- 3 years ago
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Julie left smiling, her body still floating. And if she was a little disappointed about her oral performance, at least she gave him her mouth to use and he used it. She had been there for his pleasure and that was what made it hot.
It wasn’t like she was some kind of blow job queen or something. By her own admission, it was something that she never really considered her forte. Not that she didn’t put effort into it. She had just never been with men who had high expectations in that category, so why would she have developed any… special skills?
These thoughts continued to nag at her as she drove home, slowly eroding the high she had been feeling. Julie was aware of the irony of the situation. She should have been feeling bad because she just had sex with another man. Not because she was worried she hadn’t sucked that other man’s cock well enough.
It wasn’t that she didn’t care what she had done, she realized. If she had had sex with someone more like Gary, who made her feel like Gary did, it would have been different. What Julie had experienced tonight was something off-the-charts-beyond anything she had ever known. Trying to put it in terms of her relationship with her husband was just not possible. There was too much disparity in sex with Gary versus tonight.
So what had she done wrong? Had her teeth been scraping his shaft? Maybe she should have used her hands to caress his balls while she sucked? Maybe she should have done more to turn him on, like tell him how much she wanted him in her mouth, how much she wanted him to cum in her mouth? Maybe she just couldn’t take him deep enough?
Or maybe he just hadn’t had enough time to recover from the sex, Julie reminded herself. That girl in his car hadn’t fucked him first and then tried to suck him off. Maybe that’s all it was.
And it wasn’t like any of that mattered now, did it? It wasn’t like she was going to see him again, was she? Certainly it was possible that in the course of doing business with her company that he would come here again. Or she might go out there. But….
But what? Would anything come of it? Greg had already had Julie. Would he want her again? Maybe, but not necessarily. Thinking back, Julie wondered if she had even been a decent fuck, let alone a great one. She supposed had been good, sure. But in hindsight, wasn’t there so much more she could have done? There was no denying that Greg brought out a desire in her to be wild and slutty… and that was the best she could do? At the height of her sluttiness?
And then the blow job… how had she done so badly that he had to finish by jerking off? She wished now she hadn’t abandoned her efforts to take him down her throat. Of course, throwing up in his lap wouldn’t have helped her cause either, she thought.
Even as she turned in to her own neighborhood, Julie’s thoughts revolved around a second chance with Greg, an opportunity to redeem herself. Sucking his cock again, even if nothing else. Shouldn’t she be remorseful now, mere blocks from her home? From her husband, who was probably lying in bed waiting for her?
Why did she care so much about Greg’s opinion of her in bed? On her knees? Julie knew going into this that she was going to be just another notch in his belt. For all she knew, he was at the hotel bar convincing blondie to come up to his room.
But the idea that she was just another less-than-memorable conquest for him pushed a button in her. She wasn’t accustomed to being part of the herd–one of the many, the mediocre. She was used to being a standout. In school, in her career, in everything. If Greg had to choose between her and the woman who sucked him off in his car, or the bleach blonde bar maid, would he take Julie? She didn’t think so. And that thought bothered her more than anything else. She was nobody’s second choice.
As she pulled into her driveway, Julie realized just how worked up she had gotten herself over this. Why? Did she really think she would sleep with Greg again? Part of her brain was saying, of course not! It was a momentary slip, nothing that would ever happen again. The other side of her brain was thinking that she had just had the most incredible sex, better than she had ever imagined. If she had another chance, how could turn it down?
It was a strange mix of emotions. Confusing, to say the least. She should be feeling awful and guilt-ridden over this adulterous evening. Or, if not, at least feeling great because she had just received the fucking of a lifetime would be understandable. To feel bad because she hadn’t been a good enough cheater was a little disorienting. Especially considering how little she must have meant to Greg. Just another—conveniently married—piece of ass.
How could a guy like that get under her skin?
Julie crawled into bed next to Gary, still conflicted and angry at herself for being so. He automatically rolled toward her and embraced her. He gave her a soft kiss in the darkness.
‘How’d it go?’ he asked softly.
‘Celebration dinner is on,’ Julie replied, trying to infuse a little enthusiasm in her voice.
‘Really? That’s great!’
