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"Sind wir jetzt langsam mal da?" quaengelte Shawna vor ihm.
"Jaja, gleich sind wir da. Ist nicht mehr weit. Nur noch zu den Baeumen da vorne, da ist der Fluss. Du wirst sehen, ist traumhaft." Sie schoben ihre Fahrraeder auf dem schmalen Trampelpfad ueber das offene Feld. Waehrend er mit ihr sprach sah Marc von hinten Shawna die ganze Zeit auf ihren geilen, prallen Hintern, der die abgeschnittene Jeans zur vollsten Zufriedenheit ausfuellte. Es war ein schoener Sommertag, die Hitze begann allmaehlich nachzulassen. In der Ferne zeichneten sich ein paar Gewittertuerme ab.
Vor ein paar Tagen waren sie sich per Zufall wieder ueber den Weg gelaufen. Sie hatten sich vor ein paar Jahren in der Firma kennengelernt, in der Marc als erstes gearbeitet hatte, bevor er sich dann selbststaendig gemacht hatte. Leider hatte er deswegen die Leute aus der Abteilung aus den Augen verloren, was ihm bei einigen ziemlich leid getan hatte, ganz besonders bei Shawna, weil er die kleine geile Schlampe gerne mal durchgevoegelt hatte. Nach einer Betriebsfeier waere es beinahe einmal soweit gewesen. Sie waren noch mit einigen anderen zu Heike gegangen, einer der Sekretaerinnen, die in rauhen Mengen Cookies unter die Leute geworfen hatte. Die Stimmung war dann immer lockerer geworden und hatte schliesslich in einem phantastischen Rudelbums geendet. Marc wurde er heute noch hart, wenn er daran zurueckdachte. Shawna hatte ziemlich was von dem Dope abgekriegt gehabt und war verdammt geloest gewesen. Marc hatte schon seine Hand in ihre Hose geschoben gehabt und begonnen ihre Fickspalte zu streicheln, was sie auch ziemlich mochte. Ploetzlich hatte sie dann ihren Moralischen gekriegt, sich richtiggehend von ihm losgerissen und war gegangen. Obwohl sie eigentlich immer so tat, als ob sie recht locker sei mit den Maennern, war sie wohl etwas pruede. Damals war ihm das egal gewesen. Er hatte noch ganz wunderbar mit Heike und zwei anderen Frauen gefickt, deren Namen er inzwischen ganz vergessen hatte. Aber als er Shawna dann vor ein paar Tagen auf der Strasse wieder getroffen hatte....
Sie hatten jetzt den Waldrand erreicht und legten ihre Raeder ins Gras, wobei sich Shawna weit nach vornueber beugte. Ihre Jeans drohte dabei fast aus den Naehten zu platzen, genau wie Marcs Badehose, die er bereits unter seinen Shorts trug. Sie war einfach phantastisch. Ihr volles, wildes Haar, das sie im Augenblick zurueckgesteckt hatte, diese dunklen, mandelfoermigen Augen, der kunstvoll geschwungene Mund, ihre samtene, leicht dunkel getoente Haut, und ihre festen kleinen Titten ueber dem gut trainierten, flachen Bauch, den sie so gerne herzeigte, und dann noch die kraeftigen, perfekten Schenkel. Sie trieb exzessiv Sport und man sah es ihr an. Marc lud die Kuehlbox ab, in der er etwas zu Essen und Trinken hatte - auch eine Flasche Hochprozentiges fuer spaeter - und die selbstgemachten Caramelbonbons.
"Hmmmm... die sind lecker", hatte sie gesagt, als sie sich das dritte oder vierte in den suessen Mund schob. "Was ist denn da noch drin?"
"Ach, nur irgendsoein Kraut, dessen Namen ich vergessen hab. Stand auf dem Rezept, das ich da hatte", hatte er geantwortet. "Wenn du wuesstest", hatte er gedacht. "Das Zeug wird dich so richtig schoen lockern und entspannen. Und wenn ich das an deinen Pupillen richtig sehe hat es schon angefangen zu wirken. Bei der Mischung haetten auch zwei Caramellos gereicht."
