BabymakerChapter 8 free porn video

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I half-expected to come home from school and find Julie waiting for me, but she wasn't. That both surprised and disappointed me, since we were supposed to be making a baby and I hadn't thought about much else that day. None of my other girlfriends were waiting for me either, which was probably a good thing. One of these days, I thought, I'd come home to find all four of them on my doorstep and that would really be bad, but until it actually happened I didn't worry about it too much.

My willowy blonde girlfriends, Angie and Stacy, were playing bikini badminton. It was a nice day outside, but I didn't think it was hot enough for something like that. I wasn't a girl, however, and everybody knows they're weird anyway. Beautiful, too, a lot of them, and especially leggy, giggling, thirteen-year-olds jumping around in tiny thong bikini swimsuits. Angie wore a red one, with triangles big enough to cover her small, dark nipples, but little else. I could see her mole.

Stacy wore a blue bikini and I could see her butt. I mean, the front part covered most of her pussy, but the rest of it didn't cover anything. A bit of thin nylon appeared like magic from the top of her skinny, round butt cheeks and split left and right to stretch around her boyish hips. I'd seen girls dressed like that on the internet maybe, but they'd been old, like in college or something, not seventh graders. I didn't even know they made swimsuits like that for girls her age and I didn't figure they sold them at Sears.

"Trent!" Angie saw me first. "There's our boyfriend!"

"Hey! I was winning!" Stacy pouted, but only for a second. Her sister had already grabbed my hand, so Stacy had to grab the other one.

"Come on, you can meet, Daddy!"

"Your dad's here?" Seeing them dressed like that, or not dressed, I should say, I kind of figured nobody else would be home.

"Of course he is!" Stacy giggled. "He's right over there. Did you see us playing badminton, Daddy?"

"This is Trent, our new boyfriend," Angie said, both of them tugging me towards the wide open garage.

The twins were all smiles, but the last thing I wanted was to be introduced as their boyfriend. I mean, that had to be sorta bad considering they were just barely thirteen. I'd been nervous all day thinking about coming over to Angie and Stacy's house for dinner. Probably I never should have agreed to that, but at the time it hadn't seemed like I had much choice. In fact, I didn't really remember agreeing at all, but here I was all the same.

"Trent, huh?" He glanced at me from under the hood of his car, like a race car sorta, and it looked really cool. The twins had already told me fixed cars for a living, now I believed them.

"Yeah ... Yes sir." I nodded while my two blonde girlfriends giggled.

"Did you see us, Daddy?"

"We're you spankin' it, Daddy?"

"I was thinking about it, Princess," he replied with a chuckle.

We stood just outside a large two car garage built beneath part of the two story house. All the houses in our neighborhood were big. There were tools and stuff everywhere and it smelled like oil and gas, like smoke, too. A big workbench was covered with car parts, I think. I guess they could have been parts for a motorcycle though, or maybe an airplane for all I knew. I tried to ignore the big posters of naked girls holding screwdrivers and beer bottles.

"You ever set the timing on a '71 Hemi?" he asked, and I kinda blinked at him. I didn't know if he was curious or accusing me of a crime.

"No sir," I replied. "At least, I don't think so."

"Daddy!" Angie giggled, giving my hand a happy squeeze. "Don't talk about car stuff."

"Hmph." He stared at me for a second and then went back to whatever he was doing under the hood.

"He likes you," Stacy told me as we left the garage through a door leading into the kitchen.

"Hey Mom!" Angie said brightly. "Trent's here!"

"That's nice ... Have you seen my car keys?" a woman's voice answered from someplace else.

"We were were playing outside!" Stacy told her.

"Found them ... Shoot. What time is it?" A tall blonde woman walked briskly into the kitchen and that's the perfect word, believe me. She was in a hurry!

"This is, Trent," Angie said.

"He's our new boyfriend," her sister explained. "Isn't he cute, Mom?"

"Hi." She barely looked at me. "I'm late for work. Dinner's on the counter, make sure you leave some for your father. Wash the dishes and don't stay up too late, and take those silly bikinis off before you catch a cold."


"Trent's here!"

"What? Oh! I'm sorry," she sighed, offering a real smile. "It's nice to meet you, Trent. Make yourself at home. Toby called in sick and they need me for the hop to Toronto, you know how it is. Always something."

"Um, yeah," I agreed, even though I didn't.

"You're going to Toronto?" Angie made a face. "When are you gonna be back?"

"Can you bring us some teddy bears?" Stacy wondered.

"I want a giraffe," the other twin said. "A pink one, okay?"

"I'll look for one. Give me a kiss now," her mom said, bending down enough that her girls could kiss her cheeks. "I love you. Be good and don't tease your father too much."

"Bye Mom," the twins said in unison and just like that, she was gone.

"Why does she have to go to Toronto?" I wondered.

"She works for the airline," Angie said, and that sorta made sense, I guess. Her mom was tall and blonde like her daughters, and not amazingly beautiful or anything, but definitely attractive, even for being pretty old like she was.

