The Girl Who Passed Me A Note Part One
- 4 years ago
- 21
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My eyelids fluttered as I awoke. I was confused by my surroundings. I just lay there thinking about what had transpired the night before. One thing I noticed right away was my arthritis was gone. No painful joints which greeted me every morning for the past thirty years. My eyes surveyed the room. Expensive Early American furniture was neatly placed all over. My bed had four large posters. My hand fell to my side and I noticed I was laying on sensuous satin sheets. I also had on a white silky nightgown held up by two thin spaghetti straps. I felt wonderful as I stretched my limbs. The digital clock on my nightstand read ten am. Brushing the blonde hair from my face I noticed how long and soft it was. I tossed aside the satin comforter and stood up. No pain in my ankles, knees and hips.
"Lovely," I said aloud. I slid into my dainty slippers and headed to the bathroom to relieve myself. It was enormous. As big as my cheap flat in Florida. All in marble with golden fixtures as well as commode with a soft seat. My first urination as a woman felt odd. Not only did I have to sit, but the stream shot out of me felt very warm. After wiping (how did I know to do that?) I looked at myself in the mirror. The aliens kept their promise.
Even with my shaggy hair and no makeup, I was gorgeous. A sylph! I slipped into a silken robe and walked to the door of my apartment to get the morning paper. It was the Sunday edition. I made some rye toast and tea. The spread was one of those fat free, carb free, salt free cheapies. I put some honey into my tea and sat at the kitchen table for my light breakfast.
COLD WAVE CONTINUES read the headline of the newspaper. I walked over to the window to my 63rd floor flat overlooking Navy Pier, Lake Shore Drive, and a frozen Lake Michigan with ice extending several hundred yards from the shore. "So now I am in Chicago," I said aloud as if I were telling someone in the room. I sipped my tea while nibbling on a piece of toast as I surveyed all that was below me. Steam was coming from the ends of all cars of the Drive. 'It must be frigid out, ' I thought.
The phone rang. I walked over to answer it.
"Ms. Brooks?"
"Yes, Sally." How did I recognize her voice?
"I'm just confirming your appointment to do your hair this afternoon at two."
"That will be fine," I said cheerfully knowing that the salon was in this building on the 12th floor. "I'll be there."
"Thank you, Ms. Brooks," she replied.
"You're welcome," I hung up.
I finished my breakfast, cleaned the dishware off the table and put them into the dishwasher.
"Now to take a look at myself," I sauntered toward my bedroom undressing as I walked.
Standing in front of the full length mirror I gazed at my body. It was as nice as I hoped.
About five foot-five, one hundred and fifteen pounds, very luscious breasts. Not too large, not too small. They stood there defying gravity. I knew that wouldn't last as I aged. I gazed down at my cunny with a trimmed patch as wide as three of my fingers. Standing there on my two shapely legs and hands on hips I had to marvel how well those aliens or whatever they were did their job. I studied myself for almost an hour looking for any flaws but I saw none. No scars from childhood accidents, complexion as good as it gets, and a cute little naval with a diamond piercing. Beautiful long blonde hair down past my shoulder blades, sparkling blue eyes staring back at me made me smile with satisfaction.
I decided to take a long hot bath. Laying in the water perfumed with bath oil beads, I felt stupendous. The shower cap I donned just before entering to keep my hair dry was a little irritating to my forehead but no complaints. I put my fingers to my pussy to explore my new sex. I had pinched my nipples to work myself into a frenzy. Everything I read about how sensitive a woman's breasts were, were true. And I soon realized how much a woman felt while having an orgasm. I didn't scream, shriek, or gasp. I breathed deeply and rapidly as the fires of my cumming made me feel a sensual pleasure that words could not describe.
I was tempted to go for another but washed myself instead.
After dressing in panties, bra, bodysuit, and tight jeans I sat in front of the television watching the 24 hour local news while perusing the Tribune. After reading some of the important news I settled on looking at the ads. All of them had beautiful clothes. Lord & Taylor had a gorgeous satin and polyester blouse in all colors and sizes on sale. I got up, looked at one of my dozens of blouses for the size I wore. Perfect. Size six. I called their number and ordered three. One in apricot, one in pearl, and one in red. They knew me so I didn't have to give them my credit card number. They'd just add it to my business account. The cost was almost eight hundred dollars. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was time for my hair appointment. Grabbing my purse, making sure I had my keys, I was out the door heading for the elevator.
"Hi Vanessa," Georgeanne smiled as I walked in. "I see you're on time as usual."
