Stephanie s Slavery
- 2 years ago
- 64
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?Seven Hours ‘til Slavery?
Chapter 1
Roberta felt safe and secure in her home, and why shouldn’t she? It was a nice house in a nice neighborhood in a nice suburb. It wasn’t a palace, but it was comfortable enough with three bedrooms, a full basement and two-car garage. The land around the house made it private enough so neighbors weren’t a problem. There were woods between hers and the next houses, and sometimes she felt rather isolated, but she was never really scared. Who would be in this area? There was no real danger, no real crime to speak of.
Roberta and her daughter had moved here only a few months ago after her husband’s illness. He had passed away rather quickly, leaving them set up financially, but she and her daughter were devastated by the loss. The widow threw herself into taking care of her daughter, trying to get both of their lives back on track, but the progress had been slow in coming. Neither had made any real friends in town, mostly keeping to themselves, and Roberta certainly hadn’t returned to the dating scene. The issue wasn’t her looks. She was still a beautiful woman at 37. At 5’5? and only 118 lbs, with her long light-brown hair and green eyes, she always attracted male attention. When she would walk by, men would stop to look at her long, shapely legs and tight ass that wiggled almost violently with each step. Her large, firm chest jiggled ever so slightly as to give only a hint of the delights hidden there. She knew she was attractive, but she wasn’t ready to go through all of the nonsense of dating again. She didn’t want to spend time with man after man only to find out their baggage made them undesirable to her. She knew she needed a man, but she didn’t need was the mountain of bullshit that came with them.
As she stood at the sink washing the breakfast dishes, her daughter, Tina, walked through the swinging door into the kitchen. She was dressed for school and had her knapsack over her shoulder. Her low-rider jeans hugged her 17-year-old ass like they were painted on. She wore a crop top that showed her flat stomach and the dangling jewelry hanging from the piercing in her navel. Like her mother, Tina was thin, with the same big breasts, but hers seemed so much bigger because she was seventeen and wearing a cropped top that seemed to be suspended away from her skin and floating in the air. She was the picture of modern teen life, innocent with a suggestion of sluttiness, a virgin whose fashion sense came from porn starlets. Roberta had given up trying to get her to dress more conservatively a long time ago, realizing that all the girls dressed this way these days if they wanted to fit in, and fitting in was important in high school. Tina walked over to her mother and kissed her on the cheek, saying good-bye as she did so. Roberta responded in kind, and as Tina was walking out the back door she reminded her mom that she was going over to a friend’s house after school and would be home around dinnertime. The door closed with a click. Roberta didn’t think of locking it. She never did. There was no need to.
He was waiting just on the edge of the woods in the shadows and out of sight. He could see her through the kitchen window. It wouldn’t be long now. The daughter would be leaving soon and then he could quietly walk up to the back door and let himself in. If he was lucky he would catch her by surprise and quickly take control of the situation. He hated the initial confrontations that took place when a woman saw him coming. It was so much easier when he could sneak up on them, and get them bound and gagged quickly. He also found that they broke more quickly when they didn’t get the opportunity to fight him at all. If they got a taste of the fight they would hold out hope that they might get another chance to fight and escape, so subduing them before they knew what was happening robbed them of that hope. By the time he was finished with them, their spirits were broken and they knew their place. They accepted that they would be slaves for the rest of their lives and would be sold when he was finished training them. It never ceased to amaze him how effective his methods were. It didn’t matter what kind of personality a woman had, they all came around eventually.
He had made a lot of money doing this. There were so many girls over the few short years. He was smart and discreet, picking women who could easily disappear without raising too many questions. This one would be no exception. The daughter would be a bit of a problem, but he knew how to handle it. Everyone would think they had moved out of town.
Once he saw the daughter leave, he patiently waited the half hour he always waited. He wanted to give his victim the chance to get involved in her routine. Roberta had done exactly that. She was tidying up in the living room and didn’t hear the back door open when he quietly slipped into the kitchen with his own knapsack over his shoulder. He carefully placed it on the kitchen table, making not a sound, and then took the silent steps to the door and carefully listened to the sounds coming from the next room. He could tell that she was on the other side of the room, so he gently pulled the door open just an inch to see. There she was bent over the coffee table straightening up. He closed the door and went back to the table. Opening his knapsack, he took out the things he needed and put them into his pockets. He returned to the door and peeked again. She was still straightening up but his moment had come. He opened the door just wide enough to slip through and entered the living room as silently as a cat. He quickly moved behind her took a deep breath and grabbed a handful of her long brown hair pulling her backwards hard and fast. She didn’t know what was happening but was moved backwards and upwards into a standing position. As she opened her mouth to scream out her surprise, a ball gag filled her mouth before she could utter a sound. A knife suddenly came into her field of vision and she started to panic, but he spoke to her and made it clear that he was not someone to fuck with.
