Stephanie s Slavery
- 2 years ago
- 65
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Karmals' Slavery
part 1
Karmal had decided to give herself a special treat for her 25th birthday.She decided to take a trip to Croatia. The ocean front resorts are picturesqueeven if a little beat up by the recent wars. The prices were right and it wasexotic.
Karmal asked the hotel concierge where she could rent a car. The weasellylittle man never took his eyes off her chest the whole time he was talkingto her. The only time he looked at her face was when he told her to go to hiscousins car rental agency. Because he said 'Its the cheapest around ... goodcars too. Right down the block!!' He was quite emphatic. So as soon as Karmalleft the hotel. Weasel boy picked up his telephone.
When Karmal walked into the dingy car rental agency office the man behindthe counter was talking animatedly on the phone. He turned to look her waywhen the bell on the door rang. When he saw her he nearly dropped the telephone.He spoke something into it in Croatian and hung up.
He asked her what she wanted. Karmal didn't know it but there were severalcameras pointed at her. When she stopped in front of the counter one was embeddedin the floor looking directly up her skirt. Another was looking down into hercleavage from the ceiling. A third thermal camera viewed her body as thoughshe didn't have any clothes on. They revealed what everyone who knew her alreadyknew. She was a statuesque, very sexual woman.
Just what the slavers wanted.
The man was very attentive to her though he had a hard time bringing hiseyes to meet hers. It seemed that they were stuck on her cleavage.
Karmal asked about beaches. The man thought briefly and as though he haddecided on something gave Karmal detailed instructions to what he describedas a very private beach. She took the car and set off in search of the nudebeach the man so carefully told her about. As soon as she left the store withthe car the man dialed a telephone. He said "I have one for you. Justwhat you want. I'll expect a good fee for this one".
Karmal found the beach. It was quiet and secluded and beautiful just as theman said it would be. Karmal walked out on the beach. She took off her top.It felt good to let the girls run free. Everybody at home seemed so entrancedby them that she had to keep the bound up and hidden. Then the pants and underwear.Karmal decided a good run on the beach was just the ticket. She ran and herbreasts bounced and her ass swayed. She felt incredibly free and sexy.
Two men had followed Karmal from the time she left the car rental place.They were driving a gray van that didn't have either license plates or markingsof any kind. They parked at the turn off to the beach. They watched Karmalfrom there using binoculars.
"God Damn! look at that!" one of the men said. The other snatchedthe glasses away and peered through them. He reached for his own crotch ashe watched the vision of womanliness that was Karmal play on the beach.
Karmal ran and frolicked on the beach and played in the water until she grewtired. She decided to lie down and sleep in the shade of some grass at theedge of the beach.
Karmal was never fully awake. Two men grabbed her and covered her mouth witha rag soaked in something really foul smelling. Karmal struggled and managedto kick one of them in the crotch. A third man jammed a cattle prod into hercunt. Karmal screamed as the jolt burst on her womanhood and up her spine toher brain. It was like she had been hit by a lightning bolt. She couldn't strugglemuch more and finally collapsed. The next day the rental car was returned withoutKarmal. The young man who drove it handed over a thick envelope to the carrental guy. They both smiled and giggled.
When Karmal awoke she was in a foul smelling cell and strapped over whatwas clearly a fucking bench. Her head throbbed with the pain of being drugged.She struggled a little just to test her bindings. She was tied fast. She couldn'tso much as wiggle. She began to cry out for help. A guard walked in. Karmalgot another strong lightning bolt jolt right on her cunt. She screamed in pain.But this time she didn't pass out. She swore at the guard. He gave her another,and another. By the fourth she was blubbering incoherently and moaning.
The guard reached between Karmals' wide spread legs. Her sex was dripping.Her clit was engorged. He snorted disgustedly at her and spat out the wordsof his contempt "Shut up American whore. Here you will be used for theonly thing you're good for... fucking. You will serve the needs of strong will never see your home again slut!"
With that he gave her another shot to the cunt with the vicious cattle prodand started for the door. Just before he went out he struck her upturned rumpwith his riding crop. It left a bright red welt. Karmal just moaned a littlemore but nothing else.
After the guard left a line of men entered her cell. She could not move orresist. One of them jammed a Whitehead gag into her mouth that propped herjaws open. Cocks filled her cunt and mouth continually.. nearly 14 hours. Karmalstruggled occasionally but to little avail. The men who buried their cocksin her felt only more intense pleasure from her struggles. Finally a guardcame and made the men leave. He shut the door. And used her cunt. Karmal onlynoticed a little that his cock was much larger than the others she had beenfilled with during the day.
Then he took out a leather strap and showed it to Karmal. He spoke. "StinkingAmerican slut whore you will remember being here!" With that Karmal hearda hiss and then a horrible stinging pain from her ass. The pain didn't reallymake itself known until after the fifth stroke had landed on her hind cheeks.The pain had been growing steadily but by then it became an unbearable fireon the surface of her beautiful round bottom. To add insult to injury occasionallythe strap would lick into the crevice between Karmals' butt globes to the mosttender recesses of her womanhood.
When the strap licked her labia Karmal would make a particularly loud squeakand the man would laugh heartily and call her a slut. But Karmal could do verylittle to protect herself from the onslaught of the strap. The man kept atit for a while until he got tired. Karmal had long since stopped screamingbecause she had lost her voice.
When he finished he asked "How did you like that whore?" He startedto move toward the door but swung the strap one more time before turning outthe light and leaving.
When the door clanged shut for the night Karmal took stock of her body andfelt that she was wearing a chastity belt of sorts. It appeared that her butthole was covered so that only her cunt and mouth would serve these men. Shehad wondered vaguely why her ass hadn't been used that day.
