L027 Lizzy s Story Lizzy Looks For A Job
- 3 years ago
- 47
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As my Daddy diapers me after our wonderful start to the day he tells me, “Lizzy, we do have to have more of a timetable in the morning. This was so fun today, but most days we need to be up by eight and me ready to start my workday by nine.”
I look into your eyes and just nod. But inside, I know we will have many more mornings like this. You can’t help yourself. So, you being at your desk working by nine might not really happen all the time.
And again, you can see the look in my eyes, and know what I am thinking. So, when you have my legs raised to rub some baby oil on my butt before I am diapered, you swat my bottom and tell me to behave.
I just giggle in reply.
It is after ten o’clock by the time you have me sitting on my mat in my diaper and a little t-shirt to cover me some. You are happy to work in just your boxer shorts and a t-shirt too. The t-shirt in case you do have to be in a conference call.
We have our breakfast. Me, sitting in my highchair for the first time as you spoon feed me some cream of wheat.
At your desk, you have a very good view of me in the living room. I am to stay on my mat or be at my desk. If I start to roam, I will be put into my playpen, so for today at least, I am content to play with my stuffed toys for a bit.
You tell me that I have to start working on my resume, but I just don’t feel like it yet. Instead, I play with the toys you have gotten me. You are watching me as you work, and I know I should be going to my desk to start, but…
We spend the morning this way.
At noon, you come and pick me up and put me in my high chair for some soup. Then I get to lie in your lap for my bottle of formula.
All the time now, since with Timmy and Maggie on vacation, every time you feed me a bottle of formula, I wonder how close it is to really having some nipple milk. The idea of being able to nurse has taken over some of my thoughts. But I do love being in my Daddy’s lap and being fed by him.
My bottle empty and I, burped, you carry me to my crib and tell me I need to nap for an hour. The shades are drawn, and as you leave you close the door all but a crack. I know you now have a baby monitor right near the bed to hear what I am doing. And the visual monitors, which have been installed to work with the daily tracking system you got us, is allowing you to visually check what I am doing.
With the pacifier in my mouth, my belly filled from my bottle, I don’t think of being monitored that much as I nod off to sleep.
Around two, you wake me.
You change my diaper, and as you do, you tell me that in the afternoon I need to concentrate on starting my resume. You want to see some real progress by five o’clock when you wind down your work.
When you were caring for me before my job ended, you really did find different ways to keep on top of your business and keep me happy. When at work with me, you would spend a good bit of the day on your laptop. And even while on vacation, you were in touch with your staff almost every day. And you were even able to carry on a lot of business over your phone. But now that we are settling into our lives, you do need to focus on your company’s operations. It is where the money supply will be coming in from.
You sit me at my desk and tell me to get started. I sulk a little but do open the word processing file to start my resume. You have actually set up a really good template for me to use, so the first part is easy. Just entering my vital connection info, where I had gone to school and when, and the same with the jobs I had. Even the reference part is easy, as so many at my old company offered to vouch for me. Even my wonderful old boss, the one before I got stuck with that one from hell.
So that part, the easy part, is done. I sort of lose focus when I need to start putting in my accomplishments and skills. I just don’t feel like it today.
So instead, I go to one of the erotica sites you had added for me to enjoy and spend the rest of the afternoon just reading and looking at enticing things.
At least I did back up what I had done for my resume.
Now you have been watching me all afternoon, and you do have, on one of the multiple computer screens you have open around your desk, a tracking of what I am doing on my computer. You know when I deviate from the straight and narrow.
You chuckle to yourself about it.
It is just your Lizzy as you are coming to know me. But, should something be done about it? It has been almost two weeks since you last spanked me in the grocery store. Perhaps it is time. You know I love when you do.
So, a few minutes after five o’clock, you walk over to my desk and ask me, “Lizzy, what are you doing?”
I am so absorbed in one of the stories I have found, actually dripping rather heavily into my diaper, I do not hear you at first.
It is only when you say “Lizzy” again that I jump and realize you are looking down on what I am doing.
I blush heavily and try to close the program, but am so flustered I just make it worse. You hide your laugh from me and put on a stern face. You know I am going to love being spanked since it has been a while. I fall into the bad-little-girl role, as I have been caught not doing what I was supposed to.
You play it to the hilt.
“Lizzy, what were you supposed to be doing this afternoon?”
