Fridays in February
- 3 years ago
- 27
- 0
15 Months, 454 Days After Jenny's Disappearance
I'm looking at the PER flyer, standing outside the venue, feeling embarrassed and apprehensive. I should explain that there are two reasons for this. Firstly there's the regular embarrassment of feeling as if I'm standing here shouting "I like kinky SEX!" at the top of my voice and secondly, the last time I was in a club it was with the guys out in Seoul at a venue I don't think Jenny would have approved of, enjoying myself when who knows what was happening to her.
The flyer had said "Dress Code: Fetish or Black Tie" and I have gone for the easy option. I'm standing here in my dinner jacket, dress shirt and bow tie, felling a bit foolish and wondering whether turning up in leather trousers and nothing else would have been a better bet. I see another man, dressed as I am, go into the club. I take that as my cue.
The whole place is a huge contrast from the cosy surroundings of the munch. Instead of the rustic homely surroundings of the pub, this is a slick, modern, sophisticated, city club. The lights outside are pale blue neon. The door is guarded by a couple of immaculate bouncers. Inside it is sleek and cutting-edge, sharp lighting and shiny chrome. The bar and the food area are impressive. It is the sort of club for confident guests. Leading off the main floor area are several other rooms. One is quite large laid out with tables and chairs at one end and a small stage at the other. There's a second room, more intimate with dimmer, more discrete lighting - a refuge form the techno music coming from the DJ in the central area dance floor. A few couples are already installed in there. There is ome more room and the last room is obviously the place to enjoy some kinky action: there is a St Andrew's cross, a spanking horse and a pillory and some metal cages.
It has become quite crowded and those in black tie are definitely in the minority. In fact there's me and the bloke I saw going in before me and that's it so far. I'm feeling at a bit of a loose end.
Almost everyone appears to be arriving in couples or groups. Maybe I should have brought Cathy, but that would have been an even bigger challenge than the munch! I'm about to go and investigate the bar when I see Esme and, wearing a leather hood, someone I assume to be Zeph.
Their casual, friendly, air at the munch hasn't prepared me for the full-on fetish style of their appearance at PER. Esme's outfit leaves no doubt as to which side of the sub-dom fence she sits. She may not be naturally shapely but the corseted bodice of the short leather dress she is wearing does more than enough to emphasise her hips, and buttocks and her ample breasts. Actually, her dress doesn't so much cover her breasts as hold them up on a shelf. Pale against the dark brown of the leather, they quiver as she walks. She's wearing a spiked collar, elbow length gloves in a matching brown leather and high heeled – (what else?) – lace up shoes. Hanging from her belt is a neatly coiled whip. She is leading Zeph with a chain fastened to his collar with a padlock. He's almost naked, his head is covered with the hood and his genitals are hidden behind a sort of leather jock strap which has also been locked in place.
The two of them reach me. "Joe!" Esme declares with evident delight. She presents a cheek for a greeting kiss. I get very close to the spikes of her collar before realising that I'm about to impale myself and pull back. She laughs and I join her. She offers a hand instead and I provide a gentlemanly kiss and a short bow. It seems appropriate.
"Can I buy you a drink?" I ask.
She nods. "Yes, of course. Thank you, I'd like a coke." She doesn't ask Zeph. He just bows his head.
I go the bar. There's a group of men in similar outfits to Zeph's. Hoods or masks seem commonplace, collars are evidently obligatory, and apart from that, there's a lot of flesh, much of it sprinkled with tattoos, and body piercings. The girl behind the bar, "dressed" to match her clients on the other side of it, asks me what I want.
I remind her that there are others before, me but she points out that subs get served last. So here is one benefit to being a Dom: going straight to the head of the queue, at the bar!
By the time I get back to Esme and Zeph, Esme is stretched out on one of the couches and Zeph is kneeling by her side. He's holding her whip in his outstretched hands. She takes the drink with a word of thanks and pats the seat beside her. I sit down.