‘Yeah, he’s going to recommend us… and me. I guess it may take a couple of weeks, but it’s a done deal.’ Even as she spoke, Julie realized that she had never seen Greg’s report. The very reason she had gone up to his room in the first place. Well, at least the excuse she had used.
Had she known? Even as they left the bar together? Hadn’t she sensed the possibilities? The sexual charge?
Of course she had forgotten about the report. It was never really the reason she went up there. She had gone up there so that cocky, arrogant bastard could show her why he was so cocky and arrogant. And he had.
Even as she kissed Gary good night and rolled over to go to sleep, all she could think about was Greg. And his cock.
The next morning when Julie awoke, she was surprised to find how sore she was. Not just her pussy, though that was certainly part of it. But her legs, her back and other muscles scattered over her body. It occurred to her that she really didn’t do much when she and Gary had sex. Once in a while she would spend a few minutes on top, but nothing like last night with Greg. Most of the time she just laid on her back and let Gary do his thing.
She got out of bed gingerly, glad that Gary had gotten up before her and wasn’t around to see the way she was moving. How the hell could she have explained that?
After a hot shower, Julie felt better, but she still had to be careful when she walked, not to show any signs of the soreness between her legs. That gratifying soreness that came from being pounded so hard with a big cock.
She was vaguely concerned that she still felt so little remorse for her actions. She did love Gary, didn’t she? Of course she did. So how could she be so ambivalent about something that would crush him? Something that she did. Knowing the consequences. And might even do again!
It made no sense. Even as she kissed him goodbye and left for work, there was nothing.
More than anything, Julie was still hung up on the fact that Greg probably thought of her as a mediocre fuck. And a lousy blow job.
Had that Barbie Doll bar maid gone up to Greg’s room last night? Had she sucked his cock? Julie bet if she had, Greg wouldn’t have had to finish the job for her. Those puffy pink lips of hers had probably been wrapped around plenty of cocks. She was probably quite the talented cocksucker. Quite likely out of Julie’s league anyway.
Why did that bother Julie so much? Certainly, if she had ever actually wanted to be a good cocksucker, she could be. No, Julie chided herself. She was a good cocksucker. Or, she was good at pleasing her man. That was a lot different than being good at pleasing all men, like some kind of wanton cocksucking slut. And if that’s what Barbie was, why did Julie care? Wasn’t that beneath her?
Well, it was, she
thought with a dash of bitterness. Until last night.
Her phone rang, jarring her from her thoughts.
‘Hey.’ It was Greg.
‘Uh, hi,’ Julie didn’t know what to say. It was weird that she didn’t know how familiar to be.
‘Did you forget something last night?’ Julie immediately thought about her clothes, her purse… no, she had everything.
‘Um, I don’t think so,’ she replied, but didn’t sound like she was very sure of it.
‘The report?’ Greg asked. ‘The reason you came to the hotel?’
‘Oh, right!’ She felt incredibly foolish. He was probably loving that.
‘Well, I still want you to see it, but I’m already at the airport. So here’s what I can do,’ he paused and Julie found she was holding her breath. Why did she assume that he had some trick up his sleeve? And if he did, wasn’t she going to play right along anyway? ‘I can’t send this right to you, but I’m willing to send part of it–the part that you need to see–from my personal email account to your personal email account. With the understanding, of course, that you not circulate it. You can tell people that need to know, but no paper trail, okay?’
It sounded reasonable. Julie would have to give him her personal email address, but… didn’t she want him to have it anyway?
‘That works for me,’ she said and proceeded to give him the address.
‘Great. I’ll send it over in a few minutes.’
‘Okay. Thanks, Greg.’ Then, not sure why she did, she added, ‘So, were they real?’
‘Her tits, Greg. Were they real?’ Greg laughed. Surely, he knew that Julie was talking about the bar maid, that she was implying he had fucked her last night after all.
‘I’ll talk to you in a week or two,’ he replied and hung up before Julie could say anything more. He hadn’t answered. What did that mean? And why did she even care?
When Julie got to work, she immediately checked her personal email account. There were several emails in there, some spam, some from friends. The most recently received one was from ‘sltfkr1000.’ Julie blinked as she looked at the address. Who the hell would have a screen name so crude?
