My Nudist SisterChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Dan started the coffee, put the griddle over two burners and gazed pensively into bright morning sunlight. He laid bacon strips and sausages on the griddle to begin their slow sizzle, and reached a dozen eggs from the refrigerator. The fragrant scent of maple-cured bacon and sausage wafted up the stairs and he soon heard shuffling feet upstairs and showers running.
Jackie was first, a bright red silk robe setting off the brilliant black hair and the ready smile.
"We didn't go to bed at bed time!" she sad more brightly than he thought she felt. She accepted a cup of coffee, leaned on the counter with her elbows, and looked at him though the steam.
"How does an omelet sound, Jackie?
She came around the island and stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
"Wonderful! Thank you Dan!"
He smiled at her with an enthusiasm he wasn't sure was genuine and began cracking eggs into the glass bowl.
"Hand me the whisk, will you?"
Emma bounced down the stairs, offered a kiss, and then reached for a cup.
"And how are you this morning, my dear?" she asked with a smile. "It was so late; I hope I didn't wake you."
"Yeah, it was so good to get caught up with each other. I'm so glad you invited me," Jackie chimed in.
After a lazy breakfast and two pots of coffee, the girls went shopping in the afternoon. The left Dan took napping in front of the TV football games.
As they drove away from the house, Jackie looked at Emma with a small smile.
"Well, Emm, ... are you OK?"
Emma stared ahead and signaled for a left turn. Still looking straight ahead, a smile brightened her face and she pulled her mouth into a shy look.
"Yessss. I'm, ... OK. It was more than I imagined, Jackie. I loved being with you..."
"Ohhhh, good! I am so relieved! Cause I loved it too. It was wonderful! It was incredible of your husband to leave us alone to ... catch up and everything. By the way, does he know?"
"Yes, I'm sure he does, ... I told him before you came that I was curious ... you know, that I was attracted ... and that you and I had been talking about it. So, I'm sure he understands."
"The next question is the big one." Emma said, quietly. She turned into the parking lot by the shopping center of the downtown area.
"Jackie looked at her expectantly."
"How would you feel about sleeping with both of us?" She said it quickly as they started toward the shop.
Jackie stopped walking, a startled look on her face. Then she caught up with Emma and slipped her hand through hers. They strode down the walk quietly. As they reached the shop, Jackie tugged her arm and they stopped outside.
"Oh, Emm, ... I don't know. I've never done that. My god, are you sure you can handle that?"
"Well, you said that you were bi- or at least curious. I thought,... "
"Dan is fine, I like him a lot. But together? Oh, Emm, are you sure? Sure you can handle the emotions"
"I don't think I can have you, ... alone. I love Dan. I love you. Dan thinks you are terrific. Maybe, ... we'd all like it. That's all. I've thought and thought, Jackie, and ... I really want it, ... I think it might be ... good."
"My stomach is flipping a little bit." Jackie said, tugging her toward the shop.
They went into the shop and continued the discussion in hushed tones.
In an hour, the two girls strode from the shop with packages looped over their arms and headed toward the parked car with a determined stride.
"Emma, the answer is ... yes, as far as I am concerned. But, what about Dan? Maybe Dan won't want me?"
"Ha!" Emma said sharply, and their laughter echoed across the broad avenue in afternoon sun. "And I bought Thigh-hi stockings for both of us, he goes mad for those."
Dan woke to see them smiling in front of him. The dresses were identical except for the color. They were the kind of summer dress that look as if they weigh nothing and have nothing obvious that supports them.
"Like two strawberry ice cream sodas waiting for the ice cream social to begin!" he said admiringly.
"Did you forget you have two dates for the wine-tasting at Gino's" Emma said.
It was a fundraiser, so all the 'elegants' in town were there. The trio made their way through the crowd and Dan left the girls talking to Bill McCain and his wife while he went for wine. When he returned with three glasses of wine, the McCain twin sons had joined the group. Kevin and Damien are good looking 23 year olds, both home from graduate school and both studs.
"We've been invited to dance, darling, be right back'" Emma called out as she was towed gracefully behind Damian. The two girls in their elegant summer frocks, yellow and gold for Emma and bright green and white for Jackie floated gracefully after the handsome young men like Chinese kites on strings.
