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"Sind wir jetzt langsam mal da?" quaengelte Shawna vor ihm.

"Jaja, gleich sind wir da. Ist nicht mehr weit. Nur noch zu den Baeumen da vorne, da ist der Fluss. Du wirst sehen, ist traumhaft." Sie schoben ihre Fahrraeder auf dem schmalen Trampelpfad ueber das offene Feld. Waehrend er mit ihr sprach sah Marc von hinten Shawna die ganze Zeit auf ihren geilen, prallen Hintern, der die abgeschnittene Jeans zur vollsten Zufriedenheit ausfuellte. Es war ein schoener Sommertag, die Hitze begann allmaehlich nachzulassen. In der Ferne zeichneten sich ein paar Gewittertuerme ab.

Vor ein paar Tagen waren sie sich per Zufall wieder ueber den Weg gelaufen. Sie hatten sich vor ein paar Jahren in der Firma kennengelernt, in der Marc als erstes gearbeitet hatte, bevor er sich dann selbststaendig gemacht hatte. Leider hatte er deswegen die Leute aus der Abteilung aus den Augen verloren, was ihm bei einigen ziemlich leid getan hatte, ganz besonders bei Shawna, weil er die kleine geile Schlampe gerne mal durchgevoegelt hatte. Nach einer Betriebsfeier waere es beinahe einmal soweit gewesen. Sie waren noch mit einigen anderen zu Heike gegangen, einer der Sekretaerinnen, die in rauhen Mengen Cookies unter die Leute geworfen hatte. Die Stimmung war dann immer lockerer geworden und hatte schliesslich in einem phantastischen Rudelbums geendet. Marc wurde er heute noch hart, wenn er daran zurueckdachte. Shawna hatte ziemlich was von dem Dope abgekriegt gehabt und war verdammt geloest gewesen. Marc hatte schon seine Hand in ihre Hose geschoben gehabt und begonnen ihre Fickspalte zu streicheln, was sie auch ziemlich mochte. Ploetzlich hatte sie dann ihren Moralischen gekriegt, sich richtiggehend von ihm losgerissen und war gegangen. Obwohl sie eigentlich immer so tat, als ob sie recht locker sei mit den Maennern, war sie wohl etwas pruede. Damals war ihm das egal gewesen. Er hatte noch ganz wunderbar mit Heike und zwei anderen Frauen gefickt, deren Namen er inzwischen ganz vergessen hatte. Aber als er Shawna dann vor ein paar Tagen auf der Strasse wieder getroffen hatte....

Sie hatten jetzt den Waldrand erreicht und legten ihre Raeder ins Gras, wobei sich Shawna weit nach vornueber beugte. Ihre Jeans drohte dabei fast aus den Naehten zu platzen, genau wie Marcs Badehose, die er bereits unter seinen Shorts trug. Sie war einfach phantastisch. Ihr volles, wildes Haar, das sie im Augenblick zurueckgesteckt hatte, diese dunklen, mandelfoermigen Augen, der kunstvoll geschwungene Mund, ihre samtene, leicht dunkel getoente Haut, und ihre festen kleinen Titten ueber dem gut trainierten, flachen Bauch, den sie so gerne herzeigte, und dann noch die kraeftigen, perfekten Schenkel. Sie trieb exzessiv Sport und man sah es ihr an. Marc lud die Kuehlbox ab, in der er etwas zu Essen und Trinken hatte - auch eine Flasche Hochprozentiges fuer spaeter - und die selbstgemachten Caramelbonbons.

"Hmmmm... die sind lecker", hatte sie gesagt, als sie sich das dritte oder vierte in den suessen Mund schob. "Was ist denn da noch drin?"

"Ach, nur irgendsoein Kraut, dessen Namen ich vergessen hab. Stand auf dem Rezept, das ich da hatte", hatte er geantwortet. "Wenn du wuesstest", hatte er gedacht. "Das Zeug wird dich so richtig schoen lockern und entspannen. Und wenn ich das an deinen Pupillen richtig sehe hat es schon angefangen zu wirken. Bei der Mischung haetten auch zwei Caramellos gereicht."