Sie stiegen den engen Pfad zwischen den Baeumen zu dem idyllischen, abgeschiedenen Strand in der Flussbiegung hinab. Die Stelle war wie geschaffen fuer einen kleinen entspannten Nachmittagsfick in der Sonne. Zwischen hoch aufragenden Felsen und der baumbestanden, steilen Uferboeschung hatte sich ein phantastischer kleiner Sandstrand gebildet. Voellig einsam gelegen, weitab von jeglicher Zivilisation. Marc war schon ganz gluecklich vor Vorfreude und sein harter Schwanz pulsierte staendig gegen die enge Badehose, vor allem weil bei Shawna das Dope ganz offensichtlich zu wirken begonnen hatte und sie auf dem schmalen, dunklen Waldweg Probleme hatte, einen festen Stand zu finden, weswegen sie sich immer wieder an ihn haengte.
Als sie dann auf den Strand kamen, haette Marc am liebsten laut "Scheisse" geschrien. Ploetzlich fiel ihm auch das Auto ein, das am Strassenrand an der Stelle geparkt hatte, wo der Trampelpfad durch's Feld abzweigte. "Fuck, so eine Scheisse...alles laeuft perfekt, das Wetter, die Stimmung, der Ort und Shawna hat sogar ihr Dope fleissig gelutscht...und dann das!"
Am Strand lag eine Person. Aber als er naeher kam, waere Marc vor Erstaunen fast die Kinnlade runtergeklappt. Es war eine Frau, vielleicht so Anfang, Mitte Dreissig, wie er selber. Sie sah von dem Buch auf, in dem sie gerade las und schob sich ihre Sonnenbrille in die dunkle Maehne.
"H-Hallo", brachte er etwas stotternd hervor, wobei er nicht verhindern konnte, dass seine Augen wie festgeklebt an ihrem Arsch hingen. Er konnte es kaum fassen. In formvollendeter Perfektion prangten die zwei runden, festen Arschbacken in der Nachmittagssonne, nur leicht geteilt von dem Tanga, der sich langsam abfallend zwischen ihnen verlor. Er war so gebannt, dass er gar nicht bemerkte, dass sie ihm ungeniert auf die sich blitzartig wieder verhaertende Beule zwischen seinen Beinen starrte.
"Hallo", riss sie ihn aus seinen Gedanken und musste laut auflachen, als er ein wenig rot wurde, weil er ihren Blick bemerkt hatte.
"Ich, ....wir...ich mein isses ok wenn wir uns auch an den Strand legen... hm, is ja nich grade so viel Platz...."
Wieder musste sie lachen und waelzte sich leicht zur Seite und richtete sich etwas auf, so dass sie ihm mit unverhohlenem Stolz ihre festen kleinen Titten entgegenreckte, die das Bikinioberteil eher betonte als verbarg.
"Klar, kein Problem. Der Strand ist sogar gross genug, denke ich, dass fuenf oder sechs Leute hier sein koennten, ohne gleich Nummern ziehen zu muessen."
"Äh ja, danke. Ich bin uebrigens Marc, und das ist Shawna."
"Hi, ich bin Nina." Sie sah den beiden dabei zu, wie sie ihr Liegetuch ausbreiteten und ein paar Sachen aus der Badetasche holte. "Na so ein Zufall", dachte sie, "So ein huebscher kleiner Zufall".
Marc zog sich die Klamotten bis auf die Badehose aus und sprang gleich ins Wasser. Erstens um sich ein wenig abzukuehlen - in jeder Hinsicht. Und zweitens weil ihm bereits dermassen Freudentropfen aus der Eichel geflossen waren, dass sich dunkle Flecken auf dem Stoff zu bilden begonnen hatten. Er schwamm ein bischen flussaufwaerts und liess sich hinter dem Felsvorsprung vorbei wieder von der Stroemung zum Strand treiben. Offenbar hatten sich Nina und Shawna bereits angefreundet. Nina sass auf der schoenen Deutsch-Amerikanerin und cremte ihr zaertlich den Ruecken ein, wobei sie sich unter staendigem Kichern und Lachen unterhielten. Marc wurde richtig neidisch, als er Ninas Haende die weissliche Sonnenmilch in Shawnas seidige, dunkle Haut massieren sah.
"Na, ihr zwei, was lacht ihr so?" fragte er leichthin.
