Lizzie Moving InChapter 6 free porn video

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Tuesday Aug 9

Went back to school today for our swim test. I found a nice quiet corner of the locker room to change in. I didn't feel like putting on extra sunscreen just for the test so I pulled on an old baggy wet suit I had left over from Halloween a couple years ago. Not only was it black but the previous owner had painted little skeleton fishes on it. Very cool. For Halloween I wore it and Em painted my hands, face, and feet, to look like a skeleton. I had to roll up the sleeves and cuffs for her to do it. I really freaked people out. It was a blast!

It's getting closer to fitting me now if you consider the sleeves and legs still cover half my hands and feet. It's not the most comfy thing to wear but I can swim in it. I wore it when me, Emily, and Tim tried moon surfing. We didn't end up surfing much but we had fun.

Any way I put it on and a mask and snorkel. I carried my flippers. I figured that if this swim test was like the one at my old school it was jump in the pool swim a lap or two and your done. If you can't, you take swimming lessons. They didn't care how you did it. Just that you did.

As I was heading out towards the showers for a quick wet down Shelly saw me and yelled, "You can't wear that! I'm going to tell Mom!"

I just shrugged turned the water off and made my way to the pool.

I walked out and looked around. There were some people swimming and diving. There were others just laying out getting a tan. I couldn't help noting that about half the girls were topless. There were even a couple completely nude sunning themselves. I guess with the Program they were used to being nude and seeing nudity. There were a few gawkers but most didn't seem to pay too much attention.

Then I did a double take when I saw a young woman wearing a school sweatshirt and green sweatpants sitting in a wheel chair yelling at swimmers in the pool. I was a bit surprised someone in a wheel chair would be a swim coach but hey if they can do the job great. Then I did another as I realized it was a mermaid in the chair. What I though were sweatpants was actually her lower fish half. I guess they can't walk on their flippers, or is it fins, like they do in the stories.

I shook myself and started over towards the swim coach. Shelly of course had to call attention to herself by running out, "Coach Rafferty I have nothing to do with her!" pointing towards me. She caused quite a stir too!

No one had paid attention to me until then. Now swimmers were swimming into each other or into the wall as they gawked at me. One kid was even so distracted he muffed his approach and fell off the diving board. I have to say I'm quite proud of that.

The coach wheeled her chair around and stared open mouthed at me. She stared long enough that I started to feel uncomfortable. Then she started laughing. She laughed so hard I thought she was going to slide out of her chair!

Finally she said, "You must be Lizzie." And wheeled over to me and extended her hand. "I'm Misha Rafferty. You can call me Miss Rafferty or Coach. Which ever you prefer"

I liked her already. I shook her hand and smiled. She smiled back. Then she whirled on Shelly and said, "And you Miss Shelly, what do you mean by running on my pool deck yelling at the top of your lungs? Didn't you read the posted rules or are you just blind?"

Shelly's mouth dropped open in shock. Then her face turned red with embarrassment at being chewed out or maybe rage that her plan backfired. Or both. Either way I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. I like Coach Rafferty.

Then Coach looked back at me and smiling she said, "Can you swim in that get up?" pointing to me wetsuit"

I nodded.

"Alright. You can't use the flippers though." I shrugged and handed them to her.

She took them and said, "Alright you know the drill. Swim to the end of the pool and back. If you can't you'll have me for PE the first quarter and the next until you can swim. Of course if you like swimming you're more than welcome to be in my class all year. Now off you go." She finished with a wave towards the pool.

I swear I heard her laughing as I went to the pool.

On my way back from the other side of the pool, I saw something at the bottom of the pool so I dove down and got it. Then I came back up, cleared my snorkel, and continued on my way as I looked at the bracelet. It had writing on it and a little heart. Yuck.

When I got out I sat on the edge of the pool, pulled my mask off and took a closer look at it. It read "Lana Y Steve". As I read it I heard a screech an awful lot like Shelly's.

"That's mine!" and something moved at me.

I instinctively clutched it to me and ducked as I turned away from them. The person over balanced and fell into the pool. Coach Rafferty wheeled over and demanded to know what was going on. I handed the bracelet to her and said, "I found this in the pool"

Lana pulled herself out of the pool and said, "That's not true! This weirdo stole it from me!"

A couple of her friends agreed with her and accused me of pushing Lana into the pool.

Coach Rafferty glared at Lana and said very sternly, "Lana don't lie. We all know very well you threw this bracelet into the pool Saturday after Steve broke up with you"

Lana flinched as if she'd been slapped. I guess in a way she had.

"Alright that's four laps for lying, four for falsely accusing her, two for wasting my time," and she tossed the bracelet to Lana, "and two more for littering my pool. That's twelve laps. Get going"

Lana stared opened mouthed at her for a few moments until Coach asked if she wanted more laps. Lana shook her head and dived back into the pool.

Then Coach turned to the other two and said, "You two also own me eight laps for giving false accusations and lying"

They started to protest but Coach glared them into submission and into the pool.

Have I mentioned I like Coach Rafferty?"

I stood up and said, "Thanks"

She smiled back, "No problem but you'll want to watch your back around them. They're worse than eels"

I nodded and thanked her again.

"You might also want to keep a close eye on your things. I wouldn't put it past them to try planting something on you just to get you into trouble"

I sighed and thanked her again saying I'd be careful.

A quick shower and a change of clothes later I headed for the library. I was a little surprised not to see Sarah. I was a lot surprised to see the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, in person, sitting behind the counter. Her leathery bat like wings just added to the attraction. I'm not really into girls, I mean I'm curious but I'm more into guys, but I could feel myself getting turned on looking at her.

When she sighed I realized I was staring. Blushing I quickly looked away saying, "I'm sorry"

She sighed again, "It's ok. You can't help it. You probably haven't met anyone with wings before and besides you're attracted to me"

I blinked in surprised at that. "Okay," I said. "I'll admit I haven't met anyone with wings before but why would you say I'm attracted to you?"

She shrugged, "I can sense it. Besides all the signs are there. Flushed face, deepened more rapid breathing, the release of pheromones, and your nipples are poking out"

I looked down at them, gasped and covered my breasts with my hands as I felt my face heat with shame and embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you but you did ask for an explanation"

"I'm not really into girls..." I trailed off as I looked at her and then tore my gaze away. "Sorry"

She sighed again, "It's ok. You can't help it. Don't feel bad. Everyone reacts the same"

"Really?" I asked not really believing her.