The next day the door opened and the line reformed Karmal hadn't eaten orbeen allowed to lay down. The cell reeked of urine and she was covered in driedsemen. She was totally surprised that sometime during the afternoon of thesecond day she came. After that she came repeatedly at intervals in spite ofthe horrible stinking conditions and the abuse. Finally on the third day shewas washed and some food was put in front of her. She ate heartily. Karmalfound that aside from the stench and the tiredness....being fucked all thetime suited her well.
After she had finished her meal and been allowed for the first time in daysto clean herself and use a proper toilet the guard came back in. He grabbedher and hung her up with her arms over her head. Her boobs extended proudlyfrom her chest. The guard proceed to pinch the nipples and slap her breasts.By the time he was finished the boobs were covered with welts and bruises ...and...against her will she experienced yet another orgasm. The guard slapped herface. "Silly American slut! You like the treatment! You shall have plentyof it!"
He bent her backwards over the fucking block and tied her down. Karmal wasalways proud of the thick thatch that covered her sex. The guard took an electrichorse clipper and shaved her bald. Karmal squeaked as the dull contraptionpinched her skin and pulled her pubic hair. When he had finished he abruptlyopened the cell door. Fourteen hours later he repeated the beating from theday before.
The next day the guard started to force Karmal's mouth open so he could putthe Whitehead gag in. Karmal however startled him by just opening her mouthas wide as she could so the gag went in easily. With her jaws propped openthe guard reached to pull her tongue out. Karmal extended her tongue and waitedpatiently for him to fastened it. She was rewarded by an electric shock toher left nipple from the cattle prod and a light slap on her face.
Karmals' mouth was filled with a cock before she had a chance to even fullynotice. The first cock was followed by a second and cock after cock filledher mouth. Each one squirted it's scum down her throat. There were days whenher belly was so full of semen that she couldn't eat when they let her up.
This went on for about six months. By the end Karmal was so depraved andbroken that they didn't even have to tie her. She allowed the use of her cuntand mouth without resistance. She even occasionally seemed eager for some ofthe men to use her. One day an especially large cock attempted to throat fuckKarmal without the Whitehead gag. She involuntarily gagged. She heard the mancry out. She thought they were going to tear her jaw off after that. It tookthe threat of a gun from one of the guards to stop the man from pulling herteeth. No one tried to throat fuck her after that without the Whitehead gag.
In the mean time after the days fucking and an abbreviated washing. Sluttraining was conducted. Karmal was educated in how to display her body. Shelearned how to ask a man if he wished her services. She learned an entire arrayof sex slave behaviors. Most of all she learned what she could expect fromher future. What surprised everyone was that the future they discribed seemedto suit her. Karmal was resigned to her fate and excelled at the slut training.
The routine continued on ... fucking,, ... fucking... training.Karmal noticed that she was becoming bored with just fucking all the time.She hoped that if perchance she was purchased by a trainer that she would havesomething to do. Something physical to keep her body strong and fit. Littledid Karmal know about the master waiting to buy her.
Finally one day after the last man left, the trainer removed her anal chastity.Another man with a leather case came in and used her. Then he took out a syringeand filled it up. Karmal felt a sting in her left butt cheek. That was allshe remembered.
Karmal awoke with a start in the viewing hall of the sales barn. Someonewas spraying her all over with cold water. They were cleaning her with a washingbrush on a long handle at the end of a garden hose. She instinctively knewwhat the place was though she had never seen one. She knew she had moved fromthe academy where she had been for the last six months and would soon be soldinto the hands of a real slave owner and trainer.
Karmal looked around her. There were probably 100 women of all shapes andsizes. Some with large breasts some with small. Athletic women, petite women.She noticed that there were no males in this wing of the barn. Then she remembered.... the females were always separated from the males. It made it easier tocontrol the males.
Slaves were always referred to by their anatomical gender, never as men andwomen. Slaves were neither men nor women. Merely male or female to be bought and sold. Karmal noticed that the sign in front of herthat had her lot number and brief medical history also said "Fertile...suitable for milking".
Karmals' hands were tied above her head and her feet were tied apart to allowclose inspection of her body by the prospective buyers. Karmals' heavy breastsjutted from her chest like the twin prows of a ship. Several buyers passedby and looked interested but none gave her more that a cursory glance.
The owners interested in buying the slaves here were typically 50 years old.Karmal noticed that a man much younger than the others had stopped in frontof her a couple of times. Karmal noticed him because he was big and much youngerthan the others. He wore a tag on his shirt that identified him as Master Abu.
She thought that it was unusual for one so young to be a master trainer.Young men were normally not emotionally strong enough to control the femaleslaves. The females all knew how to use their sex and gender to get easiertreatment from the younger trainers.
Karmal was to learn that Abu was truly a strong master. Master Abu approachedKarmal and looked in her eyes. Karmal smiled at him and swayed her body provocatively.Then there was a loud SSSMAAAK as he struck her left breast. Then another SSSMAAAKon the right. The tit beating repeated one two, three times. The fourth smackbrought a loud yelp from Karmals' mouth. By the tenth she was howling by the20th stroke Karmal thought she would pass out from the pain. Both her breastswere covered with his hand prints in bright red splotches.
Abu saw that she was struggling to bear the pain and allowed her to catchher breath from the brutal punishment of her breasts. Abu smiled into her faceand brutally thrust his hand into her crotch. Karmal had to spread her legsand struggle to accommodate his probing hand. He made her squeal by pinchingher clit and labia. When he pulled his hand from her sex it was dripping....Dripping with Karmals' sex fluids. She was aroused by this rough treatment.
Abu thought..." She will do well for my purpose..."
Then he began a thorough examination of her body. He opened her mouth andlooked at her tonsils and her teeth. He examined her tongue for signs of piercingsgone bad or drug abuse. He found none. Abu took out a scope and looked in herears and up her nose. He examined her ribs and belly. He punched her hard inher ovaries.