"Quite a show isn't it?" she says, raising her voice. The DJ has started up in the dance room and the music, coupled with the increasing hubbub in the room as more and more guests arrive, makes it difficult to hear.
I nod. Looking about me, I've never seen anything like it! Around the room there are people in every form of fetish clothing imaginable. Quite a lot of rubber, some leather, some lycra, some uniforms that look authentic and some less so. There are even a few people like me: turned out in full evening dress!I begin to feel less out-of-place, but only a little. I can only see one woman who is not in fetish gear. She's the complete embodiment of 1950's glamour, slinky gown, elaborate hair, wonderful immaculate make up and an outside bra that would bring joy to the heart of Madonna. She's carrying a cigarette in a long cigarette holder. It's not lit. It astonishing to think that that something so fashionable when the clothes she is wearing were in style – smoking - is now banned, while something that was frowned on in those days is seen as a normal party opportunity now.
Esme leans over towards me. "Don't be fooled by the outfit," she says, "that's as hard a bitch as you're likely to meet here tonight. Good if you're looking for a very demanding time, not for a beginner though."
I give a non-committal 'Mmmmm'. I hadn't thought about what I am looking for, but it's reasonable for Esme to imagine that I am here for more than voyeurism.
"Ooo," says Esme, I want to watch this." She clicks her fingers at Zeph and he lays down the whip and kneels on all fours. Esme lifts her feet and places one leg across his back while perching the other foot upon it. I can see quite clearly how the heel of her shoe is digging into his soft flesh. I can imagine what it feels like. I don't feel inclined to try it. On the stage someone has set up a series of five low cages. A kneeling slave is being herded into each of them: there are two women and three men.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Evening!" A man wearing a rough approximation of my own outfit, but in electric blue rubber has come to the front of the stage. "Tonight we are very pleased, to present these five slaves who come here to be judged in the public court. Each one has been accused of crimes which warrant public examination and, if necessary, sentence. (cheers from the crowd) Sentence will be carried out for the approval of all owners and as a warning to all slaves. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Court of PER is now in session."
A woman appears in judge's robes and wig, although beneath her gown she is wearing only a basque and stockings. She makes her way to a table on a dais, bangs a gavel on the desk and orders the first of the accused to be brought before her. It's a man. Naked, ball-gagged and in shackles he can do little else except to shuffle up to the front of the judge's dais when he is summoned.
It's a very short trial. The gag is removed and he confesses his slovenly approach to the house work his Mistress ordered him to do. There's a chorus of tuts from the Dommes in the audience.
The judge passes sentence of an hour in the pillory which doesn't sound too bad to me but causes a murmur of comment which suggests others think he's not getting off lightly.
Esme leans across towards me. Zeph gives an, "Ah!" as Esme's movement pushes her heel deeper into his back.
"It's not the pillory," she says, "it's what he'll suffer while he's in there, isn't it Zeph?"
"Yes Mistress," comes the voice from the floor.
"Several different women reamed out your arse with strap-ons while you served your twenty minute sentence last time, didn't they? In fact there might even have been one boy – but he was not wearing a strap-on!"
"Yes, Mistress."
"So I guess you're going to be more careful polishing my boots next time?" Esme smiles.
Meanwhile the convicted slave has been led off to the pillory at the side of the room and a woman has been brought from her cage to stand before the judge.
It's an unexpected confession from Esme! I was not expecting such a frank account of their past history and I had not expected Zeph would have been subjected to that sort of treatment with such relish on the part of his wife. Despite my reservations, I feel a sexual thrill as my imagination reconstructs the scene.
There are more sentences, more slaves begging to be spared, more applause from the audience for the judge's rulings, until all have been dealt with and the judge closes the session, leaving three victims shackled to whipping posts on the stage in preparation for their punishments, the unhappy slave in the pillory and a last slave ordered to spend the rest of the evening back in his cramped cage.
The 'trial' is the sort of thing I expected. What isn't, is the dark haired, slim young woman that who comes up to me. "Esme suggested I could have a word with you. I hope you don't mind?"