Dan looked slightly pained.
"Bill, can't you keep those two under control?" he said. "Shouldn't you issue a warning to keep the women off the street when they are going to be home?" he grinned to Marge McCain.
"I'm sorry, Dan, they just don't respect the old folks any more. Will I do?"
Dan put the drinks down and accepted her invitation to dance.
"That's kind of you, Maam! The least you could do. Lord, aren't they a handsome pair, though?" he said to the proud mother.
"I'm not sure they should be doing this with married ladies," she worried. "I'm glad it's Emma, though, they know she can take care of herself. Of course, they also adore her! I don't know, Dan, I guess I can't promise she's safe, now that I think about it."
Dan felt her soft body slip easily into step and he glanced at his two dates. They were easy to spot, the brightest, lightest looking dancing partners on the floor. Both were smiling wide red smiles up into the dazzled eyes of the young men; leaning back into the arms around their waists and whirling at warp speed around the floor.
"I think that I have the better partner, Marge, I really do. But they do seem to be enjoying themselves."
Margie was a bit of a dish. One of those women who always looked like she had the perfect dress for any event. And she dressed elegantly, like days gone by. As her thigh pressed between his legs when they turned, he felt the soft resilience of dress, slip and taut nylons all working together spelling 'WOMAN.' The perfume, neither too strong nor too light, wafted up from an ample, attractive cleavage to complete the picture. She was one sexy lady.
The boys were enjoying themselves and entertaining the girls. They didn't let go after one dance but held onto them for yet another, this time something snuggly and romantic.
He talked with the McCains and stole glances at Emma and Jackie across the room. He thought he saw Emma pulling Damien's hand up off her ass where it had strayed. She seemed to have it pinioned on her waist, but he was persistent and the next turn it was on her hip fondling the line of her thong which indent the soft loveliness of her bottom.
They came back at last, fanning themselves but full of smiles.
"Thank you, Maam, thank you very much! And thank you, Mr. Williams for the courtesy of letting us dance with your lovely lady. It's very good to see you, sir," Damian said, in perfect southern gentleman style.
"You're a piece of work, Damian, you hound dog!" he laughed.
"Well sir, I always observed you closely when I mowed your lawn. Learned it at the foot of the master!"
Emma and Jackie took their places at Dan's side, each taking an arm and placating him with warm smiles and apologies.
Dan took a turn dancing with each. As Emma pressed close, he asked: "Looked like you were fighting off ol' Damian's hands a bit?"
She giggled and looked up into his eyes. "Well, a little. He's a cute boy though isn't he?"
"You mean he was making a move on you?" he said.
"Well, he did explore a little. I don't think he can read brail, so I don't think he knows where I buy my panties even after two dances, honey." The peels of laughter rang from her thrown-back head, and she nudged her leg between his and pressed her firm mound into him.
"And your bra?"
"That's a little harder to defend.," she giggled.
"Why, that little shit!" Dan muttered.
They sipped the wine and chatted with friends for an hour or so. The sun was fading when they headed home to Dan's patio grill specialty; a full loin cooked whole and then sliced into a Chateau Briand with a succulent sauce.
The slider opened and Jackie came out carrying the large wooden salt and paper and another drink for each of them.
"Emma won't let me help with the salad, even. She said I am to come out and be nice to the cook!"
She put the shakers down, handed him the glass, and clinked it looking up into his eyes with big brown innocent eyes. The whisper light dress draped over outstanding tits pushed up into lovely mounds with a chasm of cleavage that pleased the eye.
"And my grandma, who was a bit of a caution, advised always kissing the cook, to make sure the sauce sweetened." With one foot raised sexily behind her, she leaned against his arm and waited with lips poised and eyes closed. Dan tasted the sweetness of her lipstick.
"MMmmm, that is good advice, the cook thanks your Grandma!" he smiled. He was not accustomed to kissing other women with Emma in the next room. However, the kiss tasted good and he relaxed to enjoy it. He slipped his arm around her and pulled her close.
