Captain Janeway Captain s Slave
- 4 years ago
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In blustery November the Janet Lune's luck improved. No more cases of dysentery developed although a few men still suffered chronic diarrhea and spent many mournful days in the neighborhood of the heads, standing at the rail on one foot and then the other and commiserating in a huddle of misery.
After Clemence's burial many days passed without a death but at the month's end a foul odor led to the discovery of what was left of a small convict in the space where the anchor ropes were stowed. The victim, his throat cut, had been crudely emasculated, and that news spread through the ship in minutes as did word of what had been found in his desiccated and rat-gnawed mouth. The purser crossed the twenty-first name from his list, and the first mate abandoned the search for the killer when his usual sources came up dry even after he loudly offered a crown and a jug of rum as a reward.
For some reason, perhaps the improved aim of the passengers, the rat population seemed to have decreased although they could still be heard scurrying through the hold and bilges during the dawn watches. The pair of ambitious apprentices who had been killing, skinning, cleaning, roasting and selling rats for tuppence closed up their forecastle butcher shop.
The ship's standard food, monotonous and salty though it was, got no worse except for the burrowing weevils and stranger-legged vermin in the tinned biscuits. Those who liked to crumble crackers into their watery stew came to look for movement before they ate. Although cloudy and acrid, the water supply remained adequate and still fairly palatable, certainly potable. Most of the men had grown to like the taste of citrus and looked forward to their daily dose.
A few fights broke out on deck, usually angry wrestling matches after loud name-calling, but most seemed, to both participants and crew, more entertainment than serious disputes and often ended in raucous laughter and bloody embrace. The apprentices engaged in noisy relay races around the masts and other athletic contests on Sunday afternoons to the enjoyment of all including Anne and Priscilla who applauded from the quarterdeck after dining with the always-impatient captain and his randy first mate. The mate banned the climbing contests after a leaping boy fell and broke his leg.
Elizabeth and Matthew now often found themselves standing near each other at meals and occasionally held hands as they fell asleep after Matt moved over to Benjamin's empty hammock. An unspoken bond, built on mutual loss, grew between them, one that Elizabeth did not even daydream about. They both mourned their losses silently but deeply. The handholding meant security, not shared affection, so she believed, and she always marveled at the size of Matthew's hand in which hers seemed lost. She was not sure what the craggy-faced man thought of it and neither was he although the contact with her fingers pleased him.
The fair, young boy Matthew had been sheltering went back to his friends; confident he could protect himself from predators. The Conroy girls, at their first Wednesday tea, a rather stiff and awkward get-together in very cramped quarters, had suggested that Elizabeth take the purser's narrow sleeping space next to theirs, but the captain, who had originally considered that plan as proper retribution, eventually rejected the generous idea. The Conroys were disappointed since the purser's prolonged and sonorous snoring often kept them awake.
Heeled over in a steady breeze from the northeast, the ship raised a misty point of land just south of Hatteras early on the twenty-ninth of November having weathered a serious storm that blew itself out after three wet, anxious and turbulent days. The "Lune" then clawed her way up the often-foggy coast with the help of friendly winds from the backside of the gale, sometimes making more than a hundred miles from noon to noon. With the huge mainsail now often hanging out to starboard rather than on the port side where it had been for much of the ocean crossing, the slim schooner took on a different attitude. The air smelled better; the food tasted fresher, fishing improved and most conversations tended to be about the future. Both ruddy Matthew and freckled Elizabeth studied what little they could see of the land and concluded that most of America was densely forested.
The captain had the purser break out his store of razors and scissors, and the men began taking turns pumping the grindstone and barbering each other's shaggy locks, On Sunday, after breakfast and the brief church service in which thanks was given for safe deliverance to the New World, with the sky high and blue and the sea calm and green, the first mate all but ordered the men who had not done so to shave off their scraggly beards and cut each other's tangled hair. He suggested that the use the seamen's system of tie-mates. The cook produced a tub of soft soap for the shavers and those who wanted to wash their greasy heads. Mamood found some more cord and offered it to the men who wished to tie back their tailored locks into the accepted style of the day. Elizabeth strung her clothesline at the forepeak and invited all to use it if they wished although there was almost no wind. Most of the passengers were still wearing the clothes they had come aboard in and therefore most smelled as rank as rotted meat.
