NikkiChapter 13 free porn video

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We parted ways, Madison and her parents heading up the steps while Nikki introduced me to another of her friends.

"Dan, this is Kellen. We went to school together last year. Had some of the same classes." She smiled at Kellen. "Kellen, this is my husband, Dan."

Kellen was about the same height as Nikki, carried probably an extra twenty or thirty pounds, well- distributed, as it can be with young girls, lending her a softly rounded, cushiony look. Her hair was a non-descript brown, enhanced with some streaks of blonde, and she had glowing brown eyes. I smiled at her. "Hi, Kellen. I'm happy to meet you."

Kellen smiled back, her eyes obviously sizing me up. "Oh, I'm glad to meet you, too. Nikki's told me a lot about y'all."

"Good stuff, I hope," I replied.

Nikki was still holding my hand. Property. Me. Hers. "Kellen was surprised when I showed up married," she said.

Kellen giggled. "Nikki, I'm not the only one who's surprised."

"I bet. I have friends just as surprised, too," I said. "They're learning to live with it. Friends'll do that." I knew that my friends would. There might be a few people who are in my range who I can't quantify as 'friends', though, but that's another story.

"We'll see you around, Kellen," Nikki said, tugging my hand. "I want us to get good seats in the auditorium."

Indeed, the auditorium was filling up pretty fast, and we found a couple of seats and sat there, waiting. Nikki waved at several people she recognized, including a couple of teachers, which meant that I was on the receiving end of some rather curious looks. I could understand that. I would imagine that it is not too common for a high school sophomore to bring her forty-something year old husband to school.

The auditorium ended up being packed. The principal spoke, talking about the hardships caused by the crowding, admitted his hopes that the storm-damaged school whose students had joined his normal load would be ready to accept students after the Christmas break. Then he dismissed the meeting, encouraging the parents to tour the school and meet the faculty.

Nikki and I didn't get in a hurry, letting the crowd thin out a bit before we stood. I got Nikki's introduction to a few more students as we navigated the halls.

She led me into a classroom. "This is English class. Mizz Leslie was teaching freshman English at the old school. This year she's here, teaching sophomore English, so she knows me."

Miss Leslie was finishing up a conversation with another set of parents when she saw Nikki. And me.

"Hello, Nikki," she said.

"Hello, Mizz Leslie. This is my husband, Dan Granger. Dan, this is Mizz Leslie Baker. This is my second year with her."

I extended a hand to shake Mizz Leslie's. "Hello. Happy to meet you."

"I have been interested in seeing you, also," she said. "Nikki has surprised me."

"I can imagine," I said. "Nikki has surprised me as well." I did my best 'aw, shucks' smile.

Somebody called Nikki's name, and she backed away. Mizz Leslie stepped a little closer, her voice low. "Mister Granger, she's a lot smarter than her grades indicate."

"You can call me 'Dan', and yes, I know. We've talked. What makes YOU say that?"

"I watched her in class last year. Worried about her, what with her mom's behavior being what it was, so Nikki got extra attention. She idled through a 'C' average. I've read what she writes, and there's an intellect there that I hoped we could get her to use to its potential."

"I'm glad to hear that. I think you'll see a different attitude this year. I'm giving her room to..."

Nikki eased up and finished the sentence. "He's given me a place where I can feel safe and cared for and he's encouraging me. I don't have to worry at night when I go to sleep. I'm safe. Secure. And HE values learning." Nikki smiled. "Like YOU do, Mizz Leslie."

Mizz Leslie's face softened. "Thank you, Nikki. Dan, she says you do have one shortcoming, though."

My turn to look concerned. "She did?"

Nikki was grinning. Mizz Leslie said, "She says you're doing a very poor job of exploiting her."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Mizz Leslie, you have no idea how much that weighed on me. But no, you can't exploit your best friend."

As we turned to leave, Nikki told Mizz Leslie, "See! I told you..."

"Indeed you did, Nikki," Mizz Leslie smiled.

Back out into the halls, we crossed paths with Madison and her parents. Larry waved. "Coffee. At Carnie's, after this!" he said as we passed.

"Gotcha," I said.