"It's nice having you here, Jackie. I'm glad we were able to survive my pickup at the airport." She laughed and he savoured the breast she pushed into his side. The aroma of the beef engulfed them and they stood pressed close while it cooked.
Dan had decided that nothing good would come from trying to move things along to the focus event of the weekend; he was determined to just let it happen. If ... if ... if ... if, it was going to happen. He thought skeptically.
They sat across from him at the outdoor table. The stars were out and the weather perfect. Emma had candles in wind-proof hurricane chimneys on the table and the colored lights overhead were from a recent patio party. Emma and Jackie looked gorgeous, Dan reflected. Their chatter continued and the wine was replenished regularly until everyone was nicely sentimental.
Dan felt a toe slip under his right pant leg to toy with his leg. He slipped his shoe off and joined his wife's game. They continued talking and then another toe slipped under his left pant leg and slipped up his leg sensually. He felt his cock react. He sat up straight with surprise. After he calmed down a little, he reached to slip his left shoe off and his hand touched Jackie's stockinged leg. He sat up with a smile on his face. The play continued and finally, he felt Emma's foot sidle up into his lap and press along his firm cock lying along the inside of his pant leg. Dan could feel the flush warm his face and he dearly wished he were handling this attention more easily. But he was feeling a little tense about things.
On the other hand, the two girls were completely composed. They looked cute and cheerful, laughing and making jokes, while their little toes drove Dan crazy with a slow and delightful agony. The girls moved around to Dan's side of the table and slipped their arms around him.
"Dan, Jackie has something she wants to ask you."
"Emma! You have!" Jackie said.
"Yes?" he said, looking from one to the other.
They brought their lips to his ears spoke in unison:
Emma said: "I want to have sex with you," and Jackie said, "I want you to fuck me, Dan!"
Dan wasn't sure what they said. "What?"
Emma said "We want you to fuck us, Dan." and Jackie said: "I want to have sex with you." They kissed his ears and blew with warm breath. Each of them found one of his nipples through the knit shirt and squeezed.
Dan melted between the seductively soft bodies and the lovely tongues probing his ears. His arms went around them and pulled them closer, then turned to kiss one at a time, beginning with Emma, long and hard while the waiting girl rested her head on his shoulder.
He realized that he had no idea how to begin. After years of wishing for just this situation, he had no idea of what the next step should be. Delaying with long alternating kisses would only buy him a few minutes. But he need not have worried, because they had it all planned for him.
"Give us ten minutes, honey; then come up to our bedroom. Make it fifteen," Emma whispered. "I love you."
Jackie pulled away from him while he and Emma shared a deep tongue-tangling kiss. Emma pulled away with a smile, then planted a single kiss on his lips and walked to the sliding door. She turned and pulled up the skirt of the frothy summer dress above the dark band top of her thigh-hi stockings. She smiled that perfect smile, with the familiar lush lower lip and bright white teeth.
Dan poured a good sized drink of scotch whiskey and looked up at the stars, full of questions and a sudden feeling of insecurity he hadn't felt since he was 15 years old and wondering what this thing called sex was all about and how to ever get any of it. He walked slowly, once around the lighted pool and put the un-tasted drink back on the bar. With slightly weak knees, he walked to the stairs.
A New Beginning
There were candles.
And multiple overlapping shadows of the two beautiful girls loomed overhead on the cathedral ceiling of the master bedroom.
Jackie was a little taller and held Emma close, their lips in a lover's kiss at the foot of the king size bed. The silk coverlet was neatly folded over its stand and pushed out of the way. Intoxicating perfumes and feminine scents filled the room. Everything appeared golden in the candlelight. He counted five candles of various sizes. He recognized the romantic CD playing quietly in the background.
He stood in the doorway and surveyed the scene. They looked beautiful as usual. Jackie's breasts were lovely, slightly larger and heavier looking compared with Emma's perky round mounds, sharp nipples and defined dark areoles. Emma's tiny little bush looked trim and fresh and Jackie's looked lush and full under thin white panties.
