Brave New World free porn video

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As she walked down the street, she reflected on the last few years development. She had always been sceptical about politician, but if there was one thing she was certain about, it was that the ?New Front? could not be all bad. Since they had landed on earth, and explained, in such a plausible manner, their striking resemblance with humans, they had managed to create world peace, get rid of all pollution, reverse the glass house effect, and divide earth's resources equally, and in a way that did not depend on oil, and was in fact stable and renewable. Not being into politics or science, she rarely pondered on the remarkable ways in which they had obtained this, it was another fact about the ?friendliens?, as they where mainly called, that she thought about a lot more. When they had landed, they had explained how their planet had run out of women, due to a tragic infection, that disabled the birth of new baby girls. This process had been going on for some thousands of years, and, whilst trying to solve the problems with genetics, they had instead managed to create men who where naturally more muscular, and who where otherwise well endowed, both intelligence wise, and in other areas. It was a very chauvinistic society, due to women being such a small group, and at the current point almost none existing, and the society being very social, with a common believe that sharing resources, and women not having undergone the same mental development as the men, the discrimination had become even more extreme. When they had landed, their proposal had thus been to help set all Earths problems straight, against 10.000 women of their own picking. Problems had really been hard at that point, and the worlds leaders, not believing it was possible to solve much anything, agreed. Due to the early separation of the friendliens and the earthlings, all friendliens where more pigmented than people of European origin, which also helped in the decision, the white men in power assumed that these civilised black men would of course choose black women, as was the custom of the leading American society. When a mere two years later, all the problems had been solved, it came as a big surprise that the friendliens, who now ran all bureaucratic institutions on earth, asked to have all women screened for their fitness. About a million where then called back for an interview. They where of all races and nationality, the only things that seemed to count for the friendliens was age, physical and mental robustness, and a certain level of intelligence. All the women interviewed where 18 years old, and at the final pick there was a wide representation from all continents. All elite groups had been ?equalised?, as the friendliens called it, but there was still some tension among certain former colonial powers. However, with the still vast population on earth (8 billions), it was not a loss that earth could not take. Lizy, a bright, if somewhat na?ve young girl had been among the chosen.

She was very nervous about the travel to puncto, as the friendliens (who, for very plausible reasons, actually spoke English) called their planet. The Friendliens she had met for the interview had been abrupt and businesslike. She had at first pleaded not to be taken away, but they had in a very resolute manner made it clear to her, that this was not interesting to them, and that she should not attempt to run away, as they would easily catch her, seeing as they controlled all societies. She was the only woman to be deported from her town, so she kissed her pet parrot and her parents goodbye, and made her way to the station. She had brought along some things to remind her of home, as well as a large suitcase of clothing, but the friendliens who met had at the station, immediately  tore it from her, and send it to recycling, She was still rather upset with that, when a friendlien  stepped up to her, and asked  her to please go to cleaning. She was sent into a room, that sprayed a liquid on her body. It melted of both her clothing (that she had carefully put together the very same morning) and all her body hair, much to her dismay. She was then washed, and allowed to change into the outfit they had picked for her. It was a one piece dress, that seemed to be made of several pieces held together by a velcrolike material. The underwear, which was very white and functional, was made in the same manner. It was a perfect fit, and comfortable, though the dress did not have a very long skirt, she was pleased with it. It somehow resembled a cheer leader costume from the 1950s. Lizy, who had been thinking mostly about what she was leaving behind, was now beginning to get really curious about her new life on puncto.

The transportation to puncto was rather uneventful, Liza was put to sleep already in her own home town, when she again opened her eyes she was in a white room, bathed in sun, extremely lush vegetation as far as she could see. She was lying on a strangely comfortable bunk-like white square, otherwise the room seemed to be completely empty. She was still dressed in the clothes she had worn on earth. She could remember nothing about the trip, all she felt, was like waking up after a good nights sleep. When she realised where she was, she felt a pang of grief for the people and places she had left behind, but being young and not the type who reminisced much on anything intangible, the curiosity, and a happy sense of exitment about  all the adventures still to be lived, got the better of her. She jumped up, and went to the window. The room didn't seem to have any doors, and the window seemed to be only an opening, she could even smell the fresh smell of warm tropical forest. With little hesitation, she walked towards it, and swung her legs out of the window, unto the springy forest earth. From outside she could see the building she had been in. It was rather big, and certainly contained more than just her room. Since the forest seemed to be just that, and it was impossible to see any signs of civilisation from all the trees full of flowering wines, she decided to explore the building. It was rather tall, and completely white, almost glowing a clean white, glass-like in texture, but she couldn't see into any of the windows, so she ran along side of the building, to look in the windows. The first two rooms where empty, but looked identical to her own. In the third there was an old man lying on a square just like hers. He seemed to be sleeping, so she tamed her curiosity, and went along. The fourth room was larger, there where several squares along the walls, a group of men where standing  not to far from the window. They where young, though at least a few years older than herself. Lizy thought she might as well enjoy the fact that nobody knew her whereabouts, and eavesdrop on these people. She made sure only to carefully peek one eye in the window, most of her body obscured by the building. The first few minutes they seemed to be discussing some extremely technical technicality. Lizy was about to sneak along, when one of the men changed the subject.

