Lizzie and the After School Club
- 4 years ago
- 36
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After Lizzie left, Nate's head was spinning.
"What the hell just happened?" he asked himself silently. "Was that a dream, or what? Shit, stuff like that doesn't happen to me!"
For the remainder of the evening Nate's mind ran the gamut, from feeling incredibly guilty that he cheated on Janice, "How could I do that? Janice trusts me. Sure, I didn't have sex with Lizzie, but hell, I played with her boobs ... they're so incredible ... Shut up you idiot! I played with her boobs, I fingered her and made her cum, and she gave me a blowjob. That's cheating, isn't it?"
To a new level of guilt, "And it was with my daughter's best friend, who's only nineteen! What the hell would Alexa think if she knew Lizzie gave me a blowjob in our living room?"
To thinking that he actually did her some good and helped her figure herself out a little, which of course was also a serious rationalization, "She did seem to feel better about things when she left. And she understands herself better now. She knows what an orgasm is. Every girl her age should certainly know that. Maybe she won't let guys walk all over her as much now!"
To finally beating himself up for missing the opportunity to fuck his favorite fantasy girl, "She was practically begging me to fuck her! What kind of an idiot am I?"
Nate finally settled down enough to allow himself to go to bed. He went to sleep without too much trouble, but he awoke several hours later with Lizzie on his mind, and an erection in his shorts. He saw no harm in relieving himself of this one.
"If I was here alone with the girls away under any other circumstances, I'd probably be in bed jerking off and thinking about Lizzie, or some other girls. So, why not?"
Nate had plenty of very fresh images to run through his mind as he stroked his erection. He thought of Lizzie's big tits and how unbelievable it was to see them in person. Then he remembered what they felt like to his touch. And as if that wasn't enough, he actually got to put his fingers in her super wet pussy. Then of course, there was the vision of Lizzie between his legs giving him a blowjob. And to top it all off, Nate shot his load picturing himself going the final step and fucking sweet Lizzie every which way but loose. He held his cock firmly as it pulsed and squirted.
As the images of the sexiest girl he had ever known faded, Nate wiped the warm semen from himself, went to the bathroom, then got back into bed. Before drifting off to sleep, a thought he had earlier resurfaced, "Shit. If Lizzie is having sex with guys, does that mean Alexa is too?" Not wanting to even think about that, Nate put it out of his mind and went to sleep for the rest of the night.
Nate was up early the next morning. He had showered and had eaten breakfast by 6:30 a.m. He was in the kitchen with coffee and the day's paper when he saw someone come to the back door. The curtains were mostly drawn, so he couldn't make out the identity of the person. He went to the door to see who it might be.
"Lizzie!" Nate exclaimed as he opened the door. "What are you doing here? And..."
"Hi, Mr. S!" Lizzie said as she grabbed Nate for a good morning hug.
Nate was a bit dazed as he accepted Lizzie's embrace. Adding to the fog in his brain was the fact that another girl was standing behind Lizzie outside the door. Lizzie being as short as she was, and the other girl being tall, Nate could see right over Lizzie's head while she hugged him. He smiled wanly at the girl outside, whom he didn't know. She smiled back at him.
"Um ... Lizzie..." Nate began. "Who's..."
"This is Gabriella! Gabriella, this is Mr. S!"
"Oh, uh ... hi," Nate said, not knowing what to think about his visitors.
"Lizzie, what's going on? Is everything O.K.?"
"Totally, O.K.!" Lizzie said enthusiastically. "Hey, can we come in?"
"Sure, L-Lizzie. Why not?"
Nate was beyond puzzled. He couldn't imagine why Lizzie had come back so soon, and so early on a weekend morning, and with another girl in tow. However confused, Nate was hospitable, offering the girls coffee before inviting them to come into the living room.
"So, Lizzie," Nate began, once they had all sat down, "it's really early. What's this all about?"
"I just had to tell you what happened, last night, Mr. S!"
Nate knew all too well what had happened with Lizzie and himself. He hoped upon hope that she hadn't told this girl what had gone on.
"Lizzie, I don't think this is the best time to..." He glanced at Gabriella, then back at Lizzie.
"Don't worry, Mr. S. Seriously. Just listen, O.K.?"
