Bodyguard_(0) free porn video

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my name is zen im 16 and my dad was an highly paid assasin it was his pride in life and he always tried to bring me into the family business starting from when i was only 4. i've learned alot of tactics, how to handle and fire a firearm with precise pinpoint aim, and i am extremly good at martial arts it just came naturaly to me. before i was old enough to know what my dad was training me for he'd always bring me with him to his client meetings and show them what he called the next greatest killing machine. he taught me how to stalk and wait for the right moment, never get caught, and never fail. when i turned 13 he brought me along to a hit.

he always said i had to be cold and heartless during a hit but it never really stuck with me. the hit was on a crime lords daughter but ofcourse i didnt know this at the time. we where walking for some distance in a highly crowded shopping center when i see my dad reaching behind his back, he pulled out a dagger and slid it up his sleeve. i looked around for anyone who looked like a hit when out of the corner of my eye i see my dad tense up by the time i turned my head my dad had already relaxed and was pulling me when people started screaming like a conscerned parent would. we started runing with the crowd. i still could'nt see the target yet but i knew he was dead i decided to glance behind me and when i did i saw a little girl not even 5 years old with the dagger sticking out of her eye socket.

after that i vowed never to be a hitman but i knew my dad would be very angery if i told him this considering all the time he put in training me. when i was 14 my dad was killed by a prodigy child assasin named lee. it had turned out that the client who order my father to kill the little girl had let it slip who he hired to kill her. the crime boss instantly sent the best to kill the client and my dad when he heard this.

my dad had loose believes about saving money and only had 20,000 in the bank when he left. with no known relatives an nowhere to go i moved to a low payment apartment and only paid for the essintails such as water bill food and clothes. however soon i was 2 months over due with rent, wearing worn clothes, and barely feeding myself. i had recieved letters from my dads old clients who had saw me years ago asking if i was taking on the family business but eventualy i stopped even opening them. i'd rather starve be tortured and die 1 million deaths before i ever killed anyone good or bad.

i was on my way to the mailbox to pay the water bill with the money i'd scraped up when i noticed a black tinted car drive by, now wher i live is a pretty beat down location and this car was looking highly expensive so it immediatly caught my drove around agian and my hand automaticly when to where my dad taught me i should holster a gun,even tho i knew there wasnt one there i thought i could make it seem like i had one and wait this out. i figured anyone who knows about me knows what i could do ant probably had extra men everywhere. i looked around and saw two snipers and was still looking when the car came to a stop. the door opened and out walked a man who looked to be in his early fifties he steped to the side of the car and held the door open. next a girl who looked to be around my age walked out followed by a man who looked like a drawing from all his tattoos. the man in his fifties walked over to the girl and lent in to whisper into her ear and pointed at me. she shook her head yes and i started backing up but a silent bullet cliping the concrete behind my feet told me not to so i stood still. the girl got back in the car and the two men started walking up to me i tensed and relaxed preparing myself to fight for my life. when they got to me the older man had a cheery smile on his face like he was pleased with himself or something while mr.tatto's had a frown.

''zen i assume'' said the old man sticking out his hand. when i didnt take it he pulled it back and continued talking.''zen we're here because the man we work for has asked us to get the young girl you saw a bodyguard to her ehh unique specifitations ( i cant spell i kno shh the movies playing) zen you dont want to know how pleased i am to have finally found someone that she'll even say yes to''.

''now lets see if you measure up to our unique specifitations'',commented the tattooed man. when i turned my head to look at him i sensed a blow coming and immediatly blocked and countered and withdrew about 5 feet away.

when i looked at them agian the old man was picking himself up from the ground. i glanced to the car to see if someone was going to get out to shoot me. i saw that the back window was lowered enought for me to see pure green eyes staring at me.