"Yeah. It's not so bad with straight women. They still get aroused but it's not directed at me. Everyone else though..." she sighed again.

"I'm really not..."

"You're at least curious or you wouldn't look at me like you are"

I felt my face get even hotter and I turned away from her. "I'm sorry"

"Don't go" She pleaded. "It's really ok. And the effect won't be so bad once you get to know me. Please don't go"

Hearing the desperation in her voice I turned back towards her. "What do you mean it won't effect wont' be as bad once I get to know you?"

She blushed this time. "Um ... I just meant that you'll get used to it. That's all"

"Um ... do you mind if I ask what you are?"

She sighed again. Wearily she said, "I'm a succubus"

"Okay" I said slowly. "I thought they only affected men?"

"We affect everyone. We just have greater effect on men, and lesbians," she added after a moment.

"Oh. But I'm not a lesbian"

"No but your curious. Like I said"


I kept trying to look away or think of something to say. Finally I blurted out, "Um ... would it be ok if I touched your wings?"

She blinked in surprise. "Sure just be gentle okay?" as she turned slightly at the shoulders and extended her left wing to me"

Tentatively I reached out and gentle ran my finger tips down the edge of her wing. The top and back are a rich dark brown and the inner part of the wing is more tan. I think they're perfect.

My finger tips tingled as I touched her. "They're so soft!" I gasped.

She nodded and then shivered. I jerked my hand back. "I'm sorry. Was I pressing too hard?"

"No," she replied shaking her head. "It feels nice. And thank you for asking. Most people just reach out and yank on them to see if they're real"

I grimaced, "That must hurt"

She nodded, "Yeah it does. What you're doing feels really nice though. Ever thought of going into massage therapy?"

I laughed. "Not until now"

I got lost momentarily in the pleasure of stroking her wing as I stared at her. Then I shook myself again. Stepping back I said, "I'm really sorry about that. I hate it when people stare at me and here you're the third person I've done it too this week. Although the last person was staring back at me too so I don't think she noticed"

She gave me a confused look so I explained about the swim test and my wet suit and how Coach Rafferty and I had stared at each other.

She laughed when I told her saying, "I wish I'd seen that" Then she said, "You must be Lizzie. I'm Rachel" and stretched out her hand.

I reached out and shook it. As I did I gasped as a jolt of warmth raced up my arm and through my body.

She smiled and said, "Its ok. It happens to everyone"

"Riiight. How did you know my name?"

"Oh I talked with Sarah and Izzy yesterday. They said you'd be coming in"

"Oh. Cool. So is he in?"

"He'll be in, in a few minutes"

"Kay. Where's Sarah and Izzy? I thought they'd be here?"

"Sarah had an eye exam and'll be in, in a bit. Izzy's floating around here somewhere"

"Very funny" Izzy said wryly as she came out of a back room with Mr. Jenkins. After the introductions he gave me my test which I aced. It was just alphabetizing and the dewy decimal system. Nothing big. Since I'm now approved, (yay) I scratched out pending approval from my schedule.

Mr. Jenkins left me with Rachel and Iz to go over the computer system. As we did we talked about the school and its social structure. They both told me to steer clear of some vamp named Aiden.

"He likes to think of himself as the head of all the night creatures, especially vampires. He doesn't so much bother everyone else but he does expect us to bow down to him when he's around. The Ware's really hate it but he doesn't push too much as long as they treat him with respect. Vampires though he insists are under his rule. If you don't bow down to him he'll give you trouble"

I frowned. "I really hate pricks like that"

Iz and Rachel nodded in agreement.

"So if there's vampires in this school how come Sarah was so thrilled to find out I'm one?"

"Oh she's excited to meet anyone who isn't normal" Iz did the quote thing with her fingers. "I think it's because her parents and sister are all Elves"

I felt my eyebrows go up. "They're Elves?"

"Yeah. I think it gives Sarah and inferiority complex or something because she's a norm"

"I don't know why it should" Rachel said, "she's really a lovely girl"

"So says our resident lesbian" Iz said with a grin.

"I'm not a lesbian," Rachel said with a huff. "I just haven't met a man I am attracted too yet"

"Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that sister." Iz said back to her.

I looked back and forth between them wondering what the story was before I said, "Okay but how come she didn't know much about vampires?"

Rachel said, "Sarah and the other vampires don't exactly hang out in the same circles."

I had to grin at that.

"We don't either really. Besides it's not like you can go right up to them and ask, "Do crosses and holy water bother you?"

My grin widened, "No they don't"

"Oh cool" Rachel said.

"Who else..." Izzy said next. "Oh yeah. You'll also want to steer clear of the cheers but of course you know that"

I nodded.

"Some of them aren't too bad but most are stuck up snobs. You'll especially want to steer clear of one cheer named Lana and her groupies. She thinks she runs the school because her parents are rich, she's beautiful..."

"and a cheer" I finished for her nodding my head. "Too late" I said and told them what had happened"

They both grimaced. "They'll be looking to get even with you. It's a good thing they don't know who you are"

I sighed, "I'm sure they know who I am by now. My sister was there too and she'd only be too happy to tell them. The little brown noser"

"Brown noser?" Rachel repeated confused.

"It's from spending so much time kissing ass" Iz informed her.

Rachel took a second to process that and then started laughing. "Ew! That's so gross!"

I nodded in agreement. "That's my sister. Gross"

We were still laughing when Sarah came in rubbing her eyes and complaining. "I so hate eye exams" Then she smiled when she saw me. "Hi Lizzie"

I said hi back and when she asked I told her what we were talking about. She laughed with us when I repeated the part about Shelly being a brown noser. Then she said with a quick look at Izzy, "You'll want to steer clear of Billy Richmond"

"Why? Who's Billy Richmond?"

Izzy sighed sadly, "He used to be my best friend"

"What happened?" I asked.

"I died and he couldn't handle it. He keeps trying to release me."

I just stared at her dumb founded.

"Yeah he's tried everything. It started with holy water and crosses and he's since moved up to building his own electromagnetic guns" Rachel said.

