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February 2, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

At lunch, as we had for Meka’s birthday, I began passing out those little cone-shaped party hats, to which Lana’s eyes went wide and she squeaked, “Are we having a p-party ... for m-me?”

“Yours is the only birthday today that I know.”

I passed out 16 hats, the extras for Seamus, who had become regular at the tables, and Jess, who joined us for the third time this week. I had brought one other spare but did not need it. Liya, again, had coordinated with Carol. She put the box she had carried carefully into the lunchroom and placed it in the middle of the table, then extracted an 11x8 cake with “Happy15th” written in icing on it, and with a single candle. I handed Meka the small matchbox I had brought, and she lit the candle, then slid the cake to in front of Lana.

Meka told her, “Since you’re the birthday girl, I sup-po-o-ose you could serve yourself a corner.”

There was much chuckling, although Seamus and Jess could not know the reference.

We sang her the birthday song, she blew out the candle, and, once again, we enjoyed Carol’s chocolate-glazed fudge cake at school.

“Wow,” Jess exclaimed as the first bite hit her palate. “I lucked out by joining this table for lunch this week. This is brill! Thanks for having a birthday today, Lana.”

“Hey, I don’t recall choosing to be born today, but I’m happy you could join us. I don’t want to offend you, but I love how you talk. I think I could listen to you read from the dictionary.”

“Thanks, I guess. I didn’t have any choice about how I sound, but you Yanks all seem to like it.”

“We do,” responded Liya. “I’m third generation here, so I have none of that ... lilt I like so much. It makes me remember my grandmother, although only a bit, as she doesn’t have the British accent. The combo is what we like so much about your speech. Also, we’re happy that you’ve been spending time with us here this week.”

Jess shrugged, smirked, then replied, “I’m happy that my presence makes you happy.”

There was much chuckling.

During cake-eating, Brett asked Jess, “Are you going to be here next year? I know your father’s at the university, but I also know that professors come and go.”

“Yes. He’s working on a multi-year project. The family will be here for at least three more years. I’m hoping I can get all the way through university in the States.”

“That’d be great,” Meka responded. “We might not have done nearly so well this year had you and Jules not found yourselves here. Last year’s coach did not get our backups any significant game time, because she was so focused on the team winning the league so she could move up in the hierarchy of coaching jobs. And look what those same girls did this year. This year’s team would have kicked last year’s team’s butt, partly because our backups became comfortable in games, and we could give starters serious breathers. However, without you Brits, we’d have had to play last year’s backups even if they weren’t ready. Oh, presumably they’d have gotten to the same level of comfort and done reasonably well. However, while we might have made the league tournament, we may not have won the thing. I’m not sure PK would have gotten to the point where she could be Petaluma’s doom without all the game time she got this year before she sealed or won every game with them.”

“Yeah, she came on well, as did all the midfield subs. They’ll probably be pushing us next year.”

As we were cleaning up, Lana said, “Thanks, all, f-for ... this. Goddess, it’s so good to have friends! Particularly these friends!”

Civia was in the W house when we got home, and she gave each of us hugs. We stripped to match her state of nudity.

We were watching a third-season episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle when Celeste arrived an hour or so later, calling out, “Hi, honeys. I’m home.”

By chance, Civia was the first to greet her, and in the same manner she had greeted us.

After we had all hugged her, she looked around at us, then said, “There are so many things I like better about living here than on campus, but one of the best is the clothing-optional policy.”

“I know,” replied Civia. “I was a bit weirded out the first time they did this to me. Had I not already liked them and wanted them to like me, I might not have gone with it, and I’d have missed something that I really enjoy!” Her tone moderated and she added, “At home, I can do it only in my room.”

Celeste doffed her clothing right there and joined us as we watched the rest of the episode. When it was over, she donned only the shirt and jeans.

As she headed toward the back door, she said, “I’m heading to the J to get ready for work. Charlie texted me that Emma and crew are finished with the attic except for the intercom and that they put together the new Semi-super Monstrosity up there. Anyone that wants to sleep with me there is welcome. I’ve come to really like having someone else in bed.”

“I know. That’s another thing that my ... my unrelated sisters got me liking. Sometimes, at ... at my first home, I find it a bit lonely in my bed by myself. I really like it when I wake in the middle of the night and find one of my sisters curled into me or vice-versa. I really love my parents, but I’d really like to live here, where I can sleep with a lot of my friends.” She smiled, shrugged, and continued with, “At least I get two or three Friday nights a month here, as well as the occasional weekend.” She smirked, then added, “I ... I think my parents go ... a little crazy when I’m not there at night.”

Meka asked, “How so?”

“Umm ... the couch is sometimes much more ... rumpled than Mom usually lets it get.”

“And you’re okay with that,” asked Celeste.

“Yes. It shows that they still love each other. Oh, I’d know that, anyway, from how they act around me. They’re ... I’ve noticed that they touch each other a lot, you know, like Dad will lightly touch Mom’s face or Mom will rub a hand up or down his back for ... no apparent reason. Don’t you think that means something?”

“I’m sure it does,” answered Rhee. “Dad and the Moms do things like that all the time.”

“I’ve noticed that. I ... I like it. I mean, it’s good that our parents still ... love each other ... because I think it means that our parents won’t split up. Maren came over after school last Friday. We didn’t do much, but we talked a lot, mostly about our ... respective families. She said that she didn’t remember many details from when they were living with her father, but that she saw the change in how her mom, Emma, and her recent husband acted with each other. She said when she noticed that change, she began worrying, with justification, obviously.” Civia glanced around, then said, “Mom and I, sometimes with Dad, too, have had a ... number of talks about ... you know ... umm ... sex ... and stuff like relationships. Mom said that while the ... sex was important in ... committed relationships like marriages, the ... touching ... she called it ‘casual intimacy,’ is just as important. She said that ... casual touching like I see them do reminds both that they love each other.”

