OSL New YorkChapter 5 Merry Birthday
- 4 years ago
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-- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2007 --
“Right pick, right pick!”
Hearing the warning, I darted forward to close the gap between me and Mike Fukuzaki, the ball-handler. He dribbled to his left and I followed, moving over the top of his brother Nick’s screen to keep myself close enough to bother Mike’s shot. Kim, my teammate, stayed where she was for an extra second to discourage Mike from attempting to drive to the basket. At the same time, Nick left his position and rolled down the lane, looking for a pass. And seeing him, Mike picked up his dribble and prepared to lob the ball over his sister’s head.
But Kim had only feinted staying in position, and she was already backpedaling in anticipation of the pass. Rather than throw the ball into a sure interception, Mike held onto it. But since he’d already picked up his dribble, he was left with nowhere to go.
Fortunately for Mike, his brother Nick raced back out to the top of the key to receive a pass safely behind the three-point line. I turned my head to watch the pass go by, and at that very moment, Mike cut hard to the basket behind me.
Kim had followed Nick out past the free-throw line, so Mike had plenty of open space. The only warning I had was Nick’s eyes going wide just before he lobbed a pass over Kim’s head and right under the basket, giving me a split second to recognize what was going on and belatedly chase after Mike.
Mike collected the pass just under the rim and quickly scooped his right hand out to bank in the reverse layup with a little English on it. But during that time I had closed the gap, launched myself into the air, and swung my arm out into the open air above him.
Mike’s shot only traveled six inches up before my palm connected with it and swatted the bright orange sphere against the wooden fence surrounding the backyard. It impacted with a loud ‘thunk’ and bounced back onto the concrete court.
“Booyah!” I crowed. “Get that weak shit outta here!”
Mike scowled and walked away. Nick jogged over to collect the ball. Kim laughed as she came over to give me a low-five. And Mr. Fukuzaki clapped from his spot on a lounge chair, BJ squirming in his lap. The family patriarch was trying to coax BJ into clapping for his parents as well.
I slapped Kim’s hand with my own and smiled. Mike and Nick still got the ball, since I’d knocked it out of bounds, but their next play didn’t fare any better when Mike blew an easy layup because he was worried about me blocking him again and Kim secured the rebound. She threw the ball out to me, I pump-faked Mike at the three-point line to get him to jump in the air, and I dribbled down to the free-throw line. Nick feinted like he was going to challenge me, but he backed away to cover a potential pocket pass to Kim. So instead, I took one more dribble and put up a floater from just in front of the rim, watching with satisfaction as it swished through the net to win the game.
Though obviously disappointed to lose, Mike and Nick didn’t take it personally. They congratulated me and Kim, and then prepared to start another game. But eldest brother John’s wife, Mary, came out of the house with their infant daughter Sarina perched on her hip, and announced that it was time for us to get cleaned up. Lunch would be ready soon.
There were four of us who needed to get cleaned up but only three showers in the house. Trying to be polite, I offered to wait for the others, but citing their responsibilities as hosts, Mr. Fukuzaki insisted I go first. John cracked that Nick and Mike could share one together. Mike cracked back that it made more sense for me and Kim to share one together, but Mr. Fukuzaki glowered at his youngest son, which put an end to that idea.
Kim and I blushed at each other awkwardly. It wasn’t like we’d never taken a shower together before, and if we’d been at home right now we probably would, but it wouldn’t be appropriate for us to do so in her father’s house. I repeated that the three of them could go first, Mr. Fukuzaki said that I really should go first, and Nick finally said he wasn’t going to argue about it anymore, so he headed off to the first floor hallway bathroom without further ado. Kim then went up to the master bath, and Mike decided to rock-paper-scissors me for the other upstairs bathroom. Mike won, and didn’t get any further argument from his father. I suppose even Mr. Fukuzaki can’t overrule rock-paper-scissors.
I hung around the living room with the kids, trying not to sweat on anything. Mike was actually the first one done, and he called down the stairs that the shower was free. I headed upstairs, took my shower, and changed back into my regular clothes. I’d planned to go right back downstairs to the living room, but babbling toddler noises from the direction of Kim’s bedroom drew my attention and I walked down the hall to peek inside. Sure enough, BJ was sitting on the floor playing with some of his new Christmas presents while his mama watched over him.
“Heyyy, little man,” I greeted.
BJ looked back at me, cheering in a tiny voice, “Da-da!” But a second later he returned his attention back to his brand new trucks, and for the moment I was virtually ignored. I didn’t take it personally; he wasn’t paying any attention to Kim, either.
“Hey, great game,” I greeted my baby mama before leaning down for a kiss while she continued to brush the tangles out of her wet hair.
She pecked me and patted the bed beside her.
I sat down, looked over at my son, and brought my attention back to her. “I figured you’d be downstairs in the living room. Samuel and BJ were playing together earlier.” One of the highlights of my day had been to watch my son playing with and bonding with his cousins, John and Mary’s kids Samuel (age 5) and Sarina (not yet 1).
“Not anymore. Samuel’s been doing well playing the role of ‘big brother’ for BJ – I think he enjoys having a younger ‘sibling’ to boss around who can actually respond and his sister is too small to actually play with. But when I got downstairs after my shower, he was getting a little rough, crashing their toys into each other and making pretend explosions. I warned him to be gentle around the babies, but after a minute, I figured it was just best to give them a break from each other, so I brought BJ upstairs.”
I nodded my understanding.
“Besides,” Kim added. “This way you can tell me all about your Lake Tahoe trip.”
I snorted. “Haven’t you already interrogated my other girls about the trip?”
“I never interrogate anyone.”
“But you keep tabs on me by interviewing everyone around me.”