A slut fucker… DUH!
Hadn’t she loved the feeling of being slutty? And being fucked by a man who knew what to do with a slut? She might try to spin things differently in the cold light of day, but that was what it all came down to: she had been a slut and he had fucked her.
Was she resentful that he was, in a way, calling her a slut now? No, she didn’t think so. It was just a little startling to see it in writing. She couldn’t–and didn’t want to–argue the slut label. In the context of the hotel room, it had actually been welcome. Here in the real world, well… it was somewhat out of place. That didn’t mean it was any less accurate. But it clearly could not be a part of her professional life.
It was a first for Julie, the need to have a secret life. It made her feel a bit weird, like she wasn’t who she thought she was. Who everyone else thought she was. It wasn’t necessarily a bad feeling. Julie still had no real sense of regret or pangs of guilt. Just a need to wall that experience off from the rest of her life.
She read through the excerpt from Greg’s report. It wasn’t anything she didn’t already know about, but it was a useful tool to identify and address the biggest issues that resulted from his audit. She saved the email in her personal account, then clicked the ‘reply’ button.
‘Thanks for the info. Nice email address.’
She wasn’t sure about the address comment. It was clearly a crossing of the boundary between her new, secret life and her old one. She clicked send before she could reconsider.
It didn’t take long for Greg to reply.
‘You’re welcome. It’s appropriate… don’t you agree? ,)’ The wink actually made her smile. It was a reminder, after all, that he was a man who could wink at one woman while another was sucking his cock. She thought for a moment, trying to come up with a suitable comeback.
‘No it’s not… b/c I wasn’t before last night.’
Again, she had to hurry and hit send before she changed her mind. The implication was clear enough: she wasn’t a slut before last night, but she was now. Isn’t that what she wanted him to know? That now she was? That he could have her again, if he wished?
Julie was conflicted on the issue. Or maybe she wasn’t. Maybe her conflict was more about wanting him again without knowing if he wanted her. There was no guilt. At least not yet. And other than the fear of getting caught, what else would hold her back?
A new email appeared in her in box. It was from Greg.
‘And now you are?’
Was she? No. Well, yes and no. One night didn’t make her a slut, obviously. But that one night had opened her eyes. She had always been a woman who wanted respect and consideration from a man. Maybe she was even a little selfish in bed sometimes, enjoying being pampered more than doing the pampering.
But last night had nothing to do with respect. Greg wasn’t inconsiderate in bed, but that wasn’t necessarily because he was concerned about Julie’s pleasure. He was just a great fuck. That’s what gave him the confidence: having that big dick and knowing how to use it. That confidence, in turn, gave him that take-charge attitude that made Julie act like a slut for him.
That’s what it was really, wasn’t it? Julie acting like a slut? Greg gave her a chance to behave in a way that no previous lover had, and she had responded to it. Would he have the same effect on her if she was suddenly alone with him again? She wasn’t sure.
How much of last night was acting? How much was her having an opportunity to experiment? How much of it was something that was inside of her all along, waiting to be released?
She didn’t believe it was something hardwired in her head or body. If it was, then it was only a matter of time before Greg or some other bad boy came along and she did it again. While she admitted to herself that she might sleep with Greg again, Julie didn’t see herself leaping into the sack with someone else to satisfy some newly discovered slutty urges.
‘And now you are?’
She re-read Greg’s email. She still wasn’t sure what the answer was. She knew how thrilling it had been to be fucked like a slut. But did that make her one?
‘Not sure….. yet’
She emailed back to him. Then she shut down her email. She was a little surprised by her own answer. She was pretty much telling him that she would fuck him again, that she wanted to fuck him again, really. A man like Greg didn’t need that kind of help. If he wanted to get in her pants, he could do it anyway, as he had so effectively demonstrated. An email like that, well…. she might as well tell him she was on her back naked with her legs up in the air!
She smiled at the thought.
That night, Julie came home to another delicious aroma. As she walked through the door and caught a whiff of Gary’s cooking, she remembered that tonight was their rescheduled ‘celebration’ dinner. The thought twisted Julie’s gut.
