GreeniesChapter 11A free porn video

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MPG Base, Eden
July 24, 2146

The office of Major Frank Jorgenson overlooked the flight line. Down below, on the floor, ground crews were busy doing pre-flight inspections on a group of Mosquitoes that would soon be launched on a training mission. Up above, Jorgenson himself, commander of the 27th Attack squadron, was sitting behind his small desk, his Internet terminal showing a screen saver of vaguely pornographic images. Standing before the desk, dressed in his uniform shorts and T-shirt, was Brian Haggerty.

Brian was not in the least bit happy. "It's bad enough that you took Rendes away from me after we'd been flying together for almost two years," he told his commanding officer. "You already know how I feel about that."

"Yes, Haggerty," Jorgenson said with a sigh. "We've been through that quite enough I think. We had to break up the experienced aircrews so we could pair up some of the newbies with the veterans. That's all there is to it. Rendes is now in the 24th."

"I'm down with that," Brian said. "Like I said, I don't like it, but I've accepted it. But what you've done now..." He shook his head angrily. "I'm sorry, Frank, but it's just not acceptable."

"You would be referring to your new sis, I assume?" Jorgenson asked dryly.

"Of course I'm referring to that! Did you think I was talking about the fucking food in the mess hall?"

Jorgenson let the impertinence pass. He and Haggerty did go back a long way after all. "Okay," he said. "Let's get this over with. What's wrong with him? He graduated third in the training class on navigation skills and second on gunnery. He's fully qualified to fly in that Mosquito with you. So what's the problem?"

"What's the problem?" Brian almost hissed. "He's vermin! That's what the fucking problem is. He's a lowlife, gang member piece of shit and I will not fly with him. There's no way in hell. I'll fucking resign first!"

"You'll resign before you fly with Mendez?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Goddamn right I will," he said. "If you can't give me Rendes then I demand a sis who knows what its like to hold a goddamn job at least."

Jorgenson cracked his knuckles thoughtfully, leaning back in his chair and appraising his pilot for a moment. This was of course not the first such conversation that he'd had along these lines — on the contrary, there had been many, particularly from the experienced systems operators who didn't want to fly with a novice pilot — but this was by far the most heartfelt. Haggerty's hatred of the unemployed class went far beyond what most projected, even for a police officer. Jorgenson even knew the story of why he hated them so much, how a group of gang members had raped and killed his pregnant wife. But at the same time, he had a squadron to run, time was getting very short before the Earthlings arrived, and order were orders.

"Is that the way it's going to be then?" he asked. "Either Mendez goes or you go?"

"That's right," Brian said.

"Okay then," he said. "I'll start processing your resignation immediately."

The smug look that had appeared on Brian's face suddenly disappeared, being quickly replaced by one of disbelief. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked.

Jorgenson ignored him and turned his Internet terminal towards him. "Computer, access personnel files," he said.

"Accessing," the computer responded.

"Frank, what are you doing?" Brian said, alarmed.

"I'm changing your status in the computer," he told him. "Will you be resigning from the service completely, or would you like me to just remove your flight status and find you a support position? You'd probably be a good help in the logistics..."

"You can't do that!"

"You just told me that you would resign before you would fly with Mendez, didn't you? Well Mendez has been assigned to your aircraft and he is not going to be removed from it. So that means you're going to have to be the one to go. So how about that logistics position? We'd really hate to completely lose..."

"Goddammit, turn that fucking computer off," Brian told him.

"Oh?" Jorgenson said. "Are we changing our mind? I wouldn't want you to compromise your ideals here."

"Fuck off," he said angrily. "I withdraw my resignation. But listen..."

"No, Brian, you listen," he cut in. "Don't ever try to bluff me with that shit again. The next time you come in here ranting and threatening to quit if you don't get your way, I'll kick your ass right the hell out of here. We have about three weeks until the WestHem marines establish orbit. I have an entire squadron full of flight crews that need to learn to work together before that occurs. I don't have time for this shit and I won't stand for it. Is that clear?"

"Yes," he said, fuming. "It's clear."

"Now Mendez is your sis. Period. End of story. You have three training missions a day scheduled for the next two weeks before we do a final stand down for maintenance. You'd goddamn well better find a way to put aside the problems you have with him or you're both going to end up splattered across a mountainside out there in the wastelands. I'm sure Mendez isn't any more thrilled than you are that he's been paired with a cop. But he hasn't been in her threatening me or bitching at me. So get your ass out there and run your mission like a good little pilot, okay?"

