Party Animal free porn video

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Four peaceful weeks had sped by since the weekend Melody had spent as Megand Sally's personal attendant and she was still unsure whether she had reallyenjoyed the experience or whether she had done the things required becauseshe had been given no choice in the matter.

How Steve had ever believed her story about getting drunk with Sue and havingthe rings put in her fanny and tits she'd never know, but he obviously foundthem sexy and toyed with them when ever they came in to view.

"Why oh why hadn't she listened to the messages on the answer phoneon her own rather than rushing straight in and turning it on with Steve there",she thought.

"Hello darling, it's Meg. Thought I'd give you a ring and see if youand Steve wanted to come to a little party at my place this Saturday? Justa few people coming round for drinks and chat. Dress casual, you know whatI'm like..... See you Saturday at seven. Bye" The message blasted outand buried itself in Melody's ears.

"Sounds like fun. Who's Meg? Do I know her?" Steve asked

"No.....I don't think so, she's a friend of Sue's. We met in the puba while back. I'm not sure I want to go, We've got such alot on" Melodyrattled on, intent on getting out of the invitation.

"Nonsense" Steve interjected "I'm already going out but youcould do with some fun, it seems rude not to go now that you've been invited.

Saturday arrived and in no time Melody found herself being dropped off bySteve, and again standing outside the door of Meg's house. What lay on theother side she thought to herself, but before she could think for too longMeg swung the door open and took Melody by the hand drawing her in to the hall.

"Quick give us a kiss before anyone sees us" Meg said, pullingMelody close to her and planting a firm kiss on her mouth before she couldraise objection.

"Meg I....I don't think this is the time. I'm not sure I want to seeyou again. It's only because I couldn't think of a reason why I couldn't come,that I'm here at all" Melody stammered. "Don't worry about a thing.I won't make you do anything that you don't want to. What do you think I am?" Megsounded reassuring, at that moment turning and ushering her into the lounge.

There were about a dozen others there, mainly women, many of whom Melodyhad not met, but everyone was friendly and before long Melody found herselfrelaxing into conversation and forgetting her earlier concerns.

By eleven the party was going great guns, the stereo was blasting out seventiesand eighties music and Melody was fully relaxed, partly because of the largemeasures of booze she'd been consuming.

"Come and give me a hand with the dips, in the kitchen. There's a love" askedMeg, and before she thought Melody was in the kitchen, alone with Meg.

"That's better. I thought I'd never get to talk to you alone" Megsaid casually as she placed sliced vegetables on to a dish. "How's yourbottom, and those delightful rings in your fanny?"

"Meg, you said you weren't........" But before she could finishMeg had pushed her hand up her skirt on to the front of her panties and kissedher full on the mouth again. Melody struggled as she felt the clever fingersapplying pressure to the front of her knickers, but as Meg's tongue pushedit's way deep into her mouth she felt her resolve crumbling and returned thekiss, pushing her pelvis forwards on to Meg's hand.

Five minutes of heavy petting were all that it took for Meg to restore herposition of control over Melody.

Carrying a tray of dips back into the lounge Melody felt sure that her guiltysecret was written all over her face. Placing the tray on a small table shewas about to sit down when Meg told her, none to quietly, to serve them tothe other guests. Without thinking Melody complied, working her around theroom asking each person in turn if they wanted some of the snacks.

Standing in front of a girl, who'd been introduced as Jane, Melody almostdropped the tray as she felt a hand on her left breast. "Is it true?" Janewhispered squeezing her soft flesh through her blouse.

"What?" Gasped Melody stepping backwards and falling full lengthover a footstool.

"That Meg can get you to do what ever she wants" Jane said clearly.Unhurt but with the contents of a bowel of dip down her blouse Melody's lookflashed to Meg.

"Jane!" Snapped Meg "I told you that it was up to Melodywhether she wanted to serve us tonight." Then advancing to help Melodyup she breathed into the fallen girls ear "how about taking this blouseoff, it's covered in mess".