“Oh, Daddy, I did get it started. Here, look what I have done,” as somehow I am able to open the word document to show what I have accomplished.
“Lizzy, that was just the basics. It is good that you got at least that done before you let your attention wander. But I expected so much more to be accomplished by now. What do you think I should do to my little girl who disobeys what she was told to do?”
Okay, you have got me throbbing now in anticipation of where this will lead to. I do look up at you with doe eyes. Just a little tear in the corner, and say I am sorry.
You laugh again to yourself, knowing what I am doing. But it is arousing you so much how I will play this.
“Lizzy, we are just starting, and you know you need to do what is expected of you each day. When you don’t, what do you think your Daddy should do?”
I whimper, “Spank me?”
“That might be what is needed right now. Go and get the paddle from the bookshelf and come to me at the couch,” you sternly reply.
I have mixed emotions right now. The tone of your voice is so commanding, and I have really misbehaved this afternoon for the most part. But there is this twinkle in your eyes as you are saying all this, and a twitch of your mouth.
Oh, is my Daddy playing with me some?
I toddle, now with diapers on it really is a toddle, over to the bookcase, and pick up the leather paddle. I come and stand in front of you as you are sitting on the couch.
“Lizzy, bend over my lap. You keep hold of the paddle until I ask for it.”
Oh, good gravy, my juices are dripping out of me, into my diaper, wetting it more than if I had peed, but now with the anticipation of what is about to happen, I do pee a little too.
I whimper as I lie across your lap, my ass lifted in the center for you to undo my diaper. My stomach is over your one thigh, and you feel my tits rubbing against it some. My thighs are over and open on your other thigh, and my legs sprawled out over the end of the couch. My head is resting on a pillow which you place under me as soon as I lowered myself onto you.
You reach and undo my diaper, and lay it back over my thighs. My ivory ass, two wonderful circles of loveliness are right in view now. You just caress them, rubbing them in a circle as you think about how lovely they will look all spanked and rosy so soon.
Yes, I am throbbing in anticipation of being spanked. It has been a while; with everything else which has gone on, I haven’t really thought about it, but this is so right, so good. Our first real day at our home will include this.
I know you are throbbing about this also, as I can feel your cock rubbing against my slit, even though my diaper, as I lie across you.
And it starts with the first spank of your hand. Oh, yes. I get that lovely, overwhelming feeling of being a bad girl. Not following what I am told, and feeling remorseful for it. Yes, everything is in place. I will soon be crying for misbehaving. I so love those tears falling as I realize I have been bad and need to be disciplined. But at the same time, I will be moving up, up, up for a really good climax as I relish this.
Your one hand is spanking me, but your other is holding my cunt. Your fingers play on my clit and slit, feeling all the wetness dripping out of me. I think the more I drip, a bit harder you spank, wanting to milk me this way to release all my juices.
Spank after spank, going back and forth between each cheek, then concentrating on one, then the other. Making sure every inch of my ass cheeks have been reddened.
The hand spank on my bare bottom is doing the preliminary work it is meant to. You knowing just where to smack for the best response goes on and on. Tears are in my eyes, and I sob. You start the question part of my spanking, where I have to admit what I have done wrong and promise not to. And between sobs, I do.
Though I avoid mentioning that I spent my time reading the wonderful luscious erotica stories. But that I will soon need to confess to also.
Oh, I can feel my bottom must be a rosy shade right now. I sob out my sins and omissions to you as you spank.
Then you stop, rub my ass cheeks over and over, and then reach for me to hand you the leather paddle. Oh Jeeves, it is not even half over yet.
Now don’t get me wrong. I am loving every minute of this, from so many different angles. The fact that I am a bad little girl having to be spanked. The confessing of my misdemeanors. The sexual arousal I get when being spanked. It all adds to the rush running through my body. I want it to end, no I don’t, I want it to go on and on for so long.
Already you are learning this, and are so attuned to all my needs. You almost instinctively know how far to take it, so I cusp and feel everything running through me, but not so far that it is not pleasurable anymore.
And then I feel the leather paddle against my cheeks. Oh, it does sting, but in such a lovely way. And it does make more tears spring from my eyes.