“Of course. I’m me.” She flashed that Mona Lisa smile.
“So why do you need me to tell you about the trip?”
“Because I like to get multiple perspectives and combine them all together to form a complete picture in my head. Now spill.”
“You sound awfully interrogative right now.”
Kim glowered at me and raised both eyebrows expectantly.
I laughed and shrugged. “So what did the girls already tell you?”
“Bits and pieces. Mostly I talked to Dawn. Brandi already explained she wasn’t around you much. And Dayna didn’t really have much new to say that Dawn hadn’t already told me.”
I nodded. Dawn and Kim had always been on really good terms dating back to when I’d first made Kim my girlfriend while already in a relationship with Dawn. During the year that I’d been avoiding Dawn, Kim had been keeping my now-best friend informed of the things going on in my life. And Brandi had long viewed Kim as a surrogate big sister to me, someone who had my best interests at heart and would look after me whenever Brandi herself wasn’t around.
“So tell me about Kenzie Campbell,” Kim began. “Apparently she lives fairly close by. Are you going to see her again anytime soon?”
I chuckled. “We have a date set for Friday night.”
“Should I begin factoring her into my long-term plans?”
“What? No. Not yet at least.” I shook my head and gave Kim an amused look. “I have no idea where things are going to end up with Kenzie. She’s pretty, she’s fun to be around, and she’s in love with my cock. We had an amazing time in Tahoe together, but that was very much a vacation fling. We barely know each other and need time and opportunity to figure out if we still click back here in the real world: where we’re not around each other 24/7, sharing a mountain retreat bedroom, and having wild and crazy orgies every night. I’ll see her again on Friday, but for all I know the passion will have died out by then.”
“For all you know, absence will only make the heart grow fonder. She sent you a text while you were in the shower.”
“Really?” I fumbled in my jeans pocket for my phone only to find it wasn’t there.
“On the desk.” Kim pointed.
I frowned. “When did you get in the habit of swiping my phone?”
She shrugged. “I always have. What, you think I don’t read all your text messages?”
“A bit stalkerish, you think?”
“I’m the mother of your son; I get to snoop. And it’s only because I love you and look out for your well-being.” Kim’s Mona Lisa smile was back.
“Riiight,” I drawled, shaking my head as I retrieved my phone. But I wasn’t mad actually, or even annoyed. Kim was just being ... Kim. “How’d you even get my passcode?”
Kim snorted and leveled me with a look, as if it should be obvious that she’d figured out my passcode.
I sighed. “You know, I could command you to stop snooping around my phone.”
“Indeed you could, sir. And yet I don’t think you will.”
I arched an eyebrow and thought about it, really thought about it, if nothing else than to prove her wrong. A man has the right to his own privacy after all. And yet...
You’ve already let her into your life this much. She is the mother of your son. She is just looking out for your well-being. If there’s anyone in the world you can trust with this stuff, it’s her.
Sighing, I shook my head. “Just ... don’t go telling everybody what you read on my phone, alright?”
I snorted, typed in my passcode, and read my messages. Kenzie’s text wasn’t anything to worry about. She’d written a short note to wish me a Merry Christmas was all, and I quickly typed my own Merry Christmas in return.
Looking over my shoulder, Kim frowned and asked, “That’s it? Two words? You should at least say that you’re thinking of her or missing her or something.”
I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Fine, fine.” I quickly typed that I was thinking of her (which was technically true since Kim and I had just been discussing her) and looked forward to seeing her again on Friday. I hit SEND and then stuffed my phone into my pocket lest Kim try to goad me into typing any more.
“So do you like her?”
“Of course I like her. I wouldn’t be seeing her on Friday if I didn’t, with your permission, of course.”
Kim ignored the jab. “But even if you’re not sure if this relationship will be going anywhere, even if you’re waiting until Friday to see if the chemistry still exists, what are your intentions toward her? What do you hope happens? From the way you describe it, you sound rather ambivalent about whether or not things continue with her. Like, if you two still click, that’s great; but if you don’t, then no big deal.”
I sighed. “What do you want from me? Kenzie and I had a great weekend, but I’m not exactly in a stable emotional place to think about starting a serious relationship with anyone. I haven’t forgotten that my fiancée broke off our engagement and took our mutual girlfriend with her – and still hasn’t come back from Hawaii yet, by the way – that Dayna ended our official relationship, and that DJ even asked me to marry her before I broke her heart and told her it was never gonna happen.”
“DJ asked what now?” Kim sat up straight and gave me a dangerous ‘you’d-better-fucking-tell-me-NOW’ kind of look.
I blinked. “You didn’t know?”
“No, I didn’t know!” she blurted, but after a second, Kim leaned her head back, furrowed her eyebrows, and looked thoughtful. “Dawn told me to call her when I had more time to chat. We only had time for a quick update before, and this must’ve been what she meant.”
I shrugged.
Kim smiled. “Okay then, you tell me about it.”
But just then, Mary called up the stairs. “Lunch is ready!”
Saved by the bell.
Kim, BJ, and I rejoined the others, although Kim gave me a serious look that clearly stated she would not be letting me off the hook that easily. Still, she managed to keep a lid on her curiosity for the rest of our visit with her family.
Christmas lunch with the Fukuzakis was delicious, and I gobbled up a lot of food quite quickly. It was a good thing I did, because BJ got antsy and absolutely refused to remain in his high chair any longer, so I left the table early to take him to play in the family room and let Kim stay to finish the meal with her family. I stayed there for another hour, joined halfway through by Kim, Mary, Samuel, and baby Sarina while the guys wound up staying around the dining table having a long conversation with their father about the future. From what I could overhear, Dad and John were nagging the two younger men about girlfriends, settling down, and giving their father a few more grandchildren. Additionally, Mike was getting crap about his current career trajectory.