The other guests sat and watched in stunned silence as Meg unfastened Melody'sblouse buttons and eased the wet material from her shoulders, exposing herfirm breasts inside a lacy black bra. Mouths dropped as without resistanceMeg unclipped the bra strap and Melody's tits spilled out, complete with silverrings through each nipple.

"There that's better, you'd better go and get some more dip, not everyone has had it yet" instructed Meg, and as if it were a perfectly normalthing to be half naked in the midst of a group of strangers Melody walked calmlyout to the kitchen, returning a few moments later with a fresh bowl of dipsand vegetables.

"It is true, it is! Shrieked Jane "Make her take her skirt offMeg, oh please do. Let's see her fanny"

"All in good time" Meg relied "All in good time"

As the guests stared across the room Meg moved behind Melody and reachedround to cup the girls breasts in her hands. Melody pushed the tray of dipsaway from her body so that Meg could mould the flesh in her fingers, rotatingthe firm mounds and pushing the nipples, and silver rings, out into the room,as if offering them at a market.

A mature woman, of about fifty, who had been sitting with her mouth openthroughout Meg's display, moved forward as if to take the tray, but insteadtook a piece of celery and dipped it in to the bowl pulling it out coveredin the thick sticky liquid. Then she gently smeared it all over the right breastthat Meg was proffering. Only then did she take the tray and place it on thefloor so that she could reach the breast with her mouth. As her tongue lickedat the dip covered boob the path of it could be seen by the track of uncoveredflesh left behind. Working her way in towards the nipple, Melody's eyes closedand she thrust her chest forwards towards the mouth of the women enjoying thenew style dip. Having licked all of the dip from her tit the woman sucked thesilver ring into her mouth pulling Melody's boob into a conical shape.

Finished with one breast the woman reached for the bowl and repeated theprocess with the other mound, finally stepping back to take a look, togetherwith the other guests, at the firm red nipples against the wet creamy flesh.

"Upstairs and change" commanded Meg "things are laid outfor you"

All the guests waited with baited breath.

"I think that I had better explain" Meg addressed the guests "Melody,like most women, didn't believe that she could ever be gratified by anothergirl. So a friend and I taught Melody the joys of submission and female sex,now she is able to enjoy sex at home with her husband and with myself."

Just as she paused for breath Melody returned.

"Cor! Look at that" gasped Jane.

Melody was dressed in above the knee leather boots, with four inch heels,covering fish net stockings held up with lacy garters. Around her waist wasthe correction belt she had been forced to buy in the seedy shop down town.Her tits were clad in a rubber bra which had cut outs where her nipple rings,and a portion of her boobs, squeezed out. Round her throat was the wide beltshe'd worn before, complete with dog leash attached. Cuffs on her wrists andupper arms completed the attire. There were no knickers and the four silverrings through the lips of her fanny jingled as she walked into the room.

"Lovely my darling" beamed Meg "carry on with your duties".

So Melody, her body on view to everyone, continued to serve the

dips and fetch drinks when ever she was instructed.

The other guests were amazed and simply sat and watched. It was a full halfhour before one of the men plucked up enough courage and reached out his handto fondle Melody's bottom as she bent to pick up a glass. "Freeze" commandedMeg, and Melody remained in the bent position so that the man could feel allover the curves of her rump and upper legs. When he was finished he thankedher and Melody continued with the collection of dirty glasses and plates. Asshe moved towards the door with a tray full of glasses one of them toppledoff and smashed on the floor.

"You careless idiot" Meg screamed "look what you've done.Fetch the crop"

"Oh no not that, please not the crop it hurts so much" whimperedMelody. "I'll do anything, only don't beat me with the crop".

"Well we'll see then" Meg replied, the anger slipping away fromher voice "On your hands and knees"

Complying Melody found herself being led around the room by Meg at the endof the leash.

"Who wants to command her first" Meg asked to the room in general "wellby the look of your trousers Dan you could do with a good sucking" sheadded leading Melody to a short fat man seated on the settee. "Ok slutdo your stuff" she pulled the lease so that Melody's face was in the manslap.

Melody reached forward and undid Dan's flies and pulled out his semi rigidpenis.