I don’t know why, but when I am spanked and feel the sting, and am feeling remorseful, the sexual climax it takes me to is even higher. How? I wonder, do the tears contribute to it? Yes, I am wrapped up into a kink which makes me really sexually explosive. And it is so wonderful that my Daddy is wrapped the same way.
The paddle landing on each cheek, and on my thighs some too, does lead to my cumming so hard, so fast. Your fingers up my cunt feel me throbbing and clutching, and when my ass lifts up like it is wanting you to spank it more, you know I have reached the threshold that I love to go over.
Oh yes, yes, yes.
Each spank against my cheeks with the leather paddle brings me closer and closer. When I cum even you are surprised how hard and intense it is. You didn’t realize I was storing up so much from not being spanked for a while.
This, you just add to your wheelhouse of knowledge about your little Lizzy.
After I cum, you slow and stop the spanking, just rubbing my rosy hot cheeks now. You lift my diaper back up and turn me to sit on your lap.
My flowing tears are like an aphrodisiac to you. The thrill of spanking your bad little girl, and now the aftermath of comforting her. You are now rock hard. The two of us just play so well off each other.
When I have calmed some from both the sting and the climax, you tell me I have to go to my naughty-girl chair now for fifteen minutes. It is wrenching for you to do this, but it is all part of what we both need. I know you are so hard and want me to be between your legs helping Little Danny, but the idea, for both of us, that we are in the punishing mode adds to both our excitement.
So, for fifteen minutes, I sit in my chair, facing the corner, my nose pressed against the corner. And you watch, getting harder and harder. You are not sure you will last the whole fifteen minutes before exploding.
But the whole culmination of it all, watching me, lets you enjoy it all. You do think that perhaps sometimes you will have to make me stand with my rosy ass on display for you. Though you will probably have to jerk yourself over that sight.
When the fifteen minutes are up, the timer you set for this goes off. I turn, still teary-eyed to you, and from the chair, fall to my knees and crawl to you on the couch. You know, and need, what is ahead. So, as I crawl to you across the room, you lower your boxers down and off you, and Little Danny, at full salute, is waiting for me when I get there.
I guess my before-dinner “bottle” will be something different I am sucking on.
Yes, I am on you in a hot minute. Taking as much of you as I can into my mouth. Then, backing off a little to just suck on your glans. Like I suck on my bottle. The sensation is amazing. Yes, you love to have someone take you fully into their mouth, but just this soft sucking on your head is doing something strange and wonderful to you.
The spasms running through your body are something different. It starts at the tip of your cock, but it runs throughout your body. Not just the general cock-release feeling. No, more. It is like when I suck on your nipples for a long time, but so much more.
It is just this wave going over you. And a feeling of nurturing. That is so weird. Where did those feelings come from? But then you realize, that is the whole essence between us. You have known this, but not to this level.
The whole dynamic between us is you as the ultimate caregiver, however you can be for me. My responses to you, pleasuring you to the maximum degree, are when I bring out this nurturing feeling in you the most. Like right now.
I have my lips on your cock but am sucking it like I would a bottle or pacifier. It feels so good.
More so, even, for some reason, than if I would have had your whole cock in my mouth. And as I just suck on it, my head on your thigh as I do, you reach the point of no return and cum.
I lap it all up and lick you clean.
I crawl up into your lap, and hugging your neck and kissing you so you can taste what I have taken in, I mumble that I am sorry for being bad.
You just hug me close, holding me tight for a few minutes. Then, letting me go, you ask me what type of stories I had been reading on the site.
This is a tale of forbidden love and lust, featuring an alpha male, and a cheeky, but sexually submissive, t-girl.* * * *"Fucking hell, Lizzy," I shouted angrily, as I bolted to my feet from my garden sun-lounger. "Don't you dare do that again."I'd just been hit by a jet of freezing-cold water: water that had come straight from Lizzy's large, pump-action water gun. As the June sun beat down, she grinned at me over the three-foot garden wall and began to purposefully jerk the pump all over...
LIZZY’S FIRST TIMEIt was a sultry summer evening and a warm wind was wafting over the valley as Kate, a very respectable everyday wife and mother got into her car with her teenage daughter, Lizzy. This was not however a trip to the mall or anything of the sort. Kate was taking Lizzy to an adult bookstore to initiate her teenage daughter into the slutty excitement of gloryholes.Lizzy was wearing on a top with no bra and very short skirt. She was feeling really sexy and she certainly looked that...
