Stray CatChapter 1 free porn video

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It was an early winter, which promised to be a bad one. All during the move we had been getting rained on and the new flat smelled like wet cardboard. The last of the boxes had been hauled up the winding flight of outside stairs, the furniture was all moved and the traditional pizza and beer had been devoured by our friends we'd roped into helping us. We had the bed set up and the flat to ourselves. The moving part of the move was over and now all that remained was getting it all unpacked and put away.

"This can wait 'til tomorrow. Let's go try out the tub."

"You talked me into it."

The flat in Fairfax was smaller than the apartment we'd had in San Francisco, but the back yard butting up against the hill had sold us on it. The friends of ours that had had it before us had done a lot of gardening and we'd spent many a pleasant summer evening there. Soaking out the strains of a long moving day in the tub seemed like just the ticket to me.

We grabbed the last four beers from the case and a couple of big bath towels from the box marked linens and left the chaos of the unpacking and went out to the deck outside the back door. The first thing that Nancy had done on the first trip was to turn on the heater for the tub. There was a fiberglass canopy over part of the deck where we stripped off our jeans and t shirts and hung them on the hooks on the shake covered back wall. With sighs of relief we eased ourselves into the water and sat across from each other.

"Here's to the new place." I toasted her with the long neck. She clinked her bottle against mine

"Here, here!" She took a long swallow and we smiled at each other. "I'm sure glad we're done with the heavy part of this."

"Yeah, you and me both. I thought that box spring was never going to go around that corner." The stairs to the flat meandered around the side of the house and had a fence that made it tricky to get the box springs around. We'd had to up end it to get it up the bend.

"Sure glad we had some friends to help with all the heavy stuff."

"Yeah. Well, nothing got broken anyway."

"Remind me to put the rest of the wet stuff into the dryer after we get out."

"Sure." The only disaster had been a box that had opened up over (of course) the big puddle by the curb. Fortunately, the flat had a washer and dryer.

"Well, it could have been worse. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow."

"Me neither."

The living room was one isle through boxes of stereo gear, the kitchen was crammed with boxes of stuff waiting to be shelved and the bedroom was the only room where you could walk around without bumping into things. At least we had all the stuff out of the old place and that was cleaned up.

"I'm going to take a mental health day tomorrow." Nancy said. "I just can't face going into work."

"Good plan." I said. "We'll sleep in and face the mess later on." I was grateful that she was going to play hookie. I wasn't looking forward to having to deal with the unpacking by myself. "Besides, I'd have the kitchen so screwed up that you'd never be able to find anything."

She chuckled. "My thoughts exactly."

We soaked for a while companionably, listening to the rain. The drops falling on us in the hot water felt good. After a while I asked her to massage my lower back and she did. There are some things that I love about Nancy that have nothing to do with how great she is in bed or how much I like her off the wall Texas humor. The way that she can find the knots in my muscles and ease them out... oh god!

Of course, we started to fool around out in the tub. I had her sit up on the side of the tub and lay back on the towels and parted the petals. Which was a nice way of saying I went down on her.

I thought that she was about to come at one point. She kind of gave a start and tensed up. When I increased my tongue speed, she pushed me away and then had me stand up on the bench and fuck her while she lay there. It wasn't anything memorable, just one of those lazy fucks that are nice, but not earth shattering. Hey, after moving boxes all day in the rain, what do you expect?

We got our rocks off and then went in and slept for the first time in our new home.

The first night in the hot tub, when I thought that Nancy was about to come, she'd looked up and seen this kid up on the patio that was above the deck looking at us. It had startled her, but she figured what the hell, all kids are curious and she didn't want to make a big deal of it and embarrass him. The truth was, I think, that Nancy has a kinky streak in her and it kind of added to the moment for her. If she'd said something, then I would have had to stop what I was doing and chased him off.

What the hell, she thought. Let him watch. She'd wondered what the kid was doing out in the rain, but figured that he was probably taking shelter under the canopy on the upper patio deck.

