Stray CatChapter 2 free porn video

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During the rest of the week, The Cat's dad was off on one of his periodic binges and the Cat stayed with us. I woke up one morning and she was cuddled in on the other side of Nancy. I wondered what the deal was, then just went back to sleep. Later Nancy told me that she'd been having a nightmare and Nance had brought her back to our bedroom to sleep with us.

She was having a tough childhood, what with her home situation and all. The flat we had had two small bedrooms in it, but the smallest one was my office. We had a couch that could fold out, but we only did that if we had a friends from out of town visiting. When the Cat slept over, she never unfolded it.

I will admit, that sometimes it cramped my style a bit. It didn't seem to faze Nancy.

One morning, I found the Cat on the couch. It was embarrassing. For one reason, I was stark naked with a cup of coffee in each hand and a semi hard on. The other reason is that I had just been fucking Nancy's brains out. Well, actually I had been eating her like a taco and we were just having a coffee break. It was a Saturday, what can I say?

Well, the Cat grinned at me from the couch and gave me a thumbs up. I blushed and she laughed. "Sounds like Nancy's having a great morning! Keep up the good work!"

"Uh. Thanks. Uh. Sorry about the noise. Later."

She gave me a little good bye wave. "Don't worry about the noise. I like hearing it."

When I told Nancy about finding the Cat on the couch and the weird conversation, she laughed. There are somethings about women that I don't understand. When we got it on again, I think that she was deliberately being noisier that usual. Maybe to needle me; maybe because she knew the Cat was listening to her get her cookies.

When we finally called it quits about noon, the Cat had split. I have no idea when.

The Cat was curious about photography and I showed her how to use an old Pentax that I outgrown. She was taking a photography course at the High School and got to use the darkroom there. She'd ask me questions about what she was doing wrong or how to do something that she wasn't sure of. Pretty soon she started to be technically competent and then she got good.

Her fifteenth birthday was rolling around and the situation with her family was the same as ever. Nancy and I both wishing that her dad would get into treatment, but no such luck.

I was so used to her being around the house that it was kind of like she was my own kid or a kid sister to Nancy. She had her own key to the place, given to her by Nancy. I was wondering what I'd do if she brought a boy over, but none of her friends ever came by. I guess our house was a private sanctuary for her and she didn't want to screw it up. I noticed in the hot tub one day that she was loosing the coltish look and developing into a woman.

Maybe it was her home scene that kept her from really coming out of her shell. I didn't know how stunted her dating skills were until Nancy brought it up one day.

"Tony? I want you to do me a big favor."

"Anything, babe. What do you need? Lung? Kidney?"

"No, nothing like that. You remember that conversation we had about Cat a year ago?"

"Which one?"

"The one about you being a sex ed. aid?"

"Huh?" She reminded me of the conversation that we'd had. I remembered it. "So?"

"I want to take the Cat to bed with us for her birthday." She gave me a grin. "You want to be her toy?"

I was stunned. "I don't know. What brought this up?"

"She was telling me how out of it she feels with boys her own age. She's really backward when it comes to boys. I think it's got something to do with her father."

"Thank you, Dr. Freud. Why do you think that getting her involved in a threesome with us would help her overcome her awkwardness with boys her own age?"

"She just needs someone to drag her out on the dance floor. She'll do fine once she gets into the swing of things."

"So I'm supposed to rape her? That ought to loosen her up!"

Nancy swatted me. "It's not that kind of deal, asshole!"

"So what kind of deal is it?"

The Cat's fifteenth birthday we took her out to the Trident in Sausalito for dinner. Sure, it's a tourist place, but it has a great ambiance. I gave her a new camera bag and the old Pentax, a couple of lenses for it and fifty rolls of black and white film. That got me a great hug and a kiss on the lips. I told her that I hoped that she took great photos with it and got as much fun out of it as I had.

I think that she thought that the camera was from Nancy and I because Nancy got a hug too. They went off to the ladies together and when they came back, I got another peck on the cheek and a husky 'thanks!' whispered in my ear. I thought that it was for the camera.

Well, what it was for was Nancy's gift.

Nancy had given the Cat a card in the ladies room. Inside the card was a card redeemable for a 'free weekend with her significant other.'


It was funny. Here I was getting to do something sexual with a prime piece of teen age nookie and I didn't know how to deal with it.