“Civia,” Celeste said, “you have wonderful parents, if they’re going that deeply into relationships like that, explaining more than simply how sex works and telling you not to do it. I didn’t get anything like that, particularly at your age.” She turned to me and asked, “Did you?” When I nodded, she turned back to Civia and stated, “I don’t know what you think about sex and relationships for yourself, and I don’t need to know, but with what your parents have taught you, you’re almost certainly better prepared for the realities of those things than I was. That ... lack was part of the reason I screwed up so badly in high school. Most of it was my own fault, but I probably wouldn’t have screwed up quite so badly had I known more. I had to learn all those things myself, often the hard way. I’d offer to go back in time and trade with you in order to have your parents, but I wouldn’t want you to have to live through what I did. If you ever have questions, feel free to ask me. If you do that, you need to tell your parents that you did and what I said in response. I don’t want them feeling as if I were causing you to work around them.”

Civia ran the few paces and slammed her body into Celeste’s hugging her tightly. Celeste hugged her back just as tightly.

As the intensity of the hug began to decline, Civia burbled, “I love that I now have older sisters. I love this ... new family I have.”

February 3, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

I woke in the Monstrosity with Kim curled around me, and I figured that out without opening my eyes. She has a little whistle, almost subsonic, in her breathing when she’s asleep. I woke because the air was stifling, as the Go6 and Kim had decided to all sleep together, and that was the biggest bed in the W. [Celeste had been dropping the “house” part of “J house” and “W house,” and it had started catching on with the rest of us.] After I warned the parents and they agreed not to come into the living room until we had gotten up, we seven had stripped off and piled in. We fit, but we were nearly edge-to-edge on the mattresses and there was no wasted space between bodies. We had purposefully put Rhee and Gracey on the outside edges so there was no chance anyone got caught between those two warm bodies. I was curled into Rhee, my right hand between her breasts. I reveled in the closeness, but I was wishing for a bit more air movement.

When Kim’s whistle abated and she moved her right hand to hold my left breast, I purposefully moaned very quietly. Although she kept her hand on my breast, I could feel her lift and look around, presumably to see where and in what state Civia was. Evidently, she was still next to Gracey and asleep, as Kim squeezed my breast, then put her mouth at my right ear.

“I still want Meka first, but I’m beginning to get excited by the prospect of making love with you.”

I moaned softly again.

“Sorry to sour the mood, but I’d like to get some air. Could we get out without waking everyone?”

I know not how we managed it, but even Heather, who was curled into Civia’s back side, did not wake as we slowly worked our way out of the covers, down the bed, then off.

Upstairs in the bathroom, she was sitting on the throne when she said, “The date last night was really good, so thanks for suggesting it.” When I explained that Rhee had suggested two dates per week, that I had just suggested driving around, she said, “Not important. I’ll thank Rhee, too, but the driving around was what I think made it good. Meka drove, so had to keep part of her mind on that task, and the novelty of it kept me from stressing out about not making a good impression. And that was the biggest part of making it so good. You were right that I’ve been worrying about the process instead of simply enjoying myself. I didn’t stress about it and I did enjoy myself. The date was a lot of fun. I’m ... a bit more positive about the outcome.”

She looked up at me and grinned, then said, “And here I am telling you about my date while I’ve been emptying my bladder, and I didn’t really take note of that until just now. Everything you girls do ... and how you do it, is rubbing off on the rest of us.”

I replaced her on the toilet, then responded, “We aren’t trying to make everyone do things the way we do them.”

“Of course not. But, you girls, particularly the Go5, have been figuring out how to live in each other’s pockets for much longer than anyone else and none of the rest of us have anything like that experience. You’ve figured out some of the things that work and some of the things that don’t. At least, I suspect you’ve ... jettisoned things you figured out didn’t work, as I’ve never seen anything you girls do that I thought was odd at first, then thought it was just wrong or that there was a better way to do it. Also, look at this, what we’re doing now. We’re bonding further while doing something each of us had to do and which is ... as Heather said, boring. You’ve even made peeing into something that brings us closer together. I’ll bet you that every girl, if she’s thought about it, has thought something like ‘this girl or these girls must truly like me if she or they will talk with me, even kiss me, while I’m doing something that could be considered at least a little odd to do in semi-public ... if not disgusting.’ Whether you thought this out or it just happened ... organically, it doesn’t matter. There are now at least 11 of us that don’t think twice about peeing while one or seven other girls are in the room, talking or applying deodorant or ... or whatever.”

I did not know how to respond to that. I do not know if she thought I was flustered – I was, somewhat, but she stepped next to me, tipped my head back a bit, then kissed me. I moaned into her mouth as she elevated the kiss’s intensity a bit and moaned again when she fondled my left breast briefly, after which she pulled back.

“Yes; very much looking forward to making love with you.”

“And I want you, so much. Please don’t get ... upset, but ... I love you, Kim.”

She looked at me with no expression for a few seconds, then asked, “Why would I get upset that one of the very prettiest, loveliest, smartest girls I know loves me? Yes, there was a time that I couldn’t have accepted that, but it was the same time period that I thought James was good for me. I no longer trust what I thought I was feeling back then, as so much of it was either overblown or just flat out wrong. I ran away from Meka – who I loved and who loved me in return, just because we were both girls and I believed just enough too much of what people said about dyke bitches and lesbians. Yet, here I am. I’ve just shared a wonderful kiss with a beauty of a jailbait girl, am lusting after and trying to get back the best thing I’ve ever had in my life, and I’ve even had sex within a big pile of girls in bed.

“So, why would I be upset with that beauty of a jailbait girl because she loves me. Not only does she love me, but she told me she did. I don’t know that I love you, but I can, by goddess, certainly imagine being in love with you. I think that it would feel much like I felt that fateful day in Meka’s bed. I’m certain, now, about what that overwhelming feeling was, the feeling that was simply too large to accept and do what I wanted to do: lean in and kiss my best-ever friend on the lips. And keep kissing her for as long as she’d let me. That’s what I was thinking, feeling that day, and I can easily imagine feeling that way about you. So, no, it does not concern me at all that you love me. In truth, you’ve made my morning, and I’m going to do with you what I should have done with Meka those three years ago.”