We had settled in and everything (mostly) put away where it belonged. I had to go out of town for a few days on a shoot and she was there by herself. She was soaking in the tub one night when she looked up and saw the kid sneaking into the yard. She thought about it for a while. She wondered what he was doing, sneaking around like that on such a rainy night. She thought that he might be just being a peeping tom, but she watched out of her slitted eyes and he didn't seem to be looking at her, just sheltering from another rainy night.

Nancy has more than her share of curiosity and fear doesn't seem to be in her vocabulary. She climbed out of the tub, put on her robe and went up to the patio. The kid was at the back of the patio on the built in table.

"Whatcha doin?" She asked him. It was only six or seven steps to the patio, so he didn't have time to run off. He started, not having seen her coming.

"Nothin'! Honest!"

The kid was wearing baggy pants, a loose jacket and a floppy cap. One of those caps that look like something a street urchin from before World War I would wear.

Nancy looked at him curiously. "So whatcha doin' here on such a lousy night?"

"Just trying to keep dry." He looked at her warily. The kid was somewhere between twelve and fourteen, she thought.

"So why aren't you home?" Nancy asked. "You got a home?"

"Yeah, I got a home."

"Yeah? Where?" He pointed to a house a few doors down. Nancy could hear a loud angry voice coming from it.

"Folks givin' you a hard time?"

"My dad drinks." The kid said flatly.

"Oh." They stared at each other for a few moments.

"Well, you want to come in and have some hot chocolate?"

The kid looked at her for a moment, weighing his options. It was cold and windy up on the patio. "Sure."

"I'm Nancy."

"I'm Cat."

Nancy has a lot of love in her. The Cat was the first of the strays that she picked up while we were living there, but not the last. The Cat had been using the patio to get out of the house when dad was loaded and started shouting and smashing things.

Dad was one of those instant assholes. Just add alcohol.

Nancy and The Cat sat down, had hot chocolate, and talked for a while. Nancy has good instincts about people and told The Cat (which is how we always referred to the kid) that anytime things got weird at home, come over and hang out. The kid wound up sleeping on the couch that night and a lot of nights afterward.

There was something very cat like about the kid. When things got tough at home, she'd sneak out the bedroom window, across the roof, up through the oak tree at the side of the house, walk along the top of the fence in the back yard of the house next door and into our yard. She had a very cat like wariness to her and she had a cats way of moving.

By the time that I got back from the shoot, she had adopted Nancy.

The cab let me off at the bottom of the steps. I left my suitcase at the bottom of the stairs and lugged the camera cases up the stair. Nancy was in the tub with a stranger when I let myself through the gate.

"Hi hon! Welcome home!" She jumped out of the tub and gave me a kiss. Getting my shirt wet was a small price to pay for one of her kisses.

We broke off the kiss and hugged for a while. "Who's your friend?" I asked.

"That's The Cat." She turned. "Cat, this is Tony."

"Hi, Tony!"

"Hi, Cat!"

We smiled and waved to each other. Then I put the camera cases in the living room and went down to get the suitcase. Going through an airport, I can move all the gear by myself, but the airports don't have stairs. By the time I the suitcases up the stairs, The Cat was alone in the tub.

Nancy was waiting for me in the bedroom and when we got back, The Cat was gone.

Cat like manners, was Nancy's comment.

Nancy explained about The Cat's home scene and I understood. My cousin used to come over to our house when his home scene got grim. I wasn't too enthused about having a teenager hanging around, but I went along with it. I figured that it would cramp my plans to chase Nancy around the house stark naked, but what the hell. Life doesn't always work out the way you plan it.

The next night was clear, but cold as hell. Well, cold for California. We were in the hot tub, when there was a whistle from out of the night.

"Come on down, Cat!" Nancy called. There was a thump and the kid came bouncing down the stairs from the patio. The thought of a horny teenager ogling Nancy didn't exactly thrill me, but what the hell. She was worth ogling.

"Hi Nancy! Hi Tony!"

"There's some cold Coke's in the icebox. Grab one and join us."

The Cat hesitated for a moment and said, "Sure it's okay?" Asking Nancy, but actually making sure that it was okay with me.

"It's fine. Grab me another ginger ale while you're at it."

The Cat went in and brought out the beverages. I was facing up the hill and could hear the kid undressing behind me. The Cat slid in on the other side of Nancy. Smart kid. I'd have sat next to her too. I just hoped that he didn't develop grabby hands.

