Falling For A Tentacle Monster
- 4 years ago
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We parted ways, Madison and her parents heading up the steps while Nikki introduced me to another of her friends.
"Dan, this is Kellen. We went to school together last year. Had some of the same classes." She smiled at Kellen. "Kellen, this is my husband, Dan."
Kellen was about the same height as Nikki, carried probably an extra twenty or thirty pounds, well- distributed, as it can be with young girls, lending her a softly rounded, cushiony look. Her hair was a non-descript brown, enhanced with some streaks of blonde, and she had glowing brown eyes. I smiled at her. "Hi, Kellen. I'm happy to meet you."
Kellen smiled back, her eyes obviously sizing me up. "Oh, I'm glad to meet you, too. Nikki's told me a lot about y'all."
"Good stuff, I hope," I replied.
Nikki was still holding my hand. Property. Me. Hers. "Kellen was surprised when I showed up married," she said.
Kellen giggled. "Nikki, I'm not the only one who's surprised."
"I bet. I have friends just as surprised, too," I said. "They're learning to live with it. Friends'll do that." I knew that my friends would. There might be a few people who are in my range who I can't quantify as 'friends', though, but that's another story.
"We'll see you around, Kellen," Nikki said, tugging my hand. "I want us to get good seats in the auditorium."
Indeed, the auditorium was filling up pretty fast, and we found a couple of seats and sat there, waiting. Nikki waved at several people she recognized, including a couple of teachers, which meant that I was on the receiving end of some rather curious looks. I could understand that. I would imagine that it is not too common for a high school sophomore to bring her forty-something year old husband to school.
The auditorium ended up being packed. The principal spoke, talking about the hardships caused by the crowding, admitted his hopes that the storm-damaged school whose students had joined his normal load would be ready to accept students after the Christmas break. Then he dismissed the meeting, encouraging the parents to tour the school and meet the faculty.
Nikki and I didn't get in a hurry, letting the crowd thin out a bit before we stood. I got Nikki's introduction to a few more students as we navigated the halls.
She led me into a classroom. "This is English class. Mizz Leslie was teaching freshman English at the old school. This year she's here, teaching sophomore English, so she knows me."
Miss Leslie was finishing up a conversation with another set of parents when she saw Nikki. And me.
"Hello, Nikki," she said.
"Hello, Mizz Leslie. This is my husband, Dan Granger. Dan, this is Mizz Leslie Baker. This is my second year with her."
I extended a hand to shake Mizz Leslie's. "Hello. Happy to meet you."
"I have been interested in seeing you, also," she said. "Nikki has surprised me."
"I can imagine," I said. "Nikki has surprised me as well." I did my best 'aw, shucks' smile.
Somebody called Nikki's name, and she backed away. Mizz Leslie stepped a little closer, her voice low. "Mister Granger, she's a lot smarter than her grades indicate."
"You can call me 'Dan', and yes, I know. We've talked. What makes YOU say that?"
"I watched her in class last year. Worried about her, what with her mom's behavior being what it was, so Nikki got extra attention. She idled through a 'C' average. I've read what she writes, and there's an intellect there that I hoped we could get her to use to its potential."
"I'm glad to hear that. I think you'll see a different attitude this year. I'm giving her room to..."
Nikki eased up and finished the sentence. "He's given me a place where I can feel safe and cared for and he's encouraging me. I don't have to worry at night when I go to sleep. I'm safe. Secure. And HE values learning." Nikki smiled. "Like YOU do, Mizz Leslie."
Mizz Leslie's face softened. "Thank you, Nikki. Dan, she says you do have one shortcoming, though."
My turn to look concerned. "She did?"
Nikki was grinning. Mizz Leslie said, "She says you're doing a very poor job of exploiting her."
I breathed a sigh of relief. "Mizz Leslie, you have no idea how much that weighed on me. But no, you can't exploit your best friend."
As we turned to leave, Nikki told Mizz Leslie, "See! I told you..."
"Indeed you did, Nikki," Mizz Leslie smiled.
Back out into the halls, we crossed paths with Madison and her parents. Larry waved. "Coffee. At Carnie's, after this!" he said as we passed.
"Gotcha," I said.
Nikki flashed her eyes at me, smiling. Next stop was her algebra classroom. "Mister Jenkins, this is my husband, Dan Granger." Nikki was anxious to tell her teacher that I was an engineer and that I'd already helped her with her lessons and that further, she'd been able to help some of her friends.