Sarah nodded. "Yeah all of his money goes into all these weird gadgets for detecting ghosts. It's like he thinks he's a Spookbuster or something. He even shot Iz just before Halloween last year"

"You're kidding!" I said totally shocked.

Iz shook her head sadly. "As you can see he didn't "release" me," She said trying to look brave.

"Yeah but he hurt her real bad" Sarah said reaching out to her friend, her fingers not quite touching her but stopping at her aura?

"It was awful! That scream when he hit you" Rachel shivered. "And Iz was so weak after, it took a week for her just be visible again"

"That's awful!" I said horrified her "best" friend would do something like that.

"Can we talk about something else please?" Iz said desperately.

"We're sorry Iz" Rachel apologized. Sarah and I did to reaching out to give her hand a comforting squeeze. There was a cool tingling sensation as I touched her and Iz gasped. "You touched me!" she exclaimed startled.

"I-I'm sorry," I said jumping back.

Iz stared at her hand open mouthed. Then she looked up at me wide eyed. The others were staring at me too.

Breathlessly Iz asked, "How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Touch me. How did you do that?"

I just stared blankly back as surprised as she was. "I don't know. I was just trying to help"

"Liz, no one's been able to touch Iz since she's died except for her parents, and other ghosts" Sarah whispered. Rachel nodded her head wide eyed in agreement.

"But you..." I trailed off confused.

"I stopped short at her aura" Sarah explained. "If I'd kept going I'd have gone through her and that makes her sick"

"It does?" I stared wide eyed back at them.

"Yeah," Iz said softly. "It makes me feel like I'm going to hurl ... But you touched me like I wasn't a ghost. How?"

I shrugged and tentatively reached out and touched her shoulder. Iz had scrunched up her eyes waiting for me to pass through her but they flew open as my hand stopped on her shoulder.

"Can you feel me?" I asked.

Iz nodded her head in amazement. "Can you feel me?"

I nodded back.

"What's she feel like?" Rachel asked.

Sarah and Iz both looked at me expectantly.

"She feels cool but solid"

"Can ... can I?" Iz asked hesitantly lifting her hand.

I let her touch my arm and then my face. It was kind of weird but kind of nice too.

"You feel so warm," Iz said softly in amazement.

Most people say I feel cool but I guess I would feel warm to a ghost"

I opened my eyes and saw Iz had tears in hers. When one broke free and ran down her cheek she brushed it away saying, "I'm sorry" and turned to run. I'm really not sure why I did it but I grabbed her wrist to stop her and pulled her into a hug. She tried to pull away at first but then held onto me crying. I was as well which was embarrassing but not as much as it would have been if Rachel and Sarah hadn't been crying too.

After Izzy stopped crying I let her go and we all wiped the tears from our faces. Iz apologized but we all told her it was ok. Then she said, "Oh Lizzie your shirt!"

And I looked down at my left shoulder and saw that she'd slimed me. Jokingly I said, "I don't mind the tears Iz but did you have to blow your nose on me?"

"It's not snot fang face. Its ectoplasm" Iz retorted with mock anger.

I grinned back and flicked some at her. She jumped back with a grin. Sarah handed me some tissues while she and Rachel laughed. As I wiped, Iz asked again how it was possible for me to touch her. Rachel put her arm around my shoulder and in a deep voice said, "The swartz is strong in this one"

We all stared at her for a sec and then Iz and Sarah burst out laughing as I elbowed her. Not too hard though. Just playfully. She oofed and then laughed. I laughed too. It was funny but I can't help wondering how it's possible for me and Iz to touch.

Finally Izzy asked, "What were we talking about?"

Sarah sobered and said, "Billy"

We all frowned. Sarah ducked her head and said, "I'm sorry. I only brought him up because we still see him time from time"

"The guy should be locked up" I muttered.

"He was for a while but his lawyer managed to muddy the waters enough so that he got out on probation" Sarah explained

"That totally bites" I exclaimed. The others agreed with me.

We stayed and chatted after the bell rang. That's when I found out we're in most of the same classes together. There are some differences though. Like Sarah's Math and Art classes are switched from mine. Izzy's has gov and computers switched. And Rachel's Library time and Art class is swapped. Other than that we'll get to hang out a lot. We even have the same lunch, and PE which is way cool. We can hang out at lunch and on the bleachers during class.

I also found out a friend of theirs also has the same classes as me. Her name's Lou (Louise) and she's an Anglican. That's not her religion. That's what the powers that be have decided to label those with bird wings. Bird people just sounded dumb and religious groups and a few Anglican's objected to the use Angels. So they picked Anglican.

Apparently Lou's had a tough time of it. For some reason her wings didn't grow in until she was 10. Her father who's a norm supremacist accused her mom of having an affair with an incubus and divorced her. No one's heard of him since. The mom who was very religious considered Lou to be a blessing. So much so that she sold her to her preacher and became his mistress. The preacher who was a total freakazoid used Lou to further his own ends. First he sold her feathers. It was just those that dropped off at first but then he started plucking her wings. Other people also plucked feathers from her wings, some wanting a good luck charm and others to be mean.

NOTE: Never pluck an Anglican's feathers. It's painful and they don't always grow back right or at all.

When Lou's feathers didn't grow back as fast as the preacher wanted he used make up on her and moved to selling drops of her blood and forced her to lay hands on people as if she could cure them.

When her feathers did start growing back they were gray, brown, and black. He took it out on her since Angel feathers are supposed to be white. What a creep.

Finally when miracles didn't happen and people got wise to some of the stage tricks the preacher was using, feather dye for example, he began to lose parishioners. Some even called him a fraud. He lost it and beat her. Then the bastard held a special service to put the blame on her saying that she'd fallen as an Angel and that was why the prayers hadn't been answered and miracles hadn't happened. He said he'd been trying to rehabilitate her but she continued to fall and that it was now their duty to "cleanse" her body and spirit.

Then he showed them how they would do that. The sick fuck had her nailed naked to the cross. He'd even added a couple more pieces and nailed her wings to it. Then he had all those he'd swindle come up and whip her. When they'd finished whipping the front side of her they pulled her down and re-nailed her facing the cross so they could whip her back. Then someone tried to cut her wings off. I guess that was too much for the preacher because he shot him and a couple more until they ganged up on him.