"Nancy. I don't know if I can do this."

"What's bothering you about it?"

"Other than going to jail? I just feel weird about it. I like the Cat, but I just don't feel good about taking her virginity. I think that she should be with somebody her own age. What if she has a tough hymen and it's really painful for her? It could be a traumatic experience for her and then it might screw her up even worse."

Nancy thought about it for a second or two. She was thinking about if what she was about to tell me was betraying a confidence or not.

"Well. I wouldn't normally tell you this, but the Cat had an accident when she was eight or nine. She doesn't have a hymen, so that's not a problem. And as far as having sex with her goes, it's entirely up to her. I just invited her to join us to see how good sex can be. To take the mystery out of it."

I was both relieved and disappointed. There was a part of me that did want to have sex with her, I discovered. Nancy read me like a book and she gave a low down chuckle. "I guess that you had your hopes up."

"Yeah. I guess I did," I admitted. "It's funny, but I honestly thought that I didn't want to."

"Well, here's the deal. She gets to sleep with you this weekend. We'll all be together on this, as she said she wants me there to, I guess to chaperone. It's understood that this is a one time only deal and that she gets to draw the line wherever she likes. I told her that she could see how we made love and that she was welcome to try anything with you that she was comfortable with. She gets to set the boundaries and go as far as she wants. That anything that she was curious about, we'd talk to her about no holds barred. That she could ask you to do things and that if she said stop, you'd stop right then and there. Okay? This weekend is for her pleasure, not yours. If she gets uncomfortable with anything, she can get up and walk out or do whatever she feels appropriate. I told her that I'd be there as long as she wanted me to be or that I'd leave you two alone if she wanted. It's totally up to her. She's calling the shots."

I mused on it for a while. It felt all right, by and large. "I can see where this could be really frustrating for me."

She laughed, that full deep laugh that I loved so much. "Don't worry, T. I'll be around if you need to get your rocks off!"

"I knew you were good for something!"

"Hey! That 'something' isn't something I'm good at. I'm great at it!"

"You know, I think that I agree with that statement."

"So you want to do it again?" Her hand felt me under the covers.

"Silly question."

That was on Wednesday and the next two nights, we didn't have sex at Nancy's suggestion. Friday we had a conversation about what I should do and not do about the Cat.

The Cat showed up about seven thirty and knocked at the door, which was unusual for her. Usually she would just walk in. She seemed to be walking on egg shells.

"Hi Cat, Come on in."

"Hi Nance. Hi Tony."

"Hey, relax Cat! It's just us. What's with the knocking, anyway? You nervous or something?"

"Uh. Yeah. I guess I am."

I spoke up. "You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to. I'm pretty nervous about this myself." Nancy had taught me that it was best to cop to it out front. That way we could all see where we were coming from.

The Cat gave me a shy smile, but I could see some of the initial wariness going out of her eyes. She seemed relieved that she wasn't the only one who was nervous.

We were eating ice cream and kicking back at the small kitchen table. Nancy got her a bowl and we sat and ate ice cream. The Cat had scored some 'really killer bud' at school and had brought some over to share with us. (By the way, we sometimes got grass from the Cat. There was a lot of great weed at her high school in those days. And no, we never sold to her, but she was free to smoke our stuff whenever she wanted. She'd sometimes leave stuff in our stash box without saying anything.)

Nancy was the only one of us who was totally at ease, or so it seemed. She later told me that the whole idea was turning her on and after two days without sex... Did I mention how horny Nance usually is? She said that she could see how nervous the both of us were, so she stepped in as Master of Ceremonies.

"Hey Cat?"


"I just want to tell you if your feeling weird about this, you don't have to do it. You can keep the card and take a rain check on the deal."

The Cat thought about it for a while. She looked at Nancy and then looked at me and took a spoon full of ice cream and then looked at me speculatively for a moment. I shrugged at her, trying to indicate that any decision that she made was all right with me.

"Okay. I'm pretty nervous, but excited at the same time. I've, uh, been thinking about this for a long time." She was starting to blush, but kept on talking. "I've been wet for the past couple of days just thinking about it all and I think I want to go through with it. But I might get cold feet and chicken out at the last minute. I just want to check on that with you, T. Would you think me a cock teaser if that should happen? And how would you feel about me if I did chicken out? Like if I chickened out now, how would you feel about me?"