"O.K., Lizzie. Go ahead."
"Thanks! So, pretty late last night, I was SO surprised, but Gabriella texted me!"
"I don't quite get it, Lizzie," Nate said. "Why were you so surprised?"
"Well, I like, thought she hated me, because of Vince!"
"Ohhh! So this ... this is the Gabriella that Vince was ... that was his..."
"Right, I told you she was one of his new girlfriends."
"O.K., I remember," Nate said, glancing and politely smiling at Gabriella.
"Good," Lizzie said. "So, she texted me. And she wanted to talk to me!"
"I broke up with Vince," Gabby interjected.
"Oh, O.K.," Nate replied, still not knowing what he was supposed to make of the conversation.
"All he talked about was Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie. Even when we were ... well, you know."
Nate realized he might be in for more sex talk. He was again at a loss for how to respond. He was glad Lizzie kept it going.
"Can you believe that? What a jerk! All he did with me was drop Gabby's name all the time. So anyway, we texted for a while, then we decided to meet early this morning to talk."
"Wow, you must have really wanted to talk to be up this early."
"We totally did," Gabriella said.
"So anyway," Lizzie continued, "we got to talking and we realized that Vince was the same exact way with Gabby as he was with me!"
She looked intently at Nate, clearly assuming he knew what she was referring to. He looked back at her quizzically.
"I'm not sure what you mean, Lizzie."
"You know!" Lizzie said. "He doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself."
Nate still looked puzzled.
"He never, ever gives her orgasms!" Nate looked at the floor, feeling embarrassed. "Not only that, but Gabby doesn't think she has ever had one, just like I hadn't!"
"Oh, Lizzie," Nate said, "you didn't talk about..." Nate cast another furtive glance in Gabriella's direction. "Please, tell me you didn't."
"I had to, Mr. S! Don't worry! Gabriella won't say anything."
Nate looked at Gabriella, who grinned and shook her head from side to side.
"You shouldn't have said anything, Lizzie. But regardless, did you come here just to tell me about Vince?"
"Not exactly," Lizzie said slyly.
"Well, what then?" Nate inquired.
Now it was Lizzie's turn to look at Gabby. The two girls smiled at each other.
"Well, Mr. S," Gabby said, "Lizzie said you were so, super nice to her when she came over to talk about Vince. And she said maybe I could talk to you too."
"Oh, oh, uh O.K. Well, girls, does it have to be so early in the morning? Maybe you could come back when Janice and Alexa are both home. We can talk then. How about that?"
"Actually, I was thinking you could help Gabby in another way, besides talking to her, Mr. S."
It only took Nate a second to grasp Lizzie's point.
"Oh, no! Lizzie, you can't be serious!" She just smiled her biggest smile at him. "Lizzie, what happened last night should never have happened. I've been feeling guilty about it ever since. Don't you feel bad? Even a little?"
"Not at all," Lizzie replied. "Mr. S, you helped me so, so much. I had no idea what it was like to have a guy touch me like that. And I know I never had an orgasm before last night. If I had felt anything like that I would have remembered it.
"Please, Mr. S?" Gabriella said. "Lizzie said what you did was just amazing. I really want to know what it's like to have an orgasm."
"Girls, no way! This is out of the question. Lizzie, you're my daughter's friend. And Gabriella, well ... I don't know you, but ... do you know Alexa?" She nodded her head. "Well then, you both know my daughter. She'd be horrified if she found out what happened between Lizzie and me."
"Pleeeeease?" Lizzie and Gabriella started to say together.
Nate was reminded of the way Alexa and her friends would act when he had taken them to the park or to the pool and they wanted ice cream or some other snack. They would take on the pouting, pleading posture, which is exactly what Lizzie and Gabriella were doing.
"Look, you two... ," Nate said. "Are you 12 years old? You're acting like it. This is ridiculous."
"You know how old we are, Mr. S," Lizzie said as she moved toward Nate. "I know you had fun last night, Mr. S. And it was like, the best night of my life. I just want you to show Gabby how good it feels to cum."