Nikki flashed her eyes at me, smiling. Next stop was her algebra classroom. "Mister Jenkins, this is my husband, Dan Granger." Nikki was anxious to tell her teacher that I was an engineer and that I'd already helped her with her lessons and that further, she'd been able to help some of her friends.

"Mister Granger, you're a bit of fresh air," Mister Jenkins said. "So much of what I teach is outside the reach of most parents' ability to help."

"We're not out of the woods yet," I laughed. "The first time she cracked that book, I broke out in a sweat. Flashbacks from some hard days in high school."

Nikki giggled. "I told 'im he needed to get his head in the game, Mister Jenkins. He knows this stuff."

Jenkins smiled. "You just keep up the work, Miss Nikki. What'd you make in Algebra 1?"

"'C's'," she said softly. "But I didn't try hard. This time I'm trying. And I have support."

I smiled. "She's got support."

He laughed. "More than a lot of kids get. She says that she and Madison are studying together."

"That's what she said. Madison seems to like working with Nikki."

"I'm just passing on what Dan explained to me," she said.

"Doesn't work for everybody," I said, looking at Mister Jenkins. "Nikki WANTS to get a handle on this stuff."

"Uh-huh. I have a difficult time explaining the need for quadratic equations to kids who're hoping for careers as rap artists."

"I wouldn't want to try teaching like that," I said. "It's gotta be a calling."

Jenkins smiled. "That's what I keep telling myself." He looked at Nikki. "Madison says you're a big help."

We worked our way up the hall, stopping in the classroom that Nikki announced was chemistry. That was Mr. Sorensen. Ten years older than me, just looking at him. Nikki introduced us.

"Engineer?" he asked.

"Yessir," I said. "Electrical."

"I was hoping 'chemical'," he said.

"Sorry," I said. "My parents raised me wrong."

He laughed. "Still. Engineer." He looked at Nikki. She was holding my hand."

"I have to get used to that."

"That we're married?"

"Yeah, THAT too. No, the idea that I have sophomores in this class. It's usually a junior class. Hurricane got us working outside the normal lines."

"I heard that," I laughed. "I don't suppose you get to make as many loud noises and noxious smells as we did when I took this stuff."

"Kinder, gentler world," he said. "We're lucky if they let us use water and baking soda these days."

I sighed. "I remember how some of the things my chemistry teacher showed us really got my curiosity piqued."

"Myself also," he said. "But the school's so worried that somebody will drink a beaker full of something nasty these days, or make a bomb."

"Everything's a potential hazard."

"You know that and I know that, but there's a huge section of the population that doesn't know that, and they think that if we just stick to 'authorized' materials, we'll be perfectly safe."

"Uh-huh," I laughed. "Until somebody's mom decides that the toilet cleaner might work a bit better if she adds some bleach."

"Introduction to Basic Chemistry, Home Edition," he laughed.

Nikki looked at the two of us quizzically. "What's that get you?"

"A cloud of green gas, baby," I said. "Maybe I'll show you one day. Outdoors."

Mr. Sorensen looked at me. "You know, even THAT is a federal crime now. Something about using materials in an unauthorized manner for other than their intended purposes."

"Everybody's a criminal these days," I sighed. "So many new laws and regulations, you've GOT to be violating at least one every day."

"Oh, I know. But I'll still teach them chemistry. And hope that it gets into the heads of a few of them so they can go out and keep this world going." He smiled at Nikki. "Miss Nikki, I'll do my best for you. And ask your husband about some of those creative things we used to do."

"I know some of the things Dan used to do with chemicals. Energetic ones," Nikki said proudly.

"Oh?" asked Mr. Sorensen.

"Army engineer, lieutenant. Used to blow up things for fun and profit."

"The wrong part of chemistry stuck to you," he laughed.

"Oh, I thought it was pretty fun, considering some of the circumstances, ' I said.

"Ah, the days of our mis-spent youth," he said.

"You?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing that exotic. I left as an infantryman. Not even an officer. Used the GI Bill to go to college, and now here I am."

"Oh, yes ... US Army. The path to success." I laughed. "We need to get together and talk. I noted the ring on his left hand. "Maybe you and the missus can come over for dinner one day?"

"That sounds good. Let me discuss it with her."

"Great! Nikki can work out the details."

