SamChapter 11A free porn video

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I must have fallen right to sleep. I had a wonderful dream about being caught sneaking through the boy's locker room naked. They laid me down on a bench and all the boys in that period's gym class got to fuck me. They all had magnificent big cocks and I climaxed over and over again as each boy came deep inside me. After they were all done with me they left me lying on the bench with gallons of cum oozing out of my thoroughly used pussy so the next class could take a turn at me. This went on all day long, until every boy in school had fucked me as much as he wanted. When it was all over, I passed out — totally worn out and exhausted from all the sex, but happier than I had ever been in my life.

I was still lying unconscious on the bench when Neeka came in. She was naked too. She touched my shoulder and I groggily opened my eyes.

"Time to get up now, Sam," she said.

"I can't," I said. "I'm too full of cum. See how my tummy is all bloated?"

"Let me help you," she said, getting down on her knees at the end of the bench. She started licking the inside of my thighs where the cum had oozed out. Then she went to work on my pussy, licking and sucking at my poor abused hole until she had gobbled up every drop of cum.

In the process she made me cum several times, one right after the other. By the time she was through, I was sparkling clean and high as a kite from cumming so much.

"Time to wake up now," she said.

"OK," I told her, sitting up on the bench, "I'm awake."

"No you're not, silly! This is still a dream."

"I'm dreaming? Are you part of my dream?"

"No, I'm awake. It's Saturday morning. You asked me to wake you up. Remember? I tried to get into your head to talk to you. You're still asleep, so instead I'm here in your dream."

"How can I tell it's a dream?"

"Well, what happened to you to get all that cum in you?"

"Every boy in school made love to me. Some of them several times."

"Doesn't that sound like a dream to you?"

"I don't know. Should it? It seemed real enough to me. I was having the best time!"

"I'll bet! What sort of things do you dream about?"


"You're a horny little minx! Anything else?"


"OK, let's go flying."

She led me out of the gym into the sunlight. I took two steps and we took off into the sky, just like birds. We flew over the school, higher and higher, soaring and swooping in the warm sun.

"So, you know this is a dream, right?" she asked.

"It is? I guess it must be," I said. "I can't really fly. But if I can't fly, then what are we doing so far up in the air? OH NOOOOOOoooooooooo!"

We plummeted like rocks down through the clouds, falling and tumbling through the air, faster and faster. Just a split second before we hit the ground, I woke up. My eyes popped open. I was still in bed with Bud; still lying on his chest.

"OK, I'm awake now," I told Neeka.

"Duh!" she said. "That was wild! I was in your dream. I actually shared a dream with you! I was there! It was like a totally different world. Wow! Is that what your dreams are usually like?"

"You mean, endless sex? Not always. I had some help with that one. I'm lying here with Bud's cock still inside me. It feels like he's hard again, too. It's no wonder I dreamed about sex all night."

"Really! Well, I hope you don't mind if I visit your dreams some more. It's just fantastic. I can close my eyes and I'm totally in another world. I had no idea we could do this."

"Well, you're certainly welcome to join me anytime," I said. "I can't guarantee that they will all be as good as that one."

"Yes, but maybe I can. Guarantee it, I mean. I talked to you and you took a suggestion I made. We went flying together. It was so real for me. When you are asleep, you are at the mercy of whatever runs through your head. But if I'm awake, I can make conscious suggestions. If I can guide your dreams, there's no telling what we could do together!"

"I'm too groggy to appreciate this right now. Let me wake up some more and haul myself into the shower and I'll be able to think. Come on over."

"Uh, Sam? I am over. I never left. I slept with Mrs... I mean, I slept with Bambi last night. She's great. We had a lot of fun. Ah, please don't mention this to Bud or Jim. I don't want Jim to think I've spurned him for his mother. It might give him... 'issues'."

"Tell me about it later. Right now I think Bud and I have some unfinished business. You might be having an orgasm in a few minutes."