How had she forgotten? Hadn’t she promised to make it up to him the other night? When he had been so sweet, but she had been so not-in-the-mood? If she hadn’t been turned on then, she was even less so now.
For starters, she was still tender and sore from all the hard, deep thrusts of Greg’s sizeable cock. Even a more modestly endowed man would hurt her tonight. And that was only the physical part of it.
The emotional part was far more convoluted. How would she be able to have sex with Gary like nothing had happened? Poor trusting Gary! He would probably never suspect her of doing what she had done. But she was worried that there would be some telltale evidence of her indiscretion, by having sex with him, she would somehow give herself away.
But that wasn’t the whole story, was it? Sex with Gary wasn’t especially appealing to her. Had it really ever bee
n? That thought shook her up pretty badly. She had had orgasms, of course. But were orgasms the only indication as to a woman’s satisfaction? Julie realized that her answer to that question might have changed in the last twenty-four hours.
Gary was his usual sweet self all through dinner, though he surely knew that something was wrong. If anything, he tried harder to make things perfect for her. The meal was again fantastic. The wine and the background music were–or, would have been–just right. After dinner, he massaged her legs and feet the way she loved. It was all done so carefully, meticulously to please her that she really wanted to live up to her promise.
But she couldn’t will herself to be in the mood. There was simply nothing there. Maybe that was the form her guilt took. Or maybe last night had somehow ruined her relationship–sexually, at least–with Gary.
Julie pushed that thought away. Surely, that wasn’t the case. Her reluctance to be intimate with her husband after having an extra-marital affair, well… that was certainly understandable. It didn’t mean her marriage had been ruined.
As Gary massaged her legs, Julie told him she felt sick. She had been feeling a little under the weather all day… she must be coming down with something. And Gary, of course, was very understanding.
Why the hell couldn’t he at least show his disappointment? He was disappointed, wasn’t he?
* * * * *
The weekend was difficult. Julie kept up the pretense of being sick. Gary attended to her with care and compassion and, mercifully, made no effort to get intimate.
Strangely, Julie felt more guilt over that bit of deception than she did about her night with Greg. She kept telling herself that all of this was the backlash of her indiscretion and it would eventually pass.
But how long was she prepared to lie around claiming to be sick?
At one point Saturday afternoon Gary went out to run some errands. Julie listened for his car to pull out of the driveway before getting out of bed and going down the hall to the spare bedroom where they kept their home computer. She quickly logged on to check her email. Sure enough, there was one there from sltfkr1000. She felt her pulse quicken a little as she clicked it.
‘Not sure yet? Think about it… long and hard. Still not sure?’
Good looking, big dick and he sent clever emails… no wonder he was so fucking arrogant!
Julie thought about it all right. She thought about just how long and how hard it had been that night. It was at that moment that she realized that she really wanted to fuck him again. Of course she knew that, if he were to pursue her, he could be persuasive… and she could be persuaded. But this was the first time she admitted to herself that she wanted him again.
It was a weird feeling. Weird for her because it was the first time she ever wanted a man in a purely sexual sense. She didn’t want to give up her life as it was. Not in the slightest. And she really didn’t want any kind of relationship with Greg. That would probably be impossible anyway, given his polyamorous tendencies. She just wanted to be fucked like that again.
And it wasn’t just the physical sensations she craved, although his big cock had done things for her that her husband’s modest member never could. Julie found that she liked having a man take charge of her, tell her what to do and expect her to do it. She liked how Greg fucked her in any position he desired without asking. He knew how to take control.
Julie could surrender herself, give herself up to him. It was erotic. And slutty. It was at least as important a part of the thrill of having sex with him as his incredible cock was.
Now that she knew she wanted him again… or rather, knew that she wanted to be had by him again, how should she respond to his email? She wanted him to know, but didn’t want to seem over-eager. Or worse, desperate.
As she pondered what to say in her response, her mind wandered back to the night she had first seen him at the bar. She had been staring at him even then. He had been right about that. Funny, Julie thought. When he had hit on her that night, he had seemed so insufferably arrogant. He had soo rubbed her the wrong way. But she had been staring. Something in her must have known, even if her brain took a bit longer to figure it out.