I guess all families are kind of the same.
In any case, I spent most of my time playing with the boys while Kim fawned all over little Sarina. The girl wasn’t that much younger than BJ, but she was still a baby. Not for the first time, I found myself wishing I could give Kim more children, and a daughter to call her own, but it just wasn’t meant to be.
Eventually, Mary went to go remind her husband that they still needed to drive up to the East Bay and visit her family for Christmas dinner. The timing also made sense for me, Kim, and BJ to head over to MY parents’ place for Christmas dinner. Brandi, Dayna, and I had taken Brandi’s Camry down south, and they’d dropped me off with the Fukuzakis this morning. Kim had driven Adrienne’s Porsche Cayenne to her father’s house last Friday, so now I drove it and my little family over to my parents’ new home.
Of course, Kim interrogated me about DJ for the entire drive. Thankfully, it was a relatively short trip.
The Evans house was larger than the one my Mom and Dad had bought, and was perhaps better suited for a large gathering, with a formal living room for hosting in addition to a comfortable family room for watching TV. But though my parents had downsized houses to a smaller place now that all five of their kids were out on their own, it was still the “new” house. And much in the same way Mom had been eager to host her first Thanksgiving in it, she was now hosting her first Christmas in it. They hadn’t gone all out on decorations or anything, but there were still plenty of lights and wreaths and a big artificial tree in the living room with presents stacked under it, around it, and overflowing dangerously close to the fireplace.
Dawn announced our arrival when Kim and I walked in the front door with BJ, and Mom came scurrying out from the kitchen still in her apron to immediately give us hugs. She fussed over BJ, and I delivered the nice bottle of wine Mr. Fukuzaki had sent along as a Christmas present for my family. After that, Brooke and DJ picked up BJ, and Mom let me go into the great room with the big screen TV where my dad and Jack Evans already sat. I greeted both men, Jack handed me a beer, and I settled onto the couch. Whereas Thanksgivings were all about football, Christmas Day was a basketball day, and the Lakers were hosting the Suns.
Unlike the Evans family home, with its formal living room and separate family/TV room, my parents’ house had one large great room with an open kitchen layout and the big dining table in-between. My dad was in his La-Z-Boy armchair, and there was still enough room for a full-size couch and a loveseat in an L-shape as well. Deanna Evans was with my mom in the kitchen. Brooke and DJ were chatting at the dining table. Brandi and Dayna collected BJ and Kim, and they all went to my dad’s first floor office to have BJ unwrap some of his new toys early and let him play without the distraction of the TV around. I didn’t immediately see the twins.
But right at the end of the first half, the twins made their presence known when Eden dropped onto the couch cushion beside me and gave me a hug while Emma sat on the armrest and hugged me from the other side, giving me a sister sandwich. I chuckled and patted them back, asking, “Where’ve you been?”
“We were upstairs playing WoW,” Eden explained.
“After we finished, we went to play with the baby for a while,” Emma continued.
“He’s not a ‘baby’ anymore,” I corrected.
Emma shrugged. “We’ll probably keep calling him a ‘baby’ until you get around to having another one of them, and then we can call the new baby ‘the baby’ and BJ can get promoted to--”
“Rugrat,” Eden finished with a smirk. “We’ll start calling BJ a rugrat.”
I laughed and patted Eden’s arm. In response, my sister grabbed my hand and started pulling me off the couch. “C’mon, we wanna show you something.”
Immediately, I gave her a stern look.
“What?” She stared me down directly, almost daring me to say something that Dad or Jack Evans might overhear.
With a sigh, I shrugged and let the girls each grab one of my hands and pull me off the couch. Only after we got out of earshot did Eden lean in and mutter quietly, “ReLAX. Our birthday is tomorrow. You think we waited 33 days just to start something early?” She waggled her eyebrows teasingly.
My eyes were mere slits. “You don’t exactly have the best reputation for being patient.”
“We really do mean we want to show you something,” Emma explained. “C’mon, it’s halftime anyway. You’ll be back by the start of the third quarter.”
The twins then let go of my hands and skipped ahead of me toward the stairs. We passed my dad’s office on the way, and I poked my head in to check on the others. BJ was engrossed in his new toys, which included several Thomas the Tank Engine trains, and I waved both hello and goodbye when Brandi and Dayna looked up at me. Then I followed after the twins.
The master bedroom, a guest room, the laundry room, and a hallway bathroom were upstairs. Eden and Emma took me into the guest room, their two laptop computers still on the desk. At first, I wondered if they were going to show me something to do with their game. But Emma closed the door behind me, Eden snaked her arms around my neck, and she promptly tackled me onto the bed while shoving her tongue into my mouth.
Automatically, I kissed her back for a moment but quickly got my bearings and pried her off me. “Eden!” I hissed. “We talked about this!”
“ReLAX. I’m not gonna mount you,” Eden insisted.
“Again...” Emma muttered.
Eden shot her a dirty look but then looked back down at me. “That’s for tomorrow, remember?”
“Of course I remember,” I sighed, sitting up on the bed as Eden backed away and stood beside Emma. “We’ve already planned this. You girls text me after your big birthday party with your friends ... I’ll pick you up and take you out.”
“You still haven’t told us where we’re going,” Emma pouted.
“And I’m not GOING to tell you where we’re going. That’s why they call it a ‘surprise’.”
Emma crossed her arms over her chest and huffed at me like a tween.
“You can surprise us all you want tomorrow,” Eden said reasonably. “We promised we would let you do this your way, whatever made you comfortable, and we’re not going to interfere. But that’s tomorrow, and you have to understand that now that we’re so, so close, the anticipation is KILLING us.”
