Brave New World Chapter 10 - Absorption free porn video

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I felt my hand close over Brandon's face and suddenly I saw things, memories. That time I was playing baseball in the backyard with the neighborhood boys, even though Mom told me not to. (No! That's Brandon's memory!) The time I almost lost my virginity to Max Peterson, even though I thought he was the weirdest boy in school. (I'm only fourteen, I've barely ever masturbated!) I stepped back from Brandon's lifeless body and fell on my ass. Why did I do that?! I stood up and ran into the hallway, feeling a strange tug on my head. No, it wasn't strange, it was her, Ms. Morris. She was awake, she was watching what I was doing. She'd seen me kill Brandon. Kill me? How could I kill myself? That didn't happen. (Stop it! That's Brandon talking through me, it's not real!) I rubbed at my temples to clear out the horrible confusion, but it wasn't helping. If only Korra hadn't decided to suck me dry, I'd be okay. (That's not me!) I shook my head. Brandon's consciousness was getting to me, more so than Steve's had. Why? I needed to go see Ms. Morris, she could tell me why I did that. I need to know. I stumbled into Ms. Morris' room and saw her in front of the window, where I (Brandon!) had left her for the night. If she could move the muscles in her face, she'd probably look very disappointed with me right now. Korra? What's the matter? Who? Oh, wait, duh, me. My name is Korra, not Brandon, like I think it is, for some reason. I could barely speak anymore than a whisper. "I... I think there's something wrong with me." What do you mean? "I just... I killed Brandon, and I don't know why..." I sat down on the nearest piece of furniture. "I killed him, and I absorbed his powers and his memories... and it felt so good, and I didn't want to stop." Korra, this is inexcusible. I can't have you living here if you're going to do this. You need to turn yourself in to the police and, and submit yourself to a nanocyte injection. "No!" I stood up in a jolt, literally, there were jolts of electricity throughout the room, some of them coming close to Ms. Morris. "I'm not going to do that! I'll die!" Where had that thought come from? No, you won't. The nanocytes will simply inhibit your powers, then you can get some help to calm the voices in your head. Brandon's voice. Steven's. "Shut up, lady!" Steven said, though my mouth, my voice. Using my (Steven's) power, I started sinking Ms. Morris' chair into the floor. "You're not using those techno thingies to kill me!" Steven, please, let Korra speak. "No!" Using my own (and I mean mine, nobody else's) kinetic thrusters, I floated toward Ms. Morris. "Please," I said, "don't let Steven make me do this..." Steven's causing this? "I don't know!" Something punched me. It took me a second to realize it was my own fist. Great, I was hitting myself. "Shut up, you little bitch!" Steven said. He turned me back toward Ms. Morris. "I'm gonna use Korra to take your powers, too, lady." You don't have to do this, Steven. "The hell I don't! You people made me this way, you made me go crazy!" I shook myself out of it. "No!" Steven again, "You did! All of you! Because you were afraid of me!" My hand reached out toward Ms. Morris' face, and then I watched as Steven made me suck her bioelectricity out. Memories surged through my head, they filled me, and then I heard things. Things that I didn't want to hear, but that my brain forced me to hear. I closed my eyes, hoping to drive the images away. I covered my ears, hoping to block the sounds out. Neither one helped, though. I saw things, things like my first girlfriend, Nancy Yaeger (No, those are Ms. Morris' memories, not mine!). Things like the time I was Chosen, and I realized that I couldn't feel my body anymore (I'm moving right now, why do I think I can't?). Things like when William Brand came and told me that he wanted me to run the school, help the young, dangerous Chosen (William Brand funds this place, really?). And then it all stopped as I moved my hand away from the decaying face of Erica Morris. I felt stronger. I looked at the mirror across the room and saw that I appeared to have aged some. Good. Closer to my real age. (No! I'm fourteen, that's Steven!) It felt refreshing to be female again. Too bad my parents were dead. If they could only see their daughter now. Korra's parents are still alive, though. I smiled. Monica and Colin were both out gone for the week, I could raid Monica's clothes for something that fit better, then I'd go see dear sweet Mommy and Daddy. The lightning that surged between my fingers bore a red glow. I smiled. Inside, Korra screamed. *** I blasted the door open with a bolt and watched Korra's parents cower in the corner. Mom had a wonderful look of pure horror on her face while Dad made damn sure that he came between Mom and I. (Stop this, Steven! Stop it!) I ignored