New guy to play with fiction soon to be reality
- 4 years ago
- 31
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My eyelids fluttered as I awoke. I was confused by my surroundings. I just lay there thinking about what had transpired the night before. One thing I noticed right away was my arthritis was gone. No painful joints which greeted me every morning for the past thirty years. My eyes surveyed the room. Expensive Early American furniture was neatly placed all over. My bed had four large posters. My hand fell to my side and I noticed I was laying on sensuous satin sheets. I also had on a white silky nightgown held up by two thin spaghetti straps. I felt wonderful as I stretched my limbs. The digital clock on my nightstand read ten am. Brushing the blonde hair from my face I noticed how long and soft it was. I tossed aside the satin comforter and stood up. No pain in my ankles, knees and hips.
"Lovely," I said aloud. I slid into my dainty slippers and headed to the bathroom to relieve myself. It was enormous. As big as my cheap flat in Florida. All in marble with golden fixtures as well as commode with a soft seat. My first urination as a woman felt odd. Not only did I have to sit, but the stream shot out of me felt very warm. After wiping (how did I know to do that?) I looked at myself in the mirror. The aliens kept their promise.
Even with my shaggy hair and no makeup, I was gorgeous. A sylph! I slipped into a silken robe and walked to the door of my apartment to get the morning paper. It was the Sunday edition. I made some rye toast and tea. The spread was one of those fat free, carb free, salt free cheapies. I put some honey into my tea and sat at the kitchen table for my light breakfast.
COLD WAVE CONTINUES read the headline of the newspaper. I walked over to the window to my 63rd floor flat overlooking Navy Pier, Lake Shore Drive, and a frozen Lake Michigan with ice extending several hundred yards from the shore. "So now I am in Chicago," I said aloud as if I were telling someone in the room. I sipped my tea while nibbling on a piece of toast as I surveyed all that was below me. Steam was coming from the ends of all cars of the Drive. 'It must be frigid out, ' I thought.
The phone rang. I walked over to answer it.
"Ms. Brooks?"
"Yes, Sally." How did I recognize her voice?
"I'm just confirming your appointment to do your hair this afternoon at two."
"That will be fine," I said cheerfully knowing that the salon was in this building on the 12th floor. "I'll be there."
"Thank you, Ms. Brooks," she replied.
"You're welcome," I hung up.
I finished my breakfast, cleaned the dishware off the table and put them into the dishwasher.
"Now to take a look at myself," I sauntered toward my bedroom undressing as I walked.
Standing in front of the full length mirror I gazed at my body. It was as nice as I hoped.
About five foot-five, one hundred and fifteen pounds, very luscious breasts. Not too large, not too small. They stood there defying gravity. I knew that wouldn't last as I aged. I gazed down at my cunny with a trimmed patch as wide as three of my fingers. Standing there on my two shapely legs and hands on hips I had to marvel how well those aliens or whatever they were did their job. I studied myself for almost an hour looking for any flaws but I saw none. No scars from childhood accidents, complexion as good as it gets, and a cute little naval with a diamond piercing. Beautiful long blonde hair down past my shoulder blades, sparkling blue eyes staring back at me made me smile with satisfaction.
I decided to take a long hot bath. Laying in the water perfumed with bath oil beads, I felt stupendous. The shower cap I donned just before entering to keep my hair dry was a little irritating to my forehead but no complaints. I put my fingers to my pussy to explore my new sex. I had pinched my nipples to work myself into a frenzy. Everything I read about how sensitive a woman's breasts were, were true. And I soon realized how much a woman felt while having an orgasm. I didn't scream, shriek, or gasp. I breathed deeply and rapidly as the fires of my cumming made me feel a sensual pleasure that words could not describe.
I was tempted to go for another but washed myself instead.
After dressing in panties, bra, bodysuit, and tight jeans I sat in front of the television watching the 24 hour local news while perusing the Tribune. After reading some of the important news I settled on looking at the ads. All of them had beautiful clothes. Lord & Taylor had a gorgeous satin and polyester blouse in all colors and sizes on sale. I got up, looked at one of my dozens of blouses for the size I wore. Perfect. Size six. I called their number and ordered three. One in apricot, one in pearl, and one in red. They knew me so I didn't have to give them my credit card number. They'd just add it to my business account. The cost was almost eight hundred dollars. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was time for my hair appointment. Grabbing my purse, making sure I had my keys, I was out the door heading for the elevator.
"Hi Vanessa," Georgeanne smiled as I walked in. "I see you're on time as usual."