“KILLING us,” Emma repeated, still huffy. “And keeping your plans a secret isn’t helping. At least if you said you were just gonna come into our bedroom after the party and get it over with, we’d at least know what to expect and could wrap our heads around that.”
“Not ruining the surprise,” I stated evenly, my arms crossed, my jaw set, and my eyelids half-shut.
Emma rolled her eyes.
“ANYways,” Eden continued, “that’s tomorrow. This is today.”
“You said you wanted to show me something,” I sighed. “And that I’d be back in time for the third quarter.”
“And you will,” Eden explained, “if you stop interrupting.”
Taking a deep breath, I leaned back and planted my hands on the mattress. Resigned, I silently gestured with my chin and eyes for Eden to proceed.
Now Eden and Emma shared a sly smile. Emma began, “What we wanted to show you...”
“ ... was this,” Eden finished. Each girl promptly raised the hem of her dress up to her chest, revealing that they were both without panties underneath.
“We just shaved them this morning,” Emma chirped excitedly, showing off her completely hairless still-jailbait pussy, although she’d be 18 and legal in a few hours. Her puffy pink lips were already spread apart a little with excitement, and in the room’s lights I caught the glistening of moisture.
“And we wanted to show you these, too,” Eden added, turning around and bending over at the waist. Emma did the same, and my eyes bugged out to see that both girls had butt-plugs inserted up their assholes, Eden’s in lime green and Emma’s in hot pink. Eden even reached over to grab the pink plastic ring protruding out from Emma’s anus, using it to wiggle the plug around the inside of her baby sister’s butt.
Emma moaned until Eden stopped messing around with her butt plug, and Eden stood up to smile at me. “You have NO idea how horny we are right now.” And with that, she climbed onto the bed and pushed me flat on my back so she could kiss me again.
This time, I let her kiss. Moments later, I felt Emma fumbling with my pants button and zipper. I was already rock hard. A few seconds after that, Emma started shoving as much of my dick into her throat as she could.
To be fair, the girls got me back in time for the start of the third quarter. The whole thing was basically a non-coital quickie, just enough to take the edge off for all of us. Eden stopped kissing me and slid up so she could lower that freshly-shaven twat down onto my lips. She liked me licking her well enough, and she bent over and planted her left foot on the mattress so I had enough room to push a couple of fingers into her as well. But what really set her off was me grabbing that butt-ring and wiggling the plug within her still-virgin asshole.
Emma was next, flat on her back sucking her twin sister’s girlcum out of her twat while I knelt at the foot of the bed and did the same thing to her I’d been doing to Eden. But it wasn’t me messing around with the butt-plug she loved so much as me fitting three fingers into her wet pussy, palm-up, and curling them as if beckoning her to ‘come hither’.
After that, the twins knelt in front of me and traded off sucking my knob while the other played around with my balls and stroked the shaft. I wound up unloading into Emma’s mouth, but she happily snowballed it back and forth with her twin sister. The whole event from entering the room to exit took less than ten minutes, the girls were so primed to explode, and I still had enough time to wash my face and make sure I looked presentable before I went back downstairs. The girls had it even easier, with the excuse of their computer game reason enough for them to stay upstairs. And I returned to the living room with no one the wiser of what had just taken place in that bedroom.
I think.
Not important. The rest of Christmas turned out to be a pretty casual day. The parentals had been busy prepping for and then executing their party or watching the game (Lakers won). We had one big group dinner together, and there wasn’t any wild and crazy orgy for us “kids” afterward, not even in the Evans’ gazebo jacuzzi. Things between me and the girls had changed a lot between Thanksgiving and today.
After dinner, everyone split up to head to their respective homes. Those of us who had gone on the Tahoe trip were pretty exhausted, and rather sexed out to be perfectly honest. Dayna, Brandi, Kim, BJ, and I would drive back to San Francisco. And Dawn, DJ, Brooke, Eden, and Emma would be heading back to Berkeley.
But not until after the twins gave me one last goodbye.
The ten of us had already wished our final season’s greetings to our parents and left the house. Given how much wine the four parentals had consumed, I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen in there now that all the ‘kids’ were gone. The rest of us were exchanging our own goodbyes out on the driveway when Eden slipped her hand into mine and nonchalantly led me a little further away from the others, around to the other side of the Cayenne where we were more or less blocked from view by the SUV, the house, and the fence separating us from our closest neighbors. Emma followed after. And then my baby sister slid her arms around my neck and gave me a passionate, but very short, kiss. “We’ll see you tomorrow night,” Eden murmured quietly as she stepped back.
Suddenly, my other baby sister slid her arms around my neck and I received an equally passionate, and equally short, kiss. “I can barely wait,” Emma added.
I smiled and nodded. “You’ve waited this long. One more night won’t kill you.”
“Not sure I’ll be able to sleep,” Emma chittered excitedly. “Those Ben Juniors are gonna get a workout when we get home.”
I blushed and glanced around to make sure we weren’t being watched. “Get a good night’s sleep if you can. Again, text me after your birthday party is over and I’ll come pick you up.”
“You still won’t tell us where we’re going?” Emma asked hopefully.
“It’s a surprise, remember? I can hardly take my own sisters out to a romantic dinner, but I do intend to do my best to put you in the mood.”
“For you, we’re always in the mood,” Eden drawled with a smile.
I chuckled. “Tomorrow night. I’ll see you then.”
The twins each gave me a final peck goodbye, and I headed over to where Kim had started buckling BJ into his car seat in the Porsche.
BJ conked out on the drive home, and though he woke up in transit from the parking garage to his bedroom, Kim and I changed him into his PJs and thankfully got him back down again. Then Kim and I went through the Jack-N-Jill bathroom into my room, changed out of our clothes, and I made sure to make sure my baby mama knew how much I’d missed her.
-- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2007 --
The early morning air was cold against my right cheek, the pillow reassuringly warm against my left. I snuggled deeper into the covers and their cocooning heat. We were spooned together, and I pressed my bare chest against her back, only the thin cotton of her T-shirt separating me from her naked skin. My right arm hugged her, my hand squeezing her firm breast in my palm, and I felt my heartbeat speed up just a bit from the naughty thrill of fondling her in her sleep.
Releasing her breast, I slid my hand along the side of her body, down to her narrow waist and back up the rollercoaster curve of her hips. I stopped my hand at the top of the hill, gently holding her in place while I reflexively ground my erection into the cleft of her bare, panty-less ass. At the same time, I let my head roll forward to push my nose into her hair, smelling her sweet fragrance. And I exhaled softly as my body warmed up to make erotic dreams into reality.
I was horny as hell, but I took slow, deep breaths to remind myself to keep moving at a measured pace so that I didn’t wake her. After pausing a few seconds to make sure I had full control of myself, my hand resumed its route down her hip and along her outer thigh, circled around her knee, and then slid back upward, this time along her inner thigh, to finally reach the moist folds within.
She was already wet, most likely the remnants of last night’s activities more than the result of my brief ministrations this morning. She moaned in her sleep as I fondled her, but didn’t wake. I’d done this enough times to enough girls to be pretty good at teasing their senses without quite crossing the line to waking them up. My fingers grazed over the top of her clit, causing her to instinctively shove her ass back against my erection. The tip of my middle finger found the groove of her pussy lips, gliding along it until it felt a point of weakness, and there it penetrated. But it was only a short dip, enough to gather a little moisture before pulling back and spreading that moisture along the length of her furrow before returning and dipping once more. Again, I spread that moisture along her lips, repeating the process until she felt sufficiently lubricated. After dipping one more time, I let my finger glide higher along until I found that her little ball of pleasure had begun to peek out from under its hood. And ever so gently, I touched my moistened finger to it.
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(This, dear reader, is Jack, a man become bitter, cynical, broken by disappointment, hurts, and disillusionment, about to be disposed of by life. A man in need of repair. Can a toy workshop on a street of repair shops repair even broken hearts, broken dreams, broken people?) * Jack sat in his pickup truck in the factory parking lot staring vacantly out the windshield, not really seeing anything. He alternated between replaying the events in his mind and wondering numbly what to do next. The...
Christmas day dawned bright for Katie Shaw. Her clock radio had awakened her to the sound of Christmas carols and news of snow falling since 2:00 that morning. There must be at least three inches on the ground. The prospect of the roads being covered didn't dampen Katie's spirits as she turned on the shower while she brushed her teeth.Stepping from the shower Katie took down the oversized towel and rubbed it briskly over her skin. She could feel the electric tingle she created as she rocked the...
Christmas day dawned bright for Katie Shaw. Her clock radio had awakened her to the sound of Christmas carols and news of snow falling since 2:00 that morning. There must be at least three inches on the ground. The prospect of the roads being covered didn't dampen Katie's spirits as she turned on the shower while she brushed her teeth. Stepping from the shower Katie took down the oversized towel and rubbed it briskly over her skin. She could feel the electric tingle she created as she rocked...
Heather, Alice, Scarlett, Athena, and Dave stood just inside the large room. The room was a hodgepodge of decorating styles. A few band posters hung on the walls, along with some notable pieces of original art. A large king-size bed backed up to one wall. Two separate desks were in the room a few feet apart, each with a large Apple iMac on it with a vibrant screensaver catching the eye. There was also a flat-screen television and a cushy loveseat. Across the room there was a door to an...
Prince Karl stretched and yawned luxuriously, the sun felt good on his skin. He was reclining on the balcony adjoining his and Merry's bedchamber in Castle Vard. He always enjoyed her presence, but since she was away attending a cousins wedding at Castle Lancshire, he was taking the opportunity to enjoy the solitude. Nightshade and Sage, their dragon companions, were off hunting craggy mountain sheep which they considered a delicacy; the beasts were fleet and agile and far from easy prey...
Hi friends this is a very time pass story . Its just an imaginary story written for Christmas time. The only unique ness is that I had written this story as I m a female. But listen guys I m a male 25 from Mumbai. The moon outside is full. The sky is clear, and all the stars are bright and visible. The soft breeze, cool and crisp. You are poking at the fire, and the only light in the room, is the reflection of the moon through the large window, the soft glow of the fire and the twinkle of the...
Merry Christmas, Mr. Conlin(A Loving Lizvette story)This is an installment in a series of stories about William Conlin, a married man of middle years, and his young love, Lizvette, who is a friend of William's daughter and who likes to call him Daddy. It takes place not long after their illicit Las Vegas marriage (which is described at length in the story "Polly Gamey") and tells of their first Christmas together. It is told in a single chapter.This is a work of fiction. All rights are...
Alexa Chapter 10: Merry Christmas Babe Following the events of Thanksgiving, the drive to live my life as Alexa became stronger. The need to be Alexa had almost completely taken over. The only thing that was holding me back was Jenny. As often as she told me it didn't matter to her, some part of me felt like it did. I felt like if I was Alexa, I was not giving her everything she deserved as a companion. I spoke with Dr. Burke about this at every session we had. She would always...
Merry Christmas, slut By Shannon Cole Shannon padded slowly down the hallway, still more asleep than awake. Her surroundings were familiar but she still felt lost in her sleepy haze as her feet automatically made their way to the kitchen. She trailed her fingers along the smooth wall in the hallway, half to keep her balance, half just because she needed to touch something, anything, not wanting to be alone. She found the kitchen and sleepily put the tea kettle on, readying her favorite...
