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"Sind wir jetzt langsam mal da?" quaengelte Shawna vor ihm.

"Jaja, gleich sind wir da. Ist nicht mehr weit. Nur noch zu den Baeumen da vorne, da ist der Fluss. Du wirst sehen, ist traumhaft." Sie schoben ihre Fahrraeder auf dem schmalen Trampelpfad ueber das offene Feld. Waehrend er mit ihr sprach sah Marc von hinten Shawna die ganze Zeit auf ihren geilen, prallen Hintern, der die abgeschnittene Jeans zur vollsten Zufriedenheit ausfuellte. Es war ein schoener Sommertag, die Hitze begann allmaehlich nachzulassen. In der Ferne zeichneten sich ein paar Gewittertuerme ab.

Vor ein paar Tagen waren sie sich per Zufall wieder ueber den Weg gelaufen. Sie hatten sich vor ein paar Jahren in der Firma kennengelernt, in der Marc als erstes gearbeitet hatte, bevor er sich dann selbststaendig gemacht hatte. Leider hatte er deswegen die Leute aus der Abteilung aus den Augen verloren, was ihm bei einigen ziemlich leid getan hatte, ganz besonders bei Shawna, weil er die kleine geile Schlampe gerne mal durchgevoegelt hatte. Nach einer Betriebsfeier waere es beinahe einmal soweit gewesen. Sie waren noch mit einigen anderen zu Heike gegangen, einer der Sekretaerinnen, die in rauhen Mengen Cookies unter die Leute geworfen hatte. Die Stimmung war dann immer lockerer geworden und hatte schliesslich in einem phantastischen Rudelbums geendet. Marc wurde er heute noch hart, wenn er daran zurueckdachte. Shawna hatte ziemlich was von dem Dope abgekriegt gehabt und war verdammt geloest gewesen. Marc hatte schon seine Hand in ihre Hose geschoben gehabt und begonnen ihre Fickspalte zu streicheln, was sie auch ziemlich mochte. Ploetzlich hatte sie dann ihren Moralischen gekriegt, sich richtiggehend von ihm losgerissen und war gegangen. Obwohl sie eigentlich immer so tat, als ob sie recht locker sei mit den Maennern, war sie wohl etwas pruede. Damals war ihm das egal gewesen. Er hatte noch ganz wunderbar mit Heike und zwei anderen Frauen gefickt, deren Namen er inzwischen ganz vergessen hatte. Aber als er Shawna dann vor ein paar Tagen auf der Strasse wieder getroffen hatte....

Sie hatten jetzt den Waldrand erreicht und legten ihre Raeder ins Gras, wobei sich Shawna weit nach vornueber beugte. Ihre Jeans drohte dabei fast aus den Naehten zu platzen, genau wie Marcs Badehose, die er bereits unter seinen Shorts trug. Sie war einfach phantastisch. Ihr volles, wildes Haar, das sie im Augenblick zurueckgesteckt hatte, diese dunklen, mandelfoermigen Augen, der kunstvoll geschwungene Mund, ihre samtene, leicht dunkel getoente Haut, und ihre festen kleinen Titten ueber dem gut trainierten, flachen Bauch, den sie so gerne herzeigte, und dann noch die kraeftigen, perfekten Schenkel. Sie trieb exzessiv Sport und man sah es ihr an. Marc lud die Kuehlbox ab, in der er etwas zu Essen und Trinken hatte - auch eine Flasche Hochprozentiges fuer spaeter - und die selbstgemachten Caramelbonbons.

"Hmmmm... die sind lecker", hatte sie gesagt, als sie sich das dritte oder vierte in den suessen Mund schob. "Was ist denn da noch drin?"

"Ach, nur irgendsoein Kraut, dessen Namen ich vergessen hab. Stand auf dem Rezept, das ich da hatte", hatte er geantwortet. "Wenn du wuesstest", hatte er gedacht. "Das Zeug wird dich so richtig schoen lockern und entspannen. Und wenn ich das an deinen Pupillen richtig sehe hat es schon angefangen zu wirken. Bei der Mischung haetten auch zwei Caramellos gereicht."