I listened to her and thought about how much guts that had taken to say.

"Okay. First off, you're running the show. You say stop, I'll stop. As far as it changing the friendship goes, I'm pretty nervous about that myself. I don't want that to change. So let's promise each other that no matter how awkward it gets, we'll work through it and not toss away what we have, okay?" She nodded and I continued. "Now this whole man/woman thing can get really weird or really wonderful. It's for one weekend, where I'm yours to do whatever you want with. But I have my own boundaries and if I am not comfortable with something, I'll tell you and we'll go on from there. Okay?"

"Okay. That's fair." The Cat was getting more comfortable the longer I talked. Her shoulders relaxed.

"Good. I just want to tell you that I care for you a lot, Cat. I love you and I want to make this a good experience for you. I'm going to hate myself if it turns out not so good. So I want you to talk to me about what your feelings are. Tell me if we're going too fast or your nervous about something. All right?"

"Okay." She said shyly. She reached across the table and gave my hand a squeeze. "I'm feeling better about this." I squeezed back.

"Good. Me, too."

"Um. How should we get this started?"

"Nancy and I have been thinking about that. You ever have a full body massage?"

"No. Actually, you and Nancy are the only ones who've ever given me a massage, so..."

We'd both given her back rubs in the tub.

"Think you'd like one to help you get used to being touched?" She nodded.

"That sounds like a good way to begin. I, uh, was kind of worried about how we were going to get started. I didn't want to seem klutzy."

"Cool. Nancy thought it might help you relax. Let's go into the living room."


Nancy and I moved the coffee table and while she got the massage oil I spread out an old sleeping bag to act as a mat, then threw a sheet over it. The Cat had taken off her clothes while we were setting up and was standing there. "How do you want me?" I passed up the chance at a double entendre and showed her where I wanted her to lie, so that I had room to move around her.

I had her lay on her stomach and started on her feet. The soles of her feet, still rough from summers bare feet, soaked up a lot of oil. Nancy moved around us and put something Eastern on the stereo. No melody or rhythm, just plucked strings and some other instrument I couldn't identify. Very Zen.

I worked her feet and calves and when they were done, I moved over to her side and started to work the big leg muscles that ran up the outside of her legs. She tensed up a little when I got to her buttocks, but I kept my hands to the outside of her hips. I told her I wanted her up on her side a little and moved her to where I wanted her, then dug my fingers into the muscles that had popped up beneath her skin. We talked quietly as I worked, mostly about where I'd learned to do massage. I told her about how I could sense where a muscle needed work and what they felt like to me. I rolled her over on her other side and worked the butt and thigh muscles there.

I was aware of what she was going through. Nancy had gone out to the deck and piled into the hot tub. She was near enough by to give Cat a feeling of safety, yet far enough away to give us privacy. If she'd been in the room, the Cat would have been self-conscious about being naked on the floor. This way there were no distractions and the Cat was soon purring under my hands.

There is a funny thing about touch. I could tell how the Cat was feeling without her having to say anything. Like for example, when I'd started to work up her thighs and butt, she'd gotten a little bit up tight, then had become a little aroused. Then she'd relaxed when I hadn't done anything grabby but had just worked on her muscles. I moved up her back and worked my thumbs along her spine. Then I rolled her over onto her back.

The Cat was a bit apprehensive about that. Full frontal nudity out in the hot tub was one thing, but having her naked tits and pussy sunny side up and knowing that I was going to be touching her. It was a little strange to her.

I worked her hands and arms, the same as I'd done with her feet and legs. I worked the little bones and muscles in her hands then lay it on my leg while I did her fore arm, moved around a bit, got her shoulder and upper arm. She was (is) a ticklish person and she was going into pre tickle jumpiness when I got near her armpit. I told her to relax, which is like the kid in the corner not trying to think of elephants. Then I ran my oil covered hand up the inside of her arm and really dug my fingers in, heavy pressures just on this side of pain. I worked her arm with both hands, using a heavy finger pressure that was the exact opposite of a light tickling pressure. It moved the focus from her skin to her muscles. Of course, I had to go through the same thing when I got to the other arm.

