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Chapter 1: Introduction and Arrival

A vacation on a tropical cruise ship sounded like a great idea to me! Andeven more so when my Mistress added, "As well as swimming, sunbathing and visitingsome islands, we could have some fun by ourselves in the evenings, becauseI'll book us into a private stateroom!" It was this "fun by ourselves" thatreally excited me -- as her bondage slave (and loving it!), I needed littleimagination to know exactly what she meant!

The first two and a half days of the cruise were very enjoyable. The shipwas not a large one and the other passengers were good company. During theday we swam, sunbathed, played deck games and just lounged about with everyoneelse; but at night my Mistress and I retired early to our cabin, where shemade me strip naked and submit to tight bondage (she used the chairs, tablesand other furniture very imaginatively!). Of course, I also spent considerableperiods with my face between her legs and my tongue working hard on her clitto give her the pleasure she demanded from her slave. She disciplined me lessthan usual because (she said) "I've only your bum to work on. You're wearinga swimsuit so much of the time, and we don't want the marks to show, do we?"

A few other couples, I noticed, tended to retire when we did -- or even earlier;I decided that they were probably honeymooners or other new lovers. Nobodyseemed to mind us leaving the parties and other activities, but I wonderedwhether people thought we were honeymooners too -- how wrong they wouldbe! Sometimes I did get a strange feeling that the other passengersknew what my Mistress and I were doing ... but I reassured myself that thiswas a self-conscious reaction, a sort of 'guilt complex'.

Our first island stop was scheduled for late on the third evening, and myMistress took me to our cabin immediately after dinner because she had arrangedto break the cruise here, to be picked up again after a few days. I packeda bag for each of us, and then my Mistress said, "We won't be docking for alittle while yet; how about a last bit of bondage? We might not have as muchopportunity for the next few days."

I agreed willingly, and soon my wrists were strapped palm-to-palm behind meand another strap was tight and uncomfortable around my elbows. In my mouthwas a gag and protruding from it was a large dildo; I was kneeling betweenmy Mistress' legs, the dildo was deep inside her and the tip of my nose wasmoving gently on her clit.

I was still there when I felt the ship stop and heard the announcement fordisembarking passengers. My Mistress withdrew herself from the dildo and detachedit from the gag ... and then (with a strange glint in her eye!) she held upa large leather blindfold! I made noises of protest behind my gag -- she shouldhave been untying me to get dressed! -- but I was totally helpless to resisthaving the blindfold securely fastened over my eyes. Now her hands went tomy cock; I felt them tying a cord snugly around its base, then there was atug on it and her voice said, "OK, up on your feet ... let's go!"

I couldn't believe what was happening, but I could do absolutely nothing aboutit. My legs were free but, totally unable to see and with my hands securelybound, running away was out of the question ... and in any case the insistenttug on my cock was somewhat difficult to resist! I became aware of the seabreeze on my naked body, then of walking carefully down what felt like a gangplank.I hoped it was covered, but suddenly I realised that there were other peoplemoving along it too!

As we reached a flat solid floor, there seemed to be even more people aroundus and a female voice (very close by) said excitedly, "Oh look! He's quitenaked ... and his arms are tied! Is he a slave or something?!" I could feelmy face turning bright red with embarrassment, but at the same time my cockgrew harder with a strange sort of excitement!

Suddenly my Mistress stopped me and a voice asked her for her passport! Mymind boggled at the idea that we were in a real immigration office, and I hardlyheard her answer to that and the next few questions. But I became fully awarewhen, in answer to the question, "Are you travelling alone?" she replied calmly, "Yes,accompanied by my personal slave here"! With a growing sense of unreality Iheard every word of the ensuing conversation.

Official: "You are not importing him?"

My Mistress: "What do you mean?"

Official: "Well, if you are importing him, you must have the approval documentsand pay the import duty."

My Mistress: "No, he's simply accompanying me on my vacation."