''okay now that you know that we intend to fight you you should know the conditions...first of all dont majorly injure us/ the tattoed man snickered at that/ and if you lose you die'' the old man said.

i quickly ran up, ducked under a wild haymaker thrown by mr. tattoo and delivered a solid roundhouse kick to the old man's jaw. then in one fluid movement i side stepped the tatto mans next wild childish shot and delivered 3 quick blows to his solar plexus.

i stood upright agian and looked toward the car agian it looked like the girl was laughing hystericaly. i turned to run back into my apartment when i felt a ping in my neck. i pulled it out hardly 1 second after it went in and began running to a ladder on the side of the appartment building. i had barely made it two steps before i felt the world spinning i tried to stand my ground but enevitably fell to the concrete.

yay done with part 1!! 0.o but my imaginations dieing out so sorry if it starts sucking worst..wheres my damn pop corn...

i woke up groggy headed with my hands tied to my hands. i was on my knees in the p.o.w postistion. i made sure not to move at all after the groggy headedness wore off ( groggy headedness wth is that even a word..) i heard a soft humming beside me and i covertly opened my right eye the first thing i saw was a window with things zooming by outside of it so i guessed i was in a car but that was all i could see from that eye so i closed it and opened the left slowly when the blearyness went away i fould my self looking into emerald green eyes i jumped and tried to roll back but before i could i felt something cold and hard pressed agianst my temple. i froze and took a deep breath. the gun was tooken off my head and i openly looked around i was in what looked to be a limo with red interior. i saw, old man, and ...her. my eyes imediatly caught hers and i looked back down causing my medium lenth shaggy hair to shield my eyes. i started thinking for a way outta this but my nerves where racked and my head was still groggy so it was impossible but i figured if i was gonna die i'd make it on my own terms.

i mumbled,'' get it over with''. even to me my vioce sounded dry and raspy from lack of use.

''what'', the girl asked

i hadn't expected her to answer me but it did seem like everyone here worked in someway for her so i said '', get it over with just kill me, stop playing these childish games''

she looked truely shocked but managed to reply'', we, i dont want to kill you i just dont want to have one of these guys following me around''.

i looked around at the men in the car they all in some form looked scary i guess if u didnt know you could defeat them. ''why would they follow you around'', i asked a little slow on the uptake. ( omg this is getting painful 2 write it feels lame)

''i had to pick on of them to be my bodyguards, can u imagine that? me being followed by creeps? honestly i dont know why daddy insist on them at all''.

''what does this have to do with me''.

''hey bodyguard''. she said smiling.

''what if i say no''.

'' why would you'',she asked

'' because i have a life'', i said remembering all the nights i didn't eat and worried about getting evicted.

pff hardly my daddys people have been keeping tabs on you and they say that you dont do anything'', she said

i looked away and decided to sit there silent for the rest of the ride.

''exactly'', she mumbled.

about an hour later we pulled up at a large mansion with security gates and guards patroling with german sherperds. i felt that there was no way out of this and thought being a body guard couldn't be that bad its defonitaly better than being a murderer. i felt a sharp twinge and my stomache that told me that if it got me food then i needed to accept the offer.

the old man opened up the door an let the gurl out first then shoved me out. i was about to land on my face but i turned it into a front flip and landed awkwardly on my knees. the girl shot mr.tat a glare and reached down to untie me. when she was finished she said i had to go talk to her dad an then go to bed i had school in the morning.

''school'', i asked shocked

''yeah you do go to school dont you we're just tranfering you to mine'',she stated.

''no i dont go to school i kno everything i need to know'', i shot at her

'' oh really'' she smiled at me

yes'', i said following her to her dads office with three guys pointings guns at me

''huh i guess we'll see tommorow seeing as u do have the same clases as me you'll be taking all gifted classes.

the old man knocked on the huge oak doors and it was opened by(yo mamma 0.o dogged) an man who appeared to be in his early thirties opened the doors.i walked in and the old guy told me to sit down

''hello zen'',a man with graying hair and a formal business suit said.

''hi'', i replied starting to feel at ease with the situation now that it seemed that my life wasnt at stake.

i assume you've heard my offer?

i've heard what you want me to do for you, yes

so are you okay with the payment ammount?


did you not know you where getting paid


he let out a deep belly chuckle ( santa!!) and said'', where you going to do it for free?

i assumed i had no choice

oh you have a choice and i hope these two havent been too ruff with you,''he said gestering at old man and

i've been through worst

do you accept the offer and the responsiblility it comes with?

i was about to refuse but i remembered those emrald green eyes so i said'', yes''.