Elizabeth washed and cut Matthew's hair and was pleased when he displayed his nicked but clean-shaven jaw to her. No one was ever likely to call the square-faced, heavy-browed, hawk-nosed young man handsome, but Elizabeth thought him rugged and strong like one of the helmeted warriors she had seen depicted in a Cornish cathedral's stained-glass windows. Everyone's morale seemed to improve, and some men even bathed under the pumps; to the astonishment of the Conroy girls when they came on deck unannounced that Sunday afternoon.
Off the coast of Virginia's Northern Neck on another unusually mild day, the hammocks were hauled on deck, more men bathed themselves and the hold was again sweetened with vinegar. Matthew took care of Elizabeth's hammock while she used the girls' soap and washed her long, sun-streaked hair in rainwater the cook had collected for her.
"Should I hack off most a'this mop then?" she asked Matthew, holding out her yard-long skein of wet hair, mischief in her eyes.
"No! Please don't," he replied, standing guard while she dunked her head in the bucket. "S'blood, woman! It's beautiful."
"Such blatherskite, from a knot-headed Kentishman at that. Yer a bloomin' disgrace. An' I was goin' t'ask ye t'cut it for me."
"T'would be a sin, woman. Believe me." He leaned back against the rail and turned serious, his hard face grim and determined, his brow furrowed. "No one knows what'll 'appen tomorrow much less in this Maryland, Elizabeth. But remember, girl, I promised your good man I'd look after you if I could." He snorted and looked away, having spit out half of a speech he had long rehearsed.
"Thank you, Matt, I ken y'did, but I 'spect we'll each 'ave t'care for ourselves once someone 'as our bond. 'Eaven knows where we'll be working or what we'll be doin' in a month or two. You take care a'yourself." She patted his hand. "That's enough f'me. You'll stay in m'prayers. But you've no obligation, man. None a'tall." She wrung out her hair like a mop, having answered his offer without looking at him directly.
"I'll find you, when I kin marry. When I've served m'years, when we're both free." Matthew watched the woman with open admiration as she shook her head and Scotch-combed her tangled tresses. "I'll find you. Then we'll see." He laughed and shook his head. "Maryland can't be as big as London." He grinned widely, relieved to have said what he thought right.
Elizabeth turned away and let her long hair hang down over her face so that Matthew could not see her tears. She had not cried very much when Clemence dropped into the sea, but the pain only hid away, the longing and the empty place. She liked men and enjoyed being loved, had for as long as she could recall. Her view of the future stood clouded at best and generally dark, heavily curtained.
Neither she nor Matthew had ever used the word "love," as far as she could remember, and he had not said that he hoped she would marry him, only that he felt obliged. She did not know what she would say if he asked. He was hardly the man of her girlish dreams. Even poor Clemence had been much easier to look at. She silently wept for Clemence and for herself. The resulting ache lasted until the next morning.
Except when it was raining, the Conroy girls reappeared on the quarterdeck every day wrapped in cloaks and hoods and obviously enjoying the sight of green land and marveling at the flights of birds and the antics of the dolphins that sometimes leapt alongside the ship. Often the younger girl's long, red hair escaped like a deep umber pennant flapping behind her. It was hard not to notice them and sometimes a score of men loitered for their appearances.
The two sullen prisoners, still bolted to the deck on short chains, had survived the icy storm that sent sheets of cold, green water cascading over the rails and through the scuppers. They were exempted from the issuing of razors and scissors. Quinn's curly, red beard now covered much of his narrow face while Sean O'Malley's dark facial hair had a rather broken and splotchy pattern, perhaps because of his smallpox scars. They generally squatted like red Indians, wrapped in faded canvas, as the weather grew steadily colder.