"Hi Georgeanne, a little cold to be here today. Isn't it?"
"Yes, but it isn't too bad with our cars in the underground parking spaces," she led me back to Sally. "We don't have to worry about them not starting. Sally, Ms. Brooks is here for her hair to be done."
"Oh good," she said with enthusiasm. Something in the back of my mind told me that she did my hair and makeovers exclusively. "Get in the saddle and we'll start."
I hung up my purse and climbed into the seat. Immediately I was draped over with a soft sheet. She wheeled me back to the sink, leveled the chair and started to do me.
"Cold today," I remarked to make conversation.
"Brutal!" she agreed. "I had my husband run out to warm up my car while I got ready for work. I froze the twenty-five or so feet from the house to the car but once I got in it was toasty."
"So what does hubby do on the Sundays you work?"
"Watches football and looks after our sons. Football, football, football," she griped. "I wouldn't mind it so much if it were just Sundays but there is Monday night, Thursday night, Saturdays during the college games. I sometimes think he loves football as much or even more as he loves me."
"Try seducing him during a game," I suggested with my eyes still closed while she shampooed my hair.
"I did that when we first got married. And it worked! But now that the boys are getting older there is little chance of that happening," Sally lamented.
"When I was younger, my parents bribed us kids to go to the movies on Saturdays so they could have a good time in the sack." Now how did I know that? I asked myself but it was vividly painted in my mind.
"When are you getting married, Ms. Brooks?"
"I haven't met the right guy yet."
"There's got to be a lot of big handsome males wanting you," Sally suggested.
"I'm not interested in big handsome males. I like nerds," I joked.
"Yeah, they only have to be big in one place," Sally giggled causing me to giggle too.
"Brains and a biggie, what more could a girl want?" I smiled.
"Do you really like nerds?" she asked.
"Why? I thought you'd be attracted to guys with great personalities, good looking and sexy in bed."
"Maybe a hot girl?"
"You're not gay, are you?" she inquired seriously.
I shrugged. "Definately not gay, but I see some girls I feel attracted to and wouldn't mind to have a go at it. It could be a whole different experience."
"Well we all are that. Deep down I think all females might be bi but we're afraid to act upon it. I wonder what it might be like!"
"I think you're right. I most definately would be if I ever was confronted with that choice."
Sally sighed. "I think I had the hots for this girl in high school."
"Nothing ever came of it. She was nice and friendly but I didn't run in her circles."
"I see, well there are cliques in high school. Some are very exclusive."
"I was on the fringe of some," Sally confessed as she rinsed my hair then put vast amounts of conditioner rubbing it into my scalp. This was my favorite time here when her fingers massaged my head. It felt wonderful.
"I was a loner is high school too. I dated some guys, went to some parties and sleepovers, but never quite fit in. I was very serious about my studies." I was referring to my high school experience as Jack Holiday back in Lawrence, Kansas.
"I wish I applied myself more diligently in school. I kind of regret watching all those music videos on television all the time. I got good grades but not good enough to get any of those scholarships to college."
"How did you meet your husband?" I queried.
"Stan? We met in high school, dated some, then he went into the marines. He was in Desert Storm and when he got out we ran into each other at a McDonalds. He liked what he saw and we started dating again. Next thing I knew, we were married."
"Well you are a very beautiful woman, if I can be so blunt."
"Thank you, Ms. Brooks," she smiled as she finished her massaging and rinsed my hair. "I have to admit you are very lovely yourself."
"Thank you," I sorta blushed.
We didn't talk while she worked my hair with a dryer. When she shut it off and started styling it she asked, "Are you really into nerds."
"Let just say for the case of argument that I am. Nerds are very intelligent. They love women but are very frightened of us. If you date one, he's forever grateful. If you marry one, he will be more devoted, more caring, very honest, certainly faithful, very tender and loving."
"Never thought about that." Sally said as if her mind was a million miles away.
"Just pointing out the good points of a nerd or a dweeb or whatever they call those boys nowadays." I felt her brushing my long hair then snipping the uneven parts.
"So you're looking for the nerd of your dreams?"
"Well I'm looking. I mentioned nerds for the sake of debate. Not every young girl wants a man who is tall, dark and handsome. Some of us would be satisfied if we're just loved."
"I see," Sally smiled, turning my chair. "There all done." She showed me in the mirror.
"A magnificent job as usual, Sally" I smiled in satisfaction.
"Thank you," she slipped off the sheet. "Now I can go home."
"To cuddle with your hubby?" I reached for my purse and handed her two twenties for her tip. I always tipped generously.