Lizzie was removing her t-shirt as she spoke. Within seconds she had revealed her big, bra-clad breasts. Nate couldn't believe he might be seeing them for the second time in under 12 hours. He knew his resistance was already breaking down. He adored Lizzie's tits ... he adored every single inch of Lizzie for that matter. Getting to touch her breasts had been a highlight of his life ... the fulfillment of one of his most serious fantasies. And here they were again, within his grasp.
"Come on, Gabby," Lizzie said. "Join us."
Gabby followed Lizzie's direction and she was soon unbuttoning her blouse. Nate had never seen Gabriella before that morning, but he found her attractive the moment he saw her. Whereas Lizzie was tiny and quite buxom, Gabriella was tall and lanky. Nate thought perhaps she played volleyball or some other sport. She was clearly very fit.
"Lizzie ... hi," Nate Summers said when he saw who was at the door. "Hi, Mr. S.," Lizzie replied. "Is Alexa here?" "Oh, Honey, no. Didn't she tell you she was going to basketball camp this weekend?" "Oh, yea. I guess she did. Um ... is Mrs. S. home?" "No, Lizzie. I'm sorry. She's not either. She went up north to visit her mom for the weekend." Nate surveyed Lizzie and sensed she was upset about something. "Lizzie, Honey ... are you O.K.?" "Not really... ," Lizzie...
Sunday School The boys and girls were in two lines facing each other across The Den, a big, dark space in the heart of a massive wild rhododendron bush in the scrubby wasteland behind the estate, and we were about to have our first Sexual Education lesson. Lizzie was standing with her head down, shoulders hunched forward, staring in fear at the empty space between the two lines. She was doing her best not to be noticed; she always tried not to be noticed. And it always worked: nobody ever...
Matt Mcguire was like any other normal boy. However, even though Matt was only 11, his hormones were already kicking into gear. He recently discovered jerking off, which now had become a 3 time a day habit. Matt was also able to shoot a load of cum and had been doing so for over a week now. When it first happened Matt was completely shocked but having talked to his best friend Lanny, Matt found out it was quite normal. However to be shooting at 11 years old was not that normal. Matt was also...
As expected, eager-to-please Lizzie showed up promptly at ten o'clock, just like Janice had asked her to. She walked up to the door and was about to knock, when it opened before her. "Lizzie, Sweetie!" Janice said as she beckoned Lizzie into her arms even before she had entered the house. "Hi Mrs. S!" Lizzie chirped, feeling delighted to be greeted so warmly by Janice, especially since she was still worried she was being blamed for the family chaos that had occurred in recent...
"I have another idea," Lizzie said. "But first, I know Alexa will always be your little girl, Daddy S. But am I your little girl too?" Lizzie got to her feet and looked up into Nate's eyes as she spoke. Alexa soon stood up as well. "Of course you are, Lizzie," Nate replied, leaning down to kiss Lizzie. "You know that. You're both my little girls." He followed with a kiss for Alexa. "Goodie!" Lizzie said enthusiastically. "Then I think maybe Daddy S would like to fuck his first...
Lizzie was in a mood, she decided to make a trip to the local lake to calm down. The water was always a source of comfort for her and today she really needed comfort. She finally arrived at the lake, after driving down the winding road to get to her destination. Lizzie parked her truck near the water’s edge and just relaxed looking at the lake. The calming nature of the lake brought about another issue for Lizzie. She began getting aroused, there was a slight moisture building between her legs...
The next day Nate realized that getting Alexa to promise to not tell her mother what happened between the two of them wasn't going quite far enough. He should have made his daughter promise to not tell anyone. That morning at work, Nate received a text from Lizzie. "hi! heard u had fun with A last night! ;-)" "Oh, crap," Nate whispered as he began a return message. "Lizzie ... please ... not on my phone ... she told you? Really?" "really really ;-) ima come over tonight to hang...
"You know, Honey," Janice said to Nate, "I did want to see you put that thing into our sweet darling Lizzie here. And maybe you still can, considering how horny you are for her. But in the meantime, I know a way you can make it up to me." "What's that Jan?" "Lizzie seems to need some help with uh ... you know ... her face and her neck?" "Yeah, so?" "Well, how about if you share the clean-up with me?" Nate paused and looked somewhat skeptically at his wife. "Are you...