?Have all the girls arrived to their destinations by now??. Lizy jumped, and felt her heart race, finally some answers to what it was she was supposed to do here.?yes, it seems so. A few woke up during the transportation, apparently they where rather loud and disobedient right from the beginning. These earth women are going to take some time to find out where their position is, it seems.? The first man nodded, and was about to speak, what he said ,Lizy didn't hear, because right at that moment, she felt a big hand on her shoulder. She felt her heart miss a beat, and all her hair (that was actually only present on her head) stand on end. She turned around, and looked up into two stern brown eyes. It was a man at the age of maybe twenty-five, he was a lot taller than she, very broad shouldered, and rather intimidating. Like all the friendliens she had seen, he was wearing a very minimalistic white garment, consisting in white pants with no visible means of holding them up, and a white short sleeved t-shirt, though somewhat more fitted. ?Eeh, Hi? she said, it being the only thing that sprung to her mind. ?you don't waste time, do you?? the man asked, with a raised eyebrow. ?ahm.. well, I was alone and..? she said, trying to sound unconcerned, now that she was looking her future co-inhabitant in the eyes, her excitement was mingled with a sense of fear as well. He interrupted her, looking rather annoyed at her answer to his obviously rhetorical question ?Come with me, and be quiet? he said in a deep commanding tone.  She thought about objecting to this kind of rude remarks, after all, she hadn't really done anything wrong, but in the slight period it took her to hesitate, he had already grabbed her upper arm, and was leading her along with him.

He led her around the building, to what looked like a white wall, he ran his hand along it, in what looked like some kind of pattern, and the surface seemed to simply disappear. ?Cool!? she said, earning her a puzzled and somewhat patronising look from the man. They went in, and through some empty white halls, until they reached an area where more men where gathered. Odd looking gadgets where standing along the wall, and some of the men where sitting on squares. ?She was eavesdropping on some attendants, it seems like she had gone exploring, more than an actual attempt to flee?. The men had all turned around, and where standing in a semicircle around them. ?I think some leniency is called for, after all, she has not been informed about her standings yet, and was thus not disobedient. Of course the eavesdropping must be addressed? one man said. The other men seemed to agree, and a few nodded. ?Should we start the initiation first, avoid excuses in the future?? a tall man on her right asked. Lizy, who was finding the whole thing a little insulting, and who was not known to weigh her words much before speaking, spoke up. ?I can speak, you know. I didn't intend to spy on you guys or anything, it's just that I am rather curious to know what it is you actually want from me.. or us, I could say. I mean, like, do you have any specific plans, or what is this about?? All the men where looking at her, not one looked pleased at her little rant, and not one looked like he would actually answer.

One of the men, an equally tall and young looking man, walked up to her, and said ?These are the rules, that we expect you to follow: Do not speak unless spoken too. Always obey, do not ask questions. Do not try to wander of, or even try to flee, it is useless as well as forbidden. We do of course also not tolerate lying, stealing, scheming, eavesdropping, swearing, and other behaviour which is, I believe, also considered wrong on earth. Now, we realise that you are not used to these rules, but this is how things are here. Rest assured that the men you are going to be living amongst are highly ethical, and all more intelligent than yourself. So you can leave us in charge with calm. Do you understand your role now?? Lizys jaw dropped, this was against everything she believed in. She decided to take a stand  immediately, ?I have no motivation to follow your rules, what so ever. Nor do I intend too, who are you to tell me what to do? You have no right to do that. And as for the intelligence, I doubt that it is as easy as that to .. ah.. you know, decide and stuff. I don't mean to insult your culture and stuff, but you can't just decide everything, and not let me ask questions, I am not from here, and stuff. Please just tell me what you.. you know.. want and all, and I'm sure we can come to some reasonable .. agreement?. Lizy tried her best to sound clever, to let them know that she was a force worth recognising. The man simply grabbed her arm, and walked her to a cube.

He turned her around, and looked her in the eyes and said ?You have been informed about the rules, and you chose to break them. I told you not to ask unwarranted questions, and you even spoke out of order. Furthermore, you where caught eavesdropping. Your punishment for the second misdemeanor will be lightened, due to the fact that you had had no introduction yet.? With that, he sat down, and pulled an utterly bewildered Lizy across his knees. Lizy was simply to surprised to object at anything, she immediately tried to get up from this humiliating position, but was kept in place by the strong hand of the man, resting on the small of her back. With the other hand, he flipped up her skirt, and with no hesitation started slapping her butt with a considerable strength. Lizy was horrified, the pain in her bottom, more than she could deal with, she started fighting in earnest. Each slap left a red imprint on the part of her buttocks visible at the edge of her panties. She fought in silence, except for a sharp intake of air at each impact. The man had gathered her arms behind her back, and held her wrists in his hand. She had not chance of protecting herself, nor escape.  After a few seconds of this, the man stopped and said ?do not fight. You deserve this punishment, and the strokes you receive, whilst trying to avoid it, will not be counted?. Lizy somehow managed to relax a little. After two more spanks, she could stand it no more, and started pleading. ?Please, stop. I will do anything you want, please!?. The man didn't seem to take any notion of her words, and kept spanking her with unsubdued vigour. Lizy had never felt so helpless in her life, all she could think of was to make him stop. Soon she was sobbing into his leg, softly mumbling apologies, only to yelp in pain at each new stroke. She had lost count, when he finally stopped. She did not try to get up, as he released her hands, she just let them drop, afraid to anger him more, and relieved that he had finally stopped. Her bottom furiously red, throbbing and stinging.

