DanicaPart 11A free porn video

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The companions worked on the details of their plan until nightfall, and then went to their rooms. Mara joined Bear and Janelle, while Nara followed Brandon and Cheron. Danica shared the night — and her body — with Terran.

The next day, everyone sat down to hammer out the final points of their plan. By midday, Danica felt that they were ready. Everyone gathered his or her equipment and prepared to head into their most dangerous confrontation yet.

Under cloak of invisibility, the group quickly moved toward the center of the wood. The companions carefully avoided the numerous creatures stalking the wood, the monsters growing more organized by the day.

Danica knew they were within Illusion's domain when a maze of illusions sprang up around them. Now within the heart of the area that misdirected scrying magic, only Danica's magical protections prevented the companions from finding themselves hopelessly lost amidst the ever-changing trails created by the illusions. No creatures accosted the companions within the area, the illusions apparently designed to keep them out as well.

The group let their invisibility lapse, knowing it was useless against a master of illusion, and continued cautiously penetrating deeper into the area. Illusions and phantasms assaulted the companions as they neared the heart of the wizard's domain. The companions ignored the first, and quickly destroyed the phantasms as they attacked. The first phantasms of an ogre magi and accompanying ogre lasted only seconds, the companions barely pausing to destroy the magical constructs before pressing onward.

The group emerged into a clearing, and themselves surrounded by illusions and the remaining phantasms. The illusions proved no distraction, the companions now so used to dealing with the magic that they could completely ignore it. The two remaining phantasms, a wyvern and a small red dragon, proved far more difficult to ignore.

Janelle and Venaru both loosed missiles at the wyvern as soon as they broke into the clearing. Janelle put a second arrow in the air while Venaru reloaded his crossbow, and she fired a third when he fired again. Celes sent a barrage of magical missiles into the creature as it swooped down on the companions.

Danica, Terran, and Mara led the assault on the more dangerous dragon. Their magical missiles sailed into the phantasm, causing it to roar in rage. The dwarves, Nara, Brandon, Cheron, and Bear charged the dragon, led by Cheron's hurled mace.

The three fighting the wyvern dived aside as it swooped at them, and then jumped back up to fire at the illusionary monster once more. Danica had a moment to glance at the cabin-like structure in the center of the clearing before she had to rush away from the lashing tail of the dragon phantasm and hurl another blast of missiles into it. Danica's quick glance revealed that the door was ajar.

Both phantasms weakened under the barrage of the companions' assault. Danica thought she heard the sound of a chanting voice coming from somewhere off to her right. Nara suddenly spun, breaking off her attack on the Dragon, and stretched out her hand toward the trees at the edge of the clearing — where Danica had heard the voice.

An obviously female scream erupted from the area as Nara's mental attack ruined whatever spell the woman had tried to cast. Danica and Nara both rushed toward the area, the weakening phantasms no longer demanding their attention.

The woman was trying to rise as Danica reached her. Danica lashed out with her mind and telekinetically shoved the woman back down to the ground hard. She heard the breath blast from the woman as she hit.

Nara arrived then, and she stretched her hand out at the woman. Danica saw the enemy wizard's eyes roll up in her head as the illusionist slumped unconscious to the ground.

The phantasms faded into harmless illusions no longer possessing the power to cause harm. The companions ignored the tattering remnants of the phantasms and rushed toward the women at the edge of the woods.

Danica waved them away. "We have her. Get into the cabin and take anything you can find. We don't want to leave anything here for the monsters and the other mages."

The rest of the companions hurried into the cabin while Danica watched Nara bind the unconscious wizard's hands and put a gag into her mouth.

Celes stepped back out of the cabin and warned, "The illusions are breakin'. We found the thing what was givin' them their power. We'll have curious critters breathin' down our necks any minnit now. Let's get ourselves outta here."

The companions gathered at the center of the clearing. Bear walked over to help when he saw Danica and Celes struggling to pull the illusionist over to where everyone gathered. He slung the bound woman over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing and carried her back to the others.

The companions joined hands and vanished from the clearing a few moments later.

"So, our master of illusion is a woman," Terran remarked as the companions looked upon one of the foes that had pulled the army in the wood together. The illusionist lay on a table, the companions taking the time to catch their breath and regain their composure before reporting the capture to the Commander.

"And not a bad lookin' one at that," Brandon declared.

Danica looked at the woman and agreed with Brandon that the illusionist was indeed striking. She had auburn hair that hung to her shoulders, perfectly framing a face with full sensual lips and long lashes. The illusionist had average size breasts, but they were perfect for her figure.

"It would be easiest if we were to learn what she knows here, before reporting to the commander," Nara suggested. "One of you ask her questions, and I can glean the truth from her mind. She may speak falsehoods, but the questions will turn her mind to the truth, and I will know it."

"Danica should be doin' the askin'," Celes said.

Danica shrugged, thinking that anyone could have asked the questions. "Well, let's get the gag off her and wake her up then. Keep her hands tied."

Brandon removed the gag and Nara closed her eyes for a moment before waving her hand slowly over the illusionist's face.

The woman's eyes snapped open and she struggled for a moment. Once she realized she was bound and surrounded, she relaxed and stared hard at Danica.

"Who are you?" Danica asked.

"Why should I tell you?" The illusionist snapped.

"Because you have no real choice," Nara revealed. "Her name is Marlena."

The woman's mouth gaped open when Nara spoke her name.

"Nara will learn the truth from your mind despite anything you might say, so there's no sense in lying. Why are you attacking this place?" Danica asked.

Marlena sat tight-lipped for a moment. When Nara took a breath to speak, the illusionist sighed and said, "To weaken Zoraster — why else?"

"Why?" Danica asked, though she could think of a hundred reasons she would like to see that come to pass.

"Because he is growing in power too quickly, both personally and through those who serve him. He will be an unstoppable force all too soon at this rate," Marlena said, her eyes as hard as agates.