Karmal reacted by doubling up as far as her restraints would allow. She almostretched. But she hadn't been fed since yesterday so there wasn't anything tothrow up. She did not complain or make a fuss at being so mistreated. She wasa slave. It was her lot.
Abu dipped his fingers into her sex again.. It was even wetter than before.What a slave and slut she was.
Abu proceeded to her legs and calves. He paid special attention to her feet.A slave couldn't work as hard as he was going to work Karmal if her feet weren'tgood. The master pulled her toes apart. He pulled so hard that Karmal criedout. But her voice made no word and she didn't offer to pull her foot away. " Sosubmissive." Abu thought..." Yes she will do very well."
Then he bent her over and spread her hind cheeks. Karmal felt his breathas he blew on her butt hole. It involuntarily contracted. It wasn't used tomuch attention. He spoke to her before he proceeded. "Slut .. this isa very stringent test. Pass it and you will be my slave. Fail and you willbe condemned to being a side show freak and an early death."
Karmal felt Abu press a single finger into her anal sphincter. At first itfelt O.K. but then he put in a second finger. She cried out when the thirdfinger passed her sphincter. Abu didn't stop at three. Soon Karmals' butt holeencircled all four of the fingers on Abu's right hand.
Karmal moaned at the pain of the anal invasion. She didn't move to pull away.Instead she did her best to stay in place, keep her butt cheeks open and allowall the access she could manage. She moaned again in a way that didn't comefrom the pain of the invasion. Karmal was a very well trained slave. Betteryet she was a natural slut.
The sale wasn't until the next day. An older man came and gave Karmal a similarthorough examination. He found her sex equally wet, her training equally good.What he didn't find was the eagerness with which Karmal had helped Abu violateher tenderest regions.
The day of the sale came and Karmal was next to the last in the auction order.The crowd had grown thin. In fact Karmal hadn't seen Abu during the whole ofthe auction. She wondered why it concerned her. Whoever bought her would useher and discard her when he was finished.
The guards slapped her tits firmly for about five minutes before she wasput up on the block. Her generous breasts were a bright red when they finished.Karmal was hoisted up onto the auction platform by the chains that held herarms. They made her walk the length of the platform. Then they made her bendover and display her ass and cunt. At first there were only token offers. StillAbu had not appeared. Karmal was embarrassed and afraid. This auction housewas known to kill some slaves and feed their carcasses to the dogs insteadof letting them go for too low a price.
The auctioneer made her walk again the length of the platform. Karmal exaggeratedher steps so her tits bounced and swayed and her ass swayed. She bent overand stretched and wiggled her ass. The auctioneer stood her up and hefted herright tit... then he slapped it hard. His hand print appeared in the creamyflesh.. Karmal emitted only a light 'yip'.
The bidding picked up and four or five men placed bids. As the price beganto climb more bidders dropped out.. Two men appeared to be serious about biddingon her. Karmal didn't see who it was at first. Then she saw it was Abu. Theother bidder was the man who had also examined her body yesterday. Karmal didn'tlike the looks of the other bidder. She hopped that Abu would win the auction.
The salesman brought her out of her reverie by bending her over and sticking3 fingers into her cunt. He pulled them out dripping. He showed the crowd andthey roared their approval.
Then the bidding started in earnest. She'd heard the other slaves commentingon how lucky she was to have attracted Abu's attention. He was considered anexcellent trainer. They also told her that they were glad they were being soldto brothels and the like instead of sharing her fate. The wouldn't say whybut Karmal wondered just the same.
Finally Abu won the bidding. Karmal wasn't drugged for the trip to Abu'sstable. The handlers were astonished at Karmals' willingness to go with them.She walked with them and assisted them when she was to be tied. She was tiednaked in a special stock trailer. It was warm so the wind blowing on her skinfelt good.
day 1
Karmal was stabled by herself . She gathered that she was getting specialtreatment because the four or five other female slaves that were in the trailerwith her were stabled with other, older females. The stall was fitted witha fucking block, and X frame several whips and a gray box on the wall withelectric leads coming from it. The look of the evil thing made her shiver.A trainer came into the stall with a syringe. He told her to bend over thefucking block. She complied and shortly felt a sting in her right butt cheek.A young apprentice woke Karmal up the next morning and told her to get herharness on. The master would be there soon for the morning exercise and she'dbetter be ready to go.
He handed Karmal an evil looking leather harness that looked engineered tocause pain to her breasts and her cunt. But she managed to get it on. In thiscase looks were not deceiving. There were leather straps on the front. AfterKarmal had gotten the thing on and adjusted the apprentice gave each strapa sharp yank.
First her left breast then her right felt like it was on fire. Then her cuntfelt a sharp jab from the spike laden straps that separated her labia. Karmalstarted to complain but the young man pointed to the stall door. Just as thetesting was finished a journeyman trainer walked in.
The trainer ordered Karmal to stand and present her tits and cunt for a morningpunishment. He slapped her tits hard and fast. The beating was brief but broughttears. Karmal had managed to keep silent except for only a brief yelp whenthe trainer had attacked her cunt.
The trainer seemed satisfied with his work and told Karmal to take a coupleof warm-up laps around the indoor ring. He'd be watching. The apprentice grabbedKarmals' cunt strap and took off at a dead run. Karmal was squealing and endeavoringto catch up. The trainer was laughing as he watched her struggle with the painand the unaccustomed physical exercise.
