ago
- 71
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Nikki runs out of luck
Sorry if the spelling is not always the best, english is not my native language. I hope you will enjoy reading this story
Some people believe in luck, others don’t, yet everyone agrees when luck runs out, bad stuff starts popping up all over someone’s life. For most people, in an average country, this " bad stuff " includes, business, financial, marital or health related problems. This is bad enough, we cant deny that. But there are obscure countries out there, with people involved in activities so undesired by their governments, that once their luck runs out, the price they pay is measured in amount .of pain, rather then Dollars or Euros.
Nikki, a 29 year old Doctor with long brown hair, green eyes, average yet pleasant body belongs to this second category of individuals. Individuals who would sacrifice everything, everything including their lives, to bring the freedom their people crave to have for so long.
Five years ago, Nikki a young beginner in the respected craft of healing people could have been described as a poster child of a life and career going as well as anyone could wish. Being one of the brightest in her generation at the university Nikki was quickly admitted to one of the better hospitals in the Capital. There she quickly rose thru the ranks, from an intern at the emergency ward, to a cheaf surgeon of the night shift in just two years.
The love life had been good to her also. Though she never got married, it wasn’t for the lack of interest coming from the opposite sex, quite in the contrary. However Nikki was to dedicated to her career and profession to be able to concentrate on forming a family of her own. There is always time she foolishly used to say. There is always time... I have studied, I have worked hard, so for now I want to enjoy my life. And so she did, until one day. Until one day five years ago when her older sister was arrested and held incommunicado for nearly a month. All hers and hers family attempts to learn about Sylvia’s whereabouts were met with silence or threats by the authorities. Infact one day Nikki was called to a police station where it was explained to her that she and her family are undesired elements, so it was strongly suggested they leave the country as soon as possible... or else.
Not wishing to find out if the rumors about the torture are true or not Nikki left. It was hard for Nikki to leave her country behind, but the opportunities waiting for such a skilled Doctor abroad were even better then the best she could hope for back home. She knew she is going to rebuld her career quickly, and this proved to be correct. For a while it seemed Lady luck held Nikki in favor once more.
Then just as everything settled down, Sylvia, the sister Nikki presumed to be dead, showed up quite suddenly on her door step. She had no money, no place to go, not even a country to go back to. Worse, the former cheerful art teacher has been reduced barely to a ghost of her former self. Of course Nikki took her in, and this is when the naive Doctor learned how brutal the regime back home really is. The more Nikki learned, the angrier she become, infact to say angry is to put it mildly. She saw the marks left on her sisters body by the " intense therapy ", she heard her screams at night while she suffered the nightmares, she heard the descriptions of the horrific torture. No Nikki wasn’t angry, Nikki was enraged, enraged but also ashamed of herself. It took just one intimidating visit to the police station to send her flying out of her country, while her poor sister held on thru several unspeakable sessions before she finally broke.
Despite her sisters strong objections, Nikki decided to join the resistance. She isn’t going to be an actual fighter, her Oath forbid her to take lifes, even the lifes of the scum who called itself the " legal government ". Besides as her sister explained, the resistance wont benefit much by adding one more person to their ranks who hasn’t even fired a gun before. However they were in a very short supply of trained medical personnel, especially surgeons. And so the new chapter in Nikkis life began.
Nikki retained her position in the private hospital where she worked, while under assumed identity Nikki often crossed back into her country, where she smuggled medicine, supplies or treated all sorts of wounds sustained in the battles between the rebels and the government forces. There were a few relatively close calls, but even under this new surcamstancies lack still held her in its grace.
Well, but as we said in the beginning luck is a commodity which tends to run out... sooner , or later. Thinking back on her life, Nikki knew her luck has lasted for quite a while, but as she invane once again tried to free herself from the shackles holding her secure to a sturdy chair, she realized her life has turned for the worse... much worse... assuming it even lasts for much longer.
Her downfall was swift. Somebody has talked, under duress or not, Nikki knew not, but the results are all the same. The authorities were informed of who she really is, so as she made her way back to her country, they were waiting for her. Nikki was arrested at the border crossing itself, before she could alert anyone of her capture. Handcuffed, then blindfolded she was thrown in a truck along with two guards for a long ride to the unknown location of the interrogation center. The long ride on the floor of a army truck proved exhausting, but her captors showed no intention of giving her any respite.
Right after the truck stopped in some sort of underground garage, they pulled her out dragging her still cuffed to a sparsely furnished office where a Man in a military uniform sat behind a desk. As she was positioned before his desk, each arm held in the strong grasp of the guards, Nikki braced herself for the mind games she expected are going to follow. All an attempt to coax information out of her as soon as possible.
There were no mind games. Instead after putting aside the file he was leafing thru, then looking her up and down a few times the guy simply introduced himself as Colonel Sanchez. He informed her that he has been appointed the interrogator on her case. He did not ask any specific questions, instead he told her they know who she is and why she is here ( to her horror the information they had was dead accurate ). He also informed her that her full cooperation is required if she is to leave this place, soon, and without any criminal charges. At the end of his short speech the Colonel presented some papers for her to sign. Naturally Nikki refused outright. As she did so, Nikki expected some more " persuasion " talk to follow. However cold shivers ran down her spine when he simply addressed the guards saying " I am going to talk to her later... soften her a little "
The guards knew exactly what the Colonel had in mind. Each holding her by the elbow, they took the captured rebel into a room devoid of anything but a sturdy looking wooden chair positioned in the middle. To Nikkei’s mild surprise, instead of the brutal rape she was mentally preparing to face, the guards in a quite professional way ordered her to take her blouse, shoes and jeans off. It took few moments of hesitation, followed by the repeat of the order in a harsher tone, for Nikki to comply with the instructions. She was very aware of what sooner or later is going to be happening to her, but if her compliance is going to mean the delay of the worst, then she is going to play by their rules... for now. Besides, what can a small woman do against this brutes ? Fighting one of them is equal to a death wish... while four ...
And so under the gaze of the watchful guards, her silky blouse slipped off her shoulders revealing smooth brownish skin covered only by the flimsy black tank top. A minute later the young Doctor stood with her legs spread, arms folded behind her back, her black garters, nylons, , panties and her tank top the only protection against the ultimate humiliation of total nudity.
With her skin covered in Goosebumps, Nikki had to endure the indignity of the hand search as one of them ran his hands all over her body. Supposedly searching for hidden transmitters, suicide pills or weapons. She tried not to show her discomfort when his hands stayed unnecessarily long over her breasts, on her thighs and over her genitals. He was taking his time while she stood there, eyes locked to a point un the far wall, body stuff but as of yet not trembling. Satisfied with the search, the guard declared her clean, so roughly Nikki was dragged to the chair in the middle. They practically pushed her into the chair, but not before she had a moment to " appreciate " the peace of furniture she is going to spent an unknown time tied to. The chair appeared to be quite ordinary high backed verity, with exception of one detail. The part she is supposed to sit on had a deep groove going all the way to the back, making it look like the letter " V " when looked from above. Her thighs are going to be kept open the entire time, leaving the parts she most wanted to protect, open for whatever they plan to do to her in the next hours.
With well practiced movements, nether gentle, nor overly brutish, the guards pushed the young woman back against the back support. Her arms were pulled tight behind the back rest locking them into a pair of high security shackles built into the lower part of the chair itself. Already, this position forced her body to arch, pushing her chest forward while pulling her strained shoulders backwards. Despite the slight discomfort Nikki did not complain, she is not going to give them the satisfaction of pleading, its a waste of energy, energy she is going to need later.
However the guards were far from finished. They secured her feet in the leather straps attached to the lower parts of the chair's legs, then they used tough leather belts to secure her thighs to the arms of the " V ". The belts were tightened so hard they cut deep into her skin. Her thin sexy stockings not able to offer much protection. The guards pushed her arched body back against the back support by tightening a leather belt across her chest, just under her breasts, the belt went all the way around the chair pinning her arms to the back rest effectively restricting her movements, as well as her breathing. Infact so tight the belt was, that Nikki had to struggle for each intake of the chamber's stale air. She noticed the amused grins on the guards faces as her attempt to hide the discomfort failed miserably.
For a minute they stood around their beautiful captive, leering in the tantalizing glimpses of nudity her scent clothing offered. Then just as Nikki assumed they are going to leave her alone, or will start to do whatever it is they want to do to her, one of the guards pulled a simple nylon cord out of his pocket. Stepping behond the chair he grasped her upper arms, pulling them closer together then she felt the nylon being wrapped around them. He tightened the cord till her arms touched each other, but he continued making sure the cord cuts into her skin. When he couldn’t tighten it further with his hands he threaded a stick thru the naylong and twisted it until they got the first audible gasps from their victim. This last addition to her bondage was for pure torturous reasons. Her arms already felt numbed as the guards left the room after turning the lights off. The door slammed shut leaving the young prisoner with her thoughts and dreads.
The wait proved as torturous as it was long. Her struggles against the bonds seized long ago since they retaliated by tightening further, creating deeper, redder, more painful bruising. Nikki surrendered to them realizing its a battle she is not going to win. So instead she turned her attention to creating a cover story. To her chagrin, even on this front the situation was equally grim. The years of success made the young woman lower her guard. She tended to see her opponents as sloppy incompetent fools, who only manage to capture someone by sheer luck, or thru information extracted by torture. There must have been a flaw in her thinking. Sitting there half naked it dawned on her that her opponents while brutal, are not as stupid as she wanted to believe.
Nikki had little in the way of cover story. There were the standard excuses for why she is traveling back and forth thru the border, or why she is smuggling drugs, but even to her they somehow sounded hollow. Nikki needed something more solid, and while her attempts to create one right now were admirable, they however ended in a frustratingly poor results. Her arrest was just to sudden!
And so she waited for something to happen, while hoping nothing is going to happen. Perhaps this is a wicked ultra realistic nightmare. Or perhaps they are going to release her, for reasons not known to her, or, she wishfully hoped, her commutates are going to storm this place... guns blazing, as she is untied and whisked to safety. Empty hopes, It is not going to happen... and she knew it.
It must have been five or six hours before the door of her nearly dark prison slammed open. Hearing the heavy boots coming towards her Nikki summoned every last bit of courage she possessed stiffening even more so then her rigid restraints were already forcing her to. Part of her was actually happy, finally they are here, finally what ever happens, happens, just sitting here waiting for what ever is in store is becoming unbearable. Yet a small part of her was terrified. The stories she heard about what happens to those who " disappear " were just to terrible to ignore. Pushing her fears deep into the darkest recesses of her mind, the young woman fixed her gaze to the far wall forcing herself not to look over her shoulder at the men standing there.
No questions asked as of yet. The room sank into a foreboding silence punctuated only by the soft cracking of their boots, and the rapid breaths of their victim.
C'mon... ask me something! she thought to herself. Let me see what you know, and how I can put you on a wrong track! This was a war of nerves, one Nikki ordered herself to win.
Despite the cold, a film of sweat already covered her body even though she was not harmed in any way. Unfortunately for Nikki, this wasn’t to last.
They robbed her of the ability to see what is coming as out of nowhere someone pulled a hood over her head. This was followed moment later by a mighty blow across her face. Her head snapped sideways as her world exploded in sudden pain.
Her yelp more the result of the sheer surprise rather then the actual pain, Nikki tasted the first drops of blood on her cut lip signaling the start of her suffering ... more is to follow. The next blow came before the ringing in her ears made by the first could even stop, snapping her head to the opposite direction. Another blow, then another. Once started the beating has been kept on relentlessly. For the most part she managed to take the blows stoically, her head up, her reactions minimal, but her strength was not going to last forever.
It wasn’t just her face. Soon after the beating started she felt something rubbery slamming her side. Nikki realized in addition to their fists, the guards are using rubber hoses, so her beating is going to be long and arduous. The hoses produce pain but do little damage so the interrogation can go on for hours. Her innicial stoic demeanor could not go on for hours however. From under the blood soaked hood, her strained voice shouted all sorts of obscenities towards the brutes as some of the blows found their way between her legs. Her new behavior did not go unrewarded. Laughing the guards realized she is particularly sensitive down there so they directed more of the attention to punishing her genitals and lower belly.
Streams of tears mixed with blood dripped down the young rebels face as she endured the constant blows directed all over upper body. Her bare shoulders already covered in blue and black marks shone with sweat as the explosions of pain erupted across her breasts, belly, face, and sides.
The headache threatened to overwhelm her despite the adrenaline induced alertness. She so wished to faint, but her strong young body kept her aware, and exposed to the savage beating directed at her.
The rubber hoses continued to hit her over and over again, her respiration came in short tortured breaths. That is when they were not hitting her on her stomach. Nikki was already winded several times just in the past fifteen minutes of the continuous beating
Owwwww !!!OOOwwwww!! Stop this you bustards !!!
Her remarks served to enrage them even more. Blood streamed down her neck from under the hood when they attacked her already swollen face with renewed intensity. Her torturers walked around their victims like wolfs around a lone sheep, using the hose, hitting against her head, face or breasts, no mercy was shown for any part of her body, nothing was to sacred, nothing is to be spared. The dull sounds of a human body under assault continued to fill the chamber. They would raise their arm in the air before slamming the implement of torture against the young woman’s body...
Thump.... thump... thimp, terrible sickening blows, followed by even more sickening groans... OOOWWWwww... owwwww... stop !
After nearly an hour of non stop beating her body finally could not take it, she fainted.
