Straying From The Path
- 4 years ago
- 31
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The car, a Mercedes, was right on time and the driver was none other than Klaus! Kim turned a deep crimson when she saw him, but he was all manners and made no allusion to their night in San Francisco.
They drove through the quiet streets of Carmel with Kim looking out the window and. wondering what was in store for her. At the guarded gates of Pebble Beach, the old guard in the toll house waved them on. They drove past the stately mansions of Pebble Beach, passing Hank's parents' house on their way. Kim wanted so much to stop the car, run into their house and tell them she was in trouble. The car moved on, past the Beach Club and past the Del Monte lodge itself where the rich and famous came to play and vacation. At last they came to a tall fence with barbed wire around the top. At an electronic signal, the gate swung open and the car turned noiselessly in.
They drove down a tree-lined drive until they sighted the house. It was a rich house, a sumptuous home, typical of the tasteful, elegant edifices that dotted Pebble Beach. It was also isolated and, as Kim noticed, the grounds were patrolled by uniformed men. Web Hardman obviously was a wealthy man.
Inside the house, she was treated as if she were a visiting personality. She was shown into an underground bar and "rumpus room" that was the like of none she had ever seen before. At one end of the big room was a raised platform with a jet-black curtain as a back drop. At the moment she entered, Nichole was on the platform or stage with her back to them, directing the placing of large mirrors. She turned, a drink in her hand, when she heard them, and sad drunkenly, "Oh, Hi, jus' in time for the lit ole party!"
One look was enough to tell Kim that the brunette was smashed. Well, Nichole obviously wouldn't be any help tonight. She looked around, wondering exactly what they were planning to do to her. Obviously, they were going to try to get her up on that stage. As she watched, Klaus and Ernie--Ernie still cynical and leering--carried a broad black couch out on the stage and placed it in the center of the mirrors.
Web entered dressed in a smoking jacket and ascot tie, rubbing his bands together. "How good of you to come, dear Kim. I can't tell you how I've looked forward to your coming! Well, shall we begin?"
With those chill words, Kim was launched on the strangest experience of her life. She smiled noncommittally at Web, determined to humor him, not wanting him to get into a rage again.
"Up on the stage my dear," Web said, showing the way.
He helped the voluptuous red haired young wife up on the sage with an assist from Ernie. Nichole stared at her and shrugged, making a face. "Wish I was you," she said, slurring her words. "You're going to luv it!"
"That will be all for you, Nichole, "Web said, seating himself front row center and clapping his hands. "Wander off and drown yourself someplace. It's time for my little diversion to begin! Where is Klaus?"
"Here," the German said with his Prussian accent, stepping out from behind the curtain.
"Very well, begin." Web settled back in his chair as Nichole climbed off the stage, almost losing her balance, and wandered drunkenly to the rear where she stood at the bar and poured herself another drink. Web touched a portable console at his side. The lights dimmed. "Begin."
"Not so fast." Kim's words stopped everyone. "Where are the pictures? Where are the negatives?"
Web chortled. "Very good." He reached onto the floor next to his chair. "Right here. They're yours if you should please me."
Ernie sauntered up to the young housewife. It seemed as if his cynical grin was a permanent thing. He reached and hooked two fingers into the "vee" of her dress. With a sudden expert tug he tore her dress down the front.
What followed was a struggle that was all one sided. Klaus and Ernie were too strong, experienced and fast for the blackmailed wife, and in no time Kim found herself completely naked, her voluptuous young body exposed with each of the men holding a wrist, holding her arms out extended while she writhed and futilely struggled between them, her huge, melon-like breasts jiggling and quivering in fright.
Kim tossed her thick mane of flame-colored hair and spat her defiance at Web, forgetting her earlier resolve to placate him. "All right, I'll do what you want, but I won't enjoy it!"
Web squirmed with delight in his chair. "Wonderful, my dear, just wonderful. Go on, Ernie, Klaus."
They grabbed her and threw her down on the black couch where she landed with an impact that shook her. She raised her chin to see two things: herself in the mirror with Ernie holding her down on her belly, while the giant Klaus stripped off her clothing... and the fact that the bed was tilted, affording Web a grandstand seat in the front row.