She's dressed in a black rubber cat suit that seems to have been polished until it gleams. She's quite short, only about five feet four tall, even with her heels. Beside her is another girl, much taller, bare breasted but otherwise immaculately dressed and presented. Tweezer clamps grip each nipple and a chain connects them. Her hands cuffed behind her, she is being led on a leash from a gleaning steel neck collar. "Could you hold my slave for me, please? Just for a few minutes. It's just that I owe that one up there a little treatment," she nods her head toward the pilloried slave who was already suffering at the hands of a woman taking advantage of his bent forward position to deliver a sound spanking. "Just between ourselves, his sentence is probably a bit severe, but he's upset quite a few of the Dommes here at some point in the past so he's probably going to get a bit more than he expects. For example he spent way too much time trying to inveigle me into punishing him just the way he wanted. I can't stand subs topping from the bottom. This one's much more pliant." She holds out the girls leash towards me. "You don't mind do you?"
"Not at all," I say. And I don't. Firstly, because both she and Esme have obviously decided that I'm a dominant and if that's what Jenny wants, that's what I'm going to be. (But is it something you decide? That doesn't really seem right.) And secondly, in spite of the fact that I should be thinking about Jenny, it's hard not to find the idea of holding a half naked, big breasted girl on a leash engaging - in one way or another.
"Thanks," says the girl in rubber and without a word to her slave, heads off towards the pillory, selecting a thin whippy cane from a rack at the side of the stage, as she does so.
I sit down, the girl kneeling beside me. "Look at me," I say and, for the first time, she lifts her head. There's something curiously satisfying about the quietly spoken request, unthinkingly obeyed.
She's a conventionally pretty girl with blonde hair greased and combed carefully back away from her slightly pale face with a pair of full, reddened lips. She looks a little nervous. Of course, as far as she knows, I could be a renowned slave trainer, not someone who's little more than a convenient hitching post. I'm happy to maintain her uncertainty. Is that the behaviour of a top? I suppose it is. Maybe I'm getting the idea of this...
"A girl with nice tits nicely tormented," Esme comments directly to me. My kneeling slave's eyes flick towards her as though she isn't used to being spoken of, rather than being spoken to. I wonder if she likes that; the objectification, the humiliation of being ignored.
"Yes," I say, entering into the spirit of Esme's teasing. "That's why I agreed to look after her." She looks up at me with an air of disappointment, as though she had thought better of me than to comment on her tits. I'm enjoying it though. I lean forward towards her:
"Kiss Mistress Esme's feet – and ankles – and legs. The Mistress wishes to see your skills"
The girl gets to work on Esme. She is enthusiastic and very thorough!
"She's such a slut!" The girl in the rubber cat suit has returned from the stage following a round of applause. "I hope she behaved herself."
"Impeccably," I say, passing her leash back to the owner.
"Oh yes. She's always happy when I tell her to show off. Aren't you?"
The girl nods, an embarrassed smile on her face.
"Well, thanks for looking after her. If you'll excuse us. I may stop by later." She takes the girl and leads her away towards the quiet room.
I'm feeling pleased with myself. My first little bit of topping. The feeling lasts about a minute.
It's only after the girl in rubber has gone that it occurs to me that my main role in this little exercise has been to get her slave nicely warmed up for her. The girl in rubber has had the fun of thrashing the man in the pillory and her slave has been evidently excited by being required to make an exhibition of herself. Now the two of them have disappeared off, no doubt for some joint amusement.
I turn to Esme. "Have I just been taken advantage of?" I ask.
"It's hard to say," she answers with a laugh. "Only if you didn't enjoy it. I must confess that we Dommes can be a little competitive. That probably wasn't altogether fair of her, but on the other hand perhaps, you didn't mind doing her a favour?"
There's obviously more to this topping business than I thought.
It's then that I realise that my the beer Ihas "made its way through"; I excuse myself and go in search of the gents.