I tried to stand, but she put her hands on my shoulders to keep me seated, then straddled my lap, parked her butt on it, pressed her torso against mine, slowly moved her face to mine, and kissed me thoroughly.

When she pulled back, she looked in my eyes, and said, “That was good! I don’t know how I’m going to be able to love so many, like ... so many of your family seem capable. You told me the other day that your dad has ‘an infinite capacity to love.’ You seem to be your father’s daughter. I have no doubt that you love every girl in the ... group, well, perhaps, save for Lana, who you’ve known for only a month. But with how many are you ‘in love?’”

As I looked back into her eyes, I pondered her question carefully. I tried to think of just one at a time and feel what I felt for that girl ... or woman as I gazed with my mind’s eye at the memory of each. Yes, Kim was right about Lana. I’m crazy about her, but I’ve spent only a few days with her. However, I could easily imagine falling in love with her, given how pretty, interesting, smart, and dynamic she is. She pushes every button of mine that I know causes me to fall for people. I thought about the sex. Yes, I’ve certainly had sex with girls, at least a couple, before I felt myself becoming to love them and be in love with them. I thought about Civia. Yes, I certainly love her, but she doesn’t twang my libido like ... every other girl or woman in the group does. Perhaps, she’s too young. She’s more than pretty enough. She’s certainly more than smart enough. She’s more than interesting enough. In fact, she’s become much more interesting than she was when we first met her, thanks to her coming out of something of a shell, becoming comfortable with us. Do I need her to have boobs before my libido is engaged? I did not know but decided that I was wasting time pondering that oft-pondered counter example of how I respond to girls.

I focused on Kim, again, and responded, “Virtually all of them. I don’t want to live without any of them. I don’t want to live without Civia, but I’m not in love with her, and I’ve not been able to figure out why that is, why we keep the sexual side of us away from her. But ... the answer you wanted is all but Civia and Lana. I have no doubt that I’ll fall in love with Lana, I just don’t know about Civia.”

“That’s what I thought. The real question is, ‘How is it that all those girls are also in love with you?’ Do you put a special ingredient in the waffles? Do you spike Carol’s chocolate-frosted fudge cake?”

I shrugged at her, then said, “I realized I was in love with Rhee in a sexual fashion long before I made a move with her. I was nearly positive she was in love with me, too, but I was so scared of being wrong and ruining an incredibly good friendship. I had read her correctly, and our relationship, which had been spectacular, became even better. She and I began hanging with Heather and on, I think, only the third day she spent with us, we had sex. I really liked her then, but I’m not sure I even loved her, yet, and was certainly not in love with her. Rhee and I had the same reaction to her, and we didn’t understand why that would be. We’re now mostly sure that that was sexual interest, but sexual interest for us was something that had built slowly between us as we went through puberty together, so we think that’s why we didn’t recognize that for what it was.

“That, having Heather become a sexual partner, changed our lives. With Heather, we were friends, then lovers, then committed and in love. We didn’t figure any of that out until months afterward, so our analysis may be suspect, but it makes sense to us. Then, through something of an accidental occurrence, we began spending sleepover time with Gracey and Liya naked. The four of us had been fast friends for years, but our experience with Heather – again, analyzed after the fact – got us understanding at least a little of what we’d been feeling for them, and the next sleepover was their introduction to sex, and that introduction was in a group format with lots of ... changing of partners. That introduction also got Gracey and Liya to realize what they felt for each other, and they’ve been a couple ever since ... except...”

“Except most of your sex now involves even more girls ... and various of your parents.”

I nodded, frowned briefly, then added, “There’s still a little separation between our trio and their duo, but that separation was not huge at the beginning, and it’s been getting smaller and smaller.” I furrowed my brow in thought, then said, “With ... the group, if Rhee and I are, say, a binary star system, Heather’s a passing star that we captured into our gravity well and have mostly figured out how the three of us orbit the midpoint of all the mass. Of course, that gets into the three-body problem, but one can take analogies only so far.”

I looked at her to ensure that she understood the three-body problem reference. She nodded, so I continued.

“And if Gracey and Liya are another binary star system, they’re the very next star system over, while all the rest of ... our various lovers make up the galaxy in which we reside. While the trio and the duo may seem far apart, relative to all the rest of the stars in the neighborhood, the five of us are packed tightly together. Does that make sense?”

“Perfectly so. Beth, you’re fucking amazing! I don’t know that I’ll ever know anyone else that can make a connection between sets of lovers and orbital mechanics.”

“I wouldn’t take that bet,” said Heather as she entered the bathroom from the hall. “Beth is ‘fucking amazing!’” She looked at both of us, shrugged, then said, “Sorry. I’ve been listening to your conversation. I really don’t like it when people do that to me, but it seemed ... important. However, other than the problems inherent in correctly predicting the future of the three bodies in a three-body problem, her analogy is solid. Even Dad is off elsewhere in the galaxy for us. But there are gobs and gobs of light-years between our galaxy ... and ... any ... other ... astronomic bodies of any sort ... although we do seem to attract to our gravity well a few passing stars that share our interests, even some who don’t recognize that they share our interests.”

Kim nodded, saying, “That fits me, precisely. I found myself still within the gravitational pull of Meka after seemingly achieving escape velocity, and I got pulled back in and noticed these other stars in her vicinity. After making a few strongly elliptical orbits, I realized that she was orbiting you five. I told Sandy when she asked me the question that I knew I was orbiting you girls. At first, it was only because I had an outer-shell orbit around Meka, but you girls definitely perturbed my orbit of Meka, and I think I’m orbiting the center of the mass of you five and Meka. It’s something of a crazy, weird-ass orbit, but I’m really liking it.”