Then Karmal was led out to the road and tied to a jeep. Just as the strapshad been secured she noticed that Abu had been watching her. The jeep startedto move and the strap began to tighten in her crotch. Karmal started off ata trot after the receding vehicle. Occasionally the driver would tap the throttlejust enough to tighten the cunt strap. The evil strap between her legs wouldbite into her tenderest parts. Karmal would speed up to slacken the strap.After the first five miles Karmal sweating. Karmal started thrashing her titsand making snide remarks to the apprentice who was riding in the back of thejeep. The driver responded by goosing the engine. The strap jerked tight andKarmal yelped and struggled to keep up. The trainer in the back of the jeepused his whip to leave two long welts on each of her boobs. The driver toldher were that she was programmed to run 10 miles. But because of her horseplayshe'd run and extra two. At 2 miles per hour faster. The strap was tight mostof the way. Karmal was bleeding by the end of the run.
day 2
On the morning of the second day Abu himself came in. He told Karmal thata proper slave must keep herself well groomed. He said "The first lessonI will teach you is 'personal grooming'. The guard with him handed Karmal anold style electric epilator. Abu continued "Slaves and especially slutslave like you are not allowed to have pubic hair. The mat of hair growingin your crotch is thick and must be removed" Karmal stared at the thingand then down at her crotch. The hair that had been shaved off had grown backabout a half inch long. She knew the epilator was going to pull her cunt hairout by the roots. She stood and stared at it for a long time. Abu seemed tobe enjoying her discomfort. Finally the guard slapped her ass with a crop. "Getto it Slut!" Slowly Karmal turned the thing on and watched it run fora minute. Another slap this time on her tits caused her to move the evil contraptionto her crotch.
She pushed the epilator gingerly into her thatch. It began to growl and pullthe hairs out one at a time. Karmal cried and wailed. The pain was almost unbearableand Karmal stopped to rest. The guard struck her tit again and Karmal resumed.She cried and wailed all the time it was happening but she kept pushing thething through her thatch. She didn't know why but thought it was importantto show Abu that she was well trained and submissive. Soon her pride was barered skin. She was breathing hard and tears stained her cheeks. She looked upat Abu but He was writing something on her chart. Then he turned and left withoutsaying anything. Karmals' heart sank.
After the guard had taken the epilator away there was the customary morningbeating and another 10 mile run. When she returned hot and sweaty from therun Abu put her over the block and used her cunt and her butt. Karmal hadn'thad a man in her ass before. Abu had a large cock. Karmal struggled to controlherself to aid Abu in using her ass. When he finished Abu told her she wasadapting well to the training and tomorrow would bring more interesting thingsto her. The he left her. Karmals' ass was gaping and Abus' semen dripped downher leg. She looked at it and picked up some of it with her finger and tastedit.
The second night found Karmal tied tight to a steel bed frame. He breastssticking through to the other side.
Alligator clips were fastened to her nipples and weights added to accentuatethe nipple torment. Occasionally a sharp jolt would come through the clipsfrom a box on the wall. Karmal would yelp and struggle. The bed frame woulddig into her tits. Karmal was ready for the morning beating and run long beforeit was time.
The sun was just peaking above the horizon when Karmal was taken out forher morning exercise. The run was behind a jeep as usual but the route seemedunfamiliar to her. They had tied her hands behind her back this time. The driverwas faster too. Karmal had become very adept at keeping the strap loose betweenher cunt and the jeep. This guy was a devil though. He seemed to take the steepesthills and the roughest terrain intentionally jerking the leash tight up againsther tender cunt causing her very sharp pain. The driver would laugh each timeshe would cry out.
After the 10 mile run Karmal was untied from the jeep. She was led up a shortset of stairs to a platform. There was a wheel under the platform. The guardorder to step out onto the wheel. The wheel started to turn under her weight.The guard tied her cunt leash through a hole on the other side of the platform.Then he lowered a bar to keep her from stepping back onto the platform, Karmalhad to keep stepping up on top of the thing again and again to keep the evilcunt strap from coming tight as the wheel turned. Soon she heard a loud splash.A bucket attached to the wheel dumped it's contents into a trough that carriedit away towards the fields. Karmal had gotten her wish to do something physical.
It was only 8 A.M. but the temperature was already very high. Karmals' nudebody sweated in the hot sun. Afte a while the water from the wheel was steadilysplashing into the trough and running away to the fields. Karmal had establisheda smooth rhythm. The strap was slack and her body was getting into the grooveof work. She felt strong and content.
The first day on the wheel it was only ten hours. Karmal noticed that therewere other women working on similar wheels. She wondered why she was leavingthe field when other women were still working on their wheels. When she reachedher cell her trainer showed her a chart that counted how much water she'd pumpedcompared the other girls. Karmals' heart sank as she could see that hers wasmuch less. She knew what it meant. She would be punished.
The good news was that Abu himself was going to punish her. It was the firsttime the master had punished her himself since the first day in the stall.She hoped the punishment would be severe. She wanted Abu to see how good aslave she was. Abu came into the stall. He said. "Karmal you have to bepunished because your production is low."
With that he tied her arms over her head. Abu admired her breasts. The waythey were forced out proudly by her arms being tied up in the air. He heftedeach succulent mound. He took each nipple into his mouth and suckled it. Thenhe bit each one in turn. He spoke to her. "Karmal if you work hard thesemagnificent breasts will be preserved" Perhaps I may make you a houseslut."
At that point he took a heavy wooden paddle down from the wall. Abu linedthe paddle up on her left butt cheek. He drew it back and SMAAAKKK!!!! Karmalabout fainted. When the paddling was finished both her butt cheeks were redand bruised. Clear liquid dripped from her cunt. Then the master moved herto a sort of chair with a funny back on it. He had her sit on it facing theback. He tied her firmly against the back of the chair. Then he lifted herbreasts up and fitted a board under them and fastened it. Her breasts lookedlike a pair of large fish laying in the sun to dry. Abu pulled her head backand fastened it by her hair. After he had finished tying her head back he toldher " I don't wish to hit your face."