„Los, schieb IHN rein!“ „Wo? In deine Fotze?“ Mit einem Grinsen wandert mein Blick zu den Anderen, die sich begeistert die Schwänze reiben. „Du weißt genau, dass ich keine von diesen billigen Fotzenutten bin. Also… Entweder du fickst mich jetzt in mein Arschloch oder ich lass mich vom Nächsten voll stopfen.“ Lexa schaut sich ihre strammen Mitschüler mit lustvollen Augen an. Die Gruppe von insgesamt zehn Leuten befindet sich auf dem Knabenklo der Schule. Es ist kurz vor den Sommerferien und wie...
In diesem Jahr wollen Linda,Evi,Gala und Tia jeweils in ein anderes Land reisen und am Ende ihrer Reisen einander von ihren Erlebnissen berichten. Endlich ist der Sommer gekommen und die vier Mädls stehen am Vienna Flughafen,um sich voneinander zu verabschieden. Linda ist 20,schlank,blond,hat graue Augen und üppigen Busen.Sie trägt ein türkises Top,eine Jeanshotpants,lässige rosa Sportschuhe,einen blauenBh,aber kein Höschen.Ihre Reise geht nach Hamburg. Evi ist 19,zierlich-anmutig,hat...
Man sah Claudia König ihre Krastbürstigkeit nicht an. Eigentlich machte sie eine eher unschuldigen Eindruck aber das täuschte. In Wahrheit hatte sie es ganz faustdick hinter ihren blonden Haaren, besser gesagt sie war sogar ein Biest. Immer war sie nur auf ihren Vorteil bedacht und zögerte dabei nie ihren Prachtkörper für ihre Zwecke einzusetzen. Dies war schon während der Schulzeit so. Sie war an sich eine sehr gute Schülerin, aber sie hatte in der 10. und 11. Klasse massive Probleme in...
Hallo, mein Name ist Alec, ich wohne in Deutschland und bin 33 Jahre alt. Genau genommen ist Alec nur ein Spitzname, den mir meine englischsprachigen Freunde gegeben hatten, weil sie Probleme bei der Aussprache meines wirklichen Namens hatten. Aber er hat sich inzwischen irgendwie festgesetzt, also - das bin ich. Ich bin eins dreiundachzig groß schlank, habe dunkle, kurze Haare und grau-blaue Augen. Meinen Lebensunterhalt verdiene ich in diversen Jobs - ich konnte mich noch nie so richtig...
As I sit back and take it all in, I am trying to regain my stamina for my second round. Watching her get spit roasted by these two bulls is getting my dick hard again almost immediately! I’m slowly stroking myself back into the game, watching Lisa doing her level best to coordinate the thrusting of Donny’s ramrod mercilessly pounding her asshole as Johnny fucks her face with what seems like just the tip of his monster dong, but in reality, you see a good 7-8 inches are assaulting her throat....
Times In Tehran This took place many years ago when I was assigned to duty on a clandestine mission in Tehran, Iran and Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi sat on the Peacock Throne as ruler of his country. I traveled with a diplomatic passport, and was publicly supposedly attached to the US Embassy. Several other airmen and I lived in building called the Staff House which was in a compound with twelve foot high walls surrounding it. On the main floor we had our own kitchen complete with a staff of...
Hi friends I am back with my another new story or ye ek achanak se hone vala incident tha jiski muje bhi umeed nhi thi to aapka time waste nhi karte hue sidhe story pe aata hu. Mera naam arun or me mumbai se hu or me ek ty ka clg student hu or aapko to pata hi hai clg life mai havas to bhari hui hoti h. Fir vo ladaka ho ya ladaki dono mai sex karne ki kafi tamana hoti hai . Fir usme kuch bhi nhi dikhata ki aap kis se chudva rahi ho ya kisko chod rahe ho to mere sath bhi kuch aisa hi huaa. Ye us...
Linda, Part 1 - BeginningsI had met Linda three years earlier. She left her husband and moved in with me within a year. I was, from all she said, the lover she had always wanted. When it came to sex, her ex had ranged from lackluster to not interested, at best.We went at it like a couple of rabbits most of the time, especially in the beginning. She was apparently just trying to impress me in the beginning as well, by telling me of fantasies that ranged from being tied and taken by strangers to...
