GreeniesChapter 11A free porn video

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MPG Base, Eden
July 24, 2146

The office of Major Frank Jorgenson overlooked the flight line. Down below, on the floor, ground crews were busy doing pre-flight inspections on a group of Mosquitoes that would soon be launched on a training mission. Up above, Jorgenson himself, commander of the 27th Attack squadron, was sitting behind his small desk, his Internet terminal showing a screen saver of vaguely pornographic images. Standing before the desk, dressed in his uniform shorts and T-shirt, was Brian Haggerty.

Brian was not in the least bit happy. "It's bad enough that you took Rendes away from me after we'd been flying together for almost two years," he told his commanding officer. "You already know how I feel about that."

"Yes, Haggerty," Jorgenson said with a sigh. "We've been through that quite enough I think. We had to break up the experienced aircrews so we could pair up some of the newbies with the veterans. That's all there is to it. Rendes is now in the 24th."

"I'm down with that," Brian said. "Like I said, I don't like it, but I've accepted it. But what you've done now..." He shook his head angrily. "I'm sorry, Frank, but it's just not acceptable."

"You would be referring to your new sis, I assume?" Jorgenson asked dryly.

"Of course I'm referring to that! Did you think I was talking about the fucking food in the mess hall?"

Jorgenson let the impertinence pass. He and Haggerty did go back a long way after all. "Okay," he said. "Let's get this over with. What's wrong with him? He graduated third in the training class on navigation skills and second on gunnery. He's fully qualified to fly in that Mosquito with you. So what's the problem?"

"What's the problem?" Brian almost hissed. "He's vermin! That's what the fucking problem is. He's a lowlife, gang member piece of shit and I will not fly with him. There's no way in hell. I'll fucking resign first!"

"You'll resign before you fly with Mendez?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Goddamn right I will," he said. "If you can't give me Rendes then I demand a sis who knows what its like to hold a goddamn job at least."

Jorgenson cracked his knuckles thoughtfully, leaning back in his chair and appraising his pilot for a moment. This was of course not the first such conversation that he'd had along these lines — on the contrary, there had been many, particularly from the experienced systems operators who didn't want to fly with a novice pilot — but this was by far the most heartfelt. Haggerty's hatred of the unemployed class went far beyond what most projected, even for a police officer. Jorgenson even knew the story of why he hated them so much, how a group of gang members had raped and killed his pregnant wife. But at the same time, he had a squadron to run, time was getting very short before the Earthlings arrived, and order were orders.

"Is that the way it's going to be then?" he asked. "Either Mendez goes or you go?"

"That's right," Brian said.

"Okay then," he said. "I'll start processing your resignation immediately."

The smug look that had appeared on Brian's face suddenly disappeared, being quickly replaced by one of disbelief. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked.

Jorgenson ignored him and turned his Internet terminal towards him. "Computer, access personnel files," he said.

"Accessing," the computer responded.

"Frank, what are you doing?" Brian said, alarmed.

"I'm changing your status in the computer," he told him. "Will you be resigning from the service completely, or would you like me to just remove your flight status and find you a support position? You'd probably be a good help in the logistics..."

"You can't do that!"

"You just told me that you would resign before you would fly with Mendez, didn't you? Well Mendez has been assigned to your aircraft and he is not going to be removed from it. So that means you're going to have to be the one to go. So how about that logistics position? We'd really hate to completely lose..."

"Goddammit, turn that fucking computer off," Brian told him.

"Oh?" Jorgenson said. "Are we changing our mind? I wouldn't want you to compromise your ideals here."

"Fuck off," he said angrily. "I withdraw my resignation. But listen..."

"No, Brian, you listen," he cut in. "Don't ever try to bluff me with that shit again. The next time you come in here ranting and threatening to quit if you don't get your way, I'll kick your ass right the hell out of here. We have about three weeks until the WestHem marines establish orbit. I have an entire squadron full of flight crews that need to learn to work together before that occurs. I don't have time for this shit and I won't stand for it. Is that clear?"

"Yes," he said, fuming. "It's clear."

"Now Mendez is your sis. Period. End of story. You have three training missions a day scheduled for the next two weeks before we do a final stand down for maintenance. You'd goddamn well better find a way to put aside the problems you have with him or you're both going to end up splattered across a mountainside out there in the wastelands. I'm sure Mendez isn't any more thrilled than you are that he's been paired with a cop. But he hasn't been in her threatening me or bitching at me. So get your ass out there and run your mission like a good little pilot, okay?"