“Excuse me. May I join this fascinating conversation?” When we turned to look at Celeste in the doorway from Gracey’s and Liya’s room, she said, “I generally don’t eavesdrop, but you may not be aware that I got lonely in that huge bed in the attic and decided to come sleep in the GL bed. I truly tried not to listen, but you were talking astrophysics, and I have something of a minor interest in the subject.”

We chuckled at her, after which she said, “I might quibble with some of the astrophysical particulars, but, like Kim, I was thunderstruck by your initial analogy, Beth. I was also surprised, and very happy at both Heather and Kim continuing the analogy in a surprisingly cogent fashion.

“However, I can also tell you that I have felt – oh, what the hell – the effects of dark matter astir in more-distant parts of your universe, specifically in the parents’ bedroom and the vicinity of the Monstrosity. I fear our family is awake and may be aware of some parts of a private discussion held in a different sector of the universe.”

I stepped to Celeste and hugged her, saying, “You do know I love you. Right? You’re a stellar addition to this crazy family.”

She laughed, then said, “All right, all right. Enough of the space terms!”

Dad made his mango-raspberry compote, the Moms made pancakes and bacon, and we had a wonderful time sharing breakfast with so many of our favorite people.

Civia caused a bit of furor when she asked Inez, “Did you sleep in the parents’ room?” When a sudden and dread silence descended, she realized the problem and stated, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be nosy. I...” She turned back to Inez and added, “Where you sleep and why is your business and none of mine. I was just trying to figure out...”

Inez responded, “Last month, I wouldn’t have known how to answer your question, but I spent a lot of my free time in Florida this month analyzing where I found myself and trying to figure out how I felt about it. Unlike Sandy and Carol, I’m not married to Charlie. I know you’re smart, very smart, and you ... and your parents have been wonderfully accepting of the three-way marriage my co-parents have formed. Yes?”

“Yes, I am, and so are they. In fact, Mom mentioned that marriage recently, saying that she really liked everyone and enjoyed hanging out with them. I think they’d like to spend more time here, or, at least, with ... my second set of parents.”

“That’s good that Jeff and Kalina accept them, because I hope they’ll accept me, too. While I’m not married to them, you could consider me Charlie’s girlfriend, but a girlfriend that his wives know, know about, and like very much.”

Civia’s eyes went round, but she did not otherwise react.

She thought for a few seconds, then stated, “Both Dad and Mom have told me that just because someone’s lifestyle was different from what I knew, did not necessarily mean that it was bad. I love my second Dad and my second and third Moms and I really like that because they decided to marry each other, Rhee and Carol now live here, and I get to be with both a lot. I love my first family, but I also love my second family, and it’s getting so that there’s not much difference between how I feel about both families. I think it would be great if my first family lived here, too, because I could be with both all the time.” She looked at Sandy and Carol, then added, “I know that can’t be, but I’d like it.”

She turned back to Inez and said, “I know you and Nira are going to move into the A when its remodel is done. I’m glad that you’ve been living here when you’re not traveling, as I know you a lot better now than I did before. I’m looking forward to when you’re finished traveling so much for your study, as I know I’ll get to know you even better, and will probably come to love you, too, like I do my second and third Moms.”

“Come here and let me give you a hug.”

After the hug, Civia stated, “Charlie is a really lucky guy. His wives and his girlfriend are all pretty and fun.”

“Yes, I am, Civia. Very lucky, indeed. However, my good luck with wives and girlfriends extends to my large and growing cast of daughters. They’re also pretty, and you are one of those pretty daughters of mine. I love that you’re in our family and I love you like the daughter you are in our lives.”

That earned Dad a ferocious hug, although she did not crawl into his lap to give it to him, like she might have done four or five months ago.

I doubt she was hearing my thoughts, but it seemed like she had when she said, “I mostly like that I’m getting taller, but I’m sad that I’m getting too big to jump into either of my dads’ arms or climb into their laps for a hug. I’ll miss that.”

“Get up here, Girl!”

She grinned, then crawled into his lap and hugged him again, and he hugged her very tightly to him. I saw a tear trickle down his left cheek, a tear that Carol surreptitiously wiped away.

Kim ... Come to think of it, Kim seems to be very close by a lot. That thought gave me a shiver of pleasure. Anyway, Kim whispered in my ear, “He’s amazing.”

After Civia set out for her home, I wondered if she would tell her parents about Inez, and if she did, hoped that it would go well. However, that tidbit was kicked out of my mind as we prepared to go on Brit’s shopping trip. We picked up Brett and Lana in the Sprinter, Mom driving. Everyone got their greeting kisses in with the two of them as Mom headed us toward Cera’s house. After those two climbed in and got and gave their greeting kisses, I thought of something and talked to Cera next to me.

“It seems a bit weird that you can easily walk to Central, but you couldn’t to your middle school, whereas Rhee and I ... as can Civia, could walk to our middle school, but can’t walk to high school.”

“Yeah, that’s the vagaries of the physical placement of schools. Someone has to be close and that’s me. However, if we lived just up on the main street and southeast a bit, so just a few hundred yards, I’d have been in your middle school and wouldn’t have been able to walk to that one, either. While Brit isn’t close to the line between middle-school districts, we rode different buses, despite that it’s an easy walk between our houses. Since we didn’t socialize in middle school, nothing would have changed for her, but if I’d have been on the other side of the line, maybe I’d have found you girls earlier. Maybe I’d have been part of the original gang.”

“Does that bug you?”

“No! I’ve thought about this, because we are so close to the line. I might not have been part of your gang, and that would have changed how I reacted to you in high school and might not have decided to eat lunch with you. I wouldn’t change a thing to get to know you girls sooner, because I so love where I am, now. I cannot imagine that a better life than I have now could have come about if I’d been in your middle school. Perhaps, it could have been the same, but it might not have been, and virtually anything else would be worse than I have now.”