Seeing their subject is out cold, the guards used this down time to have a smoke and catch their breath from the hard work. They gave her some ten minutes of rest before one of them had the bright idea to use the cigarette for further torture. He lifted the sticky wet hood off her head revealing the once beautiful face has been transformed into a grotesque collection of blood sweat and bruises. Grabbing her wet hair in one hand he pulled her head backwards violently so he can enjoy the grimace of pain when his cigarette touched the part of her chest not covered by her bloodied tank top. Her body stiffened as the red hot pain of the glowing cigarette brought the poor woman back into conciseness. The following scream echoed in the cold chamber, unrestrained, barely human, while the smell of burnt flesh filled the dimly lit interrogation room.
AAAYYYUUUGGGHHHH!!!!.... what... what... who !!!!
Not yet fully realizing where she is, and why it feels like she has been run over by a truck, the young woman’s left eye opened wide to look at the blurry vision of the laughing torturers, her right eye was to swollen, she couldn’t open it.
Welcome back you Communist bitch ! came the greeting of the guard followed by a slap over her cheek. Nikki spat the gob of thick blood collected into her injured mouth, unfortunately for her it landed on the uniform of another guard. Enraged beyond himself he smashed his ankle into the helpless woman’s side, then followed this by a mighty kick between her legs. With the agony radiating between her thighs, Nikki went rigid loosing control of her blouder, a stream of piss soaked her silky panties as it dripped into the drain under the chair. The guards laughed amused.
She nearly fainted again before they poured cold water over her then following the example of their commerade the brutes surrounded the bound woman then proceeded to use their cigarettes burning her all over the exposed skin until their cigarettes burnt out.
Nikki could not remember clearly for how long the beating has gone on.. It must have been hours, and she must have fainted more times, because the next thing she knew was slowly waking up crumpled on a bare concrete surface. At first she did not bother to move or even to look around. Her body just wanted to rest on the rough cool surface because every inch ached feeling stiff or swollen. The throbbing headache had eased but was still there. The moment she tried to move, a wave of nausea washed over her forcing the young woman back on the floor where she remained moaning.
With her senses gradually coming back, Nikki opened her eyes, the swelling has subsided so she could use both of them though it wasn’t easy to keep the right one fully open. Looking around she spotted a dirty concrete wall and part of a heavy metal door. What little light came inside this new room penetrated thru the small barred window high in the door. She realized they must have thrown her in here after they deemed her softening has been sufficient. For how long she has been in this cell, how long the beating lasted, Nikki knew not. She did not dwell on it, it wasn’t important. However it appeared she has been in here for a while because some of her strength has returned and she appeared to be hungry.
Moaning and groaning, as shooting pains pulsed thru her body, the young Doctor crawled to the far wall, not trusting her feet to stand up, she just propped herself against its cool surface where she could breath more easily.
Finding herself in a more comfortable position, Nikki searched the empty cell for source of water. She found none while realizing for the first time that she is completely topless. Her tank top was gone, as well as her stockings. Her last peace of dignity protected only by the blood and urine soaked panties as well as parts of her ripped and ruined garters. After the beating she has been made to endure, and considering what is likely in store for her next, the young woman could not afford to be bothered much by finding herself nearly nude. Nikki knew, exposing her nakedness is just another of their twisted ways designed to break her. She is not going to fall for it.
As the captured rebel moved to inspect the damage to her body, the patchy blurred memories of her arrest, followed by the subsequent beating flooded back. It felt like a life time ago, when handcuffed but not ashamed she was escorted out of the bus by the border guards, under the pitiful gaze of the other passengers. Then the humiliating ride in the back of a truck fit only for a sack of potatoes rather then for a human being. And then the beatings, the savage beatings, the blows, the darkness of the hood, the unrelenting kicks... no part of her body was considered to feminine or to sensitive to be spared. Quite in contrary, as one can expect of male sadists, her feminine parts received the worst treatment. With shame Nikki remembered her pleading, her own cries, the way she lost control of her bodily functions... so embarrassing... so humiliating... so unrevolutionary! But there is nothing she can do about it now, it was just to awful... or so she believed. Nikki hasn’t tasted the real awfulness, yet.
And then there were the cigarettes, the beating might have been barbaric, but she could still consider it humaln compared to the cigarettes and their glowing tips. They seemed to favor her face as their target. Even now her lips are covered in semi healed blisters inflicted methodically by four guards at a time. One of them, obviously more sadistic then the rest, amused himself by putting the cigarette against the swallow eyelid of her black right eye. The pain, the pain... and then the screams. Shuddering, even now Nikki hardly believed her screams could be so inhuman, so desperate. Is she just a wimp who thinks herself a fighter ? Was she pushing her nose at things where she doesn’t belong ? No... doubts have no place in her mind, Nikki is not going to allow herself the luxury of self doubt. One of the last things she could recall as the brutality against her body continued, is when the guards tiring of working on her front, turned her around in the chair. Then the blows landed on her back, so many of them, so painful... until she blacked out to wake up in this cell.
While resting her beaten body against the dirty cell wall another thought entered into her tortured conciseness. A terifying one. Not for herself, not for what might come next, but for the safety of her friends. Has she talked ? Has she betrayed anyone? The young woman’s felt her guts twisting at the terrible possibility. Nikki just couldn’t bare the thought of betraying her friends. It nauseated her just to think about it. She cant... she simply cant condemn anyone else to suffer the way she suffered, no matter what they do to her. The thought of betraying her friends was terrible, yet in a strange way it gave her strength, strength to resist further.
Deciding to use the respite afforded to her productively, rather then to dwell on issues she cant control, Nikki went on to do a check on her body.
As a highly skilled Doctor she could easily spot broken bones or other serious injuries to her body. Amazingly she found none. Those guards may be monsters, but they know their stuff, they knew how far they can push their victim before real damage is done. Despite the patches of caked blood mixed within her once neatly trimmed pubic hair, even her genitals, so savagely kicked by their boots, appeared to be in a reasonable condition. If they release her now, its likely her body is going to heal completely leaving little or no trace of the nightmare she has endured.... if they release her...
Her medical check up, as well as any further wishful thinking came to an abrupt end by the commotion outside the cell. Instinctively she pulled her hands from under her panties, crossing her arms across her chest to protect her private parts from the lustful gaze of the approaching guards. Her earlier resolve not to be bothered by the forced nudity, did not appear so easy to uphold as the booted feet came to a stop very near her door.
The guards were not coming for her however. Somewhere near a door swung open. The gruff voices shouted insults while a woman pleaded in a pathetic barely audible voice. Huddled in the furthest corner of the tiny cell Nikki listened intently to what is going on outside. For a moment the insults stopped, but she could still hear the guards moving around doing something, then the woman became nearly hysterical.
NOOOO... no !!!... Noooo please no ... no more torture... no torture !!!, I told you what I know... noooo!!! There was an audible thud of a boot slamming into a human body, the guards continued to laugh while speaking to the still sobbing woman, but by this time they were to far away for Nikki to overhear. The short lived silence was shattered by the inhuman screams that came from somewhere not far away. They were torturing the poor woman..
Not long after, with the guttural horsier screams of the poor woman still ringing thru the corridors, the guards returned. Nikki heard the booted feet as they stopped right before her door. She set up as straight up as her battered body could afford her, trying to project a picture of confident innocence, as the metal door opened to allow two burly guards to enter the cell, while a third stood outside as back up.
She is awake, they called to someone outside. A nurse, or rather a nurse from hell appeared on the door, dressed in a crisp white coat, but with a face only her mother could like. One would not need a long time to realize this woman is not going to have the best bed side manners in the world, a fact Nikki found confirmed as the large woman barked down at her.
Get up !
Despite her effort to do so quickly, the nurse wasn’t satisfied, after a vicious kick against the prisoners side she ordered the guards to lift her up. Roughly they did so each holding one arm firmly pinned behind her back as they turned Nikki to face her new tormentor. The nurse, took in the bruised and beaten appearance of the woman before her then with a slight smile picked up a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff.
Can I have some water... please... just... The icy glare she received was more then enough for Nikki to decide she doesn’t need the water after all. Not wanting to provoke any more beating she just lowered her head not saying anything more. The smile on the nurses face grew wider. Not very gently, but relatively professionally she put the stethoscope against Nikkei’s chest then listened for a while.
Breath deeper, she growled. Nikki complied, this bitch might be as sadistic as the guards, but she at least knows how to do a basic check up, Nikki thought as the nurse removed the stethoscope.
Any shooting pain inside your chest when you breath deeper ?
No Ma'am...
Good, the nurse put away the stethoscope then just as she was to check Nikkei’s blood pressure, a new barrage of screams came from the woman tortured not far away. The nurse as well the guards did not even flinch, but Nikki despite knowing better could not just stay silent.
W.... what are they doing to her... why she is screaming...
Screams ? What screams, I don’t hear any , do you guys hear any screaming, she addressed the guards.
They shrugged, nope... we don’t hear anything... it must be the Colonels... Operas.
It must be, concluded the nurse as she continued taking Nikkei’s blood pressure readings.
Satisfied with the results she growled again, spread your legs! And don’t even think of doing anything stupid! Pulling on white latex gloves the nurse kneeled down in front of Nikkei’s obediently spread legs. Despite the prisoners cooperation the guards took no chances though. Each one used one of his legs to step over her bare small feet, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain as the boots pressed down on the unprotected toes. To immobilize her even further, the guards pulled her upper body backwards while pushing her genitals towards the nurse. Satisfied with the immobilization of the prisoner, the nurse slipped Nikkei’s panties down then using a pen light inspected the inside of her vagina, while murmuring something to herself.
Her cunt has taken some beating... you guys really play rough don’t you ?
Yes Ma ' am, the Colonel says our guests wont go for anything less then rough.
Yes they do... they think they are showing courage or something by not cooperating. But all they accomplish is to start cooperating... very willingly... after a slap or five. Shutting off her pen light the nurse could not resist but to twist her victims clitoris which has grown larger as a result of the intimate touching.
Gritting her teeth Nikki gasped... oooouuuccchhhh!
Pleased with the pain she gave to her " patient " the evil nurse carelessly pulled Nikkei’s panties back up then standing up she took the prisoner chin in her hand making sure her face is just centimeters away from the young woman’s.
You think you are brave... she hissed, you think you are going to feed us false information perhaps ? Oh yes my dear, others have tried... and failed , miserably I might add. Or you just think you can hold on forever... fool !
Nikki made the mistake of answering. But Ma ' am... they... they haven’t... She never finished because the nurse give her a sharp smack across her face , drawing blood from a fresh cut in Nikes lip, shut up bitch !
All of you crack... later... or in most cases sooner. Unless you are really innocent, which you are not. And for those of you who are not, there are just two outcomes, one is to die under torture... or answer anything... still under torture. The choice... well the choice is not yours actually... its ours, she added laughing.
Turning to the guards she said. I deem her healthy enough to be chained to the wall, the usual way she clarified as the guards took her to the far wall. With well practiced moves they handcuffed Nikki in front then raised her arms above her head to be connected to a ring she has not noticed before. The ring was positioned at a height where the prisoner was forced to alternate between hanging nearly freely by her wrists, or standing strained on her toes. It did not took long for Nikki to see the diabolical predicament they have put her in. She looked pleadingly at the departing nurse, only to get an amused grin in return. I know my dear.. not the best way to spent the next day or two, but the colonel decided to give you some more time to think about your situation. This position is going to help your mind focus... you know. Oh no... don’t even try to sleep, its impossible in your situation, just think, think hard. With those words still ringing in her mind, Nikki found herself alone, chained and worried, her feet already tired, her wrists already in pain. The bitch of a nurse is right about one thing, she needs to think, think hard.
Colonel Sanchez paced across the tiled floor in one of the interrogation rooms, listening to the wet sound of the whip cutting into the sweat drenched bare back of a young female prisoner. He wasn’t pleased and he wasn’t trying hard to hide it. The questioning was going nowhere with the woman stubbornly refusing even to scream properly. All the redhead did in response to the severe whipping were grunts or moans squeezed thru her tightly clenched teeth.
It wasn’t the lack of answers the source of irritation for the Colonel, she is unlikely to be of any real importance. Probably just a low level message courier. He wasn’t even angry with her, as always The Colonel had nothing personal against his prisoners. They would do anything to withheld the information, while his job is to extract it, nothing personal, just a job he is entrusted with. What nagged at his nerves was the unacceptably unimaginative ways the two young trainee interrogators used in an effort to break a woman who is obviously used to physical exertion or even pain.
As the whips continued to add red angry stripes to the glistening body chained before them, the Colonels assistant came over to his boss shaking his head while speaking quietly. They will fail, wont they ?
They will, he sighed. But I am going to let them fail. This brutes are obviously sadists... perhaps to much so for their own good. But will they ever become real interrogators ?... I don’t know. However we don’t have a choice, The Generalissimo himself is their uncle or something, I think. Glancing towards the two young trainees as the latest whip hell they unlashed against the woman’s back, met with little in a way of reaction, the Colonel continued. They might do well as ordinary guards... but interrogators... I am not sure.
Yeah, being sadist is desirable for what we do, but extracting information out of determined terrorist females... well that is a craft learned over long practice.
True, nodded the Colonel, which is why I am going to let them fail. Even the failure can teach them something.
So do we order them to stop ?
Yeah, I will do it, Believe it or not, I nearly feel sorry for the girl, they are trashing her for over two hours now, a simple water boarding would have made her spill what little beans she has ten times by now. But go and tell this to the Generalissomo brats...
Glancing at his watch the Colonel remarked. our shift is almost over, do we have anyone else scheduled for today ?
There was this... Doctor, we arrested her last Friday I believe...
Ah yes, Doctor...
Mendez, his assistant helpfully supplied after consulting his papers. As per your orders she has been softened the same day she arrived, I also took the liberty to order for her to be chained to the wall of her cell and kept on minimum water.