"Fine," he spat, turning on his heels and heading for the door.

"Brian," Jorgenson called when he was three steps away.

He turned to look.

"I'd accommodate you if I could. You have to know that. But there's simply not enough time to go changing things now. If I reassign your sis, I'll have ten crews in here in the next hour wanting to do the same thing. So don't take it personal, okay? It's not becoming."

Brian stared at him for a moment and then turned back around. The door slid obediently open in front of him. He walked through it without another word.

The mission planning room was a large, windowless office located directly adjacent to the ready room. It had small desks arranged in a manner so that as many flight teams as possible could occupy the space at the same time. Each desk had an oversize computer screen mounted on swivels so that it could be turned back and forth. As Brian entered the room the rest of the squadron was already in there, each flight team sitting together and going over the maps of the training area and planning their upcoming missions. The babble of conversation echoed through the room as the pilots and system operators discussed the best means of attacking the MPG column that was to be their target for the day.

Brian found Mendez sitting at one of the desks, a digital satellite shot of the training ground on the screen before him. Mendez, like all of the other flight crewmembers, including Brian himself, was dressed in the standard issue MPG red shorts and white T-shirt. He was smoking a cigarette thoughtfully as he traced over the landscape on the screen with his finger, highlighting certain areas. Brian felt himself seething with hatred as he looked at him, as he took in the Capitalist tattoo that was plainly visible on his arm. Not so long before he had been throwing vermin like that into jail. Now he was supposed to fly with one? To trust his life to him?

With another grunt of disgust we walked over and sat down in the chair next to him.

"Hey, boss," Mendez said. "Where you been? Have to take a big shit or somethin?"

"Where I was is not any of your concern," he said shortly.

Mendez stared at him for a second, hostility flashing in his face for an instant and then disappearing. He shrugged. "I guess not," he said. "Anyway, I started the mission plan while you was gone. I got a prelim path through the southern part of the range about sixty klicks from the target area. I think that the category four hills and ridges will give us good coverage for the..."

"I don't really care what you think," Brian cut in, grabbing the computer screen and turning it towards himself. "Computer, purge current document and set up a new one."

"Say what?" Mendez said.

"Confirming that you wish to purge the current document?" the computer asked.

"Computer, confirmed," Brian said. "Get rid of it and open a new one." A moment later the map and the tracings that Mendez had completed disappeared and was replaced by a blank view of the area.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Mendez demanded. "I had a goddamn prelim path already completed!"

"Like I'm going to trust my life to any flight path that you've worked on," Brian spat. "No thanks. I'll figure out my own flight path to the target area if you don't mind."

"You didn't even fucking look at it," Mendez said. "I worked on that thing for half an hour while you were off jerking your missile somewhere."

"As I said," Brian told him, "my whereabouts were not your concern. And I don't really give a shit how long you worked on it, I'm not flying any path that you've come up with."

"We only got forty-five more minutes until wheels up," Mendez said. "And I was doing what I'm supposed to do. I'm the sis, remember? I'm responsible for..."

"Get this straight, newbie," he said. "You're not responsible for shit on my aircraft. I'll come up with the flight plan. I'll fly the goddamned plane. You will sit your ass in the back seat, keep your fucking mouth shut, and shoot at the targets when I get us into the target area. That is all that you will do. Is that clear?"

"That ain't how its supposed to work," Mendez told him.

"Well that's the way its gonna work on my aircraft. Now just sit your ass over there and shut up until its time to fly."

Mendez' hands clenched into fists and it seemed for a second that he was going to throw a punch at Brian. Brian sincerely hoped that he would. He would then have an excuse to kick the vermin's ass into the ground. He would also have an excuse to have him thrown out of the MPG. But Mendez didn't rise to the occasion. He simply took a few deep breaths and then slumped back in his chair.

"You're the boss, boss," he said through gritted teeth. "But you'd better get crackin I think. We got about twenty minutes until we hit the ready room."

They roared into the red Martian sky an hour later, Brian's hastily assembled flight plan programmed into the navigation computer. Matt tried reading off altitude and upcoming heading changes to him over the intercom — something that had been drilled into him in training — but Brian only told him to shut his ass again.