"Hi Georgeanne, a little cold to be here today. Isn't it?"
"Yes, but it isn't too bad with our cars in the underground parking spaces," she led me back to Sally. "We don't have to worry about them not starting. Sally, Ms. Brooks is here for her hair to be done."
"Oh good," she said with enthusiasm. Something in the back of my mind told me that she did my hair and makeovers exclusively. "Get in the saddle and we'll start."
I hung up my purse and climbed into the seat. Immediately I was draped over with a soft sheet. She wheeled me back to the sink, leveled the chair and started to do me.
"Cold today," I remarked to make conversation.
"Brutal!" she agreed. "I had my husband run out to warm up my car while I got ready for work. I froze the twenty-five or so feet from the house to the car but once I got in it was toasty."
"So what does hubby do on the Sundays you work?"
"Watches football and looks after our sons. Football, football, football," she griped. "I wouldn't mind it so much if it were just Sundays but there is Monday night, Thursday night, Saturdays during the college games. I sometimes think he loves football as much or even more as he loves me."
"Try seducing him during a game," I suggested with my eyes still closed while she shampooed my hair.
"I did that when we first got married. And it worked! But now that the boys are getting older there is little chance of that happening," Sally lamented.
"When I was younger, my parents bribed us kids to go to the movies on Saturdays so they could have a good time in the sack." Now how did I know that? I asked myself but it was vividly painted in my mind.
"When are you getting married, Ms. Brooks?"
"I haven't met the right guy yet."
"There's got to be a lot of big handsome males wanting you," Sally suggested.
"I'm not interested in big handsome males. I like nerds," I joked.
"Yeah, they only have to be big in one place," Sally giggled causing me to giggle too.
"Brains and a biggie, what more could a girl want?" I smiled.
"Do you really like nerds?" she asked.
"Why? I thought you'd be attracted to guys with great personalities, good looking and sexy in bed."
"Maybe a hot girl?"
"You're not gay, are you?" she inquired seriously.
I shrugged. "Definately not gay, but I see some girls I feel attracted to and wouldn't mind to have a go at it. It could be a whole different experience."
"Well we all are that. Deep down I think all females might be bi but we're afraid to act upon it. I wonder what it might be like!"
"I think you're right. I most definately would be if I ever was confronted with that choice."
Sally sighed. "I think I had the hots for this girl in high school."
"Nothing ever came of it. She was nice and friendly but I didn't run in her circles."
"I see, well there are cliques in high school. Some are very exclusive."
"I was on the fringe of some," Sally confessed as she rinsed my hair then put vast amounts of conditioner rubbing it into my scalp. This was my favorite time here when her fingers massaged my head. It felt wonderful.
"I was a loner is high school too. I dated some guys, went to some parties and sleepovers, but never quite fit in. I was very serious about my studies." I was referring to my high school experience as Jack Holiday back in Lawrence, Kansas.
"I wish I applied myself more diligently in school. I kind of regret watching all those music videos on television all the time. I got good grades but not good enough to get any of those scholarships to college."
"How did you meet your husband?" I queried.
"Stan? We met in high school, dated some, then he went into the marines. He was in Desert Storm and when he got out we ran into each other at a McDonalds. He liked what he saw and we started dating again. Next thing I knew, we were married."
"Well you are a very beautiful woman, if I can be so blunt."
"Thank you, Ms. Brooks," she smiled as she finished her massaging and rinsed my hair. "I have to admit you are very lovely yourself."
"Thank you," I sorta blushed.
We didn't talk while she worked my hair with a dryer. When she shut it off and started styling it she asked, "Are you really into nerds."
"Let just say for the case of argument that I am. Nerds are very intelligent. They love women but are very frightened of us. If you date one, he's forever grateful. If you marry one, he will be more devoted, more caring, very honest, certainly faithful, very tender and loving."
"Never thought about that." Sally said as if her mind was a million miles away.
"Just pointing out the good points of a nerd or a dweeb or whatever they call those boys nowadays." I felt her brushing my long hair then snipping the uneven parts.
"So you're looking for the nerd of your dreams?"
"Well I'm looking. I mentioned nerds for the sake of debate. Not every young girl wants a man who is tall, dark and handsome. Some of us would be satisfied if we're just loved."
"I see," Sally smiled, turning my chair. "There all done." She showed me in the mirror.
"A magnificent job as usual, Sally" I smiled in satisfaction.
"Thank you," she slipped off the sheet. "Now I can go home."
"To cuddle with your hubby?" I reached for my purse and handed her two twenties for her tip. I always tipped generously.