He let almost a minute pass, until she had calmed down and stopped  sobbing. ?Now, let me ask you again: Have you understood the rules as explained to you?? He asked in a harsh tone. ?Yes, yes, I've understood, I promise? she whimpered, eager to avoid any further punishment. ?What are the rules?? he asked in a somewhat milder tone. ?I won't ask any questions, and I'll do what ever you want. I promise. Please don't hit me any more. ? When he said nothing, she continued ?eh.. and I won't eavesdrop, lie, steal and all that?. ?I'm  glad to hear that?, he said, and lifted her to a stand, and stood himself up. Lizy felt utterly humiliated. She couldn't believe how easily she had given up her principles. Her bottom, though still throbbing and sore, had already stopped hurting. She stared at the ground, and tried to keep her tears from flowing at the miserableness of her situation. Self pity engulfed her, at the prospect of life with such unreasonable people. People who also considered her a bit of a moron. She was used to being among the best in high school, this feeling of inferiority was utterly new to her.

The man gave her hair a patronising tap to comfort her, happily ignorant at the rage now mingled with her feeling of humiliation. Lizy didn't move from where she had been placed, she kept her eyes locked on the (equally white) floor, blushing furiously at the situation. The men seemed to care very little, as they discussed  among themselves. ?I see no reason why we should not reassign her immediately to her family-group? said the man, who had just minutes ago brought her to tears, the man who had led her there answered ?Yes, it seems a convenient moment for that, I would suggest she is handled in the group from now on. I would think it useful for her, to learn obedience from a smaller group of people, thus allowing emotional bonds to form more easily?. Lizy just wanted to go home. She had absolutely no wish to learn obedience, and this planet pretty much sucked, as far as she could tell. She had hoped that the large amount of men per woman would allow her to be waited on a little. Obviously that did not seem to be the case. Maybe if she managed to use other means than overt objection, and speaking to their sense of justice, she would be more successful at creating a bearable life here? Lizy had grown up in society which allowed her to argue her way out of the things she found most unpleasant, and she was used to always having at least a chance at making her case. But she had met women who used flirting and a girly helpless attitude to get men to do what they wanted. Lizy, who was by no means unattractive, had never been a head turner. She was always sensibly dressed, and she had never been any good at flirting, instead she tended to intellectualise when she felt in over her head. Her few encounters with men had ended up in disasters, simply because she had not really been able to find out what she wanted from them. It was not that she was uninterested, she was just really bad at it. Her only real sexual encounter, had been with a guy she met at a party. He had kissed her very wetly, and had tried to convince her to give him a blow-job in an empty bathroom stall. She had simply refused, whilst trying to be coy about the whole thing. He had left, when he finally realised she wasn't interested. The idea of playing femme fatale was therefore rather unappealing, but hopefully these men would be easier, since they must have even less experience than herself. She was caught up in these thought, when she noticed several of the men leaving, and the man who had previously spanked her, turned her rather gently towards him, and lifted her head casually with his hands, to make her look at him. ?My name is Mike, and I am part of your family group?. Forgetting to be coy, Lizy nodded her head in fear of what might happen. His voice and manner where demanding, and her spanking fresh in mind. ?good, then let me clear up some details while we walk?. He gently pushed her in the direction he wanted her to go, and stayed behind her, as he led her through the building. ?Since we are around 100.000 men on this planet, and we decided on a mere 10.000 women, there are obviously ten men for each girl. Subtracting the men who are either to old, to young, deemed unfit, or not sexually interested in women, there are around five men between eighteen and forty-five who are in the right group. In your case, two of these are not interested in living in a family group, and will therefore only  visit occasionally. You will be spending your time in the house of our family, eventually, when your studies are over, you may be allowed to get a job, or even go through a pregnancy, should you feel so inclined. You have about 500.000 years of literate history and technological development to go through  before it comes to this, however. To avoid any conflicts in the group, there will be rotations, should we not be inclined to share. Your day will be taken up mainly with your family duties, and a lot of schooling. There will also be a fitness program set up for you when we arrive. Do you have any questions at this point?? He had led her outside towards a bubbly  device, which was round and completely black. Lizy was trying hard to focus on both looking sexy and femme fatale like, and not to scared and puzzled by the whole ordeal. ?ahm, well, I thought you wanted us here to have babies for you, and stuff? So.. ahh?  getting nervous from his impatiently raised eyebrow, she tried to save it, in what she hoped would be a sexy voice. ?So, you don't want me to have children, how will you get new people then? And can't I decide who should be in my family group thingy, I mean, I would like to, you know, enjoy the selection. Do you want me to clean and cook and stuff, or what is that duty thing about??, On a roll, and happy to be allowed to speak for the first time, Lizy would have continued, but with a somewhat patronising smile, Mike rather harshly, thou not painfully, pinched her mouth shut. ?We would obviously have died out a long time ago, had we not found a way to reproduce without women bodies. We have taken all the healthy eggs we are going to need, and in only 200 years, a mixed population should stabilise at around one million individuals. All buildings are self maintaining, food is produced centrally, so there are no need for cleaning and cooking, though, if you show good behaviour, you will be allowed to take up a hobby from a list, cooking is among those. As to whether you can decide the members of your family group, not that it truly deserves an answer, no, you can't. You are not at liberty to make any choices at the moment, and your  wishes will always come third. After the demands of the state, and then your owners.?Seeing as this was not a reply Lizy felt comfortable with, Mike added ?Don't worry thou, your needs will be met, you shall not go without anything, and you will only be punished when you misbehave?. This did not help to cheer Lizy up though, and she fought the tears of her hopeless situation, whilst Mike opened, and then guided her into the black bubbly thing, which glided noiselessly through what seemed like endless tropical forest. Lizy was quiet, and caught up in her own thoughts for the first part of the stretch. Soon, however, her curiosity at the world around her, got the better of her, and she started looking around the partially transparent bubble. The forest around her was, on closer inspection, not altogether earth-like. There seemed to by strange wines, climbing directly into thin air, and the sounds and colours where very different. The bubble itself was odd, there was no steering wheel, and Mike seemed to control it only by touching the transparent material around them, as they entered the vehicle. Mike seemed calmly interested in her reactions to the scenery. She could feel that the air was cleaner than on earth, even after all the anti-pollution had been set in gear. After a few minutes, her curiosity got the better of her, and she graced the transparent material, in an attempt to see how it worked. She tried to disguise it as a stretchy yawn, and she was truly disappointed, when nothing happened at all. ?All out devices are set not to respond to your touch. A rather wise decision, wouldn't you say?? Mike said, with a somewhat wicked smile. Lizy blushed, and turned her head away from him, to look out the window. After about ten more minutes, she could see something white through the vegetation, and shortly thereafter, they approached  a small cluster of rounded white squares, resembling the building they had left behind. The vehicle stopped in front of a two storeys building, most of the main front was the same none-existing window, she had climbed out of a few hours earlier. Mike encouraged her to follow, and through the open front. Inside was nothing much that she recognised. There where several odd looking thingys along one wall, otherwise, it was an empty white room. A white glassy staircase up to what looked like a wall. Mike tampered with something on a wall, and a lot of the walls seemed to disappear., revealing rather empty looking rooms both downstairs and at the first floor. ?Come along, and I'll show you the essentials.? Lizy followed him, curious at how this place might work. He showed her the food room, where parcels of food arrived, the bathroom, that Mike even set so she was allowed to use it, and he taught her how to touch the wall, to make the door appear, and explained to her how to work the surprisingly complicated thing. The next room, he explained, was a joined study, where she would be doing most of her schooling and fitness. All Lizy could see was a white room, with some black lines, on the left wall, and, again, a large opening to the outside. Thou curious, she managed not to ask questions, mainly because Mike was explaining the whole time. upstairs there where three rooms, one for each of the men, Mike, Jules, and John. The rooms looked empty except for big bed-box  thing on the floor. When they where back in the main room, Lizy put her hand up in the air. Not wanting to break the rules, she really did have a lot of questions. Mike looked at her, first in surprise, then in amusement. ?Why are you holding up your hand??. Lizy was pleased to see it had worked, and replied ?I have a question, I would..? Mike pinched her mouth shut. ?I am not interested. Now, let's get you sprayed while we are waiting for the other two.?. Lizy was blushed red with rage, and send him many an evil look. Mike led her into the bathroom, and pressing the wall, he started a spraying sequence much like the one she had tried on Earth. It wasn't water, and didn't seem