On my way there I stop to look at the cages. I guess I'm always interested in the way things are put together – one of the consequences of my job, I suppose. Jenny spoke about being kept in a cage when she was taken for interrogation. I wonder if it was something like this? The Master of Ceremonies comes over, still resplendent in his electric blue rubber suit; he smiles:
"Nice work aren't they?"
I nod. They've been put together well, a good solid frame and secure fixings for the bars. The entry with its padlocked grille is pretty solid too, welded steel or possibly something lighter, maybe.
"They can be taken apart for transport. They fold flat and fit in the back of a typical hatchback with the back seats folded."
"You sound like a salesman."
"Sorry," the MC grins, "The makers lend them to us and we get a commission if anyone buys one after the show."
"Don't apologise. They're well made. I can tell, I'm an engineer but that's my only interest, I'm afraid. I can't see one of these in the living room at home."
"Well, what would you tell the neighbours, when they came around?"
"Something like that. Clever construction ... my speciality is concrete castings for water management projects - canals, drainage, that sort of thing. Can't really see an application for that here, though."
"There are always the SM Dykes."
I laugh. It's a genuine BDSM joke. I hadn't thought there were such things but actually, thinking about it people do seem to take it less seriously - and less ponderously - than I expected. "That's good," I tell him. "That's very good. Still, if you'll excuse me – I need..."
The toilets are no less bizarre than the rest of the event. There's queue outside the ladies, as there always is, except this queue is clad in leather, rubber and straps. Outside the gents a woman is waiting. She's wearing a black halter neck outfit in vinyl. Its cut high on her hips, where a coiled dog whip hangs from her belt, and there's a cut out at the front showing off a generous amount of cleavage. She wears a small septum ring in her nose and the piercings in her ear lobes have been enlarged: there is a blue metallic tunnel through each one and through the tunnel there is a thick blue metal ring which rolls as she moves her head. She's wearing short black gloves and in one hand she's holding a stop watch. I nod sociably as I pass her.
Inside a middle aged man (who is starting to show the beginnings of a belly and sandy hair that's starting to recede) is wrestling with the set of straps and buckles that he's wearing, trying to free his cock from its leather cage. There's obvious relief as he succeeds and his cock springs into his hand so he can relieve himself into the urinal.
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The party was starting to wind down with everyone still covered from head to toe in now drying poo, one of the guests named Michelle Phillips, inspired by the days events had decided to invite everyone back to her place for an evening party dressed exactly as they were. Everyone agreed enthusiastically including the now recovering Claire. Despite being naked and covered from head to toe in poo, they all confidently headed out and got in their cars following Michelle back to her place, a...
So I haven’t been able to tell you all about my adventures lately, mainly because I’ve been having so much fun I haven’t had time. But you should all know that I’m enjoying my new found sexual energy. My best friends Dawn and Darren have been expanding my horizons, and I have been less stressed and more willing to let them teach me than I ever expected.It might have something to do with the fantastic orgasms I get from the two of them. Together, they can get me to pass out from the excitement,...
"I am truly amazed at the strides you both have made just in the last month, and much of it is being accomplished by the two of you working without me being there. That tells me the paths of communication are open again and working well between the two of you. That's very gratifying." The counselor looked at the couple for a long moment. "What would you say if we started meeting just every two... well, say three weeks for a while to see how it goes?" he asked them. Barbara and Steve...
I went home to my apartment, and sank into my couch and watched some of the local news. The regular newscasters were on a middle-aged man and an attractive blonde, probably in her early thirties. The female newscaster spoke first, “Our top story tonight, an unusual pirated ad appeared on the Super Bowl, during the halftime show.” They cut away to the commercial, and repeated the message. The woman anchor evidently hadn’t seen it before, because she was staring at the camera with a blank...