"I've got the nav references on my HUD," he said dryly as he leveled them off at 1000 meters. "I don't want to hear anything out of you until the target area, and even then the only thing I want to know is when your weapon is discharged."

Matt's glare burned into the back of his head through the cockpit partition. "Is it okay to breathe back here, boss? Or is that too noisy for you too?"

"You're talking, newbie," Brian said. "You can breathe, piss, shit, jack off, or do whatever the hell else you want back there. Just don't talk."

"You can't fly a mission this way, Haggarty," Matt told him.

"Oh? Are you basing that statement on your years of flight experience or on the superior education that you received in Helvetia Heights? Or is it maybe a combination of both?"

"It's common sense, asshole," he said. "Remember common sense? Its the thing we're supposed to be fighting for here?"

"Yeah, I remember it. And General Jackson showed a distinct lack of that factor when he let you vermin in the MPG. Now keep your mouth shut or I just might accidentally eject your ass over the Sierra Madres."

Matt fumed but did as he was told and kept quiet. Brian continued to fly without verbal input from his system operator and using a flight plan that had been put together far too quickly. It wasn't very long before things started to go wrong.

Brian descended the aircraft to 200 meters and streaked along the uneven surface towards the mountain peaks. He dropped down another 100 meters just before passing between two of the peaks. He cut hard to the right, his hands and feet manipulating the controls, his eyes watching the guidance carrot on the display in front of him as it moved back to center. He straightened the plane, flew onward for another fifteen seconds, and then the carrot suddenly swung back to the left. With no warning of the upcoming course change, he was forced to react strongly, pulling them into a turn of nearly four times the force of gravity. He then had to scramble to level the plane back on its course. Just as he did, the next turn came up, forcing him to cut hard to the right.

"Goddamn, Haggarty," Brian grunted as he was slammed up against his restraints and his G-suit squeezed forcefully on his legs. "You're gonna lose it if you keep this shit up!"

Brian didn't answer him. He simply pulled into the next turn, forcing another three and a half G's on them and missing the side of one of the mountains by less than half a kilometer. He could feel himself tense up uncomfortably. For the first time in hundreds of flight hours, it seemed like he was fighting to control the plane instead of reacting as if it were a part of his body. He spun them around another one of the mountains and then was flying high above a valley. Within two seconds the instruments began to pick up the tones of active search systems.

"You're too goddamned high!" Matt yelled in frustration. "They're getting a hit on us!"

"Shit," Brian muttered, pushing down on the stick and putting them into a steep dive. He pulled up just 50 meters above the valley floor, leveling out. The tones went silent once again but before he could even take a breath of relief, the next turn was suddenly upon him, forcing him to cut sharply right. This had him aimed directly at another mountain.

"You're off course now," Matt said, real fear in his voice for the first time. "Pull up!"

Brian, seeing the large red mountain looming in his view, acted more out of instinct than anything else. He pulled up and cut to the right, putting the plane through a narrow gap in a ridgeline, the left wingtip missing the side of the mountain by less than thirty meters this time. The tones from the ESM set began again as soon as they were clear.

"Way off course now," Matt said, his hands gripping the armrest. "And they've got a solid hit on us with a search set. Probable detection."

"I know what the fuck that means!" Brian yelled at him as he tried to dive back down out of the coverage. "Shut your ass while I get us back on course."

"You wouldn't be off course in the first place if you'd let me do my fucking job!"

"I said shut up!" he said, cutting hard left again, trying desperately to get the carrot to swing back towards the center. It refused to do so. They were now well off their path and there were too many mountains between them and the route back to it.

"We're off course, Haggarty," Matt told him. "I need to go manual and plot us a new path or we're never gonna find the targets."

"You're not plotting shit," Brian told him. "Computer, switch to manual mode and give me an overlay of the terrain on my HUD. Make sure that the course path is marked on it."

"What in the hell are you doing?" Matt demanded. "The only time you're supposed to put a course overlay up is if your sis is incapacitated. That's a fucking emergency measure."

"I said shut up!" Brian said. "You say another word and I'm cutting your goddamn intercom off!" In front of him, a faint outline of the surrounding terrain appeared, partially obscuring the windscreen. The course that he had plotted to the target area was marked in red. The blip in the center of the view, which was what represented their current position, was now more than thirty kilometers from that line.