to be liqiud, but she did feel refreshed, and the clothing stayed on this time. When they came out again, she had again forgotten her anger and frustration, at the sight of all the new things, yet to be discovered. She looked around eagerly, and wondered if he would let her go around a little on her own, and how in the world to ask him without asking. He looked at her bemused. ?ok, I'm sure I will regret this, but you may ask what is most on your mind?. Lizy thought a little, she wanted to fit as many question in the one, there where so many things she wanted to know. ?Ahm, Can I try out my room??, she asked, and felt rather cunning, not actually having been shown her own room.

?You don't have a room?, he answered, with a smile. Out of questions, Lizy could do little but to scowl at him. Two men, one rather young, maybe around 21, and with a small beard, and the man who had caught her on her little trip came in the window. They rather abruptly told her their names.  Mike was just a little shorter than Jules, who was the man who had caught her, Joe was the shortest, thou still at least two inches taller then her. They where all muscular, and seemed very fit and healthy, Joe, who seemed to be the friendliest, was slightly less muscular, and had send her half a smile, as he entered. All of them where rather handsome in their own ways. Jules seemed to be a very sporty type, he was positively bulging with muscles, and he seemed to jump, more than walk when he entered the room. He was bald, something that really brought out his muscular jaw. Lizy felt rather intimidates, just by standing in the same room as him.. Mike looked like he could have been a business man or the like, had he lived on earth. His hair was rather short and very well taken care of. Joe looked a little geeky, and had a much more friendly look than the other two. ?Well, this is certainly something we have been looking forward too? Said Jow, and smiled at her. Lizy smiled back, trying to be flirtatious, but as usual she only managed to blush, and look away, when confronted with real life men. Jules had somehow made four squares around a larger circle appear in the room, and ordered her to sit. Lizy complied, and the three men sat as well, in front of her was a square green thingy, and as the others where eating a somewhat larger version of the same, she ate as well. It was not very strong  flavoured, but she was hungry, so she ate it gladly. Joe was the first to speak ?I say we finish the first rotation, eager as we may be. It must be rather overwhelming to her, and there is no rush?. The other two looked at each other and nodded. Joe turned towards her ?We work in shifts of four days, then we have a two day break. Thou we actually mostly work or study there too, it means you will always have one of us home with you?. Lizy looked at him a little puzzled. ?Mike is on the last of his two days today, then Jules, and in three days I will spend two days with you. Is there anything you would like to know?? . Lizy, who was really not to interested in their work schedule,  jumped at an excuse to finally ask some questions, especially to a much friendlier looking guy. ?Why don't I have a room? Where am I supposed to sleep? How do you do that door thing? Do you have any t.v.? Where does that food-stuff come from? Can I get real food? Where do I go to school? How..? Lizy had asked these questions as fast as she could, which was rather fast, and she only stopped because had put a finger on her mouth. ?Now I understand why they don't allow women to talk without being spoken too? Joe said, with a surprised smile at her eagerness. ?Those are a lot of questions, all of them rather irrelevant, since you will understand what to do when we get that far. What we have eaten right now, is real food. We'll allow you to operate the instruments that we see fit, and we will introduce you to them, when that time comes?. Lizy had been rather insulted at Joe cutting her of so roughly, and gave him a sulky look, at his comment about women. This only seemed to amuse him, thou. ?Well, I think it's time to get back to work? said Joe, and Jules nodded goodbye to Mike, and they left as suddenly as they had come. Mike sat an looked at her a little after they had left, and Lizy started to feel a little uncomfortable. Suddenly he stood up, she nervously followed suit, and without a word word he grabbed her upper arm and started walking her up the stairs.