She looked around the Sprinter, leaned closer to me, and asked, “Do you truly understand how many lives you girls have made better?” When I did not reply, she continued with, “You girls are directly responsible for, not only getting Brit out of her shell, but also getting her to shine, to be happy. You had a large part in ... saving Meka from herself. You’ve helped Kim figure out what was wrong in her life and encouraged her to fix those things. And all you girls did was befriend those girls. You made no herculean efforts, you just showed them, showed us how to be happy with ourselves. You girls are fucking amazing and I’m in love with you all. As Heather said, I’m in through my last breath. Besides, if we figure everything out, my husband will be Brett and I’ll have Charlie as a lover. I need say nothing else to make it clear how much better you’ve made my life, and I thought it was pretty good before.”

Same as Beth
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We went to her room, kissing and groping along the way. It’s been a while since we have been alone. With the door closed, she turned me around and very slowly began undressing me. Between every button undone, she reached up and kissed me. It was quite thrilling to me. I wanted her to move faster, but she slapped me away. “I’m going to enjoy this, Michael Robert Thomas Junior.” Hearing that, from her, made me even harder. Done with the shirt, she pulled off my T-shirt, touching and kissing...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 138

Laura felt miserable and depressed about Trina. She grieved about it for days, and yet in the back of her mind she knew that her affair with Trina, though full of emotion and deep affection, and pleasurable, uncomplicated sex, was not as thrilling as her dangerous encounters with Karen, her recent night with Shavon, her cat-scratch bouts with the spitfire Sholandra, or even her torrid animals-in-heat couplings with Yvette. Trina was wonderful, but she was too good, too gentle, too simple,...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 138

A statement by Joevsr Two new-borns side by side in their cribs. One says to the other “Sad thing about this Joe ... is in 70yrs, we will be doing the same thing and still be bald, no teeth and wearing diapers.” Say thanks to Charm Brights‎ 4 this one!! A new employee was going on his first foreign trip for his employers, so naturally he was a little nervous. At the airport he sat having a coffee in the departure lounge when he overheard a young man being given some advice by an older...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 138

"So Wilson how you like the restaurant business?" I asked. "You know it really is okay. I was surprised that I could do the shaking hands and talking to the people, but I am doing just fine at it. At least Mel tells me I am." he said. "Good for you, how are you doing with the TV people," I asked. "Oh they really don't want me. They want Mel. They also want her to run around half dressed, even in the winter months," he said. "I guess that means you aren't the only one who finds...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 138

Conny sat back in her chair and lowered her head. “Sorry, Liz,” she said. “That came out worse than I meant it. It’s just ... the word has some ugly connotation. But, yeah, Glen’s right. We have something that requires fixing. I guess we came to the right place.” “Liz didn’t make me into anything,” I told the room in a voice that was probably harsher than the situation warranted. “Until you said it just now, it never occurred to me that was what I was doing.” “I get it,” Conny said. “And...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 138

Monday morning the big house was empty and felt empty. I was happy to get the mug of coffee and have the breakfast delivered to the Oval Office. It was already humming. I had left a note on my desk telling Troy what I wanted to do. Today’s calendar was open with the exception of a few small items and I could take care of them on the flight to and from California. The Secret Service was upset - they did not have time to get the Beast out there. It would be far better PR if I was shown...

1 year ago
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Double TearsChapter 138

“If you want to find the real competition, just look in the mirror. After a while you’ll see your rivals scrambling for second place.” —Criss Jami, Killosophy 23 FEBRUARY 2021 I believe the flute is the most sublime instrument in the orchestral family. When Cindy plays, the world goes away. It makes no difference if it is ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’ or ‘The Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun,’ Piazzolla or Mozart. There is something so primal about the sound, it reaches into my...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 138

Allie was all smiles as she held Adam's hand when they walked over to the main house for breakfast. Well, Adam walked while Allie practically skipped. Sarah and Erin had not arisen yet to make their way across but the rest of the group from the second house was there. Mary was the only one from the main house at the breakfast table and she offered a pair of rolled eyes when Allie came bubbling in. "Good morning," Allie sang. Adam believed that Allie had many wonderful traits – even with...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part138

As she had suspected, none of the men realized anything out of the ordinary was happening. All they saw was that one of the ladies that had been there, yesterday, was leaning down to pick something up, and the guy named Steve was holding her arm. She probably dropped an earring.They strolled over to where the other men were gathered, waiting for instructions, and were greeted pleasantly by the bleary-eyed men. Nearly all were either holding cups of coffee, holding at least one, but usually two...

2 years ago
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Fantasy of a first Bi encounter Part 3

So we’re both in need of a pee. Paul’s already on his way and I suggest that we go “together”. I can’t be sure what I mean by that and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t thought about what that might mean, maybe never. Either way, he pauses, looks at me and waits. I get off the bed and follow him. We don’t have far to walk but he’s still in his wife’s thong. I’m not really into men’s arses to look at, but interestingly, the disappearance of the thong between his cheeks does look good. I’m still wearing...

1 year ago
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The Stripper Slide

I walked into the strip joint, just wanting to kill some time before business appointments. To my surprise, a totally naked young nubile stood at the front lobby desk just inside the double wooden doors that lead to the erotic lair. I walked up to the desk to pay the six -dollar cover charge. The young door lady took my twenty-dollar bill. I patiently waited as she counted out my change, the very thin and very good-looking young dancer standing in silence next to me in her elevated see-through...

Quickie Sex
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Shawna Seduces

After discussing our lifestyle activities and changes over the past several years, we had grown to a new level of communication and trust. One night after work, Shawna was going through her usual taxi cab routine, taking Scott and Keith home from work. She all of a sudden realized that she had the only key to the house that we had at the time, and wanted to get home to at least let me in before taking her 'boys' home. They were fine with it, as they had nowhere to really be, so they all headed...

