She used him
- 4 years ago
- 18
- 0
June 17, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
With florid fantasies of Dad and his cock, I worked myself through three orgasms, finally dropping off sometime after midnight this morning. I woke up groggy before 8, donned a T and loose shorts and headed to the kitchen. As soon as I hit the entryway, I stopped ... and then started shucking clothes. I had forgotten! However, the sight of Mom standing by the sink in her altogether and my shirtless Dad sitting at the table (the lower portion of his anatomy, except for his feet and lower shins, was blocked by the table and chairs) provided a powerful reminder.
“Good morning, Shaggy,” greeted my dad. “I see that you forgot.”
“Yeah, I woke up too soon. My brain is obviously not fully engaged, yet.”
Mom chimed in, “I do like this outfit better than the one in which you arrived,” and she grinned.
I blushed and looked down, noticing that the blush extended to my breasts.
Mom cackled. “While I like your mature mien and how you seem to be fazed by little, I do like to see you blush!”
I glanced at my dad, who was looking at me and whose eyes looked like they had glazed over. I flushed again and quickly seated myself.
Mom cackled. Again. “I’m surprised that the table didn’t rise up before you, Beth,” she said, and cackled at her own wit.
Dad interjected, nearly shouting, “Sandra!”
That just increased Mom’s levity from cackling to guffawing. Though my brain was not humming when I hit the kitchen entrance, the previous 30 seconds had kicked it into high gear, and I quickly figured out Mom’s meaning and Dad’s reaction. I chanced a risqué response, “Is it that big?”
Dad’s loud response was over-ridden by Mom falling to the floor, kicking her heels, and giving the loudest – and longest – belly laugh that I’ve ever heard from her. Dad had started to get up from his chair when she “fell,” but her laughter overcame his knee-jerk response to her possible injury before his cock rose above the level of the table – though I could see some pubic hair, and he sat back down, his face red.
“Okay,” said Dad after Mom’s laughing had reduced in intensity, “that was clever ... and quick ... on both your parts. I knew that I would one day rue having intelligent family members. However, do our manners have to follow our clothes in this household policy change?”
My mother’s laughing, which had nearly stopped, took off to new heights. Perhaps two minutes later, she finally got enough control to speak. “No, Dear, our manners have not disappeared. The new policy simply allows revealing more... [the pause was more than six months pregnant] of our intelligence and wit. I am sorry if you cannot keep up with the distaff side of your immediate family, but I suspect that you will get used to even this.” She then returned to laughing, though at more-moderate intensity. I joined my laughter with hers.
Dad threw up his hands, scooted his chair back, stood up, and retreated to their bedroom. I got a very brief view of his cock and a good view of his great ass. Hmm, this clothing-optional thing might be more difficult than I thought. I suppose that, like Mom says Dad will, I’ll get used to it, but I got pretty horny watching Dad walk the 10 feet or so until he disappeared out of the kitchen.
Before I finished my cereal, Dad came back into the kitchen fully dressed. My immediate reaction was that Mom and I had crossed a line, but he announced that he was going to look into one-way glass for the kitchen and living room. “Do you want to go, Sandy?”
“No, that’s more up your alley and I’ll get started on the house cleaning.”
Dad walked behind my chair, put his arms around me from behind and kissed my hair. Then, into my ear he whispered, “I love you, Sweetie, but this is going to be difficult for me. You look so much like your mother and I am gaga over her.”
I twisted around and threw my arms around his waist and buried my face in his chest. “I love you, Dad. Thanks for all this.”
At typical speaking decibels, he asked, “What’s on your docket, today?”
“I’ll help with the house and then I’m going with the gang, minus Rhee, to the mall.”
“Do you need a ride?”
“No, Gracey’s mom is taking us.”
“Okay, have a good time. I won’t be back before you leave, as I don’t know how long this will take and I’m going to the gym afterward. While your mother and I discussed changing the glass due to the new house policy, we hadn’t looked into it. I think that the security lighting on the eaves will make one-way glass work as a way to hide our policy from the outside world at night, but I’m not sure of that. I’d really prefer not having to have the drapes closed at all times and we don’t want to be titillating the neighbors.”