"Mister Granger, you're a bit of fresh air," Mister Jenkins said. "So much of what I teach is outside the reach of most parents' ability to help."
"We're not out of the woods yet," I laughed. "The first time she cracked that book, I broke out in a sweat. Flashbacks from some hard days in high school."
Nikki giggled. "I told 'im he needed to get his head in the game, Mister Jenkins. He knows this stuff."
Jenkins smiled. "You just keep up the work, Miss Nikki. What'd you make in Algebra 1?"
"'C's'," she said softly. "But I didn't try hard. This time I'm trying. And I have support."
I smiled. "She's got support."
He laughed. "More than a lot of kids get. She says that she and Madison are studying together."
"That's what she said. Madison seems to like working with Nikki."
"I'm just passing on what Dan explained to me," she said.
"Doesn't work for everybody," I said, looking at Mister Jenkins. "Nikki WANTS to get a handle on this stuff."
"Uh-huh. I have a difficult time explaining the need for quadratic equations to kids who're hoping for careers as rap artists."
"I wouldn't want to try teaching like that," I said. "It's gotta be a calling."
Jenkins smiled. "That's what I keep telling myself." He looked at Nikki. "Madison says you're a big help."
We worked our way up the hall, stopping in the classroom that Nikki announced was chemistry. That was Mr. Sorensen. Ten years older than me, just looking at him. Nikki introduced us.
"Engineer?" he asked.
"Yessir," I said. "Electrical."
"I was hoping 'chemical'," he said.
"Sorry," I said. "My parents raised me wrong."
He laughed. "Still. Engineer." He looked at Nikki. She was holding my hand."
"I have to get used to that."
"That we're married?"
"Yeah, THAT too. No, the idea that I have sophomores in this class. It's usually a junior class. Hurricane got us working outside the normal lines."
"I heard that," I laughed. "I don't suppose you get to make as many loud noises and noxious smells as we did when I took this stuff."
"Kinder, gentler world," he said. "We're lucky if they let us use water and baking soda these days."
I sighed. "I remember how some of the things my chemistry teacher showed us really got my curiosity piqued."
"Myself also," he said. "But the school's so worried that somebody will drink a beaker full of something nasty these days, or make a bomb."
"Everything's a potential hazard."
"You know that and I know that, but there's a huge section of the population that doesn't know that, and they think that if we just stick to 'authorized' materials, we'll be perfectly safe."
"Uh-huh," I laughed. "Until somebody's mom decides that the toilet cleaner might work a bit better if she adds some bleach."
"Introduction to Basic Chemistry, Home Edition," he laughed.
Nikki looked at the two of us quizzically. "What's that get you?"
"A cloud of green gas, baby," I said. "Maybe I'll show you one day. Outdoors."
Mr. Sorensen looked at me. "You know, even THAT is a federal crime now. Something about using materials in an unauthorized manner for other than their intended purposes."
"Everybody's a criminal these days," I sighed. "So many new laws and regulations, you've GOT to be violating at least one every day."
"Oh, I know. But I'll still teach them chemistry. And hope that it gets into the heads of a few of them so they can go out and keep this world going." He smiled at Nikki. "Miss Nikki, I'll do my best for you. And ask your husband about some of those creative things we used to do."
"I know some of the things Dan used to do with chemicals. Energetic ones," Nikki said proudly.
"Oh?" asked Mr. Sorensen.
"Army engineer, lieutenant. Used to blow up things for fun and profit."
"The wrong part of chemistry stuck to you," he laughed.
"Oh, I thought it was pretty fun, considering some of the circumstances, ' I said.
"Ah, the days of our mis-spent youth," he said.
"You?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing that exotic. I left as an infantryman. Not even an officer. Used the GI Bill to go to college, and now here I am."
"Oh, yes ... US Army. The path to success." I laughed. "We need to get together and talk. I noted the ring on his left hand. "Maybe you and the missus can come over for dinner one day?"
"That sounds good. Let me discuss it with her."
"Great! Nikki can work out the details."
We moved on, meeting her history teacher. Pleasant lady. What can I add? We chatted briefly, Nikki smiling the whole time.
After we'd made the loop, I asked Nikki why we missed the technology teacher.