"Who are the others — the other mages?" Danica asked.

The woman shrugged, and Nara said, "She doesn't know their names either. Our guesses were correct, however. The one is a strong summoner, an old and wasted man. The necromancer is gaunt and obsessed with death. The master of charm is an Archmage of considerable power and charming looks. His ability to charm the leaders of the monsters and cause that charm to effect those they lead comes from an artifact he possesses. He will be an extremely dangerous foe. She hates that she joined with them, even for what she believed to be a just cause."

"What are you going to do to me?" Marlena asked.

"I can answer that," a voice said from behind the companions. Danica turned to see the Commander step away from the portal. "Zoraster has asked that you be turned over to him. One of his wizards stands ready in my war room this moment."

The commander walked over and pulled the illusionist up to a sitting position. He then impatiently motioned for her to stand. Looking at the companions he said, "You have performed remarkably. The illusions are banished from the wood. My men even now prepare to assault the creatures in small bands, as you have."

"Tell 'em they best be runnin' like hell if'n they see any o' the hellspawn or the walkin' dead. The illusions weren't the only dangers 'side the monsters in the wood," Celes warned.

"My men have been briefed. They shall also stay well away from those areas where Nara reports the mages are most likely to be. Your group will undertake any expeditions into those areas as you see fit. I will speak with you more, but Zoraster bids me to make haste turning this bitch over to him." The commander stared hard at Marlena and growled, "You and your cohorts have cost me far too many good men. So much potential lost. Know that you will be repulsed. This school shall not fall. Now come with me. My sword is ready, and if you attempt anything, I will not hesitate to strike you down."

The illusionist stared hard at the Commander, but followed him to the portal. He paused for a moment and said, "I apologize for that. My anger got the best of me. We shall speak more about this great victory soon." The Commander then nodded and roughly pushed Marlena through the portal, following after.

Danica heard Nara's voice in her mind, Zoraster took her mentor's life. Apparently, the man proved somehow troublesome. She entered just in time to see Zoraster suck the very life from him with a dark spell. He laughed and ignored her, then teleported away.

Danica formed an acknowledging thought to let Nara know she understood. She then had to push her mind away from the thoughts of what Marlena would likely endure in Zoraster's clutches. Danica knew all too well what he was capable of.

The men of the Training Grounds made quick assaults into the fringes of the wood that day. The companions watched as the warriors whittled away at the edge of the monstrous forces. The warriors remained extremely cautious, and not one man sustained more than a slight injury. More than a hundred creatures fell to the warrior's blades and spells, however.

Danica was surprised when both Nara and Mara left with Venaru that evening, following him to his quarters. Danica couldn't help but wonder just how close the sisters were.

Cheron caught up both Brandon and Terran, and they also left for their rooms — or rather for Cheron's room — together. Janelle asked Danica to come play with her and Bear, and Danica enthusiastically joined them.

Danica and the couple pulled off their clothes, admiring each other's bodies. The two women shared a deep kiss, and then pressed their bodies against Bear's. They caressed his big cock with their hands as they kissed his neck and chest.

Janelle pulled down on Danica until they both knelt in front of Bear. Janelle wrapped her lips around his thick member to suck him with short strokes. Danica leaned over to tongue and suck his balls, as Janelle sucked his cock.

Janelle released him with a last, long suck, and then pulled Danica's chin up, pointing Bear's big rod at her lips. Danica engulfed him with a moan of pleasure as Janelle used her lips and tongue to take over where Danica had left off.

Both women took turns sucking him, switching positions whenever their jaws started to ache from having Bear's huge cock stretching them. He laid his hands on each of them, groaning and gasping in pleasure as the two women sucked him.

Bear's breathing quickened, letting Danica know that he was near to climax. She let out an aroused moan as she tongued the sensitive cord between his balls and ass. Janelle tugged on Danica's arm, until both of them licked and sucked Bear's glans from opposite sides, looking into each other's eyes. Janelle's hand pumped on his shaft while their mouths teased him.

Bear's fingers twined in Danica and Janelle's hair, and he came with a loud grunt. His hot cum flooded their mouths and shot out onto their faces. Both women moaned in delight and continued to suck his sensitive cock, taking time to lap drops of his cream from each other's faces when their mouths weren't full of slowly softening cock.

When Bear's manhood drooped, he pulled away and stepped back to sit down hard on the bed. He breathed heavily and appeared weak in the knees. "Damn, but that was almost too much," he gasped.

Janelle smiled and said, "You just relax for a few minutes. It's been too long since I had a chance to taste Danica." She then pulled Danica into a deep kiss while rubbing her fingers over Danica's folds.

Danica moaned into the kiss as Janelle pushed her gently back to the bed. Danica leaned back and quickly parted her legs. Janelle slipped between them without hesitation. Danica moaned loud and long as Janelle's soft tongue lapped her. "Mmm — so good," she moaned.

Janelle continued to lick and suck the redhead, and Bear rolled over to tease and suck Danica's nipples as his woman made Danica feel so good. He reached down with one big hand to slide a finger inside Danica, stroking it while Janelle concentrated on Danica's throbbing clit. He continued to suck on Danica's nipples while he probed her walls with his finger.

Danica came with a gasping scream, and Bear moved down to join Janelle in lapping up the sweet flow of Danica's juices. Danica was still quivering from the aftershocks when she sat up to pull Janelle into a kiss, lapping her own juices from the blonde's face. Two of Danica's fingers slid inside Janelle as she kissed her.

Janelle lay back and parted her legs, Danica sliding her head between them as soon as they were wide enough apart to admit her. She flicked her tongue over Janelle's labia and clit, sliding between the lips to taste the blonde's gathering wetness with moans of bliss.

Bear stroked his finger in and out of Janelle as he had for Danica. Janelle pulled her legs up high and back, and then said in a breathless voice, "In my ass."