her voice inside my head - well, technically, her own head - and made the ground burst through the floor and encase them. "Hi, Mom, Daddy, how are things?" I asked, smiling at them. I walked over to them and knelt down. "It's been awhile." Mom stuttered out, "Ko-ko-ko-kor-Korra? Wha-what's wrong with you?" I stood up. "Call me Stephanie, now. I think it fits." Of course it fits. It was my name before I was Chosen, after all. (Stop, Steven!) Shut up, Korra! I shook my head to try and clear her out. Didn't exactly work, but it at least shut her up for the moment. "So, Mom, Daddy, how about we have a little talk?" Dad spoke up, "Why are you doing this, Korra?" I reached out and grabbed him by the chin. "I told you to call me Stephanie." I sent a jolt of electricity into his face. He jerked his head away. I just laughed. "Oh, Daddy, that's too bad." I stood up and walked over to the fridge. I looked at the stainless steel door and saw exactly what I didn't want to see. Korra. Looking back at me. "What the hell do you want?" I asked the reflection. (How about you leave my parents alone?) "Get lost. I don't wanna talk to you." (I don't care what you want! I want my body back!) I punched the fridge right in the reflection's face. "Shut your goddamn mouth!" Electricity surged around my fist, alternating between red and blue. I turned away from the fridge and back toward Mom and Dad. "It's time to have some fun." I walked toward them and time seemed to slow. I knew what it was I wanted to do, I wasn't gonna let that stupid little bitch tell me what to do. I grabbed Mom first, loosened the ground holding her down and picked her up by the neck. "So long, Mom." (I'm so sorry...) Mom's eyes widened. "Korra? You're not doing this?" "What?" I asked. She pushed away from me. "My daughter just spoke to me, in my head!" I balled my hands into fists. "Cunt!" Electricity shot out from my body, hitting walls, bookshelves, chairs, doors. I grabbed Mom by the neck again. "That's the last time you'll talk to her!" I just squeezed. I was going to absorb them, but I was pissed. I squeezed as hard as I could, and the snap at the end was very satisfying. (No!) "Shut your goddamn mouth, Korra," I growled. *** Steven's actions were getting me mad. He'd just killed my mom, snapped her neck just like that. I wanted to pummel him, I wanted to beat the crap out of him, I wanted to... No, I didn't, these were his emotions running through me. Was it because he was controlling my body? I couldn't think very easily, things were getting messy. Why were they messy? Was it because Korra just murdered her mother? No, wait a minute, that's... Dad! That freak bio leeched my dad! I balled my hands into fists, and in my own brain, electricity shot out, hitting dozens of neurons. *** And I was on my knees in my living room, my dad's body on the floor, obviously having been sucked dry, Mom's body a few feet away, her neck at an impossible angle. (Of course it is, you stupid bitch, she's dead.) I looked down at my hands and saw the blue electricity surging from them. I was back! I was in control again! Yes! I stood up quickly, wanting to cheer! Then I remembered that my parents, Brandon and Ms. Morris were all dead. "I have to get back..." I said aloud, to no one in particular. I ran out the door and hopped onto the nearest power line. I had to get back before Colin and Monica got home. *** I pounded on the walls of Korra's mind, trying to rip them down. That bitch locked me away in her brain! How could she do that? I tried to use Bradon's power to rip the wall apart, but nothing happened. "Of course you can't," a voice behind me said. I spun around and saw Korra standing there, arms crossed under her breasts. "The only powers you can use here are your own, Steve." "How are you here?" I asked, not even realizing that my panicked voice was still Korra's. She smirked. "The same way you are, we got sucked up by Korra's bio leech ability." "But, you are Korra!" She walked over to me and flicked me on the forehead. "No I'm not, stupid. You just see me as Korra, just like I see you as Korra, because we're both Korra, but we're not Korra." "What the hell are you talking about?!" As I asked, a portion of the wall moved outward, grabbing my left wrist. Another section grabbed my right wrist, and I looked down to see that my feet were also encased by the wall. "Brandon?" I asked. She punched me in the face. "Bingo!" Another Korra appeared from nowhere. "We're all here, Steven," this one said, and I knew it just had to be Ms. Morris. "Even Korra's dad?" "No. Despite absorbing his memories, because her father wasn't a Chosen, he simply faded into nothing." Brandon grabbed me by the throat. "Which is what we should do to you!" Ms. Morris waved her off of me. "Please, Brandon. She's suffering enough just knowing that she's stuck in here with us." *** I hopped off of the nearest power line and landed on the ground in front of