"Thank you," she smiled leading me to the front desk for me to sign for my hairdo. "Yes, I like cuddling but he gets a little wild and bounces around during the game. Same time in next week?"
"For sure, sweetie," I smiled, signed my name to the bill and walked out feeling great. There is nothing like being pampered and getting a fine hairdo."
I rode the elevator back up to my suite. Mrs. Watson was on the phone when I walked in. I could tell by my caller ID. I picked it up in time before it went into voice messenger.
"Hello Edith," I tossed my purse onto the couch.
"Vanessa dear," the middle aged woman now approaching her fifties answered. "I thought you might have gone out in this terrible cold.
"Not me, I was downstairs having my hair done."
"Oh, I see. I was just calling to see if you're interested in attending my party next Friday night? I'll have some important people there."
'Men, ' I guessed. "What's the occasion?" She was always trying to fix me up with some dull male. No one she introduced me to was even close to my scrutiny.
"Sid is turning fifty on Friday. I thought we should have a little get together for him."
"Fifty? I didn't think he was that old," I buttered her up.
"Yes, he turns a half a century. Now can you come?"
"Of course," I answered after checking my schedule to see if I was free that night.
"That will be wonderful."
"Do I need to bring anything?"
"Only your own beautiful yourself. And no gifts please. He has everything a man of his age will ever need."
"What time?"
"Eight o'clock. Have a light snack because although I'm not serving dinner I'll be have lots of different refreshments, but no big dinner."
"I'll be there and thank you for asking me."
"The pleasure is all mine," she seemed to smile over the phone. After a few more remarks we said our goodbyes. I walked to the bedroom, changed out of my bodysuit and into a pink cotton blouse. Then grabbed my purse to go back down to the deli to pickout my lunch and dinner. I loved kosher food.
The mood was glum when I reported to work on Monday at nine. I parked my new Jaguar in the executive parking spaces under the B & D Agencies Building and took the special elevator up to my office where I was the Senior President of the company. I wore a dark blue skirted business suit and a vanilla silk shell underneath. The skirt was an inch above my knees. I had on my matching 3" heels with my hair falling smoothly down my back and light makeup. I hung my sable fur in the closet and checked for any emails. A meeting for all executives at ten. Enough time to get a cup of tea and go through all of the overload from last Friday. Microwaving my hot water and putting in a smidgen of honey, I tore open the wrapper for my orange pekoe bag.
"Good morning, Ms. Brooks," Emily Cox, my personal secretary greeted me. "There's a very important meeting scheduled for ten. Last minute kinda thing."
"Good morning, Emily," I greeted her with a smile. "How was your weekend."
"I broke up with my boyfriend Friday night," she told me.
"I'm so sorry," I took the tea bag and placed it in the cup of scalding water.
"I'm not. I found out that he's a cheating pig. Sorry for expression but that's the way I feel," she continued her smile but not warmly as before.
"Another lady?"
"How about ladies!" she emphasized. "He's juggling four at a time. Now it's three. Had I known what he was like I would've dumped him long ago."
"I don't know why men have to do that," I shook my head, taking a tiny sip. "Some women do the very same. I'd have trouble just with one. Man, that is"
"I cried myself to sleep on Friday but I woke up on Saturday feeling so much better."
"A good cry will do that for you. What's on the agenda besides the meeting today?"
"You have a luncheon appointment with Gary White at one. He wants to firm up that new ad deal you presented to him last week."
"Oh yes, I recall." Another thing that that trio put into my mind. I had even met with him once before. Short but good looking, kept himself in shape and nice appearance for a guy in his forties. He was a ladies man and though he was married, he flirted a lot. Harmless kind of flirting but still a girl needed to be on her toes with him if she ever found herself alone in his presence. No need to worry about that since we'd be in a public place.
"Anything else?"
"No that's about it, but for the Garinger contract you said you'd look at today."
"Put it in my briefcase to take home. I'll study it there."
"Yes, Ms. Brooks," Emily placed the folder in my briefcase.
"I hope your love life improves, Sweetie," I smiled. "There are plenty more fish in the sea."
"As long as I don't hook up with a Charlie the Tuna," she giggled. I giggled in response.
"Oh by the way," I just remembered. "I'm leaving at noon on Friday. A big party for a friend of mine."
"Is he single?"
"No but if he were, I wouldn't be interested in him."