"Thank you," she smiled leading me to the front desk for me to sign for my hairdo. "Yes, I like cuddling but he gets a little wild and bounces around during the game. Same time in next week?"
"For sure, sweetie," I smiled, signed my name to the bill and walked out feeling great. There is nothing like being pampered and getting a fine hairdo."
I rode the elevator back up to my suite. Mrs. Watson was on the phone when I walked in. I could tell by my caller ID. I picked it up in time before it went into voice messenger.
"Hello Edith," I tossed my purse onto the couch.
"Vanessa dear," the middle aged woman now approaching her fifties answered. "I thought you might have gone out in this terrible cold.
"Not me, I was downstairs having my hair done."
"Oh, I see. I was just calling to see if you're interested in attending my party next Friday night? I'll have some important people there."
'Men, ' I guessed. "What's the occasion?" She was always trying to fix me up with some dull male. No one she introduced me to was even close to my scrutiny.
"Sid is turning fifty on Friday. I thought we should have a little get together for him."
"Fifty? I didn't think he was that old," I buttered her up.
"Yes, he turns a half a century. Now can you come?"
"Of course," I answered after checking my schedule to see if I was free that night.
"That will be wonderful."
"Do I need to bring anything?"
"Only your own beautiful yourself. And no gifts please. He has everything a man of his age will ever need."
"What time?"
"Eight o'clock. Have a light snack because although I'm not serving dinner I'll be have lots of different refreshments, but no big dinner."
"I'll be there and thank you for asking me."
"The pleasure is all mine," she seemed to smile over the phone. After a few more remarks we said our goodbyes. I walked to the bedroom, changed out of my bodysuit and into a pink cotton blouse. Then grabbed my purse to go back down to the deli to pickout my lunch and dinner. I loved kosher food.
The mood was glum when I reported to work on Monday at nine. I parked my new Jaguar in the executive parking spaces under the B & D Agencies Building and took the special elevator up to my office where I was the Senior President of the company. I wore a dark blue skirted business suit and a vanilla silk shell underneath. The skirt was an inch above my knees. I had on my matching 3" heels with my hair falling smoothly down my back and light makeup. I hung my sable fur in the closet and checked for any emails. A meeting for all executives at ten. Enough time to get a cup of tea and go through all of the overload from last Friday. Microwaving my hot water and putting in a smidgen of honey, I tore open the wrapper for my orange pekoe bag.
"Good morning, Ms. Brooks," Emily Cox, my personal secretary greeted me. "There's a very important meeting scheduled for ten. Last minute kinda thing."
"Good morning, Emily," I greeted her with a smile. "How was your weekend."
"I broke up with my boyfriend Friday night," she told me.
"I'm so sorry," I took the tea bag and placed it in the cup of scalding water.
"I'm not. I found out that he's a cheating pig. Sorry for expression but that's the way I feel," she continued her smile but not warmly as before.
"Another lady?"
"How about ladies!" she emphasized. "He's juggling four at a time. Now it's three. Had I known what he was like I would've dumped him long ago."
"I don't know why men have to do that," I shook my head, taking a tiny sip. "Some women do the very same. I'd have trouble just with one. Man, that is"
"I cried myself to sleep on Friday but I woke up on Saturday feeling so much better."
"A good cry will do that for you. What's on the agenda besides the meeting today?"
"You have a luncheon appointment with Gary White at one. He wants to firm up that new ad deal you presented to him last week."
"Oh yes, I recall." Another thing that that trio put into my mind. I had even met with him once before. Short but good looking, kept himself in shape and nice appearance for a guy in his forties. He was a ladies man and though he was married, he flirted a lot. Harmless kind of flirting but still a girl needed to be on her toes with him if she ever found herself alone in his presence. No need to worry about that since we'd be in a public place.
"Anything else?"
"No that's about it, but for the Garinger contract you said you'd look at today."
"Put it in my briefcase to take home. I'll study it there."
"Yes, Ms. Brooks," Emily placed the folder in my briefcase.
"I hope your love life improves, Sweetie," I smiled. "There are plenty more fish in the sea."
"As long as I don't hook up with a Charlie the Tuna," she giggled. I giggled in response.
"Oh by the way," I just remembered. "I'm leaving at noon on Friday. A big party for a friend of mine."
"Is he single?"
"No but if he were, I wouldn't be interested in him."