She looked almost exasperated. "He's an assistant football coach. He's not gonna spend a lot of effort with technology class. We have it because the state says they have to offer it. It's not gonna be much." She sighed. "We have more modern equipment at home, and you've shown me more technology in two days than I expect to learn in a year."
"I'm just making sure I see what he wants so I can get an 'A', baby," she said. "I can get the knowledge outside of school. All I need from school it that 'A'."
That was the conversation we were having as we headed to the exit. When we got there, Madison and her parents were standing there, Madison excitedly chatting with a couple of other teen girls. When she saw us, she squealed, "There she is!"
Nikki grinned. "Hi!" And then there was another round of introductions as curiosity-seekers wanted to meet the forty-year old guy who married one of their contemporaries. All I could do was smile and NOT look like a leering child molester.
Larry came up behind me. "Bud, you know what's going on here, don't you?"
"Pretty much so," I said. "I sort of expected..."
"When they get loose, we'll go have a cup of coffee up the road."
"Sounds good, Larry," I said. He and I and Sherry waited while their daughter and my wife giggled with a few others of the same age.
"Uh, Dan," Sherry said, "you don't get a strange feeling watching her? A schoolgirl?"
"Hon!" Larry blurted.
"Oh, forgive me if I sound negative, Dan. I don't mean it that way," she said. "Just curious."
"Oh, don't worry about it, Sherry," I answered. "Short answer is 'no', but honestly, sometimes I do wake up and wonder. But she doesn't act like an airheaded teen."
"Neither does Maddie, most of the time, but I can't picture her married to somebody Larry's age, either."
I laughed as Larry shook his head. The group of girls broke up and Maddie and Nikki joined us.
"We're gonna follow Dan and Nikki up the road to the diner," Larry said to Maddie."
"Oh, cool!" she chirped.
Nikki captured my hand. "Then we'll see you there."
The two families headed in opposite directions, since they'd parked in a different lot. In the truck, I asked Nikki, "So, little one, how do YOU think it went?"
She was smiling, so I knew it couldn't be too bad. Giggle. "That last group, the ones Maddie and I were talking to before we left?"
"Consensus is that you're geeky hot."
"Wow! A subset of 'hot'," I answered.
She was still smiling. "Yep. A subset. But hot, nonetheless."
"I suppose I should be happy."
"I'm the one that's happy, guy. I knew you were hot. But I love you, so I'm prejudiced. It tickles me that others validate my tastes." Another giggle.
"I am glad your group validates your tastes."
Giggle. "What does YOUR group say about ME?"
I thought about some of the comments. I repeated one of the 'G-rated' ones. "Dammit, Dan, she's a cutie! There were others about going to jail and whether it'd be worth it."
"Nice to know," she said.
We pulled into the parking lot of the little diner alongside the Reynolds SUV and all walked in together. The lone waitress seated us in a corner booth and took off to scare up coffee and donuts.
Larry broke the ice with "Gee, THAT was fun!"
"Daaa-addd!" Madison whined. But she was smiling. I gathered that Larry was a humorist.
"I thought it was informative," Sherry said. "I suspected that the crowding would be an issue, merging two schools after the hurricane. They do seem to be working through it."
Nikki said, "Yes, ma'am. One of the ways they work through it is putting sophomores in Junior classes. Like me in chemistry."
Larry looked surprised. "You're taking chemistry? That's my degree!"
"How'd you end up managing a shore base, then?" I asked.
"Long story. Chemist. Drilling mud. Next thing I know, I'm in the big office at the place."
I laughed. "You're complaining?"
"Nope! Not me. Money's good. I'm home most nights."
Sherry patted his arm. "That's mostly good..."
"Mo-ommm!" Maddie said.
"What about you? Where do YOU work?" Larry asked.
I explained to him what I did and how that worked for me. "I don't have to do overnights very often," I said. "Haven't since we got married."
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It had been weeks since my last encounter with Ms. Finch. Although I had tried many times to talk to her after class, she had a way of always either talking to another student/ teacher or leaving the room after class. Although I did occasionally catch her giving me odd (but seductive) looks, there was little to no contact between us outside of the traditional student-teacher relationship. Part of me wanted to just call quits and move on, but no way was I going to do that. No way would I go back...