Vince had called Lizzie while Gabriella's perfume still hung in the air. Although Gabriella had taken a hard line with him, he felt confident he could convince Lizzie to see things his way. "I'm really sorry, Lizzie," Vince said as soon she arrived. "I really screwed up. I miss you, Baby." "Really, Vince?" Lizzie replied. "Ohhhh, that's so nice to hear." "Oh, yeah. I shouldn't have ever done that stuff. You know how much I care about you." Vince was sure he would soon be...
"Do you think Mrs. S will be O.K.?" Lizzie asked. "I'm sure she'll be fine, Lizzie," Nate responded. "She was just a little shocked at what she walked in on. And she didn't realize Alexa was involved." "Why did you tell her, Dad?" Alexa asked. "I didn't want to keep secrets, Honey. Besides, she was honest with me about something and I wanted to do the same with her." "What was she honest with you about?" Alexa asked. "You guys will hear about this, I'm sure. So there's...
*Warning! Dear readers, In a comment on one of my stories, coinnaisseur29 wrote: ‘I thought the romance a bit too quick. […] I expect one has to make it quick what with so little space and time.’ This story is an attempt to remedy that. The romance is slow, as you may expect from the two main characters. There is not a lot of sex in it (only on pg. 17 or so) but I tried to show a little what the characters are like and how, eventually, they realise their feelings for each other and allow...
June 8, 2003. Lizzie was finally home from college for the summer. She was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend Doug again. They hadn't been together since Easter Break. She gave Doug a call and asked him if he wanted to go with her out for drinks at a local bar up the street. Of course Doug wanted to and Lizzie said she would stop by and pick him up.She had her own chick car, a black Honda Civic coupe but that wouldn't suffice for what she had in mind tonight. In addition to wanting to get...
Lizzie left Alexa and Nate and went to her car. Even before she put the key in the ignition, she was texting Gabriella. Once Lizzie found out that Gabriella was home, she was on her way immediately. She was barely inside the door before she was asking Gabriella questions. "Gabby, I just came from Alexa's house. Her dad said that her mom had been with you. What does that mean? What happened?" "You're gonna need to sit to hear this one," Gabby said. The girls sat at either end of a...
Nate took a deep breath and tried to center himself before he had the most difficult conversation of his life. How could he possibly tell his daughter he had had sex with her best friend? How could he explain that? He knew he couldn't. All he could do was admit what he had done, and get prepared to die, because if Nate's daughter Alexa didn't kill him, his wife Janice would. "Honey, here's what happened..." Before Nate could continue, a big smile came across Alexa's face and she...
Like most of the girls at the university, Lizzie started her day at the showers. And like most girls in her building, she wondered at the logic of providing three showers to a floor of 20 or more women. They grew used to the situation now that it was February, causing all former modesty to fly out the window. Lizzie considered her transformation: she took progressively less care in fastening her bathrobe, straight blonde hair cascading on her snowy mounds, tips lightly brushing the tops of her...
I've written about Lizzie before - all true. In "Lizzie - there can't be anyone better" I told of three times when we've had sex. She is quite uneblievable.Once again today we met. This time in an old haunt making out in the back of my car. She parked her car in front of mine in a very quiet country lane, parking just of the road amongst some trees. We got out and immediately started snogging and feeling each other up at the side of the cars. A car came along and we separated. Traffic was...
It's been a year since my darling wife Lizzie and I have been married. We really have been learning about each other and I found that she is loving and giving. She's willing to do almost anything.It didn't surprise me that after her lesbian adventure with Amanda our car service consultant that Lizzie is going over to Amanda's house for a sex toy party.The television was watching me sleeping on the couch, when Lizzie came home. She woke me up with one of her super blow jobs. She knows my cock's...
The young man heard the doorbell ring, got up and went to the door. He looked through the glass to see who was outside, then opened the door with a puzzled expression on his face. "Hi, Vince," Janice said. "Uh... ," Vince began to reply, "uh, hey." "Do you know who I am?" "Uh, yeah, sure. You're Alexa's mom." "That's right. You can call me Mrs. S. Vince, can I talk to you for a few minutes?" "Oh, uh, O.K. Is ... is anything wrong?" "Nothing drastic. I just want to...