very good i have no doubt that you'll do a good job and you've saved me a lot of trouble my duaghter was very keen on having you as her body guard go. sam show him to his room and get him something to wear that my duaghter will approve of i dont want her throwing another hissy fit.

yessir'' the old man who i now kno is named sam says. cmon zen lets go

we left and walked through what seemed like a maze of hallways and finally stoped at a room with the number 67 on it

here you go zen this is your room for now ill send someone with your clothes in awhile but theres a bathrobe in the bathroom how about you take a shower you kinda stink.

i let that last comment slip away party because it was true and partly beacuase i wanted to ask him something. '' could you send someone with food too im kinda starving'' i didnt tell him that in actuality i really was starving because i hadnt eaten anything substantual in three days.

no problem zen ill have it brought with the clothes.

when he left i took a shower and got out on the way to the robe i caught my reflection in the mirror. i wasnt that tall probably 5'7 140lbs at the most but i was toned because i still practiced my martial arts religuosly. i had black hair down to my shoulders and blackish brown eyes i had asian tones because my mom was chinese or something my dad was very vague when talking about my mom.

just then there was a knock at the door i put on the robe and waited for them to open it / there wasnt a way for me to it was locke from the outside/ a man gave me a plate of food and clothes and left. i put the clothes on the dresser and sat down to eat my meal. when i was done i went to sleep.

( omfg did u see that im done with part 2 i must be god...i kno its horribly lame but 2 me its just finaly freeing myself of something that wont stop being in my dreams. me,god, how awsome would that be...i'd send u all 2 hell lol.)

i woke up befor sun set because thats when i always wake up and i cant just turn off my internal alarm clock. i did my daily exercises and tried to remember everything my dad taught me and adapt it to my situation.

about an hour later there was a knock on the door telling me to wake up and get dressed. i was alreadly awake so i got dressed in what was picked out. long sleeve white shirt and faded black jeans with black and white shoes with a check mark on them ( yeah i kno there nikes :p) i brushed my teeth and say on the bed going over tactics. i was excited about finaly going to school but i was trying to focuse on staying alert.

about thirty minutes later breakfast was brought to me and then i was ushered into the limo that had driven me here. not to long after i was in the limo the girl came running out and into the limo too.

hey i see you survived the night''she said smirking

i looked at her for awhile trying to figure out if she was joking or not when she burst out laughing

oh my gawd im just playing nobody is trying to kill you'' she said between fits of laughter

i grined and said'', you know my name whats yours''?

''my names nichole but people call me nikky"

okay nikky what am i supposed to be doing exactly

just follow me and be quiet, also your not my bodyguard okay?

okay i guess

we pulled up to a huge school sometime later and got out the limo. i thiught alot more people would be looking at a limo pulling up but i was surprised to see atleast 15 more already there. like she told me to i stayed about 3 feet away and followed her. she walked into a group of people sitting on beches infront of the main entrance.

hey nikky the group of mostly girls exclaimed togther

hey'' nichole replied back

almost immediately a girl from the group with light brown hair started flirting with me. this being a new experience for me i sorta felt uncomfortable and answered her questions about me with mostly yes or n answers.i glanced towards nikki and saw a football flying throught the air about to hit her in the back of the head.

i took a step behind her and spin kicked the football on top of the roof. i looked where the football came from and saw a gruop of guys some laughing hard and others staring wide eyed. i turned to ask nikky what she wanted me to do and when i did i saw that everyone behind me had seen what i did and was equaly wide eyed. then all the questions came at once i took a step away from the benches but stayed close to nikky ignoring all the questions and staying alert, talking to that girl almost made me let nikky get hit.

when they saw i wasnt talking but they turned the borage of questions torward her and it seemed to me that she was glade for the attention. i saw the group of guys walking toward us and tapped nikky on the shoulder everyone looked at the other group comin over.

zen if anyone tries to touch me stop them okay i dont like these guys

okay'', i responded

( okay people i gotta go 2 sleep ill send this and if i get a okay rating ill send the next 1) also im a true admirer of von armand and el hanes those two are the best writers point blank period...word 4 the wise= even when winning is illogical losing is still far from optional


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Who Fucked Jessica Rabbit Who Fucked Her

Author's Note: All characters are 18 years or older. So, yeah if you plan on writing your own paths with certain characters from whatever media, make sure to age them up! Over the past decades, the world of entertainment has expanded. Such a boom in multimedia ventures has lead to new cities similar to Toontown appearing near said city. There's Odysseytown, named after the Magnavox Odyssey, the first video game console to commercialize video games, and home to the "pixels," the general term for...