This true story is a result of several chats with my dearest sweetest GF Lindzy. She asked me to write this experience as a Lush story. It is her inspiration that makes this so sensuous. I had met Kevin at my favorite club Pure and we hit it off famously. That is to say we fucked till dawn. He didn’t often come to my city except on business, so when we saw each other we made it a special event. As he was leaving one Sunday morning he mentioned he had two friends who might come along on his...
My Daughter's Boyfriend - Part 2 by CutePatti ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I watched Matt recover from what was probably one of the most intense orgasms of his young life, I realized I had crossed a threshold that, while extremely exciting and almost a fantasy come true for me, was also one that had to be treated with the greatest care. It had happened so suddenly and unexpectedly and now I had to face the reality of the situation. I...
Later that day, I waited for Mike to come back home, he had been out to his soccer practice, although after all our fucking I don't know how he had much energy left.It was just after 5pm when I heard the door open. I walked into the hallway and saw my son standing there. He threw his bag onto the floor. A tight t-shirt clung to his chest, framing the outline of his muscles."Hi baby, did you have fun?" I asked"Yes Mom, but my legs hurt, think I might have pulled a muscle.""Oh dear baby" I...
When i woke up i didn't know where i was. I couldn't really see that well, it was too bright, the light stung my eyes. I heard voices but they sounded far away and muffled. There was an annoying electronic chirping and the low hum of an air pump. It was chilly but not exactly cold and at some point someone came in and washed me down with warm water and a sponge. It slowly dawned on me that i must be in a hospital and by the time the thought crystalized night had fallen. My eyes adjusted easier...
BDSMAfter over two years and countless weeks of working on this series I am both glad and sad to see it conclude. I would like to thank everyone who joined myself and the Fletcher family on this journey. Thanks to all those who read the series, rated it and especially to those who commented and urged me to keep writing. It wasn't always easy, other projects and life in general often got me sidetracked but I was intent on seeing it through and glad that I did. If I offended anyone who read this...
My name is Janet, I like my name, its part of who I am. I could not have imagined writing this story just a few years ago. But now that it has all happened, in hind sight, I would have started having sex with my son when he was 12 . Ok maybe not 12, that's too young, but I was ready then, and I bet he thought he was. Starting when your lover is ready is a good thing, trust me on that. See here is how it is, or was, whatever. I am a mom, a good mom, overall. At least I was, then I decided...
Wonder Woman: After the InvasionAuthor’s Note:This was a story that I had wanted to do since 2004 but never did. As much as I am a fan of DC Comics, I never did like what direction DC took when they did the Final Crisis storyline in 2008, but will never complain for their choice of doing so, and always pondered about the future of DC Comics beyond 2013, when Warner Bros loses the rights to the greatest comic book superhero known to man – Superman.My story is about...
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Mother purchased me a new overnight bag. This had plenty of room for my new jammies, clothes to wear for Saturday morning, incidentals, makeup, etc. She had me put the bloomers on first. Actually, I did have a panty and bra on but put the bloomers on over the top. Mother said if I wanted to, and if it were appropriate, I could just sleep in the bloomers, but she did put my new jammies bottoms in the bag, with a top as well. You may not think all this is a big deal, but for a boy...
Chapter 1 It had been a long and frustrating day at my stand in the vast exhibition hall, lots of enquiries but not one firm order! I'd counted at least fourteen invitations to dinner, twelve requests for a drink that evening and at least two blatant, "come with me and I'll show you a good time" offers. I'd responded to the second one from a middle aged man with a paunch that looked like he was pregnant by asking politely, "Why, is there someone else coming?" Jenny, the girl on the...
CopycatCh. 1Abby didn’t even realize how late it was until her roommate returned and flicked on the lights. She winced at the sudden glare in the room. ?That’ll hurt your eyes,? Tina said.?The light hurts my eyes,? Abby complained, rubbing them. ?How was practice???Fine. The ankle’s feeling better now,? Tina said. She looked over Abby’s shoulder to the computer screen and frowned. ?Ugh, how can you do this day after day without a break? Did you even have supper???Like the dining hall is more...
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The next few days were filled with more heat, and more work. I'd thrown myself into a working routine where there wasn't much time for Eddie or sex or play. The Big house work had been divided into smaller crews. The kitchen crew as I called it were working to strip the small apartment back to it's very walls and foundation. Once that had been done I made sure things were inspected again, with everything removed, including wiring and plumbing it was much easier to see what needed...