Official: "Then you must deposit a bond equal to your slave's likely valueon the black market. We don't want vacationers bringing slaves in, sellingthem through some unlicenced dealer, and just walking away with all the profits."

My Mistress: "Well, if you must ... what would my slave be worth?"

Now followed yet further humiliation for me; I had to stand there, dumb andblind, while strange hands 'inspected' me! My helpless naked body was proddedand pinched, my nipples were squeezed and even my cock and balls were fondled!A second person was called to give an opinion and the process was repeatedby smaller hands, obviously a woman's. My Mistress was asked if she had a photographof my face and finally a verdict was passed: "Without actually seeing his face,ma'am, we would value your slave at about two thousand dollars". The exchangecontinued ...

My Mistress (audibly incredulous): "What? I can't spare that much cash!"

Official: "I'm sorry, but rules are rules, you know. Your slave will haveto stay here until you leave the island ... or until you can have the moneysent from your bank perhaps? If you need a slave during your visit, we canrecommend a slave hire service."

My Mistress argued for a while, but to no avail; at last she conceded, "OK,if that's the way it has to be. I do have the name of someone on the islandwho may be kind enough to lend me the money. If I can arrange this, when canI collect my slave?"

"Tomorrow after 10 a.m.," was the reply. "We'll be closing soon for the night.And don't worry, ma'am, we'll look after your slave!" The voice sounded sincereenough (I had no way of knowing whether my Mistress was reassured) but I wascertainly worried as I was led away. Without her (whom I had always trustednot to let anything really bad happen to me) I might be on my way to real slavery,and I was utterly helpless to prevent it! In fact, I was so confused that itwas the middle of the night before I realised that she hadn't even tried toreassure me!

After a short walk my blindfold was removed and, looking around, I found myselfin a small room containing little more than a bed. Two people were with me,a man and a woman, both black and wearing smart uniforms. The man said, "Now,slave, we don't want your stay here to be any more uncomfortable than necessary,so we'll remove your gag if you promise not to make any noise or wasteyour breath asking questions. Nod if you agree ... and remember, there aretwo of us and it'll be easy to put the gag back if you reneg!"

I thought for a moment, but obviously I had no choice, so I nodded. The womanremoved my gag and they both waited, clearly wondering whether I would keepmy word. When I said quietly, "Thank you -- my jaws were getting pretty stiff," theman smiled and said, "I'm glad you're going to co-operate. As a reward, we'llmake you a bit more comfortable."

My tight arm straps were replaced with relatively comfortable wrist cuffsjoined by a short chain, but any ideas of escape were dashed by a very heavychain connecting one of my ankles to a ring in the floor! The 'warders' left,locking the 'cell' door behind them. The strange surroundings, plus the chainkeeping my wrists behind me, made it difficult to sleep, but finally wearinessovertook me and I dozed off.


I was woken quite early the next morning by the 'wardress' unlocking the doorand saying, "OK slave, wake up! Here's your breakfast ... but first," she continuedwith a grin, "you'll have to earn it! On your knees here by the bed!" Iobeyed, wondering what was expected of me, but when she sat on the bed in frontof me and raised her skirt it wasn't hard to guess!

She wasn't wearing panties and soon my mouth was buried in the dark thatchof her pussy. I had never given head to a black woman before and I found itvery exciting; my enthusiasm helped my 'wardress' to two climaxes before shepushed me away, saying, "Very good, slave -- you've certainly earned your breakfast!"

After breakfast I was left alone for some hours, enough time to wonder whatmy Mistress was doing and to get quite worried about whether I would ever getout of this cell. When at last my warders returned, I was ready to start askingsome questions; but they gave me no chance and gagged me again, saying, "YourMistress is coming to collect you soon, but she wants the gag in -- she saysyou're a talker if you get half a chance!"