Both wore long thigh-hi's with high heels that made their legs look long and sleek. Emma looked like she had a lover's hickey on the underside of her right breast. They were unblemished perfection apart from that. Emma's panties were a wisp of nothing, a thong that separated and displayed the round loveliness of her bottom. Jackie's snug white lace hipsters perfectly molded generous hips and a firm and out-thrust pubic mound.
"Come in, Dan." her voice was throaty and a slight tremor betrayed the nervousness she held deep inside.
They cuddled close and kissed him. Their lips together, found his mouth. Dan could taste two different flavors of lipstick and he slipped an arm around each of them, exploring the waistband of their panties. He realized that he had been holding his breath and released it with a sigh that hung in the room as a quiet moan. The two girls pressed their heads to his chest, one working his shirt out of his pants, and the other unbuckled his pants and let them drop to his feet.
Jackie ran her hand over his smooth chest and then down the line of hair that led across a decently flat stomach to a thatch of curly dark hair surrounding the base of his cock. His urgently hard erection pressed through the opening of his boxers. The two girls knelt in front of him each holding one of his hands. Jackie reached for his boxer shorts and tugged. His cock was rigid and caught as she pulled them down, then bounced like a springboard before their eyes.
"Gosh!" Jackie said quietly, eyeing his dick. "Big!" she giggled, clutching Emma.
Emma couldn't help smiling.
"Didn't I say," she joined Jackie giggling and rolled her hand over the head of his cock and pulled the foreskin back to reveal the glistening head, full and large.
"I told her we measured one night..." she laughed. " ... eight!" they giggled a little more.
"Touch him, Jackie, darling."
Jackie looked up at Dan and slowly put her hand over Emma's and then Emma pulled away, leaving Jackie holding his cock, her long slender fingers circling the shaft and moving slowly up and down. She stared at the glistening head and Emma leaned forward and kissed it, flicking her tongue out to touch the slit at the end.
"Here, Jackie." she said quietly. Jackie leaned forward and Dan was afraid he was going to cum when she passed her pink tongue over white teeth before bringing the bright red lips to the end of his cock and made a kissing motion against him. Dan shivered with anticipation and stared down into big brown eyes concentrating on him. She rolled her eyes up to his and her mouth opened into a wide oval as she pressed the head of his cock in.
She sucked gently, her eyes almost closing as if in ecstasy. When she opened her lips there was a dull red ring faintly visible just back of the deep groove behind his bulging cock head It looked terribly and wonderfully erotic and incredibly naughty; the faint reminder of lips that had hugged the shaft and sampled the sharp steely taste of his cock.
Jackie turned and offered her cock-freshened lips to Emma.
"Oh, Emm..."
Emma's moist lips found hers and tasted her; lightly at first; brushing across the red lips and inhaling Jackie's exhaled breathe, then slipping the tip of her tongue out to flick a serpent pattern into the open mouth of her friend. Jackie kept her lips parted but unmoving, her tongue waiting just inside as Emma licked along the velvety line of her lips; She steadied herself with Emma's breast cupped in a trembling hand.
Dan felt his knees buckle slightly watching the sensuous kiss between two beautiful women just in front of his jutting cock. Jackie still held his cock and Emma had slipped her hand vertically between the cheeks of his ass. Their tongues played together.
As they kissed each other and fondled Dan, each girl whispered the other hand along the spare hair of his thighs, teasing, tickling, tantalizing, exciting him.
Dan savored their perfume and tried to memorize the feel of silky hair against his cock as they slowly stood up and pressed into his arms once more. He hugged them close, feeling the thrill of both girls' breasts. Closing his eyes, he allowed their lips to join his in a three-way kiss and let his hand relish the texture of the bare cheek of Emma and the satin joy of Jackie's pantied ass.
"Is it what you thought it would be?"
Dan swallowed hard and managed to utter only one word in a hoarse, emotionally thickened voice:
The girls separated and walked regally around the sides of the bed and rolled elegantly onto the pink satin bed sheets and waited for him.
They rolled against his bare skin, their nipples carving smiles on the sides of his chest. His arms surrounded them and each rolled one leg over one of his. His jutting cock lolled against Jackie's hipbone and she covered it with the palm of her hand and kissed him under his right ear.