Lizy began getting seriously nervous, and resisted ever so softly. Mike didn't seem to bother much with that, and logged her into the middle room. With a serious air he looked down at the scared girl, looking at him with a worried expression. With a surprising gentleness, he caressed a her cheek, and gently lifted her head upwards. Lizy felt like the world moved in slow motion, as he bend down and kissed her on the lips. Lizy, who had only kissed men of northern European origin, and who had been rather intoxicated the few times it had happened, was completely taken aback by the sensual softness of his lips. Mike kissed her with ever more increasing passion. It had not occurred to Lizy that she could object, mainly because she had not expected this. His kiss send waves of electricity through her body, she had never been kissed like this, and as gently let the tip of his tongue touch hers, she couldn't help but moan in his mouth. In sheer reflex, she had thrown her arms around him, as he held her close to him. He let his hand glide down, and cup her bottom, Lizy was to absorbed by the her sudden desire, to notice it as anything but pleasant. Her pulse was raising, and she felt light headed, as he broke the kiss, only to place more kisses down her face and neck. As he reached her dress, he used his hand, to rip apart the Velcro like pieces. At this point Lizy finally snapped out of her trance-like state, and pulled away from him, collecting the pieces of top as well as she could. Mike looked lightly displeased with this and, turning his back on her, he operated the wall for what seemed to be a rather long while. Lizy looked around for a way to escape, but found the door both blocked by Mike and the window-opening, which had been there when they entered, was now a pale blue transparent surface. She felt tears starting to well up in her throat, at her hopeless situation, when Mike turned towards her again. He grabbed her and pulled her towards him. With a white eleasticlooking thingy, he fastened her hands snugly, but securely to each other, rendering her even more helpless. He then continued to rip her dress from her body. He was obviously enjoying seeing her body becoming increasingly exposed. She noticed an absolutely enormous bulge in his pants, and started sobbing in fear. She was now standing naked in front of him, only covered by the white panties.

He stepped closer to her, and once again put his arm around her. With the other hand, he roughly caressed her naked breasts, taking his time to maul and kneed them. He bent down to kiss her again, and simply forced her face towards him, as she tried to turn away. Even through tears, she could not help but return his kiss, the feeling driving her mad. After several minutes of exploring her breasts with his hands and mouth, Mike simply pulled of her panties, and stepped away from her. He looked at her up and down, with a hungry, predator expression on his face, Lizy unable to cover herself. ?Turn around? he barked at her, and she saw no choice but to do so. He took his time, drinking in her figure, and as Lizy tried to turn, he slapped her brutally on her cheeks, still bearing a few bruises from the former punishment. Lizy started sobbing harder at that, her butt burning from the slap. Mike stepped up to her, and caressed her bottom roughly, enjoying ther little yelps, when he grabbed her particularly rough. He turned her around, and bending her arms between them, he started exploring her naked crotch. Lizy whimpered as his rough fingers send waves of both involuntary pleasure, and discomfort. Mike pressed her roughly against him, letting her feel his rock hard and gigantic erection, before he threw her on the bed-sized square in the room. She was expecting to hurt herself, but it easily absorbed her, and then regained its former shape. Mike brutally dragged her to the middle of the bed. He lifted her arms above her head and fastened them to the end of it. He then roughly split her legs, that she tried very hard to keep together, and somehow fastened her feet rather far apart. The material of the bed was strangely adaptable to his wishes, and he pushed her legs up, until her knees where bent, and her legs wide open, completely exposed to him. He wasted no time, and got between her legs. Her naked cunt seemed small and strangely vulnerable. He immediately started exploring her with both his hands. He cupped her vulva, stroked her along her cunt, and gently pulled and caressed her around her clit. Lizy was terrified and outraged, she had never been this exposed, and his groping was rough, thou not without sometimes touching places that made her moan and shake. Mike took his time, enjoying the first woman ever available to him. He gently opened her labia, something that really made her whimper and fight, and felt around. Her hymen was blocking further entry, and the canal very tight, having to stretch to even allow his finger to enter.