A few minutes later -- to my great relief -- in walked my Mistress, smilingcheerfully, and said, "Hello slave, I hope you're pleased to see me!" and addedto the warders, "Now, where's this security gadget you've been talking about?"

What they showed her was a queerly-shaped padlock of very heavy metal, whichthey fitted round my scrotum just above my balls. It clicked shut solidly,the wardress took two keys from it and handed one to my Mistress, saying, "Itcan't be removed, you see, because his balls won't fit through the hole, andit's made of extremely hard metal that's almost impossible to cut. And both thesekeys are needed to open it ... which protects both you and us."

The arrangements appeared to be complete, and my Mistress led me out of mytemporary prison, but not before she put my blindfold on again: "I don't wantyou to see everything -- not just yet, anyway." She helped me into a car and,as we drove off, she continued, "I'm taking you to the lady who very kindlylent me the money for your bond. You didn't know you were so valuable, didyou? Now, I want you on your best behaviour for her; remember whereyou would still be if she hadn't been so kind!"

I took her point and decided that my complaints could wait until a more opportunemoment. The lady -- whom my Mistress introduced as "Mistress Anne" -- tooksome time to inspect me very closely. I did my best to co-operate, standingto attention and posing in other ways while she stroked and prodded my nakedbody. She fondled my cock until it was fully erect and I almost came, twistedand pinched my nipples with her nails until my eyes watered, and struck meseveral times with a light whip ("... to see how his skin marks").

Finally she turned to my Mistress and said, "Well, I'd say that the valuationis a fair one. And I propose to forget about any interest on my loan, if youwill just loan me your slave for one evening.... Good," she continued aftermy Mistress agreed readily, "it will be nice to get my hands on some new slave-fleshfor a change. The importation policy makes it hard to get new slaves, but Ithink that all-in-all it's a good policy; without it, we'd be sure to havea glut!"

Shortly after this we left and got into the car again; my eyes were againblindfolded, but when we reached our destination it wasn't hard to guess wherewe were -- a busy hotel foyer! My Mistress asked for her room key, and a cheerfulfemale voice replied, "Yes, ma'am. I see you have your slave with you now --do you want him taken down to the slave quarters?"

My mind was getting used to surprises, but I was still wondering what sortof place this was! To my relief, my Mistress replied, "No thanks -- not yet.I'll take him to my room for the moment." A few minutes later a door closedbehind us and my Mistress removed my blindfold; then she said, "Now, I'll takethe gag out if you promise not to make a fuss. Then I'll tell you a bit aboutthe week we'll be spending here and maybe answer some questions ... but letme make one thing clear: we WILL be spending a week here, even if youhave to be gagged and shackled the whole time!"


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Supergirl Voluntary Slavery

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  SUPERGIRL: VOLUNTARY SLAVERY By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Supergirl is a property of DC Comics. This is a non profit story for no one below 18. Synopsis: About a world where most men died out from a virus, leaving only a small few. Supergirl also is desperately horny and even would subject herself to be a bdsm slave to any man still alive  Story Supergirl flew on the sky above, realizing that a world without men was boring, that is if you...

3 years ago
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Karmals Slavery

Karmals' Slavery part 1 Karmal had decided to give herself a special treat for her 25th birthday.She decided to take a trip to Croatia. The ocean front resorts are picturesqueeven if a little beat up by the recent wars. The prices were right and it wasexotic. Karmal asked the hotel concierge where she could rent a car. The weasellylittle man never took his eyes off her chest the whole time he was talkingto her. The only time he looked at her face was when he told her to go to hiscousins car...

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Denises Summer of Slavery

Denise's Summer of SlaveryDenise's father walked in on her while she wastaking a shower. Opening the shower door he pulled her out soaking wet. Shefell into his arms without a fight and he kissed her forehead. Denise was sixteen. Her father had been sexually molesting her since shewas eleven. It was the family secret that no one else knew, not even her motheror her two brothers. But that would soon change. Denise's father ran his hands over her breastsas he spoke. "Your mother and I will be...