the mansion, where I saw dozens of cop cars, sirens casting a flashing red glow over everything. Monica was standing in front of the mansion, a fiery glow in her eyes. I threw up a polarity wall just as the air in front of me exploded. How had I know to do that? I didn't have time to answer that question, however, as I was suddenly up in the air. I looked to my left and saw Colin standing there, the same fiery glow in his eyes. Clearly, they knew what I'd - what St - no, what I'd done. I wasn't gonna make a corpse take the blame for what I'd done. "Please, let me go?" I asked, hesitantly. "Yeah, drop her, Colin," Monica said, anger in her voice. "Let her go so that I can blast her skull to pieces!" "I can - " I was cut off by the fact that I was suddenly dropped from the air. I stood up and held my hands up in surrender. "I can explain this." Monica grabbed me by the collar. "You can explain shit! You killed Brandon and Ms. Morris! Why?!" My voice filled our heads. Calm down, Monica. This isn't Korra's fault. Her eyes widened. "Are you trying to use Ms. Morris' power to get us to trust you?!" No, she's not. It's me, speaking from inside a portion of Korra's mind. Brandon and Steven are here, as well. Monica backed away. "No! I don't believe you!" "I'm not doing that," I said. *** "But I'm doing this," I said, and shot a bolt directly at Colin. He went flying right into one of the cop cars. I looked back toward Monica. "You really should have listened. Ms. Morris was telling the truth. We're all in here," I pointed to my head. "And you will be, too." I made a step toward Monica, then something slugged me right in the face. I looked around for what it was, and saw Peter stop, arms crossed, smirk on his face. "Hey, there." I fired a bolt at him, but he moved out of the way faster than I could shoot him. I tried it again, but again, he moved. "Gonna havta do better than that, Stevie." I was about to shoot at him again, but I was suddenly lifted off the ground again. I looked over at the cop car Colin had landed on and saw that he was standing again. "Shoot her!" he shouted to someone I couldn't see. I felt something prick my skin, then felt the shock of more voltage than I could produce surging through me. It didn't take much to knock me cold. *** Monica walked over to me and waved her hand in my face. "Korra or Steve?" I sat up and rubbed at my head. "If I was Steven, I'd lie about it anyway. But either way, I'm Korra." I stood up and pulled the taser prongs. "I'm so glad that worked." She patted me on the shoulder. "Hey, Ms. Morris has never lied to us before. You okay?" I shook my head. "No. I killed Brandon and Ms. Morris. I did that." I looked over at Monica's aunt. "You have something to take care of that, right?" Captain Montoya nodded her head. "Yeah, kid. We'll take you to the station and shoot you up with some of Knight's nano-whatevers." Monica smiled weakly. "Nanocytes, Aunt Holly." The humor was appreciated, even if it wasn't helping anything. *** I sat in the cell, waiting for the minutes to slowly, painfully, tick by until I got my injection. I wanted them to hurry up. Every second I still had my powers was a second that Steven could take control of me and use me to escape. I looked down at my stupid Mickey Mouse watch and waited, waited, waited. Finally, I heard footsteps coming toward me. I heard those HARP guys shout something at whoever it was, but I wasn't paying attention to them. Two cops stopped in front of my cell, one of them with the keys, the other with the syringe. The one with the keys opened the door while and then the other one walked in. "Sorry to do this, kid," he said, and I saw real concern in his eyes. "Just, please get it over with," I said. He was about to stick the syringe in my arm, but he stopped when his partner said, "I don't think that's necessary." A sudden electrical attack - not from me, I might add - fried the cop. The other cop, holding a ball of blue electricity in his hand, stepped forward and took his hat off. "Korra Reston, I presume?" He bowed in front of me. "My name's not important, so my friends have taken to calling me the Benefactor." I slid across the cot to move closer to the wall. "Monica told me about you... and... Harmony Sprite mentioned you, Knight said." He smiled. "Ms. Morris's memories have served you very well." He stepped over the body of the other cop. "Just wait until you can control all those memories, all those gifts." "Is that your gift? Giving people control?" He was still smiling. "On the contrary. I have many gifts, much like you. It's because I'm like you that I'm taking a special interest in you. You don't need to lose your gifts, you simply need some help controlling a very specific power, you need help quieting the voices in your head." He leaned closer to me. And I can help you do it, his voice said, in my head. He gently brushed my cheek with his hand. "So, Korra, you interested?"