We moved on, meeting her history teacher. Pleasant lady. What can I add? We chatted briefly, Nikki smiling the whole time.

After we'd made the loop, I asked Nikki why we missed the technology teacher.

She looked almost exasperated. "He's an assistant football coach. He's not gonna spend a lot of effort with technology class. We have it because the state says they have to offer it. It's not gonna be much." She sighed. "We have more modern equipment at home, and you've shown me more technology in two days than I expect to learn in a year."


"I'm just making sure I see what he wants so I can get an 'A', baby," she said. "I can get the knowledge outside of school. All I need from school it that 'A'."

That was the conversation we were having as we headed to the exit. When we got there, Madison and her parents were standing there, Madison excitedly chatting with a couple of other teen girls. When she saw us, she squealed, "There she is!"

Nikki grinned. "Hi!" And then there was another round of introductions as curiosity-seekers wanted to meet the forty-year old guy who married one of their contemporaries. All I could do was smile and NOT look like a leering child molester.

Larry came up behind me. "Bud, you know what's going on here, don't you?"

"Pretty much so," I said. "I sort of expected..."

"When they get loose, we'll go have a cup of coffee up the road."

"Sounds good, Larry," I said. He and I and Sherry waited while their daughter and my wife giggled with a few others of the same age.

"Uh, Dan," Sherry said, "you don't get a strange feeling watching her? A schoolgirl?"

"Hon!" Larry blurted.

"Oh, forgive me if I sound negative, Dan. I don't mean it that way," she said. "Just curious."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Sherry," I answered. "Short answer is 'no', but honestly, sometimes I do wake up and wonder. But she doesn't act like an airheaded teen."

"Neither does Maddie, most of the time, but I can't picture her married to somebody Larry's age, either."

I laughed as Larry shook his head. The group of girls broke up and Maddie and Nikki joined us.

"We're gonna follow Dan and Nikki up the road to the diner," Larry said to Maddie."

"Oh, cool!" she chirped.

Nikki captured my hand. "Then we'll see you there."

The two families headed in opposite directions, since they'd parked in a different lot. In the truck, I asked Nikki, "So, little one, how do YOU think it went?"

She was smiling, so I knew it couldn't be too bad. Giggle. "That last group, the ones Maddie and I were talking to before we left?"


"Consensus is that you're geeky hot."

"Wow! A subset of 'hot'," I answered.

She was still smiling. "Yep. A subset. But hot, nonetheless."

"I suppose I should be happy."

"I'm the one that's happy, guy. I knew you were hot. But I love you, so I'm prejudiced. It tickles me that others validate my tastes." Another giggle.

"I am glad your group validates your tastes."

Giggle. "What does YOUR group say about ME?"

I thought about some of the comments. I repeated one of the 'G-rated' ones. "Dammit, Dan, she's a cutie! There were others about going to jail and whether it'd be worth it."

"Nice to know," she said.

We pulled into the parking lot of the little diner alongside the Reynolds SUV and all walked in together. The lone waitress seated us in a corner booth and took off to scare up coffee and donuts.

Larry broke the ice with "Gee, THAT was fun!"

"Daaa-addd!" Madison whined. But she was smiling. I gathered that Larry was a humorist.

"I thought it was informative," Sherry said. "I suspected that the crowding would be an issue, merging two schools after the hurricane. They do seem to be working through it."

Nikki said, "Yes, ma'am. One of the ways they work through it is putting sophomores in Junior classes. Like me in chemistry."

Larry looked surprised. "You're taking chemistry? That's my degree!"

"How'd you end up managing a shore base, then?" I asked.

"Long story. Chemist. Drilling mud. Next thing I know, I'm in the big office at the place."

I laughed. "You're complaining?"

"Nope! Not me. Money's good. I'm home most nights."

Sherry patted his arm. "That's mostly good..."

"Mo-ommm!" Maddie said.

"What about you? Where do YOU work?" Larry asked.

I explained to him what I did and how that worked for me. "I don't have to do overnights very often," I said. "Haven't since we got married."