“Okay. See ya, later.”
After spending a couple hours cleaning house, I got dressed to go to the mall. I quickly pondered that Mom and I had spent all morning doing normal household things, but we did it in the buff. That’s pretty damned cool!
Mom met me at the foot of the stairs after I got dressed; she was, of course, wearing her birthday suit still.
“Mistress, two things. 17th and no is the first. Oh, well three things. The second is that Charlie was quite worked up last night and I think that your lovely body was part of it.”
I blushed and stammered, but Mom continued.
“The third is that I wanted to thank you, again, for Thursday night. That was the best sex that I’ve had in a long relationship with Charlie that is mostly stellar in the sex department.” She then ducked her head, staring at the floor.
I stared at the top of her head for a bit, stammered, then got myself together. “So, am I right, Supplicant, to infer that you enjoyed that so much at least partly due to the exhibition aspect? That you would like there to be more such?”
Mom, er ... the Supplicant, hemmed a bit, then raised her head, looked me in the eyes, and responded, “Yes, Mistress.”
My phone indicated an incoming text, so I dug it out of my pocket and saw Gracey’s text that they were almost here. I replaced my phone and looked at her, “We will have to see about that, Supplicant. They’re almost here, Mom; I gotta go.”
“Okay, Honey, see you later.
As I climbed into the back seat of Gracey’s mother’s car to join Liya there, I gave everyone a sunny “Morning!”
Gracey and her mother chimed back at me, but Liya responded, “Wow! Someone must have had a good night. You seem like you’re flying. And, do you intend to cause a riot at the mall?”
I was nonplussed. “What?”
“Girl, with those shorts, and I think that ‘shorts’ is too conservative a term for that clothing item, and those legs, you are, fer sure, gonna cause a stampede by every hetero Y-chromosome person in the place! And I’m not gonna protect you from those panting, tongue-lolling trolls!”
I looked down; and I felt my whole body flush. I hadn’t really been aware that I had put on my very short, nearly Daisy Duke-type shorts; I’d never worn them in “public.” The tips of the front pockets protruded beyond the end of the “legs” – and that is way too liberal of a term for something that was, at best, a few inches long – of the pants.
“I didn’t realize,” I stammered. “Can we go back so that I can change, Mrs. García?”
“Oh, no, girl! You’re gonna live with it,” Liya shot back.
Gracey’s mother snickered and responded, “I don’t see any need for that. You look fine, Beth,” and then she snickered again; Gracey guffawed.
I hung my head; I was not going to live this one down anytime soon.
Liya wrapped her arms around me and cooed, “Oh, poor thing. You’re embarrassed, but I’m loving it. You’re always so with it, that this doesn’t happen very often.” Then she whispered in my ear, “I’ve always suspected you had an exhibitionistic alter-ego and I think it’s great that you’re letting it out to play. You should have gone with a halter top, rather than a T, though. That would have completed the look right fine!”
[Aside: I don’t think that I’ve let you know, Ms. Diary, that my best friends are at least as smart as I am. Liya is, I think, the smartest student in our grade, probably in our school, and is certainly the most well-read. That intelligence drives her wicked wit, which does not take prisoners, even of her friends. She might very well be nearly friendless if she hadn’t glommed onto us, but we appreciate her incredible cleverness, even when it’s pointed at one or all of us. And we know that she just likes exercising her wit with others that get it and appreciate it. She has an incredible ability to tell other kids things that are cutting, but in such a way that the recipient often does not realize it. Of course, she isn’t intentionally hurtful, except to the assholes in our class and school ... such as Bradley. That is hilarious. Of course, it seems obvious to me that she uses her wit quite a bit to cover her insecurity. I’ve been trying to work on that, but... ]
I whispered back, “I don’t have enough to hold a halter top up.”
She came back, “Poor, baby. You cannot have it all. You’re already the prettiest girl in the school, and you’re smart, and athletic. You don’t need Rhee’s boobs. Of course, Rhee doesn’t need Rhee’s boobs, but thems the breaks. Some of us have to get along with just plain and smart.”