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Shortly after returning to Zephyrus Sgt. Budzinski asked the AI, "How many did we get?" The AI responded, "There are 265 volunteers and 1467 concubines aboard the three ships bound for Azahar. Ninety-five pods on Zephyrus, ninety-two pods on Aurora, and ninety pods on Chronos have been allocated to sponsors. There are an unusually large number of children per concubine, and twelve very large families that need double pods for adequate space. One pod on each ship is being reserved for a...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 13 Stunning News for Mark

Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 44 War of the Worlds

The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction. The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even...

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NeverWorld Chapter One

NeverWorld Chapter One Randy Butler curled up in a comfortable armchair in the corner of the Student Center. There were students all around him talking, eating, and working. Even though they were all strangers, he felt comfortable here in the large crowded hall. Randy was lonely. He hadn't made any new friends in the two weeks since college began. He had hoped to meet other freshmen taking classes at Philadelphia College, but it wasn't happening. He wasn't meeting anyone...

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Life With Alpha II Alphas WorldChapter 2 Meddling Kids

I should probably open this chapter by relaying a summary of certain significant events that happened internationally right before the events in this chapter. The dictator of a certain low power, high profile Asian country had died not too long ago. His son officially took over, though apparently he was having trouble consolidating his authority, so he decided to manufacture a crisis. He did this by restarting his country's nuclear weapons programs and rattling his saber. Apparently he made...

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FaithfulChapter 4 A Whole New World

In blustery November the Janet Lune's luck improved. No more cases of dysentery developed although a few men still suffered chronic diarrhea and spent many mournful days in the neighborhood of the heads, standing at the rail on one foot and then the other and commiserating in a huddle of misery. After Clemence's burial many days passed without a death but at the month's end a foul odor led to the discovery of what was left of a small convict in the space where the anchor ropes were...

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Satinised at Girdleworld Chapter 1 of 3

Satinised at Girdleworld a story in 3 parts by PRIM Chapter 1: Muriel takes charge. Muriel Gracegirdle knew her pathetic son-in-law was being brought to see her from the contemptuous ridicule in her daughter's voice, coming to her from the stairs via the open lounge door. "Elbows right into your waist," she was crying, "wrists turned right out, and up; fingers spread into a full sissy fan. You still need to dry that nail varnish. And put a move on, you pansy clown....