"Fair warning. I'll bring you some coffee, after. Enjoy!"

When I moved my head, I felt Bud move under me. He put his arms around me and gave me a big hug.

"Did you sleep all right?" He asked.

"Oh, yes! I had the best dreams! How about you?"

"I think your dreams sucked me dry."


"At first, I thought you were still awake. You were working my cock over pretty good. Then I realized you were asleep and having a dream about fucking. Your pussy kept sucking and massaging my cock until I came. Then you came. Then you got quiet for a bit and it started all over again. I don't know how long it went on, or how many times I came, but it seemed like it went on all night. After a while, I didn't even have time to go soft, you just kept milking me for all the cum I had. Damn, it was incredible! You must have been having the same dream all night. I'd drift off for a bit and wake up and cum and then go back to sleep."

"Poor baby! Did my mean old pussy eat you alive?"

"Damn right! And I loved every second of it. I never felt so... connected to someone before. I felt like I was a part of you."

"Me too!" I said. I tried to move, but after having Bud's cock in me all night my pussy had become welded to it. I was going to have to get wet again before I could pry myself loose. I explained the problem to Bud.

"It's worse than you think," he said. "I'm hard again from your last orgasm. I hadn't cum when you woke up. It feels like a big one, too. I'm afraid you are going to have to resign yourself to being fucked with a woody."

"Oh, no! Oh, horrors! Oh, woe is me! However will I cope?"

"Let's roll over. I want to be on top for this. I need to move. I have to fuck. You're about go get seriously screwed!"

I put my arms around his neck and he rolled over on top of me. I kissed his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist. When he started moving, my pussy woke up to the fact that it had a big cock in it and it started getting warm.

Bud started very slowly so I would have time to get some lubrication flowing before he started banging away. When I felt myself getting hot down there, I wriggled my ass around to try to work the walls of my pussy free of his cock. It didn't take long before I was really turned on and begging him to fuck my brains out.

He needed very little encouragement. Even before he had me loose again, he pushed very deeply into me. I could feel my insides being dragged and shoved as he fucked me. In a few minutes he was really putting his back into it. Our groins slapped together on every stroke and the impact was turning my clit into a big purple knot that electrified me on every stroke.

His aggressive attack turned me into a tigress. I clutched at him and raked my short nails across his back and ass. I locked my ankles behind his butt and pulled him to me on each stroke. Soon, he had turned into a wild animal, thrusting away at me with all his strength. I felt like I was riding a bucking bronco. It drove me to new heights of lust and I almost lost control. I did growl and put my bare teeth on his neck at one point.

The idea that I might rip his throat out if he didn't satisfy me set him off. He yanked me off the bed and rammed his cock deep into me while pushing me down onto it with his arms and hands. I squeezed him tightly and felt him empty his balls into my womb.

After a few good spurts, he ran dry and I felt my cervix jerk up and down and then clamp shut again as if swallowing his cum. He was still in the throes of his climax and he held me in his arms for a long time until we had both stopped shuddering.

He said, breathlessly, "Oh, damn! That just keeps getting better every time. You know, eventually I'm just going to cum so hard that my heart gives out and I'll die in your arms."

"Well, let's hope that it's not any time soon, OK? I'd like to do this lots more before then."

We held each other and stroked and caressed each other until we had recovered enough to try to separate. Bud slowly pulled his limp cock out and collapsed onto the bed next to me.

When his cock left my body, I felt like a part of me had been removed. I felt so empty that I almost asked him to put it back in. Instead I put my fingers into my thoroughly-fucked pussy and tried to close myself back to normal size again. I was so stretched out from having had his cock in me all night that I could have dropped a ping-pong ball in there and not hit the sides.

"What's the matter?" Bud asked, watching me finger my pussy.

"There's a Bud-sized hole in me." I said. "My pussy misses you already."

He smiled at that. He got between my legs and looked up inside me to survey the damage he had caused.