By that time the Police had showed up. Many of the parishioners claimed police beat them after they saw what they'd done to Lou but no charges were filed. Not against the cops any way. The rest went to jail. I say they got off lucky with a beating and jail time. I'd of shot the fuckers.

Lou ended up in the hospital for a long time. Not only was she treated for the whipping and needing reconstructive surgery on her wing and to remove some of the scars but the whipping had caused her to miscarry. Yeah that's right. The sick fuck was sleeping with her too. That may not have been illegal since the government confirmed the consensual age limit of 14, mostly thanks to the NIS Program, but also because of older laws still on the books but not enforced in ages. I still think it's wrong though. Fortunately she didn't have to testify against him. He was shot with the last bullet in his gun.

Sarah said that Lou still leaves early to go to counseling sessions every Thursday because of everything.

By that time I felt totally sick and angry. When I finally told them, Sarah reached across the table

and clasped my hands with hers. Izzy and Rachel also laid a hand over ours while rubbing my arms with the other.

They apologized and said, they told me because they didn't want me to be put off by Lou's quirks. She hasn't talked in ages. She's also extremely sensitive about her wings and doesn't let people touch them. The only people who she lets touch them are those she's really close too, those telling me and her foster mother and then only on invitation. It also explains why she's our age but a year behind in school.

"I'm sorry Liz. We just thought you should know so you don't do anything to upset her. She's very sensitive. We know you'll like her though and that she'll like you once she gets to know and trust you"

I managed a small smile. It did feel good knowing they trusted me already. "Thanks" I told them.

They smiled back. That's when I realized someone was rubbing my back. We were alone in this part of the library and I accounted for all their hands. I stiffened and asked, "Who's rubbing my back?"

Rachel blushed saying, "That would be me" and then moved her tail around so I could see it. I hadn't realized she had a tail. I suppose I should have but I didn't think about it.

I stared at it saying, "Oh ... okay"

"You don't mind do you?"

"No it's ok. Can I touch it?"

"Um sure just don't..."

"Yank" I said for her. She nodded and I gently took hold of her tail and started to stroke it. It was soft and the same dark brown as her wings. It was also very flexible because she wrapped it around my wrist playfully. There was also this barb like thing at the end but it wasn't sharp or anything. It was soft and spongy really. In fact it resembled the head of a penis. We did cover that in Bio last year. Plus there's the Internet where every other page is for male enhancement. So yes I do know what they look like.

When I said, "You know this kind of looks like a..." Rachel cut me off saying, "Please don't say it" as she blushed.

Izzy and Sarah both said, "We know"

I blushed and said, "Sorry"

"It's ok. That's what it's for. To ... you know"

I nodded blushing, even as I continued to stroke it. I couldn't help wonder how it would feel.

"Uh ... Lizzie?" Rachel called my name again.

"Um ... sorry?" I said tearing my gaze from the tip of her tail.

"Please don't do that"

I'd been rubbing my thumb over the tip. I stopped and said, "I'm sorry. Does it hurt?"

"No. It feels good, too good," Rachel said turning a brighter red. "Um you should probably let go now"

That's when I noticed we were all breathing more intensely. Well ... I'm not sure Izzy can breathe but she looked flushed just the same as the rest of us. And we all had hard nipples.

Blushing I reluctantly let go of her tail and she pulled it back under her skirt.

Sarah fanned her self and said, "Maybe we should get some fresh air?"

We all agreed that was a good idea and left. They gave me a good tour of the school showing me were all my classes were and where my bike locker was, which wasn't too far from Rachel's. I was thrilled to see her bike. She has a work bike. It's a 2 wheel bike that has this cargo area low to the ground behind a small front tire. It's sort of like a built in trailer only it's in front of the rider. Maybe like a unicycle with trailer attached to the front and handlebars added. Any way it's cool!

Izzy also has a bike, but she doesn't ride it too much as it really tires her out. Usually she rides in Rachel's cargo area when they go riding. I told them about my bike. They said it sounds cool. They also said that Lou's freight bike also has an engine. A freight bike is a 3 wheeled bike, 2 in the front one in the back that has a large cargo area in front of the rider, between the 2 front wheels.

They told me they would occasionally all go on an overnight bike ride and Lou would end up with most of the camping supplies since she didn't have to peddle. They also invited me to go the next time they went. I said that would be great and that I'd see if I could go. From what they said they get pretty close to where I used to live. Maybe Emily and Tim could meet us. I'd have to make sure that's ok with the others first. If I can go that is.

I asked Sarah were her bike was and she said, "My Mom dropped me off"

"Oh yeah. D'uh" I said.

She grinned back.

Then Izzy said, "She doesn't usually ride it to school any way since she lives further away than the rest of us"

I found out that we all live relatively close to each other but Sarah lives the furthest from the school.

"Besides" Rachel added. "She has a Vespa. Several in fact"

"You have scooter? That's so cool!" I said.

Sarah blushed. "I do not. They belong to the family. I'm just allowed to use them"

"Yes she does. In fact she has one for all seasons" Rachel said teasing her.

"I do not"

"Sure you do. You've got April for sunny days, Charlie for when we all need a ride or you go shopping. And Grape for when it's raining or when you're really going shopping"

"Don't forget, Ariel for water play, and Bridget for when it snows"

"Wow! That's so cool! How did you get all of them?"

Sarah sighed. "My Dad owns 'Personal Rides'. Every kind of ride for every kind of rider for every kind of occasion."

That last is the sale slogan.

"He sells everything from mopeds to Harleys. Unicycle to quad, wheeled or tread or hover, ground or water, dirt or snow. As well as some light aircraft." Rachel said.

"He also sells all kinds of extras like trailers and he has a shop in the back for repairs and customizations"

"Sounds very cool"

I also learned that; April is a regular vespa scooter. Charlie is a scooter with a sidecar. Grape is a vespa made to look like a little 3 wheeled truck with an enclosed bed, Ariel is a jet-ski, and Bridget is a dual tracked snowmobile. I didn't know they came with two tracks. And those are just the ones she drives. Apparently her whole family drives nothing but mini vehicles. Talk about lucky! I'd love to see them and her Dad's shop. Some I've only seen in movies and they looked so cute! I'd love to see them up close!