“What,” I screeched out loud. “You’re not plain at all!”
Gracey chimed in from the front seat, “Is she on that ‘I’m just plain’ thing, again? Liya, you’ve got incredible eyes and a gorgeous smile. You’ll never be plain! I’ve certainly told you that a time or two. What’s got your ego depressed? Did Brett not talk to you, again?”
My head shot up and I glanced at Gracey and then stared at Liya. Was she interested in Brett, too? I thought that I was the only one that could see past his shyness and too-skinny body. Leave it to our resident genius to have picked up on the possibility that is Brett.
I put my arms around Liya and said, “Come on, girl. He’s just very shy, particularly with girls, and even more particularly with attractive girls. I’ve known him longer than any of us and he’s always been that way. Since I’ve talked to and with him since we were in kindergarten, he will occasionally actually talk to me, though I don’t know that I’ve ever had a conversation with him that lasted more than a few minutes.”
Liya whispered, “Thanks,” in my ear.
“All right, girls,” announced Mrs. García, “we’re just about there.”
We arrived at the mall shortly before 11:30 and Gracey’s mother said that she’d be by to pick us up around 4:00, but that she’d text Gracey when she had a more-specific ETA. We piled out of the car, thanking Mrs. García, and hustled to the food court. We decided on Chinese, got three entrees and a gob of rice, and shared around, chattering all the while about little of consequence.
As we were busing our table, Bradley Whitford came up to me. Yes, that Bradley.
“Hey, Beth,” he said, “how are you?”
I was a bit flabbergasted that he’d talk to me and completely ignore my friends, but answered, somewhat curtly, “Ok.”
“Do you want to check out the new iPhones? I hear that they’ve got some fancy new features and a better camera.”
“Uh, no, thanks. I’m good. Liya and Gracey and I were gonna do, you know, girl things.”
“Yeah. You know, you should hang out more with your kind.”
I don’t know if it was just me, but it seemed like the world went silent. I balked, but then quickly got mentally upright again, my dander rising. “My kind? I think that I hang out with my ‘kind’ most of the time.”
Bradley glanced to my left where Gracey’s and Liya’s chins were just snapping back up, and I could see Liya preparing to take it to him. I continued
“Yes, my kind. You know, people with important features, like brains that work, and personalities open to cool and interesting things, even if they are ‘different.’”
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the beginnings of Liya’s world-class smirk and Gracey’s flashing eyes. “Do you have a problem with smart people? Or fun people?”
Bradley opened his mouth, closed it, muttered something that sounded like “bitch,” and started to turn away.
“Oh, no you don’t, Braaaad-ley,” said Liya. “I’ve wondered what the hell you are about. Now, I see. I will remind you that there are waaay more Spanish speakers on the planet than English speakers and that when Europeans were mired in the Dark Ages and superstitious claptrap, the Library at Alexandria was larger than all European so-called libraries put together. And, what did white Europe do? They trashed the place; the center of western learning and knowledge, trashed, just because their superstitions did not allow them clarity of thought. You’re scared! Women and ‘people of color’ now greatly outnumber old, white men here in the US and those parts of the electorate are using that new-found power. You’re losing power and you’re lashing out. As Beth said, open your mind, use your brain. Don’t let that inner ugliness overcome that outer shell of pretty. I don’t hold much hope, but weirder things have happened.”
Bradley gawped like a fish; my friends glared at him. Again, he opened his mouth, closed it, and, quite surprisingly, turned away without trying for the last word. I turned to my friends.
“For my race, I apologize to you two for people like Bradley. Sometimes, I wish that I could change my skin color. It’s just so embarrassing to watch the news these days.”
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Vivie came awake crying. She was in a casket of some sort and the lid was rising. In the opening appeared a vaguely familiar face that changed from smiling to an expression of concern. Sitting up, Vivie realized that she was naked, not that it bothered her. It was just a fact. She sniffled, then decided that she needed to ‘man up’. “Welcome back, Missy, I’m Gunnery Sergeant Sam Anderson, and I have something of yours,” said the towering figure. “You and your baby toad-sticker saved my...
