bodyguard 0
- 4 years ago
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I sat back, sipped coffee, and listened to Dad tell his fiancée everything. I don't believe he left out even the smallest detail. I'd believed he was a taciturn man. What a joke! He also surprised me on another level. He was very well-spoken.
And Maureen, what a woman! That she would become my fourth mother pleased me no end. She was tough and strong, like a lioness protecting her cubs, and Dad and I were her cubs. She was cheerful with a good sense of humor with a laugh that was contagious and a smile that could be demure or light up a room. Her ire was something to behold; it danced in her dark eyes like fireflies at night, and at the moment her ire was directed at the meth gang who had shot up our trailer and vehicles last night. Then her dancing eyes turned on me when Dad told her that I planned to take the battle to them one at a time.
"You'll do no such thing, Eric," Maureen hissed. "I forbid it."
I grinned at Dad. "She's a beauty when she's pissed, huh?"
"Yep," he drawled. "Sometimes I make her angry just to see the fire in her pretty eyes."
Maureen stamped her feet and said, "I'm serious, Johannes. Those men are dangerous. They're willing to kill, and they have automatic weapons, and..."
"Eric is bait, Maureen," Dad said. "The police look at him and see a drug addict, a throwaway. They've staked him to the ground like a lamb hoping the rogue coyotes cooking and dealing meth will come after him. After the gang makes their kill, the police will make a case against them for murder and roll up the drug operation at the same time. The media will make them heroes. That my son will be dead won't even be a footnote in the story."
I looked at my father with new eyes. He was not only well-spoken but also a complex and deep thinker. I had not envisioned the scenario he'd just described, but I knew instantly that his assessment of the situation was accurate. Why was this intelligent, complex man living in a house trailer doing yard work for a living?
"Eric's court date is tomorrow morning," Dad continued, "which means the gang will come at us again today or tonight." He looked at me. "Let's cut your tether to the stake and get out of Dodge for the night, Eric. Tomorrow in court, stand up and name the sociopaths that want you dead. Include their names in the public record of your trial. Tell the judge that you are not a throwaway and neither am I, and now that Maureen has returned, that she isn't a throwaway either. Come with me, both of you," he said and stood up.
Maureen and I followed him to his bedroom. He pulled his new suit from the closet and held it up. "Notice the bullet holes in my new suit. I will wear this bullet-ridden suit tomorrow at your trial. Point to the bullet holes, Eric. Tell the judge that unless something is done about the men you have named, that the next time they come after you that I might be wearing the suit. Then I will stand up and have my say. Perhaps, this approach will make your plan to take the battle to the sociopaths one at a time unnecessary."
I nodded.
Maureen was more demonstrative about her acceptance of his plan. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately, which was awkward because he still held his suit in his hand. When she leaned back from the kiss, she looked at me and said, "Your plan sucked, Eric. Your father's plan is brilliant!"
"It is," I said, "especially if we make certain the press learns about the proceedings, which will otherwise be closed to the media because of my age."
"That is an excellent addition to my plan, Son," Dad said. "Do you have something in mind to make it happen?"
"I do. Let's hire a public relations expert to attend the trial with us, an individual not known to the court as a member of the media. This expert's task will be the dissemination of our plea to the court to put an end to the sociopaths' intent on exacting retribution because I ratted them out."
Maureen laughed. "As usual, Eric, you go too far. That is a horrible addition to your father's marvelous plan. That will make you a public figure in the community, a laughable public figure unfortunately. After all, you will be standing in front of a judge admitting to dealing drugs."
I groaned audibly. "She's right, Dad."
"And getting out of Dodge tonight, Johannes, is best part of your plan," Maureen said. "Where are we going?"
"I had not developed my battle plan to that level of detail, my beauty," Dad said as he hung his suit back in the closet. "Generals leave the details of a battle plan to colonels and majors, I believe."
"Dodge is your trailer, Johannes. You could get out of Dodge by staying with me in my trailer tonight," Maureen said.