3 years ago
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Hildas Descent into slavery

After I left the lawyer's office, Gary disappeared with Hilda. They drove away, and she was visibly shaken. I drove home, thinking aboutwhat had just happened and I'll admit it: I was hard as hell. My wife was now owned, literally, by another man. He had the last word on whereshe went, what she wore, who she fucked, and whether she stayed or left. I tried half heartedly to make dinner, but I was so turned on I couldn't concentrate. I'll be the first to admit I had fantasized about this very...

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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 10 The End Of Slavery

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the end of slavery where Simi and I explored our BDSM fantasy. If you haven’t read the earlier parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I had a struggling night with my hands and legs cuffed, and the Mistress had a sound sleep after two orgasms yesterday. The clock was about to tick at 8 AM. I got up and climbed on the bed, and my Mistress was still sleeping. I...

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Dianas Slavery

©1998 by EzRiter WARNING!!! This is heavy Sado-masochism. Go away if this is not what you want. Go away if you are under eighteen (twenty-one in certain locations). Go away if this kind of stuff offends you. This is not meant to be reality. If you think it is, seek a mental health professional immediately. Do not attempt these sex acts at home. Diana was the best looking girl in the university, and there were thousands of girls. She was the head cheerleader. She dated the captain of the...

3 years ago
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Celestial MattersVoyage into Slavery

~Demons are creatures of Earth and Fire, Blood and Bone. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things. Angels are creatures of Air and Water, Tears and Spirit. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things.~ First Year Magician Lesson -Devnik- I awoke to total darkness. The cave smelled foul. Blood and vomit had mixed in the air, creating a putrid odor. Water still dripped from the ceiling, and...

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My wife Sarah and I have been including others in out sex lives for nearly 10 years now and during the Covid restrictions we have been reflecting and remembering some of the most exciting encounters we have had. However we also got on to discussing each others sexual adventures from before we met, which wasn't until our mid thirties. It’s amazing what you remember when you start to recall events from the past and when Sarah asked me about my first ever MMF threesome this happy memory came...

2 years ago
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Holiday with Sister

It all started a year ago when my sister and I decided to go on holiday together. I got married about 10 years ago to a long- standing school friend, we were both 29 at the time and the relationship produced 2 kids, boy and a girl. My wife was a good woman but not too adventurous in bed, during the marriage we just got in a rut, then started to argue a lot, not enough money and the usual family things, so in the end we just split up went our own ways and got divorced, with both our kids living...

2 years ago
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Holiday of a lifetime

I'd finally done it. I'd saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I'd always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...

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Holiday adventures a new beginning

HomeDartmoor, in the winter as rugged and rough as the thorny gorse bushes that thrive on the hillsides, in the summer as beautiful as the woodland that nestles along the banks of streams that trickle into the rivers.It is my home of choice outside the bustling city of Exeter, where I’ve worked for the past 10 years. My job is a high salaried, its high-profile stressful working for the city council. Big budgets, hiring and firing people all the daily problems all add to the stress, but I love...

4 years ago
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Holiday Fun Pt 3

HOLIDAY FUN 3Not read parts 1 & 2 yet? You need to ?Holiday Fun part 1 Fun Part 2 next morning we were woken to the buzzing of Deb’s phone somewhere in the room. Deb jumped out of bed naked and started searching for her purse, her ass pointed in my direction as she bent over to pick her purse up from the floor, her tight puckered ass looking fantastic and her...

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Holiday in Barbados

Many years ago, after the k**s had got to an age where they could be looked after by grandparents, the wife and I organised a holiday for the 2 of us to Barbados. It was the first in 12 years on our own, and we overspent, with a beachfront villa with private pool, constant alcohol top-ups, etc. etcThe direct flight was before business class had flat beds but the wide comfy leather seats were good enough for a daytime flight. The flight attendants made sure booze flowed, the excitement and the...