Ah yes, the rebel surgeon, you have done well my friend, but I believe she has enjoyed our hospitality for long enough.
Yes Sir, but just so you know she has not shown any signs of giving up.
Not yet perhaps, have her brought to the bath tub room, and have the water specialist start on her, I will join them shortly. She is going to reconsider her unwillingness for cooperation soon enough.
Yes Sir, right away Sir !
After that you are free to go home, I am going to take over from here.
Thank you Sir ! As his assistant departed to see about the orders, the Colonel turned to his young trainees.
Ok Ensigns... that is enough ! Hearing the polite yet resolute order given by the prisons commander, the two youths put down their whips, then departed to the sink to wash their faces. The Colonel grinned seeing his trainees are almost as sweaty as their victim who sagged a little in her bonds sighing with relief.
He waved them outside in the corridor where he turned to the older of the two. Ensign Carlos , your report ?
Sir, the prisoner is very resilient, however we are making a slow progress... she has reveled that the letter found in her possession was supposed to be delivered in a specific spot at the city park.
I see, and how would you proceed to obtain the rest of the information ?
Well... I would like to continue for a while longer with the whips. If this doesn’t work then... perhaps we could try a more passive method.
The colonel nodded approvingly, go on.
We could hang her by her feet for a day or two. If that doesn’t work, then we can decide according to her condition.
Perhaps there is some hope for this one, thought the Colonel. Aloud he ordered. All right, she had enough whipping for now, take her away and hang her as you think is best.
Yes Sir, the young man saluted crisply.
The two guards pushed the metal door open, entering within the small space where the young woman has been chained to the wall for over two days with out respite. She stood, or rather hung by her wrists slumped against the wall. Her head resting forward against her chest, her legs bent in the knees, not having any more strength to fight the relentless pull of the gravity, denying the woman’s arms the possibility of rest.
Ah the gravity, give it enough time and the gravity always wins. No matter how strong the subject is. Mused the Colonels assistant as he appreciated the fine film of sweat, covering the woman’s sexy body. Whipping, electricity, beatings, all this is fine. Yet the assistant always had this thing for a slow.. passive torture sapping the strength of his victim, relentlessly, a little bit at a time, drop, by drop.
Jerked out of her restless semi slumber Nikki raised her head blinking at the assault of light entering the false safety of her cell. Straining her barely functional muscles, she straightened herself refusing to concede any defeat to this monsters.
There is no need for a pretence Ms Mendez... we know you are tired, we know you barely have the strength to stand. But its all right... we know, this position is designed to keep you tired and sleep deprived
Yes Sir, I am tired but I can stand just fine.
Feel free to slump back, this guys are ready to drag you away, you need all your strength because the Colonel intends to question you today.
Shuddering Nikki realized it is her turn to scream. She nearly fall into the waiting arms of the guards as her bruised bleeding wrists, so long held prisoner by the cruel cuffs found themselves released. Before Nikki regained her footing properly the guards turned her around then roughly pushed her against the wall, the girls unprotected, still aching breasts took the full force of her body slamming into the concrete.
Not taking any notice of her pain, her tormentors pinned her arms behind her back cuffing there. Then flanked by the guards she was escorted outside towards one of the interrogation chambers. Nikki held her head high, not letting them see her fear.
A man, wearing rubberized coveralls, as well as a full coverage hood on his head, stood up pushing aside the daily papers he was reading, upon hearing the door to his work place open. Watching the tired disheveled woman being lead into his chamber, the man only known as the Beta shift, water specialist, smiled under his hood as his eyes took in the bruised, yet beautiful appearance of Nikkei’s near naked body.
Thanking for the millionth time to whatever deaty who lead them on the path to his currant position, the man behind the mask got right to the point addressing the guards while speaking in short no nonsense, no " small talk " manner.
Has the Colonel any special wishes for this one ?
No, you can proceed as you think is best, the Colonel is going to join you soon, so I guess he wants her in a condition where she can actually answer some questions.
Understood, turning to the guards he ordered, get suited, then bring her to the tub here.
Having one more look at the nakedness of the captured rebel, the Assistant retraced his steps towards the door. If there is nothing else... I will take my leave of you, said the Colonels assistant who never really get used to the creepiness of this un named guy.
You may leave, thank you Lieutenant.
Knowing this guy is not going to inquire about their health or other issues not related to the interrogation at hand, the guards simply put on identical rubberized coveralls, just without the hoods, then went to pick up Nikki who was left kneeling in one corner. Still handcuffed, Nikki did not resist as she was made to climb the two steps positioned at the foot of the large old-fashioned bath tub.
Taking in the surroundings, first she noticed how slippery the step she is standing on is. So much so that one of the guard actually held her arm making sure she wont fall in a way or direction they don’t want her to. Next, her tired eyes looked at the foul semi transparent brownish water filling the tub nearly to its rim. With disgust she noted the faint smell of urine and ammonia emanating from it. Despite the raging thirst, the young woman did not want to be anywhere near this water. Yet there was no doubt in her mind that very soon, they are going to use this very water to torture her... somehow. Lastly Nikki noted the chains hanging above the tub at different location and different lengths, again, there was no doubt their purpose is going to be made clear to her, the hard way.
The little voice deep inside her mind, the voice of her coward-self, momentarily grew louder, demanding her surrender, pleading for the suffering to end. This voice of self preservation was there since the moment her wrists got locked in the cuffs back at the border crossing. But Nikki always managed to overpower it, asserting her will to resist for as long as she could.
Watching her new tormentor opening an express freezer, Nikki knew the days of constant discomfort have chipped away at her strength, but thru sheer will power she managed to put her fears aside concentrating on the currant situation and how to avoid being overwhelmed by it.
In a deliberately slow manner the water specialist walked over the the freezer where he brought out a large tray full of ice cubes. In a well practiced move he dislodged the cubes into the water, noting how his victim is following his every move thru her wide eyes, he took a short stick then starred thru the water distributing the ice evenly around the surface.
Still not showing any signs of haste, the torturer refilled the ice tray, putting it back into the freezer to be ready for the next victim... or perhaps this one. Giving the ice a minute or two to lower the temperature of the already cold water, the water specialist had the guards tie a rope around the prisoners feet then one of them took the unused end in his hands obviously knowing well what is coming next.
Crossing his muscular arms on his chest, the specialists eyes met those of his victim. For what seemed like eternity to Nikki they just looked at each other in the thick silence which enveloped the room, the silence broken only by her own rapid breathing as well as the gentle splashing of the ice filled water. Torturer and his victim, sizing each other up for the incoming battle of wills
Then he simply nodded. The guard holding Nikkei’s arm let go, while the other tugged at the rope pulling her tied feet from under her. Nikki shrieked in surprise, as her body tumbled towards the icy surface. She splashed down chest first, her cuffed hands unable to break the fall in any way. She gulped large amounts of the foul water before realizing it, it felt like million knifes have been stubbed into her chest, as the cold water gripped the young rebel in its deadly embrace, gripped her and pulled her down.
But the young fit body recovered very quickly. Mildly surprised the guards watched her head pop out, mouth agape spilling and spitting the water out while trying to take a gulp of the life giving oxygen. The prisoner wasn’t going to get any, not yet at least. At the signal by the water specialist strong hands pushed her head and body back under even before she could take one proper breath.
The water might have been shocking to her system, but it also served to reinvigorate it. With water splashing in all direction the young woman struggled mightily against their grasp, they had to use both their hands to keep her under. But Nikki was not a match for them. They were two large well rested men, while she was an average woman who could not even take a breath, the outcome was never in doubt. Soon her struggles grew weaker, if they wanted her drowned, they could have done so right then and there. Unfortunately for Nikki this was torture, not an execution. At the signal of the specialist the guards let go, even helping her out. Her head popped out, her eyes wide, her mouth even wider. gulping at the air while she could, because she knew they are far from finished.
Nikkei’s assumption proved correct when after letting her have few breaths the strong hands pushed her head back under. Again their victim thru everything she had in her struggle. Feet splashing and bruising themselves as they occasionally hit the tubs edge, hands fighting the unyielding steel of the cuffs, while her upper body struggled against the guards strong grip. Her struggles completely useless, Nikki knew this well, but the instinct to live was to strong to override it by rational thinking, and so the young woman fought on.
Her torturers continued to do this over and over and over again with different variations designed to make it impossible for her to guess what is coming. Sometimes they gave her longer respites, followed by short stays under water, other times there was less then a breath for her before she had to endure a long dive which nearly brought her to the point of opening her mouth under water. After what appeared as eternity to Nikki, but was actually less then ten minutes of continues suffering, the specialist decided she needs rest. Her trembling wet body was finally lifted out of the tub, and then unceremonicaly dropped to the concrete floor where she rolled on her tummy vomiting violently as she convulsed. The sadists just stood around, indifferent to her plight, no pity to be seen on their cruel faces. For them, this is just another interrogation, of yet another woman.
At about this time the Colonel entered the water chamber. Draping himself in a water proofed suit to avoid having his expensive uniform stained after the torture resumes, he approached the woman still laying on the floor breathing heavily.
How is she doing, he inquired.
Typically as a rebel. Struggling when she must, keeping her dignity and conserving her strength when she is not in an immediate discomfort. Would you like to question her now, or shell we give her another or two rounds ?
Give her one more round, then I will see. As he was speaking the Colonels boot flipped the body of the tortured woman, turning her on her back. He looked down on his captives wet shining body. Nikkei’s long black hair hung in wet clumps over her face sticking into her eyes. She did not care, she cared even less for the nudity they forced her to endure, the shame was gone, the shame is a commodity she cant afford now. Her panties the only remaining peace of clothing, protecting the last shreds of dignity the young woman had. The Colonel was going to let her have them... for now. Turning towards the specialist he commented.
A young, attractive and obviously intelligent girl... pity she is on the wrong side.
Pity indeed concluded the man behind the mask as the guards lifted Nikki off the floor taking her back to the step.
Stepping further away from the tub because he knew the splashing is going to start in a moment, the Colonel observed his victim as they were positioning her for another round. The specialist got it right he thought. This woman is with the rebels, and she knows stuff...important stuff. He is not going to rest until Mrs Mendez shares this knowledge with him, sooner, or later.
The second round begin just like the first, her feet pulled back from under her the young Doctor plummeted towards the icy hell bellow. Though better prepared this time because she knew what is coming, Nikki still felt slamming breasts first into a tub full of foul icy water is not an experience she would wish to her worst enemy. The force of the impact combined with the stabbing sensation of the icy water around her knocked the air out of her lungs before she even sank. Going into a survival mode her body quickly overcame the first shock, Nikki tried to open her mouth, but by then the strong hands pushed her under. She noticed the patches where the white coating of the old tab has peeled away coming closer as her face was pushed against the bottom. Nikki struggled with all the energy left in her system, muscles spas med, her feet splashing. As before, the futile activity resulted in nothing but a rapid use of the oxygen she still had. Her lungs on fire, demanding air, her head pounded, she knew her blood pressure must be dangerously high.
Even before the second round started Nikki considered not fighting the guards this time, but she was afraid they are not going to fall for her trick. All they are going to do is keep her under for longer until she starts to struggle, or drowns.
Now, drowning should have been desirable to Nikki It could be an easy way out. At this point, however her mind was still not broken, her will to live still to strong... and so she kept fighting their strong hands, wiggling, spacing, then air!
She felt the breeze on her face, they must have pulled her out. One gulp, two gulps, three gulps, forth... water surged into her mouth, before she closed it. The bottom came into view once again as she forced herself to swallow the water before it choked her. The few gulps allowed to Nikki were nowhere near enough to satisfy her bodies needs, her lungs felt like they are going to burst, her heart pounded as her muscles tried inane to push her to the surface. This time instead of uselessly waving her legs outside the water Nikki tried to use them as leverage against the tubs bottom. It did not work, the tub must have been coated in some sort of oily substance preventing exactly what she was trying to accomplish. All she managed was to hit her elbow against the metal bottom nearly opening her mouth in the process. They repeated this technique once or twice more before the specialist decided to try something else.
Not being aware of this Nikki was surprised to find herself lifted out so soon. Is it over ?, had they decides she doesn’t know anything ? A wishful thinking one Nikki did not dare to believe, and rightfully so. Kneeling near the tub, she spat some of the foul water, while taking as much of the chambers stale air as her lungs could accommodate. Her body needed rest, Nicky prayed for one, even if this rest means going back to the wall on her cell, anything is better then this.
Unfortunately, soon it become clear to the young tortured woman, her prayers have gone unheard. A belt was tightened all the way across her chest then around her restrained arms, pinning them firmly against her back. Her head snapping up in surprise she met the unsympathetic eyes of the torturer looking back at her as the guards took her back towards the step. Dreading what they might do next, Nikki Decided this is a good time to plead. Perhaps offering her body can stop the torture.
No !... no more... please, I don’t know why I am here ! please, I am just a Doctor! nooo!, I will drown, I cant take this! no... use me, fuck me ! fuck me please !
Her pleading died down as soon as it started, nobody was interested in hearing it, or even interested in using her sexually. They haven’t even asked any question ! For God sakes what are they doing !
The entry in the water did not differ from the previous splash downs, this time however when her body resurfaced nobody tried to push her head back under. Instead they propped her against the tubs rim, not doing anything to prevent her to breath. Soon this changed. In a detached morbid fascination Nikki watched the chain nearest to the foot of the tub being lowered until the ring on its end hung some half a meter over the water. Turning her around until she faced up, one guard held her by the shoulders ensuring her head is above the surface, while the other with the help of his boss connected the rope around her feet to the ring in the chain. Satisfied with the preparations the water specialist addressed his victim for the first time since her arrival in this hell.