"No, the sociopaths are not yet aware of you, Maureen," I said. "Let's keep it that way if we can. We have money, Dad. The attorney cost half what I figured. Let's get out of Dodge to one of Santa Fe's fine resort hotels. We'll eat fine foods and drink fine wines, except for me, off course, and bask in luxury while we're hiding in plain sight."
"Ooh, Johannes, I like Eric's plan this time," Maureen said.
Dad grinned, rubbed his hands together and said, "I love it when a good plan comes together."
"I'll go pack," Maureen said.
"And I'll call a tow truck to haul my pickup to a radiator shop," Dad said. "Then I'll call my home-owners insurance company to see if my policy covers repairing bullet holes."
"Call your auto insurance company for the same reason, Dad," I said. "I'll call and make reservations for rooms at a resort hotel. Any preferences?"
"I've heard good things about La Posada de Santa Fe Resort and Spa," Maureen said.
"Ah, Dad, I'll need your debit card. Mine hasn't come in the mail yet," I said.
He handed me the card and said, "Don't forget your drug test at ten o'clock."
"I won't," I said.
Dad wore a sport coat that wasn't bullet-ridden. I wore my new suit. Maureen wore a little black dress that showed off her outstanding figure. We looked good, and we felt good, and we had a good time laughing and talking and, on my part, getting to know my father and future mother a lot better than I knew them before.
We were dining at Fuego, La Posada de Santa Fe's award-winning restaurant. I'd suggested the Chef's Grand Tasting Menu, but Dad stuck his nose in the air and said nobody could force him to eat foie gras stuffed peppered pigfeet, or rabbit with maniquette, whatever maniquette was. He had a point and the three of us went with the regular menu. We all ordered Kobe-style New York strips and truffles as our entrees but chose different appetizers. Dad ordered the wines. I stayed with iced tea. The food was delicious, the service impeccable, and my dinner companions were lively, happy, and interesting.
I learned that Maureen was divorced and worked for an accountant as a bookkeeper. Financially crippled, she'd moved into the trailer court shortly after her divorce. Her husband had been a CPA and made good money, but his gambling addiction kept them broke and deeply in dept. She divorced him when he was arrested for fraud. He'd gambled away some of his client's money. He was currently in prison and would sit for his first parole hearing next month.
"Money isn't what life is about, Eric," she said. "Remember that. Oh, I'll admit that it's better to be rich than poor, but strength of character and love put money a poor third in the total scheme of things." She took my father's hand and placed his palm on her cheek. "Your father isn't a wealthy man, but he is a good man, and he loves me, and I love him. We are rich in the important things in life."
"Have you set a wedding date?" I asked.
Dad flinched, I noticed.
"We'd planned a June wedding, Eric," Maureen said, "but then you got in trouble, so we cancelled our plans. Our wedding plans are currently in limbo."
"Damn! I'm really sorry that my weak character scuttled your wedding," I said. I looked at my father. "From what my attorney said, I will be given probation tomorrow for my crimes, and as long as the drug tests say I'm clean, my troubles will be resolved. Perhaps the two of you can slide your wedding plans out of limbo later tonight."
"Perhaps," he said.
"No, Eric, we won't," Maureen said. "We won't set a new date until your situation is completely resolved at your trial."
"The sociopaths who want to do you harm have complicated the issue, Eric," Dad said.
I groaned. "You would have been better off if I'd kept my mouth shut about my partners in crime."
"Not at all, Eric," Maureen said. "What you did showed strength of character. What you did made your father proud of you again, and that is more important than our wedding date by a wide margin."
Tears stung my eyes. "Maureen, I am very happy that sometime soon you will be my mother."
"Oh, Eric! Hearing you say that makes me so happy! You can't imagine!" she exclaimed and gave me an awkward hug. Then she made it even more awkward when she pulled Dad into a three-way hug while we were all sitting in our chairs. "We're going to be a family, Johannes, not just husband and wife."