"You can't run a mission this way, Haggarty," Matt said. "The map overlay is just so you can find your way clear if I get hit."

Brian ignored him, knowing deep down that his inexperienced, vermin system operator was right, but not wanting to admit it. He couldn't divert his attention away from the terrain they were flying through long enough to figure out a path back to his course. To take his eyes off of the mountains and ridges even for a second would cause him to fly into one of them. Still, he tried for almost a minute, turning and diving, banking and leveling, his hands and feet moving automatically, the aircraft rising and falling, pushing them back and forth.

"You're gonna kill us, you asshole!" Matt said in terror. Though he had long since gotten over the motion sickness that he had experienced early in training, he felt it returning to him now, a swelling nausea in his stomach as the G-forces slammed him this way and that, as rocky hills flashed by on both sides.

They got no closer to their target area or their course. They just went further and further into the mountain range, where the terrain became even more dangerous. Finally Brian was forced to acknowledge that this was getting him nowhere. With a frustrated sigh he pulled up and put on power, putting the plane into a steep climb. Within seconds they were above the highest of the mountain peaks and the ESM was beeping steadily.

"They've got a lock on us," Matt said disgustedly from the back seat.

"No shit," Brian said.

"And they've got a clear line of sight. If those would've been Earthlings they'd be blasting our asses out of the fuckin sky right now."

"Well, they're not Earthlings though, are they?" he responded, keying his radio transmitter. "Flight Alpha 7, aborting mission and returning to base."

"Flight Alpha 7?" the controller back at the MPG base asked, alarm in her voice. "Your status? Are you declaring an emergency?"

"Negative," he said, flipping on the transponder switch. "We're not declaring an emergency. We just need a vector back to the landing pattern. We were unable to complete our mission."

"I copy," she said slowly. "I have your transponder now. Your course is 95. Please maintain Angels zero-eight until the pattern."

Twenty minutes later, the aircraft was touching down on the runway and rolling towards the airlock. Twenty minutes after that, Brian and Matt were in their shorts and T-shirts once again and standing in Major Jorgenson's office giving him a debriefing on their aborted mission.

Brian was basically an honest person, not prone to assigning blame to others. True to his personality, he did not try to field the blame for what happened on Mendez. He told the exact truth in a sterile, monotone voice while Jorgenson listened in disbelief.

"So you're telling me," Jorgenson summarized when he was finished, "that you refused to let your sis participate in planning the mission?"

"Yes," he agreed.

"And that you threw together a flight course of your own in twenty minutes?"

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The Family Heirloom

The Family Heirloom by Marianne Nettes She stood staring at me as I entered the room, her hands on her hips, and her shoulders thrust right back, pushing her breasts out towards me. Not that they needed any extra pushing ? as big as succulent grapefruit with nipples like soft thimbles, they had plenty enough thrust of their own. She was wearing one of those peasant type shifts, where the top is gathered by a cord tied at the front, and, depending upon preference, can be...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 56

Here I was sitting on a pristine white beach on my own island, thinking about how we had arrived here. We had flown from Grove City, Ohio to Miami, Florida landing at a small airport I had never heard of, even though I was from Florida before I had moved to Nevada. Sandra and I stepped out of the plane inside a small hangar and were met by Sean Hadley of the FBI. He hugged Sandra and shook my hand, telling us both there was food inside the office for us. He followed us in and watched while we...

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BlacksOnBlondes Brooklyn Chase Lisa Tiffian 09062016

In addition to being “besties”, Brooklyn Chase and Lisa Tiffian are next-door neighbors. They’ve been friends for years, and in times of trouble, they have each other’s back. Which is why Brooklyn is sitting in Lisa’s kitchen — sad and lonely. Brooklyn’s hubby is out on another business trip, and even when he’s home, they’re not happy. Sex is horrible. Brooklyn’s married to a “small” man. After hearing her out, Lisa decides...

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tonys new toys

Tony was still upset when she woke up that morning. Her parents had shouted at her worse than ever before in her life and had even taken her Nintendo Wii controllers as a punishment. At only thirteen Tony wasn’t really that easily upset but she felt that just because she had not done her homework she didn’t feel like she had to be this badly punished. As she lay in bed, Tony heard her mummy shout up “Tony your ...