She was lying there breathing evenly with her eyes closed, pretty much relaxed. I could see that her nipples were stiffer than normal, but massage is sensual and it's normal under the circumstances. I gave her a gentle swat on the hip and it was like Jell-O.

"Roll over." She opened one eye at me. Was I serious? I wanted her to move? "Come on, roll over, I'm not done with your back."

Oh, the things she had to go through. When I had her flat on her front, I uncrossed her arms and started working my way down her spine a few times, smoothing the muscles. Then I started working my thumbs in, then working around her shoulders, then down again to where her hips and butt flared out. Then to where the small of the back diamond is, then down to where the big butt muscles went down her legs, following that trough in the back of each leg. I started to really get the thumb pressure into those muscles and she was making those involuntary little uh.s that tell a masseuse that it's feeling good.

I moved around her and was working those leg muscles and lifting the legs and stretching them, making sure that I had them all. I ran my thumbs up both legs, getting the inside of the thigh muscles that I had neglected before. She hunched her ass a little as I did that. I think that she was trying to get me to touch her there, but I just ignored it.

I worked back up her spine. I wound up working the shoulders and the back of the neck.

This time she rolled over when I told her. The Cat wanted more stroking, but moving was an effort. A good massage can make you feel like you've been drugged.

There wasn't any shyness this time about exposing her tits to my touch. I leaned back against the couch at her head and put my hands under her neck. I worked my fingers around back there and started doing the neck and the back of her skull with my fingertips while my thumb worked over the top of her head. Pretty soon the skin is feeling looser and moving around pretty good. She'd have to wash all of the massage oil I was getting in her hair out, but I've never had a complaint about that. Nancy tip toed in and brought me a soda with a straw. I sucked down some liquid and lay the Cat's head in my lap. I moved my cock a little to make myself comfortable, then started on her face. I can never look at someone's face when I am doing it. My fingers know what to do and when I look down sometimes, it's like their face is all scrunched up and disfigured. Like one of those dogs that are all wrinkles, you know the ones I mean?

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My Friends Mom

I did not write this but I could have. It is so good, I wanted to share it with my fellow nylon loversThis took place when I was about eighteen. I was well aware of this thing I had for women's feet at a much earlier age, but because of Great Feet's policy, I can't tell you about any of those experiences. Of course I took every chance to indulge my fetish to the max.My friend's mom was a very sexy lady, about five foot four with long sexy legs and some of the sexiest shoes I have ever seen to...

3 years ago
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Changing Professions Part Four

Part Four: Working Girl Eve has joined Inhibitions Unlimited as an escort hoping to substantially increase her income. Her first client was the town's first black Mayor. She role played as a young Dutch girl and from all indications, he was well satisfied. In addition, she is looking forward to a starring role in a new porn flick called "The Principal." Everything is working out just fine since leaving her third grade teaching position or so it seems. Tommy's survey was simple to complete. He...

Straight Sex
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Lynseys Game

LYNSEY'S GAME Lynsey was bored one night, which isn't the best reason for your life to changecompletely. But then, she didn't realize how far it would go or how much shewould lose. Lynsey was a pretty ordinary young woman, in her twenties. Her parents hadspent a lot of money educating her, so she'd gone to University, learned amarketable skill, and then, well lubricated by family money and family contacts,she'd slid right into a well paying career. Nothing too extraordinary, butcomfortable....

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Mouth part 3

--- Mouth part 3 (mFF, bi, blackmail, creampie, inc, nc, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- Leslie watched as Jay crumbled up some pills and dropped the resulting powder into the teacup. "So that's what you did to me the other night?" she asked. "Yep," he answered as he started to spoon honey on top of the dissolving medicine. "I don't want to do this," she reminded her brother. "I know," he replied, "But you have no choice, right?" She really...

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The Academy

Chapter 1: The AcademyJasper Coleman, who was still adjusting to consciousness, stood with an absent stare just a few feet from the front door of his apartment. The apartment was dark, only the light of the outside city illuminated the dull setting, and even then a minuscule amount reached where he was standing. Jasper's clock ticked at an unsettling steady pace, violating the silence of the early morning. Each tick pinged against his brain, which was currently fragile with ache. If a person...