"We are," Dad said, beaming. "We surely are."
That evening while I played hold 'em with my laptop hooked into the hotel's high-speed internet connection, I reflected on my new life. I was a drug addict, but I'd beat my addiction, and tomorrow the judge would put me on probation and set me free. My new father was an exceptional man, well-spoken, deep thinking, and in a job for which he was overqualified from every indication that I'd observed. I could fix that. My soon-to-be new mother—step-mother would be more accurate—was a delightful, pretty woman, very loving and very strong who appeared to have her priorities straight. And my father and future mother loved each other. I suspected that they were showing each other how deeply they were in love on a king-sized bed in the Fireplace Room that I'd reserved for them. I'd chosen what La Posada called an Artist's Studio for me. I didn't know what I could do for my future mother other than what I'd said at dinner that had made her so happy, but whatever I could do for her, I would.
Huge amounts of money weren't needed, not like with the Oakmans, and I was only sixteen years old, so finding the love of my life for this life could and probably should be deferred for a few years.
I rolled my eyes to the heavens. "Waddaya say, Hector? Why did you choose Eric Kleiner's body for me to occupy? At first blush, the problems don't seem very serious. Will my stay in Eric Kleiner's body represent a short visit, or is there something I don't know about yet that you want me to fix?"
As usual, Hector ignored me.
I won the tournament, shut down my computer, and went to sleep.
Johannes Kleiner held his woman in his arms. They were sated, and the cool air in the room was drying the sheen of perspiration on their naked bodies.
"I'm glad you returned early, Maureen," he said as he gazed at the hypnotic fire that he could see from the bed.
"I couldn't stay away like you asked, Johannes. I had to be here for you and for Eric at his trial."
"He's changed, Maureen," Johannes said.
"That's for sure."
"It's like a different person occupies his body, like an alien being rode that lightning bolt down out of the sky and assumed my son's ego or soul or whatever it is that makes a person an individual."
"Does that upset you?"
"It frightened me at first. The differences between the new Eric and the old are so stark, so broad that it was as if I no longer knew my son." He snorted derisively. "Then again, I don't think I really knew my son before, not deep down where it counts. If I had, I might have been able to stop him from experimenting with and finally becoming addicted to drugs. Each difference was like a blow at first. I felt like I was in a boxing match with my hands tied behind my back. What happened to my son, what is still happening to my son, is impossible, Maureen. The events, the changes defy the laws of nature. He jokingly explains the impossibility of the strange conversions he underwent following the lightning strike by pointing to an insignificant force in the universe he calls Hector as the source of the changes in him, but..."
He sighed. "I'm ashamed to say that I like the new Eric better than the old Eric. No matter what, I always loved my son, but there were times before he was struck by lightning that I didn't like him, and sometimes I even hated him for what he was doing to me—to us. That's sounds selfish, I know, but emotions can't always be controlled. Now I love him, like him, and I'm even proud of him. We can get married now, Maureen. I didn't tell you, but I was considering breaking our engagement because I didn't want to subject you to the pain of living with an addict. I know what living with addiction can be like, and because I loved you so much, I'd decided that I just couldn't put you through the pain."
"Loosing you would have been much more painful, Johannes," she said. "Remember, I lived with an addict, too. Gambling can be just as addictive as drugs or alcohol. I would not have allowed you to break off our engagement."
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This chapter is in moderation. The chapter content will be available again soon. Thank you for your patience!
Lonely Sooky lived by herself in a small, decrepit hi-rise apartment. The 43 yr old Filipina had not had a boyfriend in several years, but still liked to look and feel sexy. At 5’4”, she liked showing off her trim 120 lb body by wearing tight-fitting pants and loose, clingy tops. Today she wore a low-cut, lavender blouse, loose at the top to show a hint of her firm brown 36C breasts, and tight around the tummy to emphasize her trim figure. Her beige pants were a little tight around the...