Same as Lizzie Moving In
Chapter 6 Videos

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Lizzie CameChapter 17

As expected, eager-to-please Lizzie showed up promptly at ten o'clock, just like Janice had asked her to. She walked up to the door and was about to knock, when it opened before her. "Lizzie, Sweetie!" Janice said as she beckoned Lizzie into her arms even before she had entered the house. "Hi Mrs. S!" Lizzie chirped, feeling delighted to be greeted so warmly by Janice, especially since she was still worried she was being blamed for the family chaos that had occurred in recent...

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Lizzie CameChapter 14

"I have another idea," Lizzie said. "But first, I know Alexa will always be your little girl, Daddy S. But am I your little girl too?" Lizzie got to her feet and looked up into Nate's eyes as she spoke. Alexa soon stood up as well. "Of course you are, Lizzie," Nate replied, leaning down to kiss Lizzie. "You know that. You're both my little girls." He followed with a kiss for Alexa. "Goodie!" Lizzie said enthusiastically. "Then I think maybe Daddy S would like to fuck his first...

2 years ago
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Lizzies Day at the Lake

Lizzie was in a mood, she decided to make a trip to the local lake to calm down. The water was always a source of comfort for her and today she really needed comfort. She finally arrived at the lake, after driving down the winding road to get to her destination. Lizzie parked her truck near the water’s edge and just relaxed looking at the lake. The calming nature of the lake brought about another issue for Lizzie. She began getting aroused, there was a slight moisture building between her legs...

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Lizzie CameChapter 6

The next day Nate realized that getting Alexa to promise to not tell her mother what happened between the two of them wasn't going quite far enough. He should have made his daughter promise to not tell anyone. That morning at work, Nate received a text from Lizzie. "hi! heard u had fun with A last night! ;-)" "Oh, crap," Nate whispered as he began a return message. "Lizzie ... please ... not on my phone ... she told you? Really?" "really really ;-) ima come over tonight to hang...

1 year ago
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Lizzie CameChapter 18

"You know, Honey," Janice said to Nate, "I did want to see you put that thing into our sweet darling Lizzie here. And maybe you still can, considering how horny you are for her. But in the meantime, I know a way you can make it up to me." "What's that Jan?" "Lizzie seems to need some help with uh ... you know ... her face and her neck?" "Yeah, so?" "Well, how about if you share the clean-up with me?" Nate paused and looked somewhat skeptically at his wife. "Are you...

3 years ago
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Lizzie CameChapter 5

Vince had called Lizzie while Gabriella's perfume still hung in the air. Although Gabriella had taken a hard line with him, he felt confident he could convince Lizzie to see things his way. "I'm really sorry, Lizzie," Vince said as soon she arrived. "I really screwed up. I miss you, Baby." "Really, Vince?" Lizzie replied. "Ohhhh, that's so nice to hear." "Oh, yeah. I shouldn't have ever done that stuff. You know how much I care about you." Vince was sure he would soon be...

3 years ago
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Lizzie CameChapter 9

"Do you think Mrs. S will be O.K.?" Lizzie asked. "I'm sure she'll be fine, Lizzie," Nate responded. "She was just a little shocked at what she walked in on. And she didn't realize Alexa was involved." "Why did you tell her, Dad?" Alexa asked. "I didn't want to keep secrets, Honey. Besides, she was honest with me about something and I wanted to do the same with her." "What was she honest with you about?" Alexa asked. "You guys will hear about this, I'm sure. So there's...

2 years ago
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*Warning! Dear readers, In a comment on one of my stories, coinnaisseur29 wrote: ‘I thought the romance a bit too quick. […] I expect one has to make it quick what with so little space and time.’ This story is an attempt to remedy that. The romance is slow, as you may expect from the two main characters. There is not a lot of sex in it (only on pg. 17 or so) but I tried to show a little what the characters are like and how, eventually, they realise their feelings for each other and allow...

4 years ago
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Lizzies Rendezvous

June 8, 2003. Lizzie was finally home from college for the summer. She was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend Doug again. They hadn't been together since Easter Break. She gave Doug a call and asked him if he wanted to go with her out for drinks at a local bar up the street. Of course Doug wanted to and Lizzie said she would stop by and pick him up.She had her own chick car, a black Honda Civic coupe but that wouldn't suffice for what she had in mind tonight. In addition to wanting to get...

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Lizzie CameChapter 10

Lizzie left Alexa and Nate and went to her car. Even before she put the key in the ignition, she was texting Gabriella. Once Lizzie found out that Gabriella was home, she was on her way immediately. She was barely inside the door before she was asking Gabriella questions. "Gabby, I just came from Alexa's house. Her dad said that her mom had been with you. What does that mean? What happened?" "You're gonna need to sit to hear this one," Gabby said. The girls sat at either end of a...

2 years ago
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Lizzie Moving InChapter 9

Aug 12 Friday I called the number on the card Paul the moving guy gave me this morning after breakfast. I talked to someone named Mindy. She sounded like she'd been expecting my call. I guess Paul told her I'd be calling. Which is cool. I've got an interview Monday morning. I don't exactly want to work but I need the money. Moving in has ate up a lot of my savings. Sure I splurged a bit and my Grandparents helped out a lot but still I spent a lot getting this place furnished. So now I...

3 years ago
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Lizzie CameChapter 3

Nate took a deep breath and tried to center himself before he had the most difficult conversation of his life. How could he possibly tell his daughter he had had sex with her best friend? How could he explain that? He knew he couldn't. All he could do was admit what he had done, and get prepared to die, because if Nate's daughter Alexa didn't kill him, his wife Janice would.​ "Honey, here's what happened..." Before Nate could continue, a big smile came across Alexa's face and she...

1 year ago
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Lizzies Awakening

Like most of the girls at the university, Lizzie started her day at the showers. And like most girls in her building, she wondered at the logic of providing three showers to a floor of 20 or more women. They grew used to the situation now that it was February, causing all former modesty to fly out the window. Lizzie considered her transformation: she took progressively less care in fastening her bathrobe, straight blonde hair cascading on her snowy mounds, tips lightly brushing the tops of her...