Sie stiegen den engen Pfad zwischen den Baeumen zu dem idyllischen, abgeschiedenen Strand in der Flussbiegung hinab. Die Stelle war wie geschaffen fuer einen kleinen entspannten Nachmittagsfick in der Sonne. Zwischen hoch aufragenden Felsen und der baumbestanden, steilen Uferboeschung hatte sich ein phantastischer kleiner Sandstrand gebildet. Voellig einsam gelegen, weitab von jeglicher Zivilisation. Marc war schon ganz gluecklich vor Vorfreude und sein harter Schwanz pulsierte staendig gegen die enge Badehose, vor allem weil bei Shawna das Dope ganz offensichtlich zu wirken begonnen hatte und sie auf dem schmalen, dunklen Waldweg Probleme hatte, einen festen Stand zu finden, weswegen sie sich immer wieder an ihn haengte.

Als sie dann auf den Strand kamen, haette Marc am liebsten laut "Scheisse" geschrien. Ploetzlich fiel ihm auch das Auto ein, das am Strassenrand an der Stelle geparkt hatte, wo der Trampelpfad durch's Feld abzweigte. "Fuck, so eine Scheisse...alles laeuft perfekt, das Wetter, die Stimmung, der Ort und Shawna hat sogar ihr Dope fleissig gelutscht...und dann das!"

Am Strand lag eine Person. Aber als er naeher kam, waere Marc vor Erstaunen fast die Kinnlade runtergeklappt. Es war eine Frau, vielleicht so Anfang, Mitte Dreissig, wie er selber. Sie sah von dem Buch auf, in dem sie gerade las und schob sich ihre Sonnenbrille in die dunkle Maehne.

"H-Hallo", brachte er etwas stotternd hervor, wobei er nicht verhindern konnte, dass seine Augen wie festgeklebt an ihrem Arsch hingen. Er konnte es kaum fassen. In formvollendeter Perfektion prangten die zwei runden, festen Arschbacken in der Nachmittagssonne, nur leicht geteilt von dem Tanga, der sich langsam abfallend zwischen ihnen verlor. Er war so gebannt, dass er gar nicht bemerkte, dass sie ihm ungeniert auf die sich blitzartig wieder verhaertende Beule zwischen seinen Beinen starrte.

"Hallo", riss sie ihn aus seinen Gedanken und musste laut auflachen, als er ein wenig rot wurde, weil er ihren Blick bemerkt hatte.

"Ich, ....wir...ich mein isses ok wenn wir uns auch an den Strand legen... hm, is ja nich grade so viel Platz...."

Wieder musste sie lachen und waelzte sich leicht zur Seite und richtete sich etwas auf, so dass sie ihm mit unverhohlenem Stolz ihre festen kleinen Titten entgegenreckte, die das Bikinioberteil eher betonte als verbarg.

"Klar, kein Problem. Der Strand ist sogar gross genug, denke ich, dass fuenf oder sechs Leute hier sein koennten, ohne gleich Nummern ziehen zu muessen."

"Äh ja, danke. Ich bin uebrigens Marc, und das ist Shawna."

"Hi, ich bin Nina." Sie sah den beiden dabei zu, wie sie ihr Liegetuch ausbreiteten und ein paar Sachen aus der Badetasche holte. "Na so ein Zufall", dachte sie, "So ein huebscher kleiner Zufall".

Marc zog sich die Klamotten bis auf die Badehose aus und sprang gleich ins Wasser. Erstens um sich ein wenig abzukuehlen - in jeder Hinsicht. Und zweitens weil ihm bereits dermassen Freudentropfen aus der Eichel geflossen waren, dass sich dunkle Flecken auf dem Stoff zu bilden begonnen hatten. Er schwamm ein bischen flussaufwaerts und liess sich hinter dem Felsvorsprung vorbei wieder von der Stroemung zum Strand treiben. Offenbar hatten sich Nina und Shawna bereits angefreundet. Nina sass auf der schoenen Deutsch-Amerikanerin und cremte ihr zaertlich den Ruecken ein, wobei sie sich unter staendigem Kichern und Lachen unterhielten. Marc wurde richtig neidisch, als er Ninas Haende die weissliche Sonnenmilch in Shawnas seidige, dunkle Haut massieren sah.