Bear pulled his slick finger out and pushed it slowly into the blonde's ass. Janelle stiffened and arched her back slightly as Bear's finger penetrated her.

Danica hungrily lapped Janelle's wet heat, eager to feel the woman come on her tongue and Bear's stroking finger. She teased, probed, and sucked every inch of Janelle's folds with her mouth, moaning with ever greater intensity as Janelle built toward orgasm.

Janelle came, pulling Danica's face tight against her, and grinding her sex into the redhead's face. Danica kept lapping for the blonde's nectar as Janelle slowly settled to earth. Bear joined Danica in tasting the creamy flow, as he had with Janelle.

Bear's cock was about half hard, and Janelle lay him down as soon as she recovered enough from her aftershocks to get up. She sucked steel back into his manhood as soon as his back hit the bed.

Danica maneuvered the couple around until she could get Bear's legs up high enough for her tongue to reach his ass. She rimmed him, pushing her tongue inside ever so slightly as Janelle continued to suck him, sultrily saying, "Get that big cock hard for us again."

Janelle released him with a final lick, and then pulled Danica up into a kiss. "I want to suck your clit while he fucks you," she said huskily and then kissed Danica again.

Danica lay down and parted her legs. Janelle lay one leg down flat against the bed and lay down on it so she could get her mouth on Danica's clit. Janelle sucked it between her lips as soon as she could reach it. Bear moved in front of Danica on his knees.

Janelle paused just long enough to guide Bear's big cock between Danica's glistening lips, moaning just as loud and full of arousal as Danica did as Bear filled the redhead with his thick erection.

Janelle lifted Danica's hood ring and pulled the protective sheath out of the way to expose the redhead's throbbing bud. She flicked her tongue over it, sucked it, and rolled it with her tongue. All the while, Bear stroked his shaft slowly and steadily into Danica's depths. His big cock stretched her nether lips wide, the pink folds clinging to it with every slow thrust and withdrawal.

Bear slowly picked up the pace, and Janelle doubled her efforts as well. Danica fell into a perfect state of ecstasy. Janelle's soft tongue and Bear's big cock caused a white-hot pressure to build in Danica's loins. She knew she was going to come hard under the dual assault — and soon.

When Danica exploded into orgasm, Bear thrust into her hard and fast. Janelle sucked the redhead's clit equally hard between her lips, and rolled it with her tongue. Danica just kept coming. She screamed and gasped as back-to-back waves of orgasm shot through her like jolts of electricity. Only Bear's strong arms and Janelle's weight on her leg kept her in place for them to keep her body locked in climax.

When Danica couldn't take any more, she pushed Janelle's head away hard. Bear pulled from her as Janelle withdrew. Danica writhed on the bed, rolling over with her ass high in the air, still coming. Danica gasped her way through the slowly calming storm that shook her body, and then collapsed to the bed on her face, still breathing hard.

Janelle gently stroked Danica's back as the redhead tried to regain her senses through the haze of ecstasy clouding her mind. Janelle's other hand stroked Bear's hard cock. When Danica finally found the strength to sit up, Janelle lay down and parted her legs, beckoning Bear to her.

Danica pulled down on Janelle's leg and assumed the same position Janelle had, flickering her tongue over Janelle's no less engorged clit as Bear pushed into the blonde's wet heat. Danica moaned with each little contraction of Janelle's muscles that caused the blonde's labia to quiver beneath her tongue.

When Janelle cried out in climax, Danica followed Janelle's example once more. She sucked the blonde's clit hard between her lips while Bear pounding his cock home hard. Bear's face showed tight concentration and intense pleasure at the same time as Janelle fell into the grip of the same sort of mind-numbing multiple orgasms that Danica had experienced.

Danica didn't relent, attacking Janelle's clit with fervor. She took advantage of Janelle's creamy juices to slide a finger about halfway into the blonde's ass, while continuing to suck the woman's clit to keep her coming.

Bear grunted with every thrust, obviously near the point of no return. He suddenly pulled from Janelle with a great gasp and stroked his cock. Danica sucked his erection between her lips just as he pulsed, shooting hot cum down the back of her throat. Danica didn't swallow any more than she had to, keeping a mouthful of his cream to share with Janelle.

The two women shared his seed in a long, slow kiss, and then all three sank to the bed to catch their breath. Danica barely found the strength to rise and dress hours later, and then return slowly — on still wobbly legs — to her own room.

The companions returned to the woods the next day, ambushing a small group of goblins whipping along some wood trolls. Venaru led the group to the rescue of a hard-pressed group of fighters from the Training Grounds on the way back, destroying the rest of the goblins and a shaman. A pair of demons flew into the area as the fight neared an end. The companions covered the soldiers with their spells and enchanted weapons, allowing the soldiers to finish their foes without interference from the demons. Danica and the others then continued to cover the soldiers the rest of the way out of the wood, following after.

The following week continued much the same. The companions encountered and destroyed a group of undead orcs at one point. Nara taught Danica how to use her mental powers to stun creatures, and to form the psychic blade. Danica practiced when she found opportunities, and showed progress in stunning a goblin with her mind before her magic took it down. Danica and Celes both gained understanding of Terran's accelerated method of spell casting as well. Each time they cast a familiar battle spell, they discerned shortcuts that reduced the time required to cast the spell. Danica thought that soon they would hurl lightning bolts, fireballs, and magic missiles just as quickly as Terran.

During the night, they pleasured each other. Cheron coaxed Nara, Venaru, and Terran all into her room one night. Danica spent a night with the incredibly limber and inventive Mara, experiencing and giving orgasms in positions she had never even conceived.

After their first serious encounter with the undead, the companions found their trips into the woods harassed almost constantly by shambling skeletons and zombies. They destroyed the undead creatures when they could, and retreated when necessary. Speaking with other groups of soldiers revealed that the undead attacks were concentrated almost exclusively on the companions.