I wrote this story quite a while ago but never submitted it. There is no sex in this one. Merely, a short story about an old man. I hope you like it. * Beeep…beeep…beeep…beeep, the alarm shrieked until a wrinkled arm swung around and the accompanying bony hand smashed down on the snooze button silencing the irritating sound with a loud thwack. Shit, he thought, was it time already? With effort, Abe slowly rose turning his head to stare at the clock, a pale red diode displaying 4:35 AM....
Horny and anxious Asian teen schoolgirl Alona is trying to persuade her boyfriend Alex to come inside and play but all he wants to do is help her study. Alona uses every trick in her book to get him on her bed and finally gets Alex to show her his cock. Bigger than she expected she slowly licks and sucks his hard dick getting him in the mood and her pussy wet. Now Alex is sliding his cock inside her extra wet and tight teen pussy deep and pounds her hard until she is ready for him to pour his...
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“The drinks flow, people forget. The big wheel spins, hair thins, people forget. Forget they’re hiding. The news slows, people forget. The shares crash, hopes are dashed, people forget. Forget they’re hiding. Behind an Eminence front. Eminence front. It’s a put on, it’s a put-on.” -The Who, “Eminence Front“ The “back from commercial” jingle played, as Sally and Cara, America’s favorite contractually-obligated BFFs, pretended to have been involved in an intense conversation and just now...
I’ve worked for many years at a small college in the Midwest, working my way up to a position of prestige in the Office of Giving. It’s my job to travel around the country squeezing money from the rich and famous. I’m away from home a lot, so I haven’t formed too many attachments. In spite of that, rubbing elbows with captains of industry does have its perks. While my employer may not like my methods, they appreciate the results. I get to host cocktail parties in some very interesting places...
Just like in The Girl Who Paints Butterflies, this one was also sent to enter the same competition. This one also failed to get any award. Therefore, I am posting this here to seek some ideas on how to improve this. Please send me a comment once you've read it. Thank you. Oh, another thing. DO NOT republish this anywhere else. You may save it if you like, but only for private offline reading. Do not post this anywhere else. I sat in the garden, with a book as thick as a telephone...
Chapter 8 — The Conclusion Please read Chapters 1-7. They will give you a better understanding of the characters, situations, and obviously how we got to this point in the tale. There are no graphic sex scenes in this story. As usual constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my tale and please enjoy. ****************** Late Thursday afternoon, the group set up a base camp and made ready to start the round up the next morning. Their...
Cricket Davenport very much wanted to get out of her bubble. She found herself having this thought at least once each morning she woke in her sister’s surprisingly spacious Manhattan apartment, particularly when she looked out the window at St. Mark’s Place laid out thirty stories below. The street itself had been an adventure of head shops, tattoo parlors, restaurants with at least three times as many cuisines as she’d ever tasted, and an entire store dedicated to socks. She’d walked the...
These are strange times we are living in now, with cities locking down and people forced into Quarantine. At the start of this whole thing, everyone seemed to have their own version of what was happening. I have a neighbor who's version was about still continuing with her spring break plans in Florida. Her friend had invited her along on a family trip. This is her story.This happened at the end of March, 2020, which was the beginning of Lockdowns. I needed a break. I had been waiting...
This is a story I found about 15 years ago and haven't seen since so before it was lost forever I thought I would post it here... What a night Last night! Ouch! My whole body aches, but it's the kind of ache I crave. No work today, that's for sure. I can just imagine the shocked looks on the faces of the girls in the office if they knew how I get my sexual pleasure. The reserved, prim and proper public relations specialist, whom everyone thinks is so delicate and sweet. I'm only 25-years old,...
Hello everyone. This is Diganth and I am 24 years old. And about me, I am 5 ft 10 inches finished my engineering and currently working on one of the reputed companies. And about my structure currently, a medium built guy with a 6″ size dick. I am here to tell you about how I explored with my cousin. My cousin’s name is Usha. She is 2 months younger so, 22 years old. And About her stats (34c-28-30). We both stay around 5 km away from each other’s house. And she is 5 ft 9 inches in height. Her...