"Hope I'm not intruding."

"Don't worry. We'll tell you when you're intruding."

"Yeah. We didn't really get a chance to meet last night." I held out my hand and we shook hands.

"Pleased to meet you." The kid had the most amazing colored eyes. Grey green.

"Likewise. What grade are you in?"


"Cool. How do you like school?"

A shrug. "It's okay."

I nodded. "You go out for sports?"

"Yeah. Gymnastics and soccer."

We talked for a while, sort of sizing each other up. The kid had a mop of hair, cut more for ease of maintenance than style, or so it seemed to me. There was an initial wariness with the both of us, but the kid seemed nice enough in spite of the bad home scene. The kid was likeable and I figured that it was going to work out okay with him hanging around.

We soaked and chatted for a while. Nancy's Timex went off at five to ten. There was a thing on TV that I wanted to see and she'd set her alarm for me. I got out of the tub and shut it off.

"You want to watch TV with us?" I asked. "This friend of mine did this special for PBS that I want to see."

"What's it about?" I told The Cat about the show while I toweled off. Nancy climbed out and then The Cat. I gaped at The Cat for a second.

I'd made the assumption that the kid was a boy. Wrong!

She cocked her head at me, all narrow eyed suspicion. I closed my mouth and shrugged.

"Sorry, Cat. I thought... well, I thought you were a guy."

"Well, I'm not!"

"You guys want popcorn?"

Cat and I both said simultaneously, "Sure!"

Nancy had meet The Cat's mother and given her our telephone number. I wasn't there when she came over, but it was okay with her that her daughter had a safe place to hang out when things got bad at home. Her father was a binge drinker and every now and then would go off on a bender. She was trying to get him to join AA, but that wasn't flying. He was a nice guy when he wasn't drinking. Nancy hadn't met him but had made The Cat's mom understand that she didn't want to.

Having The Cat around wasn't a problem. We had people coming to visit us often. The Cat didn't make a pest of herself. She was a good kid.

I had been initially a bit wary of having a teenage girl hanging out with us. You know how it is. A guy in his twenties naked with a thirteen year old girl in a hot tub. There were a lot of people who would make something out of that. The thing of it is, The Cat was a lot older mentally than physically. She was able to hang out with our friends and hold her own in conversations. One friend of mine was talking to her once and then started to ask me things about her. I blew him away when I told him she was only thirteen. He'd been upping his estimate of her age the longer that they talked. He was getting around to hitting on her and was shocked that she wasn't just flat chested.

Speaking of flat chested, she started developing tits around that time. It was odd, her going through the normal teen age growing spurts and worrying about what they would look like. She and Nancy were talking about breasts in the tub with me one night and it was funny in a way. I made damn sure not to smile or laugh though. The Cat was worried about having her center of balance thrown off. She was torn between wanting big tits and the way they were throwing off her gymnastics. She was becoming very good at gymnastics. Now her legs were going through growing pains and her breasts were hurting.

Nancy had gotten into the role of big sister with her. Of course, this particular conversation was just a continuation of one that they had going. I was interested in it, feeling privileged to be given this insight into the way that the female of the species regarded those protuberances that were of such interest to the males of the species. I would have been happy just to listen to them, but Nancy turned to me and said, "Why don't we ask Tony?"

"Yeah. So what do guys think?"

"Well, that's a tough one to answer. I don't think that it matters in the long run, but big ones sure have a way of attracting guys."

"So bigger is better?"

"I won't say that."

"Well, Nancy's are sure big."

"You ever hear the expression anything over a hand full is a waste?"

"Yeah. You every hear size doesn't matter?" The Cat asked.

I laughed. "Touche, you little monster." I took a drink to give myself time to think. "You know that tits are mostly fat, right? And with you being a jock, you're going to burn off the fat."

"Hmmn. So your saying that they will get bigger if I stop going out for sports?"

"Yeah, at least that's what I think will happen. And I'll tell you something else."


"Big tits don't make you a better lover."

"Yeah, but they sure draw boys."

"But they don't keep em, honey." Nancy said.

"You kept Tony."