Ellie was flipping through the local classified ads: ”Paddy, look someone in Andover is selling a 4 horse merry go round. I'll give him a ring”.“He says it's in full working order and we can collect it this weekend. Look he's sent a video clip. Oh dear Paddy, I don't think you ought to see this. It must be his step-daughter riding it - and the wind has lifted her tiny pink skirt. Oh shit - you can actually see the black dildo mounted on the horse’s saddle”.Paddy grabbed the phone: “that’s...
Merry Birthday to You Merry Birthday to YouAuthor: Dr Charles ForbinCopyright ? 2005??????????????? I generally view birthdays with a somewhat jaundiced eye as I've advanced in years. And I will admit it is fair to say my sweet bird of youth has not just flown, but has been shot, stuffed and served at Thanksgiving.??????????????? So I honestly didn't expect there to be anything different this year than in the previous ones.??????????????? Low expectations prevent disappointments I have...
"Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Make the Yule time bright. From now on our troubles will be out of sight..." Fuck Christmas! Fuck the holidays! What a kick in the fuckin teeth! The next fucking jerk off that spews the carbon copy "Merry Christmas" or "Happy holidays" bullshit out of their cock slurper to me, will likely get a two word response, and I don't mean "You too!" From somewhere off to the east I could hear the refrains of the song, most likely from the ice rink in...
Another coin landed in the Cup I had placed on the pavement and I murmured a “Thanks and Merry Christmas”. That was the funny thing about this time of the year. People either just rushed by or they gave more than the rest of the year. I reached for the cup, counted the coins. Not enough for a hostel, enough for food, enough for tobacco, enough for a coffee. Wait another hour and try to get more? But I was restless, memories tried to force themselves onto me. A group of young girls walked past....
This story is dedicated to my dear friend, Trish Patricia stood by the open doorway, looking out through the storm door at her small, snow covered front yard, and the street beyond. Her front porch light illuminated the heavily, but silently, falling snow which prevented traffic on the street. Her heart felt heavy and a tear slid down her cheek because she knew the storm would prevent Tom from coming to see her tonight. He probably would not come tomorrow either because the forecast was for...
It is the night before Christmas and it has been miserable. There is a bit of snow left on the ground. It’s dirty and slushy and there is mud all around. On the drive home I’d barely escaped some idiot that managed to put his car into a skid on the dark ice. It’s been windy all day, the chill factor is below zero and I may be coming down with a cold. To top it all off my boyfriend called me last week and broke it off. Merry Christmas! I did all my shopping early. I’d hoped to catch a glimpse...
Two young college students share a special Christmas vacation...written as a contest entry in 2009, it came in third, btw...Merry Christmas, BabyBack in the summer of 1980, I was a restless young man. I was a 19-year-old with a natural curiosity and a cocky attitude. The summer of 1980 was also the last summer I had before going off to college. I had taken a year off after high school and felt I needed to make the most of my time off. That meant work hard and play even harder. I had taken a job...
Written by Koyote, February 2021 (Fiction, mFF, incest, voyeurism, exhibitionism, oral) ~~ Bob woke up when he heard his bedroom door opening. It was after midnight on a Friday night, technically it was the wee hours of Saturday morning and that also made it Bob’s eighteenth birthday. He peeked out through partially opened eyes and saw his older sister and her housemate standing in his bedroom doorway. He could tell by their whispering and giggling and staggering that both women were...
December 1973 Jim knew that life and all its events was a proposition of give and take. He strove to hold up his end by giving, lest he err in the taking. It was his last chance. It was nine in the evening and the stores would be open for anther thirty minutes. It would be no good to wait until the next day. The next day would be December 24 and he planned to use that as a travel day. Besides, as he looked around the big box store he could see that the shelves were starting to look...
It was nothing more than a circle of plate steel mounted on an old truck wheel bearing. There were pipe railings leading towards the center like chutes. Laughing children made daytime play here.Things would be different tonight; it was quiet in a moonless warm summer evening. The post midnight sky was inky black and scattered with brilliant jewels and celestial spirits. The van slowly drove the last quarter mile with lights off at a near idle like a a brisk walk. Anne glanced across the...
Cindy and I were practically inseparable that summer. We did everything together. I had never before become so attached to one girl. But Cindy was different. She had that certain something that words just cannot describe. By the end of the summer, I was completely taken with her. Everything about her I enjoyed thoroughly. I can't say I was ever really in love before, but now I was. I was enjoying every minute of it. Not only was I completely taken with her every move and word, but she...
Introduction: My wife is bound while she watches and then joins in later. My wife is tied to the bed and forced to watch. I fuck our friend Lexi in front of her while shes bound. After some humiliation, Lexi and I untie her and pleasure her together. I must warn you that you will read about concepts of wife humiliation (some may consider it degradation), anal, asslicking (on a girl), cuckquean, and vaginal felching. If you dont dig these things, then please do not read. If so, then please...
Introduction: A pair of young college students share a special time during Christmas break. Back in the summer of 1980, I was a restless young man. I was a 19-year-old with a natural curiosity and a cocky attitude. The summer of 1980 was also the last summer I had before going off to college. I had taken a year off after high school and felt I needed to make the most of my time off. That meant work hard and play even harder. I had taken a job as a carnival worker, or carnie as they are known,...
Kate and I had only been dating for about seven months by the time we went to that New Year’s Eve party.She was, is, my everything.We had actually met back in college, earlier that year. We had a class together during our last semester before graduating. She sat next to me and was friendly at first. It took me a while before I realized she was flirting with me. But, despite my obliviousness, she stuck with me. Once I registered the fact that she was flirting, we out and it was awesome.I always...