"She's a stewardess, huh?" I nodded my head. "That's cool."

"A stewardess?" Stacy made a face at me.

"No!" Angie shook her head. "She's a pilot."

"She is?" I blinked at that.

"Good thing she didn't hear you say that!" Stacy laughed. "Mom hates that stuff."

"She does?" I swallowed hard.

"They're called flight attendants anyway," Angie shrugged. "But she's not one of those."

"Oh." I smiled sheepishly and felt pretty dumb.

"What do you call a woman who flies airplanes?" Stacy asked me.

"Um ... I dunno," I said. "What?"

"A pilot, you sexist!" She laughed and so did her sister, but I didn't get it. I figured they'd probably gotten that joke from their mom.

"Hey, boyfriend." Stacy kissed me as soon as I turned my head to look at her.

"Mmmph!" Whoops! I was kissing Angie, because her tongue fluttered light and delicate over mine. She liked to kiss like a girl, which was nice for me because I could kiss her like a boy, except her dad was right outside.

"Hey! My turn!" Stacy pouted, hands on hips and frowning as my hands went to her sister's small, but decidedly sexy butt.

Her seriously naked butt, too, since those tiny swimsuits didn't hide anything. Wherever I touched them, my fingers found nothing but warm, smooth skin. I loved the way her ass filled my hands and I didn't even let go of Angie, I just looked to my left and found Stacy right there. She wanted to hug me as well, so I had four skinny arms wrapped around me as the girl tongue fucked my mouth. I mean, it sounds bad, but it totally wasn't. Stacy just liked to get nasty when she kissed, wriggling the tip of her tongue as deeply as she could get it and not really giving me a chance to do anything but enjoy the ride. Jeeze! That girl could seriously French a guy out!

"Uh-huh," a deep voice interrupted us, and I would have jumped out of my shoes, except the twins weren't letting me go.

"Daddy!" Stacy sighed. "Don't you ever knock"

"We're in the kitchen," Angie whispered. "Duh!"

"Duh!" Stacy rolled her eyes. "He could still knock."

"Sorry, um..." I let go of Angie's butt. "I was just, um ... We were, uh..."

I hadn't gotten a good look at their dad, mostly he'd been busy under the hood of his car, but now I could see he didn't look like his daughters at all. Or they didn't look like him, I should say. He looked kind of big to me, and not willowy at all. Like real big. He had a short beard turning gray, but kinda wild and tangled, much like the dark hair curling out from under his Seahawks ballcap. A beer belly, but not a huge one, and large, greasy hands. I noticed those, but they weren't curled into fists or anything, and the man was actually smiling. I didn't know if that was good or bad.

"What's for dinner anyway?" he wondered, real casually, as if I hadn't been making out with both of his daughters at the same time.

"Mom got some take out stuff," Stacy replied. "Sit down, Trent. I'll get it for you."

"What? No way!" Angie protested. "I'm gonna do it! You fix Daddy's plate!"

I smiled self-consciously as their dad opened the refrigerator. I really didn't know what to do, but the guy didn't seem mad at me, so I figured I'd just sit down at the table. The girls were busy trying to reach the cupboard where the plates were, pulling each other back, pushing each other away, and arguing the way only twins can, I suppose. I'd noticed they kinda spoke their own language sometimes.

"Don't be so grabby!"... "Let go!"... "You let go!"... "Get your butt out of the way!"

"So..." the man said, somehow oblivious to the little blonde riot behind him. "What'd you say your name is?"

"Trent," I answered, sort of wishing I hadn't sat down. He looked a lot bigger from the chair. "You have a nice, um ... house."

"What do you drive, Trent?" he wondered. "Besides blondes, I mean."

"Huh?" I swallowed hard. "I'm only fifteen."

"Trent's a good driver, Daddy!" one of the girls said, but I didn't see which one. The other giggled in happy agreement and I started thinking about what I wanted on my tombstone.

"Got my first car when I was twelve," he said, opening a can of beer with a sharp snick sound. "Got my first wax job twenty minutes later."

"Oh." I nodded as he sucked the foam off the top.

"Seventy-three Chevelle," he said. "Piece of shit, but I spilled some tang in that bitch."

"Daddy!" Stacy frowned at him, and then looked at me. "Sorry. He's not supposed to swear."

"Except in the garage," Angie added.

"Big back seat," he said with a shrug. "Where's the food?"

"Coming!" the girls sang in unison, best friends again. I had no doubt that's what they were, too, and I wondered what it would be like to have a twin brother.

"What do you do for work, Trent?"

"I go to school, mostly," I said. "Sometimes I mow lawns, um ... rake leaves. Stuff like that."

"Huh." The man narrowed his dark eyes. "Started in my uncle's garage when I was nine."

"Okay." I cleared my throat.

"Girlfriends get expensive quick."

"Yeah," I agreed. "I kinda figured that out already."

"What?" Angie stared at me.