After going through all my emails, I saw nothing too important so I deleted them all. I opened my snail mail which I put some aside for later perusing and the others went into the trash. A large envelope caught my attention from the Harris Bank. Opening it, I saw that I had twenty million dollars in my various accounts. Checking, savings, certificate of deposits, many other investments handled by a large brokerage firm and some money in commodities like copper, tin, wheat and municiple bonds. I also learned that I owned several car washes and three Baskin-Robbins ice cream stores in large malls where business was always brisk. 'These people really set me up nicely, ' I thought. Then there was an invitation to a dance at the Lincoln Park Zoo for charity, It was to be held in the building housing the large cats. I needed a date for that. I'll call up Denise to see if Todd was available that night. I had gone out with him before and he knew the rules with me. No kissing except when I was deposited back home then it was a peck on the lips, no fondling, no profanity and certainly no sex. He was very handsome but not the type I'd be interested in. I had Todd escort me to these kinds of things plus the opera, live plays or the symphony. I paid for the tickets, our meal and four hundred dollars for his time. Pretty handy! No muss, no fuss and no commitments. We enjoyed each other's company but that was as far as it went.
I looked at my watch, time for the meeting. I let Emily know I was on my way and took the elevator to the top floor. "Barney had a fatal heart attack on Friday," Jim Pepper informed me as I got off the lift and into my chair.
"Barney Willis is dead!" Shock shot through me. I was the youngest but most aggressive person on the board and it was Barney that steered me in that direction. "He had to be only in his midfifties."
Jim nodded.
"Oh my," I was still numbed by the news. "What are the funeral arrangements?"
"He was Jewish so they buried him Saturday afternoon," Pepper stated.
"Anything I can send over? Flowers? A sympathy card?"
"A donation to the Heart Association is requested."
"I'll send over a donation today."
"We have to name a new COO."
"Yes, we do, anyone you have in mind?"
"I think it's going to boil down to Fredericks and you," Pepper said.
"I don't want the job," I replied, dismayed. "Let Bill have it."
"Bill's not a people person. He's a behind the scenes man. We have to get someone that can give us the publicity needed. You certainly are the one."
I quickly thought if this was arranged by the aliens who turned me from a cantankerous old man into a beautiful young woman with brains to run B&D. I also wondered if someway they had something to do with his death to put me to the top here. I was only at this firm for less than three years and since I landed the Landis Account my rise was meteoric. From a saleswoman to vice-president then president because of the Mills & Mills Account that I got from another firm whose contract with M&M was running out at that time. I knew I deserved those promotions, but this?
"Look Jim," I whispered as the room was filling up fast. "I don't want the job. I am happy where I'm at for the time being. Ten years from now, maybe. Not now."
"You might not have any choice," he whispered back.
"Why don't you take it?"
"Can't I'm moving to Los Angeles to work out there."
"Oh, that's right."
"Okay," Jason Curuthers opened the meeting. "We all know what happened to poor Barney.
I was a good friend and golfing partner with him for over twenty years. It hurts me to do this so soon but we need a new Chief Operating Officer right away. Our competition might be happy that this happened to us since Barney was a thorn in their sides but we have to move on. Hopefully to bigger and better things."
"Here, here," most of the people agreed. I sat there feeling like a clay pidgeon ready to be thrust in the air with all these shooters aiming and firing.
"I'm ready for retirement so it can't be me. Pepper is taking over our LA office, Fredericks says he doesn't need the stress since he has a heart condition. All of you have a piece of paper in front of you to vote. Please do right now."
"Aren't we going to discuss this?" I barged in.
"Discuss what?" Curuthers stated. "We vote for the person we feel that can lead this company to a brighter future."
'Oh shit, ' I felt that I was being railroaded into this. They must have been politicking before poor Barney became room temperature. No wonder I wasn't told of his passing until now.
I voted for Curuthers despite his near retirement. The papers were gathered and handed to one of the secretaries attending. She got up and went to a small table to count the tally.
"Ms. Brooks is the new COO," Curuthers announced, smiling like the cat who swallowed the canary. "Congratulations."
There was applause all around. I sat there stunned. It was almost as bad as the news of Barney Willis' death. People gathered around me shaking my hand with a woman on the board hugging me then pecking me on the cheek. I felt like giving that LBJ speech many years back. "I will not accept nor will I serve another term for President of the United States." I knew I flushed red in embarrassment. I should have called in sick this morning.
"I hope I am up to this task," I stumbled. "There are others here I feel can do a better job than me." Those damn aliens. They put my tit in a wringer already.
"No, you're the right person," Pepper corrected me. "You have brains, looks, and you are definately a people person. B&D can't help but grow under your directions. You know a lot more than many of us despite your youth."
"Here, here," came a chorus of aggreement.