Same as Nikki
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Exposed XXXX

I know I'm a tease. I wear short tight dresses I have nice breast and my hips were made for bearing c***dren but since i'm in a lesbian relationship right now that won't happen. I know what guys want. But I just tease. Sometimes I go a little too far. One time.....I was on the bus short tight dress yellow breast not in hiding. Ass poking out. I knew I could of sat down but I saw the entire rear of the bus was all guys. I decided to stand for the remainder of my bus ride. I can feel them...

4 years ago
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Chasing LolitaChapter 11 Nikkis Gangbang

On the road, I asked Nikki, "So how did it go?" "Okay," she said. She was scraping her fingernail over something crusty on the seat between us. Shit! It was cum from when I'd popped Dusty earlier. "What's this?" she asked, sniffing her finger. She held it out to me. I looked at it quizzically. "Fucked if I know." I figured I'd better change the subject. "So did the johns give you any trouble?" "Nope," Nikki said. She returned her hands to her lap and stared out the...

3 years ago
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Telgu Hot Aunty Ki Chudai

telgu hot aunty ki chudai rohit Hello iss reders kaisay hai. aap badi gaand wali autyio ko mere land ka namaskaar. Main rohit main ek handsame ladka hoon achchi hight body ka aakrsak boy hoon meri age 24 years hai land ki size pura khada hooney par 8.5 inch ka hota hai aur jab woh nind mai hota hai tou karid 5 inch ka.ab jayada apni parsansaa nahi krunga kyo ki jitnee bhi auntyio ko fuck kiya hai woh meri land ki tarif kiye bina nahi rah sakti. aap ne meri real story tamil aunty ki gaand mari...

4 years ago
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Decades Ch 02

By the time he got to the resort, Doug was full of plans for their future in the past. But he hadn’t yet settled on how to confront Kelly. He suspected she somehow knew it wasn’t a dream, but without knowing for sure he concluded it was best to let her address the matter. With that settled, Doug busied himself with his office duties until she arrived just before the restaurant opened for lunch. Though he did his best to concentrate on work, the memory of Kelly’s beautiful body and the brief...

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Blackfeather16 Pioneers

I WAS no more equipped for the life of a pioneer than Miranda was— either mentally or physically. I didn’t know half what was needed, even though I’d researched the USGS maps and the Internet non-stop while I was waiting to travel again. I could use an Internet connection right now. I wanted to talk to Kyle and thought about the number of nights we’d spent Skyping each other from our rooms. I missed Aubrey. I missed sex. We met few people as we traveled. The region had been ‘settled’ for...

3 years ago
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How did I get here? What do I do now? I can’t believe I allowed them to talk me into doing this. When did I decide I wanted to become an object for men to leer at? Do women actually like being objectified and degraded by men for fun?The music began to play in the common room of the sorority house. Around me stood these Barbie doll looking girls who thought their body was more important than their brain. The way the guys out there sounded made me wonder if they could be right.I usually despised...

First Time
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Jungle love

In the Not to distant future a genetic virus Called Mutatio Darwinis, Though it's commonly called the Animal Disease. No one knows where the diease came from, but it's effects were obvious. What would happen is that the affected person started to have their DNA rewritten from the animal they got it from. Then, in a violent and Painful way, The Mutations would be shown onto the affected. The Result was that the human body had 3 to 15% of the overall DNA changed. The Anatomic Structure of the...

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Brandees Move Ch 05

Jamie smiled at me and leaned in for another kiss. This one was short and sweet. He looked up at the clock behind me. “It’s 7:16. The guys will be here soon. We better get straightened up.” Jamie rose to his feet and I noticed the huge bulge in the front of his jeans. “Wait,” I said grabbing his hands. “They won’t be here for another fifteen minutes at least. Let me repay the favor.” I reached for the button of his jeans and opened it swiftly. The zipper came down as I pulled at the waist...

3 years ago
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Hooked On Black Cock

"Well, dear. Have you thought about screwing a black guy?""Yes, I thought about it a few times. I just wondered if you were serious. I could if you gave your ok. I just wonder how we would pick someone. It's not like you can put an ad in the paper.""I know this guy at work. He is really a nice guy. Well educated and seems to have it all together. I'm pretty sure he's single. I seem to remember his wife died a few years back.""OK, if you want me to do it I'm game. Set it up. Maybe invite him to...