Aaron's Animals Judy: Aaron Hansen was under the dinner table, his head forcefully burrowing intoher crotch. Judy closed her eyes and stretched her thighs so high and wideapart that they ached. She wanted to make sure that his wonderful mouth hadfull access to her dripping snatch. Her hands held his hair in a death grippulling him in deeper while his tongue danced over her engorged clit. Her assbounced loudly up and down on the seat. Aaron replayed the fantasy in his head several times during...
When Lupe came that night, he wouldn't approach her. Even when she fingered herself to make her cream flow, and she could see him sniffing it, he just jumped around at the edge of the clearing. He kept sniffing at the ground, and she concluded he could smell Gene. He was excited, horny she guessed, but still stayed away from her. Finally, he started running down a path, then stopping to look at her, then running that way again. He wants me to follow him, she concluded. He led her to a spot...
The headquarters of Xylotopic Industries was a large and lavish office building in the other end of the city. Lenny journeyed there in a cab. Her assignment was clear-and yet the theme of the advertisement that attracted her interest was one placed by Masters McClain. It read: "AN EXOTIC DANCER WANTED, FOR PROMOTION OF SENSATIONAL NEW PRODUCT, APPLY AT XYLOTROPIC INDUSTRIES INC." As the cab swerved and jounced through the jungles of lights and traffic, Lenny thought back to Boss Carl's...
True Love Shelly Ganders and Craig Zimmerman met in the first semester of their Senior year at Kansas State University, she was majoring in Human Resources and he in Marketing. Each needed a class in speech to meet the requirements for each of their prospective degrees, that is where they met, it was not love at first sight but a strong physical attraction that drew them together. In the coming months their attraction turned to love and by the end of the year they decided to get married in...
That evening the Xylotropic Lounge was bathed in a cold blue light. This done under the orders of none other than Masters McClain himself. The effect, he said fervently, was to be one of complete technical sensuality--everything was to suggest the beauty of the clicking, whirring machine. The customers, or perhaps we should say-potential customers-- were gathered by eight-thirty. That, as was the custom with McClain's affairs, was the time stated on the embossed invitations. No one was...
She saw him coming two hundred yards away, walking on the trail that would make him most visible. On purpose, she assumed, so as not to scare her. Merry wondered if he was mad that she had spyed on his camp last night. What she had seen didn't tell her much, but it was not threatening. Ecology, and a telescope with a VCR. Observing something. Not her, from that spot. Maybe the wolves. She had wakened a little early, because she had been shaken by giving herself away last night, though she...
Chapter 2 - Puppy Love Looking down at Jenny, kneeling naked in front of me, a throng of men andwomen joking and laughing at her predicament, I wondered just exactly whatshe was feeling. Shame and humiliation - most definitely. Regret that she hadever tried to steal from the company - certainly. But I sensed that, even thoughshe would probably never admit it to herself, there was a frisson of sexualexcitement at being treated like this bubbling away inside her. Deep down,I just knew that...
I am going to tell you a real story which happens between me and my friend ?SWEETY?. I am working as a Manager at Mumbai. Now about me, I am a well mannered, handsome guy of good looking character. In my company there are lots of young talented girls are working. Among them the most ?Beautiful One? Is ?SWEETY?. She is 5.5? Tall, long black hair which falls below her buttock, small eyes, red lips, long nose, good neck, etc??.. She likes to wear sarees rather than any other modern dress. She tugs...
Playground Sweeties Oh how I loved those playground sweeties and I don’t mean their little daughters either. Young children have young mothers, generally. Being a single parent I took every opportunity to visit all of the parks in our town. For a small out of the way community we had four places for our children to play. The elementary school had a very nice solid wooden play gym, the high school had a nice field to run around on, and the main Community Park had a bunch of slides and...
PARTY ANIMAL Four peaceful weeks had sped by since the weekend Melody had spent as Megand Sally's personal attendant and she was still unsure whether she had reallyenjoyed the experience or whether she had done the things required becauseshe had been given no choice in the matter. How Steve had ever believed her story about getting drunk with Sue and havingthe rings put in her fanny and tits she'd never know, but he obviously foundthem sexy and toyed with them when ever they came in to view. ...