I never knew my natural Parents my adopted Parents names are on my Birth Certificate along with my adoption Certificate. I only found out when my Father a Solicitor and my Mother told me on my s*******nth Birthday what a gift along, with the news of my birth came a gold locket no inscription but it was hallmarked which the adaption society told them my natural Mother asked them to give me the locket when I was s*******n . To say the least it was shock I love my Parents and I wouldn’t do...
I am an ardent fan of Kerala Erotica. I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily at least twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly titillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so I am sure I will get lot of relief since I can’t say about my experience to anyone.My...
As I entered the bar, the clientele seemed a bit unusual. The women were extraordinarily beautiful, many dressed in expensive, revealing gowns. There seemed to be a preponderance of "middle aged" men, not a few showing a bit of paunchiness. The affection being showered on these gentlemen by the women at the bar and around the tables drew me into the place. I spotted a vacant bar stool and installed myself, ordering a rum and coke from the handsome young bartender. As I began sipping my...
"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...
JULIE Julie Believed We Should All Share Our Assets. I don’t really remember exactly when I met Julie; but I do recall that I knew, almost at once, that I was dealing with a very different type of girl to the others I had known up to that date.I think that we first met when a mutual friend took me to Julie’s house. Julie was sprawled on the floor playing her guitar; she was actually quite good at this. She had long dark hair, which I remember was always spotlessly clean. She was scantily...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was going to her purse to retrieve her wallet so she could pay her brothers for helping her move into the aprtment that she had rented. The two 18 year old twin brothers watched their buxom redheaded sister walk across the room as they moved one of the last boxes into the kitchen. Her Double-D tits jiggled with every step and her round, firm ass looked as if it was made for fucking. Hank and Kyle had always had a thing for their sister who was...
IncestPeople thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn’t talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
I spent the night at her house. And we had fun...watching movies with her parents, eating popcorn. We slept together in her bed and after kissing and making out for awhile, we both slipped off to sleep.The foggy edges of the dream crept into my conciuos mind, soft and wet, sliding over me. I fought to hold onto the wamr feelings inside me even as mmy body was waking up. The sun was already shining in the room, and my eyes blinked open. It still took a few moments to realize Julie was the...
People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn't talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
Straight SexI caught her eye across the room. Julie was in mid discussion with someone. Talking music and drums I imagine. I look at her, enjoying her figure, as she moves from foot to foot and participates in the discussion. Do they know what she isn’t wearing I wonder? Moving further around the room I place myself in her line of sight so that I catch her eye. Smiling I deliberately let my eyes rove over her body. She smiles and moves slightly so that I am more front on, still talking she turns slightly...
Julie’s perfectly round, luscious ass was sticking up high in the air, while her head, turned to the side, rested on the mattress. Her beautiful, curly, dirty-blonde hair covered her face slightly. Her ankles were held spread wide apart by a sturdy, metal spreader bar, while her wrists were clasped close together between them. She was completely naked, and exposed, and more turned on than she ever thought possible. I gently brushed her golden locks away from her pretty face, back behind her...
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The Wizard's questions kept running through Wei Lin's mind: "Are you happy with the limits imposed on your people for so long? Will you sit idly as the few freedoms so recently gained are stripped away? If you had it within your means to finally deliver the benefits of liberty and freedom to your people, would you do so? If some personal sacrifice was required to set your people free, would you make it?" Here she was part of an all volunteer unit preparing to re-enter China and do battle...
Jordan Maxx returns home after a day out and chats with her stepdaughter, Madi Collins. Jordan is disappointed that a new friend of hers, Naomi Foxxx, who she has a crush on, has rebuffed her advances. It seems as though Jordan isn’t Naomi’s type since Naomi prefers younger women! Madi hates seeing Jordan upset, and hatches a plan to help Jordan score with Naomi… The next day, Madi and Jordan enact the plan, showing up at Naomi’s house unexpectedly. As Naomi invites them...
xmoviesforyouHi all, This is Stallone (name changed) 22 yrs old based in Bangalore. I been reading ISS or quite some time and now decided to write my story. This was my first experience with my class mate but one year elder to me. This incident happen 2 yrs before now I completed my graduation. Coming to the story the girl name is swetha (name changed). We got introduced in our 2nd year of degree we exchanged our numbers and every day we used to have chat at night she was bit dark nice structure medium size...