Mike enjoyed her reactions, as much as he did her body, and was particularly intrigued when he stroked and poked at her anus, making her fight and shout for him to stop. Obviously, he couldn't let her get away with shouting, so after repositioning himself, he spanked her cunt, and as much of her cheeks as he could reach in this position. Lizy wailed in pain, and at the second deafening smack, begged for mercy. He gave her five more, before feeling she had been punished sufficiently. Fingermarks from the impact decorated both the the visible part of her bottom, as well as the inside of her thighs. Her cunt was even pinker than before. Just to prove his point, he fingered her anus again, this time only earning whimpers from Lizy. Satisfied with his exploration, and about ready to burst, Mike climbed between her legs, and placed his huge knob at her tiny hole. He moved it up and down along her slit, to make sure he was in the right place, then he started pressing. Lizy was in a world of agony, it felt like it would split her in half. Even as the tip of the head was entering, she started fighting, but it was futile. She wailed in pain,

as her hymen tore, and she started begging and pleading with him. This obviously enraged him, and he bore into her aching cunt with more vigour. Even brutal as he was, it was simply impossible for him to enter her as fast as he wanted, her pussy gave way, but only slowly and reluctantly. When he finally manage to push the last inches in, Lizys wail was a scream, and she was covered in a layer of sweat from the pain. No sooner did he feel his balls touching her inner thighs and anus, before he started pumping her fast and hard, beating into her body at each thrust. Lizy simply cried and moaned in pain each time he re-entered her. After a few minutes of pure ecstasy (for Mike, that is) he came grunting and pushing as hard into her as he could. Lizy felt his dick pulsate and jerk inside her, as he filled her with sperm. Mike stayed inside her, and let himself enjoy the afterglow of his orgasm. Lizy had stopped crying, the pain had subsided somewhat, and there was just a throbbing ache in her cunt, now that he had stopped pumping. The whole experience seemed somehow unreal. Mike leaned over her, still inside her, he started grabbing and biting her amble breasts. He bit only hard enough to make her moan in discomfort, and after a few minutes of this, he felt ready for another go. He turned her head towards him, and secured it with a cord from the bed, then, with his eyes locked on hers, he started thrusting into her again. She soon resumed whimpering, and gulping at this harsh treatment. After a few more minutes of this, Mike leaned out over the side of the bed, and picked up something that looked like a blue band-aid. He attached it over her clit, and the thing sprung to life. It started vibrating and moving against her, sending waves of pleasure through her  body. Mike resumed the rape, and although the pain was still numbing, new feelings started to emerge along side the pain.

Soon she was panting each time he forced his way into her, and as he used his free hand to pinch and knead her breast, she came loudly moaning, as the feeling swept over her. Mike was far from finished, and he continued for half an hour, before finally letting her second orgasm bring him over the edge, moaning loudly in delight. He looked at the gasping girl beneath him, and pulled out without further ceremony. He tapped the side of the bed, and her bondage fell of her. She could hardly gather her legs, and get up, from all the strain, so Mike simply pulled her up by the arm, and pushed her in front of him, down the stairs, and into the bathroom. They got sprayed again, a process that barely took any time, and both sweat and other bodily residues simply disappeared. Afterwards, he guided  her back to the main room, where he gave her some water, and ate another square. He had sat her on his lap this time, the four sitting cubes and the table.

Lizy was still aching, if not as badly any more. She felt humiliated and used, this was not how she had imagined her first time. Her orgasms, thou pleasurable, had somehow just managed to restate his complete domination of her body. Still, it was strangely comforting to sit on his knees, being held in his arms. She rested her head on his chest, and closed her eyes. If only this day could just end, and she could start again. They sat there for half an hour. Then Mike started grabbing and squeezing her breasts again. Lizy only whimpered in protest, knowing  it was useless. ?We better adress the screaming, earlier. There are no excuses to disobey the rules? Mike said, and Lizy started crying again, at the injustice of this. She could feel his prick starting to move under her thigh. Mike lifted her head towards him,and kissed her on the mouth, again leaving her breathless, as if he hadn't just raped her brutally. After a minute of this, he broke free, and stood up. He pulled one device free of the corner. It was a rather tall, heavy object, reaching to about her navel. ?Lean over? he commanded. She hesitantly complied. Ropes seemed to shoot up from the side, fastening her upper body  to the device, arms along the back of it, then it shrunk, making her bend over even more. Mike pushed her feet apart with his foot, and new ropes shot up from the floor, tying her feet apart. On a surface on the side Mike adjusted the height of the entire thing, lifting her whole body up to a level that seemed to please him. She heard him swing something through the air, and almost instantly she felt a sharp pain on her bottom. Being a fair man, he gave her only ten lashes, making her gasp in pain with each stroke. He then stepped up behind her, and with no further waste of time, penetrated her sore swollen cunt from behind. This time he lasted even longer, taking his time to enjoy the sensation of her hot throbbing cunt, still tightly squeezing his dick. When he finally did cum, he simply left her there, and went away.