EroticFor those of you out there who have been closely following my life story you are probably aware that I started writing sex fantasy stories and posting them on a fantasy web site. It is something I have been having fun with for several months now. Far from being embarrassed about it, it is not something I keep a secret. I readily tell my friends about my new hobby, though usually only if they ask me what I have been up to lately. Nobody seems particularly shocked when I tell them. Most of my...
Straight SexVanessa My eyelids fluttered as I awoke. I was confused by my surroundings. I just lay there thinking about what had transpired the night before. One thing I noticed right away was my arthritis was gone. No painful joints which greeted me every morning for the past thirty years. My eyes surveyed the room. Expensive Early American furniture was neatly placed all over. My bed had four large posters. My hand fell to my side and I noticed I was laying on sensuous satin sheets. I also had on a...
“So, we should probably head out in the next few days, but we really need to rest a bit first here in Ithaca before leaving, wouldn’t you agree?” Mike proposed, to nods from the others. “Yeah, we’ve been on the road quite a bit lately, and while we need to get back on it, this is a nice little bit of R and R for us all. So, Ithaca is a ghost town, too, or is this unclear?” Charles agreed. “I haven’t found anyone else on the streets. They seem pretty deserted. That doesn’t mean that we’re...
The phone answered on the first ring. The feminine voice only talked in monosyllables, mainly yes or no, a silence then another ring. The smooth modular tones of Jimmy the Greek were a welcome sound, just his talking to me saying categorically that I was still in the good books; so far anyway. He was only rung number three yet Jimmy knew exactly who to talk to and whom to be out of the office for. To be still in his position after twenty-five years showed a sense of self-preservation to be...
Get Used to It! by Diana Prescott Chapter 5 After our little talk things changed around the house, well sometimes they changed. When it was just Aunt Sharon and I she became kinder and more patient with me. However when the boys or Uncle Mark were around she continued as much more a taskmaster. I grew to like her soft side and relished our together time. I had no reservations that should I act up she would instantly take me over her knee and paddle my pantied bottom beet red so I...
“Have you fucked your man since Sunday?, is the first question she asks as we kiss passionately with seductive slow, soft jazz music in the background. “Yes, twice,” I tease. “And I thought about you the whole time.” “Good, I have been thinking about you also and how I can pleasure you today. You are a very exciting woman with the ability to have both men and women lusting after you. “And you are very talented.” As she leads me into her spacious bedroom I note the walls all have mirrors on...
I am regualar reader of ISS from Kolkata. Roz stories padte padte apni story bhi share karne ki icha ho gayi. Main apne dost Bimal ki shadi main banaras gaya tha. Us samay meri umar 21 saal ki thi aur mera badan bhi bahut gathila aur sundar tha. Mere dost ke yahan saadi main bahut chahal pahal thi. Uske bahut se ristedar bahar se aaye the. Hum bhi char dost kolkata se banaras gaye the.Uske yaha ek 18 saal ke naukrani kaam kar rahi thi. Uska naam mina tha. Wo gazab ki sundar thi. Saadi main...
Fuck me! Fuck me!” April’s words made my cock pulse as she hissed into my ear, her finger nails digging deeper into my back with each thrust of my hips. The room filled with the wet slapping sound of our sweaty bodies colliding as she urged me on. “Harder,” she moaned, her legs wrapped tightly around my body. I raised myself up with my arms in an attempt to gain better leverage as I repeatedly slammed my hips into hers, driving my cock deep with each forceful descent. Her eyes were...
Jonna said, "Yes, but only within our group. We cannot read either of you. This is fairly common on my planet. Some people are born with this ability already strong. We are trying to see if everybody could do this with suitable encouragement. So far it's only Lauren and Tiffany. We think it's because they have come in contact with the silver icons a great many times. I think I was the one to trigger the ability in your son and he has encouraged the rest of us to work hard at it." Mom and...
I was laying in bed watching youtube when all of a sudden i heard a voice, The voice tells me that i have been chosen as God's successor and therefore have been granted god like abilites to do with what i please. I lay there in my bed not really questioning what just happened but instead deciding what i should do first now that i have the power to do whatever i want, walking over to my laptop opening up a word document and get to work.
The loops of leather tightly wrapped around her breasts then fastened to the harness she wore caused those breasts to stand out proudly, reddened, just out there for the use and abuse of her Master. The harness was a simple thing, really. Basically, a ‘V’ running from crotch to shoulders, from front to back. The bottom was cleverly sewn so that He could have access to her cunt and ass, but it maintained the continuity of the outfit. To this harness could be fastened a multitude of additional...