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You walk into a unmarked building alone on a warm August night. You read an advertisement on Brazzers website, giving a phone number on how to apply to become the next big thing in porn. You didn't believe it, but you decided to apply anyway. And when Saturday came and you realized that you had nothing better to do you decided to go to the address that the man on the phone gave to you. When you see a receptionist, you see that she is very attractive. Long black hair, 36C chest and legs that are...
JILLY'S SPECIAL DAY - Part 2 Gerry was waiting for them with the car door held open, Lance handed Jilly in (he was no longer thinking of himself as Giles) and he moved quickly across the back seat to allow Lance to get in. Closing the door Lance reached over and took Jilly's hand in his. "Comfy?" Lance inquired. "Yes Sir," he replied, but in truth he was as nervous as a kitten and felt the need to pee. "Jilly please stop calling me Sir," he said. "Sorry Sir, I mean Lance," he...
I had been chatting with this hottie on Lush for a few months when I convinced her that since we lived near each other we should actually meet. From her profile I knew some of the things she said she liked so I planned a surprise for her. I invited my poker buddies over for some cards. I had told my young hottie friend that she should wear some old disposable clothes. She would find out why when she arrived. My buddies and I were well into our card game when the doorbell rang. I jumped up and...
You are at work and as you sit at your desk you find yourself constantly stealing glances at a woman named Rita. You have been fantasizing about her for some time now and you immediately get hard whenever she walks by you. She is everything you lust for in a woman; she is tall with a gorgeous face and she is also happens to be a very shapely plus size woman. You watch as Rita walks over to a file cabinet that is just a few feet in front of you and your, one quick glance and your cock instantly...
The story I'm about to relate to you is 100% true, word for word. Only the names have been changed.MarieIt was a warm, June night and I was driving down the main street of town. A car coming in the opposite direction, beeped it's horn and a guy waved me down. I pulled over to the curb and looking into my rear view mirror, I watched the car make a U turn and pull up behind me. It was my friend Ray who I worked with.He got out of his car and came up to mine saying, "hey Jack, what are you doing...
It was raining as Ian got off the plane he looked around for who would pick him up. Would it be his Mother, Jess, who was in her 30's. She was 5'5, had brown hair, medium sized tits, and an amazing ass. Or would it be his Aunt Becky, with the same sized tits and an even better ass. It could also be his sister Cara, which had blonde hair, a fat ass, and perfectly sized tits.
IncestAfter that wonderful experience with Swetha that day, she went on a vacation with her husband and children which were about 5 days. Once she came back she had called my parents to their house to offer them some sweets which they had bought on the journey back to Bangalore. Sadly I wasn’t at home that day once I came back home my mother had told me we received sweets from them. And then I realized 5 days were over and she’s back. I was kinda excited and the same time wanted to see her. The next...
IncestBleep, bleep, bleep 8:15 on jenny’s alarm clock “oh my gosh I’m going to be late for school” she then says good morning to her mom Mrs.Wakemen then drinks half a gallon of oil, and flies off to school in her rocket boots. Jenny goes to Tremerton high school with her friends Sheldon and Brad but when she saw brad, he started to run away both jenny and Sheldon looked surprised. During their joined lunch period she finds brad but he is still ignoring her, and jenny starts to get mad then takes...
Galaxy Champion 2 By Paul G. Jutras Inside the corridors of a cruiser, Lesley and Sandra had been tossed around. Lesley felt like he would stain his panties as she stood tall in her pink bikini and matching nail polish. Having saved enough money for hormones he cut quite a figure in his suit. Sandra was shorter, dressed in a pink tee shirt and gray pants that were a better choice for escaping an attack. "Lesley, listen," Sandra said in his worried way. "I told you hitting the...
My name is Cameron. I’ve been kind of a nerd my whole life and people say I’m probably too nice for my own good. When I met my wife Izzy , short for Isabel, I feel like I got a little cooler but I still felt like people took advantage of me being so nice . Were both 24 , my parents didn’t want me to get married so young but we both thought it was a good time to do it. They also wanted me to marry a white woman since I am white, I think but Izzy grew on them pretty quick . It was your standard...