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The Department Store

It was summer and I was in my teens and knew very little about women. I was still a virgin and at that age when I got a boner from anything. My mom needed me to get some clothes for a trip we had to take but she had no time to shop with me. In our small town we had a department store that carried some clothes. There were three ladys that worked there and had for as long as I could remember. My mom had called down there and talked to Mary who said she would meet me before the store opened and...

4 years ago
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A prequel to Hollywood new agent

(For the original story, that takes place about 10 years later, see -John, how many times do I have to tell you, I'm sick of taking care of all your dirty laundry, it's more than time that you start doing things by yourself. You're 18 now, for Christ sake ! John mumbled something his mother couldn't understand. That was still a better answer than "sorry, I didn't do the chores because I just spent the past hour masturbating". His mother...

Mind Control
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Finding Moms Toy

Your name is Amy Sanders, you are 18, and your parents are out tonight, both working late at their individual jobs. This leaves you alone with your twin sister, Samantha. You are not identical twins, but you nonetheless share a similar appearance. You were both red headed, lithe, and had green eyes. That's where things differed though. You wore your hair short in a cute little bob, and she wore her's longer. You tended to be more outspoken, and she tended to be a snob. You were a tom boy,...

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Mike and MalokChapter 17 Another Voice in My Head

That night, I was awoken from a restless sleep. "Wake up, Mike." "Yeah?" I muttered, still half asleep. "We have not met, so I thought I should introduce myself. I am the member of the Consortium who runs this project." I was shocked and a bit afraid and I sensed my mental companion could read this as easily as Malok could (if not easier). Still, I needed to address this likely powerful being as if I were not a sniveling child about to pee his pants. "I am pleased to meet you. What...

3 years ago
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Dogging in England

After fifteen years in Australia Anne and myself decided it was time to go back to England to visit all our friends relatives we hadn't seen in that time. Once there we found after the first week that our relatives really had nothing in common with us anymore, We seemed to have entirely different lifestyles and not just our sex lives, I'd hate to think what they would make of that.We decided to just go off and visit places that we had missed out on in our formative years as well as some of the...

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Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid Pt 3 Padosan Ke Samne Chudai

Hey girls and guys. Kaise ho aap sab log? Ye story continuity hai ‘Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid’ series ka. Toh pehle ke part padhna mat bhulna friends. Abhi tak story mein, maine apni randi naukrani ko choda chaat pe aur humari chudai ke waqt meri padosan Pooja ne hume dekh liya. Ab age. Toh mera aur meri naukrani ki chudai ab regular ho gayi thi. Jab meri mom dupahar ko sone jati thi, usko ghar mein chupke se leke ata tha aur apne room mein uski chudai karta tha. Mera room aur Pooja ka bedroom...

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Introduction: Rhoda, a lifelong friend and neighbor has hidden feelings toward her massage therapist Rhoda is a long time friend and neighbor. Ive known her and her husband and her daughter Sharon for more than twenty years. They moved into my neighborhood when I was around seven years old. Sharon had just been born. My mother used to send me over with cookies and fresh baked pastries. It was her way of welcoming our new neighbors. Through the years, our families became almost as one. But, as I...

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Tale of two mothers ch 9

"Ungggh! No, Henry, please stop fucking me! My son's going to come home! You don't want my son to catch you fucking me, do you?" "I don't care," Henry grunted. "Move your hot little ass, Mrs. Wayne!" They were in her bedroom now. Patty was on her back, naked, her long legs cocked high, her ankles bouncing on Henry's shoulders as he rammed his huge cock lance in and out of her cunt. It was late in the afternoon now, and Walter could come home at any time. Patty had...

4 years ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 3

Friday was busy day at work, I was glad to go home. Hooray, the weekend is here! When I arrived at home I relaxed and had a drink and prepared to BBQ a steak I had ready for dinner. I had dinner and did some email and cruising on the computer. I then watched some TV and then headed off to bed. Saturday I had slept in went and did some shopping and then met a friend for lunch. I returned to the house and did normal house cleaning and laundry. I felt tired that evening and actually went to bed...

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The Other Woman Part Two

The Other Woman Part Two Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband. This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly. I can never find the proper words to say thanks to my editor and friend Chris, who finds the time in a busy...