Abu pulled out a cane. Karmal had never been caned on her breasts before.She knew that this was going to be especially painful because her tits wouldhave to absorb all the energy of the cane. They couldn't move because theywere supported by the board. Karmal quivered and whimpered before the caningeven started. It took a light tap of the cane on one of her nipples to silenceher.
The first stroke came and Karmal screamed out in pain. She had never feltthis kind of pain before. The second stroke brought a second scream. Each strokeleft a vivid welt on the surface of her tender womanly orbs. Abu laid eachstroke right next to the last one. Soon Karmal became hoarse and was reducedto whimpering pitifully after each stroke landed. The caning continued untilboth her boobs were covered with angry red welts. Some were actually bleeding.
"How are you holding up under this treatment of your tender bits slut?" Abuasked her. Karmal raised her tear stained face to him. She didn't say anythingbut her eyes pleaded with him to stop caning her breasts. "You look sopitiful little one. Perhaps we should check and see what your cunt says. It'sthe only part of you that doesn't lie after all." With that Abu reachedinto her crotch and found it dripping. .
Abu laughed out loud. "Your cunt is impudent Karmal. It earns itselfa strapping for its impudence." Abu held up a strap. Karmal gasped. She'dfelt this on her cunt once before at the training academy. She had been givenonly one stroke. It was agonizing. She'd seen it used on other women here.Most were reduced to blubbering piles with only one or two strokes. Some couldn'teven walk for a day or to after a cunt strapping of only four or five strokes.Abu practically barked "It's ten strokes for you Karmal!" The stablehands gathered around to watch.
Karmal tried to protest but she was so afraid and hoarse that the words cameout as a quiet squeak. The strap hissed through the air. The first blow landedin her cunt like an atomic bomb. By the fifth they had to lift her up and tieher legs apart. By the tenth blow Karmal was barely conscious blubbering andcrying softly. They untied her and told her to stand up. She was able to manageit but just barely. Abu said "Very impressive Karmal" most of myslaves would have collapsed after the second blow. Very impressive indeed." Karmalwas allowed to rest for a day.
The routine resumed. First the morning beating. Then the warm up. Then theten mile run on the cunt strap to the wheel. The time Karmal was put on thewheel had extended now until it was for 11 hours. Again she was shown the chartsof her production. And again her tits and ass were punished. The leather strapwas used on her ass, her tits and her cunt. After the beating the guard dutifullychecked her cunt. I was always dripping. Karmals' body even betrayed her bycoming. Her soft body became taught and hard. She lost weight but if anythingher breasts became more proud than they were.
The amount of time Karmal spent on the wheel each day lengthened. Fifteen,sixteen seventeen hours. Abu came to the pen to check on Karmal after a daythat was 18 hours on the wheel. Abu was pleased that her production was thehighest of any of his slaves. Karmal was rewarded by being allowed to watchall the other women being punished.
Once back in her cell Abu celebrated by fucking her ass and throat. He usedthe strap thoroughly on her cunt and tits. The strap left marks she had becomeaccustomed to. She didn't remember whether she had cum from Abu using her orfrom the strap. It was hard for her to tell anymore.
Abu told her that he'd be away from the farm for a while and she would bein the hands of the journeyman trainer. Karmal was unhappy about that. Karmalwas in for a hard couple of weeks. The morning beatings became longer. therun became longer. the wheel became harder to turn.
One day after Karmal had been on the wheel only five hours her legs werecramping and she was in agony.There was no choice but to keep turning the wheelbecause the cunt strap was still tied to the bar on the other side of the platform.
Karmal was working with her eyes closed trying to shut out the pain. Whena substitute trainer came and removed her from the wheel. She was tied behinda horse and forced to run or be dragged. Karmal could not tell where the manwas taking her. Finally the horse slowed to a walk and entered a clearing.There were 10 men there. Karmal recognized the fucking bench in the centerof the clearing. After they had finished with her cum was dripping out of hernose and out of her ass. Her hair was covered with it.
She was tired but she heard the men making a commotion. Then she realizedthat they were bidding money on being the first to whip her ass and her cunt.Each of the men took a turn. Karmal finally passed out from exhaustion.
then the substitute trainer took her back to the wheel. After only and houror so the regular trainer came and took her down.
When she got back to her stall her production figures were low because ofher being taken off the wheel during the day. Karmal wailed as the punishmentwas meted out to her ass, cunt, and tits. And because the production didn'tincrease, each night Karmal was tied in a new inventive and painful positionin her cell. Typically these positions left her cunt and ass exposed and hertits also. The stable boys took advantage of that situation and fucked herrepeatedly. Karmal found that the most comforting thing that happened all day.After all the stable boys liked to use her. So they treated her nice. Theydidn't want to be reported to the master either.
Finally after 3 weeks of the routine with the irrigation wheel and the clearingAbu came back. He didn't let anyone know he was back. He slipped into the barnand looked over the production records. He was surprised at Karmals' . He cameto her stall. Abu tied her hands over her head and began to work her out. Karmalwas glad to be whipped by Abu. He was accurate and deadly. She came four times.Abu whipped her very hard for low production.
After he had finished he examined her body. The welts were deep and everywhere.Abu hefted her breasts and smiled. She asked him to keep himself hidden andwatch her tomorrow. Abu warned her that she would be beaten severely if herproduction didn't rise tomorrow. Karmal was satisfied. She didn't think thatAbu would catch the trainer but he might. She slept soundly that night andwas ready for another day on the wheel when she awoke.
Karmal didn't see Abu watching her but she new that her stall was monitored.The morning beating and warm-up proceeded normally and the run to the field.And there was nothing unusual about the way she was put up on the wheel. Timewore on but the substitute trainer didn't appear. Karmal had just about givenhim up when he appeared. She knew that Abu was still watching. She ran to theclearing wondering just what would happen. In fact nothing happened. She wasused by the men and whipped by them. The run back to the wheel and the returnto the barn were the same. She was disappointed that something more dramaticdidn't happen. Karmal heard a man being whipped in another section of the barnthat night. When the substitute appeared at her stall for the morning whipping,he was covered with welts. But other than that he seemed no worse for the wear.The morning beating was light that day and no one bothered her at the wheelanymore. Karmals' production was again the highest of any of the women.