Hi friends… its Rahul again… 5’7″ smart male working with a pvt. Bank at managerial level, from Pune. Once when at a cyber cafe I was on my routine mail checking and chat stuff I was checking the hard drive when I saw some resumes stored in the my document folder… I opened it and saw it was few girls in that. I quickly noted their number and names… One girl was of my area … I just gave a miss call to check if the number is working or not. To my luck I got a miss call again from that number… I...
The next day, everyone was a bit hung over. I needed to pick up my car, which I’d left at the bar the night before. Joe said it was on his way and he’d be glad to take me. I borrowed a raincoat from John to wear over my skimpy outfit, then Joe and I headed out. Joe was making eyes at me during the drive, and I decided it would be best to come clean. “Joe, there’s something you should know about me,” I started. Joe quickly said, “Hey, baby, there’s a lot I’d like to know about you.” “Yeah,...
CrossdressingThe elections were held and the voter turnout was an all time high. The proposed amendments to the constitution were all easily approved much to the surprise of the liberal media and the career politicians who were not in favor of them. Most of the incumbent Senators and Representatives were not re-elected. Realtors in Washington D.C. were licking their chops as to what this transition would mean for them in the way of new business. Hal met with the President elect to discuss the specifics...
was sitting at home relaxing doing nothing this past sat night, which is a first for me. now i had sex with my aunt a few weeks ago but have not really heard from her since. i get a shower when i go back to my room i have a message on my phone from her. she said she needed to talk to me come over as soon as i can. now im like oh shit did my uncle find out? or my mother?my stomach was turning. i get into my car and ride over as fast as i can. heart beating fast scared as shit as what i could...
Last fall my wife Andrea and I were invited to spend a weekend with John at his cabin in Helen Georgia. When Andrea told me about this I asked her if it was actually going to be a weekend of me watching her and John having sex. She said yes, that she had actually called John and told him she wanted to go to Helen for a weekend of sex while I watched. She told me she knew he would agree because he loves fucking her. Thursday before we left I came home to find Andrea beginning to pack. She had on...
The embarrassment of the younger couple was apparent the next morning when Traci calmly asked Charlie to make sure to air the house out the next time Kathi stayed over. With the others laughing at their discomfort, they all had breakfast before Mandy left to pick up Jenni from Grandma and Grandpa's. While she was gone, the trio told Charlie and Kathi about the honeymoon, leaving out all the sex they had, though the couple was strangely silent about what they had done. Mandy was walking in...
She greeted me brightly and I grinned at her. We went to a restaurant near campus and chatted along the way. “I wasn’t sure you were going to be coming today,” I admitted. “When I didn’t get a text by this morning, I thought it was hit or miss.” “And yet you still showed up,” she pointed out with a smile. “Of course. I told you last week, you’re a goddess among imperfect creatures.” “Again with the smooth lines?” she laughed. “Are you sure you’re not trying to pick me up?” “What chance...
Looking back it all seemed so obvious but I just couldn’t believe my own family would betray me so severely. I looked at my bindings and tried to think where it all went wrong. I had just turned 18. For most people that is a cause for celebration as they become an adult. As a young woman in a poor family in New America, it was a potential life sentence of servitude. While legally an adult for sexual purposes at 18 your parents legal rights supersede your own until you’re 21. Many girls would...
BDSMNovember: now wanting cock more and more!I had just experienced incredible sexxing with AzassMaster two days prior to being admitted into the hospital for emergency surgury on my stomach, resulting in complications requiring a two and a half month stay at the hospital. Wouldn't you know it? First time i have ever been fucked by a manly man weilding a rock hard beautiful cock, ramming me-i k** you not-for four hours straight before He marks me as His by releasing His cum way deep inside me! I...
When Carl got back to the house he found Catherine lying in the bed, busy fucking herself with her newest cucumber. He stood in the doorway and enjoy the view. "She's becoming a real slut," he thought. "It's a shame she'll never know it though." On the bed Catherine continued with her cucumber, not realizing she now had an audience. She'd decided to play with herself while her husband was gone. After all, Carl had told her to enjoy herself while he attended to some business with...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Charles had a fairly predictable, albeit grueling childhood as he grew up, with his parents imposing the strictest application of Mormonism on him. His mother had only stopped reproducing after she nearly died giving birth to him, and she had been forced to get a hysterectomy. He was the baby of the family, and his older sibling were all in college, so he lived alone with his parents, bearing the full brunt of their harsh code. No liquour, no caffeine,...