?Freeze where you are, bitch. Not a sound or I’ll cut your throat right here and now. Do you understand me?? All she could do was nod her head. ?Good bitch. If you fight me, you die. Nod your head if you understand.? Again she nodded, but she felt the fear throughout her whole being. Her heart raced and she began to sweat. He put the knife back into its sheath on his belt, and from his rear pocket he took out the handcuffs telling her to put her hands behind her. She complied and was handcuffed tightly in a matter of seconds. He still had a grip on her hair and he leaned in to her ear and whispered to her, ?If you do as I say you will live. Piss me off and I’ll make you suffer like you never imagined before I kill you. Will you do as you are told?? Roberta was smart enough to know there was only one choice and she nodded her answer. ?Good bitch.? He forced her to her knees and ordered her to keep her head looking straight ahead. ?If you look at me I will have to kill you, so make sure that you don’t sneak a peek. He removed his hand from her hair and reached into his pocket for another pair of cuffs, but these were leather ankle cuffs which he put on her without the slightest fight from her. He clipped and locked them together. Next was the leather collar. When Roberta saw it she started to cry. She couldn’t help herself, but he expected that. They all cry, but he didn’t care now. He had to subdue her before the fun and games could begin. Then she would cry for him nonstop. The next thing to emerge from his pocket was the chain that he attached to her handcuffs and then to her collar, essentially insuring that her hands and arms would be going nowhere. The last thing was the blind fold, which slipped over her head and eyes blacking out her sense of sight. This often freaked the victim out the most, but this one didn’t flinch at all. Being thrust into a world of darkness, not knowing what was going on, or what, or who, was coming sometimes paralyzed a person. She was now ready for him.
When he was sure she was properly bound, he went back to the kitchen to get his knapsack. As he returned through the swinging door he stopped to look at his conquest. She was beautiful. In his mind he evaluated her trying to put a dollar value on her assets. Her tits would help her sell quickly, as would her long legs. These two parts alone would probably add $10,000 to her price. It didn’t hurt that she looked good for her age. But he now realized he had to get her broken and start her training before the daughter came home. Dealing with two unbroken bitches at one time was harder. Each would look to the other for support. That would mean it would take that much longer to break both of them, and time was not plentiful. No, he had to get this one to accept and embrace her slavery before the daughter came home. When the daughter was caught and bound and then saw her mother was accepting her new life, the daughter would give in that much more easily.
So out of the knapsack came the whips and clamps and the other training tools he knew he would use on her. The rest of the items he would need were still in his car on the other side of the woods. It was well hidden and knew he could walk to it and back in short order. He turned his attention to his new merchandise and smiled. No time like the present to get started. He took out his knife once more, leaned over her, and put the tip against the skin of her face. She gasped and held her breath. He dragged the knife downward slowly to her shirt, and poked a hole in the fabric. Now he cut the shirt open the long way to the waist. He cut the rest of it off her and made quick work of her white-lace bra. He repeated the pattern with her skirt and panties. When she was naked before him, he picked up the narrow tipped riding crop and stood over her. He felt so superior to her bound form. Without further adieu, he brought the crop down onto her ass flesh. She screamed into her ball gag and started sobbing. Again the whip came down onto her ass. She squirmed and violently tried to get away, but she was going nowhere. He beat her mercilessly for fifteen minutes, covering her ass, thighs, and back with red marks and welts. Not a word was spoken to her during the beating. He took a break and went into the kitchen to the refrigerator. There he found a can of soda, which he popped open and took a sip. He walked back into the living room and found Roberta sobbing uncontrollably but no longer trying to move. He put the can down and picked up the crop again. With his foot he pushed and rolled her over onto her back. The contact made her cry louder through her gag, and she tried to scream again when she felt the carpet touch her whipped skin. He started to rain down blow after blow onto her front. He especially like the way her firm tits jiggled when they were hit. He was surprised to see her big nipples harden as he beat her. He thought how good they would look with a pair of nice, thick rings pierced through them. He striped her stomach and thighs, but was particularly nasty when he whipped her pussy. She jerked like a mad woman each time he hit her there and screamed into the gag for all she was worth, but he didn’t stop until she stopped fighting. He took a deep breath and put the crop down. He picked up the can of soda and took a look sip, gulping it down before putting the can down once again. Now he got down to his knees and leaned over his prey. He got close to her ear, and whispered, ?That was your first lesson, bitch. You will receive many more beatings until you are broken and accept that you are now a slave. Your freedom has been taken away from you forever. You are no longer even human. You are nothing more than fuck meat now, just a rape toy for me to train. When I am done with you, you will be sold to the highest bidder and will serve your owner faithfully. Do you understand me??