"He didn't spend any money on us," her sister said, and they both frowned.

"I took you to a movie, remember?" I said defensively.

"Yeah! And then you made out with Julie all the way through it," Stacy sighed.

"When are you gonna take us to a movie?" Angie wanted to know, but her father held up his hand and they quieted down. I wished he would teach me how to do that.

"Twin girlfriends cost three times as much," he told me with a wink. "And blondes are the worst, believe me. Give me a brunette any day."

"Daddy!" Stacy jerked her hips as her father slapped her butt.

"Just checking, baby."

"Here you go, Trent," Stacy said, smiling as she put a plate full of Chinese food in front of me. "Do you want soy sauce?"

"Sit down, Daddy!" Angie said, putting his plate across from mine. "And wash your hands. God!"

"Little grease adds flavor," he told her, taking his seat. "What's this? Gook food?"

"Did he get my butt dirty again?" Stacy tried to look behind her with a frown.

"I think it's Chinese," I offered, but I probably shouldn't have said anything.

"I know how to eat with chopsticks," Angie said, smiling at me. "I can teach you if you want."

"She doesn't know," Stacy giggled. "I'll show you how, Trent."

"I do, too!"

"Do not!"

"My old grandpappy died fighting the Japs," their man said, ignoring his daughters as they started hitting each other with chopsticks. I just used my fork. "Knocked up his best girl on a Sunday, joined the marines on Monday, died at Guadalcanal on a Tuesday."

"Oh, um ... I'm sorry," I said, for lack of anything better.

"Wasn't much older than you are now," he continued. "My other grandpa died over there in Korea. Little patch of hell called the Chosin Reservoir, ever heard of it?"

"No sir."

"Not too many people have nowadays," he sighed. "My daddy died in Nam. Jane Fonda got him halfway through his second tour."

"She did?" All I could remember about Jane Fonda was she married that Ted Turner guy or maybe she was his mom, I forget.

"That's what they called it when a sniper shoots you in the back," he explained. "Jane Fonda, see? Japs had Tokyo Rose, Koreans had Ping-Pong Patty, and the Cong had Jane fucking Fonda."


"We're telling Mom!"

"Cute, ain't they?" He grinned at me. "I was in the Gulf War, the first one. Bagged me two camels and a Mercedes-Benz, belonged to Saddam's mother-in-law."

"Wow." I nodded, having no idea at all what he was talking about.

I thought there was only one really long Gulf war, but that seemed to be the end of his story anyway, and the girls were pestering us to eat. They'd sat down with us, giggling and teasing each other as much as me. I didn't know what to think, quite honestly. Either they had the coolest dad in the world, or he was completely insane. But at least I could understand why he wasn't big on Chinese food.

"Why don't you come by the garage," he suggested later, after he'd finished eating. "If you're gonna tap a couple spoiled brats like these two, you're gonna need a real job."

"Spoiled?" Stacy pouted.

"Who's a brat?" Angie stuck her tongue out at her father.

"You mean you want me to work for you?" I asked. "But I don't know anything about cars."

"Gotta bust your cherry sometime," he said with a chuckle, looking at Angie. "Ain't that right, baby cakes?"

"I'm still mad at you," she decided.

"How about you, Princess?" He looked at Stacy. "That boyfriend of yours give you a tune-up yet?"

"I'm not telling you!" She laughed.

"Just so long as they get their next oil change on time," he said, looking at me. "We won't have any problems, son."

"Uh ... Okay," I agreed, watching as he stood up.

"Better than spanking the monkey, right?" He gave me a grin and walked out of the kitchen.

"He's so gross!" Angie sighed.

"He's like the king of the monkey spankers, too!" Stacy told me. "But he's okay."

"Yeah," her sister nodded. "We love him anyway."

"I guess so," I sighed, wondering if everything he'd said meant what I thought it did. That guy, I thought, should hook up with Lisa's mom, Bambi, but maybe not. Some innocent bystanders could get hurt.

Fifteen minutes later we were playing musical twins, a game I'm proud to say I invented. There's just something about seeing two cute blondes side-by-side on their hands and knees, giggling and kissing each other with their small, tight butts in the air ... I dunno. I liked it a lot, especially since we were all naked and I had the middle finger of my left hand buried in Stacy's wet pussy, and the middle finger of my right hand wiggling around inside Angie's pussy. They felt pretty darn identical, too.

"Trent!" Angie pouted over her shoulder. "Hurry up already!"

"Me first!" Stacy said, offering her sister a smile. "I hope he cums a lot, I want really big tits."

Jeeze! I couldn't believe how hot those two girls felt inside, and they were both creaming around my fingers. I could even play with their buttholes, rubbing twin sphincters with my thumbs. It was tempting to ask them if they wanted to try bun fucking, but I seriously wanted to knock them up, too. I wasn't sure how their dad would feel about that, though, and I glanced at the closed door of their bedroom.

"Are you sure he's not gonna come up here?" I asked.

"Daddy?" Stacy giggled. "No way!"