Lizzy was in here early 20's she was a slim size 8 with a tiny wait and curvaceous bum. She was about 5ft8 and had long brunette hair. Lizzy was newly single and had just started working in a bar in her local town. Lizzy longed for something different and exciting.Then one day whilst she was working at the bar she was informed by her boss that a new doorman/bouncer was going to start at the bar working on the doors. Lizzy was asked to show the doorman around so he could see the layout of he...
BACK TO THE PRESENT, IN NICK'S OFFICE.''So that's the whole story of how I became a slave to my daughter's pussy if the sex weren't so damn good it would almost be kind of sad,'' ''Do you feel sad when you are banging Lizzy?'' Nick asked.''No, it's the only time that I truly feel alive.''''Believe me, I know the feeling. I can't seem ever to get enough of my Brook. It's as if I live to fuck my daughter,'' Nick watched his old friend closely for a reaction to the next part of his statement.''But...
"If you want anything from me, you just have to ask for it. Then I'll see if I do it or not", that's what Lizzy Pompeia says whenever someone asks things like "Can I ask you a favor?" Lizzy the Large, that's her nickname, for her large buttocks. Lizzy is the fat bottomed kind of girl. 30 years old, single. A blond bombshell, Lizzy stands on 5'5" and weighs 134 pounds. Her fair skin is always very tanned, her face ain't exactly beautiful, but you can fancy it, specially because of...
Hi Iam shailendra .here i am writing u the 3rd part with lizzy . Those who have not read please read Lizzy 1 and lizzy 2. “Shailendra, you’re doing a great job on the SMC ship project. I’ve gotten positive reports back from our office in Bombay about your work, especially from the last couple of conferences you’ve attended.” My mood brightened . “Shailendra, you’re the best guy to send there and this next phase can make or break this project. I need you to go. I headed back to my office to...
I hope you remember my last story. This is a sequel to Me, My Girlfriend and a Friend Please read it before this. Again, fake story. The summer ended quickly. It seemed like any other summer, except for the house guest, Lizzy. It was a very quiet summer still. Lizzy, Katherine and I were all having a great time. Work never got bad, other than the hot summer days. I never really had a bad day at work. Everyone was nice and laid back. Even with just three of us, fun had its way of getting to...
I'm an attractive 35 year old man with a pretty wife and two great little k**s. I have a good job, a nice house and what appears from the outside to be a perfectly normal life. But I have a secret...a hot, sexy, naughty, filthy little secret named Lizzy.Lizzy was 19 when this all started (actually she had just turned 20, but that didn't make me feel any better). She was the daughter of Tom, one of my two bosses and a guy that could ruin my life if he ever suspected that I had done anything with...
Elizabeth peered out the window of the carriage as it bounced over the streets of Philadelphia. It was a cold, December night with snow on the ground and more beginning to fall. Her heart was beating quickly and she took a deep breath of the cold air to try and clear her mind for what she was about to do. Sitting beside her, his hand on her thigh, was General William Howe, commander of the British Army. The general had first seen Elizabeth, or Lizzy, to her few close friends, two weeks prior at...
The next morning, I am back at work. My co-workers and I finish up packing everything. This is really the end for us.Tomorrow we will be here in the morning reminiscing, then a goodbye staff lunch and call it a day. Lunch will be on the corporate credit card before I turn it in. It’s going to be a good lunch.Then Wednesday, we just have to come in in the morning to sign our RIF (reduction in force) releases, and it is all over and done.My co-workers who have all taken such a liking to...
FetishOh god, who on earth could it be? Lizzy thought to herself. What a bad timing to call upon.She sat up on her bed, listening again, making sure that there was an absolute need to attend to the door. There it went again, knock knock. Reluctantly, she stood up with her bikini bottom falling into a heap around her ankles, she bent over and curled them back upwards. It was rather uncomfortable, to put on that cold piece of cloth against her warm body, the water from the pool mixing up with her own...
The butterflies in my stomach are fluttering madly as we get closer and closer to our newly remodeled house. Yes, you had shown me some of the floor plans and pictures, but you have made some changes since then, and to see the real thing will be enthralling. It is now almost ten weeks since that fateful night I sat down next to you at the bar. Three days, a spanking, and a wonderful dinner later I agreed to be your Little Lizzy and you be my Daddy. I had just been RIF (reduction in force)...