"We should start destroying the undead," Cheron declared at one point, as they made ready to enter the wood.

"I'm for thinkin' she's right," Celes agreed. "With havin' three priests along an' our blessed weapons, we could put the hurt on the Necromancer. Especially if we start ta immolate t' bodies of the critters we kill."

"Time to see if we can't draw out another of the mysterious wizards causing this whole thing then?" Danica asked.

"Yes," Cheron answered, her eyes hard. "The undead are the ultimate blasphemy. It is time to put a stop to it. I can call upon the power of Heraklan to defend us and bring us victory."

"As will I call upon the divine," Nara concurred.

"An' meself as well," Feros echoed.

Danica nodded her head and folded her hands across her chest. "They seem to be seeking us out anyway. Let's turn the tables on them. We attack toward the heart, then retreat. We'll torment him as we did with Illusion."

The friends moved with obvious purpose toward where they believed the Necromancer to lair. They encountered other creatures along the way, but apparently their fame and descriptions were circulating through the wood. Few monsters stood against them, choosing to flee and look for easier prey when the encountered the companions. Those creatures that were foolish enough to try to impede the formidable friends were cut down with practiced efficiency.

The Necromancer obviously held the same respect for the companions, because the undead attacked in force long before Danica and her band reached the area of greater misdirection surrounding his lair.

Skeletons and Zombies lumbered into view, stalking toward the companions. The zombies moaned and shambled, making slow progress. The skeletons clacked their jaws as they moved at a quicker pace toward the group forming up to defend against the walking dead.

The three clerics stretched out their hands and called to their gods. Nearly all the skeletons and zombies toppled to the earth, freed from their mockery of life by the power of the gods flowing through the priests. A dozen more of the undead in the next wave fell as well.

The creatures continued to shamble forward, and fewer of them collapsed as they approached. Janelle let her bow sing, as did Venaru. Brandon, Bear, and Griffith charged in, heading left. The wizards concentrated their spells of fire on the zombies to the right.

The three clerics ceased their prayers and brought up their weapons. Those walking dead that still moved were too deeply connected to the negative plane to free their trapped spirits with a prayer. The animated bodies would only fall to physical force. Cheron's whistling mace led their charge, blasting a skeleton's skull to bits and powder. The holy power of her mace destroyed the creature's link to the negative plane and sent the rest of the bones tumbling to the earth.

The wizards concentrated their spells on the zombies, save Danica who conjured up a Crushing Fist to smash skeletons asunder. Since there was nothing to burn, and little to target with magic on the skeletons, the work of destroying those monsters fell mainly upon the fighters.

The undead were no match for the fighting prowess of the companions, and the monsters fell like wheat before a scythe. Bodies and bones littered the ground within a few minutes, and the numbers of walking dead filtering in to the clearing lessened.

Something suddenly leapt from the trees toward Bear, hissing. A half dozen more of the creatures followed the first.

"Ghouls!" Cheron screamed and blasted one of them to the ground with her hurled mace. The ghoul popped back up and turned back toward Bear. The big warrior barely kept the quick, deadly creatures away from him with swings of his war hammer.

Everyone charged and hurled spells at the ghouls, having eliminated all the skeletons and zombies. Celes continued to direct her fire spells at the fallen zombies, ensuring that magic could not animate them again.

Bear suddenly stiffened as one of the creatures broke through his guard. The ghoul tore long gashes into Bear's leg at a seam in his armor. He fell and two of the creatures immediately leapt upon him.

Janelle screamed in rage and fear, and hurled down her bow. She drew her short sword and charged into the fray, screaming wildly.

Brandon and Feros had already reached Bear by the time Janelle started her run. Brandon managed to bat one of the ghouls aside, and defended against another that attacked him at the same time. Nara and Cheron both chanted prayers to their god, bringing faintly shimmering auras into being around each of the companions. The undead loudly hissed and cringed away from the fighters, now surrounded by the positive aura of the prayer spells.

The ghouls not attacking Bear felt the sting of Griffith's axe and the wizards' spells. Brandon pressed the one he had swatted away with quick, powerful strikes. The ghoul hissed and gasped when the blade touched its skin on one swing. The power of the Dwarven gods within the blade combined with the clerics' spells made the weapon deadly to the touch for the ghouls.

The ghoul that lay atop Bear digging into his flesh with its horrid claws hurtled away when blasted by Feros' war hammer. The strength of the blow and the power of Feros' god exploded the creature's head, and it did not rise when it fell. The ghoul lay twitching on the ground as Feros turned on the other monsters.

Janelle's blade whistled as she danced among the ghouls, striking like a cobra any time one of the vicious creatures came within reach. She screamed wildly, hatred and fear burning in her eyes as she whirled and slashed the flesh eaters. The power of the clerics' spells made the small wounds from her sword burn the ghouls, and the horrible mockeries of life weakened. One by one, the ghouls fell to the blades and spells of the companions.

When the last monster fell with Janelle's short sword thrust into its face and the tip sticking out the back of its head, she let go of the blade and rushed to Bear. He lay upon the ground — stiff and unmoving. His chest slowly rose and fell, but Janelle's eyes filled with tears upon seeing him covered in many wounds from the ghouls' claws.

"We've got ta be gettin' him someplace safe so's the healers kin work on him. To me," Celes screamed.

The companions quickly formed up into a circle, Brandon struggling to lift Bear's stiff form and get him into the circle. Celes chanted her spell and the group winked out of the clearing, leaving behind only the widely scattered remains of the undead.

The clerics easily healed the paralysis caused by the ghouls' touch. The priests healed and cleansed the wounds, and Bear soon stood — only a little shaken by the experience. Janelle, however, received a berating equal to that which she had given Bear not so long ago. His position on the ground had allowed him to see much of the fight, despite not being able to move his head at all. He knew she had attacked with reckless abandon.