After going through all my emails, I saw nothing too important so I deleted them all. I opened my snail mail which I put some aside for later perusing and the others went into the trash. A large envelope caught my attention from the Harris Bank. Opening it, I saw that I had twenty million dollars in my various accounts. Checking, savings, certificate of deposits, many other investments handled by a large brokerage firm and some money in commodities like copper, tin, wheat and municiple bonds. I also learned that I owned several car washes and three Baskin-Robbins ice cream stores in large malls where business was always brisk. 'These people really set me up nicely, ' I thought. Then there was an invitation to a dance at the Lincoln Park Zoo for charity, It was to be held in the building housing the large cats. I needed a date for that. I'll call up Denise to see if Todd was available that night. I had gone out with him before and he knew the rules with me. No kissing except when I was deposited back home then it was a peck on the lips, no fondling, no profanity and certainly no sex. He was very handsome but not the type I'd be interested in. I had Todd escort me to these kinds of things plus the opera, live plays or the symphony. I paid for the tickets, our meal and four hundred dollars for his time. Pretty handy! No muss, no fuss and no commitments. We enjoyed each other's company but that was as far as it went.
I looked at my watch, time for the meeting. I let Emily know I was on my way and took the elevator to the top floor. "Barney had a fatal heart attack on Friday," Jim Pepper informed me as I got off the lift and into my chair.
"Barney Willis is dead!" Shock shot through me. I was the youngest but most aggressive person on the board and it was Barney that steered me in that direction. "He had to be only in his midfifties."
Jim nodded.
"Oh my," I was still numbed by the news. "What are the funeral arrangements?"
"He was Jewish so they buried him Saturday afternoon," Pepper stated.
"Anything I can send over? Flowers? A sympathy card?"
"A donation to the Heart Association is requested."
"I'll send over a donation today."
"We have to name a new COO."
"Yes, we do, anyone you have in mind?"
"I think it's going to boil down to Fredericks and you," Pepper said.
"I don't want the job," I replied, dismayed. "Let Bill have it."
"Bill's not a people person. He's a behind the scenes man. We have to get someone that can give us the publicity needed. You certainly are the one."
I quickly thought if this was arranged by the aliens who turned me from a cantankerous old man into a beautiful young woman with brains to run B&D. I also wondered if someway they had something to do with his death to put me to the top here. I was only at this firm for less than three years and since I landed the Landis Account my rise was meteoric. From a saleswoman to vice-president then president because of the Mills & Mills Account that I got from another firm whose contract with M&M was running out at that time. I knew I deserved those promotions, but this?
"Look Jim," I whispered as the room was filling up fast. "I don't want the job. I am happy where I'm at for the time being. Ten years from now, maybe. Not now."
"You might not have any choice," he whispered back.
"Why don't you take it?"
"Can't I'm moving to Los Angeles to work out there."
"Oh, that's right."
"Okay," Jason Curuthers opened the meeting. "We all know what happened to poor Barney.
I was a good friend and golfing partner with him for over twenty years. It hurts me to do this so soon but we need a new Chief Operating Officer right away. Our competition might be happy that this happened to us since Barney was a thorn in their sides but we have to move on. Hopefully to bigger and better things."
"Here, here," most of the people agreed. I sat there feeling like a clay pidgeon ready to be thrust in the air with all these shooters aiming and firing.
"I'm ready for retirement so it can't be me. Pepper is taking over our LA office, Fredericks says he doesn't need the stress since he has a heart condition. All of you have a piece of paper in front of you to vote. Please do right now."
"Aren't we going to discuss this?" I barged in.
"Discuss what?" Curuthers stated. "We vote for the person we feel that can lead this company to a brighter future."
'Oh shit, ' I felt that I was being railroaded into this. They must have been politicking before poor Barney became room temperature. No wonder I wasn't told of his passing until now.
I voted for Curuthers despite his near retirement. The papers were gathered and handed to one of the secretaries attending. She got up and went to a small table to count the tally.
"Ms. Brooks is the new COO," Curuthers announced, smiling like the cat who swallowed the canary. "Congratulations."
There was applause all around. I sat there stunned. It was almost as bad as the news of Barney Willis' death. People gathered around me shaking my hand with a woman on the board hugging me then pecking me on the cheek. I felt like giving that LBJ speech many years back. "I will not accept nor will I serve another term for President of the United States." I knew I flushed red in embarrassment. I should have called in sick this morning.
"I hope I am up to this task," I stumbled. "There are others here I feel can do a better job than me." Those damn aliens. They put my tit in a wringer already.
"No, you're the right person," Pepper corrected me. "You have brains, looks, and you are definately a people person. B&D can't help but grow under your directions. You know a lot more than many of us despite your youth."