Janice braced herself for whatever might lie on the other side of her front door. Anger? Resentment? Indifference? She was ready for most anything, except what she got. She opened the door, and no sooner had she set two feet into the house she heard, "Mommy S!" Lizzie came running to Janice, from where Janice hadn't even seen, and threw her arms around her and hugged her very tightly. "Mrs. S! Mommy S! Are you O.K.? We were soooo worried about you! I'm so, so sorry. I'm the one who...
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Nate went around to the back door of their house where he assumed Janice had entered. He went directly up the back stairs to their bedroom and sure enough, Janice was sitting on the bed waiting for him. "What was that little show going on down there?" Janice asked. "Jan, I'm so sorry," Nate said. "I can explain." "You can explain why you were with our daughter's best friend, without your pants, and with her naked? You can explain that?" "Uh ... not very well, but..." "It...
Gordo, Lizzie's best friend, was determined to get her the best birthday present possible, but after trying to come up with a gift for two weeks, he still could not think of anything. She was going to be 13 and he wanted her birthday to be something special. Finally after hours of thinking, it came to him. He would see if he could get Aaron Carter to sing Lizzie a song for her birthday. Aaron Carter had just been in town a few days earlier, and Gordo was able to get his email address from him....
"What the hell is your problem?" Vince said. "Why are you being like this?" "I don't have a problem, now," Gabriella replied. "I just don't need you anymore, like I already told you." "Since when, Gabby?" "I told you last night, Vince. I'm sick of you talking about Lizzie all the time. And she said you do the same thing to her, always talking about me." "You talked to Lizzie?" Gabriella nodded. "When did you talk to Lizzie?" "We texted last night after we both got...
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"Here," Nate said, "look at this, Honey." He handed his phone to Alexa with the first picture Janice had sent showing on the screen. "Dad," Alexa replied, "Mom's ... Mom's with Vince?" "It certainly looks that way. See the message she sent with the picture?" Alexa read the message with the picture of her mother and Vince, which read, Now I have my own student. "What does that mean, Dad? Her own student?" "Look at the next picture, Alexa." Alexa ran her finger across the...
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Saturday August 6 I need to get some more lights. The one's I brought from our old home are only enough for my bedroom. The kitchen, dining, laundry, and bathrooms all have lights but the living room is lacking. I hadn't really paid much attention to it the night before but I'd planned to spend the night reading in my new recliner but it's hard to read when there's no light. Sure I have better night vision but I still need light. I managed to get to the kitchen past Shelly without any...
Wednesday Aug 10 The Mom woke me up with a phone call so I went to the bathroom and took care of things, then headed down stairs to meet the Rents. I have to say sleeping nude is a new experience. I kinda liked it but I'm not sure I'd do it during the winter. It does have the advantage of making it easier to touch. Yeah I masturbate. Doesn't everyone? I'd dug out a steamy bondage story and imagine Mr. Hunk collaring me. I had a real nice cum. Does that make me a closet submissive? I...
Lizzie Harrison arched her back away from the worn leather seat and adjusted her upper arms to apply subtle pressure to her breasts. Satisfied that her cleavage had been enhanced to maximum effect, she called over to Richard. “Magnificent view, isn’t it?” He didn’t respond. Lizzie shouted. Richard jumped. He’d definitely heard her that time but he didn’t even bother to turn round before replying. “Yes, marvelous.” He was craning his neck to see something of particular interest out of the...
Peter is 43 years old and is 6"0 he has green eyes and perfectly groomed light brown hair that falls perfectly. He looks like the perfect English gentleman. Peter married his childhood sweetheart that he met whilst at Cambridge Amelia. Amelia truly was beautiful she was 40 years old, 5"2 and had blonde curly hair down past her waist, she had the most piercing brown eyes that peter had ever seen. Amelia and Peter had a child quite early on in their marriage whom they called Elizabeth....
It was almost 7:30 in the evening as I made my way east on West 53rd toward my hotel when the skies opened up and the rain came pouring down. I didn't have an umbrella, of course, because - even though my hotel had complimentary ones - men don't use they can get wet...because that makes us cool. But, instead of being cool, I decided to get dry and have a drink. So, I ducked into a place I was planning on visiting anyways during my stay in New York, The Modern (that is, the...