Nancy laughed. "Tell her about Ellen, honey!"

"Okay. Ellen was the first real lover that I ever had. Uh, she was maybe the third or forth girl I ever went all the way with."

"I was really jealous of her," Nancy injected.

"Yeah. That you were."

"Well, the way you talked about her all the time..."

"All the time? Who was the one that was always questioning me about her?" I countered.

"Whatever. Tell the story."

"Yeah. Well. Old ugly here," that got me a splash in the face. "Okay. You want me to tell this or not?"

"Hell with it. You're dragging it out. Thing is, I was just so jealous of her. He'd get all cow eyed every time he mentioned her and I figured that she had to be some kind of goddess from the way he talked."

"Then she met her."


"And she turned out to be flat chested and, in Ellen's own words, had a 'dowdy body.'"

"So she wasn't good looking?"

"She wasn't ugly, if that's what you mean. She just wasn't a looker."

The Cat thought about it. "So the point is?"

"It's not what you look like, it's what you do that makes you a good lover or not."

"I see, I think." She thought for a moment. "And what makes someone a good lover?"

I dodged. "Ask Nancy."

There were a lot of times when The Cat would come by when we were hanging out in the tub. She'd take off her clothes and join us. She once in a while caught us doing something sexual and would fade off into the night. Good natural manners, like I said.

One night I was standing behind Nancy working on her neck muscles and down her spine when she came bopping down the steps and started telling us about this fantastic play she'd made while she took off her clothes and joined us. Nancy was very composed about the whole deal, but I was very embarrassed. After all, I had my cock snuggled up inside her.

Cat piled into the tub and was babbling away, oblivious of what was going on right in front of her. They chatted away for a while, Nancy leaning on the side of the tub while I worked on her. Nancy wiggled her bottom and unsheathed me. She was totally self possessed and at ease. I sat down quickly, but from Cat's expression, I knew that she had seen what we were doing. She blushed scarlet and averted her eyes.

"Sorry about barging in like this," Cat said, mortified.

"It's all right." Nancy said. "Tony'll get over it."

I shrugged. "No big deal."


"Well, it's not like the it's the first time you've ever seen us having sex."

That really set her off her blushing. "Well, I didn't mean to."

"Shush, honey, we don't have much body modesty. It ain't the first time someone's seen us fucking and it probably won't be the last. Don't worry about it."

"Just don't blame us if it keeps you in therapy for years." I injected drolly.

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Touch football had been left behind, my life now consumed with academic studies, and learning about myself as well as Barb; her likes, her dislikes, and of course her hot buttons. She was particularly fond of Friday nights in my ’48 Dodge, Bessie, out on the old road, our favorite makeout spot. It was rarely travelled, very secluded, a perfect spot to engage in Sex Ed long before it was taught in school. We would crawl into the backseat, me kneeling on the floor, her straddling my head. I was...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 25

Philip moved back into the bedroom adjoining the master bedroom where he'd just watched his daughter Pam and his wife Mary making bisexual love to each other. He had found the sexual activity between the two women so erotic that he'd started stroking his cock and had actually brought himself off while he stood there quietly peeking at the pair in action. He'd loved the fact that not only had he caught Pam in a bisexual love situation but her lover was her very own mother, Mary. That made...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 20

Just lately, I'd been reading a lot of erotic material and looking at porn magazines. I was eager to try new things, have new experiences, different ways to orgasm. I'd had a chat to Carol about it and she suggested I try a one-night stand. She often went to a club in town where gay and straight people met to pick up people for uncomplicated, no strings sex. There was a lover's lane nearby where couples of all descriptions would engage in all kinds of sexual practices. I thought I might...

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Start Of Incest Journey With Shalini Didi Part 8211 3

I am rajveer, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height, fair complexion with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex or relationship with mature, committed, married, divorced, widows or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in bed or outside), This incident is about how, I was seduced and had sex with a very distant older cousin sister Shalini, who is married and has a son. She wasn’t my cousin by relation, though our families were very close and our...