He put his mouth right up to my gaping hole and said, "Helloooooooo!" as if he expected to hear an echo.

"Stop that!" I said, aiming a playful slap at his head. He jerked away but kept looking between my legs.

"Are you proud of yourself?" I asked, holding my labia apart to give him a good view. "Look what you did to me with that donkey dick?"

Bud fell over and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"'Donkey dick'. It what the kids call me at school. In gym, when we shower, you know. They started calling me that. I was always bothered by it. I was ashamed."

"Stud, YOU have NOTHING to be ashamed of!"

"Yeah. When you call me that I feel good. It makes me proud. I get a kick out of it when you tell me I could severely injure farm-animals. I feel strong, virile, like a prize bull or a stallion. I feel like you must feel all day long."


"I mean, you're stronger, faster, and tougher than ten normal people. Don't you just feel super all the time?"

"To tell the truth, I don't. I don't walk around with my chest puffed out... OK, maybe I do walk around with my chest puffed out. But that's different. I don't walk around thinking about how strong I am. I don't even notice it until I exert myself. Then it's just like there's this other level of power I can tap into.

"I don't know how to explain it. It's not like it's so much easier for me to lift say, a pencil. The pencil weighs the same and feels the same to me as it would to anyone. But if I have to lift a forty pound dumbbell, it's not that much harder for me. I can feel the weight, but it isn't hard to lift it. Running and jumping is the same — I don't feel any lighter, but I can go faster and higher than..."

"Anyone else alive?"

"Let's say, 'than most people.' Mom told me that I'm not really off the scale completely, I'm just at the top end of it. It's important for me to feel like I'm still... you know — human? I don't like to think of myself as 'superhuman'. That makes me really uncomfortable."

"I guess I understand," he said. "But that's why I'm so proud of myself. For me to have done that... to you. I feel like I've measured up to your standards."

"Sam? I've brought you some coffee. Can I come in?" Neeka asked mentally from outside the door.

I turned so my wide-open pussy faced the door and called out, "Come on in."

Bud was startled when the door opened and Neeka walked in carrying a mug.

Neeka stared at the display I was putting on.

"See what this super-stud did to my poor little pussy?" I asked, pouting. "He made my little bitty hole into a great big one. I'm ruined for normal-sized men and anything smaller than a pony."

"Wow!" she said, staring. Her mouth dropped open. "He really did a job on you! I bet I could get my whole hand in there, now."

We both looked at Bud. He looked so proud he might burst any second. He lay there unselfconsciously pulling on his cock to show it off.

I took a sip of coffee. It was nice and hot. I rolled the hot liquid around in my mouth before swallowing it. Then I leaned over and kissed the head of Bud's cock. He held it up for more attention and I sucked the soft head into my mouth.

The look on his face was priceless. He didn't jerk away, but his eyes rolled up and he quit breathing for a few seconds. I felt a dollop of cum squirt out on to my tongue and I sucked his cock hard, trying to siphon more out before I let his cock slip out from between my lips.

Bud shivered as though he had had a climax.

"Oh damn!" He said, stretching out full-length on the bed. "That was intense. I think you just made me cum again."

"You lie there and recuperate," I said, standing up and shaking my finger at him. "I'm going to want some more of that later and you had better be ready to deliver, young man."

Bud laughed and then rolled over to stare at my pussy some more.

"Can I ask you something?" He said. "Where does all the cum go? Other girls always need a towel or have to run to the john."

"It's magic," I said. Then I rubbed my tummy. "Really, it's all right here. Every drop. My supernormal abilities don't stop with the outside. What's inside is special too. My metabolism and my ability to heal are both very fast. My hand is already almost completely healed, see? My sex organs are more efficient too. A normal girl's cervix dilates a little when she has sex. It also dips down to try to get cum inside the uterus when she climaxes. When you and I fuck, my cervix dilates big enough to let the head of your cock poke up inside my womb and it sucks up any cum you leave in me. Then it clamps shut again to trap it all inside. You can probably feel some of that going on."