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The request was polite and intrigued me. The man was a friend of a man who recently escorted me to a budget hotel to meet a stranger for sex. He asked if I would be interested in meeting him at his flat in Kensington London.He was he said a gay man but had always wanted to look at his aunt naked and had when a young teenager stroked her bottom. He also said he had fantasies about her being naked and him masturbating while looking at her. He claimed his aunt was flattered that he had stroked her...
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EroticBy Will Buster If you haven’t already, you’ll get more pleasure by starting this teen tramp orgy with the first chapter. Votes and feed back welcome. This story is strictly for fun. Jack Rodman was certainly impressed with Heidi’s exquisite skills. He’d been boning her holes and mouth for over two weeks and he still couldn’t get enough of that sizzling little fox. During that time Heidi moved in to be his full time live in play thing and the emphasis was on play. As soon...
She found him, in the library of all places, in Redcliffe. Not that she thought he was stupid – quite the opposite, actually; he was smarter than he gave himself credit for, most of the time – but after weeks of walking, and fighting, and the emotional turmoil of grieving, reading was possibly the last thing she expected him to be doing. And it was, essentially, the last thing he was doing, she realised as she crept through the door; he was fast asleep, face flopped down on an open book,...
There was a war in the distant future as man and machine went at it. There the terminator started to shoting at them. Terminator started taking out some of soilder but john conor and his men started to take out the machines. Terminator try came in by the hundred but where eventually wiped by john conor the leader of resostance and his men. There they one the battle successfully as there was a celebration as they one against the machine. Then taking us to the future were a terminator was...
I always had fantasies growing up. I Pictured that they would all come true. The One i can never get over is my fantasy that all began when i discovered i was about 18 years old. id sit behind my computer jerking my cock to porn of women.On day came across this video of an orgy with a man, a women and a tranny. now im not gay so why watch this but it grabbed me in and my body felt warm as im watching it i just picture this being me. This sent my body into a craze as i came watching them...
Blue and white polka dot dress, long black socks, black choker and pigtails. I spend a long time getting ready and making myself feel pretty.The doorbell rings. My heart starts pounding in my chest and I have a huge grin on my face. I open the door and smile at daddy. Without saying a word, he comes inside and i drop to my knees. We both frantically undo his belt and his jeans and briefs come down. I look up at him through my thick layered eye make-up (daddy insisted i wear lots of mascara for...
His story Background Hanna seemed a little remote when I returned from my business trip. I asked her how the tattooing went and she explained that she had changed her mind! I wasn’t completely surprised as she often would be very enthusiastic about a particular thing and then change her mind at the last moment. But on this occasion I was sure she would go through with it. I changed the subject and asked about the girls. Hanna told me that Yolanda was staying with her parents for a couple of...
EroticOne of the things you may notice about my fantasy writing is that a lot of the same themes play over in them. Part of that is because we’re dealing with my fantasies, but it’s also because when it comes to describing a particular scene I tend to base it off my experiences. I try to remember what things felt like, tasted like, smelled like and while I may change things around or amplify the bdsm aspects of the scene in my story, I’m writing based on what I can see in my head if that makes...
The first thing I should tell you, is that I changed the names for the purposes of this story. If the young lady I am about to write about found out I was telling this story, she would be extremely embarrassed. Her name in this story will be Jordan. I used to work for a small automotive repair company. I can't work on cars, but I can sure answer phones. When I was hired, they really just wanted a pretty face at the front desk. I can do that too. My tits don't hurt anything either. I'll...
LesbianThe afternoon had been steaming hot. The whole day long, we had just felt the heat pushing on us. And we knew what was brewing for the evening. At 6pm, we saw the first clouds starting to arrive in the sky, and by the time that we had to go to the park, the sky was totally closed up. Illiana thought we'd better called it off, but I wanted to let it go on. With a little of luck, it wouldn't rain, and if it would, it sure wouldn't be too long. It often happens that we have this weather...
That grabbed my attention, so I dragged myself up and reached for my pad. Sophie’s pussy filled the screen, or should I say, gaping hole, she obviously had her own pad sat right between her legs. Her fingers were holding her lips open, then she moved them back and forth, “Hello Katie, my love.” she was pretending that her pussy spoke to me. She moved a finger up to tease her clit, “This is quite sensitive this morning, I wonder why that is?” And she giggled, but she didn’t stop playing with...