Sie stiegen den engen Pfad zwischen den Baeumen zu dem idyllischen, abgeschiedenen Strand in der Flussbiegung hinab. Die Stelle war wie geschaffen fuer einen kleinen entspannten Nachmittagsfick in der Sonne. Zwischen hoch aufragenden Felsen und der baumbestanden, steilen Uferboeschung hatte sich ein phantastischer kleiner Sandstrand gebildet. Voellig einsam gelegen, weitab von jeglicher Zivilisation. Marc war schon ganz gluecklich vor Vorfreude und sein harter Schwanz pulsierte staendig gegen die enge Badehose, vor allem weil bei Shawna das Dope ganz offensichtlich zu wirken begonnen hatte und sie auf dem schmalen, dunklen Waldweg Probleme hatte, einen festen Stand zu finden, weswegen sie sich immer wieder an ihn haengte.

Als sie dann auf den Strand kamen, haette Marc am liebsten laut "Scheisse" geschrien. Ploetzlich fiel ihm auch das Auto ein, das am Strassenrand an der Stelle geparkt hatte, wo der Trampelpfad durch's Feld abzweigte. "Fuck, so eine Scheisse...alles laeuft perfekt, das Wetter, die Stimmung, der Ort und Shawna hat sogar ihr Dope fleissig gelutscht...und dann das!"

Am Strand lag eine Person. Aber als er naeher kam, waere Marc vor Erstaunen fast die Kinnlade runtergeklappt. Es war eine Frau, vielleicht so Anfang, Mitte Dreissig, wie er selber. Sie sah von dem Buch auf, in dem sie gerade las und schob sich ihre Sonnenbrille in die dunkle Maehne.

"H-Hallo", brachte er etwas stotternd hervor, wobei er nicht verhindern konnte, dass seine Augen wie festgeklebt an ihrem Arsch hingen. Er konnte es kaum fassen. In formvollendeter Perfektion prangten die zwei runden, festen Arschbacken in der Nachmittagssonne, nur leicht geteilt von dem Tanga, der sich langsam abfallend zwischen ihnen verlor. Er war so gebannt, dass er gar nicht bemerkte, dass sie ihm ungeniert auf die sich blitzartig wieder verhaertende Beule zwischen seinen Beinen starrte.

"Hallo", riss sie ihn aus seinen Gedanken und musste laut auflachen, als er ein wenig rot wurde, weil er ihren Blick bemerkt hatte.

"Ich, ....wir...ich mein isses ok wenn wir uns auch an den Strand legen... hm, is ja nich grade so viel Platz...."

Wieder musste sie lachen und waelzte sich leicht zur Seite und richtete sich etwas auf, so dass sie ihm mit unverhohlenem Stolz ihre festen kleinen Titten entgegenreckte, die das Bikinioberteil eher betonte als verbarg.

"Klar, kein Problem. Der Strand ist sogar gross genug, denke ich, dass fuenf oder sechs Leute hier sein koennten, ohne gleich Nummern ziehen zu muessen."

"Äh ja, danke. Ich bin uebrigens Marc, und das ist Shawna."

"Hi, ich bin Nina." Sie sah den beiden dabei zu, wie sie ihr Liegetuch ausbreiteten und ein paar Sachen aus der Badetasche holte. "Na so ein Zufall", dachte sie, "So ein huebscher kleiner Zufall".

Marc zog sich die Klamotten bis auf die Badehose aus und sprang gleich ins Wasser. Erstens um sich ein wenig abzukuehlen - in jeder Hinsicht. Und zweitens weil ihm bereits dermassen Freudentropfen aus der Eichel geflossen waren, dass sich dunkle Flecken auf dem Stoff zu bilden begonnen hatten. Er schwamm ein bischen flussaufwaerts und liess sich hinter dem Felsvorsprung vorbei wieder von der Stroemung zum Strand treiben. Offenbar hatten sich Nina und Shawna bereits angefreundet. Nina sass auf der schoenen Deutsch-Amerikanerin und cremte ihr zaertlich den Ruecken ein, wobei sie sich unter staendigem Kichern und Lachen unterhielten. Marc wurde richtig neidisch, als er Ninas Haende die weissliche Sonnenmilch in Shawnas seidige, dunkle Haut massieren sah.

"Na, ihr zwei, was lacht ihr so?" fragte er leichthin.