Bud nodded. Most of what had happened last night had been my sex organs having their own little party with him without my conscious mind being invited.

"So all that cum you pumped into me last night will stay right here for a while. I can feel it sloshing around inside when I move. It's a nice reminder of the fun we had. After a few hours it gets absorbed somehow. I don't understand how, but there is a lot about this that I haven't figured out yet."

"Thanks," he said. "The sex-ed stuff we get in Health and PE doesn't go into much detail. I knew you'd give me the straight dope."

"No problem," I said, as Neeka and I headed for the door. "See you later."

When we were outside my knees went weak and I leaned on the wall for support.

"Uh oh," Neeka said. "I hope you're wrong."

"No shit," I said. "I didn't think if it until just now. Explaining the female reproductive system to Bud brought it to mind. With my super-fast metabolism, what if I'm not taking enough birth-control pills? Oh, shoot! What if I'm already pregnant?"

Both of us rifled through the drawers in my bathroom until we found what we needed — a pregnancy test kit with a current date.

"Mom is a wonder!" I said. "She doesn't miss a thing."

I ripped open the package and sat down on the toilet to pee on the stick. After the recommended time, the indicator showed a strong negative.

"Whew!" I said. "That's a relief."

"I hate to burst your bubble," Neeka told me, "but those things only work after you have been pregnant long enough to trigger the test. That can be up to two weeks."

The stricken look on my face drove her to search for a way to reassure me. She picked up my pill dispenser and looked at it.

"Is this the one you're using?" She asked, flipping it over to read the label on the back.

"Yes." I said. "It looks like it. But it looks different than the one she gave me last week. That one was kind of peach colored. This one is almost orange. Did she switch them?"

"Maybe. The pills in this one are 100 micrograms."

"Is that good?"

"Sam, that dose will keep a horse from getting pregnant. Most pills today are 20 to 35 micrograms. 50 is considered a high dose. It looks like Bambi is more on top of things than we thought."

"Remind me to do something extra nice for her later."

"Just go tell her you love her."

"That sounds like the voice of authority."

"Yah. Well, your name did come up a few times last night. You know, in between the sex and all."

"Unhunh. And... ?"

"I don't know if I should tell you this."

"Why? Because it would make me unhappy?"

"Because it would give you a swelled head, ninny!"


"That woman thinks the sun rises and sets on you. She doesn't use the word much, but when I spoke of you as her 'daughter', her face lit up like a highbeam headlight on a Harley. She told me that every day you find some way to make her life better. She said you've made her feel fifteen years younger and happier than she has been since Ben died. She probably sits around just thinking of ways she can help you and try to pay you back for being in her life. She's down in the kitchen now, waiting to see what you would like to eat for breakfast. I'm supposed to ask, by the way."


"I told you it would give you a swelled head."


"Unhunh. Now take your horse-pill of hormones, get in the shower and I'll go tell her you want French toast."


"She has a recipe for French toast that she wants to try. You'll eat it and like it."

"OK," I said, swallowing the pill and turning on the shower. "You're awful pushy today."

"I like your Mom a lot. She's a lot of fun and she's a great person. We got on fantastically last night. We talked just like best friends. I totally kept forgetting it's her house. I kept expecting someone to walk in and tell us to be quiet and go to sleep.

"You know, she told me she's jealous of me because I can read your mind. She'd give anything to be able to do that."


"You hop in the shower and see if you can work on improving your vocabulary. I'll be downstairs telling Bambi what a great mother she is."

The shower felt great. Even though Bud had done most of the work, I had taken all of the pounding and the hot water soaked away the slight soreness very nicely. Bud's asking about the cum had made me more aware of the amount of it I had in me. I flexed my stomach and felt the extra weight and bulk moving around. I wondered if I could get enough cum in me to look a couple of months pregnant. I wondered if being pregnant would feel anything like this. I wondered about what it would be like to actually be pregnant; to carry a baby around inside my body; to have it grow and develop inside me. It must be an amazing experience, I thought. For a moment, I felt disappointed that I wasn't pregnant.