Roberta could not believe her ears. This animal has just walked into her house and bound her without much effort. He beat her until she dared not move an inch, and now was telling her that she was to become a slave for the rest of her life. This could not be happening. How could this be happening? She cried out her misery and pain. Again he whispered into her ear. ?Will you accept your slavery? Will you accept your training and your fate??
He could not be serious, could he? She was too shocked to even think of such a thing. She felt revulsion deep in the core of her being and nausea building in the pit of her stomach. She would never accept such a thing. She would never consent to becoming a slave. Through her gag she sobbed out the word, ?No.?
But he was just getting started. Part of his methodology was to let the victim know exactly what he was doing to her. When she couldn’t stand it anymore, her resistance would break and she would begin to accept the thought of being a slave for the first time. The rest would come easily. He would let them feel pleasure and then connect that pleasure to being a slave. He would make sure that, in her mind, freedom would equal pain, thinking for herself would equal pain, all things except serving her master would equal pain. Of course, if she took to the training and pain well enough, there was always the option of turning her into a pain slut. He always liked to do this, but so few of them learned to like pain. Pain sluts also brought in more money at auction, so it was a win-win for him.
As was expected, she refused to comply, so now it was time for round two. He picked up the nipple clamps and leaned over her torso. Her nipples were large and would take his clamps easily. Because of their size, he would make them extra tight so they would cause her enough pain to make his point with her. He opened the jaws of the first clamp and caught the erect bud firmly between them. She immediately started to moan. He did the same to the other nipple and she increased the pitch of her moaning. It was music to his ears. He tightened the screw on the first clamp and her pitch increased again like a musician tuning up a guitar. When he finished with the other one, she was panting and screeching through her gag. Next came the clit clamp. When he reached down to find her hairy snatch it was his turn to be surprised. She was clean shaven. He almost didn’t expect that, but he remembered shaving one’s twat was the fashion these days. So many women denuded themselves like the porn stars everyone watched and secretly worshipped. He laughed to himself thinking how acceptable trying to be a slut was these days. His thoughts quickly returned to his work and he started to tickle her clit. Again he was surprised to find her already wet. His fingers made squishy sounds as he played with her pussy. He smiled and realized that this one was going to break easily. She was enjoying what he was doing to her. He attached the clamp with efficiency and Roberta moaned and cried loudly. He leaned down to her ear again. ?I see that you are enjoying yourself. That’s good. If you admit it, I will let you cum. Cumming will make it easier for you to accept your slavery.?
?What the hell is he talking about?? she thought through the pain. ?I’m not enjoying this torture,? but she heard the sounds coming from her vagina. She felt the waves of pleasure he inflicted on the walls of her hole. Her mind was in denial because the pain was in the forefront of everything she was experiencing at the moment. Still, there was something there, but she wouldn’t dare let herself admit its existence, at least not yet. He could read her like a book. He knew it was the right moment to ratchet up the pleasure to mingle with the pain. He had the 9 inch vibrator ready on the table. With surgeon like precision, he knew just the right moment to make the next cut in her resistance. He picked up the vibrator and slowly rubbed it around her wet pussy. He moved it up and down her slit, getting it oh so slick. He teased her clamped clit until her hips started to respond, pumping up and down. She was now ready for his next move, so he slammed the vibrator all the way into her snatch with one deft move. Her cunt was tight but offered little resistance. Still she tried to scream through her gag. Before she had a chance to adjust to its presence inside her, he turned it on to the low setting. He let her stew for a while watching her from above until her hips started to move more forcefully and her moans became louder. She was climbing the ladder to an orgasm and he watched intently waiting for just the right moment to make his next move. Her breathing was getting ragged and he could see she was almost there. He leaned over and took one of her tit clamps in his hand. He tightened it again and she arched her back as the pain intensified. He did the same with her other tit clamp with the same result. When he reached down to the clamp on her clit she started begging through her gag for him not to do it.