On December the fifth, a cloudy Tuesday, the Janet Lune scudded by the wide, shallow opening of the South River and dropped her best anchor in the muddy mouth of the Severn. They had arrived at Maryland's capital, a town that took pride in its red brick streets, strong-willed women, and graceful good manners.
The captain sent his first mate ashore in the small boat he called a "gig" to make the necessary arrangements for docking and for the sale of the passengers' indentures. On Wednesday a bordered advertisement appeared informing readers of the Annapolis-published Gazette that nearly a hundred "prime and able" servants would be available aboard the "Maryland-built Janet Lune at the city dock on Saturday instant." The ad listed some of the skills the men were said to possess and stated that a few seven-year servants were also available, which all Maryland knew meant convicts, "King's Passengers" some called them. The bottom line read: "plus a number of healthy field hands, likely apprentices and one domestic woman, age 19."
When the gig returned, it brought a slim young man wearing a brown tie-wig, flaring plum-colored jacket with many rows of bright buttons, long waistcoat, fawn knee britches, clocked silk stockings and silver-buckled shoes. He also wore a sword which the sailors called a "hanger." He introduced himself to the captain as one Andrew M'Kenna and asked to see the misses Conroy, whom he named as his stepsisters.
The newly-shorn "redemptioners," as they sometimes called each other, although they knew that was not the proper word, watched this playlet with elbow nudges and unconcealed amusement. They had not seen anyone dressed in such a stylish manner for months nor had they viewed so much hat waving, leg-making and by-your-leaving since some had enjoyed the bawdy comedies on the London stage that often featured a youthful fop or dandy as the butt of coarse jokes of the codpiece or cow-pie variety.
The beardless youth was taken down to the girls' cabin and soon all three appeared on deck, the young women in bonnets and muffs as well as their familiar capes. Next came the young ladies' sturdy baggage from deep in the hold. The crewmen roped the multi-strapped trunks down to the gig and the women followed, showing a bit of stripe-stockinged calf as they climbed over the rail to the boarding ladder. Anne went first, auburn curls tossing across her smiling face, and as Priscilla put her feet firmly on the ropes, with her head barely above the rail, she stopped and called out, "Elizabeth, oh there, Elizabeth."
Matthew fetched the woman, and elbowed passage for her through the crowd of onlookers. "I will not forget," Priscilla told her. "I hope we will see you on soon, and I'm sorry there'll be no tea this week. Here are some things, buttons for your dress. I found them when we were packing."
"Thank you," Elizabeth said, taking from the girl's hand three ornate brass buttons wrapped in a large, pink handkerchief which also held a spool of dark thread and a sliver of soap with two steel needles stuck in it.
"Oh," said Priscilla, popping back up above the rail after taking a step down, "this is my new stepbrother, Master Andrew M'Kenna. My father married his mother earlier this year."
The young man standing by the rail swept off his tall, tri-cornered hat with its royal cockade, made a leg and a small bow and said, "Madam."
Elizabeth answered with an equally small curtsey and replied, "Sir." She smiled into the boy's eyes but did not care for the insolent look and obvious sneer he returned.
Then they were gone. Elizabeth watched the heavily-laden boat make its way toward the shore leaving even sets of oar splashes on each side. She looked toward the black tree limbs and ranks of bright white and dark red buildings in the distance and the large, brick structure rising atop a central hill near a humble steeple. Probably another church, she thought. Maryland seemed to be a bit like England, she thought, just newer, fresher, and she saw no sign of any mines.
The next two days were reasonably mild for a Chesapeake December, and the captain did all he could to get his passengers ready for the Saturday morning sale. They now had three meals a day, including fresh-caught fish, and the harried mate, the squat quartermaster and his foul-mouthed assistant inspected each man for cleanliness and general appearance, forcing some to shave again or trim their hair, pare their nails or wash their feet. Clothes were mended, and the bondsmen were encouraged to spend as much time as they could on deck to lose the pallor most had acquired in November from long hours in the hold under battened down hatches.