3 years ago
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EdenChapter 54

For true students of learning—and the scientists aboard the Gardener were nothing if not that, for there had been no other reason to volunteer for the voyage—the ensuing few weeks were almost an idyll. To be sure, little in the field of human endeavor is ever universally idyllic. Some balked initially at Igwanda's requirement that they camp out at night sheltered only by the pavilion, as he and Meiersdottir had done, but he remained adamant about not presenting technological artifacts that...

4 years ago
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I Made My Mamis Sister My Whore

Hi this is Suhail Khan. I am here with continuation of my previous story “my first encounter with mami”. Let me come straight to the incident now. After that day i use to fuck mami daily at night and 3-4 times in a week during day. I was fucking her only in cunt and wanted to taste her ass also. Her ass was so tempting, when she walks it moves up and down, right and left making my dick hard instantly. But she never allowed me to fuck her ass. It was one afternoon, kids were at her sister’s...

3 years ago
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During the divorce 15 years ago

I am older maybe wiser but still a k** at heart and love to pretend. I get home Saturday around dinner time, after horrible (He’s Cheating, Has other women) things are said by my supposed loving wife of 15 years about how I mentally abuse her or the he doesn’t love me anymore innuendos. A Saturday meeting with attorneys because she cannot meet during the week due her job, this won’t be cheap. The divorce is painfully slow, meetings about this and that are beginning to feel like a hot sweaty...

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Mom8217s Get Together With The Sons

Get back to me at This incident occurred when I was in school.This is a fictional sex story. I was in school and I wasn’t feeling well.So I took permission from the principal and went home.I had a key to my house as when I used to come hom in the afternoon my mom used to be sleeping at sometimes.So I headed back home with a slight headache.I opened my house door and entered. As I was locking it I was going to call my mom and tell her I wasn’t feeling well when I suddenly heard my friend Ravi...

2 years ago
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The Bet

I drove up the long drive in my old car, it looked a little out of place at the large house with several very nice cars sitting outside. Paul was a star on our high school football team as was Mark. They had invited me over to hang out. I really did not fit in with this crowd but I was good at football and was looking to make it work. We did hang for while and I felt we were having fun. Then it happened, the small event that would change my life forever. The money was on the table. Two hundred...

1 year ago
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The Poconos

Well the day has finally arrived. It’s time for us to get away, just the two of us. The trip to the Poconos is much better this year. The snow and ice are on the ground this time, not in the air and on the windshield. We check in and make our dinner plans for the evening. When we arrive at our room, we unpack and then take a few minutes to relax before dinner. At dinner, we share a bottle of wine over dinner. After dinner we head to our room. As we sit on the couch enjoying the fireplace, I...

4 years ago
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My date with Daddy

I was feeling pretty bummed out.My boyfriend and I had been split up for about a month, and I missed him horribly. It wasn't just the closeness. To be honest, I missed the sex too. I was horny, and lonely and grumpy. Lying on the bed in my bra and panties, I heard a tap at the door. “Come in” My Dad came through the door, “Oops, sorry. I didn't know you weren't dressed.” I laughed, “ I'm pretty sure you have seen me in less.” He shifted uncomfortably, and said, “I know, but its really not...

3 years ago
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Evan und Joanne

Unser zuletzt Geschriebenes wurde abgelehnt, mit der Begründung: enthält echte Erlebnisse. Die Regeln haben wir nie im Detail gelesen, nur, was in der Überschrift steht, also keine Gewalt, nichts, was unter 18 betrifft und kein K9. Haben wir uns natürlich dran gehalten. Umso überraschender also die Ablehnung, da wir von dieser Regel bzgl. echter Erlebnisse nicht wussten, und wir eigentlich genau davon schreiben. Aber vielleicht lag es daran, dass es in Englisch war und dabei möglicherweise...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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An ClochnChapter 31

When several of Sarah's Clan arrived outside the hangar on Dóchas, they found Darcy's Clan already there. Dóchas FOC announced that the Monque Spec Ops ship was on final. "This is a pleasant surprise," said Sarah. "We were on board when we heard that Adele and Saoirse were inbound with the Monque group, so we thought we would wait and surprise them." "Are you scheduled back out?" "Not really. We were planning on it until we heard that they were on their way back." "In that...