?Please no. Don’t do it. My god, please don’t hurt me. I can’t take it. You’re killing me.?
?Am I?? he asked. He reached down to her pussy and turned the vibrator up to the next setting. She moaned as her legs spread out, exposing more of herself to him. ?It seems like you are enjoying the experience.? He could see her climbing again to her orgasm. When she was just about there, he tightened the clit clamp and she let out an ear piercing scream that even the gag couldn’t repress. As she screamed her orgasm tore through her making her convulse. Her toes curled and spit drooled out of her mouth. She even lost a bit of control of her bladder. He smiled as he watched her cum until it subsided. Once again he leaned in to her ear. ?How was that orgasm? Bet it was the best you’ve ever had, wasn’t it??
She could barely get the word out through the gag, but in her desire to resist him, she lied, ?No.?
?Liar!? he laughed at her. Just for that you will have another cum?? he paused so she could absorb his words, ?but this time I will whip you until you cum.?
Roberta immediately started to cry. The pain she felt was incredible. How could she have had such an explosive orgasm as she suffered. Somewhere in the back of her mind she acknowledged that he was right. It was the best orgasm she ever had. She was still wet and the vibrator was still buzzing away inside her. The clamps hurt less now. She was getting used to the pinching and pressure. Her clit felt huge and more sensitive than she could ever remember. In that dark corner of her mind where she admitted her pleasure, she dared to let herself wish for another orgasm.
He reached to the table once more and picked up the 4? vibrating ass plug. His evil smile revealed his perverse pleasure in what he was about to do to her. He reached down with one hand and suddenly yanked out the vibrator buried in her cunt. She gasped, but otherwise made no other sound. Just as suddenly, he thrust the plug into her as far as it would go. She gasped again, but still made no sound. He pumped it in and out for a few minutes. As he did so, he assaulted her with his words.
?You are such a fucking slut to be getting off on this treatment. We both know you lied about that orgasm. It’s ok to enjoy pain. All good bitches do. I knew from the first moment I saw you that you would take to this treatment. I saw it in your eyes. You didn’t even notice me then. That body of yours was made to be abused and fucked. No matter how hard you resist, I know there is a part of you that is admitting the truth. Oh yes, you will fight it. They all do. You were brought up to believe such treatment is wrong. You were taught to believe that you were a princess, and that your pussy was as valuable as gold, and that you should be treated gently and with respect, but you never felt truly fulfilled did you??
She hated the thought of it, but realized he was right. Sex had never been so intense. She never came so hard. She felt loved when she made love to her boyfriends and then her husband, but it never felt this good.
?I’ve opened your eyes, haven’t I? You now know what you’ve been missing. All the years wasted trying to get men to treat you well, when what you really should have been doing was getting fucked hard. You should have been treated like a fucking whore, taken roughly, bound and beaten so that your orgasms would be more intense.?
Roberta couldn’t deny what he was saying. Her whole world was collapsing around her. Everything she was taught to believe was bullshit. THIS was sex. She never imagined that pain could be so good. But she still couldn’t let go completely. He was forcing this on her. She had been raised to make her own decisions. No one made up her mind for her. She had to resist. If she could survive this without giving in, she could find this kind of sex on her own terms.
But it wasn’t going to happen that way.
He pulled the plug out of her slowly and then found her asshole with it. Without any fanfare, he slid it up her ass until it locked into place. She was too shocked to respond until he turned the vibrator on sending waves of pleasure through her. She had never felt anything like it before, but she knew she was in heaven. When he replaced the other vibrator in her pussy and turned that one on, she was feeling wave after wave of pleasure, competing with each other and blending together at the same time. She was going out of her mind. All of her resistance was gone for the moment. It returned when the flogger came down onto her clamped tits. It took a few seconds for this new pain to register in her pleasure soaked brain. Because of that, she didn’t feel the full brunt of it. It stung, but it just added to the feelings she was experiencing. When it came again and again her tits started to feel hot and she couldn’t help herself. She tried her hardest to not give in but her body would not obey her mind. She thrust her meaty tits up and out to meet the next stroke. His knowing smile signaled his pleasant surprise with her progress. It would all be over soon, too soon for him. He did enjoy his work, but this one was progressing so fast he wasn’t getting as much pleasure as she was. ?Oh well,? he thought, ?such is life.? He continued to beat her tits until he could see her nearing another orgasm. He stopped for a moment and bent down to her ear. ?Do you want to cum, little sex slave? Do you want me to make you cum hard like you did before??