Wife Lovers
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The Candid Bay sounds so much like a torrent site that I went out and bought a big-ass new hard drive. As a connoisseur of a wide variety of smut, I find that candids are one of the most exciting forms of fap fodder. Even if you don’t have a voyeur fetish, it’s hard not to appreciate genuinely beautiful girls in their native environments. I’m the kind of guy who can beat off to girls at the mall all day, and a site like this helps me do that without getting arrested isn’t...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Hai this is shailendra again. Now, I would like to explain u about my affair with gayathri bhabi. If u feel to reply mail me at This in continuance of my earlier mail ( Serial Sex 3) My father came in and asked bhabhi to show the design of the two buildings . Bhabhi took a towel and wore it around her hip to cover her legs and started to explain . My father after seeing the first design he appreciated the design and gave some inputs to the design he saked for the second one bhabhi went into...

2 years ago
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Inti Ni lanja kompa chesa

Hi iss readers, andaru bagunara nenu mi vinisha ni, nenu share cheskuna na second story ki response baga adirindi thankyou all. Chala mails vachayi kani konitki reply ichanu time saripoka. Nenu hyderabad lo untanu nadi recent ga graduation complete aiendi naku sex ante chala istam na structure gurinchi chepkovali ante nenu chamanchaya colour lo unta height 5’7 inka 36-30-38. Nanu contact avali anukunte na mail address And mi moddalu chusi naku karipotundi inka pampandi kudirte ni gfs tho...

2 years ago
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Go Get Some A Poem

Just another don't have to take it to heart, though not a bad idea...Go Get Some.So, you’re looking for another rhyme,Don’t know if I can do it this time,I tried to think of something hot,Something with a lusty plot,Something you can read and wank,But my mind simply came up blank,So instead of reading some dirty poem,While you’re sitting back at home,Take a trip into the city,Where you may find some real kitty,Cause sex isn’t just to read about,It’s something I can’t do without,Cash...

2 years ago
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NeighborsChapter 6

Reluctantly I let her go home that night when we heard the RV rumbling into their driveway. As I stood in the door watching her go home, I waved at Steve. He walked over. "Sorry about bein' late," he said. "I owe ya one." "Not a problem, buddy. She was gonna do homework over here anyway. So we finished that and watched TV. She's a good kid. Deena appreciated having her around this weekend." "Well," Steve said, "I appreciate it. Her school work's a LOT better, an' to be honest,...

4 years ago
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Amy and Jake part II

Jake grunted, “Shut the fuck up”, as he pushed Amy onto the bed. Jake ripped her too tight evening gown to shreds. Amy lay on the bed, exposed and vulnerable. Her panties were safely tucked away in Jakes pocket, she hadn’t worn a bra to the ball, and her dress was now torn down the front exposing her shaved pussy and her naturally large breasts. Jake bent over and licked at Amy’s nipples. Amy squirmed and tried to move away from the stranger’s mouth. Jake grabbed her left breast and yanked on...

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Montys Motel

Growing up is a bitch.  In high school I was the quarterback on our football team.  I was popular and had a steady line of girls.  My parents bought me a new car in my senior year and life was good.  My grades, however, reflected my lack of attention to school work.  My father warned me that if I didn’t go to college, I would have to pay rent after high school graduation.  This would require me getting a job which would cut into my busy social life, so I applied to a local community college. ...

Group Sex
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Dont Judge a Book Ch 14

Sunday 12th November 2017The five hours I’d been waiting since last feeling the touch of Jill’s lips and smelling her perfume had seemed an eternity. As she turned to skip towards Chris’s car, virtually her last words had been that she’d call when she arrived at their hotel. That and that she loved me, thanking me for letting her do this thing.‘Their hotel’. Even these two simple words hammered like nails into my consciousness as I played back those last moments before Jill had jumped in with...

Wife Lovers
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Lacey had grown up in a time of great prejudice where the black man had less rights than he should have had and he had experienced this injustice directly in his life so when he had the opportunity to fuck a white boy he happily did it I just happened to be the fortunate white boy he fucked to recap I had just broken up with my first wife she had found someone else to love another woman as it turned out I would have been okay with a lover on the side and I was for a long while heck I even...

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What the Night WhispersChapter 9

We're here, Kira. It was the first time I'd heard Jackie's voice while watching someone else's experiences. Kira was seated on the edge of Dex's bed, my son hunched over with his back against the wall at the top of the mattress, his hands held over his crotch. I couldn't help imagining that the opening in his boxers might have otherwise shown his genitals. My daughter watched him quietly, then said, "okay ... they're watching, Dex. So ... can we talk?" He shrugged. "I'm sorry...

4 years ago
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Roll the Die 1 of 2

The girl was gone.Rolling the plastic die in the crook of his hand, Jesse’s gaze rested on the cocoa skinned beauty tending bar in Roxanne’s absence. Her deltoids flexed as she shook the ice and liquid in the shaker. She uncapped it to pour the watermelon colored liquid in a dainty martini glass and glanced across the bar at him.Jesse focused on his book. A discussion of poetry and prose. Always the English teacher. It was a beautiful book, one his fingers had tattered the edges of over the...

2 years ago
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Mandy and Daddy

Mandy and Daddy Mandy's mouth was full, so her daddy stopped peeing. She focused on not biting him as she swallowed his dark yellow, morning piss. She got it down, but she gagged a little. She loved her daddy, but she hated the taste of his pee. Her lips stayed wrapped around the head of his half-hard cock and she sucked a little to let him know she was ready. He peed again, less this time. She knew she only had to finish four mouthfuls, and the rest would go into the toilet. She had...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 14 Courier

When the doorbell rang, Mary went to the entry and checked the viewer. It was a woman in a Federal Express uniform. Nude, Mary slipped on the robe she kept by the door and pressed the buzzer. The woman walked up the path from the gate. She was good looking and red-headed. Her uniform had obviously been modified to fit her closely without appearing tight. Full breasts, narrow waist, slim hips. Her trousers followed shapely thighs. She had a lovely smile. "Good Morning. Say, haven't I seen...

4 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 20

Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio and video files that he sent me thru Kik always made me hot and excited. Now, I was finally...