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FetishYou keep your word, though it has only been to yourself.The next morning, after dressing and feeding me, you sit me on the big chair, hand me my tablet to play with, and go and shave and dress. Today, you wear a business suit, it is going to be “take your daddy to work” day.When you walk back into the room, I let out a deep sigh.Except for that night when we went to dinner and you made your proposition to me, I have not seen you dressed like this.You look so powerful. I grasp what is going to...
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MasturbationHi Everybody! Lizzy here!i dressed just like i said, like a complete and total hooker, and took my baby bro out. we went walking the streets and headed toward the park. there was nobody out there, so i just enjoyed my quality time with my lil bro. i sucked him and kissed him, and he ate me out. i had 2 orgasms before someone came along.it was this guy. he was drunk and he was walking home, and i told my baby bro to hide in the bushes and keep watch. i approached this guy and said id suck his...
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hello sweeties! Lizzy here so yesterday, I was getting fucked by my family, and we were all having a great time. I had completely lost track of time, and realized that we hadn’t eaten in a long while. so I asked everyone what they wanted and stopped fucking for a minute to order takeout. I placed my order, hung up, and asked my parents if I could do my favorite thing. they said yes, just be careful, and I thanked them.I ran off to take a super quick shower and hose down. when I was clean, I...
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TeenThere was no point apologising to Lizzie, with Amanda being part of the conspiracy, so I looked back down at Saffie’s grinning face, slid out and put my trunks back on. I supposed now it didn’t matter if they bulged. Saffie stayed nude, so I spread sun oil over her increasingly bronzed-all-over body and waited for Lizzie to come back down. “Come on,” I heard Zann urging, at the back door. “We’re all in bikinis,” Amanda added, “apart from Saffie and she’s not wearing anything at all.” “And...
The boys and girls were in two lines facing each other across The Den, a big dark space in the heart of a massive wild rhododendron bush in the scrubby wasteland behind the estate, and we were about to have our first Sexual Education lesson. Lizzie was standing with her head down, shoulders hunched forward, staring in fear at the empty space between the two lines. She was doing her best not to be noticed; she always tried not to be noticed. And it always worked: nobody ever noticed...
Lizzie and Madison go out (This is entirely a work of fiction.) Sunday evening. Paul answered the phone. "Hello." "Hi, Madison. Lizzie here." Paul is a crossdresser. Madison is his femme name. "Hi, Lizzie." Lizzie is also a crossdresser whose real name is Simon. Simon is Paul's best friend. Simon and Paul (as Lizzie and Madison) regularly enjoy nights out together. They were planning a night out together the following Wednesday, probably meeting up with fellow crossdressers or...
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"Lizzie ... hi," Nate Summers said when he saw who was at the door. "Hi, Mr. S.," Lizzie replied. "Is Alexa here?" "Oh, Honey, no. Didn't she tell you she was going to basketball camp this weekend?" "Oh, yea. I guess she did. Um ... is Mrs. S. home?" "No, Lizzie. I'm sorry. She's not either. She went up north to visit her mom for the weekend." Nate surveyed Lizzie and sensed she was upset about something. "Lizzie, Honey ... are you O.K.?" "Not really... ," Lizzie...
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Sunday School The boys and girls were in two lines facing each other across The Den, a big, dark space in the heart of a massive wild rhododendron bush in the scrubby wasteland behind the estate, and we were about to have our first Sexual Education lesson. Lizzie was standing with her head down, shoulders hunched forward, staring in fear at the empty space between the two lines. She was doing her best not to be noticed; she always tried not to be noticed. And it always worked: nobody ever...
Matt Mcguire was like any other normal boy. However, even though Matt was only 11, his hormones were already kicking into gear. He recently discovered jerking off, which now had become a 3 time a day habit. Matt was also able to shoot a load of cum and had been doing so for over a week now. When it first happened Matt was completely shocked but having talked to his best friend Lanny, Matt found out it was quite normal. However to be shooting at 11 years old was not that normal. Matt was also...
Many of the villages around the forest were too small to have their own library, so the District Council employed Spike to drive a mobile library, visiting each pub car park on an appointed day. Spike loved her job - reading stories to the pre-school ch1ldren, whilst their Mum's could have a well-deserved chat and cup of coffee or something stronger in the pub. The mobile library had a normal seating area, and then a soft play area behind a curtain - made from deep mattresses on the floor and...