2 years ago
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Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth Kevin was my best friend and had been since we'd first met back in elementary school. We were both 18, graduating high school at the end of the month. He was about 6 foot tall, nearly four inches taller than me, and very athletic. He was also far more outgoing and didn't seem to have any trouble finding girlfriends. Me? I was Chris Jones, short, pudgy, with a plain face. There wasn't really much to say about me. I mean I was a pretty run-of-the-mill type of a guy. I...

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The Lion The Bitch and the fucking Wardrobe

I guess I have always been a sissy. I started crossdressing at a young age and it gave me such a wonderful feeling that I struggle to form the correct words to describe the way it makes me feel. It just felt right, and ohh so sexy! Like I said, I have always been sort of a sissy, and my father couldn't have been less plesed. I think he had his suspicions that I might be, uhhh... different before he found my lingerie and stilleto shoes, but once he knew for sure thats the first time he hit...

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Working Overtime Part 1

Ok, so I'd been working at this mailbox, packaging and service store... Kind of like a Kinkos. I was a supervisor 20 something at the time, but that mostly meant I was usually the one to open or close, sometimes both. We opened the doors at 8:00 am, but I usually got there at 7:45 or earlier to prep the store to open. It was usually slow in the mornings till like 10, depending on the day the next employee would come in at 9 or 10. One of the great things about working there at the time...

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Freedom What The Hell Do I Do With It

Freedom? What to do with a large lottery win. So, I returned to the world of being a single man. A liberation of sorts, a return to uncertainty at a certain age. It is a scary place to be, ejected from the family home and to set up again.    Sure I have the comforts. Sure, I have all my books, the CD’s, plenty of DVDs. Ok, the furniture in the new place isn’t that good yet and I could do with a new mattress, but hey, a few weeks and that will be put right. I can get on and decorate the new...

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Jennas Punishment

Jenna had been bad. Very bad and she knew it. She was slated to meet me at a hotel downtown to deal with her disobedience.   I was seated on the end of the bed, completely undressed when I heard the door open. She came in with her head down, staring at the floor.   I knew what she needed.   ‘Before you even say a word, you naughty little slut, you need to remove every stitch of your clothing. And quickly. Don’t make me tell you twice.’   She jumped as though she’d been slapped and she...

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The Business Trip Affair Part 5

At around eight the next morning, I awoke to his gentle kiss. I loved the sweet gentle gesture. I reached acrossed his chest, resting my hand on his other shoulder, "Good morning handsome." "Good morning to you. Did you sleep well?" I responded in a sleepy voice, "Of course, how couldn't I? I had you holding me." "I'll always hold you in my arms." He rolled on top of me. Pinning my arms onto the bed, kissing my lips, "I'll always take care of your needs, in every way." I reached up, pulling his...

Wife Lovers
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En Vacances 3 Grant

En Vacances 3: Grant “I want a drink.” My words sound petulant in my ears like a small child demanding a treat; and my tongue, unused to forming words, feels thick in my mouth. It had seemed like a good idea holidaying alone, ten days in the sun, an opportunity to relax and recharge my personal batteries away from the daily grind, but a holiday can be a lonely place and I’ve spent three days lying alone, eating alone, drinking alone and sleeping alone. I find myself trying to remember the...

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Beach House

Some background for this story: I was about 21 years old and attending college in Georgia when this happened. It was the Labor Day weekend - so we were off from school until Tuesday. Two male classmates of mine, Rob and Ricky (both of whom were black) told me they were going to a beach house in Florida for the holiday and asked if I would like to join them. Now I had the hots for Rob (he had a good build, nothing fantastic; very dark skinned; and average looks, - but the bulge in his pants when...

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Her True SelfChapter 3

Rules and Punishment: Complete Control The third rule and most important one after the two fundamental rules, was that she was to always follow any of his instructions without question or hesitation, even if the instruction would cause her to break a rule (which she would still be punished for). He had told her that if she ended up breaking a rule do to an instruction it probably meant that she was not following that rule in the first place, so an instruction should never be used as an...