I had never been to court before. I was so nervous as I waited for my name and case to be called that I debated leaving and just paying the ticket. But $500 was money I didn't have as a university student. The day I got the ticket was such a crummy day. I was coming back from an exam that hadn't gone well, despite me spending all weekend studying. I never speed but I was so distracted that I never saw the speed limit change. The cop had no sympathy as he wrote the ticket, my first ticket...
*This story has been uploaded to other sites in swedish. As that implies, I'm not a native speaker and the story takes place in Sweden during the 19:th century, which was a time when many swedes left the country for looking for better opportunities. I hope the foreign setting doesn't obstruct too much. I have quite a lot of material for the main branch of the story, but anyone can feel free to create their own chapters! I hope you enjoy my first story here, and if so, I have plenty of more...
BDSMAfter a long and tiring show, Britney Spears was ready to collapse on the couch in her dressing room. Making her way to the back of the amphitheater, the screams of the crowd still echoing in the halls, Britney quickly snuck inside her dressing room and plopped down in a chair. Britney scanned the room. All of these dressing rooms had started looking the same - a bathroom/shower off to the side, a big couch in the center of the room, a table covered with all sorts of food and drinks. It was...
Everyday she would be there with the shinning face and the most beautiful dark green eyes, he has ever seen in his life. Other days were better than others because she would face with her back to him and not the wall. You see Leslie did not care to wear underwear of anytime and didn't seem to notice when her pants would fall down revealing the cutest butt crack ever made by GOD himself. O.K. enough of the back round information. Let's get down to it. The day after the football game...
Danni and I met up again this past weekend and again, "she" literally rocked my entire fucking world. Coming in wearing a tight jean skirt, a loose black top and heels. Knowing what we already wanted and needed, she hardly got in the door and we were all over each other, kissing passionately, our hands roaming all over each other. Hungry for her cock, I then dropped down right there, lifting her skirt to reveal her sexy red panties, pulled them down to release her rapidly hardening cock right...
We had just returned to the area to live having been away for several years, my wife Sue had arranged to meet a long term female friend for lunch in a local pub., I dropped her off she was going to ring me when ready to be collected. She as usual looked fantastic although 56 years old she exercises every day is size 8 -10 with a gorgeous figure, she always turned heads.She rang me about 4pm from her mobile for collection, whilst on the phone I heard a male voice speak to her, I asked what was...
I turned off the light in the bedroom and closed the door. I lit some candles in the living room. And turned off the lights. The door that led into the garden was all glass as the rest of the wall. There was a fence around the garden only 4 feet high. So i pulled the curtains so no one could see in. As i pulled the curtain i saw the cat outside and let it in. I filled up the cat bowl with food. And started to fell a bit hungry myself. So i made myself a sandwich and put one of Karen's LP´s on....
Hi, everyone, my name is Juhi, this sex story is about when I was 22 years, my stats back then were 34c-28-26 and I took great pride in my assets. I had opted to do a masters degree from London and me and my friend Shreo had opted for the same university and had planned to search for accommodation together. Shreo back then was extremely hot and busty, her stats were 36DD-30-34, at the time I had my eyes pop out seeing her cleavage. Well, you don’t really have to be a lesbian to ogle at others...
Sandy, the gorgeous little blonde bank-teller, is doing better and better and having more and more fun working as a prostitute. She has been working with JoAnne, Nadene and Heather for about three months now, and is doing everything she can to spend more and more time at it. In fact, she only is working at the bank half-time now, so she can spend more time working the streets and taking calls. And, even when she’s at the bank, she spends about half of her time on her knees… blowing her boss,...
Group SexCaptain Caveman in Cavey Can Do It By Sasha Zarya Nexus This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, "Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels" by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977. "All New Super Friends Hour"; by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and Extreme Justice #9 by DC Comics, Copyright 1995 All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment...