"Don't just stare at it, suck it" laughed Meg.

So, in front of everyone Melody placed her mouth over the cock of this totalstranger and started to run her teeth up and down its length. People shiftedtheir positions to get a better view and Jane got down on to the floor besidesMelody so as not to miss anything.

From this position Jane got a good sight of the rings in Melody's fannyand couldn't resist reaching out and feeling their weight. Melody closed herlegs at the touch of fingers on her pussy, but quickly reopened them upon receivinga kick on the arse from Meg. Reaching back between her legs Jane took the ringsand used them to hold Melody's lips open, pulling each in turn and making thegirls fanny do a suggestive dance for the other watchers.

Another of the men, eager to get in on the act, dropped his trousers andapproached Melody from behind. The first sensation Melody felt was Jane's handson her bottom easing her cheeks apart, quickly followed by a firm prick beingforced up her quim. As the man began to pump in and out of her fanny, Janecontinued to play with the front of her cunt. The two actions causing a phenomenaleffect on her and she redoubled her work on Dan's tool.

"I think she likes that" the middle aged woman chuckled as Melody'shead bobbed up and down on the shaft at the same rate as the mans penis wasbeing pushed in to her.

The heat was rising inside her fanny, the clever fingers of Jane appliedpressure so that before many minutes had passed Melody could feel herself beginningto come. Just as Dan erupted into her mouth she let out a long scream as wavesof pleasure pulsed through her body.

"She has a nice arse hole too" commented Meg, and before Melodycould comprehend the significance of what had been said she felt the shaftin her fanny being withdrawn and edge its way against her anus. She hadn'tbeen lubricated and her flesh was drawn inwards as the penis was pushed againsther tight ring.

She cried out, but the man was not far away from his climax either, andwas no to be put off. Dan grabbed her arms as the other man repositioned himselfto get better leverage, and as Melody screamed louder he drove his shaft firmlyup her tight opening. As soon as it was in the man resumed his vigorous pumping.In a matter of seconds the tightness of the girls arse and the excitement ofshafting her up there, and in front of these other people, brought the manto his climax and he unloaded his come deep inside her.

As he withdrew his limp penis from inside her Melody rolled over on to thefloor, perspiration soaking her face and neck.

Helping her up Meg caressed Melody's sore bottom with her hands, squeezingthe flesh gently whilst licking her ear lobes and breathing on to her neck.

"Please let me rest, I don't think I can take any more" Melodywhispered close to Meg's ear.

"Nonsense, we didn't get these objections when you were tied up theother weekend. I think that's what you really need" Meg replied drawingMelody back to the centre of the room "Now stand there and don't move."

Meg, with the help of two of the men, returned carrying what looked likea builders trestle, except it had eye bolts fixed to the legs and a paddedsaddle of leather over the main spar.

Meg moved Melody over to the wooden structure and tied her ankles to thetwo legs on the wide side of the structure before easing her over the leatherpadding, which was placed at a height so that her hips rested on it, leavingher bottom and fanny open wide to access from one side. Pulling her firmlyover the frame Meg secured Melody's wrists to the bottom of the trestle legson the other side.

Melody could feel everyone's eyes burning in to her backside, and it feltas if her pussy was gaping open. She tried to draw her legs together so asto hide her private areas from the lustful gaze of the other guests, but, seeingthis, Meg applied cuffs just above her knees and clipped them to sets of boltson the wooden horse. Forcing her legs open even wider.

"No stop please" cried Melody "Oh we can't have that" Megreplied sternly and slipped a plastic ball into Melody's mouth and securedit with a leather harness that went over the back of her head and round thesides, pulling her mouth open, and ensuring that little sound could escape.

Because of her position Melody could not see whose hands were being runover her legs and bottom. She felt fingers slipping up inside her fanny, whilstothers pulled roughly on the steel rings. Clever skilful fingers that knewwhich parts of her fanny to work on to bring her to sexual excitement. On andon they worked until she felt the unmistakable sensation of a climax risingdeep within her body.

Then suddenly they stopped.

She could only moan in to the gag, the straps held her too tightly to enableher to move her pussy, and the saddle was not positioned to allow her any chanceof gratifying herself.