The bewildered young wife sprawled on it, her twin fleshy buttocks high and white in invitation, her flaming red hair in strong contrast to the black sheets.
"I get to fuck her in the ass!" Ernie growled as Klaus pounced on her and held her down, while Ernie quickly stripped. "You got first dibs last time!"
He shoved the German aside and seized Kim by the hips, forcing her snowy, softly-fleshed buttocks wide apart. "God! Ever see anything as luscious as that?" he asked as he began to taunt and probe her tiny, tightly puckered little anus with his outstretched finger. "Hairless as a new born babe's, and tighter than a cat's pussy!"
"Fuck her, Ernie!" Web said from the front row. His voice was high and peculiar to Kim.
And then, in quivering dread, the helplessly captive young girl felt hands opening her softly trembling ass cheeks, drawing the ripely full buttocks apart even though Kim clenched the smooth ivory spheres and tried to hold them together... but it was useless. She felt lewdly naked and unprotected beneath their lust-filled gazes and, as Ernie pressured them further open, she could feel the cool air of the room rush over her little tightly clenched anus. Tears suddenly wet her cheeks as she realized what Web had in store for her, and she gasped as she felt a fingernail tease at the tiny rubbery rectal opening. A sharp abrupt pain followed with the lewd worming insertion of the thick, outstretched finger up to the first knuckle joist. The muscles of her buttocks jerked automatically, and her anal passage gripped defensively at his finger like a closing fist.
Ernie, kneeling above her, grinned like a Siamese cat. "Look at that little asshole grab, will ya?"
"Go on, go on." Web was standing next to the stage now, his voice high, white, and breathy.
Ernie laughed lewdly and thrust his outstretched finger deeper into the soft, rubbery channel... all the way to the palm of his hand, causing Kim to grunt painfully as he reamed in and out of her helplessly exposed little anus, obscenely stretching the warm velvety passage in preparation of the greater entry that was to follow.
Finally, in hopeless desperation, Kim relaxed in resignation and surrender. She wished she could pass out... or now, that they would hurry and get it over with. But, she was fully conscious and, with the light on on-stage, she could see all of their leering reflections in the huge mirrors that had been positioned... She lay flat on her stomach, Ernie's naked legs lodged between hers, holding them wide apart and exposing her naked loins to him. The captive young red-haired woman couldn't help but gaze in wide-eyed horror at the mirror when she saw Ernie pull the heavy foreskin of his uncircumcised penis back, displaying the hardened, lust-bloated head, then point it directly at the tiny puckered hole of her rectum he had so agonizingly stretched and prepared with his probing finger.
Once more, he spread her fearfully trembling buttocks wide with his hands, then rolled further onto her naked back to slowly press the huge head of his cock down into her moistened vaginal lips. Kim shivered at the contact, her muscles consciously tensing as he laid the full length of the hardened shaft into the soft spread crevice of her ass, its throbbing head poised to leap at her hotly throbbing anus. She felt it then, felt it pushing excruciatingly against her anus, and she gaped wild-eyed into the mirror to see the brutally stiffened cock suddenly pop like a cork through her tightly resisting sphincter muscle.
"Oooooobhhhh, God! You're splitting me!" she moaned through tear-streaked eyes.
"Don't worry, baby, it'll get better," Ernie hissed down at the back of her wildly thrashing head.
And then she froze as she was, watching again the grotesquely stretched orifice give more, spreading obscenely, slipping over like a glove and absorbing the heatedly probing tip of his cock. The pain spread through her like wildfire, and she saw Ernie grin victoriously at the others just before he thrust his hips heavily downward, burying half the hardened fleshy shaft into the soft velvety channel of her protesting rectum.
Her groans choked back into her throat as automatically her buttocks twisted and jerked beneath the depraved assault, but her every move only served to impale her deeper because with each jerk and twist of her tortured body, Ernie's massive, turgid cock was sinking that much deeper into her desperately resisting anal passage.
"Hold her shoulders while I lift her ass," he grunted to Klaus.