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Translesbian Experience Spanking Liz

Leanna was an older gurl, she said she was 40 in her personals ad, but she was just actually just over 50 which I found out when we finally got to her place. I met with an older person once before so I was actually looking forward to it, the more experience thing definitely plays out with older partners.She picked me up and brought me over to her place after we exchanged a few emails in response to a personals ad I had posted on craigslist. I debated if I should even go, I didn't want to meet...

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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 6 Facing the truth

I took a chance and called Scott and told him I couldn’t see him for the rest of the summer for now. He told me he was sorry I had gotten that drunk and that he didn’t realize I had drank that much. For some reason that felt not like the truth but I couldn’t remember anything so how could I argue. He didn’t seem to upset about me not being able to see me and told me we would work it out. So I was pretty disappointed and got very little new information from him. The rest of the day passed...

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Revenge is a Dish Best Served Soon ENF

Jo stroked her hands down the back of her thighs to release some of the sand that had stuck to her moist skin. The perspiration of the morning's play glued her loose t-shirt to her back, and it hung low over her bikini briefs. Yvette had already moved off down the beach and, after shifting her feet into her sandals, and retrieving their bags, Jo followed.Yvette was a little shorter and curvier than most of the volleyball players in the tournament, and not as good. She would not have been...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 29

Our Wednesday morning wake up was at three, so we were quickly up, showered, and dressed. A taxi dropped us at the station at three-thirty, where we met Larry coming in at the same time. I asked for, and was let into their equipment room, where I fit Wanda with a vest and found one in my size. I found two extra magazines for Wanda's Glock, then I checked out an MP5, five magazines, and a belt with pouches to carry the extra ammo. Larry almost started laughing when he saw us. "Jesus, Chuck,...

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A Girls Encounter

"Okay I will" I said, reaching up on my toes and planting a kiss on his cheek."Call me," he said, smiling and closing the door in front of me. This was my boyfriend Dean, we had been together all of twenty minutes and he acted like we where the UK hotshot couple.I sighed, rolling my eyes and crunching my hair with my hand. "Belle?!" Kay shouted through to me from my bedroom."Yeah?" I said, walking in and closing the door behind me, "What's up?" I asked."Just wondering where you were..." she...

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Sexual Encounters Of Iyengar Maamis

Jayanthi and rajalakshmi are sisters in law and were visiting reddy paalayam where jayanthi’s cousin was staying . The reason for this visit was that jayanthi’s husband’s sashtiabdapoorthi( 60 th birthday). So they wanted to invite kodhai , their cousin for this event. Kodhai lived in reddypaalayam in combatore and as they had wanted to buy certain pooja items there, they combined both. Ding dong !! The door bell rang. Mani said “coming, just a minute”. He opened the door thinking it was his...

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A Weird OneChapter 2

"Trouble in paradise?" Pauline asked when we got outside. "You could say that." "How much trouble? Enough to free you up? I meant what I said sweetie." "What you said?" "The night you took me home after my meeting Natasha. I told you that if things didn't work out to give me a call." "Well I guess that things haven't worked out." "You have anything planned for this weekend?" "Not a thing." "How about we go to the game on Friday and then maybe we can think of a way...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Aligarh Girlfriend

Hello readers my name is Faraz I’m from Aligarh and I work in Delhi. During my collage days one of my class mates was from my colony. She is good looking well built body. Her name is Neha, Her brother Ajay is my friend. We used to sit together and use work on some of our assignments and her parents usually go out for Business in Delhi. I was preparing for 12th exams along with Neha. She is very sexy and hot. Neha body structure is pretty good and her boobs look every one with pride you can...

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The First Temptation

It was a time of mere knowing. I was in class and found the world around was so much to know. So much to explore. Yet so lesser the chances were. The daily life was very boring with full of worthless routines like to rise early and study and go to school in uniform(which i hated) then came to home to have a little play and then again to study and sleep. Yet i always dreamt to find something, something new and exciting. The world seemed to be covered above 90% to me and i was looking for chances...

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Neighbor SurprisesChapter 5 Still more surprises

"Follow me," Tammy ordered me. She sashayed out of the kitchen with me close behind. I noticed her skirt swishing from side to side as she wiggled her sexy bubble butt while she walked through the living room and into the bedroom, stopping near the bed before turning to face me with a big grin on her angelic face. While following her and watching that delicious body sway to and fro, my cock started to swell, making a bulge in my trousers. As I approached her, she reached out and grabbed my...