"Na, ihr zwei, was lacht ihr so?" fragte er leichthin.

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Ann came over at about ten o'clock. She had a glass in each hand. It was that same drink that they had plied us with last night. She gave Dave and me each one and told us to drink up. I tried to tell her that I don't drink in the morning but she smiled and said, "Silly girl! Of course you do! You do whatever I want you to." I knew that I really didn't want to drink the drink in my hand. But for some reason that I really didn't understand, I also knew that I had to. I took a sip. It was...

1 year ago
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Stocking Tease

StockingTease! Yeah, baby, it's a stocking tube! When somebody asked me about Stocking-Tease, I said the terms of my probation strictly prohibited looking at that type of material. He had to clarify, “No, I said stocking. You know, like pantyhose? Nylons?” Of course, I actually knew that all along. is a porno site dedicated to beautiful women in stockings, and only a true deviate would wonder otherwise.Stockings are such a common sight in pornography that it seems like only a...

Fetish Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Nurse me

She was young and unmarried but pregnant. The babys father was a relative. She had sex with her dad and uncle and two cousins. She grew up in an all male house and did not know any difference but to let the men fuck her. Her belly was beginning to bulge and her already big tits were getting bigger as they filled with milk. Her shirts were tight against the full tits.The men in her family still were coming to her bed every night. Sometimes all of them would have their way with her petite body....

4 years ago
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Down on the Farm 06

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

2 years ago
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She Whispered Do Me Tom

Tabitha, You and I met last night when we were out at a club in a nearby town. I noticed you and I was sitting there watching you at a nearby table with a couple of your female friends, enjoying your drinks. I heard someone call you "Tabitha". Lady, you make me so hot. I was sitting there enjoying watching you in that hot outfit you were wearing and I quickly found myself mentally undressing you and wondering what you'd look like if I was so fortunate as to get you into a nearby motel room...

2 years ago
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TwoWay MotherChapter 4

Donna stayed in her bedroom all evening. It wasn't because she was ashamed of her youngest son seeing under her dress. It was because she didn't know how to react toward Ted. One thing, though, Ted didn't make a big deal out of it. In fact, he tried hard to pretend nothing had happened. She sat only for a while longer, then telling them she wasn't hungry and they would have to prepare their own dinner, she went to her room and stayed behind her closed door, pacing the floor, wringing...

3 years ago
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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn’t consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn’t have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Naked on the Train

At last! thought Emerald, lovingly waving goodbye to her parents as the train pulled off. She'd got the compartment to herself, and her family were gone. Not that she didn't love her mother and father and darling sister Betty, but it was term time and she was off to her other life, where she was more or less free to do as she wished. She bent her neck as far as she could to see a last glimpse of Betty running along the platform edge, waving her handkerchief at her as the train picked up pace,...

3 years ago
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Shedding Spite

I'm a vindictive bastard. Not all the time of course. You don't get to run a chain of convenience stores without a degree of likeability. In fact if you met me, that is the first thing you would note. I am extremely affable. Just don't cross me. I will extract vengeance on you. Not revenge; vengeance. OK you want examples. I used to play rugby, still do occasionally. I was a lock, one of the second row forwards; tall, well set, fairly quick on my feet. So I was chasing down a high ball...

4 years ago
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Grandpa and Grandma come for a visit and the entire family enjoys an incestuous orgy

“We’re here!” Grandma cried as she and Grandpa came through the front door with their suitcases. “Grandma!” the children shouted as quickly the five of them surrounded their Grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa hugged them all – letting their hands grab the firm young asses of their grandchildren. Grandma took special care to press her massive bosom against their chests feeling her nipples harden as she did. Grandpa’s large pecker had been hard since...