Cheron spent the remainder of the day, and much of the night, crafting charms that would protect them all from the paralyzing touch of ghouls. The charms would also help counter the powers of other undead — such as the draining touch of the Wight, the charming gaze of the vampire, and the diseased touch of a mummy. Venaru made his own charm, and Feros made the charms for himself and Griffith.

Bear and Janelle went to their room early in the afternoon. The experience had shaken Janelle more than Bear, and he did his best to remind her he was quite fine — in every way imaginable. The Commander called Brandon to his war room, and Terran spent his time with Celes, scanning the wood.

This left Danica talking quietly with Nara and Mara. Danica was on edge, trying to think of a more effective way to attack the undead.

"You seem so tense. Perhaps you need to relax," Nara said with the promise of pleasure in her eyes, as she laid her hand on Danica's thigh.

Nara's softly stroking touch created a passion that burned away Danica's thoughts. Desire flooded Danica's every pore and pushed away all thoughts of the wood. She rose wordlessly when Nara stood, and Mara followed.

Same as Danica
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World is run by women in the year 2056

I have been up since 6:30 this morning and now it's almost 7 a.m. My erection has started, as I get excited and aroused with anticipation, just thinking of what's coming at 7.I am scared thinking about what will happen to me in two days and try hard to get it off my mind. I must enjoy the pleasures of the next two days and not think about the future.There's a light tap on the door and it opens. It's Eva and I'm very pleased to see her. She's wearing a loose white top with very brief red shorts....

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Danni Rivers Rosalyn Sphinx Switching Up Sexy Stepsister

Are you a fan of overly obvious sexual innuendo? Well, Dani Rivers and Rosalyn Sphinx are. These stepsisters cant help but make jokes about nuts while eating their snacks. At least they have good hygienic practices. They brush their teeth and then take a stepsisterly rest together, tops off of course. Later on, Dani hatches an ingenious scheme. Shes been fooling around with a guy recently, and since everyone is always calling Dani and Rosalyn twins, she thinks they she should do a switch up on...

4 years ago
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A small letter was found floating down river by an unknown soldier dressed completely in black coveralls on January 1st, 2018. The morning of that day began a cold breeze that made every other soldier shiver. This was a morning of a finished combat that had abruptly begun between two rivals. The soldiers that dominated this small field cover in battle bullet shells and blood were all dressed in black; with a flag on the right shoulder that only showed "black and white colors". There was a...

2 years ago
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Sylvias Visit

It was another Friday night at home with nothing to do but watch tv. Stu was just out of college and working at a church with the youth group. His roommate was a band director and was at the football game and wouldn't be home until much later. His job at the church offered him good hours but the pay was horrible.... and why he's home on Friday night... again. People assumed that he was a good church boy and he was perfectly happy to let them think so... but he's just like all the other guys his...

4 years ago
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Mother Dark

Introduction: Andrew discovers Beths husband is cheating on her. Mother Dark The mother of three children, Mrs. Prim and proper go to church every Sunday, and the loyal wife of a banker, is Beth. Today she wears black leggings, black flats, a long skirt, and a loose black blouse – for black is a respectable color. She is walking to the grocery store when she gets the call that her husband is cheating on her from the private-eye she hired. She begins to cry. Andrew, please come get me, Im...

2 years ago
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Used Panties In My Yard

Used Panties In My Yard One Sunday I found a used pair of panties in my backyard not far from the fence that separates my yard from the Garrison’s backyard. I picked them up and looked at them. They were a small size, they were cotton, pink in color, and they had a cum stain in the gusset. I quickly assumed that they belonged to one of the Garrison girls but why did they toss them into my yard? After that I found another pair each Sunday morning. They were all the same size and...

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Company Coming The conclusions

Shari slept the sleep of the dead and for good reason. She had been fucked into submission by her Uncle Darren thus ending her self imposed celibacy. Her sleeping bag held a trace scent of his cologne and she fought the urge to masturbate as she recalled the sound fucking she had received. It was the smell of fresh coffee that roused her. She headed to the small bathroom in the basement where she stripped of her cum soaked thong took a quick shower. After donning a fresh bikini and a cover up...

2 years ago
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Beach Photography Part 5

Introduction: Ben and Ethan want revenge for Sam leaking the naked picture of Ben. Welcome to Beach Photography Part 5: Finale First of all, I would like to thank everyone for the great support, the kind words and the criticisms that have hopefully made my writing better, so that I can entertain you more than before. As always, scroll down to the double dotted lines to get to the action. Ben and Ethan ran down the corridor and out the side door of the school building. They stopped, hands on...

3 years ago
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Its About Time You Got Here Jack

He threw a $4000 Armani jacket on the floor and stepped on it. His leather briefcase skidded across the highly polished oak parquet and slammed into an antique bookcase that had once belonged to Benjamin Franklin. An autographed copy of James Fenimore Cooper with a stylized Mohawk on the cover hit the floor. The latches popped on the briefcase and a billion dollar merger exploded on the Aubusson rug. Heaven on earth waited for him upstairs. Hopefully wrapped in ethereal velvet and wet between...

1 year ago
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mummy ka beti se pyar

hi friend.. sab ko abhi tak pata chal gaya hoga ki mai nikunj hu.. agar kisi ko pata nahi chala unko mai batata hu ki mei mumbai rahta hu.. maine iss per kai story likhi hai. aur kosis ki hai ki sab story ek dusere se alag ho.. lo abb meri aur ek story liktha hu.. ye story ek sachi kahani hai . rajul namki ek ladki bohot sunder thi. wo bhavan college me pathi thi.. uski sundarta ko lakar sabhi log akarshit the. ek din uski mummy ko ek call aata hai.. tab rajul ghar par nahi thi. Tring...

4 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 10 RSVP

Molly Dumas felt the vibrator that had been sticking out of her ass all night suddenly thrust in and out painfully; at the same time she felt the tongue that had been housed in her pussy begin to take long swipes up and down her still somewhat swollen cunt lips. Feeling very good (she wasn't sure she'd be able to since for the first time in 3 years she'd be waking up without her children's morning rituals) she began taking long swipes herself at the pussy she knew was right under her own...