Linda held her mouth tight over Rink's hardon as it filled her mouth with white hot cum, and as the last jets dripped from his dick, he exclaimed, "Baby, you do that like no other bitch I ever had the pleasure of fucking!" Linda swallowed the juicy liquid and looked at her lover with bright happy eyes. She always loved it when Rink would compliment her sexual proficiency, and lately he had been complementing her plenty! He loved getting head, so she put everything she had into it just to get...
EroticI thought my sex life with my live in girlfriend was the tops. She was such a good fuck that I never minded when she shaved my cock and balls. I only mildly objected when she started giving me enemas. This was followed with her putting her finger in my ass when we fucked. Next she begged me to let her use a small dildo on my ass(the size gradually increased till I could take a fairly good size). I began to really enjoy her playing with my ass especially when she used her finger or dildo to...
Hi, I was a sometime swing partner for this hot couple. MJ is a fun, very busty bbw. Rik is a usually quiet 50 year old, hardbody. He called me just as I was leaving work. Said to meet them at an abs. I was about on time and did not see their car. I saw the car pull in and only saw him. I walked over and said hello, change of plans? He said no, just follow me. Thought it was a little strange...but MJ has huge breasts and a big cunt. She always makes me laugh. Pulled into a driveway 30...
The cold evening air blew through Lucy’s hair like needles. She shivered sending cold chills down her spine. As she made her way across the campus quad she hugged her sweater closer around her waist. It was Friday and Lucy couldn’t help but wish she was anywhere but where she was at this very moment. Her roommate Fiona had invited her to go to a party across campus just hours earlier. “Come with us, Lucy,” her roommate had said. “My boyfriend, Carl, has a sexy friend he’d like you meet!” Lucy...
LesbianOn Saturday night of week three we gather at my apartment On Saturday night of week three we gather at my apartment. Brad and Anne, having already been through it, can be trusted to be fair. Brad puts six poker chips in a basket and shakes them up. Anne draws. It's Mona. "Oh, I can't do it today." she says. "I'm not feeling well. I'll do it next week, I'll come early, we won't have to choose." It's always best to ignore such outbursts. Three of us draw for tasks. Jeremy gets...
At one point in my chequered career I was a life insurance rep for a major company. One fine spring day, I was out prospecting through a new housing subdivision, door knocking, and dropping off business cards and leaflets offering 'free' financial analyses. I was targeting younger couples, so focused on homes with swing sets and toys s**ttered about, and bypassing the well-kept yards which generally denoted 'older' persons lived there. I saw one such 'older' person working their flower bed, and...
She dug deep in her bag and brought out a pair of silk gloves, sat down at the side of my bed and slowly started to wank my cock, the feel of her gloves had me trembling at the knees again and i could feel myself ready to explode then all of a sudden she stopped,' not yet got lots of plans for you' she said.Neve got off the bed and went back to over her bag, she dug deep and out came a cock pump and dildo. things now started going through my head that this was going to be the best afternoon of...
Cindy kept moaning as he continued to lick for a full minute. Then he pulled down the waist string of her panty, causing the lace over her cunt to be loose. "Are you removing my panty, Mr. Hard-dick?" "Do you want me to?" "No, sir... don't, sir... please..." She couldn't understand why she didn't want her panty removed. "Pleas don't take offence, Mr. Hard-dick." "Okay, Cindy. I won't remove your panty but let me push the front part inside your cunt..." "Why, Sir?" But he...
Becoming a Rubberdoll Part I By: Chloe Latex 69This story is a work of fiction. I have always fantasized about becoming a woman and in real life that is what I am working on right now. I have also fantasized about being a rubberdoll. That might happen in real life for me as well, but my story will be fun! My name is Cody Jackson. I am a recent college graduate who got two degrees in Biology and Psychology with an emphasis in genetics. In college I did an independent study on Alzheimer's and I...
The first day after I got stuck, I could have just walked out. Not a problem at all, I had my backpack, gear, good outdoor clothes and heavy hiking boots. The second day, I knew I couldn’t. I had never even gave a moment’s thought to danger. I was just going fishing. The big Fall Salmon would be in the river down below, I knew. They always were there in late October. It was my secret place, just a few people even knew of it or how to get there, the canyon walls were steep, forbidding. I...