Same as Sam
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A Moment in Time

As I sit here on this bar stool in the Dew Drop Inn, I come to realize that my life has become a bad country song. I'm trying to drown my sorrows in beer and doing my damndest to forget the hell that my life has turned into. My name is Steven Cooper, and I have a real problem that I just can't seem to fix. Why you ask; it all came about because of a woman. Not like you think, she didn't cheat on me like you would think. The woman was not my wife, but my boss. I work construction and my...

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The Night Train

One train service ran all night at the weekends, transporting to and from the city a motley crew of passengers comprising sweaty revellers and bleary eyed shift workers. Steve, one of the latter, was in good spirits after finishing his shift, and, once on board, he had successfully avoided the attentions of the angry drunks, whose stops had come and gone. The train was out in the pitch-dark boondocks now, the concentrated lights of the city well behind it, and only a few passengers remained....

Straight Sex
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The Bitch Bites Back

The Bitch Bites Back By Michele Nylons Pamela stood huddled in the dark doorway, halfway down the back alley. It was cold and a light drizzle had settled in, the sheets of fine rain just discernible in the dull light of the single working lamp halfway down the alley. Pamela was in her mid forties and fighting a losing battle against the rising tide of age, her thighs and bottom were spreading, her tummy had started to sag and fine lines, not quite yet wrinkles, had...

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Threesome with my wife and her sister

This evening Linda is working an evening shift. She will be home around midnight. Amanda stays the night at our house, because both sisters will shop tomorrow. Amanda and I are watching television, but we got bored. -Maybe we should have some fun together?- , Amanda says. -It will take a while before Linda arrives home and I would not mind some good sex- , she says with a smile. I do not hesitate one moment, because I am always in for sex. So, we go upstairs to prepare ourselves by...

2 years ago
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Oral fun in the car

We’d been out for dinner with friends, a lovely evening with great company for a - quite frankly - terrific meal. It was almost midnight by the time we made it back to the car, both of us were happy and Christina was just a little bit tipsy. We got in and she smiled at me. “Are you feeling amorous?” “When you’re around, I’m always feeling amorous.”She leaned over and kissed me. “You know all the right things to say, don’t you?” “I try.” “Would you like to see my tits?”“I’d love to.” She...

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Breeding an Old High School Friends Lactating Hotwife

Most of the cuckold stories I’ve read are from the perspective and in the first-person voice of either the husband being cuckolded or his hotwife. But I’m happy to provide my story about fucking and impregnating the wife of an old high school friend. This happened several years ago, when they moved back to our home town of Birmingham, Alabama.My name is Sam, and I’ll first explain the early years of my friendship with Jeff, before getting to the main events in the story. I was born and spent my...

2 years ago
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NC-17 Slash/Incest Disclaimer: I did not create and do not own any readily recognizable media characters. I have no agreement, legal or otherwise, with the creators or owners. This is purely for entertainment--I have not made, do not seek, and will not accept any profit for it. This story is in no way meant to reflect on the lives or life styles of the actors/actresses who originally portrayed the characters. I have nothing but fond affection and respect for them, for giving me so much...

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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...

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Cheerleader Sleepover The Judge and Jury EditionChapter 3

"Coach is fucking your sister!" hissed Jennifer to Chad, as he lunged forward and rammed his adolescent penis deep in his girlfriend's teenaged pussy. She already knew that her boyfriend had a thing for his little sister. She'd figured it out by accident one night in the back of his car as she sucked his dick. It had been last summer, and during a bad time to fuck. She was Catholic, and wouldn't let him use a condom. So they only fucked when she was sure it was safe. Other times she...