On Wednesday morning a narrow, hoy-rigged boat appeared with six uniformed rowers, two militia men with muskets and an officer in full-dress uniform. With an exchange of papers and very little ceremony, the captain turned the Irish prisoners over to them and then watched them being rowed away across the half-mile of glass-smooth water. They could hardly walk after more than a month of being restricted to the radius of their six-foot chains. They left without looking at the men who hooted their departure. Elizabeth stayed below, holding her clenched fist to her heart, tasting bitterness, trying not to hate.
On Thursday the captain called everyone to the ship's stern after the morning meal and explained what would be happening on Saturday. His audience was, at the start, unusually quiet, even apprehensive. There was very little coughing or pushing.
"Elizabeth here will go first, so that she doesn't have to see any of you lot without your breeches." A few men nudged each other and weakly smiled. "The planters sometimes want to see your leg muscles, if you have any left, and examine some other things as well. Ahem. They may even poke at you a bit, but I don't think they'll look at your teeth like you was horses. Some might. Don't look surprised when we ask you to strip off; just do it. Any of you with lice, bathe again and get rid a'them, pick 'em off and crunch 'em; don't flick 'em on other men. And try not to breathe on the buyers. Most a'you smell like a slop jar."
That brought a small laugh and some nervous shuffling.
"We'll put up those with a skill or trade first. That's what many of the town folk come for," said the captain, "and then the apprentices. No jesting from you maggots. Just stand there and answer polite as you're asked, no braggin'. An' say sir. I guess we'll have the farm hands, mechanics and laborers after the boys and see what's left. I know some of you came fresh out of the prisons and poor houses, but we don't have to tell these Marylanders that. Most'll know. It's not like the old days when ships full of convicts arrived hereabouts. Just answer polite and say 'sir' now and again. Tug a forelock if ye've got one."
"What happens if there's more of us than jobs, more than there's buyers?" somebody asked in a flat, Midlands accent.
"Ah, well then, you stay warm, dry and fed in a warehouse or storeroom on the dock until we can find someone to purchase your bond. We have a load of tobacco to take back to Scotland and need to get paid for all this good food you et." The captain smiled and looked about.
That brought some coarse comments and "haw-haw" laughs.
"If it gets right down to the end, to sailing time, there's one or two merchants along Factors' Row that deal in indentured folk, Scots more'n likely, but honest men, and we'll send them what's left. This town and this colony is growing fast," said the captain waving toward the steeply sloping, still-forested land. "I know there's plenty of work for carpenters, masons, mill workers and the like. So you may not get what you wants, not exactly nohow, but there's good work here and even more to the west, toward the hills you can't see. I think you'll all find that. They've got a sight of African slaves now, so the market for whites ain't what it was right here on the coast."
"How 'bout wimmen?" someone yelled out.
"Oh, I spied a number of willing lasses when I was ashore," the first mate said, with a grin that suggested he might have sampled one or two. "Don't think there's a shortage of quail in this pretty town. Never saw a port where there was."
Chuckles and nudges along with a few boasts, forearm gestures and calls for bringing some tarts aboard followed that. The crowd broke into knots of worried-looking men, but the apprentices returned to their violent game of stoop tag, and many envied them their lack of care.
On Friday morning Elizabeth came on deck, early as always, to find a thin coat of snow over everything and a few flakes still fluttering down from a slate-colored sky. The temperature had dropped and the clouds were low and milky gray inland, tumbled like ill-gathered sails. The wind from the northeast had swung the narrow ship around on its prime bower so that its prow now pointed out into the horizonless Bay. The powdery snow felt good under Elizabeth's bare feet as she hurried to brush off the seat board and use the heads.
Mamood was standing by the cook's shack when she got there. He nodded 'good morning' to her, his hands pressed together beneath his lips.
"I didn't 'ave a chance t'thank you for 'elping m'husband," she said, touching his arm.
"I am sorry my poor skills, it was not enough," the man said, eyes lowered.
"What killed him then, d'y'think?"