IncestI managed to get a hug from Mom and Dad before Anna came crashing into them. That three-way hug was something to see. Hell. I knew they were fooling around. This was the first time I realized they were in love. My parents. Were both in love with Anna. And Anna loved both of them. Maybe it's genetic. "Kids," Mom commanded as the three of us hugged on Samantha. "Go play in traffic." We all ran outside laughing. Sort of. I got a bit of a catch in my throat when Mom said that. It's what...
One Lucky White Boi---Chapter 7—Spilling the Royal Beans Apparently some people had called some people—and they called some people—etc. The Chief showed with the three officers that had booked me into jail that day I stomped Ricky's dad's ass, along with Ricky and Marky, and even Kelso and Patroni showed up. Jeez—once again, I'm in the spotlight. With a silence now like a church service, I finally take a sip of my coffee, and spin around on the bar stool facing everyone. “Up until this...
Adrian Grody sat watching the night sky in his patrol car. He was a few minutes away from ending his shift. Adrian hated his job as a security guard at the mall, but someone had to do it. He took one more drive around the building. He wanted to make sure the teens he had spotted earlier smoking weed and hanging out had left as he had asked them.When he pulled around, he saw one lone sports car left behind. One of them had stayed behind it would seem. Adrian took a deep sigh and drove over. The...
SupernaturalAuthor’s Note: Here’s another in cauda venenum story that could go in multiple sections on this site. I think you would agree that it belongs here, despite some of the elements some readers have come to expect from me. Please remember that this is fiction, and it follows its own rules, so please suspend your disbelief before reading. I do believe there are some reasonable questions raised by this, so I hope that this is worthwhile for you to read. This story started from me overhearing a...
Privately we called it 'Fanny Hill meets Regency Romance'. We bought or cranked out a few dozen Regencies, threw in a few bodice rippers, and ladled on plenty of sex. Unlike porno movies where the whole point was to have sex, on these we had to rely upon such strange concepts as "story" and "plot", but the difference was profound. Where the romances had plenty of situations, we turned all of the social ones into sexual ones. London was rampant with sex, and men did what men did, but...
Megan is getting suspicious about her roommates grades picking up, bearing in mind she never stops partying and she didn’t start studying either, she is managing to ace this trimester. When she asks her what her secret is, her roommate lets on about her affair with their TA, and Megan decides she wants in on the action too. When Megan meets up for him for their next lesson, she gets straight to work ensuring that she gets the same arrangement for the rest of the term – with an added...
xmoviesforyouAll writings in this series are purely works of fiction and any reference to companies or people are fictitious for the purposes of this fictional writing. Tesco Tart - Part Ten. Claire watched with smug accomplishment as Michelle dutifully and obediently responded to her new Supervisor's command and stepped out of her office, respectfully closing her door softly behind her. Her modest Checkout Supervisor's office was one of two doors off of the main checkout office, the other...
The rest of the evening went uneventfully. After I finished eating, rinsed the plates and cooking things and put them in the dishwasher and refrigerated the leftover Bearnaise, I did a little more Tosca and then decided to call it a night. I gave the cat his final teaspoons of vodka—what with one thing and another I'd about gone through the bottle, I noticed—and headed off for bed. Briefly I thought about taking him upstairs; he'd slept with me every night. But the prospect of rolling over...