I rode the elevator down to my office. Word spread quickly. I wasn't even settled in my chair when Emily walked in giving me her personal congratulations.
"Get ready for the move, Sweetie," I stated. "You're along for the ride with me."
"But what about Margaret Smiley?"
"I'll kick her upstairs. Put her in charge of the secretarial pool or something. Give her a big raise in pay and benefits."
"Do you think I'm up to her job?"
"Do you think I'm up to Barney's job?" I asked.
"You... definately!"
"So are you, with a hefty raise in pay too." Making my first corporate decision. "Get ready to move this afternoon. They're taking Mr. Willis' things out and will be here shortly to take my stuff to my new office. Now, I am going to lunch with Mr. White." I picked up my sable, purse and briefcase to leave for the day. A COO has that prerogative, you know.
"See ya' tomorrow, Sweetie," I smiled at Emily taking the elevator down to my Jaguar.
That night there was a blurb on the news about my elevation to COO of B&D. I sat there with a glass of wine sulking. I made my third attempt to read the Garinger contract. I turned the television off to concentrate on it. I was royally pissed off at what happened to me today. Last Friday I was beach bum trying to make a living on finding lost change and a piece of jewelry or two. Now I was the head of the largest ad agency in Chicago. As William Bendix said on his radio show The Life of Riley, "What a revolting developement this is."
I managed to get through the contract and crossed out only one clause that read that the their company could cancel at anytime. I replaced it that it had to be on a six month notice for both parties. Other than that, it was a clear cut document. I signed my okay to transcribe and send the change back to Garinger for their approval.
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Having two wives was a little strange but nice. Anh and Cam seemed to get along well and knew what to do with some of the gold coins. The gold statues were another matter and they made small shelves to display them on. We were not going to get a lieutenant for awhile so staff sergeant Black continued to run the platoon. We did get a sergeant to replace Zon and a corporal as well as enough new privates to completely fill the squad. I got a new private named Conner and we promoted Dunn to...
A sissy called Jezebel Part VII - Jezebel has finished hir tour with the Head Mistress into the secretive dungeon/reform school below the fair walls of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. But is the Head Mistress entirely done with Jezebel? Additionally, what ever does one learn in a 'sissy life skills' class? I require the gurls in my harem to crawl on the floor at home and in private at the office. So get on...
A Different Kind of Prom By Brian [email protected] When we were both five years old I told Brenda Anders that I loved her. She told me that she loved me too. I told her that she was pretty. She replied that I was pretty as well. I told her that I wanted to marry her. "I'm sorry," she replied, with seriousness that now seems silly in a kindergartner. "I don't want to...
Passing through the berthing compartment Dent could feel the eyes following him as he moved along. Some were hostile, most seemed merely curious. This time he ignored the stares and continued on his way. Rounding the corner around the chain locker he momentarily wondered if he had taken a wrong turn somewhere and was lost. The space was clean, really clean. It even seemed a little brighter because it was so clean. And tidy. He could see that everything had been stowed and where there wasn't...
My current relationship with my sister first when my sister came to stay with me after she left her husband. Jacquee, a beautiful girl; about 5’6 and about 135 pounds with beautiful brown hair and the most aluring senseous brown eyes ever issued to a woman. She had been living with me a couple of months and had got to know each other quite well again. Jacquee had taken over the household chores while I was busy working. On weekends we would plan a night out together or spent weekdays working...
IncestThe wind was in his face. This wasn't a breeze, some little summer swippet. This was a full bore 25 mile per hour wind. His braid was actually whipping from side to side ... left shoulder, right shoulder, left ... whack, whack, whack. Any harder and he was going to be bruised. The eagle feather was long gone. Ahead, the sky darkened over the mountains. The first towering cumulus, silhouetted by the declining sun, peeped in a valley gap, easily two hundred miles away. A gust reaching 40 blew...
(Kate and I had just revisited an event that started 10 years ago when we were both married. As I stated in part one of the story, my wife Ella had passed away and Kate divorced her idiot husband.) * Kate and I just got finished with a wonderful love making session. Before she went into the master suite, Kate went to get a small bag from her luggage. We were both still naked and I was enjoying seeing her walk around. My cock was feeling like it could go another round. As Kate took her bag...
She had to have known that what she was doing would turn on anyone that would see her. Yes, she was alone in her own backyard, but anyone driving by on the golf course cart path could easily see her.She was completely naked and sunbathing in the nude. She was a stunning red-headed woman, with massive mammaries that belied explanation. And then, oh my Gawd, she stood and up and unabashedly strolled into her house, completely naked and unaware of prying eyes.I was standing in the rough, just off...