"He respects our privacy," Angie sorta explained, rolling her ass and squeezing my finger with her pussy.

"Mom makes him sleep in the garage anyway."

"Except she's not home, so maybe he's gonna sleep in her bed tonight."

"Okay," I agreed, praying they were right. He seemed strange enough anyway and I suspected he knew I was going to tune-up his little girls. If that's what it meant, cause I still wasn't totally sure.

"Ohhhh..." Stacy sighed as I replaced my finger with my stiff cock, sliding it past the too small mouth of her pussy and into the sweet vise of her buttery hole.

"Yeah!" I gasped, knowing that nothing could feel as good as a horny thirteen-year-old girl wrapped around my dick.

I had an awesome view, too. I kept fingering Angie, pumping her pussy and pressing the tip of my thumb against her anus, but my eyes were fixed on Stacy's pink vulva. She looked swollen down there, probably because I had more than half my cock inside her, and when I pulled back, I could see her wet pussy lips being pulled outward. They were snug around the shaft and disappeared completely when I pushed inside her a second later.

"Ouch!" Angie giggled as my thumb seemed to pop into her ass. "That's my butt, Trent!"

"I know!" I grinned at her, and I'd sort of being trying to get my thumb past her soft anus, but not really.

It had just sort of happened and I wasn't pulling my thumb out of her either. Angie's rectum felt like warm silk inside and it tried to push me back out, or something, which felt really awesome. I tried to pinch her between my thumb and middle finger and she seemed to like that. Angie rocked her hips and squeezed her muscles, teasing my finger with her pussy while her butt suckled on my thumb.

Concentrating on her stole attention from Stacy, though, and she was giving my cock a serious fuck! She liked to roll her ass around, kind of like screwing herself onto my erection. Her fingers were dug into the sheets and she'd push herself against me, grinding for a few seconds until I pulled my cock halfway out, and then I'd push it home, kissing the very bottom of her pussy with the tip.

After a minute or so, not very long at all, really, I pulled out of her and moved quickly behind Angie. I kept my thumb in her ass, but my finger came out and my cock, dripping with Stacy's juice, forced its way into her sister. I fingered Stacy's pussy, finding her just a bit less tight than she'd been before, but much more wet. I pushed my thumb in her asshole, too, just because it had to be cool thumb fucking twin buttholes like that.

But maybe the coolest part, besides the fact that I knew I was going to spunk both of their fertile pussies at least once, was the way they made out. I mean, they were twins! It was like watching a girl kiss her reflection in the mirror, except this was way better. The reflection was kissing her back! I figured that was why Stacy kissed like a boy, because they must have been practicing for years and one of them had to be the instigator.

They made out while I kept swapping back and forth, playing musical twins, and mixing up their girl juices as the stuff ran down my cock and dripped off my swinging balls. They were soaked and one of them, Angie, was about to get seriously drenched as I slammed my dick home one last time and held it there. This wasn't making love, this was plain old fucking and maybe they really believed that internet stuff about not getting pregnant just because their bodies weren't used to sperm, but I didn't.

I really hoped she'd have twins!

And Stacy, too, as five minutes later I dumped my second big load into her innocent womb. We'd been having sex for about half an hour, although it seemed a lot longer, and shorter, than that. I'd creamed the twins and they were happy, both of them laying on their backs with pillows under their hips, talking about how big their tits were going to be with all that sperm in their hungry little holes. It sounded silly to me, but what did I know? Probably their tits would get bigger, but only as they filled with milk for their babies. That was going to be so cool.

"You can do it again," Stacy offered, spreading her legs to show me her tight, coral pussy. She'd closed right back up and none of my spunk seemed to be leaking out of her, not with her hips raised a foot off the bed like they were.

"Yeah," Angie agreed. "Fuck her again, Trent, and then you can fuck me."

Four times in one night? Heh! I was getting used to that and I felt kinda like Superman or something, you know? My cock had softened, but not for very long, and I got nice and comfortable between Stacy's thighs, sinking my cock into her pussy with my chest rubbing her hard tits and my lips kissing hers. We'd fucked, now it was time to make love, and the sensation of our mixed cum bathing my swollen dick only made it that much better.

"I love you so much," she whispered, hugging me against her as we rocked the bed. "I just wanna do it with you all the time."

"I wanna do it again, too," Angie reminded us. "Don't take so long."

rap-rap-rap... "Girls? Oh! Uh ... Sorry."

"Daddy!" Stacy yelled, tightening her arms and legs around me as I tried to jump off her. I mean, literally. Like a cat jumping straight up.

"Get out of here!" Angie threw a teddy bear at him. "We're naked!"

"Just wanted to tell you it's getting late," he said, pulling the door shut as he spoke through it. "You've got school tomorrow."

"Oh man!" I gasped. "I gotta go!"

"Not yet!" Stacy said. "I wanna cum again."

"You gotta fuck me first," Angie said. "I only got to do it once!"

"But your dad..." I stared at the closed door.