Sarah Vandella couldn’t be happier now that she has the perfect family, except that she fears her new step daughter Molly Mae may be sexually active with her son. Sarah has a little talk with Molly about brother and sisterly love but she clears the air that nothing taboo or inappropriate is happening behind her back. Sarah admits she’s a little jealous of all the time Sarah is spending with her son and admits how she wants to offer her a lesson in lesbian fornication. Molly grabs...
xmoviesforyouI slowly opened eyes and saw a beautiful girl sleeping beside me.Her soft pale skin, lovely eyes, juicy lips, soft nipples, juicy nipples were making me feel how lucky I am to have her.I still remember our relationship back then before she left the house. We never had a brother-sister like relationship. We never used to talk much. She was busy in her world and me in my world. She was 8 years older than me.So I didn’t like the idea of staying in my sisters house when my mom decided to go on a...
Ebar bogol chere maa er dudh duto niye basto hoye porlam….bra ta haat diye kholar chesat korlam….kintu parlam na….tai jora jorui korte thaklam….fole bra tar huk chire gelo…r bra ta chitke ekpase porlo……maa er dudh duto jeno laf diye baire ese porlo…..uffffff….ki dudh……jhuno narkol maa er buk theke jhulche….boyosko mohilader dudh je eto valo hoy ei prothom onuvob korlam……..maa er dudh duto darun forsha…r bes tholthole, gorom!!!…..sira Guli porjonto dekha jachhe…..dudh er ekdom majhkhane….kalo...
100% fiction story! It was a boring Friday night no one home TV and video games. I lived with my aunt and she is single and very lonely. She was very sexy. It was very late at night when she got home. She awoke me but singing very loudly. I walked down stairs and she said “Hey you what are you doing home.” “I was asleep and your ass woke me up” “Don’t be like that” She handed me a beer and then I took hers cause she had way to much to drink. Then she said “I want to show you something.” She...
Incest"Okay boys, I am your two dollar whore and you can have whatever you want out of me! The one thing I ask is that you both cum on me… on my face, in my mouth, on my tits… whatever. I want to feel your hot cum all over me. I am your cumslut, for your use and pleasure!" she said.I saw Tony's eyes get wide as she talked, but when she reached up and unhooked the front clasp of her pink and black bra and peeled apart the two sides, Tony's eyes got twice as wide!Pam isn't the largest woman in the...
Wife LoversI had met Richard at my husband’s office. He was there on business and was a good client of Victor’s company. After chatting for a while in the office, I told Victor I was going to the mall for some shopping; so Richard announced he was also leaving and then he offered to drive me to my destination.My car was at the mechanic workshop; so I gladly accepted the offer.Richard was a very handsome man, in his early fifties; but nice manners, a true very kind gentleman. He had a toned fit body, made...
The day is long, but I can’t seem to keep my mind from thinking about you. I have never seen you, nor have I felt your gentle touch upon my skin. Although we have never met in person, I feel as if I have known you forever. When I close my eyes, I feel your touch upon my skin. I feel your warm breath as it caresses my neck. As the day winds down, I run hot water for a bath. I lower myself into the tub, letting the warmth of the water envelope my skin. I think about you. I close my eyes and...
Carrie and Steve By Ricky Part 1 - Carrie's Tale Life was beautiful. Sun, sea, sand, water, fine food, entertainment, a soft bed and a new husband to share it with. Our honeymoon was everything we could have wanted, except maybe too short. We spent a lovely week indulging ourselves, then headed for our new home in upstate New York. Now I grew up there and know that New York in April can resemble anything from tropical to tundra, but Steve is from the southwest. We met when...
Emily walked into the building. It was clean enough, but barren. She was told it used to be a hotel; perfect for what she had in mind. She straightened out the table, placed a cute little bell on it, and set a couple of chairs in front of it. Then she went upstairs and opened the first room. It was dusty and unkempt, but it had a bed. That was all she needed for now. A bed, and her cunt. That was to be the humble start of her new brothel. She blew the dust off of a mirror and looked at herself...
It was really a case of being in the right place at the right time or, perhaps in Bardhini’s case, in the wrong place at the wrong time! Let me explain. I am 43 years old, divorced, and run my own IT consultancy which is very successful and I travel all over India. On this occasion I was in southern India and an appointment, which I had planned as being for a whole day, was wound up, very successfully, in a morning. I decided, therefore, to take the quieter roads home and enjoy some of the...