4 years ago
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Mom And Maid Ki Ek Sath Chudayi

Hello friends mera name Vicky hai and main Ludhiana se hoon and main 29 years ka hoon and meri height 5’7″ hai and mere penis ka size app 6″ hai and meri body type athletic hai and main ek businessman hoon and mujhe sex ki bohat bhookh hai jis se maine apni mom ko bhi chod dala. Aap sab ko bina bore karte hue story par aata hoon meri maid ka name Asha hai and woh bohat hi sexy hai and uske boobs ka size 34 hai aur kaise usne mujhe meri mom ke saamne hi seduce kiya aur kaise maine apni maid ke...

3 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 20

Jack had been walking for quite some time and was beginning to wonder if he would ever find the girls. He had done a little searching near the house then began walking up the beach in the direction that Staci and Jill had taken Renee and John the day before. The beach was fairly empty for a Sunday afternoon, much to Jack's surprise, and he didn't anticipate having a hard time finding Denise with her bright red hair. However, after walking for close to thirty minutes in the hot sand, his...

2 years ago
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Locker Room Shower

As a night manager at a private health club, it was my job to check the locker room's after closing. I never walked in unannounced, just in case some old guy was slow getting dressed. My usual routine was to poke my head in the door, call out , then wait a few moments—if I got no response, then I went on in. One night after going though this routine, I went into the locker room with the intention of checking the showers, which are communal and separated from the main locker room by a narrow...

1 year ago
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The RetrievedChapter 2 Scientist

== Earth, Northwest Agean Sea, Sporades Ferry Line == Gordon Truitt was a British citizen by birth, but had been working and living in the United States for the past five years. He worked for the NSA, the American National Security Agency, which most people would have found hard to believe, if he had been at liberty to tell them about it. Gordon didn't know any secrets of course, but he had done his doctoral work in the U.S., and the NSA had become deeply interested in it, as it concerned...

3 years ago
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Bitter LoveChapter 12

Back at the Front, Frank became depressed. The war was going badly and there were rumors of revolution in Russia. It was cold. He felt fortunate to have a bed to sleep in. However without Yvette, he was lonely. Although there were good companions at dinner with his fellow staff members, he still felt out of place. Strange how one woman could change his view on life. He sent two important letters. The first was to Grace releasing her from all obligations toward him. He said he didn't think...

1 year ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 45

Robert and the men watched patiently, waiting for the last of the foot soldiers to make it over the last mounding ridge, before they rode for the birlinns. He hoped the archers would keep the army occupied defending themselves and not take notice of the attack behind them. When the sounds of shouts and confusion echoed back to them, Robert knew the attack had begun and silently wished his men well, then signalled Gordon to go for the birlinn. As quietly as they could, Gordon and thirty men...

2 years ago
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the first thrill of strength

They decided to go to a movie, getting there was a little complex but they eventually made it. He notices how comfortable and fun it is watching a movie with her, the whole time still hoping for just five minutes for her to put everyone else out of her mind, and give him his one chance to prove his feelings to her. Finally they walk out of the theator smiling and he is starting to think he is about to get his chance to see what it would be like to have her full affection....

2 years ago
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I get Dad after he is done with Mom

I could hear the bed squeak and sometimes the headboard would pound against the wall. I could hear Mom saying things like, "Oh fuck yes, your big cock feels so good in my cunt. Give it to me. Fill me with your sweet cum. I love you and I need it so bad." Once in a while I might hear, "Oh Scott, pound my ass. Shove that big dick all the way up my shitter. Fuck it hard. Cum deep in my ass." When Mom would cum, she almost screamed. It was usually something like, "Oh fuuuck, I'm...

4 years ago
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The Way BackChapter 5

On Thursday Patricia and I left Manchester and drove back to Newcastle through the Pennine Hills rather than taking the motorways. There had been no snow for over a week on the top, so the roads were quite passable. It was the last day of our break and while I was a gentleman of leisure, if you can call therapy leisure, Trish was back at work the next day and on early shift at that. She would be working earlies until Saturday. She wanted to make the most of this last day by enjoying the...

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Silent Night0

Her and her choir friends all wore matching clothes for the holiday season. A a red dress that was laced in a white fluff at the bottom that went half way up their thighs. They also wore long red gloves that went nearly to their shoulders also laced white at the end. Then of course the trademark stocking cap from Santa. The last thing about them was their red leather boots going up to their thighs leaving a few inches of skin exposed to the chilly air. They just got done singing 'Santa Baby'...