"Here, here," came a chorus of aggreement.
I rode the elevator down to my office. Word spread quickly. I wasn't even settled in my chair when Emily walked in giving me her personal congratulations.
"Get ready for the move, Sweetie," I stated. "You're along for the ride with me."
"But what about Margaret Smiley?"
"I'll kick her upstairs. Put her in charge of the secretarial pool or something. Give her a big raise in pay and benefits."
"Do you think I'm up to her job?"
"Do you think I'm up to Barney's job?" I asked.
"You... definately!"
"So are you, with a hefty raise in pay too." Making my first corporate decision. "Get ready to move this afternoon. They're taking Mr. Willis' things out and will be here shortly to take my stuff to my new office. Now, I am going to lunch with Mr. White." I picked up my sable, purse and briefcase to leave for the day. A COO has that prerogative, you know.
"See ya' tomorrow, Sweetie," I smiled at Emily taking the elevator down to my Jaguar.
That night there was a blurb on the news about my elevation to COO of B&D. I sat there with a glass of wine sulking. I made my third attempt to read the Garinger contract. I turned the television off to concentrate on it. I was royally pissed off at what happened to me today. Last Friday I was beach bum trying to make a living on finding lost change and a piece of jewelry or two. Now I was the head of the largest ad agency in Chicago. As William Bendix said on his radio show The Life of Riley, "What a revolting developement this is."
I managed to get through the contract and crossed out only one clause that read that the their company could cancel at anytime. I replaced it that it had to be on a six month notice for both parties. Other than that, it was a clear cut document. I signed my okay to transcribe and send the change back to Garinger for their approval.
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The StockadeWhen Mistress saw the stack of strangely cut boards in my closet and asked what they were for, I knew right away I was going to be rebuilding the stocks. I originally built them from discarded scraps from a construction site, and I didn’t even know whether or not my girlfriend at the time would want to use them, or not. We did for a time, though she preferred to have ME locked in them rather than visa versa. The wood is very rough and uneven, so rough that it would be easier to...
Anthony Pierce is enjoying his new apartment, waiting for his friend to come over and hang out, when he gets an unexpected visit from his hot stepmom, Sloan Rider. He can see that she’s upset and when he asks about it, he finds out that Sloan is mad because her partner won’t fuck her in the ass! But Anthony is a good boy that would give her what his parent can’t, right…? It doesn’t take much from Sloan to convince Anthony to drop his pants. When his friend, Tyler...
xmoviesforyouFrom Batman's Robin to Catwomen's Robin (A vignette) By Belinda Batman and Robin are finishing solving another crime. This time Catwomen and King Tutt, were working together. With the help of Tutt's Mirrors, Catwomen and Tutt escape, but before they do, one thing is set... At home, Bruce and Robin Ward are in the library. Robin is studying for his speech tomorrow. His speech is one on relationships.... Based on his crime fighting career, it is sometimes difficult to be...
She laid, crumpled and destroyed in the middle of the kitchen. She had no idea what she had done wrong but it was apparently something terrible in his mind. Anna hadn’t always lived this way. Nope, at one point in her early 20’s she had been a viable contributing person. She held down a good job that she was proud of. Made good money, and held her own. In fact some people in her work field considered her intimidating. That all changed shortly after she met him. He was a handsome strong man,...
2nd meetHubby was out of town on business for 2 days, I went again to the local gas station to fill up (not knowing what I was getting filled up with). As I pulled in, there was Joseph getting Diesel. He walked over to my car and asked if where Hubby was. I told him he was out of town, he asked if I wanted him to pump my gas. I said sure so he did. While the gas was pumping, Joseph handed me his business card and said he was on call. OMG! It looked like his dick was hard too. We finished...
The only good thing was the ship's doctor... You've always liked a man in uniform.....and he's quite the hunk!! You didn't really mind being bed bound and enjoyed flirting with Doctor Tom as you call him... telling him things like...'I love to see how big your thermometer is'... 'I wonder if I could fit it all in my mouth' he always replied 'it against medical ethics for a doctor to fraternise with his patients... I might have to resign to make you happy!!' On the fourth day the...
Bhima ka lund dhire dhire Mom ki chut me andar bahar ho raha tha aur woh Mom ke dono haathon ko apne hatheli par dabaye hue aaraam se apna gand ko Mom ke chut pe upar niche kar raha thaa. Mom ki mukh me apna jubaan phiraate hue chocolate ki tarhaa chus raha thaa phir usne Mom ki peeth ko thodha upar karke unka blouse khol diya uske baad bra ka strip bhi khol kar bra ko nikaal liya ab meri Mom bilkul hi Nangi hokar Bhima ke niche leti hui thi unke dono ghutne Bhima ke kamar ke paas tha aur...