Jack came to me first thing in the morning. "Our 'guest' had an uncomfortable night, then he spent the early morning hours revealing his inner most secrets to us. The mob must be running on empty, Brian. They sent complete losers after you folks. "The bad news is this – they were after Mr. & Mrs. Bell and Colleen. He said their job was to take Mrs. Bell and Colleen and rape them – literally - to death, and then kill the kids." He stopped when he saw my face. I didn't need any more...
I woke up groggy, and it took me a while to figure out that Moira was telling me we were sailing through the Hawaiian Islands, and I should get up and see because it was gorgeous. I sat up, and stared glassy-eyed out the window. Vague shapes that could be islands were slowly passing astern. I noticed a glass of orange juice on the bedside table. "Is this for me?" I thought I saw Moira nod, and I gratefully drank a good swig. It tasted kind of funny, but I was thirsty, and I drank it down...
William had led a quiet and sheltered life with few friends. As an only child his parents, particularly his mother, had brought him up with a tight disciplined control on him and he had submissively learned to do as he was told. He had left school at the age of sixteen and with his father's help he had managed to obtain a job working for the local council, learning his skills as a clerk. Here he continued with his solitary existence, going to work with his father and returning home again...
They’re both as tall as me, and both are wearing form-fitting, identical white dresses with scooped necklines. The hems of their dresses are at least six inches above their knees, and damn what some long legs on these two beauties. Without Sherry here to goad or guide me, I decided each of them were in need of some big titties and a fine ass – an ass more suitable for a beautiful, tall sexy woman with long legs. I knew I couldn’t make it happen in this crowded lounge, so I asked them to...
The next day being Wednesday; Sam had to work whilst Gina had time to prepare herself. For Sam the day dragged and he almost gave in to his inner feelings and was sorely tempted to take an early day. However his secretary told him it would mean rescheduling two really important meetings and could affect the company standing; As usual Sam saw that what she was saying made complete sense and so he stuck it out for the meetings. Gina meanwhile used some of the money from Sam to pamper herself;...
Introduction: something you could only dream about My father was doing roaring business selling oil seeds in Gulburga, before shifting the family to Mumbai after my only sister got married. Our new house in New Bombay was luxurious to say the least and my father was making more money, quicker than what he did in our hometown, thanks to his new passion in the stock market. My mother who used to be a timid housewife at Gulburga soon started changing herself to the surroundings of Mumbai and...
With Sally away on her honeymoon, Betsy was at loose ends. After Chuck’s kidnapping, she just didn’t want to take off for the ocean for a week at a time. At this point, it wasn’t necessary. She had all of the biological data necessary for her dissertation. All that was missing was sufficient tracking data to support her arguments and time would take care of that. She didn’t need to tag any more sharks since she had already tagged far more of them than was necessary for her dissertation. For...
My husband and I were vacationing last year, and experiencing ‘Mardi Gras’, we found ourselves drinking a little too much, and getting caught up in the spirit of the moment. That was almost two years ago today. I’ve never flashed any part of my body to anyone, not because of the thought of exposing myself to a stranger or strangers, but because I’m a little insecure about my body. Having had more then a handful of kids, they took the best of me. Getting the chance to cut loose, dress a little...
Sumati pulled her uniform jacket taut over her body, glancing down briefly to confirm that she looked suitably smart. It really shouldn’t matter, she thought to herself, as she flicked aside a few stray hairs from her jet black fringe. Here, just beyond the borders of Federation space, nobody was going to care that much. Except that the senior officers might very well care, especially with the Captain being such a stickler for rules. The Captain always looked immaculate, almost infuriatingly...
Gina Matthews was a pretty ordinary girl with a pretty ordinary life. She was eighteen years old, a freshmen at Westhaven University, and a server at a fast food restaurant that wasn't well known or very successful. However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman. Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her. "Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party...
College Sex"So how does it look?" In an instant, my mouth had gone dry and pasty; "Wow!" I finally managed to croak out. "I've been working out pretty hard and I finally feel good enough about this to show someone, so you got the duty..." she said as she lowered the hem of her shirt. "I am truly honored and touched." (And quiet a bit turned on, I failed to mention... ) "Well, I gotta run. I'll catch up to you later..." she said as she turned on her heels and slipped out the door with an...