1 year ago
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An oral education

I was a 17 year old student working at a restrauant doing dishes and other work in the kitchen. It was a nice seafood place that in the evenings turned into more of a night club. The waitresses were all older than me and they enjoyed messing around and teasing me.I guess I had worked there for about 6 months and noticed after closing that a few of them went out to a diner to relax before heading home. I asked at one point about joining them and was laughed at and told that perhaps when I was a...

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The HomestandersChapter 12

Dayna and Sandy had a house only a couple blocks up the street from Kevin and Emily. They'd only owned it a couple years; prior to their both nearly dying from food poisoning in the summer of '94, they'd lived on the road in Home virtually all the time, only visiting Dayna's parents for a few days each year. Even before their sickness and having to split up for nearly a year, they'd had periods when they got tired of living on the road. They'd been coming to the conclusion that they...

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Going to Disneyland

I grew up as part of the largest group of parasitic, society-sucking losers on the face of the earth. We're talking about a group of people that has pervaded every city, every town, and every rural area of these great United States since the Mayflower came ashore at Plymouth Rock. We're talking about the people who made the trailer park what it is today, the people who keep the generic beer companies on the stock exchange, the people who fund every state lottery and bingo hall, the people...

3 years ago
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A Good ServantChapter 9

The dull sound of the large truck moving was lulling him into sleep. He had no notion of how many hours had passed since he’d been sent out from his former master’s house and shipped to be taken who knew where. The gray clothes he wore felt like a rash against his skin. The boots were a bit too large, as well. It was like Dion was given a new life, along with a new uniform, that didn’t agree well with him. He kept his head down. It was too dark to look at his companions. No one was talking,...

4 years ago
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Aunty ki gaand maara uncle ne

Hi, this is the first time I’m posting a story in this site, this not a fake story and I think I don’t need to write a fake story here, this is a true story when I was in my graduation. Jab mai apne degree me tha jab mai apne doston ke saath unke building (fourth floor) ke upar jaakar padhai kartha tha,(nite studies).mere dost ki maa bahut sundar rahthi thi aur uske chaathi I mean breasts bahut bade aur sharp rahte the,uski umar hogi 43yrs se zyada,aur uncle ki 50 plus,har roj hum der raat tak...

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My Sweet Anju

Hi iss readers this is is sanju. Im 20 and im from cochin, kerala. Im a 3rd year electronics engineering student here at cochin. Im a regular reader of indian sex stories. Any girls who want to have safe, secure and secret sex can mail me at my id This is my very first story in iss. Today i wanna share with you my one and only one sexperience. The story took place in 2005 after my 12th class. As we had a long vacation before we join engineering i thought of doing some short term computer...

1 year ago
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Fuck me Miss

Just 1 hour and i'm out of that office, hard day and my fucking boss is an asshole keeping me working like a slave for a shitty salary, one thing keeping me going is the next weekend that i'm gonna spend with my man he's hot 9 inch hard dick just for me and he's amazing dom, now i'm getting wet!!!damn my boss is here. Asshole! - Tina, have you finished the last file ?- Not Sir just half an hour and i'm done.- You're so lazy you have to submit it yesterday.- Sorry Sir. "Fuck you" look :)My boss...

4 years ago
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Uncharted Territory

As Matt sat there dreading this horrid day that was inevitable his thoughts came crashing back down to reality by the sound of his mother’s voice calling for him from the kitchen downstairs. “Matt your breakfast is getting cold, get a move on or you will be late on your first day.” Giving out a huge sigh he rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom where he took a shower and went through his usual morning routine in getting ready for school. He made his way down stairs and sat...

2 years ago
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The Library Crawl

I must be crazy , Patti thought to herself. She didn't look crazy. In fact, she looked the opposite of crazy, if there was such a thing, although it was true she didn't look the way she normally did. At the moment, to the casual observer Patti might easily be mistaken for a librarian: her dark hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head, and she had on glasses and no make-up, and she was dressed in a long, conservatively-cut leather jacket that came almost to her knees. The black high...


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