Chris went through the week in a daze. Up until the previous Friday night he had been a normal teenager, going through all of the growing pains of a typical high school student. There was lacrosse practice every night and school work, with lots of homework. On the weekends he would go out with his friends or on a date with his girlfriend Melissa. He had already selected a college and had received a scholarship to play lacrosse. In a few months he was going to graduate and then one last summer...
Time sure goes fast when you're having fun. Hell, a year had passed, and I was still doing the Landlady, not on a daily basis, but enough to keep me satisfied, that's for sure. Saturday's I would wake up with my dick being sucked thoroughly, followed by a long slow fuck. Ellen seemed to love having me for breakfast and I loved feeding her too. I usually did some work around the grounds as the day moved on but this was a special day. This was the anniversary, so to speak, of the first day...
Sorry for the delay.I arrived at Sally's place about 10am, where she met me at the door in a really short pair of shorts and a loose t shirt. She was tall and slim as well as have very long legs. I went in and she closed the door behind me, then put her arm around me and put her lips to mine and kissed me. She asked was I ready to fuck her and I nodded not sure what was going to happen.Sally lead me to the bedroom and took her top off and removed her shorts standing naked infront of me. I could...
Ron got home at 6pm, the same time as always, and sat down at the table where his step-daughter, Jessica, was doing her homework. Jessica was sixteen years old and was growing up to be a beautiful young girl. She had beautiful dark brown hair that was slightly curly and made a perfect frame for her innocent, girl next-door face. At 5’4, 110lbs, with a 32c chest, she turned heads everywhere she went. Ron was pleased with himself for having done such a good job raising her, even though her genes...
Elspeth and Brianna traipsed slowly down the stairs, heads close together and speaking quietly, sombrely to each other as Hope eased the door closed behind them. "I'd feel better if they'd accept a lift," Mr Nakata muttered, quietly. Hope turned to him with a tired smile. "I think they just want the fresh air." She shrugged, leaning back against the door. "I get like that, sometimes. I just want to be outside, away from all the walls and doors and people pressing in on...
Hello friends,thanks aapko meri story pasand aayi or mujhe bahut saare mail mile hai. Meri last story (apni cousin sister ki chut or gand faadi).is story par mujhe bahut ache response mile.kio bhi married ya unmarried ladki Haryana main mujhse chudna chahti ho to plz mail me on my id , its totally safe. Jaisa ki aap log mere bare main jaante hain mera naam ajay hai or main Haryana se hoon.good looking,age 25 hai or mere lund ka size 7’inch lumba or 3’inch mota jo story main aapko sunane...
By : Ladylover Hi! The following incident or series of incidences have actually been mailed to me by one of my net friends. He told me that he would like me to post the content for him after editing. But after reading, i felt it needed no editing and thus i’m posting it all unabridged! Please reach me at for any comments or suggestions. Here goes the first part! My name is Rahul. I’m 23yrs old and a gay bottom. I had my first gay sex at the age of 19 with an uncle of mine when I was staying...
Gay MaleToday I went to get my belly button done. I am 18 a DD and shortish and brunette. As I walked into the store I saw the girl that was going to do it. Mid 20's sexy slim with just the right sized boobs. She led me to a room in the back. I was shaking from the nerves of getting it done. She stood me in the middle of the room and I had to lift up my dress. I was blushing bright red,of corse I had to have warn my see though pink panties that day. I saw her starring and I thought nothing of it. Then...
LesbianKaren had made up her mind. She knew that she would not be able to get Jim out of her system until they finally did what they had been unable to do while in school. She knew that she still felt that strong sexual attraction for him and she also knew that he returned it, even though it may not be as strong as hers. She had analyzed the problem as Jack might have done and had come up with what seemed to her the logical conclusion. "One," she said to herself, "I have an uncontrolable urge to...
I guess something made me really look at her, that morning. Cynthia was my aunt. She was staying with us, visiting, for the first time since Greg and I were married, and Greg was off at work and Cynthia had just come down for breakfast. I looked at her, and realized I hadn't really paid much attention, but that she reminded me of Greg in a lot of ways. They had the same eyes, and though her hair was lighter, their faces were similar, and even their build: both were about 5'8" and rather...