1 year ago
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Amelie part 7

Thursday Amelie got told by Mr Bergman to go to the basement archives to find all she could on any art related to the Spanish civil war. Not really her field, and she knew that it was another punishment for mixing up 2 famous artists (and nearly sending the wrong picture to the owner in Switzerland), but she didn´t really mind. All her male colleagues had begun to look at her in a strange way and not just those that had been present during her involuntary strip-act the previous week.The...

2 years ago
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ChenoshChapter 3

Scene 12 'Chenosh? Where are you?' Sebbun's voice said as it entered Chenosh's mind, while he and Johnny headed off. Chenosh had just shifted into his male form, a plan already forming in his mind. Johnny had been a little surprised by this sudden change. One moment he was walking beside a woman, the next a man. "What the fuck? How did you do that?" Johnny said nearly running into the a parked car. "I'm a Ki and Harreden. Both forms are totally natural to me. We don't have time...

3 years ago
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Shes Willing To Give All

By : Ravigupta Dear Readers, Here is a new fantasy story about wife, hope you will like it. This is incidence of five years before, when I was 35 and my wife was at 30. I was working in a multinational company and was mostly on tours for company’s work. When ever I was away from my wife has to stay alone. She always uses to complain about her loneliness in my absence. There was a beauty parlour and Jim in front of my house. One leady Shabnam was running that beauty parlour and her brother was...

4 years ago
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Aunt Holly

My Aunt Holly was flying in from the coast to attend my graduation from high school. She was proud of me because I had been accepted at her alma mater. The last time I saw Aunt Holly was five years ago when I entered eighth grade in middle school. Aunt Holly always treated me so nice, taking me to the movies and even amusement parks. We both would ride the thrill rides, just as I was tall enough to pass the 'must be this tall' sign.My mom did not like my dad's sister, saying Holly was too...

1 year ago
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It was a beautiful spring afternoon and Jay didn't have a care in the world as he walked home from school! The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky and his thoughts were on maybe going for a swim in the old quarry pit on the other side of town when out of the corner of his eye he saw a middle aged woman falling down on the steps in front of her house!!! He raced to her aid and while helping her to her feet asked, "Are you all right, ma'am, that was a nasty spill!?!" "I-I think so,"...

3 years ago
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Basic Training Release

It was our first pass from Basic Training: our graduation day. Like a breath of fresh air, my sister was there to celebrate this long awaited moment with me. No one else had come with her because of previous commitments, but it didn't matter. Julie and I were as close as a brother and sister could get. And by the way she turned all heads that day, I was secretly hoping we grew even closer together. Julie had been the only one who consistently and regularly wrote to me. In the growing lonely...

4 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 56 Definitely Feeling Aggressive Tendencies

“I want to know how you got into the facility in the first place,” the interrogator demanded. Before Tim could answer, the other man in the interrogation room began pummeling him with combinations of punches across his chin and midsection. Tim was unable to protect himself while tied down to his chair. The interrogator asked Tim the same question once again. After shifting himself up straight in the chair, looking away and off into space, Tim seemed disinterested and distant to the...

2 years ago
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Daddys Memory Chapters 1 2 3

This story is fiction. All de***********ions are ficticious and in no way represent reality. Do not read if you are uncomfortable with the subjects of this story. Send feedback to [email protected] ---------------------------------------------- 1: DADDY'S ROOM Isha throws a baseball at me for the hundredth time, I want to finally catch it! I lose track of it everytime because the "true-and-blue southern skies," (my brother Isha calls it), so it always drops -- like it does now,...

3 years ago
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Sail Bahamas

Sailing Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My friend Bill and I were as close as brothers, having virtually grown up together, and we each thought we knew everything there was to know about the other. Because we rarely held a secret from each other, I felt very secure in the knowledge that I held one thing very secret to myself. Bill has a sister that is two years older than we are, and is a total pain. On the other hand, I have two sisters, Karen, and Kathy, both older than I...

2 years ago
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A true story from Bangalore

Hi there, my name is Kiran Kumar, 29, fair, handsome doctor, native of Mangalore and now pursuing MS (ortho) in Bangalore. I am a regular reader and a great fan of ISS and herewith, I am narrating true story, which I wanted to share with my fellow readers. I got married 3 years ago then; I was practicing in a nursing home. We have a boy child of 2 years. My wife is average looking, very short tempered and an unstable personality. Since my wife is one and only child I stay with my in-laws in...