She was completely gone now. She wanted to say no, but couldn’t. She had to have that orgasm. She needed it so badly, that if he denied her, she would go completely insane. She nodded her head.
He reached to the back of her head and unbuckled the strap that held the gag in its place. She pushed it out of her mouth with her tongue. ?Then admit to me that you are a fuck toy. Tell me that you want to give up all that you are and all that you have to become a sex slave. Offer yourself for my training and I will give you what you desire.?
She could not even think anymore. All that mattered was the orgasm that was just out of reach. She would do anything, give up anything now for that orgasm, and she did. The words exploded out of her mouth. She couldn’t have stopped them even if she wanted to, and she didn’t want to stop them. She broke like a cheap toy on Christmas morning. ?Oh god, yes, I am a fuck toy. Use me. Fuck me. Make me cum, please,?
?You will call me Master from now on.?
Yes, Master. Please let me cum. I beg you.?
?How should I make you cum, bitch? Should I be gentle with you? Should I treat you like a princess??
?Fuck no, Master. Beat me until I come. I’m a whore. Treat me like one. Fuck the living shit out of me. Make it hurt. Please give me pain. I need it so bad. Please.?
?Admit that you are my slave from this moment on. Tell me what you want.?
Yes, Master. I am your slave. You own me from now until the end of time. I want your training. Make me do anything you want. I’ll obey and do it all for you. I swear it.?
?Well, I’m not so sure you are serious. I don’t know if I believe you. What will happen after you get your nice cummy cum? You will probably forget all about your promises. You’ll start planning to escape.?
?No I won’t, Master. I swear it. I’ll be a good slave. I will. Beat me. Train me. Let me prove it to you.?
He had won. She was broken and now ready for training. He would withhold her orgasms all day until she proved to him she was sincere. He would use her own words against her to train her until she knew she could not go back. At that point she would be his and then, and only then, would she receive her next orgasm. He looked at his watch and smiled. This might be a record. It had taken him only an hour and a half so far. He turned off her vibrators and removed them from her holes. Roberta sighed disappointedly. She started begging immediately.
Please, Master, put them back in me. Make me cum. I beg you. Don’t deny me. Please Master. Please.?
?Silence, slave. You will cum when I wish you to, not a moment before.?
She was smart enough to stop talking.
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My name is micky, 35 years old , a doctor by profession and a slave to highly dominating, extremely cruel and perverse females who love to humiliate, degrade , torture and enslave males to the extreme.Unusual for a country like India, where society is mainly male dominated, but TrueEverything whateever I am writing is true partially and I went thru all the hell in the 20 years. Yes I was enslaved by this cruel sadist who rented one of the floors of our Duplex Bunglow along with her husband and...
The Bus to SlaveryThe Bus to Slaveryby Razor7826 Part One ?I still can?t believe that Mom andDad are really gone.?? Theresa Mosleysighed as she rested her head against the window of her sister?s car.? The country landscape sweptby. Sharon Mosley turned towards the backseat.? ?We?ll get through this, littlesis.? The key is to just go on with yourlife.?? The younger woman started to cry asshe looked her sister in the eye.? ?I...I can?t do this.? I think I?m going totake this semester off.? The...
Okay so before you begin on your journey you are going to have to answer a few questions about yourself. A few warnings this story will most likely contain some pretty dark stuff like torture, scat, piss, etc. For anyone who wants to add go right ahead as long as it's spelt properly I'll accept it (and is hot). This story will be set in the fictional city of Averia, a land where slavery and sexual modifications and many perverse things abound. Enjoy!
BDSM(All characters are above the age of 18. This event happened 15 years ago.) I am a sex slaver. I find women who will bring me a large profit when I sell them into slavery. I cannot do this openly. I have an employment agency that places women into secretarial positions in businesses. I do get a number of women who are better qualified to be secretaries than sex slaves. I do place them into businesses for that helps my cover story. I have developed a program that helps to rate a persons aptitude...
Date Night. My Descent Into Slavery.------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 1 FRIDAY Tonight was "Date Night" and as usually was the case, I'd spentthe day in a high state of anticipation. My wife, Chris, and I hadcreated the "Date Nights" several years ago to merge our divergentsexual desires into a mutually satisfying relationship. My sexual tastes ran to the more exotic side of the spectrum:...