LesbianA Christmas PresentMy bath was just starting to cool down when I heard a car coming down the drive to the house. It was my best friend, Holly, coming to visit and right on time, as usual. I smiled to myself and got out of the whirlpool, drying off as I heard her make her way inside and upstairs towards my room."Katie?" she asked as she came into the bedroom."In here, Holly," I replied as I moved over to the shower stall. She walked through the open door as I got in the shower and reached for my...
One night I was sitting in the living room watching pointless TV when there was a knock on my door. That was odd, because my building had a front door and you needed to get buzzed in. I looked out the peep hole and there was Lisa, the blonde lifeguard I had great sex with a few days earlier. Of course, she had a key to the building, so she didn't need to get buzzed in. I opened the door and I was about to close it when I see a petite red head hanging back in the hallway. "I hope you don't mind...
"Oh god yes-s-s-s-s-s Johnny Ray, make mommy cum," Raylene moaned with passion as she rode me sitting in my lap facing me. Her hot tight sweet naked little 34B-22-32 body was pressed in against my naked body as she bounced up and down on my cock and I sucked on her breasts. The only thing Raylene was wearing, besides a smile of contentment, was a red Santa hat with a white band along the bottom and a white ball at the topOur hot naked bodies melted in together as we passionately kissed, our...
Last Christmas at our staff party we went to a restaurant and we shared it with another company, I noticed this guy staring I assumed it was young Jenny sitting next to me, but after a while he came over and said hi,I have seen you before you go into the The Coleherne , I said no not me,why I must have a double,he said ok whiskey or Brandy... what a cheap line but I knew straight away he was chatting me up...so I said Irish Whiskey off course Bushmills if they have it and I found myself smiling...
A Merry Kitten Christmas, 5 The second storm predicted, was going to hit harder and longer than the first, but thankfully there was a long enough lull between the two that the tribes were able to get hay and feed to the stranded livestock and herd guards. To everyone's delight Tomcat Lightfeather had arrived before the first storm leading two of his friends from school driving their own trucks. And while he hadn't told anyone what he was bringing, something we found out had caused...
Back in the summer of 1980, I was a restless young man. I was a 19-year-old with a natural curiosity and a cocky attitude. The summer of 1980 was also the last summer I had before going off to college. I had taken a year off after high school and felt I needed to make the most of my time off. That meant work hard and play even harder. I had taken a job as a carnival worker, or carnie as they are known, in order to get a chance to travel and see the country. I had taken the summer off and on a...
Straight SexI was moping around the house when my younger sister, by a year, came into the living room. Bev didn't have my problems. Everything was easy for her. She was almost 2 inches taller, had light brown hair that was usually in a pony tail and easily attracted whatever guys interested her. Where I was short and skinny, Bev was tall and more of a cheerleader type. And to top it off, she was every bit as smart as me. "What's up Pete?" "Nothing. Same old shit." "Bummer. So, what do yo want...
“Hey, where you going?” my wife called out as I rounded up my keys from the top of my dresser. “None of your business,” I said. “I just have a couple of errands to run.” “Ooh, mysterious errands,” she said, walking into the bedroom. “Are you going to get a Christmas present for little old me?” “Should I?” I said, putting on my best innocent look. She sidled up next to me, took my arm, and wiggled around a little bit. “Well, I’ll be thinking of you while you’re gone,” she said. Yes, I was...
Samuel the Gamekeeper watched from his hiding place as several deer trotted delicately into the sunlit meadow; an eight point buck, four does and three fawns. Seeing the healthy, bright eyed creatures always filled him with satisfaction knowing his efforts on their behalf were successful. Placing food and salt licks about in the winter, clearing brush and discouraging poaching had enabled the herds to prosper unmolested; all in anticipation of a hunt by the royalty in Castle Vard. All at once...
The Christmas holiday came quickly, and soon it was December 23rd. As planned, everyone met at Mark's house at the appointed time. Dinner was delivered and quickly eaten. After enjoying some Christmas fun, the four teenagers were sent to bed in the basement family room with strict instructions to go to sleep and not stay up playing pool or talking. Shortly thereafter, the gifts were rescued from their confinement and placed under the tree. Trisha noticed that there seemed to be many more...
Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
HardcoreThe simple things that come without a price, The simple things like happiness joy and love in my life. I've seen it all from so many sides, And I hope you would agree, The best things in life are the simple things. --The Simple Things (Joe Cocker) Immediately, my mother noticed something out of the ordinary. "Where's Kristen?" she asked. It struck me that Kristen and I had developed a schedule of the two of us having dinner at her house once a week, and at my house once a week,...
Sure, you love reading fucking comics. I’m talking about the heavy-hitters: Batman, Spider-Man, Calendar Man, they’re all fair game. But you also love looking at perverted comics. Those are the kinds of trades you don’t swap with your buddies. Or maybe you do – what the fuck do I know about your kink? I only review bad ass porn sites on the gold standard of other porn review sites, ThePornDude!So if you want to look at adult XXX comics that you can read in private or aloud to your friends while...
Porn Comics SitesScott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
Are you looking for a place where you can play adult sex games that come somewhere between porn and video games? You are in the right place cocksucker. You see, some of us just want to play that kind of games to the point that they are so drilled in our brains we feel like zombies. That’s one of the aspects of playing a video game anyway. It’s even better when such games combine fun with sexual arousal; I’m talking about sexy virtual babes ready to be fucked hard, and all you need is to use...
Free Sex GamesThe traveller plodded along, astride his weary stead on a narrow winding trail. It was late afternoon and both animal and man desired an end to the long day's journey.It was the year 1855, well-nigh twenty years into Queen Victoria's reign, a sunny Spring day, nightingales singing, insects humming, green hillocks ablaze with wildflowers. In short, a splendid day to be alive and roaming through the countryside in merry olde England.He was a young man, barely out of his teens, lean, muscular...