IncestJim Fix just stepped out of the shower as the phone rang. "Hello? Who's calling?" "It's your sister Ashley," The voice on the other end of the line said with an airy lilt. "I'd ask what you are doing but I can already see you've been in the shower." "I'm standing in my bathroom stark naked and dripping wet," he said stating the obvious and he laughed softly. "What's up? sis?' Then it dawned on him. "I forgot that you can see me since I left the video phone on." "I think you forgot that you were...
IncestIn a little less than an hour’s time, I had concluded an advertising pitch in downtown Chicago, just a couple blocks off Michigan Avenue. The client interrupted me early on in my presentation and asked me five or six rapid fire questions. It may have been the strong coffee I drank that morning, or the adrenaline of my first big meeting at my new job, but I handled each question he asked me and then shut up, just as my boss had instructed. After his last question the client said “I’m good with...
Straight SexAngie and I had not been getting along for a couple of months. She barely spoke to me and when she did she was always pissed off about something. Our sex life had come to a complete halt, we didn't snuggle or cuddle anymore, but the worst of it was that I couldn't get her to tell me what was wrong. Then one night I came home from work and found Angie sitting on the bathroom toilet crying her eyes out. I asked what was wrong, but she wouldn't talk to me and when I persisted she screamed at...
Introduction: New story! Check it out On April 15,2005 I became the person Ive always wanted to be. I had just arrived at my parents house for dinner and decided it was the right time to tell them. As you can imagine coming out of the closet on your sisters birthday can be a party crasher. I couldnt continue living a lie. My mother greeted me with the usual hug and a kiss on the cheek. Same routine for the past few years. My father on the other hand just nodded his head and said hello. Weve...
Her time with just the power couple and their servants ended a couple days later with the arrival of the oldest son. Karissa had one more night with Carla, and none with Larry despite his begging and frustrated glances. It had been the most fun day at the ski resort. Karissa’s remarkable progress had her shushing down one of the longer and more difficult slopes. At its end, exhilarated, she finally asked Hanna if there might be some streams and waterfalls from the snow melt. “We’re here to...
Jay drove rapidly along the freeways toward Santa Monica and home. It would be too late for dinner at home, so he stopped for a quick bite along the way. He hadn't spent much time at home the last few days, but tonight, he was determined to spend the whole evening-and night, too-with Betty. Maybe, we can start working things out, now... and right after I finish up this thing for Arnie... we'll take that vacation... together! Betty's little, foreign car wasn't in the garage, when he...
Both boys were in their teens, neatly dressed in slacks and Polo shirts, and muscular. "Hey, man. You need some real young cock for your lady? Sean and I would love to entertain her." The boy said as he stood waiting for an answer. "Well," John coughed slightly, "Let's discuss this." he replied. He thought about my fucking other guys while he watched. We discussed the idea. I never agreed to having sex with other men, that it was a fantasy. After 30 minutes of conversation with...
“Oh, Daddy I just love your Big Black Cock!!! Mmmm, it tastes so good.”That is Justine. She is just some poor white trailer trash slut, but she is one of the few sluts that can take all of my cock. Not to mention, she is built like a brick house. Looks a lot like Peyton Thomas the porn star but not as thick in the middle. She is about five feet tall with huge 44H udders and 48-inch ass. She was built to service my 12-inch black cock, and she loves to do it every chance I will let her, and I do...
InterracialWell I’m away for the summer when all this happens, I instruct in computer sciences at the local high school, seems I have a natural knack for it for some weird reason, I see code in my head or something like that and I’m always doing four or five things at once on them. Well anyways so when I get back dad and Monica are there as expected, she’s as lovely as he says and her tits are even bigger than he says. If I can I’ll describe what I see in her, she’s a brunette, stands maybe 5’6” or so,...