After Lizzie left, Nate's head was spinning. "What the hell just happened?" he asked himself silently. "Was that a dream, or what? Shit, stuff like that doesn't happen to me!" For the remainder of the evening Nate's mind ran the gamut, from feeling incredibly guilty that he cheated on Janice, "How could I do that? Janice trusts me. Sure, I didn't have sex with Lizzie, but hell, I played with her boobs ... they're so incredible ... Shut up you idiot! I played with her boobs, I...
Samantha, I suppose that I should start with the standard opening questions for a letter: How are you? What have you been doing? etc… But, since I don’t have a return address and won’t have one for the rest of this summer that would be a bit pointless. I’m going on a road trip with a friend. I’ve decided to write you once in a while. Don’t expect letters, just know that they may come. That’s how I started the letters. We were in Alabama that night and in the morning we stopped at a rest plaza...
As expected, eager-to-please Lizzie showed up promptly at ten o'clock, just like Janice had asked her to. She walked up to the door and was about to knock, when it opened before her. "Lizzie, Sweetie!" Janice said as she beckoned Lizzie into her arms even before she had entered the house. "Hi Mrs. S!" Lizzie chirped, feeling delighted to be greeted so warmly by Janice, especially since she was still worried she was being blamed for the family chaos that had occurred in recent...
"I have another idea," Lizzie said. "But first, I know Alexa will always be your little girl, Daddy S. But am I your little girl too?" Lizzie got to her feet and looked up into Nate's eyes as she spoke. Alexa soon stood up as well. "Of course you are, Lizzie," Nate replied, leaning down to kiss Lizzie. "You know that. You're both my little girls." He followed with a kiss for Alexa. "Goodie!" Lizzie said enthusiastically. "Then I think maybe Daddy S would like to fuck his first...
Lizzie was in a mood, she decided to make a trip to the local lake to calm down. The water was always a source of comfort for her and today she really needed comfort. She finally arrived at the lake, after driving down the winding road to get to her destination. Lizzie parked her truck near the water’s edge and just relaxed looking at the lake. The calming nature of the lake brought about another issue for Lizzie. She began getting aroused, there was a slight moisture building between her legs...
The next day Nate realized that getting Alexa to promise to not tell her mother what happened between the two of them wasn't going quite far enough. He should have made his daughter promise to not tell anyone. That morning at work, Nate received a text from Lizzie. "hi! heard u had fun with A last night! ;-)" "Oh, crap," Nate whispered as he began a return message. "Lizzie ... please ... not on my phone ... she told you? Really?" "really really ;-) ima come over tonight to hang...
"You know, Honey," Janice said to Nate, "I did want to see you put that thing into our sweet darling Lizzie here. And maybe you still can, considering how horny you are for her. But in the meantime, I know a way you can make it up to me." "What's that Jan?" "Lizzie seems to need some help with uh ... you know ... her face and her neck?" "Yeah, so?" "Well, how about if you share the clean-up with me?" Nate paused and looked somewhat skeptically at his wife. "Are you...
Vince had called Lizzie while Gabriella's perfume still hung in the air. Although Gabriella had taken a hard line with him, he felt confident he could convince Lizzie to see things his way. "I'm really sorry, Lizzie," Vince said as soon she arrived. "I really screwed up. I miss you, Baby." "Really, Vince?" Lizzie replied. "Ohhhh, that's so nice to hear." "Oh, yeah. I shouldn't have ever done that stuff. You know how much I care about you." Vince was sure he would soon be...
If I hurried, I had time to drive home, take a quick shower, get dressed and still not be late for my dinner date with Jason. He was working late, so he would be meeting me at the restaurant. Since I knew he wouldn’t be stopping home first, it gave me time to get my naughty surprise ready for him. Hopping out of the shower, I quickly dried off, rubbed on some lotion and made sure I was smooth all over. I put on a lace black bra and garter, slid on some black thigh highs and attached them to the...
Toys"Do you think Mrs. S will be O.K.?" Lizzie asked. "I'm sure she'll be fine, Lizzie," Nate responded. "She was just a little shocked at what she walked in on. And she didn't realize Alexa was involved." "Why did you tell her, Dad?" Alexa asked. "I didn't want to keep secrets, Honey. Besides, she was honest with me about something and I wanted to do the same with her." "What was she honest with you about?" Alexa asked. "You guys will hear about this, I'm sure. So there's...