Michael’s profile described him as a versatile top. That, combined with his young age of 22 is why I just had to send him a message – just to see if he would respond. To my surprise, he did. When I told him I was a mid forties bottom, very oral and looking to get fucked, he asked me how long it would take me to get to his place. He lived across town, so we were looking at 35 to 40 minutes. Well, if you could drive me to work after, this might work, was his last message. I arrived on his...
“You are a Sword Saint.” Sister Emily accused me. I am? “I was accused of being one when I first arrived by two old men on a porch, I didn’t know what one was but it sounded right whereas being called a Wizard Lord didn’t feel right.” “I could be. It sounds right, but I don’t know what one is. Remember, I am still new here and not all that familiar with the religions on this world. Hell, I wasn’t even all that familiar with the religions on my world. Just the basics. And I am definitely...
"Sind wir jetzt langsam mal da?" quaengelte Shawna vor ihm. "Jaja, gleich sind wir da. Ist nicht mehr weit. Nur noch zu den Baeumen da vorne, da ist der Fluss. Du wirst sehen, ist traumhaft." Sie schoben ihre Fahrraeder auf dem schmalen Trampelpfad ueber das offene Feld. Waehrend er mit ihr sprach sah Marc von hinten Shawna die ganze Zeit auf ihren geilen, prallen Hintern, der die abgeschnittene Jeans zur vollsten Zufriedenheit ausfuellte. Es war ein schoener Sommertag, die Hitze begann...
When I was in high school and middle school, I knew we had very little respect for substitute teachers. To us, it wasn't a flunky job or anything disrespectful. We just didn't give the same credit to someone filling in for a day or two when the regular teacher wanted a day off.In today's society, I knew that substitute teachers weren't looked at with the highest amount of respect either, but I needed a job, and it was something different. So I took a risk, and jumped head-first into something I...
TabooAuthor's note: After a long time away from writing, I have a reason to pick up a pen again. Couple of quick things first. About 95% of what I plan to write for this story and other chapters will be honest. Sometimes it will be 100%, but there are some things that I may omit. Second, if feedback is good I will “try” to add new chapters regularly. This one chapter has been in the works for the better part of a month so patience is appreciated. That said, I hope you enjoy reading! *** The end of...
GayCarhartt overalls, thermal underwear, backpack, rope, hammer, pitons, rolled up wetsuit, dried food for a week, water canisters and the rest including a first aid kit. I had searched the net to make a list of what the soldiers took with them when exploring the Portals. There wasn’t much real information on the net, but some did filter out. Gear being one of them. Since I couldn’t take a set of regulation army protective gear, I settled for football and soccer pads over sturdy winter...
After they had both satisfied their lusts the Emir rose and spoke to one of the eunuchs, "Fetch Maktum," he ordered, and a eunuch left the room at a run. Several minutes passed and then a tall Arab whom Janice recognised as the Emir's chauffeur came into the room and performed an obeisance before the Emir. ~Are you fit to drive to Mayia Asrag again tonight?~ asked the Emir, speaking in Arabic so that Janice would not understand. ~As the Master pleases, was the routine reply; if his...
Hey Sexxy You,I had really wanted to send you something nice for Christmas, but things are still a little out of sorts at the moment. But that will all change once I go to closing on the house next month.So I guess I’ll be sending a “belated” Christmas gift now that I know that you can receive it safely. I’ll let you know when it’s coming so you can be on the look out for it.Although technically, I suppose Christmas is over since it’s past mid-night, consider this a post Christmas...
Parker leaned back in his chair as he watched his younger cousin Jasmine play a round of Halo 3 multiplayer. Well, he wasn't so much watching her play as he was just watching her. She had long, slightly curly, brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin owing to her half hispanic ancestry. Her breasts were a small and perky 30B, something Parker had learned from a recent game of truth or dare. As he stared at her body he decided that her cute bubble butt, just barely contained in a pair of short...
IncestBOOBY blonde beauty cute Kelly is newest nun at naughty nunnery Sancta SaraBooby blonde beauty cute Kelly is introduced by jolly juicy Jenny in SexoniaJuicy Jenny is a sexy spankee sweetheart sinning sometimes to slvage her soulJuicy Jenny is preparing cute Kelly for her first confession at Priest Peter Sancta Sara is a nice nunnery for free fornication, as a form of proper prayerSancta Sara is way up in the hills of upper Sexonia and self-sufficient so farNice naughty nuns and novices seek...