The next Monday morning Claire Bishop awoke and was given a yummy breakfast of poo on toast and a poo smoothie, which she then repaid by flavouring her mothers morning coffee. Her mother then dropped her off at school still smelling faintly of the weekends activities, as did her friends who were all delighted to see her and thanked her for such a great party. They all had tales of how much more dirty fun they had with their mothers the rest of the weekend, those with sisters had also got them...
For the President's Eyes Only: Project Sweetpea By DEE DEE PERRI CHAPTER 1 The agent's eyes swept the crowded room once again with professional efficiency. To one untrained in his science, it would appear as a casual, almost bored, cursory examination of the restaurant, but a skilled observer would have noted the brief, almost imperceptible pause- the agent had detected something interesting. Now using the menu to partially obscure his actions, the man visually confirmed his...
A sad, depressed and bittersweet story. Disclaimer: All though inspired by a real story, this is fiction. It is a story-taking place in a horrible society where money and money only makes the world going round. Disgusting events according to Danish standard are described and I would wish that we could save the world back from Denmark, so people did not need to go trough such a life, but we can only watch the unjust to happen. The solution has to come from the government on the Philippines....
I’m standing in the middle of the room with the light directly above me. There’s a room full of men sitting on chairs watching me undress. I wear my long sleek black hair down and it contrasts against my milky white skin. I have red lipstick on and nothing else. As I sit on top of the mattress laid out at the front of the room, I caress my naked body looking at the group of men in front of me, the anticipation increases my arousal. The heat rises between my legs. I start to pinch at my...
I’m standing in the middle of the room with the light directly above me. There’s a room full of men sitting on chairs watching me undress. I wear my long sleek black hair down and it contrasts against my milky white skin. I have red lipstick on and nothing else. As I sit on top of the mattress laid out at the front of the room, I caress my naked body looking at the group of men in front of me, the anticipation increases my arousal. The heat rises between my legs. I start to pinch at...
The SPCP "Welcome to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Petslaves," Damian,the chief Investigator, said as he opened the door. Outside, on the step, wasa man with a microphone and two cameramen. "As you no doubt know, we're anoffshoot of the SPCA. This branch was formed when the overpopulation problemmade it necessary for the excess of slaves to begin performing the duties androles of certain animals usually considered pets. We take care of abused, neglected,and abandoned ponygirls...
My sister and her husband Jeff had invited my wife and me to a party, hosted by one of his business contacts. "Need someone there I know," he chuckled. My wife Dawn and I are not really party animals, but we were looking forwards to going out for a change. It was a big house with lots of people milling about. My wife and I don't drink so we concentrated on what we thought at the time was the non-alcoholic punch. My sister Jenny and Jeff in contrast do like to drink and I noticed that even...
Jason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...
DEDICATION This small story is at once a dedication to, and an indictment of, the bachelor party that my youngest son roped me into organizing and funding. I honestly think young men expect their fathers to provide a wild last hurrah, complete with babes and free flowing booze. As a responsible parent, I did help to make it quite a memorable night, but alas, not as wild as he might have envisioned. The Bachelor Party By Ashley ...
Wife of the Party by captv8tdChapter 1The man and woman stood side by side, motionless other than for the slow rising and falling of their chests as they breathed. Another woman slowly circled the pair, running her eyes up and down their bodies and taking in every detail.“You performed well last night, Steve,” commented Monique as she reached down and cradled his erect cock in her palm. The naked man blushed slightly. Even though he had been owned for over two years, it was still...
Sweetness Chapter 1 (1) It started with an accident. I mean that; I did not want one of my many secrets getting out, but you can't plan everything. In my case, I didn't plan on rolling my SUV. It was a Thursday and it was early, too early. I had just left the golden arches and with a fresh cup of piping-hot coffee, I was ready to start my work day. The sun wouldn?t make an appearance for a while yet; when you own your own company, you start early and stay late, and I almost...