Pay attention now Nikki. For this next " exercise " we are not going to prevent you from keeping your face above the surface, its entirely up to your strength, or rather the strength of your tummy to hold you up, try not to disappoint us, ok ?
Before her tired mind could process the new situation, the guard let go of her shoulders denying the support she enjoyed until now. Nikkei’s head, as well as her upper body sank like stone leaving a trail of air bubbles in their wake. Water surged into her lungs threatening to drown their victim before somehow she found the energy to sufficiently tighten her abdominal muscles. As her face broke the surface she coughed violently fighting to take some air while maintaining herself above for as long as possible. Just one hand under her shoulders could have helped her greatly.
Of course they were not here to help, instead her torturers just stood around watching the plight of the young woman as she struggled to stay afloat. They enjoyed listening to Nikkei’s terrible gurgles as more often water went into her open mouth then air. Denied the use of her legs, as well as her arms the girl tried some pathetic attempts to swim by wiggling her body as much as her bonds allowed while putting all the energy she could find in keeping her muscles tight. It wasn’t going to last, she knew it, her torturers knew it even better.
Stop this, Nikki pleaded between gasps... please... you are killing me... stop... I don’t know what you want from me! For Gods sake stop.... I..... I cant. As before nobody listened.
The water specialist let his fingers move across her tummy, so tight, so fit, and yet her muscles are already trembling, they will let her down, any moment now. Nikki might have been fit, but she was not an atlet. Gifted with naturally slim body which never seemed to gain weight, she did not feel much need to exercise hard. She jogged regularly, some light exercise also, but rarely anything more effort demanding than that. Feeling she cant hold herself up any longer the tortured woman took one last breath, before her face got enveloped by the freezing water once again. With her abdominal muscles burning, Nikki just floated there looking at the distorted cruel faces above her. Her body demanded air, air she could not provide, ten seconds... twenty.. thirty, she needed the air desperately, but her tummy was to tired. Eventually, the young body tapped into yet more energy reserves, her face broke the surface. Luckily her tormentors kept their word. Nikki was allowed to take all the air she could, but it was not nearly enough because after some twenty seconds she could not hold herself any longer.
The session lasted for over an hour, each surfacing shorter then the last, just few breaths before going down to suffer into icy hell. By the end the specialist instructed the guards to actually help her out. Giving their victim a minute or two respite while supported by their hands, before leaving the woman to her own devices anew. Of course, Nikki knew well the rests are not signs of mercy, quite the opposite. By allowing her to recover just enough energy to be able to continue, the torturers ensured she is going to suffer for longer before giving up despite the fear of drowning.
In a way Nikki has been forced to torture herself. Despite pleading with them to let her drown, once under water Nikki did everything she could to prevent the nightmarish death. She hated herself for this, a sign of cowerdness, no doubt !
The suffering continued...
The Colonels original plan to question his newest prisoner right there in the water chamber changed because several high ranking military officials requested an urgent meeting with him. Fortunately, the meeting wasn’t as long as it was boring, so as per his instructions, Nikki has been brought to his office for further questioning. Sipping at the hot steaming coffee while seated comfortably behind the desk, the Colonel observed the exhausted young woman brought to him.
Stumbling, Nikki had to be half dragged to a chair where they made her sit with her hands cuffed behind the chairs back. The guard recommended some more restraints but the Colonel said its ok demising them until they are needed later.
Left alone and before opening the file with the documentation of her case the Colonel allowed himself some more leering. He had to admit the two plus decades he spent doing this same job were not enough for him to get fully used to the sight of a young beautiful woman chained before him, left at his mercy. Subject to whatever wicked whims he might dash out against her. For the prisoners, this place was a nightmarish hell, for him a dreamland. The Colonel could not have wished for a better job.
As before, stripped of all clothes but the remains of a garter belt along with her soaking wet panties. Nikki sat there looking quite out of place in the Spartan yet tastefully furnished office.
Her face as well as her chest although partly obscured by the clumps of wet dripping strands of hair, still revealed the fresh red whip marks present on the woman’s firm small breasts, as well as the rest of her naked body. They must have used the whips on her wet skin... it hurts more then, the Colonel approved.
After finding the necessary documentation, the Colonel stood up from behind his desk approaching the helpless prisoner. Her shallow breaths quickened as the person responsible for her, as well as the suffering of many others came close enough for her to smell his cologne. Nikki, to tired to move just remained slumped waiting for what ever next torment he is going to deliver against her. He stood there for a moment or two, but new pain did not come.
Grasping the girls chin gently yet firmly with his left hand, he lifted her face up to face his. With his other hand the Colonel brushed aside the clumps of wet hair revealing a pair of reddened glossy eyes which their owner could barely hold open. His prisoner is so tired, so open to what ever little pleasures he is willing to allow her. So far they were using the stick, lets see what happens if he tries the carrot ? Making sure the woman’s shaky attention is mostly on himself the Colonel commenced the mind games so characteristic of an interrogation in a Dictatorship regime.
Ms Mendez ? Are you with me Ms Mendez ? He shook her head slightly until he got her weak response.
Y... yes...
Very good Nikki... ah can I call you Nikki ? This interview is going to go easier if we are on first person bases...
Yes... call me what you want, I don’t care...
Letting go of her chin he stepped back leaning on his desk while still facing his subject. For her part Nikki managed to hold her head up, but she wasn’t looking at him, instead her attention remained on the carpet and his shiny army boots.
Are you cold Nikki ? Perhaps a little thrusty, yes I know they tend to forget to water the prisoners... for days, not very nice is it?
Would you like a cup of hot chocolate ? Tea perhaps ?
This time he got more of a reaction. The girls face looked up, her eyes full of hope. Nikki had no doubt this is all part of a sadistic plan, she hated herself for giving him the satisfaction of seeing how much he had made her suffer, but in the same time she needed the water. A small sacrifice Nikki decided, it cant hurt to try.
Yes... some tea please... I am so thirsty.
Half expecting the Colonel to burst into laughter, Nikki prepared herself for the onslaught of humiliation. But to her relief he simply picked a new disposable cup from the pile on his desk, dropped two sugar cubes inside before filling it with fresh hot tea to the top. Approaching her he picked up a straw which he brought to her lips.
I am afraid the cuffs are going to remain on, so I will help you drink.
Nikki nodded weekly.
The rich aroma of a fresh black tea tickled at her senses as she parted her cracked bluish lips to take in the straw. It felt like the hot sweet beverage is coursing thru every vain of her tortured body. The first pleasant sensation granted to her in days. Nikki cursed herself, you pathetic wimp of a woman ! how could you let him humiliate you like this ! You should hate him, not let him feed you the stupid tea ! Her mind screamed, her body continued to gulp at the preferred liquid. In no time the cup was empty.
Disposing of the cup, the Colonel could not hide the smile as he heard the sigh of relief escaping his subjects... no his enemies lips.
Feeling better now ? can we proceed with the interview ?
A little yes...
Good. He paused for the effect before continuing to sweet talk his pray into a false sense of safety. Now, I know what happened the past few days is not the most pleasant experience one can wish for. I am sorry we needed to put you thru this, but it was your fault...
He cut her off, let me finish Nikki. Pausing to recompose his thoughts the Colonel went on. So... he drawled, with your help, and your cooperation we can end this... mutual..inconviniance as soon as possible, ok ?
The voice of self preservation practically roared in her head, " just tell him what he wants ! you are a dead woman anyway ! You have resisted enough, you have given your sacrifice ! Now seek salvation, seek to end the pain, cooperate ! Her desire to end the suffering may have been strong, but the feminine stubbornness and her determination to hold on were far stronger.
That depends... of what you... want answered... I have not done anything wrong.
Not showing any signs of irritation, the Colonel continued. Hmmm you think ? Let me be the judge of that, all right ?
So... Nikki, why were you going back to this country... you do know you have been deemed undesirable element.
My country Colonel... this is my country as much as it is yours. I was chased away, for reasons not fully known to me. However, my passport was not taken away from me, neither I was strictly forbidden to come back for visits.
An unfortunate necessity, he conceded. Although I have ... theories of my own, for why you come back, I would like if you give me your side of the story.
I was here in the capacity of a Doctor. I needed to make diagnoses for a relative of mine. He had a rare case of a heart condition and was unable to travel abroad. Though technically truthful, the statement sounded rehearsed even to Nikkei’s own ears. The Colonel kept his poker face however, not giving any hints of how her story is holding up.
I see... This must have been some real bad illness, because we found over five kilograms of medicine hidden around your stuff. If your visit is of such... ordinary nature, why hide the medicine ?
Ok, I admit I smuggled the drugs in. They are not illegal, they are just not available and not yet approved in this country. The administration is way to slow, while there are people who desperately need the drugs.
You decided to take the matters into your hands.
I did, something had to be done.
I see... He looked at his notes before continuing. And so it happens of all things, our people so desperately need, anesthetics are at the top of the list, strange, wouldn’t you agree ?
Those are not anesthetics, they are latest generation of pain relief drugs, normally used in patients with terminal diseases...
Or as improvised anesthetics for emergency surgeries under improvised conditions. Added the Colonel. I may not be a Doctor Nikki, but I do know this much from my military training.
The young woman shook her head dismissively. You might as well dull the patients senses by getting him drunk. This drugs don’t work the way you think Colonel.
Aha... I see. While there might be a grain of truth in what you are saying... somehow you are not very convincing Nikki. I am sorry but you would have to try harder. There was a pause where they just looked at each other, no one willing to speak, so the Colonel decided to confuse his subject by side tracking the questioning for a minute or two.
How is it going with the small clinic you run in the woods ? Her face went pale, an involuntary reaction his well trained eyes did not miss. But she made a valiant effort to recover.
Wha... what woods, what clinic ? I don’t run any clinic, I just work in one...
Strange, I have written confessions of prisoners who claimed They have been treated for gun shot or other similar injuries, by yourself... along with other sympathetic Doctors or nurses. Why would they point at you ?
Her jaw clenched Nikki knew the noose is tightening... fast. Cold sweat appeared over her face. But panicking now is not going to help.
I.... I... I have no idea... I... perhaps they have said so to stop the torture... Look, even I am willing to confess and sign anything to stop the pain...
Even if it means going to prison ? Nikki could sense the amusement in the Colonel voice.
Well I was hoping you were going to keep the promise you gave me the first day I arrived here... but if I have to face prison then yes.
Sorry Nikki, it was a one time offer, you should have taken it then. Besides you just admitted to smuggling drugs, that is a series offence, you ought to be aware of this right ?.
I guess...
He wanted to tease her a little longer. So Nikki, would you agree to confess if the punishment is execution, we do have death penalty you know...
His victim swallowed nervously before her eyes met his. Look Colonel, as a Doctor I am bound by the Oath I gave to help people, no matter who they are. So yes I might have treated some gun shot wounds, but I did not inquire much for how they have got it. For all I know some of them might have been rebels. It was not my place to inquire to much.
After you give the individual in need, the help he or she requires, you were supposed to inform the proper authorities for the possible suspicious activities this individuals might have been involved at.
Failing to come up with a good answer after a prolonged silence she just blurted out. I was afraid... for them, she clarified.
Oh? Do continue... please
I... I was worried, they are going to end up in the situation I am in, right now. Obviously my worries were justified.
This is another criminal offence you are confessing to Nikki. You are not doing much to improve your situation.
Yes Colonel, I confess to withholding the information from the proper authorities, such as they are. Now, to answer your earlier question, I am ready to face the firing squad. Put me to death if that is what you desire all along. Or perhaps you want a bribe ? I am ready to pay. You want me in prison ? put me into one, don’t even bother with a trial ! Or if you just want to make an example out of me... then... then let me go, I promise you wont hear or see me again, ever... just please end this torment!
Weathering out her onslaught patiently the Colonel spoke up softly. Offering a bribe to a government official is yet another offense Nikki. Your mistakes are adding up.
Seeing his subject is not going to answer the Colonel decided on one more question before switching to a different topic.
He helped himself to a cigarette, while noting the way her eyes are following his every move. There was fear in there, hidden behind a facade of defiance, yet the fear was present. He so craved to see this cocktail in the eyes of his victims, Nikki certainly did not disappoint.
Answering her unspoken question the Colonel laughed. No my dear, I am not going to torture you with this. As you know by now, we have other facilities, where we do what we must. Oh, he held out the package, you care for a smoke ?
No thanks, I don’t smoke.
Very wise of you. Seeing the girl has relaxed some, her tormentor continued. So where did you treat this people ?
Huh ?... ugh... well... mostly in their homes.
Can you tell me the addresses ? or at least the approximate locations ?
No, I cant do that.
You sure you don’t want to tell me ?
Yes, they wanted privacy, I gave them my word.
Sighing the Colonel made some notes in his papers before looking up. Pretty much out of the blue he put his next question.
Who is Meron ?
Wha... ummm... I have no idea, what gives you an idea I would know him ?
Him ? hmmm I was under the impression this is a code name for a female individual. Thanks for clarifying this to me, he added a note in the papers, while Nikki silently cursed herself for the slip up.
I don’t care, who she or he is, or if it is a code name or whatever....
Aha... Where is the location you deliver the medicine you have smuggled ?
I cant tell you that to protect the safety of those other involved ?
You mean the safety of Mother Matilda ?
How... you bustards, Nikki hissed realizing where he is going with this.
I am afraid she has been arrested... and she has become very cooperative after a prolonged bath in the very same tub you were in...
You ... monster, how could you do this to her, she was a good woman.
So I was told, but those who work with the terrorists... well. Anyway, She was the one who told us when you are coming, and why. We also learned about your other activities in connection with the rebels, thru hers... rather long confession.