1 year ago
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Lizzie again truth and fantasy

I've written about Lizzie before - all true. In "Lizzie - there can't be anyone better" I told of three times when we've had sex. She is quite uneblievable.Once again today we met. This time in an old haunt making out in the back of my car. She parked her car in front of mine in a very quiet country lane, parking just of the road amongst some trees. We got out and immediately started snogging and feeling each other up at the side of the cars. A car came along and we separated. Traffic was...

2 years ago
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Lizzie wants Anal

It's been a year since my darling wife Lizzie and I have been married. We really have been learning about each other and I found that she is loving and giving. She's willing to do almost anything.It didn't surprise me that after her lesbian adventure with Amanda our car service consultant that Lizzie is going over to Amanda's house for a sex toy party.The television was watching me sleeping on the couch, when Lizzie came home. She woke me up with one of her super blow jobs. She knows my cock's...

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Lizzie CameChapter 8

The young man heard the doorbell ring, got up and went to the door. He looked through the glass to see who was outside, then opened the door with a puzzled expression on his face. "Hi, Vince," Janice said. "Uh... ," Vince began to reply, "uh, hey." "Do you know who I am?" "Uh, yeah, sure. You're Alexa's mom." "That's right. You can call me Mrs. S. Vince, can I talk to you for a few minutes?" "Oh, uh, O.K. Is ... is anything wrong?" "Nothing drastic. I just want to...

4 years ago
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Lizzie Moving InChapter 10

Aug 13, Sunday Wowey! I had a really weird dream last night. I dreamed I was on a picnic table and the girls were eating me for lunch. There wasn't any blood or gross stuff but they were eating me and I could feel them doing it. Strangely enough I was enjoying it. They were enjoying me too and we all chatted about how I tasted. Like I said, weird. I also missed the others. When they were in the bed I could turn over as much as I normally do but I missed holding them and being held. It was...

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Lizzie CameChapter 16

Janice braced herself for whatever might lie on the other side of her front door. Anger? Resentment? Indifference? She was ready for most anything, except what she got. She opened the door, and no sooner had she set two feet into the house she heard, "Mommy S!" Lizzie came running to Janice, from where Janice hadn't even seen, and threw her arms around her and hugged her very tightly. "Mrs. S! Mommy S! Are you O.K.? We were soooo worried about you! I'm so, so sorry. I'm the one who...

2 years ago
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Lizzie wants to try swinging

"Mike I want to try swinging!" My sweet wife Lizzie said while we were sharing breakfast one day before workI spit out my coffee."WHAT!!!" I yelled"Now, now Mike don't get jealous. I just want to try it and see if I like it. Don't get your dick all twisted about it." She saidI guess I was letting my jealousy run away. Just worrying that once she had a bigger cock then mine she might not want me anymore.She looked into my eyes and knew what I was thinking. "I love you with all my heart honey; no...

3 years ago
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Lizzie CameChapter 7

Nate went around to the back door of their house where he assumed Janice had entered. He went directly up the back stairs to their bedroom and sure enough, Janice was sitting on the bed waiting for him. "What was that little show going on down there?" Janice asked. "Jan, I'm so sorry," Nate said. "I can explain." "You can explain why you were with our daughter's best friend, without your pants, and with her naked? You can explain that?" "Uh ... not very well, but..." "It...

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Lizzie McGuires Birthday

Gordo, Lizzie's best friend, was determined to get her the best birthday present possible, but after trying to come up with a gift for two weeks, he still could not think of anything. She was going to be 13 and he wanted her birthday to be something special. Finally after hours of thinking, it came to him. He would see if he could get Aaron Carter to sing Lizzie a song for her birthday. Aaron Carter had just been in town a few days earlier, and Gordo was able to get his email address from him....

2 years ago
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Lizzie CameChapter 4

"What the hell is your problem?" Vince said. "Why are you being like this?" "I don't have a problem, now," Gabriella replied. "I just don't need you anymore, like I already told you." "Since when, Gabby?" "I told you last night, Vince. I'm sick of you talking about Lizzie all the time. And she said you do the same thing to her, always talking about me." "You talked to Lizzie?" Gabriella nodded. "When did you talk to Lizzie?" "We texted last night after we both got...

3 years ago
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Lizzies First Time

“What’s the matter, Lizzie?” Sarah’s hands squeezed my shoulders and her hair brushed my cheek as she leaned over to peek at the papers strewn over the desk. “I think this is my 20th hang up in a row tonight,” I complained, rolling my eyes toward the phone. “They finish half this stupid survey and decide it’s too long and hang up.”“Aww I know, but don’t sweat it, hon. Don just went home and left me in charge, let’s knock off ten minutes early and grab a Dew,” she said, reaching across me and...

2 years ago
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Lizzie goes Lezzie for the day

"You will never guess who I had over to lunch today Mike?" My wife Liz said"Who?" I asked"You know Amanda from the Garage?""Foxy Amanda?" I said"Yup and when I say had over for lunch, I should say who I ate for lunch!" She giggled."Lizzie, no you didn't?" I gasped in amazement."Well we were both at the gym and no one else was around while we were taking showers. You know Mike underneath those Dickies and work shirts; she has such a great body." Lizzie said"No doubt, I have always had the hots...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 5

Monday Aug 8 I can't believe it! The program! The Rents signed me up at a school that has the Naked in School Program. The blankety, blank, blank program! Aarggg!!!!! The Mom took us to register for school today. After picking my classes the councilor said, "By the way we have the NIS Program here and participation is compulsory and counts towards your required units. Everyone is required to participate. We do make some allowances for religion however. Will that be the case here?" I...

1 year ago
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Lizzie there cannot be anyone better

Her name is Lizzie. She was just 21, looked young for her age, neat body, really nice tits, a lovely face and legs that asked to be spread. The first time she gave him an unbelievable blow job in the car while he fingered her to perfection. Her young cunt was soft, tight and very wet and she really squirmed as he pleasured her. She in turn swallowed all his cum and licked him dry. She was a nurse - and had the perfect bedside manner. The second time she was in her flat, walking up the stairs in...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 8

Thursday Aug 11. The Rents woke me up this morning and not wanting to get on their bad side and have our plans disrupted I hurried to get ready and go down stairs for breakfast. I still can't believe that they're letting my friends sleep over Friday. I'm so excited! Emily and Tim wish they could too but they're parents have plans. They're hoping they can visit next weekend though. I hope they can. As we ate breakfast Grandpa pulled up in Henry. We went out to greet him and I gave him...