Abu would use her and beat her nearly every night. All was right in her world.
By the end of the fourth month at Master Abus' stable it had begun to getcold and the irrigation wheels were put away for the winter. Karmal wonderedwhat she'd do. Staying in the stable and being fucked all the time was goodfor a while but boring. She wondered what she was going to do.
One morning after the beating, warm-up and run Karmal was transported toa field. After she arrived at the field she was harnessed. This was a differentkind of harness. This new harness was intended to pull something. Karmal lookedaround to see what it was. She was horrified to see that it was a plow. Shewas going to be a plow horse!!
The trainer hitched her up. Her arms were tied behind her back. The plowhad a long shaft that extended between her legs. Abu drove her the first round.She was slow and Abu whipped her hard to make her move. Slowly she began tomake way with the plow. After an hour or so Abu stopped her. "Slut youwill plow the field by yourself. The plow is a hard tool to master. Be diligentbecause you will be punished for poor performance."
Abu told her to start up and pull the plow. She did. The thing smacked herhard in the cunt with the shaft and she dropped like a rock. The trainer andAbu laughed heartily. Abu told her that the shaft was for her to control thedepth of the plow and to keep it straight. He laughed at her misery and said "Theshaft will work your legs and cunt over pretty good until you get the hangof controlling it slut! You'd better learn fast."
Karmal returned to the barn that night barely able to walk. Her cunt wasblack and blue and her thighs were covered with blisters. She had learned prettywell to control the thing on the last two rounds. But she'd only manage 8 roundsthat day. It would take much more to finish the field.
Abu came to her stall. She already knew what was going to happen. He said "Slutyou must be punished for poor performance. At the rate you're going you won'tfinish before cold weather. You'll be mightily uncomfortable out there plowingnude in the snow." Abu did not spare her cunt anything even though itwas bruised by the plow. "Punishment is the rule slut. No one escapesit for any reason. Finish the field or you'll be punished even more." Theass and tit strapping left her a blubbering mess. After it was over Abu cameand rubbed her sore tits. He fairly crooned in her ear "you are a fineslut Karmal". He nuzzled her ears and hair. He touched her cunt with lightcaresses. She came.
The plowing went well the next day but still her performance was low. Thetrainer brought out the breast caning chair. She hadn't seen that since thesecond week at the stable. The first stroke tore a scream from Karmal. Shescreamed even louder with every stroke until her voice failed. But the caningcontinued. The trainer kept laying the strokes right next to each other onboth her tits until the tops were covered with vicious welts from her chestto her nipples. The he had the apprentice untie her from the chair and layher over the fucking bench backwards. Her tits flopped up and presented a pairof fresh creamy tit bottoms. The trainer started laying the strokes on themnext to her chest working towards the nipples. One stripe right next to theothers. Karmal was completely voiceless by the end.
Karmal awoke the next morning. Her tits were covered with welts. Some appearedto be infected. They were incredibly sore. The were so sore that she didn'teven want to walk with them. When the journeyman trainer came in for the morningbeating he saw that her tits weren't fit for the morning beating. "Thatmust hurt slut. I'll get the master. He has ordered that he be alerted whena slut is unfit for the morning beating". The trainer left to get masterAbu. Karmal didn't think they would allow her to avoid the morning beatingshe just wondered how they were going to punish her. She noticed an enema bag.But didn't think anything about it.
Master Abu came into her stall. Karmal automatically presented her cunt andtits for his use. Abu had her sit in a chair. He examined her sore tits thoroughly.Each time he touched them Karmal would draw a deep breath because of the pain.Abu responded by giving each a strong slap. Karmal squeaked with what voiceshe had. Abu said "Be still slut! "
Abu spoke to the apprentice that was with him. The apprentice disappeared.Abu examined Karmal thoroughly and found her sound except for her sore breasts. "Alittle salt salve will fix those up! You'll be good as new in a couple of days!" Karmaldidn't know what 'salt salve' was but she figured it was going to be very painful.The apprentice returned with a bucket. He handed it to Abu. Abu ordered Karmaltied. As soon as the tying was finished Abu took a hand full salve out of thebucket and smacked it on one of the tenderest parts of her sore breasts. Karmalscreamed. Abu was undeterred. He rubbed the horrible smelling salt solutioninto her sore breasts and paid strict attention to the oozing and infectedwelts. Each stroke of his hands brought fresh screams from Karmal. Abu finallystuffed a ball gag in her mouth to quiet her wailing. After the master finishedputting the entire bucket onto her breasts he left. He ordered standard routinefor the rest of the day with the exception of the morning breast beating.
Karmal still couldn't comprehend how they were going to punish her withoutbeating her breasts. Then the trainer put her over the back or the chair. Hespread her butt cheeks. He brought the enema apparatus over and showed hera funny looking nozzle on the end of the hose. The trainer saw her lookingat it and said. "It's a double balloon retention nozzle slut! It's tokeep the water in you while you're working today to remind you that your behindschedule!!"
Karmal began to moan a little after the second quart entered her. She beganto look like she was pregnant. After the third quart was in she felt like shewas going to throw up. The trainer stopped the flow and allowed her to getuse to the water in her gut. As soon as the gagging subsided he opened thevalve again. Karmals' belly swelled up even more. The urge to purge came backbut not before the last bit went in and the valve was closed.