Then, why I am here ? if you know so much... then just shoot me ! I am of not use to you!
Oh my dear, you may not be of use to me right now, but very soon... well
Who are the other Doctors you work with ?
You expect me to tell you ?
Yes... if you want to avoid further discomforts.
What this other... discomforts might be ?
Do you really want to know ? I take it, the continuation of this questioning is going to be quite fruitless... right ?
Yes, and yes.
Inhaling deeply from his cigarette the Colonel pressed the button on his desk to summon the guards.
I am not going to lie to you Nikki, you are scheduled to be tortured on the perrila tomorrow. Do you know what the perilla is ?
Don’t bother with the dramatics, Colonel, I have heard the stories. I am innocent.. so none of your toys can make me talk.
If you say so. Be sure though, the next time you sit in this office, you are going to be devolving all the information I want.
The guards entered taking position beside the prisoner. Take Mrs Mendez back to her cell, don’t put her on the wall, but leave the cuffs on her for the entire time.
Yes Sir. Pulled roughly to her feet, the guards turned her towards the door getting ready to leave when the Colonel spoke one last time.
How is your sister Nikki ?
Speaking over her shoulder the brunette captive spat back. Not good thanks to you !
Sighing in a mock show of regret he spoke. Strange, she insisted she is so innocent... until she got the taste of the perilla. I wished you don’t have to go thru the same experience, but I guess shit happens.
Seeing the Colonel has nothing more to say the guards pushed their captive forward, move bitch !
Nikkie snapped off the narrow bed as yet another wave of electrical power surged thru her spread eagle body. She shook there rattling the old bed , screaming wildly as her muscles tensed in an uncontrollable spasms.
Speak Nikki, speak, you don’t have to go thru this, came the Colonels voice struggling to be heard over the young woman’s desperate howls. He gave a sign to the electrical technician who increased the power, feeding stronger blasts of electricity into the already ravaged nervous system. The desperation of the screams went up a notch.
Her screaming died down, as her jaw locked in an half open position while her lungs ran out of breath, the sweat drenched young woman just trembled violently on the metal bed not able to comprehend how the already horrific pain could actually get worse.
The interrogation has been going on for over half an hour now, with little in the way of progress. The Colonel wasn’t worried though. This is just the first phase, they have plenty of time, and many more settings to try before, having to consider the subject to be actually innocent.
Early that morning they roused Nikki out of a fairly restful sleep summoning her to the torture chamber. Once inside the darkened room, the guards immediately took her to a sturdy looking narrow but long metal bed, located in the middle under a bank of powerful lights.
With the offer to avoid the pain by full cooperation, immediately declined, Nikki stoically, with no resistance allowed them to put her down on the bed frame. First the straps to her wrists and ankles were tightened followed by the attachment of the wires. Wires poised to deliver the currant which is to give her immense pain.
The Colonel ordered for the torture to start in a low setting applied thru wires attached to her toes and temples. Later if she still refuses to give in, they can proceed to shock her nipples or genitals.
For her part, Nikki, despite the fear made obvious by her wide eyes and the fine film of sweat covering her body, thought she is ready, she thought she can take this. Eventually her tormentors might break her, but they are going to work hard if they are to achieve this goal. Nikki planned to hinder their progress every step of the way.... foolish thoughts. Very foolish thoughts they were, as she very soon found out, the painful way.
As the technician flipped the red switch on the control board, her body came alive with a mind of its own. In sadistic fascination her tormentors watched her body strain against the bonds, razing off the bed while the screams of surprise, as much as pain erupted out of her wide open mouth. Almost none of them actually realize how much the electrocution hurts, thought the Colonel while watching his latest subject from the darkened sidelines of the torture chamber. The blinding pain quickly erased every thought of dignity replacing it with sheer agony. Agony destined to become far worse. And so the long torture of Nikki the captured freedom fighter, had began. This time her screams are going to be terrifying the other prisoners forced to listen to them. The same way she was tormented by having to listen to the howls of all those before her.
Half an hour, and several blasts with different degree of intensity later, the interrogation was in full swing. The currant cut off allowing her tired body to slump back to the bars bellow. Her heart pounding in irregular beats, while she fought to take as much air as possible before her ragged shallow breaths came to a stop by the next wave of hot electrical power. Slick with thick coating of sweat, her body shivered despite the absence of electricity, Nikki just couldn’t believe how much it hurt, she could never comprehend such pain can exist until actually experiencing it.
Her barely functioning mind spotted the Colonel standing over her, his appearance saluted like dark shadow against the powerful lamps above. The Colonel was speaking... asking questions, questions she actually had answers to. For how long Nikki is going to be able to keep those answers away from their derty paws, under this onslaught ?
... tell... tell us... who is involved.... who give you the letters... where... how....who assassinated the Commander in Laguna Port.... where.. who is Meron... It sounded as if the questions are coming from somewhere far away, she could not concentrate, Nikki could not answer even if she wanted to. An abyss had opened beneath her, pulling her in. Is it better to actually give in, death is preferable then betrayal, right ?
Seeing the subject isn’t quite with him he gave the technician an order for a short but powerful blast. It came seconds later, resulting in fresh and invigorated screams as spittle flow out of Nikkei’s wide open mouth....
For ten seconds, which must have seemed like ten hours to Nikki, the Colonel enjoyed the delicious view of her firm breasts bouncing around like jelly pudding, while the woman lost control of her blouder for the third time pissing thru her panties in the bucket bellow. Shaking violently Nikkei’s screams quickly deteriorated to disgusting gurgling noises while her eyes turned back into her head. Just then the shock ended letting her wracked form slump back with a loud thud. Lifting the woman’s head by her wet hair, the Colonel called out for her attention.
Nikki !, listen to me Nikki... all you need...
There was no reaction, until she gurgled in a sickening way vomiting all over her chest and face.
Nurse ! He called out fearing his subject is going to choke on her own vomit.
The Nurse, the same one who humiliated Nikki several days earlier, rushed over holding a surgical vacuum pump. Expertly, she parted Nikkei’s tightly clenched jaws inserting the long tube deep into her throat. The pump did its job quickly so Nikkei’s breathing returned to something which could be described as normal... under the surcamstancies. After wiping the vomit with a wet sponge the nurse jibed a syringe with a large needle into her necks artery.
A mild stimulant, the nurse explained to no one in particular. This should keep her more focused.
Nikki moaned pathetically her eyes opened taking her back into the surroundings she desperately hoped is just a part of a nightmare.
Wake up bitch! The nurse slapped the exhausted girl rather harshly across her face, The Colonel is asking you a question ! The evil nurse smacked her captive once more, just for the fun of it before stepping aside to allow her superior full access to the bed.
Nikki... Nikki, do you know where you are ?
Coughing, the young woman slowly turned her head towards the source of the question, a small croaked smile forming on her bloodied lips.
Y... Yes... yes Colonel... in your.... favorite playroom...
He practically sighed in relief. The electric torture is a wonderful method for turning uncooperative bitches into a very cooperative whims. But it is a tricky one. If you are not careful you can turn the subject into a mindless bubbling lump of human flesh not fit even for the guards to use as their rape puppet. For a moment he feared they have pushed Nikki to far to soon. But judging by her answer the Colonel knew she is still well within her limits. Hoping, his, subordinates haven’t noticed his sigh, the Colonel continued. Nikki, I must know who assassinated the Commander....
Fuck you Colonel.... she squired thru clenched teeth turning her head to the side.
You are making a mistake Nikki. Shaking his head he turned to the technician, higher doze... half minute.
Nodding the masked man behind the controls adjusted the machine...
Forming a perfect arch, the young beautiful body leapt of the metal bars looking as if it is going to snap in half any moment. Streams of blood came out of her nose as yet more powerful jolts ruptured the tiny capillaries in her nasal cavities and eyes. Her wrists also bloodied tugged at the straps like those of a wounded animal. There was no a trace of coherent thought into her once sharp intelligent mind. All there was there is a blob of pain wracked nerve cells, able to feel just one sensation, pain. Excruciating pain... no it is beyond excruciating, but Nikki did not know this on a conchies level, yet her inability to think did not spare her from feeling it.
And so the torment continued for some more time when despite the stimulant she fainted.
This time the nurse strongly suggested giving the subject a longer rest.
The Colonel agreed. I will get some breakfast, he declared. We are continuing in twenty minutes, and we are going to phase two.
Returning in the room, holding a cup of freshly brewed coffee, the Colonel immediately noticed his victim waiting for him stark naked still secured to the bed as before. Nikkei’s panties were gone. Instead a thick black wire protruded between the lips of her sex ending in a large shiny phallus like object. The metal dildo had been lodged deep inside her sex, ready to deliver the shocks to the most sensitive spot of the captives body. Though he could not see it from his vantage point the Colonel knew there is a slightly larger electrode inserted into the victims anus. Applying the currant thru the nipples and genitals is ok, it gives adequate results, however it is always best if the interrogator has one or two more options... just for a variety. Another benefit we must not underestimate is the humiliation factor. Having something, something large, pushed up your ass while you are straining to maintain your cool or salvage wiat little dignity you can is not helpful at all.
Which is why he suspected, the naked woman on the bed is groaning and moaning in frustration, unable to fully accommodate the anal probe without feeling as if it is tearing her apart.
The Colonel smiled knowingly, he watched in sadistic amusement the technician massage her left nipple in a preparation to apply the alligator electric clamp. The right nipple had already been fitted, crushed between the sharp teeth of the large steel implement. In a moment the left will follow.
Seeing another shadow appear above her, Nikki instinctively know it was her primary tormentor. Despite herself the young woman blushed, realizing he can see the way her body has betrayed her. She knew this was just the part of the torture, it is not suppose to bother her, she is supposed to look him in the eyes without feeling any shame. Instead Nikki found herself turning her head sideways in an attempt to hide her reddened face.
The gentle massage on the nipple suddenly stopped to be replaced moment later by a sharp bite that send waves of pain radiating throughout her breast and chest.
aaaauuugghh! She yelped as the second clamp came on dogging into the soft yet rubbery firm rod. Involuntarily Nikki turned her head in this direction of the pain only to came face to face with the monster. He was leaning above her, close enough for Nikki to smell the tuna fish in his breath which the coffee wasn’t able to completely cover.
They looked at each other for what seemed like eternity. He had to admit Nikki looked even better in her tortured state, infact there is something about the suffering which makes the females look even better then they already are. The Colonel did not know exactly what it was, nor he cared to find out. He is here to extract information, not to dwell on philosophical questions. Still he allowed his hand to glide up and down the tout ribcage of his victim, marveling at the smoothness of her well maintained skin, then he fondled her firm clamped breasts forcing her nipples to swell even more.
Understandably Nikki was in a far less relaxed mood. Yet, grudgingly, she had to admit to herself the guy knows how to touch a woman. A moan escaped between her lips before Nikki realized what she has done, in the presence of her tormentors, her enemies! The momentary pleasure quickly turned into disgust as she recalled just how he has acquired the knowledge to apply this " expert touch "
Banishing this sinful thoughts, Nikki savagely forced her mind to go back to hating the man who is about to hurt her more. She went right to the point not wanting to suffer the smell of his breath any longer.
Colonel... can you... skip the theatrics for once, and just do what ever you plan to do to me next ?
Are you really so eager to give in to our demands Nikki? Don’t you enjoy the new toys they have applied in to all those sensitive places ? Don’t you enjoy my touch Nikki?
No I don’t, yelled Nikki, bursting into tears. You plan to hurt me even worse.... you might as well get your wish to see me spill out names of innocent individuals. You... you, she could not continue as her words turned into sobs.
Sensing his captive is about to crack, the Colonels hand gently brushed the wet hair off Nikkei’s face caressing her tear stained cheeks as a lover would do. My dear... there is no shame in admitting defeat, yes just do it, just stop the pain, all this can stop right now. We have seen tougher women then you cry as they finally give up, we don’t blame them, having to suffer thru electric shocks is horrific I know. Just give in to your fear Nikki... I know you are terrified deep down, I know there is a little inner voice howling for the pain to end, listen to it and the pain will end.
Stubborn silence was the only reaction he got from his victim. But just as the Colonel said, deep inside her mind, the terrified voice indeed screamed for salvation.
Look Nikki, I am about to order for the continuation of your torture, this time it is going to be worse. Just say the word, and we can go to my office where we can talk like two civilized people. Or if you so prefer I can give you the taste of the next phase, after which we are also going to my office to talk like civilized people.
There is nothing civilized about you Colonel... so fire away, I am ready.
You better be ready Nikki, because I guarantee you, in five minutes you are going to be broken.
The answer consisted in silence punctuated by her soft sobbing.
He nodded to the technician who flipped the switch.
Two streams of molten agony seemed to surge into her chest thru the most sensitive part of her breasts. The pain ripped thru her chest squiring around her heart, tormenting her very essence. Before the pain chased away the coherent thoughts Nikki thought her body had exploded.
Eyes wide, not seeing anything, but a white blinding light, accompanied by the hellish pain was all Nikki could be aware off. She couldn’t even scream at first, her body shaking wildly on the bed, while her eyes looked like they are going to pop out of their sockets. New sweat covered her already slick body, followed by the less powerful but not so human sounding screams.
Her tormentors knew the victim is slipping, loosing her mind, loosing the very thing that makes her human.... any moment now...
increase the power, he ordered calmly watching the tortured creature loosing control of her bodily functions. A stream of piss came from between her legs closely following by the empting of her bowels. No one cared about the smell, or the mess, the woman writhing in its bonds, cared even less.