"Fine," he spat, turning on his heels and heading for the door.

"Brian," Jorgenson called when he was three steps away.

He turned to look.

"I'd accommodate you if I could. You have to know that. But there's simply not enough time to go changing things now. If I reassign your sis, I'll have ten crews in here in the next hour wanting to do the same thing. So don't take it personal, okay? It's not becoming."

Brian stared at him for a moment and then turned back around. The door slid obediently open in front of him. He walked through it without another word.

The mission planning room was a large, windowless office located directly adjacent to the ready room. It had small desks arranged in a manner so that as many flight teams as possible could occupy the space at the same time. Each desk had an oversize computer screen mounted on swivels so that it could be turned back and forth. As Brian entered the room the rest of the squadron was already in there, each flight team sitting together and going over the maps of the training area and planning their upcoming missions. The babble of conversation echoed through the room as the pilots and system operators discussed the best means of attacking the MPG column that was to be their target for the day.

Brian found Mendez sitting at one of the desks, a digital satellite shot of the training ground on the screen before him. Mendez, like all of the other flight crewmembers, including Brian himself, was dressed in the standard issue MPG red shorts and white T-shirt. He was smoking a cigarette thoughtfully as he traced over the landscape on the screen with his finger, highlighting certain areas. Brian felt himself seething with hatred as he looked at him, as he took in the Capitalist tattoo that was plainly visible on his arm. Not so long before he had been throwing vermin like that into jail. Now he was supposed to fly with one? To trust his life to him?

With another grunt of disgust we walked over and sat down in the chair next to him.

"Hey, boss," Mendez said. "Where you been? Have to take a big shit or somethin?"

"Where I was is not any of your concern," he said shortly.

Mendez stared at him for a second, hostility flashing in his face for an instant and then disappearing. He shrugged. "I guess not," he said. "Anyway, I started the mission plan while you was gone. I got a prelim path through the southern part of the range about sixty klicks from the target area. I think that the category four hills and ridges will give us good coverage for the..."

"I don't really care what you think," Brian cut in, grabbing the computer screen and turning it towards himself. "Computer, purge current document and set up a new one."

"Say what?" Mendez said.

"Confirming that you wish to purge the current document?" the computer asked.

"Computer, confirmed," Brian said. "Get rid of it and open a new one." A moment later the map and the tracings that Mendez had completed disappeared and was replaced by a blank view of the area.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Mendez demanded. "I had a goddamn prelim path already completed!"

"Like I'm going to trust my life to any flight path that you've worked on," Brian spat. "No thanks. I'll figure out my own flight path to the target area if you don't mind."

"You didn't even fucking look at it," Mendez said. "I worked on that thing for half an hour while you were off jerking your missile somewhere."

"As I said," Brian told him, "my whereabouts were not your concern. And I don't really give a shit how long you worked on it, I'm not flying any path that you've come up with."

"We only got forty-five more minutes until wheels up," Mendez said. "And I was doing what I'm supposed to do. I'm the sis, remember? I'm responsible for..."

"Get this straight, newbie," he said. "You're not responsible for shit on my aircraft. I'll come up with the flight plan. I'll fly the goddamned plane. You will sit your ass in the back seat, keep your fucking mouth shut, and shoot at the targets when I get us into the target area. That is all that you will do. Is that clear?"

"That ain't how its supposed to work," Mendez told him.

"Well that's the way its gonna work on my aircraft. Now just sit your ass over there and shut up until its time to fly."

Mendez' hands clenched into fists and it seemed for a second that he was going to throw a punch at Brian. Brian sincerely hoped that he would. He would then have an excuse to kick the vermin's ass into the ground. He would also have an excuse to have him thrown out of the MPG. But Mendez didn't rise to the occasion. He simply took a few deep breaths and then slumped back in his chair.

"You're the boss, boss," he said through gritted teeth. "But you'd better get crackin I think. We got about twenty minutes until we hit the ready room."

They roared into the red Martian sky an hour later, Brian's hastily assembled flight plan programmed into the navigation computer. Matt tried reading off altitude and upcoming heading changes to him over the intercom — something that had been drilled into him in training — but Brian only told him to shut his ass again.