"Oh," said Mamood, looking up and holding the woman's level gaze, "he drowned, like in the sea. His lungs, they fill up. Can't get breath. I'm sorry, missus."
"Have y'seen snow before?" she asked. The Lascar was wearing only a short vest and sailors' loose pantaloons, but he did not seem to be cold. Snow flakes dotted the dark hair poking from around his head cloth. Like the woman, he was barefoot.
"Oh yes, in the mountains, several places, but not like this. It is, what, so beautiful, like painting on wall, like art. Look. Look. Everywhere." He swept his arm toward the shore where the bare-limbed trees were outlined with snow and the rocks wore caps of white.
"Yes," Elizabeth said. "I'd forgotten."
As more men came on deck and the snow blew across the Bay and through the shrouds, Elizabeth received her hot breakfast; porridge, a piece of gristly meat and a hunk of dense cheese. She went back below and ate, sitting in her hammock, thinking of Clemence and Cornwall.
Matthew hurried down the ladder carrying a large, metal pitcher. "There's tea t'day. Who wants some? It's dark, sweet and hot." Several men approached him with their cups, and when he had served all of them, he came to Elizabeth's place.
"Y'were too early for the tea. Want some?"
She nodded, trying to chew the salty meat, and held out her tin cup. Matthew filled it and then sat across from her and poured himself some steaming tea. Their knees touched as he set the pitcher between his broken boots.
"What're you thinking?" he asked.
"Oh, 'bout poor Clemence an' how we got here, home. This Mary-land looks like Cornwall some, 'specially them cliffs we passed back a'ways." She sipped her black tea. "Nothin' really. I guess I'm that worried 'bout tomorrow. D'I tell you that those silly girls said they'd bring their father t'the sale. I think they'd like me for a maid or some such; c'n y'imagine? Me livin' in a fine, brick house."
Matthew admired the three shining buttons on the front of Elizabeth's dress. He reached out and touched one. "They were, I don't know, interestin' people I guess. Like from a different world than the rest a'us. But they did gi' you these and that fine soap."
"And this kerchief. An' we had tea and talked a'silly things, dresses and lace and such." She sat up straight, bloused out the pink cloth around her neck and tucked it down between her breasts. "Haven't 'ad anything there since w'left London. Makes m'feel all ladylike, it does." She smiled and felt happier than she had for weeks.
"Y'look fine," Matthew said. "Your bond says five years, don't it?"
Elizabeth nodded her head, looked at the deck and broke up her piece of yellow cheese. She knew what he was going to say.
"Mine's only four, y'know. When I'm free, if that little man back there in London told the truth; hah, not likely is it, I'll get some money an' clothes, per'aps some land. Then I'll come find you, I will, lass. I promised. Maybe I can buy that last year a'yours."
Elizabeth shook her head and looked away.
"I been askin' about," Matthew continued with a wave at the knots of men nearby. "Course I don' know what you want."
"Don't you worry 'bout me," she said, avoiding the obvious question, pushing it aside. "I tole you. Look after y'self. The time will take care a'the time. You've got no big brother t'back y'up now if y'decide to go and do somethin' foolish then. And I've seen y'do foolish things." She grinned at him.
"Ho, ye do remember when y'first saw us, don' ya?" Matthew asked, slapping his thigh and almost spilling his tea. "We were a fine, rustic pair, weren't we, bumkins?"
"Hm," said Elizabeth, sipping at her steaming cup. "And weren' y'just a bit tipsy and hadn't y'been abed with some hussy, a fat one at that?" She smiled at him.
"Lord, yes, I still remember her dugs. She was awful, like a whale or somethin', and didn't she smell. Y'saw us come down and head for the ship, didn' ya, you an' Clem?"
"Aye, an' heard poor Ben heave up 'is supper, too, right out in the public street."
"My Lord, I'd forgotten that." He snorted. "Seems like years ago 'stead of a few months."
"Tomorrow, friend, w'turn a page, another page."
"More like a whole new book, a whole new world." Matthew took her hand. It was cold. Elizabeth felt his heavy bones and tight sinews, the blood sliding by, the chain-pump calluses. It was hardly a gentleman's hand. She felt her minutes of happiness fading away and worm-like worry returning, burrowing deep.