First off all i should thank all the iss readers for giving a good response for my stories and it was so surprising to get lot of mails from both males and females. It was nice reading some mails and some people were asking for the email id of the gal and telephone number. Infact to be honest, i did not realize, that there were lot of sex starved women in India, especially in Hyderabad also, wanna meet me can mail me at my yahoo id , sorry this is my story if any mistake pl z forgive me ok…....
Incestwhat have you enjoyed doing the most with someoneelse with me in the room?****I 'd have to say sucking the black man's cock asyou fucked me. Or fucking with the loud blonde, rightin front of my face. Though if I could includeanytime---I'd say, being with Tiffany.what do you think is the sluttiest thing you've donewhile i was there?**I think, you would say the black man. I would say,having all the people smacking my ass and touching mytits.which of the things you've done do you look forwardto...
****This is a story about love. Please let me know what you think…and if you want the sex, you’ll have to stick around… ,)**** * * * * * Alexis stepped into the smell of sickness. She couldn’t stand walking into the hospital, down the corridor and up to the second floor every week because of it. Although, she didn’t exactly walk. She hobbled. Three months earlier Alexis Starger was a lively college freshman. Bright and bubbly with a lust for life, she was on her way to achieve great things...
Stacey & Michelle Part 2 Erica Wright Started 12/7/2007 Finished: 11/1/2013 This is a stand-alone story, but will make a little more sense if you read Stacey & Michelle Part 1 Friday couldn't come soon enough. As the days passed, the prospects of Friday only got better. Not only was my older sister going to be cheering at an away game all afternoon, but she was going to sleep over one of her friend's house instead of coming home. Thursday night brought what I thought was...
All characters are 18+Happy Birthday MikeMike cringed as he stood at the cutting board on the kitchen's island counter, his eyes narrowed at his parents, who were standing in the living room, putting on their coats as he chopped carrots."Chloe, honey!" Mike's stepmom called out from the living room.Mike was practically scowling when his older step-sister Chloe skipped down the stairs and into the room. She was wearing an outfit so typical for her, it was practically her trademark. A simple,...
Sue's firewall worked very well against this particular bunch of goat-men. She must have really juiced up her abilities, because it only took two of the firewalls to eliminate every one of the goat-men in the chamber. That raised the question of whether or not her other spells were also that much stronger. Well, the only way to know for sure was to test them in combat. They left the room and walked down the corridor away from Diablo, but where more of his minions could be found. They came...
Hi, I am back with part 2 of Indian wife fucks a young boy. my wife was still so turned on with touching the boys cock that she wanted to do more when he’s awake. We formulated a plan, i would go out for an hour or so meanwhile my wife would have fun with the boy. After a half hour or so i left but i didn’t plan on going anywhere i was going to watch through the cupboard. My wife wore a skirt which was 5 inches above the knee to hook the guy. As soon as the boy entered the room was my wife...
CHAPTER 12B: RE-NEWED BEGINNINGS - EVENING WITH CARLOS When Tim and I arrive at the club, I am stunned. I never knew about this place. It is very nice. Tim drives up and stops outside the main entry. A young man comes up to open my door and then park the car. My heart skips a moment because I know what he will see when I move to step out of the car. He opens the door and offers a hand. I take it and he is focused on me. I swing both legs out together but as I shift forward to get out, my dress...
Best Friends Forever II: Eating Out! Alexa had invited her best friend Amanda over for the weekend with her parents visiting out of town, and it had began like she had hoped in seducing her friend by first taking a skinny dip in their pool, and following up with fingering Amanda’s tight wet pussy until she cum hard in her arms. As the two splashed around, and become more and more comfortable with their naked bodies on display to each other, the moonlight glistened down from above upon the...
It was a beautiful Saturday late afternoon. I was done with all the things I had to do around the house. My wife was gone for the weekend and I was feeling a bit bored. I thought I would take a shower, shave and pull out the makeup and see if I could do myself any justice in looking passable. Many attempts before had failed, but I was getting a little better each time.I got out of the shower and was nice and clean, smooth from head to toe and went to the bedroom and pulled on a pair of my...