Knifes, red hot knifes had been stabbed into her chest... taken out only to be reshaped turned, twisted and taken out again for a new stabbing. And stub they did, breasts, nipples, anus, then breasts once more. Over and over and over... until her resolve snapped. Just like that, in under five minutes, the electricity turned the brave freedom fighter into a body whose only purpose was to stop the pain.
Nikki did not care any more, she wanted this to stop, and she was already ready to do or say anything to stop it. There was just one problem... Nikki could not communicate her will to cooperate. Her muscles locked in a constant spas am kept the well toned body in a perfect twisting and shaking arch above the bed.
Blood poured out of her nose, mixed with the spittle and mucus, coming from her mouth. The screams of his victim died down as no more air was left in her lungs. All the young beautiful woman did now is gurgle while the electricity surged thru her body, destroying it slowly. The nurse approached holding the vacuum pump but the Colonel held up his hand signaling her to wait. He intended to give Nikki a full minute of pure hell before he even considered stopping the torture. The seconds moved slowly even at his perspective, while for Nikki, they were not moving at all. He doubted his victim is even sane right now, this kind of takes away the fun of hurting her, but hey, an honest sadist cant have everything his way!
With the timer reaching zero, the puppet which was once a capable Doctor slumped back to the bars bellow. The choking gurgles got worse, the nurse quickly pushed the pump inside her throat making sure no vomit gets into her lungs. With her airways cleaned the girl gulped of the air greedily before managing to mumble her agreement to cooperate fully.
Y.... I will... yes... I will.... I can tell you.... anything... anything ... I
The poor thing hoped by saying this the pain will stop. Wrong! Only now Nikki is going to discover the real wickedness of her tormentors.
The Colonel turned to the nurse, Do you think she wants to talk ?
Shaking her head in mock sadness the nurse looked down at the pleading eyes of the tortured woman. No... ummm I think we need to give her stronger... she is stubborn.
No... NOOOOOOOOO... I willl...
Nikki never got to finish , At a nod by the Colonel the technician adjusted the controls, sending a jolt of even more powerful electricity right thru Nikkei’s clitoris and anus.
There was an indescribable pain before everything went dark. There was no rest. Waking up to the smell of something disgusting under her nose, Nikki saw the Colonel over her speaking, but his voice barely understandable...
Not... cooperating... must... you... cant... you ... we need to... give you.... torture you more.
Ok the last word made sense, panicking, she wanted to scream her willingness to talk only to find her mouth well gagged, uuuummmmmm... mmmmm. Shaking her head the young woman desperately tried to give him a sign, however The Colonels shadow disappeared, replaced by the explosion of blinding blue light announcing the continuation of the pain....
And so it went on. All her cards open, all of her will gone, this time Nikki had nothing to bargain with.
Several days later two guards entered Nikkei’s cell, finding the young broken woman half asleep on the bare concrete floor. Her long disheveled dark hair covering the tear stained face, while the plate containing the meager prison rations stood near by, untouched. The clothes have been returned to Nikki, so she could appear in court. Now soiled and tethered they covered her bruised and beaten nudity from the eyes of the evil guards.
There were no cuffs, no mind games or unbearable positions for her, there was no need... All there was left now of the once vibrant lively woman was an empty bruised shell, shell destined to face the firing squad this very morning. The young woman actually looked forward to it.
Poking her with his foot one of the guards spoke almost with sympathy in his voice.
Ms Mendez... it is time.
Raising slowly to her feet, Nikki didn’t, show fear, she was resigned to her fate. All they saw in her eyes was sorrow, not sorrow for herself, but for those she betrayed. Placing her hands behind back for the cuffs the broken rebel asked.
Will at least be quick ?
I believe so, answered the guard nudging her outside the cell.
The corridor they led her thru was already busy with soldiers or other personnel. Most of them ignored her completely, for them seeing a young woman in handcuff walking to her doom, was just a normal every day occurrence. Few others though, gave her looks ranging from disgust, thru contempt, while one or two actually showed a mild degree of sorrow.
With her head lowered in an unbearable shame Nikki missed most of this. All she could think about right now, were the events leading to the cowardly way in which she betrayed her friends
The events of her incarceration played thru her mind, the arrest, the savage beatings the first day, then the terrible torture in the tub, a torture that proved bearable compared to the final horror of the electricity. Nikki shivered uncontrollably recalling how the Colonel gloated as she set chained to a chair in his office... cooperating, fully. Giving away name after name, location after location, information after information. She did it hastily, willingly and selfishly. She should have tried harder, but the pain, the pain was just to great. And to top it all Nikki remembered how she cried as the Colonel picked up the phone instructing his men to start arresting the people whose names she has just blurted out. Nikki hoped they wont blame her, just as Nikki did not blame the person who give her name to the police. The young woman hoped, once they feel the pain they are going to forgive her, because no one can take the pain... no one. Its only a matter of time when the pain is going to win over the strongest of resolves, she so craved to be forgiven.
After they took all the information the broken captive could offer, her captors organized what could barely pass for a trial. Nikki wasn’t given any chance to defend herself. There were no witnesses or any evidence presented against her. She just stood there for like half an hour while the judge recited all the accusations and all of her crimes, then he simply declared her guilty and sentenced her to death by the firing squad. According to the law, those accused and found guilty of terrorism do not have the right for an appeal or defense, which was supposed to explain the show of a trial Nikki was given.
Handcuffed they dragged the young sobbing woman out of the court room to be placed into her cell where she is going to await her execution, the execution which came this morning.
The sensation of fresh cool morning air, accompanied by the gentle rays of the sun brought her reverie to an abrupt end. Nearly startled Nikki raised her head to see that the guards have brought her to a sort of a large courtyard surrounded on all four sides by high walls. Looking around, she immediately spotted the ten sturdy wooden posts arranged beside the far wall. Bags full of gravel have been piled up behind them, to prevent any of the bullets to bounce back off injuring the squads soldiers. The posts and the courtyard itself held her attention for just a moment. Nikki momentarily shivered realizing, she is not going to meet her fate alone. The first three of the posts are already occupied by young women about her age. Each of them had been stripped topless, their arms raised above their heads, hands tied to a ring near the top of the post. Sets of strong ropes secured their feet, as well as their waists firmly to the post, ensuring the soldiers have a good aim when the time for the execution comes.
Not inclined to give their charge to much time for sight seeing, the guards pushed her forward to the post number four. Nikki did not resist, not at all. She made a promise to herself not to show any fear when the time comes for her to go, she is going to be dignified, dignified to the end. Not that her dignity accounted for much after the way she betrayed everyone. But what is done is done. The fresh clean air allowed to her in the last minutes of her life must have helped to clear her mind, so Nikki decided hating herself now is not going to accomplish anything. And so Nikki walked towards the post, her steps firm, her head high.
They released her hands from the cuffs, then one ordered her to take her blouse off. Nikki complied slowly opening her dirty wrinkled garment, baring her shoulders for the gentle caress of the early morning sunshine. She then let it slide down her slander body, once again revealing her tortured nakedness for the scrutinizing gaze of the soldiers.
Standing there topless Nikki watched as another guard kicked the now useless peace of clothing to a growing pile near the first post, her last clothes. Nikki would never again have her top covered, not until the rest of her life. The thought almost amused her considering that, she glanced at the wrist watch of one of the guards... she has less then twenty minutes left till the rest of her life, lovely!
Step against the post and raise your arms above your head, commanded the guard.
Nikki did so, pressing her back against the well worn wood of her post and raising her arms until her wrists came in level with the ring. She never lowered her head or awarded her eyes while with quick expert moves the guard secured her wrists to the ring, her hands are never going to be free again. As the last rope, the one they tightened around her waist came into place, she felt herself being pressed against the post even more then she was before. Her ability to breath was restricted somewhat, giving Nikki the idea that this is meant to torment her. She wasn’t sure in this, because if it was it failed. Instead Nikki found the feeling of the warm wood pressing against her back to be pleasurable. Nikki relaxed allowing the bonds to support her. The early morning sun had warmed the wood behind her as it was doing so to her half naked body, a body destined to be riddled with bullets just minutes from now.
Her head pointed up so her eyes could gaze into the crystal clear blue sky above. A beautiful morning, she thought, not a fitting one for what is about to happen to me, but hey, shit happens, sometimes shit happens big time! A helpless tortured girl cant do anything about it, so why not just go with the flow ? Looking up toward the cloudless sky Nikki hoped soon she will be up there. Up there nothing would matter, she will be happy, just as she was not so long ago, when her life was going very well, when she knew not of pain or suffering. A good life indeed.
Was it worth throwing it all away ? Wasn’t it better to listen to her sisters advice and pretend she doesn’t notice what the dictatorship is doing ? No !, Nikki forced those thoughts out of her mind, or should they be forced out of her mind ? After all with her time in this world sleeping rapidly away, a girl has the right to express a doubt or two, right ? Well... no, Nikki is not just a girl, she is a fighter. They might have broken her body, made her spit out names, but she is still very much convinced into what she was... no, IS, fighting for. And so the thoughts of doubt were banished, never to return again.
Returning to the present Nikki realized more prisoners have been brought for execution. To the post right next to her a redhead with some serious whip marks spread around her body stood silently as the guards were putting the finishing touches of her bondage. At the same time another girl was being " helped " by the guards to remove her top because she wasn’t very willing to do it herself. The young brunette sobbed pathetically, pleading for her life, while the guards ignoring her completely tore her shirt off revealing the skinny body with just a few signs of torture. Intact this one has the least signs of torture then all the others present. Looking to the other side Nikki confirmed this observation as her gaze briefly passed over the naked tops of the other prisoners. The thirty something, blonde tied to the first post had severe burn marks covering large parts of her skin, there were also whip marks and dried blood still present. The short haired brunette on post number two seemed barely able to stand without sagging into her bonds. She had the same burn marks Nikki had, a result of electric torture, however her left breast was missing, an ugly poorly healed wound testified to the less then professional way in which it was removed. Nikki did not need to look any further, it was depressing.
Only now Nikki noticed the girl on post number three, a brunette with rather large breasts, is looking at her, a sad smile on her face. Nikki returned the smile, Hi, I am Nikki...
Blushing slightly the mid twenties girl alerted her eyes but continued to look at Nikkei’s general direction.
Ogh... sorry for my gawking... ummmm I am Malina...
Nice to meet you Malina... not that it will last.
It sucks I know... such a short life... so many plans, so many aspirations... heh... so naive. Not really waiting for a replay the boxom brunette continued. I won a scholarship to go to the States and specialize in Astronomy... my childhood dreams were within my reach. But just then my parents disappeared... So when I learnt about their deaths instead of continuing my education I picked the largest kitchen knife I could find at home, sliced the throat of the first policeman I could lure into having sex with me, then after helping myself to his gun I joined the rebels.
There was fire in the woman’s eyes as she spoke, Nikki realized Malina is a radical. As far as Nikki knew, the majority of the rebels were willing to negotiate with the government if the terms for ceasefire are acceptable. But she also knew, there are more radical elements who would not stop until the currant regime is completely destroyed. Not just the regime or its soldiers, some of them would be willing to go after their families as well. Malina is clearly one of this radicals, but after what she herself went thru Nikki could not really blame her. The brunette continued.
For over six years I managed to allude the bustards... guess, it never really occurred to me all can end like this, she momentarily looked at the soldiers chosen to kill them. I tended to be on my guard all the time, it kept me alive and away from their filthy hands... The constant vigilance may helped to keep me alive, but at a price, it saps your energy, it strains your nerves you know...
Nikki nodded knowing this herself for a fact.
Having survived so many firefights, I figured I can afford to relax one time or two... wrong !
So how did you get caught, Nikki asked with genuine interest, she took an instant liking of the girl next to her, a real pity they wont be given a chance to expand the newly born friendship.
I had an assignment in the Capital, nothing very important, just had to deliver some messages. Ok I finished my assignment with no problem... and found myself with lots of time to spare until the bus I was supposed to catch was to depart for my hometown. So the stupid little me decided this would be a good time to give myself the relaxation I have been craving for a while, it really looked like a good idea at the moment. The standard procedure in cases when the operative has finished the task earlier, and has nothing else to do is to lay low, to avoid spending to much time in public.
Instead following the procedure I went shopping! Can you believe it, shopping. I haven’t had the opportunity to do so in like years so I thought ok Malina you deserve to live a live for ones.....bang!
Busted, tortured and, well you see for yourself! The shitheads must have had information on me from earlier. So they were waiting for me to make a mistake, which I so stupidly did !
Don’t be so hard on yourself advised Nikki, you have made lots of sacrifices, everyone can make a mistake. I myself am no better, got careless, and they got me.
Sacrifices, Malina humphed dismissing it. I don’t see it as sacrifice... its , its a duty. If we ourselves don’t stand up to those monsters, who will. Exhaling she let her head slump back against the post.. sorry I am rumbling... I am not afraid of what is about to happen, I am just pissed that I cant shoot back. Leaning towards Nikki as much as the bonds allowed she spoke in a low conspirator voice. I was quite a shot with a sniper you know... sixteen confirmed kills , if those guys know, they will make sure I die slowly.
Don’t worry, Nikki whispered back, I will take this secret to my grave.
Oh... I have no doubt. Were you a rebel fighter yourself ?
Not directly, admitted Nikki, as a Doctor I cant harm others, even our enemies. So I mostly treated the wounded of the rebels, or smuggled medicine when necessary.
Wait, aren’t you Doctor Mendez ?
Yeah, that’s me... do we know each other ?
Unfortunately I haven’t had the opportunity to meet you under better surcamstancies, but I have heard lots of good things about you. You have saved the life of my resistance cell leader, also a friend of mine had to seek help from you since she could not go to a regular hospital. I ... am so sorry you were caught... but.