1 year ago
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Ms Loris Master Plan

Ms Lori's Master Plan By Lori San D'Angelo It was hot. I mean really, really hot. The lack of air conditioning in the crowded Caribbean airport, and the swarm of frustrated travelers in it, only made things hotter. I had just spent the last week competing in a swim competition featuring some of the best aquatic athletes from across the "Americas", and was hoping to be back in Boston before supper. But something was wrong. It seems that no planes were leaving the airport, on...

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The Prisoner

The Prisoner Chapter 50. Stewart knocked nervously at the door to Chief Wardress Farrow's office,his newfound confidence rapidly evaporating. The order to enter was immediatelyand he came to attention in front of her desk. A sinking feeling in his stomachtold him that he was about to find out why she had deliberately remained aloofand unfriendly in the dealings that she had had with him so far. She was flushed and furious: "Where in the hell have you been Stewart? I sent for you hours ago!" He...

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Jo was just brushing her teeth again for the third time that day, she was getting excited and horny as she was meeting Gary tonight and she was guaranteed a good fucking, they had a fantastic sex life always something new and pleasurable. As she was rinsing her mouth jo thought she heard something but dismissed it after all who could it be. She was already dressed ready to meet Gary she was wearing a zip dress which could be undone at either end and a lacy bra and stockings on underneath with a...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 33

The first night back I had dinner with Jeff. We went back to his house to spend some time alone. The Goldbergs were very understanding, even Sandy. I would have loved to take him back to my room, but after the pep talk about all the eligible prospects awaiting me in Europe, I thought it a trifle lacking in subtlety. The truth was, at that point I did feel an urgency to get him into bed. But I felt the same urgency to be pressed up against him, to kiss him, to feel his cheek against mine, to...

1 year ago
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Spending the Night

It's just about 8 o'clock when you arrive at your Aunt and Uncle's house to hang out with your cousins. Ding-Dong "Oh, hey David," your Aunt Jessica says as she opens the door. You quickly look her over as you step inside. "Hey," you reply. You've always had a little crush on your Aunt. She is in her late thirties and in the tank top and shorts she is wearing, she looks great. Her tank top provides a good view of her ample breasts. Her long blonde hair falls just below her shoulders. "The boys...

1 year ago
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The Station Shelter

I glanced to my side at her as we walked up the deserted street. The wind gusted catching her blonde hair and her face was momentarily revealed in full. God, she looked hot. And without even trying particularly hard to be either.I found it a unique talent of hers, the way she could turn me on simply by wearing normal everyday outfits. To be fair, these weren't exactly her every day clothes seeing as she'd been dressed up for a Christening service and party but skirt, blouse, jacket and boots?...

4 years ago
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VO EK DIN I am huma at your service. Thanks for your comments on my previous stories. This the story of a close friend of mine named Sudha. I hope you like it. You may email me oyur comments if youlike it at Mera naam Sudha hai, umar 24 saal, rang sanwla, kad 5 feet 5 inch, sharir bhara hua, aur bal lambe kale. Main dikhne mein sunder hoon. Mere boobs kafi bade hai, pet patla, kamar patli aur gaand badi hi gadrayi hui. Main apne maa baap ki eklauti ladki hoon aur kuchh hi dino mein meri shadi...

3 years ago
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With A Little Help From My Friends Part 1

With a little help from my friends by Reality Check (Authors note: This story has taken me a while to write so most of its set in 2005-2006) Somewhere on the other side of the world, a young man in his twenties was pining for his soulmate...he had never met her, she died when he was 13...this story is not about them...not yet... BZZZT...the alarm broke latest Rick's dream about Co-eds and was always either...

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An unplanned session with a newly made friend

Hi people, its a pleasure writing my experience here. My name is KP(initials given), I’m from Navi Mumbai and I would love to spread happiness in females. On requirement mail me at [email protected] incident happened with me around 3 years ago, when I met this girl named Saakshi(her) at a common friend's house who stays near my house. She is 1 year elder to me. When I met her for the first time, she looked very hot that day as she was wearing a traditional dress. She saw me and gave a...

1 year ago
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Sarah Part Nine

Sarah and I had just experienced a very intimate moment, at least in my mind. I had never cum in her before, and it seemed very important to her to have me cum in her and not on her, and that I watch my cum dribble from her pussy. She rolled off me to the side and we continued to kiss, little kisses, not passionate wet ones. When she got out of bed to use the bathroom, I spread a blanket over the wet sheets, and then another blanket to cover us. Sarah returned to tell me that it was snowing,...

2 years ago
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Milky Adventure Aravindo8217s Prospective

Hello friends. I hope you like reading my stories. Now I am giving the aravindo ( Rajesh) perspective of my story. Please read milky adventure part 2 to have a clearer idea and enjoy it more. I have completed this with the help of my friend PETER HUNT. I am very thankful to him for helping me in completing this part. As u know my series is more of feeling and emotion than sex. Hope u guys like it. Thank you I am Aravindo, I am an orphan. I became an orphan when my parents died in a car...

2 years ago
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Rental Agreement

The construction had been going on for five months now and was nearing the end. Eric stared out at the pavers and steamrollers as they crawled along the new onramps, putting asphalt down on the $6.8 million project he had worked on for the past two years as a member of the Heritage County Department of Civil Engineering. It was the Deer Creek Boulevard project in south Heritage County, a badly needed onramp/offramp/overcrossing of Deer Creek Boulevard and Interstate 5. When it was complete the...

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Alexandras Dildo and her Little Brother 4

I had the sensation to pee really bad so I ran behind Andrew. He had already turned the taps on and was thoroughly washing his dick off with all the spit and cum on it as I quickly sat on the toilet and took a piss. Andrew stormed out of the shower and ran up to me as he pushed my legs apart while I was peeing and started to rub my pussy spreading the urine everywhere. What the hell are you doing!! I screamed with the weirdest sensation I have ever felt in my life. As Andrew just continued then...

2 years ago
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Tales of the Season Caitlyns Story

Tales of the Season: Caitlyn's Story. By Tigger Copyright 1999 All Rights Reserved. Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its...