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Lizzie CameChapter 12

"Here," Nate said, "look at this, Honey." He handed his phone to Alexa with the first picture Janice had sent showing on the screen. "Dad," Alexa replied, "Mom's ... Mom's with Vince?" "It certainly looks that way. See the message she sent with the picture?" Alexa read the message with the picture of her mother and Vince, which read, Now I have my own student. "What does that mean, Dad? Her own student?" "Look at the next picture, Alexa." Alexa ran her finger across the...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 3

Friday August 5 I can't remember when I slept so well. Of course I got scared to death when Grandma woke me up. After losing a year or two of my life and after screaming my head off I gasped, "Grandma? How did you get in here?" "Easy, I have a key." "How did you get a key?" I asked shocked. "They came with the house." Grandma replied. "Oh, d'uh." Then I smiled. "Isn't this place great!" Grandma smiled, "Yes it is." "I'm surprised the Rents didn't know about it...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 4

Saturday August 6 I need to get some more lights. The one's I brought from our old home are only enough for my bedroom. The kitchen, dining, laundry, and bathrooms all have lights but the living room is lacking. I hadn't really paid much attention to it the night before but I'd planned to spend the night reading in my new recliner but it's hard to read when there's no light. Sure I have better night vision but I still need light. I managed to get to the kitchen past Shelly without any...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 7

Wednesday Aug 10 The Mom woke me up with a phone call so I went to the bathroom and took care of things, then headed down stairs to meet the Rents. I have to say sleeping nude is a new experience. I kinda liked it but I'm not sure I'd do it during the winter. It does have the advantage of making it easier to touch. Yeah I masturbate. Doesn't everyone? I'd dug out a steamy bondage story and imagine Mr. Hunk collaring me. I had a real nice cum. Does that make me a closet submissive? I...

1 year ago
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Lizzie Moving InChapter 2

Thursday August 4, We're on our way. Joy! Note I mean that sarcastically. I hate moving! Emily showed up to help. I miss her so much already! We had a big teary hug goodbye when we finished loading Henry and the U-haul trailer Grandpa rented. I still can't believe he did that for me. I think it was so great! Now all my valuables are safely locked away where Shelly can't reach them. Not that she's tried. She's been too busy bossing everyone around. I think the moving men would like to...

4 years ago
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Lizzies Lost World

Lizzie Harrison arched her back away from the worn leather seat and adjusted her upper arms to apply subtle pressure to her breasts. Satisfied that her cleavage had been enhanced to maximum effect, she called over to Richard. “Magnificent view, isn’t it?” He didn’t respond. Lizzie shouted. Richard jumped. He’d definitely heard her that time but he didn’t even bother to turn round before replying. “Yes, marvelous.” He was craning his neck to see something of particular interest out of the...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 1

Wednesday August 3 I wish tomorrow wasn't moving day. I don't want to move! I don't want to leave my friends. I've known them my entire life! And now I have to leave them just so the Rents can have a promotion. Where am I going to find anyone here who'll accept me for me? I also don't want to leave my job at the library. I don't want to leave the library period! Grandma says there's one within biking distance to our new house but I know every inch of this one. I feel worse about...

2 years ago
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Lizzie the beginning

Peter is 43 years old and is 6"0 he has green eyes and perfectly groomed light brown hair that falls perfectly. He looks like the perfect English gentleman. Peter married his childhood sweetheart that he met whilst at Cambridge Amelia. Amelia truly was beautiful she was 40 years old, 5"2 and had blonde curly hair down past her waist, she had the most piercing brown eyes that peter had ever seen. Amelia and Peter had a child quite early on in their marriage whom they called Elizabeth....

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Lizzies Ink

It was almost 7:30 in the evening as I made my way east on West 53rd toward my hotel when the skies opened up and the rain came pouring down. I didn't have an umbrella, of course, because - even though my hotel had complimentary ones - men don't use they can get wet...because that makes us cool. But, instead of being cool, I decided to get dry and have a drink. So, I ducked into a place I was planning on visiting anyways during my stay in New York, The Modern (that is, the...

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Lizzie CameChapter 11

Janice had been at the hotel less than 30 minutes when she heard the key card being inserted in the door. The lock clicked and the door opened a few inches. It then opened a bit more, then even more until finally she could tell that someone had entered and closed the door behind them. It had to be her invited guest. Anyone from the hotel staff would have knocked and announced themselves. A few seconds later a very nervous Vince came through the entrance hallway into the suite. Janice sat in...

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"Lizzy!" She heard her mothers' voice calling but she didn't want to stop her stretching exercises. Her mothers frowning face appeared in the doorway and told her that she was to report to Mrs. Jamison's on Monday at 8 am."You're the only student in the class and you'll meet at her home." her mother said."OH GREAT!" Lizzy thought to herself sarcastically. It was bad enough she had to go to summer school for 6 weeks, now she had Mrs. Jamison, who had a reputation as the toughest math teacher at...

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Lizzy First Time

LIZZY’S FIRST TIMEIt was a sultry summer evening and a warm wind was wafting over the valley as Kate, a very respectable everyday wife and mother got into her car with her teenage daughter, Lizzy. This was not however a trip to the mall or anything of the sort. Kate was taking Lizzy to an adult bookstore to initiate her teenage daughter into the slutty excitement of gloryholes.Lizzy was wearing on a top with no bra and very short skirt. She was feeling really sexy and she certainly looked that...

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Lizzy and the Black Bouncer Full

Lizzy was in here early 20's she was a slim size 8 with a tiny wait and curvaceous bum. She was about 5ft8 and had long brunette hair. Lizzy was newly single and had just started working in a bar in her local town. Lizzy longed for something different and exciting.Then one day whilst she was working at the bar she was informed by her boss that a new doorman/bouncer was going to start at the bar working on the doors. Lizzy was asked to show the doorman around so he could see the layout of he...

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Lizzy Loring

Elizabeth peered out the window of the carriage as it bounced over the streets of Philadelphia. It was a cold, December night with snow on the ground and more beginning to fall. Her heart was beating quickly and she took a deep breath of the cold air to try and clear her mind for what she was about to do. Sitting beside her, his hand on her thigh, was General William Howe, commander of the British Army. The general had first seen Elizabeth, or Lizzy, to her few close friends, two weeks prior at...