The sale began early on Saturday morning after the ship was warped to the Annapolis dock. The indentured men stayed below deck while the buyers came aboard to be welcomed by the captain and the purser. The cook produced an endless supply of coffee and chocolate as well as baskets of what he called scones which were so hard many men dunked them before trying to chew them.
Elizabeth had combed her hair as best she could and tied it back with braided twine. Her shift was clean and her dress mended, her buttons bright. She now stood quietly near the cabin door watching the clean-shaven men in their tight coats and fancy waistcoats step onto the deck and look about at the carefully furled sails and taut rigging. Most were mature, some gentlemen were wearing wigs and carrying canes or walking sticks while others were plainly dressed. A few were obviously in various trades. Two wore leather aprons. They segregated themselves into small groups and held boisterous conversations while they waited, stamping their well-shod feet in the chill. If any glanced at the slim woman, she never caught them at it.
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Authors note: First off, all persons in this story are 18 years of age or older. I like to describe young adults with girl or boy rather than young woman or young man. This story happens many years after the events of my stories "Chosen" and "A (porn) star is born". There will be references to events and characters from these two stories, so if you are unfamiliar with the two stories, I recommend checking them out before reading this story. I will add a chapter with character info, which may...
Mind ControlShe has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dog’s tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, it’s such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor, only a black dog collar with dog tags on it around her neck to show all, but mostly myself she’s mine...
Introduction: Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole Amber is 18 now as of this writing. She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dogs tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, its such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor,...
Brave New World By Callie Messenger You probably won't believe this. No, that's wrong, you will believe this, because that's my power. That's my talent, to let you understand what happened to you and me, to everyone in fact. I asked for it when I made my wishes. Well, wish actually, because what I asked for was so big I had to combine the wishes I'd been given. But combine them I did and the result was what you're looking at now. Not just me, I mean everything. Because I...
We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...
MY NEW WORLD Chapter 1. I lay on my back on the bed, naked as the day I was born, my legs held up in slings. Sister, for that is what she was, leaned over me, smiling, as she slid her fingers over my breasts. "Now then," she murmured, "let us see how different we have made you." Her long red finger nails slid over my nipple and I felt it harden. I also felt something else harden. That was between my legs and was, unlike my breasts, something that I had been born with. Unable...
This part has no transformations in it. If you are looking for the purely transformational stuff, go to part 2. PART ONE: A STRANGE NEW WORLD --- "Man I'm going to fail this test." I looked up from my textbook. My roommate, Marcus was leaning back in his chair. He ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. I shrugged. We both knew that studying for this test was impossible. But we had to try to pass. "Don't be so negative!" Macy sat up from the floor. Her notes...
A strange family of bacteria has infected humanity during the 1850's. The bacterium(later call Femrite50) was mostly has a positive effect on humans better immunity, metabolism, and more durable so the people of the world thought as a blessing from their respective Gods that was until the kids came in the world. The bacteria amazingly ingrained itself into humanity makeup with easily with children born with it. It effect each race differently mostly regarding the sexes with a feminine...
InterracialAs she walked down the street, she reflected on the last few years development. She had always been sceptical about politician, but if there was one thing she was certain about, it was that the ?New Front? could not be all bad. Since they had landed on earth, and explained, in such a plausible manner, their striking resemblance with humans, they had managed to create world peace, get rid of all pollution, reverse the glass house effect, and divide earth's resources equally, and in a way that...
A Brave New World By Jennifer Richardson I suppose that I was a pretty lonely soul. Having moved to London from one of the provincial cities to find work, I was surprised to find that for a city of millions of people, the capital was just as lonely a place to be. As a postgraduate with a good degree I'd been confidant of finding a lucrative job. As it turned out the companies I'd been applying to wanted both qualifications and experience, I had the former but not the latter...
Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds By Solari Author's note: "The Lost Worlds" is the first story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun," and "Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that...