"Just kiss me some more," Stacy sighed, pulling my mouth to hers.

"He's gonna go spank it for sure now," Angie said with a giggle. "He's so weird."

"No kidding," I breathed, driving my cock into Stacy's cummy pussy as her tongue filled my mouth. We didn't say much else after that and I was just glad I wasn't dead.

I was dead. Five minutes after coming back home, happy and thoroughly drained after fucking my twin girlfriends twice each. I was walking on air, congratulating myself for probably knocking up two girls in one night, if I hadn't already knocked them up the day before, I mean. Either way, life was good ... But not anymore.

"Trent, Trent, Trent ... What am I supposed to do with you?"

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I had been chatting with guy from FB for several months. I would send him pictures and about everyday we would video chat, so I got to watch him jack off. Then my husband was let on I was chatting with this guy, and he was married but his wife rarely wanted sex and she never gives him a blow job. So my husband asked me to talk him into coming here. Well my husband then became FB friends with him. So know at times when we video chat! He wanted to watch my husband and I have sex. So my husband...

2 years ago
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My roommate Bob

I was stationed overseas about 40 years ago. I had a roommate, Bob, who never went downtown for pussy or a blowjob or anything. He spent a lot of time in the club after work and would come back to the room very, very drunk. When we were there together, most of the time I would have to help him back to the barracks. This one particular night I was already sleeping when Bob came in, drunk as usual. He woke me up stumbling around. I sat up and he started talking about how horny he was, started to...

3 years ago
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Back to Black with Mr Kain Chapter 1

This is a work of fiction… I twiddled my thumbs in anticipation of my next lesson. It was with Mr. Kain, all round love god. He was gorgeous with a capital ‘G’. BERRINNG The bell rang and I leapt out of my seat and sprinted towards the door. My name is Daisy Young and I am 18 years old, just about to finish college and go off to university. I have long silvery blonde hair which is usually tied back in a loose bun. I have 34D breasts which suit my athletic frame. A voice interrupted my...

2 years ago
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My Bangladeshi sister

Made my older sister my mistress (ami amar boro bon ke rokkita banaisi)this how it started. 2 years ago my elsder sister Urmi(she is 34)got divorced.her husband left her with no money.she had 2 little children and nowhere to go.i am a sucessful bussiness man, naturally i start helping my a 27 years old man and very good looking man(ppl say) .i started to pay my sister house rent and gave her a monthly allowance.i also paid all her bills (amar boro bon talak pawar por, oso-hai hoye...

3 years ago
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Computer Help

I had worked with Amadeus for years. We had a common interest in reading but other than that, we were quite different. I was straight and Amadeus obviously gay. He tried to conceal it at work but when we were alone, he would adjust my tie, put his hand on my shoulder while we talked, sit very close to me when we were alone, etc. I knew he wanted me just by the way he acted around me. As the years went on, the more curious I became. Overtime, I started thinking of him when I masturbated in the...

3 years ago
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Sisters Sacrifice

Emilia’s heart skipped when she saw his car pull in front of her apartment building. She immediately ran to the door, stopping in front of the mirror as she passed it. Her brown hair was tied in a ponytail as it usually was, but she adjusted it until it hung just right. She smoothed her hands across her skirt before she made her way to the door and awaited his knock. When she heard it, she opened the door with a relieved smile. “I’m so glad you made it!” she declared, wrapping her arms around...

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Daddy Were Doing This

Although this is the second part to one of my previous stories I promise you do not need to have read it to enjoy or understand this one "Mmm, keep rubbing my juicy clit," I awoke whispering. I'd been dreaming of my best friend's and my threesome the previous night. "Daddy?" I had forgotten that I was sleeping in his bed with him! My mom had gone out of town for the weekend. He kissed me and continued rubbing my pussy, now using his thumb to rub circles around my clit. "Morning Angel Angie,"...

4 years ago
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The Indomitable Rory CallahanChapter 4

Bending over the manuscript on the lab counter, I tried to concentrate and yet again, I couldn’t. For the last week, I tried to hide in work. I tried to avoid Rory without being obvious. She busied herself going out with her girlfriends or having them over, the house full of laughter and brightness and music. Occasionally, when on her own, she’d knock on the office door mid-afternoon and finagle me into taking a swim with her when the sun was at its most intense. I did. I behaved. And we had...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Joseline Kelly 24279

Snap! Horny little shutterbug Joseline Kelly creeps up on her friend’s brother Tony taking a shower, and takes a few naked pics of him from outside the window! But Tony hears her, and when he pokes his head out the window, the jig is up! Wrapped in a towel, he stomps outside to confront her and rip Josefine’s phone from her hands to delete those nudes of him. But while he’s destroying any potential ‘evidence,’ she unfurls the towel from his naked body to expose his big boner! There’s nothing...