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Lizzy the Large SILF Stepmom Id Like to Fuck

"If you want anything from me, you just have to ask for it. Then I'll see if I do it or not", that's what Lizzy Pompeia says whenever someone asks things like "Can I ask you a favor?" Lizzy the Large, that's her nickname, for her large buttocks. Lizzy is the fat bottomed kind of girl. 30 years old, single. A blond bombshell, Lizzy stands on 5'5" and weighs 134 pounds. Her fair skin is always very tanned, her face ain't exactly beautiful, but you can fancy it, specially because of...

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Lizzy Radha

Hi Iam shailendra .here i am writing u the 3rd part with lizzy . Those who have not read please read Lizzy 1 and lizzy 2. “Shailendra, you’re doing a great job on the SMC ship project. I’ve gotten positive reports back from our office in Bombay about your work, especially from the last couple of conferences you’ve attended.” My mood brightened . “Shailendra, you’re the best guy to send there and this next phase can make or break this project. I need you to go. I headed back to my office to...

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Lizzy Queen of Blow Jobs

I'm an attractive 35 year old man with a pretty wife and two great little k**s. I have a good job, a nice house and what appears from the outside to be a perfectly normal life. But I have a secret...a hot, sexy, naughty, filthy little secret named Lizzy.Lizzy was 19 when this all started (actually she had just turned 20, but that didn't make me feel any better). She was the daughter of Tom, one of my two bosses and a guy that could ruin my life if he ever suspected that I had done anything with...

3 years ago
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Movings not so bad

Introduction: family move and fuck. Jen sat in the back of her car wishing she didnt have to move. She loved where she lived and now she had to go back to the neighborhood where her mum grew up. Her mum said she would like it but Jen wasnt too keen. She was an only child, 14 years old with C cup perky tits, brown hair the flowed down to her shoulders and a pretty face on a slender body. The car pulled into a lane, and Jen got a glimpse of the name of the street where shed be living. She couldnt...

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Movings Not So Bad Chapter 2 Callum Underwood Middle School CUM School

Introduction: Chapter 2 of Movings Not So Bad. Jen goes to her new school, and enjoys it very much!! Contains young/Incest. [u]Part 1 [/u] Milk with Breakfast. Jen woke up to the sweet smell of jizz. she had grown accustomed to doing so over her four day weekend. The family had arrived on Friday, when theyd first all fucked together for the first time. Over the weekend the family had done nothing but fucked more. It had taken a day or to for Jen to finally be enrolled at what would be her...

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Movings Not So Bad Chapter 2 Callum Underwood Middle School CUM School

Milk with Breakfast. Jen woke up to the sweet smell of jizz. she had grown accustomed to doing so over her four day weekend. The family had arrived on Friday, when they'd first all fucked together for the first time. Over the weekend the family had done nothing but fucked more. It had taken a day or to for Jen to finally be enrolled at what would be her new school. It was called The Callum Underwood Middle School. Jen hadn't picked up on it right away, but laughed when she noticed it...

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movings not so bad improved

The car pulled into a lane, and Jen got a glimpse of the name of the street where she'd be living. She couldn't get a proper look, but she could have sworn it had said 'NudeVille.' Jen shook the thought out of her head. They pulled into her street but no one was around. It was raining slightly so she figured everyone must be inside. They pulled into their new drive and entered the house. It was nice, and had already been made and furnished. Jen was tired so she went straight to her new...

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Movings not so bad

The car pulled into a lane, and Jen got a glimpse of the name of the street where she'd be living. She couldn't get a proper look, but she could have sworn it had said 'NudeVille.' Jen shook the thought out of her head. They pulled into her street but no one was around. It was raining slightly so she figured everyone must be inside. They pulled into their new drive and entered the house. It was nice, and had already been made and furnished. Jen was tired so she went straight to her new...

3 years ago
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Lizzies Lost World

Lizzie Harrison arched her back away from the worn leather seat and adjusted her upper arms to apply subtle pressure to her breasts. Satisfied that her cleavage had been enhanced to maximum effect, she called over to Richard. “Magnificent view, isn’t it?” He didn’t respond. Lizzie shouted. Richard jumped. He’d definitely heard her that time but he didn’t even bother to turn round before replying. “Yes, marvelous.” He was craning his neck to see something of particular interest out of the...

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Lizzy 8211 Part2

The meetings were better since we had broken into small working groups and I was pleasantly surprised to have Lizzie in my group. Her comments were excellent and I could tell she was as professional as she was beautiful. Right before lunch Liz stopped me and asked if I was still okay with our little arrangement. I assured her I was. “Well, do you want something to eat first?” Liz was trying to accommodate me in every way. I gave her a sly smile and whispered “I’m looking forward to a liquid...

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Lizzy Tries to be a Prostitute

Hi Everybody! Lizzy here!i dressed just like i said, like a complete and total hooker, and took my baby bro out. we went walking the streets and headed toward the park. there was nobody out there, so i just enjoyed my quality time with my lil bro. i sucked him and kissed him, and he ate me out. i had 2 orgasms before someone came was this guy. he was drunk and he was walking home, and i told my baby bro to hide in the bushes and keep watch. i approached this guy and said id suck his...

4 years ago
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Lizzy 8211 Part1

The conference promised to be just another week of my life wasted listening to middle-aged project managers drone on and on about their progress. Every so often there was some eye-candy in attendance, but usually the women were not that attractive, and were certainly suppressing any sensuality under their business suits. Maybe that’s why I was so floored when I saw her walk in on that first day. She was wearing a blue skirt with matching jacket, a white silk blouse, and black Italian pumps....

3 years ago
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Lizzy Gets Burned

"Let me in damn it" she hollered as she beat on my bedroom door. "Go away" I yelled back. "Open this door you little fucking pervert or I'll tell mom what a sicko you are." "You won't tell her shit because if you do I'll tell her what you were doing and then let her decide who the real sicko is." "Come on Bobby, open the door, we need to talk." Liz was my older sister. We shared the same birthday, but were four years apart in age. How mom managed it I'll never know, but Liz...

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