"I've got the nav references on my HUD," he said dryly as he leveled them off at 1000 meters. "I don't want to hear anything out of you until the target area, and even then the only thing I want to know is when your weapon is discharged."

Matt's glare burned into the back of his head through the cockpit partition. "Is it okay to breathe back here, boss? Or is that too noisy for you too?"

"You're talking, newbie," Brian said. "You can breathe, piss, shit, jack off, or do whatever the hell else you want back there. Just don't talk."

"You can't fly a mission this way, Haggarty," Matt told him.

"Oh? Are you basing that statement on your years of flight experience or on the superior education that you received in Helvetia Heights? Or is it maybe a combination of both?"

"It's common sense, asshole," he said. "Remember common sense? Its the thing we're supposed to be fighting for here?"

"Yeah, I remember it. And General Jackson showed a distinct lack of that factor when he let you vermin in the MPG. Now keep your mouth shut or I just might accidentally eject your ass over the Sierra Madres."

Matt fumed but did as he was told and kept quiet. Brian continued to fly without verbal input from his system operator and using a flight plan that had been put together far too quickly. It wasn't very long before things started to go wrong.

Brian descended the aircraft to 200 meters and streaked along the uneven surface towards the mountain peaks. He dropped down another 100 meters just before passing between two of the peaks. He cut hard to the right, his hands and feet manipulating the controls, his eyes watching the guidance carrot on the display in front of him as it moved back to center. He straightened the plane, flew onward for another fifteen seconds, and then the carrot suddenly swung back to the left. With no warning of the upcoming course change, he was forced to react strongly, pulling them into a turn of nearly four times the force of gravity. He then had to scramble to level the plane back on its course. Just as he did, the next turn came up, forcing him to cut hard to the right.

"Goddamn, Haggarty," Brian grunted as he was slammed up against his restraints and his G-suit squeezed forcefully on his legs. "You're gonna lose it if you keep this shit up!"

Brian didn't answer him. He simply pulled into the next turn, forcing another three and a half G's on them and missing the side of one of the mountains by less than half a kilometer. He could feel himself tense up uncomfortably. For the first time in hundreds of flight hours, it seemed like he was fighting to control the plane instead of reacting as if it were a part of his body. He spun them around another one of the mountains and then was flying high above a valley. Within two seconds the instruments began to pick up the tones of active search systems.

"You're too goddamned high!" Matt yelled in frustration. "They're getting a hit on us!"

"Shit," Brian muttered, pushing down on the stick and putting them into a steep dive. He pulled up just 50 meters above the valley floor, leveling out. The tones went silent once again but before he could even take a breath of relief, the next turn was suddenly upon him, forcing him to cut sharply right. This had him aimed directly at another mountain.

"You're off course now," Matt said, real fear in his voice for the first time. "Pull up!"

Brian, seeing the large red mountain looming in his view, acted more out of instinct than anything else. He pulled up and cut to the right, putting the plane through a narrow gap in a ridgeline, the left wingtip missing the side of the mountain by less than thirty meters this time. The tones from the ESM set began again as soon as they were clear.

"Way off course now," Matt said, his hands gripping the armrest. "And they've got a solid hit on us with a search set. Probable detection."

"I know what the fuck that means!" Brian yelled at him as he tried to dive back down out of the coverage. "Shut your ass while I get us back on course."

"You wouldn't be off course in the first place if you'd let me do my fucking job!"

"I said shut up!" he said, cutting hard left again, trying desperately to get the carrot to swing back towards the center. It refused to do so. They were now well off their path and there were too many mountains between them and the route back to it.

"We're off course, Haggarty," Matt told him. "I need to go manual and plot us a new path or we're never gonna find the targets."

"You're not plotting shit," Brian told him. "Computer, switch to manual mode and give me an overlay of the terrain on my HUD. Make sure that the course path is marked on it."

"What in the hell are you doing?" Matt demanded. "The only time you're supposed to put a course overlay up is if your sis is incapacitated. That's a fucking emergency measure."

"I said shut up!" Brian said. "You say another word and I'm cutting your goddamn intercom off!" In front of him, a faint outline of the surrounding terrain appeared, partially obscuring the windscreen. The course that he had plotted to the target area was marked in red. The blip in the center of the view, which was what represented their current position, was now more than thirty kilometers from that line.

"You can't run a mission this way, Haggarty," Matt said. "The map overlay is just so you can find your way clear if I get hit."