3 years ago
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Defying My Family Part 4

“We better go check on Tara” I say to Shiho and Kimiko. “Yeah she’s still not moving” Kimiko says. We rushed down the stairs to the living room. Tara was lying naked still where Mikey and Russ left her. She looked like she was dead. I check her neck and felt a pulse. She started to stir and I was relieved. “How do you feel?” I ask her. “Like I got a hard fuck that I didn’t want” She says to us. “My God Tara you better take it easy. Your back is covered in welts.” Shiho tells...

2 years ago
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Day DrawChapter 3

As a second year Collegian I had the option of living away from the College although it was considered more risky of missing classes. Usually only those able to afford a carriage house as well as house and grounds, and fairly near as well were able to successfully live away. I could afford to, so I did. I managed to secure a cook and maid who were discrete to the point of invisibility, which well pleased me. They soon learned that the less obtrusive they were, the higher their bonus. The...

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Slow And Steady With Mom 8211 Part I

This story might be slow with all introductions..sure to do better with my next one.. Hi everyone…! This is my first story being posted in this site…I welcome your feedback and comments to my mail .Any aunties or girls can contact me for anything. The story begins… Hi..i’m Rohit..Native Chennai..i’m now doing my 2rd year in engineering in a reputed college in Coimbatore 6ft tall, Athlete and my friends say that i’m a good looking handsome guy…My mom name is Uma..she is 42..about 5ft and...

2 years ago
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A Simple Damascus Gold Band

Philippa gently eased the suction on John’s big thick cock; it’s engorged mushroom head filled her mouth almost to gagging. She used her fingers to very lightly brush the tips of her husband’s nipples. He squirmed and she giggled. His big cock filling her stretched mouth muffled the soft feminine sound of her giggles. Simultaneously with brushing the tips of his nipples Philippa swirled her tongue on the sensitive underside of his cock. Philippa reached over and got the tiny tube of travel...

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Getting Knocked Up By Some Black Thugs Seed

I'm not gay. Really. I'm not. I wouldn't even go so far as to say I'm bisexual. I a married, 42 year-old father of four with a wife, a girlfriend and a career as a fitness consultant for a national media chain. I own a home in a California suburb and another three properties from an Arizona mini-ranch to a duplex in Oakland, CA. Now I'm not queer but every man has a vice right? Mine gets a little nasty. Every few weeks I'd retreat to one of my homes and spend some quality "alone"...

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Aunty Ki Chudai

Hi,friends mera name Samir Patel age 26 ..Lund ki size 7 ..Me gujrat ke Ahmadabad shaher me rahene vala hu, jaise ke me batane ja raha hu meri aunty ko kaise mene choda…..Ab me sidhe story pe aata huu.. Aaj se kariban 3 sal pahele ki bat he..Hum log acchi family se he.. Jab hamara parivar me aunty,uncle,mom,dad,brother,,aur aunty ke ek ladkaa or ek ladki,,,jo abhi bahot chote he,,,muje pahele si hi aunty pasand hai..Jab vo roj jadu lagane niche jukti thi tab me uske boobs dekhta tha…Ye bat usko...

2 years ago
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What a Deal Chapter 3

From the last story The three women comforted each other. I lay down. I was exhausted and couldn't wait to find out what might happen next time. My wife was letting go with her bisexuality and had invited another woman into our bed to give me anal sex. Life just kept getting better and better. ----- Over the next couple of days, things were pretty much back to normal. I had my weekend outdoor chores and Cindy was doing some indoor cleaning. I came in on Sunday afternoon and she was...

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A nude vacation in France

I just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...

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Natasha Aunty8217s Family Fuck 8211 Part I

Hello friends!!!I am a normal guy from Delhi slim, a bit smart :p, 6ft tall with dick size 8 inch!!! Guys!! Nw comin to mah story… I’ll narrate it in Hindi for the convenience of the readers!! Ek din mein noida se metro mein apne clge ja ra tha………….. Mein late ho gya tha isliye thodi jaldi mein tha…..Jaise hi maine apne card se sign in kiya mein esclatorski taraf daudte hue ek uncle se takra gya!!! Wo bi kafi jaldi mein lag rhe the!! He ws around 48yrs of age, physic se thde weak lag rhe the!!!...