2 years ago
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Let Her Eat Cake

1 Week Before the Masquerade ‘That can’t be your best line. What is it really?’ Hector asked his new recruiting partner. ‘It is, I swear. Women love hearing things like that. Some of them laugh, but they still like it,’ Jonas answered, while parking their black SUV. ‘Whatever, man,’ Hector chuckled and continued. ‘I wouldn’t tell you what my best line is either… But it’s not even about the lines with me anyway.’ Both men flipped the SUV’s sun visors down, slid the mirrors open and made sure...

3 years ago
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First Encounter With my Maid At 20 ndash IV

“Gorgeous !!!!!! ” you look … my T-shirt now precious from me when you dressed it up on your body …….. Wwaaaaoo …. Pooja …. You look ultimate why don’t you dress western wear ….(Her face now glitter with little shy and filled with naughty smile)Lady Doctor almost ready to gave diagnoses to her patient lying on bed waiting for Her…………………………. Contine ………………IV…………… She came to bed and ask me to drop T-Shirt …. half pant be in undergarments only …I drop me T-shirt …. But stopped during pant ….”...

1 year ago
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TheRealWorkout Sofi Ryan Sweat Gets Her Wet

Sweet Sofi Ryan has a bubbly personality, and she just loves working out. Today, she shows off her round ass while she gets ready to put in some serious reps. She jumps some rope, letting her perky tits bounce out of her top as she works. She likes getting sweaty and feeling her skin glisten in the sunshine. When she finally pulls her workout pants down around her ankles, our stud shows up to give her another round of cardio. She busts her tight young pussy open and sits on his huge dick,...

1 year ago
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Broken by the Twins

This is my first story and it is also a true story. A friend told me about this site and after reading a few hundred stories, I thought I would try it. My name is Tiffany and I live and grew up in upstate NY. We get bad winters but the summers are awesome. The summer between 7th and 8th grade was a big learning experience for me. I had just turned 12 years old when this happened and was getting ready for the 8th grade. I had blonde hair, about 5’1”, 90 lbs, and was a 32B then. My...

1 year ago
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Bait Janet L. Stickney [email protected] What you know, and what you'll do are entirely different. I know that some guys like to dress as girls, but I did not think that I was one of them. I had never in my life dressed up as a girl, never thought of it or had any desire to do it. Then came the day. "Taylor, come in here please." I went in to see what mom wanted. She was standing there with someone I did not know. "This is Officer Janet Stickney. She is the head of the sex...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 23 Settling in and a belated cri de coeur

If you had told me, back when I graduated from Cal three years ago, that I'd be working a bona fide job now, I wouldn't have believed you--even I couldn't have finished a Ph.D. in less than three years. And if you had continued to say that a prestigious law firm would hire me before I had even received my doctorate, I would have nodded politely, knocked you out when you weren't looking, and made an urgent call for the men in white to cart you off to a padded cell somewhere. Yet, here I...

3 years ago
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Fun With Married Beauty Part I

Hi folks, This is Andy from Pune, now came up with a new interesting story which happened to me very recently.For those who are reading my story for the first time, I’m happily married to a beautiful and living happily with her.I’m working as a team leader in a reputed MNC.The company had transferred me to Pune on some important assignment.I joined Pune , took an apartment and settled in the city.As my wife’s carrying , she’s at her home these days.One of my cousins , stays with me nowadays and...

2 years ago
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Slippery Admirer

I love to oil up my young slim men. Oiled up so they were nice and slippery. They always are when wet. I like to take my time as you lie on your belly; close your eyes and let me run my hands over your back and shoulders easing away everyday tensions. Spending time, as my warm hands glide over the smooth velvet skin. Your bum cheeks are next for manipulation. The heels of my palm kneading both paired globes which gently pull apart so looking down I can see your budding pink halo. My hands may...

2 years ago
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Her Island

They met as planned at the Empire State building. Taking him around the city proved to be a little more then she had expected. They walk hand in hand around the city taking in all the sites. Showing him around her island reminded her of all she wants to share with him. They head back to the hotel hand in hand so she could touch base at home before they went to dinner. Arriving at the room he slips into the bathroom to change as she calls her little ones. Hanging up they sit across from each...

4 years ago
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Flat Sharing With My Girlfriends Sister Part II

A sextape from my girlfriend's sister arrives...About a week after my first caning of Ann’s sister, Emma, I was sitting at home alone one evening when I received an email from her. This in itself wasn’t unusual as she often sent us stuff she thought we’d like. More often than not it was discount vouchers for Ann’s favourite shops. This time, however, the email was just addressed to me and contained a simple message, “I thought you might be missing this…” and a URL to an anonymous file sharing...

3 years ago
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How I Won Back My Wife Chapter Nine

“It’s a minor injury. Her left leg is fractured and her hip has taken some damage. But she will be fine,” the doctor reported, as she flipped through the pages of the reports, which were handed to her by the nurse.Kate and I sighed in relief. I turned to look at Sarah, who was still unconscious and breathing softly, her leg in a plaster cast. It dawned upon me that, in the fight between Kate and me, Sarah had to face the consequence. I had let my ego get the better of me and stayed away from...