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Satinised at Girdleworld Chapter 2 of 3

Satinised at Girdleworld a store in 3 parts by PRIM Chapter 2 : Muriel's Pansy Sissy "Well, now, my little pet," declared Muriel Gracegirdle, a smile of contempt curling her glossy, crimson lips, "what do you think of your attractive mother-in-law this morning?" Philip Gracegirdle, named after his wife on their wedding day just three months previously, could feel the tightening glow of his earlier paddling in his bared buttocks. He knew his answers had to be full and...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Sissy world chapter one the start of a new world

It's 2019 things ain't the same anyone, near the end of 2017 there was a huge violent outbreak of a disease that is called the female disease. More and more females started getting the disease there is no cure for it at this moment in time if you have it you die, men seem to be immune to it. Only a rare female blood type can servive the disease. The few remaining females are all in a secret underground base and are being tested and used to keep the human race alive, so the world we know today...

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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

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Woman Partner Chapter Nine Return to the Real World

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 9, Return to the Real World) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2002. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

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DominionChapter 23 The New World

“Two Guardians have been assimilated, their power made my own, and the military might of the world has been all but erased. Who in this world has the power to stop me? Is there anyone left with a will great enough to overcome my own? Born with a heart of such holy righteousness that even my accursed gluttony is overwhelmed? I wonder if the Old Gods are aware of what has happened to their children? Have they learned to feel fear? Do they shiver from the approaching chill of Ragnarök? They...

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Lee and Lyns World Beginnings Chapters 13

Proofread 2/17/2010 Koala Lee and Lyns World Chapter 1 Lee Lyn Hamelton looked at the other seven system engineers. We had all gone to school together for the last two years. We each were experts in computer operations. We each knew more than anyone else did in the world about the computer system that would be under our charge. Unknown to anyone else we were all in a conspiracy with each other also. For the last 200 years, the world had become over populated. ...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 03 Futas First Taboo Pleasure Chapter 3 Rebeccas Bondage Surprise

Chapter Three: Rebecca's Bondage Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 October 14th, 2041 – Rebecca Miller My stomach clenched while ice seemed to spill down my spine. Everyone else at the breakfast table, my half-sister, my mother, Anya, and Ramona were oblivious to what Lizzie had just sent me. Lizzie, a black-haired girl of eighteen, had a grin on her face as she held her phone. She, along with Anya and Ramona, was my sister's friends. They had spent the night to celebrate Brita...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 6 Futas First Naughty Soulmate

Chapter Six: Futa's First Naughty Soulmate By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “As we bring our retrospective look on the life of President Becky Woodward to a close,” Adelia said, staring into the central of three cameras filming us for the stream of her talk show, “I think we should end it on what, and I think Becky would agree, was the most pivotal moment in her life. We've all gotten glimpses of it these last few years, but let's hear it in her own words.” “Thanks,” I...

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The Worlds First Futa 10 Futas Wicked Campaign Chapter 3 Futas First Wild Debate

Chapter Three: Futa's First Wild Debate By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So it's the Saturday before the election,” Adelia said, the caramel-skinned talk show host who was interviewing me, “and you're finally included in the final presidential debate.” “Yep,” I said, shaking my head in disgust. “The Republicans and Democrats were both sweating. They felt the heat of my campaign. They didn't want me out on stage, didn't want to give me more of a platform, but they...

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The Worlds First Futa 02 Futas Wild Day Chapter 1 Futas First Teacher

Chapter One: Futa's First Teacher By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 My young wife, only twenty-three years old compared to my forty-eight, sucked on my futa-dick with such hunger. Her blue eyes stared up at me with such love in them. Her strawberry-blonde hair fell about her fair cheeks, rosy with her excitement. She wiggled her ass, clad in her tight skirt and pointed at the watching studio audience. I could feel the excitement bursting through the audience. I...