Thanks for the good words, its nice to hear them at this time, a reassurance that my efforts were worth it. Momentarily drifting away in her thoughts, Nikki looked down at her ruined nipples... they broke me... I so tried to resist, but... did you experience the electricity ?
No... the big breasted woman admitted blushing, her earlier " tough girl " posture melting somewhat. I have heard such a horrible stories about it... In... in my case they did not have to use it I guess... I... I cracked while they waterboarded me, I just cant stand the feeling of drowning... The burning, the whipping, all were terrible, still I managed to hold on. But drowning... I just could not, I gave all I know to them...
Perhaps you did a good thing of giving up before the perrila. Resisting for to long is not worth it, they will eventually break you, so why prolong the suffering when you will tell them everything anyway? This is why I don’t blame the person who gave me up, said Nikki as she noticed the squads commander entering the courtyard. No one can stand the torture forever.
Looks like its about to happen, remarked Malina.
Yes, it was nice meeting you Malina.
Same here, perhaps, she added hesitantly... if we meet on the other side we could be more then friends..
Realizing what Malina was suggesting, Nikki smiled. Oh... sure... I mean, I am mostly into guys... but it cant hurt to try.
Malina nodded straightening herself getting ready for the bullets, Nikki next to her did the same as did all the other prisoners. The commander barked some orders bringing his troops in line.
It was obvious the soldiers in the squad are well trained, and they have done this before. Quickly they arranged themselves in pairs about ten meters away from the prisoners. Two soldiers were assigned for each woman, assuring a hit and a quick death. Seeing his soldiers are ready, the commander pulled out a peace of paper from his pocket then in a bored voice read the accusations, and the prescribed sentence for each of the girls. As the procedure required he asked each in turn if they have any questions, but none of them dignified him with anything but a faint shake of their heads.
Satisfied with the conclusion of the formalities he stood aside then barked out.
Soldiers! Get ready !
The young professional soldiers quickly raised their weapons to their shoulders, aiming at the designated woman, their fingers on the triggers.
In the sickening silence prior to his next command, Nikki raised her head to see the sun for the last time, a bird was chirping somewhere. Such a beautiful day...
Aim ! Something was missing, Nikki decided she is going to her death to meekly... in moments like this those really dedicated to what they believe in are supposed to, they are supposed to... yell... yes !
As the commander opened his mouth to deliver the final order, Nikki shouted in a clear, strong unvivering voice.
Victory for the Socialist revolution !
Her new friend Maline wanted to follow the example, but she was a moment to late...
Fire !
The time has slowed. Nikki saw the flashes at the opening of each rifle, she could almost see the bullets hurtling towards her. Then after what appeared to her as eternity she noticed her left nipple exploding into a bloody mass, followed by a much cleaner wound appearing right in the middle of her chest. The pain hit moments later, bad, very bad, however Nikki decided this pain is not as bad as the later stages of the electric torture. Transfixed she watched the two streams of blood dripping down across her bared chest, her knees felt weak, it wont be long now she thought. Just as the Commander ordered the soldiers to get ready for another shot, Nikki glanced to her side at Malina. Her face with a smile the rebels sharp shooter was looking back at Nikki, her mouth opened...
They are a lousy shots....
Fire! the Commander barked cutting her evil comment in mid sentence .
A New pain exploded into her chest, this time Nikki knew her heart has been shattered, feeling cold and powerless the young Doctor sagged into her bonds. Her vision soon become blurry, the colors disappeared, and soon there was just darkness.
Prisoner No. 4112, Nikki Mendez, was dead.
Mrs Denver sat in her study when Charlotte pressed the intercom. “Nikki Pearson is here to see you, Mrs Denver.” “Send her in,“Mrs Denver replied. Charlotte watched the 23-year-old walk towards the study door as much in wonder as thinking about the pain Nikki was about to endure. Charlotte had seen so many students go in to the study with trepidation and come back out with tear-stained faces, rubbing their bottoms. She wondered what it was like to be caned and wondered whether she would ever...
SpankingCHAPTER 3: EXPLORING NEEDSFor the rest of that year Joe gently pushed their boundaries and comfort zone. Especially, Nikki’s. A month after the restaurant experience Joe announced that he was taking her to shop for some special clothes at a boutique that was recommended. Joe wanted her dressed in a skirt, blouse, bra, panties and heels. She was for some reason getting used to Joe expressing how he like her to dress and she found herself never sure what might come as a result, but nothing to the...
CHAPTER 25: AN INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOBob, the breeder, heard about the kennel guest addition completed by Nikki and Joe and decided this was the time to pursue an idea he had been work on for some time. He had held off bringing it up since Nikki’s attack, wanting to give her plenty of time for recovery and getting back into the swing on her own terms. That time appeared to have come based on the information he was getting from mutual acquaintances.Bob contacted Nikki with his idea. He explained to...
Nikki had acted out of character and had been deliberately naughty in order to get the cane. She was one of the good girls and always worked hard and passed all of her tests and exams. She even got the place she wanted at University. The only thing she had never experienced was being disciplined at school. As she stood with her nose pressed against the wall she told herself she hadn’t even been that naughty. She had just answered back a teacher. Not even that rudely. It was really just replying...
SpankingCHAPTER 29: TRAINING FOR JULI’S FRIENDHarry thought only momentarily about Juli’s comment to join them in the shower to hear about their day. “Ladies, there is no way that getting into the shower with you two is only going to take only a half hour. So can we take care of the horses quick so we aren’t rushed? And I am just guessing but I would bet that after you’ve been riding after your fun that the saddles will need some cleaning, too. But if we just wipe them off now, I can use saddle soap on...
CHAPTER 17: QUIET WEEKEND WITH HARRY AND JULIWhat a week. That was the only way Nikki could express it. She had become so busy with helping Bob with the “kennel service” side of helping woman interested in learning the ins and outs (so to speak) of dog-sex. What had started out as a lark for Bob and something Nikki thought would be a rare, if ever, activity for her had turned into something of a lucrative sideline for Bob and had lately kept Nikki hopping from one woman to the next. Who would...
CHAPTER 16: TRAINING A CUSTOMERAfter the pig experience, and mess, Nikki was ready to just leave that as an experience worth trying but happy to remain in her past.She got a message from Bob that he had a customer who had previously bought a dog from him and now wanted the dog ‘trained’ and would like to discuss the opportunity with her. When they got together, Bob provided more details. The woman had a male German Shepard and indicated that she was being referred by an active member of their...
CHAPTER 20: NIKKI AND JULI TRY THE HORSESNikki was very grateful for Juli in her life. She loved the sex she was getting and was devoted to Joe and Butch and Sam were wonderful. She could easily get as much fucking as she needed. Well, maybe nearly. She was always amazed at the appetite she apparently had for sex. But, she also realized that her enjoyment of sex was within a range of experiences. She loved men but restricted that to Joe and Harry. She didn’t feel the need or even interest in...
CHAPTER 28: A DAY WITH JULIWhat a weekend! Nikki loved those weekends alone with Joe, especially when he got intent on making it memorable and very special for them both when they have been distracted over something. And Joe was great at that. He had a devious mind that could put Nikki into any number of sexually charged situations that they would both love. And that is what Joe accomplished over the past weekend. After several days of being taken over by a small film crew commissioned to video...
CHAPTER 22: THE ASSAULT RECOVERYTrue to his promise to Nikki, after two days Joe approached her with a plan he hoped would allow her to fully come back to him and their lifestyle. He said the plans were set, the reservations made, Juli would be taking care of the dogs in their absence, and she had two days to get ready for a four-day get-away to an island resort. What he didn’t tell her was that they were headed for the exact same resort that Michele and Tim had gone to for their honeymoon....
This story is meant as an erotic fiction, not real life. Nikki loved Christmas. She loved everything about it. She loved the music, the presents, the food and of course, she loved Santa. It was Friday, 2 weeks before Christmas and Nikki was home alone at night. He parents, Leslie and Trish, were at Leslie’s office party. Per Trish’s request, Leslie went dressed as Santa. Trish has always had a strange Santa Clause fetish and loved her husband dressing like the mythical Father...
Dirty 18, the best years of a girl’s life. Nikki loved the outdoors; she loved swimming and most of all she loved the attention she got from either side of the Gender line when it came to stares she got when she paraded in her skimpy shorts on Friday Afternoons on her way to Soft Ball League. She was well built, sporty, tanned, her ass was firm and her breasts were supple and larger than other girls her age. This was something she used to her advantage. Her deceased mother always use...
CHAPTER 30: THE VIDEOS … AND …It had been much longer for the videos to be completed and Juli and Harry were beginning to think they were never going to be invited over to Nikki and Joe’s for the first ever, private viewing. Truth was that Nikki and Joe had decided to make changes in the final edited version of the videos. Things were about to change for them and they were rethinking some aspects of this video thing. They had also been out of town several times over the past two weeks and the...
Slippery Susie - part 8 (Nikki & friends) FMMM by wile_e_coyote_mn1 Nikki admired a lot about her mom, but it was her easy going attitudeand obvious lust for life that she thought were her mother’s bestattributes. Having just turned 18, Nikki felt bad for her friends thatdid not have the same close relationship with their parents as Nikki didwith hers. She had always felt she could share anything with herparents, even if it was something she had done wrong. Yes they could getupset...
“I never like it.” Drake said and Nikki laughed nodding for him to continue. Drake moved himself within Nikki and he held her close. They went to bed in Drake’s room in nothing but underwear. Drake put an arm around Nikki’s chest and she whimpered. “Are you alright?” Drake asked. “Yeah,” Nikki said. “Just sensitive.” “I’m sorry,” “It’s alright. Drake?” “Hm?” “You know this has to end right?” “What?” “When they get back we can’t be like this. I’ll have to go back to my basement and...
CHAPTER 21: THE ASSAULTA beautiful, sunny Fall Saturday. There is a touch of cool in the air but the weather is rarely really cold which is a good thing for Nikki because she has become very accustomed to not wearing any clothes on the property. Regardless of where she might be on their forty-five acre property surrounded by ranch land her nudity was safe. Since becoming close, and very intimate, friends with the Harry and Juli, owners of the ranch, she has had little concern for nudity. Even...
Scott was drunk. He’d had a terrible day, and just wanted to loose himself in a funk of alcohol. He was sick at heart, and felt that he just couldn’t take it any more. He knew that he was one of the most success- ful business men in the world, but sometimes everything just seemed to overwhelm him and he just had to go away and drown himself in sorrow for a day or two. It never made him feel better, but he just couldn’t help him- self. He guessed it was his one serious...
CHAPTER 18: MORE OF THE WEEKENDThe time at the pond became quite extended. Most certainly longer than the guys originally planned for. Good thing it was Sunday and they got started early enough. Between the modified saddles they rode getting there, fucking the guys and then the dogs, Nikki and Juli were exhausted. The pond wasn’t much but it felt so good right now to just lie in the water and soak their tired and used (well used) bodies. As they lay there, there was no pretense of glamor...
Nikki By Cheryl Lynn This work of fiction was suggested by a loyal fan. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader as it follows the forced feminization life style of our poor hero Nick. In the end he was amazed at how a couple of bad decisions had so radically changed his entire life. Comments welcome at [email protected]. All standard disclaimers apply and may not be downloaded for anything other than personal pleasure without consent of the...
CHAPTER 27: A RELAXING WEEKEND?Joe came home that night ending the workweek to a very quiet house. There was no van in the drive belonging to the video company. The two women who were the sole owners and employees of a small local video company had just spent two days at their property first filming Nikki for an instructional video for K9 sex and then after seeing what Nikki’s day really is like came back the next day to do a ‘day in the life of’ documentary type filming. Both had Nikki very...
CHAPTER 19: RECOVERYThe next day Nikki sleeps late. When she comes to she is surprised to see it is 8:30 already. She rarely sleeps in so late but gives herself a little break after the very exciting weekend. She checks the coffee maker in the kitchen and sees it has fresh grounds and water added. She sees the note from Joe, “Just press ‘ON’. I love you, honey. That was an amazing weekend, thank you. Rest today, you deserve it. Love, Joe.”That’s sweet, she thought. As the coffee brewed she...
CHAPTER 4: A SPECIAL WEEKEND AWAYOver the next several months Jane and her dog came to their place several times for an evening of fun. Usually, both women enjoyed the dog, but Joe encouraged Nikki to fuck him every time. And each time she took the knot to complete the mating and enduring the time they were locked together. After the second such visit Joe had Nikki cleaning the dog’s cock and knot thoroughly with her tongue and mouth after each mating. He was actively encouraging her to move...
CHAPTER 9: LOVING NEIGHBOREver since the horseback riding their relationship with Henry became much more comfortable and open. Henry talked to them about his wife’s death and the void that left in him. He expressed in deep appreciation to them for opening up to him and allowing him into their confidence which allowed him to open up in return. He was feeling a part of more than just running a ranch for the first time in a long time. He insisted that they start calling him Harry which he reserved...
We parted ways, Madison and her parents heading up the steps while Nikki introduced me to another of her friends. "Dan, this is Kellen. We went to school together last year. Had some of the same classes." She smiled at Kellen. "Kellen, this is my husband, Dan." Kellen was about the same height as Nikki, carried probably an extra twenty or thirty pounds, well- distributed, as it can be with young girls, lending her a softly rounded, cushiony look. Her hair was a non-descript brown,...
Nikki’s remark caught me off-guard. “My next dog is going to have a big tongue.” My girlfriend’s little beagle was enthusiastically licking her hand when she said it. We had been drinking tequila. Alcohol always makes Nikki more uninhibited, but even so I was a little shocked at what she had said. “Why’s that?” I asked, trying to sound naive. “Because they say you can train a dog to do anything,” she replied with an impish smile. “I...