Soon she heard footsteps approaching, two men stepped up to her, and started to caress her obscenely displayed butt. ?Well, well, I can see you have already been sampled. I am Henry, that hand molesting your breast belongs to Richard. We are the rest of your little love group.?  the husky voice said behind her. One of them decided that it was to good a chance to let slip by, and simply started fucking her. The other one seemed to be enjoying pinching her nipples, and kneading her breasts as much as the other enjoyed fucking her. He didn't  last long, and as he came loudly croaking in pleasure, the other one started untying her. The man still submerged in her cunt, reluctantly pulled out, and they lifted her of the device. The guy who had just fucked her, sat on top of it, and they manouvered her mouth into his crotch. He was slowly becoming soft, as he forced his huge dick into her mouth, with a brief order to suck. When she did not comply immediately, the guy who had tortured her breasts starting spanking her brutally. Only when she managed to suck him to his liking did his friend stop. Her butt was bruised and red at the time, and he wasted no time, but lifted up her body with his strong arms, and penetrated her from behind again, thou the position was somewhat akward, due to her sucking as best she could on the other mans dick. He soon tired of her attempts, and simply held her head, and fucked her mouth. Thou unable to get a real got angle, the guy fucking her battered pussy soon came. The man she had been blowing, now lay her on the floor, spread her legs, and started raping her in the missionary position. His friend watched and mistreated her breasts, until he hogged over her, and pinned her head to the floor with his dick, again making her suck. After almost half an hour of this torture, they turned back on the vibrating device. The pain was to much for her, she only managed to feel a little pleasure. The man who brutally thrust into her cunt came. Lizy closed her eyes, and felt the man who had mouth rape her pull out. He roughly picked her of the ground, then again on her belly over something soft. Soon she felt his hands between her legs, smearing the cum and cunt juices into her anus. ?No, please, no?, she whimpered, more sensing, then knowing what was to come. The man started pressing his huge bulpy head into her defenceless rectum. Each tiny fraction was agony, as he pushed relentlessly forward. Hoarse from crying and begging, she manged still to cry out, as the last of his gigantic cock disappeared into her ass. Henry, as the man was called, was in heaven. She was almost painfully tight, and he let himself stay a little to enjoy the sensation, before he started pumping, He was soon slamming into her, pushing her body into the soft material, making her head and upper body jump with each new cruel penetration. Being the second time, he managed to rape her for a full ten minutes, before shooting his sperm up her bowel with a satisfied grunt. ?stay there? he mumbled, as he pulled out. The men sprayed themselves, and she could hear them eat and drink, discussing some very technical sounding job. She heard Mikes voice as well. She hung there for almost and hour, before she again felt a hand on her bottom. After a harsh slap, she was pulled up again. One of the men where lying on the table in the middle, his huge erection pointing upwards. She was soon pushed on top of him, and he forced his dick into her now positively raw pussy. Then a man positioned himself behind her, as she realised why, she started sobbing again. With hardly any less pain, he pushed himself into her rectum. She was unable to scream, as Mike had grabbed her head by the hair, and showed his cock down her throat. Soon the men where hammering away in her holes, her cunt and ass obscenely stretched by the oversized cocks. None of them where in a hurry, and the man beneath could hardly move, though he did manage to push her up little, thus creating room to pump into her a little. About half an hour passed with this, and she was on the verge of a painful orgasm herself, when the man raping her ass ,started speeding up. Banging into her, making her soft buttocks ache with the impact, and forcing the cock she was sucking deeper into her throat. She felt his dick jerk violently, as he held her as hard as he could against him, again grunting in delight. He pulled out, and she heard him walk towards the bathroom. Mike decided to take his position, and soon forced his way up her raw ass. Without someone holding her head, they could develop a more brutal rhythm of thrusting, both banging into her with all that they mustered. A full ten minutes of this, and Mike shot his load in her ass. The man below her wasted no time, as soon as mike pulled out, he did too, swung her belly down on the table, and rammed his dick up her ass. After a few more brutal minutes of this, he too finally leaned in as deep as he could, and roared out his orgasm.

The man soon pulled out, and simply left. Lizy just stayed where she was, exhausted and traumatised. ?Richard and Henry only come by around once a month, so there's no need to get all worried, now? She heard Mikes voice say behind her. Then she felt something cooling on her butt, it then moved further down between her legs, removing all aching as it past. ?I think you where in need of a little healing. Your tissue is restored to its former state? Mike said. He then lifted her somewhat gently to a standing position, and held her against his chest. He was dressed now, and she buried her head in his t-shirt. She could not believe what had happened. Was it really her, that it had happened to? After a while, standing like this, Mike piked her up in his arms, and carried her upstairs. He lay down with her on the bed, and held her in his arms. The bed was amazingly soft, and Lizy fell asleep very fast, hoping to forget all that had happened.

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The New Librarians Part 1 A Strange New World

This part has no transformations in it. If you are looking for the purely transformational stuff, go to part 2. PART ONE: A STRANGE NEW WORLD --- "Man I'm going to fail this test." I looked up from my textbook. My roommate, Marcus was leaning back in his chair. He ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. I shrugged. We both knew that studying for this test was impossible. But we had to try to pass. "Don't be so negative!" Macy sat up from the floor. Her notes...

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A New Weird World

A strange family of bacteria has infected humanity during the 1850's. The bacterium(later call Femrite50) was mostly has a positive effect on humans better immunity, metabolism, and more durable so the people of the world thought as a blessing from their respective Gods that was until the kids came in the world. The bacteria amazingly ingrained itself into humanity makeup with easily with children born with it. It effect each race differently mostly regarding the sexes with a feminine...

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A Brave New World

A Brave New World By Jennifer Richardson I suppose that I was a pretty lonely soul. Having moved to London from one of the provincial cities to find work, I was surprised to find that for a city of millions of people, the capital was just as lonely a place to be. As a postgraduate with a good degree I'd been confidant of finding a lucrative job. As it turned out the companies I'd been applying to wanted both qualifications and experience, I had the former but not the latter...

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Night Skies Hotel IV The Lost Worlds

Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds By Solari Author's note: "The Lost Worlds" is the first story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun," and "Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that...

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Queen of the Underworld

Queen of the Underworld By Red_Elise "So what is it?" Sano asked, watching the necklace dangle before his eyes. "It's a ring, in case that fact escaped you." He inclined his head to Lina, looking at her curiously. "What is a ring doing on a necklace?" Lina's cheeks became flushed, but her embarrassment faded as she let her frustration get the better of her. "If you don't like it then give it back!" Sano looked at her with surprise before slipping the necklace over...