Janice had been at the hotel less than 30 minutes when she heard the key card being inserted in the door. The lock clicked and the door opened a few inches. It then opened a bit more, then even more until finally she could tell that someone had entered and closed the door behind them. It had to be her invited guest. Anyone from the hotel staff would have knocked and announced themselves. A few seconds later a very nervous Vince came through the entrance hallway into the suite. Janice sat in...
Wednesday August 3 I wish tomorrow wasn't moving day. I don't want to move! I don't want to leave my friends. I've known them my entire life! And now I have to leave them just so the Rents can have a promotion. Where am I going to find anyone here who'll accept me for me? I also don't want to leave my job at the library. I don't want to leave the library period! Grandma says there's one within biking distance to our new house but I know every inch of this one. I feel worse about...
Thursday August 4, We're on our way. Joy! Note I mean that sarcastically. I hate moving! Emily showed up to help. I miss her so much already! We had a big teary hug goodbye when we finished loading Henry and the U-haul trailer Grandpa rented. I still can't believe he did that for me. I think it was so great! Now all my valuables are safely locked away where Shelly can't reach them. Not that she's tried. She's been too busy bossing everyone around. I think the moving men would like to...
"Lizzy!" She heard her mothers' voice calling but she didn't want to stop her stretching exercises. Her mothers frowning face appeared in the doorway and told her that she was to report to Mrs. Jamison's on Monday at 8 am."You're the only student in the class and you'll meet at her home." her mother said."OH GREAT!" Lizzy thought to herself sarcastically. It was bad enough she had to go to summer school for 6 weeks, now she had Mrs. Jamison, who had a reputation as the toughest math teacher at...
LIZZY’S FIRST TIMEIt was a sultry summer evening and a warm wind was wafting over the valley as Kate, a very respectable everyday wife and mother got into her car with her teenage daughter, Lizzy. This was not however a trip to the mall or anything of the sort. Kate was taking Lizzy to an adult bookstore to initiate her teenage daughter into the slutty excitement of gloryholes.Lizzy was wearing on a top with no bra and very short skirt. She was feeling really sexy and she certainly looked that...
Lizzy was in here early 20's she was a slim size 8 with a tiny wait and curvaceous bum. She was about 5ft8 and had long brunette hair. Lizzy was newly single and had just started working in a bar in her local town. Lizzy longed for something different and exciting.Then one day whilst she was working at the bar she was informed by her boss that a new doorman/bouncer was going to start at the bar working on the doors. Lizzy was asked to show the doorman around so he could see the layout of he...
Elizabeth peered out the window of the carriage as it bounced over the streets of Philadelphia. It was a cold, December night with snow on the ground and more beginning to fall. Her heart was beating quickly and she took a deep breath of the cold air to try and clear her mind for what she was about to do. Sitting beside her, his hand on her thigh, was General William Howe, commander of the British Army. The general had first seen Elizabeth, or Lizzy, to her few close friends, two weeks prior at...
"If you want anything from me, you just have to ask for it. Then I'll see if I do it or not", that's what Lizzy Pompeia says whenever someone asks things like "Can I ask you a favor?" Lizzy the Large, that's her nickname, for her large buttocks. Lizzy is the fat bottomed kind of girl. 30 years old, single. A blond bombshell, Lizzy stands on 5'5" and weighs 134 pounds. Her fair skin is always very tanned, her face ain't exactly beautiful, but you can fancy it, specially because of...
Hi Iam shailendra .here i am writing u the 3rd part with lizzy . Those who have not read please read Lizzy 1 and lizzy 2. “Shailendra, you’re doing a great job on the SMC ship project. I’ve gotten positive reports back from our office in Bombay about your work, especially from the last couple of conferences you’ve attended.” My mood brightened . “Shailendra, you’re the best guy to send there and this next phase can make or break this project. I need you to go. I headed back to my office to...
I'm an attractive 35 year old man with a pretty wife and two great little k**s. I have a good job, a nice house and what appears from the outside to be a perfectly normal life. But I have a secret...a hot, sexy, naughty, filthy little secret named Lizzy.Lizzy was 19 when this all started (actually she had just turned 20, but that didn't make me feel any better). She was the daughter of Tom, one of my two bosses and a guy that could ruin my life if he ever suspected that I had done anything with...