SRU: Sheer Slavery By Paul G Jutras It is September 19, 2000 and Jason had arrived at Fairy Tales Mall. He used the video store outer entrance and picked up his copy of The Little Mermaid 2. He had always loved transformation stories, even animated ones. As he finished paying and was about to leave, he noticed a little shop that looked like it was decorated for Halloween. "Weird?" Jason thought as he walked into and listened to the bell behind the door ring. "Hello?" He asked,...
Forced to Slavery By Heather2837 It was our honeymoon. My new bride and I were traveling to many sites in the world prior to my joining my new law firm and beginning my career. My new wife, Beth, had been my long time girl friend throughout college and when I finally graduated from law school, we took the big plunge and became engaged. She had always been the love of my life and this was just a natural continuation of our relationship. Beth was 22 years old and was a naturally...
The Problem My wife and I had been fighting. Serious fighting. We were bothto the point where we had stopped the anger and had begun serious discussions about gettingdivorced. Looking back on this now, it's hard for me to see who was really right and who was really wrong. I'm not sure I can even tell you who was mad about what. For about a month we just kind of co-existed,neither of us talking much; only when absolutely necessary. Then Megan said she wanted to give it one moreshot. "Jason,...
Blackmailed into slaveryAndy and Carl were lucky to find a place on their own in a university city with over twenty thousand students from all over Europe. They rented an old farmhouse that was standing empty for a few years. Luckily there was not much to renovate, except for a new lock on the entry door and a few minor repairs to the windows. Each had their own comfortable room to study. The old timber beds were still there. The new mattresses were the only substantial investment they had to...
Jill’s adventure into slavery Part 1By Goddess RachealIt was Thursday morning and Jill Evans was at her desk at the accounting firm she worked for thinking of the upcoming weekend and what was going to happen to her. Jill was 24 years old and after graduating from University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business (head of her class) with an MS in accounting and Business Administration, and one of a few persons with an IQ over 200. She took a job at a leading accounting firm in New York...
Apartment Slavery Part I by Reavan A divorcee in his early sixties rents a small apartment, one of two onthe third floor of an older home. A strong minded and bitchy youngBusiness woman moves into the other apartment. In a few hours while heGrudgingly helps her move in, she converts him from a normally independentIndividual into her unpaid house servant by exploiting an older man'sdesire for sex with a young female. Part I The apartment was small but comfortable. The landlady gave me...
Hitching a Ride to SlaveryPart 1BydidmakerCharlie put the large truck in park and turned of the ignition. It sure was good to be home again after a few weeks on the road. The house and yard looked pretty much the same as when he left since he lived alone. I climbed out of the cabin and onto the driveway. He paused and wondered if he should wake his passenger and let her know they had arrived, but decided against it since she could probably use the rest while he sorted out the mail and other...
Kissed and sucked into slaveryThus is a sad tale about how I became a sex slave to my cute girl friend Jill and all of her friends. The experience that led me to this sorry state was a lot of fun but as you will read below I am now nothing but a boy toy to a bunch of over sexed senior high school students.I was immediately attracted to Jill when I first met her in the high school gym while watching a basketball game. She had just moved to our area and was a new cheerleader with gorgeous legs,...
Prologue The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...
Begging for slaveryIt is the big day. He will come and give me my chance. I take a quick shower, dry myself off and apply the make-up. I brush and dry my hair, then apply the perfume to my neck, my breasts and the inside of my thighs. When I touch my body, my nipples harden, but I do not go on. My body is for Him to enjoy. Since I do not know how he likes my pussy, I only use the razor to put it in shape, then brush the hair. Carefully I choose my wardrobe. Long stockings, a sheer silk-like...
Kidnapped into Sexual [email protected][Author's note: I love feedback! I hope you leave it or send me an email.]Brian never quite knew what to make of Ellen Fitzgerald. She was a distant relative of his stepfather's, second or third cousin he thought, who came for a visit maybe once a year. And he wasn't all that close to him, much less his relatives. (Brian's own father had passed away when he was very young and his mother had remarried just two years ago.) She rarely...
DedicationDedication This has been long in the works and there are a couple of people I?d like to thank. First and foremost I?d like to dedicate this to all my exes, on whom the slave?s emotional life is based. Without you all, this story would have been impossible to create, (and without you I?d also probably have a lot longer life expectancy J Stress isn?t good). Secondly I?d like to dedicate this to Alex Bragi, who gave me the attention and feedback just when I needed it the most. You have...
PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE SUPERGIRL: VOLUNTARY SLAVERY By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Supergirl is a property of DC Comics. This is a non profit story for no one below 18. Synopsis: About a world where most men died out from a virus, leaving only a small few. Supergirl also is desperately horny and even would subject herself to be a bdsm slave to any man still alive Story Supergirl flew on the sky above, realizing that a world without men was boring, that is if you...