Kim felt their hands moving on the naked back of her flesh and then she was being held firmly, unable to struggle as Ernie lifted her firmly rounded buttocks up in the air, his knees moving in between her sleek inner thighs to push them wide apart, so his long hard cock could enter deeper into her stretching rectum. She felt warm tears trickling down from her eyes as the pain spread. Once again, her eyes locked to the mirror and saw the desire- inflamed faces of the other two men as they moved closer in toward her up-raised buttocks to watch the heated rod of thick hard flesh that was slipping deeper and deeper into the warmly soft depths of her defenseless rectum. Suddenly, with a loud smacking noise, Ernie's sperm-bloated balls slapped against her upturned ass cheeks. He was in--all the way! She had stopped struggling, realizing in a dazed panic that her only escape from the splitting agony was to stay as still as possible, for it was hopeless to resist the horrible attack of these lust-incited men whose only desires were to satisfy their carnal passions in this her red initiation to group sex. The hurt was nearly unbearable from Ernie's inhuman penetration of her rectum, and if she moved even the slightest it only served to suck him deeper into her, stretching the tightly resisting channel to even more painful widths.
Kim could feel the enormous cock pushing solidly into her now, rubbing and expanding to a far greater width the soft skin of her back passage. She became aware of Ernie's hands brutally gripping her hips with a hard numbing pressure as he fucked and sawed like a maniac into the heated depths of her rectum. The pain continued on and on, and each further thrust brought mumbled groans from deep in her throat. The pillow was wet from her tears, and he rammed into her with longer, smoother strokes, worming the entire hard length of hot cock far up into her cringing young belly until she could feel his bloated balls buffeting against her wetly quivering cent.
Again, in the mirrors, she saw Klaus climb onto the bed with Ernie and her as Web came on stage with his mouth wide open and his eyes glazed in a sexed delirium. Nichole came weaving out of the darkness with a drink in her hand and stared with a sullen drunkenness at the scene that went on on the brightly lighted stage. In the mirror, Klaus's long hard cock stood out like some great log fresh cut from the forest. Kim felt him squeeze at one breast and trace his hand down her body, pulling and kneading at her soft white flesh until she thought he might go insane in his desire.
"Mein Gott! Flip her over!" he called to Ernie who was bug- eyed concentrating on the thin pink ridges of anal flesh that pulled from her roundly stretched rectum each time he withdrew his thickly pulsating penis.
"Okay baby," he smiled down at her hollowed back, "now we go for a double fuck!"
Ernie grasped her hips again and rolled over to one side, pulling her backwards on top of him, bringing another groan of pain and surprise from her lips as she lay outstretched on top of him, her smooth hollowed back pressed down against his stomach and chest, her legs splayed lewdly out, on the outside of his own, while his huge heatedly throbbing cock lay buried in its entirety far up in the heated depths of her bowels. She was hopelessly skewered and sprawled obscenely--helpless and unable to prevent them from doing whatever their vile bestial desires might invent.
Klaus, grimacing like a lewd Teutonic satyr, crawled on top of her, forcing his thighs between hers and Ernie's, spreading her legs even farther apart and aiming his eagerly jerking cock at her warmly moistened open pussy. With one brutal thrust, he rammed his massively throbbing hardness into her.
Carmel. The name conjures up a particular image. It is, quite simply, a tourist town on the coast of central California. It is that, and much more. Carmel: playground for the rich and the rich-retired. A quaint little town, once a village, now grown, yet still having many attributes of a village with no sidewalks, trees growing in the middle of a street, no street addresses or street lights. There are still many board-and-bat cottages built back in the days when it was truly a village and an...
Carmel has one of the loveliest beaches in the world. Its sand manages to stay a virgin white and the beach front runs for two curving miles from the Pebble Beach golf course to what residents call "The Frank Lloyd Wright house" which is an imposing home built on the rocks, right above the ocean, by that famous architect. The beach, in all its vastness, seems to absorb people as a sponge does water. It would take a large assembly to seem crowded. It looks crowded really only twice a year:...