Karmal struggled with the massive amount of water in her belly but she manageto work hard and make up some of the lost ground. They drained her at lunchand she was able to really get rolling in the afternoon. But she was stillbehind schedule and this time the apprentice came in and gave her a hard cuntand ass beating. Abu came in later and put another bucket full of salve onher tits. He didn't bother to tie her but gagged her before he started workingon her breasts. Karmal mewled behind her gag and tears ran from her eyes butshe held still and kept her breasts stuck out for easy access for the master.
Abu rewarded her by using her ass before he left for the night.
Her tits weren't ready to be punished the next day either. The Journeymantrainer tied her and whipped her back and ass. The apprentice hooked her upto the enema apparatus with the retention nozzle and the water. A full gallonin under two minutes gushed into her gut. She looked thoroughly pregnant whenthey hooked her up to the plow. The size of her belly made the harness uncomfortableand it made it hard to pull and steer the plow. She managed though and wasmaking steady progress on the field. Karmal worked all day with the water inher gut. It was an interesting side effect of having all that water in herthat she didn't have to stop to drink. She pissed a lot more and just keptworking. By the end of the day she had made up all the lost time and was nowahead of schedule.
Karmal was taken to the stable and tied in her stall. Abu came to her stalllater to take care of her evening beating and to treat her tits. Her breastshad healed mostly from the caning. Thanks to the salt salve there was verylittle scaring. The salve application seemed more like a caress than treatment.After he had finished applying the salve Abu punished her using the strap onher ass and cunt. After the punishment was over. Abu untied her.
Abu removed his robe and stood in front of her nude. His cock was standingthick and proud. Karmal only hesitated a second. She presented her body tothe master so that he had his choice of her cunt or her mouth. Abu touchedhis cock to her lips. Karmal eagerly took it into her mouth and demonstratedwhat a talented fellatrix she was. Abu shot his load down her throat. He laiddown next to her. No one saw but they heard the sounds of animal lust and sexualpleasure coming from that stall for most of the night.
When Karmal awoke the next day the master was not in her stall. Karmal stillknew that she had finally found her calling in life. She was a slut slave tomaster Abu. He was a strong master and he knew how to user her to her limitsand care for her. She wondered if he would have her bred and milk her.
end Chapter 1
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Okay so before you begin on your journey you are going to have to answer a few questions about yourself. A few warnings this story will most likely contain some pretty dark stuff like torture, scat, piss, etc. For anyone who wants to add go right ahead as long as it's spelt properly I'll accept it (and is hot). This story will be set in the fictional city of Averia, a land where slavery and sexual modifications and many perverse things abound. Enjoy!
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Prologue The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...
Begging for slaveryIt is the big day. He will come and give me my chance. I take a quick shower, dry myself off and apply the make-up. I brush and dry my hair, then apply the perfume to my neck, my breasts and the inside of my thighs. When I touch my body, my nipples harden, but I do not go on. My body is for Him to enjoy. Since I do not know how he likes my pussy, I only use the razor to put it in shape, then brush the hair. Carefully I choose my wardrobe. Long stockings, a sheer silk-like...
Kidnapped into Sexual [email protected][Author's note: I love feedback! I hope you leave it or send me an email.]Brian never quite knew what to make of Ellen Fitzgerald. She was a distant relative of his stepfather's, second or third cousin he thought, who came for a visit maybe once a year. And he wasn't all that close to him, much less his relatives. (Brian's own father had passed away when he was very young and his mother had remarried just two years ago.) She rarely...
DedicationDedication This has been long in the works and there are a couple of people I?d like to thank. First and foremost I?d like to dedicate this to all my exes, on whom the slave?s emotional life is based. Without you all, this story would have been impossible to create, (and without you I?d also probably have a lot longer life expectancy J Stress isn?t good). Secondly I?d like to dedicate this to Alex Bragi, who gave me the attention and feedback just when I needed it the most. You have...
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H O L I D A Y B O N D A G E Chapter 1: Introduction and Arrival A vacation on a tropical cruise ship sounded like a great idea to me! Andeven more so when my Mistress added, "As well as swimming, sunbathing and visitingsome islands, we could have some fun by ourselves in the evenings, becauseI'll book us into a private stateroom!" It was this "fun by ourselves" thatreally excited me -- as her bondage slave (and loving it!), I needed littleimagination to know exactly what she meant! The first...
Denise's Summer of SlaveryDenise's father walked in on her while she wastaking a shower. Opening the shower door he pulled her out soaking wet. Shefell into his arms without a fight and he kissed her forehead. Denise was sixteen. Her father had been sexually molesting her since shewas eleven. It was the family secret that no one else knew, not even her motheror her two brothers. But that would soon change. Denise's father ran his hands over her breastsas he spoke. "Your mother and I will be...
After I left the lawyer's office, Gary disappeared with Hilda. They drove away, and she was visibly shaken. I drove home, thinking aboutwhat had just happened and I'll admit it: I was hard as hell. My wife was now owned, literally, by another man. He had the last word on whereshe went, what she wore, who she fucked, and whether she stayed or left. I tried half heartedly to make dinner, but I was so turned on I couldn't concentrate. I'll be the first to admit I had fantasized about this very...
Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the end of slavery where Simi and I explored our BDSM fantasy. If you haven’t read the earlier parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I had a struggling night with my hands and legs cuffed, and the Mistress had a sound sleep after two orgasms yesterday. The clock was about to tick at 8 AM. I got up and climbed on the bed, and my Mistress was still sleeping. I...
©1998 by EzRiter WARNING!!! This is heavy Sado-masochism. Go away if this is not what you want. Go away if you are under eighteen (twenty-one in certain locations). Go away if this kind of stuff offends you. This is not meant to be reality. If you think it is, seek a mental health professional immediately. Do not attempt these sex acts at home. Diana was the best looking girl in the university, and there were thousands of girls. She was the head cheerleader. She dated the captain of the...