1 year ago
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Superstar Rajinikanth8217s Kabali 8211 Movie Review

// The expectations are always at its peak and beyond any film limits whenever a Rajinikanth movie is released. Superstar and crowd-puller Rajinikanth’s Kabali is the latest one hitting the theaters worldwide today. The movie is definitely a treat for Rajinikanth fans and every single one of them can surely say that their film was worth their money and time. The film is also worthy of watching for even those of the superstar’s criticizers who wants to make fun of the aged superstar going...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess12e04 Amelia McKinnon 23 from Boston

We start this edition of the show with establishing shots of a large, colourful industrial unit ... The words “PLAYVILLE” painted on the exterior in large curved and friendly letters. As we pan along the front of the building, we come to rest on our horny hostess – ex-pornstar, Renae Russell, and her blue-grey Weimaraner dog... Renae’s fake tits are squeezed together in another tight mini-dress, showing off her arse, legs, and (of course) her amazing and obviously fake bolt-on boobs as she...

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The Dominant Donovans

THE DOMINANT DONOVAN?S By Lewis Chappelle Missy was hanging by her wrists from the rafters of the Donovan Building?s top most story. Her toes dangled four inches from the floor. He had already laid twelve lashes from his favorite whip across Missy?s lovely ass and legs. Her protests were perfunctory; she got her kicks by hanging naked for him and taking his whip. The pain in her shoulders and the welts from the lashes only increased her sexual excitement and her husband, Sam, knew that...

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Beths ArmChapter 9

Beall's mare trotted down toward the tavern that had once been the county courthouse while he thought about his conversation with the Brookeses. He pulled his notebook from his pocket and looked at his Saturday jottings. He had written that the dress billed to "T. Brookes" cost one pound two shillings, that would be the stepmother's dress, the one to "J. Brookes" was nine and six, and that one was somebody's else's. The noted measurements, though similar, were not identical so they...

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The Game the Whole Family Can PlayChapter 1

Frank Sheridan smiled down at his wife Karen. It was early Saturday morning, and he was dressed in clean and serviceable work clothes, khakis and a denim shirt. He carried a pair of thin leather work gloves. “Excuse me?” “You heard me,” his wife said, smiling up at her much taller husband. “I said that you shouldn’t go flirting with Ann, she’s your daughter’s mother-in-law.” “And just why not?” asked Frank with a laugh. “Because she’s too damn pretty. And her tits are bigger than mine,...

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A Day In The Life

BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BE- You cut off the stale cry of your alarm clock with a swift smack to the snooze button, lying in your comfortable bed with a dazed look on your face. Regretting the idea of leaving it's confines, you turn your mind to todays plans. It was Saturday, the red glow of the clock reading 10:37am. The sun was creeping through the blinds of the window and it looked like it was going to be quite a nice morning. You figure that it would be good to catch a few more...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 34 Last Minute Plans

To say that Greg was confused by his daughter would be an understatement. It seemed that every time he saw Cathy, she was giving him a hug or asking if he needed something. When she had run into the house, he turned to his wife and asked, “What’s up with Cathy?” “What do you mean?” Sharon asked. “Every time I see her, she gives me a hug,” Greg answered. “You might not remember, but you said some very nice things to her the night you came home drunk,” Sharon answered. “That evening is a...

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TabooHeat Cory Chase Coco Vandi Theme Park Vacation with Free Use Step Mom

I (Luke Longly) walk into my step-mom Coco Vandi’s bedroom at the AirBnB and I find my step-mom eating my step Aunt Cory Chase’s pussy! I am shocked at first, but Cory explains that my step-mom told her about all of the fun we’ve been having lately, and she really wanted to try my cock too! Coco starts to suck my cock first, to get me nice and hard. Then Cory hops on top of my cock and she starts to ride me in the cowgirl position. She flips over into the reverse cowgirl...

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I will never forget that tragic day, July 14th, 2002. That was the day I lost the love of my life in an automobile accident. My lovely wife, Caroline, was driving home from the grocery store when a drunk driver ran a stop sign, abruptly ending her life. I still haven't gotten over losing her. I can't imagine ever trying to replace her love with another woman, having only dated a few times over the past ten years since her death. Those few dates weren't even my idea, friends and co-workers were...

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Freshman Year

Freshman Year By Stacey D The fall semester and the falling of the leaves seemed so strange to happen at the same time, but this was Vermont and things change quickly here I'm told. I felt uneasy about leaving my home for the first time. I was now 17 years old and had never left the county where I was born. After 20 hours of driving I could see that the next exit up ahead is where I needed to get off the turnpike. I could not believe that I had a fully paid tuition to a...