3 years ago
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When I Was Younger

Back when I was younger I had my first time with a guy. At the time he was like a brother to me, not biologically or by blood but by how we trusted each other. Looking back on it, I quesion it, but you're not reading for that so I'll get down to it.Back when I was young, foolish, and guliable he showed me some porn magazines. I got curious and so we went outside the house and into a shed, where we covered the windows and door and dropped out clothes to the ground. We were both young and I had...

1 year ago
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Coming out party

Valerie Rydell stood nervously in front of the Underground Bar while trying to decide if she should go inside. It was cool in Chicago, and to protect herself from the brisk wind whipping in off of Lake Michigan she pulled her trench coat tight around her body while contemplating her decision. She must be out of her mind! Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought it would come down to this! A happily married forty six year old woman with two beautiful children trying to make up her mind...

1 year ago
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Short but sweet begining of a year long affair

Where do I start my first post? I have so many stories to tell.I'll start with the first married woman i was with. I was 20 and she was 40! We had met at work like most affairs start at.Her name was Sue (we'll keep name's different cause you never know who's reading!)Sue was for me at that age an older woman, she had great legs a little belly and nice tits! she was in descent shape for her age and i was a horny young guy.Trying to remember how it started was a blur but if memory serves me...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Victoria Voxxx 07222019

Victoria is a total maniac! She’s a kleptomaniac AND a nymphomaniac! She wants all the cock and all the cum. Seems like she gets off on stealing her porn as well. When our store clerk catches her trying to pocket a couple dvd’s, he explains to her that she can watch this stuff for free in the viewing booths. Nice guy…instead of calling the cops…he gives her just what she wanted, 2 big cocks! She sucks those random meat sticks with some serious head game. But sucking them...

1 year ago
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My First Fellatio Experience Part 1

 Chad is standing under the shower head, warm water soothing his aching muscles from a hard day of doing yard work and pool cleaning for the seven clients he has. Being seventeen, he once told me his dream of owning his own business. Standing there wrapped in a towel which barely covers all of my assets, I watch as Chad strokes his cock and fondles his clean shaven testicles.His eyes are closed, “Nicole, keep sucking my balls.”I have watched Chad masturbate to thoughts of her many times before....

Oral Sex
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Ben had his own business and he made a lot of money. He was a male dancer and stripper. He only did private parties right there in Hollywood. On his website he had many photos of different parties he had done but also his pictures showing him in a banana sling and also nude. His stage name was Big Ben and the nude pictures left no imagination as to why. He was long and thick. A perfect stripper body. The rich women he did private parties for had lots of money and they loved a sexy stripper. The...

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When i was s*******n, I had a friend at college.Who's family lived in Spain. I had never been to Spain before and he invited me to go and stay there for a couple of weeks. His parents had recently separated so it was just my friend, his older sister and his mother, who was in her fifties. I was attracted to her immediately and we got on really well.The first morning of my stay i took a shower and noticed that there was a laundry basket in the bathroom. I adore the smell of pussy. And i Could...

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The Other Mother

The boy realized something was wrong by his father’s eyes. Clear and serene until an hour ago, they had gotten heavy with concern. His father was watching him, but wasn’t seeing him, which was frightening. The change had taken place after a long phone conversation in the kitchen, from which the boy managed to catch only a couple of words. Then he went somewhere, leaving him alone with the questions that swirled in his mind. Something was wrong! It was very late and only two of the windows of...

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Fortune Creek

The dark haired actress sat quietly at a corner table, enjoying her anonymity as she watched the coming and goings of the other patrons of the roadside diner. It had been a long time since she’d been able to enjoy such a simple pleasure and she wanted to make the most of it. While not a major box office draw, she had been a familiar figure on the silver screen for almost a decade, but despite that the thirty-four year old had little fear that she’d be recognized. The face that movie goers...

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A guy and his 26 Bond

Then there was the fact that Rashala was in love with Master Jake, she knew that the elite warrior Jinns were all fighting and not really nothing else. Sighing she had to back away from the doorway, it was obvious that the sexual pull of Master Jake was weak after sex, but began to rebuild mere minutes after the act was finished. How, she thought, was she going to resist throwing Master Jake down and trying to screw his and her brains out? Shaking her head she would just have to keep her...

4 years ago
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Went on a 5 day fishing tip with some friends to rural PA.First night there I take a ride to the gas station/convience store for beer.As im walking into the store im approachd in the parking lot by a middle aged,obviously Dr**nk women (slurring),as she comes forward I can smell here alcohol breath,she puts her hands on my wrists,(which was weird) and asks me if im going to Marshalls Creek.( 20 minutes away).I say no and continue into the store.I buy some beer and exit the store,now in the lot...