IncestIt was his fifth glass of wine. A nice white wine, not too heavy but quite alcoholic. He didn't care. He downed it quickly. Art looked at himself in the mirror, just to the left of the front door of his house and took a deep breath to steady himself. It had been six weeks since Art had first taken the dress from his mothers wardrobe and slipped it over his head. Six weeks since he had sloppily applied foundation and eyeliner and lip gloss to his face in an attempt to pass himself off...
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Staring at the clock I couldn’t help but count down the hours till I was out of this hell hole. I couldn’t wait to be done with these god awful people who claim to be our teachers when truly they are just as bored to be teaching us as we are bored to be taught. I began to daze and chew on my pencil sitting with one leg over the other, tapping away. “That tasty?” a husky voice interrupted my day dreaming. As I looked up to find the owner of the voice I...
Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.15am. Wayne opened the door at my knock and gave me a big kiss. We moved into his front room. He was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt and dark blue casual trousers. I commented he looked very smart. A kiss from him and his fingers found the buttons of my blouse it was quickly discarded along with my bra. What a pleasant start to the weekend my hands were very soon unfastening his trousers and within five minutes of arriving at his house we were both naked on the...
We begin with the sister Emma. It is a Saturday morning and Emma decided before heading in to the shower, to check up on her brother Simon. He is one year older than her with him being 23 and her being 22 and at the moment, she is living with him in his apartment which she generously pays partial rent of. Although they are separated by one year, they seem almost like they could be twins, although Simon is slightly taller than Emma. The both have brown hair and are naturally slim . As Emma...
BisexualTom waited with the bus as usual. The parking lot had cleared and was nearly empty now. He knew it was a matter of time until the girls' soccer team showed up and he would begin the drive back to Filler University. Tom had driven for Filler for 30 of his 55 years of life. He'd driven home triumphant sports teams and heartbroken teams. He'd seen a lot in all his years including a lot of changes in the athletes. He understood that athletes could be rowdy after a game especially after the high...
Fred's Slut by AbeTiffani stepped out of the car without waiting for Fred to open the door for her. He seemed to be in a strange mood, dissatisfied with her, somehow. When they had decided on a romantic dinner to discuss the matter, Fred had insisted on this strange, distant restaurant, which was so crowded that they had to park way in the back in the dark. Still, it was always fun to show off at a restaurant. Wobbling a bit on her highest heels, she struggled to pull the hem of...
Six months after moving in together, Julie and I had adapted to domestic life together amazingly well. For one thing, Julie loved living in New York—the theaters, the dance clubs (I took her dancing regularly), Central Park, the restaurants, and just the variety things that were available. But most nights we just stayed at home like normal people. That might sound pretty mundane, but I think that’s where May-September romances often fall apart, the things that interest people born of different...
The day started like any other weekday alone since I was home schooled. My mom’s best friend was living with us but , she usually left very early. I was surprised to see that she left since she was up late the night before. I was only 13 back then. So I decided to clean the house a little bit before doing homework. Since Sherry had left her room open I decided to clean it up a bit. There I was when I stepped on something and I started to hear moans. I turned and it was the first time I had...
Take an asshole over-achiever for a husband, one who always tells you that you would be nowhere without him, add a large portion of desire to prove him wrong, mix well, simmer for a while and you end up with a mess. I can't even remember why I married Don now. I suppose it had something to do with his good looks, his confidence in himself, the way he kissed and the way he made me feel at the time. But now my fondest wish is to drive a stake through his fucking heart. Well, that's not really...
Hi all, I am not an erotic writer. But I have penned down my own experience. The incident is one of the best sexual experience. And you guys must be surprised but the counterpart is none other than my beautiful wife, Ruhi. A brief description of my wife. She is 5’2″. Body stats 34-30-36 needed flesh at the exact place. Her ass is a pleasure to watch and a delight to touch. Not a flat tummy but great navel. Sexy, round and want to play with the index finger in it. And about her boobs. Perfect...
I had never been that into boys. They were immature, tended to smell like something fierce, and always treated my friends like shit. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the male form, I just didn't like the attitude that came from teenage boys. The only man to ever turn me on was my father. Now, before you say anything, let me explain: My Dad and I had always had a strong relationship and once I turned 16, it seemed that it all began to change. He would give me lingering hugs, that would...
IncestIf you like this sex story, please share your views with me at And check out my other stories as well. Dosto, mai pehle hi yeh bta dena chahta hun ki yeh koi Porn Story nhi hai, balki mere saath ghati ek aisi ghtna hai jo mere liye sharm aur uttejana, dono ka strot hai. Ek ldka hone k naatey mai yeh keh skta hun ki sabhi ldko ko, janha ek taraf apni Penis par ghamand hota hai vhi dusri taraf, apni ass ki baat sunte hi hum sab uncomfortable ho jaate hai. Shayad yhi vajah hai ki jabb bhi hume...