HistoricalAs I sorted through the paper work, some of it was insurance stuff. I just hate insurance paperwork, and I knew that asshole of an agent would be gone. Agents’ have the easiest jobs, they take time off, take your money, and cry about how hard they work. Well the only good thing about this agent is his secretary. She is a doll, she just turned 50. She has an hour glass figure, blonde hair, soft brown eyes. When she gets up to walk, all eyes are on her as she just drips in sex. Her...
Introduction: A woman gives her wife a special gift Merry Christmas By Discreet Lover Copyrighted 2011 It was Christmas Eve. Jesse and Grace sat together on the couch in front of the fire, snuggled together and enjoying being close. It had been a while since they were able to just sit together like this and they wanted to savor every moment of it. The room was pleasantly warm from the fire that crackled in the fireplace, snow fell softly outside the window blanketing the world. The only light...
My friend Jesse and I have been friends for going on eight years. We met online when we were only 14. It started out as friendly chat buddies, but later turned into dirty e-mails, webcam, and letters. I can honestly say that even though we lived in two different states, that I truly felt that I had fallen for him. I wanted to meet him face to face more than anything, but I was never sure how he felt about the situation. Two years ago, on December 22, I asked Jesse to come visit me for...
WISH IT COULD BE CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY.Outside the world was white and frosty with the North wind blowing great gusts of snow this way and that depending on its mood. But in a small bungalow way out in the middle of nowhere recently wed Ted and Alice were enjoying their first Christmas morning together opening their presents...Ted opened his last gift to discover a box full of multi-colored golf balls staring back at him. He lent over and kissed his new wife who was sat on the sofa beside him as...
SpankingI let the cabover Mack tractor snake its way along the 2 lane highway, enroute to another delivery. Another day another delivery followed by another pickup, same story different day; the only thing that changed were the cities involved. Today I'd delivered in northern Kentucky, a load of glass bottles. My pickup was a load of food at a Cincinnati warehouse, bound for a distribution center in Charleston, WV. It was a useless little load, the goods involved were cheap and the miles were short, so...
FetishHello, all. It's been a while. A lot of things have happened since we last spoke. The massage parlor was sold to my friend Deb, who moved it to a stand alone building. That gives our customers more discretion, especially vocally. She made me the manager, so now I'm there quite a bit. I also moved, I bought a new house in town. My boys love it, and so do I. Now, on with my story.Last Friday, I had the morning off, and wanted to finish up some holiday shopping. I woke up hornier than normal, but...
Straight SexIt was a cold night. The weather man was predicted that this winter would be the harshest the country had seen in years. Tiffany wrapped the blanket tighter around her as she snuggled down on the couch and watched the fire slowly burning in the fireplace. She wished Tom was here but his flight had been cancelled due to the weather. He wouldn't be home until at least tomorrow.The 21 year old brunette whimpered as she thought about her new husband's big cock. Tiffany had been a virgin on her...
I'm sipping a fresh brew of hot cocoa on Christmas Eve when the knock sounds on my door. I start out of my reverie and spill some of the contents near the top two buttons on my new blouse. Wisely, I set my mug on the coffee table before throwing my hands up in frustration.The knock sounds again, and I wonder who would be at my door in this weather. The snow's been falling in sheets ever since I got out of classes for the day, and the Midwest winter dark is out in full force. I amble toward the...
Well merry christmas to me, just had a very very bad nite. Maybe in a day or two I will laugh about it a bit more.Started out usual stuff, drink in my local while meeting some mates, we then headed off to a pub that was having a chrismas party. Jesus it was awful, we travelled a fair way there cause one of my mates said it wwas always packed with decent cunt.Turns out he was wrong. Place was mostly empty and what looked like the single bits of gash were noting special. But we were there and it...
Merry ChristmASS, Bitch Boy! The holidays were upon us. I had spent the last three months of my life as the personal sex slave of Brittany Andrews and Chantz Fortune. By now I was used to the chores, and the beatings, and constantly servicing and being fucked by their various strapon dildos. However, I never got used to the humiliating situations that they placed me in on a daily basis. Little did I know the worst was yet to come. I was trimming the Christmas tree, wearing nothing...
Hey all, this is me deepika (name changed as my boyfriend’s wish). And those who haven’t read my previous stories, please go through ‘Merry times with my boyfriend part 1 and 2’. All feedbacks are welcomed at So let me continue from the last part. As we already had two nice sessions, one on the corridor stairs and other at dining table, we both were damn horny and eager for more. As my man Rahul was in Shorts showing his well built body, I was just in a slutty girls costume with a thin chain...
Gay MalePlease give your feedback at I’m Deepika (the name changed as suggested by my dear boyfriend), a 21year old boy studying at a college in Cochin, Kerala. So this my second part of the story. Readers who haven’t read the first story please read “merry times with boyfriend 1” (link on top) Now just revising about my story. As said earlier, I’m deepika. Am a pretty straight boy in public but a wild, naughty mistress for my man Rahul. Coming to my body stats, I have a perfect soft hairless body...
Gay MaleA Merry Kitten Christmas Aunt Bev came rushing into the diner filled with excitement. "Darla, Priss, Kittens what would you say if I told you we were going on a special trip for Christmas?" "You found Transportation?" asked our afternoon cook as she walked into the 'Milk Saucer' Diner that Aunt Beverly had taken over in Cougar Town after we'd been rescued from Azalia by the Alpha Alliance almost a year ago. "Momma?" we both asked curiously. We had no idea she was planning...