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Looking up my teacher dress

I was the only boy in detention, with Miss Meek. My music teacher. She instructed me to get with my homework, and sat at her desk, and began, marking our tests. I had purposely sat straight in front of her desk. With her glasses on, I knew, she couldn’t see me clearly, so I pretended to work, but stared right at her. I have had, so many; wet dreams about her, ever since I saw, up her dress, in grade one music. I got a massive stiffy, in my school pants. I un-zipped my pants, and pulled it out,...

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Humiliating HollyChapter 30

Once Beth got out, she opened my door and said, “Let’s go cunt. I don’t want to be in this fucking cold air for long.” She doesn’t want to be in the cold air. Shit, she was dressed with a nice heavy coat on. I was bare ass naked and didn’t even have shoes on. What the fuck is her problem. But I did what this young 15 year old bitch told me to do. I stepped out of the car into the cold air and snow. Shit I am going to freeze to death one of these days. She walked toward the store saying...

1 year ago
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Out of Afrika Chapter 20

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 20Melanie Baker’s life had completely changed over the past few years and she suspected that the catalyst for change had been the arrival in Hawksville of Rhino the electronics company. Personally she hadn’t had that much to do with the company other than buying some of their products but such was their pernicious influence and their steady expansion throughout the town and region that it was...

2 years ago
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Words Made FleshChapter 13

The weather was just cool enough for the two of them to ask each other if they were sure they wanted to eat outside, but sunny enough for both of them to still want to. Trevor led the way to the far table that was away from the other patrons, with Raquel not far behind. Although the typical pleasantries had taken place, she could tell that the conversation that they would soon be having would have little to do with the weather. As Raquel poured herself a glass of tea from a pitcher that they...

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Read before you sign pt4

It was Sunday morning. Samantha was staring at the mirror. She wearing her summer dress, makeup was perfect, the wig was on perfect, and she was wearing her three-inch heels.Today she was going out to do shopping. She was going outside for the first time as a girl, and she was a nervous wreck.The slave had spent the last few days walking and talking like a woman. She has been getting her daily shots, along with doing her squats and wearing three-inch heels to get used to them. Oh and sucking on...

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Truck Guy Beach ShowerChapter 4 Aussie Jack

I looked at the shower entrance just in time to see a short guy in a swimsuit coming from the other direction turn into the shower. At a glance the guy looked younger, maybe in his early 20’s. He was short and skinny, I’m guessing about 5 foot 4 and 130 pounds, wiry with a cocky walk, he was wearing a really skimpy swimsuit - maybe a Speedo. Thanks to my “encounter with the hot pink bikini” I was out of position and had no chance to stop him. I thought my “nude beach” fantasy was ending...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 37 Conspiracies and Justifications

Armand got the word about twenty minutes later. Putting Witherspoon on speaker, he allowed Jason to listen in to the after action review. "Ms. Adams is all right and properly protected?" "Yes, Sir," Witherspoon replied. "Not a scratch on her." "All right." Armand turned to Jason. "Obviously, since we didn't hand Mr. Pinkham his head on the first pass, the lesson didn't sink in. Any suggestions?" "Perhaps we should visit him at home?" Jason suggested with his characteristic...

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The Sleeepover Chapter 17

by samslam"OH YEAH! FUCK BRANDON! JUST LIKE THAT!" Lauren screams a few minutes later as her orgasm rumbles full speed ahead and I pound her mercilessly. "I'm... there... too... S!s..." I pant, thrusting my hips as I slam my cock home, shooting deep inside her contracted cunt. "Oh fuck!" I moan as I jerkily deposit my load into her pulsating pussy. Collapsing on her soft breasts, my lips find hers but we're both breathing too hard to do much kissing. "You really don't want to fuck dad, huh?" I...

3 years ago
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What He Wanted

"Was it what he wanted?" I ask myself as I sit here with my laptop and hot cup of French Vanilla coffee. I know, all you 'real' coffee drinkers are thinking, "French Vanilla? Come on! Drink some real coffee." To you I say, "No! I won't. End of discussion." Now where was I? Oh yes, was it what he wanted? Yes I'm sure it was. It wasn't an easy decision to make but I knew, despite it hurting so badly to do so that it was for the best. What am I talking about? Well let me begin at the...

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