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Night Skies Hotel VI Destroyers of Worlds

Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds By Solari Author's note: "Destroyers of Worlds" is the third story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds," and "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that unfold. "What you consider...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
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The LibrarianChapter 30 A Strange New World

Shortly after returning to Zephyrus Sgt. Budzinski asked the AI, "How many did we get?" The AI responded, "There are 265 volunteers and 1467 concubines aboard the three ships bound for Azahar. Ninety-five pods on Zephyrus, ninety-two pods on Aurora, and ninety pods on Chronos have been allocated to sponsors. There are an unusually large number of children per concubine, and twelve very large families that need double pods for adequate space. One pod on each ship is being reserved for a...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 13 Stunning News for Mark

Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...

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Mass Effect Underworld

Located at the edge of the Terminus Systems is the planet Koralia. Its snow-covered surface is often wracked by severe storms that makes travel inadvisable. Beneath the surface of Koralia is a city built from the remains of a massive mining facility that was abandoned centuries ago. The city has no official name but is often referred to as 'The Underworld'. The Underworld is a hub of drugs, weapons, and various forms of trafficking. It is ruled by an albino Asari crimelord known as Queen Miris...

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Final Fantasy Worlds

Cosmos looked across the worlds, across the timelines. Each was so full of life. Children played and laughed. Flocks of Chocobo ran across fields. She could also see the battles. Heroes of all kinds, fighting to save their worlds from threats both great and small. But they were in balance. She couldn't interfere. It was against the rules that both she and Chaos were bound by. Only when the balance was broken, could they dare to let their powers shine upon the worlds. That was just how things...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 44 War of the Worlds

The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction. The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even...

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A new world

He checked his steak and turned off the grill. He put his steak on a plate and took it to the living room. He sighed has he began watching the news in the dark. The newscaster was going on about some strange lights seen in the sky the past few nights and how astronomers were stumped as to what they could be. Allen shook his head because he could care less about such nonsense. There were enough problems on Earth to be dealt with as it is without us focusing on the sky. He slowly ate his steak...

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A new world

Introduction: this is a stroy i wrote for a friend on here but i hope you all like it. and before you start saying things in this story are impossible remember its science fiction Allen was standing out in his backyard cooking some steak on his BBQ. It was a calm summer night with clear black skies and the sound of children in the distance. Allen was reminded of those nights when he would be making burgers for his family then they would hang out together and play party games like charades or...

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Corruption of Worlds

There are many worlds out there. Some are shining examples of science, allowing us to travel between the stars and meet new sentient species. Some worlds are pure magic, and the swords and sorcery of mankind constantly battle monsters that have long gone extinct in the worlds of science. Finally we have worlds almost exactly like yours, except they may hold hidden worlds of magic, are home to aliens from other planets, or be the battleground of superheroes and supervillains. I turn your...

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Transforming New World

You find yourself in a blissful, yet pensive state of mind. You feel as though you're on the cusp of something big, yet can't quite put your finger on it. Your thoughts toss and tumble through various visual dreams. First you're inside a cozy room with friends. A glow of orange and yellow light quivers from behind the mantel and you all laugh together as someone draws a card before the image shifts again. This time you're in a Cathedral. Looming pillars and a high ceiling of black brick line...

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Brand new World

(This is my first story on this site, please leave feedback so I know what you like and dislike) A throbbing headache, this was the first thing the people in the town square felt after waking up, quickly followed by confusion as they opened their eyes to look around and realize that they are no longer where they last remembered they were. It took a few minutes before one of them looked up at the sky to see a figure floating up there, but no matter how hard he looked all they could see was a...

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The New World

Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:01:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Sharon Pinder Subject: THE NEW WORLDWarning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women.  If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.Author's Note:This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for...

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The New World

The New WorldBy BossDaddyThe year was 2034 and on a quiet April morning our world change… forever. News reports stated that NASA deep space satellites saw a large dark object on a path to earth. They watched it for weeks and at first thought it was a meteorite but they calculated that it was slowing down as it approached Earth. The day came when the object simply stopped between the moon and earth. Earths governments tried to communicate with the object but nothing happened. Then a few days...

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O Brave New World

It had been the Daily Mail that had first broken the news, shortly followed by all of the World’s media. During the Autumn, scorn had been poured upon the doomsayers who believed in the old Mayan prophecy, that this 400 year cycle was going to end in the destruction of the whole world. But those deriders had to eat their words when the news of the asteroid was broken, by a technician at Jodrell Bank who sold the story to the Mail. The world did indeed have only a few weeks more left, until...

Love Stories
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FaithfulChapter 4 A Whole New World

In blustery November the Janet Lune's luck improved. No more cases of dysentery developed although a few men still suffered chronic diarrhea and spent many mournful days in the neighborhood of the heads, standing at the rail on one foot and then the other and commiserating in a huddle of misery. After Clemence's burial many days passed without a death but at the month's end a foul odor led to the discovery of what was left of a small convict in the space where the anchor ropes were...

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My Life as Isaac Newton

This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...

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Brave Frontier Another Use for Summoning

John Doe, one of the strangest summoners in the Akras Summoner's Hall. While he is quite skilled at summoning, managing to summon near-perfect replicas of the units, he barely ever takes credit for his acomplishments, preferring to remain in the shadows and use his units for "other purposes", whichever they may be. He is known to be good friends with leader of the Hall Grahdens, and they occasionally meet to do activities in his house, though no one, not even his co-leader Own, is aware of what...

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Gay Newcastle Train Station Toilets

Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...

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