Suddenly she felt the air move behind her, followed by the sharp splat ofleather on flesh. The pain and heat shot through her open fanny, and she screamed.

Someone was applying a leather strap to her exposed nates...... Had shebeen able to, she would have seen the middle aged woman being passed the twotonged leather strap by Meg, who had been bringing Melody to the heights ofsexual passion. She would have seen her step back, feeling the weight of thestrap in her hands before bringing her arm right back to land a blow, fullforce, across the tied girls cheeks.

The second and third blows fell in roughly the same spot, but the fourthlanded across the crease between legs and bottom, an area not used to suchpunishment. As the strap was applied Melody felt, through the immediate pain,the heat in her fanny being rekindled, and as the fifteenth slap rang out shewas overcome by the feeling of her climax.

"Look...She's come!" Jane's voice cried out as Melody's head tossedfrom side to side in an uncontrollable frenzy "Strap her some more"

The woman with the strap stepped back, the sweat of exertion and excitementstanding out on her brows. "No, I think she's had enough for the moment.Maybe her fanny should see some action now"

"Good idea" replied Meg moving to the bureau and extracting alarge vibrator covered in a black sheath with raised stubs of rubber. The plasticshaft sprang into life as Meg flicked the switch and the buzzing could be heardclearly above the Bee Gee's music on the turntable.

Edging the vibrator against the lips of Melody's fanny Meg teased its tipup and down the crack running up to her bottom before easing its length upthe now well lubricated pussy.

The entry of the vibrator made Melody gasp, partly because of it's sizebut also because of the instant effect it had on her love bud. As Meg pushedit in and then pulled it back out the rubber nobs of the sheath played havocwith the insides of her pussy.

After she'd worked away for a few minutes Meg motioned to Jane to take over,and having transferred control of the pulsating rod, she moved back to thebureau only to return with a slightly smaller smooth length of vibrating plastic.As Jane pulled the larger rod out of Melody's fanny Meg slipped hers in, runningit around the wet flesh. Then pulling it out, she placed it against Melody'sanus and pushed it slowly, deeper and deeper into the tight opening.

Melody cried out into the gag as the plastic invaded her bottom, but atthat moment Jane re-inserted the vibrator in to her fanny, causing Melody'seyes to open widely in surprise at the sensation of both her holes being filledat the same time.

The two women worked away and shafted the bound girl for all their might,plunging the rods simultaneously into her body.

The middle aged woman moved in front of her and removed the gag so thateveryone could hear the moans and gasps of sexual abandon Melody was unableto withhold.

"Want them to stop?" Questioned the woman.

"No..No..."screamed the reply from Melody "Please no, don'tstop"

And they didn't! Within seconds Melody's screams burst forth in to the roomand the two women pushed the vibrators as deep into her as they could, prolongingthe screams of passion and pain.

As the plastic shafts were extracted Dan moved forward and slid his prickup Melody's fanny, pumping in and out for all his might. The continued sensationinside her made Melody pant and breath heavily, she felt sure that her fannywas going to catch fire, they'd surely stop in a minute and let her rest.

As soon as Dan grunted and pushed his come in to her another of the menstepped forward and repeated the exercise, ramming his cock in to her so hardthat Melody's bottom quivered with every slap of his legs against her tiedthighs.

As he came his place was taken by the last of the men, this one reachingforward to grab her tits and maul them roughly in his hands as his shaft dugdeeply in to her body. The pain was excruciating as his nails bit into hersoft flesh and his pumping crushed her body against the horse.

Whilst Melody wailed at the pain Meg helped the middle aged woman out ofher skirt and panties and strapped on to her a long penis shaped rod, one endof which went into her fanny a little way and was held on by straps round herhips and under her crutch.

As the third man exploded his man hood into Melody, the woman moved forward,the shaft bobbing obscenely in front of her. Helping hands pulled Melody'scheeks apart and guided the tip of the phallus into her quim.

Melody shrieked as the broad head of the dildo pushed its way inside her,a scream that rose to a crescendo as the woman urged it deeper and deeper into her body.