Karmals' Slavery part 1 Karmal had decided to give herself a special treat for her 25th birthday.She decided to take a trip to Croatia. The ocean front resorts are picturesqueeven if a little beat up by the recent wars. The prices were right and it wasexotic. Karmal asked the hotel concierge where she could rent a car. The weasellylittle man never took his eyes off her chest the whole time he was talkingto her. The only time he looked at her face was when he told her to go to hiscousins car...
H O L I D A Y B O N D A G E Chapter 1: Introduction and Arrival A vacation on a tropical cruise ship sounded like a great idea to me! Andeven more so when my Mistress added, "As well as swimming, sunbathing and visitingsome islands, we could have some fun by ourselves in the evenings, becauseI'll book us into a private stateroom!" It was this "fun by ourselves" thatreally excited me -- as her bondage slave (and loving it!), I needed littleimagination to know exactly what she meant! The first...
Denise's Summer of SlaveryDenise's father walked in on her while she wastaking a shower. Opening the shower door he pulled her out soaking wet. Shefell into his arms without a fight and he kissed her forehead. Denise was sixteen. Her father had been sexually molesting her since shewas eleven. It was the family secret that no one else knew, not even her motheror her two brothers. But that would soon change. Denise's father ran his hands over her breastsas he spoke. "Your mother and I will be...
After I left the lawyer's office, Gary disappeared with Hilda. They drove away, and she was visibly shaken. I drove home, thinking aboutwhat had just happened and I'll admit it: I was hard as hell. My wife was now owned, literally, by another man. He had the last word on whereshe went, what she wore, who she fucked, and whether she stayed or left. I tried half heartedly to make dinner, but I was so turned on I couldn't concentrate. I'll be the first to admit I had fantasized about this very...
Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the end of slavery where Simi and I explored our BDSM fantasy. If you haven’t read the earlier parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I had a struggling night with my hands and legs cuffed, and the Mistress had a sound sleep after two orgasms yesterday. The clock was about to tick at 8 AM. I got up and climbed on the bed, and my Mistress was still sleeping. I...
©1998 by EzRiter WARNING!!! This is heavy Sado-masochism. Go away if this is not what you want. Go away if you are under eighteen (twenty-one in certain locations). Go away if this kind of stuff offends you. This is not meant to be reality. If you think it is, seek a mental health professional immediately. Do not attempt these sex acts at home. Diana was the best looking girl in the university, and there were thousands of girls. She was the head cheerleader. She dated the captain of the...
~Demons are creatures of Earth and Fire, Blood and Bone. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things. Angels are creatures of Air and Water, Tears and Spirit. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things.~ First Year Magician Lesson -Devnik- I awoke to total darkness. The cave smelled foul. Blood and vomit had mixed in the air, creating a putrid odor. Water still dripped from the ceiling, and...
Chapter 1 There are many who would say I had it coming. I was amused by stories of other men being subjected to cock and ball torture by sadistic women and looked at websites about it. I giggled at movies where some guy took it in the eggs and made a lot of barnyard jokes about some bitch “having him by the balls” or saying someone should crush some jerk’s nuts. By myself, I imagined a woman squeezing my naked balls while I writhed in pain but never thought anything like that could happen...
Chapter One The capture of twin sisters and beginning of their training as sex slaves. Megan thought back to how this had happened and wondered if there was anything she could of done to have prevented this. Granted when something bad happens to anyone that's the first thing that goes through their minds. Still she had to wonder if she could of prevented what that woman did to them. Megan and her twin sister Molly lives hadn't been perfect but to have this happen was...
Scott tried to think as he clutched his wife protectively. This had been Scott and Amy’s 1-year-anniversary pleasure trip, a cruise around the continent of Africa. It was supposed to be the perfect, idyllic adventure -- almost like a second honeymoon. And now only uncertainty gripped him. Terror shone in Amy’s pretty blue eyes. Scott wished he could provide some real comfort, but he knew that any words he might say would ring hollow. The sun rose higher, casting a beautiful ball of fire on...
Kelly was tired after a very long day. Her office was empty and she was hoping to leave soon. Her company had been showing new overseas clients around the office, so she was dressed up more than usual. She was wearing a sharp black dress with silver accents. Her very shapely legs were covered in tan stockings, which were held up by garters at the top of them. Kelly always enjoyed wearing stockings like these, especially since during the last two years her boss Martin has had her on her back in...