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Narrated by Amit Shradha ko apne Angrezi shabd kafi the mujhe pagal karne ke liye aur ye woh bhi jaanti thi. Main uth kar khada apne lund ko pakad uski phaili jangho ke beech gaya. Woh mujhe uksati hui boli: Spread me, Amit. Mere neeche ki honto ko phaila dalo aaj, please! Main apne ek hath se uski ek tang pakada aur dusre se apne lund ko uski choot par lagakar andar de mara. Mere andar bhi itni aag thi use chodne ki ki main beraham ban baitha. Lund uski geeli choot ki diwaaro...

2 years ago
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Little Buddy

Little .... Buddy ? "Skipper, can we talk?" "We are talking." "I have a question but I dont want you to be mad. Can you try not being mad for me?" "I ... I will try. What's your question." "Well, you remember when I was hypnotized into thinking I was Mary Anne?" " what about it?" "Its just ... how could that happen? I mean how could I really believe I was her?" "The professor said you were the kind of person who falls for hypnotism easily. Its not a big deal,...

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Terrys Date Night

Terrys date night By Lucille Chapter One Terry Wagner didn't know what to think as he sat down in front of his mother as she told him the news. Was she mad? Did she flip out finally? What was going on? He just stared at her and said, "What?" She stared back at him. "You heard what I said. Don't get mad at me. You were the one that asked me for help and I helped you. You could not ask a girl out yourself so you asked me to. I did exactly what you asked. The one I found will only...

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UPS Special Delivery Blacken

My wife works as a mail clerk for a support contractor to NASA. Janis comes from a very conservative background, raised our k**s, been a great wife and although she's never complained about our sex life, on occasion has subtly hinted around about her erotic fantasies. When I press her on the subject she just laughs it off saying it's just make believe.Janis, in her mid 50's, is still a very sexy, alluring woman. Thanks to working out on a regular basis and eating properly, she has maintained...

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treated like a whore

last weekend i decided to meet up with a guy i met online and have some fun.we met and he seemed sweet and we decided to get a room so we found a spot,got a room and started kissing right away.i then got on my knees and pulled out his cock and started sucking him and he pulled my shirt off while im doing this and after a sucked for awhile he said he wanted to fuck me so we got undressed and he got behind me for doggie.he fucked me for a few minutes....then things changed.he pulled it out and...

3 years ago
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great body

Fiction or truth you decide. My Story.This happened in the late 70s. I was working on the ferries, every other Saturday night we had a layover of 6 hours. We would go & have a drink in different cabins. This night I was with Max we went into a cabin with lots of stewards & ABs & two stewardess they had been drinking for at least an hour before we got there. No seats left so we sat on the floor facing one of the girls Lucy. She seemed a bit tipsy, her skirt had ridden up showing her...

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A Journey to Depravity Chapter 2

The Tuesday arrived. I was up early and for the first time for over a week, I didn’t look at the photos or masturbate. I certainly had second thoughts about going, but knew deep down that I was committed to submitting to Maria and Lionel. I was to arrive at Lionel and Maria’s house at 11:00. Taking my lead from the photos, I dressed in my best and most professional business suit. Underneath, I wore my best black lingerie and sheer black stockings. I thought I would look the best for my brutal...

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A huge snowstorm had blocked all roads, and taken out power to almost everyone in the surrounding area of our small town. Mom and Dad were out of town on a business trip. If the roads were clear it would take them 7 hours to get back, but as it was now it would take a few days. My sister, Lisa, couldn't stand still for more than 5 minutes and the torture of being unable to leave the house was unbearable for her. My parents had called me as the snow began to fall to ask if I could watch over...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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The Painters daughter

Hi. This is my first story but it's true and only happened last week. Let me et the table for you. I am a semi retired guy who is in his 50's. I retired a few years ago and kept myslef busy by doing reno work. I was on a job last month with the painter when his daughter showed up on her way home from school. She was a skinny young blonde with small tits and a real nice ass in her skin tite jeans. We got introduced and Tom (the painter) told me it was his stepdaughter and she helped him on...

1 year ago
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TittyAttack Bethany Benz Make Me a Stiff One

Bethany Benz has big beautiful eyes that draw you into her hot ebony body. In particular, her mammoth mams! She has a fine set of natural boobs that she is showing off in her bathtub. She has an upscale pad complete with her own well groomed butler. She loves to lay naked in her tub and have him fix her drinks. He comes up with a glass of wine for her and she takes a sip. She spits the wine and out tells him it’s crap. She then tells him to go fix her a stiff one. So he heads down to make a...