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The Accidental Whore

Bright lights, pubs and clubs. Laughter, shouting, drunkenness and expectation; scattered chips, spilled beer and kebabs reduced to vomit. Most married couples our age merely skirted the area, heading for the more upmarket restaurants, or maybe a bit of musical theatre. Not so Belinda and I.But we weren’t here for the pubs and clubs. Nor to laugh and shout. Nor were we drunk, though we’d popped into the Merry Crow for a drink. We were here for the narrow passage where a certain establishment...

1 year ago
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Sex with Twins

While I was at a party, I looked up and across the room and met the eyes of a handsome young man. He walked over to me and introduced himself; his name was Matt, he was nice, intelligent and had a very hot body. He noticed me checking him out and smiling asked me if I wanted to leave the party with him. As I was considering it another young man came up and I was amazed to see that they were twins. I could feel myself getting excited for I had heard that sometimes twins like to "share" their...

4 years ago
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Nailed Chitra Aunty

Hi I’m Rahul contact me on in this part and I nailed another beautiful homely Aunty named Chitra Aunty. She was around 42 yrs old and lived with her husband who was a clerk in my father’s office. She used to come to my house to chat with my mother and also used to talk with me sometimes. She was a very religious woman. I liked her behaviour very much and thought why not make her my next woman. One day while I was going through the pictures taken in a function organized at our house and I...

3 years ago
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A Year Ago part XVIII by MadQuill

A Year Ago - part XVIII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigations. Please review the first phases of the story... The delay of nearly a year cannot be excused but I hope the many readers will enjoy the re-start of Sara's adventure. I awoke from the sun coming through a gap in the drapery. As I looked about I did not see Thomas and I sat up. As I looked toward the door I saw Jennifer the maid standing with a tray. She was dressed in her...

2 years ago
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Theres a First Time for Everything

Sitting with a girlfriend of mine laughing and talking casually about our best and worst relationship moments and confiding in each other our sexual escapades and life lessons learned she reaches out spontaneously and touches my cheek with her palm leaving her fingers in the soft hairs at the nape of my neck a little too long for merely polite contact. While her hand rested on my neck just below my ear she fondled the small earring stud in my ear and said “if I were a man and you were my woman...

1 year ago
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BenjamandaChapter 5

Ben’s turn: The rest of the trip home was uneventful. At the home marina, I pumped fifteen gallons of diesel into our tanks. I’ve seen some cruisers make the same trip for a hundred and fifty gallons of gas. Of course, they made the trip in one day. Hurrying is costly. Monday I was back at work and Mandy was back in school. I sat down in my office, mug of fresh coffee at hand. A series of heads peered in the door, many of whom had attended the memorial. Kind words and wishes were spoken. I...

1 year ago
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Caught By Mum

Helen was a 32 year old single mother, for her 14year old son. Mark was a good boy...a bit introverted, but a good honest boy. This weekend she was catching up on laundry, going room to room filling her basket. Caught up in her chores and not thinking, she put the basket down and opened Mark's door without knocking, to get his clothes."Ohhh" she couldn't help exclaiming, as she walked in on Mark. He was standing with his pants undone, playing with himself quite vigorously with his right hand...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Padma Showed Me Heaven Part 8

Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. Padma Aunty: You are soaking my fingers with your cum. Shall I stop Priya? Priya: Fuck me more, Akka. I want my pussy to be...

3 years ago
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Mrs WaxermanChapter 5

Doctor Hooker Smiled to himself. Delilah had attacked her naked aunt’s body with her tongue. There’d been no hesitation, no asking for clarification and no thought that he might have meant to clean her up in any other way. He wasn’t sure if it was because Delilah wanted to explore this approved sexuality, was just eager to please, wanted to get the clothes hanger off her nipples, now that she knew how much the pegs hurt, or what the reason was. Mrs. Waxerman’s eyes closed and she slightly...

3 years ago
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Introduction To True Gangbang 8211 Part 2

Very sorry for the huge delay in the second part. Work commitments had kept me extremely busy. Hope all of you out there enjoy this. Continued… As she stood still, their eyes scanned every inch of her visible skin, lustfully they looked at her like a hungry tiger looking at a piece of meat. What followed next was a minute of silence and zero motion, which finally broke when I moved towards the bed, picked up a sheet and walked towards Anu. “Stop!” said the second guy, “what’s the rush?”. Anu...

1 year ago
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Birthday Suits Must Be Worn

Committed naturists, their family and friends, intertwine in this fictional story based completely on people I know. Descriptions, interests, professions and attitudes have hopefully been depicted as I know them. “In, in, in, out, in, out, in, in, in,” Kurt Rapplai instructed, watching his two, bare naked, grand children humping and working the well mechanism, while he waved outside. Aisha, the half caste 8 year old girl and Atlas the 10 year old white boy both doing it all right, as Fanny -...

4 years ago
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Classmate Ko Friend Ke Marriage Main Fuck Kiya

Hi! Friends myself Sidhant main ISS ka bahut purana fan hun 18 years ke age se hi main Iss ke storiya padhte aa reha hun, abhi mere age 20 years hai and main Graduation 2nd year ka student hun, mere height 5.5” hai aur main ek Judo-Karate ka player hun so body just average hai. Ab siddha aata hun story main story start hoti hai 4 years phele se jab main 12th class main tha mere ek classmate the jiska naam. Anjali tha, waise to wo bahut innocent aur intelligent the, but uska affair ek aise ladke...

1 year ago
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Oh my, this looks like a mess. There's a whole lot of content to be found on the homepage of Oh Yeah 1080. You get to see lots of Japanese porn movies with some western pornos as well, which isn't something you see every day. Now, why is that? What's the thematic of Oh Yeah 1080? Well, there really isn't one. Well, I'd be straight-up lying if I said that it literally didn't have any. Rather, it has more than one. It compiles western and eastern pornography into one place, and it makes sure that...

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