2 years ago
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Rosy au bureau

Nous sommes en décembre ,il fait un froid de canard . Ce matin j'vais deux rendez vous ,le premier à 8 h 30 vient de se décommander , le second est pour 11 heures , mais cela m'ennuie vraiment d'attendre jusque là ! Je vais donc essayer de me rendre à l'adresse indiquée ,peut être y aura t'il quelqu'un !J' arrive devant le bâtiment , l'endroit est désert . Avec ce brouillard , l'ambiance du lieu est plutôt sinistre .Il n'y a pas de numéro 8 dans cette rue . Je vais attendre un peu dans la...

1 year ago
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Jacks Odd Summer

Jack Benson was home from college for the summer. Fresh off of his 1st year he as 19, fit and horny as only nineteen year old guys can be. He jacked off several times a day and enjoyed watching his smoking hot neighbor, Mrs. Taggert sunbathe. She wore a tiny white bikini that barely covered her big grapefruit sized tits, and small tight ass. Her blond hair perfectly framed a world class beauty; her crystal blue eyes were amazing. Her legs were tanned and shapely, and it gave Jack a boner every...

2 years ago
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The Kiss

The kiss It was a typical alcoholic night out. It started with you listening to music and drinking wine in your house. Then you got dressed and went out heading to DADA (1). You found a stool on the bar, ordered the first beer and took out the tobacco to roll a cigarette. You took the first drag in the same time with the barman giving you the glass. You thanked him and took the first sip. The music was good, dark with not a hint of the typical Saturday night metal shit (2); at least...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 58 Honeymoon Dinner

Friday, April 15, 2005 (Continued) Carol had not returned by the time Julia and I had finished our snack. Julia said Carol would return when she wanted to. Carol eventually rejoined us about forty five minutes after she'd skipped out. I looked at my watch and said, "Good grief, how could you spend so long jilling yourself in the bathroom?" Carol indignantly defended herself, "What sort of sexual pervert do you think I am! I only spent five minutes in the bathroom. Honestly! Just...

4 years ago
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General SidChapter 31

The procession into the Drake Citadel was a stately occasion. There were drummers pounding out a dignified cadence. The victorious men marched in formation moving in sync with the drums. There were banners flying at the front and end of the column. Rather than ride at the front or rear, Dracos had chosen to ride in the center. Unwilling to take credit for all of their accomplishments, Dracos had chosen to be surrounded by the men with whom he had fought. Watching from the battlement over the...

3 years ago
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Giving the boss a raise

I then suggested she come inside and call him to say she was on her way home. She does and while she did this I went to the kitchen to get myself a drink, and to offer her one as well. Before I could get back to the living room where the phone was I could hear my phone being slammed down and her saying, “That son of a bitch.” I walked in and said, “What Deb what did he do?” She then tells me that she called their house and he wasn’t home and he usually was at that time since he had to be at...

4 years ago
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Take a Chance on MeChapter 3

Carrie, Lu Ann and Sue Ann Chance Vivian Joey Yep, 16 days. Lucky that the girls were never told how bad it was or what might have happened. It was two more weeks before they moved me back home from Charleston. My thoughts the last few days there that they were going to 'release' me like some of the others that were vetted, but thankfully, no. Remember I said they now seemed to like me. Later I was told that they had called in everyone 'they trusted' for that weekend. April Fools Day...

2 years ago
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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

3 years ago
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SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales)THE DINERIt was 5AM and Jim couldn’t sleep. He was too horny. It was raining.“The hell with it”, he mumbled to himself. He put on his raincoat and left his apartment. It was dark and drizzling. Two blocks away the familiar letters in yellow neon lights spelled “Roger’s Diner”. It was open 24/7. Maybe someone he knew would be there. A young couple had the corner table in the rear. They were silent and sipped their coffee. Roger nodded to Jim. Jim sat on one of the...

2 years ago
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My 63 Year Old Wife and The Young Man

My wife Diane is 63 but in great shape and very pretty. We both keep slim and exercise regularly. She has a luscious set of big titties that hang nicely. Even at 63 she looks great when going braless in a sheer top and it drives men nuts. They can’t take their eyes off of her. Diane is submissive to me so when I tell her to wear one to go out, she does it. She knows that refusing to do so will result in a spanking.Two weeks ago we went to Walmart because I wanted to buy her a couple of...

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