1 year ago
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Horror evening with a MILF

A horror nigh with a Milf I met a woman on a site like AdultFriendFinder. We have chatted frequently, and she did seem nice. I asked her if she wants to have sex with me. She said she has a daughter my age (25). We continued to chat for a month. One day she seems very horny and asked me if I want to come and fuck her. I have met and fucked a few women from here. But I always meet them first to see if we have a good connection. She sent me her address and asked me to come. I took a shower,...

2 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Plastic 3

Pretty In Pink Plastic Part 3 By Deewet 2008 Glenn smiled. Pink was surely his color, a color he liked to see me dressed in for him. I felt weird after the orgasm, probably because it was my first one in front of anyone. My body felt numb, a strange lightness and I wasn't so freaked out about what was happening to me. A strange feeling of security washed over me as she snapped me up in the pink plastic pants. "Put her in the crib while I get my little darling ready." Glenn...

1 year ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 70

"Caine? Peter Scott. Carlton and I want to see the Admiral, unofficially, next couple of days if you could find a time? Can't do it? Let me think." Scotty turned to Carlton and got inspiration, "When does she go to Gym? Ask her if she will have an informal chat with Carlton who will just happen to be getting fit again." "Admiral" started Carlton as he passed a towel "Scotty coached me what to say." Carlton took a deep breath, looked upwards, closed his eyes and began, "Commodore...

4 years ago
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Mother son fun

Something a little different for all you horny bastards * I am a divorced 38 year old woman who has an only son named Tim, who is 14 years old. I have always had a strong sex drive and loved any type of sex. I also love to lay in bed and read most any kind of erotic stories. The internet has become my masturbation addiction. I love to print off stories and take them to bed with me as I play with myself. I have a smooth shaven pussy and am very clean. Nothing feels better to me than to...

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The Softhearted Monster

My lawyer, Mrs. Greeley told me that I would be sent to a maximum security level prison for the remainder of my life and that I was lucky not to have gotten a more severe punishment. That kind of confused me a bit because it really felt like that was pretty severe to me. I was going to just tell you my prisoner number DOC12662791 but I figure what is the point of being secretive since I won't be in any position to object to insults and jeers from the general public. My name is Danny...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 11

The phone was ringing as I unlocked the door and stepped into my apartment. Automatically,.I glanced at my wrist, wanting to check the time. My wrist was bare. My watch was still in the bathroom, coated with mud. It wasn't much past noon, however. "Hello." "The same to you, sleepy head." Honey oozed honey right over the phone. "You sure sleep soundly." "I've been up for hours. I've been out in the rain, and I just got back.' "Then you're probably ready for lunch. How about...

3 years ago
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My Unplanned Foray Into Lesbo World

I am Vaishali (Lovingly called “Vaishoo) and am writing on one of the deepest secrets held within me. Sometime back, I was unsuspectingly drawn into a scandalous Lesbian affair with my office colleagues. I was quite scared in the beginning, but finally things got so hot that I gave in to the moment.I had gone to Digha with my colleagues on an Annual Picnic. Digha is a beach resort near Kolkata in India. Initially, I was reluctant to go because I was recently betrothed to my engineer fiancee...

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The Dream

The Dream - Part One This is a dream I had. When I have a dream, I don't usually remember it, but I remembered this one and had to write it down before I forgot what happened. When I finished writing, I thought it was incomplete, so I wrote on from where it stopped to finish the story! One Wednesday afternoon, I was having a conversation with girl friends at the mid-week meet at the T-girl club. We had got rid of the usual male "admirers" who were after the usual thing and we were...

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Houston Top Nights

This is a true story about a trip I took to Houston where I met a Mexican transgender woman. So I was in Houston for a trade show and had been messaging back and forth with a Latin trans woman I had met on FB a few weeks earlier. She was gorgeous in her photos and had been straight with me from the beginning about her gender. I let her know right off the bat that I was totally cool with it and respected trans women as just women so no issues with me.I flew in on a Friday afternoon and got a...