Nancy was in her cheerleading uniform for a big game. She looked luscious in the dark-blue skirt, the white pleats, her white vest full of her teener tits. Her tanned legs looked delicious, encased in the blue-knee sox, the blue-and-white tennies. She had her hair in double ponytails, parted in the middle, bangs on her forehead. She met Chrissie after class. "You ready to go turn 'em on again?" Chrissie asked. "Sure." "Let's really be sexy today, okay?" "You wanna?" "Yeah, I...
“He fucked her last night?” Zaria says over the phone, not able to hide her dismay from her best friend. If anyone can sympathize with her then it is Yesenia. “Well, you are just going to have to show him that you’re a better fuck than your mom,” Yesenia fires back quickly. “My dad doesn’t dare touch my mom when I’m home. He knows that if he pisses me off, I’ll stop fucking him.”
KimMy older sister and I had always been friends growing up out in the country property. We had sixteen hundred acres of ranch land in South Texas and when our grandparents and parents passed away we refused to sell the land. I took control and leased the land to a rancher at about half what the leasing would cost him as well as a twenty percent cut of his profits. This made us more than enough to keep the land as well as pay all the taxes. We owned the mineral rights still and a drilling...
The frigid North wind was cutting into Gabriela's slender middle like a pointed dagger sharpened by one of the demon horde. She was loath to give it more than a barely noticeable hunch of her softly curved shoulders lest she be seen as a weak-kneed cunt unable to brave the elements. Her legs were sensibly encased in a leather sheath of the supplest of sheepskins and she wore a tunic trimmed with the fur of a devilish little fox that had made away with a precious chicken in the middle of the...
Sammie’s New Home 1st Story in the “Sammie” Series By: Sitback Wayne and Suzanne are a happily married couple with 2 sons (Roy, age 15 and Glen, age 10). They have been married over 16 years and have been together for over 20. While they have fun sexually (doing some really imaginative things together, including openly fantasizing about other people while they are making love with each other), neither has been with anyone else since they met. Wayne and Suzanne also use the internet to “play...
Love StoriesI entered the Greyhound bus station to get out of the bitter cold. I was shivering and very hungry. I had no money and nowhere to go. I took a seat at the end of a row in the passenger waiting area. I began rubbing my hands and arms in an attempt to get warm. As I sat there, someone took the seat next to me. I did not look up, but wondered, with all the available seats why someone would take a seat right next to me. I kept rubbing gaining a little warmth in my freezing bones. Then I heard a...
Gay MaleSusan, Adam and JoeFamily, Close Relations, Up skirt/Pantie Flash, Multiple partners, Cum Dump, Pregnancy Joe arrived at Susan's in the mid afternoon. Adam and 4 of his “crew” were there. Susan had on her “little Blue Dress”, one just sexy enough to entice, over sheer “Day Glow” bright yellow, bra and pantie set. Adam brought in his suit bag and over night suitcase. He noticed the suitcase was weighty, but passed the thought, and left with his crew. Coming back an hour later, out of the view...
Note : This story is completely fictional! At 7 am I got up with a huge headache and headed for the shower. I heard the door open and Mom asked what I wanted for breakfast. I said, anything is fine. I got out and headed for the kitchen in just a towel. Mom was at the stove cooking, wearing only a pajama top, hair messed up. She was so cute. I walked up behind her and put my arms around her under he breasts and said good morning beautiful. She leaned her head back and kissed me and said, hows...
IncestThree Years Later It was cold. It's surprising how cold it gets in parts of the Middle East. Most people just think about the desert and the heat, but some of the mountains stay close to freezing in the winter months. It's even colder when you have a hodge-podge of thin rags for clothes, and your bed is a hard stone floor. Also, it didn't help that the guards had woken me up in the middle of the night by throwing a bucket of dirty water on me. From the smell, they had also used the...