As she applied pressure to the shaft the woman felt the plastic push harderon to her own sex and she increased the effort, before long forgetting aboutMelody in her own attempts to reach a climax.

As she moved closer to a come she hammered the shaft in and out of the pronegirls fanny, using her as a tool for her own ends. Melody screamed and criedas the shaft plunged in and out feeling as if she was being torn apart.

Finally the woman also screamed and slumped over Melody's body. Rather thanpulling the dildo out Meg untied the straps and left the shaft of plastic protrudingfrom the girls fanny. Only when all the guests has left did she ease it outand release Melody, so that she could catch a taxi home.

"I'll get even with that bitch, I will" Melody promised herselfas she crawled in to bed after bathing her bottom and fanny.

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Party Crasher

"No stop!..." Danni felt the first finger enter her spit-lubed anus and she reacted by tensing-up while emitting a low volume "...uhhhh" in a manner that (much to her confusion and embarrassment) sounded too much like an expression of pleasure. "Oh there's no stopping now cause you're ours honey!... You think you can come to my place dressed how you are and lookin as fine as you do and think that this wouldn't happen?" "That's right foxy came here looking like you want to...

2 years ago
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Party Girl Chapter 1

Magnolia stood back, admiring her work.  She had been tasked with throwing the first unofficial party for all the students in her college’s Astronomy program.  Magnolia worked tirelessly for days to create a party worthy of Pinterest, setting up a projector to dazzle her guests that would take them sailing from universe to universe the second they gazed upon the canopy.  She had crafted handmade chocolates and Hors D’oeuvres shaped like planets.  Even the cocktails were galaxy themed.  Magnolia...

3 years ago
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Party Time

“Do you still want me to drive you,” I called to my seventeen year old daughter and her girlfriend who were upstairs getting dressed for a party. ‘We’ll be right down, daddy,” was her response. I sat down in front of the television and several minutes later my little girl, Sara, came down the stairs followed by her friend Rose. Sara and Rose have been friends since kindergarten. Now that they’re in high school, their friendship has never been closer. There’s always been a special place in my...

4 years ago
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Party of Four Part 1

When Timmy said he was having a party at his house on Saturday, I assumed it would be the usual high school party. Everyone stops by, there is beer, people get too loud, a neighbor calls the cops, and we all have to go home. The school year had just finished and it was party season for sure."Oh, that's great, Timmy. You'll have beer?"Timmy looked at me. "Not that kind of party. Not this time. This one will be a very small party, by invitation only, and please don't tell anyone else about it."I...

2 years ago
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Party Girl

Party Girl My story starts a little over a year ago. So short a time and yet so far away that it seems like a previous life. My girlfriend, Kelly, and I had been invited to a Fancy Dress party. Kelly works at a private hospital in the Regents Park area of St Johns Wood, London. She's a nurse and looks good in her uniform and she knows it. She also knows that I have a bit of a fetish about nurse's uniforms. Once, while we were in Camden, we went into a Rubber Fetish shop and she chose a...

2 years ago
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Party at Ricks

Rick popped a tin of tuna, slathered mayo on white and heaped potato chips on a paper plate. Tucking a Wall Street Journal under his shoulder, he carried his sandwich and diet soda to the sofa. He ate in front of the TV, checking cable news for updates on his stocks. Sometimes, he would fall asleep during prime time but tonight Rick was anxious. Tax season was taking a toil on the accountant. He worried about making the numbers match, whether he was certifying dubious earning statements. ...

3 years ago
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Party for Claire

I considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Claire loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get her in the...

3 years ago
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Party girl

I love wring my stories here. I always try to tell the deep emotions I feel, when I am a party slut. I am a nympho and love to get fucked by several men. I can have many orgasms and enjoy letting men see how much pleasure I get from pure naked sex. My Daddy is such a cool guy. He takes such good care of me. Always so thoughtful and so much fun. I would do anything for my Daddy. He loves to give me orgasms and watch me just melt with pleasure. He provides me lots of sex in more ways than one. I...