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Dolcett Palace

I did not write this. I found it on the web.ALL DRESSED UP After shaving her pussy completely in the shower, Trine looked at her body in the full-view mirror in the bathroom. She was not very tall, but not too short either. She wore her dark-brown hair shoulder- long. Her s*******n years old body was delicious, with its ripe, C-cupped breasts and fine, round bottom. All in all, Trine was happy with her looks. And that was good, she thought, because not much of her would be hidden this evening....

1 year ago
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Part I Jocks Can Be Frustrated Too

Part I - Jocks Can Be Frustrated Too This story relates how I morphed from being straight as a ruler to being bisexual. These events happened in spring '03. While I obviously can't remember every detail, the basic story is true. I've added detail where it was needed. I was a twenty-one year old junior in college, engineering major, finishing up the semester. I was on the university's wrestling squad, though I can't say I've ever been good enough to win any major titles. Nevertheless, the...

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Velma and Daphne

August 16, 2005 16th Century Castle Austria When the gang all split up I decided to go with Daphne. I was a closeted lesbian at the time and I had a burning desire to taste the sweetness that Daphne had between her goddess like legs. Daphne, sexiest woman I have ever known. She had perfect 36 DD breasts and a figure that rivaled the great Aphrodite. Oh my God just talking about her body is turning me on. While were walking down a long hallway Daphne saw a strange light. "Hey Velma...

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The Proposal Chapter 3

I called Jack’s office and said, “I’m Jason Alexander, one of Jack’s clients. I’d like to talk with him please.”“I know who you are,” a woman replied. “He’s in the field today. He’ll give you a call or I can set an appointment.”“How about both? There are some papers I want him to read that are critical in my case.”“Does tomorrow at one work for you?”“Yes, perfect.”“Oh, and one more thing, Mr. Alexander… I’m fully aware you hired Denny, and I also know you’re going through some tough times in...

Wife Lovers
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 25

As the drone’s camera pointed directly down, Alice and I stared straight up, whooping for joy, our mouths as wide open as baby sparrows awaiting a fresh worm. Our hungry-bird-faces filled the screen as Sheila reviewed her notes while she paused the video. “Oomph!” I let out an involuntary snort of laughter; we looked fucking ridiculous. Alice tried to stifle giggles as the audience got the joke. Titters and chuckles filled the hall. Sheila had a puzzled expression on her face as she looked...

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Bible thumper part 2

Jason looked up at me with his mouth stuffed full of my Dick and his beautiful brown eyes began to talk to me. Telling me that he was pleased that i had stopped fighting him.Now that he had my full attention Jason's sucking got harder and stronger but much more sensual.While my dick got harder and stronger and so much more sensitive.The sounds that my dick and his mouth made for the next 15 minutes made me quiver with excitement. I had never had my dick sucked like this in my life!It felt as if...

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USA Mein Train MEein Group ChudaiPART 2

Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, MALE, 38 YEARS OLD, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at Alternatively, call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time I AM THINKING OF GETTING MARRIED, SO LOOKING FOR A HOT WIFE. WHO LIKES GROUP SEX AND KINKY THINGS, SO IF YOU ARE BROAD MINDED EMAIL ME,...

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BBW Adventures on Vacation

My wife and I married when she was 24, and at the time we were too broke to afford a nice honeymoon. So after about a year, we were able to scrimp and save enough to go on a vacation. We decided on going to an all inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic for about a week and a half. We were both quite excited as we pulled into the resort after a very long plane trip. We quickly got acquainted with where everything in the resort was, and dropped our bags in the room to have a look around,...

4 years ago
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Revisiting Lake ConstanceChapter 3

The rising water in Little Lake Constance had pressed the underground residents to relocate to higher ground. That meant that my trowel uncovered a vast network of new galleries. I even hit one egg chamber and pillaged it. I also hit a burrow that had been raided by Myrmecia -- the bulldog ant. A young boy summoned me for grub around 17:00. "Ferd got a goanna," he said. When we returned to the settlement I saw that it was a Spencer's monitor, about 120 cm. long. "Ferd must be handy," I...