Jane Sullivan was forty-nine, and in what she would describe as okay shape. Her long, brown hair brushed a pair of slim, tanned shoulders, her breasts were not that large and sagged just a little, but only a little she reminded herself. She also had a slim waist, and shapely legs. But then she had the time to stay in shape, not quite a trust fund baby, but she had a nice allowance from an inheritance paid into her account once a month. Still, there was always room for a little more cash. Trendy...
You sit in the shade, sitting back and drinking your beer. You had just gotten back from a hunting expedition, and had brought back a lot of sorry escapees. You always got paid extra for them. You relax, watching the busy slave market. Rich white men, and some women, walked the aisles, examining slaves. Most were looking for strong, cheap, labour, for their plantations. Others were looking for house servants to clean and do odd jobs. Regardless of what they were looking for, and what they...
Fantasy╣♦╠ The match between Heather and her rival, Lisa, was quite a vibrant and electrifying display. Both fighters did their best to amuse the public and also make sure that they'd try to show finally who would be the best of them. It wasn't surely an easy match for any of them but at the end, Heather was the one that managed to obtain the victory. There were no visible hard feelings about it in such a sane rivalry and the other fighter also clapped to her opponent when the public did so. A few...
FetishYour bank accounts at 0. $45,000 in debt, plus monthly living expenses. No job, no friends, no family. You realize this is the end. You can't support yourself anymore. You can beg on the streets, live out of homeless shelters, and be miserable. Or you can become a slave. Under government law, any citizen can give up all rights and become a slave. Their debt is forgiven, and they become the property of someone else for 10 years. The only choice you get is picking your new owner. Some people got...
FetishIt was one year ago when my best friend and I were out shopping for clothes. I went into the changing room to try on a cute dress that I found. She came in with me to help me put it on. As she was helping me her hand lingered on my breast. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck. Before I knew it she was kissing me. She was drop dead gorgeous, so of course I was attracted to her. It wasn't long until she was out of her clothes and we were kissing passionately. We fingered each other to...
BDSMSandra never expected that her life will change in a such dramatic way. Two weeks after her eighteen birthday she was on a routine scouting mission and then an arrow hit her ankle. It was an arrow coated with a sleeping poison. It was a crafty ambush made by a group of slavers. She awoke in a wagon and spent more than two weeks there with no chance to escape. It wasn't that bad. No one touched her. She was fell fed. Slavers cared to deliver the goods intact. Finally they reached their...
My mother trains boys to be come sex slaves for women. She has a trio of boys that she has trained and plans to sell to a slaver from another country. I have not gone through the training. Mother believes that that I know what is expected and knows what is expected of me. The slaver is here. I line up with the rest of the boys. We are all naked. Mother orders us to stand straight as the slaver enters. I am stunned because she is so beautiful. She has blond hair falling down to her shoulder. The...
I was a prince in my tribe and here I was on my knees on Roman galley whilst a common sailor was trying to force his huge cock in my manly hole. I struggled but was held by 3 other stinking sailors. Just as his cock touched me I heard a shout from the captain. I understood their language. He said my arse was too valuable for a pig commoner but my mouth wasn't. Before I could do anything the first stinking cock entered my mouth. The naked sailor forced my head back and forth. (I soon realised...
Oh just try it on, don’t act so…stereotypical.”I started to protest again, I mean I was not trying to be a jerk, but I did not feel like serving as Leena’s dress dummy all afternoon. I felt uncomfortable enough around her and her clothes. The way she dressed made me crazy and I knew she would tease me all afternoon if I let her. It was my own fault really, I approached her at her last ‘fashion show’ and offered to take some pictures. I really did like her designs, but mostly because of my...
Steve kept studying the bank deposit slip over and over again. He couldn’t believe that he’d just deposited five million dollars into a money market fund under his and Becky’s name this morning. They went from being unemployed and homeless to millionaires over night. Both he and Becky lost their jobs a few months ago when their company was bought out and they merged their company with the parent company laying off hundreds of clerical workers. All homes of buying a dream house and having...
It was a typical chilly morning in the small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Tom glanced at his watch as he starred out the window enjoying the morning sun razing over the horizon. He finally heard the click of the bathroom door opening and the sweet smell of Chantal’s perfume flowing into the room. ?Honey? Could you please bring me my sweater for me please?? Tom sat his cup of coffee down and looked around the room until he saw his wife’s sweater sitting on top of one of the suit cases....