3 years ago
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One Hot Night

I was hot....and he knew it from the moment he walked in the door from work. Actually, he should have known well before that because at lunch time, I decided to use my vibrator to get myself in the mood for a night of hot sex with my husband and I had sent him several texts letting him know what I was doing. They were something like this: Me: Want to know what I am doing?Him: Sure...tell me Me: I have the big, thick blue vibrator out from our special box and am putting it to good use. Him:...

Wife Lovers
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Unsatisfied married woman ko satisfied kiya

Hi I.S.S Readers, I am abhishek from kanpur, I am regular visitor and reader of this website since last one year. I am 21 yrs of age and I am single. This is my first story for my hot readers, And if any of ladies, gals, bhabhi’s or aunties want to have some sex fun with me then freely email me at and I will give you my contact details aur aapki secrecy ka bhi poora dhyan rakhunga…Chalo ab sidhe story pe aata hu,, baat pichhle December ki hai.. Is baar kanpur mein thand pichle 40 years se sab...

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Rapes ProgressChapter 9

Madelaine Hildebrand-Smythe dangled, naked, from the hook of an electric hoist three feet clear of the tiled floor of Kim's ultra-modern 'dungeon'. Present at her interrogation was my sister-in-law, her clients' accountant and the Turk. The Turk had a stock whip ready to help Madelaine remember things. I watched the performance on the closed-circuit TV which recorded multiple views of the facility. The woman I had so recently fucked answered every question promptly. She confessed to...

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Head Above WaterChapter 12

I was down in the training building, which we called our University, even though it didn’t give out a degree of any sort. There was a certificate of completion issued for finishing a course on member services, insurance, or claims. The classes were almost always ongoing, as we also trained agents from across Southern California that worked in the branches. Over all, it was a busy building with many classrooms. There was a claims class I’d scheduled, and today would be their first day. I...

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Angela and the Cruel Dentist

Angela had toothache. It had kept her awake all night having started a couple of days earlier. Her maid had advised her to use oil of cloves, but it was not doing any good. Even worse her husband of six weeks, William, was angry because she would not have sex with him. William was twenty years older than Angela and they were on honeymoon touring Europe. As Angela lay in bed wondering what to do about the pain the door was thrown open, and William stood there glowering at her. ‘ I have had...

4 years ago
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BethChapter 134

January 22, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke within a hold I recognized immediately. Rhee and I had finished our crazy night in the big bed with nine of our best friends by loving each other to repletion. I snuggled back into her more fully and sighed in happiness. She responded by lightly squeezing my left breast, which was in her right hand, and kissing me on the back of my head. “I love you so much,” I whispered to her, receiving her response of another light squeeze of that breast. Once...

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The Club

Bob and his wife Linda joined the club seeking new excitement and entertainment. It was a new and different place with an interesting twist on entertainment. The entertainment was a daily live sex show, but one put on by the club members themselves. This was different and exciting to the couple so they decided to join, despite the fact that sooner or later they would have to put on a sex show themselves. The process of selection was random so any couple could be selected any night to provide...

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Jr Wants to Be a Mother Fucker

The alternate title that I thought about for this story was MOM WAS A COCK TEASE. LINDA That's me, Linda McGuire. I'm the Mom that you're reading about. My husband's name is Kenneth McGuire. My son has the same name, but no one calls him that. He's known as JR, just the initials, which of course is short for Junior. There was no moon out as I led Ken out of the family room and onto the patio. I led him by his still flaccid cock, barely sticking out from his robe. We had a lot of privacy...

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Sisters Gift V

Part V Reminder from Part IV “Baby, its mine. I bought it, and live here now. We only live ten minutes apart.” She nearly fainted at the news. I staggered behind her to catch her as she fell backwards. She hit my arms, and beamed a smile up at me. Suddenly regaining her strength, she jumped up into my arms again like she had the two times previous. Clearly elated she looked at me, a glint in her eye and said, “So, where’s the bedroom?” I scooped up her petite frame and carried her in my arms...


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