Brian ignored him, knowing deep down that his inexperienced, vermin system operator was right, but not wanting to admit it. He couldn't divert his attention away from the terrain they were flying through long enough to figure out a path back to his course. To take his eyes off of the mountains and ridges even for a second would cause him to fly into one of them. Still, he tried for almost a minute, turning and diving, banking and leveling, his hands and feet moving automatically, the aircraft rising and falling, pushing them back and forth.

"You're gonna kill us, you asshole!" Matt said in terror. Though he had long since gotten over the motion sickness that he had experienced early in training, he felt it returning to him now, a swelling nausea in his stomach as the G-forces slammed him this way and that, as rocky hills flashed by on both sides.

They got no closer to their target area or their course. They just went further and further into the mountain range, where the terrain became even more dangerous. Finally Brian was forced to acknowledge that this was getting him nowhere. With a frustrated sigh he pulled up and put on power, putting the plane into a steep climb. Within seconds they were above the highest of the mountain peaks and the ESM was beeping steadily.

"They've got a lock on us," Matt said disgustedly from the back seat.

"No shit," Brian said.

"And they've got a clear line of sight. If those would've been Earthlings they'd be blasting our asses out of the fuckin sky right now."

"Well, they're not Earthlings though, are they?" he responded, keying his radio transmitter. "Flight Alpha 7, aborting mission and returning to base."

"Flight Alpha 7?" the controller back at the MPG base asked, alarm in her voice. "Your status? Are you declaring an emergency?"

"Negative," he said, flipping on the transponder switch. "We're not declaring an emergency. We just need a vector back to the landing pattern. We were unable to complete our mission."

"I copy," she said slowly. "I have your transponder now. Your course is 95. Please maintain Angels zero-eight until the pattern."

Twenty minutes later, the aircraft was touching down on the runway and rolling towards the airlock. Twenty minutes after that, Brian and Matt were in their shorts and T-shirts once again and standing in Major Jorgenson's office giving him a debriefing on their aborted mission.

Brian was basically an honest person, not prone to assigning blame to others. True to his personality, he did not try to field the blame for what happened on Mendez. He told the exact truth in a sterile, monotone voice while Jorgenson listened in disbelief.

"So you're telling me," Jorgenson summarized when he was finished, "that you refused to let your sis participate in planning the mission?"

"Yes," he agreed.

"And that you threw together a flight course of your own in twenty minutes?"

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Watching wife via Whatsapp the most gut wrenchin

As with any of my written posts here on Xhamster, this is 100% true and recent. This took place last week:I found a guy on a site we use to arrange meets. I explained via a series of messages exactly what I wanted and arranged a date a few days later for my wife to visit him at his home. I didn't tell my wife too much. Just that if arranged a meet up for her with a local guy and I wanted her to tell me about it afterwards. Just two days later and I was sitting at home on the sofa. My stomach...

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The Winter Adventure

I had originally written this story in German and it’s sill ongoing. But as a side project I will give my best to translate this story in English, now I hope you will enjoy it. ****************************** My name is Ben Mueller and my adventure begins on December the 28th, with the trip to a vacation with my best friend Mike Schuster. Like every winter, Mike goes to Austria with his family to a holiday cabin that has been in the family for a long time. Since Mike and I have been very good...

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Dandelion Memoriesof Yesterdays Roses

The day dawned bright and clear in lush green pastoral setting at the North Union Cemetery. That morning, a young boy had jumped at the chance to go with his Great Uncle Homer, a World War I soldier, to help mow and clean up the picturesque old cemetery in time for Memorial Day which is only days away. Although he would have been willing to do it for nothing, because he loved hanging around with his Uncle Homer; the old soldier wouldn't hear of it. On the way over to the cemetery, the old...

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My First Time

I was late getting to the pool and rushed in to the locker room to change. I took my clothes off and had just slipped on my swim trunks when I heard the shower door open. I looked to see who was there and my jaw dropped. A beautiful African-American girl walked out. She had the towel around her head and was rubbing to dry her hair. I watched her as she stood in front of me not more than 10 feet away. She was beautiful. Her skin was a dark golden brown. As she rubbed her hair it made her tits...