Queen of the Underworld By Red_Elise "So what is it?" Sano asked, watching the necklace dangle before his eyes. "It's a ring, in case that fact escaped you." He inclined his head to Lina, looking at her curiously. "What is a ring doing on a necklace?" Lina's cheeks became flushed, but her embarrassment faded as she let her frustration get the better of her. "If you don't like it then give it back!" Sano looked at her with surprise before slipping the necklace over...
Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds By Solari Author's note: "Destroyers of Worlds" is the third story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds," and "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that unfold. "What you consider...
We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...
Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversAndee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversShortly after returning to Zephyrus Sgt. Budzinski asked the AI, "How many did we get?" The AI responded, "There are 265 volunteers and 1467 concubines aboard the three ships bound for Azahar. Ninety-five pods on Zephyrus, ninety-two pods on Aurora, and ninety pods on Chronos have been allocated to sponsors. There are an unusually large number of children per concubine, and twelve very large families that need double pods for adequate space. One pod on each ship is being reserved for a...
Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...
“I was ordered to not wear any today.” Hearing her words, Paul’s hand stopped for a moment, then continued to explore her compliant body. “I see, well I’m happy to report you are following orders at least.” Kicking at the inside of her calf he told her “Move your feet apart”, sliding his hand along the back of her right thigh as she moved as he asked. “What else were you told to do, I wonder?” he said, his hand running up the inside of her thigh, almost, but not quite, touching her aching...
Located at the edge of the Terminus Systems is the planet Koralia. Its snow-covered surface is often wracked by severe storms that makes travel inadvisable. Beneath the surface of Koralia is a city built from the remains of a massive mining facility that was abandoned centuries ago. The city has no official name but is often referred to as 'The Underworld'. The Underworld is a hub of drugs, weapons, and various forms of trafficking. It is ruled by an albino Asari crimelord known as Queen Miris...
Cosmos looked across the worlds, across the timelines. Each was so full of life. Children played and laughed. Flocks of Chocobo ran across fields. She could also see the battles. Heroes of all kinds, fighting to save their worlds from threats both great and small. But they were in balance. She couldn't interfere. It was against the rules that both she and Chaos were bound by. Only when the balance was broken, could they dare to let their powers shine upon the worlds. That was just how things...
The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction. The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even...
He checked his steak and turned off the grill. He put his steak on a plate and took it to the living room. He sighed has he began watching the news in the dark. The newscaster was going on about some strange lights seen in the sky the past few nights and how astronomers were stumped as to what they could be. Allen shook his head because he could care less about such nonsense. There were enough problems on Earth to be dealt with as it is without us focusing on the sky. He slowly ate his steak...
Introduction: this is a stroy i wrote for a friend on here but i hope you all like it. and before you start saying things in this story are impossible remember its science fiction Allen was standing out in his backyard cooking some steak on his BBQ. It was a calm summer night with clear black skies and the sound of children in the distance. Allen was reminded of those nights when he would be making burgers for his family then they would hang out together and play party games like charades or...
There are many worlds out there. Some are shining examples of science, allowing us to travel between the stars and meet new sentient species. Some worlds are pure magic, and the swords and sorcery of mankind constantly battle monsters that have long gone extinct in the worlds of science. Finally we have worlds almost exactly like yours, except they may hold hidden worlds of magic, are home to aliens from other planets, or be the battleground of superheroes and supervillains. I turn your...
You find yourself in a blissful, yet pensive state of mind. You feel as though you're on the cusp of something big, yet can't quite put your finger on it. Your thoughts toss and tumble through various visual dreams. First you're inside a cozy room with friends. A glow of orange and yellow light quivers from behind the mantel and you all laugh together as someone draws a card before the image shifts again. This time you're in a Cathedral. Looming pillars and a high ceiling of black brick line...
(This is my first story on this site, please leave feedback so I know what you like and dislike) A throbbing headache, this was the first thing the people in the town square felt after waking up, quickly followed by confusion as they opened their eyes to look around and realize that they are no longer where they last remembered they were. It took a few minutes before one of them looked up at the sky to see a figure floating up there, but no matter how hard he looked all they could see was a...