CONFESSIONS Part 3 TAKENDays were passing by; I was teasing Assarudeen when there was a chance. There were quite a few chances of nearly getting caught. Mostly Muthu he was keeping a close eye what was going on. Then one evening everyone was getting ready to go and leaving office while submitting their work to us. The office became quite, me along with sheeba & assarudeen were busy trying to finish our work for the day. Muthu came and told assarudeen to get some files summoned by the...
Aaj mai aapko aaj maa ki tau ji se chudai ki bilkul hi taji kahani sunane jaa raha hu jo aaj raat ki hai.sabse pahle mai aapko maa aur mere tauji ka parichay karadu. Meri maa jinki umar 50 saal hai, ek gori lambi aur sundar aurat hai. Tauji bhi jinki umar athatar saal ke hai, lambe aur healthy aur sundar hai. Mai surat me akele do room ke flate me rahta hu. Meri maa in dino mere paas aayi hui hai. Yah kahani aaj raat ki hai. Mere tau ji apne kisi kam se yaha aye huye the.raat me jab taau ji...
Once Fowler started babbling, it became almost anticlimactic. Bear started the video recorder and even Fowler’s voice seemed to have lost its resonance. He confessed without emotion. He answered every question — no longer defiant, no longer any vitality in his voice, his posture. Mr. November was resigned, had given up. The last call he’d made, to Ryder and Mologna — “It’s her. Do it.” — turned out to be an order for them to go back to Richmond. To tear the Barbara Reynolds apartment to...
John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt / Martin and /Rita Jerome Morris the director of vocational education for the Cleveland school system Bobbi James the radio personality Amos Hardee deputy sheriff Lori Moore deputy sheriff Marcus hostage taker Sara Thomas newspaper writer Everett Martin the current leader of the Cleveland meetings of Freebird. Mark and Happy Jones swingers. Jethro Morris murder victim. ---- It was a Thursday and nothing had been settled. The cops had no idea who stabbed Jethro...
One morning after my girlfriend left for work, I got Kyle to come into the bedroom. So, I got him good and tweaked and laid at the edge of the bed, holding my legs up with my knees in my chest and had Kyle French kiss my asshole for a good long time. He knelt down on the floor in front of me and he looked at my puckered, hairy asshole and finally ran his tongue up it. It felt so damn good and I could feel my asshole clenching as he started licking and lapping on it. I grabbed his head and...
Plausible Deniability (blindfolded wife shared) My wife always got very horny when she would flash when we were out of town. As long as she thought she would not see anyone she knew, she was good to go. She didn’t say yes right away, she made me work for it. She didn’t want to be seen as a slut. The talk eventually turned to someone watching us have sex. But she was afraid someone would find out or she would get ‘caught’. Over time we came up with a fantasy or her being tied and blindfolded, so...
To this day I still can't believe my boyfriend talked me into it. I never thought things would turn out the way they did. I guess I just want to blame someone else, when in fact, I just let things get carried away. The thing is, even though I know it's wrong, I'm not sorry it happened. I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself, I should start at the beginning.My younger brother Tom was turning 18 years old and I was trying to think of an appropriate gift. Between the apartment and the car,...
My Angels were lying inches apart, on each side of Deanne’s pussy. As I raised my head to lick her little button, I felt the pull of them on the monofilament line around my neck. Looking down, I saw each and every one of her pussy hairs standing on end, like they had been combed up and spritzed in place with styling gel. I kept looking down as I slipped forward a few inches, her pussy hair leaned forward as my little black Angels slid forward with me. I backed up and the Angels slid back...
The sound of waves crashing along the beach provided a background noise that Betsy found particularly relaxing. She was sitting tailor fashion on the beach, looking out across the ocean at the distant horizon. This was about as calm as Betsy could appear to act. It truly was an appearance of calm rather than true calm. She was digging two holes. She was excavating one hole with each hand, and using the sand in the other hand to fill it in again. The strength required to shove her hands into...
The first time I gave head, I was the tender age of 16, maybe 17 and I had no idea what I should be doing. A boy at college was the lucky subject. He had a Renault clio and played rugby. What can I say, I'm easy to please (rugby playing, Clio driving boy will be making guest appearances quite frequently in my stories).He had a girlfriend at the time, who was in the USA (factor number one to life being difficult if it isn't just sex) and he suggested that I let him finger fuck me and in return I...