Lizzie Harrison arched her back away from the worn leather seat and adjusted her upper arms to apply subtle pressure to her breasts. Satisfied that her cleavage had been enhanced to maximum effect, she called over to Richard. “Magnificent view, isn’t it?” He didn’t respond. Lizzie shouted. Richard jumped. He’d definitely heard her that time but he didn’t even bother to turn round before replying. “Yes, marvelous.” He was craning his neck to see something of particular interest out of the...
SupernaturalThe meetings were better since we had broken into small working groups and I was pleasantly surprised to have Lizzie in my group. Her comments were excellent and I could tell she was as professional as she was beautiful. Right before lunch Liz stopped me and asked if I was still okay with our little arrangement. I assured her I was. “Well, do you want something to eat first?” Liz was trying to accommodate me in every way. I gave her a sly smile and whispered “I’m looking forward to a liquid...
Hi Everybody! Lizzy here!i dressed just like i said, like a complete and total hooker, and took my baby bro out. we went walking the streets and headed toward the park. there was nobody out there, so i just enjoyed my quality time with my lil bro. i sucked him and kissed him, and he ate me out. i had 2 orgasms before someone came was this guy. he was drunk and he was walking home, and i told my baby bro to hide in the bushes and keep watch. i approached this guy and said id suck his...
The conference promised to be just another week of my life wasted listening to middle-aged project managers drone on and on about their progress. Every so often there was some eye-candy in attendance, but usually the women were not that attractive, and were certainly suppressing any sensuality under their business suits. Maybe that’s why I was so floored when I saw her walk in on that first day. She was wearing a blue skirt with matching jacket, a white silk blouse, and black Italian pumps....
"Let me in damn it" she hollered as she beat on my bedroom door. "Go away" I yelled back. "Open this door you little fucking pervert or I'll tell mom what a sicko you are." "You won't tell her shit because if you do I'll tell her what you were doing and then let her decide who the real sicko is." "Come on Bobby, open the door, we need to talk." Liz was my older sister. We shared the same birthday, but were four years apart in age. How mom managed it I'll never know, but Liz...
“Is that you again already, Eve?” he said as I crawled into his bed. “You were just here this morning.” “No, Dad,” I said quietly. “This time it’s me.” “Lizzie!” he said with a gasp. “What... ? What are you doing in here? What time is it?” “A little after one a.m. Eve’s asleep in my room. What am I doing here? What was my best friend doing here this morning after I left early, Dad? Don’t bother, though. She told me what she was doing with you. Were you this surprised when Eve crawled in bed...
This is first time im writing my story ,im not an experienced writer and English is not my mother language, so im sorry for mistakes and poor EnglishFirst of all I would like to tell you about myself. Im 38 years old, 1.90cm ,95 kg , well built and educated businessman. When I was at senior year of university I had the luck to meet a very kinky minded submissive cuckold couple .They and eventually their same minded friends became my mentors. I gain experiences at BDSM and became Dom bull to...
Erika and I skied together for the day. After our previous night of playful petting we enjoyed spending time together taking on the slopes. We talked and talked and got to know each other better. I enjoyed the sight of Erika in her tight ski pants. Her ass was the focus of my attention for most of the day. It bobbed up and down as she turned her compact gymnast body from one side of the slope to the other. Believe me, I worked pretty hard to be the slower, uphill skier so that I could ski...
First TimeSaturday morning Dr. Andrew Phillips is working at his lab, doing a very strange research. Dr Phillips is a scientist, a very weird one. He is a geneticist and a good one indeed, but he was also a kind of warlock as the occult sciences interested him as well. 32 years old, single and a fat guy, he had only time when not at work for his favorite passion. The development of his own serum, a genetic change serum mixed with magic. Today Dr Phillips was indeed obtaining results;...
Gentle fingers trap my ankles and pull gently, separating my legs and leaving me wide open. You kneel between my thighs. Licking your lips, anxious to devour the woman before you. You’re bending over me, stretching my arms above my head. ”Stay,” you whisper as you emphasized the soft command by pressing my hands into the mattress. I shiver and my tummy flips as you describe in detail all the things you want to do to me. I can feel your erection against my mound as you gently rock above me. ...