Non-EroticWhen Angie came to Duke University, she was placed with a roommate that was randomly selected. Since she was moving so far away from home, she knew no one at the school, so she really had no choice but to live with a stranger. When Angie met Melissa, she was so relieved that she had a seemingly normal roommate and Angie and Melissa became friends fast. They even joined a sorority together, Alpha Theta Omicron. They had a blast their first semester, parties, sorority functions, and late night...
BisexualDate: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:01:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Sharon Pinder Subject: THE NEW WORLDWarning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.Author's Note:This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for...
The New WorldBy BossDaddyThe year was 2034 and on a quiet April morning our world change… forever. News reports stated that NASA deep space satellites saw a large dark object on a path to earth. They watched it for weeks and at first thought it was a meteorite but they calculated that it was slowing down as it approached Earth. The day came when the object simply stopped between the moon and earth. Earths governments tried to communicate with the object but nothing happened. Then a few days...
It had been the Daily Mail that had first broken the news, shortly followed by all of the World’s media. During the Autumn, scorn had been poured upon the doomsayers who believed in the old Mayan prophecy, that this 400 year cycle was going to end in the destruction of the whole world. But those deriders had to eat their words when the news of the asteroid was broken, by a technician at Jodrell Bank who sold the story to the Mail. The world did indeed have only a few weeks more left, until...
Love StoriesThis character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...
Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...
Hi lads.As normal, all my stories are true and I'll only change names to protect identities. Don't forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it :)Happy reading guys.*****************************Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you've done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But there...
One day Dvnasty is accidentally killed by God mistake. As an apology, God allows him to be resurrected but God cannot send him back to his old world. God instead reincarnates him into a fantasy world along with a single special request. Dvnasty uses his request in hope to find true friendship in the new world that await him. However, God did not tell him that he will be resurrected as a girl without any memory of his current life. Without knowing this is her second chance at life, Dvlice...
Non-EroticIt's 2019 things ain't the same anyone, near the end of 2017 there was a huge violent outbreak of a disease that is called the female disease. More and more females started getting the disease there is no cure for it at this moment in time if you have it you die, men seem to be immune to it. Only a rare female blood type can servive the disease. The few remaining females are all in a secret underground base and are being tested and used to keep the human race alive, so the world we know today...
“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...
“Two Guardians have been assimilated, their power made my own, and the military might of the world has been all but erased. Who in this world has the power to stop me? Is there anyone left with a will great enough to overcome my own? Born with a heart of such holy righteousness that even my accursed gluttony is overwhelmed? I wonder if the Old Gods are aware of what has happened to their children? Have they learned to feel fear? Do they shiver from the approaching chill of Ragnarök? They...
So this is it. Mike was standing in Leanne Crow Avenue staring at the billboard above his head in disbelief: “Big City Cum Drive”. Next to the headline was a picture of his daughter, Annie. The picture was a documentary photo from her medical file. It showed her naked from the waist up, staring expressionless into the camera, like on a mugshot. Except this shot showed her asymmetrical massive breasts, that hung like well rounded drops just an inch over her bellybutton. Annie’s breasts had been...
Vanessa was sat cross-legged on the floor, her 15-year-old body was maturing fast, and her breasts had become larger but had remained firm. She remembered the old days when she attended school. She could smile as she learnt about simple things, like animals, countries and how to add up simple sums. She cast her mind back to her father, how he had told her how fast she was developing and how she would be a “heartbreaker in no time”. She smiled to herself, looking around at the large room...
Warning! This will be an extremely depraved story centered on gooning and porn addiction. This story will focus on endless mind numbing pleasure, and probably won’t have much plot or conflict. Only pleasure and the pursuit of more of it. “Nnggg!” You moan out as you come down from another edge. Your brain is absolute mush as you pump your cock with your Angela White fleshlight and fill your retinas with copious amounts of porn through multiple screens in your vr headset. You’ve been going at...