2 years ago
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Party Time in the Sixties

I was young in the sixties and everything was changing for the better. In Swansea, the old metal working industries were closing down and the need for employment in hard physical labour, which killed you before you were forty, was being replaced by the need for office workers. This sexual adventure started in a party. A lot of young office workers and students rented flats, and on Saturday nights people would invite other young people in the pub to come back to their flats for a party. I had...

1 year ago
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Party Time

Leaving the liquor store with my gift bag in hand I walked towards my car, eagerly anticipating the night ahead. My pants were clean, my nails were trimmed and I was hoping that the night would work out well.Two weeks before I had been invited to a party through a friend of mine. The hostess was a former client of my friends', a striking forty-two year woman who ran her own design firm. She had been invited to parties of ours in the past and the few times she showed she always owned the room...

4 years ago
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Party Slut

Party Slut by Richard-to-Rachel "Shhhh, careful, you'll wake him," I heard through a foggy daze. "Naah, he's out cold," came a second voice, "Barely stirred through the rest of it." My head was throbbing painfully and I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. I knew that I had drunk too much at the party that night, I'd had a fight with Sasha, my girlfriend, and had drowned my sorrows perhaps a little too much. I didn't know how long I'd been out for but it was taking me a while...

4 years ago
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Party Rape

I was studying my Pre Calculus book when my roommate stormed into the room and flopped onto his bed. "Geez, Lenny. You always got your nose in a book. Why don't you ever go out drinking or anything on a Friday night?" I looked up at Gary. "I have a test next week." "That's next week. You got all weekend to study. Fridays are for partying, dude!" It's not like I've never gone downtown and had a few beers Friday or Saturday night. I'd even tried to ask a girl to dance once in a...

2 years ago
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Party with Paul

Party with PaulNancy and her friends sat around the living room with their drinks in hand, laughing and joking along with the party hostess. Debbie played with the rabbit vibrator and joked, “This is definitely not your momma’s Tupperware party!” Nancy laughed and nodded as she touched the rabbit vibe and felt the sensations flow through her fingers. More laughter and embarrassed giggles followed as the ladies passed the toys around and tried not to tell too much about their own collections...

3 years ago
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Party An Outfit Story

Josh Raines was less than thrilled to go to a party thrown by his fathers boss. To his mind it was part of continuing conspiracy by his parents to drive him completly insane through boredom. "Now Josh be sure to mind your manners. This man does pay the bills." His father said lightly and got out of the car. Josh and his mother both followed. Walking toward the impressive three story stone house ahead of them. Josh whistled as he looked the place over, someone sank some money into this place....

2 years ago
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Party Dress

Rebecca didn't want to go to the office party. Being only one of a few women in her company she had little in common with her colleagues and she could count on one hand those she'd want to see after working hours. She already knew who would get drunk and who would argue too loudly. There would be bad chicken and a deejay playing music that she didn't like. Yet, here she was, in a hotel room, putting on a party dress.Rebecca's husband Ben loved these events. He liked the food, the liquor, and...

1 year ago
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Party Women Need Love Too Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 10. Dancing in the Pork This gave Laura an opportunity to react. Laura realized that Earnie, Sal, Stosh and Nellie were about to get into it, and, believing that things would get even wilder if they all got drunker and turned on through dancing, gasped at her husband, "Ssshhhim, honey. Lesh ush all dance. Turn on the player, wousha honey." Even when exquisitely drunk Laura continued her hostess duties. When dancing, the happenstance partners...

4 years ago
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Party Girl Chapter 2

Bailee and Tom were heavy into making out, when suddenly Bailee got up. "I'll be right back," she said, and headed off to the bathroom. While she was gone, Tom got his cell phone out of his pocket and texted one of his buddies downstairs: "I'm upstairs with this really hot drunk chick. Find another ride home! Score!" Tom had just sent the text out when Bailee came back. They resumed their make-out session, with Tom using his hands to play with Bailee's breasts as he kissed her. Bailee, in...