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Finally they meet

Sarah on the other hand was seperated from her husband. They have a little boy 5 years old. She booted her husband out after he had gotten laid off six months earlier and wasn't putting any effort into finding a new job. She had been fucked once, by her husband since she had booted him but it was a spur of the moment thing. She managed to keep her pussy happy with her dildo and porn movies. But this was all new to her because her pussy has only known one cock and the thought of a...

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slutty wife

Hi myself Vijay and I am a big fan ISS site and I am 25 years old man, 6 feet tall good gym toned body and a have a nice 10 inches long and 4 inches thick cock and this a true story of how I shared m wife and I have my own business of transport, my parents wanted me to get married and settle down with a nice girl.My parents found me a nice innocent village girl. My wife’s name is Asha, she is 5’5, big boobs and a round ass and was very fair and we got married and enjoyed a great sex life but...

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Anonymous RevengeChapter 4

Smirking heard Randall Malloy climbing nosily up the stairs. It was about two in the morning, so good old Randall must have gone out for some drinks after he was fired. Smirking thought with some glee, good old Mr. Anonymous probably wanted to drown his sorrows after his firing He'd really be pissed to know that I spent a couple of hours in his apartment sharing some wine with his wife and fucking her... Smirking had been sitting on the steps of the apartment building when Susan arrived...

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FemDom pt 1

i waited. i hoped she would call, i wanted to be used, i wanted to please her, i wanted to feel dirty when she was done with me. She knew all of this and knew how to do it well. She knew exactly what she wanted, and that turned me on to no end.The phone rang, my heart skipped a beat and my cock squirmed a bit in my pants. It was her. i answered, "Hello Mistress.""Tell me bitch boy, do your fuck holes need attention?""Yes Mistress, very much so Mistress.""Bring them to me.""Yes Mistress, on...

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SRU The Girl of his Dreams

The Girl of his Dreams part 1 of 2 By Morpheus I let out a loud groan as I leaned back in my chair and stared at my French textbook in disgust. "This really blows." I grumbled, my mind nearly burnt out from all the studying I'd been doing for my French exam. "I wish I'd never heard of foreign languages." Taking French, I decided, was not one of my better choices since going to college. Then, just as if to make my mood even worse, my dorm room opened up and in stepped my...

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First time

When I left for college (I've completed one semester of college) I was a virgin and so when I moved away I decided that I wanted to broaden my horizons a bit. I ended up meeting Kyle online, he was pretty handsome and quite a bit older than me so I was definitely intrigued, we ended up talking a lot over the next few months (A LOT of sexting) and finally he convinced me to come out to his house. So I drove the hour and a half and went and stayed the night with him. I have to tell you that it...

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husband contest 1

Introduction: My wife surprises me with a visitor. Voyerism, cfnm Husband showdown My name is Jon and Im a 35 year old investment banker. I have been married to Suzan for 8 years. She is a very attractive, slender with long blonde hair and almost clear blue eyes and somewhat creative mate but I recently had an experience that will stick with me forever. Every week or two Suzan meets up with some of the women in our community for drinks. They are all married and everyone makes pretty good...

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Meeting Jenn Chapters 3

MEETING JENN Chapters 3 & 4 Note to the reader: Please read chapters 1 & 2 of 'Meeting Jenn: How I fell in love with my best friend.' All feedback and more ideas are welcomed. I'm working on Chapters 5 & 6 now and should be able to post it in a week. Thanks for reading... Indy CHAPTER 3; What next? I seemed to toss and turn through the night, I wasn't used to sleeping next to anyone. Jenny slept like a baby, at one point letting out a cute little snore. I...

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Neighbors and NekojinsChapter 3

After the wedding things in the neighborhood get back to normal. Lars lets it be known that Sally has divorced him and he uses the excuse that they were just incompatible. They have a few more block parties and then summer is over and the kids are back in school. Lars throws himself into his work, managing to continuously find women to have sex with. He even dates a couple local girls from time to time and then he meets Marlie who is as wild in bed as Haru had been. There is nothing between...

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