By : Satis03 Hello everyone, I would like to share a true incident which happened about 4 years ago. I was 24 years old back then, I was a bachelor, living with my mother and brother in a Tamil nadu. We had a maid, her name is Meena. She was about 30 years old, 5ft.2inchs in height. She was average looking, a little bit of body fat around her hips and ass. She definitely was not a gorgeous woman, but her 36 D breasts were an eye catcher. She had worked at our place for over 5 years, when the...
The Antidote. This is a sequel to “The Poisoned Fantasy”. You are advised to read that first if you have not done so, though it is not essential.Walking over to her I kneel at her feet and keep my head down. She caresses my hair softly and lovingly as I look at her black sexy heels. Her hand moves down to my cheek and I know the kindness is over as she grips my chin. Forcing me to look up at her, her face now stern and no smile. “Undress quickly,” she demands. I almost rip off my dress and...
TabooNurse Candice is beautiful, playful, sensitive and sensual. She is forty-five divorced and loves to play the field. Being single gives her the opportunity to do just about anything and she makes certain she gets a good fucking now and then. She works for a small community hospital on the day shift. About a month ago, she began to hate it, especially on days there were just too many nurses trying to be boss. She preferred a shift that ran like a well-oiled machine where everyone worked together....
Quickie SexI want to tell you about getting my new toy and the fun I’ve had with it! My favourite way to masturbate has always been to rub my clit with a finger or old lipstick tube in my arse. This always gets me off! I’ve fantasised about having a cock up my arse, but always been too scared to try it and my husband hadn’t really made any moves in that direction. Last week I read about Tristam Taormino’s Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women. I was instantly hooked. I felt too embarrassed to do anything...
Baby Night Part 3 By Holly V Steve looked pleased with his new body as he looked at it in the box, "It really looks like her even got that butterfly tattoo on the bottom of her back." "Every detail, Steve but it's not a copy of her pussy don't know what that really looks like lol!" "Well it's so cool Joe can't wait to try it on, pity it's not the full back but I guess I need to get into it somehow." "Yeah it's like a swimming costume with a head and shoulders attached...
Somehow he knew the phone was about to ring. He wasn’t certain how he developed the sense, if it could even be called that. Sometimes he chalked it up to being a creature of habit or being predictable himself, but despite that he couldn’t deny the peculiar sense he felt, one of a heightened awareness or keen acuity when he knew the phone was about to ring. There were times when he found himself locked in a demented tug-of-war with the device knowing that it was about to ring, but then there...
When I got home, I took the boxes into the apartment and then took the beer up to the fridge. I never drank the hard stuff anymore, giving away the last of my collection to Mrs. Sanchez after that night. I showered and changed, coming down for dinner and letting her know that the job was done. She nodded and smiled sadly. “I’m gonna miss you, Ham,” she told me. “If I was a little younger or you were a little older, I’d have been interested in playing horsey with you, like your guardian angel...
Three weeks later. Time: Sunday, May 4, 2008 6:20 PM Melanie and I had been spending the weekend helping Patricia move into new apartment in Back Bay. Her new job starts tomorrow. She was currently taking a shower after a hard afternoon of work with me unpacking boxes and moving furniture around. It's a one-bedroom apartment, small but in a great location for her, less than a mile from her work. I "tuned" her apartment while we worked, quietly think-cleaning the stove and refrigerator...
-This story is fictional- I was so happy and i started getting hard. Also it wasn't a two second kiss, it was like a 20 second kiss. In the middle of our hot amazing kiss Jake walked in and screamed!!!!!!!. Its not what it looks like, Mason said. Then what is, said Jake. I knew i had to say something but as soon as I was about to Jake walked out. I followed him and begged him to stop but he wouldn't. I grabbed his solider he turned him around and he was crying. I asked him why he was and he...
Busty blonde babe Blanche Bradburry is happy that her suitcase full of dirty toys is delivered by Italian stallion Luca Ferrero who is happy to replace her dildos with his dick. The curvy assed Czech glamour porn goddess has had an anal craving she’s been hungry for awhile, and Mr. Ferrero is no prude and happy to appease her ass fucking needs. The seductress answers the door in tiny lingerie which leaves her curvy ass and perky tits out on display for the taking and Luca goes in for the...