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The Vampire Kaid Part 1 A Bite In TimeChapter 10

There was a man in the morgue with a kink in his psychological blueprint. He couldn't resist young cadavers. They gave him a fearful hard-on and he had to "do" those poor, cold, lifeless things. A number of years ago, I was wandering round one night when I "overheard" him in the throes of a sick orgasm. I popped in through an open window and headed to where he was humping a newly arrived cadaver. He nearly had a heart attack. As Willie Nelson puts it, he went 'a shade whiter than...

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Into the Corner Part II

I only ask that you review my story and provide comments and feedback. --- The following morning, Carol and I packed for our two week honeymoon in a beautiful tropical island. I was somewhat worried about my chastity belt setting off the metal detector when I went through airport security. But Carol, the consummate planner had a solution at hand. She removed my metal key lock and replaced it with a plastic numbered lock. The only way to get the lock off would be to break the seal....

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From the Pages of Carmyns Diary A True Story 5

June 17, 2007 3:40 p.m.Dear Diary,Sitting outside under the oak tree watching a collection of girls from another team practice a routine where they bend over, come back up, clap, poke their boobs out, do 180 degree turn, just to bend over again. They're doing all this under the blazing sun that makes 'em sweat, wetting their thin shirts, and exposing nipples for the ones not wearing a bra.All the girls on my team are crowded up under trees sitting Indiana style with notepads in our hands. We're...

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Home Early

She was a very beautiful brunette, with beautiful skin that was just begging to be tasted. Her neck especially looked delicious, when she tilted her head to one side, revealing that sensitive and vulnerable part that I could sink my teeth into. I loved the way her long strands of hair fell to one side when she did that, cascading over her shoulder. How I longed to touch her... But it wasn't allowed. I knew that, even at a young age. That is, until I saw her naked. To be fair, it was not in...

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Civil War in MiseraChapter 2 Negotiating

May 28, 1993 The Senate was in disarray. They had been rounded up first thing in the morning and brought to the capitol building by a bunch of soldiers. Faced with armed men and women, they had no choice except to go. The disturbing thing was that these were the same people they had hired to end the civil war. The Head of the Senate looked at the treaty he had been handed. It didn’t take more than a single glance at it to know that he didn’t like what it said. It went against everything he...

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Initium NovumChapter 3

As the review team came off the plane, parents were spotted and nothing was holding them back. Ann and Jan hit Robert at full force. The girls were now thirteen and eleven, and still thought Robert was the reason for their living. Eleven four and five year olds came running to their mothers. They did not care if it was their birth mother, as all of Robert's wives were considered mom. The same with every other parent that was on the trip. Their kids were the most important thing to them at...

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Sweet innocence

Author’s note:This is a story in two parts, it is fiction, any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely accidental. All characters are eighteen years of age or older at the time of any sexual activity.Jack Taylor sat in his armchair, picking through a box of old photographs. This was something he tended to do a lot these days now that he was on his own.At sixty nine years of age he was still active, at least he had been up until that awful day two years before when Angela the love of...

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Sanjana8217s Virgin Pussy And Sex Party At Nightclub

Hey guys. I am Sanjana. I am 25 years old. This happened a few years back. I lived in the UK for 3 years for my higher studies. Back then I was just 19 years old with 32-24-36 body. I lived with my friend, Nancy. Nancy was very sexy. We were studying the same course. As I was new to the UK, she took me to many places. One day Nancy asked me whether I had been to night clubs. I had never been to night clubs and I thought it was just like a normal party. My friend had membership in one of the...

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Chachi ki kunwari boor ko choda

Hi ISS Reader this is Dev from jamshedpur, this is my 5th story in ISS. Well who dosen’t know about me for them I am 31 year old married health person. My email ID :- and hai. Meri dilchaspi hamesha shadishuda aurato pe hoti hai jo saari pahanti hai . Kyonki saari me aurat kafi sexy aur khubsurat lagti hai jise chodne me bhi kafi maza aata hai . Whenever I make sexual relation with any ladies my first ambition is to make her satisfied with my cock. Till now I have fucked around 50 ladies (...

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Graduation from Fag School Chapter 2

Good morning class. I am the school's co-owner and a shemale with a very large cock that we will use in a lesson in a few days. Today, I am going to bring some of my boyfriends over for your fag lessons. You will just love kissing them, dancing with them, slowly undressing them. Then you will get to suck their beautiful cocks and swallow their cum, load after load after load. For one special person in class, I will bring out his boyfriend for the day. That man will have a romantic encounter...