The morning Hank had left was an emotional charged one for them both, but Kim in particular. Hank was bleary-eyed and hung over, holding his bead. "Ouch. Hey, what did I do, fall down or bump into something?" He was blessed with not remembering much of what had happened the night before. "I remember being in the Matador and saying goodbye to some friends. When did we go after that?" "Home." "Wow. I feel like a sack of broken bottles, and my tongue tastes like it's been licking ash...
How had it all happened? They had met for a drink. They had met for a drink in the Pine inn. They had met at the "Happy Hour" in the red and white Pine inn bar that spoke of elegance, of quiet, casual wealth and good taste. They had met with the Pine Inn regulars who met every day at five and drank quietly and well. And she had too much to drink! She had driven home tipsy, driving slowly, and felt immediately sleepy going to bed and wondering vaguely and only half-seriously, if anything...
The apartment itself was large, a duplex, and was tastefully decorated. Modern abstract paintings hung from the walls, setting off rooms with blacks and slashes of vivid color. The furniture was modern and elegant. It reminded Kim of apartments she had seen in fashion magazines. Cool quiet jazz came from speakers that were all through the apartment, and the lights were on a rheostat that someone was manipulating, lowering the lights just as Kim and Nichole came in with their escorts. A...
Of course, after every night, comes a dawn. After every evening of romance, comes the cold gray morning light to cast a different look upon everything. Even an orgy knows its limits. There comes a time when the flesh is sated. Energy runs out, the muscles grow tired. Passion may still be burning but the conscious mind gives out: all things must rest. Kim slept as if she bad been drugged. More, she slept like someone stunned by exhaustion. An army could have marched over her bed, and she...
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(The first two paragraphs are from part 14. I added them to the beginning of this part, because the story flows better. I hope you are enjoying my story. I hope you take the time to leave a comment on this website and or email me your thoughts. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy) *** Special note a big hug and thanks go out to Linda ([email protected]) for editing my story. Thank you again hun!!! Call you mommy, are you serious Honey Part 15 By Princess Pantyboy "I HAVE HEARD...
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I felt drained as I sat on the bed and, though they were only pricks of the skin, the experience was enough to make me lightheaded. However, it was the mixing of the blood that had left me feeling drained. Lillian had said that I would feel better with some rest and left with the others to help Janet. The plan was to complete the rest of the procedure with the ladies in their respective rooms. That way they would be able to rest on their beds as the change occurred. The biggest issue would...
It was a hot summer day, and I was bored. My husband Pierre was on the computer working on a layout for a job that was due by Monday, and I was stuck doing nothing. I tried cleaning the house, but that didn’t work, I flipped thru the channels on the TV, but there was nothing interesting on. ‘Pierre, Honey, I’m bored.’ I said as I walked into the computer room and slumped down in the chair beside him. ‘I know Babe, but I really gotta finish this layout, or the boss will have my ass.’ ‘How...
New writer, 20 years old, and not very confident. Please leave any comments but please leave all feedback positive. This is currently just a part of an idea I’m working on. If you guys like it and all works out I’m hoping to have at least 5 chapters Remember please keep all feedback positive ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night’s sleep was restless. Try as I might I...
Meghan got up close and personal and we hugged for a good few minutes and I felt my hard cock pushing against her belly, I am sure she could feel it and maybe that’s why the hug was so long, I even let my hands slip down from her waist to her arse cheeks feeling her bare cheeks under her shirt.She didn’t move, I brought one hand up and stoked her golden blonde hair pressing her head into my hairy chest while the other hand squeezed her arse cheek, her arms tight around my waist I remembered how...
Hi, my name is Manikandan and I am 18 years old. I am from a rich family. My family consists of me, my brother Hari (20 years old), my mom Nikita (37 years old) and my dad Siddarth (43 years old). My mom was forced to marry a rich guy in her school days. Siddarth was also like a typical youngster. He couldn’t resist my mom’s structures. Even now, no one can resist it. Her vital stats are 36D-26-36. It is a wonder how she is maintaining them. But Siddarth chose to be a hard worker and started...