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WebYoung Carter Cruise Lily Rader Sneaky Sisters

Carter Cruise snuck out of the house again and her parents are furious. When she climbs into her stepsister’s room, Lily Rader tells her that mom and dad are out looking for her and are worried sick. Carter tells her that she’ll just have to lie for her but Lily is fed up of covering for her. When she asks Carter what she was doing out this late anyway, she hesitates before answering. Lily presses her and Carter tells her she was out with her girlfriend. Lily had no idea that Carter...

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Pay Back for my Cousin Plus Part 4

“Aunt Judy, what has happened between Patty and I has been somewhat traumatic.  For right now I am hoping that what happened tonight will make our relationship even stronger.  I certainly think that it will..  I was totally surprised at your suggestion that I use the paddle on Patty and I know that she was also.  I was so ticked off at her and her actions that I did jump at the chance.  In hindsight, I think, and I think that Patty will eventually agree, that your decision and suggestion was a...

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Babysitting from my bro

"Oh yeah, you do it so much better than my wife," Todd said. She didn't answer him, I watched them for a few minutes and then all of the sudden something happened, my panties got wet. That was when I knew it, I had a thing for Todd. Anyway, I slowly made my way back to the living room where I was thought to be sleeping with Jody. Anyway, about 30 minutes later, I heard some footsteps in the hallway, I heard the woman leaving. I thought that was weird. I was nowhere near sleepy as you...

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The Suite Life on Deck Episode 3

Bailey Pickett sat in her room, crying. She was sprawled back on her bed, with a box of tissues in one hand and a tissue in her other, which was held up to her nose. There was a trash can besides the bed, which was already half-full of used tissues. She blew her nose, and tossed that tissue in the trash. There was a knock on her door, and she called out “Who…who is it?” Her voice sounded stuffy and clogged up, as if she’d been crying for hours. Which she had. “Its Janice and Jessica,”...

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Condoms and Pantyhose

In the end, after enough time had gone by, and I could look back semi-objectively, it was just plain stupid. No other reason, just a person jumping to conclusions, not checking, and doing something unforgivable for what she thought justified. Even after she realized her mistake, her pride dictated Hell would freeze over before she admitted she had done anything to be sorry for. I hope her pride keeps her warm at night, and her ego keeps her from ever realizing what she is, a shallow, stupid...

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A Night Like Any OtherChapter 8

When she closed the office on Thursday, it was the end of her apartment manager chore. Well it was the end until the next Tuesday anyway, April thought. She had to shift her mind set into a new gear for her regular job at the clinic. Three straight twelve hour shifts beginning the next evening at 7pm. That thought filled her with a mild dread. Nobody liked those killer shifts. As she walked back to her apartment she was acutely aware that she still hadn't bought groceries, so it appeared...

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Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez it exposes so much of me," you said."Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied. "Dress A (, you'd be making a statement. I should point out that Dress A does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal. Dress B (, on the...

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Silent Submission

I’ve always been the quiet shy kid. That and having to move 3 times during high school crippled my social life. I’m 6 feet tall, short brown hair that curls when it gets long, brown eyes and broad shoulders. I’m straight and homophobic to be quite honest. I had a girlfriend back in California in 8th grade but it was really nothing serious, just someone to walk with during classes. In my high school in Arizona, I did manage to meet a few friends in a job club which offered school...

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Sea FenciblesChapter 17 Courtships

The barge was a roomy one with extra cabins for travellers. Elizabeth had persuaded her friends to opt for the Thames River and not for a two horse carriage. With almost 60 miles to go, the barge would arrive within a day whilst a carriage, even with sturdy horses, would need two days at the least. The semaphore signal had once again alerted Sir Robert of Syren's arrival in Sheerness, but this time he had not the time to accompany Elizabeth. Instead, Vanessa had volunteered, eager to have a...

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11 October 2008Chapter 7

Brad and Jake changed into their suits and ties. Brad armed with Jessica and Sandra’s phone number pledged to begin calls on Tuesday. He and Jake signed autographs and posed for pictures. Everyone wanted to see their new Memorial Cup Championship rings. “There are my heroes of the game!” Abby smiled giving Brad a slightly more sensual kiss and hug than Jake. She could feel the wishful, hungry eyes of several men eyeing her revealing top and short skirt. They along with other players were...