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Introduction You can't believe your bad luck, you were in your family's summer loft in New York, when word of the virus broke out. Everyone was on a strict lock down. No leaving the house under any circumstances to avoid any further contamination. If you tried to violating the order you risked worse than infection, you risked imprisonment. You at least have a well stocked place, packed with enough essentials by your paranoid, prepper parents to last months. You have internet and video games and...

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Sperm Hospital

She gazed out the hospital window at the familiar scenery below. Vast fields of green and gold sprawled out to the horizon. The August sun beat down upon the asphalt of the highway running in the foreground; the radiating heat turned passing cars into mirages. The hospital was always cool; conditioned to a comfortable 72 degrees, but she could feel that unforgiving heat through memories of hot and humid Missouri afternoons, and it spread down from there to all of the parts of her body. Today...

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Running into Coverage Ch 3

Oh holy hiatus. Firstly, life happens to us all and turns days into weeks and side-projects into—well, side-projects. As always, there is much gratitude to Estragon who looked over these pages which sat in my inbox for ages. Your edits and support means the absolute world. There is much to be said for a lady such as Hadley, but I will let the next chapters cover that. As always, your thoughts, comments and feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy M **** Over the next month, not a single day...

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Nymph of the WoodChapter 9

I guess that's why it's called an accident. During my career, I had occasionally been required to fill out accident reports for my employees. According to management, almost every accident has a root cause. It's always our first reaction to say that it was, "just an accident." An event happens that is so unexpected. A key piece of equipment might fail. A freak storm might come out of nowhere. Your attention might be diverted for a split second as the semi-truck, with an unconscious...

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BethChapter 138

February 2, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, At lunch, as we had for Meka’s birthday, I began passing out those little cone-shaped party hats, to which Lana’s eyes went wide and she squeaked, “Are we having a p-party ... for m-me?” “Yours is the only birthday today that I know.” I passed out 16 hats, the extras for Seamus, who had become regular at the tables, and Jess, who joined us for the third time this week. I had brought one other spare but did not need it. Liya, again, had coordinated with...

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Jerryrsquos World ndash A Chance Meeting

It was a lovely evening so I decided to have a walk home to familiarise myself with the area as I didn’t know it too well. I took a shortcut through a small leafy park and found I was bursting to use the toilet and luckily tucked away in the corner I saw an old toilet block, happy days.I walked in and with only some old guy standing at the urinal I happily pulled my cock out the top of my shorts and let out a big sigh of relief as I emptied my bladder.I wasn’t paying much attention to the old...

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Jenny Is Disciplined By Mrs Denver

Mrs Denver stood up, hands on her hips, looked cross, was very cross, and shouted, “Mrs Howe, that was extremely dangerous and could have hurt young Emma. I’ll need to deal with you.” The afternoon had been going well. Parents and students were using the swimming pool. The swimming competition had been exciting. Now, about thirty parents and students were relaxing in the pool, some swimming lengths but most just were standing in the water and chatting to friends. Then came the incident. The...

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Big Cock Always Wins

This happened in college. One night my girlfriend Jen and I were making out in my bedroom. I had one hand inside her blouse and another up her skirt, and it was just getting really good when my roommate Ricky walked in. "Whoa, sorry," he said seeing us. "Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch." I felt bad because I knew he'd get no sleep outside in the dorm common room, so I pulled a blanket over me and Jen and told him to stay a while. I figured the least we could do is drink a beer with him...

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My 19 year old sister has some workout regime

For years now, I have been attracted to my younger sister. It’s not only her gorgeous looks but she is so warm and just a great person to be around. I think she feels the same attraction to me as we always have a great time together. As we have grown older, our sexual feelings have become more bold and stMikeger. I’m the 28 year old brother of a beautiful 19 year old sandy blonde haired sister. My name is Mike and Michelle is my sexy little teenage sister. I'm about 5' 10", well built, light...

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What a Fucking Day Gay DP

I stood dripping wet and cold on the doorstep, the brisk wind and cutting rain beating down on my body. I'd come completely unprepared for the sudden change in the weather and as I stood their in my long shorts and half unbuttoned, now plain see through white summer shirt I rang the doorbell for the fourth time.I was fast losing hope and having had more than a few irritating stand ups in my time thought this meet was going the same way. Suddenly there was light and the silhouette of two figures...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 5 Great Minds Think Alike

Lane kept explaining to Dave that she loved him more than anything in the entire universe. Her whole existence had become singularly focused on her passion and affection for her new lover and how she would move heaven and earth to ensure his lifetime of happiness. Dave opined, “I am very happy. Mostly, I’m happy that I could give you The Experience. Many of the women in the Circle have experienced that with me. Several others know how to deliver that peak of physical pleasure. Just know that...