Crossdressing"OMIGOD! I've never felt this befoooore!" I moaned with my face buried in the cool silk sheets covering the massive bed I found myself being fucked on. I was being drilled by a much older man's stunningly large cock at the culmination of an amazing day. My name is Makkaila and this is how I became an adult.It was late July and I had just graduated high school a few weeks prior. I was the class Valedictorian, captain of the golf team and yearbook editor. My perky 34 C boobs and tight, fit little...
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...
This story is from my memory of days gone past. I was a soldier serving in the Army . A little bit about me i grew up on a farm in the mid west when it came to sex i was a virgin. I did not know my father as he walked out on my mother and i when i was very young. As i grew up i thought deep down i was different than most of the guys i knew. I decided to join the military as i knew of no other way to make a man out of my self. After basic training i was sent overseas and that is where my story...
Wake up. Eat breakfast. Work. Lunch. Work. Come home. Play video games all evening. Sleep. A pretty average day for a gamer like yourself but it took a grueling duration of waiting in order to finally reach the evening! Now that you're home after a long day of work, you can't help but plop down onto your couch with a relaxed sigh. The multiple gaming systems you own practically stares into your sole from in front of you, begging you to grab a controller and start a game.
Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and An alternate version will most likely be available at in the near future. Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. Contact me if you wish...
This is an original work by inferis created in 2011. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you dont like it or find it offensive stop reading it and find something else to enjoy. ———— Cool Spring Nights (Part 1: A Family Finds Love) It was the sound of our garbage can being knocked over onto the sidewalk that woke me up on this cool spring night. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. 2:17am it glowed. I lay in bed staring at the clock thinking of a phrase I had heard somewhere,...
Just after breakfast the next morning Clarence said, “Command Staffs, we’ve found two of the four missing people.” “Great!” they exclaimed. “How are they?” asked Judy and Kathy. “First reports indicate that they are in fairly good health. They are being taken to Dóchas for a full evaluation.” “Where did you find them?” “One was about 20 km downstream from the upper end of Gaillimh Bay and the other was even further downstream. Both were on foot on the island side above the bay, but how...
“Shit, Aaron, how quick has Nikki grown up?” Tom gasped, peering into his best friend’s garden. “Back off from my sis dude, she is only seventeen. Can’t half tell you have been pussy deprived for a while!” Aaron snapped back. ‘Woah, cool bro,” Tom replied, raising both of his palms to face Aaron, “Don’t worry I won’t touch her. I’m merely saying that I haven’t seen her in a year, and she has certainly..well you know, filled out. And anyway, what’s a six year age difference?” he laughed. ...
Herman awoke the morning after Tamarilla had been banished in a foul mood. My losses were far greater than anyone else in this village. Why hadn't I been able to keep Tamarilla? So what if the cod-piece didn't work on her, I can still chain her to a bed and sell her favors. She would have to do it if she wanted to eat! I'm going to bring her back; I don't care what the villagers say. Even though it's a three day trip, it'll be worth it. Herman packed enough food, Tamarilla's servitude...
Hello readers , hope u enjoyed the first 3 parts.. continued.. The Test Day had finally arrived. When I woke I found that all the members were already up and were busy for the Erotic day ahead. I also started wondering how the day is going to progress. As I got up from the bed I realized that I was completely naked. I quickly put on the skimpy blouse and skirt. As usual , they didn’t hide much. My choochis were very well exposed to everybody. My skirt also didn’t hide my luscious ass. But it...
IncestThe Auction and The Master’s and Mistresses Mistress Liz- The room is full of men and a few women. We have twenty going up for sale 5 guys one virgins and 15 girls 4 virgins. The virgins are in a separate auction. As I take the mic I welcome everyone and I ask that they look over the list that they were given as I tell them that these girls have been trained and are no longer virgins. I call the first girl out as she goes to her knees the bidding opens at 50 grand, and it goes up she goes for...
My husband and I spent the weekend of the 4th in Vegas. Flew out Friday morning. Stayed at the MGM, and flew back Sunday night. Saw the show Absinthe at Caesars Palace Friday night. What a funny show. Very crude but hilarious. But I'm sure you don't want to hear about that. What you do want to hear, is all about what happened Saturday night. After dinner at the buffet. My husband heads off to play poker, the kind they show on TV. I enjoy playing roulette. I find a table. It's crowded, but there...