*Warning! Dear readers, In a comment on one of my stories, coinnaisseur29 wrote: ‘I thought the romance a bit too quick. […] I expect one has to make it quick what with so little space and time.’ This story is an attempt to remedy that. The romance is slow, as you may expect from the two main characters. There is not a lot of sex in it (only on pg. 17 or so) but I tried to show a little what the characters are like and how, eventually, they realise their feelings for each other and allow...
My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...
June 8, 2003. Lizzie was finally home from college for the summer. She was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend Doug again. They hadn't been together since Easter Break. She gave Doug a call and asked him if he wanted to go with her out for drinks at a local bar up the street. Of course Doug wanted to and Lizzie said she would stop by and pick him up.She had her own chick car, a black Honda Civic coupe but that wouldn't suffice for what she had in mind tonight. In addition to wanting to get...
Fiona looked at her brother - for once he looked rattled and that wasn't like him at all. In all the time she had known him he had been so self-assured and confident, not cocky, arrogant or big-headed but definitely confident. It shook her to see him like this and she knew she had to do whatever she could to help resolve the situation. "She won't let it drop, Gavin. At worst she thinks she's in love with you and at best she has a serious infatuation," she said. "You're not helping,...
Lizzie left Alexa and Nate and went to her car. Even before she put the key in the ignition, she was texting Gabriella. Once Lizzie found out that Gabriella was home, she was on her way immediately. She was barely inside the door before she was asking Gabriella questions. "Gabby, I just came from Alexa's house. Her dad said that her mom had been with you. What does that mean? What happened?" "You're gonna need to sit to hear this one," Gabby said. The girls sat at either end of a...
I have to admit I was fascinated to watch how things progressed. I have used that word a lot in this narrative - fascinated - but it's the perfect word for what I was feeling. Lizzie couldn't just stand up, drop her pants and rub off in front of her husband, daughter and me. It required much more than that to meet her needs. She left the room. That left Todd, Rachel and me sitting there like bumps on a log. Rachel had very recently experienced her first real orgasm - two of them in fact -...
Late night. Lights glisten on the surface of the road where it rained not long before. I’m about to put my foot down on leaving the village when I catch sight of her. I bring the car to a halt, watching in the mirror as the rear lights redden the black nylon on her legs. Her skirt is short, jacket only waist-length. High heels. Something’s odd about this. You don’t really see hitch-hikers anymore, certainly not ones that look like her. I press the button, letting the window slide down. She...
ReluctanceMy life with my Daddy, as it will be for the foreseeable future, begins. Yesterday we got home from our vacation and I got to see our new wonderful house. Everything was just right for me to be my Daddy’s little girl. It was a wonderful homecoming, in so many ways. But today, as I wake before my Daddy, actually, I think about what is ahead, and how it will all play out.You feel me moving about in our bed and you awake. You grab me around the waist and pull me to you. Tickling my stomach...
FetishIt was the first day of the new school year – Lizzie and I were in the same Technology class along with a handful of quite attractive boys and girls. I usually prefer girls, but am quite happy to suck the occasional cock or two. It seems we had spent most of the summer holidays in bed – sucking on each other’s pussy and her Step-dad’s lovely cock. He had taken us to the seaside, staying in a tiny holiday chalet on the South Devon coast– it had a kitchen, bathroom and just one bedroom, filled by...
Nate took a deep breath and tried to center himself before he had the most difficult conversation of his life. How could he possibly tell his daughter he had had sex with her best friend? How could he explain that? He knew he couldn't. All he could do was admit what he had done, and get prepared to die, because if Nate's daughter Alexa didn't kill him, his wife Janice would. "Honey, here's what happened..." Before Nate could continue, a big smile came across Alexa's face and she...
Like most of the girls at the university, Lizzie started her day at the showers. And like most girls in her building, she wondered at the logic of providing three showers to a floor of 20 or more women. They grew used to the situation now that it was February, causing all former modesty to fly out the window. Lizzie considered her transformation: she took progressively less care in fastening her bathrobe, straight blonde hair cascading on her snowy mounds, tips lightly brushing the tops of her...