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My First Sex Teacher Shanthini

I never thought it would happen ever in my life, but it did happen... please read it from the start because i there are some important things here and there.... have a happy time.. I am Kaushik, 20 years old now and this incident happened when i was 17-18 years old. I am tall, about 6' and neither fat nor slim. I came to India only when i was in 9th standard. From then till 12th std, it was Mrs Shanthini who took physics for me. She was fat, short and had huge breasts, which you...

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The Spell

Thanks to the Prince of Editors Steve Zink for a great edit as usual. The Spell By Eric Larry Gedge was 18 and worked as the general 'Hey, you do this' at the Worthington Estate. His Mom was the cook and had been for 12 years. Mr. J. Wellington Worthington (please don't call him Jimmy. He hated it because his mother had always said 'Now Jimmy,' just before punishing him) was 42 and was the owner. His wife Lindsay was 33 and very social. Both were from very old money. Larry...

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Whore Mother and Her Lesbian Friend

Hi this is your Huma with a new burning hot story. I thank you all for giving a huge response to my story “Memorable Threesome which has been viewed over 440,000 times. Thanks dears. Send your cpomments at Rani aunty is my mother’s best friend. My mother Priya is 39 years old widow, open minded and very hot chick. My friends drool at the sight of mom’s ass and pert tits. Priya works in a bank as manager and Rani is a rich divorcee in her early thirties. Rani is a gorgeous woman with magic...

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Reunion By Heather St. Claire They had chosen the restaurant with great care; it had to be someplace that wasn't too fancy or too seedy, too flashy or too noticeably hidden. In short, somewhere where they were most likely to blend into their surroundings. Leslie had arrived first, and was seated in a booth toward the rear of the main dining room. She nervously crossed, uncrossed and recrossed her legs. She was wearing her new knee-high, spike-heeled, brown leather boots. ...

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Pleasing My Lady

It always happens this way; I get home from work before my Lady does, put some thought into what to make for dinner and prepare it. Then I go and prepare my self; a shave and shower to remove all signs of the day paying special attention to the hair around my penis and scrotum. I also give myself a 5-litre enema with warm soapy water that has a trace amount of Her favourite analgesic so that when things get a little rough the pain will not be overpowering. After the enema and shower I make my...

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My first bisex experience Part 1

This is a true story that happened to me many years ago. I was 20 years old and in college, home on break the week after Christmas, and working in a grocery store. A former high school teacher (Tim) came into the store. He taught my favorite class and I felt I knew him pretty well. We chatted for a while about our lives then he left. The next day he called me and said he was going skiing up north and his wife was unable to make it – and did I want to come along (he already had the condo...

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Happy Hour Chapter 6

Happy Hour Chapter 6 Stefanie Flowers Despite many misgivings on my part, David had moved in with me. On the good side, the extra rent money kept me financially afloat. Mandy was happy as Jack could now move in with her. On the bad side, I no longer had any respite from being Stefanie, even in the privacy of my own home. I only had the one bedroom so he ended up sleeping with me. To maintain a realistic persona for Stefanie I...

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Sex With Mangalorean Lusty Hot Bomb Neighbour Girl

My name is sameer 26, from mangalore, Karnataka. I want to share my lusty story with u all. Since 1 year I wanna share this story. I was reading all the story in ISS since 5 years. I’m a fan of Indian Sex Stories. I want to share my lusty experience with my hot neighbor. Asha(name changed) She was 20, she was hot and was studying 2nd-year degree. I dont want to bore you guys. I shifted to this new house. Initially we were just doing hallo and hi. Slowly our friendship grown and took her number...

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Like Facebook Even ISS Combines Friends

Hi ISS Readers, this is Rudra sai again. Hope you all read my previous and my life Real Experience Sindhu. You can think this as a continuation for my previous story but a new one with a new experience but with the same girl whom I have been missing from last 2 years came back to me as soon as she saw the story in ISS that I have posted very recently. Yes friends this is true and unbelievable. Sindhu also was habituated of reading ISS, and this made us join once again to have a great pleasure...

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