Jane Mayon undressed in her bedroom and put on her girl scout outfit, picked up the cloth bag filled with boxes of cookies, and then headed out. She called to her mother as she went through the living room: "Mom, I'm going." Her mother answered from the kitchen: "Hold on, dear." Jane waited impatiently at the living room door. Her mother came from the kitchen and asked her: "Where exactly are you going? Are you selling or are you delivering?" "I'm delivering," Jane replied. "I'm...
Kat was on the prowl. we had been out of state and with family so her pussy intake was very low. As soon as the plane landed she was on her way to Janette's house a woman that she took out of a PTA meeting and two hours later had the strap-on balls deep in her red haired cunt. Janette ran a small office was married and had two daughters one 19 and away at school and then Kimmy 16 years old perfect ass and big tits for her age. She ran track and her long tan legs drove Kat crazy. Pulling up to...
The year was 1978. I owned a 1976 Pontiac Trans Am. It was gorgeous. Maroon with a gold eagle on the hood. 400 hp and a white leather interior and a sunroof. It was a chick magnet. One nice summer day in Wisconsin I took it to the car wash and had it cleaned inside and out. But the car washes only did so much. So I decided to go down to a park I used to frequent right on Lake Michigan and give it a good wax job and detail. I picked a spot in the shade and proceeded to start the wax job. Now I'm...
After a couple of months, Mindy’s father, Phillip Montgomery, decided to see firsthand where Mindy was working. Unannounced, he showed up at Mary’s shelter. Around 5 on a Tuesday evening. I’ve grown fond of Phillip. He’s a good father, despite Mindy’s problems ... what teenager doesn’t have problems? He and Rebecca seem to like each other, not the case for every married couple. Even when they’re in love. Phillip is a banker, a senior VP at the Kansas City branch of OneBank, a New York-based...
Harley Dean was on her way to her girls house to study. She made it there only to be greeted by her brother who informed Harley her study buddy would be a little late. Harley waited it out on the couch but could not stop thinking about how hot her brother was. She heard the sound of water drops and realized he was in the shower. Maybe she could sneak a peek. Harley began to stroke her caramel toned pussy to the sight of him, and the thought of fucking him. The brother caught her as he got out...
xmoviesforyouHello all readers, mera naam Banty hai, aur meri age years hai. Me dikhne me thoda bohot handsome hu. me ISS ka bohot purana reader hu. Aur mene ISS ki lagbhag sabhi kahaniya padhi hai. Ye incidenet mere sathi yahi kahi 2 mahine pehle ghati hai. Me Amravati (Maharashtra) me prpcet me engg. ki padhai kr raha hu. Abhi to me 3rd year me hu. Aur mujhe sabhi ladkiyo ki taraf pehle se hi bohot jyada attraction raha hai. Ye meri pehli aur real story hai. Agar mujhse koi galit ho gayi ho to plz karke...
Deshawn – The Case Meeting All the attorneys filed into the conference room on this frigid Tuesday morning for our regular meeting to run down our current cases and to distribute any new ones. I really didn’t need the get-together since my assignment was a murder case. It wasn’t a high profile case like OJ, but it was a murder case nonetheless. I sat in the back, in the cut, watching everyone converse, but half my attention was on some poetry I was writing. We were all waiting on the...
Brookings to Gold Beach is just under 30 miles, as the GPS drives it. With stops at the Whalehead Beach Resort and a few other scenic places on the way there and the way back, it took us almost two hours to make the trip. Gold Beach isn't any bigger than Brookings-Harbor, but what it has to distinguish itself from other places was the Rogue River. We crossed the Rogue River, just so we could say we had, and spotted another interesting looking resort on its shores that we filed away for...
Hi everyone - my name is John. A number of years ago I worked as a waiter in a good class hotel - and, well, some of the stories you hear are definitely true, I can testify to that. For now, I will tell you of just one such experience.I am a mature guy - just approaching sixty at the time of this particular instance and, despite my age, considered myself fairly fit with a trimmed shape. I was on duty, and on this particular day, room service was my responsibility although, I was also expected...
MatureALL CHARACTERS ARE ADULTS. ‘Wake up, Eugene!’ Eugene ‘Pinky’ Pinkham opened his eyes and looked around the dark bedroom. The female voice was familiar. A brisk night breeze fluttered and stirred the window curtains against the wall and glass panes. Pinky’s eyes adjusted to the dark quickly because the room was bathed in moonlight and laid strange white silhouettes around the room. He listened patiently for the voice but only heard a dog barking far away. ‘I must have been dreaming,’ he...