~Demons are creatures of Earth and Fire, Blood and Bone. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things. Angels are creatures of Air and Water, Tears and Spirit. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things.~ First Year Magician Lesson -Devnik- I awoke to total darkness. The cave smelled foul. Blood and vomit had mixed in the air, creating a putrid odor. Water still dripped from the ceiling, and...
Chapter 1 There are many who would say I had it coming. I was amused by stories of other men being subjected to cock and ball torture by sadistic women and looked at websites about it. I giggled at movies where some guy took it in the eggs and made a lot of barnyard jokes about some bitch “having him by the balls” or saying someone should crush some jerk’s nuts. By myself, I imagined a woman squeezing my naked balls while I writhed in pain but never thought anything like that could happen...
Chapter One The capture of twin sisters and beginning of their training as sex slaves. Megan thought back to how this had happened and wondered if there was anything she could of done to have prevented this. Granted when something bad happens to anyone that's the first thing that goes through their minds. Still she had to wonder if she could of prevented what that woman did to them. Megan and her twin sister Molly lives hadn't been perfect but to have this happen was...
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Kelly was tired after a very long day. Her office was empty and she was hoping to leave soon. Her company had been showing new overseas clients around the office, so she was dressed up more than usual. She was wearing a sharp black dress with silver accents. Her very shapely legs were covered in tan stockings, which were held up by garters at the top of them. Kelly always enjoyed wearing stockings like these, especially since during the last two years her boss Martin has had her on her back in...
Jane Sullivan was forty-nine, and in what she would describe as okay shape. Her long, brown hair brushed a pair of slim, tanned shoulders, her breasts were not that large and sagged just a little, but only a little she reminded herself. She also had a slim waist, and shapely legs. But then she had the time to stay in shape, not quite a trust fund baby, but she had a nice allowance from an inheritance paid into her account once a month. Still, there was always room for a little more cash. Trendy...
You sit in the shade, sitting back and drinking your beer. You had just gotten back from a hunting expedition, and had brought back a lot of sorry escapees. You always got paid extra for them. You relax, watching the busy slave market. Rich white men, and some women, walked the aisles, examining slaves. Most were looking for strong, cheap, labour, for their plantations. Others were looking for house servants to clean and do odd jobs. Regardless of what they were looking for, and what they...
Fantasy╣♦╠ The match between Heather and her rival, Lisa, was quite a vibrant and electrifying display. Both fighters did their best to amuse the public and also make sure that they'd try to show finally who would be the best of them. It wasn't surely an easy match for any of them but at the end, Heather was the one that managed to obtain the victory. There were no visible hard feelings about it in such a sane rivalry and the other fighter also clapped to her opponent when the public did so. A few...
FetishYour bank accounts at 0. $45,000 in debt, plus monthly living expenses. No job, no friends, no family. You realize this is the end. You can't support yourself anymore. You can beg on the streets, live out of homeless shelters, and be miserable. Or you can become a slave. Under government law, any citizen can give up all rights and become a slave. Their debt is forgiven, and they become the property of someone else for 10 years. The only choice you get is picking your new owner. Some people got...
FetishIt was one year ago when my best friend and I were out shopping for clothes. I went into the changing room to try on a cute dress that I found. She came in with me to help me put it on. As she was helping me her hand lingered on my breast. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck. Before I knew it she was kissing me. She was drop dead gorgeous, so of course I was attracted to her. It wasn't long until she was out of her clothes and we were kissing passionately. We fingered each other to...
BDSMSandra never expected that her life will change in a such dramatic way. Two weeks after her eighteen birthday she was on a routine scouting mission and then an arrow hit her ankle. It was an arrow coated with a sleeping poison. It was a crafty ambush made by a group of slavers. She awoke in a wagon and spent more than two weeks there with no chance to escape. It wasn't that bad. No one touched her. She was fell fed. Slavers cared to deliver the goods intact. Finally they reached their...
My mother trains boys to be come sex slaves for women. She has a trio of boys that she has trained and plans to sell to a slaver from another country. I have not gone through the training. Mother believes that that I know what is expected and knows what is expected of me. The slaver is here. I line up with the rest of the boys. We are all naked. Mother orders us to stand straight as the slaver enters. I am stunned because she is so beautiful. She has blond hair falling down to her shoulder. The...
I was a prince in my tribe and here I was on my knees on Roman galley whilst a common sailor was trying to force his huge cock in my manly hole. I struggled but was held by 3 other stinking sailors. Just as his cock touched me I heard a shout from the captain. I understood their language. He said my arse was too valuable for a pig commoner but my mouth wasn't. Before I could do anything the first stinking cock entered my mouth. The naked sailor forced my head back and forth. (I soon realised...
Oh just try it on, don’t act so…stereotypical.”I started to protest again, I mean I was not trying to be a jerk, but I did not feel like serving as Leena’s dress dummy all afternoon. I felt uncomfortable enough around her and her clothes. The way she dressed made me crazy and I knew she would tease me all afternoon if I let her. It was my own fault really, I approached her at her last ‘fashion show’ and offered to take some pictures. I really did like her designs, but mostly because of my...
Steve kept studying the bank deposit slip over and over again. He couldn’t believe that he’d just deposited five million dollars into a money market fund under his and Becky’s name this morning. They went from being unemployed and homeless to millionaires over night. Both he and Becky lost their jobs a few months ago when their company was bought out and they merged their company with the parent company laying off hundreds of clerical workers. All homes of buying a dream house and having...
It was a typical chilly morning in the small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Tom glanced at his watch as he starred out the window enjoying the morning sun razing over the horizon. He finally heard the click of the bathroom door opening and the sweet smell of Chantal’s perfume flowing into the room. ?Honey? Could you please bring me my sweater for me please?? Tom sat his cup of coffee down and looked around the room until he saw his wife’s sweater sitting on top of one of the suit cases....