5 years ago
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Holiday in Africa

I was so happy to finally go on holiday again. It was already a few years ago. My husband, John, was always so busy that he only took one week off a year and he travelled so much professionally that he preferred to spend his free time at home. I understood that of course, but the other way around I was mostly at home taking care of our daughter Sarah and I craved a holiday that pulled me out of the daily grind. However, this time John had to go to Bulagandra for a week for his work and we had...

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Holiday Fun

Holiday Fun By SONIA email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) If this is not the type of story you like then please don't just slag it off - it may not be your scene but I enjoy writing them and some others enjoy reading them!!!! Chapter 1 - A Bad Start to a Holiday The PA announced, "Last call for flight BA430 to Paris." "Come on, Sue, hurry up!" I said to my wife as we rushed towards the check in desk. We were going to a Gite in France for a...

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Holiday Hell Part 1

Holiday hell - part 1. Day one. The flight had been uneventful, we'd landed in Spain, picked up the rental car and even managed to find the villa we'd hired without getting lost. It was looking like being a great holiday. As with all our holidays, my wife had made the bookings. The villa was remote, about two kilometres from the closest neighbour and five from the nearest town, but Caroline knew that at the time she made the booking. In fact its remoteness had meant it was a little...

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Holiday Away From The Care Home Spanked Again

Dale and Sandra weren’t even aware that they had upset Ella and the others so much. It had been a nice sunny afternoon and all the college girls were sitting in a corner of the swimming pool patio listening to Miss Mason explain about the project they were going to be doing. Dale and Sandra commented to each other how lovely the girls looked in their skimpy vest tops and very tight cotton shorts and joked about going across their bare thighs for another spanking. Of course, the memory of last...

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Holiday Romance

Holiday Romance by Richard-to-Rachel It was two days before our holiday to Prague that my girlfriend decided to leave me, it turned out that she'd been cheating on me for a while and had come to realise just now that she couldn't live with it on her conscience any longer. I was heartbroken, I had felt that we'd had a real connection and now I found out that she'd been deceiving me all along. I'd never really had much luck with women, I wasn't great looking and kind of shy and it had...

2 years ago
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Holiday Sex

Hi, my name's Lisa and I want to tell you a story about my first girls holiday abroad. At the time i was 20 years old, stood at 5ft 6 and pictures of me taken on this trip would reveal that i wouldn't look out of place in any hot list. My shoulder length brunette hair caressing my slender figure and whilst my breasts were small they were adorned by fat nipples that demonstrated when I was turned on.It was about halfway through the holiday and so far i'd been very disappointed with the sexual...

1 year ago
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Holiday break

This story was written for legal, open-minded adults only. Among other elements, it explores dangerously, the border of consensual sex.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you are into stories where the first sentence cuts straight into the hardcore scene. I.e. A wife contends with an 18" penis being inserted into a selection of different orifices, with little erotic storyline and no connection to the realities of life. Then you will probably find this...

Group Sex
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Holiday of Fun Part 1

Holiday of fun Part 1My annual holiday had been booked months in advance, I was looking forward to chilling for 14 days in the sun, relaxing on the beach and having a few drinks at night. This year was different though as I was travelling alone, my friend had recently got engaged and would be holidaying with his fiancé. So, as I enjoy my own company I decided I would still travel but this year I could do as I pleased without having to compromise to keep my friend happy as well.It was Friday...

4 years ago
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Holiday Surprises

It was a glorious evening to take a stroll. A warm Mediterranean breeze flowed around me; an arm of air sneaking up my light wraparound skirt to gently caress my naked, freshly shaved mound and send excited shivers through me. To be without knickers these days is very daring of me. I don’t really know why: when I was younger I did it all the time, and thought nothing of it. We were on holiday so, what the hell, I was going to have a "no panty rule" for a couple of weeks. I wanted to feel...


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