My grandmother passed away three years ago at the beginning of spring. Though the death was sudden it wasn't to be unexpected. Her body didn't age well; her decrepit skin stretched tightly around fragile bones -- some of which were made of plastic or steel. She was nine years the senior of the man she married back in the early 60's, and lived to the ripe age of 81. With what should have brought my family together, only strained ties henceforth. Some of my aunts and uncles ceased...
IncestSignifEvent Journal Sep 200- "Fuck her in the ass, Joe. You never have and she needs to get it that way." Val was in the shower and by the time Irene made this request (demand) last week my secretary was acting quite at home with us. We sort of set up a schedule Tuesday night Val has her and on Thursday I have her and on Saturday it's the three of us and so far I call the shots... suck me, Irene dildo Val, Val dildo Irene or whatever obscene fantasy I chose. Anyway tonight when Irene...
Today my younger sister had come to stay with us for a few days as she was having vacations. She used to come to stay with her in her vacations. She was a lovely young college girl and looked so beautiful. She had lovely boobs and a nice voluptuous body. She was very close to both me and my hubby too. My hubby too liked to spend time with her and we had no inhibitions between us.We used to make fun of her and she used to take all this fun in a nice sportive manner. My hubby took off from Office...
Hungover A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was hungover big time. I filled the sink with cold water and plunged my whole head in. The only comfort was that I knew that the night before had been the craziest of my life. It was a night that we would be sure to talk about for the rest of our lives. Except maybe not Greg. He might want to forget all about it. It had started out as a joke, but maybe it had gone a little too far. It was just that the ladyboys at the bar had been...
Hello fellow readers :) Grab your cocks and let’s enjoy this story. Ladies, I hope this makes you as wet as it did me.“I’m not sure… I don’t want to suck a stranger’s cock through a gloryhole.” I said timidly as we cross the threshold of the Adult store. Sidney smiled, “we’re just grabbing a few toys.” The room was bright, there weren’t many people walking around the isles of different porn selections. A man peeked his head from the darkness of a hallway the words above the door read, ‘Video...
Dan started the coffee, put the griddle over two burners and gazed pensively into bright morning sunlight. He laid bacon strips and sausages on the griddle to begin their slow sizzle, and reached a dozen eggs from the refrigerator. The fragrant scent of maple-cured bacon and sausage wafted up the stairs and he soon heard shuffling feet upstairs and showers running. Jackie was first, a bright red silk robe setting off the brilliant black hair and the ready smile. "We didn't go to bed at...
I was on holiday with my parents in Corfu, I was out to them but they weren’t comfortable with it at all so I kept myself to myself around them. Id spent a good portion of our holiday carefully checking out guys from behind my reflective sunglasses and he was hotter than all of the guys id seen. I watched intensively as he played about in the pool with what I assume were his family, splashing around and laughing through his sexy smile. He was the type of guy who you could tell from his...
Karen was efficient and worked hard. After a month, the supervisor asked her to learn some tests that might help her career goal. She requested and was then assigned to help me part time! I of course enjoyed the help and her company as I was already bored with the same tests. She took a bus along my route so I began picking her up and dropping her off. Those gigantic tits were just too attractive and tempting! Every Friday the staff went to a local bar for after work drinks. I usually joined...
Kate wanted to buy some new clothes for summer and asked me to join her to see if I would like what she picked. My wife has big boobs and is a sexy 40 year old woman who loves the body she is in. Her boobs are 38DD cups and just right. We arrive at the clothes store and she heads off to the ladies section, I follow her glancing at some sexy items I would love her to wear. Those are for girls not women she comments.She grabs some nice leggings and a few costumes she likes and asks me to join her...
It’s Step-Mother/Step-Daughter Day and Paisley and Brooklyn are talking about boy stuff and Paisley tells her step-mom that she’s thinking some jewlery before she has anal sex with her new boyfriend because she really likes him and wants to do something special for him. Brooklyn agrees and thinks that they should go to see her favorite Jeweler that she goes to all the time to pick something out. They go see Prince who is happy to show them some Bling, but suggests the best present...
xmoviesforyouAfter 3 weeks I thought I wouldnt hear from the old slut again, but to my surprise just when I returned home from a pretty heavy night at my local bar my cellphone rang, and yes it was her. Hi I answered, what do you want, I thought you hated me; she cut me off before I could continue, "Well I have every reason to hate you, leaving me naked and vulnerable" Shutup I cut in, I dont need this shit from you, so before I hang up, what do you fucking want. There was a pause and she said "maybe we...