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Getting satisfied at the adult store

That Friday night I was home alone and horny as hell.My beloved hubby was away from town; but the worst thing was that he had not fucked me properly in the last two weeks.So, I got dressed like a street hooker and drove to an adult store.Once I parked my car, I went inside, feeling my pussy was soaking wet…As I walked inside, I felt all the eyes of the other customers on my body.All of a sudden, I had the thought that someone could recognize me; but I recalled that the adult store was a bit far...

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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 10 Week 7

Whoever has been putting ointment on me repaired my broken shackle Monday night. But I had already felt the terrible confirmation. I cried again all Monday night until Tuesday morning. And that terrible itch had returned with a vengeance, but my shackles were as tight as ever. Tuesday night, Erica came into the bathroom with a strange woman--a slender blonde about the same age as Erica. She wasn't dressed Goth either, she was wearing a black tube top with a short denim skirt. The view up...

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Party Of Two

A few nights ago, I found myself thinking about that party atKurt and Rachel's last summer. If you remember, we showed upafter eight. The invitation was for seven, but due to severalthoroughly avoidable delays, we arrived unfashionably late.For some reason, you waited until the moment we were supposeto leave home to re-sculpt your hair. Then you changed clothestwice and after that you picked a fight with me over what Iwas wearing, so then I had to change. Slowing us down furtherwas that little...

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After 10 Day Tour She Took Me Home

It was a wonderful trip at Delhi, pleasure was definitely a part of the entire experience. As we landed in Mumbai, she invited me home. I gladly accepted. I was surprised to see that she lived with a family with her mom, and 2 sisters. One elder and one younger. I visited her house for dinner, and as she introduced me, she was frank with her family about our relationship. Her mom was indeed very forthcoming to an extent that she said that “I have taught her to be very talented in her work. Her...

5 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 13

Reputation is life or death in high school. Students are labeled by their extracurricular activities, and judged by their relations. A name can open doors, and it can set you on your path in life. Or it can take you down the wrong road, and lead you to your fate. My sisters understand the importance of social order, and they accept their place in our little town. Probably better than me. It’s been ten weeks since I left the hospital. Emma and Payton are well into their second trimester, and...

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LoveHerFeet Skylea Novea Get To Know My Stepson

My boyfriend and I have been together for about six months. As the holidays were approaching he mentioned that his son, Alex, who goes to college in New York, will be stopping by. I was at home one day when my boyfriend called and said Alex took an earlier flight and will arrive in a couple hours. When I opened the door I was surprised at how tall and handsome he was. We sat down in the living room and after a short talk I went outside to take care of some business calls. Soon after though, he...

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Little Sister Sweet Sixteen

By Blackdawn Morgan had always been curious of herself and her surroundings, and when she begun hearing the noises coming from her older brother’s room had brought it to the attention of her parents, thinking he might be hurting himself and hoping to get the approval out of her parents that she had done something good, that she was looking out for her older brother, making sure he stayed out of harms way. She was surprised when everything backfired and turned around on her, she found herself...

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MomDrips Jennifer White Creaming My Girlfriends Stepmom

When Jennifer White catches her daughter’s boyfriend Nade Nasty sneaking into the house she decides to lure him back in and teach him a lesson herself. When Nade sneaks in again, Jennifer grabs him by the ear and sits him down, telling him she’s going to teach him how to wear a condom because she wants to make sure that he’s having safe sex with her daughter. Nade has no choice but to comply, and soon enough the lesson continues in the bedroom, where Nade sneaks the condom off and cums inside...

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Strapon Fucked by my Wife

My wife and I often talk about our fantasies, sexual stories we have read and other things that turn us on. On one occasion when we were doing this my wife mentioned that she liked the though of using a strapon to allow her to take the role of penetrator when we had sex. Until this point I had not really seriously considered this bedroom option, and I had not any fantasies about it. Once my wife had mentioned it though, it became a real turn on. I already knew the delights of anal penetration...


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