1 year ago
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Sal Part two a bit of Maisy too

Okay, so my last blog was all about my friend Sal. Our friend Maisy had walked in to find my head buried between Sal's thighs in the near darkness. Slightly shocked, she left the room, then announced from the doorway that she was sorry to interrupt us. Sal didn't mind, replied "it's okay, Jay's busy, Maisy" then Mai just grabbed a glass of orange and left. When I had got Sally to grind, buck and have a shuddering orgasm, we retreated back to Sal's room.Soon as we walked in, we had a shock of...

3 years ago
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Becoming PerfectionChapter 11

Barely moving at all, they are fucking each other. Emma’s pussy rhythmically tightens and loosens around FBI agent Paul Givens’ cock. He has to bite his lip to keep from moaning so he doesn’t draw the attention of the other waiting passengers. They are fully clothed, him with his tailored suit and she with her pinstripe suit and shirt combo, dark shades and fedora. She is sitting on his lap, facing away from him, pretending to look at her phone. Her skirt is spread over his legs and keeps...

4 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 02

It was an elegant soiree. The St Valentine’s Day dinner was served with the finest crystal and china at the Total Woman Excursions’ formal dining room: ordures, wine, raw oysters (of course), light salads, gazpacho, poultry and seafood entrées, steamed vegetables: a healthy repasse for healthy lifestyles. The tuxedoed and gowned partygoers mingled in a post dinner gathering sipping champagne, eating strawberries dipped in chocolate and admiring the scantily clad cocktail waitresses serving...

3 years ago
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Doing it all OverChapter 14

Those four words: There's been an accident, brought the blackest dread to my heart in that instant. Just four little words, a simple arrangement of syllables rolling off my father's tongue and I felt that my whole world had just collapsed around me. I felt fate at work, felt it's presence as I had in the garage when Mike had said he was thinking about joining the Air Force, only stronger, in lethal proportion. Had I really thought that I could thwart fate in the matter of a life? Had I...

3 years ago
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Jerk off stories

A couple of days after my mind blowing experience with the hot lady from Wal-Mart, my wrist was getting sore from jerking off. I hadn’t been able to hook up with my regular sex partners and the friends at Xhamster had been posting some hot vids so I was running out of tissue to wipe up the cum I was shooting. Everything from exciting rim job movies with gorgeous BBWs to deep penetrating strap-ons were being uploaded. I wasn’t complaining, but I needed some real live action. The dry...

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Echoes in the Rain

‘I’m aware what the rules are. But you know that I will run…You know that I will follow you, over silbury hill, through the solar field… you know that I will follow you’ ‘Hey Jupiter, nothing’s been the same. So are you gay, are you blue? Thought we both could use a friend to run to. And I thought I wouldn’t have to be with you…something new.’ It would be raining. Fuck it was raining like it would never end. The streets were empty ahead and behind, far as eyes would see. He walked in the...

3 years ago
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Alice Upside Down

Alice Upside DownAlice sits in her study behind her wooden desk. It's winter and the small fireplace glows with a roaring fire. The crackling flames make good background noise for the rooms only other sound is the tick of a large grandfather clock. The beat seems to be getting slower and slower as time swings by. "Oh I'm so board." Alice declares to herself as she lays the fountain pen she got for her eighteenth birthday down on the desk. She starts to fiddle with the hem about the neck of her...

2 years ago
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In the Enemys TerritoryChapter 3

The day was short for her. When the drug wore off, he allowed to her to eat, drink and do as she needed for a couple of hours while he rested. Thankfully, he hardly spoke, but he didn’t bother to hide his leering. Sitting with her back to him, she still felt his hungry gaze. With the time to think, her mind wandered to the stories she had been raised with of the Wogtal. They often seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once and stole many young women and pups for their slave trade....

4 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 36

Her physical warmth, her body temperature, surprised me. She was much closer to normal human temperatures than before. There was a thin sheen of sweat on her skin from the exertions we had just gone through, and she was having trouble catching her breath. She noticed my touch upon her. “Yes, I think you’re having the same effect on me that you did on Sybille. And I know that I love you. I shouldn’t, you’re married now, but...” “But what? You’ve heard my companions talk. Love doesn’t add,...

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Thankur ki Haveli 8211 4

Ranbeer ne Thakur ke jate hi haveli ka main gate band karwa diya. Mein gate me ek chota darwaja tha jime se log haveli me aate jaate the. Wo apni duty par mustaidi se gate ke paas bane kamre me maujood tha. Raat me wo 4-5 bar puri haveili ka chakkar lagata tha. Nayi jagah naye log phir naye shauq jaise ghudsawari, jeep chalana in sab me uska itna man lag gaya ki use Sumi ki yaad bhi nahi aayi. Malti chachi ko wo haveli se aate jaate dekhta tha. Lekin is mahol me koyi baat karne ka mauka use...

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Bitch Seat Rider Rule Number Three

The afternoon sun cast the big Harley’s shadow across the simmering asphalt. Not a breath of wind rustled the gnarled mesquites and thirsty creosotes dotting the low hills. A few cottony clouds drifting above the distant mountains spoiled an otherwise ocean blue sky, but their presence heralded the coming desert monsoon that would break the June inferno. The bike’s pillion creaked as Claudia leaned back with her left boot planted on the parched ground and her right leg extended with her heel...

3 years ago
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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 14

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Fourteen Another Testy School Day By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to hear little bell chords and other gentle fairy sounds in my ears and realized it was the disk. Jana turned me to face her and took the earphones out. Jana gently kissing me: "I," Kiss, "Love," Kiss, "you. I do not want to get up. I would rather stay here and kiss you into oblivion!" Darla: "Yea well, I have an English paper for a final and you have to go make the ladies of our little community...