Group Sex
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Party Favors

My getting into Blue Mountain State U., in the early 1970's was a blessing in so many ways. For one thing it got me out of a bad living environment in my little "Hick Town". I got accepted on a Music scholarship, not Football or Basketball, like most Black students there at the time, so I had to make the most of it. Back then no one asked bout sexual orientation, but since I managed to become the Drum Major for our high school band it was assumed, that I was "lite in the loafers", for some...

3 years ago
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We are at a party, and I don’t know a lot of people here, so rather than mingling like I normally would, I’m sticking pretty close to Chase tonight. In fact, right now, we are standing on the edge of what has become a little dance floor and watching people make idiots of themselves dancing, and laughing and having fun. I’m standing in front of Chase with my ass pressed up against his dick, and occasionally I sway to the music a little and get turned on from feeling it rub against me. He has...

2 years ago
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Party Surprise First sex as a Crossdresser

This is a work of Fantasy. I hope you enjoy.Stephanie and I had been married a few years and enjoyed a reasonable sex life. She knew of my dressing and although she didn’t approve she indulged me now and then and we had sex when I was dressed or with me wearing lingerie. I think secretly she was jealous of my legs. She was a petite sexy woman and we were almost the same size but I still had my own stuff that I’d secretly obtained from eBay and op shops.I didn’t consider myself bisexual,...

4 years ago
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Party Favor

I realize this is purely a male fantasy, so with my apologies to women everywhere : *** Dory's bachelorette party was in full swing .   Her best friend Sue had gone to a lot of effort to put together the kind of party that would make her remember forever the joys of being single. It was an all-girl affair, though - she didn't want any guys spoiling the fun with their presence. Not that she had any problem with guys, of course, but too many women found it impossible to really let their hair...

4 years ago
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Party of Five

Eighteen years of marriage, my fortieth birthday just around the corner, two teenage kids and a husband who travels a lot doesn't always make for a stellar sex life. In fact, about three years ago, I quit keeping track of the times we fucked, it was pretty seldom, maybe a couple of times a month. Our sizzle' fizzled.' I put my old battery-powered vibrator in the trash and ordered one that is rechargeable and another that plugs in the wall. Now, there are no batteries to run out right at the...

2 years ago
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Party Treat

"Are you sure we have to go to this thing? We could always head back to the apartment and spend the night in," Laura's boyfriend Darren said, flashing her his most devilish smile from the driver's seat. It was a tempting offer, after all he was a very attractive guy. His cock was a little on the small side at only around five inches, but he ate pussy fairly well and was a decent lover overall. However she knew she had to refuse him this time. "Now c'mon honey, you know we have to go....

3 years ago
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Growing Up With Animals

Chapter 1 It was somewhere between the ages of 9 and 10 that I had my first erection. I awoke toa tingling sensations in the head of my cock. Some time in the early hours I ended up with an erection, my first. My cock was actually throbbing when I awoke. It wasn't painful just anoying because it wouldn't subside and it was very obvious. I didn't realise at the time that I was heding toward puberty. My pubic hair had begun to grow at about that time. I started taking more of an interest in...

3 years ago
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Party Line

Party Line By teaser I got home a little later than usual on no particular Friday. Nothing much planned for the weekend, other than to be woken up several times nightly by idiot help desk people who couldn't figure out that their problem wasn't my fault. I hate being on call. My answering machine light was blinking. I thought to myself, I just got home and it's already started. I hit the button and was pleasantly surprised. "Hey Richard, it's Joanne." Hot damn! "Mistress...

1 year ago
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Party Hard

"Hey Ben, you ready yet? C'mon! The girls are waiting!" Ben tried for the fifth time to get his hair to stay the way he wanted it, finally giving up as his room mate shouted at him from down the hall. "Fine, Jack, I'm ready. Are we taking my car or yours?" "Are you planning to get blitzed tonight?" "Not particularly." "Well, I am, so let's take you car." They piled into Ben's Ford Taurus and pulled out from the apartment complex's parking lot onto 7th street. Frank had been...