I knew this young girl, in middle school. She actually liked to get spanked, if you can imagine that. She would get herself in trouble, just so she could get a spanking. You see, I lived in Kansas and teachers could still spank there. Not many did, but there was this one teacher who did, and Nikki would always take advantage of her. We all hated Nikki. Every time she walked to the front of the class, she looked scared while she was looking at the teacher, but as soon as she looked back at us,...
FetishNikki finished the counter and sighed. She would probably get some food at least. Something collided with Nikki's face. Nikki hadn't heard the door open, so she had let her guard down. Joan, Drake and Juliette had returned from shopping and now Joan and Juliete stood above Nikki. "You little pack of scum!" Joan yelled. "Who told you, you could take a break?" "I-I," Nikki stammerd. "I finished my chores and just-" "Finished? You did the laundry, put it away, mopped the floor,...
Nikki by Rachel Ann Cooper © 1998 Alright, I confess. I've got a crush on an older woman. Girl, actually. She's 21 and an absolute dream. I'd kill to be as popular as she is. No wonder because she is bright and pretty, not just cute, beautiful and beguiling, especially beguiling! I'd do anything just to have her pay some attention to me but what chance do I have, a junior and a 5'4" shrimp to boot. Not even a jumbo shrimp. Isn't that an oxymoron? That's a little play...
Most people are upset at Russia for invading Ukraine for geopolitical reasons, and I get it. But unfortunately, there is not enough time in the day for me to both watch porn and keep up on current events.Pussy PoliticsI have no idea why Russia invaded Ukraine, and I don't plan on finding out. However, I'm still upset. Just not for the same reasons most other people are. I'm pissed because so many sexy porn stars have come out of Ukraine.Every month the war continues, another batch of sexy sluts...
Twitter Porn AccountsCHAPTER 15: JULI LEADS NIKKI TO A BOARNikki and Juli had become fast close friends. Nikki felt closer to Juli than she thinks she ever felt for another woman in her life. You love the time she spent with her older friend. Even when they shared sex, they tended to have quieter, less frenetic sex. And, Juli was enjoying the company of Butch and Sam, too. After helping Nikki that last day of training for Same, Juli really enjoyed the difference in fucking from the dogs versus any other fucking she...
Jonathan & Nikki and their surprise BBC gangbangJonathan & Nikki had each always had a fascination with big black cocks. ... After it came up in their marriage and they discussed it, they agreed Nikki could try sucking one to completion. They searched for a big black dick on the internet, and after finding a massive one Nikki was very excited to try, they booked a hotel room & arranged a meeting.The night was finally upon them. It was going to happen! Nikki's first taste of big...
Nikki stumbled toward the exit of the nightclub. The place was overcrowded, the music was thumping in her head and she had had too much to drink. She was wearing a tight black leather mini-dress that barely got halfway down to her knees, it was cut low enough that she couldn’t wear a bra with it, her small breasts pushed up and together to form an attractive cleavage. She had to dress this way incase the paparazzi were around, any photos of her had to make the newspapers, she needed...
"Three cheers for the college girls!" Charlotte announces. "Hip hip-" "Hooray!" the modest number of partygoers cheer. "Hip hip-" Charlotte repeats. "Hooray!" the partygoers again reply. "Hip hip-" Charlotte yells at the top of her voice. "Hooray!" the party goers again cheer as Sarah, Katie and Lauren stand at the front of the room, their cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Oh my god, thank you all so much," Sarah laughs as I look on with pride, clutching a glass of...
Whichever way you look at it and in the absence of any titties Nikki does have one of the best tasting pussy’s that I have ever tasted and her arse is so rounded and fleshy even that ranks as one of the best, an absolutely super girl to have as my part time cleaner, not that much cleaning needs doing or in fact gets done, she is truly a sweetheart.I pulled my tatty old silky shorts back up as I knelt behind her and watched as she readjusted her panties and we were both pleased that we had...
Sheriff Ernie walked to the door of his SUV, got tagged with a 'thank you' and a kiss on the cheek from Nikki. "Thanks, Ernie," I said. "We appreciate you taking care of us." "Not at problem, buddy," he said. "I'd stay and chat but there's a lot of people that need me to see 'em today. Some of 'em I actually want to see." As he slid into the seat, he said, "We still need to get together, you an' Nikki, and my bunch." "Well, If we both get back to sanity, we'll do...
CHAPTER 1: AT THE BEGINNING--THE REGRETLike many married people after a little more than 5 years, Nikki and Joe were feeling like they were doing pretty well. Joe came from a loving family with 1 brother with parents who were very liberal and tolerant. He and his brother were taught to accept others and their beliefs without judgment as long as they didn’t try to offend or judge you for your beliefs. An outcome of that was a life system that he felt provided him with a strong base for...
CHAPTER 1 Nikki’s laptop battery was dead, failing to recharge. She decided to go into Alaine to get it tested and buy a replacement if necessary Her mom Veronica West warned her not to go. ‘There was a big dump last night and it’s started snowing again,’ she said, having just come in from feeding the dogs. The 28-year old blonde medical research technician, recently fired for insubordination and now home for the winter, whined, ‘I’m bored, I want to go.’ ‘This is stupid. Dan tell her...
(End of Nikki – Chapter 1) I help Nikki stand up and we kissed with more passion than before. Our cum mixing together in our mouths and each of us swallowing the sweet mixture. I looked into Nikki’s eye and said “Nikki, I have never in my life had more love or passion for a woman and have never had the intensity of enjoying the best pussy I’ve ever had, than I just had with you! I love you more that you’ll ever know” Nikki looked at me and smiled. Then she said “In the last few months, I have...
IncestWith the washing done and the machine behaving itself I folded up Daisy’s clothes for her feeling how soft and fresh her panties were, a good job well done.I had a couple of text conversations with Nikki and was looking forward to her coming over after school to tidy up and make the bed ready for Jody who after a couple of emails was arriving later this evening and I have to thank Cindy for setting it up for me. The fee was paid for 2 nights and I allowed her a small discount as she was...
Nikki was a good looking woman. in her mid forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked. Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and...
(End of Chapter 2) I pulled my dick out and fell into an out-of-breath heap next to Nikki. I looked at her and she was sweating, trying to catch her breath, and smiling! Damn, I love her smile! Nikki said “I’ve never done that before. That means you did get to take my cherry! My ass cherry!” I couldn’t do or say anything. I just laid there, smiling! I pulled Nikki to me and kissed her with as much passion as I had in me. “I love you, Nikki!” “I love you too, daddy!” Chapter 3 The days and weeks...
IncestNikki - The Natural Slut Ch. 01 By funda_man © Nick was getting out of the cab in front of his grandparents' home for the first time. He had never met them. He was alone at 18, his Mom having been killed in a car accident. The youngster was nervous. Nick had spoken to his grandmother a few times over the years and she seemed nice. Nick's Mom had no kind words to say about his grandfather. He was an old school Italian who never forgave Nick's Mom for getting pregnant out of...
I was still in the office when Nikki came in after her shower. She did the massage thing on my neck and shoulders again. "You need to get up and walk around every now and then," she admonished. I hadn't even turned around when she touched me. I was deep in the zone, in a world far away, filled with iron and copper and porcelain and plastic. "Look!" she said. "Turn around!" I turned, expecting to see t-shirt and pajamas. I didn't. "I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to bother...
I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and wring my hands together to stop them from shaking. "Remember," the studio researcher says, placing a calming hand on my hands. "Just stay calm, answer each question you're asked clearly. Everyone out there WILL be on your side. And don't forget to smile!" I nod and take another deep breath, returning the young woman's comforting smile. I take one final second to prepare myself before hearing the words that tell me that preparation time is...
"Aiiiieeee!" I shriek as I'm suddenly startled by several loud bangs, and my vision is dazzled by multiple flashes of light. For a moment I'm so dazed I almost forget where I am, before my vision and hearing return to normal and I stare, slack-jawed at the scene in front of me. "Happy birthday!" Jamie squeaks, giving me a tight hug before leading me into the crowded main room of Charlotte's house, where I'm greeted by yet more hugs, more bangs from party poppers (which cover my hair...
This is a woman's fantasy so it has not happened.Nikki is a beautiful 27 year old who had any boy/man's dream tits. They are huge with neat nipples - just right for sucking. Nikki is not one of those stick insect women, Nikki is ample in all aspects lovely big round bum. Best of all is her face and what a smile she has.Nikki was given a hard time in high school but although it did hurt that the in crowd wouldn't let her join she didn't let it turn her into a hater of people. No Nikki loved...
"Miss Thomas?" I hear a voice call as my brain struggles against the darkness in which it's found itself. "Miss Thomas? Can you hear me?" "Nikki?" another voice - a familiar voice - asks. "Mmph," I groan as sensation begins to return to my body, bringing with it a feeling of tiredness in my joints, fatigue in my muscles... And pain. Lots and lots of pain, centred mainly on my groin... "Nikki?" Another voice asks, making my heart beat faster as I instantly identify the owner of the...
"I, Nicola Christine Thomas," I whisper as tears start to trickle from my eyes. "Take you, Sarah Jennifer Phillips..." "Beep," the minister says, derailing my train of thought. "Beep, beep, beep, beep...." I let out a long sigh as the pristine white veil of my wedding dress is replaced by the dark brown veil of my hair, which had flopped down in front of my face whilst I was sleeping. "Morning," I whisper to the beautiful girl whose face is the first thing I see every morning when I...
CHAPTER 7: TRAINING TO BE A BITCH AND SLUTSettled into their new home was wonderful. There was so much to do around the house, the yard and the other building where Nikki just felt it was meant for something eventually. She busied herself everyday organizing and reorganizing parts of the house. Hanging pictures, running into town for rugs and accents to provide decorating touches. In the front yard she envisioned areas for flower, shrubs to accent the outside. This was a lot of hard work which...
CHAPTER 13 WELCOME SAMNikki had been thinking about acquiring another dog. They had plenty of room and even a separate building that had once been and could easily be reconverted into a kennel, if needed. And, despite her attempts, she couldn’t really chase at the speeds Butch like to run and having another dog to match him would be good for his activity in fields. Also, that would give her 3 guys always available. The opposite view of that was there would then be 3 guys she would need to keep...
CHAPTER 11: A 5-SOME (OR IS IT A 6-SOME?)Joe showed Nikki an email exchange between Michele and Jim and Sarah. Although they had experiences with each since the initial meeting at the resort, they had never gotten together as a group. They were wondering about the 5 of them getting together for similar fun as they have shared separately. “We could invite them all here. We’ve met in neutral locations in the past for the convenience of everyone. It might be a bit of drive for them but we can...
We awoke to the alarm set a little earlier than normal. Morning ablutions out of the way, breakfast was a couple of bowls of cereal, then we both sipped a cup of coffee before I filled my travel mug and headed out the door with a kiss on my lips and adoration in my heart. I had my day planned out. A stack of reports was sitting on my desk, important, to be sure, but nothing that I couldn't give up at the drop of a hat if I was needed at school with Nikki. Made it all the way to...
Greg was a work mate of mine and he and I often hung out together. Every now and then, we’d hit the strip clubs, but we’d have to do it on the low down, since Greg’s girlfriend, Nikki, was not fond of Greg hitting the strip clubs. She knew what went on the clubs and she didn’t want Greg having any part of what happens in the strip clubs.Nikki was a cute girl. She was about thirty-something but looked much younger. She had a cheerleader-like body, standing about five foot two and weighing a tad...
InterracialCHAPTER 12: ANOTHER HORSEBACK RIDEMeanwhile, Joe and Nikki’s relationship with Harry and his sister, Juli, continued to grow. Juli’s arrival in Harry’s everyday life put a spark in him that was apparent to all of them. She was a wonderful woman and so good for Harry that Joe and Nikki accepted her immediately. She was also extremely open minded and was game to try many things new to her. Harry and Juli appeared to be much different that the socially conservative image they had of farmers and...
CHAPTER 8: OOPS! HI, NEIGHBOR!When they finally got a chance to meet and spend some time with Henry, their rancher neighbor, he turned out to be not as gruff as he appeared and was really quite nice and helpful. Except for the hands who came in daily to help with the ranch, he basically lived alone since his wife died. He offered to help when he could with some of the heavier chores, like grading their drive to turn the 2 ruts into a level surface. He used one of his tractors that had a blade...
Hello guys sorry for the delay… after the day I fucked Nikki at her place we both had become more bolder and wanted to try each and everything in our minds…. So we decided to fullfil each others fantasies and enjoy every minute we spend together… as her husbands business trip was going to on on for more 20 days and I was not getting any action from my wife we decided that we must make the most of our time. So I popped the question to Nikki ” so my sexy honey bunny what’s on your mind” she said...
"Smile!" The cameraman urges me. Naturally, I obey, curling my scarlet lips upward while maintaining my trademark model's pout. "Show us the side stitching." Again, I obey, lifting my arm above my head to show off the stitching on the side panel of the tight under bust corset I'm wearing. "Beautiful, Nikki," the cameraman says. "Okay, just one more to go, then you can finally go home!" "Okay," I say, my pout turning back into a sweet smile as I head back to the dressing room and...
Dan: Larry's big SUV was in the restaurant parking lot when we got there. "Maddie says her dad's always a little early." "That's a businessman's approach," I said. We got out of the truck and walked into the place. We weren't exactly on a first-name basis with the staff, but the lady at the entrance was used to seeing us. "They got the round table in that back corner," she said. "Told me to keep an eye out for y'all." We turned the corner to see that table and there were...