A hundred and thirty five centimeters. By unsheathing his resolve and going all out, Zax actually extended the reach of his Soul Sense's radius by an additional five centimeters. This achievement was far from expected, almost unprecedented. Not only his Soul Sense surpassed the reach of the common C level Mist User, Core Breaker, at the moment of his advancement, even at its current level, which in soul energy was equivalent to F level Mist User, it still was in its growing period. The...
It was the middle of February and the construction phase of the build out for the restaurant was completed. Dan and Mr. Foreman walked up to the door of the pizzeria. Dan was so nervous that he could barely talk. He had the last check for the construction job in his pocket. Handing it over was going to put a considerable dent in his business accounts. Opening the door, Dan walked into his pizzeria. Amazed, he looked around at it. It was exactly how he imagined it. He walked over to the pizza...
let go to the story without wasting time my aunty name was Babitha name she is [/image]fare and looks cute and her age was 27, she is the mother of two c***d both are girls and she is my Moms brother wife and at that time.I was in the studying and so one day there was a big family problem in my mama family with his younger brother so my mama decided to go and settle in their native place which is in Tamilnadu on that day at night my mama came to my homeAnd he said that he is going to leave...
When i was married my wife and i meet this cpl and we invited them to come over one night my wife was very horny when they first got there we all was talking.They just wanted to meet for the first time no sex, my wife got up and started to rub on the other woman tits and rubbed on his cock we then went into the room we was in there all night fucking.By time we got done all u could smell was sex in the air
The anticipation was built over time. Patience. Persistence. Foreplay. Gradual growth and teasing. Dirty pictures. Almost dirty pictures. Dirty thoughts. VERY dirty thoughts. All without judgement and with total understanding and respect of desires and boundaries. At least the ones that weren't meant to be pushed. None of that could prepare for the actual excitement and rush of lust that was visible on both of your faces, and I am sure mine when I walked up in person. The first hug and...
Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #2Near the end of the evening, as people were starting to leave, I stood in the kitchen talking to Matt and Rick once again. Us three, and some girl who was barely paying attention, were discussing basketball when Melissa came up to me."No way, man. Mudiay is definitely the first pick," Rick assured us, gesturing wildly."If you say so, I just think-""Hey, Sam," Melissa said, interrupting me. She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind, her globes mashing up...
I opened my front door and we walked in. I felt tired my feet aching, my body crying out for a long hot soak in the bath followed by an early night. It had been an emotional roller coaster of a day, the highs the lows the experience of new feelings within me. I prefer my life to contain ripples not waves I like to be in control of those ripples not to be swept away by the waves. But now my feelings were different I felt I wanted to be pulled out by the wave of today's highs and by Helen. I...
This is a repost and continuation of my chapters and prologue of Weak Minds are Easily controlled by CelebMaster69 and some chapters of wicker. I highly encourage you to check out the original to see other paths by other users. I had quite a few chapters still saved as drafts, that I now got around to releasing. They were not yet published due to the story being too old. I like the story with Gloria, Bethany, Beverley and the other additions I made to the household so I'm just gonna continue...
Mind ControlNarrated by Shobha Trainer: Oho! Tum ab bhi wahi soch rahi ho? Main: Haan, kyu ki shayad tum bhi mere bare mein kuch kuch aur soch rahe ho. Trainer: Nahi Shobha, aisa kuch nahi hai, ye sab mera roz ka kaam hai. Main: Sachme, mujhe dekh tumhe kuch nahi ho raha? Trainer: Nahi bolana. Chalo aur 5… Isse pahle ki woh aage bolta main seedhe uske short ke elastic ko pakad kheech neeche ki. Aur uska tana lohe jaisa lumba lund rubber ki tarah mere muh ke upar uchal pada. Main uske lambe...
Hey all I am Da (name changed) 21yr old. This incident happened to me when I was in high school. I always have strong appetite 4 sex as most of teenagers do. But to me it was something more when compared to others. After the final exams I recieved a call from my aunt & she invited me to her place as there were holidays going on. Even my cousin also insisted me to come. I agreed and left for there. Its about 2 to 3 hr journey. I directly went inside the house as there was none. But when i...