2 years ago
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The VoicesChapter 10

It soon became obvious to me that CO2 had been wrong in his prediction about me not regretting my decision to cede more control to him and the other voices. It just made me uncomfortable, allowing them to have such control of my life. I realized I'd never be satisfied allowing anyone else to change me, and those around me, no matter how gradual and subtle those changes might end up being. Perhaps it all stemmed from my earlier experiences with the voices, but I just couldn't summon up the...

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Sex Diaries The Coworker

Have you ever had a co-worker you wanted to fuck badly? Someone who looked so hot, so sexy that they actually made your balls ache? If so then you can probably empathize with me. My name is Josh Carver. I'm thirty-nine, brown wavy hair, average height and build. I used to go to the gym almost every day before I got married but after marriage my gym days have become almost non-existent. But enough about me. Let me tell you about Jasmine Olivo. Jasmine is twenty-six with long brown wavy hair and...

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Diamond RoseChapter 11 Jason

Monday morning found Jason under Bill McGowen's RV to remove the broken ball-nut assembly. The new part wouldn't arrive for a day or two, but he wanted to be ready to finish the work as soon as it arrived. He had gotten an early start to the day, only grabbing a protein bar and cup of coffee before heading to the shop. Di was still sleeping when he left. The confusion he felt when he looked in on her stayed with him all morning. She had wormed her way into his heart somehow, tempting him...

2 years ago
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Next Door

Jon was a sixty five year old man and he loved young girls a lot. He had picked up a couple young street whores and took them to his house and loved fucking the young pussies. But he really had his eye on the young girl next door. He had a ten inch cock that still got rock hard and was full of cum. He would jerk his cock as he watched the girl next door in her yard. She was just developing nice tits and looked so sweet and innocent and he wanted to suck those tits and eat that young pussy...

2 years ago
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Hospital Fun

There she stood, a gorgeous vision in a nurse's uniform. We had been secretly meeting for a few days now. I walked over to her not speaking a word. Her soft green eyes caught mine and a naughty smile shown on her glossy pink lips.I crossed the path to where she was stood against the side of the building and smiled at her as I slowly pushed her back into a dark corner, my fingertips softly trailing down her arm. She looked at me with her naughty grin and I was amazed at how even with that 'fuck...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 16 Expanding Horizons

That morning I got a very intriguing phone call from the marketing director for a school uniform manufacturer. He said that he would like to commission the squad to model some of their products for their fall catalog. I thought this sounded like something that needed checking into. I told him that we were having a practice session that afternoon and he was welcome to come to my house to make his presentation and discuss his offer with the girls and their parents. After that call I had Kim...

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Some Things Are Meant To BeChapter 5

When I crawled out of bed Sunday morning I felt like I had never been there. Colleen was still sleeping soundly. I didn't bother making my bed. I dressed and left. I needed coffee and a decent breakfast to get me moving. Sundays were short days, 12:00 to 5:00 PM, so I knew I would be done by 6:00 PM. I really didn't want to face Colleen when I went home because I wasn't convinced of how I wanted to handle what had happened. I didn't understand it at all and, although I thought I had a...

3 years ago
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Melba and Wanda The End

MELBA AND WANDA - THE END Someone once said that all things must start and all things must end or words to that affect. Thus it was with Melba, Wanda, and me. Since the time Melba married Frank I had limited contact with her because Frank was usually around. I understood her situation and waited on her to contact me to arrange our next "get together". Having not heard from Melba for several weeks I took a chance and dialed her home phone number. After a few rings a feminine voice I'd never...

2 years ago
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The Society Witness Protection

1The Society - Witness ProtectionBy The TechnicianBDSM, Non-consensual, Punishment, Depilation, Flogging, Public Bondage, Public Nudity, Public Humiliation = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  A member of The Inner Circle of The Society has agreed to become a traitorous informant in return for being taken into Witness Protection.  Things do not turn out quite like she had anticipated. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of...

3 years ago
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A Frustrated Housewife

Just pay attention to me… I’m not sure where things began to go south in our marriage. I’m not sure if it began when he came home with that damned Playstation, or if it was shortly after as he began playing online with his friends every night. There wasn’t much I could do to pull his attention away from the TV, and believe me, I fucking tried. It didn’t matter if I came out of the bedroom in my tiniest negligee - the flimsy top that tightly gripped my breasts and body before coming to a sudden...

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When my two best friends and I decided to make an annual tradition of taking a week-long camping in Oconee National Forest together with our wives, we had no idea how much fun it would end up being. We were as different as three white guys from the suburbs can be, but having been friends since kindergarten, we were as close as brothers. Nick was tall, blond and athletic; his wife Nina was a busty Italian girl, with a heart-shaped ass and pouty lips that were equally likely to sweet-talk you or...

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TeaseChapter 3

It had been over a month since Ron had last made love to his niece, Lisa. Of course, it had also been a month since he had last even seen her as well because every time he saw her, they ended up having sex. He moped around his apartment, trying to get his mind off her. She was driving him crazy without doing a thing! He remembered the day she showed up at his workplace. Her shorts a little too short, her top a little too tight, her hug a little too long and that kiss. His coworkers stared as...

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