One of the Hardest Lessons Learned by Amanda Lee As she sat there and stared at David Harrison, Kassie knew that what she was thinking of was wrong. He was in his late twenties with blonde hair, blue eyes, and the most amazing body she had ever seen. The only problem was he was her teacher. And a good teacher he was. She had never understood math so well before. She couldn’t believe it. This semester will be the first time ever that she got an A in math. She can’t understand how though,...
this story is not mine this sotory is of my friendWhen I was 17, I was living with my 24-year-old sister. She has a very high paying job as a fashion designer, and lives in her own house with a pool. I got kicked out of my parents house, so my sister let me move in with her temporarily until I get a job, and I get enough money to get back up on my feet, and get a place of my own.My sister and I have always been good friends, and have gotten along well throughout our whole c***dhood. We hardly...
More from St. John THE BEST REVENGE IS REVENGE REVENGE #1: A man and his wife were at odds and not talking to each other. In the evening, the man suddenly remembered that he needed his wife to wake him up the next day at 5am so he could make it in time for a business flight. Since he did not want to be the first to break the silence, he wrote to her on a piece of paper “Please wake me up at 5am” and left the note on the bedside table. The next morning the man woke up only to find that it...
I was paired up with Laura who had the most voluptuous figure of the four which promised a fun three hours. "I'm glad we got put together, John, yours is the only cock I haven't seen and I'm really eager to get it out and have some fun with it. This is your first swap, right?" "Yeah, I just never thought Karen would go for it, just never." "Well, shows you what holding three nice, new cocks in your hand will do for a woman." "I think you're right. I hope it goes well for her." "She's with Jeff,...
Group SexWednesday morning at eight o'clock the alarm flashed. Cal got out of bed and slapped Raven on the ass. Cal said, "Honey, time to get up." Raven pulled the covers over her head and said, "I don't want to." "We have to meet Ryan and Christina for breakfast. Now get up." Raven rolled over and said, "No." Cal walked over and picked up the ice bowl. He ripped the covers off the bed and threw the ice and water on Raven. She came alive screaming. Cal stood there laughing. Raven...
The Sexhibition of Sheila Part I Sheila was a sexy bitch and she knew it. So did every guy who saw her. Sure,she had a few kids and was in her mid thirties. But a lot of exercise kepther in tiptop shape. At 5'11", she had long shapely legs, a firm ass,and a set of good-sized tits. Blue eyes, auburn hair and an Irish peaches and cream complexion marked her as a woman still worthy to fuck. And Randy planned to do just that - fuck her good - in more ways than one.Since she turned him down years...
Janet had just about finished all of her paperwork and other physical ed teacher responsibilities for the day when she heard a firm, insistent knock on her office door. "Come on in, the door's open," Janet said loudly to ensure whoever was there could hear her. When the door opened, she was sort of surprised to see that it was three of the young horny studs in the Group with her and her husband, Coach Ron Ellis. Tom, Philip, and Larry all walked in, and Janet wondered what these three...
Hello, hello? Oh, hi. Welcome to your new job! We are so glad to have you joining the family. Just to be sure, you do know where you're working now... right...?
Throngaar yawned and reached back as he stretched out until he was up on his toes. The sunshine was streaming through the narrow window to the outside world, and the dwarf smiled. It promised to be a good day. The thick, wavy glass pane in the window prevented him from hearing the birds chirping outside, but he knew they were there. Next, he meticulously brushed the tangles from his long, reddish brown beard, put on his brown breeches and his favorite red shirt. He ran his fingers over the...
Also note everyone is of age in this story but because certain words kept flagging the story, I have replaced them with tiny human. Context should be enough to figure out what word should have been used even if it does not flow exactly the same. Lidia rubbed the last bit of lotion onto her cleanly shaven pussy and shivered with delight. She wanted to continue and so did her dripping wet pussy but she had plans. Reluctantly she patted herself dry, it would not stay dry she knew, and started to...