1 year ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 28 Viaduct Club

I really don’t understand how I’m not freaked out by this, Allison said to herself as she made her way through the packed bar of the Viaduct Club. Only a few weeks earlier her understanding of the BDSM world had been limited, to say the least. Yet, now here she was with three slaves in tow, surrounded by fetish enthusiasts of every flavour, and enjoying every minute of it. She found herself taking in appreciative looks from the others in the room. Her outfit was attracting attention from...

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Andee Goes Away With Lauren

I’d been away with Lauren before, and we always seemed to have shared this mutual interest for each other. But since neither of us had ever really experienced a same sex relationship, the mood just seemed to remain sexually charged but reserved.  This weekend would be a little different, however. Usually a few of us attend the annual pharmacy conference and share a hotel room. But this time around our co-workers had opted to skip it and stay home. Personally, I was looking forward to it. It’s...

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exhibition and voy party

We are getting near to the hotel. I like the Hilton with the bigger windows. We checked in and J did it with no bra on this whole time, a little wiggle/jiggle through the lobby please. Thank You Honey! We had to work our way to the check in desk with all the people around. Anyway she was ready to get ready, we went to the room. It was as they promised. A suite with a bedroom and a sitting area and work, lounge area. I love the lay out and the room, I better for the price! The couch and chair...

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Nylon Lover Ch 120

My earliest recollection of nylons is when I was very young (early 50's). My Aunt Helen, who lived with us, worked as a secretary at a trucking company, and as such, always wore dresses or skirts to work. I remember that when she got home from work, she'd sit on the couch and take her stockings and high heels off, and leave them there until she went to bed. I was fascinated with her legs, and I still remember exactly what they looked (and felt) like - she had great legs! She would hike...

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First time with my cousin Part 6

Introduction: Our latest threesome had been interupted by my Moms unexpected early return. Everything seemed normal, untill I helped mom with her laundry We scrambled around my room, hurrying to get dressed, our little threesome had been interrupted by my moms unexpected return. I was ready in a flash Right, Ill distract Mom, while you two get dressed. Then join me in the kitchen in five, make like youve just come back from Ashleighs I whispered I ran down stairs, to find mom in the kitchen,...

4 years ago
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The Nervous Game

Allow me to start out by telling you that this story is entirely true, it took place right after I turned sixteen. And for the boy’s name, I don’t know if it would be right to say, it’s an extremely uncommon name so that will remain anonymous . I had my first sexual experience with someone I never would have expected. It was with my best friend, who like me was a young male. He had come over for a sleepover, and we did the normal stuff: video games, talking about girls, and finally made our way...

First Time
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First time with friends

All of the other boys in the neighborhood were not out playing for some reason, so it was just mark and I. We had been riding bikes through the neighborhood when he suggested that we go by his house to cool down in the A/C for a bit and have a cool drink.After we had cooled down he told me to come upstairs to the bedroom that was situated in the attic, he wanted to show me something. So we walked upstairs where it was a good bit warmer than it was down stairs. He laid down on his stomach and...

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Happy Birthday Allan

Hannah was looking in one direction, Elle in the other. They were making sure their teacher wasn't coming. The three had the system since the beginning of the year. Texting and spotting. 'What do you have next period?' It was his best friend (and not-so-secret crush), James. 'Geometry. Marks. Why?' 'I thought so. You have a sub today, so I was wondering if I could take you out for your birthday.' 'Sounds good. When?' 'Next period. Duh. No one would notice you're...

3 years ago
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banged by buster part 2

Pouting a little, she hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. Buster was outside doing his business in the yard and Bri watched him from her window. Little did Buster know the plans she had for today. Bri threw on a nightie and went downstairs to bring her MUCH beloved dog in. "Buster! Come in Buster and you'll get a treat!" Buster turned around and trotted back to the house, giving her his usual doggie grin. When safely behind closed doors, Bri stripped off...

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Temporary Roommates

The South African Airways flight to Mauritius was routine, what I remembered of it. I had gotten on the plane, settled into my seat, and woken about 15 minutes before landing. Don't get me wrong, I love India. The history, the architecture, and the energy are all positives. I detest the crowds, the dirt, the smell, and being there I hate. I was overjoyed to be headed to paradise on earth, if only for a couple of days. The call earlier in the week with my assistant had set this weekend in...

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School Bunk Karka Jhardiya Ma Rassleela

Hello guys mera naam priya ha uar ma delhi ka pass sa rehna vali hu. Jabh mena jawani ma pau rakha tha tabhi sa hi mera upar kai larka latoo tha. Jabh ma 11 ma hui tabhi mera ek friend tha jassi . Woh 6 feet ka around tha aur kafi acchi looks thi. Hum boht asha dost tha . Woh mera bhot khyal rakhta tha aur jabh kabhi ma gussa ho jati toh muja boht shidat sa manata tha. Ek baar ki baat ha ki ma uska phone use kar rahi thi toh uski gallery ma porn clips thi muja boht hassi ai ka yeh bhi porn...

3 years ago
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CousinChapter 19

Dan and Lisa arrived back at the farm late in the afternoon. They shed their packs on the porch and their clothes almost immediately after. "Let's catch a quick shower," Lisa offered, and Dan quickly agreed. After they had washed away the trail dust and sweat, they headed for the kitchen to find something for supper. As they passed the phone in the hall, Dan noticed the light on the answering machine was flashing. "That's funny," he said. I don't think I've had a call all summer...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 178 Bet Two

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 (Continued) I couldn't pretended to answer it while it was still ringing because it would still be making the ringing sound and I didn't know whether the casino's video cameras picked up sound as well. If they did, my making that mistake would be far too suspicious. I looked at the display until I saw the disconnect. I pretended to thumb the "Answer" button and then I said, "Hello, sweetie. Are you held up somewhere?" "In the casino. Where?" I turned and...