2 years ago
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End Of The World

End Of The World By Maximillian Excaliber Introduction Have you ever wondered how you would spend your last hours on Earth? Now imagine that the world is going to be destroyed it's everyone's last hours on Earth. Where would you be when it happened? Who would you be with? What would you do? This is the story of one man and what he did when he found out that the 'End Of The World' was coming. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter One - "Restaurants" "Bruce, can you see that couple sitting in the...

Straight Sex
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My Lovers Finger

I was in my early thirties and she had a safe ten years on me. I was foolish enoug tho think that I had picked her up, but would learn differently in time. I spotted her in Fred Segals, an upscale collection of stores in Los Angeles. She was in the home wares section, so I began to talk about the sensual side of cooking that I thought would impress her. How creating a menu and then shopping for the freshest most in season produce and meats was a very sensual experience. The same went for...

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My dad and coach

First of all, I admit I was a wiseass. There wasn't one teacher thatdidn't want to kick me out of school.But my grades were passing and I was also quite good on the trackteam, the football team and the baseball team. I also worked out withthe wrestling and swim teams.In fact, the school let me use my elective credits in sports. Iliterally had two letter sweaters by the time I was asophomore..that's right a sophomore.But I was a wiseass too.Then in my junior year, I went too far. I started to...

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Alexa Chapter 39 Preparations

Alexa Chapter 39: Preparations The fallout from Marilyn's meltdown at the Thompson party set in motion a whole chain of events that finalized her place in our world. Two days after the party, Marilyn was arrested for a second time on drunk driving charges. You would think with all the signs posted and repeated warnings on the television and radio of stepped up enforcement over the holiday weekend, the woman would have known better. Once again, she allowed her own inflated sense of...

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Easyladybeconing hubbys slut wife

This is a continuation of how it all started with me becoming my hubby's slut. After the first initiation into fucking another dick besides my hubby's he started telling me how he about how he thought I would love being fucked by more than one at a time. I asked if he meant fucking one and then fucking the other and he said no. He wanted me to have both of them at the same time. He said one could be fucking my pussy and I could be sucking the other one's dick. This was sounding good to me and I...

Cheating Wifes
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TJ carefully adjusted the video camera so as it would not be seen by anyone using the storageroom. By placing it inside of an old envelope carton and piling several other boxes on top of it, itwould be unlikely that it would be discovered. A small hole in the end of the box was all that wasneeded to have the hidden lens to cover about 80% of the area in the whole room. Why all thisdeception? Last Thursday evening TJ had been working late trying to get some quarterly reportsdone for Friday's...

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Shelter In Place

Prologue She had come back to his little restaurant within a week which he took to be a good sign. From what the owner had told him about her, she was quite the mark; rich, single and, he had to say, gorgeous. Now all Lorne needed to do was just reel her in. In his half-baked idea of a plan, he'd try to seduce her and then, if that worked, see how much he could live off her money. He wasn't a thief, and he certainly wasn't a confidence man, but he was not above living off her if...

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The Hot Holiday

A big hi to all my dear readers and I am S from Bangalore into my own business across south India and love travelling and racing due to which I keep travelling across the world. I was married in 2006 but got divorced in 2006 itself and was feeling very sad about the same. I never had any good days with my wife so I got into racing and was in Himalayas in December 2011 and after the race was over was spending some time for myself enjoying my holiday in a one of the best resorts of Manali. The...

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The Cleaner Chapter 3

The sun was shining in all it’s glory. The calming sound of the waves hitting the shore was in rhythm with that of the wind blowing through the palm trees. All this natural orchestral music was stopped abruptly by the sound of a V12. Following that came the sound of tyres stopping in asphalt, and then silence. It was as if nature had frozen for a minute to admire the couple that just got out of the car. “We’re here, darling. Our new house. Or better, our new home.” Said Atlas as he helped...

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