IncestWe ended up in the computer room, not watching TV on the couch. Samantha's mom was getting close to winning the video game she was currently playing, and she wanted an audience. I was laying on a beanbag on the floor, and Samantha was kneeling next to me. She was also massaging my cock through my pants whenever her mom was focused on the computer monitor. That was most of the time, so despite my sexual exhaustion my cock was starting to feel pretty good again. I must have kind of zoned out,...
THE MASTER Lisa and I enjoy role-play and occasionally have had the opportunity to indulge ourselves, to turn fantasy into reality. Both of us enjoy bondage and discipline, and can take an active or passive role, individually or together. In addition we also had, for many years, the fantasy of getting it together with certain nationalities of dark skinned people. We were lucky when one of those rare events occurred where we were able to combine a number of fantasies into the one reality. At a...
"She's beautiful. They both are" said Peter. Lauren kissed his chest, signaling the end of their voyeuristic interlude. They entered her room noisily, the door swinging back against the wall. The wine made it to her bedside table, just as they both fell onto the silk bedspread. She tugged her bikini top off and flipped it dramatically onto the carpet, allowing Peter once again to drink in the pure wonder of her figure. He knelt on the bed, leaning to kiss her, pushing her down against the...
It was a warm day in August when Victoria left her office and began walking home. She was on holiday at last! Life at the office had been stressful in the past few weeks, and Victoria had been feeling rather burnt out from it all, but now, suddenly she felt freedom! It was a feeling akin to the last day of school before summer holidays, a feeling of pure liberty! Sure, it was only two weeks, but she was planning to make it the most memorable two weeks of her 23 years on planet Earth. And she...
Regret plagued Alexia's heart. She was jolted around in the horse-drawn steel cage she sat in. Passers-by gave her disdainful sneers and demeaning insults. There was a small rag covering her body, where once she wore elegant dresses and luxurious jewelry. She sighed deeply. Alexia was born of noble birth. At the age of fifteen, she was married off to a small lord of a nearby fiefdom. Though kind, her husband was more than ten years older and a bore in bed. Alexia, cooped up in the keep with no...
FantasyHi,I am Rajesh from Chennai and now am married ,31.I have read a lot of stories in ISS and now interested in sharing one my real story that happened to me during my college days.This is about my neighbouring aunty Suja, She is a mallu aunty . About her , her size should be at least 40-34-42 . She was so busty and looked very sexy.SHe was very fair and had a very good boobs structure.Coming to the story , One day there was none at my home since very had gone for the temple which is far away and...
LTD, Malissa's Academy, 2 By: Malissa Madison It's the beginning of the first full school year, as Malissa begins to prepare for the arrival of new students as well as the return of older students. There are a few surprises in store as things get underway. Summer break had come and gone, and Malissa and Donnie were spending much of their waking hours in their offices preparing for the beginning of the next school year. Nona sat at her desk sorting through all the student...
Hey there iss fans….this is ma first ever posting of ma own experience…although i’ve been a regular visitor of iss site fo the past 2 years….newayz…let me tell yu abt me…’m a guy huz 5.8″ tall…atheletic build…slightly tanned….’m a chennaiite…and i reside in ashoknagar…people….take my wurds…i am so so so addicted to sex….i jez cant b without it…and this is ma first ever encounter in ma lyf….her name is…hmmm…lets keep it Anjana fo th’ time being….cuz i cant tell yu her exact name here…….it...
Shortly after our move to Nanaimo and about six months after my first experience sharing my wife with another man without her knowledge, I once again felt the urges to at least have other men view her naked and perhaps watch me fuck her. Without her knowing of course, as that was the kink I was interested in. Our house in Nanaimo didn't lend itself at all to allowing someone to watch from the window but I came across a website called "Adult Friend Finder" which had a section that allowed...
Thunder… Waiting for a flash, for another confirmatory rumble, I lay perfectly still, holding my breath, my eyes wide open. I’d hated storms since I was a kid. Though my terror had abated over the years, the wisdom of maturity kicking in, I could never quite forget the trauma of being told at five years old that a friend of my father’s had been struck by lightning whilst playing golf. He’d died instantly. Ever since, I’d had an irrational fear that lightning could get me anywhere. And even...