2 years ago
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Full Metal ProphylacticChapter 12

My world was nothing but the most utter blackness. I’d gone mad with grief; in a fugue so deep and dark that I’d shut myself off from the entire world around me, bolted up all the doors and windows and loudly proclaimed myself to be not at all home. I couldn’t sleep ... I couldn’t even cry anymore, my despair was so complete. It had all been for nothing ... all of it. The Quest, the challenges and punishments to both body and soul had all been for naught. First, losing Lydia to her age-long...

4 years ago
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My Piano Classmate Later GF

first of all the story is much manipulated compared what really happened but that is to make a better scenario for an erotic story on a porn site and impress the reader's imagination, alot of things did not happen the way its described and was utterly awkward but they happened anywayok there was this girl that I met in the piano class and this story is about her and me its the actual encounter I had and is when I had my first time sex:I signed up for this piano class where students of different...

1 year ago
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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 8

Writing this glimpse into my sexual past has allowed me to better understand the sexual dynamics at the heart of my home life. It's also helped me come to terms with my love of exposure. The more I look back, the more I truly understand that my love of being unclothed as well as my overactive libido were manifested themselves very early, certainly from the onset of puberty, onward. As I sit here reminiscing about my erotic odyssey, a flood of memories is charging to the forefront of...

1 year ago
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Perfectly Timed Visit Reposted

Note: This story, written by me last month under a different name, is being transferred to my new identity due to technical problems with the old identity and to keep all my stories together... It was my sister's thirty-ninth birthday and though she and her husband lived over two hours away and decided I would go and visit her on her birthday. This was an unusual for it was the first time I had gone to see Jacquee without my wife Becky; her father was ill and was staying with him for a few days...

3 years ago
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Two Tops And No Bottom

Being dragged to the club by my buddies, after my relationship of six years breaking into tiny pieces was definitely not my idea of fun. I was still hung up on Sam. Even though it had been over two months, I couldn’t get his image out of my head, especially the ones where he was jerking me off or lying, tied, on our bed while I rammed into him. Mike said I just needed to get laid so he got our friends to pick me up from work and drive me to a club far enough away from my house that I had to...

Gay Male
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Friends With Benefits Part 6

It was Saturday morning, Roma and Peter had checked out of the Edinburgh hotel after Roma's initiation as a whore. Roma could scarcely believe she had fucked a client for money, much less enjoyed it. With a 50% bonus on top of a £200 fee, she and Peter were now spending the money on lingerie, perfume and makeup.'Don't use these for pleasure, Roma. Keep business strictly separate.'Half a dozen matching sets of bra, panties and stockings blew £240. Two perfumes blew £40. Four lipsticks, £20....

2 years ago
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Danni the Door DollyJordans Surprise part 2

Pulling the car into the secluded private driveway of the small hotel Danni felt much more relaxed, the drive here had been event free,the conversation was dominated by Jordan asking questions and Danni's flustered replies seemed to amuse her. Danni was feeling a little foolish for imagining that someone like Jordan would be interested in her but having her sitting next to her, breathing in the smell off her was getting her so hot that as soon as she got back to Julie's she knew she was going...

3 years ago
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Milky Adventure Part15 Teaching Rajesh

(This is the continuation of my last part so please read it first before reading this one. Thank you.) “Thank you, mom,” Rajesh whispered. “What for honey?” Riya raised her head and looked at him. “For showing me. You know, telling me about you.” “Yes honey, I enjoyed doing that for you.” “It is so exciting for me when you do that when you tell me how to touch you.” “You are a good student,” she giggled. “You are the best teacher.” “Nice lessons darling, better than school.” she giggled...

3 years ago
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First Time with my Spanish Host Brother

It was a Friday, and I had just finished with tennis practice at school.  I walked by the soccer fields to wait for Joaquin, my host brother from Spain.  He had been living with my family for about 2 months now.  We didn’t plan to host a foreign exchange student, and actually, my mom swore she would never let it happen.  But Joaquin and I had become friends at school, and when there was a problem with him finding a home, I convinced my parents to let him live with us.  After all, it was only...

2 years ago
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She gets it all night

I went to the lesbian club looking for a new body. My last lover left and I needed a lover that was hot and horny. I dressed in a short clinging low cut dress. My tits were barely covered and my ass was visible to any one who looked. i wore no underwear. I wanted to pick up a hot ass and take her to my room and not waste time.I walked to the bar and sat on a stool. I spread my legs and showed my shaved pussy. Many of the girls were looking but were already with a date. I was looking for huge...

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At College with Suzy

I was nervous as I looked at the board telling us who was roomed with who, it was our first day at college and we were all looking forward to the life of a student.I'd never been away from home before except on holiday or at boarding school, so it was with some trepidation that I followed the signs to room E2, the one I'd been allocated along with someone called Suzy Nicholls.I followed a lovely blonde girl upstairs trying not to look at her sexy little backside swaying beneath the tight, white...

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It Started as a Favor 6

(Author's Note: This is my 5th entry into a series that already had 2 parts. So, there are 7 parts in all, but the numbering does not match as "Chapter 1" had a different title, and I opted to run with the title to "Chapter 2") It Started as a Favor Part 6 The rest of Danni's day was fairly uneventful. He found it unusual for people to hold doors open for him, and he found it odd that when he began a new class that it wasn't guys but rather girls that initially chatted him up as...

2 years ago
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Anya and the Fighter Part 2

"Relax, Brother, no need to be so uptight." 'We are not brothers," Kolkev thought angrily. The older man who had just spoken, Fernando Espa, was of Portuguese descent. The nightclub owner had a little bit of a paunch, but his body still carried a fair amount of muscle. He sat naked on the couch beside a fully clothed Kolkev Jaru. The MMA fighter was impatient to get this meeting over with, but the nightclub owner seemed totally oblivious to his guest's discomfort. He was too busy...

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