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Three Square MealsChapter 47 They arrive on the Maliri homeworld

John sat on one of the sofas in the Officers’ Lounge, with his feet up on the coffee table, and Alyssa and Calara cuddled up beside him. The other girls were spread out on the adjacent sofas, and they watched the colourful expanse of Maliri Space drift by, through the long windows that flanked the room. “John...” Dana said tentatively, looking over at him from the other sofa, her beautiful face burning with curiosity. “It’s nearly time for bed, have you got something planned for...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 32 Bad News

Dear Reader, This will help you understand what is behind the bad news to follow. Rick’s dad is a senior lawyer in a large Chicago based firm. His firm is also in finance and real estate. He came to our island to become licensed to practice law here. His work was 50% Island/US law related, 30% Island local, and 20% Island/ another country. The latter via his firm’s lawyers licensed in other countries. Rick is now a sophomore in college. It’s a pity Fran and I have run out of ideas to get...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 21 New Destinations

The newlyweds slept in the next morning. In truth, they woke at their usual time and la talk to each other until Rebecka and May brought their breakfast. Catherine asked that they serve it in the sitting room. Then sighed and kissed Jake before she rose and a night gown and robe. She chided Jake about being lazy, until he told her he was just enjoying watching her dress. Put on a pair of small clothes and his robe and the two were given a peace while they ate. As May was clearing their dishes...

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Life With Alpha II Alphas WorldChapter 5 Japan

I'd like to start with a quick warning and apology: This chapter is much more episodic than normal, especially the section in Tokyo. Sorry, but there was just so much to do in Japan that we were often just going from one thing to the next completely unrelated thing and so on. Let me give a little bit of background for this next bit. You know me, I love me some background. Way back before we grew our first synthetic woman, Kasumi, when Alpha was first exploring how the human brain worked, I...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 14 Editing the World

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fourteen: Editing the World By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Angels crowded my bedroom. They stared at me with worship in their eyes. Sandalphon had spoken true. He knew the true name of all one thousand angels in existence. With time paused, I had edited them one by one. It was tedious, but I could feel my power swelling with each one. “Master,” Anael whimpered as she squeezed...

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Jims WorldsChapter 5

Sen. Douglas Mason looked like a zealot as he said, "Of course I'll help! I can't imagine a better way to spend my political life! "We need more people, though. Can I bring in Bill Smith? He's as honest and ethical as you could find in the Senate, besides being from Alabama." "Certainly, bring in Senator Smith and whoever else you think that we can use and trust. Washington will be your responsibility for Trans Worlds Trading; we'll do whatever you suggest. How about getting four or...

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Slaveworld Spy Chapter 4

Introduction: Hi! Fourth chapter of my fanfic thing! Please comment? Peaches was attending another planning meeting for her next mission. Her original deal with Prince Samuel had been to attend every meeting and be allowed input, and hed agreed. He was true to the letter of his word, she reflected, but maybe it could be easier for her to talk… Peaches was naked except for a black leather sleeve that held both her arms tightly behind her back, and her body was folded into the space beneath the...

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NeverWorld Chapter Two

NeverWorld Chapter Two Althea Smallwood found herself drifting off as the lawyer representing the group of fairies would not stop lecturing her about his clients "God given rights". She wanted to close her eyes and put her head down. She even considered taking a recess but wanted to end this case now. She tried what the other justices had suggested. She had pinched herself, she had tried chewing gum, she had pushed her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Nothing was going to keep...

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Tape SlavesChapter 11 The News Of The World

"The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be." PAUL VALERY "Possible? Is anything possible? Read the newspapers." THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON "Here's the KZXQ news, every hour at the top of the hour. KZXQ news time is now 1:00." "-Beep- " "The lead story is the death of Miles O'Niell, the last person to be afflicted with the HIV virus, of complications resulting from AIDS. Doctors from the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, who have for more than...

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Rogue World Chapter 1

I am Jason Black and I am witnessing a spectacular cosmic event. A wandering planet is entering the solar system of the planet Bella. Bella is a garden world set to terra-form 500 years ago and only recently (50 years) populated by settlers from Earth. The colony here is 60,000 souls and I am part of the defense force assigned by Galactic Patrol to guard against asteroids, comets and other such phenomenon as might be required to protect the planet. The wanderer is quite an oddity; it is 1.68...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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