3 years ago
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Party Nightwith Black MenPart 2

Garden Party Part 2……..So the party was in full swing Mick (my little cocked hubby) was in his perving element as the Black Studs worked their way through the Ladies at the garden party gathering. So far mostly and even the die-hard racist Ladies, with maybe the drink was helping, were coming over to Black Sex?Sue was sat back on Masala’s big lap after the impossible performance with him in the garden toilet (previous story). Such a tiny teen taking this Black donkey Dick! He had done her proud...

3 years ago
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party of bachelors

Bachelors PartyEver since we’d gotten married, I had been teasingmy wife Linda about how much I was looking forward toseeing her fuck another man. This always generatedgreat sex for us and I think it was something she washoping some day would actually played outOne of my old friends from high school was getting marriedand his bachelor party was coming up and Linda wouldusually pout and try to tell me that we didn’t need to haveone. The thought of me and a few of my friends drinkingand watching...

4 years ago
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Party K Bad Chudai

Me resmi kuch din se bahut paresan thi aur us raat to mujhe nind hi nahi aa rhi.Karib tin baj chuke the lekin meri aankhe jaise kisi ka entezar kar rhi.Kisi tarah subah hua aur me toilet gae.Fir fresh ho k nasta banane lagi.Kuch der k bad mera husband varun utha aur roz ki tarah job k liye tayar hone laga.Varun ek bank me cashier tha.Me varun k liye nasta le k room me gae aur woh beth k nasta karne laga.Varun bola ki aaj raat ko ek party me jana h to tum tayar rehna.Thodi der k bad woh bank k...

4 years ago
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Party Favors

Chapter one...Neil was bored and irritated. And feeling slightly frustrated, which was one reason for the boredom and irritation.Neil was a nice guy. Everyone said so. He was Mr. Dependable. If you wanted something done, Neil was willing to help out. This time it appeared to have bitten him. The request was simple enough. A couple of friends, Janet and Heather, shared a unit near him and had asked for a small favour. They were going to a party on Friday night. A women-only party, but could he...

2 years ago
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Party Skank Shares a Great Show

I met a woman at a party last night and this skinny skank gave me the best sex without touching that I've ever had. It was the best climax in a most erotic situation, complete with porn, voyeurism and fantastic masturbation. And we probably haven't finished yet.I was attending a celebration of a local Neighbourhood Watch's fifteenth anniversary. I was invited because I was a friend of a friend and didn't get out much. Someone took pity on me. I was standing alone watching the men in shorts...

2 years ago
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Party Early

Business was good, a little too good for my tastes. I was working with a new client in a new town. I had been in this little one horse town for two weeks and only had two days off. Twelve, twelve to fourteen hour days, was too much from my point of view. When the client said he wanted to take the weekend off for Halloween, I readily agreed. As I was packing up my laptop and equipment, Jerry, the client said, ‘There’s going to be a Halloween costume party out at the country club tonight, why...

2 years ago
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Party sex

This is a story that is a Mix of several different types of stories. Forced, Bondage, Machine, Gay,Fantasy, Horror and maybe a touch of Alien. We were never sure of its Origin. All we really know for sure is that many people in our town were changed in one way or another. Me and My wife Jan had been married for several years, we had just moved in to a new house, well new for us, it needed some repairs that I could handle on my own, nothing major. There were a couple other houses down at the end...

3 years ago
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Party Favor

She called me, early in the afternoon, "Can you do me a favor, I'm having a party tonight and I wanted your help to serve and tend bar, Please say you will?""Okay," I replied. We'd been friends some time, and I never minded helping out with things like this for her."Thanks, and one more thing, would you wear the catsuit, you know which one I mean, it's a "special" party..."Thinking, I did know which catsuit she meant, I had only just gotten it, and had modeled it for her on cam the other day,...

3 years ago
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Party Favor

She called me, early in the afternoon, "Can you do me a favor, I'm having a party tonight and I wanted your help to serve and tend bar, Please say you will?""Okay," I replied. We'd been friends some time, and I never minded helping out with things like this for her."Thanks, and one more thing, would you wear the catsuit, you know which one I mean, it's a "special" party..."Thinking, I did know which catsuit she meant, I had only just gotten it, and had modeled it for her on cam the other day,...

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