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The Girl from JuarezChapter 3

There was an unlocked washroom attached to the warehouse. I gave the girl a towel and some soap from the truck and told her to go in and clean up. I searched around in the sleeper unit behind the cab for clothing she could wear. The best I could do was an old denim shirt of mine that would work as an over-shirt on her current outfit. My shirt would easily come down to her knees. When she came out of the washroom, she looked cleaner and her crying seemed to have subsided. "You can sleep in...

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MomIsHorny Sofia Rose Teaches Her Boy A Lesson With Her Pussy

Lil D is having a hard time in college and failing his chemistry class. Sofia Rose is ready to teach this boy lesson. She stresses the importance of passing the chemistry class. unfortunately, Lil D is distracted by Sofia’s luscious tits. All he can focus on is how jiggly her boobs are. Sofia feels his beguilement, determined to make him concentrate she grabs him and throws him on the floor. Sofia sits her voluptuous body on tiny Lil D. She smothers him with her ass and bosom. Lil D loves...

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Wife Tales Lush Susan

It was finally 4 P.M. I thought the open house would never end. Crying kids, complaining old people and snotty young couples seemed to always find my open houses. I would make a quick trip to the ladies room and then I’ll lock the door and take down the sign.As I walked back into the foyer from the ladies room, I noticed the door was opening. I was too damn late I thought to myself. Another pain in the ass is coming to see the house.The door opened and a tall African American man entered. He...

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Lysandras Secret Desire by Michael Knight

The bright morning sunlight reflected back at Lysandra as she tilted her morning newspaper towards her for a closer look at an article that caught her attention:HOUSE SITTER WANTED Must be clean, professional, Bondable Some light cleaning duty, applicant must be willing to live on location in a three Storey Estate House, Free Room & Board Wage expectancy to be discussed. Apply by writing to: Margarete 365 Riverbend Rd. Hill valley.The Job was perfect, just the thing she needed to alleviate...

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My Reader My bitch Part 2

For all indian sex stories dot net readers, I hope you have all read the first part of the story and here is the continuation of it. Here I will tell how we met first, my reader and her husband. And I am really sorry for the delay in Naughty Story Season 1 Episode 2. It has to wait for some time as I have to just take a break from that sex story because something else happened in my life. I am captainyours 24 years old from Kerala and feel free to throw feedbacks to So, I don’t think I...

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Donnas Vacation with the Guys

My wife Donna and I have been married for 8 years. She is 35, 5'5, about 130lbs, with light brown hair (that gets blond in the sun). Our sex life has been dull to say the least. Donna will do it missionary style only. Over the past few years I have been fantasizing about her getting screwed by other men. I have tried to broach the subject a few times without any success. 8 months ago I met Randy through work. Randy and his wife, Jane, and Donna and I went out a number of times and enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Dubai Vacation with a Twist

Dubai Vacation with a Twistpart 1 The early morning was getting hotter by the minute and Dubai was waking up beyond the large hotel's compound. Linda was just stepping out of the shower and was wrapped in a large towel, drying her long dark blond hair with a smaller one when she realized she was not alone in the suite. Two dark shapes stood over by the door to the corridor. It looked like two persons, presumably women, wearing the traditional niqab in black.- Excuse me? But what are you ...The...

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The Dirty Girl

I knew exactly three things about Astrid, besides her name of course.One. She was Swedish. If her name wasn’t enough of a hint, her height partnered with hair the color of wheat and blue eyes that put the sky to shame sealed the deal. Oh, and I should mention that her nearly impeccable English was colored by an obvious accent as well.Two. She was single. No, I didn’t ask. She volunteered the information right before she started leading me up the stairs and shortly after she’d announced, purring...

Quickie Sex
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Her First Affair Part 2

It was two weeks since Mallory and Tom made love. It had been the most incredible sex that Mallory has ever had. However, it maybe wrong for a married woman to fuck another man. She can’t stop thinking about her first extramarital fuck and the excitement she felt. Lying in bed Saturday morning, thinking her husband was still asleep, she started to play with her clit and imagining Tom’s large cock sliding into her pussy she let out a soft moan. Then she slid her other hand under her nightgown...

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